Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    J * V V '
Txpert Jndtjea Passing on the Qualifications
of Omsha's Cnnino Visitors ,
if tlm Kniincl tlliili'it llcnoh hln
St. ItiTiMrttt niul Miistllli
I'HiK'd Upon.
Tholnrgeu nnd best show of well bred
dogs over hnld won of Chicjpo i.s that which
opened up nt noon today nt Exposition hull
under the auspices ot tbo Umnua Kennel
club. And moru than this , It Is the ouiy
regularly Instituted , lOiltlninlo bench snow
tlio cltl/ons of O.ii.iha have ever had the op
portunity of patronizing.
The lai'h'obnil , which has been becomingly
ticcor.itcd , mattes n most interesting picture ,
\vilh Its assemblajo of tnodllTuront breeds
of tbo canlno funillr. Tlioro are dojs there
of u national nnd reputation ,
ns xv oil as tbo majority of tboso best known
mid moil highly prized belonging tn residents
of this vicinity. There arc big dogs nnd
llltlo dons , dogs xvblto , black , yolloxv nnd
iipottud , loud dogs and tmdoit dos : , but no
docs of low dcuruu. They uro nil nrlsto-
crats. Hvcry ono of them , tbo llnesl of iuulr
kind.Oxvlng to unavoidable delays the nmngo-
ment of tno stalls nnd the classification of
the dogs xvus not as complete ns hud been ex-
pocled , so the managers nnd workmen h d to
contlnuo their labors after lb > 3 doora hud
In.on ouoncd. A conlinuous stream ot poo-
V > lo passed up ntul do\\n the aisles tiom the
hour of opoulns tihtll Iho door.s wcro closed
nt 10W ! o'clcc K lost nl llt. Many ladies
cro present und I hey seemed to tnko par-
Uculiir Inlrrcsi In Iho tovs , pug * , colllos ,
ulo. , while mint ot tno men Uovolcd u good
Bharo of tticlr time around the benches con
taining tlio sparling dogs and Iho big ouei ,
< ltull ! ! ! ; tlm l ) g < ,
At 9 o'clock the Judges xx'ont to work nnd
the dogs xvcro brought upon tlio platform
\\huro they xvctoshoxvn oft" nnd their good
m.d bad points commented upon and noted
on the books.
Mastiffs In tbochullengn class xvoro called
llrst. The entries XVITO : Ormonde , owned bv
Cburles E. Hunn of Poorla ; lilltsou , OXVIUH !
by 13d.vm L. IClmbill , nnd Mode , entered by
S. S. Uadm'r. Thee throj anim.ds cotn-
pctod for the championship Iu the challenge
vty / 3 fEVrT $ i '
cln s. A grunt deal of interest xvas taken li
thcao dogs , ns they nro splendid specimen !
of the bread , and bi'sldes having uKoellonl
pedigrees have a long list of winnings u
Mioxvs la Iho cast.
Ellison won llrst place , Ormomlo xvn1
tunrked very highly commendable nnd re
inrvcd and Mode xvas placed third on thi
list.In Iho opnnlng class for mnstlfC * . Edrlc ,
oxvncd by Clinton N. Poxvolland Mrs. Oeorgi
11. Avrcs , xvns given first place , Mrs. Ayrcs
AV'ellington seronil. Eiildurmnn third.
Charles Dunn's Sumloit xvon llrst nlnuo n
tbo ooon leinalo MnsllIT class. Iiford ( Jamtvi
also oxvnod by Mr. Hunn , I'MTied olt second
and Poxvnll's Joan and Marston's lionuti
Comedy xvoro niarUed V , II , C.
St , ISrrimrds Sonrliig ,
The largo croxvd of admirers of thi
Ilermmls. ns well as tlio braodi-M and oxvn
ers of these mau'iiiticont aiilmals , taok ngrrii
deal of Interest in tlio next avont on the pro
grnra. which xvas the judging of rough
coaled St Ilornnrds in the challenge clns-
There xvuro ion onlnes for ibis race , an
the bin brutes xvoro brought upo
the platform in the pink u
condition. They were nil nrmnillcun
looking dogs , and it xvns a hard matter fo
.ludco U.ixl'lson ' to nrrlvu at a dcclslot
1'oriuvnod Hruce , oxvucd ov Or. J. IJ. Loxvi
of Bclluvillo , O. , ciirriud olt tbo honors an
< jeorgo A. Joslyn's ' Sufford came in socoiil
A , C. Shallmibatgor's baladln , from the Fn
dern kennels at Alran , gave ihoavlnners
liard ruco for Iho inonoy.
L'Vrnxvooa Bruce , the xvinnor , Is a son o
Champion AMctor Joseph and I.s n remnrkabl
linndBomo animal , Hols about 2' years ol
old mm has taken 11 fat pluco at several east
In lids same clnss for fcmiles there wet
fourteen entries and' failhtul animal
also made a romarkanly line sh > jxvlng us tlio
aponred in iho rlnt' . Alia Hernn nnd liuyn
dnro r mvsnnti'd Iho Kindorn ki'imels , lo tli
l-'ernxxood Ici'imols of Duilcvno , O , . and M
.loslyiiN Alodjnska rfpfitentoii Ihc Oinali
dogs. Again it xviu a h in ! matter to pic
\ ; W rMv' ; .
oN Hi11111 : xxoiii.n.
fillm bent ono umontucb a Inl of nloi ; ,
ilocs. Finally the rare for llrsr place m
riixx'iMli oxvn to All.i liornii , nvxncu by A.
Shall' ' iibc'ignr , and lr \vU'lo. . The ( at
ami' out a winner , with Altu bucond a
MoilJi-.Uu third.
In is n vcrv hamUnmo dog , stan
thlrlv-tuo Inches at the sbouldor u
Wi'JL'lib tb' ) pouiuhi.
Mluhuui HilKott's Aahlnnd .lumbo xx
llr ltnth'i ' Si , Hcrnnfit puppy class and
tl , Knrtv of Omnba oama In second with
Dune of Sayoy and Illlnun'.s A hlaud Jen
n i'i od tUlnl.
In ttio challmigo smooth t'oatcd St. Uc
nid < ! | uh I'liUnlplon Viutor , ln > i'pli hud
eo m not It or * und xvua given ilr t place , T
li , iit'&Mn-coiy- ; ii llr.i and spoclal prl
tluit this famo'iiH do'rr bus won ,
l.iuvri'iico Otuv. i , from Hilgcrl's kanni
\\IMI ) inl i.nniiuy in Ihu binuolli coaled
UiipurI ( ; cipeu cUss xvilh Siiullunbo'rgi
V'lnUvrn ' Mnrca un easy i > cconil. Until
inosu dug- > rcmariuuly flub looktug
iul are vnliiud bv their oxvm
trial uatxvoen the fern
entered in the ojion class , i
tnjialloiionrgur xvon llmt monuv xvilh his I
li.muin V'i'nus over Fonuvood Uoldy , y
took second.
r + Cirinit DIUIOK I'liinc Tiuliiy ,
ThU ended tbo Judging ot St. Uernai
Today the tJreat IJancs xvill como-U | > anc
there are a Int of Him ones the decisions '
bo cloii'lxxvniahtid uy Jo fanvioi'd ,
\Vtulo Mr. Davidson xvas looking over
big onus , Lr. ) Oryer of JMiiludcl'rtiU i
JudglnL'foum of Iho smaller dogj , out us
dootoi's li > oks hfid not baen llrured up xv
tliu hour of oloMng t-amo ha docltncd to m
hi * decisions public ,
ThufcportiugdouR xvill bo Judged today
Fri'Ui $ 'intil 10 o'clock lust nlulit the
\vuj crowded to Us uiinott capacity aud
management expects hlg bouses toduv.
of tbo unlmnlb nru In line condition uud
hoxv U xvoll xvo r tli visiting ,
Lotrrreil tlio HiilKMIIn { fcorili ,
YOHK , Oct. 85. Al tno Queen's t
loltr rluh grounds , Long Ulnnd , todiy Mil'
lor Konyon \Vinlilncton Drnku thu huit <
inllo running record of l.'ilS'i , doing it In
siiii : > KINO.
