Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1892, Image 1

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Nobraskn Democrats Tacitly Agree to Vote
for James B. Weaver.
Several Long Hours of Earnest Deliberation
Over tbo I'uraing Question.
Effort to Ooflrolidnte tie Btato .Tickets
Tails at the Very Outset.
I'opulMn U'oni Anxlmi" , hut thn lluiiiliciiis
'Ililnk 'llicy Cini I'lii t Morton Do-
InllH ul tlio Long Conrliuo at
tliu I'axtun Cnfo.
Ho\v to fuse without fusing.
That was the question that agitated the
members of the democratic state contra
, 'ommlHoo last night , but with their cus
tomary politic il agility the troublesome ob-
Htnulo was successfully surmounted
straddled , nnd that , too , without putting a
vote or making a scratch en paper. The deal
contemplates tbo delivery of tbo democratic
vote of Iho slate to the Weaver electoral
ticket , and nt Iho sumo time allow the domo-
cratlo ticket lo romaln In the Held , but
according lo Iho statements of the members
themselves the situation will bo oven tnoie
complicated than it was boforo.
Some pot names were called , but as the
mooting iidjotiincd without bloodshed llio
.cssloii may bo called Imimonlous from an
untomlicd standpoint.
A woid or Iwo of rotrosppcllon ns to the
stuto ot nffnirs that lad up to the meeting may
not bo out of place in this connection.
Il will bo remembered that Kuclid Martin ,
chaltnmn of the committee nnd the self-
tljlod leader of the anti-Uoyd forces , wont
lo Chicago n couple of weeks ago in his
olllciil capacity us member of the board of
malingers of the World's fair to attend iho
dedlcatoiy oxeiciscs , and from there bo went
on to Now Yonlf to Interview thu democratic
national committee and sco wnat bo
could do to Kill Governor Boyd's
pull with that body. Ho did not
moot with the most ( littering success
In his undertaking , ana realizing that tbo
share of democratic camnilgn boodlotb.U
was to fall to Nobr.tsKu's lot would not pas
tlnouuh his Its unless something was dnuo
to trip up the governor in his Jubilation
waltz , notified his confreres on thu uommlt-
tco lo call a meet Ink' of tha whole body , nud
for fear that the nicotine would not otljor-
wise bo held soon enoug'i , sent the message
byvlte , so as to have the meeting read } to
MClcomo him ns soon as ho uirived in thu
Iiilrliil Niimbci Twnntj-1 Iglitt
It was In pursuance of that call that
twenty-eight members of the committee
drifted Into the city j ester dav from various
points of the compass and gravitated toward
iho 1'axton , wheio Iho meeting was to beheld
hold , It must not bo supposed tbat there
ivus only ono thing to bo considered , for
theie were several dn.ils on foot , but a num
ber of them were gh on tholr quietus lonir
before Iho session was called to ordoi.
First and foremost was the story of fusion
with the independents on iho stiita ticket.
11 didn't m uteri ill i/o , but it w as the cause of
an > number of stormy Interviews between
the commHtpeincn. It wn conclusively
demonstrated tl'ul such udoul bad boon care
fully planned , and G. W. Bl mo nnd C. H.
I'll Uo , chair man and seciotarv of the people's
patty stuto central committee , caiiu * up from
Lincoln on the afternoon lialn to carry out
their part of the transaction , but it bad been
nipped In the bud by some of the dissenting
mcmbcis of the dcmccialic committee. It
contemplated the withdrawal of V. O.
SUicklcr and C. A. Uitorllng from the pnpu-
list tlekot. built didn't meet with the appro
val of StrlcKlcr , who started out on n mil as
soon us hn ho aid It , Atid as soon us iilai.o and
1'irtlo nuivcd in the city no steered tbenr
straight to his cilice and would not let them
get out of his sight to carry out tlio sale of
Ills nol over billllant prospects in polltlds.
It was not Strlcklor's efforts that caused
tbo deal to fall through , hownvor. The
state of affairs that did up'-ct It was the fact
thai it 'nuludcd a proposition to liavo Van
WycU withdraw from the ticket with the
understanding that ho should have in pay
ment Iberofor the supoott of Iho democrals
In iho next legislature to assist in
electing htm to congress. 'Iho populist
general was roportcdbv _ the democrats who
favoied tbo dual as not only- willing , but
anxious lo enter into tbo arrangement
If ho could bo given positive ns-
Kuranco tbat the democrats would tote fair ,
but unfoilunatcly for Ibo success ot Ibu
plan ihotu wcro n lol of demounts who m-
slhlcd llinl it tUoio wns lo be any tiii-up , W.
.1. Bryan was tha man who sbould be sent to
the sonata on Ibo strength of it. Thus was
another sohomo of Iho fuHionlsts tumbled
Into the broth.
I linn was n Itoir IU tlic Start.
Van Wyck had been led lo think that the would go through and cnmu In on an
early morning tialn , but was quietly In
formed Uiat bis prchcnco in iho city would
not help matters , and he ut once dioppcd out
of sight in ihu most accommodating manner
Ittta statiiil thru Iho committee would
withdraw the electoral ticket , but ns the
incmbois of Iho committee began to nrrlvo
it was speedily mimfpst that nothing of
thu Kind would bo douo without tbu
ugliest kind of n low , Thcio was caucus
after caucus alt through the nftornnou , mid
Toby Castor , ho of the national committee ,
was busily sought after for Information ns lethe
the wishes of the national commlttuo
regarding the withdrawal of the
ticket. Hut Toby dk'u't ' cceci to bo
uuihoilty un tbat milter forsonio reason or
other , though ho t > omcd to be tboiougbly
posted us to the wishes of Govaiuor fiojd ,
nud bo lost no oppoitimlty tn jab the harpoon
into that individual , inoiuphPttcally epeah-
Ing ,
It had been announced thai Mr. Casldy of
the national committee , \ould ho on hand In
the evening to siy whal the national com-
inllUo wanted , and Colonel Castor was
thereby enabled to avoid a deal of close
questioning as to why his relations to the
national committee were not such ns to en-
nblo him la speak authoritatively ,
( iiiiciuor Itiijil mill the fujli ,
It wa nlso heralded In advance tbat the
. oimuiUco would puss upon the question ol
iho dispobul ttiHt would bo made ot the ? .I7 , '
000 that was raised by the Now York Woild
to carry Uinelectionnnd which is to bu spcni
\\05l of tha Mississippi ilvorfor that pur-
uoso , tubject to the direction of Governor ;
Holes , Ilovd mill IVck. It was stated tbut II
had. been dodiled to spend the
( ti cater patt of HIP money lu No
uraskn , nnd tbo romtulttfo proposed tc
Have n little say no rn the why ant
wherefore , Thu members chuiifod thoii
minus \\hoii iho governor came in ou tin
uflurnoon trulti , for ho gu\o It oat at once
* tbnt ho did nol Intend to have any meddllnf
In the matter ou the part of the coiomitteo.
U was the governors day , just at thai
tune , but , alas , how tbo wind chahpoc
shortly afterwurds.
