8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : WEDNESDAY. OnTOKKU 20. 1SD2-TWELVE PAGES OMAHA SHOULD CONTROL IT President Cable's Perthisn' Suggestion Cono.raing the Union Depot. IT MAY CHANGE THE WHOLE ASPECT HP IhlnlM tlio llnck Uliuid nntl Ollirr ItnailK Arn intltloiJ : tit Cumlilernllim -Somn Are l.lclit' li"t "IT- Itntitlno Coiincll W' rk. And now the Kock Island Hallroid com pany has taken n hand in the union depot controversy. Uiidor date of October 19 , President Cable of that company wrote Mayor Hcralsi upon the subject. At the mooting last night the mayor submitted the letter to the council. The letter reads as follows : "My attention has been called tothoroport ol thu special committoa appointed by your council on thu the subject of a union depot m your city. "I , perhaps , may bo pardono.l for sugaost- Inir that , In view of past occurrence ! In con nection with this subject , the omission from the proposed adjustment of all reference to or reservation of any control by the council of the matter of admitting other companies Into this depot. Bcomsshori sighted. "J bodty of Omaha by thU plan Is granting valuable privileges unit conceding important rights , and this gr.int and concession are to bo embodied in n contract between the city and the companies named in this report. Should the contract bo finally executed , then , like every other contract , It sneaks for Itself ; thicltv will have untcicd inlo It pro- mimptlvoly. only lifter insisting uuon ovor.v right It deserved to assort. Thera- ufter , should your city iiollovo it to its municipal Interest , or the advantage and convenience of the citizens and traveling public , that other roads should bo admitted Into the depot , you cm only beg HVo nnv out- Bide party , Instead of command , us It should bo In your power to do. Other cities retain n voice in a moans of enforcing through the exercise of municipal powers , the admission At other companies , when they grunt privi leges relating to union depots. Kock IilnndVunts I'nitcctlnn. "Tho company I represent operates an im portant line to"nnd through your city , mak ing It one of the chief points of commerce be tween lha lakes ana the mountains. I can icarcely duubt that Omaha would not doslro that the trains of this company should bo one * that should not use this depot. "It Is true that by u contract made between - tween this company and the Union Pnclllc company the latter undertakes to secure to tbts company the right to lisa the iiiilcn passenger station , unon terms ns favor able us thoio which shall bo accorded to any other company , but vou will suRlcloiitly re call recent history to roallzo that this 1s not n vcrv " practical rljht , anil prou- nbly. only"to bo enjovcd , like others In the jnmo contract , under the mandate of a court. The legality of the contract is dsnied by that company , its par- formanco refused , and , in fnct. much of the trouble your cltv has oxporlencoa in having the depot pushed to completion grow out of tbo fact that naturally the municipality and the people were not in sympathy with the position of the Union 1'ncllio company , touching the performance of that contract. "If it bo said that it is to the interest of the Union Pacillo company to admit other Companies , there are several answers. In the llrst place , the terms that would make It to the Interest of that company lu the opin ion of Its ofllcors , might and probably would not bo satisfactory to this company , and should there bo a distgrcemoiit , the courts would have to decide. In the next place , the events of the past year show that the affairs of that rompany are not always ad ministered with ref m'nce to its bout inter ests. It is to tlio Interest of no ono. neither corporation nor Individuals , to Ignore solemn contracts , and yet , that has been done by the Union Pacillc company. It Is to the inter est of lie ono to comnol the building of two railways and Iwo bridges , where ono will servo "equally as well. The courts of this countrv have said this was true , nnd yet the Union "Pnclllo has sought to compel this very course. You cannot rolv , therefore , that the company I represent will bo admitted to the union depot , beoinso it may bo to the obvious Intorrsts of tbo Union Puclllc compiuy thnt It should not be admitted . Omulm blionld Heierve Control. "Moreover , If there Is any security In this It Is not rendered less BO by the city ol Omahix reserving In thl * solemn contract tin power In caxm of dlsputo or refusal to oxer clso authority In tao promises. "I reapectf jlly urge , therefore , that bofon this report shall bo adopted and Its terms em bodied In a con tract , there shall bosuoh addi tion made to It as shall retain In tlio hands o the council some potent and suflluicnt volc < In this most vital ana important matter Buch cou we would bo consistent with wha waa done on tbo same subject ln > the orl lna contract. If It was wise to retain this con trol then , why is it any less so now } Jndcea everything that