Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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fitill Uontitmo 1o Offer Great Bargains in
Every Department
, T < 'ot for Merely Ono liny or nn Hour or Two ,
lint for n Work or Lunger It U o
limn thn < l nils In
WHY nro goods offered nt low prices
for just a little while ?
THAT'S AN EASY question to ann-
wcr nnd Iho public gctu'rally can , and
luive answered it many limes. It is done
merely "as a draw to get you into the
Htoro , but LOOK OUT for prices on
other goods not quotiyl. You may pay
dearly for the "SO-CALLKO" bargains
yotl have taught.
Vfhy is it that If you happen to bo 0
minutes late that the pi ices JUMP Ul'
from 20 to 00 per cent.
Why is it thatyou ntolimltcdas to the
quantity you wautV.
THINK OVUH these questions. You
can nnawor thorn. Thoy'r CIIBV.
business with us ; everything * sold "OA
Snrao prices every day in Iho week ,
( except In case of legitimate advance in
the market ) .
All goods guaranteed or money re
funded. Straightforward BUSINESS
principles always adopted by us.
No misrepresentation. It is safe to
Bond your WIVES und CHILDUEN to
trade at Dennett's.
Our grocery department is all bar
gains. You will find what you want
and the prices will bo very low.
Our tea , coffee and spice department
is making friends every day.
Our tons plenso every one. Our cof
fees are fresh roasted dally.
Our best grade spices are STRICTLY
PURE. Wo have , however , a line of
cheap spices , ranging in price , at about
10c per pound , but wo prefer not to sell
you these as they are more or less adul
terated and don t give sutisfactio-i.
Our hardware department is alive
every day with customers. Our prices
do the work.
Our cigar department is a wonder.
Cigars at le , 2o , 3c , Ic , Oo.
Pipes at , Ic , 4c , 5c nnd so on up to Iho
highest price pipe made , which can
bo bought of us cheaper than anywhere -
where in the went.
Our dry goods notion department of
fers largo line of goods very cheap.
Great assortment of gloves at low
prices , bought with reference to their
wca.'ing qualities and warmth.
Our crockery department is receiving
new goods ovorv dav.
Wo aio rnally doing more business
in this donartinciit than any other retail
drug house in the city. This is some-
tiling to bo proud of.
Wo can do . \ ou good.
Wo can make you well.
Wo can save you money.
Get your proscriptions lllled with ua.
Got your patents ! ) ! us.
Bennett's are the host and sell on a
basis of tioc for dollar articles , prices
Bamo every day in .the week.
Got your toilet articles and fancy
eoaps of us.
* You will be delighted with our prices
und goods.
Pillow sham holders in our furniture
department. They are double , and only
10e ; not for Monday , 'jut ' as long as they
last , and when they are gene we'll get
more and sell at the same price.
Monday wo will begin to servo hot
In our tea and coffee department , as
wo did last winter. Come in and got a
cup and test the quality of our coffee.
Our holiday goods are arriving every
Our senior Bennett left tonight for
the east to purchase more , When all
our goods are in we will have the BIG
GEST AND BEST line in the west.
And our prices will bo right.
1002 , 1501 , 1000 , 1008 , 1510 , 1012 Capitol
M\V TI.MI : OAKi ) .
Vii : tliu .Missouri I'nrlllr Kr.
Trains arrive and depart from depot
at 15th and Wobbler streets for Plaits-
mouth , Nebraska CMty , Auburn , Falls
City , Atchison , Loavonwortli , Kansas
City aim St. Louis as follows :
Leave 1:10 : p. in. and 10:00 : p. m.
Arrive 0:10 : a. in. and 4:05 : p. in.
For Portal , Louisville , Weeping
Water , Dunbar , Avoci : , Tnlmago and
Auburn , train leaves at 1:30 : p.m. Return
ing , arrives at Omaha at 8:00 : a. in. For
further information call at depot or city
otUco , N. E. corner 13th nnd Fnrnnn :
J. O. Puiu.irr , Tnos. F. Gonrunv ,
A. G. F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
Opera and reception hats. Annowal
& Smith , 2CUN. 10th St.
Burnham PI. , chrapcbt ncro property
Foi' Your ( 'onililuriitloii.
When selecting your route of travel ,
nlway.rreinoiiibor that there are
Parlor cars on the Sioux City & Pa-
cllloday trains.
Pullman palueo ploopors on the Stou.i
City it Pni'lllc night trains.
Wngner palace Bloopers to Hot .Snrlniri
nnd Dendwood on the Fremont , Elkhort
& Missouri Valley trains.
Free reclining chair cars on Fremont
Klkhorn .t Missouri Valley through am
local trains.
In fact you can depend upon Ilrst clus :
accommodations on all trains of tin
' Northwestern lino. "
City Ticket olllciT 1401 Farnam street
Real estate.
Bui-gains only.
Itfy word is good.
\V. G. Albright.
621-2-3. N. Y , Life bid ? .
Now china for decorating at IIospo's
Poacoek Is the host soft cril. Sold
only by Jonas , opposite postoffluo ,
Choicest fall and winter woolens , vor
best of btylos& workmanshipat Ramgo' '
llurt K
Tbo last excursion of this season wl' '
leave Omaha via the Missouri Paoillo o
Tuesday , October 25 , at 1:10 : and 10 j
in. Only ono filro for the round trip
Stopovers allowed to , all points in Okln
hoinii and Indian territories eouth <
Pond Crook or Ponca , Texas , Arkansr
nnd points in south and southwest. Ft
further information unit at depot , 10t
and Webster street , or city ollices , N 1
corner 13th and Fa run in.
TIIOS. F. UnuntKY. P. ff T. A.
J. O. PHH.Ui'l'i , A. G. P. St P. A.
l'lu > upTrlt | to fullfornln.
'Through oar and fust time
Via the great Rock Island route
November 11 , 1:20 : p. in ,
For reservation in car and partlculai
in details , call on or address
Ciue. Kus.Nr.nv , G. N.V. . P. A. ,
1U02 Furnuui St. , Orauua.
