l * ? - - -r > Hill. " THE OMAHA DAILY BKKt TUESDAY. OCrTOKRK Ur > . 1802 , 1 1 IRVIXE FOUND "NOT GUILTY" 3iven His Llbartj by the Jnrj After R Brief OonsDlUtion , HUNDREDS PLEASED WITH THE VERDICT of Lincoln' * Sfii tloni l Irml How tlio 1'rUoncr Acted iPti He Ilcrcliril thr InloriiiHtliiti , i.s , Nob. , Oct. 24. ( Special to THE lu.i The Irvine trlnl xvas cotichdcd toany and nfl.45 .his nftornotm the Jury roturntd a v ? r.llct of not ( rullty. The closing nrgu- nit .1 va made by County Attorney Sncll ilns inorntnR nnd his addro.ts was listonoa to \vith m.irkod attention oy iho Inrgo nudldnco prc.cnt ( f.nnly Attorney Sncll , In closing tuo ca.c , claimed that , lonvluc out the It. itiun of the sanity or insanity of tliti piUoncr , It oulv rotnaliiod for Uic jjry to dotorralno the degree of the ji i flier's Built. Flora the ovldonco that li. I uacn adduced Mr. Sncll believed that In inu was ciiilty of n dellberuto und pro- ti.i lUntcd murder : that ho cnme from Chl- cai'u to Lincoln tor the nurposo of killing C , 1C. .Monteomury : that he wont to the hotel mid watted for his victim until the latter uppcuicd. Mr. Sncll denied that tbo pris oner wn" " laUorlun under tntiiporary in. nai.ity , and contended that if Irvine hud bti-n a paor mnn , without meant to employ from Uvelvo to llftcon attorneys for the pur- IKIC of worlilim up o stmllmunt In his luvor , the jurors would not flnd It necessary to leave tholr heat % to tltid u verulct of gullly. Alliltlltip to Iho eloquent plea of Mr. Strode In butialfof thu uclonso , for n verdict llmt was based upon n blphor law than that ft .met In thestnlulos , Mr. Snull ussertol thut m n few wcclci Hint ucntletnati hoped to lake u position on the bench , uli'-ro hu would have to tike : back all tils line sentiments nbout a higher IHW and tuo defense 3f the American home Air Kuell further contended that oven If tbo prisoner had caught Montgomery in the net of mtlinacv with his wife hu would not have been justified In laklnc the law m his own hands. Hnvlnc killed Montgomery , nuno or insane , as one of Iho altornoys ( or the dnfcnso had c'almed , Irvine should bo willit'K to stand up to the rack nnd tatcc the came kind of punishment tbnl ho RUVO the in,111 who is now In bis crave. If Irvine bad tbn rlKhl to shoot Montgomery , then some icUliveof the Ititter had the right to snoot Irvine if he worf acquitted. Mr. Sncll made by far thu unlost argumoni on bcnalf oflho state. It wus cloqnont logical , iivrn if It was not convincing cnoucl to influence the jury against the prisoner. liiktruvtliiK tlio < ) ur ) . In cirini ; the casa to too Jurorj .ludiro iiali Instructed them that after satisfying them elrcs thai Montgomery was Bunt and Itlllcd by Irvine , thov must next inquire , was tbo prisoner of sound mlnO when ho perpetrated tbo acl , tno established principle being thai It Is Itic reason of man thut makes him nc oouutiible for his actions. The law , tiowt-vor , aiu tbn judge , presumes nvcry man -sane. The prisoner claimed to bavo nroved that by reason of hU ivifn'H statement in regard to her Intimacy with Montgomery , together with iois of bleep , luck of food and great motitul ncony , ho hud bouoma temporarily liiBiine. The jurors were instructed that they had nothing whatever to do with the truth or falsehood of the Klalemetils made bv the wifn to thu hU5bjnd. buch blatemcuts were only material as bearing on the con dillon of tbo prisoner's mind. The law recoenizas such u condition of mind as par tial Insanity , and all symptom * of insanity are ourcly mutters of laut to be dolnrmlccd bv the jury , but the court ad monished the jurv that ncith r depression of spirits nor distraction of mind , Irom brooding over inlRfortune . , nor the most in tense mental excitement from sentiments o jealousy , anger or revunge. not producing the menial nisuaso of iiisaiiitv , will excusi ciime. Insanity is not iniiomuco unlesi I produced the criminal act complained of. I the piisnncrhad nn insr.no nnpulso to kil Montgomery , and could IMVO huccossfulli leslstcu it , be is responsible lor Iho act o killing , but 11 such impulse wiii irrcslstatile tbi'ii he is not guilty. The jurv n.iHt o s&tislicd beyond a reasonnblri t1uu > ) t thntth ilefrndanl tired the fatal shot with dpltber utc and premeditated malice boforu bringin in u verdict of guiltv ; and if , utter takin into consideration all tho. facts and circum stances , the jurv entertains a reasonable doulitof uny matter neressarv to constitute tbo critno r.harcca it was Ihe duty of the } ary to clro tbo accused the bon'ihl ol such doubt und piooounco him not guilty. It was twenty minutes of 1" o'clock whsti Judeo Hall began his instructions to tbo jury , nnd fifteen tplnutes later the bailiff conduotea Ibe jurors to their room , WiilUni ; lor the Vtmllct. After ilia jury had rotlrod tbo court uu- nounoed a rcce.a until 'J o'clock ; but it was quite evident tUut tbo lurxo audience e\- jx > cted a verdict within a few minutes , for cores of men and wouion lingered until tbo judge was seen to leave the court house. Although court was not to convene until 'J o'clock , tbo court room was hiilf lillcd balore 1 o'clock.Vhou 3 o'clock cuinu the court room was packed to suffocation , a larpo pro portion of ttu audlonce bulug woricn. As Iho llmo passed Lnd nothing from the jury room cuve ludic.itlou ihut uny orogress nfas being made in tbo dlroullou of an agreo- meut , Bomo of tbo iittornoys lor tbo defense began to show signs of norvous- ufs1. . Shnitly after ! i o'clock tbo jitdco announced his Intention of going down town nnd as the fact became known the attdionco settled down for u long wait. A foiv