. * < | iort nt llciiiilngs Aliuiit l.i | tn tbo Avrrngc
ot thn Truck.
WASIIISHTOX , t ) . C. , Oot , 'J.1At the lion-
nlngs races today Iho crowd was up to the
nverngo nnd the betting was very good ,
'I hrco of the live favorite * won purses , but
the sport on the whole was rather tnmo ,
Summuilcs :
first purse l.iV > . sclllns , sir furlonzsi
l.ycouin tl to . ' ) won , Kxpor'onco 18 t < ) IP sneond ,
MuCornilok-iS to t | third. Time : lil.'i1 , .
.So end r.ivo. hundl" tiiiitirso. live furlomsi
Sport til loft ) won. ( Irai-o llrown ( fi In S ) soi-oad ,
Nanlb-iilo ( Dlhlnl. Tltno : 1M-JU
Thlid race , haii'lli'np ' swr-cnst'ikcs. for nl
dl nue3 , one mlle : Kuy West ill lo 1) ) won ,
Luwliindnrd tn tispoiinrl. M.ijor U.ily ( "loo
tb i1. 1. TltiiPHII. .
I'ourth nice , pnr oV > H non-wlnnors of $ < 0 (
since .Inly I , ntm mile and asleen Ji : InUi'h1
innnt ill to fti non , M ir htrit-i ( to II second
1'r.itneriexi in thlld Pi i c : l.M'j. :
I'iflh rai'i * . handlt'ap xlcoplnuliase , purse
$ liw. ru.l.sti'oiiieohiise. iiboul h ilf a milo : fit
( ' .in iT In Iu ) won. Iteliirn l ( to I ) second , Oraj
down ( I to I ) third. Time : li'O.
Kiioclthig Out 1'nol nrllPrs.
Sr. Loris , Am. . Oct. 2,1. The court of an
peals today nfllrmed the line of $1,000 im
posed by the court of criminal correction 01
.1. H. Tuwtisunil , manager of the Morcnntlli
Tolecr.xph cotmnny , who was uoiivictad o
soiling in Missouri , " poo's ' on races in othci
slates , an offi'tiao under a now law. Town
M-nd's plnro wns termed the Morcanlilo Tele
prnph company anil waa coniluctcd under tin
uul > .oi.f a tcleprnpb ofllco , iho netter tlcpos
lime Ins inomv with the "lelograph com
) iany" which was supposed to send u HIPS
sago to St. 1'nul , Minn. , to huvo the mono :
placed there on some deslenatod horso. 1
wns contended bv 'Iowii9ond'a nttornoy.
tbatthovwero conducting n leglllnmlo tele
craphio business nnd were gulllty of tie vie
latlon of the anil-pool law. The courts hoh
( 'old Wo.ithur ut l.pxtngtnn.
LUMNUTON , ICy , , Oct. 25. The wontho
today was cold and disiijtrooiblo , the tr.ic !
teed and the attendance iho smallest of thi
meotlnp. Summailos :
I'lrst race , nix furloiUM I'llladoCi to J ) won
Anna < I to A ) svuond , Itob Toonibs t lo li third
Time : llTJ4. !
Si'c'oml men , mile -in I seventy yards : SiMior
itui : : IK 5) won , Alarv < 4 lo DbUcond. Annul. ) I
L' ) Hi lid. 'rime : lli' { .
Third r.ieo. sollln. , nun inl'o ' and an el hth
Coiiuolte ( i to ; ' ) won , Itob l > t" > to li second , In
IcniirilHo 1) ) third. Time : 1 : " ) .
Koiirtli race , live ind u half furious ? , "oil
Ing : Ten MUiito ( 1) ) won , t-alvatlon fJ to
hi'i'oiid. F.iunioJiK to Ulhlr I. Tlmo : l:09't. :
I'iflh r.iee. llvo-i Ichtlm of a mlle , sclllnj !
Miss llc'nulon i lci.'i ] won , DoniM-Ue U to :
second , Destroy < < to 1) ) thlid. Time : l:0'l. :
M\ih rii-e. IHu-elghllis ot a mlle ,
' ,
I'ri'c/ln nt lndcpoildiMire.
lM > r.i'i\iicsi' : ! ! , In. , Oct. 25. The
today was very cold. Summaries :
C'lasa2-0. : y-yoar-old trot , pursu $200 : Da
C'ouit won. ( Jliuslcr i. so oud , Tlm Ualn thin
MagilnVllkcs fnurlli Tlmo : Sl'U. 2U. : :
Class am : , trot. niir < olJOi : Albion woi Man sivond. Moali 11 third , Kai" Kosi :
mondfonilh. Tlmo : 2:2J'i- : 'J.Ulj.'J-iis4 : : , 'J : 7 !
: - > ' .
< lii-s ; Ltincp , juirsi520 : Trump win
Moscow -crond. Vnllln third. Ton-blh ; ! :
fourth. Tlmo : ' . ' " .M. U : , tl'i , L':1.1 ! , 'J- : . : ' . ' *
Si'i'Miiil lli.ut . tlm cliic.igo S'llr.
Cnu M.O , 111. . Ort. 'J. ) . Thu second day (
1C Berrv ' > combination sale of youuir trottin
stock uroiv an immense crowd. The biildin
was spirited from llrst to last , -.vith seveat ;
two horses passing under the hammer. A
Ambassador colt led tbo sale at $ VIO. Ei-lIps
i-ycnra-olu , by Kmpress , $ I.K)0. ( ) The 10-yoa
old broodmare , CU'opatr.i , $ lUio. ,
nod's IN TIIK ri 1:1.11. :
Anniiiil i.iiuipoiilioii of tlm American Couri
Inij Club In Srsslun.
GinXT : Br.xi ) , Kan. , Oct. 25. Tbo sevenl
annum mealing of iho Amciican Coursir
club began today xvilh thirly-olght entrn
in the cup stnlto and twenty-eight in tl
Derby. Attendance , the largest over know
the first day. Hares were plentiful and tl
dogs 'way above thu average , the en tire card
tbu rup staUo being finished bv 4 o'clock. 1
II. MulcaslerofVauniiton , Wis. , judged
the entire satisfaction of all.
In the llrst sorlo * Lnz's Livinc Yet boi
Shaw's Uollv ; Loxvc s Prince Cbarllo bo ;
Nichnl's ISmo Prince ; Luz's LadyBirti
tii-at B.u'tell's Fl\lnir Duti-hmnn ; "Martin
( JuL'ouio boat llciscr's Snnwbal' ; Uartcil
Irish Lass ran n bvi > ; Lowo's Never St
neat Cowman's Boouu-r ; Watson's Urytln
beat Halgh's ' Cbluo. Hootzel's Frfnny"be
Luz's : Ilnlgh's Baw-y ue
Unrictl's Pcnrl of i't'Uln ; I uz's Nettlolio
ran a bve ; Loxvo's Muster Peter oeatV.i
son's Hoynl ( Jrost ; Liu's Lulv in Uln :
boat All'-n'.s .Ihn lv ; Ilaigh's Uritnln Y Luz'i nolle ol Kltham ; Hartull'dMii
Bishop bnat Lu/'a Lord MuPhorsnn ; \
Allen's Woodtoril Uov boat Luz's Noriv
gian ; Loxvo's Prlnco Charley beat llogpei
Nelson : Massov's Wnat C.iro beat I'upi
Poland Unite ; Swan's Lady Grace be
Lyon s ( ! lrl Favcnto ; Ilnigh's Master Clio
dyuo boat Muicnstor's ( Jllda.
.lack rrineiliiullilvus. .
Jack Princecjiuo into town from Kans
City yoaturday lookUs1 fresh as a aal
nnd wllh bis longno hung in l
same vrull lubncaiod notch as for
onv. Prince has been makl
u trip through IllinoU , Ohio , Iowa , Kuns
nnd several other states during the su
mer riding against § , and has xv
uvi'iily-nino outfif tlnrtv-twu races. At I
catur , 111. , bo smashed the worli
record by ridlnc n mlle in ' . ' : (
and in Sudalla , Mo. , ho mndo a now quarti
milo record ol : Ji'j. At ICansui City Su
day ho roue twuntv milus against la
H anil lliiUbed tlio List mlle in 'J : : t ) . 1
.inU'd the nrdiiinry and now riilo-
pneumatic tlri ) safety In .ill his racjs. 1
xvhi'ol weighs ixvi'nty-threo pounds and
go.ireu to nuventy two Inches.
