Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1892, Page 10, Image 10

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    i *
! '
t'Jirtt'tan at
"Tlmr loll mo ynti work for a ilollnr ft Any ,
How 1 * Itjrou cloltiQ your MX boy on such
' I know run wilt tlilnk Itconoeltod nnil
lUt I doll liociinio I'm n ROW I llmtnclur.
"Thoro' I'cti' . John , .Urn. iintl Joe , nnil W !
Until nnd No-l . .
A Imlf-do/cii boys to bo clotliocl up nnd fed
"Anill buy for them nil H03il. uliiln viotu.-iU
olot'liln for 1'cto.
Hut j-I onlv buy clotnlnt
"Whon Polo's clothoi are too small for him to
My wlfo maUus 'cm ever unit clvci 'om to
Joli 11.
"Whon for John , who Is ten. llioy have grown
out of Onto .
Slio Juit innkca 'am ever for Jim , who li olght.
When for .Ilin lhojrl eec no tin ri5 oJ tnfl *
) io Just ntiiKiH'arn i vor far Jos , who Is six.
"Anil when lttlnTo oi > li o in woar'rm no moro
HIiu Jiint m.'iUes 'out ovur foe 111,1 , who Is four
And when for jroutu Hill tlin ? no louRor wit
She jiiilnml < cs 'cm oxer fur No I. who Is two.
So you sco. If I Rot riHCiuli clothing tor 1'clo
Tlio fiiinlly Is fucnishoJ with ctnthlu , ? coin-
nlolo. "
Hut when Neil hM Kot Ihroush with tlio
clothlii' ' , and when ,
Ho hns thrown It aside , vhiit do you do with
It ihon ? "
"Whr. once moro wo BO round tlio oirelo com-
Aiid bo ln to use it for pavolioi for 1'oto. "
' .VellJ In Han
In BOuUioii-jtoni Arizona there is a
trnot of Inml largo enough to mnlvo tin
custom Htiito. It Is known tis tlio
Apnoliu Indian rosorvaiion , tint ! It is
there that tha IndiniiH of that trlbo iiro
kept untlor olHO military surveillance.
1'onrH ngo the survoillunco would occa
sionally relax , and thou thcro would bo
tin outbreak. A trail of bloprt would bo
tnnrkod out toward Mexico , nnd the vul
tures would como in crowds , ns if from
all ever the west , to enjoy the banquet
liropnrcd for thorn in the Uo id , whoso
bodies would fjliston when llrst killed
with snowy whiteness in the dazzling
Bunliirhl , so Unit you could sec thorn dot
ting the plains from afar olT , while the
hot winds fiora the south Unit tanned
your fnco would bo heavy with the smell
of human cnrricni ,
It is not BO now , for butter watch and
ward Is kept by the soldiers. Uulwhon
it was ko , thuro wore four inou who
wont into this Apache country to uros-
poct for the mines fiom which in the
olil day& the Indians obtained the silver
out of which they would mold bullets
when they could not got load. Many a
man has lost his lifo soni-ehing forthoso
mines , and many moro will doubtless do
the same before' they are discovered.
Thin , though , will never deter men
jtrom milking the olTort , HO long us mon
have the right to tai < o their lives in
their hands and wager them against
Of thcso four mon , one was Harry Bar
rett. Uo was young , and had , as many
younir men tmvo. and as nil younir mon
should have , a girl with whom ho was
very much in lovo. and to whom ho wns
engaged to bo married. It was prob
ably this raoro than anything else that
inado him HO desirous of growimr sud
denly rich by llnding the treasure mines
of the Apaches , for , when a young man
is truly in love , his greatest regret is
that ho does not own the wealth of the
Indies and possess the power of the czar
to augment his itnporlanco in the eyes
of the woman in whom ho is so deeply
interested. This was a o with Harry
Barrett , and when old Jeff Dnunlott ,
who had prospected for thobo same
mines for twenty years or more , came to
him with hia "map of tbo country in
which they were supposed to exist ,
Harry was not long in growing onthu-
eiastic , nnd believing what was told
him , for the prospect of great wealth is
always intoxicating. The map was old
and frayed and faded , for many another
man had iingeied it , to his borrow. That
counted for naught , though , with Harry.
When the day came for the party to
start out on their search , ho was
the most lighthearted of all , especially
when ho laggoa behind to kiss his hand
to the cirl for whoso aako ho desired
wealth , and who stood at the door of
her father's house watching him , while
eho saw in vision the beautiful thlnga
- that the future bad in store for them.
both. Tbo wealth , that , Harry' might
discover was not necessary to make her
pictures of the future bright. If she
only could havp Harry , tliat was Bulll-
ciont , and when ho had parsed from her
sight she turned luvay , humming the
song lie most liked while thinking of
the pleasures that awaited his return.
For months there had been no rumors
of Indian disturbances. There had boon
peace on the reservation so long that
mon had censed to give its dangers a
thought , an mon wholivo in the snadows
of volcanoes live day after day unthink
ing of the hour that will find them
buried bunoath its lava. To the under
tnkor nothing is so commonplace as
death , while the headsman in time sues
nothing not.iblr ) in an execution , H ivo
whether or not the ax llr.ds its way
through ono neck easier than through
another. And HO it is witn danger , for
when it is ever present men grow cal
lous to it no matter how great it may ho.
So it was with Harry Liurrott and his
comrades. While the girl who was
awaiting his return might luivo occa
sionally thought of the risks that the
little party ran , the men never full any
anxiety , or , if they did , subdued it with
out openly c.xpi casing it.
For tlio Hist few dtiys they found indi
cations of rich sllvor deposits indica
tions that wuro so rich that they made a
permanent cnmp , intundinur to oxitmino
the lodges that urisbcronsud the country
thoroughly. They had hoon no Indians ,
and oxitccled none. Ono day , though
as they bat at diunor , a shot o .mo fron
out of the pncsand ! before the echo had
died away it was followed by a hcoro of
others. Old .foil Hr.nulott , who was to
have led them to untold wealth , d < oppcd
the tin [ . ate from which liu was outing on
the ground. Not abruptly , but so gonlly
that it baldly made a Round ; and , as it
fell , ho iipp.uonily m.ido an ellort to
ribo to 111 : } ( cot , only to fat ) face forward
into the til o , w hero still Klmmorcd tlio
uneaten portion of the noonday meal.
The tin oo remaining mun up ang to
their foot unharmed and ruohod to wuolo
cover behind trees and boulders , pick
ing up the arms that cumu nearest to
their hands. . As B irrott pasted the tire
ho drew from it the body of the old man.
The fiico way covered with asho and
blood , while the long hair and open
Bhlrt woio Biuoking fiom the contact
with the coulu. Tilt1 limp body and relaxed -
laxod jaw told how suddenly death had
As the young man Uirow the body to
ono aldo from the tire and sunk under
the cover of a boulder ho glanced in the
dlroction fiom which Iho shots had
como , but could ecu nothing. As ho
wutohod there would occasionally lisa
puffs of white smoke , followed by the
report of arillo and ho would fire in re
turn. Through the whole afternoon
never once dldliosoo an Indian's fuco
or form. Alter the flrat surprise the
three hud willed to one another and
were rejoiced to know that none was
hit. The oldest hud tukon Iho direction
of affairs.