A Festive Tims , for Bargain Seokera the
Coming Week.
Siltcrivnre , . .IrwelrjAll'iinx , I'nckollmnki ,
Toilet Arirlc ! , Picture * , Train" * , Crock-
cry. ( lliiMM-urr , Wnnilnm.trr , Ktc. ,
itr. : , ill blnnglitcr Tricon.
Rogers' extra plated tonsnoons , $1.10
per sot ; Rogers' extra plated table
spoons , $2.IS ! per sot ; Rogers' triple
pintail square handled knives , 91.25
per sot ; butter knives and sugar
spoons. 2ic , worth $1.00 ; 1,000 al
bums nl ! ) ! ) c , regular § 2.00 and 81.00
goods. At $1.)8 ! ) wo olTor a regular
30.00 album. 700 line celluloid frames
In nil color. * ; cabluotfib.o 1-ic each , worth
OOc. Ladles' pocketbooks , hand bags _ ,
card cnMCs , itc , nt a great sacrifice ; 2-5c
for card cases worth OOc ; 40c for card
cases worth 31.H ( ) , 2ic for pocketbooks ,
all leather , inside and out ; 40e for best
quality pocketbooks , worth up to $1.00.
2oe for 8x10 frames , In gold , white and
bronze. 49c , OOc , 88c forS.xlO frames in all
the new patterns ; these nro ologtint
goods and nro wonderful value. Wo re
hncritlclng all goods in our house fur
nishing departments. Double pillow
sham holders 12c each , worth OOc ; II
do/en clothes pins for oe ; palls IOc , worth
2-jc ; tubs , 4oc , 0"c and ( jc ; clothes bars ,
2oc , 3llo and 40c ; extra line willow
clothes bahkots , 40c , OOc and 80c. Look
nt the great lam ) ) bargains , lOe for 2oc
lamps ; 20c for regular OOe lamps ; O'Jc ' for
handsome stand lampi with decorated
fountand shade to match ; OOc for line dec
orated bisk lamps complete , worth $7.00 ;
extra burner ; ? , Gc ; chimneys , Oe ; wick ,
He per do/on. Sacrificing glassware , He
for line table tumblers , Oo for cclory
classes , 4c ! ) for 4 pieces glass sot , worth
$1.00 ; 0i ( pieces decorated ton sots , $2.08 ,
regular iO.OO quality. By request wo
continue our great 40c sale of blue steel
enameled ware ; 49i ! for frying pans ,
worth $1.00 ; lo ! ) for kettles , worth $1.00 ;
IOc for sauce pans , worth $1.00 ; 4cfor ! )
pudding pans , worth $1.00 ; 40c for wash
basins , worth ' $1.00. Wo have a full
line of ooll'co pots , teapots , rice boilers ,
etc. , etc. C'onio early to get lirst choice.
Surprising bargains in now toys , dolls ,
vases , ornaments , etc. Wo are the
largest importers and dealers in the
west in the above goods and can always
olTor the best possible values. Bring
the children in to sco our mammoth toy
department. Open till 8 at night.
THE ! )9C ) STOR1" ,
1310 Farnam street.
Stamping Free On Monday I will
stump ono piece free to each ladv who
will call at 701 S. 10th street. The
largest assortment of patterns wctof
Chicago. Kmbroidorv done to order.
Mrs. 11. P. Nile * .
Siunm't Ilurns
Ts iii receipt of another lot of these cele
brated Cambridge hand painted porce
lain dinner sots , which he is soiling at
$14.75 , formerly $18.01) ) nnd $20.00.
A few bargains in standard upright
pianos at Webur's , 113 North 10th st.
For First-Class People.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.
Everything First-Class.
Fine $800.00 Decker Bro. upright
Circassian walnut piano nt a bargain.
Weber's Music house , 113 N. 10th St.
Frescoing and interior decorating ; de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lchinann , 1008 Douglas street.
Competent stenographers and typewriter -
writer operators who are out of employ
ment are Invited to call and register
their names and qualilioitions with our
employment department. Wo inako no
charge to either employer or employed.
D''op in and sco us ; wo take pleasure in
doing all wo can for the worthy steno
grapher and typewriter.
THK SMITH PKiMii'itTvi'r.\vinTir. : : Co. ,
100'Jl ' Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
V. T. So.r.n in , wagons and carriages
Latest millinery novelties. Annowalt
Smith , 200 N. 10th St.
Latest sheet music at Flospo'a.
Burnham Pi. , cheapest acre property.
Now fall nnd winter shapes now in.
Annowalt fc Smith , milliners. 203 N.
10th St.
Now picture frames. A. Hospo.
Domestic soap perfumes your clothes.
Reception hats and bonnets , Mine.
Hicknian's ,
Hats nnd bonnets as u'ncip as the
cheapest at Mine. flieUinan's.
N. Y. Board of Health disinfectant
"Antl-Uorm. " Sherman ff MuConnoll ,
Prof. Verrot , hair dresser at Ideal
hair store,20'J S. 10th , 3d lloor. Tel. 1018.
Now Metropolitan club ball , 23d nns
Iliirnoy sis. , can bo had for private bulli
nnd partie * . Foe p-irtieulars inquire ol
Morit/ Meyer at Max Meyer & ( Jo's.
Artists' materials at llospo's.
1'ho Watson It. Smith union nski
tiSbistnnoj of tho-jo interested in temper
mice toward the fund for purchasing in
nntomalio fountain which will cmibli
them to { jive a cool or hot drink to tin
multitude as required. All funds than ) ;
fn ly received at the W. C. T. U
cofloo rooms , ut 111) ) S. loth btreot.
Being a regular nominee- for cottncl
in the ( Hit ward , I respectfully ask tin
support of nil voters who believe in bus
mead principles in tbo council.
KD. N. lillOWN ,
Proprietor Urown's 0. O. D. Grocery.