Mr. Prlncolll remain in Omaha i
a wei'k and is lookiiiL' for xvith mnn or horse to
run after he returns from a six xvcoki Irip
llmsoutb , when ) bo has a number ofra <
scheduled. He expects to mnltn Omaha I
homu af'.ur hU rot urn and go into business
\Xlmly .ipitrlH.
Nuxv YIIIIK , Ocl. ii" ) . An Illustrated paj
has rrcdlved aco'iimunlcallon from Its I
Louis ronresenlatlvo saying that Fred W
huts , formerly tbo b.tckor of Tom Allen , v
wiiunir lo put up ? r > , OUJ on Char :
Mlichuli ai a partlnn of his stii
of JIO.OOO for n tight xvith Corbi
Watliin.s says the nnlv thing that Mitcli
has to ili U lo hnv that ho moans buslni
nnd tin ) inoiu'v jvlil (13 ( ready.
Stolen Ono luifjo dark buy her
black ni.ilu unil tall , Jnitiul "T" on hi
HU.-.S. Notify Tlioimia F , Tutlle , !
Not'lli lidlh strool.
7vf in.\ti
.Mnniliiirx "I tint \\iillucn Coumlnc C
n I iujoy : ' ) Karly .Hornlnc Hunt ,
\ . . . , Not ) , Out. ir ; > . [ Special to ' 1
Ur.nWhen | U vonib * to sport inoValh
Courting club U hlrlctly In it. Sattin
evening about , txvonty-llvo ofVulluc
sports went to John Keith's ranch on
Platte nvur to imtultro in uJay of aport
next day. Hofnvu Hon-up tno gang x
reiidy. Many rt'olvusxvuro found sottiniron
hilltopnnd out on the samtbarsnt thori
bed. 'I1iu bugle xvas blown to fall in as si
as Itviis light cncnirn to see , The dogs , c
Distini , ' ol uvunty-livu urav bounds , xv
much Hxcitod and ready for a dns-b , Wl
thoiuaderi Irid gotdoxvn iho river about 1
a milo tnoy spied a xvolf. Then the ch
roininorM.'od , and a * the dons and horses xv
fioilj n did noiln Iniif , liut the line par
thh performance xvas to get tbo xvolf boi
tbu dogs bud him killed All bunds bpr
.fnin their boiaon , some rnugbi the a
xvlil.o others munaicd to got their feet on
jo xvoll's ncclf. J'hli being done u small r
xvas secured unn the wolf tied uud thn
Into a wagon , xvlucn XV.H broucht along
that purpose. In ten intnutoi they hud
oilier wolf sinned. This fclloxv gave Iho
race of about iwo udlo , nil iho xvnv belli )
iho river bed , but no was causht aim i
without Icing hurt. This Dorform-tnco ral
ho scnred tht < ronmlndcrot ibe xvolves In
iiPighoorbood nnd ttioy were harder lo
ilu eight of. The trail hounds were then brou
Into survlcu and the sports had a very
run of txvo or throe bcurs , but tbo i
fences were too numerom to make a i
hchaio and the UOKI were called off.
Boss Crokot's Warriors Turn Her Lo33B foi
tbo Democratic Patty.
( Inrornor I'lovvcr l.rnil * Off with nil Attrtcl
on tlio Tronnurr , Followed hy thH Son-
ntnr , U'lio I.nnds lliird on
NKW YoiiK , Oct. 2 , " ) . Tatnm.iny has Mil
fled. With the gloxv nod Hash of red lire litho
the tranquil sicy ; xvtih the roar nnd shod
of rising cheers , nnd with the acclaim o
thousands of loyal braves , Ilu domocrntii
society made knoxvn tonight that It was
loyal to the domocratlc nomlnoas. Whllo ye
the xvnlls of big Tammany hall shook nm
swayed to the xvclcomo of Senator Hill , am
xvhllo yet the throng nbout the nvclvo opoi
nirovorlloxv stands illlod thostroots nnd pnr
nlyed traniu for block * uround , Turn
many lenders declared that It xvn
tbo most glcatitlo mnss mcollni
thnt the motropolU of America had uvo
scon. When the doors xvoro thrown open n
7 o'clock the throng that had stood olumorin
for txvo hours ut iho entrance rushed inti
the hall xvith oh cur 3 of uutiitislasm. In
few mlnutos iho builulng xvtxs picked , yet 1
scorned that there xvas but n slight diinint
ion In the croxvd oulsldo.
Then catno n xvuit of nn hour. Tbo Intel
nl xvas tilled In by the band playing th
ntlonnl airs of America , Franco , Gorman
nd Ituly , the croxvd repeatedly brenkln
ut in cheers auci calling for Clovolnnd an
) tovcnson , Hill , Floxvor or Gllroy ,
Nallonul Hardly , nccompanip
ly Ntitlonnl Couimlttcemon IJon M. Dlcklr ,
on Aim Smalloy nnd many other promlnen
emocrnts , cattu1 Into the hall nnd xvont inl
box reserved for them. The applause tha
greeted them bad scarcely died axvay xvhe
i hurricane of ohocrs xvenl forth ns n xve
; omo to the speakers of the evening , xvh
iiuno unon the stage escorted bv the leader
it Tammany hall.
When quiet xvns raotorcd State bonnlr
Tcorgo I'1. Uoosch In n speech introduce
jovornor Uosxvcll P. Floxvur as chairman.
Mr. Floxvur atlomptod several tlmos t
peak , but bis words xvoro droxvnod by tb
iroxvd , xvbo cheered him and again.
C.ovrrniir l'lum > r's Aililrpss ,
After a foxv formal introduotory romarii
n xvliioh hu spoke of the sympathy th
ioUtlc.ll onnonents ol President Harriso
i'id for him in bis bereavement , Uovcrnc
Fiower sold that the democrats xveru xvorl
ng for domocrallo victory , bccauso the
believed they xvould bring better govort
incut nnd a bettor living for iho massoi. Tli
action of Iho Chicago convention had put tt
jemocrats on their mettle. It had prai
ically bidden them to prove their democrac
and they were going to do it. Though th
lomocracy of iho Empire slale , thtoiiKh il
egularly constituted delegation , declnrod i
favor ot another candidate than him who
\ majority of the parly wanted , It ha
oynliy submitted to the wisdom of that mi
iiritv nnd throughout thn entire country u
.urty machinery xvas doing greater xvork f (
domocratiu success in Ibis campaign thu
tha democratic organization of Iho state <
Noxv York. No local political organlzallc
anywhere xvas doing mora for the democrat
ccuiso than iho Tammany organizalloa.
.ItiHt HMilil Uuast.
Referring to the financial interests of tt
nation bo said : "In business wo have :
conlliioncu in an agent xvho squanders ot
income nna U afterwards detected in cove
ing up his tracks by changing the methods i
bookkeeping. That's exactly what a ropul
lican ailminutration uud a republican co
gross have dono. During Cleveland's n
ministration the interest oearing public dm
xvas reduced oy $333.000,000 nnd a cas
surplus of $18,000,000 left in the trea
ury , not Including nearly ? 2o,0 ( > 0,000 :
fractional silver and minor coins. I
snlrod bv this example the Harris !
administration started In xvcll. During It
first Uvo yea'-s and a hair it reduced the del
S2.VJIK)0,00'J , but during the last year-fro
October I , 1S91 , to Ootobor 1 , 180. ! it hasn
reduced tbo debt a single dollar , and fro
present appearances \vill not bo able to mal
unv further reductions whulovnr durlnc tl
remntndur of Us ollicial life. This is n star
ling fact xvnlch every voter in the counti
should knoxx' , tint for iho first year slnco r
snmotion times thegovernmentof the Unili
Slate- , bus been uiublo to lay aside a dolt
for tbo tuyment of Its public dobt.Vh
kind of stoxvarashlp is UiUt Are the poop
to reward that kind of llnancieringi"
CrltlclxtM tlio TrciiMiror.