has transpired since th' ' original contract was drawn , emphasi/es th necessity nnd wisdom of retaining in th municipal control this matter of the n'lims slon of other Hues to the privileges of thl union depot. The firm and atrong baud o the city of Omaha , availaDlo in the enforce ment of such privilege , as it would be if thl control U assorted and conceded i this proposed now contract , would always b a mo.H persuasive factor In all controvor&lc that shall urlso. The Interest of your city i that of the whole public. Its protection by voice reserved to It in the practical working of this contract would bo most effective n should bo guarded and preserved. "It. It. CADI.C. " Tbo communication was rolurrod to tn special committee , which now has the done question under consideration. Shut UtrSumn Are The mavor had something to say regard jng tb location of arc 'lights. Ho nouohe bis remarks in the follpwing language : "I return herewith , without my approval resolution No. 05 of October 4 , ordering n nro licbt at the Intersection of Twonty-tifi and Chicago streets. This location is "on th line between the Fourth and Kighth ward ; "Thoro uro two reasons why I have nc approved this resolution. "First The Eighth word was not nllotc any are lights when the allotment was mud by the council. Notwithstanding that fac the Elnhth ward has ordered and ha received eight are lights. The Fourt ward was allotted six lights anu has ordcro seven. Conscunontly , neither ward has an lights to its credit. In tact , notaslnglo war lu the city has an ara li' ht to Its crodlt , A h ve drawn tholr full quota nnd a total ( twenty-four lights have boon ordered In oj ccas of the numboi'-ajtrcca upon by the com ell at ttio bo lnnlng of the year , 'Second The condition of the Hghtin fund will not warrant any increase in it number nf lights at this time ; on the coi trary , the cloiost ecoi.omy 1 nccosssary di Ing the remainder of tbo voar In ovd to nvold a largo overlap. An estimate base on the September bills for lighting shows deficiency of nearly f" > , OJO In the llphtlt fund which must come out of th ) goner fund , lu view at the fact that the Roner fund will bo drawn upon very largely toalto up ilailcleuclos lu other directions corns inadvisable , at this time , la incren the deficiency In tbe lighting fund to an u necessary extent. " The veto was sustained byaunanlrao Vote , There were votocs against locating t lights In too First and Sixth wards. T reasons wcro the saino as these expressed tbo former message. The vutoes wore m talced. Home l.lilln llilnct I.nitkml Alter , Tlio ruaypr Dominated O. A Scott to bo pccioron pertnunciit tldowiilhi , laid by | futu Individual , 'lha nppclnlimmt J Ct ( | lf U WO Of 0 10 T , It W4 III ( HI ferrfU la tlio coinrnllt ) on tlilnwulk * u , bridge * Tim street coin'uiuloncr ctliixl attanll to tlio fucv ttist to'jio i/iorcn nrn rorillnu brruklne down ttiu cro < w ) ! < i , Thocomi orilrreit'protccutlbni in all tuoli r e . Jklie II. Well * 101 red pollen Ihut the 1 unUlncd pnrtoual nijurlo * by falling a dcfcctlro w lk at Ttvrnllulh anil WoOi trc l , llor Qttarnny wrulu dial tUuro v n Uwtult In iltfbt. John Butior , ihu man M'/iotn / bonci I Into the wul ) ut Bovcutetiiuli and Ceil troati , demanded tbo payment of 1-VW. tbat tbo well wui a uiiuunce , cut Ithad not been ho would not have loithln horses. Ttio city nnglnanr was nutborlzed to fit up a blue print room In the city hall. Mr. Steel's resolution , rcquostlnir the council , the engineer and the attorncv , to gether with the candidates for the legisla ture and tha taxpayers , to mcotln the coun cil ctmmbjr each Monday afternoon to dis cuss proposed charter amendments , was adopted. The resolution authorizing the Hoard of Health to lay off onn of tbo meat Inspectors was adopted , Uniitt mi Orillimncn Dortorcd. The sealer of weights and measures wrote to the council , s\\tni { that ho was of the opinion th it the ordinance under which ho operated should bo amended. It should pro- vlilo that ho should titwo the power to rowuluh load * of morchandUo In tran sit ; that approaches to wagon scales should bo on u level with the stro a ; that all weights nnd measures should bo mtdo to conform to the standard and a penalty should bo linpotuil on nnv person makltisr fulso weights or ino.isurt's ; that the ortlcor should h.wo polc.i ! authority ; tint tin ofllcershoVlld b3 salaried and the ices turned over to the cltv treasury. Mr Hpecht tnovail thut the vote by which Chnrloy lii'l op wns lot out as an Inspector bo reconildered , lioforn the motion secured n second , Mr. S'col sild that Itukeop was drunk most of the time ; thnthospant whnlo days In bumtnlng and camp.iUnlng , and then turned in a bill to tbu cltv , oil irgititf up full tuno. After that Mr. Spacht's motion never dlil get a second. Mr. I'rlnco concluded th.U it was the pro- par time to llnd f.vull with Oimha'a coat of arms. Ho remarked that ho hat observed that the council chain liar decorator was milk- in ! : prt'pur.itlmis to p.ilnt the picture of n slclc Slonx Mp.uv ami n frontier horse thief on thu wall behind thu projlde'it'a chair. The pmsldont su costod to Mr. Prluco that the coat of arms had been adopted and that It was lee lute to m.iko any change. The sum of $ ' ) O'JJ w.u ordered lalton from the roMl and transferred to the street com- inii loiior'.i fund. Tlio city attorney was Instructed to draft an orJlimnco to roiluco tha llt'onso of street stands from (5 to $1 per month. Tliol'Jiil ) ; received from Douglas county was ordered placed to the credit of the city road fund , On the opening of Twontv-slxth street ' from tbo north line of Nclso'n's addition to CiiUhvell street , tbo appraisers raportod $0,403. The property owners stated that thov would wait for p'lvment until the city could levy n tax nnd collect the amount , The report wns adopted. The ordinance amending Iho ruins of the Board of Health was passed. This ordin ance cnrtaiU the pownr of the boird by pro hibiting the lilllng of wells in certalu lac.Ul- ties. ties.Uy ordinance. Seventeenth street , from Fiirnurn to Dodsto , was ordered paved with vltrillud brloit. "Uamlsomn is thnt handsoino does , " nnd If Hoods Snrsaparilla doesn't do haiulsomely then uotuiug else docs. Hsvo vou ever tried " ill Clillilron'n Clunk Sale. The most vnriod and stylish school garments. A positive saving of 25c on the dollar. Look nt these children's clonks nt $1.05 , $11.00 , $2.50 , 83.00 , $3.50 iiml 84.00. Infiints' shawls , cloaks and wraps at special low pricus , MAMMOTH SALE OF LADIES' GAR MENTS. 350 fine kersey and cloth jnckoU at 84.00 , actual value $0.50 to $7.50. 200 ladioa' worklnjr jacket * at $3.50 , worth 85. Ladies' full dress jackets at $8.00 , worth $10.00. Ladies' fur trimmed jackets at 86.75 , worth $8.00. ' Greater reductions in fine garments , every article marked in plain tljjuros. One price to all. This is the crowning sale of the season - son its regards price and quality , to bay nothing of the enormous stock and splendid variety to select from. MILLINKUY DEPARTMENT. Wonderful sales in stylish ralllinerv. Ladies' fur felt hats at 50c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.2.5 up to 82.50. Fine fancy feathers nt 5c , lOo , 15c and 25c. Ostrich feathers and tips in all grades. Imported millinery ribbons , ornaments and line trimmings. 1IAYDEXS BROS. , Dry goods and carpets. Uninil Army Appointment ! * . MiuvAUKEn , VVis. , Oct. W. Comuander- In-Chief Weissert of the Grand Army , will today Issue general order No. 'Jfrom national headquarters in this city , In which he will announce the appointment of the five mem bers of his oftlolal family , as follows : Ad jutant general. E. B. Gray , Milwautioo ; quartermaster general , John Taylor. Phila delphia ; Inspector general , George LJ. Good- ate , Boston ; assistant adjutant genaral , J. L. Mention. Chicago ; senior HiricdocamL''erd ' H. Honors , Detroit. The nppolntinout of a judge advocate is still to bo announced. The coramandt-r-in- clilof outlines ttio policy of hli administra tion , which Is to be a vigorous ono In the In terest of Increasing tbo mcmoersblp of the order. He also gives prominence to the rnlo in the tun'Jamontal law of tno order which for bin 3 me dlsousaion of partisan politics in meetings of Iho organization. - OP IJoWltt'abarsapariUa cioiinies tns blooa , increases the appatite and touoi up thusys- tem. It has hQiiotltoJ many poopla who have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. Hnritmii Kiiving * llnnlc. Since the German American Savings bank has gone out of businobs the Gor man Savings bank , located at Ull South 15th street , Karbach block , is now the only Gorman savings institution in the city. Deposit your money with them and got interest. Coiinti-rrolt Ssilvur Ortlflciito. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oat. 23. The secret service division has discovered a counterfeit of the now Isuuo of the (3 sliver certificate 18SO , check letter B2235V. . S. Uosocran register , James Hyatt treasurer. The most marked difference between thU note and the gonulno , u difference which will result in the detection of the counterfeit at a elsnce , ia that the upper loop of the J In James Hyatt points directly between lhoD | and C a'ftoi Washington In the genuine , while In the counterfoil. It U about one-eighth .of an Inch to tbo left aadituuodlately undar tbo letter ter L ) . "Late to bei uno eany 10 rise w til shorten the roail to your homo In tbo slttej. But early to bed and "Little Eirlv Hlsar."the pill that ma { > ilo lou ir and batter aai wiser. nru.it Strlku Niixt Vour. BurF\i.oN. , Y.Oot , US. Tha iwitohmoi of tbo country are preparing for a inonsto strike next May , expecting to cripple th World' ' * fair business of the railroads am forcing them to concede tha demands of th employes. " 'i'hs Buffalo strike anil the lessor ono that have occurred this year , " said Score tary Joseph ilolmorle of tbo switchmen' union , "aro but preludes to the great strlk of 