ino- inonts after 3 o'cloc1 ! , however , the wqrd was p'issod nlong tbo corridors that the jury had readied an agrcomen. ' . In n moment everybody \\us on the qul vivo , nnd thu court room , ulrcudy crowded , w.u packed until there wasn't a foot of slaualng room The attorneys ivero telephoned lor and a curriuto bcnl for .luUk'o Hall. At HHO the Jurors were conducled to their ftditb by tbo bailiff in nUOuUnnro and at the sumo moment Jndco Hail took his scat on the bench. The judge spoke a row earnest wordH of ml monition to iho audlcncv , re minding tbut they were in a totnplo of jut- lice and uot lu a theater for entertainment. Ho insisted tbut there should bo no demon stration. DO waiter what the verdict mlggbt toTne Tne prisoner hud como m attended by bis uncle , Henrv Irvine , while tbo judge was concluding Ins remarks. Ho took bis place among his uuorni-ys. und with ufaco fcllghtlv Unshod looked anxiously Into Ihu faces of thu jurymen. Irtino round "Not Guilt- . " The htlllness in the court room was almost ( .pprassivo when Judge Hull turned and utttcd : OenilPmen of the Jury , buvo you agreed itpou ti verdict I" " \Vo have , " the rouly came from Wull r Hngc , wno had boon kelectod foreman of tbo jury. The vurdlut was passed to Clerk liulicr and tbat official opened it , tbo audience Htlll mttlntutnlng a painful silenou. Tbo vor- dlot wus short , but It was euoi't'b.Vo , tbo jurv , flnd too prisoner at the bar not guilty " As th clerk in wading iho ver dict tiamo to tbo word "bar , " he hosltottd btlghtly. The luce of the prisoner was a btudy us hu glanced from Jury to clerk , and uvcryonti in the court ronm socuied to open their lips for tbusboutof approval which \\cnlup from luindiods of throats as tuo clerkrontluui'd with ton \voads , "not'uilty. . " Ab the words uhlch made him u frco man wcronronouncfd Irvine itropped back in his fhulr and Ills uncU1 , tin old man with tuowv hair atd bi-aiti , chmpod him In hit arms. Po'r a niumciu Irvine buiivd hU fnco in bin band ? Hiid then stood un to receive the eouuralulu- tfous of bis utlornujs und frlunds. Kvcrjrbody seemed to bo In a congratula tory mood I'oople bhcou hands with the jurmk , witb the buliifTs. with ihc attorneys und ivI b each olnor. Mr. Irvine's attorneys . walked xvitti him through the crowds tu .Itiaae Ilall'b pnvatu offli-r , tvhere for ton 01 > illu-rn minute * uo wus besieged withtboit wbo waited to shako bands with him. KrunHv u war was forced through the uiisi of people in the rorridon and Irvine walked | through on the ortu of Mr. Wbedou. As ht I passed ulonf one middle-aged ladv grasped him uv oottj hinds , aud rt-hlle cfjrlui ; and I laughlUK ut the saaio moment said : "Mr , I Irvine , now esk Judi-e MoCultouga whc .Ironppd hi * wad. " Tbe remarlt created t I < rrerul laufb. Finally Irvine succeeded It retchttiR the street , where * earrings wai In viBltlne , iindhe was arlron rapldlt to Ihn borne of hh frlond And attorney. N. U. Ab bott , where hU little daughter Flossie , wbo hft flcured 10 prominently In tbe trial , awaited him. How the Jury Staoil. When the Jury retired It nelected Walter Poe foreman nnd then deferred further pro. caedlngs until after dinner. V ben the Jury room was reached again it was decided to vote on the pullt or innocence of the defendant as to mur der In the first degree. On this billet the vote wns unanimously " 'not guilty. " On the second ballot , for murder In the second de gree , tbe vote was also unanimously "not guiltv. " On the question of manslaughter , the vote Mood eleven to one. A fourth bal lot was taken , this time on the question of ncdulttal. This vote also stood eleven to one. On the fifth ballot the Jury voted unanimously for acquittal. Irvine will remain quietly nt the home of his friend. Abbott , until Wednesday even ing , when he will start for Salt t.ftko City , in company with the gen tlemen from that city wbo have been xvith him during tbe trial. Ills IHtlo daughter , Flossie , will return to her mother for the proicnt. Mrs. Irvine has been at Omaha during tbo trial. Irvine received a largo number of telegrams this evening congratu lating him over bis nniulttal , The messages were from Salt Lake , Chicago and other points , and all were son t from warm personal friends. One telegram received stated that his friends in bait Lake City wore preparing to give him u big reception on his arrival homo , and he would be met at tbo depot with seventeen brass bands and 5,000 torches. Muni HnirTlirlr Oil Inspected. Krersinco tbe passage of tbo oil Inspection law n numoor of the corporations doing busi ness In the unto bavo been using oil bought in other slates nnd havu not submitted to tbo Nebraska Inspection , claiming that tbo oil was for tholr own use nnd was not sub ject to tbe inspection laws of the state. Tbo matter was recently brought before Cblef Oil Inspector Heimrod , wbo referred the matter lo Inn attorney general for u ruling. If the opinion of thp Mate's legal advuor Is carried but the panics In question will have to comply with the Nooraslta inspection re quirements. In reply to Mr. Heiinrod'H request quest for a ruling Attorney General Hastings wrote ad follows. "LiMoi.s , Neb. , Oct. WLouis Heimrod Ksq. , CnlofInspector of Oils : Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of recent date in uhlch jou state that cer tain parties are in the habit of nurchaslnr illuminating oils outsldo of this state for their own use which has not been inspected ns provided uv law. ' Section KW , consolidated statutes of No brnska , page -4 ! ! , nruong other things pro > vide * that anv person who knowingly uses for illuminating purposes oils before