HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OOTOBElY 2 > 1802 , COMING OF THE CANINE RGCS Motmchu of Dogdom Ast&mb ing at the Great Omaha Conroutioni TALL HUSTLING TO GET READY of ttic llnrly Artlvul * Worn Tempo- rurlly tncniivrnli-nrril , lint Kvnryllilne IK In slmpn for llin Opcnlne Todny SIIIIIP Nntatilo Visitor ! . dogs , doRR , everywhere. Will they never top comlngl" cxclal.ncd Secretary Marston of the Omattn Kennel club , n * ho stood on the stop * of ttio exposition building Into yestordajr afternoon mid wntchcil llio tinlondlnR of the twenty-seventh dray loml of crates nnd capes cotitnumiK from two to six nnlmnli oaou. They enmo from every where , from the far northo.ist uud from the nhorMof thoOulf of Mexico. It seemed ns if oyerybody who had u blooded poJIsreo dog had sent It to the show. The itiMdo of Iho hnll was.n . sl ht , dos CIRC nnil oratns everywhere aim every ono of the canines wus howling an If it hul : not ! > lnit clso to do. Hut tnllc about huslllticl 'I'lio ICennol Unto employes nml cvon the iiiiinajjci-5 , Wntorman , M-irston , Jueii P.vn'is Hnnon nnti a lot of the other * , were ruining around , siumlilinp over toy dons. Inching ut ftuv.igu bull tnrrtori nnd giving the bit ; JJcrnurdt ; nnd Dines n wide berth us thov rhiuod Uio.iibclvc.i ftoni ono part of the loom to another. The carpenters were Into , the dra > men nlso , iitul the ju irtoto would frequently moot In n convenient comer nnd the next , tlilnp to bo suun would bo n faint cloud of blue huzo hovering over Iho ontllt. Finally the carpenturs nnd Joiners and nutlors showed up nnd the nlnclui ; of the benches bcirnu. Owlnjj to tliolui'L'u nututior of onlilus it ro- quiirU many more stalls llian the matmL'c- inonl hnd orlcrtnally llcurcd on. Hut this didn't put thftn out much ns now men worn nut tn woik bulldini ; tbo port.iblu piirtillons Hint Mooring. iJuforo the sun Imd sot nltout sixty stalls hud buoti put in plaoo nnd thnn moru mon woioontnincil , so the work of uiiMiiclni ; for the visiting do s wsnte merrily and rapidly on. Kvory ono coiineetod with the club , Irom Us dluillcd president down to tlio newest member , labored with hammer anil nulls along with tbo carpenters. As fast as the stalls were built straw was spread ever the bottom and the docs In thu crates were released , walked a levy times around ttiu room or across the platform which will serve ns the Indues' ring mid then tnkon to their stalls where they were so- cutely chnlncd. All till' UllgClPKPIU llllllKI'.V. At" o'clock the chief of the culinary de partment appeared , intended by n dozen or more men ntiu the work of feeding nnd wa tering the animals commenced. All kinds of food wiis servoJ. Tiie tiny toy uau marshmallows - mallows und cream for supper , whllo his neighbor , the blu Dane , with tlio deep voice , bad n chunk ol raw or cooked bcuf us big as n mun's head. It wus a ( ? ro.u siuht to see the animals out. Does that bad trav eled a thousand or moro mllus shut up In flat crates were ravenous. Everything In slRht was disposed of with astonishing rapidity. Oncslrnngrr in thu hall rom.irkod , us bo suw Champion Victor Joseph swallow a two-pound boots lean at a single mouthful , that his owner ought to KO Into partnership with n butcher. The arrivals corttlnucu nil the evening and nlfht and Dy noon today every dos entered will be in bis alall rcnily to uo eazed nt by the curious throng. Hcvcral of the trains bearing valuaulo dogi were delayed , but the railway people assured tbo Kennel ciub men that tney would arrange to push tbo Uogs through before the opening of the big show. A freight wreck on the southern division of the B. & M. delayed the twentv-four animals from Shnllenbargor'i Alma , Neb. , itonnols. Those dogs were duo to arrive at I'cliU p. m. , but did not got in until after midnight. * " fiinuo ruinous Vl itor < . Ben F. Lewis of Philadelphia arrived over the North western nt 10 o'clooic with forty dogs confined in twenty crutos which occu pied ono-half of a lariro bacgugo cnr. This collection includes dogs of every description , but mostly Held animals. Dr. Over of Philadelphia sent by Mr. Low ! * his' $5,000 pug dog , BOD Ivy , and llttlo Bob was the envy of tbo rc.st of Iho kennel , for ho had n nice large pndiicd basket to travel In while the other animals wero'con- lined In ordinary crates. George Hell of London , Ont. , arrived with a string of line setters and pointers und n couple of pugs. Dr. J. B. Lowls caino in on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulney at 10:30 with bis ken nel of St. Bernards. This Kennel In bonded bv the champion Victor .loiuph , Fornwood Bnico , lo nnd Fornwood Cloldy. These mag nlllccnt animals ntlrueted u great deal of at tention. Then there were u half do/on or so cute little tlo bkyo terriers with long , slllty hair froir Milwaukee una Now York. Jack Stephard , the famous clmllen-ro bloodhound , looked out between the Mats of his stout crate nm probably wondered what It wus nl about. Jack has a fnnious Englist record and will probably bo a great euriosuj to lovers of this breed of dogs. T. G. Davy's famous ml n tors Ivovclatlot nnd Lady Oay Spanker occupied a pa"o ! 01 the top of a largo load of crates. These ani mills nro the pride of Mr. Davy's kennels mid nro hlnhly vnluod. John Davidson of Monroe , Mich. , win Judges all classes except Tovs , pugs , York iiulra torrlors. King Charles spaniels an : poodles , arrived during the afternoon nm superintended the work of arranging th bandies. Dr. M. II. Crycr of Philadelphia , the otho Juugo , arrived from the east late last oven ing. The bhow opens at , 10 o'clock this morn ing. DverrtmtH ut llrnilllii. ' . D. U. , Oct. ' . ' 4. Tne ooli weather of the day was decidedly In con trust with that of last weak und overcoat nnd furs were nccoisary for comfort. Th temperature , however , bad llttlo or no otToc on the attendance nl the lacing track for crowd equal to that ot last week was preset nt the course. Tboxo whoso love of rauln took tkoui to the track were rewarded u witnessing out of six races three finishes i which the llrst three borsos were but u hen npnrt. The talent und the bookies