New scale Ivlmball pianos at Ilospo'e
Special sale of now mllinory nt Mine
dVso Domestic soap for domestic use.
. Calllornlii i\riirslcMiii. :
I'nllman tourlbt sleeping can nro ru
11l l daily on nil Paoiilu coast tralna via Hi
Santa Fo route , tbo bhortcst line t
The ears are fnrnlsbod with bedding
matroshos , tuilot articles , etc. Porter
nro in nttondanco. Second-class ticket
mo honored on these cars.
In addition to tbo dally service tli
Sanlti Fo Kouto runs special oxcursio
pnrtloj with an agent of the company I
charge , using these tourist sleomp
cars , and leaving Kansas Olty ovbr
Sunday noon.
For further Information and time tabl
of the Santa Fo Houto and reserving <
sleeping car berths , address Ii I
Palmer , passenger agotit , 1310 Furnai
street , Omuhn , Neb ,
Domestic soap whitens your clothes ,
Wo Offer Shoes for S3 That Have Always
Cost You 51.50 and $5.
XVhotiVe Slnrt 83 Shoo Snlo You Muy
Kipcot llnrinlin In Slioo l.mtlicr
Norrli . .tVllrnv , in 17
Mrt'Gt ,
Monday , Tuesday nnd Wednoadtiy wo
hold a sale of shois that will attract
widespread attontion.
\Vo olTor a Hdles' welt shoo , with extension -
tension solo nnd with patent leather tips ,
for 8U.03. These shoos have always
been $1.60. They are on the now square
toe , with low heels and dianund patent
leather tips , for $3.03. Wo have never
seen their equal.
Per anotho00 ! wo will soil a plain
opera or Now York lust , with low heels or
high , with extension lees or ulain , that
has been $5 00 , now $11.01 Theao are
very line and plain.
In a cloth top opera or new square too
we will mark all our SI. 60 Indies' button
to $ : t.OO.
The above three lines of ladles flue
ah ocs comprise some of the best makes
nnd nro recommended by us to bo line
Ilrst class bhoos. The $3.00 nrico is put
on them to close thorn all Monday , Tues
day and Wednesday.
When $1.50 and $ aOO shoos are sold
for $ . ' 1 Ol ) you have a right to'oxpcct bar
gains and you will not bo disappointed.
Wo have concluded that when wo have
a special sale of shoes It is bettor to put
the price where the shoes will sell them
selves. In that way a salesman can sell
a larger number of pairs with less elTort
than In the old way.
Therefore this great three dellar sale
for three days Monday , Tuesday and
Wo have put in our sj.0 ! ! ( ) department
a fine line of cork solo shoos which are
the most comfortable anel tire certainly
the proper tiling to wear for fall and
As well a ? the man's line of cork solos
for $ . ' 1.00 wo carry the next liner line at
$4.00 and so on up to the finest hand
sewed work , making the most complete
line of cork bolos in min's shoes over
shown in the west.
lol" Douglas St.
Tlio l.ust Harvest i\ctirslonSoiitli. :
via the
Will leave Omiha 4 p. in. Oct. 25. For
the above occasion the Wabash will sell
tickets to points south and boutlieast at
half faro. Tbo only line running solid
trains with reclining chair and Pullman
buffet sleeping cars to St. Louis , con
necting in union depot with all trains
running cast and south. For tickets
and further information call at Wabnsh
olllce , 1502 Farnnm street , Omaha , or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
Northwestern Pass. Agent.
Pianos , organs cheap , Weber , 113 N 10.
Until Tuesday , October S5tll , at O A. M.
Ill consequence of the late lire of the
largo wholesale clothing house that
recently burned , over $283,000 worth of
men's and boys' line clothing , hats nnd
other goods have been saved and re
moved to the larcro building known as
121H F.irnam street , between 12th and
13th street * , Omaha , Nob. The build
ing has boon closed for one week to ar
range for this great lire insurance sale ,
and this great lire insurance sale will
commence on Tuesday , October 2oth , at
I ) a. in. , in tbo cm tire building at l"li !
Farnnm , between 12th and 13th. Everything - .
thing will bo sold at retail SO per cent
loss than actual cost of manufacture.
As the stock must bo sold in live days ,
everything will go rapidly. Tlio ap
praiser for Iho insurance company , after
carefully examining the stock of o'.oth-
ing , concluded it was not bo badly dam
aged as claimed by the assured manu
facturers , and , failing to ngreo as to the
actual loss , they were forced to take the
hamo nnd turn it into money. Consequently
quently the goods must bo sold at once
in order to maltoji final settlement.
Below wo quote a few of the extraor
dinary bargains that will bo offered , and
bear in mind that there are over 10,000
different articles wo can not mention
Men's heavy overcoats , $3.74 , posi
tively worth $15.00. You may keep the
coat homo during the sale , and if it is
not worth $15.00 , return the same , no
matter what the cause may bo , and wo
hereby agree t'o return the $3. 7-1. Men's
heavy ulsters , $4.4 ! ) , positively wortli
$10.60 , or your money refunded any time
during this sale. Men's 'Whitney clnn-
cnilla overcoats , $5.2.3 , positively worth
$20.0(1 ( , or your money will bo returned.
Men's ' "Royal" standard kersey , silk
nnd satin lined overcoats , $7.)0 ! ) , posi
tively worth $28 00. You may keep this
coat homo live days , and if not worth
$28.00 , return tbo same and your money
will bo refunded , no matter what the
cause iiitiv be.
Men's ribbed diagonal suits , $3.80.
worth $15.00. Men's English wor tud
'cutaway suits , $ " . ! ) ! ) ; valued at $2(1.00 ( ,
You have the same privilege on those
hulls us on the above mentioned gar-
Men's melton casslmoro pants wortli
$3.00 for OSo. Men's all wool cheviot
pants , 25 styles , $1.49 , worth $5.00.