"Hold your ammunition , and wait
until tonight , and thou wo wilt break
back for the canon and try to reach the
riottlutnont. There iiro too many of
them for us to stand elf , " ho wild , and
> through the long nftormnn tliov
united. The iiro llioy kindled burned
mil nnd the body of the dead man bosldo
' .rrcvv rold and rigid. The blood no
'tir IliiMod from Iho wound. When
wind would blow the ashes from the
( ills toft by the tire , thov would stllL
glow , in if in mockery of the quick
death that hnd overtaken the form
bc iilo thorn.
When darkness had como the three
mon gradually crept back keeping
as close together a3 possible in Iho di
rection of the canon boh ml thorn Oc
casionally out of the darkness wotilil
conic n MIHU of light from a rillo fired
in their direction. To these , at tlrst
they replied ; but when they hnd got
bonio distance from the camp whcro thu
do id man laythoy rose to their fcotnlid
as r.iuldly and noiselessly as possible
rotrealcd to Iho canon. Isro ono bpokc ,
but each know that the faces of his com
rades wore , llko his own. glowing with
thai fooling of gratitude that , romcsonly
when u man has escaped almost curtain
death. They would never , oo the mini
they hnd loft behind again ; but after all ,
Uo wub old and nlono in the world ,
while they well , with them lifo was
sweeter nnd dearer than It could pos
sibly have boon to him. To Harry , at
loiist , it seemed BO. What , would tlio
girl have done had ho Instead boon
.illed and lying back there by the do-
Hotted campfire to bo mutilated beyond
recognition when his body should pass
Into the hands of the Apaches ? Uy
morning they would ha within a few
miles of the settlements and they would
boBife. It was PO dark that they had
to use both hands and foot in fooling for
a footway down through the canon.
Still they were miking good progress.
It was hardly midnight and they must
liavo left their camp at least a do/.on
miles behind. They .could not bo ever
thirty or forty miles from the solllo-
inonts , and , once out of the canon , they
would soon travel that dlslnnco. Tlio
moon would soon bo high in thu heavens
and that would help them , but it would
also bring aid to the pursuers , raging
at their escape. Us light wns already
boiiinniiig to fill the mountain sides
and canons with strange and uncouth
The three men kept closely together ,
as if relying on ono another for assist
ance. As they climbed down through
the canon the.\ remained on its darkest
Bide , in ordor'to avoid any possible discovery -
covory , although it made their narrow
footway still moro danirorous. b'ar behind
hind lliein they could sec on the inoitn-
t iln side it bla/.o of light , and they know
that it was a signal of their escape. It
made thorn push forward with still
irie.itor oxerlion , for now they know
that Iho pursuit was close behind , and
that it would bo only with the greatest
effort that they could escape , as the In
dians had probably discovered the direc
tion in which they were going , and
would endeavor to intercept them. As
they pushed forward with renewed
hnst" , the man in the rear suddenly
slipped and foil , carrying with him his
two com-adcs. The fall was : i slight
ono. Tlio litllo pebbles it had slatted
had hardly cosisoo. rolling before two of
the mull wore again on their feet , pick
ing up their arms. Harry tiied to join
thorn and roe to his foot , but only to
fall titrain.
"What's the mattery" asked ono of bis
"I think I have sprained my leg some
, vay , " ho replied.
The two men assisted him to arise , but
, vhen ho was on his feet his loft leg
coined to bo without lifo , so far as any
'ontrol of the muscles of it .vas con-
lorr.od. Ho tried to step forward , but it
dragged as if it was wiruly/.ed. A cold
sivoat broke out all ever him , and when
ono of the men who supported him said :
"Phis la hell ! " it sounded like a scn-
tonco of death.
"Can't you move at all ? " asked ono of
lis comrades , his voice betraying his
desire to bo once moro on his way to
ward the settlements. Thov wore still
standing where they had fallen in tlio
moonlight , and ono of tiiom noticing it
ifld the wav back into the shadow.
% lf\o , I am an aid it is broken , " an
swered the disabled man. His voice
Rounded attiuigo and changed Ho could
Irirdly recognize it The dead man
whom they had loft lying back by the
camp Iiro Boomed very near to him. and
in his fear and pain bo wondered if the
Indiana had mutilated hiin'muohv
The two mon.laid him do-vat nnd ono ,
taking the disabled limb in his hand ,
moved it gently bnck and forth , and in
an instant moved his hand far up on the
"Yes , it's broken there. You can fuel
the ends of the bones. " As ho triid it. ho
glanced from the facp of the wounded
man Into that of his other coniradi ; .
Even in the shadow tlio wounded man
caught the expression on the f ices of the
two men. and know that they were
thinking how long it would bo before
the Ap.iehrs would oveitako thorn if
they rum lined thoro. Uotli had so.itod
thomsolvcs by his eiilu in thu shadow , no
that if their puruuors wuro near they
would offer a poorer targot.
"Don't you think you o in limp along
without our help ? " asked ono.
"No , it's no use , boys , I coulu never
got through the canon" . You will have
to loavu mo. If I tried , they would at
tack us before daybreak. As ho said
Ibis , ho unbucklud the bolt from around
his waiit , with its { Mourning row of cart
ridges , and handed it to ono of the men ,
after taking the revolver fiom its
"Well , wo ain't going to leave you , '
Bald DUO of his comrades.
"Boys , that is nons3nr < o."siid : the dis
abled man. His voice was so calm am !
clour that it surprised him. . ' 'You can
d > . mo no good by staying , and there
will bo three instead of one to die. Bj
tomoriow morning you can ha within
rmii'h of the soltlumonts and aafo , but
mv tlmo has como. "
The two mon looked nt each olhor in
sllonoj. After a'l ' , It was hut tnu that
nothing would bo gained by their slay -
ing , They had both nson to their feet
like inun who hud buun given a now
"Boys , toll Mattlo how it was , and
give hoc what I have got In town , " At
the mention of Iho glrl'ti naino ihnro
came again into lib voice the unsteady
HtrniiuonosH that was there when ho lirst
told thuin Unit ho wns hurt , while in Iho
moonlight they could sco there were
tears in his oyos. For an instant the
wounded man was Hlloiu , and then ho
added : "You had bettor talta my arms
with you ; you may need them. "
As ho Itnlshod speaking ho cocked
the revolver and placed it to his hoad.
but before ho could pull the trigger ono
of tlio 1110:1 : grasped his hand and ex
claimed :
"Don't do that ! "
"Yes. you are riirht The loport
would betray ns , " said the wounded man
as ho lowered the weapon. "Give mo
the knlfo , instead. "
"I didn't moan it that way , " said the
man who had made the remark , ashamed
that the true foollixrs which had
proaiptod it hadbeou perceived by the
wounded man. "Don't kill ynureoif ,
Wn will stay with you and wo may yet
pull throutrh. "
The wounded inn ihook his hand
quietly. The tone of the speaker told
him us plain us plain lus words could
Lava demo , that tuaro was but ouo
of cscapo for any of thorn. Ho
took from tholwlt Iho mnn mechanically
handed him , In omnpllnnco with his re
quest , his hcnvy hunting-knife , and
leaned bnck full length in the shadow of
th-3 cnnon. Tlio mon who stood watch
ing him saw hiojes eloso nnd his lips
moving in prater , but only for an in
stant , and then , without looking up , ho
said :
"Ooodbv , boys ; 1 impo you will got
through. ' '
There wns not ti quiver in his voice.