sulltevei 1'lrst rnco. * ' > 00. for all niro-i. llvo ( urlonK l hi sturtorx ; lil/ettiil' ' tu I ) won , Tornuii tcir lIOio ft ) nuoonil , MuCorinlel ( (5 ( to 10) ) tlilr Tlino : lUIj. : Second race , purse fvxi , Holllni : , flvn und liulf furloiiKti. iMuht Hin tin-i : iirpli.iu ( . to \von , Marshall ( U * .o D ) i'ooiul , lloruni ( U to third. Time : 1OS : > , . Tlilrd ntye , hundltMU sweepnfilius. line wit fiK ( ) anduu , tnlluunn u hUtuuiilh , ll\o slai'ton Murv stone IS to fliwou , ( ilo.uiilni : ill to. aei mill. Count id to I ) third. Tliiui : 1:411. : I'minli nice , puruo VM , bulling , one mil ulxlit htarlurs ; Cynosure < : t to I ) won , M Mim io\enl Hueoiul , 1'at Cnnluy (1U ( to Dthlr Tluiu : IN'J'S. I'lfth race , pursu (51 ( ? . for U-yunr-olds an up , uiihi tun pounds aliuvj ilui ise.ili hlx fiuloir.'hValeotl ! wnn , bturu | 8 to Klxlli rare. htVoiilix Inisu. for gunllonion r i or , full eiiuise , about two and a half mile Ouptaln Miinnhu ; ( T toM won. AJu II (5 ( to eeuonil. llmidy ( tl to 1) ) third. Tln.a : 4s'il. Ootil Il.iy ut InilupiMiiliiiieo. ISDM'HNPKSi'H , la. , Oct. ! M. The day w ; clour and cold and only three races were d rlded. SMp : < u-o. > ( : lied I.ndy won. Mratlibi sJCDiiil , Altarnatu thlid , iv : : liitoii fourth. T lliriiiini llftli , 'Jlnia ; ' 'MU't. ' 'iiau.I 1'fJL' , i'l.llj. l < our > yunr-nld. 2:3 : trot , J ; a ) : Mnrlli.i woi' , l.uut hocuud , Jity II iwk llihd , .Nutpli fourlli. Tlnio : sr.T. v.M , . y--Mi. I'iiiiryeiiruHli5 : trot , ( .i ) > ; Dr. t'uli won , Miulursi second. TruiiiUyiie Ito.x thlr Tlmo : ' 'ivsy , ; : . ' . ' . 2a : 4. ( looil TrucK ut Lexington. LEXiNiirox. ICv. , Oct. a I. Today saw tl best track of the meeting. Wcatnor elet cool and braclnp , and about UOvK ) people we prosoul.Vbllo scratches were numri-o the Holds as a rule were Urea enough to bonetlted ratter than hurl by the joss. T talent had their lunlncs todav. three f.ivt itoa and two well backed uboices wlunl the money. Four out of the llvo oven were won very cully. The betting w spirited nnd heavier porhnpi than on any I previous d y of tlio meeting. ' VlMt rune , nolilnc. puree I1M , tlirco-aunrtars of n mile , ntno utartorst l-ondon Hinnko (4 ( to 1) ) won. Clementine id to li saoond , Irfiulso G ) to Itthlt'l Tlmo : 1,4 ? econ I rice , solllntf , pnrioi M-W. ono mile , four Httrtersi C.ilho'iii 1:1 : to J ) won. Alary (4 ( til 1) ) second , SolliiH. ( J to 2) ) third Time ) l:4l' ' ( , Third race , hamllc'ip purse IVlO. threo-nunr- tCMof n mile , nine stnrtors : Irish Ulilof , ( I to 1) ) won. Virelo .lohnnnn il toll s-cond , Mls Dixie ( G to. > ) third , Time : l:18'i. : rnurth race , purio $ .P , ' . ( Iftocn-slJitccnthi of i inllp. ( Ivo startiir' ! Honorlti (4 ( to 5) ) won , iuiteitlo : r.-o to I ) sucuud. Klllldo U4 ! to 1) ) third. Time : HSfili. I'lfth r.ice. lolllnst , pursn VOt , threo-iiar- | trrsof n milo , olslit stitters : Too ( jnlckMtn M nun. Interior CI to 1) ) second , Wnvoland ( IUO to I ) third , Tinio ! 1:17. : Oiiiiibliintloii Snlit a SUCCPM. CiiifMiO , 111. , Oct. St. The big combina tion si la of young nnd unJovclopo.l trotters , together with brood marcs , which ulll con- tluuo one week , opened today with 403 hond catalogued , under the management of R J. Berry & Co. The sale opened with the well known uroiluoine slro , Ktar Wilkes , bv Ut-orgo WilUos. cntorlin ; the ring , nnd ho was speedily run up lo M.OOO and knocked downnttb.it priro. Stronlia CJl'.lJf ) , by Kam Purdv , wont for $1,50) , The total iiutnbor solil was soventv-llvo hcail nnd the .sale was n pronounced success from llrst to ' lust. _ _ _ M.ltltAsKA VICrOltlOL'S. IliiUi-rilty iin\iii : ! DIIUIIH til" Train from tlio SneUeiMutr. . Lts-coi.v , > fob. , Oot .M. ftjpoclnl Tolcgrnm toTni : Bir . I The uulvortlty contingent of Lincoln's population Is wild tontgnt ever the victory ai-liloved by the Nebraska University cluvtm over the Illinois Klate University eleven In the llrst chnraplotuhlp game of tlio Inlcrrollogiato Foot Ball Inatruo. The Drawn nnd muscle of the visiting cloven were van quished by the superior tact nnd generalship ot tbn Nebraska boys , and the llrst game of the series comoi to this stnto bv a score of 0 to 0. Tno game was wltnussud by nearly n thou sand spectators. Thu Nebraska colors , scar let and while , predominated , ot course , although it was noticed mat some thirty or forty visitors from Dcanc college at Crete sported thu oratmo mid brick of the Illinois tca'n. Hoth teams inarcuod onto the grounds at 'J : 10. Pound of Lincoln was selected as unutiiv tor the llrst half and roferco for tlio second half , vvnllu Arms of Illinois was made ri'feive for llrst half and umpire second half. The > vlsitors won tlio toss and took the ball. Time was called promptly nt ! 1 o'clock and the tcimi faced cncu other In the following positions : Illinois. I'nsltliin. Nn' < raska. Alherlnn li'ftonil . . . A II Vent Nnedhiini Left tauklu Iliiwo llnir l.eftmurd I O. Vent Aslilov fouler ll'jpewnll MeCnrnilrU KUlit iiintd Jones Armstriiiu Ulilitt elu ! Slnelilr Tiieholt ItlKlitunl I'hurcli Conk ( Jn irler nack I'neequart Mater Left h.ilf Pilniien S M-enoy HL'lit half Johnston Williams Pull b.iuk Oliver .it A in ; IT 1'ivi : .srK. ISuiton i\erluslliiily l'llt ; < n Cluxvlnuil In tlio Dci'lslM ) < iiiiiir. BOSTON , Mass. , Oct. 'Jl. Today's game was inlcreallnc nnil rnpluto with brilliant plays , out Boston's superior batting and base running carried tlio day. Cleveland baltca Nichols hard IhroiU'Uout , the game but his siinport W.-IH so sharp that , excepting In the third , no Spider coulu Hnd the homo plate. The Boston managers tonight presented their team SI.OJi ) , to bo distributed aino.it ; the thirteen nlaycra. Score : Hilton 0 0 a 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 Clim-lnnd * UOyOOOUOO lllls : Huston. II : Cleveland , 10. Kirors : Itoslnii , 'i ; Cleveland , Hnrnud runslloi - ton.fi ; Kioveland , 'J. llattnrlei : NluhuK and Ilotinett ; Vuniig an /iinmcr. 1 . DeWltt'sSnvbao.iriun cionns i the oioal. 