Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUB OMAHA DALLY UEEt TUESDAY , Ot.TOllfiK 25 , 1802 ,
M *
Increased Wheat Supply Tailed to Keep the
Ptlco Down.
Blinrl Worn Clnotl lliiroMV t Weather
nml the Strrncth In f.nrnVoreHufU -
olent to Srato Home nf tlio
Out' Short * .
CmiAnn. 111. . Oct. SI.-NolwlthstindlnK tlio
lllCRC't IlK'rOHSO III tllO vUlblo Sllpply Of
wheat over known In ono wcuk , tlio urlco to
day Biilncd He. Corn nil van-oil a Cull cent
ninl moreover in tlio fnco o ( tlio fnot nf sollln , ?
by onu of iho best known linns In tlio triil .
Provision * , too. were strem ? . but inuoh profit
isratiblntt by Iho bulls kupt Urn quotation !
flown i\l \ thu cleisout about lalilrilny nUht's
The condltIons woru. In tlio nnln. far from
bullish In wheat. Oa'iles were lower , the
local receipts about GOO ear * above the esti
mate , owlns to tlm liberal Sunday Inspection.
The weather wns r.ilny. Just 'is It h ul
bcon olalmud the fall sawn wheat
necdpd moisture. II thought the wet
wcnthor wniild cut olT receipts and
tliuru wm fruuoovurliu on the brenk which
tool ; plneoFntur lay m rithnr KPiioroiis In-
YOMtnont hiiylnv. Another stren lhonliU fac
tor was inn conlrndU'tlon of the reported blR
failure In I'arls Hatnrday. Mitchell , i/orm ,
Linn , llrossonu nnd others were Rood buyers ,
with I'.irelrldcennd Hoyden leadlnijtlioscllln- .
The market woiil.cnpil some during the last
part owing to the bU Incro iso In the visible
supply , lint Itwis within fmm ! jo to UP of
HIP top of the day , ruled firm and prices wore
ndv.incod from a o to 'Jo moro than Saturday
und settled Iriclt ' ! % hold sto.idy nnd the
cloiliu was nbotit from Vo to ! io lusher than
S.ilu relay.
Corn was fairly actlvoan 1 stron ; tlirouali-
oiU'tlio most of the Russian TKo weather wasa
factor , as It , nas ar/ned th it thn rain would
out oil' thn receipts .mil Iho llrm fueling which
ruled In the other pits also helped. The re
ceipts wcio nUich larger than uvpocted. but
us this was elno to Hominy Inspection. It hid
but little ulTect. Shorts wproitool htiyors and
theiro was some Investment demand. Uoon .t
Oei.'s fnllnro seemed a nnllltv. owlnir , It Is s.ild
to the sencial bollef that whan It occurred
they weru oven In thu pit. Itcpuris from thu
country were mostly to the olToot tint husk
ing vrry disappolnlliu Loth as to thu
quality nnd quantity. Initial tr ides wore atnn |
advance of ' c. The prlco Jumped a full
lc , the roall/lntf market worked b ick from a c
to J o , the iiuilon of whuat and prospects of a Increase In the vlslb.o supply asslst-
li'cltliq break. The market afterwards rallied
from ! io to > 4'c , changed some , ruled llrm. and
closed with from lo to I'ic ( 'aln for the dav.
Wet weather and thestrunth In corn w.issuf-
IKIont to scare sonic of the oats shorts In lo
covering. May opened from a o to Jjo hl her
nnd was quite oxcltu.l for a shot t time. Mnoli
of the business done consisted of cliinglni :
November to llpcembur at ' .c dlfforonco Ef
forts that proved futile wrro nrielo tochnn o
October to November nt ! 5c difference. The
clnso was a not nain of 'ia '
The provision nuirKot opened stron or nnd
hl''ber and the advance was well m.ilntainecl
fe > r a whllo. Wrltflit and Utidnhy kept the
Rtrnii'Jth of the market iii | from tlmu to time
dnrlni the forenoon by olTprina modor.itn
nuan files iff poik. lard and ribs , and judging
from th lrsiibsennent. proi-eodlnKs they ap-
poirto h.ivu roncludud th it It was stronu
rnemzh to absorb mnrh stnlT wllliont prodnc-
Inir elemorall7atun ) Thov soiel freely. Wrhrht
Hold " .OO'.tiO.l Ibs. of ribs. It w is salel Ceidahy
filled up thu buyers nf lard and Stener lot
them havuiill inn.Iannnry pork they w uitud.
The Incroasci ! selllnc Knocked olT a consider
able portion eif the oirly ealn In pork and
lard and all of It In rib ? .
I'relEhts wcro slenv. with ample offerings of
vu sel room at UUo for whuat and 'Jo for porn
to ItnlTalo.
Estimated rppolpts for tomorrow : Who it.
K45 cars ; corn , 4ii ) cars ; o.its. 4)0 eurs ; hogs ,
lOniK ) bund.
The leading futures as follows :
Oclotiur 72 72K 75
December , . . 74 mt
October il U 43
Decombor. . . 4IU
OATH No. 2
November. .
December. . . 30
Slny < > ( ,
November . . 13 M 1332' ' < n w 12 20
Jntinnry , , . 13 40 1.1 ITJ U K U 35
Norcnibor * . 807M B OU B 00
Jnnimry. , . . 7U ) 7 t > l 702X
BIIOHT 111 us-
January 11 ) 6 urs B 87 > 3 UO
Cash quotations were as follows :
Fr.ouu CJnlct and depressed ,
WIIEVT No. 'Jhprlni. 7.i7iUui ' No. 3 sprliiR ,
IffiCilc : No. 2 rud. 7'iOTShc.
COIIN Illzhur : Mo. 3.4.'c ; No. 3 , cash.
n o : No.i : voiiow. 40o.
OATS No. 3. 30'jo ' : No 3 whlto , f. o. b. , 3J
la-tlo : Nn 3 , white.OBIKUe.
IlYE No. 3 , Mf.
IlAltlKV-No 3.00JlO.'c ; No 3 , f.o. b. . 30Q07c ;
No. 4 , f. e ) . b. . IS.'tfSllu.
Kr.AX SKED-No. 1 , $1 1S'S.
TlMOTiivSi-KH I'r me. Jl.lVi.
roilK Mess , per bbl. . * 33vai2.iO ; ; lard , per
ilri Ibs. 43 > ; short ribs , sides ( loeiso ) , $ " .7i
( [ T.ln.80 : dry sited shoulders ( b.ixod ) . 17.43
S.1) ) : short elcarslilesfneixodl. isi : @S.33.
WiiiRKV-r Distlltuis' llulshcd riooJs , per ual. ,
SUOAUS I'lich lined ; cut loaf , 0 ! ® V.ic ;
riranulntud , r > ? u : standard "A , " ijjo.
Uocolpts and shlpmonts today wcro as fol
lows :
On the Produce oxohaniio today the butter
mar.tnt was llrm ; ere imory , 30UiJo ; dairy , 18 ®
210. Ejr s. Him at 3 aJI'.io.
ht. I.onls .ll
ST. Louis. JIo. . Oct , St.-l
WIIKAT Closed ! ® ! 4J abovu Saturday ;
cash , txi' o ; December , 09io ? bid ; May , 77o
COIIN Closed 'Wio above Saturday ; cash ,
: i7lo ; November , 38auj December , 37Jio ; May.
41Sc ,
OATS-lllshor and active ) cash. 38o ; May ,
live HlKhernt file.
lUiii.EV-0.ulot ; sample lots Iowa sold nt
HAY Unchanged ; timothy , e9.OOffil3.IO !
rnlr o , (00 cw.00.
| ' 'I.AXSIKH : Quiet at SI. no1 ; .
HiiTiKli-Unelianiod , 3337ui dairy , Ifra lc.
Ediis-llotlur at 171SC.
WHIHKV Qul t atI.iO.
I'novirtiiiNA-rork. hlKhori Jobbing , jr..07o !
1' Lard , hl.'hornt l.5JaM.W. (
UiiCKliTS Klour. H.OiO bills. ; wheat , 101,003
bu.jcorn , I'.M-UOJ bu. ; oats , 83uoubu , ; rye , none ;
barley , none ,
Silii'MK.NTa Klour S..OOO .
, . bbls.t wheat , 33,000
uu. ; corn. fli.WWbu. ; oats , 70,0. ) J bn. : ryu , 37.0JJ
lu , ; barley , 3,0)0 ) bu ,
Omaha rroduco Murknt.
KdHR-Wbllu receipts are not particularly
heavy thu arrivals move slowly , Klvlnit thu
market a du 1 touo market , 18Jf ®
lUin-Kii-1 ho supply Isllcht and those who
have been out ever the state Buy that thuru
( locHiiot appo.irto bomuuh In the country.
I'uuUiiu stock I4u ; too I dairy. ISiJ 3o.
I'otll.Tltv Uooel uhlukons pfonty ut 7714i > , u
Rood ninny bOln carried over. Duuks arc
not ( loin : : much better.
UAHI : I'ra rluehlukvns are coining In freely
nnd ducks iirouonimoncliu to arrive , ejuafl
iiru suarci' . The coolur wu ilhor baa Improved l
thu Kami ) Hltuiitiou , I'ralrlu clilckens , tUOQ \
1.35 ; ireiuso , H.IO : ijuall , } iOl | snipo. ll.Uli
Jijok Milpe , Jl.3Vi6l.5l ; plover. * l.lj ) ; uoldtn
plover. l.'i'J3l,3 1 : ducks , Ji.ixa
tatX ) ; ludhuud ducks , L.Vl ; duuka
U.V ) ; hue win' toil , ' ,75 ; jiroen wm ton !
$1.5U | inUod ducks. 11.51 ; jnou r.ibbltn , < I.OKn
4.2 | small rabbit * . II. ! ! eai.W ; Biitilrrols. tl.50
aiitulopubadJIun , HiotJi ; duurs iddlus. naiOe
nnluloun a iruaiisim , iifdou ; deer ourousaus ,
'u | live PlKcoiiJ , JL''iiil.SJ.
K n 1 1 mi H City
KANSAS OITV. Mo. Oot. -\ViiBAT-Weal
nnd liro.-ular : No. 3 hard , MitHiio ; No. S red
UDIINFirmer : Nex i
UATS Kmn ; .No. 3 nilvoJ.awt to.
UAV Moiiuy ; timothy , i7..VtiJ.&i ) ; prairie
fa ,
Kit Active ; cronnory , S.'OJISc ; dairy
KiHl.s-Acllvu anil uroiu at .