the sumo liuve been lecnllv inspected bbull bo lined , etc. This statute 1 have no doubt was passed for tbe purpose of provouting anv pot-son fromusing oil for illumlniillng puroose in this slate wbtcb hat not boon inspected Yours truly , ( jtoiiGC II. HASTINGS , "Attorney General. " Sli'knt-Mi Among Children. Especially iufants , is prevalent at all limes but is largely avoided by clving pr oper nou Isbmeut und wbotesome food. The most sue cojsful and reliable is the Gal1 Dordon "Eagle" Hrand Condensed Milk. Your gro cer and druggist keep it. ruvit. Illi Trip 'lliioimli . Missouri an Ovation Irnin IScKtunlii ; ? to Kiitllng. XMS CITV , Mo. . Oct. tM. Governor Me Kluloy of Ohio is taking a political tour o Missouri iii tbo inleroU of the republicat : state and national tickets. The tour began at Macon. Tbo governor arrived there from Cnlcaco airly this morning and was mot by Generul George S bbields , S. G. Brock , Colonel D. 1' . Jor , President J. H. Hark less of the atufj republican league and other prominent Missouri republicans.Ha vta. accompanied on his trip from Chicago by National CommlUoemun Kerens-of St. Louis Colonel F. W. Schaurte , Colonel Heiman Uothwell , of tbo state republican committee aud Colonel A C. Dawes. The train urrivo at Macon at li/J and even that cirlv u ti throp : : was at the station to meet thu dis tinguished iriiviilor. After a hourly breakfast McKinley made u brief spaech or only ton icin jtos lu Innclh , which wus lUtonod to by fully 5,0'J ) pooplOj w ben inu trip through Missouri wus bceun. BrookUeid wus reached at ' .I o'clock , and there Governor MciCuiioy addressed J.OOO pcoplf. At Ctiillicothe : > , OOJ people bad gatburod , aud Brockiundire 1,000. At Hamilton the ueople had provided a stand lu the Mroot. und to it Governor Mo- Kmloy and party were escorted. Five the u- sund people nnd cutborod about it und lis tened attentively to the coveruor's re marks. At Cameron 'J.V)0 people had gathered at tbofctatian. At StowurLM'ille , a small sta tion , tbo train had to break its schedule. Throe hundred people haa gathered thare , a .id rather thun disappoiuttneut them the governor baa tbe tram stop for a few mo ments whllo ho oudrcssod them. At St. .loo a tremendous crowd was asscm- oled nt the union depot , and tbe train , as u steamed into the yards , made a Una for itself , uacked humanity giving way grudg ingly on cither side. Against tbo east siuo of the aepotn large stand had boon oractud , aud lo this Governor MciCinley was escorted , tno police opening a way with Uifticulty. Tbe governor was introduced oy George C. Crowtber , and spok for ihlrly minutes. Ho was given a most enthusiastic reception. Ho was followed by Thomas McCnesuey , u lawyer. A'brief-stop was made at tbe Burltutrtoii railway shop * , whsro the ( joveruor ad dressed tbo euip'.oves for Hvo minutes. Tbe train then proceeded xvithout furtuur stops until it roacnc'U KuiibUb City at U o'clock. There was a trouiondous crowd to welcome the governor , aud he was met by u rcipub lican committee and escorted to the Aud itorium , where au audience bad born waltlnsr tin hour to hear hue. He was given a Honoring reception by the crowd and spoke for an hour on the issues of the campaign , devoting particular attention to tbo tariff. His remarks were f rpquei'tly aim loudly applauded. From bore the party went to Leuvenwortb , Kan , , whuiti tbo governor made a speech of two hours' duration. An enor.'uous crowd was present , und tbe speech wus received wilb marked eulhusUsrn. Ihe return trip will be made tomorrow , slops beicp made at the following places : \Vanonsburg , Sodalln , Tipton. Cali fornia , .leffersou City , Chamois , Hogan , Warren , 1'acliic , Hu Louie. WBEI-INO WATBII , on. . OoL S3. ' 99. Dr. Moora : My Dear Sir I have "Just bought tbe third bottle ot your Tree of i ifo. It la itideod a "Tree of Life. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave me that first bottle mv right side was so lame und sere aud my liver en- larpod so much that i could uot lie upon my right si do ut alt There wai a soreness over myladueysall of the time , but now that trouble Is all ovor. I sloop lust as well on one side as on the other , and my nleou rests and refreshes me , and I foal tbe bait 1'vo ' felt In Ilfteon yearsand I know that it U all dug to your Tree of Life. Yours very truly. D. F. Uain.tr. For sale by all druggists. llullilhit ; IVnult * . Tbo following permit * w ra Issued by the suporinlendanl of building * yesterday : The Mor e-0oe Shoecninpany. five-story nnd tmwment brick miuiufsulurln : OKtublUhiuent , Twelfth und Uurney htreot * . . . . * J0.003 Mr * . 1C , HudessL'iil , one-slory brloK lilucK- binllh tihou , ' 1 hlrU'Oiith und 1'lurce . . 1.003 n Vutvi , onti-tuiry fruiuo addition to rubiuence. Tlurtyucond und Oitll- foriiln Hirt-ots . 1,000 r , A. Jo tin > > on , onu-htcty brlok Btore , 1IWI South Tenth btrnoi . 8M John NVlthncll. ono-klory and bitsement brick burn , Tlilrly-liftli uvenuu and I'lirnmn xlrout . . . 