THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY'OCTOBER 2B , 1-9J-TWELYE PAGES SPE01RL NOTICES. " ItHt THK-B CO1.VMNS AnvrilTlJTMPNTJ" I I * men rni't II Mp m. for Ibe cvenlnc r.fl lot : , t .30 p. m I or the morning or Snndajcdl - No < lverHt > ement Ulen for Je tli n oent for the first Inwtt.- A1 a eriiseinenU In tbr-e rolninn * 1 * % renti trd f r firft Insertion neil 1 rent won ] for Mi < h s..t oqtient Insertion , or II.M fer Jin * per li nth Terms c li In iflvanee Itiltul attires , rnittiU , etc trh rovnt us a word. All narer- ( rnienls ronul ron Minsecutlvelj Aarerllieri , ? T requesting a numbered chirk , ran have the I' ' ten < ! Jretsed to a nnmberp.1 lellcr 1 r re of Tut Itrr. Answer * so iuJdremed will t delivered on tbr presentation of tbe thttk. NOTICE. In the fnlureno ftdTerttsemenU will be ufcenfor the etenlne ed'tlon after 11.30 Vrloct. All notice * tir .nrht .ntotlioofllce after that hour will be Srst lrnert i In the fo'l'.wlBB ' . mornlnc's edition IONSWANTED. . SITU A * IONS- IHiMTU.N HY criMI'irrrVT HOOK- riTrrrncti Ad'ire s ii M llee y [ > . "vrtlvfi M N NOT l.r M > IN J\ . tv in itlriireof m-iil lurnl hlt > e coudli _ j _ , t f r t > * orth In food hi'U- O i lt e lM'KHHNrm MAN DKIUK AlTfA - . tins he'l t > o ltt < in of MKitetarr tlilrtwn rn-i arce mnniiinrtor ) In the e t.utirtfr tana kl.'e , " , : icnt ) K < ncral collertlouf ; coed refer- - \ddrp O4t. live. 316- * ' WANTED. 1 > < IS1TIO > UY H1 > V STENOOHA- lirr beelnner Addre < > 65. llo. . Ma-10 80' WANTKH HTfATlOS AS STENrKillAt'llKlt Jir \ n lady of education and 'riiwience Addrcre II li. . No. S C ttarner street rltr MiCM It' A - WANTKll IIV A Kf'll.MKlll.Y ef < Tis rfI , Jtf.jllritnr jurlns I'onltlou ut talesman ttir Add9 t > M , fare lice. WANIED-MALB HELP. V ) . WANTKI ) "JAl.nsMKNON ALAIIT Oil TOM- J'iul > lon to linndle tlip new imtctit clieailral Ink rH iltiC.encll The Erenle-t Kellltu m > Telt.T eTer jiruduiTrt < TB I' Ink tliorimttbly In two B cond : nu abrasion of i > at > er : 'All to fc'Upc-r ernt proflt : < * ne nccnt f ! amonnt .d KM In r\x \ da' : an- olbi-r IK In two hour : m * want one enercetlr ren- ral accnt In enrli Unte and terrltorr Tor tBrm nnd nartlculnrr ndiiren Monroe Krn cr Jlfc. Co. . A . < . , I.a t reiMFVI ITU am s-Ewrw MKN. lllliriCl.AVKllS > rtpd r r every faturdur. l > s Molne . la. Ml IS OA' ir D TO rni.ii-rr AND L I , . IN > irc : oiurr at lnc ollloe. 49Dnl n i'i * ' t' v AN AitorT is. wiio i * oririr J'lo len-r ni.d wli'lnc ' to work will b lnftructi a In cnr lir : nei > > iud fnlary puldwhile luarnlnc AJI- li.r 1..1C It ociiio. * * nl - \ -THl ! NAMK ANI > n-\VAVTri of etjrrpctlc m n and wnrm'n open for perma nent w < rk We Eire e ru lTP tcnttory. We c rmitrp cnod workers f.Wa week. We furn h ortlfp fr.rnUrro. d llrery tenra and new pnp r ad- Tertloliic Our article ! < monopolr. It * 111 sure & per rent of the eonl bill" of everybody. Full par- llrulnrft by nnll. l-ltlutcrnphi. itiim | > hlt'tR. etc . free upcn reeelpt of poptare. Atldre s Konl-Spnr ( " . , f.S I llrer Hreet. lloston , Mn . MM3 n8 * 3 > - Y * WANTKU AT OMAHA 1O.FACTCTIV. . > i : " T > -WANTiit. A i.ivi : iTivi : MAN WITH } | onie pluck and P li. to rpjii < ' pnt > ! In jonr JoenlltjWe Im e cumetlilnc ruttrelr new that Koeo , and unlc'f ; ou cnn mnU- ITS to CTiO per month we don't nwd you Noprddltnr. lletti'r write to- rtn.r AOdrciit "Munufactutern , " boi M08. Iloston , > Inn. MB35NB 3 > WANTnn. A HCPHKLMAN. APPLY AT 'oncent Ilrownlnc. King 4 Co. , noutbwctt corner 3Mh nnd Doiiclai. MSfil B WANTED. riIt T TLA- ! ? SHOE "SALESMAN : nonehnt thonu who hare n tlmroucli nrjierlence In an eii'ltnlvu thee Moro need upply. Hoston More. Oainha 32276 1) nooKKKKi'Kn WAN-rno. YOUNG MAN J 'wlih Mimeeiperlencf Bond at tlcures Kefer rni-e reqnln-d , Apply fclnccr office. 1110 Iiouclan urcet SSI-SG * T > WANTHP A MILLWUIUHT KOH A FEW I i1a > ii One lie understands kpontlnc. SUS New 1'ork'l.lfe nj t OM1V-TKNT STKNOOUArUKIlS ANKTYrE- J'writer operators who lire out of employment nrulnvltert to call and rccl'ter tbelr immef and tiualltlc > tlon > nltti onr employment department. We moke no charce to either employer or em- pUiyed Drop In and < e us : we tRke pleasure In < 1ijnKRP | we can for the worthy stenocrapher and t > | ic rltlH The Smith J'reiuler Typewriter Co. . 3i8r.'i < 1'nrnniu ft. . Omaha , Neb. SI T WASTKl ) , A GOOD COAT-M ARKH. STEADY Jlemploymcnt , Addrc s f. Stodtme ! .t T , Tret Ion , la. alKS i.7 B-WANTED. KXI-HIUENCKI ) GENTLEMAN iMiOkkeeper. double entry , references required .A < tdre l.oct Drawer WS , Council Illufls , la. , vliere luay be Keen. M540 - ' UNION PACIFIC 11A1LWAY JJcoinpnnj- wren riievenue and Often , Utah. . 3 ree pom. Kramer i O'llcarn Labor agencr. 3118 S. 11th turret. l"i IF YOU AKE SEEKING A I11GI1 GHAUE -I/lio lllon In nny pnrt of Ibe United States write o WeMcrn lluMncsi ARencr. Inclosing slump , Innenno'lk Minn. TJWANTED. . Yi'UNG MEN AND LADIES AT * 1 * lend evenlne-i-ehool. M7 fchoely block Terms rensonable J 11 Smith 301 SI p-SUCC KSS-KUI , SALI SMANTO OMAHA JOII J > bine nndetnll croeers to push fpeclalty ; lib rali-niiimlrFlont , uneAveplloual references ISox 1071 fhli-uco. 855-25' ' J > - WANTEDF.XPERIBNCED OFHCE HOT. 21 Bi-ebiilldlne 357 2j' T rwANTlTD. flRBT CLASS PRACTICAL HOOK .1 'keeper Address , clvlncreferences , experience rtr , U P box. O 54 , Bee. K4o 25 * I AGINTS WANTED KVERYWHERE TOI I ) | | IP new book by Josluh Allen i > wife.amanlha on the lluee Problem. " end , iOc for oultlt am" lie the first In Hie tlelrt. Liberal terms Addresi J W 111H A Co , lUO-lua Wabash are. . , Cbleuco. Ill p-WANTED-A MAN TO TAKE AN OKI ICE J > and represent a manufacturer f.'ill.OO per week. Miiall cupltal required. Address , wllh stump. Stan < acturer , IKII 70 , Went Acum , Mass. MMiT T > WANTED. AGENT ? . U 03 TO flO 00 I'Ell HA J 'outlet-line urn nil plolure for us to copy and en Jnrcu. Satlslucllon Ruurnntet-U and u 14.14) ) oultt liee. A Uunnti i Co. . M Ueude street , New York. R Ti WAXTKi ) , ? ALKMIN. TO SKLL HV PAJ. ftIJ.U . our Money Order . j'stera lo rettll merchauls lama nioiiin In It lor live mlenucn : iirevlouser iierlencn nol necemnrj. Address wllb r-ren Maiup. MercbiinlsSloucjr Order Comimur , Clncln null , O. S ! * 2 * T > Hiri.lsTERED DRUG CLERK WANTED. TI -I ' moderate salttrj. Geo. U. Hutchison , i ninba , MS70 T. ' 1 > - WANTED , A YOUXO MA N WITH MM15 EX- s Irnce as Mil .nitm Reference required. I Raymond MS74 20 WAN TEDEIIALE HELP. TV- WANTED , tilKID GIRL ell GKNEIML V lioiife * ork. Call S.1 ! uvc. is , . SUth tt. ) . tnuiloors norlli of Mason. / i-WANTKII , AT > Cr GIRL l-OR OKNEHAL V.