it TIIR OMAHA DALLY DKE : TUESDAY , OCTOBKR 2o. 1802. * ! . ! < room , Ho said to TUB UKR corroipond- "I'nt In the oxoeiulvoofllco that none of the family had lofl the sick room sluco half put 4 o'clock ' and that nrob.irdy none of them would co to the dining room , where ino table I was prepared for the regular ovunlns moal. Mm , Mnrrl'on's condition , ho said , had not changed for three hour.i. AIM lift o'clock MM. Hnrri'on was per- cnpllbly wculier , but Dr. U-irdiior said that if she litssod midnight It was timely possible that she would live until morning. Tlio members of the latni'.v are still In the siok room. Trio president has not left the bodMdo ol Ills wlfn slncfl ! l o'clocK Ibis nftornoon. Some bcof te.i wan lalcn lo him u whllu ago bul thl.s Is iho only nourishment ho tins had. I'oitrtli Alnrtn from the Slrk Itiioin. At 8 o'clock Mrs. Kowcsinei' , Lleutniintit P.irkornnd Mr. McICeo wont down to am- ncr but In a few minuter they wuro sum- inoned to tlic McU room bv mossai-a saying tliat tli6 end Rnomod lo bo appro.iehiiia. This wi llio fourth alnini from the Kick room. The first time when the entire family , with Ihooxcoptlon of Iho prcMdont , was at the breakfast lublo. I.iko tins olnors , this alarm proved lo bo false. Tlio sinking "Pelt Hissed nnd the vigil of the weary wntohor * bv Iho hadslde continued. Several nrniv onicers attiuhcd to Iho president's household hail como In during the ovonlug , nmniiR tliom Coionti Hrnst of the et.glnuci' cnrpt and the commis sioner of public buildings. Colonel F.rnst Is In charge of the executive mansion and hli po llloii brougnt him into very close contact with Mrs. Harrison. A llttlo croup of em ployes of the csccuilvo mansion sat lu the telegraph room and talked of the dvlng woman's hi mines * , of her contleucss , of her many admirable qualities as they ban known them. Each had some lucldotit to quote In rvldopct'of hcrthoughtfulncss. Svmpalbellc \\llntholr griefs , liitaroslod In their happl ness , they had lonrned to loV3 tlio mlstroii of the wtiltu housu. All the country Is waiting for news from tliu sick room tonight. Arrangements h.ivo teen made to Mend the news lo the country ever Iho lolcgraph wires promptly. At In tervals the telegraph ofllces on the circuit with the while tiouso call up Mr. Muiitirom fry. iho oxouullvo operator , to ask him if thito Is any news , To these who were hero eleven ago , tonight suggests the period nf nnx'om suspense when ProsldoutUai'llold lay dying In Iho white liouse. Mr . Harrison IR iianglng belwoun llfo and tie.ith. She cannot move. Her pulse Is foublo nnti her breathing light. Her throat Is full of phlegm ; nt times her breathing reuses enllroly , then It beams ninln. It is this that rained the reports rroin thosliik room that she was dead. Some time , it may bu In a few minutes and it m iv bo In a lew hours , iho broathlng u 111 stop entirely. Di1. ( i.trdnor is In the sink loom nml will re main uulil the cud. Kov. Mr. Hnmlln of the Church of the Covenant and his wlfo h.ivo Jtiit come to the wbito house to offer their horvlre > if they .should bu needed tonight. Dr Gardner has told the watchers iu the sick room "hat Mrs. llurrison may live until midnight. \\itl < ) nletly PUSH \\vny. Atll : 10 o'clock Dr. Gardner nid io Tun Ur.t : corrcspoudont : "Mrs. Harrison niuv live uulil midnight und she may die in half an hour. She is very low now. She is only just breathing. With tlio cassation of Unit breathing her life will pass quietly away , There will bo no sliugglc. bho is lee went : for Hint. " The familv has Itept their vigil in the slo' . : room since half past 4 this afternoon , expect ing that any moment llio end might como A few moments uoforo 10 o'clock Lieuten ant Parker o.iino from the sick room ilo said tliut ho thought Mr * . Harrison might live for an hour or two. When he loft the room Mrs. HarrUnn was sleeping. At midnight Mr . Harilson was sinking. Mowly , with iho cliiincca In favor of d coinini. lo her within a few hours. Shn was Hlcepintf. The president remains at her bed- Hide and the momhors of Iho familv are still in tlio sick room. Ontv Mr. Halford. Mr. Montgomery and four of the newspaper cor respondents were left in the brillinnlU lighted vestibule. The doorkeeper guard the entrance to the mniibiou and answers the * - questions of ihosn xvho rome at long , inter vals lo ask hoiv Mrs. Harrison is. Nothing has ooen said in the familv about the funeral arrangements Probauly no thought has been given to them. lut ! it scorns Itkoly it simple service will bo hold li the Church of the Covenant bore on Wcdnes day morning and the funeral parly will o wc't Wednesday afternoon. The Until vices may bo hold in Indianapolis Thur.sda.v afternoon. The Pennsylvania bus ten doiod a special tram it It should bo needed. At l'JIS : Dr. CJi'.rdaor. on coining fiom thu hick room , said ho md not believe Mrs Hairtson could live half an hour longer > luIVII . \ | pi-p In lieiilh. Mrs. Harrison lav motionless , unconscious. Her breathlncwns sd faint lhat it was baldly poiroptlhU' . At 1 : IU a. m. , llio family being nt the be. ido , Mrs. Harrison censed breathing She passed away so peacefully Unit none could tell i ho moment when the Just breath passed her lips. There was a peaceful look on her van face. The presi dent tumid from the bed < -ldo in silent grlcl. Dr. Gardner was not In ibo room when llio end en me , Ilo wnb ciilrvti In n minute later and formally coiillnneu the fact. HI : * . . t.iri. . S I ; ii 4ilrliiH ! \VoiiianlMiiMl iintl py MurriiMl l.iic. I ) . ( J. . Cot.JU. . About llftv- seven voara asjo tbo bniiso of Ki-v .la ha WUherspoon Scott , a Pre.sbytcrlaii divine , president of the Oxford. U. , L'Ymulo college , was madu happy by the birth of a daughter. At that tinio Andrew Jackson swayel the drstlnics of the country and Kmlly Donel won , xvlfo of bis private secretary , and Sarah Vorkc .Inckson , wlfo of his loiter son , di- vido.i the lionnr.i of tlio social .idmtulMlin tion of the oxrcuilvo iiianslon , The infant daughter of thn reverend pro fessor received the name of Came. Dr Sott : belnnvs to an old Pennsylvania lamlly , ills blrib occnnlng in llucks county , that Mate , in tlio llrst year of the century. When ho wns a youth In Philadelphia ho mot u jouiijladj ( The vouuir people buoimo iiuicli aitacbod to u.u-h otlioi > but clroanislmii.'cs Inturvcnoit to somirato tliom. The j spun ; : lady's father was a bank c.t'lucr in i'lilladelnnia. Auout the tinio she \ initorlun llio moat Intercbtiiig a c ol malden lifo lie roiunvcil to NV.uliliiutou , I'.i. , takiin : his family with hiui , to tound antl manage u buiiu In tbo hitorosts of oiusteni uaplMlials. About the samu tuiio Mr. Menu , liuv np compli'icd his education iinu theolog ical htudlt's , wi'ia to Washington , 1'a , us aii insiiuctorin the did Washington college , bo- lore it wdb united xviih ita rival , .lutlm.son cullcgo of CJlioiihliurgh , Tlio old ac- ijnalnlalnijes were renuived nnd soon after Maiy , tlia bank cashlor's daushlor. li"1- fi.iiiB the