As ho HnUhcd the men turned away so
aa not to sco him , each saying , softly , 119
if speaking to himself :
"Ooodby , Harry. "
As they stood looking down the moon
lit canon , they could hear behind them ,
where the wounded man lay , sounds as
if ha were choking nnd gasping for
breath. When they no longer heard
thorn , Uioy looked toward where ho lay.
The white broust , where the opened
bosom of the shirt exposed it in Iho
Bhndow , looked as if Htnlncd with ink
whom the blood had touched it , nnil
icross it lay the nerveless hand that
mil hold tlio knife.
For an Instant the two men looked
hnvn on Iho body with awe , as if afraid
.hat the open eyes were watching them ,
rnon ono placed hlshandovor the heart
) f the outstretched form , shuddering HB
10 felt how w.irm it was. It Boomed un-
tatural that it should bo so with a dead
nan. I < \ > r a moment ho hold It there ,
uui then , wiping from it on the shirt of
, ho dead man the blood that stained it ,
10 arose and said , in answer to his com
rade's look , in almost a whisper , its if
[ oar ng to bo heard by tlio spirit that
lad just departed :
"Yes , ho is dead "
And thun the two survivors took the
dead man's arms and pushed forward
into the night toward tlio settlements ,
.caving boh 1 ml them , in the stillness of
LIO ! moonlit canon , a white , upturned
'aco to await the early dawn , when the
Indians would slash it ho that even the
jirl in thu sottlcmonta , who had so often
kissed it , would not know it.
llvo public parks.
Oinabu has ilxty-llvo mlloj of paved
Omah.ilm nluoU two rnilo ? ot sowon.
Thoroarasixty pabllo schools , omplovlns
20S teachers.
There nro twenty-two church and privata
schools , omploylnit 133 toiohers.
The school einsiB shows ever SJjOIJ ctill.
( Iron of school ui e.
Omaha i ; n cltv of clr.irchoj , having 115
houses of religious worship.
' 1 hero are sixlv-llvo hotols.
There nro ililrtaon truulc llncj of railway.
povcrincas.'JJI inllis of reid opcratod from
Omalm. Ono hundred and thirty [ laison or
tralnsirrlvo : dally.
Omaha luu ttio laf Jit smoUor in the
Omaha Is the thlrJ lar QJt picking contoe
in the world. Lait yoir the stock racolpw
\\ct-o : Cdttlo , U.S'ij.TOJ ; ho0M , 7,109,8J3 ;
sheep , TS'J.biVi.
Omaha h'ls the lov est distillery in the
wet Id and thraoot the larffoat Dpoworlas in
UioU JJoa States.
Onia.ta has ttio largest white ICiitl works
in tbo world.
iVsido from the packing houses Onnha has
KiO minutiiuturmi ; nntorprisos with a com
bined capital of Ji.iUS.OJJ. Lastyoar thulr
roduotsi nuititaJ to 4)a.003OJj.
The nrlncm.u shops of tbo Union Paclllo
railway nre located "in Omaha. They cover
ilfty acre * of cround and ronrosont an out-
Uy'of-rJ.jlJ.DU. Tia ! lurnish omnloynont
to l.iiOO skilled tnaotianlcs und'JOJday labor
ors.OurluK the year 1311 tha roil ostat3traas-
fers amounted to Sl.l.UiD.SJl.
During 1831 the clearings were $2Jl,123-
93.Tho actual veal ouato valuition is .5J)3OJO-
000 , wtillo tlio : i5vj5m3nt for taxatloa is
based on n oio-tonth valuation.
The postolllccs racolnts for the voar were
fMI.OSS.y. ) . This aopirtmant cave omploy-
montto forty-blx clerks and sixty-six cur
Ouinha has ono of the most complete water
works svstom * in the world. Ttio uHut cost
Sr,000J')0 ( ) ana has ire miles of mains. TUo
initnping c.ip < icUvii > a'i.OJJ.Oja gallons daily.
There are tiluotv-livo inllos of street , rail
way , mainly electric. The system ottploys
000 mon and oporatcs73 can. Ttio monthly
pny ooll is 541) ) 000
Population In Ihil 1.R11
I'opul.itlonln is ; )
I' In HsJ Ili.MS
1'opulntlon In IBi'i Hl.KB
Tlio statistics of Wcsloyan Methodism
in Canada bhow 609.720 full and ac
credited church members at homo and
abroad , 00,8:20 : on trial , 12,22-J ordained
rulniatora in full work , o84 oil trial and
IJ71 mipernumtiriea.
Rev. n. Waiigh , ono of the pioneer
Methodist proachorfi of tlio Pacific coast ,
now SI years of ago and in good hea'lh ' ,
has disposed of his ranch in Sonoma
county , presented to him by Gouoral
Viillojoin apiireciation of his missionary
laboih among tiio Indians , and has taken
up his residence in ami I'Yanci.seo
Hov. , f.V. . Arnoy of Detroit , who has
won $3,000 in racing premiums this year ,
lias hold the last hnrncs in hih string of
tt otters , except a tJ : " ( ) roadster , and has
gene hack to preaching. A church in
ono of the Minneapolis suburbs has
given him a call and he i now there as
a candidate.
Rithor Miirtln. who has boon elected
general of the Society of Jesus by the
convocation at Avepstia , Spain , ia the
younirest membur over chosen to the
oflico , .vllh the oxc i/tion of one of tlio
carliiMgonotalH , who succeeded to the
olllco when only tf' years old. Father
Martin is 11 years of ago.
The issues of the two greatest Bible
soclotios on the world ono in Ungland
and the ether in America up to April
1 , IS'JJ. ' woio 18i'i87-lSl : ) eopio * . and of
the ether le ser Foolctlos 40.012,011
copies , in all iiliO.OOO.OOO copies since the
year 18' ) } , tlio ynnr of Iho orciuii/.ation
of Iho British and foreign Biolo sociotj' .