-'hunsvitiirk : relerunces required Apply SUJ7 ht. M r > s ave. U1BU 7 - \ - W A s ii ) , KOMI COOK AMI LAUMmESS. Inquire u corner 7lvb and M. Slurj's ave. In Sdajs. MaX ) - w A NTKiirnuiRiiTnini , TO LKAIIN HAIH- drrsslttE. Miss Johnslou's , Illfaouih Ittli street. ri WANTKII , GOOD GIltL KOI I OIJVKHAL L orl. rainlljr ot Ibroe. Mrs. F. J. Mukm , I'ullieurl cortiiT ITlh nnd Cbarles MVT : ' . 'C / ' WAMKll-filllL ntOM TWK1.YB TO F1F V 'teen lors < if te to take rticive of child. ( all si i .N W cor Ubih und Jones rlreein. 31 ; -WAVTl-ll GOOII FiltjiT CLASs ClHUv , GOOU v wBi-es Mrs. A. V Tuler , Sill Cutcano street. sic : i | WA , i II. A VOIJM ! lillll. TO AbblsT WITU V iTclil second work. 2i0 Ilurncjn , 3ISS6 7T"wAXTiil. F1UST t'LA h fKCONII OIHU \ also llrst clans cook ; lamtl of two ; m d Iltb at N W for. Uuugltts. 3ji ) 7' w"ANTnir A C 0 GIHL roll G V Vuuseo tk. fill Hamilton street MSS1 27' / " -WANTKII. FIItST CL a OfMiK. TlKFKIl. v c'utmequlna K U , cor. tlllt and llovrard ic ? a : _ _ ft WANTKI ) MIDDI.i : AC.EK LADV-HLTK1YB V iistrutil-ins. iiwp l.uots. WI sbeely block. 3 Uiuiili o | u'nmwuntuut. " * ( > t ion ( .inu FOII . . . 4. lu * nim Jumllr Mrs. A. Iwl , lc I'orl.r st. COtiK , APPLY AT NO Jtl. LFF1- v s qunrirrs , Fort Ouiuha. "WASH : ii. A'CIUL TOR HOI-L-WOIIK ; AT 11 f a b l(4 ( H. JU5f7 IT * . nd lauoUress , Jil a week , bib and Worth- ItlKtOII SIS ti iU.II M970 ft WAM-KIL AN KXPEIUCNCEII M1LUNERV V suleilaily alsu a maker , one whorautrlm pro- TrrutL Ueslvacestn tbe tlty to tbe U-sl bein lln > but vsperlruced m td apply , c/berfelder , Ilth st | > r | . I utlas aua 7 - WANTED AT ONrE"A pjitiT CLASS V fjiu lumlljof two no wnsblnir. wacestipor kJllj 1'uuiflss street SlITJ : t \-A lIKBlRAlLB HOME OP rilOOMfi. KUR. X/iilsheduruufurtilsii 4 , firtlct goto * to Call Jorals. Apply oo premtsts , ll MjuuTuith , -l-\IK HK.M' , UtSlUAUB Al'l-LV FOR RENT-HOUSES. D-rnr.Ai'roRTHK WINTER , HOOM FLATS , IMS""oalh list street city waler ; li. O. f. nultn. 730 North 17lh street ra Ml n liD IFOR IlENT. 10IIOOM HOUSE. 11 CAS3 , D I I40.W ) . lle a A ? lby Board of Trade. Wl FofK. rt5.VTRALt.Y JJurtiac and all Improvement * JiK N. 1Mb ? t. tor BRICK ncn n WITH MODEIIN nls , on JOlh slreot near Leatenworth nqulre at 8t7 fro iOth street M7K D IInoOMS r II HAP AT SK N. HTU 3TM M Xi D-A LA710E LtT OF CIIOirE HOUSKS. stores , flats , clc llone from li.OO per monlb and up. George J. Paul , 1K % rarutm. Nlt D -TOKHF.ST. HOt'l > RAN1I S IltiOMt. CENtral - tral location J F Ilartoa MIC Capitol ave. 1)IMOOM ) IT.AT. STl'.AM HRAT. n liuleti cfe > . sic b. lind street , room 0 < * 1)D D -\K NOUll Z. ) , INVflltE 163 , . JACKSON.M.VH D-IMIl UKV1 DKSIHAIII.i : mUCKlM llOfSR , modern improTrirent * . tieli-hborhood the lBt t 0 I'alterron. i2' Rkmtr * bint k M1S S KOK MKNT.S rAT-r.i > fi\iAni. beat , water and s Hcilucrrt rent. ! ' 17 ; . luth xt .tnten Mock John llnmUii. acftit . Zt4 D-Hif i ; Of U miM < . AU , MDliKIIN fix- f enlene" * . ple nty ; latvd l ne r hn lilcm een- ft. * pplr 1 ? > . i lili-apn st. or I. P. dinner. Hill 1 arnatn. Mft'.w n-OM.Y TWO LKIT ( II THK MlO.'iM CHIT- luces JuM coinpleled llae lialh. nul olid rold waler nnd modern conveniences. bome lor burners men In ueanlllnl Mauford wrcle I or parllrulars npply to Mnr Loan and Trust < " < - > . . acents i New \tirk Life tnilldluc. ' - " ' - D -I1.AT. . IiWr-I.LlM ! * . IXTTAOK < IN ALL rurnof city. Kllkennr JL Co. , Continental Mt. DD D -FOll KENT liil > u ? IN ALL TAUT.OK cllr. TceO. F Uavls company , 1X15 Kaiaam 51. n l HUNT. TWO I 1100M 11111CK I'l.ATS , HTUoutti 1Mb M1KI "O' D-TWO NEW itnirK UOISKS. ; NISI : noo.M1- etch , flnt clR mndern Iraproremcuti. Park BTenue and llkkorj street farlnc HaMcom park. J M. Klchardn. 1115-o , MSii IV D-I-OU HUNT A T U'lOM lK > r > i : WITH ALL modern convenience , lar c jard. at Uj "outh n. . tl'5 It taken f r a reir IS ; Dvon iiKVT. r , uof'M roTTAOi : ON JIOTOII line Apply s W corner'.th ana UauElas M1SK5 D-nm IIK.VT. sKVKHAU NICE HOfsE- near llaifeom pnrk Dto SK. Guo. .V. Hints. Wi > . V. J.llB. M : K:7 D-KCIl HKNT , NICULITTLK COTTAUK NCAll Hlph kcliool. Us.00 t.eo. K. lllck > . 30J N \ Llfellldc. D | 1 > K HEST. ONH 7. ONU t' , ANI > OSK 10 room modern liuu-c. eiirner .Sth rl. and I'opiile- tonare. W. 1' . Uart-in. 732.N. Y. Ufe HldK. WU D-IUifsi : FOC UKXT , IMIOVIUBII 1'AUTY will purrha ehDU ! > ehi > ldic > odii : will take Omaha n-al VBtale In payment UVorpe Clausor , 1UJ 1'ark avenue D-IB-ltOOM U1HCK l.At , 11ATU. FfllNACE , laundry. e&r > t front , ererrthlns modern Keys at Dr. K. bcbwurtzlauder A. J-'KH Oapttu ! aren ae M3M 81- D-IOUOOM BIlirK HO' K. ALL MdllEKN ciinvenlenee sienui beat , just completed , beau tifully located. In Wood's place , on sberinun are. Inqulrn 1511 Fnrnatn slrfel. b .lonu.'cu. S1I S7 * DFMUHENT , NEAT COTTAUi : . HAW .rum motor. furnl ! > bed or unfnrn hed. city r. 6 or C rooms Apply to Welbhans. 