wllo ol John W. Scott , profossoi . bomii forty mllus In a northwesturly diruc- lion from Cinciniiati , O. , is thu rural town of Oxford As early : is IS'D it was made tlio t.rni o | Miami university , founded under the p.jtrouago of UiUhtule. Those importunteU ucatioi.ul interests biibsriiuontly lo'l to thu pi.tnblUhi.iunt of tliu Oxford Kmnale colU'co mid toVostein ( Komnlo semUiary. Of the former Hov John W. tii'otl had bocomu pn'i- Idtml 'Ihcru wat a uiudotu at Oxford v tliht Uni'i natnod BaiiJ.unlu Harrison. He aai ] passed Irom the Far nvrt oelo : e Into tno f.ilainl uuiveialty Una tr.Hluit'J at the ucit jl ISo.irt > , t trluLitii in : t df lu tu IndiiHtry anil mrnUI mpicily T'io yufin ; tludontni lhainluo of hli pursuit of learn. nu muud hiniaclf ovcrtuUon iut \ > vt , mid llr Scott's daughter wut llm otjji'lut his ulU'cuon. Johu Scott Hr.nlfon , iho father > t tliu UiJuul , was lee warai hrul'tfit and lourul to lay by too much af * UQ' alure or von 10 mko a solllsh ours \rhat U hud ! I'i'lvdl by luhvritanco. Tha ( M > uU < lnl dimliil-ilnjil In acre ami tha fitn- | i exi o | icr in uaUor lilt iiiunncuuirut t , uhlcn e IHai'imiu to tualto hit own way , With n uuod education as hi * cnpltal uud tno ivcrld us hi * | li > ld for Inveslmpui. U was 10a - trying ultuailon to * ever ton tuuner lies wlilcb hum him at Oxford for lliu uncimiUonnl cxpurl ucei of a student at law In iho olllcu of llollumy Btoror nad Ai > min ( V Winn of ( 'iuclnnatl. Ilo llnlitiod hM inlUomo journey un lliu ruxsad hltliwu.v of Jiirlsprudouconud iho lint tiiinu tboro- nf or wended lil way bark to Oxford. on UctoborJU , IbM , ho tbnrd made MUs Carne h'ott Ids wlfo. The bupplnes of Iheir lives cf.ioincu ng from Ihut date bas known no diminution nor uhuiigo until ilealb came io M'piralo Uium. Their f.udncs for tiicir homo Hud. Iho pleasure they took In the fmnlly clrclo and Hi mnplo Joys nlloii their arid KOVO oxnmnlu of wnjucal ulfeo- lon all the world u bulicr for 'I lie pro | " " : U In life for tun young couple wore not bright , as the world eocs. hut the young pconlo were full ot hopo. Tholr united fortunes In love made thom contented , and with hnppy ho arts and wllllug hands they crjssod iho thivxhold ot life's dutlos to- gather. Their honeymoon was pasted under the pi- tornal roof at North Hand , batow Cincinnati. In the following March the young cotiplo wont to Indianapolis. In addition to the care bestowed upon her education , thoyoung wife was irolnoj in hoilsnhold dutios. The cash cipltal at the command of Hen- jitnln Harrison when he began marrlod life aud tbo practlco of his profession was ? 3Ull , tin advance on a lot. In Cincinnati , Inherited through his nunt , who married James Kin- lav , n soldier of the war ot 1812. Mr. and Mr * . Harrison began their domestic rospoii- Mblllllci in rooms In nu IndlannBOlU boardIng - Ing houso. In iho summer of ISM Mr * , llurrison paid u visit lo her patents nt the old homo ni Oxford , and there oa August 12 Russell Harrison , their oldest child , was bom. After this ctcntlntho family circle , the young mother having rnlurno.1 In the nulutnn lo Indianapolis , Iho proud hitsbnud ruined a small house nud began llfu in eiiv.v cst. bis faithful and Industrious wife doing her own houseuorlc In a cottage of llireo roams. 'I'hosic.idv ' gains in fame , practice and tipi'iiniai'v roullsKOon found Mr * . Harri son pro-Hiding over u moro proteiitlotis house. Here th Ir InU child. Mary Scott Harrlsoa , wns born , The couple steadily grew in the estimation of tholr neighbors , und Mr. Harrison.nchlovod tame in politic- ) . In Issl ( llumsnn untured thu sou- ale of the United Staleaud Mr * . Hunisou , bcuiine n ID under of that rilst luitulshed circle , the wives ot senator * . In her Washington ro'l'lcuco of six yoarj Mrs. Harrison ex tended her sphoio of usofulnois. lior inuno associated with noble charities' und church work The C.irllold hopilal ewe * Its present success in a largo degree to her active Inlorcstns one of its llrH director * , \Yhun tlio family came to the whlto house Uf. Scott , who had rostdod hare with hts widowed daughter , MM. Uilasoll Lord , went lo live with lliem , nnd resigning his position lu Ihe pension ofllco cave up all active duties to oujov the first leisure of n busy lifo under Iho wlilto house roof , from that day until sttlckou dowi , with her fatal Illness ho was the object of the tondcrost cans aril solici tude on the part of Mr * . Htriisou and , in deed , of Ihu whole honscliiilrt. The lint break in the united circle was the ilontl , of Mrs. Lord , which occurred lacutn < bur 10 , l S'i , after the family had again re turned to town alter their Miinmur nnd au tumn travol. Mrs. Harrison was along limn recovering from this olo\v. ThoslsU'rs were gro.itly attached and were always together as much as possible. At the beginning of the grippa epidemic , Mr * . Harrison sharotl thu fatuof her enllro household , s.ivo llio president He fore shu was taken down , hmvovor , she nursed all llio rott , oven her lillle fjr.iudehlldron who were seriously ill. tlinoi after she mlTered again from all the painful symptoms of the llrst nltack , and ospacl.illy so last spring , a vcar ago , up-ia hnr roltirn Irom California , whoa she brought Uncle with her a troublesome cough. Ailhough she had another bid spoil whllo at Capo May last summer , she returned in llio nulutnn with her health so much irnuiovod that she no looker 'allowed her family to look upon her as a semi-invalid. Throughout the winter she went about her U'liul duties with her old time vigor , ann it was but seldom that shu did not appear at thn social functions of the mansion. Com ing on the spring her extreme pallor showed thai she was not fooling well as usual , hut she did not glvo up until the day came when she was unable to rise from her bed During the Lenten duvs last spring thera was sueti a pressure of callers upon her lhat she sot aside certain afternoons in ouch week to see callers. She was generally present , but. if not was represented by the ether ladies nf the household. At the very last date , however , of tlm series , Wednesday , April H , hho in tno Dluo parlor and hold u "brilliant reception fiom 5 to I ! o'clock. The afternoon was excessively warm and all the doors and windo.vs were opened , tsho coughed nearly every time she spoke und seemed to busulToiiug considerably. That day she was very ho.irso aud her physician summoned. Hnr illni'ss boc.iu that night. Hut few ot her friends have scon her sinco. For weeks thi ! invalid was not conscious of anything going on outside of her own room mid , in will Uo remembered , she knew homing nl all of llio events of the Minneapolis convention nor of Mr. Blame's resignation until Iho ri'nominalion of Mr. Harrison was an assured fact. After lout to ngain reuse her interest and io keep her mind from dwelling too much oa her own condition , the doctor decided tliut tlu daily papois DC road lo her , aim in fact all the ordinary news of the day bo discussed in her pres