I Nebraska's executive had planned to U
prc.rnt at the meeting last avonlnir , bu
little Mr. Mattlu got in his deadly woilt a.u
i the governor changed bis mind. It hap
uoned this wuj- .
Martin Is a tiptoe Boyd fighter when thi ,
gowuor Un't around , but no tort ofeak -
ens when the object of bis warmly cherished
animosity was on hand , nnd ho was therefore
nol anxious for the latler's mcscncc. It
seems that lie know how to keep him
r.wav , for when the members ot tha com
mittee were ready to go un to the cnfo ,
whoto the meeting to bo beld , Mr.
Martin , as chairman of lite commltlco , an
nounced , In n volco lhat ho Intended to bn
loud niut firm , inixtnono buUnombcrs of the
oonimltti-o would bo admitted , unions they
went In nt the request of thn oxecuttvo com-
mltteeman from tholr district nnd were
vouched for by tlmt commlltooman.
Beautiful schomn. 'Iho covcrnor Is from
the district of which Mr. Martin Is the ox-
ccutlvo conimltlfictnau , and do v ou think that
bo Invited iho governor li und touched for
him ) <
The plan was not followed out for the nolo
purpose of killing off tbo governor , for Dr.
George 1. Miller was also Included In the
proscription , The governor evidently ox-
peeled something of the kind , but not so too.
doctor , nnd it utmost broke his heart.
ScitililiiK lor Itoporlpri.
As tlio procession filed ( .lowly uc the stnlr-
way Martin could hardly contain thooxu-
berance that wns bolnc Generated lu his sys
tem uocnuso of the success of his ruse , and
lie gamboled along lu advance of tbo crowd ,
stopping over and unon to wait for tbo moro
cuinUous Castor , who felt equally elated
but was constrained to manifest it only by n
voluminous smllo.
Ab they entered the oafo a bill boy began
slowly turning on tbo lights , rhon It wns
for the tlrst time that Castor cave evidence
tbat bo wns rctillv and tiuly nllvo.
"Turn up Ibo lights there , bovs , " ho coin-
mandod. ' 'Wownntto ' investlgato a little.
Those Bn : ropoltor ? up hero in Omaha are
getting too d-d fresh altogether , " and
Tobias begun n systematic search of the
room , looking caiafullv unuer each chair ,
and suspiciously scrutinizing Iho Interior ,
Tins Hi i : ropifcsentatlvo followmz closely at
his heels and assisting earnestly in Ibo
Tobo satisfied himself , and bad barely
lalien his seat when Secretary .7. B. Shohan
of Iho committee , entered , accompanied by
ono of the proprietors of Ibo hotel , and de
manded thai every door opening out of the
room bo unlocked mid opened so tliat the
committee could bo satisllcd that no report-
ois were concealed on the other side. Mes
sengers wcro sent for ttio kojs , and after
considerable delay tbo demands of the sus
picious secretary woie complied with , and ho
admlltPd his satisfaction with the general
appearance of security nnd scciccy.
"You see , " ho said in explanation of his
position , "wo hnvo to bo very careful.Vo
hud an uxnciicnco hero In Omaha the olber
tiluht that taught us n valuable lesson.
Then , too , the local members ot the commit
tee will bo held responsible If eavesdroppers
arc permitted to linger In our vicinity nnd
make thu proceedings of our meeting pub
lic. "
C.iin is < lng tlio Situation.
The meeting was called to orJar , and the
fust business ontoied UDon was the consid
eration of thn various nominees for the state
sonulo and legislature , with reference to
their nttiuuic on prohibition. Not a man
escaped , no matter what his politics or the
platform of the paiiy thit nominated him
Jt was that of all Ibo nominees
ofill the pnties there woio thirty-eight pro
hibitionists among tlio senatorial and fortj-
scvcn among 111- nominees for the lower
III the counties whtio piohibition is un
popular the I'loblbttorv records of the op
posing cnulidatcs will bo worked against
thorn for all tlicy aio woith , while Iftbero
happens to boi democratic prohibitionist
running for oflico 'r. ' n county whore such a
sentiment is prevalent every effort will bo
mule by his consistent paitisa'is to elect
him for the same leason that they socle to
Qofciit some ono else.
The chairman stated tbat any * number of
letters had been iccolvpd from all parts of
the s'.ito , asking for Information as lo what
course thu state committee recommended
with reference to the electoral * ticket. Ho
i.uid lhat the general tone of Ihcso letter
w ate the effect that the oest Interests of
the party would be conserved by voting the
straight party ticl.ol.
Mr. ShPhan chipped in lo say that iho
w liters weio nearly all positive that Morton
would run ahead of tno vote tocolved by
Boid two joais ago In every county outsiao
of Uouglis.
This occasioned n call for a statement ns to
the reul situation in this county , nud Mr.
Martin stated thai a poll was boiutr made of
the county nnd that there was uolhlng voiy
encouraging mil thnc tar. Ho said that the
Independents would poll a heavier vote In
Douglas county this j ear than ever befoio
nrd lhat \ an Wvck's vote heio would bo
veiy near "i.OOO , but that Van Wvck would
run ahead of his ticket. Ho was soriv to
say Hint iho independents had gamed most
of their stioncth fiom the democrats and
tliat the lopubllcau state ticket would go
out of this county Ibis vear with u plurality
of sevoial thousand. Ho thought that the
democrats hero would vote very generally
lor Weaver.
Wouldn't Vote for \ Vrar. .
'ilils biought Han Cook of Beatrice to bis
feet to remark that tbo talk of voting Hie
democrats of Gage counlv for Weaver was
all rot , as tt , could not be done , no matter
what action the stale committee might take.
Ho wns certain thallf the sentiment among
the democrats all over the stale was iho same
as It was In bib countv Weaver couldn't got
ir coipornl's gtmidoutsldo his own patty.
Bullalo county'b roprcsoutattvo ex pressed
the belinf that In his county 70 per cant of
Iho doiiiocralio vote would go lo Weaver ,
Mr. Martin wanted Iho Hour himself , so ho
called iho Buflalo man down nnd proceeded
to state thai the-independents had not mndo
any sslii In Mrcnglh since two \cars aero ,
while , on tlio other hand , thev hud lost In
soveitil localities , 'Ibo republicans had
made hnuvy gains , according to reports re
, ceived at democratic headquarters from reli
able men in all parts of the state , and ho was
certain tbil it would require iilmoit every
democratic vo'o , In addition to those lhat
would bu casi by the Independents , to carry
Iho stale tor tbo Weaver electors. Ho bald
lhat some of the democrats would vote for the
Woav or electoral ticket In spltoof all the
btato committee could dothould it decide not
to throw the inutv vote to tbo populist can
didate , but bu felt that the committee should
bo sum tbat it wits right before It went
nhonil. llo said Unit homo of the democrats
out through.thostato could not understand
tliu proposed rno\eand thousht that some
thing wns wrong. Ho didn't know but it
would tend to such nurd work for tno
Weaver tiokoi thai iho regular democraitc
nominees for htato ofllce and congress would
bo Init In the bliulHe.