414 Kar- Mork. FOR RENT-FUEKISHED BOOMS. -KfRN IIKI ) KOOM WITH HATH. Sf. 00 E-Kf jiont th. l'.V.i ' I arnam E-MCEH FUUN UEDLAUUE 1T.ONT 11OO.M. iz : N. Kin st MB : < N'.1 * E-ntONT HOOM. HATH. GA5 AND HT.AT ; joard IIdesired IlIU 1'ark avenue. aGM't * E-ILI.OANT KfusiHEtJ IK M * . WITH OR without boari , at the Webster 61C and MS North nnh urtet. E-VICBI.T rt'RNisiiEi ) ROOM * : ALL MOI > - ern eonvenlenteft Terms reubouable. &t North t.d - Mi7l 1 FUBKISHED BOOM.S AND BOABD. : < IIKSIIlAULi : UOOM AM ) BOAlin IN 1'Hl vale family 70s N intb. M107-27' IT ELEGANTLY KURNl HKD UOOMs. KISIST i. class board , tTho L'olan , ajj and 211 N. loth street. 17-ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY -L for two eentlemen with relereucen at f5 per week each ; all modern c-jnrenieucos. & 15 N. ! d h MlllJ FKONT ItOO-MS WKLL FL'HSISIIUII WIT11 or wlibout bourd tM ) Nurtb Ilth st. MX1327 * F-DK5.1UAHLE SUITE. SOUTH ROOMS WITH board. IBChicago. MXir ; ifl- - > lUAIiLE UOOMS WITH U'.lAltD ' AT F-I re.isonablt terms In fniull fiimlly , nicely located. All modern ronvealctu.vs References. 24.17 liar- ney struct. M CJ ! " FOB RENT- UNFURNISHED HODMS. G-4 UNIUHN1SHED ROOMS. SUITABLE IXR housekeeping , to fcrns.ll family , central lo tlon : rbuap rent. Apply to J. \Yhutler , 417 Kar- bucb block. MMI5 FOR RENT-STOKES AND OFFICES. T-FOR IlENT , THE 4-ST-IHY DllICK UUILu'fxG. IPHi 1'nrnum H. The bullditiK has a fireproof ce- inent basomenl complete steatubeatintt fixtures : water on ail the floors , eas. htc Apply at the otUca of Tbo Bee. MS WANTED-TO RENT. K-WANTED ; UN FURNISH ED ALCOVE ROOM : southwest part of oily , modem conveniences. Address O 13 , U . M134 RENTAL AGENCIES. -PERSONS A JJEIlllY THE LEADING REN nil managers of SoullH > miba Tbe } haveptores , bouses , offlcc aud rooms lor rent b".1 N14 STORAGE. r-UUY. CLKAN'in'ltri AT LY SroKEU KUIt- liillure.ll'o ; li ugias.Umalia slave Itejmlr wurks. VS , r-STOUAUE C1115AP , CLEAN , WKLLS , 1111 i-1'uriiani street VtW WANTED-TO BUT. - \ -WANTKI > TJ ItUY OMK B PER CENT i- > Urn mo'tme > , Heed X aelby , UJ1 Uoard Trade. \ ' - ECO. | ) PANll ROOIvS'lll'fUHT FOR CASH - bl tbu Antiquarian book store , I IV r arnaiu. tiT7-n 10 * _ _ V-WANTKI1. TO ilUY A Stf-ROOM HOTKL WITH 1 bar In Nebraska : some tooa Omaba real eMnte purl payment. 11)1 ) S. ISlb si MU * . " . > V-SKCOKH HAM PNEUMATIC on CUSHION i ' lire safety : ninsl becbeap aud lu eood repair A ddress O &U , Uee otbce FOR SALE-FURK1TURE. 0 - OF T-ROJM FLAT FOR r = ALE ; full of roomers MC'outL Kilb slreel. Hat t ) . O-F.'R bALE. ALL MY HOUSEHOLD GOUDS. Will takeomabu real eslale In pa ) went. Georce Clouser M33s 0-FOIi SALK. TWO > TOYIZ ONK HARD COAL aud too bard or toft coal burners cbesp Call at .till ilumev street Mutt ! FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. p-Foii . ALE , A . IXTV-IUX.HII TOP IIUCGY J lortJiUO. H K Cole. Coullneulal block. H3J P-IXR SALE-TWO WELL MATCUEU BLACK I drlvluc hnrses , weliMni abonl ail ibs. eacb ; niunbesold al a sacrlUce Fidelity Loan Outran- lee Co. , room 4 Wltbnell liulldtn : Call ut once. f OR 8 ALE-MISOEL.LANEOUS. -VouVALK. liOMii i syrARE PIANO VKIIY .cheap If psrty will accept It will turn In as pan p y f rpbuci > 'U _ Cl. > N lllnli fn Sfl Q-FOlTSAl rLTCllERs 1VOL4K4 JUIIITU _ * nh _ aia M- - , - UACKnsI'HITCHAIID. . DOUGLAS I1LOCK , SALE niEAP. A u-mutsE I-OWEII automatlceniilue : alsu fuo I : horse power up. rich ! enelnet bviti In food repair , luqulre nf IV t- tier Prlnltui : di . 1W7 Howard street , oiuaba , Neb. Q-KOH SALK ORUATDANKOROEHMANSIAS- tiff and l.'ncllsb mastic puppies. J. C. Ford. Hotel Dulloue Omsba. MJS ! 'Jd- XillSCEXiLANEOUS. K-HOR K RANCH NO. IKi-llORSES , COLTS and cattle cared fur the. year round 17 ft. iians South omatia , Neb 1 * , i. box 1J& . M > Jj o.t * lSOYERCOATS , PL'ITg , CLEANED. DYED , RE. -lVpalrt > dcbeip. IWi Howard street. oOcn room 2 _ Kb Ml * K 1-A : HOME FOR LAIIIEs t > l RIMi CXNFINE- mrnt. babies adopted Jirl Cuuiln < CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MAUAMIE rillTZ , IMlCAbS STREET , CLAIH TOyaikt and tranc me41ura. .Independent TOloest tolli past and future , ui&gaetlo treiiment. Lsdics enl ) MHI MS' S-MRij NANMIK V WARUK.V. CLAIRVOYANT reliable buslneu uisllum.afia year n lit K , Ida , Ml CI..AIBVOT ANTS. S-ARRIVAL KXTRAOItDINAnY. WOlllKRPfL rerelatlon * . Cnallencr * the world. Mm. l r. M. Icrav0. DMl trancn clalrroyant. a trolncl t , | , slmi t and life rosier. t IU your llfp fma the cradle to crave : u iltc the * p rat 1eanwimar - rlarc wlih Ibe one yoo lore : tell * where y > a "III ru xtsd and In what bn > lne s brit alantel for. liai tbf C'lpbrslnl Kevpiiiin orraMpUts for lack aad to dulroy bad Influfncn : care > BU. Intemperance and ail private camplalnlt with ma ace. b th and aleoboi treatment -en1 fJ.BJ. lock of hair , name andd lcof birth and receive accnral * tlfefharl : Strnlp InptMntu for circular , cltelnlllal * f one yon will marry : al o photo. > of mme. O.Tlre 41 ! f"fioth Ilth slreet nnt floor , hour * , f a m I > ! r > rn Come one. romealL sol bo convlnceJ of thli won- drfnl oricle. * l > N 1 * MASSAOE. BATHS. ETC. _ LA HCK. MASSAGE. 418 SOt'TIt"UTJI oor , fltt t. M3W Is * TMASSAOB TREATMENT. BLKCTRO-TIIKK- mal bath' . calp and hair IrrittupnL ronnlcnre sod chiropodist Mrs I'ojUslP S 1Mb , Wlthnell blk. P MAIIAMn SMITH. iai CAPITOL AVP.vtT. -1 Room R. mi floor. Mas ace tilcobol tulphnr and sea liathi MIUT'M * p MAI > AM STOWE , MAUXKTIC HKAI.KH. PERSONAL. -PATII MM ON' BUI WKIiXEMtAY 1'LKASn L nrLniix IwU-c n-c-li't of nullee- M i-'J SB * MUSIC. AR t AM D L A KOTJ A O H. - o FLKNii w. RAVJO Ti\miii.N. w. cor. lilti and llarnev. Hartley ttrc t euiranee. V42 MONET TO LOAN REAL jESTATE. \ \ ' CI' . HARRlSO.T m N. Y LIFE. \V 7 IflU : CEVT MONJIY-XET TO BOHUliW- > ' erson Omaha clly properly No extra rbarec of any kind. Wliy pay hlcti rales' ' Monet la cheap. You cancel full liencfll of low rnle-j from lilotie Loan aud Trust Co lUlti and liolce. ! ' . < \\T MouTOAt.ifl/iANs LESS THAN 71'uu cr. " tncludlncall cburirc1 * . Oharles W. ttaluey. Omaha Nat bank Mat. W1 \\T-1 AXIJS-YEMILOANS OS CITY AND I'Mill * tno.