13 OA.nt OF EDUCATION. Services nt Pollcemuu Xeede.l tu Seuuro a ( liiiiiiiin. It required the services of two policemen to provide the lloifd of Education with a ( juoniin last night. There were onlv seven members present , at S o'clock and after waiting half an hour for reinforcements , Dr. Gibbs moved that the secretary bo instutotod to secure the services of a policeman to compel the attend an eo of absent members It was carried and ofllcers lliuo and Burns were secured from tbo station. Tne olllccrs wore armed with an impromptu writ of habeas corpus , signed by President Spalding , und nt 115 1 > o'clock Clinton Powell appeared with \V. N. Babcock - cock ana C. J. Smyth .vet to bo apprehended , Messrs. C. K. Babcock , Martin Elgutter uud Jnyncs bemir out of tbo city. Superintendent Filzputrlck reported that the Lothrop street school was badly crowded and recommended that an additional room bo rented. Koferrod to committee with power to net. A lot of routine business of no considor- nulc importance was rusho * throueh. Claims wore allowed amounting to $17 , . " > U.J.7U , ntnoug them being estimates uii labor nnd material furnished for the Lothrorj , Saratoga - toga , Hartman and vValnut Hill school uulldings. and (100 duo the Max Meyer iiros. comp.iny lor winding the High school clook durint ; Iho mist two yonrs. After passing u vosolution congratulating Charles \Vehrer on his recent assumption ol the nonds of matrimony , the board ad- Jounied. You cannot deny fnct3 , and it is a faoi thai Salvation Oil is tuo greatest pain euro. 'J"io "Camlllo" is cblof among thoerotlo FroncV school of plays whoso moral ( or immoral ati mospUoro is thought by some to bo a stvah on tlio ethics of Anglo-Saxon purity , bu Dumas has woven Into its flucr such dram imillu power and humau lutorost as to milk It ono of ttio fnnious and standard dramas and many celebrated aotrossos Imvo lent 1 the liibtor of tnolr genius tn Its iutorprotn tlon. Tuo play is a delineation of charade ur.d n dissection of omotlou rather tUiui i story , and it is only tolerable when interpreted protod by artists. In r'ivioving tuo work of Miss Clara Mcr rh who presented "Camlllo" at the Boyi lastovonlng , one must bo hampered bvdoub as to her physical condition by the qmmioi us lo what failings , it tlioro lie nny , must o attributed to ill ho.iltb. It can bo said bow over without Injustice that Miss Morris n longer looks the chaructor , Time has left It toll-tale mania upon tlio features , : \n clover us this nrtisto is , she cannot adc ijuutoly convoy the illusion of ynutfi beauty and buovnnav. In tbo earlier scone of the play Camlllo b'audlcs witticisms und I prcDUinou to have guy , untroubled moods , bu Miss Morris1 voice as well us her manno was weighted with weariness , whuthor fron illness or mere funblencss iiriut bo conjnoi ured , and her work , frankly , was disappoint Ing. In the slroiu-ly emotional passages however , she displayed the caiibiitumato nr her audlonro bad the right t oxnoct , She offciod llttlo of tbo stress c stormv pisslon with which uioro rubus actresses have portrayed Camille , but ther was quite m much effect In her roprosse lutenslly. The retching of the consumptiv cough w.is simulated to tbo life , and , iiidoot Iho suspicion that It may not have been a uctlng mudoitovun painful , Miss MOT ! was particularly powerful In toarlul pas : ages , und the lachrymose snulllliig was tiiumpb of mimotie art. Of the company little need bo said. Mr. . M. Colvlllo , who ussavnd Armauu , has u n as Bouiint voice and u good stage presenro , bi : aso his acting was colorless , scuicoly n note c lira or passloiiato fooling in his tones. Mr ; Fred Hookur made a rather noisy clown ( Madame Prudonoe , uud several others stuir bled moil lamentably in tbelr lines , TL supnortinc companv loft no Impresslo that is remarkably dlstlnctlvo or agrocab ! or exeollent. HI UoWltt'sbarsaparilia ciuanio ) tn3 bloo : HId. Incroisos tbo aupallto and tonoi up thcsy : torn. It bus tionotltol many paopla wti havosulTerod from blood dlsurdors. It wi nero help you. Vntk ixt'luiiiiii ; ( JuutHtloiiK. ro NEW YUIIK , Oct. C4. [ Special Telegram us TIIK BEI.J Exchange was quoted as fa bo lows : Chicago , par to I6o premium : Bosto bor 100 to 17c dlicouut ; St. Louii , ' 'So discoun > r- OB Ulsoaso never succossiunv attacxs toosy its torn with pure blood. DeWltt'a Sarsaparll ! uirtke pure uow blood aud ourlcbix OlaoJ. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Captain John Bates of Engine Company No. 1 Meets with a Bail Accident. HIS MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM DEATH Ho I'luncc * Ilciillnnc from the Second Ntory of the ItnlldliiK to tlio Tloor Ilelow lln l 1'rnlntily fit * tally Injured. Captain John Bates , ono of the firemen nt engine house No. 1 , on lower Main street , mot with a serious , nnd what will , tn all probability , provo to bo a fatal accident yesterday afternoon. Ho was going to slide down from the second story through the "polo hole , " whan in semi way ho mlssod his fooling nnd plunzcJ headlong to the IInor bnnoath , n distance ot at loasl 111 to or. feet. A plpo , which ho was amoving , toll to the lloorjust before ho started , nnd Us striking on the floor called the nttonllon of ono of Iho other firemen , who looked a round ] iul in tltno to sco Hate * fall. A rope wns stretched across Iho front end of the engine roomwith ono end fastened > o Iho wall by n stout Iron ring. This rope ran directly under neath the "polo hole , " and Bates struck , head downwards , with his shoulders on the rope with such force that the Hug wns broken squarely In two. The rene served lo break the force of his fall somo- whnt , but ho landed with his head on iho floor so hard that ho was rendered uncon scious. It wns nearly half nn hour before ho rognincd consciousness. Physicians were summoned , nnd they all agreed tlitit it was very doubtful whether he would ever ro- cover. The Indications were that ho hn 1 sustained n fracture of the skull. If it hnd not hon for the ropa , which broke the force of tno fall , ho woulu , without n doubt , Imvo been Killed instantly. What caused him to fall is not itnown positively , ns hn has not be-on rational enough to glvo utiv oxplana- tlon. tlon.Last Last evening the Injured