ence. Toward the last of her stay in thu citv there wore many days when she was able to go oul riding. Shu was always car- nod down stalls to her arriagn by Sergeant Ivciiuoy of Arctic fame , ono the doorKeepers - Keepers for whom she nad a special liking. Wlioti she returned from theso.short drives she carried upstairs again. The day she Inf t town for Loon Lrtko there were Ian who saw her who over sup posed that she would return alive. In appearance , Mrs. Harrison wns a typo of matronly bdailly. In ligurn she showed thu geiicioslty of nature , and in mind na ture's equal beniicuncp , expanded by the training in thu acquirement of n liberal education , drawn from the uroadcs oppor tunities. A lavish growth of hair , silvered with tlm t lire.ulh of a llttlo over half it cen tury of lifo ami Healing in curly waves over a well-snaped head and ondiug in a graceful coil , bor regular features and dnrk , " ex pressive p.ycs formed a picture of typical womanhood , She bud a voice sottf-nod by Iho instincts of a gentle nnturc and a gift of conversallun which , while animated , was thoughtful. The tastes of Mrs. HnrrUon were in the direction of art. Her woiks lu walcr colors are thti evidences ol tier gill'and application to ncr tuvoiitii rcciL'.tiion. Mrs. Harrison was by nntuto ulronglv do- rucMlc and shr.iult from notoriety. The a traits wor ! i little , if at all , modified uy her rssidcuco in tin white bouse nnd liur'proud position us the tirst lany of the land. For Her friends she hud always a grmcrons uel come , Imtsho did not relish llio ser.utiny of the critical ami coldly curious , although much of ibis she was perforce from her post- tinn , obliged to eiulnro. bho was always equal to every social demand , and , by her winning manner und sympathetic utterauces , suc- uooucd iu making and retaining an un usually largo number of warm friend ship * . Bui llio calls of society wore , with liur , HOC-OIK ! in importance to the demands and duties of a wifu , mother and daughter , und u was in the domestic sphere lhat sno nhono with lau bright light. She wished everybody around her lo bo hnpjiv und to Unit oml , she gave her basi offorts" She un til roil jo earn aud keep the love of family und personal Iriunds , BO ber goodness , sym pathy nnd strong homo Instincts were her dominant chutactcrisiics The ICvonlng Slur of 'Washington , in an article written bv u lady who was well acquainted with Mrs , Harrison , speaks as tolloiyg of her personal character : "Tho greatest charms in .Mrs. Harrison's disposition were her strong common sense , her ovonncBK or t.Miipcr , her willingness to obllgound < hi > kindly thoughl for everybody else walun dominated ovor.v act. She culll- vated the faculty nf saying a happy thing of every bodr. aud rupressod tbo strong : inclina tion to Jiy ibe ivitly ihiiiKS which CAIIIO so ensllr loher , for feat' bho might unwillingly ofluQil a .anslth'u neriyu. Her tllgh position did uot chonifo ner la the slightest degree , tinier It ware1 to make her feel more itian I ver wlllltiff lo give up her prlvaio Inclina- j tloni to do tiiat which wus oxpuciod from ! her by the public , iI. "In cairylng out thu hospitalities of the whlto house bliu Imq , ue\or lifon enrolled. bim presided with easy dignity and 10 upon ihoso occaiioiiK , and omitted no Jot nil that would add to Ihu nloasuro of these at 1 landing tlu'in. She carried out to the ( allot the written nnd the unwritten laws of the house , uud did us much as U was possible to do within llio limltfa of oucli season. " Snoutiingof her yo > iorday , n ludy who Uas known her for many years said : "Thy Har- rlsons buvo been .Uwavn noted for tholr hos ' pitality. Thav had always u house full 9'It company at their liuliaunpolis home , and it was currently t.aid ihoy really unlortntucd beyond ihclr moans. They kept up tbo prac tlco hero. U wa . not their fault U any of tholr old tlmu jndiana friends loll Wushicg- tnji wllhout onjov-liig : > family meal ut the whltu u"uso or u drive or some other cour- U'iy , Dr Scott's old friouds , his puplU or associated In his colleijo president day * , were always shown llio givatost ultunliou , anil Mr. and MN. Harrlsoa rarely sat down to ida meat without some company , " "Hur thought and euro expanded itsult upon the housu iu every particular and tt Is to liur mainly that the present excellent oon- dltlju of ibe na < loa is duo. Sue had a priduln iu bUtory uad a rayeronce for . 11.a old tlmo customs , nnd a patriotic doslro that the nrosldntit'B honso should bo worthy of the people who placed him there. . Stif took pleasure In brinelnc Its &IO tre.-nuros to Hunt nnd piscine them where everybody could see and iiilmlrn thom , Mrs. Harrison win very anxious during her sojourn In the mountains to return to \Vashtnaton. The mountains were very droarv during tno frequent downfalls of rain oud this conspired to donross thn Invalid considerably. She \Vaslilngton when it was bithcd in the sunlight of n brleht sum mer d/iy. / That was the vision haunting her dreams , and when her weakness became so giontauo could not repress the desire to c < 5mo back again to the fainlllarBcoaes of the whlto house. As n delicate flavor , delicious nnd refrnsh- Ine , Uoorf's Kxtru Dry Uhanipa o lakes the leild. Millions of bottles are sold annually BOARD O/HEALTIt. llmlni'ss semlon ot I lie Ci > imiil toiicr < Ili-ld Ye lentity. The Bo.ird of HaiUh mat yoitonlay afternoon - noon lo cnusldorthoadvb.thlllty of dis of llio service * of oneof tno luspoctors during thu winter mouths and appointing a medical assistant to the commissioner of health. Incidentally the bo ird considered a number of ether mallor.s r.inglnc from milk measures to "stud11 ttolior. While walling for the arrival of thn mayor Mr. Parker tostsd a number of moasurus tn the prosPtiro ot the tioirJ which had boon offered for in pastioi : bv thaVost Point Uroimorv company , it developed that their two-gallon mnasuro lacked Just a pint of holding that quantity , the gallon measure was Hi too ellls short and ihu others In the same proportion. When the mooting was called to order Llr. stated that ho owed tha board an upolocy lu coiineo'.ion with llio LltUe-llotd maltor. Tha iu.spuction which found Little- field's raeasui'os short was nnido two years auo Instead of recently as ho had supnoicd. An cxtomlod discussion ensued. Mayor liotnls uulntainlnK lhat Lllllellold had bcon done an injustice nun should ba set H lil. The ether inombor.s of the board dllTorcd wito him , claiming that Iho tlmo of tlio of- IPIISQ did not make the mlllc dealer any loss culpiblc. The ir.alter of short womht in coal was tils- cussud al iciiKiti. Mr. P.irkor suld-that ho had a .suspicion that , some coal do.ihrs were pivlim hliort weisht , liut could not test it , because tbo present ordinance did not ivo him authority to take a louj from the .scales and verify the wuigrit of llic dealor. He was rcuueatcd lo refer Iho matter in writing lo Iho mayor , who u ill endeavor to have the oidtnancp amended accordingly. Mr. Howull