-tc.6ces. Heed A Selby , 334 Board of Trade. 112 \V-CITV AMI FA KM HEAL K TATC LOANS ' at lowest rates , c insult us before borrowing. K. C. Garrln A Co . N Sbealey block. lUj V\T > li INKY T i 1/IAX AT LlTwiT UATUS. ' The O. F. Uarli companr , iMj Kurnarn slreel. < 1 \\7-ANTHOXV LOAX AND TltUST CO. . 8H N. Y. ' i Life. ) "na at low rate * for ch lB meurltv on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omatia city property. _ \\T CCNTUAL LOAN JE. TKUJTCO. , UEB ULtirj. T CHKA1' MONl'-Y. SEE G. W. 1 > . COATES. H.14 Karnnm. J \\T-ljrnSsnX 1M1MI > VED AND UNIMl'KOVEU city proprrty. tl.OJiana upwards. ! ! to 7 percent No dclayn. W. Karnam Huilth A 1.0.,16th und Unrner. 10JO * 1MIIVATE MONEY. 1 > T AND211 3IOKTOAGC loans , low rates. Alex Moore. ! leo bide. 10 ; \\T-OMAIIA SAYINGS HANK MAKE * LOANs ' ' on real estate at kiweM market ral ( ! < . Lonnt made In small or larce sums for short or lone time. Noooinmts lon Is caaried an-l Ibo loaas are not sold Intbe et tbutcan always b ! found at tbe iank on itm corner of ll > tb and l ouclas sireels. 103 If MONEY TO LOAN ON IM " " " " CO CITY propertylow rate. A. C. Frost , ouclas blk. IUI W KKAL E TATD LOANS. C TOT 1'EIt CKST ; noudditUinal cbarues for commission or attor neys fees. W. U. .Melile , First National Bank tilde. C77 \V-MONEY TO LOAN. SM.OJD TO LOAN ' ' ( < nnthn on tmlldlne and loan plan fl.VM paid monthly will par off f 1.0D3/JI In rnonlh * . No commission. Hale Is U' s Iban ti jier cent. I'oor lean's ctinnce ! l > o you need money * Can you use money ? If i-o. call , or address room 311 , Bee building , Oinaua. .Nvb. 402 n-4 W ' r , rnit CENTMONKY ON erty. U , C. 1'attfrson. IK Ranice bit H41 \\T I.AUGE I/iANS MADE OX OMAHA. LIN- ' coin. Council Bluns business property : C per cent. Alto ttoali loans. GcorpeJ. I'aul. 1S05 1'nrni.m. Msi : N15- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. \r WILL IX > AN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF sE -Vcurlty : strlcilyconUdentlal. A. E. llarrli , room 1,1 ontlncntal block. IOC V-1'KITCUARD. 51 DOUGLAS 11LK , 1C i DODGE -V 107 X LOAN.i ON CHATTELS. KEA-JUN\BLE INterest - terest , partial payments 1 to C months. W. U. Davis , K' ' [ > , Continental block. Elevator 15th su 103 X SI ON El AT LOW HATES OS ANY KIND OK nccurlty. Keystone Mice. Co. , 203 Sbeeley block 1UJ TO LOAN IX AilOL'XTa .V from $10 up on UOUbEHOLI ) FUUN1TUIIE ANll PIAN03 , UOllEr , WAG > XS ANII TAltltlAGEi WAllliHOL'rE RECEIPT * . OH I'lil OXAL I'HOI'EItTY OF ANY KIN1J mtbont publicity or removal of property. You can save time and money hy calling oa OMAHA .MOUTGAtiB LOAN TO , Hoom 11 , Crcl-bton Block , l&lb and lioiielus. next to PostottJce. INOJIU'OHATEII. ci'JOS V'-MONEY LOANED CHEAP AT YOUIl OWN A-llme. Nebraska Luna Co. . 1310 Dou.'lus M. M.4U3 4U3 \--LOW RATES ON KURNITL'HE LIVE STOCK 'Veto. J , W. Taylor , 1'loneer blk. , outu Oximua. L'tiy V SIO.NKY-.10. M. W DAYS. CHEAP RATE * /Vaud eiiky payments , on furniture , pianos , lire nock. etc. ulthout delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Dun. Green , rouin B. Barker block. - YOU NEED MONEY ; X-DO THE I'lDELITY LOAN fJUAJlANTEE CO. , Hoom \Vlillnell block , our. 15th and Ilurticr sin. WIU LEND YOU ANY ! > UM. THOM HOTonu.OJJ ON THE DAY YOU AsK KOK IT. We mute luans of any Btze , larce or Muall. on household coodi. pliiuof. Lurn-n. wuum. warehoufce rwelptk aud personal property of all kinds , In any amount , without delay , pub licity or removal of property ; cheapest rates rnd easiest payments. sKB Ua Flits I' . xCUATTEL I/JANS. W.-J X. Y. LIFK. MOHHI5 X-riD.KXI ( TO1AMN ON CHATTEL FKCTHITY : busluetscoutldendal. H. W. Hoard Trade Mill ? N7 Y-MUNUYTOLOAN ON FURNITI'RI : . borse . wacons and colluteral security. HUM ntss contldeutlal. Fred Terrr , room 431 Ramcebik MCio BUSINESS CHANCES. V-IKYOUARiSEKF.lNC5 : A BUs-INKSS OI'I'OII- 1 Unity r qulrinc Hinall rni.ttiil. In u cerliun and eiceudliiKljirotllaulu and crowlnv linslnesi , and alwajrscasb. wrllu to thu undersln d. tncloiinr stainp , wlipn lull particulars will IK ) clren. G ii. K _ luu Lstroet. Lincoln. Neb. 7 Y-FOR SAI.K. AT A VKHV LOW I'll.UHK , entlrti slate InU'rest lu one of tbe huavlpM pay IDE munopollri no * ' befiire Ills public. It will sore apertwit of the coal bills ot ereryliody and pro- ducv better ri'sulu. Krrrybody want ! It and will Imveil when seen. A lare builnen cm be dona at once In every cnunly. Full partlcnlar > by malC Address O K K.lll'iiLst l.lnculu N b MSTi V roil ? ALK. A MILI.INKRY ATOKK ANIIllt Bl- i nest doluzu tradiiof f i.OJi a year : lll lake part In Eood n-al estate tiulncuoibrred. Address o ZH , Omulia lit * . Y-lf" 8ALK. l'iUJ S1XJCK GKNKIUl MER- -I rliandlse lit live fastrrn Nebm ka town , rood prontalile business In rlcb farnilnc fountry. must be sold. Address O 4C. care llee. A1W1 Uj' vi'ORALE. . riw UAUKS mua KAHD or 1 tbe capital stoikofthe First National bank of Arapaboe Nebraska , at bU per rent of Its par value. Address i'erry J- Hole , cat tiler , tbe llauk vl Arapa- boe. Arapaboe , Neb. -1XJR SALK. A WELL EsTAULI.slIEU MB AT Jpeddlln : wacon. of C years standing Catli tulcs of Irom ( jJJto t'JJJ per muntb. Adrtrt-ss o ) . " . Ree utlitxi MM : V7- _ V-GHOTKUT fJTORB IN A GOOD IXK'ATION 1 und dolnc a i-'ood bnslnesc , ( or salu. Add.eis O M. llee. Mi.41 1 _ \r-rlK YOU ARi : BEIIKINU A IICMNKsOI'I'OII. . 