Cardinal Howard's death reduros the
number of cardinals now living to lifty-
ono , all s.i vo ten of whom were appointed
by the present pope. Hlnco Lio'ri ' MIC-
cca-iion to the papacy no k'bS than
oighly-Hix wearers of the sc.u lot have
died. Twenty-four of the surviving
cardinals llvo in Homo , although three
of them are Gorman:1 , and throe are
I' eiifh ; and of the remaining twenty-
faovon , nine nrc It-illans , six French men ,
three Austtiaiib , three Sp-inlards , two
Portuguese , with ono from each of these
four countries ; Tlio United Status , Can
ada , Belgium and Australia.
Jirlmfu ! of con-
fiilcnco ia it tl.o
nmmifuctu-crs of
lr. ) HnRo's Ca-
tnrrh llcmaly.
It'll a faith that
' Vd > . * y > < L St mc-ans biislnea ,
I jAT\rS too-it's batW
* v \ * u M / , . ,
b monoy.1
This w what thoyl
oiler : ? 500 rownrd for a case of Catarrh
which they cannot cm a They mean it.
Thoy'ro uillin ; ; to taUo the risk they know
their intxlk'lnu. Jiy its mild , soothing ,
cleansing and healing i > ix > i > crtiua , it produces
] > crfoct and jionnuiiuiit cures of tuo woit > t
casca of chronic Catarrh in Uia Head. It'd
doius it ovi-ry day , wkero ovcrytbint ; clso
has fiillud. No niaitor how bail your imo , or
of how Ion ; ; etamllng , } 'ou ran Ixi curtxl.
YOU'IXJ biiroof that or of t-WO. You can't
bavo both , but you'll have ono or the other.
Hero nro bonio of thu tyinptoina of Catarrh :
Iu.iiLichc , eli tructioii of noao , < lli > charip3
fulling into throat , uometlinty profuse , wa
tery , and ncriili at others , thick , tenacious ,
inucoiu , punilcnt , blotxly , putrid , and ofTcn-
sivo ; oycs wonk , nnging In cars , deafness ;
olTonsho breath ; wuull and tnoto imi > aired ,
and jjencrnl lobillty , Only a few of
liLuly to bu vrwunt at onco.
Why is Pears' Soap the
best in the 'jvWld ' , the soap
with no free alkali in it
sold for 15 cents a cake ?
Ityas made for a hospital
soap in the first place , made
by request ; the doctors
wanted a soap that would
wash as sharp as any and
do no harm to the skin.
That means a soap all
soap , with no free alkali in
it , nothing but soap ; there
is nothing mysterious in it.
Cost depends on quantity ;
quantity comes of quality.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ; all
sorts of people use it , espe
cially those that know what's
You Sco Your Stout FrlciuU ( { rowing
Tliinnpr K\cry D.iy.
I hey Are Using Dr. HtUson's OltcsHy
rills anil Itaiiil-- .
H has ( icon nbnnilnntlr | > rovc < l thil the up of his
non-olectrlc linntU. or lid obo lt ) pills , ur both , lor
vrlilch thu itKuntH oTlhliiconnlr } nrj Ihn vrcll-known
llrni of Lorlnn \ Co. 42 h' Must Wild Strict. Now
Vork CUT. li tlio ono iifo nnrt oili-ctlvo way of r < -
Uudnicorpulency. 'lhcObcjlt > IMIHiireniailofrom
tin ) vr.itura of tlio Gcnunn Imperial Mirlniii , KOVCTM-
nii'iit Onnorshlt ) .
'I ho tin nil H or itlllHiiro u nil * * * | > nrnt < 'l3' , nnd mnknn
raplil nnil ho ilthy euro Or , If n o < l , they
help each oilier In nellun mm obtain bettor rodulti
Cured His Rheumatism and
Al'DlTOiiifM , llo\Bi , Chlrn o , Aprils' ) . 1TC
( Ji'ntlcincn. I'lenoe suml oiu1 W-hicli obenlty bund
tollriV. . L. Cttrroll.i'231 Clicntnut blrot-t , I'lilln-
( lelphla , 11 o I ) , l.tkel > unr ubuslty biuul nml jillls
vcrj much Thi'i have leiluceil m > vvelulitulKhiPon
rounds In the lusl l\y ! wvckj. Tli" obeiltypllli
IIBTO driven nwny alf rhunmntlc trnnblo.
' WtrilAMll.
How to ( Jet the P.fy ipr Monsurcincnt.
Moiisuromcnt for the : band U the Inr.T-'st pnrt of
t ho ailoinon. The nunibur * I , y , a on ihc band hi
Lli'uty nlieru mouHunimcnt slionhl lie tnkon.
Ylio bands cost SJJJ cnc'i for anv lonxtU nn to 3i
Ini la's , but for ono larunr thnn 3i ( Inches add liitenti
extra for eueh nddlltoinil Inch. ThtiH n 4d Inch i otts
tJ.fjU. unil the pllli imy ho bought for I1.5J n bottle *
Yon can buy tlio pills nn I bands direct from our
store * , or by mall or oxpreaa.
Contains nil thn vnlil iblo Ballnn Coiutltuo Us of
Ittl'l ! FIITIT. I cirorvescent , tastei eweet anil
pluasint , llko aodn
A dellxhtful siilislltuto for bodi , I.cmunnde , Haul
Dour oruny other tuiuuicr hover ixe *
Dr. IMInon'8 Fruit Salt : lath } hJit and ilinplost
remedy for inKulatlav tlin action of the liver that
has yet buen dUiuivoroit. It la very valuable after
nny axcuas In oatlnx or drinking. In warm iroitthcr
Itlowuntho tomprraturo of tlia body nod keeps onn
In n comfortable , houltby condition In the siimraer
[ iiuntlm.
Wholpsixlo d'UKclati of Now Vork City who cnrry
our goods In Block
trunk's N. Orlttontnn Co ,
McKesson & ICnhlilns ,
W. II.HijhU'ilolln
und other lonilhu' homos
Dr. HilIhon'sKlcctrlc lleltsand I'liiKOr Ulnc
nru isold at our Mores hcnil for opuulal Klcc-
trJc Holt Olrcu
4'J F West 22nir"St. , Now Vork City.
10 P Iliunilton Place , Boston , Miiss.
Ill P East Washington St. , Cliicngo. 111.
i Hobb's Are the Best on Earth.
Act gently > ot prompt
ly on Iho UVilt : , Kill'
NfilS and IIOOKI.S , ills-
polllDK Headaches , Fev-
eis and Colds , thorough'
LITTLE ly cleansing Iho system
of disease , and cures
Vegetable habitual constipation
They are sugar coated ,
do not gripe , very email ,
easy to talto , and purely
TCgcUblo. U pills In each
vial. Perfect digestion
follows their use. They
ataolulolr euro shk tiemf
uchi' and ariirrrummenil *
_ . . . . . . For
lijr „ , ; = .vi.ii snlo by leading
( Iriik'tiiatB orHcntbyinu' : ; 85cU. nl l. Aildrtaj
KDBE'S MEDICINE CO , Props , San Tranwo at Clikiio ,
foil S.\I.n IN OilAHA , NED. fiy
f Him & Co. . Co r I'lli & DouKlia SU.