man wns rusting easily , us ho was kept uudi'r the inlluonco of ophites for n uood share of the tlmo. During otic of his conscious moments ho was nsKad for nu explanation of the accident , nnd re plied thai ho know nothing about it. Ho will probably bo moved to 0110 of the hos pitals today , In order Hint ho may recolvo moro skillful attention than can bo glvon him nt the engine house , whore ho Is now staying. _ A Sura Tit. Thursday , October 27 , the agent of ono of the largest eastern manufacturers will bo nt the lloitou Store , Council BlulTs , In. , with a line of ever GOO samples , con sisting of all the newest und nobbiest styles of fall nnti winter coats , every thing that can bo thought of in the coat and capo lino. Thursday wo expect to make a gala day in our coat department. In addi tion wo show over 1,800 garments in our own block. Kvory ono that has visited our cloalc department this season has complimented us very highly , claiming thai wo show the best line outside of Chicago. Another great fo-ittiro in our favor is our usual low prices. Anyone wtshiti a perfect garment , a perfect lit and at the lowest cash price will bo studying their own interests to visit the Boston Storo. Among some of tlio moat popular garments are thc > Russian peasuntcoals , Franklin back top coats , reefers plain and fur trimmed , rooters with wattoau plaits , ulstors with capes and hoods , a largo line of ladies' capos in every style and color. Ladies' Russian suits all grade ? . Plush sacqucs , 40 inches long , guar anteed Sir Titus Salt nnd Walker plushes , all beautifully lined , from $10.75 to $33.00. Ladies' reefers , good grades , $3.75 and $5.00 , in tans , greys and blacks. In camel's hair and cheviots , $7.50 und 89.00. For a $10.00 garment wo show an ftndloas variety. Special attention is called to our six dilToronl weaves of black and fanny cloths , cut in fifteen dilTorent styles to suit the most difficult tastes. Our hotter grade goods running from $12.00 to $25.00 are well worth an in spection whether you intend to purchase or not , although for nothing but to BOO the many styles and handsome gar ments. BOSTON STORE. Fothoringham , Whitelaw & Co. P. S. AH goods sent per express C. O. D. at our expense , or by mail free of charge. Store closes at 0 p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. If you don't want to buy hard coal you had bettor see Bixby about these oil burners. They are adapted for use in hot air furnaces , steam and hot water uoiloi'd , with no co.il or ashes to huncllo. Weatherstrips at Riley & Shot-radon's. Men Who Own u Jury. Judge Smith has commenced an active campaign against a certain party , whose narao is not given out , who claims to have a IIm mortgage on tbo souls and bodies of some of the Jurymen before whom the case of Dr. U. O. Hood against the Northwestern Uailway company is being triad. Who the favcrcd Individual Is his honor does not say , but ho gave the members of the jur.v a fair chunco to loll if they knew , and tbo result may bo u hornet's nest about somebody's car's.U . U was Just after the opening of court when ho addreaged Ibo Jurymen in Iho box bnforo Dim. "Il has boon broughl to my notice , " he said , "that a cartaln man has boon boast ing publicly thai no controls four of Iho in on who uro silling tu this Jury box. The man I refer to is not an ntloruov for olttier of the parties to the present suit , and so far as I know ho has no direct Interest tn the mailer nt issue , but I want to call your attention to the matter in order to prevent him from hav ing uny undue lntlucMio ever you. It Is your duty , according to the oath you took before the communoomont of the trial , to tell the court if anyone comes lo you with any prop osition or tries to hrlbo you or m any way to intluenco vour voto. " Attor this address , which caused quite a stir among the juryman , the trial , which has already occupied almost n weak of court , proceeded , Judge Smith stated that ha doubled whether the trial could bo legally extended into tbo next term , winch will open n week from next Monday , nnd ho accord ingly llxoJ the hours of convonlng court from now on ul ! ) : iti ) u. m. und 1 : DJ p. m. in ordoc to llnlsh It , up If passible by the end of ibis term. liotli sides concoJo thai the trial now in progress will take UD the rest of this weak , and there are sovornl other suits still to bo tricu when this is finished. Now nr.itMngs , just received. Smyrnn rugs from 75o up. OH cloths in put- terns , and linoleums , now line ; alsc window shades , 2oo up. Council Bluff * Carpet Co. _ Save your hurl coil ; use wood , nnti call on II , A. Cox , 10 South Main street , Best Missouri wood S5.UO per cord , do llvorod. The genuine Burr Oak etovos are sole only by C'haa. Swaino , 737 Broadway Call and sno them. Weather strips at Riley & Shorradon's ThnnloiBlvluc Exorcluc * . The Ministerial uasociallou 'of Councl Bluffs met yesterday at tbo study of Hev to Stephen I'holps to make arrangements fo 1- the proper observance of Thanksgiving day 1Q It was decided to held services In the Uroad it. way iMothodlst church , and Hov. O. W Hnyder of the Lutheran church was af pointed to preach too Thanksgiving sermon it was unanimously agreed inat the colleo tloa which Is to bo mkcu up at tout tlru shnll bo donated to thn Wfimnn's Chrntlnn Association , nnd Dr./JPbelris wai chosen to present Uio matter la-tiia nudlonco. The Association decided lo tnootat10tO : o'clock on tno last Mqtriar morning of onch aiontbnt Dr. Photph l udy. A inner on , some selected subject Is to bo road xt each moctlnir. The next meeting will bo Novouv her US. Tire Cornnr of h o-tklwuy nnil llcnton Our late loss by fire was covo-ol : by two policies , both In the COUNCIL BLUFFS INSURANCE COMPANY. By 7 o'clock the M6xt inornLng after Iho flro the socrotnrr wnq on the Hsh ho.ip , pencil in hiitid reitdy tn llcuro the loss down to bodrojiK , . , which ho did , tot ) , saying th at1 it wivii his duty and no small part of his business ' ' So long ns ho did not go below bedrock wo had no reason to complain , consequently tlio sattlomant was not 'only prompt , but In every way satisfactory , so much xo that in addition to $0.200 00 ( seven policies ) curried by this company before the lire wo now add to it $10,000.00. Boiii intimately acquainted with the secretary and directors wo cannot bo poi'stiadod that bettor Indemnity IMH bo obtained than that olTered by odr honi6 company , besides wo believe in patron- i/.lng worthy homo enterprises , every thing being equal , and littlest wo do wo shall conllnuo to bo dependant on for eign capital and corporations. O. \Viniuit : : : , JAS. A. UKUIO.U. llriintltiil UtrliliiKS ( .l\rn Auny. Choice of 100 lln etchings given to anyone purchasing a frame for the same. Fine now line of mouldings just received , which wo are soiling at irroatly rqduced prices. Riley < te Shorradon , Art Emporium , 45 Main street. llnck I rum limit , S , Farnsworth , JV. . I'orogoy , A. IJler- sholm. E. II. Haworlh , II. 1) . Harle , B. M. Snrgeant , O. G. Morgan. A. W. Hlokmnn nnd H. II. Van Brunt returned yesterday morning from a two wcoks' hunting expedi tion lo Marsh L'\ko , Cherokee county , Nob. They compose what Is known ns the North- weslora Hunting association , an organiza tion which wus for.nud n little over a your ngo with tbo nvowod intention of annihilat ing all the gama to bo found in the north west. They succeeded very well on this trio , the results of their prowess being represented by something loss than n carload of gamo. Ilurlo and Haworth between tii em managed lo kill a forty-uound swan lhal measured elghl feet , bolwcen Ibo wing tips nnd llvo fool from beak to toes. It Is nt Norfolk being mounted nnd wilt bo placed on exhibition us soon as il arrives. After being exhibited for several dtivs It will bo nmJo Into a barbecue - cue and given to the worthy poor of the city , lilcrsheim also won considerable distinction by bringing down a Canada geese that weighed between eighteen and twenty pounds. Several crows were nlso caught alive nnd will bo fattoncd up and given to tbo dofcatod city candidates at u banqunt lo bo hold in Ihoir honor immediately after next month's election. The Catholic ladies of St , Potor's church will hold n bazaar during this week , commencing this ( Tuesday ) even ing at Masonic hall. There will bo a change of program every evening. The children , the inUfnil , the pastor , P. Longinus , etc. , will by music iind song and play endeavor to1 amuse the audi ence. Admission 2o cents. Season tickets $1 , which includes an opportun ity to compete for alady's line gold watch. _ j The Broadway Methodist "ladies will hold a sale of house plants on Thursday , October 27 , in the vacant room next to Crockwell's book store. All those fur nishing plants arc ' "requested to send thorn to the place of 'sale early Thurs day morning. Slipppr at supper time for 25 cents. ' , Big line of hanging lamps , stand lamps , hall lamps nt Lund Bros Sco those oil heaters at Swaino's , 737 Broadway. _ Collide * ! with u Motor. The now ana gaudily decorated delivery wagon of Scott Wllktns met with a bad mis hap yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wlikins was driving along South Firsl slroel when a motor came alon at a high rate of speed and collided with his rig. The horse was knocked end over end and the wagon was smashed into fragments. Strangolv onouph Wlikins himself escaped uithoul so much as a Kcratch. The motor was thrown from tlio truck and slid along the pavement until it collided with the curbstone , breaking oft ono of the wheels. Fortunately tboro were no passengers on the motor excepting the con ductor and inotorm.m , so that , mere is no chance for a suit for damages nguinst Iho motor line. Whal caused the accident is hard to suy , as each of the interested tiartics accuses the other of being responsible. 75 horses , grade Clydos and Poreh- orotis ; ono imported Clyde and one full- blood Porcheron stallion , cattle , tools , etc. , at public sale , Thursday , October 27 , on my fiiimmx miles east of Council Blulls , on Quick roud. E. L. SIIUQAUT. Gallon Messrs. Day & floss and ask to bo shown the Kloln tract of 401) ) acres nor on sale in five and ton aero tracts. They will show it free to all. Day & Hess report that they are hav ing a good demand for the ton-aero lots in the Klein tract. \Viinttul to Ituy. Improved property. Will pay cash if price is low. II. G. McGos. 10 Main stroot. Gontlamon , the finest line of fall goods in the city , junt roceivod. Roitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. The Boston Store closes every evening - ing at U p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. Minor Mention , K Y. I'lumblnp Cc. rouncll BlulTs Lumber Co. . Tbo frca puolio library will remain closed today , us Ilnolnutn Is to bo put on the lloor , The Class union of the Temple Baptist church will glvo u tupper at Iho Elsttuian buhdlntr this evening. Two horses have bean t.lcen un by the police - lice in the lust threq days una are awaiting tbelr owners at tlio police elation. Judga U. M Avleiworth und ( j , A. Holmes nro to deliver addresses , this avonlug in a democratic rally In ttjo town of Mitiawa. The remains of oiiarleo Johnson , who dloc at St. Bernard's nopjial a week ago , will be taken to his old hV.po.at Huriford , Uonii. , today. ' ' The domestic troubles of Worror. NortI nod his vvlfo , the former of whom was nr < rested the other night for assault and bat tury , were aired before Justice Swearlneer Flavoring Extracts NATURALFRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their lisa , Rose , etc. Flavor as delicately and dellclously as the fresh fruit yostcnlRV aril North vrns dhcinroJ ! , his w'fo ' nilmltllrt : thot \vMtoblnmoin ox- nspcr.allnR her lord , The Veteran Tlppccanoo club will hold n business niootlnc nt i ,30 thu ovonlne at the republican headquarters , L ) . H , C'liir.t , sec ret ury. Ibo ladloi of the CotiKrcpntlonnt church will servo mcnls nnd lunclioi on Wednesday In the store room lutoly oocuptod by Mr. Holds on Hrondvvnv , tiovt to the Council Uluffs Cnrpot company. The Poitawnttninlo Do rocrntlc nssoclntton held n mcctlnc last ovonltiR nnd made nr- r .in iomon ts for u torchlight procotslon and general demonstration next Tlmrsiluy