HIEOMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 20 , 1892--TWELVE PAOES. Required to Show Proof of His Part in Producing lioistr.ro. THINKS HE SAVED A BIG FIELD OP CORN Hut n Lincoln Sinn U Not Tliorouehly Sxtlillml thnt hnch I * the C o- I'rrnllnr l > Hture r i > l. uca < ter County Cane. Li\fo N , Neb , Oct. STi. ( Special lo THE Hr.R. A novel < ult ha been tiled jn the diUnct court of this county In which Wll- hatti Jl Swlsljcr , the "i-alnmtlcer of Kan- > , ' s'io J 11. McMurtry for f. > 03. Lft t uurintr a proloagod spell of dry McMurtry propn ed to save a big com tip d belotiirtai : to hlmsolf from the ulTist's jf the drouth. AccorJingly he made h uontriit.'t ivlthSwlsho * to produce an inch uf ra n , ucrcclnp to pay him tViO lor the mu providing the rain caino within a cer tain n',2clfled time. Bvvtihor commenced hl < wash boiler Incantations and oa the after- uoon on the day spaclfied In the contract a licavy rain fell. It continued for several nmincnts and then the sun catnoout brightly. It as n singular fact thai the area covered bv thu rain fall wa < limited almost exolu- lvely tu the city of Ur.coln. Several hour * lalpr'anoltier storm arose nntl the rain fell all nlcht , Thli storm wai general nil over the state. McMurtrv rcf URod to pay the t'M miles Svvlther would prodjcatne proofs that the rain was causnd by bis efloru. lli'iicc lliesulL \V > inlft Ilriuy Uillimco. .1 \VirIcktodavcomtnoncoasultacaInst tlie owner * of tno Urowneil block in this rlly for dainauos In the amount of 110,000. In September \ \ Mriulcva u slstlnK In the \vnvk of putting it lurpo iron fo In ono of the. upper stories of the block , lit order to pot thn safe up to the top of the bulldinc It was plucod on the passoncer elevator. The elm'ator started to ixscond before the safe was entirely on and u a result the Bate tliioJ | | over , falling onVIrlck and brooking til * log. Ho mninthltis that tne accident \vns due to defects In the construction of the elevator , for which the owners of the block wore rcupotMlble. \Vlll ICi-cnlvp 1'r.trlck iu'ii. . The general conimittfO have In charce the arratiKcments for tha reception to bo tendered to lion 1'atnck Kan , United States minis ter to Chill , held a meutirif , ' at republican tcudunrtcrs ] thU mornlticr. The following I.eclal committee was appointed to take chars'O of the rccopllon and make It a suc cess : John h McClayV. . B. Howard , C. .1. Daubach , C5. J. Woods and Faivcll. At the rcijuest of the commltteo Ohulrmnn Cadv of the republican state central committee for warded a tcleeram to Mr. Kijan ask d him to nolllv the oommlttoo when he could arrivoin U'.ucoln. It 1 the deslra of thu committee to have the reception on the ovonltic of Novem ber L' , us that is the date of the Thuiston rally In this city , and they desire to bare the Unto marked by a grand republican demon stration. _ Will Sri tie the Street Cur U' r. Ui\ritirc : , Kob. , Out , 25 [ Special Tele- cram to TUB UcE.l The Boatrloa street railway war staud * an excellent chance of amicable adjustment. A proposition was made lo the Uanld Transit company last night liy the iloatrlco Street Hallway com pany for the siilo of its line to the Uapld Transit people , and it is piren out semi- uutboratlvely that the terms have been ac cepted and all that now remains to bo done is the formal transfer of the property. Messro. Godfrey and Meals today began suit for damages ajtainst the city to recover $7,400 , alleped to bo duo them Irom the city. Tnc plalntllTs In the case urc thb contractors lor tno extension of the water system and builders of the I'adaocx pasture water plant , which Is conceded now to bo a comnlete fail ure as a source of city water supply. The city has alrcadv sunk about $ 'WouO in the enterprise and tbo present litigation crows out of tha determination of the cltv to pay nc more money on the contract except ut the end ol a bitterly contorted law suit. Ivnorkci ! lluwn anil Kohhpd. Or.NT.VA , Nebw Oct. 25. [ Special Telograrr to Tin : HCK. ] A raau named Franklin from York was knocked down on an unfrequented ktreet hero last night and robbed of ? 30 bj two men. When found ho was unconscious , mid remained so lor some tlmo. Tiroy-ounc toughs wore dlsplayiiiB considerable monej later and many suspicious circumstance ! point to tlrom as the guilty pailies. They an watched. Cli rlcb .lohiiHou'H Trial. Arm iix , Noo. , Oct. 25. [ Spscial to TBI BEE.J The trial of Charles Johnson for thi murder of James Whltoman , his Drother-in law. two years ago , commenced here yoster tiny. About 100 witnesses will appear in thi case. At his previous trial tbo dofendan was convicted of murder in the first deeree but secured a reversal on technical grounds REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. CoriiTtml I.l tj > r Appnlntinnnt * Marte bj tlio Stuln unil County Committee * . lion. I.orrino Crouiua. At Ashland , October 25. Wayne , October 2. 1'onca , Octobor27. JJanota City , October 23. liHrltnglon , October 29. Ci-elgliton , October 81. limit. < ' . 1' . Miiiiilerxui mid K. 1C. Valentine At Strnrasburg , October 25. York , October'J ( ! . led Cloud , October 27. Oxford , October2S. Mlnden , October 29. linn. C. I1' . Miimlrrjon. At SU Paul. October ill. Ijoup City , November 1. Ord , November 2. lirand Uland. November I. Syracuse , Novnmbor . A'uburn , November 5. Hun. O. A. Itobblni. At 1'allsade. October 25. H yes Center , October 20. StocUvillo , OctoDer'J" . Klwood , Oetobor 2S. Welllleot , October 2'J. lion T. ,1 , M Jor . At Mi'.ford , OctoborSS. lliiiin. T. .1. Hiijur * , ,1. o. Allen unit IV. K Mimmi'rs. At Oborne , Oolober'7. linn , ,1 , M. Thtiritou. At l.inooln , November 1. .Norfolk , November U. Oaiatia , November 9. ( ienova , November 4. Falls City. November .1. Cdiimy A | > | iuintm uti. The repuhllcau ward clubs ot the city hav arranged a series of rallioi to bo hold in dif foifiit places In tbo citv between thu an election. Tbo best spea'kert in me city hav bcou bocured and ouch tuootiuu will ba food one. The oouutv central committee hi unnuunced the following dates nod places c meetings : All meeilucs will commence promptly at oYlock p. in. unless otherwise stated. October 25 , nt rwunty-fourthauil Curalnj ttrre's , at which meeting Hon. K. J. Cornls and lion. Ueorgo S. Smith will speak. \Vnlnut \ Hill , October 27. at whloh mootln lion , K .M. Hartlottand