1603. It will be n strike Iho like of whic bai never been scon , and will extend all ovc tno country. " Don't bocoina constipated. Take Boeu nm's 1'ilK AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Remarkable Activity Among the Various Local Packing Homos. S3ME DIFFICULTY IN SECURING MEN October' * Itrcnlpts nt tlio Onion Stuck Vnrds Will 1'roli.ibly lie n Itoconl Smiuhor In Mnny HrnpecH Some Proposed IiiiirniPUicnU. | Ttio packing season Is getting fairly well ftlonc , and the paoksrs are rushing matters Rt South Omaha. The Cudahy Paoklnft company Is nailing to its force each dny , mid sUughtontig each animal li Is posslulo to got hold of. At present 1,000 head of cattle per day are home killed , ana this numbur will bo slaughtered lor nn Indeflnlto period. This U nbout iho full c.ip.ielty of tlio plnnt on cattlo. Tlio hoi ? ilapartmoiit Is n vcrltublu boa hlvo of Industry. The number ofhozs slnuplitcred dally has been Increased from 1,500 , ueaJ to 2fil)0. ) Tills number will bo Increased to 4.0JO liead Just as EOOU as the receipts plik nt ) and it U possible to secure the porkon. Hoc receipts conlinuo UUt ( , but will Iticroaso within n very short tune and then the uc- mands of ihu pacitors can bo supplied , and Uudntiy will run full capacity during the pacUlue season on bolli cnttlo and hoes. The other departments nt Cudnti.vfi nrn also being run on an increased basis and there Is no idleness. The buUcrlno and pepsin works ara going it full blast uiid turn ing out larf , ' i quantllioi of product. The otliur nouses nro entering upon the pncltinir season with Increased forces. Swlfi & Co. have larzelv increased thuir slaughter ings , nb liivu : the Unit ) iii oud company and tlio O.nabix Paciilue coinpnny. The increased capaulty uiul bnttcr facilities of theno homos cumpliitod during tUesunjmeronablo a bolter hnnullng of the growlnE business and the meeting of the increased demand for pro ducts The laboring man of both Omaha mid South Oiniilin are prolUine bv the enlarge- raent and increased capacity of the pucitltiK plants. Labor that is KooiUiip employment can readily flnd It. The great scarcity of unemployed moa lu South Omaha was commented upon voUorJay by a Rentloman nt one of the packing houses , who said that his company found U dlfllcult to secure a sufficient number o' employes for the work In several departments. Ho attributes this to the fa'ct that labor it generally employed and there are but comparatively low Idle men In the city. _ October' * 11 envy Uecolpts. October is to be a rocora smasher lu the hi-story or the South Omaha Union stock yards. The oanner month in the receipts of cattle was October. 1S91 , when TS.OOO head ( vcro received. The receipts of cattle during : the present month up to last nlpht numbered 70,000 head or2,000 lo-s than was received during the entire month of ono voar ago. There are filx more dnvs left of tnls monln , and at least 20,000 cattle will bo received , which moans that at least 17,000 moro cattle will bo re crived this month than during , any month within the history of the yards.1 Those lls- ures are very gratifying to the friends of Omaha's great * stock Industry , but ro not surprising to those familiar with the con ditions and merited orowth ana prosperity of the murkat. Second place is ranidly slid ping uwnv from Kansas City and will coon proudly bo claimed for Omaha. The contrasts for tbo Important public 1m- provoments will bo av/nrdou November 10 by the Union Stock Yards company. The cori- tvact for furnishing the material for putting in the improved switching facilities and In terlocking plant will bo awarded at that timo. This improvement will cost Sti..OOO. Tbo contract for furnishing the machinery for the now electric light plant , to cost $35- 003 , will also be lot. Monday evening an orditlanca will bo in troduced in the council srrantins a franchise to the Union Stock Yards company for puitm ? m an electric light clant. The ordi nance will not mast with any opposition in the council. _ .11 rt.Murphy's Ueiith. Mrs. Eliza Murphy died last evening al GVJ : ! o'clock at her homo in the Troy bloclc on N street. The cause of Mrs' . Murphy's death was asthma , from wnioh she lias oeon a tmfCorer for many yoars. A severe cold which feho contracted a few days ago hast ened the end. Mrs. Murphy was CO years o. atro and tne mother if Matt , Thomas , James , . JoUn , Henry and Jo 5ph Murphy , young pehtletrjen who are well known and respected In business mid social circles. The death of the mother Is n. distressing tyow to her chil dren , who were at her bcdsldo until tbo last. The deceased was vofy well known In bouth Omaha and had a largo clrclo of frlenas and acquaintances. The arrangements for the funeral hava not been announced. Hul ( ling 1'ermltH. Inspector Maytleld yesterday Issued the ol lowing building permits : 3 , W , Johnson , dwolllir. , Twenty-first and .1 streets . $ 1.500 Tunics Mason , cnlt.ipc , Seventeenth and Q streets . . . . . . 