3 Hoys' capo ovoacoats , $1.00 , worth
81.fill. Boys' pants 0,000 at lOo a pair.
Hoys'suits , $1.20 , worth $ l.f > 0 ; good
woolen ! -oel < s , lie per pair , worth 40o ;
line embroidered suspenders , DC , worth
1 ( iOc ; line heavy red II innol underwear ,
! ! " < 'por suit , worth $2.00 ; men's hats ,
'j'Jc ' , worth $3 75 , all glinpov , boys' liatu
15c , worth $1.00 , and aoUOO , different ar
ticles wo cannot mention hero.
It will pay you ( o coino IfJO miles to
visit Una 'great salo. If you value
money don't miss it. Everything sold
as advertised. Now is your chance to
got winter clothing for almost nothing.
Wo advise you to cut this out nnd bring
it with you , BO you can got exactly tht
goods mentioned here. This bale will
positively commence Tuesday , Oct. 25 ,
at 1) ) a. in. , nt 121 ! ) Farnam , between 12tl
n and 13th , 5th door east from Kith
Omaha , Nob. Ho sure you make IK
o mistake.
in : .
A'utleniiif tircltiioiirltti unl"rthkhtitn/l-j
rcntietieh ml II ( oiidl ( fur , ten cnita.
(3 u'AUvKityulvln II Horn In 'Inninklns ( "o.
Nu i Vurk. aitud to yuar * . 5 months , r.iduyb
" 1'uueiai from family luildoncu. iMU llowan
II hticut. bnndav murnlnz at ! 0i : : ) o'oloak
rr All ( Mil I'olliiui und frienilj are Invited
" Inturniunl in 1'oruit l.awn.
ASIinitsOX lliilinar. aso B rears , 8 months
Oi'tuhor''l , souuf 15 J. and A plia Aiiuur on
o 1'unural 10 u , m. Sunday , fiom lusldt'ticc , "II
) f I'uiKcr strotit , to I'urebt l < nun uomutcry.
\Vll.lirit I'ri-ddy 0. . ncvtl 4 . sun n
William II. and Molllo 1. Wilbur , on batur
day iiioiuliiK. October - " , tlu'fliit'lc , u
dlhtliorli | : Tunrral bcrvlui-a front thu lusl
dunce of the p.ironts , fill ) Miuth Tnontv
plKlith strc'ot tod.iy at "o'clockliitenncM
I'ort'ai I.UHII comutcry. ruucral prlrutu.
Wilton Velvet , JSIAqnstte , Body Bnisiols ,
Tapestry nnu7AU Wosl Ijgraiu Oarpsta
Ncfrr llnvo Cntprt ; of Such Tine rndc <
Hern Ollrrort tat Mlclt Low Prices
You SnTonfiOc tn 91,00 an
Kcry Yurili
Xlco ingrain carpets in n roily pat
terns for loc , SJ-ic , or UJoiiyurd , wortli
tij ) to 05e a yard.
Splendid all wool ingrain enroots in
over twenty different now designs nt
OUo n , yard. These Ingrains are sold
usually in $1.00 n yard.
10 rolls pretty tapustry Urtissola carpet -
pot that will wuar for years at 4 Ic , SOo
and ( JOc ; regular value In other ulucoa
about $1.00.
Now for some extra line carpets.
And some extra big bargains.
as would cost you $1.7-3 and oven $ l.00 !
at any carpet house in America , in tbo
most approved designs and perfect
artistic colorings , are on sale tit OSo a
such us under ordinary oireumstancos
only the very rich can alTord , and worth
fully $2.00 a yard , are offoroa nt 08c n
yard durlncr this salo.
Superb all wool art equaros , in any
sb.o you want , largo enough to cover
nny ordinary room , nt 75o n square
yard. Do not mlstako those art squares
for I ho much advertised cotton-mixed
ones , those are strictly pure all wool.
Wo mnlco special bargains of a big lot
of rugs and mats.
Our line of lloor oilcloths and line
leums is the best in Omaha ,
In our millinery department wo ofTor
the following extraordinary bargains :
Velvet toques trimmed in lips , velvet
ribbon and or-iumoius at $ l.r > 0. .lust
think of it , a beautiful 34.00 toque only
_ Ulnuk colored felt hats , trimmed in
lips , fancy feather and all silk ribbon ,
nt-1.0S. These would bo cheap at S4.50.
Wo have about 10 do/on of these
beauties left. They are the very nicest
things produced by some of the loading
Now York nrtlstcH. Wo olTor them
today for onlv3.00. . They cost from
$10.00 to $2.3.00 each to produce. Don't
mijs this rare opportunity as it is for
tomorrow only.
N. W. cor. 10th nuil Douglas.
Anctlnn.i Kiirnltiirr. Auction.
Tuesday , October 25 , 10 a. in. , at 1113 }
Pacific street , contents of entire house ,
fine carpets , bed room furniture , side
board , chairs , tables , etc. , cook steve ,
etc. Everything as good as now and all
ht bo sold.
Wells Auction and Storage Co. ,
Burnham PI. , cheapest aero property.
Pug puppies , room 30 Barker block.
Dr. Birnoy. the catarrh specialist , hrvs
returned from.Oliicago.
Violins , , guitars , niiindollns. fine
strings , Ibwont prices , Wcbor , 113 N. 15.
OCC.-l.V > fEA31lltl' CO.l/1'.lA//\S.
Some or the * I'lrms U'hoso TommgoCioMIJ
Up Into tlln Tlinus.lMiln.
New YOIIIC , Oct. 22. The notv list of Iho
merchant , marina compiled by the bureau
voiotia , which is DOW in cro rosi , civossomo
interesting statistics concerning the great
ocean steamship companies of the world.