KbCRiiTH Wli at , I3U.OOJ bu ; corn , S2.00
lln , ; ouU. 3,1) U bei ,
Hilli'UKNTH-Uhoat , 1)0,00) ) bu. j corn , 4,00
bu.j oatn. nono.
Illeleiunil 1'olti ,
Followlnit lire thu urlcca paid by Omnh
douler * for hides and pet ! * quoted buhjeot t
uhiuiKU without notK'o ; No. I reeu lildca. Uc
No I urvi'ii flailed hides , 43IUo : No. 3 eree
ailed Indeii , Uki 4'4'ii No. I Kruen suited hldui
35 tu 4U .bs . 4 Hiu : Na 3 LTOUII ualtud hides , i
to 4. . ) ILi. . .UtiUujNo. 1 voaioalf. H to I5b&i |
CO u. 3 vuitl oalf , tl to 15 Ibi. Jjo ) ; Na 1 Ur
flint hide * . Tnl Na 3 drr flint lilelos no
No. I orv * iioel hl.lo * . r jJOi nut cured
hides tfc per lb. , less than tully cured. Mhnop
polls Green suited , each , JlJcatI Ml procn
i > all d ilicarllnyn ( short wooicel uurly * Kln < ) .
each , IW.lVi dry slionnlnis fshnrt woolod
c.erly sklnsi , , No. I , uach , i-SIOot elrf honrlin s
short woolcd cnrly sklni ) . No. 3 , a.ich , 5o ; dry
flint and Nobmski bulclicrwool pelt" ,
tier lb. , aotiir.l wclubt , loiilll'io ; dry flint Knn-
tas and Nebraska Murrain wool poll' . Dor lb. <
ne-tu l TtolKht , Mll2c : dry flint Colorado
butcher wool pelts , par lb , actual wclaht , too
ls'4c ! dry flint Colorado Milrrnln wool pells.
lier lb. , actual WH ht , faiOe ; dry Hoeces and
buck * . NCtual weluht , 7a'Jc. lla\n feet cut off ,
ns It Is useless to pay freight on them.
Now Vorn Miuknt * .
Nr.wVonit , Oct. 2l.-rfotii-Itecolpts. 3I.SM
pkRsi oxunrls , 3.10) bbl . . l.4)0 ack ! very dull.
nislorss'ilos , 8,50Jvbl . Low extras JJ.ooa'I.OO !
fair to fancy. I . 'K ' H Jt ) | pitcnts. JI.I9'.H 4fl |
Mlnnoiota clear , f.'ltwii > .M ; straights , } J.4Va
Cons MIAI : , Dull , steady ; yellow western ,
} J.'i L.l 10.
WIIKVT Kccolpts. .IJI.OiM hii.t otporH. 250-
000 bu j e ilos. 3.4l1.nio bu of futures.
Milwaukee , 7AUc Options opened llrm and
iulvaii"cd ' ' 'iO on forelun buvlnz. flrmor
west Mild reports of drouth ; declined 44S'ioon
full rpcolptsofi Increase In stock and the VIM-
bio Hiimilv. o.lsler u.inlc'i unit fair \\nathuri to-
acted viVtu on rovorlnu. and olosoJ steady
nt iinch insctl nrli-ps lo ' < ( advnnro. No ' . ' .
Oclolipt. 7i > 'i"i.77l c. eUnlnn nt T7c ; December ,
7 ' ( 7n'c. pliKlnznt I9-I lanuary. ( JOUUSilie.
ctnilnc utSilii * May , SM.IJvi's . closliiK at 8nc.
HYK Dull and woau ; wuslern. fitiWiJo.
Stoi-Us of craln In store nnd nllo it October
21 : Whuat , 14.3I,4IS ( bu. ; corn. 1,80,535 bu !
oats. 3J.ll.uiii ( : bu. ; ryp , 40.0(5.1 ( bu. : b irley , 03.SI7
bu ; malt , 17.751 ; puii , nono.
lUltl.uv Dull : western. U.VOc.
lUin.KY MAl.T-Dull ! western , 7ia.iOc )
Cotlv-ltoce'lptK , .UI.'O ) hut uxportf , 3.)0,00 ( )
bu. ! B.ilus , 8lO ( ) bu. of futures , U.OJl bu. of
spot. Spots Hrm and dull1. Ne > . 3. 40S. < . Oo
In eilnvatori "ii'iU lVc allo it ; unRt.iilcd miMid ,
noUTJ'ilc. Opt IOIH woni moderatnly notivo
nml hluhora-i followln t thn wust and on re
ports of raln.eleHliiK llrm : Novombor.5iV ) > ic.
clo liieiii.'iiilii < t lu"cmbcr ) , 50JiaiIaic. closliiK
ntfti'ic ' ; Mi } . .MViWS'i" . ulnslnu ntfijjic.
OAiK-Uui'flliits. 1,3,0)0 ) bu ; exports , 301,010
bu. ; salus. 7"0.i )0 bn. of futures. 319.000 bu. snot.
Spots active , llrmur. Options hUhor , nclho :
NovunibiT. IIPjlslliC , closlnj .li u : Docomber.
.riV-i'Mi o. chisini ! utiO'to : May. nWJiiiSe. clos-
Ins atil9\c : No. 3 whttp. , ' fh\ mixed westprn ,
aia Oe : whllo western. ; r > SCc ) ; Mo. 2 Ohloa o
avjc ,
MAV WuiU. eulol. |
HOIM Oulnt. I'sibV.
SunAit Dull. Una : rodnod firm , more notivo.
A.l\s < ks-rorcl.'n nomliial : Now Orleans ,
quiet , sleuly.
Hid : I'lrin , zood demand.
H ins Mondy , ( | iilet : wostoru prime J2'/i'3 >
2u ! : ru-elpts , 7,3Sj pUKS. .
lliliBS I'lrin. fiiirilninnnd : wotMiltiMi. New
Oilcans suli-cU'd and I'usas si-lu.'tud , 4"i to U- )
Ibs. . a7e.
t'oiiK Quiet. llrm ; cut meats Inactive ; mid-
diet dull : Inrd llrmur. dull : western SUM in ,
closed is 30 : siles , liu tlcrcus at lii.U'i ' ; options
no sales , ; October. { 9.11. nominal ; Novomnor.
$8 4 i nominal : January.'l ' ) nominal
ISUTruit l-'lrm : fair elomanel : I'.lcln.-S'ic. '
OIIKE * ! : Steady , quiet : p vrt skims. : i 7c.
1'in Iiiox steady , quloti American , fl.UO ®
OoiTCH Steady : laku. * ll. ) ® ll.8) .
LrjAD-Dull : domestic. JISittl.00.
TiN-Dull ; stralzhu. * .Ufli ) < a.'i.70.
Ilrltlsh ( iniln Trade Kf\lo\v.
LONDON. Oct , 21. 'Ihu Mark Lane Evprcss.
In Its weekly rovluw of thu Ilrltlsh grain
trade , says : Iho prices of Knsl sn whnitlrivo
sllshtly advanced In the provinces but show
no change In London , ForoUn wheat has
ceased to advatico owln ? to the quantity of
South and North American onroutu for this
country. Host California Is quotoJ at 31s ,
Oresou at 31s fid and Dultilh at 3'is. At today's
nnrkot wheats and o its wore dull , Corn was
strons owing to diminished supplies. Klour
was slluhtly ulicaper. Hurley was tioulcotcd
and prices wuio.'lu lower.
" "
< lll Mitrki-t.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 24.-l'tiUi-UM : ( : Stoadv ;
P.irucr's l > 4 > ; Parker's In bulk. S.M > 3 ;
rollnod. 81 ! riVKl : rollnud In bulk , $ U'ifJ3.5 , > .
Ue > Tre > N riEUii Oir , Quiet but steady ; yel
low , aj'ic. '
TAI.I.OW Quiet but Qrm ; city ( ii.OO tor
p.tckaces ) . 4's'U. * tl-ICc.
ROSIN Klrm but quiet ; strained , oommoi
toirooi. J1.37i'5l.i.1 ( ' : ! .
Tuiii'E.STiNK I'lrmor and more active : nii
@ I3c ,
LONDON. Oct 31. Lt.Nsr.ti ) Oir , ISs 4l'd ®
Omaha I'rnu Meirkpf ,
GiiAi'ES Now York concorJs , uaU'Dc per
10-lb. b iskut
OtMpniiNiA GnAi'KS I'or cr.ite : $1.50 mus
cats ; Jl.T'i To cays.
APPLES Western , $ J.75 M.OU | Now York , SJ.o :
(34.51. (
QutNCKS 1'cr box. fl.75S3.00.
I.lvcrpniil Miii-it < 'ls.
LivKiirooij. Oct. 24. WHEAT Holders offe
moderately ; No. 1 California. Gs JOd'Js IUii
percent il ; No. red winter , G3fn Id.
COIIN Quiet and lower ; mixed western , 4
4yd percental.
IIAOO.N liong and short oloar , , r ) * > -bs ! , 43s Ge.
per owt ; Ion : clear , 4.lbs , 4 is per owt ,
LAUD 1'riinu woitern , 4s 4'4't.
Not in It.
Sourn OMUINeb. . , Oct. 21. To the Edlto
ofTiiellBE : IteforritiK to the ro'ont rumor
iiuardini ; our connection with the now moat
market lately opened corner Sixteenth nnd
O.ip tel avenue , wn wish to state that wo are
not ( In.inclatly or ( itherwUu Interested In It.
Yours truly. Tin : UUDAIIV I'AOKINO Co.
Collru .Marliet.
NEW YOIIK , Oou 21. Options opened flrin , 55
to 50 points up. c'oslni ' : llrm , 35 to ( K ) points up ;
s lies 4V.2. > 0 li.ib , Including : Outober , 51.15" > 5) )
l.'ito : Noi ember } 15 'VQ > ri..Ki : Doenmbor. $1.1. ill
< ai5 < JJ ; January. $14 SJrjU.IU : March. JI4 70'ii >
14.8.April : , ill 0.1 : \l'iy. t4.-iVT4IJ.70i bpot
ICIo , firmer , quiet : No 7 , f Il'vr41'.l7"j. ! ' !
< otton Hnr.tet.
NKW OHI.FA.VJ , Ln. . Oct. 21. Steady ; mlrt-
dlln. , 7 Ill-lie : low mlildhir. : , 7 "i-IGc ; irooil or
dinary , ( i ii-ll ; > e ; net receipts , lfi,4J ) b lies ; sales ,
17 , " V tales ; btocl. , 1JU.I3J b.ilus
Klein Hotter .U irKiit.