Continuing , ho said that in order to cereal
real tbt'so ureat misuses otthn public mono
tbo republican party throueh its roprcset
allvcs in ofllco bad changed tbo method
booKkeeoinc at the treasury. In order
turn n delicit into un , ipw re'nt surplus th
had invaded a trust fund. For years the
had boon snt aside In tbo treasury a fund f
tbo redemption of national bank notes ,
consisted of moneys doposltod by nation
banks for tbo retirement of their circulall
nolos. The government xvns bound to use
for thnt purpose and through Clovelnnc
administration and part way through Han
son's administration it wa- ; treated us
liability and a reserve fund. It amounted
anout SO,000,0jU ; xvhen Cleveland xvcnt out
nfllo > . It amounts to nbout K.1,000,000 no
I3ut it had recently been transferred fr <
the liability to tbo assets snln of t
treasury statements and is ono of the largi
sums wbluh are used to cover an actual d
lidonov. If tbu same system of bookkoopi
xvilh xvlucli Harrison's administration bug
xvorostiiluscdtliero xvould hi rovenled
autual dollcicncy of over * 10,000,000 , McK
ley protection did something , of course ;
temporarily stimulated certain liulublr ;
and encouraged new ones , but the trout
wllh that kind of protection , according tot
democratic view , xvus that it xvas not ot
unjust to Iho great boily of consumers , but
gave an uriillcial und unhealthy stimulus
such industries as it xvas designed to prole
Tlm Cleveland administration xvas an uum
istrnlion of public affairs for the pcoplo n
not for individuals ,
Governor Flower concluded his spec
with ti fexv xvords on the foruo bill.
I'ltMlKrd toCrovor Oli'ViiIinul.
Followlnir Mr. Floxvor's speech came I
reading by Secretary McCioldrlck of the 1
ot vice presidents nnd secretaries , nnd tl
the unanimous adoption of resolutions , xvhl
nftor ondorsiim Cleveland and Stevenson o
condemning Ihu force bill , said :
"To our brethren throughout Ibo couni
wo-pleilgo sticli aecislvo majority in the c
for tbo democratic candidates us xvill sect
tlio electoral vote of tnls state for Clovein
nnd Stevenson for the promotion of poi
anil good xvill among the tedious , and for I
commercial emancipation of Iho Indusli
masses of this country from tbo restrict ! !
and onerous burdens Imnoied on thorn by
publican class legislation , "
Governor Floxvor next introduced Sena
David H , Hill. At the mention of the
governor's immo there xvas another er
outburst of cheers , Thu name of "Hi !
"II'll , " xvas bhoutod tlmu attur time ,
spread to Ibo street nnd xvas takun up by
multitude and only died awny xvhon Ibo p
plo bcuamn exhausted.
The senator walled patiently for the r
toraiion of order uud ' .bun uotriin his spec
Scimtiir lllll'ii bit'r 'h ,
Mr. Hill suld in part : "This occasion
u tlio llrst lime I linvo hud iho honor at
n dressing ihu democracy of Nexv YorU in l
f ancient und honored temple of domocru
o I am not unmindful of tbo fact that the IK
e oeiuts of Tummnny hall xvero amoni ;
if sluunolioit supporters during ull of t
o period from ibu memorably campaign of 1
g throughout ttia contest of IbSS , in thus
; i utorlal election of IbVJ , nnu to the last eco
, o siou xvhon ttio domourauv of ihu Kmr
10 stuto honored mo with their conlldnuco
n Albany and Chicago.
> r "Today , the t'roat rollunco of Intolilg
j- political observers for the success of
a national candidates In this stale , U upon
in inunotiiu majority which u expected la
d rolled up In thin city under tno auspice :
ir ibo ma&nlticout organization of Tumm
10 hall , xvulch in recent years has Unoxvii
at such xvord as defeat. Those who , bocuus
it personal ulsappolntmcnts , or because cai
10 dates of tbelr particular cholco have
ro neon nominated , xvould encourage thu t
> d porury defeat of their ptriy , usually llvi
regret tbolr action , unu to realize Uow c
cult it Is for that party to rognln the ground
that un boon iinxvHoix nnd foolishly lost ,
llulriilIayld | Docs ,
" 1 bollovo In n healthy , strong nnd vigor
ous partisanship. Tnli dooi not moan n
manifestation of ai/nnrroxv , hidebound ot
Mr. Hill then tinned his attention to the
tariff nnd mndo nn oxhnustlva argument
nrnlnst the constillitlotmllty of rcpiibllcnti
protostloii. Ho continued : "I supgqst to
our opponents that their bill should declare
upon Its facu somot'tilnR Ilko this ! 'Whoroa' .
No more revenue than Ms nlrondy provided
for is noxv needed for the support of the gov
ernment , but It is desirable thnt certain prl'
vnto Industries of the country should bo 011-
couragod nnd protected at pttbllo expense ,
therolorp , under the taxing power vested In
congress , the following duties uro horobv
Imposed for the Mtrpnso of nffording the on-
couragcmutit nnd protection desired. ' Such
n roeltiil xvould fntrly ralso the procisw qtlos-
tlon nt Isiuo botxvoou Iho txvo partloj mid It'
doicrmlnatlou xvould place one orlho other
ot them In Iho wrong.
"Will our republican friends nccopt m.v
proposition '
nl , to UnSurr.
"As matters noxv stnnd , xve re.ilizo thnt xvc
are ( llsctissiim an tibitrnct nuosilon lucnpnbli
nt this tlmo of proper representation or Judi
tal determination , tl possibly has no prnc
leal value so long as our opponents shirk i
'air presentation of It. Hut tbo dcmocratti
virtv bollcvc ! > , nnd nlxvnvs has believed , llm
'republican ' protection' ai it Is expounded b.\ \
is advocates and oxompllllcd in the detail :
it its m usuroi ( although artfully concoalei
rein their face ) to bo In violation ot tin
1)1 r It , if nnt the letter of the constitution in
t noxv stands , and It frankly nvoxvs its sonii-
monts In lu platform "
Ho then discussed the vloxvs of Mtdlsoi
nd .folToMon , nnd snld of iho democratic
position : "We have not advocated nnd di
not advocate free trade , because the govern
ment needs revenues for Us support ; nm
rather than to resort to direct taxation ti
iBcuro them , xvo favor duties upon import
its tbo best nnd onslost method of oblnlntm
hose revenues. 'Wo denounce republicat
protection ns n I ratal , as a rohbory of a grca
mnjoriiy of tbo American people for the ben
pill of a foxv , ' is tlio vigorous but truthfu
'anguago of the democratic national plat
'or in.
I > i > o Itrpiilillranlsin { 'liiuifn'1. '
"Noxv U xvill ba obsorvon It is republlcai
| ) rotcclion H thus denounced not tb
nild protection of our early history to rca
nfanl Industries , xvhon the excuse for it xvn
inoro defensible. The republic in protectioi
of today Is not even the protection of yoator
; iay. It becomes xvorso and xvorso and tnor
ntolcr.tblo as vc.irs roll on. It is n pro
grcsslvo evil , demanding more today ttiai
yesterday : more ibis year than lasl ; mon
his decade than thu previous one. Ara th
ropublicais of Ib'.U lo bo considered a * dlf
"orent from those of 1 1 and ISbSl If It 1
o bo construed to moan exactly what i
iays , then xvhat bccomos of the McICinla ;
aw , which is not biucd upon any such doc
trine ! In ono aspect of the situation It look
ns though the republican party bad uccomi
frightened over Ibo operations of thoMcKin
Icy law nud feared n ranawal ot Ihn papula
verdict of IS'JO upon it and hence hud sough
to retreat from the ultra position horotofon
taiteu by it.
"Our opponents nro diligently seeking t
nliunato thu laboring people from the dome
cratio party , to which , the crnat majority o
them have long belonged. In my oplnlo
the effort xvill not succeed. Tbo democrat !
party Is and nlxvnvs has been the tru
friend of labor. It' has sought to redress it
jrievances , to protect its rights , to malnlali
Is dignity uud to elevate its condition. It
interests nro all bound 'un ' in the welfare o
Ihe democratic party add there tbev xvill rt
main so long as"our. nnrlv remains failhfu
to Its trubt. "
I'nlloxilng Dana's I. pint.