HOD. W , S. Straw will speak. beve-jth ward ineotlug , Octobsr 23 , 131 1'ark avciiuo. Judijo Jacob Ftnvoett an lloi , . W. S. Strawu willuMrask the lueo in ir Ninth ward , Twenty-ninth and Farnai btroots. October 2S , at which meeting Hoi John U Kennedy and Hoa.V. . \V. Slat baucli will ipuak. October ill there will be a Joint meeting < the 1'irst mid Second wards on Tulrtcont ktivot , which \vilt bi addressed by E. , L'ornlsh uud other well known speakers. At ( ioodrlim hall oa November 1 will 1 lipld a meeting of tae Fifth , Slxtn ao Kivhth wards. All of the clubs in tneir e' ' cral wards will meet at 7iW o'clock at tl halt auil have a torchlight proec&sloa , aud u wards in the city ID which there are no rnee nips on that utirut are Invited. Hoa. Jotiu I \\'iibteruua Hon. Jacob Fuwcott will tae tt uralori of tbr meeting , ball , Novcmucr'J , C. H. Marplo the State Board of Ilc tnts and Hon. E. M. BKrtlotl Trill addreks ibe meetlntf. Octet > r39 , Hon. John A. Ennanacr , CK > minister to Sweden and Norway , will speak at Washington hail lo the Scandinavians In the Swedish language. U h expected that everyone will turn out to hear this able rep resentative of thehcandin.man race. The same evening , October 'J ? , at the Ex position DtlU Hon. C. J. CJreene and E. Hose- water will aJdrcss a mass meeting to bo heia on that occasion. The laboring men of Omaha are especially invited to be present at this meeting , as there will tie a full discussion ot the tariff. In Its relation to tbo wage question. All the republican clubs In the city are i- pccted to turn out enmasso. Thn president of each club Is expected to tee that each member of bis club Is present and inline promptly. All clubs will meet at Seven teenth and Karnain street' , whore a line will bo formed , and from there the procession will march to the hall. Every man In the city xvno has a torch Is ox pooled to ba on hand. co % VTIIT pitE' ' 'vci MRETINOS. Douglas precinct , October 27 , at which meeting Hon. David H. Mercer , candidate for congress , and .1. P. Breon will ips.ilc. Waterloo , October J * , Hon. D. H. Mercar , candidate for congress , * ud Hon. E. J. Cor nish will address tne mootme. MlllarJ , November 1 , Judge Joseph H , Blair and George Smith will spoak. l nst Omaha , two blocks wast ot the lead work" , .November 1 , J. U. Kalov. oandldato for county attorney , and Hon. W. W. Sla- baugh will address the meeting. Irvlngton , November 2 , Hon. David tl. Mercer , candidate for congress , E. J. Cor * nisb and Major Livingston will eacn deliver addresses. Elkhoru , November 3 , Hon. E. J. Cornish anil J. P. Uroou will address Iho mooting. Uensoa. November 4 , Hon. David H. .Mer cer , candidate for congre i , and Judge Jacob Fawcett will speak. Etkhoru , November 5 , Hon. Philip E. Winters will address the meeting in Ger man , and other prominent speakers will ba present. At each of the above meetings in addition to the speakers aunounood there will bo also urosont a number of the candidates , who vill also address tne meolug whenever de sirable. WMtll CU II J'.AU.IES. Mr. T. 1C Sudborough has arranged for a republican nicotine in Boyd's opera house November a , designed moro especially for the people of the Fourth ward. Hon. John M. I'hurjUm will spsak. A full orchestra and a vocal quartet hare been engaged for the occasion. Tickets of admission will be required. The can bo had free of charge by application to Mr. hudborougn , who will bo pleased to respond ID all requests. Ho said yesterday that applications were pouring In upon him. Mr. Tnurston had consented to speak In Lincoln on the Ud , but tne state central com mittee postponed Iho Lincoln date to onaolo Mr. Thurstbn to accept tha Invitation ot the 'ourth ward republicans Everybody is ID- itcd to apply for tickets. The Eighth Ward Republican clue will iota a rousing mooting at the club head- uarters nt Twenty-fourth and Cuming 'uesday ovonlnt : , at which speeches will oo ellverod bv Uouoral George S. Smith and ienry D. Estabrontt , if the latter has ro- .nrnod from Chlcaeo bythattlmo. Arrange- menu are being made for a larger meeting to jo held at Goodrich hall , Twontv-fourth and i'aul streets , n few eventucs later. Several big rallies have also bonn arranged far to beheld held at Bovd's Opera house and Exposition hall , and from this tlmo forward ihe cam paign will bo pushed with a whoop. The Walnut Hill Ninth Ward Republican club has held somn hie meetings already this campaign , but President Higby has ono booked for this evening , October 25 , that bo hopas to BOB surpass any yet held. There will bo speeches Dy J. L. Kaley , the republican candidate for oountv attorney , and W. W. Slabaugh. The West Omaha drum corps will be in attendance and will urtilsh music for the meeting. The mem bers of the club nre urged to be present a arrangements nre to be made for the visit o ho clu b to the big rally that , will be held by the Council Bluffs republicans on Wednesday evening. Members of the club who cannot attend the meeting this evening are re quested lo meet at th iMtllard hotel at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening to accompany the club to the Council Bluffs raly. Trans portation to nnd from thu Bluffs will be fur nished for the club members , and the West Omaha Drum corps will furnish the raarcn- iuc Inspiration for the club. All republicans of the Ninth ward are invited to attend the meeting this evening. irj. . / > " > Miit HULKS. Hours of IJxIilliltlnii , ArtuiUsInn Prices HDC Oilier -iiliitIdiis Announced. CHICAGO , 111 , Oct. 25. The general rulei governing the conduct of tbo Columbia : exposition wore issued yesterday. Thi gales will DO open to employes at 0 a. m. anc to the public ut S a. m. They will bo closet at 7 p. m. , unless in case ot some special ex hibitlon or event , when they will close no later than 11 p. m. Admission will bo In all cases 50 cents pe : head , except that of children under U yean accompanied by parent or guardian ; thesi will be admitted free. A limited amount o power will bo provided gratuitously for ex blbitors , but In" cases of excessive power i charge will be assessed. The expositloi will assert reasonable care in the protectloi of cxhlbiu , but will not stand responslbli for loss or damage. No patent medicines 01 nostrums with those ingredients will bi allowed to exhibit. Catalogues will bi printed