nlitht , when Oovornor Crlttcndcn ot Missouri spcnks. Mnrrlngn lloonsos were Isiued yestordny to ttio following imrtlnsi Wllhor .1 , Thoinp- son nnd Ida .McL-Mti , of Pottnw.ittiiinlo county ; .lo iiib 1'Adcn nnd iMattto K. Klncnr , of Lincoln , Nob. ; Jatnos .MeUliity nnd Allco Maxlleld , of Ncola. Tom Davis nnd Cluirlos Foster , the pilr ot supposed pickpockets who were nrrostcd during Friday's pir.i'lo , wcro tried before Juitlco Swoarlnsun yostordny nnti dis charged , there bi'lnu nothing but circum stantial ovldcnco aiialnst them. A decision was rotiitcred by the supreme court ycstcrdiiy in favor of the plaintiffs in Iho casoof Deere , Well * & Uo. nunmst the city of Council liliitK A decision was rendered in the district i-ourl of 1'ottnwiit- tninlo founty last sprine In favor of Deere , \Vnlls .V : Co. , and tnsit decision Is now anirmcd , No bankrupt , Ilivriiiioltotl. dninncotl fnrnititro ut Mover's , ! iO"-U)7 ! ) Hi'o.tiUvii.V. Clean goods , loss thiui tiny Oinnlia prices. The Umllmit novelty base btintcrs nro tlio bint lioato in the oily. Son thorn nt S' Boston store closes every evening nt 0 p. in. , unless Mondays ami Saturdays. Have yon soon those beautiful Imiul- .painlcd jardiiiiofos nt Ijiitul IlrojiV Itdpooplo in this city use gn stovoj lhojas ( Co. puts 'oiu in til cost. Dlnnof sots , nice line just received , $8.00. Lutiil Uros. Don't forgot that S\vaino \ sells the Klinhurst stoves. .ludson , civil oit'jiuoof. o-S Brouil\vtiy Davis for drugs and paints. > "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ( Tasteless Effectual. ) > ron AM , : BILIOUS and NERVOUS I J DISORDERS. Such as Sick Headache , Wind and Pain in the ! Stomach , Giddiness , Fullness , Swelling allerj Meals , Dizziness , Drowsiness , Chills , Flush. 5 " inns of Heat , Lou at Appetite. Shortness ol Breath. Costiveness , Scurvr , Blotches on the Skin , Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , All Nervous and Trembling Sensations , anil Ir- regulnillles Incidental to Ladies. Covered vrlth a Tasteless ad Salable Cwticg. Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a Box. Nr\v York Depot,16 ? Caml St. „ „ , , , _ to talk nbout buyinp n GETTING hoiitor. it win bo cold before you know LATE it ; tire you ready for it ? Ila'vo you saen the latest truimph of the steve inakcr'a art ? Wo have it. There is no Jenyinpr that the boat heaters niudo : u-o the Art Garland and Peer less Garland , the Di-oduct of the largest steve works in the world. Both tire peed nnd oilhur suit ; ono is sure to. Don't wait another dny , but como and look over our stock of stoves anil ranircs , kitchen wuro etc. i'uicis : ALWAYS run LOWEST. P. C. DE VOL , 501 BKOADAVAY and lONoitTii MAIXST Council BlulTs. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNiCUS AGENTS AND LESSEES. In pursuance of ordinance No ; ; OD..roiulrirm ] walor and 2is connections to ho tuiule tu and within the curh lines on curtain sticnts nun nllurs In street Improvement districts XoISO 487,4sl ! , 490 , 4111 nnd 4si. In the cllv ill Umnhii. you ii ro horohy notified to make all necessary ennnoclions with wmor and pas mains , or lut- torals. and to complete such worlc on or ho- fore Novomhnr 10th , 1MU , us It Is the | iurio | o to pave tlio streets and alloy's in said dlstnciH , and more particularly duscrlbcd as follows , to-wit : No. 4S3 Center street from lOtli street to 11th street. No. 487 Alloy In block ffi , elty , from 17th street to l th street , No 4S ) Alloy In block 110 , oily , from 17th btrcct to IHth stroot. No. 4IHI l"lh street from Jackson street to Loavenworth street. No , 4U1 Alloy In hlock lOSJi from Kith street lo 17th slroot. No , 183 1'aclOc street , fioni X'ml htreot to the alloy hotwoon U''nd strot't unu UJrd street. In the city of Oinaliu. Dated ut Omaha , Nub. , this Mth day of Oc- toner. 18W. R w. IimK11AUSKI , Chairman lluard of I'lihllu Works. ' Tu the owners of all lots or pnrts of lots on Arhor street from inth t-t liltli streets. You nro hurohy nuliflod thnt the nndor- Bluno i , three diKlnlercsted freeholders of the city of Omahti. nave hevn duly iippidntcd by the mayor , with the approval of tlio oily council of t > ad ! elty. to asiua < the ilamano to tlio ownuts roxpectlvcly of the properly af fected In''railing ( Arhor fiom 10th to 1 Ith htreoti , decliirod necessary hy urdlnnncu ,1.110 , pussed October llth , Ib'J- ' , approved October J5. IS.1. ! ) You nro fiirlhtsr notified that liavlnc ac cepted wild uppnlntiiiunt , and duly ( | iiii'lMud as ieiulrt'ilby | law , uo u III , on tncutli ilay of November. A. I ) . lhW ! , ut the hour of two o'clock In thu iifttirnoon. ut the olllen of ( loorse J , I'aul , 10 n Kuril uii slroot. within thn cornorato limits of aalil ulty , mi-et for ( lit ) pur- piisu of eonaldorlnn und iminiivi llin asscss- mnntuf diimtiKO tu the owners respectively of said property. ivrtectiMl by bald Rriullnz. tnk- lui ! Intueunslder.itlon spoi-lul lionellts , If anj , You nro notified tn bo present nt thotlmo and p ace iifurusiud und maU-j nny ohjectliius to or statements cimccrnlntcaald aKsussmunt ot duiuuCB | IIH you mny consider proper. ffr.ouoi : j. PAUL , w d eiiuivnu. JAMKh hTOOKDALR Oniahs , October Si , IblU. or.diot Tu the uwnerH of nil lots or parts of lots front ing on Du".atnr street fiom ' . "Jtli to Ulut itreot ; You uro hereby notified thit tlio under- slciicd. three tlUlnteiuited freoholdcrii of the City of Omaha , have been duly appointed by Uio mayor , with the approval of thu city conn- oil ofR.ild city , to iihsobs the diimavo tu the ownorj respectlvuly of the property atleclnd by Krudlnic of Docalur from LOln tu 31st Htruets. duclarod neocssiiry by ordinance IKOI. piihsod October 7,18'J' ' , approved Outohoi 10. IM ) . ' , You are further notified , that having ac < ceptud said uppulntmi'iit , und duly qualified as reiiuirod by law. wo will , on thu llth clay ol November. A. l > . IS'U ' , nt .tlio hour of 'J o'clock In the afternoon , ut the olllco of ( ic-jr.'o J , I'liul. 1(1 ( ' 5 I'liriiuni street , within tlio corpnr.ilt limits of suld city , went for thu purpose ol considering unu mtiklug thu ossnirnt ul ilamujo to the owntirs rcspentlvely nf saltl property a tree ted by mild Kr.idlnv , t'lldnx Intc consideration Hpuclul bonollts , If uny , You are notlllud in bo present ia the time and place uforesuld , and nialio uny objeutltini tu or statements concoinlni ; suld asacsjincnl ul darjujt's au yuu may consider propnr. IH'MHOR J. I'AUL. J. F. FLACK. T. 11 Omaha , Got. SI , JEW. All around the world , from Knst to West , Pipe Smoker ? think- Bull Durham best. I low good it is , a trial will show , . And make you smoke and pra e it too. Get the Genuine. Made only by G0 = , DURHAM , NC , mill Silica ! INSTITUTE ! . INFIRMARY mi"-1 to ° H Tllli UCStrilPlllllO' . 