000 Joe Hop , addition to reMduii'-o , Seven- tenntli and Mllror stronts . 12o T. bohrocdor. four cottages , Twenty- fourth and Hrown streets . 2.400 Total . I 4tW5 Will llo I. ute but liltcrostlncr. The postpotiod celebration of Columbus day by the children of St. Agnes schools will be hold this evening at Blum's hall. Tbo program which has been prepared Is a long ono and Its rendition will bo very inter esting and instructive. The postponement of tbo celebration was due to the fathering of the Passionate fathers In thl city on Insl Friday. Its delay will make the celebration none tbo loss interesting and impressive. Solon nun rr Miss Mlnnio Paddock has returned from Parclval , la. Mrs. M. Walters of IlocU Uaplds , la. , is visiting Mrs. A. L. William ? . Elinor Weir has gone to MIohlgau to at tend the funeral of bis sister. Mrs , C. E O born of Beatrice is visiting her daughter , Mrs. O. I. Muncey , Tbo democrats of South Omaha will have a rally Friday evening at Blum's hall. Miss OHio BckUud has returned from her visit in tha western part of the state. Dr. W. J. Bell , who is very low with ma- latial fever , has ucon taken to Ulurkson hos pital , Omaha. Mrs. L , B , Hoblnson , who has bean visiting with friends m the city , has returned to bur homo at Oakland , [ a , Mr , and Mn. Joseph Fisher. 523 North Twenty-seventh street , burled their infant son yesterday afternoon. Mrs. D. L. Holmes mid Mrs. J. 1' . Evers , who coutiuct the Heed hotel , huvo returned from their trip to Chicago. Councilman A. B. Haley returned yester day from Chicago , wharo ho attended the dedicatory exorcises of the World's fair buildings , Miss EttaTylee. who for some tluie cast has been night clerk at tha American Dis trict telegraph , has been promotea to day clerk , Henry Patterson becomes ulght clerk. All members of the Young Man's Repub lican Uniformed club are requested to meet this evening at 7 o'clock sharp m the South Omaha olioe of TUB HER at 405 worth Twenty- fourth street , to take tuo motor cars to eo to Council Bluffs 10 attend the rupub- llcau r.Uly at that place. In- irl- re- re. re.nd on iiy ltd i a tor intt 'ell Ho ler fhe only J'uru Cream of Tartar Powder. NoAtuinoniaj-No Alum. lit Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard , AVERS Sarsaparilla Is superiorto nil other preparations claiming to bo blood-purifiers. First of nil , bccnuso the principal ingredi ent used in it is the extract of genuine - uine Hoiiiluraasnrsaparillii root , tlio variety richest in medicinal proper- ties. Also , bo- Pnruc Phinri'Ii bures uaian 11 cnnsc Ulo ycl. low dock , being raised expressly for tbo Company , is always fresh and of the very best kind. With equal discrimination and care , each of tlio other ingredients arc selected and compounded. It is because it is always the sniuo in ap pearance , flavor , and effect , and , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses arc needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blood-purifier ln oxisU > Ilce- ] t makes food nourishing - ishing , work pleasant - ant , sleep refreshIng - Ing , and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the .system and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AVER'S Parsaparilla gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged and infirm , re newed health , strength , and vitality. 1'rcnarcil bvDr.J C. Aver & Co. , Lowell , Man. Hold by all Druggists ; I'rlcel ; elx boltlc , ? 5. Cures others , will cure you Jilan who nlves his millions for the found ing of hospitals , colleges and asylums Is not tnor 6 ol a philnnthropist than Is he who is the avowed avowedQJ2J HJJLSiEL ; : OftUesiok and the suffering , the helpless victims of dtsoawj. The mynad of maladies known as Nervous , Chronic and Private Ulseasos are ofso obstinate tnd complicated aohar-ctir that only fie most gifted , skill ful and widely experienced Specialists In the land can comprehend or cure them , for they defy ths off rts of ihe general prac titioner who hi ? not made them his life study. The euro Of Suoh dl eaics as Syphlllls , Gmorrhoaa , Gleet , Sperniatorrhcea. Lost Manhood , Elects ot Early Vice , Stricture , Hydrcole , Vnrlcocele. Pilai , nnd a thoilsanJ ether kirldre J afflictions require Highest degree of medical skill , suoh as but few men possess. The r cord of Drs. Betts < 5c Be t < proves th m to be the most able , sncci bful and popular sp'JCliliat. in America , if not in the World And the number of permanent cures thej have effected within the past 27 years can not be equalled by any other phyjicians In this or any ether country , Sand 4 cents for our illustrated bookoi ICO pages. Consultation free. Call upon or address with stamp , Drs. Betts & Betts 119 So. 14th Street , OMAHA , N D. CLGANS1NQ. For Farmers Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECr OAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounda , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei NEBRASKA National Bank. D , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , DEI $103,03 Surplus . $05,01) , Ofncnr nn < 1Ilrootori Henri W. Yntei , proililat . C. L'uiblun , rlco proildoai , ! ! . tj. Mjurloo VY \ Jlorto. Jolin t. Colllni J , N. IJ. 1'itrlcu , l.airli A . ctt bl r , THbl IRON BA.NK , DOCTOR : MoGREW. In the ttcatniontof all form ; of PRIVATE DISEASES. and nil Wnxunoss and OUordcrof T\/T"n1Vr w.th loss of i-nnriKP , ambition 1V11H.1N nnd vltulity. nijhteon years of the molt 'oniJirkahlo SIIMCOJS In the treatment of tins elass of diseases , which Is proven by the un.vera il t t-tlinoiiv of thou- ' i who have benn cured Write for clrou- lars and ust on lilt , lltu anI bin. , N > b. The Original and Gertie < WRL"OTEFMRS ) Xmp&rti most djllcloun Utto atjil zut EXTRACT souru , ornLUTTEKfrom n MEDICAL OKN. GUAVIKS , TLEMAN at M J. n * to hli brother risii , at WOUCEOTEK , HOT Ar COIiO "Tell LEA & PKHUIXS' MEATS , that their umico IK hUthly ojtoomod la GARIK , India , and Ir in my opinion , tlio most WKI.S1I- an tbo inoBt whole- RAKICBITS , omo sauce th&t 1) Hitdo. " A-c. Beware of Imitations ; ? 'f'M7Sy.KiTlVrLf I'lF if Tn TE'L ' t'iT ' y y eee tliat you get Lea & Peirins' ' SlftiituiocncveTyliotf.oof OrlinnV. ft O"imlr" JUI1N BUMMN'M I OSU- - ' * " INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM IGili and Howard Streets , 60 Rooms for Patient * . OMAHA , FiEB , For the treatment of -Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases , MAM : AND WJIAI.E. Piles , Visiuln , J issuro and Stric ture ! 'tho Itcctuni permanent ly oiircil without the use of Knife , ligature or Caustic. Enclose 4r In stninns and our 10T papo HOOK on llSKASI"S : : > ml Qiieslion nianks , will be JIAllii : ) KKKE. IIITKKNATIONAI. SANITARIUM , IGtb and Howard Sis. , Omaha , Neb. W. O. MAXIVPI 1. . AI. I' , 1'lCS Itrnll n IM n rcr. EiasticSt < j/nj ' ! . Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Syringes , Medical ALOK&P2NFJLD 114S. 15111 St. , Next lo Post old cc. YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Well , como anil Imvo tliom otinilned br our optl- lean Free of rlmrim. nnd , If ne < 'p 8nry , HttHil with n pulr of nur PKHl'nrrtO.N" SI'KCTACI.KS nr I ! VI ! OLASSKS-llm bc l In tlio wnild. If you do nol uetd BhuBoi wo will toll > nu no and arty 1,070u whnt to rto. aoi.ll SI'Bi TAOI.KH or J VK "J'AShKl ; ifitoit i ITIV STKKI , si'icrACiis : on KM- . OhAHBKS KKOM II t'l > . 1'lnln , "inokp , bliio 01 white ( il 5se , for protccllna tlio vjet , from Wo n pair up. & Bro. Co. Max Stayer . . , ' Jewelers and Opticians. _ S ) va YonrEvssifflit Eyes tested free byanl'.Xl'KtT OPTICIAN Perfect ailjuatinont. Huporlor lonsoi. Nsrv- otiBlioaUiicliu enroll by usln ; our Suectiolei and Kyo lussm I'rlccj low for U t cUn goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLQ GO , 1HS. 15thSt.Crol''Htoii Uloz'c. Artistic CHICAGO ENGRAVING at Low Prices. Stock and Design The Latest and Best , Send us 81.ao and we'll lend you 100 engraved caidt dom a new copper plate. Send ut 00 ct > . and your present plate ( to be held and registered ) and we'll tend you 100 en graved card * . We pay express charges. METOAI.T' STATIONERY COMPANY , ( tale Oobb'i l.lbinry Co. ) 136 Wabash Ave. . Chicago. 'f ? 'inp'ii'tTo TABULES mrulaUiJ the fctonuw.hiiitruuij i > ont.U , iiurl < twM inwfif luo know o for billou * ituo " itTconiuiulismT" > r i > > U.oult ut n , lituducLr. I'wrlliuni , li/u ef * H dl3 < * tlun | ilu'i > ied. callow r'ruiilcx 4 ; isa.aud CTtrr ui. ' aM rt'nultifiK * if'o Upun ) bloc'.or K fillum by liio rtuniacli , llrtror In * l uluie totMirfoini iiulrprcifrfunction * . 1'rrfcobR * irtTMii to oft eatlnic a.r U-neiltod * ytVlnponc ftvr J J.lflO"pruco . e'w York. J bt. , III * JU J C lir HIUAM - ' 1W C f * uvv Ck t * IVTI f v * A V1 * * * Right . from the shoulder ! Today we open and begin selling in ou ? overcoat department on second floor the first shipment of our eastern representatives recen J great purchases in New York. The over-1 coats placed on sale today domprise abouV a thousand garments in Kerseys , Chinchilla and Cassimeres in blues blacks browns 5 modes and mixtures and at the prices wq have made on them they are the cheapest producers ever sold in Nebraska. Q you save two dollars Will buy you today a good heavy blue chinchilla overcoat , cut double breasted lined with substan- tal : twilled lining with fancy sleeve lining vel vet collar andcanton flannel pockets. four dollars you save o No more no less is the price today for a splen did heavy dark blue cassimcrc overcoat lined with double warp Italian with fancy striped sleeve lining ; -velvet collar and canton flannel pockets. Six dollars here ten elsewhere. rL-you save four-fifty For eight dollars you can buy of the Nebraska to day an overcoat th at would give the average clothier heart disease to sell for le ts han twelve and a half. You can have cither kersey or chin chilla. The chinchillas are all wool so are the kerseys. The chinchillas are lined with double black - the with cassi- warp liningthe kerseys plaid - merc. The chinchilla sleeve linings