2,50 Elcht mluor permits . j.S'ia Totul . HtSS A C'liolvra r t'iire. A reported outbreak of , cholera at Hoi- mt'tu , N , J. , creutod much excilotueat ia that vicinity. Invettlgation showed that the disease was not cuolora but a violent dvsen- lery , which is utmost as severe und danger ous as cholera. Mr. Walter Wlllara. a prominent murcbant of Jamesburg , two miles from ilelmetta , says Cbatnbarlaiu's Colic , Cholera ana Diarrbcui Heiuedy has clven great satis faction In tba inott severe caies of dvventery. It it cerlaloly one ol tbe bust thlngi Ter mads. For sale by druffUU. EGAN'S REPLY TO ll'VEAGIl ' Secent Attack of the Pennsylvania Deserter Met with Oalm Consideration. EVERY DIRECT CHARGE FULLY REFUTED United mnlrft Mlnliter to Chill Carefully Itevl T4 111 * PolltlcHl rust mid Itin Crltlrlinn of HI * Conduct , NEW YORK , Oct. 24. Minister Patrick Ecun has made his reply to the speech of Wayne MacVe tu in thlf city which reflected - flocted on the moral character and official lltnosj of Mr. Ezan. The reply Is to the form of an onon letter addressed to Mr. MacYcagb. which has been placed in the hands of the Press bureau ot the tmvlonnl republican committee. The statement that Mr Egan would muke n reply to Mr. MacVeuph's speech had the effect of drawing From Mr. MacVoagb an open letter to Mr. Ecaa of rather a caustic nature , which was published today. At the Ollsoy houm , this morning , Minister Kpun said : "Mr. MacVeagh acts tike a man \\lth a bad conscience ana o soon as the fact is published that 1 nm to reply to his rascally attacks on me ho rtuhos Into print in an open letter , wit .out waiting to BOO what 1 would say In reply to his charges. His tac tics are these of n police court lawyer and will not injure mo. " The lollowing is the full text 5f Mr. liKtin's reply to Mr. MacVongh's unwar ranted attacks : Gn.scv Il'iibc. New YOUR , Oct. 21. Mr. U'nyni MacVoash , Philadelphia : Sir 1 perceive by ihu daily cross that at a moot ing held in Cooper Union , under tbe auspices of the Democratic club of i\o v York , that , you , a renegade from your party , as you are saia to be from your people nrd your creed , attempt to pallluto vour aooitacy by under taking to do that which the London Times , with its battalion of testimony , chief union ? which was the notorious Pigott , failed to accomplish to besmirch my good natno. With the adroitness of u police court uettifoBKcr YOU , uudor the prutcxl of referrlnc to something that somebody olsu said , assail me : First , ns n "swindler" wuo "failed to account for H very larce trust fund placed in his charge : " second , you say "it was well known ut Washington wncn he was appointed what the chsrces wore und that he had lied the country to avoid arrest and trial on a serious criminal charcc : " third , vou describe mo ns "a sham patriot and a fugitive from criminal Justice" to which you are pleased to add that you were "greatly surprised ana disgusted to Qnd such a 'oan selected to represent the country in a high diplomatic position , .and that you not only reasserted your statement "that my appjmtj ment ivas an insult to Chili" but that you considered It "also nn insult to every self- respecting Irishman in the United Statob. " J ot Surprised at Ills Course. I should hove treated those coarse and cowardly Insult * , comine as they do from one of thclnst strngzlors of the retreating KnownotblLgs , who found there is no nlace for them in the republican party , -with the same contempt that I have uhown for all at tacks made in the English and American press wcro it not that they were spoxen at u meeting at which figured as vice u residents such names ns T. F. Gilrov , William H. Grace , J. .1. O'Douochue , John I ) . Cr'mmins ' , John Slioohun und others , and that it is re ported thai your words were received with "loud cncorinc. " I would neither be surprised nor annoyed that you should launch out Into those igno rant calumnies , on tnu.contrary , under ordi nary circumstances , I should' feel greatly restrained , but I nm ainuied and pained to think that the Gllroys , tli Grjcos , the O'Donoghues , the u-rimmiuscs and the bheo- Imns should have meanly sat in Cooper Union and patiently listened to you. 1 urn convinced tbit In the entire ranks of the re publican party there could not be found u sinele man who would make upon tbo char acter of any Irish-American so wanton , foul and unfounded an attack as you have made upon me , but if such a one could be found , and ho sbonld , hnuor similar circumstances , assnil in line manner , m my presence , any of the gentlemen 1 have named , I will simply say that there would not bo in New YOIK cltv anv hall sullicieutly large to contain him and me. I would publicly orinc him to order , and either he or I should leave the buildm ? . In your great desire to assail me you have been found , J perceive , to fall back entirely upon my connection with the national move ment in Ireland. Trim to Ills st n.trlslilp. To the Irish race here and in the old land mv course of conduct In thai connection need ; , no vindication ; to my mallgners on cither side of the Atlantic I make no explan ations. In my connection with Irish affairs there was not one single act that I would ta o hac < , not one that I have to apologize for. For information tif my American friends who may not ho au courant with the matters to which your slanderous at tacks refer I will say first : Thn "verr lurgo trust tund" that you mention , and in connection with which you dare to iipnjv to roe tno term "swindler , " was the laud ieasruo fundwhich amounted to J-.10,000 ! , of whio from IbTU to the end of IbS1 had the distinction of bolng the treasurer. Upon re signing the position und turning over to my successor iho balance of this fund the audit ors. Mr. John Dillon , M P. , Kav. Eugene Shcouuv and Mr. Mathu Harris , M. P , in tholr journal icpnrt , utter stating pjrticulars of the accounts , said . " \Vo \ certify that every item of aid expenditure has been f jlly and batisfaatorilv vouched for , and wo take pleasure in bearing testimonv to the svstom- atio and strictly businesslike manner 1u which the accounts and record of said fund have boon kept bv Mr. Eiran. " In addition to the bttluuco of principal , 1 turned over to mv successors the sum of i'1,400 and 15 