Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Bnrt County Attorney ! Tell of How They
Have Boon Terrorized.
lie Tmtlllnt AgtlliMt tlin .Jitilgi ] and K-
plain * llotr lln WH * Ilmilnl t ) or the
CnHl Tnlos from Othrrs Who
HHVO Siincrcd ,
TKKIMAU , Nob. , Oct. 27. fSpocUl Tolo-
KTai to TI < R llcr.1 The members of the
Hurt county bar , In notlceabio contrast with
those of Washington county , were not only
ready but anxious to pour tales of woo Into
the cars of ttio bar commlttco appointed to
nvaitlgatn the complaints against Judge C.
lit Scott. Tlio committee was represented
by Attorneys Gregory , Arabrosoaml Schomp
of Otnatm. for nearly flvo solid hours
the lawyers of this county , every
wan of them , with from ono
to a dozen grievances , crlUolscd Judge Scott
and his method * , nnd thu only kind thin ?
tnld of him was by two witnesses , who
thought ho meant to bo Impartial. Much of
tsls talk consisted of repetitions of What
bad preceded , but in tno nggropalo the wit
nesses recounted n largo number of occur-
roncus in which they thought tbo fudge had
been unmannerly , insulting , iirrogant , arbi
trary , false or ignorant.
1'cteMon'K I.uto Kxnorlnnrr.
Edward W. Polcrson , nltornoy , trutlllcd
that at the recent tcrnivof court .luiieo Scott
announced during the call of the docliol that
bo would not honor any stipulations boUvocn
attorneys lor the continuance of cases.
In ono caio ho wits informed that
tbo litigants tbomsolvo3 had signed n
ctlpulallon for a continuance , but ho said
that would inako no difference. Witness
tatod to the court that in two caios neso
tiatlons vvuro m progress to settle them out
of court. Scott answered that , the litigants
should have completed their sotlln-
mont bcloro court began , nnd
ho notified the attorneys to bo
ready for trial whoa the cases were
culled. In another case two Important wit
nesses were in Dakota. No preceding Judge
bed over refused to honor attorneys1 sUpulu
lions for continuances.
Witness denied positively that thcro was
any compact between Burt county attor
neys to evade trying cases before Scott ,
but admitted that ho preferred to
go before other judges and would bo influ
enccd by that fccUirg In nslciir. ; for continu
ances. In explanation ho said n report was
current Unit Sccttluring his campaign , hud
promised to favor Attorney Ashley in court
in return for assistance in the pjiltical can
vass. Witness related mi instance in which
Scott scored him In an abusive tirade before
a room full of jiooplo who were In sympathv
with the opposing litigant. They applauded
the court , und the judge paused eaiU time to
permit It. Ho undo no attempt to
check the demonstrations. Witness under
took to remonstrate , but Sco t interrupted
bim with the sharp remark thut ho bud lols
moro in store that would be much worse
than anything ho bad yet said.
Thn witness explained In minute detail the
Circumstances of "tho KlrUlo case in which
Judge Scott scored him roundly in public
aud denounced him us guilty of'conspiring :
to defraud sv'iuow Klrlclo of her estate for
tbo botiGilt of a heartless money leaner.
This is a case which attracted consldcrabln
notice in tbo newspapers at the tlmo , and
tvon the judge many compliments because bo
ot oslao a deed by which tlio widow bad
convoyed tbo farm to the money lender.
At thn last term of court H'-ott directed
Peterson to take up a certain cuso and argue
a demurrer. Tbo attorney explained that
counsel bud agreed to continue the case to
tbo next term and thut ho was not prepared
tottry it. Tuo court nsked three or four
times If the attorney rolusod and notified
blm that it would cost any oflicor of the
court $100 to disobey Its orders. Peterson
replied each tlmo with u proper show of re
spect that ho could not because ho was un
prepared , uud the last tlmo said : "You may
take it ns \ ou please. "
Scott then directed the clerk to docket tbo
case of the state against T. C. Peterson.
Attorney Ulllis , whom witness had called to
bis 'assistance , asked for lima to make a
showing , but the judge told him ho could
not have half an hour. The court then lined
Peterson $100 for contempt.
The witness thought Judge Scott unfit for
the bcncli , for the reason Hint ho was not
abl < 9 to write proper instructions to
Juries , because ho made promises to at
torneys only lo deny that be hud done so , bo-
ouuso he was not honest , and because ho 111-
ultod and degraded attorneys before the
I.lkcd t Hour 1'opulni Apiilause.
" "
W. O. Sears of Oakland , attorney , said
Judro Scott scnmcd to bo trying to bolntlo
attorneys in the eyes of court room audi
ences , which bad become much larger since
bis going upon the bench. The witness had
seen and heard audiences Interrupt court
proceedings with applause. The stenogra
pher on onn occasion said : ' 'This Is bettor
than a circus , " and other man made similar
comments. The witness never observed
that the judge made any effort 10 quell tboso
domoiistrntloiiB , but on the other hand tbo
court frequently paused in its proceedings
until thu applnUso bubslUcd.
The witness know of riio combination
among attorneys to avoid trying cases before
Judge Scott , in ono instance a litigant told
the Judge ho was toady for trial. Ullt tbo
attorneys hud iigroiid to continue It. The
court said llio luwyuis might bo dismissed.
lie then struck the case from the docket , but
aflouards icinatatcd It. The attorneys hud
Intended trying tbo case before Judge' Scott
at that time , but on learning that tie hud
been cited bofnre a lunacy commission they
concluded lo postpone It berauso pioccedlugs
bo torn Scott might provo void. That was
tbo onlv reason for the continuance.
Thu ' .viinrss said Judge Scott promised at
torneys permission to muko showings , and
upon their proceeding lo do so denied that bo
bad given ouch authority. His instruc
tions to Junes were not Illcd before being
read , Tbo paragraphs were not numbered ,
and the writing wits so badly interlined that
it was almost Impossible to make head or tall
to the Instructions.