suld that , whllu they were considorinir ttiesu manors bomo action ought to bo tnkou in regard to "stud" poker which was buiug plavcd in ovcry g.imblii.R house iu the citv , and wut a u.skln" canio in which many work- Incniun lost a ( treat part of thnir earnings. The mcuibors all confessed on tire ignorance of the mysteries of the unu inontioiicd. Mavor Ueinls didn't know how It was Played , and appealed toxOhief of Police Seuvey , whose knowledge was equatlv moaqor. It was lltially decided that " .stud" ' poker was an instltiuiou over which the board hud no supervision. The idea of laving off ono of the meat inspectors specters until May 1 occasioned a decided difTeronco of opinion as to which of llio two Inspectors should bo a cjndiJuto for Iho ux. Dr. Somers s.iid Mr. Uoson was Uio bellcr man , out Mr. McLaiu resented iho aliened imputation upon Mr. Prank's ability. The latlcr was tlnally undo the victim by the mayor's castinR volo. In asking for un assistant Dr. Uomcr.s said that with tils present force ho was not able to pav siilllclont attention to contagious dls- ensus and iitlond io bis other dutios. livorv c.iso of that kind should bo visited and watched to prevent contagion , and in order to accomplish that un assistaut was neces sary. Thn board inclined to the same op'u- lon und , made lr. TOXMIO an assist lut com missioner of health nt ? 100 per montl , dating from November 1. iii'lcinliMl Colnniliiis. capacity of St. Philomoia's cathedral was taxed to its utmost , last night by Iho ureatthrongof poopl" , gathered there to hear KathorTIghuaf Jersey Cily , N. J. , deliver his lecture on Christopher Columbus , the celebrated discoverer. The speaker maintained that Columuus was a follower of Christ , and that during all of bis trials nun trluulallons ho never forgot , even lo ihe dav of his death , lo the Maker of heaven und earth. Columbus was a Chris tian it. every sense of the word Ho was a scholar , not withstanding Ihe fact that there worn persons who trlou to provo that ho was an uncouth man. Columbus llio speaker regarded us iho greulest man that tlio world had ever produced. Thousands sink Into an early grave for want ot a botllo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Tnls great rotncdy would have saved thom. Arrrsli'd n | | I itiltor. NiYOIIK , Otit. ! M. Uv-Scuool ( Jolloclor lames C. Scott , jr. . of Slaplctou , S. I. , nu alleged dofaullor iu the sum of $ iG70 , was arrested last night ou a warrant Issued by Police.I usllco Marshall Coon.on complaint of William Colo.chalrmnn of the bounl of school trustees. Ho was locked up in u coil at police - lice headquarters at Staploton. "Late to ooa itno eariy to rise will shortoa the road to your homo in the skies. But early to bed and "Lillle Early Uisir."tbo pill that mait'jj Ilia longer aui bsttur anl wiser. Di'inoerittlc IC < * ilHli-r Arrcntfd. WII.MINIITON , Dal. , Oct. Ul. John Dolau , lemocrat , inspector nnd register , was ar rested this morning uud arraigned boforu Jliief Supervisor McCallislcr and roijulrai o givolUQU for hall. This is iho fiftii ar est in connoctioa with Saturday's rcglstra ion. _ He/Witt's ' sursnparilla is reliable , .MtH' * or i iTKitn.i r. Honicitic. The new biilldln .sof the college for \vomei at UiuMiinml , U. . h.tvo been dedicated. A large pos-o ot urmoil men uro itn udlng i nuinburof nu.'iocs In the Chcstci town , Md [ all , cluugcd with miirdui' , Jim I'ranUlln. a noled desporudo of llutlei Mo. , has boon shot and filally wounded h Deputy I'lty Marshal Hal twoll of that town. ' Colonel William I' . Cody has arrived at Nei VorU. A paily of Ktiropeun iiolilunicn wll follow him and Hill will tuUu lliinn on a hunt Ing III ) ) lliioiijrli the Kociiles. John 1'oid. uied ! > : ycnis , a keeper nt the I'lilludelphlii.uologlcal Kiiidon , Inul u tertl- hh ; oncoiinti1 ! with a Itoclcy .Mount iln ulk and tecuiveil Injuries which lesiiltcd in Ills death liovornor 1'Iowoi of Now Vork will cl\o it lie.u In. to lav on tlm application foi tliu surrender - render of dh.irles A. White , \\liois uniiioil In AVyomliii ; on the chtugo of cinbo//llim f IUOUUU fiom his wife , \Minin ho irccntlj nuirlud. ll is said Ihut the Western Union stock holders at i holt speui il meotlii'i "III aulhotl/u tl'u piiuihaso of tlic Montreal Tole raph coin- of Uunud'i , and of the IMiny a port ion In- ineusod bloeK ulll Pe usoil forthla purpose At the mcollng of llio nallonat commission of Iho World's f.ilrat Ulilougn , ox-tiovornor Wallerof ( 'oniiutliiiit iiiesuntod a resolution wliloh 80iiuht > to Invuxt thu commission with some of Ihu pnniiiu conferred by the bourd of reference and control. Tlio resolution was losl by a dculsluioluof Jillo 1 < 1. 'J bo liii.tU In llio Wullnnd eanal al M Catli- o > liu : hub boon repaired aud vojuelu uru louU- Ing iliidiiL'li as usual \\inirywoiithur conllnncs throughout the , Kltudom. I'ltrmei * nio biillurln su- xeiely by roa ou/f / Ihe iirointtliiri ) ululor. II Isollli'ially aiinouiiciid that the dellelt of l a.ri o.uiO roubles In tbo liiilun budgotof lsl ) lins been covered with t > poelo witlidr.iwu fiom tlm tiuasury. Vufseib iirrivlns.In Duland r9j.nt oiicoiinleieil terrllle weathur. II irk Chiett-ilii oiicouiilori-d a foiiful galuSi'ptuinhor 'JJ and alinimlloundcrod , .losoph has loft Hilda I'cMh Hiuldunly. It IK Hiipiiosed that lil depart uro wits taken lit viowof lilnrosoliillon nultoliavu a crisis in tbo llmuailan eablnet , Crampon , the leader of a miirileious suirj of Piiniluin tli it soinu ttmo a''o terrorlred runs , hat been xcntunced to dentil and olhur iiiem- htrs of Itui guns bitvo been keiitunued lo luii | tciinsiif liapr.uouinent , I'islilliii ; of it desultory ohuraoter eontlnno.-i in the pr ivlnco of eaptlago dul l.jtcro , Ar-'en- tlnu Keiublle. | Anoiher revolt intel > liiR three ( k'p.irlinonifc of J-orrlimlos lias bioLciioul and Iho Boveriimont is sun llnjt fprous tht-io to 'I the liihiirm'Uon. t'cm iess ( us passed tea In fin or of lliu uovcriiniunt riiln- tc-rnor of hantlaKo del Ks- tero. A-ioro tbroal or ( iouli ' , If tufTuroJ to pro - gress , often results'in an incurable tbroaior lung trouble. "Hrnwn's Dioncbml Trochos" give Instant relief. WILL TRY WSAVE : BRYAN IMOK. ] son said ! "Tnoro'ffuVei- n moro rank or unroasonabto mUf itrAontntlon than that odltorln ! contains. . LTlifc dMiiocrfttlo party Is today sending millions/if copies of campaign litnrnluro through .tlio , snails as second class matter and that , thlog has licou going on right along for weeks , I will prove what I say right here. Lbo'k'iu this. " nnc' ho picked up ncopy of the au'pplomont of tbo Now York World , ' 'Thoro Is n cafnpalgn document. It can't be classed as any Hung olso. Hrad the headlines and tbo nature of the Mioot cannot bo inlsundorstood , " It was an olght colihna , four p.ijo supple ment of the Noiv Vork World , aud on each p.igo there was a double column sc.iro huad , followed by a lot of campaign rot on free trade and the alleged tariff roubory. Thu onllrosticat was lilted with tha rankest sort ot