shillings , sterling , about J2 ; > , - OJU , which I had realized us interest and profits on investments , while giving mv whole lime for two years freely to the league. Those Cliitrcri nl the London Tlinei , Second : There never was a formal charge made , or u warrant issued against me , by the English government , the only "criminal 1 charges" being those made by the hostile press , based upon the Plcolt forgeries. Tliose "criminal charges" were fully inves tigated bv the Pa-iiell-Tmms eommittoa in 18S3-9 , with the result thut Pisott confessed t to the forgeries and committed suicide ; an accomplice of his. the next uuy , when ho learned of the fate of his pal , dropped dead t in the streets of London : tbo attorney pen- erul of England , Sir Hichnrd Weouer , ns leading counsel Jor the Titn j , on the i7th ! of February , lbS9 , withdraw the charges and apologized for the Xorg cries , and the Times the next day. In the course of a leading article apologized for their ch rgo in tbo ( allowing terms : "Mr. Puruoil , in the witneuR box , having stated that the letters attributed to be from him wore torireries , we accept lu every respect the truth of that statninent. In these com munications we deem it rleht. to express our regret most fully and sincerely for having been induced to publish tbo letters in ques tion as Mr. ParnoU's. or to use them in evi dence apatnst him. Those . expressions of re gret , we need burdly suy , include all the letters falselv attributed to Mr. Egan ' Mr ' DavillandJUr. O'Kelly. " The London Times lostb.r this entirotraas- acti.ou. In damages and costs , tne enormous urn of i12lOlXUll.20J,000) ) ( ) , Soon afterward k Mr. McDonald , the proprietor of thn Times died from worrying , and for uvo years the "Thunderer" paid no dlpjdonj to Itt stock * holder * . _ . . „ REPUBLICAN ; MpETINQS. CorrrrtMt I.Ut of Ain"lh'tinrnt * M le bf the Stutri nnil CortntrComnilttfci. linn , I.nroti < ( i'CKMin f > , At Ashland , OctohcrCo/ Wayne , October 2. , . , Ponca , OctoberS * . DiKota Cltr , October 2i Harllngton , October 2/ > - Crolghton , Octohor 31.- linn * . C. 1' . .MiiiHlcrniiiJ mul 1 K , ValMitlne. At Strorasburp , October 25. York , October'Jfi. Uod Cloud , October'27. ' Oxford , October2S. " ' ' Minden , October 211. linn , C. 1\ . ' At St. Paul , October JJli Loup City , November 1. Ord. November ! . ' . Grand liland , Novembers. Syracue , Novnmbor4. Auburn , November 5. Iliui. O. A. Itohblus , At Palisade. October 23. Hnyos Center , October " 0. Stockville , Octoorr27. ntwooil , Ostobur'JS. Wellfleet. October 'M. lion. T. .1. Majors. At Mi'.furd , October 2.1. lion * . T. .1. MHjurs , , T. U. Allen nntl W. S. Mininiors , At Osbornf , October 2T. lion , ,1 , .M. Tliur.iton. ' At Lincoln , November 1. Norfoltt , November 2. Ouinha , November 3. Geneva , November 4. Falls City , November 5. County ApiHuntlnenU. The republican ward clubs of the city hare arranged u series ot rallies lo bo held in dif ferent places in the city between this nnd election. The best speakers in itio city have been secured and each meotinn will * bo a good one. The oounly central committee has announced tbo following dates and places of meetings : All ineettugs will commence promptly at b o'clock p. m , unless otbtsrwise staled. Oclober2 ! > , nt Twenty-fourth und Cumlngs streets , at wblch meeting Hon. E. J. Cornish and Hon. Georeo S. Smith will speak. Walnut Hill , October 2 * . at which meeting Hon. E. M. Hartlolt nnd Hon. W. S. Strawn will speak , Seventh ward meoiinsr , October 23 , 1UI2 Park avenue. Judge Jacob Fawietl and lion. 'W. S. Strawu will address tbe ineal- mg. Ninth ward , Twenty-ninth and Farnnra streets. October 2 $ , at wbich meeting Hon. John L. Kennedy nnd Hon. W. W. Slau- bauch will speak. October III there will be a joint mooting of tbe First and Second wards on Thirteenth stteet , wblch will bo addressed hy E. J. Cornish aud other well known speakers. At Goodrich hall on November 1 will be hold a inectiuc of the Fifth , Sixth and j Eighth watds. AU of tbe clubs In their sev eral wards will meet at : 'M o'clock at the hull nnd huvc a torchllchl procession , und ult wards in the city in which there are uo meet ings on that night are invited. Hon. Johu L. Webster ana Hon. .lucob Fuwcett will be the oratori of Ihe meellug , Ei-fline ball , Novembers , C. H. Marolo of the State BoHrd of Kegonts and Hon. E. M. Bartlett Trill address the meetlnc. Octobers1. ! , Hon. John .A. Ennanaer , ex- minister to Sweden and Norway , will speak at Washington ball to.the Scandinavians lu tbe Swedish language Ji is expected that everyone will turn out to hear this able rep rcsontativo of the bcandlulivlan race. Tbe same evening , October 29. at tbo Ex position hail , Hon. C. J. Greene and E. Hose- water will address a mass meeting lo be held on that occasion. The laboring men of Omaha are especially luvlted lo (1bo present at this meeting , as there will bo a full dhcusuou of tbe tariff In its relation'to ( he wage question. All the reoublican clubs In-nho city are ei- pecled to turn out entpa < .so. The "president of each club is expected to see tbut each member of his club is credent und inline promptly. All clubs will meet at Suven- teentn and Furnam street ? , whore a line will be formed , and from there the procession will march 10 the ball. "Every man iu the oily who has - a. torch ; is .expected to ba ot baud. COtSTUl I'llCtlNIT MEETING * . Douglas precinct , October 27. at which meeting Hon. D.ivid H. Mercer , cundidati for concress , aud J. P. Breeu will speait. Waterloo , October 2S , Hon. D. H. Mercer , candidate for eongros.5 , und Hon. E. .1. Cor nish will address