arc fancy stripes the kerseys of heavy surah silk. The chinchillas are blues and blacks the kerseys fancy shades of browns and modes. tplQ'50 y ° l)3 ) savc four-fifty Ten fifty buys a fifteen dollar overcoat today. These garments are made of elegant fine heavy kersey with fancy plaid cassimere lining pinked facing- fine silk velvet collar and canton flannel pockets. They're positively as good a garment as you ever saw sold for fifteen dollars anywhere. p 3S\Ff . _ i Seeds , " mmww ftg < I J tlio wonderful reracdf ken utinruntce to euro rtll ni'rvnu tl ! e 'p . fnoli " " U'caL MrrJuiff , 1,0301 Hialnl'ow r. IIiMdaolio. W.ikcfulnnsi" , J.d t Msnlioou. Nlghllv lioil" slons. Nprvoii nr i , ! < assltudpallilnlrn and loss of jmwernf the llnivrmlto Ori'inu In cithrr ex ruiiEG.I liy ovuroicrllon , yuiitliful rrot , or ci ; lTf . ii'cuf tobneco. opium or stimulants whlcli soon load to Inflnultr. ConnmM" tlon niu'i lii'nnHy. I'nt npconicnlnnvtiicarry In vc t imcket. tfi porrnck- acPlirrauiliilfo-S.'i. ' With ovoryjiorrtorwn atvrtiwntttn tuirtmtte igcmt VTTCH vim. or i ejnnd the money. ClrcuUr free. Addrufb J > cro Uuoit ' < > . , VUlcurro , III. in Omaha by Sherman & MGo'inoll , 15lo Dfnlgo stroot. ORDINANCE NO. 3.11. ! An ordtnnnco ilocliirlni tlio ncoo sltv of p- liroprlatlim coitiln jirlv.Uo propony nna lands , for ilio use oC thu city of Dmalm. for the purpose nf opoiilni ; anil exteiullni I'lilr- tuuislh street from tlio all y next north of Nlcholiis itroct north to HID south HMD of Paililorlc I'inuQ , mill from thu south line of Piiddoek I'lnco nnrt'i to Ohio atrcut , and oponlii ) : mid oMonrtlnK ( Jliirlc Alroot Ir. Cun- nltiKhnnis' adilltlon from Its picscnt western toriiiliins west to Thirloonth street bo ot- toniluil. Uultnriliilnoil by the city council nf the city of Omaha : , . . Poetion 1. That It I * nncossary , nnil It Is horehy doclaioil nocoss.iry to upprnrlHtoccr- t iln prlviitn piopurty and Ian I for the 1110 of thnclty of O nahn , for the purpose of opiinlnj ; and uxtuiulln ; Tlilrlnonlh blruut. from lli alloy IIOM uorlh of Nuiliolas stu-et north to the south line nf 1'addocU Plni-i1. and from tlio south line of Paddock Paeo n.irlli to Oh o slrocl , nnil I'Mnndlir and oprnlni ! Chiru street In ( 'uiiiniiilinii't : nddll on from its pri'sL-nt wi'iUiin lurnilnus west to Thli teonth street so extended , s ild propeity anllunil nucessiiy for suoh piuposo lioum slliiati < In said city of Omaha , and described as follows , Dese'rlptloii of lund to ho acquired for Ilio oponlni : of lllth Htreiit from the center of seo- turn IS , T IS. It III. HI Ohio slrutit : WcstWSt feet of Hub lot IJ of the east JJO foot of tax lot H ; West 40'i feet of sub lot 13 of the east 3JO ° iast : UMi ! sub lot 12 of the oust : )30 ) foot rMn Iiml W font wide , riiiinlns north HUH south through tax lot U , thn lustllnoi.f said strip bains H'J'i ' feet wustof tlio line bu- twoen tax loli. 1 iiml li ) . A strip of lund ( U fert wldo runnlii north and south through lax lot in. thiui.iit llnnof Hind strip bolus ll-'i ' Tout west of the line uo- twocn lav lots 4 and 10 ; A strip of lund 0. ) fent wide riinnlnz north nnil noiilh llirmiirli sub lots n and 0 of tax lot II. the east line of Raid atrip beliu ll-/i foot loth 4 and 11 ; \\cstotthe line between ux A strip of land ( t ) feet wide. rnnnliiK norlh nnd south throiiu'h tax lot 1. ' . the uisUlnoof said strip bolnj ! Ui'i ' feet wost. of Ilio line bo- tweiin la.x lots 4 and 1. ; , . , A strip ( if land 1,0 foot wldo rmmliu north and south through tax lot 1:1. : ihu east line of ' of tbo line bulnuim HI : ! < | strip bolnuirJ'i nest tax lots 4 and I't The fo lowing p'lrcol or tract of land : Ilo- Blnnin. at HID bimtliwchieiiriiiirnf lot''i ) block SPaildocU Plueo , tbuiiun foulb to tbo north llnnof ( InikMicot produced from CiiiinliiK- ham's ( iddillnn , tlionro east about lr."i feet nl n the north line of said Uln ; K siroot to tlio woil line of Uiiiiiiliiitliain'i. iiddlllon , thoneo south aloliu- the west line of Ciinnliulmin addition OH feet to Iho south line of 'lark ' strout , tbonoo wrst alon , ' tbo said south llnu south Uno of ( JIurK stioot to a point In H line puiallnl to tbo east Hue of t.ix lots h imd 0 nnd said II'- . ' ' . ' ' ' ' " " , . , , : U . thence west of lot f. lilciuK elty. houth aloni : h.ild Uno to the center line of mio- lion 15. It M. N , H ir , U. Ihenco west J feet to the west line of Mth stroot. Ihenco nor b para ! led to the east lines of lax lots H and I ) to thoHOUlh line of ClirU BlreoHiio'Xicu'lff" ' ' ' Ouniilnsbanrs addition , tbon.-o . n " rfb- westerly dlieetlon lo Iho north II iu "f.V1 \ ' { boliK 17 . , foot Htn-ot produced , mild point i m of Uiinnliiltliuin'H addlllon , tlu'iu' ' " " ( > n Ito * to the H K curnur of lot 1 ! ) blo.-li . r , Paddi ok Place , tbonco east 0) ( cut to pi ice of buelu- " ' "cctlnn 2. That thn inayor. wltltbo appro. val of tl.o cltv council , appoint tbrun dU liter- osled fien-boldoirt of tno olty of Omaha lo . . rcHpuet vo- assess tl.o . danuiKUS to tl.oownoiji. ly. of said property and lands taken by auch r-ouinm o. That this ordlninro take oiroetand be In foroo from and after in pass- iim' . 