in English , French and Spanish am will bo published Dy the exposition exclu sivoly. Ata meeting of the World's fair board o control today , Director of Works flurnhan was instructed to draw up plans for a $150 , 000 educational building with lt > 0,000 tquan feat of space. Tills country is tint likely to bo called Co lumbia. The move in this direction wn icadoin the meeting of the World's fuir com mission , when Commissioner Bulleoo o Missouri presented a resolution rcquestlnf loncress to tnko the necessary stepitoseuur the change of name from Amerlc to Columbia. The mover of the resolutioi nmdo u clover speech In Its support , deridlui too claims of Vespucci lo the credit of dls covering the continent nnd demanding tba Columbus receive the honor ot giving hi name lo this country. Commissioner Cocb ratio of Texas , made a strong , though POE Bibly somewhat spread earle spoocu agains taking tiway the proud privilege of calllu oneself an American citizen and without fut ther debate the resolution was laid on th table 43 to 7 , DoWitt's Sarsaparilia oesiroys suoa pol sons us scrofula , skin dlsnasei , eczemi , rhou mutism. Its timely use savei many Inwu Kuprnnui Court Derision * . DEB MOINKS , la. , Oct. 25. ( Special Toll gram to Tau Bun. ] The following suprom court decisions were rendered today : Lonr , appellant , against Scboe. O'Bne district , affirmed , Weirs , appellant , agalni Jones countr , Jones district , ntllrmod ; Ha : risen ag&lnsl Adamso.i , appellant , Palo Alt district , affirmed ; Odonabal , appellan against Russell , Carroll district , reversed btato against Chicago , Milwaukee & S Paul Hallway company , appellant , O'Bric district , reversed ; Chase , -appellant , ngaiui Sioux City , Woodbury district , reversed state against Kyne , appellant , Don dlstrlc reversed ; city of Council Bluffs ogaini Waterman , appellant. Council Bluff j supot lor court , ufilnneJ ; Wtnnoy against Sane wirb Manufacturing company , appellan' ' Franklin district , reversed ; Thomas uppei lant , against Anderson , Buena Vista dl' ' trlct , reversed ; state against Miller , anne lant , Marshall district , reversed ; Btseio , Co. nppttllant , against Wutson , HarrUo district , aftlrmed ; state against Procter , ai pallant , Fremont district , reversed ; Clar against Hivmond , appallant , Harrison dl trict , rovcr ed ; Andrews against Cbicagi Mllwautceo is SU Paul Hiitway couipan ; appellant , Chicltasaw district , affirmed ; NJ tioual Bank of Battle Crceli , appellan uiraiun Dean , Monono district , reversec United Slates National Dank , appollan npalust Crosloy , Madison district , afllrmui Tnousands sluk into an early grave fc want ot a Bottle of Dr. Bull's Couch Syrur This great remedy tvould have saved then llH-WHtMl Hip fjlltll | hi < ICU. NEW VoitK , Oct. 35. The stockholders < the Western Uuioa Telegraph company ha\ unanimously voted to aia f 1U.SOO.UJO Ui tl capital stock , making the total { 11)0,000,00 Frescoing and interior docoratlnir ; di signs und estimates furnished. Ilonr Leunmnn , loUS Uoufjlus street. IN 110M OF TI1LIR GUEST Members ofthoOmaba Bnildera Exchange Banquet W. H. Sayward IT WAS A VERY PLEASANT AFFAIR Iloir the ( icntlrinnii Mm t.xboreil In the Interest of tln < I'rofrnslon Import ance of Iln\itig I lie Hr t Hep- re cntntl ' 8 of the Art. The corridors of the Builders Exchange In the Now York Life bulldinc echoed to sounds last evening that never greeted them before. Tno entire membership of the excnange and a number of itivltod guests had congregated to do honor to their guest , Mr. W. H. Suv- ward of Boston , the secretary of the Na tional Bullder.s and Traders Exchange. The reception which that gentleman received at the nands ot his brethren of the Gale City tvaa ono ot those incidents thnt linger gratefully in the memory , a pleas ant reminiscence that gilds the dreariness of wintry days with warm , translucent sun shine and lends to November gales the ten- dm fragrance of June rcson and waving lilac blossoms. The quarters of the exchange were redolent with the savory oclon of good things. In the center of the room a huge silver punch bowl dispensed Its delicious favors and at the right along table labored under a bur den of delicacies sufficient lo satisfy the cravings of a regiment. The room was none too largo lo accommodate tbo guesU of the evening and not too small to insure good fellowship. Kxpliitinttont of tinIliiur. . The members and their guests passed an hour In showing their appreciation of Ihe punch and In general sociability , and then President N. B. Hussev called the mooting to order. Ho orielly stated that the directors had originally intended to glvo n banquet , ut ono of the hotels in honor of their guest but that project had boon abandoned , as it was thought that such a program as could bo carried outlti their own rooms would bo more appropriate and samtaclury. The well loaded lublo then claimed attention , which was promptly tendered , and after the refreshments had been disposed of President Huesoy again assumed the gavel to Introduce the guest of thu evening as one to whom the master builders of the country owed more than to nnv other timn. Mr. bin-ward was enthusiastically received ns ho rose and becan n very interesting ad dress. He said that the encomiums of the previous speaker represented rather what ho ought to ba than what he was. He b-jllovod Ihut ino builders of Ihls country had never taken their true posllio i , and his great pur pose was to bo of soc.o liatiellt to the class lo which ho belonged. Twenty-two years ago he had begun tno work of bringing the buildTs togoltier wnoro they could council together und act for their mutual interest In January , ! Ss7 , the preliminary meeting for the nmiilcumdtlou of all organizations of builders in ono national orgauizalion was called toiratber aud attended by delegates from nearly every stnto In the union. Three years tire ho Or it came to Omaha , and since that time the progress ot the builders of Omaha was a cause for gratification and con gratulation. Where tnree years ago there was no organization whatever , ho now saw a strong ana vigorous union. Tno conditions at the present oay were vastly different from what they were a quarter of a century igo. Building was conducted upon an en- irely different plan und it was absolutely necessary that there should bo a coaler of lower. This orcauizatlou