"J ihlnlt , " said the witness , "that Judge
Scott is unlit for tbo bench because ho Is
mentally unbalanced , und because bis con
duct toward the oar Is outrageous nnd be
littling. I heard Judge Jinnies of Norfolk
say : 'I went through the war and faced
rebel bullets , but I would rather uo through
another war than procllcu before Scott , '
Jlr. Uarnes had no cases bnforu Judge
tScott , but was u spectator of the court
proooodlugs. The member * of thu Hurt
county bar bold u meeting , nnd all but ono
expressed tha opinion that. Scott was in
sane. "
Had u rromlin lioin Scott.
T. It. Ashley , an attorney living n Decatur ,
corroborated Peterson's account of the inci-
* denis of the lining of thoiuitcr for contempt.
The court was excited and glared ut Peterson
tingrlly. When the judge asked him if ho
bad liny thing to say ho got up to spcalf , but
the com t ordered him to nit down nnd re
fused him n ( rearing. Thu witness noticed
that the court reporter did not make a rec
ord of the con tern tit procnettlngs.
In ono case ttie judge announced an outline
ot tl o instructions ho would giro the jury ,
end the attorney arguing the case at tbo Urns
closej , the argument In consequence. Tbo
attorneys loft the court home , und on their
return learned that tbo court bud instructed
tbo jury directly contrary to hi * promise.
During .Scott's campaign for the judgoahlp
bo Wiis at Uecalur and said to the witness ;
I "Astiloy , I believe you can do mo some
yocd , and K you will do it and I am elected
| ; ttnd you bavo any proceedings before mo it
will go well with you. "
Mr. ( hills MBS present anil beard It ,
Ju rospotifn to a qusstloc us to Broil's
' treatment of bun since election tbo witness
ald :
"I've ' been getting it in tbo neck tbo same
a the rest of 'era. t do not Iblnk Judge
Scott Ulnlluenred by fear or favor toward
' any attorney. 1 think bo Is mentally unlit
I for tbo bench. He forgets what ho has douo
I 'day before , iinafluus iltphts tn his dignity
I wluiro DOUO uro Intended , aud bat un uxclt-
f able temper. "
| l The witness said bo placed novalne on
I Scott's , Implied promise ot favorlism , bo-
I cauio be thought a man who would muko a
I yroffoi'of that klutl te a mere acnuaiuUuco.
would make similar overtures to other men.
When nsked If ho had supported Scott in the
campaign the wltnoi * nnswcrnil :
"I halo to sny so , but I will Shy that I am a
ropubllcMi. "
Some of Soott' t'rcnllnrltlet ,
11. Wndo Ollll.s , A Tokamah attorney , cor
roborated Ashlar's statement about the "go-
woll-with-you" remark of Scott. He after
wards had n tatx with \V. O. Soars of Oak
land nnd learned that Snott had inado a simi
lar proposition to that attorney.
In the trial of a case In Washington county
the ( witness rood nn authority that was not
In I accord with an opinion expressed by
Scott. The judeo ordered the attorney to
"shut up , " saying ha did not "want to hear
nnv ( moro of that kind of law , " and refused
to I hear turtbor authorities.
tn other cases Scott refused to let the wit
nesses rpa < l motions for no.v trials which
wore on file. The witness once undertook to
attack the court's Instructions bcciiuso they
\vero so badly written nnd Interlined us to bo
wholly unintelligible , but the court would
not pormlt him to speak. The witness
charged that Scott hnd refused to allow him
exceptions , ana cited Instances.
In the Klrklo case tbo judge loft the
bonrh , sat down by the widow and said to
Ulllis :
"I nm going to protect this witness. "
"Would It not bo batter , your honor , if
you waited until she had been attackodl"
asked the attorney.
" \Voll , I am going tn help you , " responded
Ulllis said ho wanted no help , and asked
that the roDortor make n record of these po-
cullar proccodlncs , but the stenographer
failed to do so. Mrs. Kirklo , being a Gor
man , the court suggested thai the attorney
bad uottcr not Interrupt her with objections ,
promising to note Ins exceptions afterwards ,
1 ho record does not show the exceptions ,
and when Olllls called Scott's attention to
the emission , the latter denied having made
the protnUu.
rioaannt for tno Attorneys.
In another case Jndco Scott interrogated a
witness , nnd itmong other things asked wnnt
his nttorno.v had advlsod on u certain point.
The lawyer objected because that was a priv
ileged matter. The court turned upon the
attorney ami snld angrily :
"You sit down and shut ur > , nnd 1 will give
you nil the privileges you nocd. "
Uoforrlng to un Interview with Scott pub-
listied In tlioOmaha World-Horald , the wit-
iio ss\lct : "the statements were falsa and the
dictator n falsillor. "
lie also corroborated statements as to
Scolt'.s hublt , of forgetting pramUos to law
yers. In one case Attorney N. J. Shcclcell
undoi took to provo by other attorneys that
the judge had promised him an opportunity
to maUo n showing , but the court refused to
listen , suylngangrily : *
" 1 wotildti t believe yon , or them either. "
Sbeckoll ncgan preparations to ta < so the
uniJnvits of others who bad overheard tbo
conversation between himself und Scott , and
the la lor then reversed his ruling.
The wltnots produced n cony of the peti
tion circulated in Scott' > behalf during thn
Cocent unpleasantness ana offered circum
stantial evidence to show that it. had been
dictated by the judge und copied by his
The witness corroborated Peterson's ac
count of his contempt case , lie nil dud :
"Several times during the day Scott called
the KhorilT to blm and asked'What have
you done with that maul Is he In jail , is bo
behitid-tuo burs1"
When Scott learned of the habeas corpus
proceedings ho stormed and fumed in open
court , declaring auurlly that tno county
court had no jurisdiction and ordered the
sheriff to go out nnd rearrest Peterson ,
threatening to line hlm lUOUlf ho rotused
to do so.
Tuo wltnnss , with bar docket In hand , re
lated a great number of cases of nllcgea
'rregulurltv und arbitrariness on the part of
luugo Scott similar to those already Uo-
icribcd. In two instances the court nn-
tiouncou from the bench that suits would bo
dismissed , but tip record made no such
snowing. In other cases the docUet recorded
proceedings that had never taken place.
OllnrVltncMMvs Hmiril.