ELGIN , III. . Oct. 21. The buttpr market was
firm. Sales were 8.000 pounds ut "So.
Traders' rlitlk.
CIHCAOO. III. . Oct. 24. P. O. Logan & Co to
Dnnean , IIolllncr & Co : i'nogr.iln markets
opened this mornlnit wlth n-jou I dual ot life.
Kurly forelKii advices wuro dejiressod , the
later ones inoro steady , but thu Incro.iso of
4.tO'JOjO : Uu , In thu vlslblo suppl v was ton much
for thooarly buyers and m.inv of them said
out. Thu market has a more healthy tone.
All wo need forsomo IItlio ad vance are smaller
receipts. and tills should cumu
soon. The total vlslbto supply Is 6'J-
40V.OOJ bu. n .ilnst IIIH ( 1.000 bn. last year.
Corn opinion Kc.irolty of cars Iris
caused a | ) ! K' falling oil' In luculpts. Our slouk
hero Is huavv. evurl,00 ( ; , ( o bu , ono-half of Ihu
eiulre vlslblu supply , but withal there Is
croat conlldoncu that pi Ices will no hlKher ,
Tlio reculnts will bo thu Important fautor In
the future. Oats wore Htoaiiy. Tnu tn-
cruaso In thu vlslblu supply Is much moro
than expected. Hoc product was strong. The
Cudaliy-Wrlt'lit broilers active
uro In sustain-
Ins prices. Thu talk Is very bullish.
CiiiCAni ) , III. , Ojt , 81 , CniUMOlmnn & Day
lo Coclcroll llroi. Commission company :
The sentiment of iho public tnn.ird the ( .T.iln
markets had recently underKOnu a radical
chaiiKU Crops have ueen harvested and sold ,
country b ilanoos In commercial centers have
Inuro.ised , money U plenty and seek In , ' In
vestment. Short sullurs have become ever
bold on account of the nnusu il sulllnir. by
farmurs , ulioseem to have vlu.l with the pro-
fcsilonil bo irs In dupressln ; values. Invest
ors haio forsovural weeks boon wultlni : for
the maximum of receipts to cause tlio
minimum of nrlcos. Vuliies lioln. ul-
ready nbnormiilly low , any htronttlh-
unliu feat nro Is the for Kun- buying. Thin thu rain toeViy , which
Is uali'iifatud toulmuk receipts , \\as moro po-
tnnt than larKo Increases In the visible simply.
When the Inevitable advance ) Is once fairly
started wu think tlilt thu buy Inn will bocoiuu
saviiEu , ami tliuru Is no safety on the short
blue of ulieui , coin nnd o.its. t'rovlolons con-
tliniii tn no an artlllulal mill Let and there Is
un ovldont Inclination on thu p.utof both
IOIIK and shorts to elinii out siandlnj trades
Thu general pnhllu will probably not outer
thu market until It asiiimurf u morunonnal
, condition.
OlIIOAOO. III. . Oot , 21-KuilHQtt. HopkllM 'C
On. to S. A. AloWhorler : The opening was
linn nnd tlio miirkut t uvutupuii considerable
Btruiiuth , but iho tinevpoctu I lurgo receipts
and the lucre.iso In the vlhlblusupply uhcckod
thei better speculative sent menl und oaosed
many Ion s to drop their bold In ; s. The
vlblblobiippiy Is now much tliu largest over
known at this season. The trade
ls small ana thu load U u very onerous bur
den for It to o irry. Without the help of san-
KUIIIOspeculators who have p ild millions for
their opinions prices would now bu materially
Inner. No biibitaiitlal Improvement oan bu
looked for whllo these enormous receipts con
tinue but lltllo rallies Mill come occasionally
In corn and oats u bolter tone has devolopud
In spltu of thu Increasing stocks and some
favor iblo reports us lo thu yield of corn un
, oxpeeled ,
Traiuuctlemt Itoarhuii uu Umuimlly Uoav ;
Total In Yvttunluy'g Mnrket.
) New YOIIK. Oct. 21. Advices from Lornloi
of n stroiie innrkot
therefor American
titles , together with the unexpectedly favor
ubluBtateinuntof Iho clearing house balance
to on Saturday and the heavy tralllo reported by
: olllclal * of western roads , contributed to bya i
, very buoyant speculation at the Nuw Yorl
2S Stock OKchaiitto today. The traiuaotlon
& reached thu unusually heavy total ot 453,111
tiureu , of wUlolj 3JJ.7 * were lUtoJ uud 57,75
tinl l tP(1 slocks , TJirro was n runuUr fmh lo
buy nt the opontn ? , n largo number of mall
Mini telo rnphlc onion having ncoitmulntnel
mnuo thu oxchanjre cloned on Thumdnjr lo U
The execution of these order * led to u sharp
rlso.whloh WHS well maint-ilnml rtesplto hoivr
rnallr ttlons. The rencllona nt no time were
Inportant nnd In the clenliu doa.lnES thom
m r > etrecplvocl an additional I i-pctus from
niirohatoi of lurio blojks of Now Knglind ,
The Renoril market ciosud active and ttrong
nl the top fUuros. . . .
At n special mooting of thn stockholder * of
the Western Union Telegraph company an Increate -
create In the capital otook of Jl.l,8.VJufl' , niik-
Ine the totnl JIOJono.OW. will bo ruiflod , An
ofllulnl nays there U no truth In the roporteel
contemplated purchase of the Montreal lolo-
graph company of CntiAda.
The l'ost < ays ! To the dlscornliiit observer
today's stock market was ton'onhat peculiar.
There was a hurst of bull foolitu nt tno stirl
which iirotnlsod wall but which oiprojscd Itself -
self with pulling Irreaularlty. The teal bull
news once more centered In the stocks of the
Granger roads ,
The following nro the eloslnz quotations fcr
the lojdlnjr. itocks on the Now YorK Slock ot
chaiwo today :
Atctilintt - - . . l | llll
Adnnm Kitirois North American Co
Alton. T 11 . . ni Northern I'oclllc .
do prefcrri'il 1.V ) do I'M
Amcrlcitn K > | in > i 119 II 1 * . Don A Unit .
llalllmorn.t ulilo NnrtliwpMcrn
CniruM I'ncinc .
Cnmiflti Southern S N V CentrnV . . . .
e.'onlrnl 1'iiclllu . . M N , V * N inu : . . .
Clipn , V Ohio . 21 Oregon A Vtostcrn.
I hlCHBOMlon Id Oregon liiip
Chi Ilnr XQulTH Oregon Nnv
t'lilcniro < ln < O S. I. , \ IJ N . . . .
Coiuollclntc.l . I'nelflc Mnll
0. C I A. t. I b.Mfi I'oorln DoeA K . . . 13
Colo. Coril A Iron . 157
Cotton Oil Cctllf i Pullman I'nlncc . . .
Del lluiliun . . . . Itpnitliitf
I ) I * A W KM Illrlitiiunil Tor . . . .
1) ) It &l ! pfd file pfJ 13
I ) A'J. P 10 Illn ( irnn.lo . West . 31Ml
KntlTenn 6 I ' Oa pM Ml
Krlo 81
do pfil , v3. r 1st pfd
Kort Wayne. . St 1'nul
Orcat Nortlixrnii it On pfil 151
CX A C. III. tit.l < t 1'nul A Omnlin. . aiw
I locking Vulley ilo pM nxk
lllli ills Ccnlrnl . . . . "outliorn 1'ncltlc . . y ,
M I'.ni 1.1 Dulutli. . yiiK'ir Ite'lliiprv. . . * iim.
Knti. A Tex I'M . . . . 1'cnn t'onl .t Iron. . OflHi
Lake Krlo X West . . Texas I'ncltlc OflHip \
do pfil T. .VO i tn pfd
1 flko bhure Union I' ( ! ! ! u 40H
l.enitTrnit tl.S Kiirc | B3
Louln A.SH-II win W St I. A I' B3mi
liOiiln .t Vow Al liy "O'-J ' ilo pfil V7'l
.Mnnlinllsiii I'oii . Mi Wulls rnritu Hxp. . . HI
.Memphis .t C . . . . 67 Westi'm Union . . .
Mlclilk-nn Ccnlrnl . I us Wheeling A I * K. , . .
.Mlfourl 1'iulllc . ilu nfil | M }
MohlluA Ulilu . . . M A M. 1 , 17K
tNuslivlllntlnitt . I ) .v II (1
Niitluinil Conleitc. . ( ion Klec
do pM II7' ( Nntleiml l.tnseeil. . .
N. J Contrnl IKI
lilel 1 nfkcil ! cx illv ,
The total sales of stocks today wore 4. > 2,000
shaies , ineiuihn. Atohleon. 1U.870 ; Mlssnilil
I'aclllc , 4,415 ; Northern I'aclllc preferred. , " . ' ;
Now Kiiirlaiid. lO.ilif ; Ifeii'llnp , Jl.2.0 ; bt. 1'aul ,
6.i,78l ) : Union I'aclllc. : i.lo. ! )
London Klnnnrliil Itrtlow.
[ CopyrlMlitcil lfei)2 ) by Jamci Cunlon Dennett 1
LONDON , Oct. 21. [ Now Yoik lleralel Ciblo
Special to TUP. UKK. ] UnsIiiBss has boon quiet
on the Stock exchange , the ai > protchlii < ! set
tlement nnd uncertainly of the money check-
In ; now eii' a'-'dinents. The markets , nev
ertheless , haui been favorably Inclined
on the whole. Consols are 1-18 o is-
lor. I'orolKn government securities have
been moro or less llrm nil daAmoni the
International stookn Improvements occurred
In Grouk , Italian nnet Portuguese. Homo
railways hnvo shown some desreo of
lirmness all eliiy , Itrlirhton deferred oxcoptud ,
which leaves off dull nnd ' 4 per cent
lower , Americans have been moro or loss llrm
nil day. Hlnco the. ' receipts of Now York prices
In tlio afternoon there has ucon some itoo ( '
buvlntf nnd llnal prices show nearly a Kcncra
advance , Including ' , per cent Wabash debenture -
benture , ' per cent I'nlon I'aclflc , Missouri ,
Kansas & Te\a , Dotnor uroforonco nnd 'iai
per cent In most others. Canadians have boon
neglected. .Mexicans met with some Mipuurt
llrst preference Ju.ivlnK ofl } per cent hliihor
nnd ordinary > , i per cent , nnd them has been
I lulu (1 ( em i ml f or money. Short lo'insbnvo been
obtained ut 3i to 1'a per cent. The discount
market Is onsler , two ibreo months bills bolns
quoted at. " a to 'J'4 per cent.