On Iho force bill bo aid : "Tho most la
portant Issue Involved in this election is the
presented by the ptpposqd republican fodori
oleclion bill , othorx\'lso known as the D.xver
on port force bill. If republican succas
should ensue as Iho result of the pondin
election that measure would oocnms n realit
xvith all Iti dire iintUuuloi-tunato cons (
quencos. Our opponents seek to evade di :
mission of this Usuc. Tbu Issue alone neco :
sarilv malco.s the fbuUi solid tot the JOIIK
cratic parly. "
Concluding he said : "Tho cause is worth
of the support of every patriot xvbo loves hi
country and desires to sco its free instltulloc
pernotuatod and maintained. The rcfjrm
which xvo demand nro necessary for tli
safety and prosperity of the repuollc. W
readopt the expressive language of U
national democratic platform of 1ST )
under which. Samuel Tildou wi
elected to the presidency. H
form cnn only bo had by a peaceful c.iv :
revolution. We demand n chance ol syston
n change of admlnislr.ilion , a cnangu i
parties , lhat xvo may nuvo n changa i
measures and mon. "
Senator Hill ivas applauded throupbou
and xvhen ho mentioned t'nn names of Clov
land and t-tovcnson the cheering xvas deafo
ing. At Us conclusion Lieutenant Goverm
Sheehun xvas inlroduced.
Others Who Spoltc.
"As a democrat , " bo said , "I am elad
stand upon Tammany's nlatform and lei
upon a Tammany audience. You ha1
enjoyed tonight tbo rarest treat that ai
audience In this great , broad laud has onjoyi
during this campaign. "
The olhor speakers were : Genornl E. '
Tnlltforro of Alabama , General Dan 1
Sickles , Congressman Amos J. Cummings.
Wbilo tbo great Indoor mooting was
progress speeches xvoro balng made fro
oicht stands xvhlch had boon eroded uloi
Thirlpcnth nnd Fourteenth streols fro
Uioadxvay to Third nvenuo. Ono hundn
nud Ixventy speakers bad been divided iimoi
these different stands. They included :
the Nuxv York domocralic concressmen at
candidates for congress , prominent doin
crats from other states and local oratoi
Speeches xvero made In Gorman , French ai
Italian. _ _
lilnlim'H CiiiiMdiiiivn III llarrliiiii ,
WxaiiiN'nTos , D. C. , Oct. 'J5. J'ostmast
General Wanmnaker spent nn hour wl
Secretary Illnino nt his house this nftorno
nnd xvhon interviexved in regard toitsti
thnt the purpose of bis visit xvns purely pi
sonnl to oxprosa his' cratillcatlon nt A !
'Blnlno's return.
"A part of the intcrvloxv , " Mr. SVnr
maker said , "related lo politics , and M
Bialim will make up by his men xvtrnt
cannot do b ; speech xvhllo bo nurses a to
porary affection of bis throat. Ho Is o
dentlv greatly interested in the election
Mr Harrison and anxious that nil Ills frlon
should knoxv it nnd ho Irocly expresses I
belief thnt Mr. Harrison xvould oe elected
On.iy'H OiieHt for Knowlcilt1 ,
Nnxv YOHK , Oct. iin , Sountor Quav is
the city nnd hns rccclvod a number of pror
uont rcpublicani ! at his hotel today , umo
thorn General Clnrkson , with whom ho xx
closeted for a long tlmo. When Sonai
Quay ivns nsked what-.lho oullook xvas
said : " 1 don't knoxv yot. Pvo coinn hero
llml out. In n fowtluva | > I may have son
thing to say on the subject. "
Indliiim'fl KogUtruxliiii I.iixv No niiod.
s , Ind. , Out. 35 , Thn supron
court today rondor3d ' "a decision declarl
unconstitutional the , registration feature
the ulecllon law , //bbrcaso | xvas appeal
from Hondricks coilntyand the doclsion
Ibo lower couriva8uiirnipd. \ . Too grouti
upon xvhlch Ibo laxy.iiiold to bo a vlolutli
of the constitution Is that It in class logis
> " &
lion , -
Toi'KKA , Ivan , , Qftjjf-\n \ compllancn wi
the request fro in the nijynnal republican hoi
quarters , the republican statn central co
mltteo today InstrucToiTnio chairman of ovc
county coinmitioo to suspend nil cmupaig
ing until after the funeral of MM. Hnrrisc
Aillal'o I uiiiimitcii I'lans ,
NBXV VOIIK , Oct. " 5. Adlat Steyonsi
after a visit to Noxv York , xvill return xvi
nnd speak at varlbns points , closing w ;
four ineotini/s at ChiqagoHo xvill bo i
slstod by GentiralJulin M. Paluior , Congro
man Spoonor and other * .
ST. josEi-if , Mo. , Opt. Sr > . James Car
xvas shot nnd instantly , killed at a dance t
night by James Fuisqr. Carter hud a wooi
leg , und xvhon he asked oho young woman
dunce xvith him * bo declined. Carter bcca
furious nnd declared that if she xvo
not dance xvith hltu she should not dai
with any otbor man present. Flusor usl
her to dan co with him nrd she accept
Carter bocamu furious and drawing a kr
attempted to ussaujl the couple. Fin
thereupon drew a revolver and shot Cat
i rnoxi vtiisT ruin.
the purpose of expressing Ihn feelings of the
board on tlio death of Mr-i. H xrrlson ,
lti nltitloiM I\III | ) < IM | ,
Mrs. Cockrcll presided. Mrs. Cnboll offered
forod ttm following resolutions , which wore
adopted !
OK Tllfi lit ) Ull ) Or M AN tdr.MKNT !
Ala time xvhon tlio pcoplo of ovpry section situ
t'fooil In tills tiro.ul liinil nro uiillud upon U :
inoiirii with tlioohlof executive anil lilt fi.mlly
It Doconics us ut a liody of Ohrlsllnn xtntucn
horoftof our president , xx ho proved herself * !
worthy of our love niul respect , to axpri'tt u
fnr ns xvords can perform tlio task. our mlnilp
utlou af tli ( i holnvod. our tcmlorost sy my nib ;
with tlio liaraavail. Tborofore ,
Whoroiis , It bus pleased our llonvonlv
rntliur to remove from the plnro she li.n
III lutl so xxorlhlly nnd null , our uri'sldunt ami
Urn wlf o of tlio president of thu United States ,
bo It
Hi-solved , That Mr * . Caroline Boot ! llnrrl-
son his : o fiiltbfiillv represented Ihi'soi'lnV.x
of tlio Daughters of iho Amorli'an Itovoiutint
mill Hltniiy | dlst'lmrjpil nvury ilulv duxolvliu
upon her hi tbc organisation of tills nation ; !
society. that ! io Ins won tbo louuclli" ) s love
nnd iidmlntton of nil these imiool.itud xvllli
her In tills anvil xxorl. ,
Unsolved. Tlmt wo rocnjnlro In tlio fullest
dug lee t lie ox ten tot oiiroliiluntlim to Ibn un <
protondltr. : t n-t anil snuml Judgment of tin
true Aiiimli'nti l.iily xvhOM ) simplicity of I'lmr
lu'ter iintl rrnotli al Rood sonsn sustained boi
In uvory trliil mid inrgoly cnntrlbiitoil to tin
rapid ml pnriiiitnoiit on of tin
society now called iiliiin to uunirn her loss.
Kptnlvod , Thill , us Daughters of llm Aini-rl
can Revolution , wo nrnposo to uiniilntii ho
high uMiinplii and contlnnu fatlhtnllv to bulli
thu uoblo edition of which she has been tin
Hosolvi'd. That us tbo national boiril o
mntmgiMiiont , wu rrcoiiiiniMid to the society a
large. tbu goncrotiH IIIIIIM nnd dlslliloroHlui
earnestness of Mrs Harrison.