domocrjtio dogma. " ow tlio postal laws provide , " continued the post mas or , "that all supplements Io newspapers must bo folded and mailed with thu regular Issun of the paper to which they liolong In order to bo ndmitiod us second class maltor. Whuro those supplements nro malloil separately or alone they must bo classed ns third class matter ; thai is , they rome titular tliu head pi maltor lhat cannot bo received at tlio tale ot 'J cents a pound. Now lot us sou how the democratic party evades this provision ot tlio law and stic- co.tnU In getting tins smmlomonl circulated all over the country ns second class mnt'ur These supplements arc sent to the country papers of the democratic persuasion nud are folded In them just ns though they wore supplements of the papers with which they are taken to iho oftlco. Iu this way thov como underlie hoid of matter circulated by news agents , for these country publishers claim that they buy the supple ments , and perhaps they do. There. Is a sec tion ot the law which permits publisher * or nuws agents to purchase second class matter and circulate it along with the same class of matter which they publish themselves under Iho head of nnd at the rate ot second class matter. This supplement was sent to mo tbo other day by n country postmas ter who wanted to know whether or not such maltor could bo received nt second class rates. I replied that It could and must bo received undjr the provision I have ] ust ( juoled. No > v , 1 do not wish to cast any rolluclions UDOII Iho domocrallc commllteo for taking advantage of lhat provision , Ihoy have n right lo do so , as 1 rend iho law , but -It is a very unjust and unprincipled piece of work on the pirt of the World-Il orMd lo allege tliut \\nuauiakor , or anybody else connected with the postolllco department , mis com milled any acls of discrimination against the denuicrallc party in the classllisi cation ot the campaign llleraturo sent out by the national committees. I know nothing about Iho nook spoken of In tbo editorial as a republican campaign document , hut I do know that the democratic ! national committee is Hooding this slalo with thcso Now York World supplements ut a second class rate , nnd any man can see that they are campaign documents. " WILT , snVSI ) lfv Tlli ; WINS. Otil Itnpulillcini Olty Committed Docldrs It Won't Din Ytit. Ono of the republican oily central commil- Iccs mot last night at the headquarters , corner of Thlrtuoi/th / aud Douglas streets , wltn a representation jfrom all the wards present. . A lo'tcr from IljM. , JvY.arlng of the now commilleo to Secretary Ifolly , asking for the delivery of all boqks , papers , money and other property of the committee In the pos- Hosslon of Mr. Roily iu predecessor of the writer , now claiming to bo secretary oi Iho eommilteo , and sl3Un.e lhat If ho refused they would not reLos ; ilxo him as a candi date , was read. > - ' ' > Krnest Stunt alsoihad i a letter from the sumo writer slating , thtit tlio alleged now committee- would recocni/.o Iho thruo old members of the committee from the First ward , including Messrs. Stuht nnd Kelly as members of ihe bliw 'fjoard. Mr. Dick Smith horn loft the chair , and after explaining thutTUio o\uur \ committee was willing to do hUytlithg in order to con trol the convention nnd handle the funds , in troduced B resolution pledging the old com mittee Io llio support of all Iho nominees of Ibe convention , but asserting the right of the committee to exist.nnd adjourning until after Iho school board election , suoject to tbo call of the chairman. Mr. nandhanor declared that K view of the letter to Mr. Kelly , embodying n thicat to knife the recipient of the letter , no dis cussion was necessary. The alleged com mittee holding session" Tliu ] ! ii : : uuildinp had no right to inlorforo in any way with the work of the convention and he was sat isfied thnt Mr. Kelly's nanio would appear on the itckot. Mr. Charles Bcuidorn" , in amend men t , to Mr. nmith's motion , moved th t tuo secre tary bo instructed to notify Mr. Waring Ihut " ho "was Instructed to notify bun that all oooks , papers aud moneys were the property of this committee nud lhat ho was instrucled Io keep them. After considerable mudd'.lnc both motions were curried. A committee was appointed to see the county clerk to make sure that all the rcctt- lar nominees of tliu convention had their numes on the ticket. Ted .Much nl u Klhk. It isnot unusual for colds contracted in the fall loliung on all winter. In such casus catarrh or chronic bronchitlo are almost Rtiro to rosull. A li fly-coat uottlo of Cbamoor- lam's Cougn Hciuedy will euro any cold. Unn you afford to risirso much Tor so small an amountt This remedy Is intended es pecially lor bad colds aud croup and can always bo depended upon. Porsnle uy dru - pisls ? 1'iilr , Varlulilii Winds IK tinrrcillctliiii for NchrusKu Today. \VsinvevioN , O. C. , Out. 1M. forecast for Tuesday : Kor Nebruska'-Fuir ; variable winds. Kor Iowa-Fair ; cast to south winds ; slightly warmer ii norlh nnd east portions. l-'or the Dakotns Kittr ; variable winds ; wanner In east portions. Local Iteeord Ornri : or mis WntTiiKit Hum : L , OMAHA , Oct. : i4. Omaha loeord of toniccrnturo and rainfall compared wlih day of pasi four year , * : IB'tt. ' ISfll | bl ! .Maximum temperature. r > 4 = 7U = (11 ( ° Kl Minimum lomper iluru . . : il = f > 0 = Us3 17 ° Avorano tuinpuratino. . . . IIs Ol = fi1)0 ) m0 I'ruclpltallon ill . ( x ) .00 .T Statement allowing the condition of tom- pcraluru and pivzipllalion nt Ountha for the day and since March 1 , IS' ) . ' , as compared wlih iho general avor.iRO ; Normal lumperaluio , JO3 Oollelenoy for the daj > . 'l 7 = Doliolonuy since -.Muieil'tf 141 ° Normal' . ( IT In oh Dafleloney for tlio dAV , . . , , 07 Inoli Deficiency since MateU ' / ' - ' ' turbos 15. K/JJAWTOX , Obsarvor. At'lt A1itn. ST. Loi'is. Mo . ' "Oif. ! M. The Tollvor- I Howard icud has b'ro'Wilbut auain in wostoru ICentueky. In a gogcrayiKht at Moggtown , A M U j4il ! ? ISNTS. Monday NiffUl l I. Tuesday Night I'list TlniP In l iiRllnli , An adapt itlou from the Oiirman by Ohira Mori Is H i o' ' 'ipens Jiatuiil ly. First Hour , . , UUIUWIIJ . 