A incmbcr arose locnso bis ( onsclonco by
declaring that ihu Ausiruliin ballot law had
cost the democratic party in iho Mute lu.OUU
votes , apd to this statement no opposition
was offered , It was fuither stated that iho
domociats In Iho citlon would vote the
\Von\cr ticket all right without being vis
ited , but those lu the countiy could n ot
understand it.
( 'cmiiti. ) DitmouiiitH Aio Sin irl.
, Cou ( iaila her foil Into tbo broach in do.
fenso of ihc country , declaring
that they knew far morn thin ttmir breth
ren io the city. Hosntdtbal they tun do-
tot rained to vole for Weaver oeforn the
" 3nun I" politicians in the cities bad made up
tbr-li rnlndi that It \\as thi proper tulng
to do ,
Oan Cook once more Insisted that all the
Rinart politicians m CJogo county could not
make thrlr farmers \oto the \Ven\et ticket.
Holt counts S member Inalstod that with
overythtng to gain and nothing to lose , ' .horo
was no question us to what sbould bo dooo.
and further t > ald tbat bis county would throw
half Us demoetaUu vole toVcaer the flrst
dash out of the box.
Another country member thought that 25
per cent would be a lug blinro of thoii vote coula bo thus diverted. His folits were
wording lor their local ticket and congress
man , aud bo felt 8 Ulsilod that if thu party
trica to no any funny business they would lose
meivthini. ' .
Still another was certain that It would done
no good If they threw the enliro democratic
vote to Wcavei , "for , " ho said , "thcro are
anv CiotVs quantity of Independents who are
ioluc to \ oto for Hiirri&un electors. "
Then llu-ro was lalk of the effect that a
support of the Weaver elector * would hnvo
- on the state ticket , und tbo ButYulo county
man SHld that If they kept throw luir demo-
OS tCONl ) PtOB. |
Senator Pftddoak Dircussas Oampiign
and His Legislative AtU
r.inli irrtntliir Kuimir * Clrrtil'Ucil liy Al.irm-
lits DlM-rllnj IttMltioiis unit Suttliirs
' Uluit llio Stutn'A MortBigo Indebted-
SliT.lilou , Neb , Oct. 27. [ SpsaUl Tele
gram to Tun Bur.1 The opera house was
Illlcd to overflowing- this evening to hear
Senator Paddock discuss political Issues
Owing to the dPiith of Mrs. Harrison It was
concluded to postpone the parade ot the
marching clubs , but the enlhuslnsin was in
no wise lessoned. At S o'clock attar muslu
by the band , Hon. C. C. Adann in n few
well timed remarks introduced the senator ,
who wns received wllh gi eat applause.
The senator said he wa- not hoio for the
purpose of advocating his return to the
United States senate , but that ho placed his
public record before the psoitlo for the passage -
ago of their unbiased Judgement. Ho con
gratulated the people of the country on the
evidences of prosperity which are so visible
to the stranger. Hosild that ho deprecated
the howl of calamity which has been spicad
abroad concerning tbo stale nud Ibnl such
reports had seriously diverted the tula of
immigration and caultal from the slalo. Ho
declared lhat a great percentage of the mort
gage Indebtedness of iho state at the present
lima Is occasioned by improvements of homes
and purchase of farm Implements nnd that
In the last decade iho grand assessment toll
show * an Increase of values of 140 percent.
As to savings banks In his estimation this
state shows on increase of deposi's in the
agricultural pattsof the state which would
mete than twice nay Ibo 011111-3 mortgage In
debtedness of tbo slate. The senator han
dled the tarilT question In a vigorous man
ner , showing the benefits to bo derived by n
protective tariff , how it stiongthons the
homo market ana homo industries.
.Shcrcss of tin * MeKlnloy Hill.
The operation of the Melvmloy bill. In his
opinion , has proved u grand success , and the
reciprocity provisions have opjned up now
markets , "it Is the best law ou tbo statulo
books , and will stand until n republic in con
gress Is elected , which will then , if neces
sary , make all requisite changoj to suit con
dition of Iho times.
Ho then look up iho "force" bill and said
there was a force bill vuirs ago inspired bv
Andrew Jackson , who nolillod ths people of
South Carolina thit if they persisted In their
nullification proceedings he would hang
every ono of thorn , and still the democrats
talk of the iniquitous "forco" bill , which
was first Inaugurated by a democratic presi
Ho cited Mrs. t Base's rjcont i.tlerancos
as to the great necessity of such a bill in the
south as lo fico speech and n fair count. Ho
passed a high eulogy on President Harri
son and his administration , and spoke
In a most feeling manner of the
death of Mrs. Harrison and how deeply tbo
loss was felt by the people ut large Ho road
from President Harrison'slettcrof acceptance
whetpin bo speaks of the material growth of
the country In matters of finance. Ho uol :
up Iho meat Inspection law passed bv a re
publican congress nnd showed the benefits
derived therefiooi , and said that ar a result
'of the Inttoductron of American corn into
Huropo Germany has ordered 10 per cent
of Iho rations issued to German soldier * to
consist of corn meal , which is so largely
produced by Nebraska.
( 'Un eland's Luiul Commissioner.
He then handled without slaves tbo ad
ministration of the Government land ofllce
under Commissioner Sparks during Cleve
land's adminisliation , and showed tha dire
results which bad accrued to Nebraska
homcscelcrs and the bencliclal results of the
administration of Judge Groff , Nebraska's
land commissioner. Taking up the question
of llnaneo ho quoted statistics showing that ,
at most , the cntno bond indebtedness is now
held by the people of Iho United
States. Ho paid his respects to
Mr. McICclghan and his concross'oinl '
record and said that iho trouble with him
was thai in Washington ho occupied solar
space and tbat he soared un in the clouds
with his visionary ideas ; lhat the best in
vestment for the people of Nobraslra today
would bo to elect all the republican congress
men in Nebraska and then the halls ot con
gress would sound vlth rho praise of the
wealth and progress of NobrasKa. Ho then
pissed a ulowing eulosy on the lopubllcin
stulo ticket and predicted it * RUCCOSS. The
senator was warmly congratulated at the
close of his speech.
nuwM"s : UNTiiusiAsno KAMA" .
Ore Host i : < -piilll < iin Mooting In tlio HUtorj
< > r Iodii ) County.
FnrMOsr , Neb , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tut ! BIG. ] Tbls evening was wit
nessed the largest and most enthusiastic
republican rally that has been hold In this
cllv this campaign. The .Treraout Repub
lican Flambeau club with now uniforms
and toicbes headed by the I'leniont bllvoi
Cornet band marched to the Gllchorn depot
where they met the largo ciowd and the
Harrison and Kola Flambeau club fiom Lin
coln In their uniforms wltn their toiclios.
After puiadlng iho principal streets they
marched to the court bouso , The couit
room was filled to its utmost capacity with
an intelligent and cntbn.iastio audlcnco of
ladies , republicans , prohibitionists , inde
pendents and democrats tojlslen to : i dis
cussion jf the loading questions of this cam-
pilpn by the eloquent and logical orator ,
Hon. Ike M. Linslnir of Lincoln.