the nicotine. Millard , November 1 , Judge Joseph H Blair und George Smith will speak. iJast Oinaba , two blocks west of the lead woilts November 1 , J. L. I\alev. candlclat for county attorney , and Hon. W. W. Sla baugb will address the meeting. Irvington , November 2 , Hon. David H Mercer , candidate for congress , E. J. Cor uish and Major Livingston will each delive addresses. Jilkhorn , November 3 , Hon. E. J. Cornish and J. P. Bieen will address the meeting. Uc-nson , November 4 , Hon. David H. JSier cer. candidate for confirms , aud Judge Jacob Fawcett willipeak. Elicborn , November 5 , Hon. Philip E Winters will address the mealing in Ger man , und other prouimcnt speakers will b present. At each of the abnve meetings In addition to tbe speakers announced there will ha als present a number of the candidates , wbo 'vill also address tno meeting whenever de sirable. WAlill n.l II KU.I.IC3. Mr. T. 1C Sudborough has arranged fora republican meeting in Boyd's opera house November U , designed more especially for " the people of tbe Fourth ward. "Hou. John M. L'hurstou will spwalt. A full orcuestra and u vocul qunrtot bavo been engaged for tun occasion. Tickets of admission will be required. The can bo bad free of charge by application to .Mr. Sudborougn , who will bo pleased to respond ta all requeslf , . Ha said yesterday thut anplicatious weio pouring iu upon him. Mr. Tuurfcton had consented to spaak In Lincoln on Iho 'Id , but tno stale central com mittee postponed the Lincoln date to cnaolo Mr. Thurstou to accent tbe invitation ot tha Fourth ward republicans Everybody is In- viled to apply for tickets. Tbo Eighth Ward Hepubllcan club will hold a routing meeting ut the club head quarters at Twenty-fourth and Cumlng Tuesday cvenlntr , at which speeches will DO delivered by General George S. Smith and Henry U. EsUbroou , if tbe latter bus returned - turned from Chicago by thattimo. Arrange ments aru being made for u larger meeting to ba held at ( Joodricn ball , Twenty-fourth und Paul streets , a few evenings later. Several big rallies have also beau arranged for to bo held nt Bovd's ' opera house and Imposition hall , und from this time forward the cam- palgn will be pushed with a whoop. Tbe Walnut Hill NiutbVaro Ilepubiican club has held souifl big uicetlncs already this cuninalgn , but President HlgOy has one Doomed for this evouing- October 25 , that he hopafc lu BOO burpass any yet held , Tooro will be bpsoohes t > .V".f It. Kaley , the lopablicau caudidalo for oountv aitoruev , und W , W. JSlabuurfh. , . .The Wast Omaha drum corps will bo iu .attendance and will furnish music fur the .mooting. Tbo mem- ber of thedub are urgedato be present a arrangements are to b made for the visit a tb clu U to the big rail v that will bo held by tha Council Bluffs republicans on Wodncsdav evening Members of'tud olubvho oaunot altond thn meellug thisii evening uro re quested to moot at I h r Millard hotel at 7 o'clock Wednesday oi'unjgf to accompany the club to IhoCounclKUlpfti rally. Trann * portation to and from tne ttlutfs will be fur- nutied for the club meiqltirs , and tbo West Omaha Drum corps will /urulsb tbe innroti- IUR inbplrallou for the plu. AU republicans of tbe Ninth ward uro iuv.i d to attend the meeting thU evening. . „ . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U , S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE AVER'S Sarsaparilla Is superior to nil other preparations claiming to be blood-purifiers. Tlrst of all , because the principal ingredi ent used in it is the extract of gen- nine Honduras snrsnparllla root , the variety richest in medicinal proper * . tips Also-b ° - Pnrpc Patarrh < - uures baia ! rn tllc . causc ycl. low dock , being raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh and of the very best kimfr With equal discrimination nnd care , each of the other ingredients arc selected anil compounded. Ills THE Superior Medicine because it is always the same in ap pearance , flavor , and effect , and , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses arc needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blood-puriller in existence. It makes food notir- ishing , work picas- ant , sleep refreshing - ing , and life enjoyable. It scaiches out all impurities in tie.s\sU'in ! and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AYKK'S Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged and infirm , re newed health , .strength , and vitality. AVER' Sarsaparilla I'rrnntid bvDr. J C As or S ; Co. , Lowell , Mail. Boldbj allllruEKlitii ; i'rlcrfl , KI | botllm , f5. Cures others , will cure you ARE YOU SUFFERING Female Wtukncss , Catarrh or lUicuraalssB , Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases IF SO , CAIVL ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowlndeod In lit" the most Ruccetf til Kpecli1l t In llll rjllVATK , 1HOOU , NeilKjUS. SUl.N ANU UltlX- A1IT DtSIAtKS. Oonorrliaia In from 3 to ( I clnjM Syphilis cure ! without Mi-rcur ) . All tnze for life. bTHRTUIlK iiprinniienlly i-ursJ reraOT.il COTI- plcte , without cutllns. cuiitt ! ! or illlat itloa < iirj HtU'Ctednl home by patluut wltluut a moinsnt t mln orannoynnci ? II.KH KISTtllA AND UKtrrAI , UI < CCU3 euro ! without pain r ilpli-nllon from 1iu < liiMa llVUitOOKI.K iN'VAlllforKI.B iierniancntlT and tutces rullVciir-'cl Method ncjnn'l untitmn. WEAK MEM ( VlTAliITY WI'AK ) , Mnd-j n by loa CIT55 i > rP" ciHlon to liiiflni'ss or stuily , noeuro mental erin or Brief. SEVL'Ab lI.VCKssi- : mlJJIa H'o. or Jrniu tlio i Bwts of youthful tullioi \VKAK.MKN AUK VICTIMS TO JJEKVOUS ' > - niMTV or 15X11UarillV. . WA&Tl.Mi WJCAIwXI > 3 l.NVOl.UNTAIt" LOSSES wttllKAIILV ! ) ! 