Ncu' YorK .Money .Marltet.
Nr.w YOIIK. Oct. 21. MONF.V o.v O\LT. Ilnsy
ran''ins at from 5 to 0 per cunt ; last loan
closed eiltorcd at. ) per cout.
1'niMi : MEIICANTII.B 1'Ai'nu 5 ® j per cent ,
STKIII.ISO I\OIH.\OK : Weak , with uctual
business In bankers' bills nt $1 83li for sixty-
day bills nnd f I.SO fjr demand.
'i ho closing ( jnotntlons on bonds :
U. S 4s coup. II4HI N .1. C. Int. Cert . .
! ! rW
u. a. 4 ' lOO'-sl North I'aclflc lets. .
.Vurtli I'ael Ilo'-'nils. HIM
I.onlsliluaBl'iiail ( B. Ul N W. Cousol
MlssonrlCa 10.1 N.V. . Con. Iep. 5s. 103
Tenn , new notdi. . . , 101 St. I. . HI M. Gen 6 * 6)M )
'lenn. new 3t 5a. . . Ul St UA , 8 V Con. M 'M
Tcun. new net 3s . . 78 ; -t. I'nnl Consols . . . 128
Camilla So. inds St. 1' . C. A , 1' . UtS. . . 113
Central 1'acltlo Ists Tux. P. Ij.O.Tr. Itcti
I ) . .V U.O. lita Tux.r.ll. U.Tr. Itcta
I ) . All. ( i. 4s Union I'aclllc lats. . 10I.H
Krlo 2nda West Shore 1W > 4
M. K. AT. ( ion. ( . ) . . I ) . A , II. U 7SHi
M. K. * T. ( Jen 6s .
Mill rritiiclseii .Hilling IJuoratlonx.
SAN I'liANCihCO. Out. . Oct. 24. The olllclal
closing quotitlons for mlnlns stocks today
wcro as follous :
AIU -M ejplilr 2tt
llulwer 5J 1'otosl 115
Hot A llolclicr . . . . Ill ) Savnice U5
HodloCun V'J Slo-r.i NovnJa . . . 125
Cliollnr 85 Union Con 130
Con. Cat. A Va 285 ( Huh 16
Crown 1'ulnt . . . 130HO Vollow Jacket 12(1 (
Kuri'kn Con . . HO N. Q &
( iould A Curry. . 151 II. 1 10
Muilcnn 125 N. II. 1 10
Mount Diablo. . 100 llulchcr 2 }
NHYltJU 10
Ninv York .Mining ( Jiiotiitiom.
NE\T YOIIK , Oct. 34 The followlnj nro the
closing mining iiuotutlons , :
Con. Cnl. AVa . d < JU rllBrro Nuxudn.X \ <
Dceulwouil . 310 Htnnilnrd ISO
Could A Curry . U ) Union Con r.nj
Ilnlo A Xorcross. . . 140 Vollow Jnckot 10'J
llomonUko . HOJ Iron Silver 40
North btar . I.5J Qalck Sllvor .10J
Ontr.rlo . 3'JJ ( ) do preferred 1700
llulwor 20
1'lyinontli. . 8100
St. l.oni * Mining ( Jnonitlons.
PT. Louis. Mo. , Oot. 21. The following quo
tations wur'i made toil.iy on o.ill :
riimnelal Notns.
I A SAS Om , Mo. , Oct. 24. Oloarlius , J..T.II-
4(17. (
W YOIIK , Out. 31. OloirliiBi , 97,332,43 :
balnne-es , JIUHiJ7. :
I'AIIR : , OsU 21. Threa par cent rontos , 031
27u for tlio nccount
ItAi.Tlsioui : , .Mel. , Oct. 24. Oloarlngs. $7,412-
12.1 ; b.ilrtiii'os. t ITH. 118. Money , 0 per cont.
I'IIIIAI > LM'IIIA : , I'a. O > t 21. Uloirlnir.4. . $14-
450.107 : Dalanuos , JI,07I.V.'j7. Money 4i ! pui
cent ,
MKMI'IIIR. Te'iui. , Out 24. Now York ox-
ohniiKO Milling ut par , ( Jluarlius , * .HIU.IJ ; bal'
ancus , } UJ.i.j. :
New Our.KASH , La. . Oct. 21. Ulonrlius Jl.-
' . " .I i.Pu'S. Nuw York ovchanso. commercial , ' . 'K
pertl.UOUellhcount ; bank , pir.
OINOINNATJ. O. . Oot. 24 , Money 4 < &f ! yoi
cent. Xuw York cxclmiuu. to 25.
promliim. OloailnxB , tl,4VU"iQ ( ,
BOSTON , Miihs. , Oct. 21 I'loarlnirs. SIO.UII.
7.ri ! | bntancos , | | ,01SV ) | , Slonov. .130 per cent
r\ulian o on Now York , let/ ! 1 Jo discount.
ST. Lewis. Mo , Ojt. 2 , Cle.irlius , f > .oai ,
fll i bulancus , iVI..OIl. Monew qnlot. II to 7 pui
cent , Kxohaiiuon Now York i'u dUcounU
OlIIOAOO. III. Oct. 24-CloarinKS. IJI.049,555
Now \oilc oxchuiiKu so , el at Sterling exchange
change , steady , suty dav bills , Jl.S'Jtf ; du
nianu , II.B3. Money steady 5 to a per cunt ,
HAVANA , Oct. 24. Spanish void , * ift72.67li
Kxuliaiib'o tlrm. but not ijuotably hlzher ; on
the United Stitos short Klu-lit Kold , \ < i }
premium ; on'JU ' premium , Huga
quiet. _
Onttlu Tr.ulo MrMli nun Fairly H.nlal.ictor
Hock Struily hut hcurue.
OMAHA , Oct. 21. The weak opens with ho
usuul heavy run of uattlo and Ilio usual Ugh
receipts of ull other kinds of stock ,
Uitlle olTurlnKS were l'ir'oly westerns ild
common , but iburn woioalso snino very choic
be'ovua , both uatlvoi anil westerns , on bile
The market was atu idy 10 utreiiu on duslrabl )
- otTurlnxs of biiof i-uttlu nnJ uury fnlrulcai
- anct ) . at luaat of thu uurly nrrlvuls irus
elfectuil. Somu uholce 1 , 15Hi. . cornfu
steers hroiitiht t > M nnd prottv aoo
l.U 2lb. HtuurnHolel for till' . In thu western
a tooil to vholcu Hteora tiolei from ( L4lto.4i ) |
On the ordinary run of gr.usr.ittlo trade v a
uotonlv hrUk , but prices ruled fiilly.Htund
ut from- 10 tU'.k etnu or iwei trnlns ir-
rlvuel too lutu to null on to'.lav's mnrkot.
llutohurn' stuck uud cuuntira moved ( reel
nt fully ttendjr ptkrcn Tlin supply wn not
OTCP | VO tnd chftifuM linnds In itoud season ,
poor to very noort-rfiwi rui.l l\plfi5M \ < < ( MlliK ( nt
from II.OJ to J.othe hulk of the fair to n > - > d
ttuff nt fiom Ji(5t to 12.21 Hulls , oxen
dud si BBS were In fnlr elomnnd nnet firm nt
from tl.Ofl to IJ.2.J unlvos worn notlvu
nnd itronx nt from liPO to IV 00 , nlth Inr o
stuff , nnel Tcnrlln Jild it nt from M..V > to ( . ' .7V
Tlicro wa < n , vor > ( nit trade In feeders and
nt fully strong prltfcs for suitable ) xrndos. but
thin. Ifsbt stockers wcro nshirel to toll
f netonly as ever and lirouulit very low prlcns.
The extreme rnnitbol price * was from II .V ) to
lisa , the bulk of Mte trading nt from Ji.i3 : to
I.I.UX. Hoprcscnt.tUvoinlosi
No. Av. I'r. No , Av. t'r. No. Av. Pr.
5 , ir > 3 M 2) 17 , 11(15 ( II 25 lS..I3Vi J4 M
C'J..12lt ' 32J 3 , ' MO ; l 60 f > 8. 1144 4 SO
1 .1020 i no G" rtfe 1 60 27 MS t 00
2 87J I 2.1 l\r 8 I GO 1 1IOJ 201)
1. S Till 1 9M 200
4 . 807 1 25 8 n'5V ) I 70 in . 891 201
2"i 733 1 21 IO1 . 87 * 1 73 4S WU 2tr
0 KH 1 ,11 701 1 71 in. iKi 210
in SJS 1 35 I 71 27 .1022 2 10
805 1 49 071 I hO 1 130) 215
2 1 M 1 41 00- 1 03 14 an 215
2 1M)3 ) 1 60 i no 4 .1107 2 . ' %
2 mi i si HOD i 01 0 IIM 22"i
P57 1 SO 1171 1 HI 2 10'D ' 22S
0.11 1 CO IH41 1 HI S. . 801 225
010 1 M 27 SSI 2 W 4".1007 235
U 350 1 73 1 33 2 OD
15. Ml 1 21 2. . 211 3 0(1 ( a . IM 500
. . 3.S7 200 ; r > SW 325 1. . 120 450
a . 310 2 21 2 . 101 3 01 1. . .00 4 60
2. . 323 2 21 S : 103 3 75
1270 1 .10 H .126' ' ) 1 00 0 .137(1 ( 200
. 1350 1 k 1..1.131 I 05 1..IIM 200
.1155 1 33 3 .l.'flJ 1 m 1..1220 200
.1070 1 33 1..1430 3 UO
3 .1450 1
1. 780 1 M 17 874 2 40 2. I2i5 280
4 . MU 1 75 14 US' * i fiO 1. 910 2UO
1 SlO 2 OU 117(1 ( 2 53 3 107.1 303
U. 331 2 05 f.9 U77 2 00 1. 14)0 ) 303
2 C.5 2 20 12. . 10115 2 CO 17 1175 3135
3. . 50(1 ( 225 14 OS9 2 Co 17Bl. . 1IIU 303
13. . 704 235 13 001 2 7J 17 11113 3(15
13. . K9l ( 2 40 21 U54 2 75 17U. . 1003 325
0. . b-'t ) 2 4J 21. 1U70 2 75
No. Av , I'r. Ne > . Av. t'r.