Hon. llonry bprlck was Introduced by
Uost Hammond , who was greeted with louu
applause and spoka fora few moment ! . Mr ,
Mr. Lansing \\t\a \ tuon Intioduced as the
homeliest man lu America. Ho proceeded to
highly entertain and onthusn all tboso pres
ent by his eloquent , logical ni.d mastorlv
reasoning1 , which was dciharcd in u grace
ful , dignltiod , humorous and Improsslvn man
ner for uvo hours , duilng which tlmo ho was
accorded frequent applause , llo closed by
asklncr Iho audience to Join him in thrco
cheers for Harrison and Uelct , which was
Fli'lil nt
Sllt'liEjiT , Neb , Oct. 'J7. ( Spocla ) Telo-
giumtoTin : Usii.jHon. . A.V. . Field , re
publican candidate fpr congress , spako to n
largo audlouco In McGnchie's opera house
last night. Republicans from the surround
ing country weio hoio. The speauor had
nothing to defend and no apologies to make ,
but his dUcouiso was awgrosbivo through
out. Mr. Bryan received a most harrowing
arraignment for tils dodges on tha silver
question In order to catch votoi. His fioo
trade und silver fallacies wore explained and
refuted. The enthusiasm of the crowd uas
great. _
Ulmrcii Upiniicr.itlo I'iniul.
KtMAb OIT > , Mo , Oct. 27. The tapub-
llcan managers of olectlon tbU afternoon in
stituted maiidamua proceedings to compel
Recorder Owsloy of tbo board ol registration
to allow them to Inspect the icgUtratiou
lists. Recorder Ov.'ilov bolus oftlco by nn-
polntmont of the democratic governor ami
the republicans charco that ho has permuted
thu democrats to rucliter Illegally for the
purpose ol "recuatlng" on election day.
iicttliui :
NOIUOIK , Neb. , Oct. 27.jSpecial Tele
gram to TUB HK . | Jho republican con-
grcssmnal boadquaitors presents a verv
actho appearance. 'Ilia complete 1 poll
shows that Muiitlejohu will have u plurality
of at least IWO , , with Kcliior third in tbo
TAUIB Roth , Nob. , Oct. -fdpoclul to
Taic Hen. | Wcduusday evening Maxwell ,
the prohibition cuudldato for cougrcbs from
the First dlitrict , tnado an nadrcss on pro
hibition Issues , us < urlinc that thu American
saloon was n grcaier isssuo than tirlft or
the frco coinage of silver , llo was f.ccom-
panlcd by Odell , the temperance singer of
Lincoln , who tnllvonetl iho nudlonco with
comio prohibition songn nnd nun dolivcrod
an address , In which ho declared that the
other three onrtloi were opposed to the best
Interests 1 of tuojxuntry.
ro.NCArK < H i.t : i'ii2.vsii > .
C'rouiKo ( iHnn 11 Wnriii U'rlcuiuo b )
PCVSCA , Neb , Oct. 27. [ Special Tolrgiam
to THE Bur. ] Tonight citlrcns from town
nnd country came In a body , with but little
regard for party. } o listen to Judge Loicozo
Crotinso. A torchlight procession , headed
by the I'onca Military band , mirchod to the
depot nt 0:15 : to escort tbo gupsts lo their
plnco of entertainment. At 7.110 the meeting
was finally announced by music from the
blind , which soon drew tbo people to the
opera house , which had been arllsllcillv
decorated for the occasion.
The meeting was opened by selections by
the True Blue Glco club , which wns followed
oy iho Intioduction ot Judge Crounso.
After a low Introductory remarits Judge
Crounso opened hi * address vvllh u thorough
dlscusson of the tariff question , clearly rto-
lining the object ol the system and the most
satisfactory way of raising the million dol-
l.iis which ara daily ncccssarv for
the support of the covornmont , and
also piovcd the maistnes that have
been adopted . by the republican
Dirty during Us long numlnlstialion have
bo | n such ns would ratio sufllclont revenue
with the least oppression upon the people.
As proof of these facts bo followed Ibo
crowtli nnd prosperity of the nation during
the period tbo republican party has been
in power. Tbo McKmluv bill was ex-
plalnuJ. and ably defended against the
many misrepresentations that hnvo been. In
vented by Its opponents. Ho than intro
duced the currency discussion , mentioned
iho points of disagreement between the par
ties , and bv an Illustration of the ininncos of
IVi'j endeavored to explain the condition
lhat would bo brought noout should the
democratic plan bo adopted.
Mr. Van Wvck was n"xt brought forward
tor examination and ho presented n vcrv uu -
satisfactory nppoarauco as reflected by his
career as a soldier , congressman nnd citizen.
Alter offering a tributeo [ respect to Presi
dent Harrison lu " * his bereavement , Judce
Ciounsc cama to bis closing remarks. In
these bo dwelt on Ibo Industries and tbo ad
vancement lhat ovarvwhoro present them
selves throughout Nebraska ,
After music bv tbo Glee cliib'ho second
speaker of the evening , General Ktiisoll , was
inuoducpd. Ills address wns received with
much applause , aud was Just the matcriil
ncccssurv to completstho discussion so ably
begun. Mr. Uusscll'i lionniics woio from n
soldier's standpoint and could not fail to stir
ao sympathy of cvory friend of the blue.
ao A TAcptuu nuubi : .
pnator Miuidernon pCiitpiUiliis nn nntluisl-
HStlc Itrd Clouit Alldli'lHc.
Ren CIOUD , Neb , dot 27. [ Special Tele-
ram lo Tin : Hii .j Hon. C. r. Mandorson
rrived in Had Cloud ibis evening an hour
aio and KpoUo for two hours lo u packed
ouso. Ho touchoJ on bo Chinese rostiie-
ion law enacted by tUp , republicans and also
undletf the niotioy question in a way that
as never been equaled In this city. Thu
ariit was explained tuorouehly and
nado plum to > every ono Drcs-
n t. Ho follonoJ tl.o independent
tarty from its coinmeticemont.un to data and
bowed to the satisfaction of ovcrv repub-
Ican in tbo rooiri tbat , they wcro howllMir for
lotkintHo said tbataba independents have
icon misled by fltteh mon as Van Wvck. and
' nnd tbat hofelt sorry for them.
Ho pictured Van\Yyck as the David of old ,
inly ho said he couldn't sing so svveglly , and
urther said lhat no'calamity could happen
0 Nebraska that would be 'vorso than tbo
election of Van Wyck. As to McKelban's
ecord in ponsross ho said that it wrenched
1 man teriiblv to kick nt nothing. Senator
landerson's speech wn * well locelved and
vas much applauded.
ScIiiljIci'K Duiiiocintlc Hull } .
Scut u Lit , Nob. , Oct. 27. [ Succial Telegram -
gram to Tim BtK 1 In honor of Iho arilval
of Mossra. W. II. Thompson and G. V.
Ceiper iho dornocrals turned out onma so in
us grand a procession ns they could louu.
reparations had been goluc on all week
ind nssertlops tnado that 200 voters would
jo in line , 'fhoro were lib by accurate
count nnd thirty wore not voters. The
OPCIQ bouso was wollifllled , republicans huv-
ng turned out as ndmcrously as any. Mr.