Sumo neoplo will be tmrpvhcd to learn that
the transatlantic lines are not the leading
ones in aggregate tonnacto or number of ves
sels. The British fndia of Cilascow and the
British India Steam Navigation company
and the British India Associated stonmcrs ,
all one concern , head the list with 103
Their aggregate measurement is 239,035
Moxi stands the Peninsular and Oriental
Steamship camn.uiy , with thirty-six steam
ships , representing ! ilOSi > 7 tons. The next
in order comas the Oampagnia ilc.s
Mossagorics Maritimes , with iixty-uno
vessels , whoso aggregate toiinaco Is 202,5'J'2.
The iouitli on the list is the
Nerd Doutsehor Lloyd of Bremen , some of
whoso vessels ply to this port. The company
has sixty-six steamers , measuring In nil 107-
lli'.l ' Ions. Other imnortant lines are the
jNavipoiiono Uoneralo Itnllunna , 100 steam
ers , 17 < ) , .V > 0 tons ; the Campagna Ueiieraln
Transailantiquo , sixtv-slx Bloamors , 107,4. > 7
tons ; the Ilamburir-Amorlcan Packet com
pany , ilfly-six stcamori , 11)5,41'J ) tons ; the
Wilson line , eighty-six steamers , IS OSO
tons ; the Austrian Llovd. seventy-throe
steamers , 12Si.VJ : tons ; the Allen line , thirty-
nine Btoamcrs , l",0ii : ! ; tons ; the Spanish
Compania Transatlantic , thirty-four steam
ers , 111li ! ! ! tons ; the White Star , twenty-six
steamers , ' . ) . > , : I70 tons , and the Cunard ,
twenty-six stoamcr'j , & 3Ulll tons.
( ; < irrrotid r.Ut "f AppnliitmimU .Undo by
thn Stutu Commltim * .
Hon. ijoron/oUrounso : At Sehuylor , Octo
ber 22 ; Uulo , October 24 ; Ashland , October
2.1 ; Wayne , October 20 ; I'onca , Octobar 27 ;
Paitota CMty , October 2S ; Harllugton , Octo
ber SO : Crolghtnn , October 111.
lions. T. J. Majors. A. W. Field und A , 11 ,
Humphrey : At McUook , Octobers1. ! .
lions. A. H. Humphrey nnd C. A. Uob-
iib : At Nordnn , October 2i.
lions. T. .1. Mnjors and W. S. Summers :
At Kaglo , October ' 24.
Hens , U. F. Manderaon and 12. K , Valen
tine : At llobroiir October 24 ; Slromnburg ,
Octobersn ; Yorlr Ostober 20 ; Had Uloud ,
October 27 ; Oxlord , October 2b : Mlndon ,
October S'J. '
Hon. .1. L. CaliTwell : At Fullorton. Octo-
her 21 ; Albion , O'obor25 ( ; Ceresco , October
27 ; Norfollr , Ostoborsy.
llnr. U. A. Uilibons ; At Strntton , Ooto-
ber2 ; I'allsada.iOctober 25 ; Hayes Center ,
October 20 ; Stookvillo , Octotier 27 ; Klwood.
October28 ; Wollll6et. October ! ! ! ! .
Hon. T. J. Majors : AtMllfordOctober'2.1.
hous , T J. Majors , J. U. Allen and \V. 8.
Summers. AtOuborne , October27.
Hon. C. r1. Mandorson : At St. Paul , OJto-
berill ; Loup City , November 1 ; Ord , No.
vombcr'2 ; tirand-Jnland , November it ; Syra
cuse , November 4i Auburn , November 5 ,
Hon. J M. 'J hurston : At Lincoln , Novem
ber 1 ; Norfolu , November 2 ; Omaha , No
vember Geneva \ , November 4j falls City ,
November 5.
llntiirtiilnlnJC L'liurrli DlirnltiuU-a ,
Gnu tfio. III. , Oci.-2-2. A delightful enter
tainment was clven this afternoon at the
country house of lion. Ihomas B. Bryan , Ir
honor of Cardinal Gibbons , Archbls'aoi
Satolll , the papal delccato , and other dls
tinguisbea prelates. A tpocial car conveyei
tbo party from the North ivestern depot at !
p. in. under the guidance of Colonel Bryan
The guests were received by Mrs , Urynn am
the atfntr wa * In the nature of a brilliant fell
champoiro. Among the guests were Mao ]
CI. H. Jones and wife of St. Louts. Senate
J. Tiisso of Montreal , Archbishop Ireland o
Kt. Paul , Mgr. O'Connell of Home , IMsbo ]
ivuiti of Wheeling , W. Va. , and many other
coualiv notable.
Monday afternoon Mrs , Potter Pulmoi
will give a reception to the cardinal am
the pjpal delegate , and Monday nlunt th
ColumbuR club have u like honor in store fo
them. Tuesday mnnilng the cardinal wl
return to Baltimore and Archbishop Satcl
will proceed to Bt. Paul with ArcbbUho
It eland ,
Tlio Most Monstrom Dress Goods Sixlo Ever
Hold in the West.
200 Coin pinto llroM rnttrrm of < * u Vanls
of Tort ) . Inch Itlun Storm Sorjjo fur
91 IS Tim lluriMiii lunocr
Ilcoii i : < | iiilloil : ,
40-Inch strictly nil wool ftincv suitings
ntSoc , tthvnya sold ut o'M. We have
Ihcso in hsimlsotuo brown , navy blue
and privy combinations.
fllMnoh navy blue storm sorpes , the
most nonulnr dross fabric for this fall
wear , til lo ! ! ) per yard , 4 yards of tills
width trooUs miklncix lady's complete
1200 | ) lccc3all wool nlaldi , stripes and
beautiful combinations of coloring , also
camel's hair In nil ulritlo ) niul a slllc
striped sortfo. iroodsvo can rcc-
ommonil for street wear and will ba sold
for IWc a yard. Tlily Is actually the bust
vnluoovor otTorod in Omaha.
18 pieces of navy blue and black serge ,
with fancy colored , raised strlpua , entirely -
tiroly now , never olTorod loss than dl.U.j ;
for Monday at Sjc per yard.