J .A Fuller & On , COT.llth A DougUi ? .U.
i r \ \ Foster & Co. . Council lUuffa , la
Unlike tlie Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are usc-d In the
lirejiaratlon of
tohlth alitolutelt/
jiure anil tuluble.
I theitremjth uf Cocoa mixed
I with Htarch , Arrowroot or
I Ru\fsiT \ , and la far more eco-
nc-inlal , cotHny Itis than one cent a cup.
It Is ilellcluiis , nourishing , and EASILY
DIOK5TBl > . _ _ _ _ _
Sold bj Ciorerj nerynliert ,
W. BAKEE &CO..Dorche ter , Mawu
nil notlcn to thn olpotnn nnil IcgM vntori of
thoclly otUntMiuof an minimi city ulnotton
of trio city ol OniHlm , 10 tin hnltl on Tucsdny ,
the HIM day of November , iSiC , for llin iitir *
posoof electing opo councilman from onrli
To the o'.cotors nnd loan ! rotors of the oily of
Oinixhn :
I. Oeorio 1 * . llonils , mnyor of the city of
> niiiha , do Iviuo this , my | iroolimiulon : , unit
ly tlio authority vested 1 1 mu us snpli nmynr
o boruby cUu public nolk-o to the doctors
nnd loini rotors of the city of Otiinhu tluit mi
nnuiil city olcotion of Iho city of Oinnlui ,
vlll liohuUI I n sild oil yon Tuosil.iy , thoolclith
lay of Ntivpinbor. IPO. , tor Uio imrnoiuof clect-
MiKHio cmmclltn in from o.ioh wuril.
Tlin polls sliull l > o ( mon on thailuy of snlil
Glocllon nt oleht o'clock In tlio morning nnd
hnll contlniio open until six o'clock In the
uvonlim o ! tlio vimo ilny , nt tlio respective
otlntf plncos following , to-wlt :
MUST wuto
7th Hl"1
strict "IUrlUt N I2 < > orM9r ml1 ftml
"rst nllo-v
cor"crlol ntHl'llckory '
. " S * cotn" nlh nui1 Ccnler
. . ' ! * N'Wcor"or0th ' " " ' oroft
'corner ' 'u nn'l Vliiton
NO WtllD.
N W cor"or luh aml
C0t"0r latl1 nml
8 W C ° rUOr 1Slh 1
ICth nni1 l > lorco
uor"Br I4t1' antl
* ! N lL'ur"or : Slxtcontli and Cen-
corner ? nh nnd
ill llnucroft
N E cornur isth nnd Vinton
corner l.lth nnd Valley
llth llstilct-N EconiorL'Oth and llouloviird
* \V corner Uth nnd Chicago
' \Vcorncr llth nnd Duvunport
Ild Distrlot-Soutli sldo of Capitol nvcnuo
nmrluostuf ) Mth street.
4tb nisiilet West sldu of 12th street , be
tween Doimlns and Iudto ( strools
fith District N E corner lutli nnd Oanltul
Uth District X i : corner Oth nud Harnoy
7th Dlstrlct-S i : coiner llth ami Dou/laa
Hth District N E corner nth and Jackson
Uth Dlstrlot-S E corner 10th and Howard
1st District N W corner 17th aud Davenport
streets ,
' 'lid District N W corner S.'nd nnd Davenport
Jrd District N W corner 5'tli and Dodco
st roots.
4th District N E corner 17th aud Dodge
ran DIstrlot-N E corner 17th aud Harney
Uth District NV corner 20th and Douulas
7th Dlstrlet-N W corner 30th street and St.
Mnry s aon no
Rlh District SV cornora > th street and St.
Mury s in on no.
Dili District Bust sldo of South 19th street ,
between llarnay street and St. Mary'suvunuo.
10ih District NV corner 18th and lionveu-
worlh streets.
llth District a W corner t"th street und St.
llury a nvenuo
I'llTIl WAttl ) .
1st District Hast slleof bherman avenue
opposite .MaiidurHon street.
-'nil District K E corner Sherman avenue
and Wlrt street.
: ird District s W corner Sluirman nvcituo
und IJIKO atroet.
4th District NV corner Sherman avcnuo
ind Gr.ico street.
rah District bV corner 17th und Charles
( ah District Eist side of Sherman avenue
abiutiii : foot north of Mcholus street.
7lh District Sj E cornur lUth nud Iz.ird
Sth Dlstrlct-X W corner Kith und Hurt
Oth District N E corner 15th nnd O.iss
IOth District East side North 17th street between -
twoen California : ind L'.iss streets.
llth Dlstrlot-b E corner 18lh end C'-isa
Fi.vni WAHII.
1st District S E corner " 4th street and Ames
2nd District S W comer 30th street und
Grand avouiie.
; ird District N E corner loth and Grant
4lh District S W corner Sit h and Manclerscm
Slh DNtrlct SK corner 21th nnd Wlrt stri'ots.
Oth District a W corner aard and I'arfor
7th District NV coruor ' . ' 4th aud Corby
Mth District N K corner STth and Hurdetto
itreeti ) .
flth District N E corner 2nd and Ornnt
lulh District N W corner -3th and Kriinkllii
llth District SV corner 21th and Fianklln
Uth District H W corner 2'nd and Cl.irlc
1st Dlstrlot-3 W coruor 2dth and M.ison
' 'nil District N L comer 'JUth avenue nnd
Popnlctoii iivonnc.
: ird Dlsirlct S W corner 20th street -uid
Wool worth nvonno.
jth District M W corner iOth Btreot nud
Arbor sttunt.
fttli District South sldo of Mnton atroet
nu ir ( east of ) south . ' ! .M nvoiiuo.
( jth Dlstilct-4 E corner . .Uth avenue nnd
I'oppleton uvciiuc.
7tn District NV \ corner Illth nnd I'r.inuls
r.iniiTii wAiii ) .
1st District Ride ofCth street near
( south of I Churn1street. .
Snii District \VDst side of Kid street
( south ot ) Paul Mticet.
Ilr.l District N W corner 'Oth and Nicholas
4th District N E corner i0lh ! ind Cninluj
flih District West slilo of North Uth struct
near ( norlli of ) ( 'uinliii ! struct.
Bth District H E eornor'J'd nnrt Hurt streets.
7th District y W corner ' 'Oth and Oas <
M.NTII WAIll ) .
1st District S W curnur . ' ! . ' < ) and Cunilne
8 ii'l Dlitrlot N W corner 40th and Outnlng
M District N E corner 40th aud I'arnani
6 lib District North bldo of Davenport street
noirtwuit oO.Noitha.M inonno.
nth district s E corner .list nvenuo and
llthljlslrlct HV corner 20th avenue und
I'M'liMm strcol.