1 lunlty In any line of business wrlto for our liul lel'.u. luclo lnu slaup. Wcsteiti Iluslness At cut , Minneapolis , Minn. Y -l > hMOCRATlC WihKLY : Foil SALU. LO- rat < d In a poud tonu of it.UOU pojiulutlon lu con- Iral leva. UUP a cuarauu < ed rtnulstlou of MUand will sell for CUO casb If taken at once Hate otber business and mill sell al blc sacrifice Ad' dre K. W. , rare of Gale ttly. Keokuk , Iowa. FOB EXCHANGE , r/Cl.KAH OMAUA REAL EsTATB roil MUSE actual valuation. Money to losn. itaz ib.Umibs. _ _ 110 * Z-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NE11. ANI HAKOTA Will sell or excbance. Ilui TO , Frankfort , lud i : I ANU AND CA H JXR STOCKS OF cotnc or sbovs : oonadeolal Address UK i 3H Kearuey Neb. l.'OSi * KXCUANGE. FI * IS DRIVING MAKE billiard and pool table , llox itou , fclienuu. doali , la. M1W rr * _ V CLEAR LOT IN OMAHA TO EXCIlAKOB FOR ' borse harness aud two sealed exiension top surrey , must be erst class He. Adlrets o ti , l -FOU EXrliANGE , GOOII IMfUOVEI ) NEbraska - braska farms for any cued real or chsttel i'ustoffice box I , Cbadron , * i > b. we iut TOR EXCEAN& ? . V-4S ArKK OK CI.KAIl J..XVII IS ONK OF " Ihe l * l wiiin > r nliMt dHtrlfH it Kants * to rt rnanrrfnr 1 * or 3ierp ! Jr ft ftonr i > shs city llmltR VMM psy fh ( Ililpronrr'-ir tiroperty l coo . Addrrs . irlTlnc prl tfl location , OW. Il p V fc-llOHM MHIIKRN Hofsr . IIA T FRi'NT , ' -'fine laws and tivM , lei ? thin Mile wnl of po l- . orace. Address O , Dec. MJ. * ? ? y TOR K.XCHANOi : . ALL XT IKU'SKMOLl ) ' - < coed for citnalu real finale fan rr-mnln In li-u e to fsrlT vlfhlnc to Tent house , ( iporcr I'loiiM-r. 1'4S Park Trnne i \ h4. % FOR 3ALE-RSAL ESTATE. _ KKAL nTATi : . Rnrcaln * only. My word I ? coovl. W. O AlbrlrtaU W ! - > New York Llfn Mil 4 4-KOOM CMTTAtil ! AN1 > 1KIT 1T , MTH /V r. < js > niirrt. .ortliftMrJ only tlJW$100 cafb find fir per uionU. Why f y tent when oSerpil ucli trrmsv llfle'.lly Tru t Company , irtt 1 arnmr IJ'UH ' SALKOU TRA08 BYTMK OWNKR 11 , W I aerps of S > brakn' < > fln * t farm'Tis i nd at a C - t McriUie. u 11. I'et-TfOB. 11IJ S rtb t omaba. M ( - .Vf i -iriii SALK , > IY RK < tnKviicTHII - < MTU i M .tvroom cm hith uotanl cild wnicptrle bells and hurclsr alarm. * i caklnetnbe.furnsp ? and barn ; also tin * raranl fail front rMldeac' lot ILL. WhUne.OI M rchsnts National tunk hMz. _ 417 XJ _ _ TiKBSttN- . 1IKUKV. TUR LHAHINU HEAL J rotate de > ler of Sonlb Om > ba. We only cl tmrcalns Ll t yourpropsrty wllb Ihc-in. Mi M4 \TA HARfiAlN. ? CilOICB LOTS. f > ul.u leel 'V rach ; more ndj'ilnltic If ile lreJ F.h l lront : S. W porni-r Itith und Ardor. Flnr l lor t Ion In clly for ri'side-iofl lllock from Iltht. . motor line. Cbarlcj llanipy. 1011 ro Itnb M . uiuitiv Mm I M . Y i si " rO t r \ II < * lit II l . 11 i * - * , * easy > lerms. Uco. W. I' . Coaies , ICU Farnam nrwt. l oJt SALK-iiHiH ) HKHPKM'E HITS IN 1MT- i ler i. Oeorre fo > addlllon. KaFl Omaba. raiDUO to t4IK.Ui ) : l-ll'ra > b. bslaurc munlbly. lAit" In MPelc A Woods'iiildlllon , tin car line In End Omaha , f T.VUr.i to I1.11HJ 1 > J. Gimd rpfltlcMrp leif In I.afej' . atidllton. on mill- lary rood , motor line. f2.i3.tK ) to f4W.lx ) : term ? oa y. Acre property near dunlin and soutli umaliti. ( ultable for EardfUlnR purpo ior mtullrldUic. Call for prices Urslrable rnttnco In coed rp lil"npp locallly nc' r car line fS.7u-.iBlo fS.iSUJ.tKI , nuall ci b par- uient. lialanr" motitbly. 1'otler i Ueorce roinpauy , IClb and Farnuro Sis. M''ii. nM 17011 SALK. FIFTY Wf.LL IMPROVED FAKMr. . i npnr Wnolia , fli lo ( uTi. BOFRS \ Hill. 14US Fornam lit"-t. M&S Nl COME UA'GAINS ( 'iFKEHEn BY THK FIDELITY I ' 'rrnBl Co. . 171K Farnaui tt. No troublH lo sbow I'rettlcf17-rootn collase In lue clly. all modern tmprovenienl * . An pit-cant enst from lol on Lowe live. . La Yrla Place clicup : 111 e-ll noon M-vernl tine lot > in north parl of clly close in ruouir. J4JJ to KM. loruier price $7aO to f.UJ. easy term * . j : , iO will buy nn A 1 bouse , renllnc nt pri-H'-nt for f-Xi per j ear. shou'd ' brine Mud , mi Ml pujuient , will nel Pi pur cent urniort * . Iwo Mebtly full lots In Soutb Omalia. pleudld lorntlon. vnlu-d al fl otia.Jusl one-hnlf tbat cranunl will take tbein. tlUJ iluwn. Will double > , , ur muney. A Iwaulllul 6-room coltaze. lollkiilju. just rom- plcled. iTlli and A ttreets ; ttOU down , balance monthly pnyments. Call quick l forc It Is sold Arondale Park , tbe lineal Inside residence addl- llon In the clly. : i lots out of in' ' sold Mnce Auenst -l < . Price only (1.XJ3 eacli. on reasonable terms. Call und see us about them. . 05N3 O10 ACRES NKAROMAHA.I.M J 8U acres near Omaba. J4.1 per acre. ICiO arpy county. Improvd. i 15 per acre. IfX ) nenr ! * prtutleld , f'il per acre SI.M near sjirtupiield. smooth. ( IJ.dOQ. HO Nancr county. Improved ! , ( > 3. i'40 Wiihhlncltiiu'Ounty. t s ptr acre , 21 ! Otoe county , U.S per acre. TS Thur tun county. lj per acre. B4U Col'ax eo jnly.f- per acre. , f,4U C'oilai countv. Jin per acre NtO I'oiiirtR ! , pounij. .V per aero. C F. UarrUuu , ! U5 N. Y. Life. 3J027 J7INK fiO I OOT KAST FRONT TXIT. 1/iWT AVE- - Inue uenr ll < nvnrrt tlreet. will be * nUl for what It will brlnp Nonit'sldcat owner bciennd will let IM- lot co fur ftri > t reasonalile oCor An tipp rtrn'tv ittr an.v one wanting a lol to build on U > I.UT nt - ' t be real value. T. B. SeireCiint , Mercaantb hmel T70R K.Lh. MCE C-UOOM rOTTAGE. NKAK imotcr : furnlsbrd or unlurni hc-d : city water , clc : bargain. Welshuns. 4i4 Karbscb block . f M3C4 1 DANCING SCHOOL. Mil. AXUMKS. MOKAXO > llANrlSG f-'lliXlU ITIZC'apltal ave. . now open Cbildren Tuesday , 4 l.'p p ra : r-aturclHV. ID a tu an < t : LtW : v m : adults Tueortni and r'rlda ; . l > p.m. Asestiilili. ] , Tliurj'daf .S pm Private lessons ilully.-liipll8Van ) uln anytime. Ma e und new nanre * tauctit 'de Cnrlvle , Har vard Unvote Weutwnrtb. Manltou and ' c'umblan i unclers. Hesldence SJIk : lu > a M. M'UJ M5 DRESSBIAKIKG. NTS TO I > O IR1 ) > > MAKISG IN ollcllcd. Miss Murdv , jj > unt _ LAIHE5 WANTING T" LEAKS IIItAFTING AND Areet cultlni : call at ITli Webster street bet. 1 and 5 : Instruction free. MT.44 31 * LOST. LO.