10 pieces 80-inch gr.iy ladles' cloth ,
extra heavy , just the tiling for ntttsldo
wraps and bov'a wear. f > ! ) o par yard ; sold
ull over the city for $1.00 a yard.
(10 ( pieces of now lilgu class dross
goods , in all the f ishlonablo weaves ,
such as loured ivoqiioltc * , matalasscs
nndcropons , in all the now shades , worth
up to $1.23 , ui o'o ' ) a yard.
20 pieces all wool Siixuny dross goods ,
assorted weaves , now shades , at 7oc.
In high class novelties , poods of our
own importation , wo c'.aim to carry the
largest assortment in the citv.
200 pieces of10Inch wool suitings , 10
assorted Himdos. Those goods are actu
ally worth : tc ! ) und will bo sold at 15c.
A navy blue btorm serge , double fold ,
10-incli , worth 50o 11 yard , gees in our
basement at 23c per yard.
A twilled Huitltig with novelty stripes ,
just the thing for infant's clonks and
chlldrons' dresses , as it is guaranteed to
wash , at 15c vnru.
Solo agents for McCall's p.itiorns ,
N. W. cor. IGID and Douglas.
lliirnlmm IMnrr.
Aero property on the motor line for
$300 to $ > o ( ) per aero , on easy terms.
Just the place for beautiful homos , at
just ono-lmlf what other surrounding
properly Is soiling for. Where can you
beat thtsV .T. A. Lovgren , solo agent ,
oOS Brown building , S. E. cor. IGth and
IT WAS .i.v
C. HurUhnltor & Co. Will Try ti > Pay Tliplr
New YOIIIC , Oct. 22. The falluro of C.
Burkhnlter & Co. cmtinmd to bo a tmttor
of remark und sosculation youoraay. The
store was closed all Uay and Mr. John II.
Burlibaltcr was not scan. HJ had said the
ilav before that , as yoitcrday would bo a
holiday , ho would not bo in town. Mr. Hush-
moro of S'crno & Hushmoro , attorneys for
the llrm , was nt his oIHsj , but declared ho
was not engaged upon business of Iho llrm.
Ho said : "Thoro have uaon no now devel
opments slnco last night. ; this oolnt ; a holi
day there could \ > a none. No action could
be taken through the sheriff's ofllco. I don't
think that warrants will 1)3 taken out for
the arrest of the members of tin tirni. That
would bo a very foolish thing to do.
"I can only say that this Is an honest fail-
uro. The members of the firm will ho penni
less. Tfiny have saved nothing for thorn-
selves. Everything has goto in the attemnt
to Keep un the business , as Iho house was an
old established ono and they were proud of
its coed name.
' 'They were umbilicus to do a larno busl-
ness. The proceedings now will ba in the
ordinary channels , 1 have no doubt. Thcro
is no attempt to mUload or defraud the cred
itors. Assignment was made in their inter
est. A consultation was held hero in my
olllco Wednesday morning with a view to
iluding some way to raise money nnn tide the
affairs over. The assignment was proposed
then , for the Ilrst time , as uomg tbo best and
f.ilrost thing for thn creditors. A statement
will bo mfiko as soon -as poislblc. 1 caatiot
tell when it will bo given out. "
Trlill Trlli ° r " 'o Steamship Scgi'r.liiLMi
Decided biiccvss.
NEW YORK , Oct. 22. The Unito'd States
and Bra/il tnnil steamship Sogurauca hut
wont out to sea for the purpose of demon
strating tn tbo naval board of inspection her
Illness for n government subsidy under the
requirements of the now postal regulations ,
The steam trial of the big ship too'.t place oft
the Now Jersey coast. The gait she struck
was so much In excess of the requirements
that the four hours run to northward was
dispensed with , as the inspecting boura was
satistlod that bho could easily maintain u
speed greater than was required.
Upon lha recommendation of the board she
will obtain u mail subsidy of IJl-8 ( cents fur
every railo traversed on her outward trips
from the United Suites.
As n EUl'sidi/.cd American steamship the
Seguraucn will bo liable to charter by the
national government. .She would innko n
valuable auxiliary to the regular tmvv. more
especially as a transport or collier. Hut few
alterations \vould bo necessary to convert
bar into a naval roscrvo ship , us bho is
strongly built. Eight four Inch rapid lirlng
gnus , It U said , will bo the armament that
she will carry in the event of nor enrolling
Into the auxiliary navy.
Arrnr riortmrn1 * IVr < nin il IJIlrftH.
Oct.Part ) of the
JBW YOHK , Oct. - - personal
effects o' the late William ) . Kioroiicn were
sold at auction at COOKO'S nuctloa rooms ,
Ono Hundred und Twnnty-llfth street , near
Third uvcnuo , yesterday afternoon. There
were no aetors present and most of the
articles offered word bought by soeloty peo-
plo. A half dozen cut classci uud decanters
broucnt (15. ( A Venetian vuso , valued at
f 150. went for ? li. ! There was lively bidding
on a handsome antique sideboard that Mr.
Florence bought In 1'arla , and for which ho
paid ? 2,000. It sold for JJT.'i. About two
do/on pieces of mantel furniture and pieces
of bric-a-brac sold for ? .TJ. The best bidding
was on an arm c'jair worth alnut 10. It
was sold to n Mr. Sanford /or / $110. A num-
bar of pictures owned by Mr. Florence will
bo sold today.
HllKlll AUhlllH.
Niw YOIIK , Oct. 23 , Alvah Trowbridgc ,
who was appointed receiver of llio North
American Underground Telegraph and
Electric company , lias reported to thoau.
promo court that the assets ho received did
nut BEd'ogato more than $110 , while claims
amounting to more than $ P.M.MO were pre
Tomorrow the Greatest Sale Ever Held in
the Bnsamont.