In witness hereof I h.ivo hereunto sot iny
hind us niiiM > r of Niid uliy of Omaha , .his
Attest : JOHN , City Uiurk. olUiU'lt
norHl'Ul.SdS. hOUTIl OAlviH' > . TI1I5 I'A HI.S-
ImU uf AMRTlc I. Ill thu llliiU lllll.s , 11'iOJ K'c't
nbuvo Ili'i i"i A trlnp , lirailiu ntiiioiipliuru.
lAivuly xeiitry 'Ihoa uitrm muillcln tl wuturx
liatecuriiil iliomuiiiln uf 1'jtluiiln I'liuit plunKU
li till In inu II S Tim I ; .IMH , limit uf iilnk niiinl-
xtoiiu , ncuurnuilntiiiiilj ) i > uuplu ; blrlctlr ilnl cl.i i ;
optui lire I'lnccv.ittuum hull , elrc'lrla HuhH , rltlilf
fnriniiiuil , tine wMu > ur nliihi. tiblu u i > uclilly.
UniuuitunnK. mllil wlntoni , Ituilucuil r.itoi liy tlie
i > elc or niuntli. 'I'lirouuli tniln * from Chlciuu.
O M , MAIIOKN. Tlin KtikilH , llut.Sirlii | | , llukotn.
An ordlnnni'o deolarlnz the necessity of cr.iil-
liu Arbor street ( rum IOth sircot to lull
street nnd n | > polnlln three dUliiteiustLil
nppralsers to ntsess nnd determine the diiin-
uues , If nny. to tlio property owners , which
limy bu o.iutod by aucli . r.i line
Iteltor mined bythoclty council of the city
of Omaha. . , ,
h'jct'on. I. Thiit It Is proper and iircossiry
nml Itls hereby iluolarcd iiocran | < l uocoss try
to irrailo Arbor at i cut to Its present out ibiljhod
Rruilos , liH'huliiiK necessary approaches thcie-
to. f rum lUth t > troot to Uth street In thu city uf
hoctloir.1. T hut the mayor , with the approv
al uf the city council. auDolut throe disinter
ested apprafnurs louppr.itsu , * nud Uulur-
mlno tlio dainiiRO to property otrnerx which
m.iy he caused by uucli gnduu , taking Into
consideration la m iMiu Hitch upur ihomont ,
the special Ijonullls. If my , to such prop-arty
by reason of mieh ur.illue.
Suction . ' . Tint tills ordinance blmll tike
olfcct und bo In force from unil after Its n.isi-
oitv ciork.
1'reildiuit Ulty CouuolL
Approved October , 5th , ,
Muyur ,
? rncUnmtlon nnil nnticn ot suhmUslon to thn
olcotors nml loml volorT of Iho city ot
Umnrm of thn nnnstlon of Issutne thn
Initutn nt thn pity of Oniiiha In the sum of
onu hundred thoimainl dollars ( f I Hif.Ki ( ) in
pny for the rest of imvlnu. ropnvlnit or mac-
nitnml lnit the tntnr > octlon of strrcts nnd
opncpsopposlto alloys In sild rlly. nnd to
pny thpcnstof uavlnffln front of roil cstnto
not subject In nssosimont of special taxes
for pnvliiKpurtiosrs.
lo the doctors nnd IcRat volori of the city of
dunlin :
1 , ( leoreo 1 * . llomls. mnyor of the city of
3mnhn , do Isstio this , my proclamation , anil
t > t thu authority \cstod In mo us such nnyor
dohrroby ulvo public not co to the electors
nnd luitnl voters of the city of Omnh i that n
election Mill behold In said cltv on
, the eighth day of No ombpr , 10. ,
for the purpose of siibniHtlng to said olcclors
imii lc rtloters thouuosthin ami proposition ,
following , to-wlt !
" .uliull bonds of the cltv of Omaha In Iho
Mini of ono bundled thousand dollars ( fluo.OKn
bo Issued for the purposn of p.iylna thn cost of
navliKt , ropivluK or m madnmlnn the Inter-
hecthms ot streets nnd HII ions opposite 4 1 leys
In said cltv , or pivlng the cost of pivlnitln
front ( it leal uiiatr not subject lo a
of Nimclnl taxes for pivlns purpose * , s ihl
bonds to run not tmiro t.wrnlr f.lJI yimrs
ami to buiir Interest payable scml-annually
nt ! i i ito not iiM'eeilliiu llvo per cent per nil'
num. with enunoiH nttiched , to he eillcd
"I'nvlni ; bonds , mid notto bu iild forlo thnn
pni , the proceids of which shall I u used fur no
other purpose th in pay Inn the cost of pnvinu ,
ropivlnc or mncadninli'lnR Iho Intersection *
ofsttcctsand spaces opposite nllrysln i-ild
cltv. or In front of reitl est-itonot subject to
> s ssment of npcclnl tntcs for pivine pur-
Tin' s ihl question nnd proposition shall bo
nuhnilllcd loflilil electors onllre In tlin uronor
fonn piovlditdbv law forolllclal lull nK ultli
'Yos " . " All
the ords .So" printed theieon.
of said bnlluls having nn " \ " tnnrlc follow
Ini the word "VeV shall ho conntnd In fnvnr
oflssiiItiR sild bunds , nnd all of s ild ballots
ImvliiK nn 'X" tnnrlx follow ln the wind "No"
shrill bo counted nnd considered us against
the Issuing of said bonds.
Thu polls shall bo open the dnv ot said elec
tion at til.'hl o'clock In Iho momlni : nnd shall
continue open until sto'clock In the cvunlni ;
of thu Haino dny nt the respective voting
places , ns follows ;
trlot S 1 ! cor"or 7th
< - < u" > " 8th and Ieavon-
C ° r"ar I-lh ntul Jon ° 3
of 1'm"flo strout bo-
° f Ot" 8troot"oir
strcot IJIStrl0l" S W corner tOlh nml Hickory
! " S > V ouruL r flth nul1 L'ciitor
8tlruo 't8l" trlctNVcornorOth nud IMncrnft
N K C ° rlUr I3tl1 "ni1 Vlllto
RRCONI ) WAIll ) .
) N W corner luh n"'l'ones '
streets'1' ' " rIct" N W cotllor 1'111' ! llld
oiiposlto ' ' , ' " \ * ' "Tf " 1 sldo of South 20th street ,
I'opplcton live.
.Hi Dlstrlci-a E corner 10th anil 1'lorco
si ruuis.
8th Dlstrlct-S E corner Uth and William
8 LI tClt. )
ter ! iJ.I > , ! < ! trlct N K tor"or Sixteenth and Con-
' "th District N AV corner 2)th ) and Doroas
llth i D.strlct-S E corner 20th and llancroft
hi I Ufl 13.
st'ro" ' ' ulstrlot N I : corner 15th and VIntoa
Uth Dlstrict-S W corner Utti and Valley
Illh District N E corner 2Hh and Donluvnrd
TlllHK WAtlD.
1st Dstrlct-S : W corner 12th and Chicago
2d DNtrlct-N W corner Uth and D Tcuport
3d District-South eldo of Capitol avcnuo
near ( west of ) Uth Htroot.