Thompson's tulle was on .lefleriouianism ,
jurdens of tixaiion nudMcKiiiloyism. Dr.
iveipor reviewed Iho history of Iho demo
cratic partv as the nation's benefactor , said
tbat the president sbauld not bavo Iho right
if veto , and closed by s tut ing lhat bo had
jeen over the district and fouud prospects
Success Assuicil In SnuudcMi.
Cmitsco , Neb. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB Bt.B.1 This has bson ropub-
.lean rod letter anv here. W. II. Dickinson
of Waboo , the next flout senator from this
llstrict , was the speaker of thn evening.
Ho delivered a masterly nddioss , which was
wall icceivcd , ana for thioo bouts tbo
audience listened ationlivcly. The Mead
cornet band randoroa lively alrti , and tbo
coloied ABC Glee club of Lincoln cap
tured the audlencov Time and again they ,
. . . .o the spoalior , were cncoied. The pros-
noctfor republican success In old Saunders
is assured again , and gioat credit is duo to
the nctivo committeeof Krchland precinct
in bringing around Ibis Independent slrong-
hold back lo iho fold. *
< > . lid Hid 1'i'opli !
On riM ) , NebOct. , ! S7. , .Spenlal to Tin :
EB. I Word was rccelveil hero jostoidav
from republican heaaquartors that lion.
Moiklojohn would have to cancel
his dnte hnro Monday , October 81 , but would
speak at Nowmnn's Urovo on that day. This
is a gioat dis ippolntniunt to the people here ,
for oven body was anxious to hoar Melulo
John. Nevertheless bo will recolva n laigo
vote hero. Prof. John A. Knander , TJ l-i.U , ,
of Chicago , will speak at the opera uouso
hero Saturday afternoon nt 2 p. in. In the
Swedish language , .j _
Jn Srcitli F'.Inll County.
Neb , Oct. 27. | Sneclal to THE
DrB.J Hon. Jaipos Wliilehead addrcssea
the people of Sotts Bluff county at Uorlng
Monday , a largo aad onthuslastlo crowd
being In attendance. [ A uuricod uontrast
was noticeable bouvepn bis plain and manly ,
fair and dlspassionaio rovlow of the Issues
and tbo rampant calamity talk of ( Coin when
ho japoko hero ; ' and this fact was gnnorally
commented upon by men of all parties. Ho
will cot a Uirgo number of democratic and in
dependent votes In .tfii } county.
Tliarnuclily DUvii . U tint OuoHtlonu.
LIONS , Nqb , Oct. 7 , [ Special Telograra
to Tin : BBC.J 'JnOirtipublican tally hero to
night waj a Kraid ( success. Hon. N. 1C.
Urlfc'L'H of Beatrice Ufcllvorcd an able address
on thoUsuos of tbp.cainpaign. Bands , ac
companied by largo , crowds , frmn Ponder ,
Oakland aud Bancroft were present. Tbo
political questions hayo bcon moio thoroughly
dUcussed lu ihla county Ihis fall than over
before * , Republicans ate confident of victory
in tbla county , '
Good WorK ol Colonel Jones.
( joruuMiuno , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special
Telegram toTiiRBeii.j Colonel A. A. Jones ,
tbo colored orator , spoke to a largo audience
tit the opera house last night. lie made a
coed nuturcd , logical argument. Ho on-
thuscd the republicans , converted tbo domo-
ciats , aud gathered } .ho Independents Into the
republican folJy | *
l kliuriT 1/umotriUH Moot.
ElKHOiiv , i\leb , Oct. 27. [ Special Tolo'
gram to TUB HBE. ] Judge Uoano addressed
tbo democrats of this vicinity nt Brack's
hall this ovuung on the tariff question.
Major DavJi. Vf. S. fiboemakcr and William
Olmstead also addressed tbo meeting ,
There tvcro a largd number of republican !
pretont ,
Iruost Kunnoth of Mclrose , 111. ) is tlio Last
V.oiiin ,
To Secure Vitluibln I'.iport in the Old
ro > F Hliin ( ll\c Oiuisit ( urtlio
Dccil It ltc cinbli < s tliu
nui'll Case.
, 111 , , Oct. 27. An atrocious mur
der , resembling in many lespccts the
slaughter four years ago of Amos .1 bncll ,
was committed last night nt Mel rose , n sta
tion on the Chicago & Northwestern road
twctxo miles from this city The victim
was Hi nest Kunnulh , an aged Herman capi
talist , who lived by himself , bad no rncmlcs
nud bora nn excellent roujtiitlon us n good
cilbcn , Ivuunoth always kept coiisiiUrablo
rnonov In tbo house , but none of It was
touched. Tbo murderers , for there woio two
of them , did not commit thociimo for rob
bery but to gain possession of seine docu
ments which , the old nun Irul. A box con
taining thcsa papers was iho only thing
carried away.
Snw u Ilunlblc Mclit.
At 10 o'clocic Diotrccbt Woechlor , who Is n
tcnnant of Kuuncth's called nt the bouso to
pay his rant. Ha knocked repeatedly nt iho
door , but received no response. Ha then tried
it , and finding It unlocked , wnlkod In. In
the dining room close bcsido the table sit
ting In 1m chair was ICunneth Ills head
nnd face were covered with blood and iho
room was literally covered with dark red
stums. A swift and powe.'ful blow had
cleft the old man's skull clean * to the eye
brows. Ho never thought or moved uflor
the Instrument ot death came down.
The alarm was quickly given and a search
f i the premises mado. In the Kitchen was
found tbo weapon which had gone crashing
through the old man's Dram. It was a hugo
corn linlfo with n blade fourteen inches
loug , broad and heavy. So fen lul had been
tbo blow thai Iho heavy steel was Milvercd
and ciackel half acioss. Upon the tabio
stood u bottle of gin aud glasses. Tivo
chairs were facing that In which
the blood-stained coipso was fouud ,
showing that two men must have
been with ICunnutti when tlio deed
wns done. Two halt-smoked pipes wcro
lying near Ibo bolllo of gin Aiound tno
nouso were maiks ot gory hands und of feet
wet with blood. Uraweis bird been pulled
open and Ihfilr conlonts overturned. Upon
atmost everything the muidoiois touched
thev loft the stnin of their victim's blood
Money they had found , for It Inv ru opo.r
bight when Wocchter cnlcrol the hojse , but
it was not touched. The only thing inlssloc
ivus the tin box In which ICunneth kept bis
lapers und w bleb was nlwa\s beneath bis
Only u Slight Clc to HIP Muiil < u < > r .
There Is at urcseut only 0110 clew to the
jiurdcrers. Mrs. George Johns , a neighbor
it Kunnoth's , saw him last night in company
ivilh n German who had been hangum
iron nil the \ lllacra all day. Ho claimed to bo
rom the same town lu Germany as Kunnulb.
lid thov became very friendly. They woio
cen by Mrs. Johns lo enter Iho old man's
101110 and Ihut was tbo last lima ho was soon
allvo. Ho Is supposed to bo ono of the mur
derers , Of Iho contents of the tin box
nothing is known , save that it contained
ill tbo deeds to the old man's property ,
us notes and mortgages. ICunneth bad
n his possession seine valuable papers in-
olyitiff the title of nnestatniii Wuucmbiuir ,
Germanj1. In which ho was Interested. These
could not bo lound last nighj , aud il Is sup
posed IhHl they too WPIO carried away.