resulted In a rope > f friendship in which new strands were continually winding , and which grew .troager day by aay. Future of the Organization. Tbo builders organization bad but begun ts existence : . It , had only climbed the initial rounds of the ladaor that would ulti mately lead them to tno perfection of their hopes. They should not be discouraged because - cause all did not ibmk ulike. A live minor- ; ty was tno bsst safeguard they could have nnd would always prevent the niujorily from oing sistrav. One of the aims of the national organiza tion was to secure a uniforinltv in contracts nil over the countrv. One of the greatest differences among architects was the wide divergence of the forms used in tholr con tracts Hardly any two used exactly the sumo form and misunderstandings were the inevitable resulc. Tne speaker proceeded to detail at soint length the plans and ideas of the orgunlza lion. He related a number of incidents ol its history , which wcnt to crave thai its ef forts were not without rosuit. Ha advised the Omaha pxchaucc to take care to Include in their membership only such men as could command the rosptct of the community , a ; the presence of dishonest or Incapable builders would surely tend to weaken Uiyii influence and preslire. It would also be ad vlsable to erect a building of their OWE as soon as practicable , both as a meant of investment and insure the permanency o ; their organization. After Mr. Say ward had oonoluled anothei hour waa passed In general discussion anc the crowd and the electric lights vanished tozetber. The chapel male quartet and thi bulorlus Mandolin club added a number o : well rendered selections to the enjoyment : of the evening. "Claire , " an adaptation by Miss Clan Morris from the German of Richard Dok bad its first public performance at the Jioyi tbenler last evening. The dnirrm is moutdei on conventional lines nna offers nothing o novelty unless ills the unqualified fratniuesi with which it assorts the doctrine that ; woman is Justified in taking the Ufa of a mai who has betrayed her , not a new aoctrtne but ono which those guardians of the moral : of mankind , the press , the pulpil and thi state , aare only entertain sub rosa. Claire was the daughter of a nobleman who. rulnca by unfortunate speculation ? commits fulcide. John Hartner , a peusau who has risiin to be a successful manu facvurer , nad advised bis neighbors to inves In a mining enterprise of the nobleman , amen on its proving dlsastrojs be assumed th debts ot the suicide and gradually paii them off , Claire had been engaged to Count Alfroi von Salten , whose family complications lei to an eslrungomonl. Hartner't. brave gener oslty In assuming her father's obligations in spired In her feeling * of gratitude and com passion , wnich sbo mistook for love , and shi became his wife. She wiu taken from lux ury to a home plain even to poverty , but thi greatest hardship was in being compelled t share tha society of Hartner's mother , i peasant wrth an inborn hatred of thu nobll ity , a sharp-louguod old woman who lost n oppoitunity to irritate and insult the vouui \ulo BO tenderly reared. The life hud become unbearable , and a this Juncture the count , ultor un absence o years , called on Claire in her humble homo reaffirmed bis old love , sworn that tholr os trangomcnt bad been a mistake rosulllni from the failure of a messenger to deliver letter and exposed her pitiable life. Claire' love for the count reasserted itself , but sh repelled his appeals lo ily with him and sea him front the bouse. In the nobility of u pure soul Claire tolc her husband of the call , thinking lo receiv < from him the sympathy nnd courage RDO si much needed to withstand the tempter. H blindly refused to listen to a full explanation and forced his wife to leave the bouse and b'1 out into the nlcht homeless aud alone. Claire was offered shelter in a house be longing to the count , aud , having tmplici faith in tils protestation of undviug love , ac copied me proffer. Proceedings for divoru wiire begun immediately by Hartner , an Claire welcomed them as a promise of releat from a galling yoke , beliuvlny that Voi Saitcn was ready to marry her as soon a she became free. The count , however , di ; closes in an Interview with u lawyer lhat li does not love Claira and that he sougtit he out in her home us he did only because b had been goaded by ifae uunu of his friend to tosl hit power over her. The count had betrayed another girl , an the appeared on the scene to open the youu eyes by the recital of her own story. Cluln with characteristic womanliness , first usko the count to murrv the girl ho had wrongec On his refusing 11 ally she insisted that b swcrnr to marry tbo wife he had tad uwa from her husband. He also declined to d thai , ana she , without parly or hesltavlo shot him dead. Claire spent four years In prison , and on the day -if her release her husband and his moth pfmo to plead for- girenosii. A reconciliation was effected , but Claire had been vorv ifl Itf prison and dlod at the moment of ttnrtinrf tor her home. Tbo drama is notablq lor thn unusual bold- nest with which It dl cimc a rather deli cate matter , judged fr"orji the American , or nt least the Puritanical , pWnt of view. The girlish victim of tno count's wiles tells her story with an ttmpirud. ot detail and Claire condemns his lustful conduct with \lvld- - ness of description wLicUarprathcrunusual , to say the least. The play has two morals. Ono Is that husband ! ) should not be' too hasty in con demning their wive * , butIt Is evident that that was not the lesson whli-h most concerned the author. The other moral Is that the murderer of virtue Jr-orvea death and his victim Is Justified In being the avnncer. After working out this conclusion the playwright , to bo romanllcally consistent , should have rewarded the heroine v\Hb a llfu of happiness with her re conciled husband , but that i < whcro he ran up against another stone wall in Puritanical ethics. The wife migbi hnvo amply expiated her crime and the husband might" have unre servedly forgiven her , but It would tiovor dote to let them live together again. That would fracture the proprieties and shock the morali ties. And so , In deference to our curious idea of the eternal fitness of things , the plav- \\rlclit baa to kill oft tbo gentle wife , the tender mother , the noble