4th District West side of 13th straot , bo-
ineoti Doiulas.iua Dod.-e streets.
filh District N E corner luth and Capitol
iith District N E corner Oth and Harnoy
7th ulatrlct 9 E corner llth and Douglas
stiooi- ,
t > th District N E corner 13th and Jackson
Uth District S E corner 10th and Howard
.K tree Is.
1st District N W cm nor 17th and Davonpori
' . 'nil District N W corner 22ml nnd Davenport
: ird DIstrlct-N W corner 2.1th and Dodjro
4th District N E corner 17th and Dod o
Sth District N E corner 17th aud Harnoy
( ! th District N W corner 20th and Douglas
7th Distrlct-N W corner 20th street and St.
Mary's avenue
8th Distrlut S W corner 20th street and St.
Mary's uvcnuo. x
Oih District Kast sldo of boiith lth ! ) street ,
between llarney street and bt. llary'siivniuiu.
lOih District N W coruor ISth and 1.0 ivon-
worlh Htroots.
llth District a W corner 1'tli atroot and SU
Mary s uvonue.
1st District Enst si le of Sherman aronuo
opposite .Mandersun Mtrout.
' ind Dlitrloc 3 K cornur Sherraaii avenue
and Wlrt strcot.
.Ird District S W corner Shnrman avenue
anil li iiinslroot ,
4ih District N W corner fehonnan avenue
and Grace street.
Mil District S W corner 17th und Charles
Oth District Enst sldo of hliorm nil avenue
about : ! ) ) feet north of Nicholas streot.
Till District H E earner IOth nnd Ix.iril
8th Dlsttlot N W corner IOth and Unit
'Jill Dlstnut N E corner IJth and C.iss
IOth DIatriot Knst side North 17th stteot bo-
twcen California and Ciiss streets.
Illh District H E corner Ibth und Cass
Sl.\Til WMIII.
1st District H E corner 24th street and Amos
2ml I'lstrK-t S W corner COth street and
Urand avenue.
( rd District N E comer 4Jlh and drimt
4th District S W corner ' 'lib and Manclerson
H tree IB
01 h District SE como r 21th \Vlrt3trnots. .
Gin District S W corner Wrd aud 1'arl'ur
; ili District N W corner 21th aid Corby
Hth District N E corner 27lh and Iturdclto
Dili District N E corner 2.'nd anil Grant
1 th District N W corner 23th and I'ranklln
llth District B W corner 34th and Frunldln
Uth District S W coiner 3Jnil onti Glar !
ktruuts ,
1st District S W comer 2sth and Mason
2nd ilstrlct-N I , corner 2Jth nvoniio nnd
l' < ipiintin | avenue.
: ird DUirloi S W corner COlh street nnd
\Voowoilli | avenue.
4th D strict N W corner I'JtH Btreot.-md
Arbor street.
itli Dlstilct South sldo of Vinton btrcct ( nast of ) south JIM avenue.
1,1 li District a E corner ,1'Hli ' nvenuo nnd
I'nppli'lon avoniie
7tn District N tV corner .ilth nud rraucla
ininiTii V\AIII > .
l t District Kits t HIIIO of 2Cth atreot near
( south "fiCliai.instioiit ,
2nJ Dlslrlet Wo-t side of 2M struct near
( smith ! ) I'aul street. , . . , , ,
.Irl District N W curnur 'Oth aud Nicholas
" °
4l h District N E comer 29lh ttul Cumin :
fith District Wotsl < lo of North IHlh street
iaar ( north of ) Cumin. ntreet.
i.Ui District h Eeon < or2.'duDil Hurt Htreots.
' , llDmtrkt S W winter SOI It nnd Cam
1st Putrlct-a W corner Wd and Cumins
1'd District N W corner 40th and Oiiiiilng
.id D strlot N E corner 40th und I'unmin
8 4rth District North ulaoof Davenport ttrcot
no > ir ( wo.t of ) Xorth J-M avunua
fith district d E corner .list uvuuuo and
' '
oVktrlcl a W corner 89th ureuuo aud
In wltnem whuroof I liavn herfliinto set my
bin las m ivor of u ild city of Omaha , this
Attest : JOHN OIIOVKK , City Ciurk. olUil.'lt
To all owners of lolsur partsof lots on Shirley
Mrcot from 2blh strotit In - ' 111 av eniiu.
Von are hereby notified that the iiiulor-
blisnetl throudlslntero lid freuholders of the
city of Omaha Imve Ixien duly iippnlnlol uy
thu mayor with of thu city coun
cil of nud city tu utftess thodamaKdOf the
owiiiirsro.pocilvidvof thn property ulfuuted
by thoconn.uof grudo of bhlrley slrcut du-
olnrod ncecM'iry tir ordlnanro No , 3101 , p s ri |
Julr vn. tfW. Appmrcxl Jnijr Msirj.
Vou nro further notincd that , hnvln ? nc-
rrptod snl , I npp jlntnu-nl nnd dtilriiitnllllrd us
icitiilrrd by IHW. no will tin thn .id dnv uf No
vember. | s-r > at thu hournf lOo'clook In tlm
tnornliiKM thnnnicoof Cnnr.e * I1 , lli'iilnmln.
I.VADoilffostrrpt with u ihn cnrpontn limits
of s-ild city , moot for the purinxo of ciiiisi.ler-
Ing nnil nuk I Hi ns < rs4iiuint of itnlii.iitfl to Iho
owunrs lespcetlvt'lrof snld pn.pc-riy olTecleil
by Hnld ilr.idlni ? . tildiia Into ronslderntlnn
Rpeclnl henflflts. if niiv You > ro hereby notl-
tlpil to bo present the tlmp and plarn nfore-
s.ild and mnko nnv onjoetinn toorstttptnonls
eouccrnlntf sild n sessnient of j on
may comldcr proper.
l'll\Ul.lsi' ' : HE.vr VMIN ,
.lAMKssroi IvDM.i : .
JOHN r ri M u
Ciimmltteeiifppr.iUers. .
Oiniihn. Nob. , Opl. 21st , Isri ( ( "dlOt
I'roelninntlon nml notice of suhml < slon lolhn
electors nnd lou'aloters of thn eitv tif
Omaha of the. question nf Nsulng bonds of
th ulty of Uinnhaln thnninuuiiKif unc hini-
drod thoimml ilollurs ( IOl.OJin toniv forih (
const ruction mid maintenance of sowirs In
the oily of Omaha.