N. J. Sheekell , county at'ornoy , corrobor
ated preceding witnesses , nnd also referred
to a will contest. The testator cutoff sotna
of bis natural heirs without legncius , and
Judge Hcott said In opan court :
" 1 don't think anybody wno makes that
kind of n will 1'J qultu right. I urn prejudiced
against thut Kind of n will , and I want to
tell you so right now , so you will know
what to expect. "
Kx-benutor J. H. Sutherland testified that
on tbo day Peterson was scored so uinnrci-
fully Judge Scott mctaBcB representative
on tno train earning up from Omaha. The
Judge asked the correspondent to bo present
ut the evening session of thu court , saying
that ho "would hear something that would
bo racy and that ho supposed Tun BET.
would like to get It. "
Tin : HRU man went to the court house as
directed and reported occurred.
11. II. I3owos and Ira Tdomas , Oakland
attorneys , C. T. Dickinson , county jud < o ,
and Sheriff McCJrew turcshed some of the
same old straw.
rrcmont Nown Notes.
Flit MOW , Nol ) . , Oo * . 27. ( Special to THE
Ben.J J. P. Allen an 1 family will remove to
Texas to reside until ho completes his rail
road worpthere. .
The funeral of John Hraml , SH years ol
a-o , was bold in this city this afternoon and
the rumulus taken to Uuuino , WIs. , for luttir-
E. S. lleattlo of Blair has commenced
work on thn now bridge across the south
ch'innol of the Platte river near this city.
Flags woio displayed ut half mast ovar ah
tbo school buildings In the city out of respect
for President Harrison.
The brick Tor paving a part of ou > - streets
have arrived from Sargoant Bluffs and th a
work of.puving will bo commenced ut OUCQ.
Kmloil tlui Stri-ot Car Tight.
BEATRICE , Nob. , Oct. t7. ! [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] The sale of the truclc
franchise , cars , oto. , ot the Beatrice Strcei
Hallway company to tlio Hapid Transit and
Power company was concluded this after
noon. The consideration wni $5,000. It is
the intention of the Kupld Transit company
to at once electrically equip al the street
car Hues of this city. By this afternoon's
purclmso they bocoino the owners of all the
street car lines of the city except the lilon- <
over line , which has not been used for sovcra
months nnd will probably bo abandonee
, _ _ _ _ _ _
IHod of Ills Injuilui.
MAIHSOX , Neb. , Oct. 17. [ Special to Tm
BKK.J Charles Herden , a farmer of ICata-
mo/.oo precinct of this county , died yesterday
day from the effects of Injuries received last
Monday. Ho was rotnralncr homo from Llnd
say with u load of lumber. While going
down a bill the wagon tongue drooped , run
nlng Into the ground unit upset the wagon
Hcrdcn was thrown to tbo ground unuor tno
lumber wacnn anu had two rlui broken , ono
of the broken bones penetrating the lungs.
Suddenly Crushed to Death While r
ing a Defective Oar.
Declared lull.iro Item llio Umult ol Unfiirc-
oen Onuses IMfTcreint Tlifitrlrs ns lo
thn Mnnnor In Which It
LlXCOLX , Nob. , Oct. 27. [ Special to Tun
Hun. ] At the coroner's Inquest today over
the body of Charles K. Lower , the young
man found in n dying contli'ion In the I ) . &
M. yards last night , it was tlovolopod that
the man had met his death wbllo engaged In
coupling cars in tbo regular performance ot
his duty , It tipuoara that n uunibor of cars
which bad bean condemned as being in "bad
order" were being absut the yards nud that
ou one of the cars tlio draw bar hail been re
moved and the car was attachedto the next
ono to It by moans ot a heavy chain.
Lower wont between the cars to fasten -
ton the chain , when the engine suddenly
backed , crushing tha unfortunate man be
tween tbo cars so badly that ho lived but n
couple of hour * . At the inquoH thn on
Rlnccr of thn switch ongltio tosillled that ho
know nothing of the occurrence until two
hours afterward * . Uo hau moved the train
about llftcon car lengths : ind then was given
the signal to stop. Ho did so , and remained
stationary for llttoon minutes , when ho again
moved his train in order to allow a train to
pass. Hti was of thooplnloti that tbo accident
occurred by reason of tbo rebound of thu
cars when ho stopped blsongino so suddenly.
The testimony of W. II. Harlau , a switch
man who witnessed the accident , was much
different from that given by the engineer
Ho stated that with Lower he wont between
the cars to unfasten the chain ; that Lower
suddenly called upon him to jump ; that ho
did so and narrowly escaped being caught
between tlio caw. Lower jumped backwards
and was caught between the caw and
drugged ttio length of a car unforo the train
stopped. Ilnrlan claimed that the can did not
rebound but asserted that they were bauKed
by the engine.
The jury visited the scouo of the accident
nnd afterwards returned a verdict lo the
cIToct that the nccldeut was tbo result of un
foreseen causes.
A HIT Heavy Diunngci.
After many delays the somewhat cele
brated case of Marv Ulurk against the Lin-
olu Oils company came on for trial today in
udge Tutllo'a court. Mary Cliirk was for-
mprlv the wife of William Ulnncun , nn en-
Inner In the omplov ot tlio gas company.
Jn August ID , Ib'JJ , tbo boiler exploded and
Mnnoon was killed. Ills wife commenced
ult for damages , placing the amount at
10,000. She at forwards married ngalu. The
ofouso attempted to huvo the case thrown
ut of court on the ground that tbo plaintiff
iav".ug married again ceased to bo tbo legal
dtnlni&trutrix of tno deceased husband No.
. The court gave Iho plaintiff leave to file
n amended petition , enabling her to sue as
he potsotml representative of the deceased.
Hie defence then set up the clnlm taut the
loller had been guaranteed to bo in u safe
ondilton und thut tbo accident was duo cn-
Ircly to the carelessness of the deceased.
Ousslp nt tliu htato House ,
Governor Boyd sends the following mcs-
ige of sympathy nnrt condolence to Presi-
lent Harrison : ' 'I desire to express my aeon
enso of personal sympathy with you In the
lour of your great ollllutlon and to further
convoy to you for the people of thin state
.heir tonderest expressions of condolence. "
The case of P. A. Nelson against Wllliatn
Jenkins was filed In tbo supreme court this
afternoon. It comes Irom Dixon county.