1'assod October llth , le'ii. IMIVPI Ity bierW. II I1. DAVIS. President Ulty Council. Approved October " ! - "Xjy , , , I1KMis. Mayor. OUDINANOK NO. AnorillntincotOBinomlboctlou 13 of chapter j of tlio , ciimiilluU ordinances of IHJU , un- IJoHi > . ? | ) ' City Council of the city wn Thut Hectlon of chaptorBI ol thu coinnllwl orJInunci-s of IbU oiitHlpd "alJuwulus" bu uiul thi > .uno li horoUy umundcil so an to rend ak follnws bee 13. All hluwa'l.s horoaflur Ulil or ro- Kr.iilud btioiils. whulhor by any imlrul upon nl all Jiropurty owni-r in nl'luwulk ' lin-pector , conform t thu follownii ! conditions , o-w t- \Vhuro II is iK-fciroil thnt kucli HlilBWulk kh ll cover thi cutlro klUowa.k suacw , tue outer oclKC thereof shall \toiul lotholnsldo line of ihu ziirhlnc as sot or tolju set. Inallolhur CHHUsldowulks In nnoli b oclc shall ho laid at a tiiilfoini (11-1 incu fiom tbd cuib linn In such block as tha fliy ciiKlni'O * intiy dnoct. In all c isoa Iho surface nf iiimli walks nf wlmtovnr inaturlul sh ill lie so laiil or rolalil as to bu on a lo\cl with tha top of thu curb nit bet < ir to I in sot. Provided , ihit whrra unndon sMawalks are laid siicl ) slilonalUs t-hall bo laid ns directed Ijy thuoity oiisluniir. blji'tlon 'i. Thattald sncllon 13 of said cliii ; > - ter IW us hoiHlotori ) existing , bo mill thoB.iniu Is hereby repealed , Section ! l. That this nnliiiannt shall taurt olTuca and 1m In force fiiini an t after Us : isi October Ilth , Itll. JOHN filOYr ! > - t'll V I'lBI'ii. r . p nAvin , Presiilunl t'llj Count" ! . Auurovud Ojtobur I8th % ' / > . ' . ( Mayor NOTICK TO IMIOI'KIM'V AGHNi'S ANIJ LKSSHKS. In pnisu inceof ordln uu'on. . III ! ) . ' , ieiiililn ] < ( Rnwureonneutliiiis lo be iniidii In and within , Mm cm b lines nn curtain SIICCIH 11111 iilloy lu I htrrot liniiriu'i'iiiont illktrleH N'os 4 < 3,407 , 4SiU. OO , I'.il ' and < sIn tin ; o ty of Oin.ihii , you ara ' hereby nolllled In ina' < i < all nuei'sjirooiinoo - toiH ; nllli hinvur in ilns or lutlnr.ils and to coniiileto snub wor.c nn nr beliirn Novombaf ; lOtn , I.VJ. ' , as it Is thu puri | iso lo nivu thij htreotrt an I allevx In tnnsild dlstilula una J more p.irtlcnlai ly desurlbeil as follows , to-wlt : 1 Nn. 4sit ( Junior stii'ol from 10th street till Hill Nln < ut. t No 4i7-Alloy In block ! > ' > , city , from 17'hj street to IStli Btreut. I No 4M-Alley ) In bok ! lia , city , fioui 17th KticoL tn IHtlisliont. , No. U , ) .7th struct from .1 luksnn street to Loivimwnrlh slr.inl. No. I'llAlley in block UHl' frnni IGth street to 17th street. No. 4i > Prtolllu Ktroot f nun 'l.'nd slrent lo tlin nlley iii'twoenil'nd and J.lrd Rtrret. In the city of Omulm. Yon iiro huroby or'lored In in ilto the nm'0 - siry hewDiM'onnoetlnns on nr hufjro tliuu.iU speellh'd In this notli'ii. nr thu sninii will Im i made bv thu olty aiilliiirlHus , and t'ost therouf ] ussesMid nioilniil Ihe liroiioily iiiinosiitu Ills , h.iinuandhpnclallv bunclllled thi-ruby. Dated in ( Jnialia. Nob. , this ' 'Jth day of Onto- " ° rilWi ' P W.IIIUKIIMMII Chalim.in of Iho llimr.l of I'nii'h'Vinli. ' . OTIOK OF ASSHSSMIWrOl-1 DAM AOK-5 FOR ( WANUK OK ( JltAlli To the owners of all lots , plrts of lot and real osUlo ( ilonu tilth Urcel. from I'ojiiilutuii avenue to IlluUory utieet. Vou mo hereby iiolllloil that the under- ! slirnol. tliroodlilnteroilod freeholders of III/ / elty of Omaha , h ivo been du.y apiiulnluil byl the mayor , wllli the approval of the cliyl council nf s.ildelty , to ussuss thn diimago teil thn uwnnrs roipeullvoly ( if thu prouurtyt uftciited bv eliHnzii of isriulo f ld struel. dc i oliirel neeosi.iry tiyiirdlwiwn.Vi.liB. liiisea1 Urtober II , lull/ , approved ( Jutnhor 15 , Ibui i Vou are further notillol in at , h.ivlnj ao copied sal I appointment , and duly ( | iiiUIHinl' ut rniiulred by law. wn will on tiiu : ird dnyi of Novoiiiuer A. I ) . lf > 0. ' . at the hour of 4. n'dliuK In tin ) iifleriionn. ut tlio ollico ol bhrlver & O'Diinnhoit , 1101 rarnani 8tro N. within thn Corporate llmlln of mild elty , int'Oll for the p.irpmu of fuiislilurliiK und mailing I the uhioiiiniint of dam i u lo thuowners ru l spectlveiy of h ild pruiiurty , ulTeuloil hynildl riinne of grille , tililn ; Into cuniildur.it ion J Bimelal bnni'llti If anv. Vou are iintllled to bu proiunl at the til.- nnd p .toe uforoiald , and iniuo .my objnxtio n tnorbtitinuiit uoiu'eriiuu Mild inicminc.'iH of d untiled ai you may enn jlilor nnniur ( ii'ujitoi ; J. I'Xiii. . JOHN K. KI.At'K Ooininlttuo of Appraiser ) Omaha , Ootober 40. ibUJ. OJIclUt A l ) nilrbfilrr'n llnlllth Dlomu.-i.l . Urt.l-j. rENNYROYAL , --Z ? ttt\U\"H\IHH\UU\j \ \ \ \ \ ( > \ * CJI'Jdf.i irrt * i In ltr l t < l * * - . lib lilu > tli.Uu , TuLe x jnuulltrr.und * f t l n in * < - iaii tii "llrllff far l.udln , " ! " lillir. l-j r lur Hull 1C ( Klo T'lllnnol.ll. Xawu 1'upir , Mtr ti I'fc