Unsolved. 'I'll lit n H tbo Immediate co-la
borers mid friends of our late
tender to her husband nnd faintly the o\prin
slon of our twndor personal lo/aril anil doei
pcrsouul sytnpilhy. As representatives o
the uront society which bus honored Mr
Harrison us Its bond , wo bow with rovortnc <
before the decrees of Providence and lira ;
tbHtthn chasU'iiltiz band of tlm Mini. 'lit ;
leather , wno has sent tills dlsionsallon | iipoi
the iircsldent of the United States and upoi
UH. may soothe thu wounds Ills wisdom ball
In filmed.
llllliolH Itupitlillratis Nyuii | ithlrn.
Cniuxno , 111. , Oct. 2T > , The following telegram
gram was .sent to tbu president today :
HUN. llr.Ni XMIN UMIIIISO.V , Washington. 11
O. : The OM'ontive cuintnlltuo of the teuub
lloan state central pomiiillteo. In session a
Chicago , oxpron their eon loiciieo at tin
loss which It. is overshadowed your life. Tlio ;
express to the utmost \tiMit the deep foclln. .
xvhlch pel vados tln > hemis of our people am
assure yon the shadow wbiuli tails lu-iossth
threshold of your lion o incuts the ntnfouni
sympathy of the ucoplonf the stallof l.luiol >
.1 .1MIS 11. UI.MIK , Chairman.
T. N. JAMISON , Secretary.
This address bus also huoi Issued :
To thu Kuuuhllcans of the Hfitoof Illinois
A to oira m announcing tbu death of tbo wlf
of 1'resldont 1 1 unison having been rm'olx'oi
from Ibo nallon il republic. in committee an
statin ) ; that fnncril ceremoulus will occur a
Indianapolis on I'ri lay. tlio isth Iiisl. . It 1
uarncht y reiiuestcd bv this cominltlro Ilia
all meetings nrnniod for that date bo so eon
ducted as to oxpicss ihesynip ithy of the ro
piiDllcans of Illinois for the president. In bl
great tioro'ivonient , and wo rciinnst that al
street niiado9 ind o itnpaign demonstration
Ijosiispcnde.l until after th tl dale.
JAMKS II. CI.AIIIC , Ulialrman.
T. X. JAMISON , Secretary ,
I' roui thn iloohlur linstrul.
I.siU\\roMS Ind. , Oct. 25. Jatms Wbli
comb Klloy today contributor ! the followin
lines In memory of Mrs. Ilarrlsou to td
Indtnnapolis News :
Now utter calm and rest :
Hands folde.l o'er the breast
In nearo tbo placcdost
All dial past.
All fnvur soothoil all pain
Annulled , In heart and brain
Never to vex aain
She slcejis at last.
She slcoDs ; but O , most dear
And best beloved ot her
Ve sloop not nay nor stir
Have but to bow
Tbouloscr each to each
With sobs and broken speech
That all in vain hosdccli
Her ansttor now.
And lo ! wo weep with you
Ono Rriof tbo wldo wor.d through
Yet with the f.iith bbo Imuw ;
\Vo see her you
Hvcn as Here she stood
All that was pure and rood ,
And sweet InSvnmanhood
God'b will her will.
SiiKicn | < liMl I' Aotlvlly.
Nnw Yoitlc , Oct. 2."i. Mrs. Harrison's doat
bus cast a flooin ever ropubllcan , nation
and state headquarters. The usual routir
of worlt was suspended as far as nniclicub
nnd Chairman Carter received but few visi
ors. Karly iu the day Messrs. Mauley , iMi
Comas nnd llahn baa a conference with tr
cbalrrann , and as a result tno followinK tel
gram was sent to the various republics
state committees throughout the country :
NBW 4'oiuc. Oct"i .Mrs. Harrison , thu di
voted wlfo ot the nrrsldt'iit , dlc-d at llm o\uci
live mansion at 1:4 : 1 o'clock this morn In- r , at
will bo bitrloJ at Indianapolis on Krlday , tl
'MUi Instant. As a mark of ruipuct to tt
memory of the deceased , whoso nob.u in
pnru llfo furnishes an Inspiration to all wlvi
and mothers , and as un oxprosslon of sympatl
with tbo proaldont and his sorrowing ( amll
tbo republican national e-nmnltU'O deslr
that you suspend all programs and campal ;
ilunionstratlons until after the conclusion
tbo funeral coromonli's.
THOMAS H. CAimm , Chairman.
.syinjuitliy Iroin l.iniilon 1'npi'i't.
IIO.V , Oct. 20. The Cbronlolo aay
"Very great sympathy with 1'rosidant Iln
rlson will bo full everywhere. Airs. Han
ban was the countornnrt of her hiisban
whoso private ohnractor la most rospeoti
uvon bv his poHtieal aimiiiios. "
The News culoprl/ns tbo deceased lady ai
praises her couraco In polns to U'nshlncti
when she know her illness was fatal , nddin
' 3 ho had won tbo renown of tbo Amerlci
nation by her worth of imuraclor and duv
tlon to her husuand. "
The Time * says : "Tho doalh of Mi
Harrison Is of nioro than ordinary nnpoi
mice , InaHinucli as bur huub.ind'b succo
mav In ti very lanjo degree bo ascribed
her. " _ „ _
( Jiililnut .TIcnilMirs Uiiiiiinif Home.
WASIIISUIO , I ) . C. , Oct. 25. Thomembe
of tbo cabinet who wore absent from the ci
at the tlmo of Mrs , Harrison's death we
communicated with by tolocrnph and U
prcbab'.o Unit nil of them will have roturm
bv tomorrow PvonliiR or Thursday , Suci
tiiry John \V , Foster reached the city tl
afternoon and at once drove tn the will
bouse to express to the president 1
sympathy. Secretary Chnrlos Foster , w
Is now In I'hihtuelphta , is oxpuctod to iirrl
hero tomorrow evening. Hocrotnry Ulklns
also oxpcciou to ram rn tomorrow.
Koutliern AlKtliuilUtM hyiupitlil/c. :
NASHVIU.K , Tenn. , Oct. 85 , Secrete
Haines of tbo Tonnossoa couforonco of t
Methodist Episcopal Cburoh South , In si
ston iu this city today , aunt tbo follow !
telegram :
anNfKiiBNCK ROOM , NAMIVIM.I : , Tnnn , , Oi
\ To Ills Kxcelinnoy. I'raildiint llonjam
HarrUon , Washington , I ) . O. : Thu Tunnoss
conferiMicoof thu .Methodist Episcopal Chun
Bonlli , by a rising votu , unainmiiniiiy adopi
rose iillons of sympathy for you In IhU ho
of deep uoioavuiiiunt.
U I1. ( , 1'iosldnnt
II , r. HAINKS , i-'critary. !
\Va l.cui'd In TIIUIK ,
New OIU.HANS , f i ) . , Oct. 25 The Time
Democrat's Ualvoa'ton special boys : T
death of Mrs. Harrison is deeply rogrott
here , wbero she mndo many friends by h
womanly and gracious inunner durlin ? ti
brlnf viblt with tbo president In May , 16 !
Out of respect and In honor of hoc memo
the national colon nnd the link's of all i
lions were uulf-inustod today und tbo sytni
thy of tbo entire community Is with t
protldent In his deep ulllictlon ,
Kfitrntiy'4 Trlhiitn of Iti-npcot.
KluitSBV , Nob. , Oct. 25. ( Special To
Brain to TUB HUB. J Floss at hair mast wo
displayed all over the city out of respect I
President Harrison In bu grlaf ,
( Itlicr DratliH In tlm U'lillo lloutu.
WASHINGTON- ) , C. , Oct. 23. Mrs , Har
' wife to die
ion was the second president's
o the white house. The other was the wife
, , President Tyler , who dl d September
1813. Two preildouta also died there : W
turn Henry Harmon , the pre.sldcnl's
prnndfatbcr , nnd.ixchnrlnh Taylor. The
other tlcntht tn the historic mansion were
Tad Lincoln , Proitdor.l Lincoln's son , nnd
the Ilnwallnn mlnUter , who toll deixd during
n reception by President Arthur.
I7.S ( 'MfJJM ! .N : .S IO.V.