837ono Spot Cn li I'lirclmr-Nc"-
DcMrntilo Tull Dry Omul at l.os *
Tim u f.Or mi the Dulhir All In
Our Itiiittinciil ,
I'ivo cases elegant quality silver grov
and while full 10-1 blankets , 0 < Jc a pair ,
worth $1.00.
Kxlra la-go and heavy white and grey
bed blankets $1.25 a pair.
Kxtra line lambs wool white bed
blankets $1.70 a pair.
All wool sairlot medicated bed blank
ets S200a pair.
I"\trii sl/.o line Michigan wool silver
grey blankets $2.1)8 ) a pair.
Fum C.ilifornia notfshrtnknbli guar
anteed nil wool bed blankets. $3.75 a
pa ! r.
r.Tlio finest grade of nil wool red bed
blankets , $1.2i a pair.
11-4 scarhn , while and grey California
bed blankets at $1.00 , worth upto$10.00.
Ono immense table of slightly soiled
white bed blankets go at $0.08 a pair ,
worth $10 00 , $10.00 and $20.00. This is
the gioitost bargain over olTorcd in a
lluo bed blanket.
Full si/o bed comforters , OOo.
Sateen covered bed comforters , OSc.
Handsome extra largo saloon bed com
forts , $1.25.
Fine white cotton filled comforters ,
$1.00 , $2.00 and $2.08.
Cotton bats. lOo for a full pound.
Fine white shaker llannols Oe a yard.
All wool medicated scarlet twilled
flannels and pressed red and whlt6 flan
nels 23o a yard.
Klogant extra wide black and \\hito
sateen 74o a yard.
Very fine brocaded wash goods 7c } a
Lot of bright colored canton flannel Oc
a yard.
N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas.
Bui'iihiuu PI. , cheapest acre properly.
I.mildui ; I'p 11 Tonnil Itlonfor thn
Intrrxtiuo Itrlilco.
The interstate briilco ontorprlso nt Hast
Oamun shows decided sicns ot nwakcnliiK
life. Durinp the past wool : three parties ot
inoa wcro at work on prounratlons prelim
inary to the construction of the hlgh-t
way across the Missouri , Ono party had a
larco Hat Doat boar in K a structure llko an oil
well derrick and its duty was to maUo
soundings in tlio river lor rocu bottom. If
Frank Moorcs , who a hole In the bottom of
Iho sea IOIIK hus sought and mourned because
ho found it not , will ua sutlstlod with the
bottom of the rlvor instead , ho can acquire
ovorlastint : satisfaction bv applying nt East
Omnhu. In thuir aoarch for a rorlty faunan-
tiou for ulors tbo men in Unit ll.itboat have
boroa a number of holes through the Mowing
mud of the Missouri Into that which is torn
porarilv stationary. Ono of tueso wont down
1 1J ( foot , and thut ou ht to satisfy oven so
deep and persistent a longing us that of Mr.
A partv of carpenters was busy orcctliiK
" '
cheap temporary" buildings for llio'iincomnio-
dution ol the workmen to bo omnloycd on the
brldeo. Ono of those , nbout'JUxSJ footin size ,
will serve ab a dininc hall. Another of about
the same dimensions will furnish lodii's ! ( ,
and a smaller ono will bo used as n kitchen.
i Vom which It may bo tnforrod that quite a
force Is to bo employed , and it Is given out
that n week from tomorrow at least 15'J men
will bo lit work on Iho brltlgu. The carpenters -
pontors else constructed a numbet of Hit
boats , several of which were lloated down to
Plattsmouth. Near that city a thin , paity
was busy cutting timbois to bo used for pil
ing and for cofferdam" . The loaded uoats
will bo hauled up the river bv n tug.
The rlvor bnnlc on the site of Iho Xoliraskn
approach to tbo bridge has plnusluli : uvi-
dcncos of un intontlon to push the enter
prise. Several stnUos uear white llag < . ,
which flutter neighborly iccoKintlon to NIIII-
ilur streamers on the low.i sldo nnd mark
possible torminablos for thu bridge. Near
bv is a score of reels , each wound with from
2,000 to 4,000 feet ot wlra cable , which la to
bo used in binding small limbers Into nn un-
breaknhlo nmttruss for use In the coiibtrnc-
tlon of the cofferdams. A stationary nngtiie.
tool houses , great timbers ana parts of a pile
unvcr strewed about as they were taken
from the cars on a railroad switch running
conveniently along the river bank , nro
further corroliorativo evidences or a deter
mination to cot the new enterprise actively
under way ut one ? .
I'urcly Kiniilno MuttiTS Ui-niri > the Itcnrd
At the mooting of the county commission
ers yesterday afternoon all the mombjr.s
were present.
The petition of the Belt railway to have
certain lots exempt from taxes ou the ground
of n uoublo tax was donlcd.
The committee ou reconstruction of county
hospital reported that plans had boon" com
pleted nnd that advertisements would ap
pear In the o veiling paper Inviting bids.
A communlcMlinn from the city council
asking for u conference on thu subject of a
pest house was road and rcfurroii ,
Treasurer Irov'a ivquost for an additional
clerk and moro room \rus referred to the
finance commlttoo with two vote * In favor of
the committee on coui t house and jiil.
The usniil list of potltlons , bills and
claims was presented and tofurrod
On the potltion of the People1 ! , church , to
have Its lots which nro used for dm rah pur
poses , but not owned bv the church , ho cx-
empt from tuxes , n discussion arose as to
whether property not owned by churches
should bo exempt. The statutes were pro
duced nnd Mr. 1'addock , wno had precipi
tated Iho dhcussion , aol < nowleil > ; cd that ho
had been mistaken , nnd the leased land Is
The grading of a hill on tlio C'.illionn road
was nrdeiod , Douglas nnd Washington
counties agreeing to share the oxpuiso.
Mill HMI. " I.H'rn r .