-T , A LADY'RLACK * ALL .1 41 KCT ON upper HdK" or NorlL11(1 A PustuMe n > wurd will be paid on delivery at tbe Mndisou SI ! : ; zi REM IN C TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WiORLDl MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 13rt Farnam Street. Oiuaba. ! P DUST OUT OF YOUR HOUSE NOW THE COLD THIS V'JXTJiR U\ UTHE THE "IDEAL" WEATHER STRIP Jtut ICOW wo have eomo WOOD STKIP which wo will toll wh.lo it lusts OMAHA RUBBER CO , , I.V20 Farnain St. Cor. Kith. and Retail " Inippoveinent the order of the age. " We ncYer expected , in : our most sian- cruino moments , buchiir , jincrease In fcaleri as commcuiucd onithotir.t of Sep tember. The Smith.I mier TypeWriter - Writer is bavin ? enornio\i * > ules which are wide and far reaching ? These are the reports we nro rdceh'lng from our many branch otticoi * A TOL U A SALE. * Send for a doscrjpiive faitul ue. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER CO , , mi'Firaaa SI. , Oinalia , .Veil. E. 1L MAYHEW MaoaB" THERE is HOPE For tverr one who lm Wood t rtwiMe. no mutter in what Misjip nr how lung Mainline. . ] > rtiti < l < f ( Mnie < if tlie tltnl organs lute l efn MI Jar tnv | lrrfl a to render a cure linprw-aOe S. S S. gws to the rwt of the ill ortikii < ( rcinoxrs Hie. cause , I'j1 cxiH-llInc tlie j-olK.n f r. .in . ilit lxnljami al t lie fame ! im i a tonic to tlir wli-iio t.iMcm. Ilawercr bad vmir cac way I * , If hope FOR YOU. Cnrtsl ire1 of a mo t malignant tyf > e < if Uirtmlo liliKMl troul'lc , for nlilch 1 lia < l u < tl tarimi * other rvrmfllfj without rtfeot. My weight iiirn ctl. and uiv health Improved In t try way. 1 consider S. S. S. the l c t umlo I e\er I < M | . "S. \Vr.ioiiT , Jt ) < l ay. On. " Trcati e on Mood , skin ami rwitnclntis lilood poison luallttl true. SWIFT S1T.I IFir CO. , Atlanta , ( ii. Tll3 Lljilii j Cattle are reared on their fertile grazing fields in i Uruguay , solely to provide , prime beef for making the' ' world-famed | Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Baef , Cotnrjptcnt olinmlM- super * l every rte- tiiil. frou tlieur < > of tli- iuil ! " , md , through t ho urticus'-e * . nf ni tiuifu tvirt jrrufjukius c.i'aiilni'-ss Jin-vi , s to the' ' | iiittiti-of thr compielfCi CMI .1. . 1 Us ' - - tin- ' . . . pri'-i-rvps tinvt'Ai.iTv. ii.ov mid rrii- ITV of lln > . fiiiiinui. . jiroducl. wnc-li : is \t > - duv. .MS u-lifti llrst pit nn bj fie nrat , olu-inlst , Justus vein Lleliii i ! .ncomparably the Best | 1'or Improved nnd Ixviii'imii'oalt ry. i Tor Uclifiuus , Kefrt-f-liiuF JJeuf Tea. ! oss filed Watch Cases ! I are ill gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases , wear like solid cases , and ! are solid casesfor all practical purposes yet ' only cost about half as much as an out- ' and-out solid gold case. Warranted to i wear for 20 years ; many in constant use forihiru years. Better than ever since tl y 1 are now fitted , at nu extra cost , with the great I bow ( ring which cannot bifulled or Kittled ' rff the case tbe * j- = I 1 , , I Can only be had on the cases stamped with this trade mark. All others have the old-style pull-out Vow , which is onlj- held to the case by friction , IS THE TOLD OF INDUSTRY' ' Serioni Impedim > ats to tlie Success of Bail- Employes TJntoas. LARGE EXPENSES AND RESTRICTIONS rrlrnilly Crltlrlviu > I TxUtinc lctn A DUiiiiinit llexrlnc Sletcorltr hire-trie Motlir 1'nnrr l. l > or mill Nutco. Why Is It thai oat of nearly Mtt.OM ntU- wnv employes In thes UpltcJ Slate * less than IXW.IMO bflonr to labor of ntilratioast It the enc tili tlotis are a cnod ihiocr why dou't theo bungry neopl * piur Into Ihetn ! The Ctiica o Ace of Lnoar propounn * questtou : and lves several Otio is ihe trrost cxjiense of membership. ID most of tbe o orranlzations ooe mut carry an tusuraooe IIDII.T wbpid r be wants to oruoi , auo tboupti bo may have ulreadv placoJ ID reliable CDmp.mlcs as tnu''b Insur- atica cs tie wants , bo timtt ] nr $ I or ? 3 n motilb for insurance , llu must auo help to pay for tnaintalalnp nn cxpsnsire boajquar- tcrs wltb a necessarily heavy alnry list. Another beavy lax coinei In nulnlnttiinc n local Inclce where froquuotly n mere huuJtuI of member * uiust pay the rrat of n ball. Jtnl- tor service , lirntioc , heutinc , etc. Tae : in- tiUHl hnd Ulcnnlal coovi'ntions ure uHo a hcuvy expense. Another trouble Is the absurd tiractk-0 of so bed - ice the organizations about xvllb restrictions that a larpo numbzr of men can't cot in when they want 10. The union for defense should be a business association nnd not a social one. 'When an army is ralsud to defend the couutrr wo don't ask a volunteer whether ho 1 * tbis that or the other tblnp on social , po litical or reunions questions. What we want to know Is whether tie Is nbvsically abls to tlKbt , Nobodv thtnus of refusine to po to war bffrauso he would uavo to inarch in the same company with a man whom he would not invite to bis horae. Hut tse local lodpe says to Ibn volunteer for tbe indtiilrlai ariny : 'You tnu t have certain social and reliRious qualilli-uf.otis belore you can join us. ' And wore than this , the Indje alious any three or five ol its rnomoers to throw out tbe nniiliruDt without eivlng any reuson at nli bv biinplv votinc black balls. "There Is also a limitation involnnc ; upe , wbicb Lolpsto ac.-outit Jortbeir failure-to pot more then u unnll fraction of the employes inside tne or aniratious. 