Ilatpors. . .127J 5-1 75 3steors . . 1353 } 3 75
lfi ( oedom 1021 3 10 1 cow . OTi 2 33
2ttuois..llt)5 3 M 81.1 steers . ,1242 3 30
37 cows. . . bl)2 ) 1 UO 2lste'ers. ( . . ,11'H ' 4 00
10 ! > tours , 1127 3 50 10 cows. . . 817 2 00
2 < atcurs. .114,1 3 bj 2. ! steers * . ,13UI 2 70
Ustuurs. . 150) ) 3 TiJ 124cowi. . 1)31 2 35
UUcotts. . . 1) ) 2 15 31 fooelors. . 0)3 2 75
1 cow 11.10 2 fO A feeders , 852 ! J 25
& 7 cows , 1044 2 2J 21 cows . . nsi ) 2 55
1 sti-ur . . Dill 2 70 43 steers . .1170 3 75
05 cows. . . . 075 ! l feeders 041 2 7o
1 stour . . 10'IJ 3 V ) 20 steers . an , ) . ' ,0
15 co\\s. . . .10IJ 235 1 stcur. . .11)03 ) 2 50
67 stcurs . .11.15 3 JJ 8 Hteeis. . 10'I7 ' 3 50
1 feeder 010 2 25 2 bill , s . . 1.W3 1 70
1 steer . . 1IN3 375 21 cows . 1)81 ) 2 10
b cows. . . ! U7 2 'i5 01 fceduis 1105 2 1'5 '
1 steer. . . .1153 3 75 2 stours. . 1255 3 45
Slm.U. . Klfll 1 50 23 cows. . . .1014 2 2) )
Kstoeia. .1ISI 3 53 .1050 2 25
1 Htuor . M ) 2 50 1 steer . . .1C90 H 50
gatcors . .ll.'l 3 53 2 bulls. . .K03 1 33
1 bull . . 1370 1 70 2.1 feeders 10.V3 3 10
Duows UJ2 2 10 1 cow .ll'5) ' ) 2 20
3 feeders. . . 1000 2 73 Duows , . . . . U7B 2 55
17 feeders . . low ) 2 05 Scows. . . .1075 223
Hstoors. . .UBS 3 45 S COUH . . .1093 2 30
11 cons. . . . ' .115 1 GO SO steers . .1240 U 73
13 cows. . . . . 10:0 2 20 cows. . . . .1040 225
2stoors. ( ! . .1108 H 40 2 cows. . . . .1070 2 25
I cow 700 1 25 1 cow 870 2 2S
19 cows. . . . OJS 1 70
1 feeder . ,11U3 2 S5 14 feeders. . 093 2 75
I'stosrs. . 1185 325 75 feeders. 1065 3 15
4 fui'dois . ,13 , 0 2 5J ! ! 5 feeders . 1W6 2 75
1 ( ocdo r . .rOJ 200 Sst.-tU- . . , r.40 200
1 feeder 1010 2 G5 1 feeder. . , UJO 2 fi5
5 feeder * .118(1 ( 203 33 feeders 1051 2 65
12eal\os . . . 331 5) ) 11 o.ilvos. . . 182 3 75
2 ! steers . ,11.18 3 2) ) 4J steers. . . 1000 3 50
1 fueelor. . . 1010 i 75 80 feudurs. , ! I5J 2 75
lOUfoe-dors . Oil 2 85 2 feudoia k& . > 2 SO
2 stuors. . ! ) d1 32J 4 steers . . . 9U 3 20
2 steers. . , . inj.1 . ' 1 2J 1 steer . . . Ir03 3 20
3 steers . ISM ! ! 21) ) 20 stcurs . 1 45 3 20
1 feeder. . . 840 J 75 1 fee lor 04) 2 75
3fcodois 870 2 7,1 31 , . ' .Ul 275
115 fuuJurs 81.1 2 50
1 stag . . . 1510 425 5 steers..1314 4 15
1 stas . . .14,0 0 stuers I4b7 4 40
1 sluer . 12-M C fttcors . , . IIJJ 4 40
0 steers. . . .m ) 6 stcurs . .1446 4 40
5 stocis . . .1131 250 do steers. . .1197 3 55
0 cows . . .1001 2 33 II steers. . , .1187 3 55
1 cow . . . MM 2 35 2 bulls. . .Ii70 1 G5
24 cows , , . ,2.5) , 10 cows. . . 2 CO
85 steers , . . lill J SO U4 slccrs. .14JJ 39)
2 cows . . .11.-0 2 00 10 blucrs . .Ij.'Kl 2 83
2 cows. . . .UO ) 2 50 24 steer. . . .1220 3 50
8 cows 1193 200 4 eowH , . . . .1137 233
1 steer 1310 8 0) ) 11 Etcors. . .IJ 7 3 03
5 cous luno 1 bull . . .1470 1 IX )
1 cow 1183 2 SO ' 8 steers. . .1308 3 UO
5 cows 105G 2 30 10 stocrs. . 393
5 cows 1JOJ ( 2 31 3 htecra. . . . 127(3 ( 393
Iloos. Receipts of hops are neverexcosslv
on Monday , buttoday's supply was the nuav-
iesi In ever t ice months As usual on Mon
day there wua no shipping anet but little
speculative demand. Trade was only mouor-
utoly brisk and prices ruled steady tonnlckol
lower f rom ntnrt to llnlsli. Uommon mixed to
the best butcliur ho.s sold ut from J5.J5 to
$3.47 i : thu bulk of tbu fair to irooU stuff ui on
Saturday at from $5.4J to J5.)5 ) , the irencral
market nver.icin } ! up a trllle lower. Kupru-
sontatlvo siilai :
1 Hocol pis consisted of a land of stock
owus billed through for loedlni ; . The demand
for dcsirablu muttons Is very active , and
prices aru quolubly btroiiK. 1'alr to peed
natlvus , tJ50'i54.3) ; fair to L-ood wustnrns , * .l.35
@l,33 ; common and stock shuop , Ji3'iiM.30 ;
good to choice 40 to OJ-lb. iambs. Sl.Uixai.75.
und Deposition of Stoelt.
Oniclal receipts and elIsoosttlon of stock ns
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the forty-eight hours ending at
D o'clock p. m. , October 34. Ib'Ji
' I'IIIUIIUHCH I.iittV I < ,
< 'hlraiiiji.lye Mtook Alarknt.
OiuriAno. Ill , , Oct. I'i. IHpocial Tolozram to
TIIK IlKB 1 Whllo the receipts of uattlo were
. large In the uggrega u , theiro wcro nut many
ar It is a warm situation when you
are troubled with indigestion , or , in fact ,
any of those ilia that arise from derange
ments of the digestive appurntiiH. You
ry go to the drtifj etoro nntl you will prob
ably take some pepsin preparation , uoino
lit mercurial doses which will injure you
forlifo. Stop it. The medical fraternity
throughout the world are now recogniz
, ing Jolianu Hod's Malt Extract as a
li > utundnrd remedy. It In specially recom
- mended for invalids vheroa delicate yet
us strengthening tonic is necessary to build
upudubilitated constitution. There nro
us lots of counterfeits on the nmrlcet. The genuine have the ehrnnturaof "Johnnn
Hod" on the neck of liottlo. It is liene-
- llcial uliko for inati , or woman , or child.
Eisner&iJeueJxfl8oii Co. , N. Y. , Agents ,
that traded bolter tlian medium , not
far from two-third * of the ? > inoo on
ilo ooinlfR off the e . Thn nut
nt iho niitlvo * was oulm.itoil at ? . "OJ
head nnd under a son I dmnund for onutnrn
mid fotolsn nccounW the market wa r.ithnr
atroneor. The rnnito of niintitlnn * for mtlves
wnn nt from Jl nj uiSYV , with mostof thn trad
ing nt from fl ? . < to tVOJ. 1'oor und com
mon prudes wcro rather weak. Western
rtiiirferi were In liberal supply ( about
"IKII nrrmni. and were bnroly steady They
so el on a b * U of frein fl M to JI..V ) for thin
rows teiohplco itcrrs. Tex ins though In full
seiptily worn salnhlo at nbont former quota
tions , or nt from 11.25 to Jitt for cows , nt from
$2.0) ) to W.OO for steer * . ttoakoM nn.l fcoetors
contlnno to receive considerable attention and
tlinv rr-m tin nt from JI.50 to t41. .
Thu dotnand for hoits was brls < nnd thn f tot
that Iho rocnlpts woto the InrRost locoreled
for nnv Hay recently , dlel not prnvent
nn nelvnnco. The inarUot was finly So
hlihor than at the clo oof S.unrdav's closmz.
It was ( jnltn as rood as At th it d.ij oponliiir.
the licit li.-htwel hts pllliu nronnil JVC ) and
oholco assorlod huavvwuUhts Delne wanted at
froniJi ; . " ! to i.lM. Althotuh the iil | illtv of
tlm urTorlnes avoraioel cominon. the ixreitor
p.irt ulinnte.l hinds abino fX7" . Ilio poini ar
nrlces biiinK at from IVV ) to * " . Oi for hnivy
und medium and at from 15 iO to $ . > . .Vi for
lldit. The prl-cs were uxccptlon il and the
elo e was sti'iiely.
The iridln Inshpop was ( it a lltllo bnltcr
price than prcviiUMl cm the clo lnp eHys of
last wouk 'I he a\ur mo snln w is nbnut luu
per 10) ) Ibs whoop so il on a bislsof from $ : i.M
to tv.r > tl forpoor to extra and from H75 to Id OJ
was thu r.itue of ( | .iotitloni : for l.unbs.
Hocelp'.s : rattle , \OJOi nous.Hi.OW : nheop.
( UTTl.r.-Kecclpts. 2,010 lie id : shipments
4nohoadi in irUel stuaely ; good to u.iIra na
tives itoiK&t.tii other' " ? JlSOjtlUJ : ransers ,
I l.2iffll .T. : l'o < ans , JI.S5164UJ.
lloeis HuceilplM , J'l.tKij heidi Rtilp'niint * .
P.000 ; nrtrkut active , ntuady to stroni :
rough anil cominon , } \ 10 < a."i 10 : mixed nnd
pHokors. tV4i35.Yi : prime heavy met biitchurs'
woliihts. JVTOiliT.Ilitht. ! . KOOann ) .
Sltci'.p Uecollits , nooi : slilnmcntM.