'UMI'ltlll ' Tl I Mil III" I fi- I I M l | ' tl Oil nicnt of uvurv form nf itl-o\ < i ! r i ilr- liiiiiiiillcilurMir liMl Iron no U Ctl'O.ls furiullontH , ti nrl n it nt'i ) i lin-j 110,1 n1 comoil'ithmw tti the \vc-tt. Wrllu for clriMilnrt on Uof iruilll > j : i 1 1 lir.foi , Irui- o * . club foi't , ( "irv.ilurot t Hiin | ( . plloi , lii'iinri , i-n- tt'r , cat irrh. Imiuc'ittlH. liilrilatlon , uli'Ctrlcltf , pi- < - nly l % ciili'if | > , klilnuy , lila I lur , c > c , eir , "km nut blond amlall sur Icnl u | > t > niLli > tH. DI8E&8C80FVOM \Vnnicn I Hl'.i : . Wnliii\u lately lid lei 11 Ijlntliilo imrtiiHMit for Wornun tliirlntt ivinllntMtiuiit , "trlclly | ir\nle. Onl ) Itulliiblu .Mu llc.il Inu.tutu iiinhu .1 tlivclnll ) ot 1'niVATK DISEASES All Illool lle pn' < iipp < M < fitlly iruitiM. Syii'illltlj I'ol'onsri'iunvi'il from Ilia syMi'tii wltliuiil inoreirr , Now lli'storntlxu Tru-itim'nl lor lif < of VI I' Mi t'OWIIU. IVnoiisunnlite tiivl lt us tuny bo trpiui ) at homo by rorruipoiiiliMico. All en iitiiniilcitlo 11 contuientliu. MollcliuMorlMtriiiaiit4i ! ! ! > iiiU li/miill or cxprci'-i'i'iirely pnc'tu I , no nurki tn In lleita coi- tpnii or i > i > ntlor. Onu pcr nniil lntcrvl .v prolnrrot. fall unit consult uiiir MMII ! lilitnry ur > uiir mio , u it l hi ill mi u r.ippor , < iur 00/r / lnilioteic > , -jpil'.K ! ( Jleut imi Viirlo i.v.n , with quoi lli.ices , Ai | > ll UK-OS fur liofonnltloi n'l I 'I'flitxoi Unly m iiiiiliu'torjr In t'JO cnt . ) . ) iroIIMlTAI'l'I.IANC'ES TltlJSSKS , KIjIICl' itic it vTi'bitus : AND iim.iy Omaha Helical ami Surgical Institute 2Oth aad Broadway , Ojunoll Blaffj. Ten mlnliiiK rMo fro'n center ut ( ) u ill i o i Ocn 111 uirJ Lonnll Illiitri I'loctrlu niutnr lln j. Hie Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience. JIEADEH OF DISEASKS OF MEK AND WOSIEti. PUOFKIETOR OV TUB WOKIiD'S HEU1JAI. BISPKN- HAJIY OH' 51EUICINK. /treat the { allowing Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Tliroat , and Lungs ; Dl . easesof tbe Ejcand ICnr , lltauad Apoplexy , Ifeurt Dlecasc , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. DiabetesBriRbt'H Dl-coso , St Vltua * Bance. lUicuii > ati ° m , Paralysis , Wldlo Swelllnu , BcrofuJn , Fever Sores , Cnncors , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drawlnc a drop of blood. Woman with her delicate orpima re- Btored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to SUOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease i cannot euro without moroury. Tape Worms removed In two or thrco hours , or no pay. lU'iuorrliolils or I'ilca cured. THOSE WHO ARK AFFMCTED Wllltavc Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling on or UiliiR DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlio only Physician who can toll what allo : i IICIHIIIIvllliout fi Ulii | ; a tiuontlun. All enrrespondenco strictly confidential. Medicine gent by cijirt'sa. Addicss all letters to G , W , Pangle , MD , 6BS Broadway , Coanoil Bluffs , lov/a W .C. ESTEP , Funeral Direclor , Emaliii3J ! ) ii. { Main Street , Coutloll llluffs. NOTICK OF ASSESSMKNTOb1 DAM AGKS FOR CHANG F OF CHADM Tu the ownurs or nil lots , pni u of lots und real cistiilu nlunir ' 'Illi ttreol. ( rum 1'oiipluloii uvcmio to Hickory Htruot. You uro huroljy notlllud tlnit the iiiidur- slt'iiud , thrco dlilnturiiited freeholders of the city of Oiniihu , li ivu hcoii duly apDolntitd liy the niiiyor , vrllli the npiuoval of the city council i > t s.ild city , to IIHSUIS the diiinuxo to tint iiwiinrrt respcutlvely of the pronuily iilfected bv cliuii.'i ! n ( unulo ot fcitld Rtrt'ul. iln- OMIC | : | nucoisniy uy ordiniuiuo t\n. IU" ) . pi Outolier II. IB'J. ' , uuprovoJ Outohur if , ifc- ) . ' . Vou uro further imtHUvl iliut , copied suld uppolntini'iit , mid duly ( jiuilllliid us iriiulrud by luw. \ > o will on ilui : ird duy of Novoinl/er. A , 1) . ISO. ' , ut the hour of 2 o'alosU In tliu iifuirnouii. ut the olllru of bhrlvur & O' Donation , HIM ruriiiiiu strcot. within thu corpor.ito llmltH of wild oily , meet for tlio purpose of uoinldurlnK und inuklii { thu unusbiiient ( if dutnoKu to thuuwneiii ro- fiuutl\oy | of siild property , nffvutod liy s.ild ( liuti-jo of pr.idu , t.iklii ; into uonsldoratlon ipi < uhi | honeUti , If ii i iv. You uro notified to bu proionl ut the tltno and pluuo uforoiitld , und nmuo my objoetloiu toorstatuiniMiU cdiiuLTiiiiK aild of dainuaes an you iiuiy uonxlunr uiupor , W. U. bllUIVint. uioiuji : : j. 1'AUU JOHN K I'LAOK. Comiulttco of Appraiser * Oinuhu , October "J. jb'.C. Ui'ldllt NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. EMPLOYMENT. 1A7ANTK1) ) \ mini ; mint to nork about sin ' ' 1'- ' " ' < " ' l'"Usl' ' > Al"tlyut otllco of Iii'on A ' IMIM'.TUNT Blrl nt ont'u. Mrs. J. JVI.yii.in , ( l.-iUMlow nvo. HOUSES AND ' ( ) K.VNdt : crnv , < < ' for -.ill-or tr.idu. Nleliolnou IU "IIP " MMtinbur lniidslii Mlimc" < nlii foi mlo In iii | unities tn suit , Ku , v piiyini-nis. Mi-luilson .Vc t'o iiii-l i-lty loin < . Moni-y loinnl < vt stock and - riln. Ho-il ustnlii fur w.ilo , liuullln < 'inil limiii ) | < s irntaN. Monnv lo.ino 1 fiirloo il Investors. I.OIIKUO &TiwloMH'oirl : : 1 01 { KXOlf ANn--Vlp ! iruuni tiT-Keolloirof l 1 mil for Connoil llhiirs tnopuity ; will pay I'li'h for dlirntonoc. ( Iruunshiolds NluhoUon \ , Oo. n.'l Uro in way l OK SAMC Ohnii-est fiirin In I'oitnwulti- - mo Co. , II. I auro welt lee itud atU Im- pnn ad. 1'rli-o tIJ : ui auro. II It jhoiifo. "JO ACUKS lanil fur Rule : bciMHMI Oounoll -t lllull > i nnd Uiiiaha . : u li.irciiln If lukoii soon. tireuiish.UMls. N'lfliolson .V ; Co. , i.il llroadway. 