'Al' In VU(7 > O nnd MIUDI B AOI2I ) , laci of vim Tlcor , end Ftrcngth. wltu saxual orirans Impaired aal wcukencnedprsoiiturolj In appro iclilnz oil nzi All siold ruiitltly to our now tro-itmoit for loa * of Tltiil power Call i > n or adJr s with elatni ) tor clrciii.irs , free book and rcwlptt Dr. Searles & Seines , Noxltn " SANATIVO , " the IVoudcrful prevcrlbod forever over 5O yours , curee all Ner- VOIIH Olson n ere , I.utk of nieniu- ry , Ilea d a o It o , iVulielu lues t Before & , After Use. nmUtionii , Lout rjiotagraphMfromltfn. ] ? I-u till uu d , or dlinlnutloii of tlieCcuerntlvo Or min , etc. , tid all cU'erlM cauticd liy | m t alinmcM. Put np fonvonleiitijr to curry til the veM porltet. I'rlro SI u i > ucltnK i or G C'or 8.7 , \ vttliuvrltt CTI cuuruntco \o curn or refund * Ue Mioiic'V. If udrucrcUt trlcit to hc'l ' yoc pome IVOUTIZI RSH IMITA TION In plucoo'eAN' ATlVO.cacUiHo i.rlco In t-nve- loiiu and wo will ncnd by mull. I'nn > j > l ! ct 111 plulii acalc-d onveloi > e Ireo. Att-trfhH , MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Branch OiHco for U.S.A. 35B Dourlram Stri-ut , CHICAGO , ILL , SANATIVO ir sold in OMAHA Nl H. bv Kiihn \ Co , UruRRUts , Cor 151)1 ) t. Douutas Sis. ] . A 1-ulliT & .to . DriiRRiEU Co ; Mth i. Douglas bts. . and diugiists ; iclii.Tully. Many a life has been lost because of the taste of cod- liver oil. If Scott's Emulsion did nothing more than take that taste away , it would save the lives of some at least of those that put off too" long the means of recovery. It does more. It is half- digested already. It slips through the stomach as if by stealth. It goes to make strength when cod-liver oil would be a burden. SCOTT & BOWHB , Chetmsti. i j South $ lh Aveiwi , Niw York. Yourdrucgirtlteepi Scott'i Emulsion ufcod.livir ttU alldruggutB tv rywber db , | i , M TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R-iilway , as repre sented on this map. CEDAR RAPID ? 1 Electric Lighted , Steam Heat , ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at ; 105 p. m , , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. M . Jl Ir I ! TV T T-li L 11. i I j. _ , L in B r > i _ _ ! ! _ TI T _ j _ - - _ J - _ _ VLJjf" Cold Snap. Don't take cold With the Columbus festivities a frisky norther has struck us a little fresh , ain't it , especially mornings and evenings prole ct yousclf with a warm garment Our overcoats That's what you need and we have them to suit you in all styles and fabrics , and at prices that take What we can do for you Overcoats at $ $3.75 . come in three shades and are stunners they are woolen goods with and without velvet col lars , in gray brown and oxford they are fully worth $6 call and examine them We have overcoats running irom $3.75 , with a gradual rise in price of 50c a coat till you get to $30 , the highest , which fit as well as custom made and wear as long At $7.50Our $14 Overcoat is a-world beater , in tans , blue and black Overcoats in Meltons Cheviots Cassimeres Wide Wales Stockinettes Serore and silk lined Box or loner cut o o Colors tan brown oxford blue black Single and double breasted Heavy underwear A special sale of 4 cases of shirts and drawers heavy ribbed full finished French neck ff shirts pearl buttons , worth fully 50c each to close 30c each Columbia Clothing Company Cor. 13th and Farnam Suscessors to M. Hellman & Co. DOCTOB , : BScGBEW. In the truattiiuntof all formsof PRIVATE DISEASES. nna all \V iuno s and Disoidcrnf TVTTTMltli loss of conr.ize. ambition 1VJL I - . IN imd vitiillty Kubtnou yours of the 1UO-.1 teinarbiililo MICCOSS In the trnatment of tills elussof diseases , which ibprnvtm by thu miners-ill ttlinonv of thou- RundH ho nave neon cured Write for circu late and tjuesl.'jn list lltu and I'aiiiiiin Nli , . , nm nut. Neb CURED. ] jy ii.i.c i luc n Y. i.send ia < 4 MHiui ciur UIII-I.HK"'I.I Ullio Ml.n- \l. 'JII10II1MI I'ltAl III L II II. Ill/I--- , 1 < 1\\A I'M.l.S IOWA. NOTK'KOF AbSl-sS.MENTOF UAM AGES FOlt GHADlNli. To the owuei-hof all lots , uarlsof lots and rcinl ubtulo along Itamlllon hlreet from 4'ilh hi i net toosi city limits. Vou uio hereby notillud thut thu uudur- siKned. tliic-c disinterested freeholders of the city of Oiuuliu , have liuon duly appointed bv iho iniijor , with tlio approval of tlin city council of suhl cltv , to unseal tlio duimigu lo Ihe owneiH respoetlvcly of thu iirnpoity af fected by KritdluKf'f said btroetlecliired nec- eisiiry by oralnitnuo number ICIf. ' , iiussud Oc tober IBlli , Ih'Ji ' appro vod October itith , It-yj. Vou nrn further notified thut Imvlnc ac cepted snld HpDolutiuont , nnd duly ( iiiullfled B reiju Imd by law. wn will , on thu , liu diiyof Novembei. A 1) . lrtr.ut tlic liour of Hn : : o'elouk In thu fiiiuiioon. ut the olHru of Minver > V O'llonohoc , I40'i l'iinani hlrefl. ulllun tiiucoi- porulu limits of fi.