The following murrlugo licenses were Is
sued by County Judge Kller yesterday ;
Nnmuiinl iUdiuss. Ak'o
j Henry II. I'm Kins Oniahi . < 2
I Aiinit I'or ' v KnipUoy , Oiu.ihu , ' " !
l.Idl.nll . II ill , Onuilri 20
I l.ydi : ! K. I'liDiiipson , Diuulia ] U
I John . \ndinson , Miienln , .Nell 'M
1 Jennlu c. lluiv.Vaoily , X l ) ' 'll
j ( iciiruo Miin'nld , ll niilnu'toii. Nub ' . ' 5
I 1'aiillno I'ntuibon , lluiiiiliuion , Nub It )
l Mnr u Itiiehman. Omaha 2\
idufi-ic ) liahlnow tUinahu 16
I Martin Strnnert. Omaha 21
I M.iy JtiiMmissen , Omaha 18
) I.oilnu ( < . Orllliih , Omihi : n
I Kate Kuthur , fciiuth Omali.i L"J
j I'riuicla Muilon Klcli.iiiUon. Hoiilh Uiiinli.i n
I Illonilii Sauyci , . ' oiUiiOii.iihii 17
il'ianU.M. llnvnr. Noi/oll. , Noli so
\ itu lna/.lly , & | jrhiiroenVN ( su
Used , in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Htnrr Mnttnrintn tit Lincoln nnd III * W r
Henry MaMorman of Lincoln , Mob. , I * a
man with a record nml also n family ft fnrallr
tnnt will os t thirteen votes for Ilctijamfn
Harrison nt the cominc election ,
Mr. Mastorson Is SO .VOUM ohl nnil ho hat
served both In the UrttUh nnd the United
Stntoi nrmy. lie belonged to the UrltlsU
nrtlllory for ten years , boliifj a raombor of
the Klhth | ? brlc.vio of the Second huttnllon.
Hnnlso served three years In the Twontv.
ciRiuii io-va infantry , cotnpiny ( } , ntut hli
Krnndson win the vountrcst soldlor In the
snmo rcRlmcnU Mr. Mastorson has Ovo
sons , three pua-in-lnw ntitl four arnuilsons.
1 hcso , with his own vote , will mnko tuir.
teen nnd nil will bo cast for Mr HarrUon
A peculiar thine nhotit thti Intcroitind
nmlly Is the wnl s ran o of hlrtliDl.icos that
the vnrlou * inomhon of the fnuilly hnvo h p.
) oncd to hnvo. The olilar Mnatorman wns
horn In Ki lnnil , liU wlfo and son , A H.
Mnstornmn , were born In Halifax , N S. ,
Alien nml Allco Mn iorin.iti Ilrst saw thu'
Ichiofilnyon the Hcrinud.t Islands , AIIR.
istii nnd AKIIOS ralieii their illsturltsnca , ]
n , HochMtpr. N. V. , nii.l . ( K-nrRO. William , '
nitiio Btnl Hnttlo were horn in Maivngo. In.
Air. Mnstornmn Is u thnrotiRh Aniorlcau
"V . in" " ' " " " ' ' ' "tlo roHillcan | ! Ho ROTS i
liat his allownnco for clollmnr In the United
h'atcs nriiiy was moro than his entire p yH
whllolnthoi KiiRllsh nrmv IIo ha boon
cliinlaln of Karr.icut pa t for ttilrtcon yonrs.'J
nnil ho wii u charter member of tho' annul
post. Ourlnc his service In the nrmy ho did ,
lot miss n sluulo tiny. Mr. M istormiiti c.illcd '
nl l UK Hen ontco ycstentay on hli wi y homo 1
Totu n reunion of his old roniinont al' '
Mnrinco , In. Ilo Is enthusiastic for Harri
son and protection.
Itnllilllii ; I'l-milt * .
The following permit * were l snott by th
suporlntondontof building * \oMordnv :
' - , -
k stiiro uud Warohiiuso. 1614
Jzir.1 slroot . g
i , , . , . . . " * ; l11' "u i f on am siruuis 1,000
u H. IIUtcnlnHini ,
ono-story frnino rut-
, t.icn II orty-sovuiiili iiiul toward Mlrnol * l.CM
. . .
u J. .No mil. onii nnd nnc-lialf utory
Jw J dttolilnK.'\tli | anil Maicy
' 1.009
TV'.Kotf''I1'1' 1 ' ! ' ' " " ' " ' 'i'V ' friiini ) cotlano
orty-nliitli nnd
s Hurt strut-Is 1,00 :
minor permits 1,1X0
I.ixiknil lit thn I'lutin.
The council coiumittoa Itn-cstlgutliiR the
city null mot ycstorday afternoon In the
council chnuibor. Mr. Lowrv iirosulcd ,
ihocommittcoilociilcti to spend an hour or
so looKlnc ovoi- the oRlclal plans of Archi
tect Hclmtorff nnd nujourncd to the coiuti-
trollor's ofllco for that puiposo. All of the
plans and specifications uoro closely in
spected. After lookitift over the plans the '
uommlttoo adjourno t until next Monday
without Uolnu unythini ; or taking any tosll-
111 onv.
Al the following1 ridiculoue
Our beautiful stylish hats in
3 lots , $2.5O , $3.50 and ,
This boats any record ever ]
heard of
Black Ostrich feathers , in ]
plumes , tips and Prince of ]
Wales effects , at half their' '
regular price.
This is a Good Irwest-1
merit for Yoif.
Mrs. 1111. Davie ;
111 S. IStliSt.JppssitcP. 0.
" Improvement Lh
order of the age. "
Wo never oxpcctod , in our moit snn j
iruliio moments , such an inoroiiBQ inj
bulesiiHOoinmo cod"oH the Ilrst of Sop-j
tombor. The Smith Premier Typo-j
Writer is having enormous wiles which !
are wirto and far reaching , Those nr |
the reports * vo are rccoiving t'rom our ]
many branch ollicoa.
Send for a dohorlpllvo eataloguo.
M1)PinuniSl. ) . , Omalia , .W.
K. U. MAYIIKW , Manosop.