75 coula. Soxt Allraotlon I Utl Hosi. "WONIDERiAND liiii ) IIIUiu Tboater , rnh WIKK. : litanU cixdHlly Auurt'entluu , ami Ihe MAl'lvRV IHtAMA'l 10 ro.Ml'ANV , In TIIK DAN1TKS. Hoivon county , last nlcht , hotwoon thft two factions , Colonel Toltver was killed nml Wyllo Tolivcr nnd S m Howard wounded ; both will ale. Tno factious are arming and another bittlo is oxpoutcd. This feud has already rc.iuHodln more than fifty deaths. .i nr.t.i : I'rnpln Much l\i > rrlsn < l Otcr ttin I'.v.ipn of I'lli'li nnd fliiyil , Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 'Jl. A special from Or lando , Fla. , say.s thnro is much oxcltnmont horoovor tlio otcapa of ttic train robber prisoners. Throo-tourths ot the people bo- llovusomebody was bribed to lot , Fitch nnd 1' loytt out of Jill , tnvesllgnllon shows that the hole in the hrlok ivall of the jail through which tt was stippoiod iho prisoners escaped Is not large enough lo lot a man's body through. Both prisoners nro of m ml mm Blzo , but the hole would hardly admit the two legs of ono mail , to say nothing of iho trunk of his body. Some light Is thrown on thociso by llio recent - cent action of llio relatives of llio two prls- ouors. Members of Floyd's family liavo lately liiou t'orrospondlng with an attorney hero , but they have not sent him nuv money with which to conduct tha ciso. Ills lawyer a day or two ao received the following by tolcgriph In iMsponso ' ° " " urgent ronuost for funds ! " \\o can't ( to nnvltilng. " On their her hand iho rather of Fucli who lives near Plant Cltv lu ihls state is known to have raised ffWO for the legal dofcnse yf his son. son.Djnuty Sheriff I'lickott Is l-'iiiUng the searching pease , but so far has no trace af the fugitives , llenlrcl an Invrrasn ol Suliiry. WAsiHMirox , D. C. , Oct. 24. The district of Columbia court , iu general term , this morning decided tha ciso of the United States , ox rol. , Ell/aboth Trask , against John Wauumanor , nostmasior gonoral. Tno relater - later was the postmistress at ICmporia , Kan , , from 1SOI to .hiuo-0 , 1870 , who claimed she wai ontlllod lo n readjustment of salary , nud Ihero was due $ ! , ) ! , nml sues by man damus to compel such ruadjustmnnt , and lhat she bo credited with Ihonmountslated. ' 1 ho court holds tli'it iho nut of ISill was protect ive , and that the act ot 1SSII does not altar this act so far as to ontlllo Iho relater to Iho relief nnd Iho writ Is denied. I'.ilill Uicn Itlol III Kciil ilrlc > . Wii.t.iMsiifiio , Ky. , Oct. "I. At a church festival Salurday night , 111 n quarrel hot ween whites nml negtocs , ono white man ard ono IICUTO wcto killed uud ono wblto nud two blatlcs weio mortally \\X5iinded. Do Witt's Siraipiriltn acitrovs such poi sons usscrotula , skin ilisnau ; , eczema , rliou- malism. Us liiuely USD savoi many liv. ; * . Would Nut TiiKo the .loll. Niw : YOIIIC , Ocl. 31. Mavor Grant today declined , his offer of § 10,000 a year presi dency of a distillery company. Ho an- nouncoa that ho would not tuko the plnco under any circumstances. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrtlp for cliil- ilren toolliitig produces natural quiet sloop * ' - " > cents n bottlo. Mdll'll > l Mil's. A h ] > an of mules was stolen seine time during Iho mghl from Cnllahun's grading camp on Iho corner of Sixth and Martha streols. Sick headache yields to Uuechum's Pills. I'KIJ.SO.V.II , I'.lltS.UIt II'IIS. .TolT Bedford lonvos today for Houston , Tex. , on a forlnlglil's visit. Mr. U. II. Fuller was called to Chicago yesterday by tlio death of his father. .1. II. Cockroll and II. F. Laugonburg , two old time grain men of St. Louis , are iu the qity. Governor Markham and stuff of California will pass through Omaha on Wednesday ou- roulo west. Mr. ISdwLrd Hosowaler went to Havonna last owning , where he speaks today on Iho political issues of the campaign. W'lll Ashford , telegraph editor of the Cedar Hapids Ga/otte , is visiting his brother- in-law , G F. West of the Northwestern sys tern at this point. Niw : YUKK. Oct. 21. fSpocial Telegram to Tin : Bii.J : Omaha : W. H. Carson , , f. Gil bert , H. T. l yeti , Iloffumu house ; C. F. Hlcknoll , Windsor hotel. Council Ulull's : S. C Williams , Hoffman. Cmi .00 , III. , Oct. J4. [ Special Teloirram to Tnc Bii.J : : The following Nebraskans registered hero today ; Palmer Mrs. T. M. Johnson , Omaha Wellington K D..Minor. Omaha Grand Pacillo David .famiesou , H. C. Cusliing , wife and niece , Omaha. Lolii -George Spaugonhurg , Mav Hamilton , Omaha. VictoriaGeor o F. Parish , Omalin. Sherman Mrs. A. C. Hiincbuunh , Miss Grace Himcbatigu , Omaha ; lj. D. IJrowu nnd wlfo. Lincoln , 'I'roniont I-1. P. Water- house , M. D. Mason , P. SV. Williams , J. B. Miles , Omaha. A Cum tinCholura. . There is no use of any ono suffering with the cholera when Chamborlaia'b Colic , Cholera and Diarrhina Hemeuy can be pro- cured. It will vivo roiiof iu a few minutes nnd euro in a short timo. I have triad it and know. W. II. Clinton. Holmotta , N J. The epidemic at Helmotla was nl first believed to bo cholera , but subsequent Investigation proved it to bo u violent form of dysontorv , almost as clangorous as cholera. This remedy was used there with great success. Forsalo by drugelsls. On ( lie mend Iho consumptive who's not iM-rcft of judgment nnd good K'llso. Ho's taking llr.Picrco'H Go 1 < 1 on Medical Discovery. If tnlii'ii In tinio and given a fair trial , 111 will effect a euro. Consump tion is Ijimi- eerofnla. For Bcrofiilu , it its myriad forms , mid for all Liver , IHood and Luiiij diseases , the "Discovery" is an nnequaled remedy. It's tlio only liuaiiinti'fil one. If it doesn't iH'iiellt or cure , you got your immoy iiuck. You ( inly pay lor llio good you get. "Discovery" htreiiRtheiiH Weak Lungs , nnd cures Spitting of lllotxl , of Urentli , Ilronchitis , Sovcro Coughs , nnd kin- dioil nirectious. Don't bo fooled into taking somotldiis < ' ! * , wild lo l > o "just UH Rood , " tliut tlio douli-r may make n InrRcr jirollt. There's iiothins at all lilotl " iJiscovery. " U contains no alcohol to incbriuto ; no hyrup or sugar to dernngo digestion , As iwculmr in its curatlvo effects as In its composition. Equally good for adnlta ot children. _ _ - ' Farm Street mW. I 'r'Wtitt ruN. Mric. KxcrrnMiiNT. I'our Nights Uoiiiiiiuiiuln Hunday Matlnoo , October , thu Itcalistlu Uomudy Drama A BARREL OF MONEY THE IKON MILLS AT WOBK. Apoilllvo loviilutlon In stugo mu.ilianlsiu. A hiiporb company , sucut in.l-.le , uullghtful dandus , 'l ' HOA V. Fariiam Street Theater , 'WlVc'V ' ' * Thurbijay Pilday baturd.iy .Mai. and I-vo. OHLY TWIH STARS IN THE WORLD. WILLAHDHEWELL - WILLIAM _ _ THE OPERATOR. &B\V \ THEATER A-TTI NTION I Friday , Saturday. Sunday , Oct 28 , RO , 30 liid lo ' nnd ( "lilldrnnV Miillneu .S.iluidiiy , . - OIIAHMINU - PATTI R.OBA i ; OAWTIIOHS. AUtlOi : DAHCY. And u HiiiierbC'abt. ! DOLLY YARDEN ! " " " "iy" MISS DIXIE Only I'orformaiii.'u. lloth I'liiyn by Charles T. Vincent. Jlox vliooisopvii Thursday nioraluK < t I PAVING HONDd. 