woman , jutt as hap piness was within her srasp. "Claire1' has little promise of nn extended career. Its moltvo aud its moral do not warrant It , nnd It has no idmarkablc dra matic slreugin. It serves as n vehicle for the display of Miss Morris1 art in emotional lines , which Is beyond question , but 11 is not as well adapted for that ns most of the other pla.rs In her repertory. Miss Morris depicted the omollons of Claire with the nfTecllng tinosso for which she is preeminent nent , moving her audience to tears at will , but in the quieter passages of dialogue her delivery was excessively deliberate and measured. Mr * . Fred Hooker contributed u creditable interpretation of Hartner's mother , and the balance of the support was fairly good. IIIJou Tnrntrr anil Yi'iimti-rlumt. For excellence the program at the Bijou has never been surpassed. The now pro gram is cxccplionaDly good aud promises to attract largo audiences during the week. The specialties Introduced are above the av erage" and uro warmly rncelved. The Mackoy Dramatic company gave a beautiful rendition ol "The Datutos , " all the charac ters being ably sustained. Now sccnory has been painted and the stapc settings aie real istic. In all It is n great show. AGKl > LA - SUIT. In Court Thirty Years ami Jndcment 1'iiKnvd Thlrtern 'I'linni. NEW tfoiiK , Oct , 25. A suit at law was brought to court yesterday which has bad thirty years of varying litigation. The case was that of Pnlen , receiver , against Bushnell. Bangs , a largo operator in leather and iron , after borrowing large sums Irom the Ulster county bunk , and mnnr eilv money lenders , tr.insterred nis property to Bushnoli. This was In 1S57. Palcn Brothers , leather mer chants , and ono of Bangs' creditors , broutrnt suit to set aside tbo transfer. The case was decided for defendant. The judgment was .set aside on u question of law and a new. ? ! e ordered. In its long career the case has been four times before the court of appsals. fi o times before the general term nnd four or five times before the special term. Tbe decisions were against the uminVlft hvnrv time. Ex- Judge Fancher decided for the defendant again n few days ago , and tpdav the counsel for the defendant entered judgment ngutnsl the plaintiff lor { 5,02-1 , representing only the costs nnd expenses. Tno plaintiff said ho would anpoal the case { agaln. Tbe value of the claims involved are figured at $125,000 with thirty years' inxerasi , which brings tbem up lo double lhat figure. Most of the original actors in the casa ure deaa. ItELlllKKATRH'LVSfU EXUUGU. Dr. Jones of Dullns Takesi Ills Tlmo About ' Killing'n Jtl'iin. DALLAS , Tox. , Oct. ! i5. < Dr. H. Jones , a prominent physician , tolay shot and killed W. C. Visl. This is confederate day of the Texas fair nnd Captain Viai wasjn tno room of the confederate headquarters writing nt , 'J:3J ( , when Dr. Jones appeared and witbouta word of warninc shot Vial in the right tem ple , killing him lustanily. Jones was ar rested. Twelve years ngo Vial was a prominent Methodist preacher at Waxahachie and was afterwards expelled fr > in Iho church and " ministry , ana "also from tbo Masonic order , for adultery and efforts to abduct a young lady whom ho had jutt baptised. Jones savs he killed Vial because ol his wife , ll is reported that Jones this mornmir charged Vial with ravishing his wife some time ago. Captured uu I'nsprakiihle Itrntc. POUT HL-IIOX , Mioh. , Oct. 25 Simon Ran dall of Car&onvillo last night enticed the 9-year-old daughter of H. Fuller Into the woods near that place and is said to have foully assulted her. Carsonvlllo citizens turned out in great numbers to lynch the brulo , but bo fled the country. Last night be was arrested a > bo was crossing tne river to Canada. Randall is a farmer , 21 years of age. He was taken to Satillac Center today. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrup for chil dren teething produces natural quiet sleep 25 cents a Dottle. Cuptnreil 11 Huron. CnicAGo , 111. , Oct. 25 The marriage ol Baron von Uiedenfield and Miss Ora Cum mings , niece of Columbus R. Cummmcs , ex president of the Cbicaeo GU.S trust , was cele brated at 1 o'clock todav at the home of the bride's uuclu on Indiana avenue. Only the family aud a few friends wore present. Rev. T. N. Morrison of the Church of Epiphany performed iho cetomonv. DoWllt'j sarsupurilla is reliable. llnllilint ; IVrmin. The following permits wro issue ! by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : Churl s Campbell , two-ftoiy frame duelling , Kim and Twenty-ninth streuu t 3,001 Three minor permits 5Qi Total J a.601 No uie to deny the fact that Salvation Oi is fast taking the place ot all other linimenti Hard n-Mul.uiihlln. CHICAGO , 111. , Osi. 25. The marriage las' ' eveninc of Amelia , daughter \Mlliam F , McLaupt'llu ' , a wealthy citizen ot Chicago to Brigadier General Hardin of the Unite : Slates army was u notable affair. Cardina Gibbons performed the ceremony. Cosily Accident. SAV AMOXIO. Tex. , Ojt. 25.- Damage suits aggregating { 100,01)0 nave taoen instl tuled asaluRt Iho Southnra Pacific rallroar for personal injuries roaaivel by pUlnllffs n the Submo pass wreck on pztober 20. The member * of South .Oraalia lodge No 00 , Ancient Orser of OuiLed Workmen , cele braled last evening atjUioir hall the twenty fourth anniversary of Uijjfundatlon of th order , There was a Lurpu , attendance. Ai unusually iuicresiini ; program was reuderei und later a social daucoIndulged in. .j. SOMETHING NEW JUST OUT. COOK BOOK Mailed Free. Send name and address to PRICE FLAVORING EXIRACT CO. CHICAGO. Ten Thousand Dollars worth of the finest silk productions ever seen in Omaha.are being al most given away. Yes terday was the first day of this colossal sale ; we shall continue it all this week. SILKS FOR STREET WEAR SILKS FOll EVENING WEAK. SILKS FOIl COMBINATION. SILKS BROCADED. SILKS MATELASriE. See them in our show windows ; examine them on our counters. You as well as every lady in Omaha and surround ing towns , are cordially invited to inspect this magnificent display , whether you wish to purchase or not If you are thinking of a silk dress now is su premely the time to buy. Weaie notlOetl of a stron : advance Insi'ks. ' We niuaeour I'urchusos some time : ice , anil as lone as they last our prices will not bo nf- ected by the rise. We illustrate a few of the special reduc