5ost. of then , rnnkp tbe qualiticaUon act * fall between 21 and 4 , " > years. No matter how trooi a ' tnetnber'a man of'JO micht tnake , he can't cor DC in , uod although one of 40 nnd even M ) years is often a better man ptytiraliy than one of 35 , be is forever barred. Some of the orders are compelled tousottns restriction on account of their insurance , but that is only another nnruire-nt acanst : Insurance. The sensible thine would be to aomit tnon rfpard- loss of afro. If a tnnn can do the work it ii immaterial whelher ho is Hi or O'J years old. Every man who is able to talte your place when vou svriKe should bt pottcn inside the orrnnization. "On lop of all this comes the undeniable fat- that the organization , after takuic so taucli money from tha roemoer who can ma tbe pauutlet uud cet in , fails uiltrly to pro- tect him afterward' . It may and ooe benefit bim. but it dots not and never can rive him tbo protection that n simpler and loss ci- Pftisivo organization could piva. Tuo rea tape , the fuss unu fealhers of these organiza tions cuuso not only a u-elcss expanse and tbt-reby keep out members- , but also ploy directly into tbe bands of tbe companies. Tbo ciamsy conslitulions provide such pre cise and roundabout ways oi ccltiuc at a prievanco that tbu company is thoroughly pastea and well prepared when tbe blow comes. Surprise is tbe best weapon of stratppic warfare. "Tho present orc'unizations oue much of their heritage of errors to the fact that they have copied the laws , and usaes of ancient secret societies hlie , for example , that of the mason * . These societies ure social or benev olent , and cenerally semi-rellpious. arid are as far from the needs of an organization whose business it is to raise ware ; , as can well ba imnciued. ITrom thu source the preseu' railroad laoor oreanizutionE hevo re ceived a lerracv of mistakes. Americans ao not take kindly to the pompous ceremonious relics of top palmiest days of roally. . Tnere is sometbinp ranki.v distasteful in tt.o very name of 'masler. ' Jn an orpuruzation of propressivo American labor there js no lepitinjato place for the supreme , sublime great , errand inoguls of any descrip- Carlsbad Sprudel Salt is not n mere purgative , it is an altera tive nnd a constitutional remedy. There is nothiap "just as trood"wbeu you can obtain the gnnulue imported article. Do not be imposed upon by unscrupulous dealers. The genuine have the si < rnH- tureof "Eisner & Mendelten Co. , Sole Apentfi , New York , " on every bottle. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map , i"CEDAR RAPID ? ES MOIXES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily atjios p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. _ _ _ : j DR. E. C. WEa JMSUYIC AMI llUAINTiliC VF _ : M.asaejmc lor Urt.Jrii. nuiinjii. fin , .Vji raltfa , imaaucbi. . .rwrroiu l'ro ir.ilua caus J br sicoooior lauicoj , Wakstulneii. Meant Uajr i. > lon,90 lnessof tu Ilrjln.ciun3jin.4i tr. tui < irr Oec y.n atu. I'rtfunitam UIJ Azu lUma n. 1/011 ol Puwerin ellbers9E. liLpotener l.u c t-raji uul tUirumalu WuASUifikj4 , luruiuniir/ l o ui. 3pjr- matmriie U4Usti4 bovur jxu ti a o 141 orilt b ll-uba < aurer iuJulCinca. A mini' * irmnm ll.Ofarli u > u. nl. iVak-a raolo3 n u Jt I j niri hnt-n u 'o K.r . i M witu ( . ! I H il w.r n jruaratili'Ci J rv.'aolir notraril Oaifauiiis niajl Olllj U ' ' 'i'i ' i ' r- Ijt- < * - Uruj iti s ia a 43b -v. ! . WELL BRED , SOON WED'GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married Try it on your next House-Cleaning. lion.Ve lire la an RCO nid a country tuai Imists uppn the cqualitr of men. The UUor orpntunllon boula t > at lea t nt Tar ad v anew ! in Il frrm of coT .rn- rrcnt m the povcrnmenl U Jive under In Knciand they arc nhe&d of their covernmont , in the L'rUwl Stat < - hcliiud. The praent railroad ord < < r * ar rllDCtnc to runtoins con- l nj old to usape * n far toblnd the Umo RV lli stacrronch an tea alt- * the What we ne l l &n orpanlrntion rvorr Uw , } irlboiple BDJ usnco ot which Is ba.oj upon ttic iirxcUle8 ol the day. Such arc a few ot the ) Rpeclllc re oni why the present orpmlzmlon have less tbau 300,090 tnom bers.w hrn they oucht to have MM , ( . Thcv have thus fer Uilpd In their noble mlslou to luii.v prottct railrvaJ Uuor und must con tinue lo fail until they pet ihe remaining OJU.OJO employes " An Interestlnz nodltlon bet been made to Ihiitnucral rntiiwt of Harraru collopo in Iho tliamona-bMrinirueteirlte litcly di t-ixer < .il In ArliO'ia. It u-ill b ? reroemWroa tbut thee diaainn < 1i. were first foetid bv u pro- fe > .orlu a eirll.v of Iron whii-b he .ub- ) t cllne tn rxnrulnsHoii. Kicrtmc that his cutting : tool WHS ni-tp. t < Ml tu u hard sub- stai ce , be tTivrMiesled 'urlher nn J met tvilh several biuoh dinmoads unU one uluU1 o. , , . In order to see whether other poru.uis of tLa meleorlio t-onUlneU dlainonds a uioco wai rvsnentlpa tn a | ) ! allr > um ca e and laiccrscd In ntiJ omitnlucid In n plnlinuiu bi wl , The curn-ni from u voiiaic batlcry ' xvas then'srnt through tbo bath frcta the cnce lottiebtml cud tl.c lion dissolved uivay , leaving 11 hlnrJ : slime , which on being wa ued showed blni-k and white unrllclci. The blu : k wore Mnonmous carbju , the white partly quum , parily diamond. The quart ? was dissolved by dicestlne U over a Meiitn bath with strong h.vdrofljorlo acid. The diamond" v ere found to cut elms aud scratch topaz or Mipphlro. Ulnmonds are found to ocvur Ic old volcanic vents , sucn a the Kimberlev mines of Suuth . .Africavhlch ure lllli'd with decomposed inlrusivo mater ial thrown up from rroat depths. Prof. O. W. llutitiurtou roceutly expressed the opin ion that situ-o the earth is apparctiUy i n > as\ of motcoritos covered with a crust , there ought to be au abundance of diamonds ut great depths. The cane lamp is the Invention of n Gtr- niau. The idea involi ed in tun device If ocr- tainlv uovel. Tbe h.tndio of tbo cane con tains nn incandescent lamp , the two poles of whieh are councL-toJ with the plates