. ' .tiOO head : market stuiely to stronci na
tives , $ .1 iV ) ® ' > M : Texans. $ .1.7.1 : westerns , * 1 'J5
© 4.W ; lambs , ! 17Ml5.ji ( ) .
t.Vr\r YorK I.Ui1 MOCK MnrMnt.
New VCIIIK , Oot. 21. ItcKvim Uocolpts. .1.103
ho it : market Hrm for choice : sh ulouasle'r
for common to mi'dlum ; native Mte > or-t. ( .HDdC.
6.15 per 1011 Ibs , : bulls and co s , Jl.lOatM :
dressed beef stonily at""ic. Slilpmunts to-
dny. no beuvci : tomoriow , 5iti benvca.
OAI.VKS Iteeelpts.'JWi huad : niarUul sto-idy
veals , J. " > .fitiiS ! UO : Kfassors IJ.MS3.7J ; westurn
calves , JJtiwffiriV
SIIKKP AMI | jMimHocolpt' , lfi.72.1 head :
Bhceji slrnilv , CLAOItAdUi lam b , 'iu hliMicrul
$4 TVtiC.25 ; dre-sod mutton steady at "iiis'tO
per lb. ; dressed lambs , llr n at ? Q.i'C. :
lions Hocelpts 7,400 head : marUut steady
KUIIKIIH Oily l.l\ii Mode Market.
KANSAS OITV. Mo. . Oct. -I'ATTI.I : Ko-
celpts. (1SJU ( : shipment- > , IOJ. The ) ninrkut
wnsstroni C > © 1 chluher : shlppln t stoeis , J.I 10
ejt4.40 : Texas and Indians , $ 1.70(22. ( 7 i : stook-
or and feu lei * . tl.SiSM. 15
lions itccuipts. 4.diiO : shlnmcnti. UM ) ; ni'ir-
l.ut barely stu id v tel Tic louui ; prices ranijuJ
J4 8.i-.rr ) : bulk , is ' 'jta'u i.
Siiiini' IJufOipts , .MOO ; shlpmnnts , none :
nomlnallv Htrone for coed ; otncis weak ;
muttons , Jlf > ji3l.7. ) ; lainliB , JJ.OOJCo.riO.
.St. l.onlH I.Uo Miiek
ST. Louis. Mo. , Oct. 24. UATTr.E Receipts.
3.200 ; ihlpmunts. 5.200 ; market steady and
llrm : fair to tho'co native sleers , J3.2011I.W ) ;
medium to need Tex is _ und Indian steers.
"lions'Receipts. . 4".7nifViiipmonts. 0.000 : mar-
kotllrm : heavy , J\405 CO ; packing. J5.10O5.40 :
Unlit.1.25515 SO.
SHEEP HcceMpls , 230 ; shipments. 1,500 : mar
ket stroiiR ! medium to i-ood. j 1 MiTf/4 'c.
f fiDATPUCn TEN I mUlilnS
KJ A troublesome skin disease caused
me to scratch for ten months , and was
cured by a few days' use of [ $5tej3 | ]
Upper Marlboro , Md.
I was cured pomeonr9acoof White Swelling
symptoms of re jjjpivg2Sl | | turn of the dis
ease. Jlany prominent physicians attended
ino and failed , but 8. S. S. dfd the work.
PAUL. W. KIRKI'ATUICK , Johnson City , T _
Tieatlse on BIooil nml Skin nisrases milled frre.
A'lanla , Ga.W.
Union Stock Yards Company
nest pnttlo. hoc and shopp market In the west
THE LEAliUS. ) :
I'ttinto tin" hou Ee fjr oor-
luu Bl.-il'ct Bf p r E.
Wood Brothers ,
routh Omah.i Tolophoiio 11 > 7. - tJlilnaijo
JOHN l > . DADISM VN. ! . , , , .
- „ „ „ .
„ .
WAl.TUll K.VOOI ) J-Maim.'Ofj.
Market reports bv mall aiU wlro cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcaco. Hastrit. Louis , Kansas Olty. South
Om ilm. Monx ( Jitv , Keirr Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
r-fiand . ' ' ) Kxoh urn Hull lln , Siit1i : O u lh u
Correspondence aollcltsd and uro nptlv unsworJJ
epeclalullviilluiituurduM Iur tockora .Vtei'ilerj.
KitaulUucd , ISS-t. - - IncorporuUJ , ISJi
Uapltul fullr paid , (20.UJ ) .
Waggoner Birney CoTipany
\Vrltourrrlrou9fnrprompt and reliable ruartat
rt'poi t9.
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Live Stou't Commission.
Room Cl Lxohanxo Hiilldln1 , ' , Hautli Omaha.
Tulupheinu 17il7
To Iho owners of tlio lots , parts of lots and
real estate uuntlin,1 on or adjacent to tliu
streets , alleys or u venues heruln niiined or
situ tied In whole or In pirt within any
of thod slrlulM herein spoclllud :
Von and uach of you nro hereby notified
that the oil v council ot the city of Onrili i will
hit as u Hoard of Kqualli Ulon , at thu olHco ol
the City Ului k. In thu Olty Mall , Omaha , Nub.
on Friday the 38th day of October. 181- ' , from U
0 ulook n. m. toSo'clook p. m. for the purpose
ofuonsleleilns uml ciiali/.nu | thu proposed
levy of xpci'iul taxes ami assessments UN
shown by " 1'ropoueel Plain of Ansossmunt"
now on Illo In th < ! olllcu of H.ild Olty Clerk , and
ceiiructlng any errors thuiulu , and ofboarlni
all complalntH that the owners of property HU
to bo assntsoel ami taxcel may maku ; Bald
speulal taxes and assessments proposed to be
levied heinn neoessaiy to cover tbu cost of thu
several Improvomuntsdulv iiuthorUcd to bt
made and now completed , as followa ;
To covur tlio "ost of purmanunt brink Hide-
w ilks laid by J. O. Corby , amounting to the
hum of f i ; 51) ) , liicliidlnK thoi'ost of Insiioctlon
wliluli bald sum It Is proposed by a report duly
adopted by the ( ! .ty ejonnell to assess oil tin
properly opposite ) whh'h salel sidewalks ware
constructed , us fnllowH :
Lot IJ block 4 llaiibcom I'laco $10 1)1 ) ,
Lot 11 block 4 . . 4037.
Lotli bock 4 . . 4037.
Lot 11 block 4 . . 4J3) ) ,
Lot 17 block 4 . . 433) ) .
Lot 18 I lock 4 . . 40 3'L '
1,01 ID block 4 . . 4137.
North 10fuut lot 15 block U 11 inscoin 1'luce
Lot'lOhlouk 11 Hr.nscom I'laco } H 30.
Lot IThlouk II . . 40 37.
Lot 18 block II . . 4037.
Lot 1 Cherry Uanluti (01 7iX
Lot 3 . . (11 ( B't.
Lot II . . Cl ( A
Lot 4 . . ( SI 47 ,
North 40 4-10 foot lot 31 block 5 West Hnd Ad <
dltlontJT 80.
Lot 2S block 5 West Kud Addition 12 75.
North 33 feet lot 3 DloukS U V fa'mlth'a Aeldl
tlon:3W : ) . '
Ho tli4i foot lot 9 blocks BV Smith's Audi
Lot II block K U V bmlth's Addition * 1S 43.
South 41 feet 1014 block bi : V tamlth's Addl.
To cover the co-it of purnmmont ilduwalk !
of KansusHtono , Inuludlni' Inspection , laid li >
Kuril is Sc. Son , it'iiounlliM to the hum ol
$1,301.15 , which bald Bum It IH proposed by i
reportelnly adopteel by thu ulty e'ouncll to as'
BOSS on the property opposite whlul ) said blue
waUs were consiructod , as followa ;
Lot 4 blouk .1.14 Omahu * li" > M ) .
Lots OlocklCII 174 40.
Lot 4 block 'JU 171 OU.
Lot D block : i.'J iyiu3.
K ifuutlotn b'ock ian Omaha t31 ! 10.
Lot fl block in Omnh i lv. HI.
Lot 7 bloek 111 13UKS.
i:4Jfeit : ) leitUUlojk 114 Omuha S80 18.
Hub lot 4 of lot 0 Capitol addition til t'7. '
C3J foot sub lot 5 of lot U Captol audltloi
W , ' 'sub lot 15 of lot 2 Capitol addition 107 1)1 )
To cover the com of artificial Mono side
walks laid by l''ord .t Iliiho , us peir lliulr esll
luutu of Aeuunl IJth , 18j. ' , Including
Manufacturers' _ ! Jolliers' Directory
OmeliaTeiit-Awiihgl Wolf Bras , &Co ,
Company. Kl.i . InmTi | > nnl , innlnns , tarpitn *
mock' , | | nn I rnbtnir III | , ( MT x-f nil kr | il .
rlothlim , Mlnlmim , 111,1 nImmlf , \ M , i-lr. Sin I
Jrarntnuiron. | fiiri-ilnliTgiio nils. leHli
" "
M. 0 , DaxoiT
Importers nml tuff. Hour , Hlctclo ild < n month
fu.'lts. tniri | i , tnlnn. I p yiiieal Ul N IMti
Ite-Coc Siioi CHIP my ,
II ' .I Ilimnrl
I nctory corner llth nml
> Vo rc inikliiicl "i-prli'Mt i h iuiy.-- iin 1 are
illliiiriili ! < nrmiol'nli is very aU"ib o
with in p
A13P , Hail-Scwol
uiiiinnynlinl | < < in | mf Shoe rotnpinjr , lmit ,
Avnnt * lliMtmi IM'-ilMT lie 15 ( iti I rt hlijr BOH I ,
Wioeooinp-iiir. IIIMIJI- UN nnl 1110 \\nt\nj \ \
110 ! ll.irnor lrojt. Mrool.
, ii. < . uri-
Into , ( lire n n trial.
SiunplcMinvmld lir i.
| ires . IHIIInrnei M.
OraaliaCoalCokelimeCo Ku'le CJiriiiVofH \ !
Hr.rrt nniMoftrniL . r Mfrn. Kalvinl/pil Iron
car. 1'ltli ' anil Duuictls cornice , window cni > , I
itreota , lui't.TlIc nkjlljlitn , otc.