( liTiit Rosilon of tlio til : | ropnl Coiliirll
llrntiulit to it Clo i' .
lUt.Tl.MoitR , Md. , Oct. 25. Tlm Is Iho
eitghtconth nnd last Oay'i session ot the Hpls-
copnl convention ,
After the house of blshopa hat baan onltod
toorJorllov. Dr. HMidjlph AtcKlu offnred
this rnsolutlon :
Uvsolvcd , Thnt the president of thlt IIOIIRO
bo reiiuestcd lo oonvoy to the preslrtuiil of tbo
United Stint's In snob manner as Im limy
deem must Illtlntf. tbo expression of iiiirsln-
cero and u'sneotful sympithy In the boritiivo *
mont which has diirUenua liu home and his
Tbu resolution was mioptod by n standing
Two of tbo bishops who were appointed to
missionary JurlMllullons-- . Or. James
H. Johnson of Detroit for northern Michigan
nnd Uov. Dr. ,1. U. llovt of low.i for China-
declined the Kulsuopal ofllro and llov. Hr.
\\iillam Uecd Tbonias of Now York lor
northern Miehlcati unit H'V. Dr. lP. .
ClrAvcs \Voocbaiiiz for China were pro-
After n clmnco ot p.istor.ito letter Iho con-
vonlloti ujourncd .sine dlo.
.Sorlrt > In .Si > lnn ,
lUiuroitn , Conn. , Oct. 25. The forty-
sixth annual meeting of the Amorlcan Mis
sionary association buunu this afternoon In
this city. Treasurer Hubbard's annual re
port shows total receipts , $4iiliiS : ( ! ; cxpoiis ,
fl''.i ' , loAvliif ! n balance of i'.ijll. Tbu re
port ot the o.xei'ittivo committee then
roml , showing the work of the association
during the year.
Otitgiowtli ot thn llrluRR Maun- .
NEW YOHK , Oct. 25. Uov. Ur. John Hall
nnd llev. Uoburt Uussoll Hooth bnvo rn-
iiud from the board of directors of the
Union Theological somlnarv as a result ol
'ho complications following the seminary' ?
lisputo with thu Prosbvtorlan church. It Is
aid that o her directors will wltharaw.
.urji ( < l Appi-nl llutiil i\or : I ili'il In the
Cnlti-il st.Um I'm DM llcconl.
SvL nvNc-iMt ) , Cat. , Oct. 25. The defend-
nts in the e ao of MV. . l''ox against Hole
Norcross Silver MiniiiK coiiipinv tocla.v
lied with the county cleric an appo.U bond In
ho sum ot $ ! ,0UOOD. : The bond Is furnishcc
by the \Vustorn Surety and Ouiiranico conv
; ) anv , and is said to bo the larucst ovur 11 lor
u judicial proceeding in the Unito.l States ,
llm defendants \\ere ruiivictrd of inlsap
pronrlnting certain proceeds of the mine and
reduction worlcs , : tnu n judgment In Iho sun
of fl,015,000 was rendered by Jndi'i
llobu.ird In favor of Fox and other stock
lioldcrs , from which decision un appea
ivas ti.Uen by .Major Charles 11. Kijan , ono o
ho directors of the mining company , whleV
v/as today exempted from the opera ion o
tno decision as it was shown hoAS in fsov
Yont during tbo trial and had nnt boot
rrvud w.tb n summons.
Tapper's Nr Kllliit.
MONTIIEAI , P. Q. . Oct. 2. . A special cabli
fiom boudon to the Star says : Sir Charle ;
Tupper has hn n nppalntcrl Dritish ploni
polentiary with Lord DuiTi-rln , llritisl
unnistfir at Paris , to noijotiati ! a comtnorciu
treaty botwoan Franco and Camula.
J'/KA > .V.Ii.u ; idit.ii-iis.
Mrs. Charles lv. liuncoof Brooklyn , N. V.
n former resident of Omaha , Is In the cltj
visiting friends. She will be the sttest o
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Tostcvln , 2(513 ( Nortl
Ninetceiitb avenue.
Niw : YOIIK , Oct. 2. > . [ Special Telegram tc
Tun rjr.i : . ) OmahaV. : . J. Hughes am
wlfo , Plaza ; W. 1C. Kurllloffmnn : G
Worthlngton , Union Square ; M. Movci
buyer for M. Meyer & Co. , Btondwny Con
tra'l. Lincoln : \V. Sweeny. Si. Uenis ; ,1
V. Chandler , New York. .1. Carson , Omahn
was introduced in the Manhattan Athlotl
club byV. . J. Dixon and nltorwards dinca n
the Hotel Savoy ,
due no , III. , Oct. 25.Special [ Tolepraii
to TUB HUB. ] The following Nebr.ibkani
romstered hero toilay : Auditorium C. H
Montgomery , Om.iba. Clraml P.icillc tl. A
Buuiii anil wife , O naha. ( Northcni-
O. W. Morton , Omaha. Crand ! Pacitlc Mr
and Mrs. ( icorgo A. K.istmati , Omnhn ; T. U
GofriTb and wife , SV. II. Selmlor .ind wlfo
Kenmny. Wollliifrion A. 10. Iltt'chlnsoi
and wifo. Lcland 1C. A Hiuim. Omaha
Victoria IIv 11. Medav , Omaha. Pnlmcr-
W. A. Southard , II. t ) . Itrown , Omaha : II
C. Zormii ? , Mrs. / jrmltf , ( . ! . K. Howonnan
r.ouu. nttr.ririr.i.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Wray occupied collin
in the city jail last night for disorderly cot
The police dragged Pete Ward , n lout
Omaha boy , in out ot the damn air las
night and o'liarged him with being a susn !
clous character just because tin had .six Inn
monicas in his poclcct.
The Polish republicans will moot on Fn
davovonlnc in llio now Metz' hall. Spuecho
will be mndo In both Polish and Kugllsb
Quito a I.iriro nttondanro is oxpceted , and al
are cordially invited to attend.
M. T Hanford , who lives near Sever
tronthrand Clark streets , was locked up n
pollco headquarter ! , last night upon con
phi nt of his wile , who charges him wu
bclnc drunu anil abusing her.
A recaption will be gtvun by the vostrj
mnn of the Church of tno ( Joou Kliuphcnl t
Iho parish at tbo residence of 15. A. Mt
AllMor , 20'J7 Wlrl street , \V'odnoi.da. .
evening. All friends of the church are In
-aiivillo VVnde , a colored man , is on trin
in Jwluo Oavli * court chanrod with bavini
tried to kill another colored man , on
George H. Waltingtou. The trouhlo origin
ated over a colorou women and a game u
craps , both located at Thirteenth ami Can
Superintendent Mathloson of the city ha !
will ask tbo council loordor the rousiructio
of a cross wall In the basement of tbo built
ing , that Iho coal nuy not bo thrown mi
the boiler room. Under thn present plan o
arrnncomenls the coal rolls down to Iho fui
nnoes , tilling tbo pumps mid machinery ful
of dust ,
The Hoys club is ono of the features c
Druid Hill and mcotlnus nru held ovnry Mot
day , Wednesday and Friday night. It I
connected with draco mission , and boys lit
twoen the ages of 8 and 111 years are oliglbl
to membership. Tbo oxurcliicn are of
6oulal , lifjrary and athletic nature. To i > c
that the boys uro Ituut within bounds tli
meeting is > presided over by tboir elders.
After being out over night tlm jury In th
criminal court in the casu o'tho state iiuaim
Charles Sherman , the hack driver , rnturno
n vordiol of not guilty. Sherman was charge
with having robbed Charles Aiulo'son ' < :
$ .V > , Anderson catno up from Lincoln to sc
the town , and his llrst move in thn Higln
seeing direction was lo till up with Unei
biro a hack and n woman unit mart for ono o
the road houses , Ho wes drunk and who
ho sobered up ho found that bo had boon dc
scried DV bis money und his asauciuuis.
F/l I iyt Saturday. Sunday , Ocl. ti8 , KO , 3 (
I'tidlu * ' miJ Chll'lrjn'o Matlncu halniday.
> T "R o A
A n n
n Ji.J , J. J. JTvx \ IDrn
And amipcrbUatit.