Governor Bovd today honored a requisi
tion from the governor of Wyoming for the
nrrost of William P. Woods , who Is now
icld nt Sidney , awaiting the arrival ot Sheriff
Yund of Laramie. Woods is wanted in
Wyoming for obtaining money under talso
Governor Boyd today commuted tbc sentence
of Charles Fisher of Omaha from live years'
mprisonmont in tbo stuto penitentiary to
two years. Fisher has been in the pen for
nearly two years and bis time will now ba
out In about two weeks.
The case of Mary McDonald against John
Grnbow und other officers of school district
No. 37 In Sarpv county reached the supreme
court Ibis nfternoou. Mary Is a nonresident
of Iho district referred to , but has been
working In the district for her board wbilo
she toes to school. The defendants refused
to allow her lo continue her studies on the
ground that she was a nonresident. Sbo
asked the district court for an injunction to
restrain the school officers from carrying into
effect their order refusing her admission into
tbo school and lost tha case in the lower
court. She now appeals to tbo supreme
The annual reports of all the railroads
doing business in the state have reached the
ofllco of tbo State Board of Transportation
with the exception of that of the Union Pu
cicillc. Word wus received from tbo ofllclals
of tbo company at Omaha that , the report
would bo forwarded from Boston today.
Never In the history of thn board have tbo
reports been furnished so promptly.
Heuril In Iliu Court Kontin.
The verdict obtained bvT. . B. Halo against
Iho Union Pncillo for $ J,8'JU ' was Ihls after
noon Bet aside.
Frank Kennedy , the burglar sentenced to
the penitentiary lor three yours by Judga
Half tbo other day , was taken to that Insti
tution this afternoon.
Sheriff McClav lodny started for Kearney
with George Patterson , the youth convicted
of larceny from the person.
The case in which Josopti Glcldny sued the
Burlington forJOUO ! damages on account of
injuries received while In the employ of that
company in lust December , was compromised
U > day and dismissed from the tlocuol ,
Gielday accepted the sum of f'J.800 iu lulljor
all claims.
S. E. Trumbull of Johnstown , N. Y. , has
sued tbo Chicago & Northwestern Railroad
company for fWS.fil. Tbo plaintiff assorts
that ho committed a largo bill of goods to
the custody of the company for shipment and
that the entire consignment wau lost.
1) . G. Dullou sues the Continental Build
ing and Loan association for $375 damages.
Ho alleges" that ho wns induced to take stock
in tbo association by tbo assurance that he
could make u loan nt n reasonable rate of in
terest. Ho has paid bis duos regularly , but
claims thnt the association has failed to come
to time with the loan , although he bos re
peatedly asked for it.
Ignorance of the merits of I"oWitt'a ) Little
Rarly Ulsers Is n misfortune. Those little
UU regulate thn liver , cure headache , Uvs-
I'opsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious-
Peep into your Kitchen
and see what they're washing * and
cleaning with. Probably you think its
Pearline. No doubt you've told your
servants to use it , ' and think that
they're doing so. But look at the front
of the package for yourself , and see
that it's the genuine article.
A house-to-house canvass discloses
the fact that many women think they
"are using , or have used , Pearline ,
when an examination of the pack
age proves the stuff to be some of " * \
the "same as" or "as good as , " . .
which peddlers , unscrupulous grocers
and prize-givers are trying to work off
upon a long-suffering public ,
If it's these imitations that you're
using , ten to one you're not enthusiastic about Washing
Compounds ; you couldn't be.
65c.vtat i
. FOU .
.M. . . O / C.
Two thousand yards
of Rochdale all-wool
Suitings , in dark win
ter colors.
Those gomls are boinisold In New Vtirk
City ittti" > u per yard , \Ve bought tlio last
uf the inaiiiifiictiiicrs'prodtietlou fur
wet cash , onnhllng us to offnr llii'iu for
the balance ot this week at li'c u yard.
Seven yards of this
handsome cloth is a
great plenty for a street
or house costume , mak
ing a full pattern cost
you only $2,59.
50 stylish Camel's
Hair Pattern Suits.
fluids stripes and figured ofTccts. No
two nil lit' . l > .auli piece contains 7 > i toHJS
ynrds > . Co1nrduiiitis and weaves uroot
latest mumifuutnrc.
See these suits dis
played on front center
table , 16th St. entrance.
This oirnr lood for I'KlOAV and HAT-
Seventy-five pieces
double width Chevron
and Cheviot Dress
Goods , dark and me
dium colors , for winter
K1CIIIT jrnrds Is snflk'loiit for dress ,
which niiiUcs the not cost to you only
tl.'J'i ; north altnixt double.
. . . .AND . . .
Blankets ,
Comfortables ,
Lap Robes ,
Horse Blankets ,
nnd a lot ot sample Wlilta lllunkots
Mlghtlv stilled , tuuikud at prices to iiuiUo
them sell quick.
If you want cover
ings for your beds , you
cannot afford to buy
without looking at these
exceptional bargains. .
This sale continues fgr the next two
Take elevator to second floor.
Morsd Dry Goods Co.
- ouo /
CKICTAIS ADYKKTlbrMKNlS FHOM TKADK UIVALS wbe ftr ( bo Silitnonenil IUCM-M o. '
Van In VnicrtcArniUln InueMoen against It , I
ml ci'M-ftl | to U > Q authority of
> lr. MYDIVKY 1'rof. uf Mfdlcloc Kt IJa CnUr r. London. Author of the
Ntaadard Ilnuttbouli itrrMvetitlcM , * ' who flef nutty wrlieii ns followm" Fnim thocftrcful n'lalj-
PrVr. ATrriKMi nitMlivriilnmftunMttifttMeBir . VAX KOUTEH'I COCOA la In no wit ) injurious to
il clJediy tuora nut rt ! loot U % u tttiier Cico 8. It la certainly "Tore * and Lljltly dlir entitle. * Iti
Jn rtrulo aJreitlicnioutt Iron * my book on Thempoiitkn nro qntiv intaleaitlnct * ' ! canmtt i-oislbly - t ply ute
to VAN lt6trTBN' Coco 4. " * Th faite nJUatantm VAK UUUTKN'M COCOA tttHtttr/Ktitally rrjfUw , andi ]
( A tery atdftflrffy tilal to tojtt itt knttlttfrby bftx prompted to piw it a rcry had mt taHmm\aL
Are Quickly Married Try it on your next
lil D LT O A.T IO M A.U.