1 1iV\uJ."lv4 \ " "Vthltu for s'lloor trade so * - I. II. bho fo. llro i hv.iyin | .M un stront. ON KAHV piiviui'iilsroiini lionsn on South ist street Greonshloid , NluhuKon & L/'o. . C.'l llio.idway. "R'OIt HAI.K Oiisinul piiyinonts. fruit and -L1 Riirdcn luti I nnir Uoiinell llluirs IS. U. blioufp. llroadvv ly un I > lulu struot. "ITlltriT IANIii : | iir-ros for'sillo : Inildoeltv J. limits. Uteenslilolds , Mohnibiiii & C'ti. , ( Lit llri ulw.iy , \\7 A.OOO & 0 , ) . havi ) Aouio of tlio llnost fiinns In soiithwosturn fow.i for H.ile. ( -.ill and si'o IH .VJJ .M.iln street. HlU > I , n 1 litiutsy vviinted for unimproved iroiH'rty In norllntosl p inof ulty ( jruen- iiieiilNU'lniKiin A I'o. . O.'l Itt AHA 1UM ! .N. Iaero I ' fruit und garden iruot 2'5 in lies from pnslullliM''J'S ' uercsiiiKrupes. ! ! auro In bliifkbi'i ih-s. 2. . ) apple tieos. 7."i Ilium Hers Ti cherry trees , dwnlllifK , ntablo , cte. I'rlcuHOOi. No iriulo. K. II. bhe.ifo. n ! ACltKS , liisldiovlnHs : will sell In loin * mo iii-ro up tn suit buyer. Qreenshlelds. Nluholnon , . Uo. , d-'l llroiidwny. JP VOU liKe kind iri'iitincnt and tiarunliiB In rual L"jtiilt < uill ( in Oreenslilclds , Nlcbol- bon \ . fo. , OJI Ilioiidway. Ififl ACItl'H of ulotir Innd In eastern Nu- litasku to u\eliiiiiie for n. gooil rusldvnco In ( 'ounull Illiitrs. Want hntistii nnd lots for No- hrasku lund. JohiiHton fi Van 1'iitttm. \\7nilAVKiigoodteirinr for a flvoor ilx ' i room liou-ii ! Tour or llvo hlocUs from post- olllco. ( irociblilolil > , Nicholson & Co , . 031 Ilrondw.iy. OGUD neiKH of choice plno hinds for sale. jnoir t'lirvls , Miss. ILisy tiirnis. In quire of Mr * . 11. (3. IlrooUu , or A. T. UIco , li'8 Jlhslirct. FOR linXT The following dwollln si Ill-loom duo llnu. iil : 1'urlc nvo. . j-IU. E-rooin dwollliiB. 7-4 Ho. ( illi st , . tH. h-ioom dwvllliiir , ll'.tl''ml live. . } - ' . " . T-iooiii dwulllii. , 80 : . ' 1st u\o. , 1-- ! " > . 7-rcioni ( Iwnlllnc , lU'lfitli ' ajc. , $ . ' . " > . ( i-rooin dwell ns , 1 U1 Avenue 1) . V2\ 7-rooin dwelllnir. 1 ! > 2 llro idwiiy , S2) . Id-room il\\oilliiK. : I8" > llontim st. . $ JJ , h-ioom ilwullinx , AVIMIIIO ! O , fJi. i-ioi ; > ni ilwitlllni ; , 110 N. l.ith St. , fji ) . i-'ooin dwullliu. II. " ) AVIMIIIU A. flO. 7-ioiini dwnllliiK , : illl Lincoln HVO. . tlO.M , 7-rooiu ilwulllu-- , .Ml Ilimmmy hU , ill fl-KIOIII llUUl IIIK , SI'.IS. ' lilll Nl. . f5. ! 7-iODni duullln : ; . llalililtl I'lucc. 1SI5. K-iii.ni iluullhv. Ill Curtis nt. . * ! . " . 7-riniiii iluclun , Ini. " Avenue A , $ H. n-room dttidlln. , Kl MynstorHU. ill. ri-roiiiii ( twollln , lifisilrd uvo. , tl i. 4-iiioin ihvollliiK. .VU .Mynfitcr hi. . $12.51 C-riHini dwelling , ( ir.iluini uvo , . } ! ' . ' . C-roiiiii dw ! lliiir. l.'iUlilllh live. . 111 ! , ll-rooin dwulllii ) ; , lliilibitl I'lico. : fl-.riD. .Vriioin duelling , Ml I : . I'luruoat. , DID. 7-rooin dwulllnu' . Mornlimulilc , tl'J.frO. 4-nxiin lUM'llln , 4U > I'nrlf uvo. , H'JM. fp-rooni dncllliiK. 1 % WasliliiKtini uvo. , tlV ( n-roimi ilwulliiiK. 41) ) ! N. fitli St. . til ) . ri-riioin dwollliiK. fi'JI Avi > nuo ( I. ? 10. ri-rniiin duelling , : ; ui N. 7th ht. . $10. fi-room ihMillliiK , I'.IOJ ' Avoniiu I ) . $10. 4-ronni duulllnv , IH.ihlli avo. . Jit ) , l-iooin dwollliiK , 1IH Vine St. , 810. ( i-rootn dwollliiK , * * ' " 17th avu. , $10. - li-room ihvolllir.1 , Kill A venue II , ilO. 6-roum duellhiK. 1Kth ! ' live , , > 10. U-rooni dwolllni ; , 1525 Avunuo II , 10. li-rooni dwullliiK , I'UJ Avunuu A , 110. l-ro dwulllni ; , HIS Scott i-t , , 18. n-rootii duelling ; . UIS Avuiiun U , 49. d-rooin dwelling , Slstht. undAvr-iiuu M , 13. 'i-rooni iMTDllliiK. 701 K. 'Iril st. . 4-i. fi-iooni dvvullliiK , : ino Avunuo A. < 8. 4-roiini duulllnu , MVi N. IsL ht , $7. .Vrooni dwelling. HIOO Avunno A. * ' . fi-ioom dnolllnu'Hi 15th uvo. , 10. ll-rooin ilMc.llnv. 14,11 Avenue A , $ H , fi-iooin dwolllnj. , S'l.B Avunuo 1) ) . $5. : i-iooni iluolllni ; , 1711 : ird nvo. . * , " > . ' . ' -loom dnolllnir , ll'io A\onnii I > , } . " > . 4-room dnti'llng.210 ' Avennii 1) . M. ' /-loom ( lui'll'nir.l.'ll ' S , nth hi , , . ' > . li-rootn ( huilllng , Kill N. Hltli HI. , 1. n-roiini ilUL'HItis , hill A vii II , JI80' . U II. Hhniifo , lenliil iiKunt. llroiiduny and Miiln slice t. .n iinod CiMinull lllull's propitrLv. lie Hold lids wunlc. Urcuiibhlold * , Nlcholbon X Co. WI/IIAVIIcilaluini'is H'liii want IIOUHOS to runt , lluvo you Iho houses ? Ureenslileldn , Mc'liol.son .t Co. 1 jWU KXUMANRR-KoJO stojk of gciiiir.it -L' niurchunillso for town nr custom Nuhriiuka lund , ( iieiiiihliluldN. Nluhol on K Co. , OJ1 II'way , auc'iila fur udmliilbtr.itiir. IT-Olf KX'IIANUi-40 ; ncrns in I'hllilp-j -1-coniilv , Cole ulth Jniinoviiiiioiits - - , , for sleek of dry goods und clothing or other inline. I. II Miuufo. HANOI ! otOH ! ! ) uuros , no'irChoviinne. Wvo. line linprtivnmunts , xjtnu Htoulc goes wltli riineli ; flutist In thoblato. Will oxulianvu fur Council llmir or Omaha iiriipurly. ( Iroen- shleldH , NliOiolson , tUn , Oil llroiihvay. . for ailmlnUtritur. h.ivo for Miilti ono of the bustOjD-uciu atojl ; fuims In wost- uin Iowa , ; niinovud , uiisspiiiilu , v inlt-i nnil 1C 1) , llurxu , Ulty Illdg. HAIjlC Kiirnlturc. llxlurusnnd le.iHont the i'Ht mi i llnoit hnlol In Kontiiurn All niodurn Iniiirovoinuiiu , olo- Cant fiiriiltnrd. Nut nrollts * l uoj.ui ) pur an num ! InillUliiK ni'vvly Intllf. no eoniiiilltlon. | l'rciilltK.ijj ! , liulf oanli. 1C. II. Hlioufe , Coiinoll " ' la. FO lB , \ fK- Hnrdwari HtojUn In Iowa itirl Nobrasku. Involoju , I , JUJ to IH'.OJJ. K 11 , Khoafu. lOlt HA ! , ! ? 1'iunlly licrse , now plmuton , -L humus * , olc. ( J. ( Iruirory , I'M M.iln ut ii HAIdJ cTiunp , or In oiuhaii7ii for land , un uHtuhlltihud hiulnuiiM , Adilrvsn ! ' O , , Coiinull HlulTn. lii. _ DANOINa3DIIOOL. . _ _ " " " TVON"IAVHIu U , " "A. p.irlorj , chlhl Von , 4 p l'in.i uilulU. 7i : ) p m. Koolals syuond nnd fourth Mondays- p. m. Muslu fiirnUhed pur * ties and clubs Adilrem ut It A , 1'arlorH , Ooiinull IIUilTri. or lU I furnaui nt. . Umuha. W , K. CliuiuLiers , Inbtruiitor.