1'rlday. Bnturday KVnsH 111(11 ( TV VARHFil
and riatnrd'iy Mallni'o iJJUJjLll Illliuij ;
-iiinn niviD I Suuday Nl-'bt.
KllUIJ 1J1A1D I Only I'orfonaixnu'i
Itnlh Plays by t'harleaT. Vlnrent.
llox Hhuoisopun I'linrsday laurnlng at 01.111
and ,111)011 ) TlitmUT.
Grand f-naclaltr .Xfurt-Kallo" . niul the MACKK
DHA.M.X-IIC cojti'ASV , la
Qfliioral Grcoly flivoa Sotno Intjrosthig In-
foitn lion Conornng ! Its Efiloioncy ,
: xporliMiro of thn l.n.t Vonr > Tlth
. Military VolciRmpli l.lnm ( ; onitriiot > "
Ing > o\r l.liu < Trlpihiuic | , lli < ln | >
Kriiph niul llnlloou .
\Vtsin\OTOX , 11. U. , Oct. CS-lloncral A.
W. Oreuly , chlof stgtud ofllrer. In his annual +
report to ibo Rocroinry of xvar , dxvolls nl
length on the value to the country of thn Pee O
miles of military telegraph ituo xvhlch have t
been successfully malntixlned in operation
during the year oy the slrfnul oorpv As nn
Instniu'o hccllles Iho USD of Iho Fort A' '
noy line utirlng the cattle xvar \\yomlnp'
and of tbo line bctxvo n Forts Hroxvn nnd'
KiiK'gold , Tex. , during the tlar/a. troublos.
This inlior line il I.s proposed to nvtond trotn
Fort Klnggolu to I'ena , on thn Mexican Na
tional railway.
With an eye lo the demands of modern
warfare , special attention bin boon given to
Iho equipment of Hold or Hying tolocrnphl *
trains for armv operations nxvny from tho- )
permanent telegraph lines of iho country.
The Hold telephone kit , xvhoroxvllb n moving
line can be put In commiinlctllon xvlth a
brigade or division romninnder has Loon
satisfactorily developed. For the llrst
time slnco tbo xvnr the slgnnl
corns constructed n Held telegraph line
for the tis of the Mexican boundary com
mission , botxvoun Sopar , N. M. , nnd the
"corner , " a dlslanco of forty-txvo miles , In
Hcvontcon days the command unloaded the
material , erected and maintained tlio line In
nn unfnvoraulo country unlll it ivas no
longer required , nnd dismantled mm .shipped
Much space is devoted to the summary ot
the experiments made by other nations ivlth
military balloons , nn oxolusivoly American
liion , first used by Gcimnil 1'ortor and dc-
volnpud by European military poxv-
ors. It is said that so far those
experiments Imvo not yet proved tnu
ndviMiuilltv of replacing Ibo captlvo
balloon of CScnoral Porter by free balloons ,
bul i ho Important part to bo played In future
wars by free ulvorglblo balloons' said to ba
unquustlotiahle. Coust-tjuuntlV u balloon sec
tion Is being orenuiml xvith oich living tele
graph train to operate n captlvo balloon to
colli'i'i military Information and transmit It
to ground bv telephone entile.
The hollogrnptfhns boon perfected BO that
messages may bu sent bv Its light beam dis
tances ranging sixty to 100 miles
In conclusion Uenoral Oreelv bpoixkn on-
cournglnglv of tbo groxvlng Interest in signal
xvork manlfestod by thu militia of thu L'ultcd
States , nnd he suggests that the militia act
bo amended so us to provide .signal stores lo
bo issued to the stuto guards upon
lions as part of their nlloimcnis.
NOT UIAI > \ - ' < > it ADMISSION.
rolycnmy Dying In IJtuli , Itnt I'tNsniitlal ' In.
ti'rni'cliio Iliiiiiiony U l.ilrlUn .
Wxsni OTOND. . C. , Oct. 23. Arthur T.
Thomas , governor of Utah , in bis annual re
port says polygamy iu the territory is on the
decline. Ho says thnt no does not bollevo
that any polygamous marringos have
taken plnco during the year xvlth
Ibo consent or permission of the
Mormon loaders , and It Is his con.
viclion that Ihera is a slucoco intention ona
tlio part of Mormon pcoplo not to approve or
sanction polygamous marriages In the futuro.
Ho says It is to bn rogiottod that the sin
cerity of n xvbolo pcopl'i suoUtng to accom- . "
pllah a greut reform 'should bo plnoed under1
suspicion by tbo nets o'f a few , but such is .
tbo case , it xvas sure to bo some time and
mnybo years before the practice of unlawful
L'uhablttition xvill < 'nlirolv cease.
In regard lo the admission of Utah ns a
stnto , Governor Thomas siys : "It is my *
opinion , having duo consideration for the I
wishes nnd feollnirs of nil lhat between the i
txvo great elements of tbo population , Mnr- _
mon and non-Mormon , the sympathy of foolj
ing nnd harmony of nurposo does not exist
which is so essential to the prosperity and
hapmni'ss of tbo people under st itolAod , yet '
It xvould bo un act unxvortliv thu JtislYo ol a 1
great government to turn a deaf ear to Iho
npncal of iho men xvho in Utah hax'o alxvay * '
uphold Us authority and obeyed Us laxvs. "
I'nlon I'arllle i\lciinlon.
SXI.TLAKB , U. T. , Oct.25. [ Special Tele-
grnn < to Till ! Uii : . | The Union 1'acillo
ofllcials ot this city nro Jubilant over tbo
prospect of their road having u branch line
connecting their system nt Dillon xvlth
Helena , Mont. An enthusiastic mooting
was hold by the Hoard ofTrndoof Helena
last night and thu project xvus dlsouscod In
nil Its boarlnirs. A committee xvns appointed
to confer xvlth Ihtt people of Denver Head ,
Madison and Jefferson counties lo learn
lhoK feelings and xvlshcs In roirard lo Iho
road and resolutions endorsing it xvur&
unanimously passed.
I. lir
Of rircpmt. 111. , hi'gan to fall lapldly.loit nH
iippctltiiiindiot Into n beiluni condition from
r ifot-ionolei 'SU | coul11 lllt Cilt V(1K ° "
L/ySpepblcl tables or ini'.it , nnd exi-n
toast dlslirssi'd lii-r. Had to ilvu ; up houso-
xx'iuk. tna xxuiiL alter taking
Hood's Sarsapan'ila
film feltn lllllo better. Could Ui'cp nifirn food
on bi'r dtnmai'h nnd ir : xv ationgcr , Hhu took ,
: i bottles , has a jjiMid iipjintlto , miiurd sa Ilu. ,
does bur xxoiIt i-.islly , U noxvIn jmrrect hualth.
llOOD'O PlLLQ nro the bvit ntlor dlniior
1'IIU , 'J I'uy iuildt digestion und cure bund.ii.ho.
rtirilulll oTBul Thno'nn .
I I'N ' , .Ml'alc , IIXCITJOMUNI1.
1'iinr NighlH , Ouiiiniuiii'ln ; Hiinilay Matlnca ,
lL-tiil ) rSI. Iho Ucnllhllu Co in ml y Drama
A poslllvu riivelation In Htago it
A hiinurb company , nuiiut niiiilr ,
dunolng ,
Farnam Street Thoatcr , mv-feV
TburHduy , I'rlday , Hnturday Mat. und Kvu.
_ - j i M , - . _ , „ , - , .
] 'riiiu | nlii lur Jlurd Uoul.
Boalod blduylll bu rrculvod nt the coinp-
troller'u otll''O , elty af Uiiinhu , up to 4 p. in.
Noveinbor Int , iMf. , for huril coal , unite , UK/ ,
raiiKo and i.ut le , for the city's Ubu from
Ootohorlllst. 1BW. toOotoberSUt , 1B91. Uerll-
llud check of I11W.OJ lo avcompuny cut'h bid ,
Tbo rlKht U ro-iorvud lo releul uny nnd nil
bld . TIIKO. OI.HliN C'oinulroller.
Omahn , Nub. , Out. VI , IdW. Od