FOR YOUNG Superior infantas" tot ed e tlng
Courof ellldr , hor.
ougb : Mullcal anil Art iltpartminti liielioul order ; tc.ii.hnri uf tlio l > e t American
and European cnltun ; largo anil trautlful groupiU ; new bnllilluKi , rooms well
untllnUd , llchttd by Ka . Openi Svpt iiiln > r 7tb For calalnrup Midi cm
- K T. T. W. I1AUUETT. l rr . fOlD lIUA. WO.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th * mlnent npoclalUt In nervoni. chronic , private , blond , iklo and unn ry dliminei. A repwlur ana
eglslcred graduate In medclne , -Jlploruns nnd ccriKU-ntc" fhow. u still trenilin : with tha greatest succuji
ntarrbipermKtarrnoax , Iu > ini nbo0'li mlnal weaknu i , nlKht loilel. jm | UHiicr. iyphllu. stricture , iiou-
Jrrbu a , glael , Tarlcncole.ctc. No mercury u * il. Nun treatment tor loss of vital powir , I'arlloi uimblii to
vlilt mo may be treated at homo Itj eorreiponi1enc . Me.lkln * r Iniirnminn BOnt by mall or oiiiress
curaljr packed , no marks to liidlcutu contauU oroonJer. Interrluw pruioiroj. Coniullatloa
( reu. Correipunitvnro itrlcily urivnta. Hook ( ilj l rlM ot Ut ) Mat tr * . Oflluw boanlla. a. tau . m.
Bund j § UJo. 13 m Sand < lamp lor reol/ .
'Norvo Seeds "
J rcmc'ly
ten nimrnnLee to euro All norvoui tlUcancs. suclus Wek McMriofr"
Jx > i of Uralii I'ower. H"5 < idactie. Wakaf ulnoi , Lost M iihoon , Nlghtlr bm&
( Ions. Nerroiunesi. Laasltude.alldrnlns nnd loan of power of tliaUcnaratlro
Orcins In oitbernproiiiiso.l . broverciertlon , youtbful rrrom.or rxccin
' rr
. usoof tpbncco. opium ' or tlmulanU which soon luait to Infirmity. Conturup-
Jtlonnndliisanlty. I'utupcoiiTPiilonvtocarry Invent . HI
packet. pernatb
' nee hy mail ; e for t > . VVItli omry W order w ( rfw < i written guarantee to "nil
jnratx AKDmn vtiva.
orreJunttUiemontiiClrcularfreu. .
- Co. , Cblcauii , in.
For sale In Omaha by Shot-man & MConnoll , 1515 Dodge fitroot.
Wellrnme nml liarii Uienn'tnmlMcM li ? our optician
frcu uf ( Imrttc. iiml. 1C iiOLiMfiiry. llttt',1 with uimlrot
imr"l > KUKh.trl110N" hl'lfOTAl'I.KSur KVK ( .I.Ahtt-
KS-llin liust In tlio world.i < Jf you < lo mil iicud nln sii
wo will li'll you M > imiliijrl i > vim rvlmt lentil. ( JOI.I )
hl'KO'l'ACM'.a ( ir U\'K ClAfiSKM I IKUI Jl UJ III' .
I'lulii. miokc , bliiu nr liUaulni"u' , for prulvclliiKlbu
eyes , IroiuOwii imlr up.
Max Meyer & Bro. Go , ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
1 * l "fQ *
" rr-Nothing
; „ , . Better.
Our Writing-paper ant'Envelopes } ; Wedding
Invitations ; Reception Cards are sent ,
at reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United States , Send for samples.
( Lite Cobtf. Utrarr CO. )
136 Wabaih Ave , , Chlcaeo.
Or llio Liquor Habit r lll clr Cured
by udiulnUlvrlnic l > r. llnluc * '
( JolUcil MiierlHr.
jure. l iBtr the
an alooholln wrto.
ln V * V l.S anoi a 6 rf ect cure ba > fol.
. . coprop'r . , . d.t .U. B.
p.-to.-Uri rrf. . To b bad of
KunofcOa , . tJth and DaugliuSu. 18tli and
OuiolqgSU. Wliolosulo. IHtike.llriioo & ( Jo.
uuU Klcliaruooii lru < CoOmalia , Ncb.
Oraae Hum. )
. &
The above brands of lot- sale by
The BostonStore
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas ,
l > d of America. In tlio Black Illllii , 3MK ) feet
abuvo tUn ten. A crisp , l > rrlnit atuKiipbem.
l.oielr erenory , Thuie wnrui medicinal waters
bare cured tliouiand * of patldnli. Kliiuit pliiuiij
liatli In tli u. B. Tim i : > un , | , ullt ofplukinnd-
atone , accumodatcs S5U people : tirlollr tint clam
open llrn pnc ] , i > t Bm lifni. vlvctrln llihti , rlclilr
faroiilind , line wltla Tftrinlalii. Ublo a ipoolaltr.
rlne anluuiui , uilld wluturi. Huducud rata > by the
wtvk ur oiuotl ) . Tlirouiili Iralni from Cliltwio ,
O. b.MAItlJJSN. TliotvuuK.llotSprlu i , Dakota.
1'rooUnintlon nnd notice of sutmiUMon to tlio
olPCtoM'nnd lojnl vntori of llio olty ot
Omiilm ot tlio qnpitlon of UinlnR thn
bontM ot tlin city of Umnhn In tlin um ot
ono hundred lliotisinl dollnrs ( tluo.KX ) ) to
pay for the c i5t of pnvlii ? . ropnvlntor mAo-
nnuinlilnz the lnter notlon of street * nnd
spncot opposite nlloyn In 8nld city , nnd to
liny the cost nf navln ? In front ot roil o tnto
notmililpct to m CMmonl of ajicolat
for pftvlnR puriKMos.