tions we are making during this sale of NOVELTY SILKS : $2.53 BROCADK . . . . NOW $1.26 * 4 50 BROCADES . . . NOW $1 00 S2 50 JAP PRINTED SIuK.05c 53.60 JAP PRINTED SILKS $125 SJS.'JO ' SILK MOIRE . NOW $1.25 $3.50 BLACK. SILK MOIRE.NOW $2.00 Anil soon through our entire slock. At these irlccs no goods will bo taken back or ex changed. Morse Dry Goods Co. p. Trnao . ft KID GLOVES Theabove bniuds of gloves lot- sale by TheBostonStore N. W. Cor. 10th and Duujjlas , To all owneisof lots or nirtsof : lot son Dous- lus btieetfiom -Mh street to the west line of Hu.'Cs , V II ill's Ki'C'oml addition : Vou are hcroby notified thu the iinaor- sicnod , Ihree disinteiesto freeholders of Hie city ( it UtuahH. nivo : been dulv r.ppoluled bv the iiiuvor , nith thu upprov ilof lliu eily euuu- cil of .s.i Hi city , to ussos ? thu tl'iinacu to the owners respectively of the property nfiuntnd by tlio change of prado of l > ouiis street , de clined iifeessary by oiuinaiic'i1 No If , passed Aucust ld. 13'Jupproied August " 4th. 1KI. . \ ou uro further noilllod ih.it h-ivin : no- ceplod suH appointment i lid duly ijimlllled us required by lau. e will on the fourth lUhi nay of November. 1 - ' . ) - ' . at the hour of in o'clock rn the iiiorniir- the office of C h irlrs I' . Jlin- : junilii. 1M6 Dodge stieel , within the corporate limits of said city , meet for the puiposu of consider. nz und iniiklnir iisse Biiinntof damazu to the owners rtispoothely of said properly affected by said grudlnx. taking Into consid eration special benullls. If any. Vou are notified lo bu present ut the tlmo nnd place aforesaid and niaku any objection to or statements concerning suld assessment of damages us you miiv consider nropur. dUAltf-ns I' . HKNJAM1X. - JOHN 1' . l'IACK. Committee of Appraisers , Umnha , Neb. , October -IS.U Id'Jj. O.'d lut To the owneisof all lots or parts of loth on Arbor fctreet from toth t'l lIHh streets Vou are hereby notillud that the undur- slcuo 1 , throu diMiilurtMud fiuuhulduia of the city of Omahn. nave been duiv iippolnted by thu iuiijor.wll.il thu approval of the city councilor Muld city , to us fft * lliu dnmasu to thu ownnr rt-spoctlvely of the property f- feclul by gradiic Arbor from HHIi tolitli Klruets , decliroJ : nui'ussury by ordlininee , Cllu , inihsod October llth , 1BDJ , apnro\ud Uuobnr Ji. IsU. . Vou uro further nutlflcdth.it havlntr ac cepted biild uppolntiuent , and duly qua.tiled us required by luw. wo will , on tlieuth duy of November. A. D. Ib'ii , at the hour of two o'olot'U In thu uftemoon , ut the ulllcu of George J , Paul , 10 'i rHrnim Btr eu within thn coriiortttelliiilti'of bulu olty , meet for ilui pur- IHISO of considering and inuKln ; the ufciiesk- inentof ( liiniUKO to thoounert , respeutlvuly of biild properly , ullectud by bald grudlnu. tiil.- Ini.- into conslder.itIon tpe < 'kii benuUts. If any. Vou are notified to bu present ut the tlmo and p uco aforesaid und luukq any objection * toor btuluinents concern uzsuld iitikusbuicnt of Uuinupt-6 UB you limy consider proper. ( .noiUJK J. 1'AUU \V 11 HIIIMVKIt. JAMES CTOUKDAL.F Oinalio , October-l , Jbxl UJ.VltOt Or Ibo Lliniur llaliit b/ U4laiinUtrlii | ; I > r. tintafc * ' . . It ran be clven lu < i cup of eoOtt or tea , or In food. without the koo li-dce ol I be patient , II l absolutely btrmleea , and wUl effect a permanent aud iptedy cure , vbttner tbe patient ti a moderate drinker or en alooLollx wreolc. It bu betn elven In Ibouttudi pfcaeu.kndln veiT Initancea perfect cure bu fol lowed II never I ull . Tbe 7 lrmouoelmprcrniled Kltb tbe tpeoifie.i beoonio an utter Imp < ibjlll7 for tbe liquor appetite to ellit. uouir.s. MT fril ) Ci. . frop'r * . n.rli > .i.U. a. c-pu * book o ( oaruoular * free. I'o tu > bad of KuhniOD. . tUh nl Da uUi5t > . , 16th und C'umlnjsti. U'hoenlo. llmku.Uruco ti Do. and Itiuhurakou Dru.'Oa.OiQiha. Neb. French Model Suits. Mantles and tea gowns. Must be sold regardless of cost to us. Reasonable altera tions made. These garments are displayed in our DRESSMAKING PARLORS on fifth floor. We have marked the reduction prices from one-half to one-third of actual cost in Paris , France. The stock is limited , the styles ex clusive and of the latest designs. TEA GOWNS 855 QUALITY NOW $25 845 QUALITY NOW 825 MANTLES 1 OOSV $100 NOW $40 1 COST 8.200 NOW $75 FRENCH MODEL DRESSES 1 COST 845 NOW $25 3 COST 875 NOW $35 1 t OST S1OO NOW 85O 1 COST 8120 NOW 86O 1 COST $18O NOW 875 1 COST 8325 NOW 81OO 1 COsT 845O NOW 81OO These are all direct purchases selected by our Madam Wallace as models. They have served the purpose in tended for them , and we now offer them at one-half to one-quarter their net cost to us. We solicit un oxninlnntlnn of these sty lish , iinhiuo una perfect ( Ittlii . Kimiients. TuUo eloMitor to fifth floor. WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. Omaha , Nbl ) . 1S1 lie It resulted bv HIP city council of the city of Omahn. the mavor eimcuirliig : That \\uo. 1en sidewalks bo constructed In tlm city of Oman i its designated below Within tl\o clnys , iifler the imb.leatlon of this i ( . " ,01111 Ion , or tnu jicisonui service thereof , a * by urdlnitir e Is aiitlioilmt und miuiicd ; such hldrwullvH lobo laid Ui the present gr.uli * in thi'stii'i'ts Bpoctliod hmuln. ituil to bu con structed of nine plunk of such width and llilcknoi and bp mid upon joists of such < ll- nu'iislims and In u < 'h in iiiuci : ib is pio-cilbrd I y Ilia sprclflcatlons. on ( lie In the uillm of the Ho ird of Public Worus and nndoi iU super vision , lo-wlt : Kustside of I'i.-htli htieet. lot 12 , llaikur's ullniinciil. present snide. 4 feet wide. Eusi side nf lilunflooil avenue , lot Dnndl'1. block II. llcinls 1'urk , present vr.ulo. G feet wiile. KKSI skip of ( ilptiuood HVOIIIIC. lot til. block 10. Humls Park , present crude , fi fert wide. North slda of Nl bolus ntroi-t , Int 5. to , ° > 5 In- ouiHlvu Mtt > division. hlnckiA , Reservoir A present rrude.O iret xilde. EuU side of Glenwood nvonuc. from north west coiner lot 10. block II. licmis I'.Uii. to Intersection of ( iu-iiwood avenue with Lincoln Itonlpv ird. piosi > ut iT.ido. 0 foot wide. \V bt side of Twenty-fifth street , lots 1,2 and D. block H , Patrick's addition , piesuni sr.ide , i fcot wldo. KsBt side of Twentv-llfth street , lot fi. blocU 12. Piirkpr's mid. prnsent srude. 