To HIM electors nnd loinl voters of the city o (
Omnh.i :
1 , ( ioorao I' , llcinls. mnyor of thn tltv n (
Omaha , do Issitu th s. my procinmnthin , an I
by thu aillhorilypstod in mo us siifh ni.ivoi ,
do Imrohy uivo pnblli ) notice t > the i > leoliir
and lu til volorsof thu elty of om ih i. Hi it a
ceneral olectlon will bo held In said cltv on
Tuesday the elslith day of November , liuj , for
the. unrposn of suhrnlttlng tnsnld nlpeturs and
legal voters the iiucsthm ami proposition fol
low Ing. tn.vvil ,
" hall bonds uf the olty of Omaliii in ttin
sum of onn liiuiilird thousnml dollars
HiOO WHii bo Issued for Iho construction nnd
nmlntuuaiii'o of sewers , to run not morn 111 in
Uventv i.Viyn r < , lo dr.iw interest not to ex
ceed live iierienl per luimuii , vrlih Intniest
eouinins iiiinoxL'il Ilicrolo. and not to bo sold
for less Hum par , the proceeds fiom Iho snhi
thereof to Im expended for thu construction
and nrilnlonnncu of sowets In ihe ully nf
Omnhn , nnd the proceeds thereof not to ho ill-
vorteu from the ohjei-ts therein spci-llled. "
Thosa d ijiiCRtiun nnil pioposition shall ho
submitted to s , lil eloi'tors nni ro In the proper
form provided by I i\v for olllclal Imllots , with
th ? words "YES , " " .NO , " printed thpieou All
of said bnllots hav lug nn "X" m rU followln ;
the word "VI S" shall bo counted In favoi of
Issuing sa d bonds , nnd nil of said b.n ols
having an "X" mark following the wonl
"NO" shall bo counted and considered as
anlnsl tlio Issuing nf H ild b > ml ,
The polls shall be open on the dny ot said
election nt eight o'cloeU In Iho moinlng and
Nhnll continue open until Ho'clock ! In the
evening of the snno dny at the respective
voting places , us follows :
i war WAim
streotl""rl0l S n Clrnor 7tl' nml Slnroj
t W C0rnor Sth ! l"a
Ct N I :
corllBr r"th ! l1
H W cor"or""l"indlIlcUory
slre ! ) S 'V cor"pr filh aui1 Outer
t N Wuor"urDt1' "ml
N U C0nicr Ulh nul (
BECOM ) Wtlll ) .
N U > ° "rilur I
t N W
C ° rllur 18th
SW "
° ' S ° Ulh Mlh
tur"or 1Bth nml
Crilor lllh luul
slvtcontl1 a"a <
corner 2nh anl1
corner20111 "
Distrlot-N E corner J.lth und Vinton
st1'otol'tslIStrl't ' ) -3 W corner l.tth und Valley
llth Dl3trlct-NE corner 20th ind HouluvarU
st' ' ) ' > ICt S W cor"ur ISlh un'1 ' Chicago
2d DUtrlct-N W corner Uth nnd DnTouporl
Ild District South sldo of f'npltol a\onuu
near ( west of ) Kith street.
4th District Wist sldo of 12th street , be
tween DuiiKliis.ini ! Dodge streets.
fith District N i : tornor lutli nnd Capitol
.mm no
iith District N E corner 'Jth and Hainoy
7lh District S E corner llth and Dmului
bth Dlatrlct-N E corner and Jackson
Uth District S E corner 10th and Howard
WAIll ) .
1st District N W cot nor 17th andDavouporfc
2nd District N W corner Sinil und Davenport
Jrd DIstrlct-N W corner 2.1th and Dodiru
4th DIslrlct-N E corner 17lh and Doiliro
flth District N E corner 17th and Harnoy
llth District N W corner 20th and Douglas
7th ' DIstrlct-N W comer 20th street and Ht.
lary's avenue
8th District H'W corner 20th street und St.
Jlnry's uveiiiio.
Oth Diitrlut EiistBtdoof huiith I th street ,
) otwei-n II irnny street nnd ht. M iry'savonua
Iilih DM net N Wuorntir ISth andl/oiven-
llth Dutrlct-H W corner 17th street and SU
JI ry'H .ivenuo.
1st District Hnit silo of frhenaiui avcnuu
ojiiioslle Mauduisiin streut.
Siiil Distrioi S H corner Shurrmii avcnuo
and Wlrt street.
.Ird Distr et a W corner Slinrnmi avoniio
nnil Ilium slroet.
4th District .N W comer Miormaii nvenuo
and Urai'u Htrcct.
, 'itli District W corner 17th und Churl us
uth DNtrlct IIi t Hide of Shorniiin avennu
aboiit.'IH feet north of .Nicholas street.
Till Dlstrlut ft E coimir lUtli and I/aid
Hih Dlstrljt N W corner lOih and Unit
llth Dlstuct N E corner nth nnd 0 iss
St H'UtS
IOth District Kast aide North 17th Htieot bo.
tueen California and O.iss stieots
Illh D.utrlut-h E corner 18th und O.isa
1st District S Eciirncr24th street nnd Amo *
2nd District H W corner 2Uth street und
Ijrund avenue ,
, lrd District N E corner 41th and Urnnt
4tli District H W corner < > i and Munilcrsou
&lh Dlslrlel HE corner 21th nml Wlrt itrnotn.
Oth District a W corner ISJrd and 1'arl'or
7th Dlutilct N W corner 2llh n-id Cor by
Sth District N K corner 27lh and Hurdetto
Ulh District N E corner 2.'nd and
1 tli District N W corner 2Sth and rrnnklln
Illh DIstrlct-H W corner 21th and L'lntiklln
sim la.
l.'th District 8V corner 2Jnd nnd Cl ir ! . '
struuto ,
Iht Dlstilut H W corner 2Sth and Mason
2nd District N I' , corner 20th avoiiuu and
1'opnliilon nveiinu.
: ird Dlsirlcl H W corner 20th ulioot mid
Wool win Hi n von no.
4th D strict .N W corner -Hh ( stniet und
Arbor Hlreeu
fith District South Hldo of Vlntoii h true I ( mist of ) south 'i.'d nv uniiu.
bth Dlslrlot H E corner ,1'Hh ' aveiiua and
I'oppleiun avenilii
7lii Il ) trlctIiV \ cornur 31th nnd brand *
iimiTii : WAIIP ,
1st Dlstrh't I' ist Hide of 2Gth Btruet near
( south nfiClinr es Uri'ci.
n I Dlstrlut West side of 23d street near
( south oil I'.uil strnut.
.Irl District N W corner 20th and Nlchohn
4th ll'lstrlct N l < corner 29lh Ktul Cumins
fall District West stile of North ' 21th street
near inorlh of ) Cumin * street ,
Ulh District h E eori'or'Jfd and Hurt nlruols.
7th D.strlut H W corner 20tn and Oa s
1st District tl W corner tf.'d and Ciiialnz
t < efts.
2d District N W corner 40th anil Oumliu
M District N I' corner 40th und
4th Dlslrlet North sldu of Duicnpirt ttreel
no < tr ( wo t of ) North JJd iivenuu
'ilh dlntrlct a K corner UUt uvenuo and
DoUeo struct.
Ulh DI trict-B W coruor 29th avonuu af *
Jiivksontrout. .
In wltneni whereof I li ivo liorc.unlo set my
liHinl as mayor uf mild city uf Onrihn thli
17th day nf October. IH/ ' .
OKU I' . IIKMIH. M.ycr.
Attotti JOHN Onovus. city cicik.