To the elector * anil legal voters of the olty ot
I , tloorun I1. llemK mayor of the city of
Omnha , tin wno thK my nroclnmutlon , anil
br the authority M'Mi'il li mo UK such mayor
do liorotiy clvo ptihllo not'co fo thooleotoM
nnd lepnl voters of tha olty ot Umah i that n
ccnoral flection will tin hold In snld olty on
Tiii-vlay , the eighth ilny ot Novcmhor , ISO } ,
for the purpose of snldiiltlliiK lo * nld doctors
ithd luitul voter' the < | tio4tlnn nnil proposition ,
follnwliijr , to-wlt :
"Sluill honiN of the oltr of Omaha In the
anm of ono hiindrrtl thotiiiuid doling ( HOU.IWOI
hn tMiipd for tliu ptirpo o of ti.iylnu thn cost uf
navlnit. roptvlnR or mauidummnx thn Inter-
ftcotlniKot streets nnd MI ten * oppoilto iilloys
In aatdclty , or p.ivlne tha cot ot ( living In
front of rcitl r.itntt not siilijnut tn ii'BO < 3iiiont
of xppolal tnxes for uavlntr purpoiu- , . < < 4lil
liomU to run not more than tnunty ( Ai ) yoaM
anil to hour Interest iinynlilo sotnniintiiilly )
at : i r.ito not u\uee < lltix nvn per cant per nn-
mini , with coujKiiH altnohoil , to bu oitllod
" 1'nvlnu bond , ml not lo ho sold for lc than
par , the procpcdi of vtliicli hall 11 < nsod for no
other purpose tlrin pnyliic thn cost of pavine ,
repavlnc or inrvuiulnnillnit thu lutoricctltms
ofslreunnnil upacon iippiisllt ! nlley ? In uld
cltr , or In front of real e-Uato not Mihject to
n < isnaomriit of peolal tnxoa for p.ivltix ptir-
The said tnustlon ] niid proposition shall bo
Nitbinlltud to s till olec'lort tmtlro In tlio urooor
form iiiovldu'l hv Inw for oniclul li * . with
ttioworJs "Yos ' " .No" print < / . th. All
of suld bnlloti tmrlntt nn "X" mark follow-
IIIL ! the word "Yrs" shull bo conutod In fnvor
of Issnlns sild hondi , And nil of snld bulloli
having tin "X" murk followliiK tliu word "No"
slmli lie oonntcd nnd cunsltlurcd ns ngnlml
thn Isanlni : of wtld lioiuK
Tim polls shall bo open thu dnv of sntd olco-
lion nt elilit , o'clock In thu inornlni : and shnll
voiiltnnuouuii until slv o'clock In tlio \onlns
of the simo dny nt the rcspoctlvu votniK
places , us follows :
cor"or 7th
corner 8l" n"d I'eave"-
K cornotl r-lh autl Jones
" -1 - flrst * 110 *
ftcin ° 8troot beef >
of at"
Ulstrlot S W cornur 10th and Hickory
Bth District S > V cornur llth and Center
) ' * ° t Jf Wcor"ur9tl' d Bnncroft
tV1'1 ' ! Ilstrlot N E cornur 13th and Vlnlon
Uth and
W corner 13th and
f corner 18th anil I
4th Distrlia 3 W cornur 2)th nnd 1.0.1 von-
rorth atruuts.
nth listilct-3 K corner 23d and Loavcn-
, ortli stniots.
Uth Dl-itnct-ntst sldo of Smith 2Jlh street ,
oposlto roppluton UYU.
7th Dlstrlui S K corner ICth und 1'lurco
' ; a E corilor luh aml William
! lth I > litrlct-N E corner Slxlcunth and Con
or si routs.
1'ith IIairlut-N W curnor 3Jtir and Dorcaa
llth Dlstrlut 3 13 cornorL'Oth and llancroft
I''tli DhtrJct-N E corner 15th and Ylntou
13th Dlstrlot-S Vf corner ! and Valley
t roots.
llth District NKeurnor20th.xnd Ilonlovard
Ist DIstrlct-S W corner K'th and Chicago
trcol * .
M IMatrlct-N W corner Hth und Davenport
trout * .
Cid DUtrlot-South sldo of Capitol avcnno
luar ( west of ) Kith stroot.
4tli DNtrlct Wosl sldo of 12lh street , bo-
iTci-n DonulnH and Dod o Btreots.
flth District N K corner luth und Capitol
th Dlstrlot N B corner Bth and llarnoy
7th ulatrlct-9 E corner llth and Uuujlas
Mh District N E cornur 15th and Jackson
Uth District S E corner 10th and Howard
POUIITII iv A u n.
1st District N W cornur 17th nnd Davonpor ?
Slid District N W cornur 2'nd and Davenport
.Ird District N W corner ith und Doduu
4th District N E cnrnor 17th and Dodge
I rue 13.
Stu Dlstr.'ot N E corner 17th and llarnoy
Uth District N W corner 20th nnd Douglas
7lh DUtrlct-N ' W corner 20th street and St.
inry's nvenue
8th District S W corner 20th street aiiA St.
Mary's avenue.
Oth District Knstsliloot t-'outh 10th street ,
iietween llarnuy struct uud St. Mnry'savuntie.
10th District N W corner Ihth and Lu.ivon-
iorUi HtroeU.
llth Dlstrlct-a W corner 17th street and St.
M.iry's uvonua.
1st District East , silo of Hliormun avenue
npposlto Mandorson utruut.
Vurt District S K corner Sherman aveuuo
and Wlrt street.
Ilrd District a W corner Shnrman avcntio
and L.tico street.
4th District NV corner Sherman nvunuo
ind Grace street.
ftth District S W corner 17th nnd Charles
6th District Enit side of Sherman nvonuo
aboutilll feet north of Nicholas Street.
7th District H E cornar tGlh und Uard
8tli District N W corner 10th and Hurt
Uth District N E corner 15th nnd CUsa
10th District Kastsldo North 17th street be
tween California and Uass streets.
lllh DoirIct-S ! E corner IBtli und Cabs
tut District S 1C corner .Mtli sticotnnd Amca
avcnnu ,
2nd Dlstrlft S W coiner 20th street und
( ! rand aviinuu ,
ard District N E corner 4Jh ( and Grant
4th District S W cornur 21th and Maudcrson
Bill District HE corner 21th nnd Wlrt itrt-ots.