'roelainntlon and imtioonf Niibinl < sliin lo the ch'etors mid Itunl volcr < of llm elly ot Otnitlin of thn < | iie ttiin of l < nltiK the tiuniln of tlio city of Oinnlri In the sum of iinn hundred llioiisind dollar * ( ? l to pay for the cost of pivlnc. topitvlnttor nine- nil inil7lii2 the Intiir-ocllonsof streets and .paces dpposlln alloys In s'ltd rlly. mid to pay llio cost of Having In front of rivil pstutn not subject to iissosiiiiout uf spcoint taxes for imvlnc pummel. To tlieolt-ciors and local voter * of Iho city of Oinulm ! I. lleoreo 1' . llcmls , mnyor ot the city of ) iualin , do Issno this. iuy proutain itlon , and > V ihonutborltyestod In mo us suoh mayor In liprohy uivo puMlo not co lo the electors mil liieni voters of tlio oily of Omiilri thnl a cencral election will bo hold In said eltv on Puc'sdny , the dlulilh dny uf Novoinlior , 1MI.1 , for the purpose of miliinUlln ) ; tosilil ; ulcetors ind leisai voipMiho nticsllon nnd proposltlun , fdllowlnc , lo-Hlt : "vynill bonds of the eltv nf Oiu.ihn In tiio sum ut mm liundied tlionHiind dollais ( ? | IMOKH io l uod for the puipnscof tt.iybu the cou of , ropivluitor nru'idainiriiu the lutcr- s ot streeis nnd p ion nnposlto lleys a saldellv. or pivlni ; tlio emt ut pivliuln from of real oilatf not siibjoei to ttHso sinnnl if special ti\us for pivins imrposes. sild Kinds to run not more than twenty ( iu yr iis nul lo lulerest piv ihlu seinl-annually iti r.ite not nveeodliu ll\e per emit per nu- itiin. ulth ' ( illinium at ) chuil. to be e.illed 'l'uIIIK liniiiK. uml notto ho > .olij for | p tliiin par. tin ! proceed * of which shall loused foi no other purpose tli'tn p lylnR the coil of paMii , it-paving or iiiaeiidain'rlng ' the liilorseetlons of streets and spaces opposltci alleys lu sil.l . eltv. or lu front of real est ito not sulilei'l to ii-si ) > isiiu " < iit of special taxes fet p 11 IIIK pnr- po o V" Tliesthl question and proposl ! on < h' ll tie submllti'd to s ild ( 'leiMur.s entire. In the proper form pmvhlod liy law forolllelal lial ot * . with 'Yus' " .No" in Inteil thereon. All of said ballots having an " .X" marl : follow- Inat Ihe. word "Ves" ihall ho counted In f ivor of Nsutmj said honds , nnd allot said ballot * having an ' \ " mark following the word " .No" shall bo counted nnd considered us agalnsl "in Issuing of s tld btmiK The polls shall be open the d-iv of said elec tion ut clthl o'clock In the imiinlni ! und shall continue upon until slo'clock In the evening of tlio sunn day at the rcspecllxo voting place * , its follows : IWSTTAitp * K corner 7th and 8tlu > lld Cor"er lith ! " " ' Jtlllos S W U < ) r"url0ll > and HloUory l'UMK'r r'th ' ll1" N' W Onr"l"0th "ml N K colller i"h : nll "SWOMI WAIlll. N W tlunlul > luh ' N W cor"or 1ith : nml l''c"1 ° 9 W C""Wr ISt1' nml I" < 11M- " w cur"or 8Jl11 "ni1 l-oavun- J" nml irtli ' sldo of South 23tb street. opposite I'opplotoii uvii. ' 'h ' IHstrlct-S i : corner Ifilh mid 1'Iorco 5' n t'ornur lnh nml William th District-XK corner Sixteenth und Cen ter stieots. Uth District N W coinur "Hli anil Doicts stienis. MilliDstrlet-S i : corner SOlh and linnvroft streets. l-'tli llstrlct-.V H corner 1,1th and Vlnlon slieotM. Kith Dlstilcl-S W corner titlt : and Valley sl i eels. llth District NHcoi nur 2Hh md llouluvaid iivonne. TIIIIIII WVIIt ! . Isi I ) strlct-S W Corner 12th ami Uhluazo stiecls. M District N W corner .11 tli and lUvcnpoil sl reels. : id DIslrlot Himtli oldo of Capitol avenue ( west of ) tilth struct. 4th Dlstilet West .side of I''th htruut , be tween Donulas ami Dodge streets. filli District .N i : corner iutli and Capitol ivunuu lith Dlslriul X K corner Oth and lUraoy 7th nUtrlct i ? r. corner llth and Douglas MI cuts , stli District S E corner Ijth and Jackson Uth l > lslrict-S i : corner tOth and Howard streets. FOIIUTII WAK1 > . Isl District N W coiner 17tli and ] ) .tvunpor < streets. i'nd District N W coi nor a.'nd and Davenporl streets. 'lid Illstrlet N W cornet and DO < | RO si i eels. 4th DisirlKt N i ; corner 17th and Dodge 5th liistrlct N i : corner 17th and llainoy streets. nth District N W corner anh and Douglas -It eon 7th Illstrlet N W coiner Mth street and fct. lury s iiMinuo hth District sV cornor'JUlh street nnd bL Mary's avenue. ilth Dlstiiut Kiisl sliloot South llllli HtreHt , 'lutween ' llttrncy street and ht. .Mary'saviiniie. lllvli District X W eoiinii Ibth iiil | ( Lutven- wortlistieets , * llth DISH let S W corner 17th streul and Su M.iry'savonuo KItTII WAIlll. 1st District -Kast silo of i-hnrnian .ivriuin opposite .Mitnderson Hireet. -'iid Ilistrlot S 12 corner Sherman avunuo and Wlrt stieet. Ird District .S W uornci Hlmriiiati uvuniio and Iiiuce Hi lout. lib District N W corner Sliotinati avenue ind Grace street. .Hli District b W corner 17lh und Charles jlioets. iilh District nnst Mdu of Sherman uvo.ino iliont III i reel north of Nicholas street. 7th District S C corner Ifilh uml Iird ilieels. rilh Dlslriul N W corner ICth und Hurt Utli Dlrttiii't N I' coiner 1.1th and O.ISH . liltli District I.ust side North 17th ntroot bo- lucen ( Jalifoinla and c.i s slreuts. lllh District a i ; corner ISlh und O.iss HI.VTII W'AHP. 1st Dlsi i letb E corner-4 th sl reel.-11111 Ames i\entie. , , Jnd filfctrlfl H W corner otuh stieet und ( ii.tml inonuc. : iul Dlstrlol X I ! corner 45lh and strceti. 4th Dlstilet S W comer-'Itli and Maiuleuon filh District KK coi nor'-'lib nnd Wlrt atrcols. filli District S W coiner Unl und I'aiKor ' > 7lli iltrlet ) N W coi nor i'lth aid I'orhy Btll'lllH Hlh liistrlct-N I : corner -Ttli and lliirdetto streets' . Ulh District N K coiner y.'nd and Hrant luili Dlstrlel N W corner 113th and I'Vanklln ' slieels. llth District H W coinnrItli and I'ranklln l.'th'/ilBirlct-p W coinur S.'nd anrt Clan. HI.VI'.MII \ \ * lll > . 1st Dlslrlel-S W eorner 'Jstli nnd Mason ' 'ml HlHtrlct N 1. cm nor l"Jth avenue and I'opnlelon nimiiui. : ird District S W corner i'Olh mieot und Woolworth u von n . 4th DlHtilct-s W uoniur i-fllh street and Arbor Hticet. , 5th District-South Mdn of Vlnlon stieet noiirfeusl oflBontlill.'rt a\unne. Ulh li lrlol S ! : corner IWtli uvonuo nnd 1'opplelon aveniiu. 7111 llHtrlot-N W eornor Ullli and 1 raneU slrvoU. iiuimiVAIIP , Jut Dlslilel Ilant Hldn of "Oth ilrccl near ( south ofiOliailesstieei. Snl DlHlilct Wont Hide of 2M street near ( south nf ) I'.iul street. _ . . . , , , " Ilrl District N W corner "Old itnet Mcholas ht4lUh Dlslrlct N I" coiner "Otli HIK ! Untiling btrc'l'lb. Slh Dlstriel West hide of .Nortli Hh street ' ' . iii'arinorihorjt'iiniliufctri'ot. . r.tli District H IJ cori'iir-.4 anil Hurt hlrecls. 7th iintrlcl HV corner ' . 'Olh ' nnd Uam stiatts. NINTH WAIIII. 1st District H W corner tf.'O and Oninlui : btJdCillitrIotX W curnur JOth and Oiimliu " ' 'inVlHlrlct-N K corner 10th and riirmim Sl4rfhD'lHlrlct-N'ortli side of Datonp'jrt ilrrul no r ( o8t ofl. North a.'d avenue. 