Cunuoth biiid some months ago that parties ,
.vlioso namps ho did not give , were cndcavor-
ng to obtain thcso pupeis fiom him , but
haD be had declined to give them up Ills
supposed that ho lost his life in the attempt
o retain them.
lu\vu I\tiiLl > ly Mnincil lima > l n-rinullj
I'HIIIK II ) < illl I ,
DvvrM'OiiT , la , Oct. ' , ' 7. [ Special Tele-
ram lo Tut , Ui t : ] William II. Causdalo
was sent to Iho Auamosu penitentiary fiom
noru this uiornlntr , santouccd to tnieo years
For seducing Mary Stratton by means of n
false mairlago. Ho foiged the innrrluso
ccrtlficato and tbo nanys of Iho witnesses ,
and had au unknown accomplice act us cler-
gj man under the name ot Kuv. K. M. Sto-ie.
It now develops tbat he haa a wife in Van
couver , married in the same waj July 4 ,
IS'JI. Her marrtUL'j ceilillcato Is like that
of Miss Stratton and made out in the biuiio
hand. Ihe cltrgyman there was Uov. ] j. LJ
Stone. This woman states th it Cansdulo has
another wife at Cordova , 111 , , aud a lourth
ono at Columbus , O.
.SIOUX Cllj'rt > LU 'MlllH.
Sioux CmIT ! , Oct. S7. | Special Tolo
iam to Tun Bui : j The Honus-Millnor Milt
riR company is being reorgaui/od at this
place with foiclgn and some local capital ,
and will incorporate with n paid up capital
stock of ? J5,000. ItjiiU build a mill with n
cuiilv capacity of l.nuo barrels of Hour and
an olvator v. Uh U00,000 bushels capacity in
addition to the mill now owned by tbo Bonus
company will. 500 baiiols daily capicltj.
Thiity Email ulevatois will bo built by tbo
company on the Missouri ilvor and South
Dakota roads , for the puipose of gathctlng
wheat nnd doing u general elevator business.
The Huwlfoyos Milling company , recently
organized hero to grind South Dakota
wheat In ought hero by boat , let u contract
this evening for tbo erection of n mill of
1,000 , baujeh dully c Dauitv to cost § 10J,000.
Clojo ol tliu ChrUtiiui l.ncli'innr Mrctlug
Ctinit Hu'li'S , la. , Oa * . ' ) ; . | bpoclil Tel
egram to Tun HRU.J The convention of the
low a Ch i isllan Endeavor soclelyvas brouch
to n close today. The following ofllccis were
chosen for the ensuing joar : I'londont
Uov. J , II. Wright , U'est Liberty ; yicoprei.
Idents , iloy. G. C Houry , JJos Molnes
T. B. Mclt-iu , Cedar Uipids ; Tilll
Atkinson , Iowa Tails ; W. W. Beech
president of the Sioux City union ,
Edward McIJanlols , Cedar Rapids ; Besslu
G , Clark , Fmrneld ; Hi. Francis Carothors ,
Ues Moines ; secretary , Miss K Hello Slow-
art , Cedar Uuplds ; treasurer , Otto C. Beoh-
man , Chorokoo. The next meeting will bo
bold at Museallno.
iatlin.lnllur tlui Slip ,
1'ovot , Neb. , Oct. " 7. [ Special Tologrom
to Tun Hiir.l Between It ! and S o'clock this
morning James liowtnnn , who\vas u prisoner
confined In the county Jail here , convicted of
grand larceny and awaiting soutonco to bo
pasted October 23 , escaped from the court
house where ho was > temporarily lodged. Anew
now Jail is being constructed , and while tbo I
cells were being removed the prisoner ; were
lodged lu tbo court loom , Bowman , by nils-
ing a window and sulnglnt ; out on a tree ,
guo bis keeper the slip.
MlnUtors Mvut at I'onrn.
PO.SCA , Neb. , Oct. 27 , [ Special to Tin ;
lire. ) The now Lutheran church , tocontly
dedicated at thU place , is now ; beiui : ocou-
pled by iho Nebraska synod , which opened
Tuesday etonm ; . About forty of tbo clergy
are In attendunee and moro are expected.
W. 1. . . Kemsbcrg of Uoatrico presides ,
JSIR 1 Irlil ul I'otntOKi ,
IxiyALE , Nob. , Oct. 2T. ' [ Spocal ! Tele-
pram to Tin : DEIS , ] Mr. Ij. U. Olrasteai ) , a
farmer living balf a mjlo from hero , has Just
flnlshcd digging four acres of potatoes that
yielded 1'jSO bushels.
.MudUou'H Church Tiinl.
MADISO.V , Nob. , Oct. 27 , [ Special to TUB
BEU. | Another chapter lias been added to
the Grlswnla-IItitchlinou case , llolh fami
lies nro members of thn flautist church here.
Gnswold profprrrd charges npninst Hutch-
luson and n church triul was hid before n
board of three initiators nitroed upon. The
board did notsutttnin the charges ,
IA I ,
TlirotiK to lU-.u Illin .liihn r.
I Innerlj AUii Sipil | , < ,
PKitf , Ind , Oct 27. ( lovonior William
Mclvlnloy of Ohio nddroaaoit the people of
the Clovonlh district In this
cltv ihls nflor-ioon , rooolvlug nn ovation
The business houses und residences weio
elaborately decorated with bunting , llhvood
tin mid banner * . Thirty thousand people
came In from within a radlin ot fifty mlloj.
Special railroad trains wcro run. ( iovernor
McKinley reviewed the procoislon from the
hotel b.ilcom , und at o'c'ock ' ho addressed
iho laree nudtonco which thronged tbo Im
mense cltcus lent l\ir over an hour Me-
Klnlcy discussed the InrilT and cuironey is
sue * , lining Interrupted frequently with nc-
lucndoui appliuso.
Tonight there wa another par.nlo of \ Islt-
ing clubs , nnd John V. Tlnnorty of Chlcaoo
ndilrosscd another tent full of people ou the
lurllT nnd currency ( luoslloiis , und tncidont-
nllv appotlod to the Irish \otor3losupport
tha lepubllcau ticket.
Clny Out01' * ItiiunliiR Unllj.
Cl * Ci STI.II , Neb . Oct. -Special [ to
Tun nti. [ A rousing lepitblic.m moating
wns held here last evoninir nddrossod by
Hon. D. A. ScovlUof Aurora , nud thu legis
lative candidates. The largo coin t roam was
packed to Its full capacity. The Harrison
cavalry , with toichos , cave a siioit exhibi
tion drill in the stieot and the ( .iloo club fur
nished some excellent music. This meeting
wns only advertised locally , but the wav tbo
paonlo turned out nnd the enthusiasm mani
fested , fully demonstrates tint conditions
bavo been completely icvcisod slnco iwo
> ears go. The spc rkors made strong points
in the discussion of all thu loading questions
before the peoplo.