or a batterv. llelowthii is a small cbumb-ir to carry the balterv 11 Jtd. U'liuuevcr it N de- Rirea to tiso tbo lamp , f ays the Philadelphia Hpcorj , the cap is ; aUou oil and tnc cane in clined in such u manner that the contained liquid ci > mes in couUct with Ibe eli-ctrodes. A current is , thus produced that will Uocp the liptit going for an hour. Durinc the past year eichty-four street ra'.hvavs have adooted tha electric ststcm. in tL't ' , country , masitip the total number , October 1 , 4W. ( with a cspaal EtocU of fcJOa- jTuifji nua u miloucu ot Ti.440 miles. It baa been found that many more people natronlzo tbe rapid electric cars over the saino streets thau was the case whun hordes or mules were tne motive power. liuliiHtrlnl N < ites. \Vool furnUho.s 32.033 varieties of g-oodi. I' ngland boasts of an aluunuium launch. Conservatories are hcat"d oy electricity. American razors are in fcvorin Englana. Los Aiigelos , Ual. , Uas an electric tower clocl : . Tne world last year consumed 11 , S03.000 bales of cotton. Boston pxoects to have a fortv-four-milo trolley to Providence , H. 1. DuilaVo , N. V. , is to have the largest car wheel wcrks in this country. A patent has been IssuoJ for a Iocs which can be operated only by a raajnotizad key. Some of Berlin's house * are numbered with luminouE llcures , easily visible at night , Glass in oveu a new coLtrivanc ? , enabling COO'KS to watch tuu food without opening the floors. At the exhibition of tte Photographic so ciety of Great Britain there is a photozrapa of Mount Ulauc laUcn at u distance ol tifiy- tli. miles. An uvcrageofJC30.U03kidsareslauchterod everv year to turnish a siuclo manufaotur- inc town in Franre with skins to maSa l,2'JU,0iJ ; dr/ens of gloves. Tbe life of a locomotive cranli pin. which is almost tbe iirt thin ? about an engine to co , ipuit out to OJ.03. ) ciiies , aaa the lilo of a JUf-incb wheel is GG,7K1 ; miles. A neiv uljuiinium nlloy. with titanium , is made in Pittsburs , Pa. It sells at from tCi cents to fl per pound inora than pure aluminium. It is an excellent malarial for mailing tools. _ In lli < > Tielil. Chicago cattle yart's employ 25,000. Thre are about sou women cmnloyed in th'j postal telegraph service of London. The Bo.-ton wood woriters unions nro com billing to resist a contemplated reduction in wages. The Hhtido Island supreme court declared the eicbt-bour work nay Jen- constitutional in that stale. Ao etcht-lour work day will bo inaugu rated by the bricklayers of iloston ou ihe 1st of next montU. The granite cutters' strike in the New England status which lasted five months , ii practically ended. A general strike of electrical workers 1 * ovjieclej to occur in New York city on ac count of a larco number of arms in that in dustry forming au assosiation and ploJeiuir its members not to recognize tbe union or crop oy strikers. , under a penalty of f 1,00 ; ) . tat men are in demand in London as ud- vcrtisinu mediums. They wear clothing on wtJicti > paces are arranged for various ad vertisements , nnd thus an-.iyed thov parada tbo street 4. Ou tncir cap. ihcv bear this In- Ecnntion , "Spaces to be lot on tlxty men. " Tlie last fiscal yoar'B ret-cipts ot the Broth erhood of Locomotive Firemen amounted lo Sli'.i..MII.fel. and tbo disbursements to $ iS.- liT'.s ' ; . A suin of 4-11(1,55) ( ) . lii remaicod In tha trcas.urv to the credit of the general fund ; ( iHiS.i1 : 75 WUD received for the beneik-iarr Jund and fHy.t..Ti'J expended on account of death aud di abl'itv ' bent-fits. Then * uro 4SJ local branches nQlliated wiib the broibcr- need , which have u membership of C..I37. Uiscat-e never successlunv aitacm tna srs- lem with pure blood. DeVVItt's HarsapirlUa innUes pure now blood aud ourichcv L.lci-nsek. The Jollowlnp ; raiirrluEe licenses were is sued by County Judge Uller yoatmiaj : NnmouniJ a.1drp s. Asa. I lliTliurt II. Nichols On-.hha. i' l ] „ IrwioVplls. . O nulia i-7 j Ailit'rt I'liiitncra. Oiniilia ? I Lulu IJ-OCUUT. Un.iiliu ij Till ! IIC.VI.TI MAIIKIjr. i.N"TUOU'NT5 : placed on recur I Oi't. 1\ ! IWI. ' . WA1IKANTV KEKIU. Mriiuroi'K A ; O'ICcclTPlsoiiiimiiy to Kdw I Uter. lol ; r , liluck 1. .Mci4Vi > cl.V O'Ki-i-trc' rt'ii'.at ' } Ml ) MIIIIU III JUUIPM 1'IOllkl , lilt UI , IllOCk I , nuiio K > 3 G tl lluirzs an I w.IotdV \VoU-ott , 8 'i inl in. II.OL-U 4. HIISZ * ft Illiri.nild ! . . J.M3 K Iv I.ulsoii tofi r llivl : > i < < iiiiiMiiy , loli 1 , S n'l ' 3. lil'H-b J. I.UKH View . . . I.P'JO n ( ' Ilonii"ll olid wiftflu : iiuu. n liiu-rt-a of nw w h41.1 75 M -nuwdrn uml liu liin. I l'i "A llm-" " . lot ; . Mock 'i Wlllljiu Huze- < tirn 2 "J Mil. - A. Th.i , . p.un to J II Iliown , lot 4 , II O ! > I . K'lUlllW 1' IIIT . ' > , U > 0 11 K \ \ i ui lo.l u lrtiier. . lol ' , tiUiflc i . l mil Oumti.i l,5.iD Vi A ( n.JUutd : nd nlfu to Muluul In. v -tinea' c.iuijiniy. lot IS , lUn { ' .liv 4.450 un i-inci , VmxJs lu H M llnyrl r , S , ; < ua < 4 to svuilii Uuiuhu. l.ujJ Muty Mit-liui * U liittbunil lo llrlil ia o'i onrmr. loiio. ItlnaK I * . Ivaiintzt- . Hull , udd. . . . IOTP ( ICIT il.l IICIEII * . lie1. lone 1'otol Dompmiy tu J 1' 1'lnior. lot 1. biiK-u b . UwaliM . 1 J W II no n UiU F Il-ivis ixiiupany. u 10 1K lUTi-s of n gw * li'l'4 . K ) Au'Jnw ' : Mik' U > \ filtiTUoi ip u , lot 4 , b.mik U. Kuuiilfcu l'i c i . 1 Ni' k Heriu.KL lu ii \ \ Sturllii ; . lotkTlo la. K IK , io to 1U ulixik 14. bohltsincur's urU . . IO M t.Cliutidlet aud husband to A 1'Ctun- IOt ciivr , lot II , blooklT. Oticlrul pirk . t II HE US. G A UeiiBott sliorltT. to J I1 I'inley. lot 1 , liloi-k to , Uiuttlia . l.l'jl 3 \ ' lloyil. hlmrill. to Milo & Tlioiupkuu. h lid fenl of liiiK.iSuiiU 14 , block 1 , Jov- ter'sudd UiHiutb Uinabk . l.&i I ) d It'll t ion nnu ptut of t-hulby I'laco lu M add tu Corrlb'uii 'lu--e Total amount of transfer *