0 feet wide. North sine of I irden street , lot I'D to 'Ji In- clnslvo. block 4. ShorniHii Avouuo I'aiU , tem porary RrHdn , 4 feet wide Ann be It further res-nl vod : , ] That ttio Itnarl of Public Works be an , , hereby is author 7Cd and d reeled localise copv nf th s resolution to ho published In tin oilicliil papxrof the city for one week , or bf servo'lon the owner's of saiu lots and un'o such owners Miall within fivii d-iya .iftor the publication 01 bervieeof such enpy construct 'aid sidewalks as herein rciillio'J | , tlrtt tht Huanl of Piililin Works euuse the snm-lo lie done , the cost of conslructliiR said sldew.ilks re-i'i'i'ttvely to l > n ussussuil nsain-.t the rtnl estate. lot or part of lot in from of mi.l abut tine such H | irwHli.'s. PiaSud October 4th and Octoliot II. 1MJ2 , Attest : .1OIIX OHOVP.S City Cleik. n. p. DAVIS. President City Oounull An proved : GT.O P. HKMI. * . M-iyor NOTICE TO CONSTItlTCjT FIDE'.VAL/ICS. Totheo ners of the lots , p iris of lots uni ] real estatt ) described in thu above resolu tion : You und each of you tire hetoby notifln-1 tt construct wooden Mdownlks us lemilred b\ \ iirnsoluilonof the ulty council ami may or o iho oil v of Omul ) a.of hlch thn ubovn Is a copv P. W. IIIltlH\Udiii. : Chairman Hoard of Publlo Works Omaha , Neb. , October'JJlh. WH. To the owners of nil lots or 11:11 : Is of lots front In : on De'iutnr btreul from aivh to : ilt > Btroet : Vou arc hcroliy notlllod th-it the under sicnud. threudlhlntoroslad freeholders of Hi City of Oinahii , huvu been duly appointed Ir tliu mayor , with thnupuraviil of thu city conn cil of s ild city , to iiKsust thu ( lama c to th owiior * re pucttvttiv of the propunv utTeoln. by Krudlii ! : of Docntiir from lltth to HlK treels , declared ncocss-iry by ordlnancv 311. pji.ssud October 7 , 18W , upprored Oulobe Von are further notlfled , thnt huvms ac ceptmi suld nppoiiitnicni , and duly iiunllfloi ii.rciutrol | ( by I in we will , on tliolilh day o November , A. 1) 1 W , ut thu hour of Jo'cloc In the aficriKinii. ut iho olll-o uf ( < por.-o J Paul. Id S I'limum fclreet , wltnln iho corpora ! llinitt , of naid olty , iiif.it for thu purpoau o coiisiufrliiz Him in iklus thu uBse inenl u duinutito Die oivricrJ respectively of Bali propnny alToctod by said cradliu. InUlns Int consideration spuclal bunuflu , if any. Vou urn niitlfiud lo bu prc&unt at the tlm und nl. co aforesaid , nnd niaV.ii uny ohjetlon lourstiitciniiiils concuinlnt ; Mild iissb aiiirn ot dm-.iui'i consider . us jou muy prop r. ( ll.UitCili J/.PAUI , T. ii M'CI-LI'.OOH. Uniulin , Ooi. 21. luM. O.fxllvt DB , RW , BAILE 'Ji-etli Filled \Mt out I * i in liy thu Lutost Inon - tlunt IEI.TH r.XTiiAt'Tr.n WITHOUT i'Afj o DANOEU Ai-UMsiror : TKuni ox ituuur.u PJ vr..on. 1'erfoct fit Ktiaranteoi. Teeth oxtractud I the inornluf. New onus in erluU In uvunln of kumu duy. hco spuelinens of Itemovublo Ilrldze. fcit-tf puclinen of I'lexlblo nuistlu i'litta All work Murrnntud us roproiuntu-J. Ulllce , i iurU Tioor. 1'axtoa Hlosx. TcliilioiiB | lUS.'i. Kithuil I'ar m u 5. i ' 1 uke Klovuto- Stairway fro.n 131 Si StroetUutrauou CUD1KANCE NO. 3804. the * ownr Olsfrlet No. IT ' , ilellnlne Its l.n.its , site of so worn unit MOnitons , am ) dirt-din ? thn bord of nilblla works to tuko Iho tu-'Cisary .tpps toraitio tno pontt ruction i'f the sorer In said dli- tr ct. _ Ho It ordslncd by the city council ot the oltr elf Om.shti. Section I. That the SOWIT d'strlrt N'n. 170 bd nnd heroin- cm.slc.l In the oil > 'of 0 ins ha. Ofllon X. Thit the MiWfr uiiirlrt No. ITS Mmll iiimprl o tlu > follo linr | . < t and tracts ot r ulpsinte. AMMpof land I.e. 'ei-t wirtu Ivln * ,1iist p i of and ndtarcnt to tu ! > nstllneot i ! " < th mt'iuic nnd i"ctcniliii.Iriii the north line of r.illfiirii n sin-ot to tic ! : . , nh line of the ullev llrit oouth of Hurl tn.rt nnd Imlne * pnrt of tax lot * ' . . srftlcm in. town lup l\rnliK * M u i t of tlie dl'i ' tirlncmn mcrti'ani a t\tlt of Uiiid IS' ' feel wlilt' i > ilia inst west snd adju- i' 'iit in the west llniM'f ' th ri\i > nnonnil cx tpmline ttutii the soutli Mm ot Hint street to u lliM'5. .i-li' foil north of un > l pur.tUel to thn norih line of ritllforn ! t < tiwt iielne n partot IHX lot 'JMMtnrn ll to\rn iilplranno ! . ! . < of Iho sixth prlnclp.d iniTMiaii ; lot J I. lock 2 , S ecsy'.H : i ( Idll Inn Section a Tint the spwrr di'irlct No. 170 M.till be con-t riu tt d is follo s. ItojlnnlnK nt the inniholi > at tin- Inlcrsvtu.iMir the con- teillnuof Mh iiMMine whh the north llnoot HUM street wllli un rirvntu i of r , ifert abora the citv ilaluin : ihontT sniilh with u 10 Inch pi pisen or toallnth t'uiU looiitod In the couter of ' . ' "ith nviniuo uuJ So fouj iii rib of thn north line tif I'lillfcrnlii Mrcatltli tin e'ttvutlon of lls feet tiliove the city datum. All tlionforcsiild plpvatliuiq tolioat the flow line's of vili ! spwers ut the pnlnlo tmtmtd. The iillcniiionl nnd grades of said SQXTDIR to bi'str.tlplit lliH-tliBtwiu'ti iiruilioti-1 und other points speoKlfd , as far ni prnctleabH' . nnd ac cording to Mans nnd spi-cltlciitlons Hied with tint bdinl of uubl.c . uorks , M\ Inch juiu'lhni piect-s shall be placed la snld ac rruvcryi3ffOt , 01 aidlroctod In writ * luc by the i Ity t'nzlnour , i-owi-r lull-Is shiili be ( .HinstriicUvl in stld sewer dlsiiu-t nt sin u pnlnts us thu city cn- Rlnwr niaj ( llroi't. Se tlom. That the bnnnl of public works It lipipliy Instriioti'd totnkc the m-i-cssirv slept Itii-auso the iMinstiiu-tluii ui tht-setver In sa.d district. Section . " . Thin thN orllnnnop shall * ! eiTect and bo In force f mm nil utter lls piss- IIU-I' . l'tm < .edOclob r 7th. 1S.C ! . JOHN GUOVE-i. City Olerk. ! i 1' . DAVIS. l'ro-di ! > ni t'lty Council Approved Oolobar iuti < , l i. . Kti. r 111:11 is. Mayor OKD1XANC12 NO.HIHKi. An nroliiiiui'ii crCallne street Iniproronient ilislil'-t No.4'11 ' In thu city of lnrihi ) , for iho iinpiovliii ; ( .t HID id toy in ild district by II.MIU . : inl u'tonltiK thirl v U ly.s to the propofty ounurs In said district In which lo ( Iflcrn.tiiH nnd dtxlciintp the nuitvrlul de- Mr > "I to IK- used for such IniprovliiK : Hi' it or laltu'il by thn city ciiuncil of the city Sect on 1. That tiout improvement district NT. JIM for IIP | tinnnivlim of the mley In said dlsttict is hcii'by crculud In tlio city of Omaha. feet on i. Thnt stu'ot iiniio | i > inuiit district No. I'.n Minl comprise l.lio ulley In block IUJ'4 ' fnim Kith stieel to