11 III. 1IU
1)111' GOODS. Smilh Co , Kilpjlrid Koch
nrjrirooiK imtlnns fur llrrdooli Co. Notion * .
nlililiiLf umd Uoraur KontV fiirnl liltiK aoiilf i
lllh and lIuwHnl U Cur Illli nail Iliiruoi I
Oraalia Upholstering Co , licclio 4r llunyan
phuHtiro I fiiriiltira , 'eirnltnrn Co , , ( Iruco nn
11021101Ichnli ! stroit UlMslrjoU
\Vliuloiiilii ml/
.Ja , Kl'O.
D. M. Stcclc&Co. Bliikc , Bruce & Co
stroat , 10th ntul Ilirniitr oat
Umalm Oinnlia.
ton ! , amounting to the sum of 14,1(13111. ( which
h.ilei sum It Is proposed by a report eluly
adopted by the city council to assess on the usfito opposllo w hlchbald sldonalks were
constructed , as follows :
NbSfectlotI block 111 Omaha $101 07
K S feet lotll lileick 77 59 48
Lot 1 bloek 7S Omaha $ IIS ! l"i
Lot 2 block 7S . . SO fi.1
Lot .1 bloci ; 8 . , g'l ' US
Ijiita b oolt ) ) 2')7 ' ) 01
N ! ) > fuel lot I b oclt 00 Omaha 917' ) ! H
S H i feet lot I block Oil . iij : 117
That p-irt oist of west 83 fuot lot 7 block
3OmahaIU7 til.
HO' ' ) feet Iot5 , block 107 , Omah.i J2J305
J.otl block 171 , Omaha , J.I'S.pi
l.ofJ bloc. ( 171 . . 17S' > 4
Lot : i bloc U 171 . . ITn.M
Iot5 block .I'll . STi.'W
Lot 5 block I'.iVi , Omaha , } M'J. ( ?
IN 'J lot I b.eick 1'18'S ' , Unitili , ! , } U.GO
I.ot4bocl ! > ail' } , Omaha , S21i 17
Lot 1 bleick .M.S't 313.41
Lots blook 'JilSi 181'IJ
I ot4 hloukSinii I80."J
Lotll block r > Kount/o Jt Uuth's add JOJ.20
Lot 4 block U 87.75
To cover the cost of fllllni nuls'incu lots ,
amounting to the mnnof { 141.07 , which said
sum. Ills proposed by a report duly udopteel
by the city council , to assess on the property
as follows :
Lei 17 ulock 4 Hawlhorno audition $103.7- ! .
On3"ith Htruet In . . . . 4))5. ) ! )
To covur tbu ceist of pavlnx nnd uurblne
I'opplnton avcnuo from ll.'nd street to Illrd
stroet. In Struct Improvement district No.i4 : ,
ainountllU to the sum of t-.TSJOI. which salel
sum. It Is proposed by a rupoit duly adopteel
< -y the city council , to assess on tlio property
within s ild district accur.llni : toluol front-
nsu and the usual scaling back process to the
depth of the district us cru-ited. liato per
toot. $ . ! bi ( , " * . as more ) fully slio ui by said
" ' I'lan "
1'ioposeel of Assessment.
To cover thu cost of Improving by paving
and curbing In street improvement district
No. 'Mi , compllsltu Nicholas Htieet from 'JOth
Htruel tu west ilimof Is lac's addition , nmount-
Injr to the um eif Jl , 3 i.IS. ! ) which said bum It
Is proposed hy u i e-port eliily itUoptuel by thee
o ty council , to assess on the1 property In H.ilei
dlsirlul as cruali'il , nce'oidln ) . ' to foot fiont 120
and the usual Heailni ! back proco'-s ! rate pur
foot , f I. US. as imiru fully snown by said "I'ro-
peisud 1'lan of Aise'ssmuiiU"
To cover the uost of opening " 7th , sticet ,
23tn sire' ) ! anil 'Jsth avenue , llium h ta\ lot
ft. section ! ) . townshl ) ) ' 5. ranio I.I. Total e-ost
of each urcnt. .7lh street. tl.s'W ' : t'Slh ' slie-ut ,
$1.800 : 'Jsili avenue , fl t < 0 : which N'lld sums II
Is pre ) | ) su I hyampotl duly aeleipled by the
cllv council , lo assuss as follows :
The amounts sh ill ba jissessuil respectively
on o ich street on the fool fronl IRO on both
sides of H ilcl streets from lr slol street to
ration street , nccemllni ; to thu usual scaling
Inok process In dupth to thu llrst alloy or
cuntor of block and In Ian IN not platted to
thu depth of 150 fuut , provided that Ihu assess
ment north of I'ralt street shall bo one-half
the iato of thntsouth of Pratt street.
To cover iho cost of opening -"lib slroot
throimh tax lot No. 1 , section 10 and lot
10 ltlrvlew addition , umountliiK to thnsuiu
of , which so lei sum It Is proposed by a
report duly adopted by the city council to
assess on the nrouorty ns follows :
. To bo levied on the west l * > n foot of that part
IvlnKoastof 3Jth struot and the east 150 feet
of that part lyhu wust of ? Jlh street of tax lot
1 section lti-IVUt.l5J.i'0.
To bo InvlPil on leit'J Hlvorvlow I2JO On.
To bo levied on lot 11 . 20)00. )
To bo levied jnlotH . : w 00.
To bo levied em lot 13 , Illvervlaw , JH.uO.
To bo levied on lot 7. Klvnrvluw , * -'J.OO.
To bo levleel on lot 1J , Hlvurvluw. i.'O.Ol ) .
To bo luvleel on iho property on euch sldo of
29tb street from Cumin * to Laku slroot as fol
lows :
From ( 'liming to Vales strcoKuxcopl above , )
. .
Krom Lake street to Krsklno struot. 870.114.
From Krskmustioot lo ( ! i ant struot , $1007(1 (
, From Crant Mrcet to llureluttu strcut.flUUO
1'rom Ilimletto street lo Vntes etiool. $ M7.30
To bo nssotsod toeluplhof throu lots , the
lint alloy or to thu center of block.
To cover tlio cost of oMondliu lOih street
from Ihu north line of llarlmiin't. addition to
Center struct , amounllni : to the sum of $10-
051.44 , which s ild sum It Is proposed by a rupert -
port duly aeioptud by the ulty council , to aa-
sess on tliu proportv on uach Hl.loof 1'Jtli '
streeit from tha south line of lot 51. llarlman'H
addition toejentorsireot , as follows :
One-fonrlb eif the amount on the east sldo
of I'Jlli ' Htruutaud 3i of thu amount em thu uost
Rldoofl'lth ' street ; on thu east sldu of 1'lth '
Htrcut , 7,11 55 feet nt J.U.'Ot ) . tJ.'il'J M'l : on the
, west sldo of 1'Jtli ' street , 7J4.55 feet ut IIO..VS ,
To covur the cost of elimao9 for opunlnz
13th street , bum : : a judgment w th cents and
Interest In favor of Aitliur U'jmliuton ,
HinountlnK to * .sro.uj. whiuh slid sum It IK
proposed by a report ( Inly adoplud by thuclty
council , to assess its follows :
To bo nssosseel on thn property em uach sldo
of Utl. sticol fiom Doiu-lus Hreut to south
city llmlls pro rata aocordiiiK to foot fronl-
anuj ratu pei foot. I ' .00747
TocoVcr tlio uostof 1ud munt for damiiRus
for chanifu of uraeto of Illjshlounth street from
Leavonworlhhtiout to a point 40) fueixiuth
of Miibon btreel , iimountlni : to the HIIIO of
t'.SIl.liO. which sa il Einn It IH prnposud by a re
port duly u loplud hy thu uliy council to as-
HCS ( pre ) ralaacuordliu to foot frontauoon thu
properly on both hlelus of iiliteontb : alicot
from Loivunnorth street to 1'lurcu HI rout nnd
nouordlni : lo thn usual Hcallnbau'i tiroccss In
dupth to thu alloy ; ratu iiur fool. JIT'.i.Ml. '
To cover thu cost of const motion of the
suworlu setter dlstilcl No. I'i7 , amoiinllnK lo
thu sum of J7D5.Hl. which Balu sum ItUprei-
posed by a ( upon duly aelopled by Ihu ulty
council lo assuss on llie property In s. ild dis
trict ai'cordlnz to foot frnnlane : the corner lot
to bo ns osiuel for thu longer Hide only : ratu
pur foot , t-.7vi ( !
To cover Ihu cost of construction of sewer In
so er district i\u. ISO , amoiinllnK to the ) bum
of J.KVJJ , whlcli aald Kiun It Is proposu I by u
luport duly adoptud by thu city council , to
assess as follows ; To lioajsessed on thu prop-
urly adjoining huwur according to foot froni-
HUU In depth to llrst alloy. Huto pur fool ,
* I.U'"Jl ,
To cover the cost of dama ai for chiiiiKo of
pradoeif Douglas street from Sixteenth nt. lei
Twttntluth St. und Intersoctliu ntreols ,
umoiuitliiL' lei the hum of "H..u " iT.-o. which nalel
um It 1 propeisud by u report duly adopted
by thu city counuil , to assess in follows ;
( Jn Donu'las su , from Fourtecnlh HI. to I If-
tee-nth ht. , ( l.vuauo.
On Douglas bt , . from Fifteenth Bt. la Hlx-
tucnthaU , II.'K ) ( .1,0.
On DoirilnsBU , from Hlxtenlh st. to Twen
tieth el. . U.Wiu.L
On DoiiKlus street , nn north blelo from
SMtU klrcut to went lluu of lot y , Uousoi1 * ub-
llcelor i Williclmy Co. l/bfck ) &
Corner lOlli nint Jnck'on Dcilrr'
itrpeU. moph ' tool *
1IJI H i street
" | IK II. l.w. ! Mil
f. wno I tnnnrtomprinnnl'iirl !
siirnn I pirjn't ' Inn Ic-ifut MllmiikM
lleiorliiff lir.trA'itio ojnioal an I
ith .uul l > oiigl i yulncr wlitto II ua
r.iyuous. | MILI.INKKY
Krick & .
1W1 Kirnim ' inlllinrrr nui Mill
unlois prompt
VUtJ "until lltti t
1'AIT.K' . OIL- . .
Ceirpcntcr Paper Co. Sind.ud ( Oil Co.
lorry fnll slc k of
printing irrtpiiluit itml Kollnpil anil hitirlfitlnt
wrlllnK piper , curd nn i ells , axle k'rouct , eta
lior pie.