Members of the republican club hero have
signed a petition asking the congressional
committees to arrnngo forii Joint debate hero
bdtwcon Andrews nnd McKelgbati.
1VU Ol thc'IlllU CdlMl I'llMPIll.
PAWNTI : CIT\ , Neb , Oct 27. - [ Spacln
lelegram to Tnr. Bi.r. | The InCopendont
rally here this aftouioon was a humllintinrr
disappointment lo lire nopullsts who antici
pated a surp-Ulng outpouring of the pjoplo
The nuotuu h r I bJJii u 1jrtUo 1 fowjJki
but when tbo day came and the procession
had 101 mod nt the fair croauds and mnrchod
down the principal streets of the oitv , It was
found to contain bv actual count less than
bKty voters from the twelve urecmcts of the
counlv. Mr. Greene of Kearney w-ns the
sporkerofthe day nud made thu ivoragc
independent talic rtilhout creating thu least
favorable rmprossion ouUld ? his own lanks.
The tally \ \ . not us lar u by one-half ns
two jcais ago.
Krpulllli Ills \t < loiloii < .
Nenronr , U I , Oct 27. In tbo municipii
election hero , Hortoa-republican , is elected
tmuorovcr Henridemocnt and the present ,
incumbent , by a majoirt } offottj si\inntolal
\otoof 3,370 Tlio republic 1'is ' nl-o elected
thrco out of flvo aldermen and ton out of fif
teen councilman , thus civing thorn control of
both branches of Iho council.
Mis. C'.iiNiin t'onlessps lh t She ICillpd
Hpr Infant Last August.
A woman giving iho name ot Christina
Carlson nndhoricsidoncoasNoituTwentielh
street visited the polica stition late yester
day afternoon and confessed to Mitron film-
mines that she ha 1 murdered her 4-months-
old child about the 1st of August last. Tha
matron listened pitieully lo the storv , and
requested that she bo tempoianli detained
whllo the matter was being investlg .tod.
By referring to the records It was found
that a child died of cholera infaiitum about
the date given bv MrCarlson and was
bulled , ns Iho deitb ceitifleato w is signed
bv a reputable physician.
The woman sud that she fed thcJnfant
sour ui'.lk purposely -vith the intention of
ending its life. Very little ciedonco Is
placed In the story by the police , as they
think the woman is deranged Au investi
gation will be made today.
Ilililj-Tiiiril OoKioij Hen Mi-ul. .mil Kloi t
OIllLPI- .
NEW Yoinc , Oct. n.Thp -.up.-omn council
of sovereign grand Inspectors general of tbo
tbirty-thlid mid last dogioj. Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Ulto of the United Stales
of America , tholr territories and depsndon-
cios , at iheir session loday \ \ \ iho German
Masonic temple in this city , elected tha fol
lowing grand olcei ( ! - Sovereign fraud
commander , John J. Cionnan of Xuiv V'ork ;
lleutonaiu piaud comimnder , William A.
Hcrshlserof Ohio ; minister ot ttato. <
villo A. IVainbeof Michigan ; maud prior ,
Henry D. MooreD.IJ. . , of Cincinnati , gianc
treasurer , David W. Thompioii of Connect !
cut : grand bocretary , John Harker
of Brooklyn ; keeper of Uio nicluvcs. llop .
kins Thompson of New York ; master general
oral of tl.o camp , Wlllaid C. Vaiuioilip of
Boston : grand marshal gcneta ! , Isaac I1 ,
Gr.iham of Conm'ctlcut ; stand.iul bearer , U
JunltiH Edwards of Miniiosota ; giaud cip
tain of the guard , Olivet- . Bilgua of Scut ,
tie ; grand mawhals ofitho oiinp. r , . .1 13ab
cook of O in uli a , A. T. Andeison of Clovul.ind
Major \V. Bayless of Washington , U. C.
vii iitaKH \ \ iin i tirr.i.i r , '
ol un Iimmlp or Hut \.inlilon
S. l > , < 'lIUOIIt ,
, S. D. , Out.,27special [ Tele
gram toTm : Br.K. ] Agnci ( iinsHpr , n inoiii
ner of the order of Hlsteis of Mcicy vvh
conduct the Sacred Hoait rynvent in thl
city , has uppoalol to the King's Daughters , a
claims to have boon driven from the con
ohurltublo oruilatinn , for assistance. She
vent oy tbo cruelty of Iho pilosls
and mother sunoilor of that Institution ,
and is destitute nnd nllhout friends ,
bho has bpon u member of this order Ior four
jenrs , nnd for u year past has beou too 111 to
\\oik. Tbo convent authorities Bought to
compel her to assist in iho Inborn about tha
establishment , she asserts , and when alro de
clined locked bur In the room and fed her
bread and vvntur , She appears half starved ,
nnd is reluctant about tolling her storlcH ,
The convent people say she Is demented , and
deny her cnurgos ot cruelty. Sno loft ttio
establishment stealthily ou Tnuuday mornIng -
Ing duiiug the hour foi pi ay era , and has
found a temporal y homo ivith u neighbor.
11L.I/.K A I' J'JtK.\IO.\ \ I ,
Suiiill Itnllillngi ) llunitd to tliu
< liomul TliIn
FiiEMONr , Nob. , Out , 28. [ Special 'lolo-
grain lo Tin ; BBI : . | Tlio frame bulldlngoc-
cupiod by Charles lomlcr acd tilled with
furnituio. valued nt J'i.OOO and lusuiod for
{ 1,000. nod the frame building adjoining on
tbo east and occupied by William Bruner as
a job printing office , valued at 1,000 and In
sured tor ? 5JO , and the other half of tbo
building , occupied by John Hoover uj a bar
ber shop , and who lived In the second story ,
bis proper ly valued at i-IOJ wilh $500 Insur
ance , were totally destroyed by the botwoou
I und 2 o'clock this morning. Cause of lire
uot Known. _
Movement * ot < ) i uini MUUIUM.
At nremerbttvcn AiuyedTroyo , from
Now York.
At Uenoa Arrlrod rulda. fiom Nu\v
Situation at the Onrmaux Mines Ila ? Bo-
cbuio Decidedly Critical.
Troops \\I1I Nut \\lthdi.i\vii 'I III til *
SI en Itntnrii t Uorli IV.irs Tlml
n iUot Mill iiiiio : _
llin SUitiUliin.
l IS'i ) In Jnnio llunlon lloimntt 1
PAHH , Oct. 27. ( Now York Herald
Cnblo Special to Tun Br.i'.j Tlio situation
ntCuimauxis aggravated nud icsUesincs *
prevails. Uvorybody looks serious. The
cipltul is becoming ntigry. Tlio Counsel
d'Adiiitiilstrnuou Ucs Mmes do Carmaux de
cided today that In vow of tbo piotoctlou
cecoid-d the minors not to piy the regular
dividends whllo the situation romtuns un
changed. There Is money cnouph , however ,
to [ > av the dlvUcnds leull/od on the j cur's
Pot the llrst tlmo inonoy Is tanged Inbattlo
against labor. There wiis a lively sc'cno tn
the Chamber of Deputies ted iv. The chum-
bcr refused the demand tundo b.tlio . radicals
for amnesty and the withdrawal of the
troops. 'J'ho ministry Insists that the men
Btiull go buck to uork bofoio the tioops ate
If S.OIDO means of conciliation bo not
quickly found It la foarou that \vo bhall
l.nvo vollo\s of musketry at C-umaux.