-ild fltv. meet foi tlio pur pose of considering und im.tciiii : the HK-USS- niciit of daiuitKO to ilio OK nuts rtinpeuilvoly of B.ilu jiioptTly alt'euloJ by suld Krudlnn , lukiiii ; ioto consider. ulun special bon llli > , It uny. Vou aru notltied to bo present ut I lie time and pluce aforesaid und mat.o uny ohjuctions to or bt.ituinfiitb ooiicuiniiu Mild utsuiMiiont of dumaiies as you nmv coiihldor urnpur. W ( J. nllltlVF.lt. ( iKOltOIM. I'AUI Comi.illteu ot AliirHbCTS. | Oinulia. Neb. . Oct utb , iH'ii O.'IdlUt To all owner * of lots or nut In of lota on Dong- Inn slrnot. from -Ktli slrout to Hie west llnu of llo.'is , V Illirut-wond nddltion : Von IIIH hereby noUHed tlntt tint tinuor- slRnud , thrue dlMiiloicsto frudlioldern of tne cay of OinaliH. u > vv buen dulv appointed | ) y Ihu inuvor. Hilli tliu approval of the city < -oun- cll of t > aid city , to nasms thit d.imitL'u to ihu OWIIUIH icsjiecthcly of ( lie properly iitTuntod by tliocbunseof uradu of Ddiipluii Ktreet , do- clitrod nree.xsary by drdlnnia-e .No. Ib ) , pnsned Auuui.fJ.lil , IHi : . appioved Aiiuust 24th , lhl. ! . Vou mo fuither nollllud tliul havlu : nc- ctitcd | sail appointment und uuly iiuitlllled as reniilrc-d by Jaw. wo will on Ihu fmiith i4tlil any ol Novuinliei , In'J. , ut the hour of luo'tt.ouk lu lliu mortiln'-- III ) ) olllecuf I'lisilus I * , lien- Juinlii , l iilodo tieit , vUthlii tliecorpor.ila llmltK of said city , mout for the niiriKisit of consider niand maklni ! iissc > siii ) < iili < f flami'-ro : to Iho ownurb rutpuctl uly of nulrt propurly ulfceled by suld cr.t > llii.Makln tutu consid- er.itlon hiieclul bunctltu. If any. Vou uro tiotiUud to bti present at tlio tlino and plui u uforuauld und maku uny objection to 01 btittemoats ccincenilns wuld u of damages a yon nrty consldei prnpur. OIIAKI.KJ P. 1I..NJAM1.N , JAMl-h lCK'Kl AIK. JOll.N 1 * HoU'lC. I'oiniiiitti-u of A Oiuuliu. Neli. , Outubur1st. . iw > . tltti Ultxia. a inraliri . 'tUt ID. < l7VLin > > l iu ue , 1 xftilliunt , us * o UI dr | ivwluu | . , uii.lcz c I r mall. 1 KTtiMhtYi m > nIe.l&e. .ll/CAi. (5u.i > > vnicBht..iiC r V WOODEN S1DI3\VALK HESOLU- TJOK. CONSTHUCTION. rkiinioll CliainlMir. Onmlia. N l ) . . IHU Ho It H'sol\cd bv the clly council of the city of Umahii. the miiytir com-im Inc : That ooien Bide\ulk * < bo conntriicled in thu oily of Oman i MS designated tiulotr \Mtliln live duynuftur the pulnlciitlon of this ii'soititUin , or tlio personal nervlce tliureof , ut. hy oiillnnnro l iinthorl/ud nnd icnnlred ; hiii'li sldrwallcs to IK * laid to the prti'-cnt gruilo on tlic.'t.UroisBUi'cllled liciuln. und to IKJCOII- rnvtud of pint1 plunk of siu'h whllli nnd hlckne s nnd ho liild upon joists of hucli (11- tn'n > -li > ns and In sn' It intinnur uk is pioscrlbed I'V me spcfilleal Ions on ( il In the * ollleo of the Itoaid of I'libile Woil.s nnd nndur its mipur- vislon. to-\\lt : Kust side of riclith f-trcet , lot IS , Iliirker'a uilnttiiont , pio'-cnt gnidu. 4 font lde. I'.iisi slue of ( ilcinuHid uvunuo , lot ( land 10. block 11 , Ucmls J'ailc , present K ratio , C fcut \ \ le. ! i'ust slop of filciiwooduvimim. lot Kl. block 10 , Ilomls I'jrU. plenum gratle , li feet wide. Nnrtli sldu of NI < liolit- : street , lot fi'J to Ml In- ciiinhH him division , block 4 , Keservoir A. II > l > Mllt ! 21'Jldf , OIl'Ol Wldt' . Kust hldo of Ulon oi > d nvonue. from nortb- \ > es * corner lot lu , lilocU II , liotnis I'ark , to lntr ( ( 'tloii of U leu wood nvonuo with Lincoln Hojilevard. nro-.ent iriiidc. 0 foot wide. < /ehtbldoof Twenty-fifth street , lots 1,2 nnd : i. block N , 1'aiilck'n addition , jirohunt grade , a feet \\Ido. Knst Ride of Twonty-tlfth stieot. lots , Moult 1" . Parker's add. orHsenl u'rude , C feet wide. ? < ortli Hide of dirilon slrtot , lot M to 32 In- , elusive , blouk 4 Sherniuii A\enne I'arlc , tem porary grade , 4 foot , wide Anu bo It further roiolvi'd : Thnt the Bouid of 1'iibllc Works be and heiL'hy Is , utithonred und directed Ui cause a eopv of tin * resolution lo bo published In the ollichil papiirof the city for one wouk , or bo si'ML'don the owners of wild lots und unless t-uch ownerMiatl within II vn days after tlio publication or Hoivicoof such copy construct j < ; ild hiauwallEH us lieruln ie < | iiiod ! , that ilio Hoard of I'uMlc. Woiks CIIIIBO the hatnn to bo done , Iho cost of constructing tnld Hlduwulku. ropni'llvely lo lie usmi--ud iiu.ilnst the ru.il entitle , lot or imrt of lot In fiontof and ubut- llnir hiioh Hliluwnli.s I'uised Octohci 4th ami Octobei II. IS'JJ. ' Attcsl : JOHN oiiovn.- . City Cloilc. 11 I' . DAVIS. President Ulty Council. M lyor r. TU CONSTUI'fT M To llio o nerof UKI lots , purls of lols and mat eslato ( tesc'rlliod lu the above resolu tion : Vou und ( uicli of you uici Iiorohy iiotldeJ to construct wooden Hide walks nh i eon ) red by a i-esoldtlonof tliu city council unit miiyorof theultvof Unialin.of nlilclitliiiabovnls a ropy. iv. i . in men \usicu. Oliulrmati llo.irdot I'ublto Woiks Onmlia , Nub. , October ' 'Ith. IH > I > , DR. C GEE V/0 Theonlr millr uriluiVll Cliliit * . Klirtit ru.iri' Blilf Tei rein practical orior1. tiiCHWItli ull nuj n illiuuai , Trent Jcomrjllr iill.liruiitocujiuif Jn uj l > r nihar ilucturt Oill unrt JB liliu or wrlti fur iiiii > viuii bljiik. l > o ml Llilnkriiumiuliaii 'Ian IMJVUJI jru ir djftortilH fouio. bullr/t'jj ij'iil'uio ilojt'Jr wlta hit navruil wouclorlulrn iisdloi u'rlrjojlvii no * tioialtt I t peruianonlourtfwlJ tifiajr duo urt oirinot tflr * . llxrbi. IUiut and I'latilmtiirj' * rnuitiJIai > U inedlclueii. Tli world lilt tYllrjeii. On * t uunil ii-mlmuiiluU lutlirju yiurj' priciloi , Nu Iniiirlo n dodiclluiu , no n rnullui , nu pjliui lutluail ircjiiutnl uu4 permii mill fiirj. nu'nsinfulljr trjuHl uul cunt t.'lriiu up hy ulliur tlcc-turi ; Tliui. ( Vuclillu , 4111 IUni"r troi > t , fl'irjci uuiltuiLyouri. UlilJur tt d llror Inublui Tliut. Oulrurl , UlU a.i-l r'aruna ntrJD'i. dHUllltj.In tliJ.tluii , tun ut BtrjiUU ail Tuok ui dlulita for yu irit l > ut uoi nu rilijf. M , U AiiJur/iin. I lit ru nl tf tr > ji. oi' pbtliiun nuu bruni'liUI * of tlfiuju fuirt nun Jim 3Ini for ile Ilie fallowlnz prepirsl r ua1tti nt ll.UUnboltle lx liuttlol for li'JJ. ' for IbJ ojro ill A mil in a , ( Jiturrli , Bloc Uai4oU > . lirJUJUlll llluoill'ul > unlu < , Uliuuimtt.iii , Keiatl1)VutllJM. . Uliluur und l.lvur domplaliit No a.cntu5JU only \ii CLluejtJ Ukdlcliiu Cu , CujnUl , * UJ.JU Office , IClh uiCalilbuii Sli-