5th dlstrlot-S K corner : ilst avenue and I > ' ' ( Udi'l | > 'lltrlct-S W corner lKth ) avciiuu and < lncksiu ( htruut , \tlluoss whereof I im-u hereunto * etiiiy liiniil in iifivor uf ml'l ' city of Omaha , this . . , . , , 1M1BiMiivor ( | Atost : Jens GIIOVK > J , Lily Olurk. cllid''lt NOTICK OPTUK srj'i'IN ( } OK TIIK CITY COUNCIL AS A I5OAH1) OK EQUALIZATION , To nil tax-paycis and owners of property. nnd all puitlus Interested In taxation In the ulty of Omaha : You uro herouy notified that llio city coun cil of Omaha will , as provided and rcijulrud by section Mot Iho ( hnrlor ot Molropollinn mips , ho d a session as n Hoard of r.mrillin * lion of not lo < s than llvi < < liiys , eoniinoiipliii ; Thursday , li'toberx'lh ? , I MI ? , for the purposi of I'linall/lni ! HIP a < ie < siiu < ni of till , property Klllnii Hie city of ( Imahit asiesood tor 1'eii- oral taxation for city liivos for Iho voar Such illllnii will tie linlil nt Iho otlleoof the Cllv ( llorx ot mild eltv In tliu City 1UII lu thn ell v of Omnlia , coinineueln r at U o'clo 'k a. m and continuing until 5n'clock p. m. ( Lilly , And you xnd oarh of you are horetiy notlflpd to bo nnd nppanr biiforn n.tld bo-inl of eqtiali ration at the ttniii und ulneo nnnu'd to make itnvcoiiiplaliitorot.lcetlMt ( you niav IIHVO to ald , is ossinpnt or nuy purl tliiin-of ns by slalnte provided , Complaints In wrltlnc mi\v i ho mod with the I'lty riorU nt any tlmo dnr- luff the session of mid hnnni Olliilfit. JOHN ( lnovr.4 , City t'lerk. > SKWKIt UONUS. Proclniiiittlon nnd nntleu of suhinl < slon 1o tlm electors nud loual voters of the cilv of Otiulin uf the iinastlon of loiutni ; bonds ot llio city of Omiilmln thiinniountof ouo bun drod Umns'iml dollars ( Jhll.OJti ) to pav for the const rnclloii and maintenaneo ot sewer * In the elly of dunlin. To HID electors and Ictfnl voteis of tlio city ol _ Omiiha : I. Hoorcc 1' HemK mnyor of the eltv n | Oiiiaha. < lo Istuo tins , my proeliunittlon , uiul ' by Iho authority vcMc.l in mo us suli or , , iln hciptiy u'ive publlit inittec ti the electors C and In ; al Miters of the city of llm ill i , that u L'eueral election will bo hcl.l lu s.iid eltv on Tin idav tlu'i'k'litli diiv of NnMiiilit ! < r IviJ , for the puiposoiif suhnilttiiii ; tusiiiil cloi'tois and > leeiil voteM theiiuu > tlini ami proposition folv lonliiR , to-wil : f "Shall liomls of the elly nf Onuiliu in the sum of one liiindinl thoti > . : inil dollar-i iil > n.piHii he Issued for thu cnn-Umcllim and inaliiteiiitnofldf seueri. to rim not mom than twi'iity CMiyeir * . todruw inlorest not to ex ceed live pel cent per itiinuiii. with Interest coupons iiimoxcd thereto , and not M be sold for less ihiin par , tno pioceeds from llio salu thereof to be. expended for the const rin-Uon nnd 'imliilcuutici' of SOMCIS lu the elly of , ' Uiiniha , nud thn proeueils thereof not to be dl- ; ' \pited fiiim the ohjeels therein speellled ' > TlioHiiul unustlon and proposition .shall be submitted los ill ! tiloclots enl rein the ptoper form ptovlileil liv law for olllelnl Intllnts , with Ih * winds "Yl'.S. " "NO , " prinliid llimnon All of said Inilliils having an "X" m irk follow liu the word "YiS" : liall booounled In fa\or of Itomlnc said bonds , and nil of xuld ballols lri\ln an "X" murk follonlni : iho word " .NO" shall bo counted and consuli-reil as a tiliiit tlm Issuing of said li miK. The polls shall he oiien on llio day nt said election it olulit o'ul.iek In the moiiihn ; and shnll continue open until No'elo | k In thn ovenlnn of tin1 samu dav at the respt > ellM ) \otltiK places , as follows : llltsi WAIIP IJ C ° r"Ur ' 'l l N' K cor"Br lstl1 ' " " ' S W ' , t'"nior 10lh u l1 Hickory ! > V t'"llr c" ' "d 1'cnler N Wt'oniuIHl1 ! "l"1 Himcroft lt ; N I : c"r"ur IJIU and Vlnlon SECO.M > WAIIP. N U'"r"ur Uth ll"(1 ( Ione' N W ° or"or I3Ul Ilml 1 > uclflo " W COMlBr 1St" " " " ' " " " itli Dlstrlct--S K corner Ilith ami Plurcu t'"rilur and \\illlam ' jl' lo''nor : MMeontliaml Con- | ' lr'edts"'S"'L't ' ' ' W ° " "lur "J"1 and Doieu * lllh D.stilot-S K corner'.Mill rttid llanerufl itlClltS. i roe'i ' ! " ' 1'1' ' " * ' W l'orilur 1ltu ; linrt Vulliiy llth Dlstilcl N KuorncriUlh ind llonloviiid ivcnnu. TlllltP WAIIP 1st D strlet-S W cornur T.'tli nnd Chle.uo uieels. -d IHslrlel X W I'ornur Hill and Davenport | ltd District-South side of Capitol nvoiiuo in ir ( wcstoii l.ltli street. . 4tli Distilot West sldo of JL'lh street , be- * ] l ween Doiifflns anil DoiUu HtieolH . > lli District \ i : corner luih and Oanltol IVIMIIIO. iilh Dlsi riot N E corner flth and llainoy 7lh 1/Miiut-H i : corner llth and Douidai ti eels. Mh District N T. coinur I.'lh and Jackson ' * Ucols. ' 'Mb ' Dlsliiet S C coinur 10th and Howard ill eels. IMUIITll WAIIP. Isl Dlstilct N \ \ cornur 17th and D.ivunport ( tieets. ' 'nil Dlstili-t N W coi nor'-'nil and Davenport III CHtS. .lid Dlsiiirt N W corn.- IT.tli ind Dodsu tieets. Itli Dlstilcl N II coinur Kill and DoiUo Uieets. 'ilh Dlsti'ct N E corner 17th nnd Ilurney 4IICUlb. i.lh Dislrlcl N W coiner Srtlh and Douglas Heels. 7th Di-trlcl N W corner SOth street and St. aiy's lauiino. sth Disl rk't .N W corner 201 h street and tiU u.iry's iitonne. Ulh Dislilel l > ist sldo of Ninth 10th utroot , lUiwcen llarney street anil M .Mary'savenim. lUih Dlslnul N W coriuu ISlh uiidl.oivim- \orlh slroots. lllh District U W cornur 17th street und Ht. M .ry's UVHIIIIU , ni-rii w'Alio. Isl DlslrletEast silo of Miormitn avciiuu opliosite Mandersmi slreut. -ml District ! i II coinur Hliurmnn avenilu uml Wlrt slicol. . ! nl District S W coinei Slinrman uvunne ind Limn nircul. nil Dlsiilei-N W corner Mienaiin avenue nil ( irarv silent. , 'itli Dlstrlcl ri W comer 17th und I'linrlei iireets itli District I'ast wlilo of Hiermiin uvcniio ilionl.lli fcot north or Nicholas blieel. 7lli Dlitrlcl b I ) coiner lUlh und l/.anl itri'i'ls. mil Dlsi riot N W corner Iflth and Hurt illCBIS. litli Distnel M K corner lith and ( J.isj slieeN. lOlh DlHtnot I.aiilHlilu Norlh 17lh xlieut bu > I'.voon Canfoinla and llass blieiils lllh District-H I ! coiner IBlh and Gas * StlClllh. MVfll WAIIP. 1st Dlslilct K eorncr "Itli street und Amei iveiinu , Sim DUtilct-S W corner : .Uth stieel und ilrand luunnu. Ilrd Dlstnol N E corner 45th und Grant streets. 4lh District 9 W corner lillh and MniKlcrion r > lh District SKcoinerSllli iininVI.-tstreets. IHi Dlslrlet-H W coiner 3Uid and I'arl'er ' Ulslilol-N W coiner ' 'lib it-id t'orby silt I/billet- E corner " 7th und llurdetln . Ulh Dlhtrlct-N 13 cornur ' 'Ind uml Giant 4 ' ' i'lii l'lslrlel ) \Vcorner \ SSlb and rriinlclln 5 lllh Districted W corner ' . ' ( III and I'lunklhi I.'lh DHlrlel KV coiner aJnd and UlitrU SIIVKNTM WAIIP. 1st lUnlilet H W eornurilh uud .Munou 2nd District N I , cornur SUtli uvoniiu and Poiinleton itvitiine. : ird l ) | tiloi H W iiorner "Dili Ntrt'flt nnd Woolworlh nvoiiuo. tilt Dlslilut M W corner Clilh street und Aitior hiieet. Mb Dlsirlot Hoiith side of Vlnton Atreel nn ir ( east of ) Boiith U.'d uveiine. Clh DI lrlit--S ! K corner .VHh itvenui ) nml rnppli'toii a > eiiiie 7ln HUulutN V , coriuir tilth and I ration slrenU. * iiidinii WAIIP. 1st DlttrlilI.IIHI Hldo of v'Gtli stiect near B . Snl IHilrlit--\Vus ! | Hide of Md blieet nmr mouth ol ) I'.iill street. yrl DISH let N W cornur SOlh and Mchol is . . . , 4th DlhtrUtt N I < corner SUlh and Cninln. htrcets. fith DlklilclWi'stsldoof NnrlbS'ith ktreet neiir inorlh of ) Cuinlnz klreel. lllh District S Keoriior''idand Hurt MrroH 7tli DistrlelS W corner Wtli und CMm M.NTII WAIIP. 1st . - * \V cornur ir'd and Uniniii. Sd KUlrlot N W corner JOlli and lid DiUrlct N 13 eorner < 0th and I'ltriiaui 4th DUtrlcl North sldu of Davenport stro l nO'trwusl ( oft Norlli Ir.'il inuniin. r.lh district ! K corner Jl t avciiuu and . Oth DUlrlet H W corner SOth itvcnuo uur1 Juekaori Hlrout , InwItnofH whereof I have hereunto i > i > t my hand as mayor of snld elly ot Omaha thl.J J7th day of Octuuer. Ib/ ' . . . . . . . „ „ ( M3O. I1. IIKMIH , Mayor. Attonti JOHN UriuVKK. Uliy Olurk