.1 u\ t 1-5 Sr. Ci IIK.
ri\c .Millions Secured lor the Itrpulillo
llirmmh u U.irN
t'o'JTlKlitoil | Is'J lj Jnmin ( Sordini II Mtnctt 1
Vu I'AttuM ) , Chili ( via Galveston , Tox. ) ,
Oct. 27.Uy | Mexican Cable to the Now
Vnrk Horalil Special to Tin : BM'It | has
been nnnounc.d In Montevideo Hint n loan
of ? T ,000OJO lias boon concluded \\lth the
IMiU syndicate and that $ . ' 0,000 has boon
oposttcu us , i guarantee Tno mimes of the
> yndlcato liavu not yet boon made public and
beta Is GOIPO doubt us to the truth of lliu tm-
ounconier.t. It U u fant , however , that the
Urugiun an gov < Mn incut has signed a conltact
vuii Senor Hauia. u Chilian , for $1,000,000
i sil\or with an outlon ol $ J,0)0,000 ) more , at
' 0 cents on the dollar , with coinage ut the
! hllian mint.
A Cut ions storm has swept over Monte *
tdoo , wrecking many boats. The loss of
ifo lias boon Unnvv. Senor Costn has not
eft Buenos A ) res for Sintngo del 1'stro
et. Ho has been uetalr.od to receive tno
mal orders of the governm nt. The rovom-
lomsts hove called for now elections , which
hey guarantee will bo free and unrestricted.
A. revolution , headed by thu son ex-l'tosidcnt
pc/ , is hourly expected in Asconcion ,
? araguav. The Bolivian congress has passed
x law fixing the ptesltlontial term ut four
oirs. '
Yellow fuvcr Is on the increase at Sanloij
Brazil. ,
itiviV nmiT.
Serious Troitlilo l.ikulr lo Urow Out of Uio
1'ri'iinli Mining Troubles.
I'vitis , Oct. 27. Sovonty-thioo radical
ncmbcrs of the Uhainbor of Ujputios , in-
clud'ng Clouicneo.iu , 1'olletan and Mllloaud ,
o rcpiosont the striking Cnrmaus minois ,
held a meeting today nud docitled to domahd
amnesty for tlio strikers who wore con
demned for ilotlu ; ; .
Tbo Ch.imher of Deputies today by n vote
of HJ1 to lib rejected a motion to grant am
nesty to the convicted Cannaux dolors. It
also rojuclcd by , i vote of IIO'J ' to ! ) J , after n >
full dlscussio'1 , invited by the eovcinmont , u
notion to withdraw the tioops now nt Car-
M. Maiccic , a former minister of the intoner -
toner , commenting upon the situation grow-
in ; : outof the strike , declared thattho tioublo
was now almost certain to end in gunshots.
A meeting of the striking miners at Cur-
iiuux wns held tonieht , at which har
angues \vcro undo by socialist deputies ,
u ho urged the mon to insist upon LOinnleto
nmnoaty for tlio convicted in I inns. The
meeting adopted a resolution to continue Uio
suiko until all the strikers are reinstated.
Minneapolis Mills Again Ho n Ills ; Weelt'i
Win k.
MiNMiAi'oi is , Minn. , Oet , 27. The Northwestern -
western Miller says : There was a small
increase in the amount of Hour ground last
WOP ! : , the ilguros coming next lo the unpre
cedented report of the week ended Oolooer
8. The total was 231.1(50 ( bairols , or 117,410
barrels daily. The week before ths output
wns 121,1)70 ) barrels ; foi1 the corresponding
time In Ib'JI , 2U1.720 barrels. No disposition
is shown to slacken the Immense pnco nt
which tha mills are running , UH the
same twonly are going ngaln this week
nt a rate representing between J7,000
nnd ! iSOuO bin els for ovorv woniinff
iluv. In the prt'Ksuro to get truftlo eastward
before Ibo close of navigation n dccldod
scarcity of curs has developed and mlllora
nro bavins ; a gioat deal of trouble to soouro
enough to handle thoii output. The past
week the ilour market has bcon pretty dull
and the mills hnvo ptobably not made moro
than er.ouch sales lo offsol half the output ,
Thu direct exports last week were bll,7."iO
barrels ( ignliiftiJI,2"jl ( barrels the week be-
foio , London quotations per 2SO pounds ,
c. i. f , , are : I'alonts , 0s ( Jd ; hakois' , ISs Ud
to 20 : , ; low grades , lls lid lo ll.'s.'Jd.
c i//// > our i in : rum * INVI\
Sail I nun l o'lhluld Slin U'lll Attnln : i > eil
llnr ( Miiiniilti u of Miliity ,
SAN 1'iivscisco , Cnl. , Out. 'jr. The noopla
of this city weio Hturlled tonlcht at loading
tlio following adyertlsomsnt In au evening
paper ; "J'lio lC\ocutno Comnuttoo of
Safety will moot Saturday nit-ht at 7 o'clock.
Punctual and prompt attention In ro-
ijucstcd , "
' 111In is the aauio committee of safety
which Hiibducd the ICoainoy sand lot tloh In
1877 , and It is thought the mooting has been
called to taxo notion lit lognrJ to election
frauds , which It is thought , may bo at
tempted on election duy , Mombois of the
committee nru sworn to bucropy and nothing
dullnito oan bo learned.
In Fiirnlgn ( iolil.
Six FiiANCltico , Cal. , Oct. 27.TL
steamer Mariposa arrived from Sidney via
Auckland , Apia and Honolulu today. Amonir
the cargo was 100,009 sovereigns for the
Anglo-Oultfornla uank end 100.0JO more for
London , Purls and American banks ,
A rumor Is current that It Is likely that
the HrltUU government will annex Samoa
or ut least declare a protectorate , though
heretofore it was generally understood that
ivhon King Uoorgo of Tonga died JJnglaud ,
would take that island and Usrmuuy Samoa.
Mutlicidlut Hjilaoiiml | IIUIiojii.
Ni'Yoitif , Oct. U7. The bi-annual eon
foronco of the board of bishops of the Methodist -
odist Hplscopal cnurch was convened In the
bishop's room of the Moihudlst Boo ; ! pub
lishing building this afternoon. 'J'ho moil
Important business before tha board la tbo
assigiuneui of conferences to the various
Ulitiops for the ensuing six months. Atnoarf
the bishops in attendance are : Hlahop
Henry W. Warren of Univor lty Park , Colo. ,
Ulsiipp John II. Vincent of Topeka. Hlsnop
John P. Newman of Oumha ana Mls
Hlihop James M. Tuoburn of CulculU ,