Kin & Sineal. laM ) \ Cole iCa ,
MfMot ' K , V .1" | iint ( > \Vlieip | il ( ovntpf finer
BlilrtK nnd ovprnl ! * , otc. ti'li'M .111 lotli lreu'l
nil 18 Soul h llli ( t
eil IsM Branch & Co.
Wliiincy & Co ,
I'roitnpn , fruit nf
* Ml
lluttcr , riK < nnilpanltrr.
JUIMllllll l.thM
ijas A. Clirk& CD
I Iliiue'r. oluui (
J piinllrj etnd v I'll f
Omaha Slovcllcp. rW'ts
Stove rppnlr * nnd iruter
nttiu'liniiMit for an )
kind in itovit nude
l.'J" Douxlni
M.A.DIsbrow&Co. 11. Hardy & Co
Mannfncturnr * of n\ili. : nj , ( lulls , nib 11 in
iloon. bit nd n Hill fuii'Kiiiuls house fnf
tnouMbiKA llrnnch of nl"Miii ( Koeidi , cliU
tlcc , I'Jtli nml Iziinl ats dron * c.irrtn oi
Ul'.i rnriium bt
division : on south side from 20th slroot totlio
wusillnuofsiib lot Ib , biibdhlilon lot 2 , Cap
itol adel , } 2OMUfl ,
On DoitKlas street , on north sldu from the
west line lot 2 , Umbel's subdivision to nest ,
UnosubS. lot 2 , ( Japltol adel ; on south sldo
from the west line of sub IN Hot U' , Capitol
mltl. . lei won line of lot O.lloi.sul's subdivision ,
81.0411. ' .
Un Douglas slroot. on north sielo from wcso
llnu of sub 8. lot 2. Ciipllol add. , to wo t ,
line sub.1. lot 3. Capitol mill : on south hlelu
from nest line of lul I' , llonsel's Hutxllvls on.
tovost ilnu sub 12. lot 3 , t'-ipitol add. $1VJ.1 , ( Oil.
On Ponslis stieut on north sldu from wo c
line of sub ; i lot 3 Capitol addition to 2HU
slieut : on south sieln tiom wtist line sub 12 lot
3 Capitol iiddltlon to 21th stieut. JI.2M.50.
Un .4th btroei from north line of lot 1) ) to
sontli line tot II. helium's 1st add , $730 81.
un 17th strenl fieim alle < y north of I'arn un
sheet to DoiUo street , M.3I7.7I.
Un 1Mb stieel Jiom i'atnam street , lo UoilL'o
street. $1.40 till.
Un I'lih ' streut from r.irnam street to Do luo
strcui , * 4.40lil. (
To bo assessed pre ) rain according to fond
fronttiKo In dentil to tliu cenli'rof block
Toe-over the eost of danrises for gradlnx
Martha street from 20th street to 24th street
nmonntlni ; to tliu sum of f.Ul 00which said
sum It Is proposed by a rouurt duly aeioptud
by the city council to HRSOSS on the property
on Martini stront from SUh to 24th streets on
each sldu In depth to the alley on each clda
according to4ho usual bcallng buck process ;
rale pnr fool1. ! llfl'l. '
To cover the costoi L'r.idin C.iBtollar street
from rail stieet to''ltli strvot In t-rndliiK elis-
tilctNo 17 , imnuntliiK to the sum of $ > , MJ 54 ,
which said sum it Is proposed by a report duly
atluiitoel by thu eltv council to assesson Ilia
property on hot li .fides of Ca stellar street from
1Mb struct to2llh street pie rata according to
Iremtaco and thu inn il suallni : b ick process
In depth to the alley : in luoel.x U nnd H. S. I.
Koeer-'addition-and blocks 7 and . O.uun-
bi'll's addition , ( o tlm depth of thiuolols : ni
property not sub llvided to tliu depth of ' 5J
fci't. Unto pur fool $ l.l'-l)5. ( )
To envoi iliu cost of uriulniK" Davenport
street from t'Jth ' struct to thu Hull Line rail-
w iy In uiMdlni : ellitrlct No. .11. amounllni , ' te >
Ihu sum of $1,107 0 , nhli'li said sum Ills pro
posed bv a report duly adopted by thu ellv
eonne 1 to assess em thu priniuty on botu
sldiMof Davenport stiui't from 40th struct to
thu Hull liino i illuav pro rat i I ) T foot froni-
ao : .iL'oordin. ; to the IIMI il-e illtu bae't pro-
ci'ssin duplh to the llrst a ley or 150 feet.
Unto pur fool i0.7hj.
lo 1'iivur thu cost of u'r.ulliu streed
from 42d-itie'ot to lull stii-el in Kradln. : dis
trict No. .il iimoiintin to the sum of t..lli'i ' t\
which B.ud sum II Is prouosuel i > y a rupert du y
adoptud by the city council , to ansuss on tlio
premurly en each slelu of ( < nKu slnmt from 4 'd
sti'i-pt to llth stieet pro lain pel foul fronliiKH
nccordliiK to thu usual sc illnIniek process tu
thu ttr-t allov. Kato per fool , il 2lbJ.
To cover iho cost of nradliu3ith slroot from
I'urnam fltieet to Hurt slteot In Rni'llni dls-
trlct Nn , 41 , iimoiintlnc to the sum of JS.3I" . l2.
which hald sum II K proposed br a report duly
adopted by thu ulty council to assess on the
property on uach s elu of , hth street from
Karnnm to Hurt pie rata pur foot frontage ,
aucordlni ; to the si'iillm b lull piiicois to
tlio alloy or 15) feet Katonar fool , 4I.4J4I5.
To covoi Ihu I'osi , or iradliii ; Grant street )
from Twenty-first Hlrcct lo rwenty-fonrth
street and tlio oait alley rnnnliu north anil
Honth In block . ' . Idluwlhl ; amuuntlnz to thn
upm of f Il2.i:7 : , which sale ) sum 't Is proposed
by a report duly adopted by thu city commit
to asM'm pro rata on thu properly adjacent as
per fool frontajo ; the property on Ihu alley ac
onu fourth Ihu rate of Ihu pioporty onflrunC
btrertt. In depth til the Ural alloy :
Alloy. 521 feet at M.OWOJ7. itt.BI.
( street. 1.512 fi-eil at JJ.24914S , $191.1(1. (
To cover the cost ot fradlnn Tnonty-fourtli
street from Melt I.lnei nillway to Fort street ,
amountliu to the unm of { 1,101.8(1 ( , which aanl
sum It Is proposed by u reipoit duly adopted
br thu city counull to assuss on the property
adJolnliiK and on each sldo of Twunty-feinrlli
Ftieet from Holt l.lne tallwiy tei I'ort street
pro rata aecoiilin to foot , frontanei rate pur
font front.JJ.VJa'i'i. .
Tr cover tliii edit of t'r.ulliu llth strootfrom
Vlnton street to Iho noi lh Him of Oak ( III ! aeld.
Nei.2 nnd thu cost of culvert constructed ny
J , II , IteevoH , VCo at 15th anil Valley mroeits , In
cradlni ; district No. 37 , niiionntliu to tin ) HIHU
of j'.Uii : hi , which said NIIIII It i proposu I by a
report duly adopted ly Iheiulty council te
assess pro rata acconlini : to I lie foot , frontage ,
on 1'ilh htieut on uach Hide , fiom Vlnton htruet
loO.iKlllll add. No , 2. accoidlilK totliu nsuiil
NcalluK bauk process In duplh to the ) alluv <
wlmro tboalluy Is pir.illul with llth street ,
andM \ fcut on other property ; the abovu
bcliu cnmprlheiii In Kradln/ district Nei. 37.
Itatu pi.r foot. Jl 3'U1.
To L-oviir HID cost of iho constrnutmn ol
BRUIT In Huwitr dUtrk't No I.Vi , amonnllnit lo
lliiiHilin of tLIU-'l'S whluh H proposed -
posed by a lejiort duly adeiptitd liy thu oil/
found I. lo iiHseas no the pioptirtv ironllnt ! oil
n ild Huwur aceordlm ; lo I liu foot f lonlaee cor
ner lots having xuwur nn I'oth ulilin 10 liu
iibscviu I on the Ion.i'r front IKU only. Kit
pur fool , IP.'HS-e , nx moro fully shown l > y
"I'lopoieel I'lan of ASKKSS uunt "
To novni the cost of damn mis by reisone
cr.nlliiK 20th strcui from I'arnam to Hume
Ntruut , ami nlluv butween Tarnum am :
llHrnny strums from V'th ' Mrrol to
avenue , amonntliu lo Ilin Bum of JI.WJ.U ) ,
which Hildhiini Ills proinsed by a rupoi
lln v adopted by Ihu city connull to ussem
on Ihu propurly on both hlilus of 20th hi rent
from I'irnam to llurnev streets , anil on liotn
Hlili'M of Ihu alloy from Viltb wtrunl to 27lh
r.venuo pro rata , aocordltrj to foot frontau'u ,
nnd Ihu usual so illtu ba-k prociiM In dciilli.
Un 20th Ntruut east side * , two lout oniltli
klrcut. west nldu. I.KI fuut ; und on each nldu of
allev lo Htruot. K itu per foot , It,1)131 ,
Vim are furl lier notllluil th it a ild "I'ropoiiid
I'lantof As < e < hinont"uio now mibjuut to llio
jniipuoitim and ox unlniit.'on ' of any of Mm
owners of N ild hits , p iris of IOIH or | li'"ni of
re tl I'Hlate , or I lie Inspuctlon or examination
of uny oilier pursDii IntiniiHlod In silelpio-
posed imiutmni'iils , at Ihu olllcu of snel city
clurk , and th it by a report of a coniii.litcn of
ald coeiii'jll duly udoplud , It Is propose I that ,
unites for good nnd HUllIuluntuainiult may bu
othurwUo oidurud and dulurmlnud. that Ihu
cost of said lmirovoinunu | ruipuullvuiv bu as-
bessud ( m tbo several lot . piirti of lot' and
plce-uHof nul uitalu an fchowu by a.ilil " 1'ru-
posenl I'lansof Attseisinont. "
Von. ami each of yon , tire liuruby notlllcd to
nppoir boforustld llniril of Kiiiiull/mlon , aV
Ihu ilmu and pi luu ubovo ipuullloJ , to maku
uny complaint , statement , or objection you
dcilroonnuurnliu anv of wall proposud luvlui
and umesiinuntsof spnul il nixui.
JDIIN UlidVKH , CltyOlerk.
OMAHA , Neb. , Uclobur luth , is'J. ' .
J ,