ITth street in tlm city of oiniihu. ami shall Include nil lots iimlroal estate In suld blucK. and It Is hereby declared neeesstiry to Improve the same bv pavin ? . M-clliui : L That sirci I improrcinonl dis trict No. 4ll In Ihe o'ty of Omulri lie unit the sumo Is hereby ordered Improve I by paving the sami' . feed Ion 4. That thirty days next , lifter tlm assaKu and upprnxMlof thlHunlliiancu bound he s line Is herobv ulloucd to tint owners of II lots ana runt csl.ite in uld Htieet 1m- roximcnl dlsttirt. to delei nine u id doslit- utr themuteriuldeslred to be tisoj fortho inproMn : of the sumo , mil notify Iho elty oun II tliciuof. It liavlirj been und bolus orubv ilctermiiidd by llieniujor und cltv ouncii of s ud cltv , for re is > ns which uppeur l-'ht un I proper. ! h it iilllhe toalt'st He in said trcet Improvement distrlcl , shall he charged lid : i- ( is-cd llh Ilieeost of iniprur.iis Ihero- 11. to lie tlieituttcr ileleimltio i tin I usian- i-ht'd according to Uic licneflts to the iroperty in s-ild street iinpiovment ilistrlct , lid the llnuril of Public Works Is liorobv dl- ci'loil totflve notice to the owners of fulull UK ! lots , .stilijocl to local nsses meiit , for the of suld I itpiovuments loilctiirminu und to tl'.o m.'iti't I'll to be used for such Im- . : . by piil-liciitliin In the ofllcl-il paper f the city for three roiKueutlvo duys. r.t east llfteen days prlot to the lupsu of said hnty davs. Soi'llon .1. That this nrdliiancn shall take licet und be In force from und utter lut PJ.SS- 1'us-sea October 7th. Ihfli. JOHN CiHOVnS , City Clerk R P. DAVIs , 1'iObiilunt Ulty CounclL Approved October IJiHi. i u. Mu.von oSED CHANGK OF GRADE , OKDfXANt.'r. NO. 105. An ori.nuuco declaring llm nm'essity of ttie pi.ifle of Vlih Mtri'et from I'op- plrton \cniie lo IllcUoiy stii'et und lliu In- u-rspciliu stieet. una apiiuint nm thix-odls- InteiPsii'd iipiiuls'is to sf-e-s ant deter mine liii > d.-iniiiL't'- pruppity owners , which iiiuylie caused by Mien cii.iiuu of cr.ido , nnd orJi'ilm : the cltv iMi liuei lo ni.iko a prpdlu SllOM iUK SUCtl Cll.ltUU li1 It or I. line 1 by tlio city vouneil of thoulty of Omahu : Mcti in 1. That t Is prup' r und nucesjary ; iud 11 is hereby dei'l.nu i proper und noeos- iry. lo I'hunxo the cruR'nf ' .Mtli htreet from oppleton iiveinip In IllcUoiy strput and the nter.ocliiii : stieot , so tlmt 'tid jrido : oluva- uiiis will bu us follows , the crude bulweon the lolnto eitotl luiln. un foim straight llnt-s. t'cLonU. Uiude of 'ltli stioet. 1'lKvatlon niovut'oB of Wnst of Bust Curb. Ourb. outli curb of Poppliituii iivcnno , us cstabllslied 101.5 1GO.O Soith curb of Wooluorlh itvenue . 14SO 143.0 south curb \Vuolwurlli \ avenue . 141.0 144.0 Nut Ui curb of Hickory si. , usi-stalilihliod . 127.0 127.0 bectlon ! ! . Grade of Wo.ilworth nvenuo Kliivutlon Klevutlon of vouth of North Uuib. Curb. r.ust cnili of L''ith stieut , us ustubllalieil . H.4. r. 101.5 \\Vht curi ) of ilth htroel. . . 144.0 145.0 Scriluiil. Tliul thu city engineer bo , und mroliy la. instructeil to nutUo u pronio show- 1111 : such pruposti I eliint : < of urailii. Suction " . That thu in.iyor. with the ap proval uf lliu city council , appoint throe disln- tert-d uupr ilscrs to uppralMi , IIS-IHS and do- terminithf iluniiiKi' to piopurty owners which inuv lie C'ltisuil by suuli cli.in d of t'rade. tak ing Into cuiiil'leration In niuklii Hiiuh uu .iralsiiiiient , thu siKtd.tl lion > lits , If any. to iR'li piojiirty , by IU.UOH of Hunh change of r.vdi1. Suction n. Thnt this in Jlmnuo tulcunffuot and he In force fim uuJ ufler its passage. I'ussed Octotjtu llth , iBitt. JOHN onovns , City Ulurlt i : P. DAvirf. I'roaiilunt City Council. Approved October 15th. IWri urn p. itr.Mis. Muyor. ORDINANCE NO. . ' 5308. An ordinance ) ordcilug the Ki-adlns of uvoniit ) from Lu.ivtiiiwurth street to the south line ot Kills Pliicu. find directing thu board of public works to tukii tlio necessary steps to uaiinasuld worl : lo bu donu. Do It ordalnud by the elty council of the olty of Omiih t : Section 1. WlieioiK pi'ruiuiK'tit cradus Imvo been C' ! > lubllsliud upon , and ainir.ilseri 1mvu linen duy upuolnUid by law. lo uppralHO thu diimusescaused by thu Kiadlni ; ( if"ilh ; uvuiiuu n.ini l.eiivenworih htro'il to thu south line of I * iU Place , und hu\o iciinrted iio < laniiiKui to the city council , whl-li nun formally adopted tlio aamui tliurufori ) . , 'lTilli ii\eiiuo from Kuuv- I'liworlh htnuit to lliu bouth llnu of IIIIln I'luce , be and lieiuby Is ordiirodziuuud to the iirt-scnt csiuljllsiiiu iirude bi-clionZ Thut tlio bo iril of pulillo works bu urid hi'Nihy It , dlroctud ui la > o iho nocess-iry Htiis ! lou.iiibu s'lld work to bo iluno. -uct.im i Thin orJinancn nhull tuka offecl nnd he In foruo from und nfiui Its lussaKu. 1'ut.sed Oelobcr llth , IS ) ' . ' . JOHN UUOVUS. City t'loilc. U P. DAVIS. President Oily Council Approved October IHlh. Isx' . uia p iiKMiH. iiKMiH.Mayor. . NOTICE OP ASSKS-SMICN'TOP OA M ACJESFOIt C.JIAD1NO. To the ( iiuiers uf all low. Dans ( if lot * und lo'il bxtutu UIOIIK Jluiiillton btruel frum 4Jlli Mfcct li west city IIIIHIH. Von nru lit'luby nol.llul tint the nn.l r- h.cuod. th noill | ntiruaicd ; fri i > lioidcri of thu c.ity of Omuhu , linvii been duly uppolnlod Ijy thu mayor , with tlio upprovul uf the tlly t'OUIICIIOt bul > l CitV. 10 Ilb.cHl HlU d.ltllUZO IU iho owniiri respdctliciy of the iiruir'rly uf- fuclod by ( 'raduu of mild b trout. ilciMiircd nu - I'b.ary liy or.ilnunce nuiulx-r : > ! . ' , u ISMI I O.- toboi l lh , Is'JJ. uiiurovoj ticioli'-r ' l''lh ' ' HX' . Vou uiu fiull.ei notillud Ihut titlnuc < eoptud suld ( ipnoiiiiiiient. mi I > lu y ij nilillud iit > roqulrfd by lun t\i < lll , on thuJri ( luyot Nuvoiubur. A I ) . Iki..ul ttiu hum of Ui.lio'e odf In the forenoon , ui lliu oilli-u n * Sur ver fi U'llonohoib 1401 1'.ti n.ini htic-cl. uilh n tnu-or- pnrnloiliiilu of Muldiltv. inuct for lliu pur- POHU of conildutJni ; nnd iii'kinr ' lliu j h-i"s- nuinl of duinagc to tlio OHUITI io pt < ctlvely of tuld properly 'tlTucloJ by MiUI trraJIni ; . tuUin into vonmdur.li ion oiiudal buiittllu. II any. Vou uru notlllHl lo ho pipi > uiit ut thu tnuo und pluco iifori'.aKI und muku unv objoctlun ) to or fcl.iUiuit'iilk uoir'tirn nald aksus < of dumuyus uiiou inav ronvidur prniior , W U. KlIltlVivR. < ; l.OUOE.I. PAIJU Appru er * . Omaha , Nub. , Oct. Mlta , Ib'ji U.'lUlui