Oth District H W cur nor lrd and I'arl'.or
7tli District N W corner 24th n-id Corby
Bth iJlatrlct N E corner 27th and Durdctto
Oth District -N E corner 2.'nd nnd Grant
luth District N W corner 23th nnd Kranklln
lllh DUtrlct-B W corner 2lth and Kiunkltn
mh DUtrlot S W corner 2Jnd and Clark
streets ,
1st Dlstrlut-a W corner 23th nnd Mason
Vnil District N I1 , corner 20th nvonuo ana
I'opnlnton uveiino.
: ird District S W cornur SOlh Btreot and
Woolworth avenue.
4th District N W corner CUlh street and
Arbor snoot.
5th Dlsulct South Hldu of Vlnton street
nonr ( unnt of ) smith : i.'d nvutinu.
Gth Dlhtrlct S E corner 'I'Jth ' nvunnu 'and
I'opplulon nvunuo.
7tn District N W corner 31th and Francis
atrouls ,
KintlTIlVAIII ) ,
1st Dlstrlet-Kiist sldu ot SCth street near
( south oflCliurle.s htiout.
2nd Dlatrict-Wu-tt sldu of Kid street near
( ifitith ul ) Paul street.
UiJ District N W corner 20th und Nicholas
Uli Dlstrlut N E corner 20th and Cumins
BtreiUs ,
Mli District West sldo of North 23th street
near ( north ( > 0 Cntnlni ; Hlioot ,
Oth District S K corner 2.'d nnd Hurt streets.
7tli District S W corner vuili and Una *
lit Dutrlot H W corner 32J and Oumlnz
id District N W corner 40th and Oumlng
M District N E corner 40th and I'urnam
4th o'lstrlot North slao of Davenport ttreet
near ( woit of ) North iUd uvunuo.
6tU district S U corner Ult nvonuo uud
Uth District H W corner ? 9th aveuuo and
JauUton Htruot.
In witness wlioroof 1 have hereunto sot rny
hand ns tin vor nf said city of Omaha , thin
J7tu day of October. ISfli -u
( JKO. I' . HEMIH , Jlnyor.
Attest : JOHN GIIOVKH , City Oiurk. olUiu'lt
To nil owners of lotsor parts of lot on rililrloy
street from 2 th slruut to''utti avenue.
\on uro heioby nollllud that the iincler-
Blxued three dUlnteroned ( ruuholaers of the
olty ot Otiiaha have been duly appointed by
thu mayor with thu approval of the olty coun-
t'll of suid olty to astess Iho dunnxo of the
owner * reipeullvuly of thu property utroctod
Uy the cuau/o of gradu of KUlrluy vtruut du-
olruoil npco t.\ry hy ordliiKnro Nn. , lOI. |
Jtilr ! * , isoi approved July w. 102.
You furlhnr notlltcd tlmt iinvlni no *
copied fluid niipjlntmrnt nnd dnlr nnallflcd ni
required by Kw. wo will on the 3d d v of Nov -
v ember. Ivi. , At the hour of 10 o'clock In Ilia
morning at thn ofllrn ot Charles r. llcnjumln ,
I.Vifl DndcoRtront. within llio corporalo limits
of said olty , mcM for thn purpose of eon lilpr-
Inff and m-iklni ns cimont ( U dnmiiKO lo the
owners trspoctlvolr of said property nffcctpd
lit laid or mil nc. taking Into connldorittlon
special bcnollts. It nny. You nrn horvby null-
Hod to hn present nt the tlmo and plnco nforc *
.inld and mnko nnv onjuollon to or sintomnnU
I'oncprnlni said nsscssmcnlof d\m Kosns you
winy consldor proper. 1
reCD (
Commlllco of
Omaha , Nab. , Oct. Vint , ISO , O MIOt
Proeliunntloii anil notlocof submission to thfl
olcotors mid lounl voters of the Cllr of
Omaha of the iiipNtlnn | of l milnjr honils of
the city of Omahnln tlinnmotintof ono luin-
dred thontaiid tloll rsIOlnx ( < ) topay for tha
fonstriu'tloii and malntcnanco of sewers lit
the city ot Omaha.
To thu olpclnr * and local tutors of the oily of
Omnhn :
I , Uonien IV llnmls. mayor of the cltv of
Oin.ihn , dolsino this , my prouiamatlon , and
by the antliorlty veMtHl jn mo us such mayor.
dohfrnby Rlvo pulillo notice tn the electors
and ItunMolursof thu city of Om thn , that a
conerM election will bci buhl In stht city ou
Tuoadny the olahth day of November. I8.iv , for
the pitrposoot submlttltiff to said ulentors and
U-Kal voters the iuostlou | anil proposition fol-
lonlng. to-\vlt :
"Shall bonds ot the city of Omnhn in the
sum of ono hnndrrd thousand dollar *
( f 100.000) ) bo Issued for tliu construction nnd
maintenance ot sener-t , to run not muro than
twontv iwiyunrs , to interest nut to ux-
cecd live pur eeiit pur annum , with Interest
rnuuons annoMid thuroto , and not to bo sold
for loss than par , tlio nrot'oods from Uio .ilo
thuruof to bo uxiitindi'd for the conslriiuiltin
nnd malntrnancn ot souets In the city ot
Omnhn , und the proceeds thereof not 1u hn dl-
\ortod from thoobjools thniclu spooltlud. "
The paid question and proposition shall bo
submitted to ild eloetots I'i'liro In the proper
form provldod bv law for iilllclnl ballots with
the words "YICS. " " .NO , " printed thoroon. All
of said ballots havlnc an "X" murk folluwlnr
tlu > word "YICS" shall bimniutvd In favor ot
Issuing said liinuls , and all ot mild ballots
luivliiK" nn "X" mark follonlni : thu word
"NO" shall 1m coutitrtl and eotfiUlerud m
if.'alusl the Issuluv of s.tld hands.
Thu polls shall bo open on thu day ot mild
election at ulclito'nlock In ( ho mortiluc and
Hhnll continue upon until six o'clock In thu
ovcnliiKof the Htmn dav at the respective
voting places , as follows-
iiasr vvAiii )
S K C0r"ur Tth Mntl
corner 8th nn < 1
12th nlul JunM
mJhIMfStirIot S R cnr"or 13tl1 alloy
suiitn of I'luroo street.
I > n0lfl ° 9tru ° l
, , nd
' 'orllor I0t" aml
str' ' ( > ! 'l ! > l9lrlCl S V co"lt'r cth 1111 Center
corner Oth und ll.moroft
K cornur 13th nna Vlntoa
N W L' ° r"0r llth ixlul < Iono"
Ol""otl Iaih n"
C0rnor 18Ul aml
corilor "Jt" " " "
iilh Distr.ut-Eist sldo of South 2Jth street ,
opiioslto I'opplctoii uvo.
slicot "S 1 : COI'"or Iflth ana I'lorco
S E cor"or Hth WlHISm
Uih District N E corner Sixteenth and Center -
tor 8tr < > t > is.
str'piUI"atrI ' ° t""N W corner mu lx"d Dorcas
Illb Distilut-S E corner20th and llancroft
I''th District N E corner 15th und Vkitoa
llith Dlstrlot-8 W corner iitn : nnd Valley
llth District NEcurnur 20th and } lotiluvnrd
tHV cornur 12th und Chicago
2d District N W corner 14th and Davouporti
3irttt * *
yd District-South sldo of Cupltol avcnuo
uoarHi'stof ( ) ntliHlri-ct ,
4th District West Hldo ot 12th street , between -
tween DniiKlns and Dod.-e struots.
.itli District N i : corner luth und Capitol
Uih Dlstr.i-t N E corner Oth nnd llurnuy
7th ilIstrIct-P ) E corner llth and Dot las
.sth District N E corner 15th ami Jackson
Uth District S E corner 10th and Howard
FOtritTII WAIlt ) .
1st District X W corner 17th and DavoupoM
2nd OIslrlct-N W corner S.'ndiiml Davenport
3rd District N W corner 25th und Dodge
4tli lllstrlul-N i : corner 17th und Hod-jo
Mil Dtstrlct-N K oomiT 17th and llarnoy
Otli District N W corner 20th nnd Donslas
7th Dlstrlot N W corner 20th otrout ami St.
iitry s IM ontio
Hth District S W corner''Oth 8troot and St.
Miry : s tivonno.
nih Distitol R ist Hldo nf South lUlh stront ,
'uiwet'ii ' IIjrnuy streat anil Hi. M-iry'suvnntio.
10th DM not N W "onutr lath nnd Lotvon-
lltli Disirlft-S\V corner 17tb street nnd St.
M.iry s u venue.
rirrii WAUD.
Ut District HitHt Mloof Klierniuu avcniio
opposite Mundursiin Mroi't.
-ml District S K corner Hhorman uvcnuu
and Wlrl ntrcot.
3rd District H W inrnor .Shi'rni.ui uvciTiiu
nnd 1/iiidisitoot.
Ith Dlstrloty fornor bhcriuan uveiiuu
mil ( iritL'i. street.
5th District-S W corner Uth und Charles
fith District Knst hldo of bhormun itvcntio
.ihotitllll foot north of Nicholas street.
7th Dlslrlut S I ! coiner lUlh und Iz.ird
Hih District N Vf corner Iflth tmd Hurt
si i cuts.
lltli District N n corner und Oass
10th Dlalrict Enst Hlilo North 17th Htiect ha-
tweon California and t'.iss MtcotH ,
llth Dlslrot-d ! i : corner JBlh und Cu9
Isl District S KcnincrVUli alreotnnu Anict
2nd Dlstrk't a W oornvr Uith alreot und
Urand uvonno.
: irtl District N i ; corner 42th und Grunt
4th Dlslrlot 8 W conior2llh and Mandersoii
Sill Dlstrliil S i : corner 21th and Wlrt itrcots.
Oth Dlstrlm a W cornur irJiU und I'arltur
7lh DUtrlot N W corner 24th a-id Corby
Kth District N T. i-nrnor aUh and liurdetlo
Dili Dlslrk't N i ; corner 2'nd and Hrnnt
1 th DUlilut N Wcoriuir 23th and Franklin
llth HlHtrlot H W corner 21th und I'lanlillu
l.'tli DlBtrlot S W coiner 2.'nd and Clarlc
htruutK ,
Huvr.Nru WAUD.
Ist Dlstrliit 3 W corner 23th and Muacm
2nd DlntrTot N fi coiner 20th iivcnno nnd
I > | ) ) ton uvunuo.
: iid District ii W corner 20th street iinJ
\Voolworlli uvoiuiu
4th DlBlrlct-.N W corner toth atroot and
Arbor Htroot.
Ath DlHtrlot South sldn of Vlnton troot
no'ir ( oust of ) miuthUMinno. .
Oth District 4 K corner : > 'Jlh uvunuo and
I'npplulou uvunnu
7ln District N Vf corner : ilth und FruncU
KKllllll WAUD.
lit Dlitrlot Kitst sldo of 2Gtb slroot near
( outh ofGhuri)4 ) stirul. -
2nd Dlstrlut-Wust side of 23d street near
( south ot ) I'uul htrrot.
llril District N W cornur 20th und Nicholas
4th District N i : corner 20th and Cumins
Mb District-Wostshlo of North SHU stiuct
near ( north o' ) Cumin * struct.
nth District , K Kcoriior 'dunil Hurt strnotn.
7th Distrlut-S W corner votii und Caaa
lat Dlitrlot-H W corner U-'d und Oiiinlnx
2d DUtrlot N W corner 40th and Outulng
M DlHtrlot N K eorniir 4Cith und I'unmni
4th Dldtrlot North sliln of Davenport ttrcet
nonrwo tof ) North UJil uvunuo.
.Mh district a K corucr uut avunuo and
Uth District S W corner 20th uvcnuo uu >
JuvkHoii Ktruot ,
In wltiiuy * whernof I li'tvu ' horeiintu set inr
liHiul us niuyor of Buld oily of Oinuliu Hill
17th duy of Outol-cr , 18/A .
OKO. I' . IIKS1IH , Jlnyor ,
Attest : JoiiwOKOVKJ. City Clork.