Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1892, Part Three, Page 20, Image 20

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What May Bo Expcctsil at Our Great BOCO'J
Show at Exjos.tbn Hall This Wcok ,
I'oot Unit Itnltlm of the \Venl < SlroiiKlli of
the Dcmno lloys Itccoril ol Mport" , Ain-
ntoiirnnil I'roloiiinml , to ( Irutily nil
Vnrjrlnc I'rorlliltlr * jiicrlci.
The largest bench show over clvon west of
Chicago , flfllh the single exception of San
I'Vanclsca's nnnuul exhibit , will cimmenco
In this ct foi'ruojdny | ' ; morning next nt Ex
position-hall. for nearly n year the mem-
bcrs of the Omahn IConnol club have boon
making preparations for the blj ( event , and
now , after n great deal of hard worlt , the
club members biivonrrntijjad for at line on
exhibit of registered and pedigree animals
n * was given nt Chicago last spring-in fact ,
every dog of any note that \VM suown ut
Chicago has boon entered hero.
In all ; ii" > dogs nro listed , luoitod and hnvo
boon assigned stalls by the management.
The catalogue contains the names of nil the
famous challenge dos in the country cast of
the Pacific coa t , with the slnglo exception
of Sir Bedlvero , the crcat Bernard recently
purchased In England by Boston pirttos for
$0,500. Bedivcro is In the stud in Boston ,
and consequently cannot bo shown.
Every detail In connection with iho care ,
feeding nnd handling of theio three hundred
odd valuable animals has boon carefully at
tended to by the management. A largo force
of men experienced In the handling of ovorv
variety of dogs has been engaged and will
arrive'from the cast tomorrow.
Particular uttnntion will bo paid to the
feeding ot tbp different breeds and this de
partment will bo In charge of a man who hni
had many venrs1 experience In treating and
feeding valuable dcjjs of ull descriptions.
The judges who have been assigned to at
tend the show by Iho American Keniiol club
of New YetIc , Under wtioso rules uncl regula
tions nil of the Hrst-ciiisH bench shows oi the
country are clvon , uro two of the best known
bench show Judges in the United States and
their decisions uro only made utter mature
deliberation und are never questioned.
Five carpenters have been html nt work
since Inst Wednesday constructing the
benches nnd stalls for the big ones anil the
copes for the toys and terriers. A row of
stalls will bo arranged ull around Exposition
hall nnd a double set of cages will bo ntnccd
in the center Of the room. Every stall will bo
whitewashed nnd disinfected dnlly and the
Greatest care will bo taken of thu valunulo
Among some ot the famous ones with long
prdlarecs and the winners of innnr prizes
may bo mentioned Elkson , n mastiff owned
bv Dr. ICimball of Jackson , Mich. , and Or
monde , owned by C. E. Bunr , Pcorln , 311.
The two grand specimens of the tnastilT
breed will compote in the ring for the cham
pionship In the cunllongo cla s. Both of
these dogs have n national reputation nnd
considerable interest will center ou the linul
' decision of Iho Jmlces.
In the opjn in in tiff class a lursa number of
high llyer * nro catalogued. William VViulo
of Hutton. Pa. , the bmderof some of the
most Inir.ous mastitis In the country , outers
Kiildcrmun us his champion , besides several
others of leaser noto. OI course , Edrlc ,
oxvncd bv Clintoi : N. Powell of this city , and
Wellington , owned Uv Mr * . Dr. Ayrei. nre
listed. Kdno Is the winner or several first
pri/es and Wellington , wSio is ono of the
promlsiiiir pups of the day , won second pri/u
nt the Chicago bench show lust spring. A.
M. Colllnono enters Miijor , u largo red mas
tiff of the Llmo Hall breea. Major Is thirty-
three inches high and Is n curiosity , as ilogs
nf nls breeding nro very scarce in this countrv.
Murston's Bennie Comedy is a descendant of
the famous Comedy family of mastiffs , bred
' Dr. nnd ouaht to have
hcro'by Ay res u num
ber somewhere on the prlic list.
.4" In the smooth-coated St. Bernard challenge
class Champion Victor Joioph , owned by Dr.
J. B. Lewis of Bi'llavillo. O. , will probablv
bo thu winner. This doir Is cow about 10
yenra old and has boon vho winner of sev
enty-six llrstR in special pn/.os nnd has been
exhibited ut every largo show in the United
suites nnd Canada. Ills value is $10,000.
Fernwood Bruce , a son of tno gnllnnt chain-
ulon , Is crowding his sire for honors , nnd ue-
fore lone may bo us famous us Victor. Hut
the pot of .Dr. Lewis. ' famous Uonuols Is lo , n
daughter of thp champion , lo Is ono of the
andsomest doss In thn country nnd Is
"twnys greatly admired. The 'value of Bruce
nd Jo is $ > , ( XIO aoleco.
a A ta Bcrim , valued at K 000 , Is another
Borniird especially well known in this
WObtorn country. Ho Is owned by A. C.
Sbnllonbcrger of Almu , Neb. , and took
pruo at the Denver snow last spring. Alta
lsn magnlllccnl specimen of tlio rough-coated
race mid is one of the finest
dogs that will bo shown here.
Sappho nnd ModjoHki , n handsonu tnam or
rouuh-eoatcd St. Bernards and owned byI ,
C. Joslyn of this city , will occupy prominent
stalls mid will give some of the older pri/o
winders u hnrd chase for Ilrst money. Lord
Hlehmond.froni tl.o Wisconsin konneU will
also bo hora. M. Hllgertof Sr. Joseph will
tend up ulavou'of thoio great docs of the
Alps nnd hopes to carry baelt n few blue
ribbons. Mrs. S. O. Hutchln.son of St.
Joseph has booked Prudence , an exceedingly
fine imported Bernard nnd iho winner of
three EimlUh'pri/os. Among thayoungstrrj
of tills breed that will bo shown Is .luiigo
Ogdon's Cluhlo , a H-months son of Victor
Joseph's ntid'Mrs. ' Click's Lady Vinnlo , n Ill-
mouths old pup of tbo sumo strain of blood.
Two great aocs in the CircntDam > chal
lenge class bnvo been entered. Imperator
from the linporlal Kennels of Chicago will
bo sent. This D.itio is thn winner of several
Oermun pibos besides six American ribbons.
His value Is 3.000. Pedro , from Lyons , It. ,
will bo Iho opponent of 1 m porn tor In the
challenge class. Ho has n long ilit of win
nings to hit } credit und the race between
too two will bo n close ono.
Jiick Shophard Is n bloodhound of interna
tional reputation , and will come from Chicago
cage for the show. This dog Is valued at
K > , IHH > . and wns ono of the bloodhounds used
by the I.ondoii police ofllemls in the chase for
Jack the Hipper uftcr the Wliltuchaucl mur-
Two Russian wolfhounds from Loxlnr-
ton , Neb , , recently imported by C. H. liulllu-
Kor , will no doubt provn u great attraction ,
as niilmnl * of this breed are very bcarcu In
this country ,
EtiglUh setters by the dozen have been en-
teicd , and the verf best ones In the country ,
too. Tboy vlll como ftoui the far east , Can
ada and from DOIDO of the kennels in Xc-
' brusiia and Missouri.
Dr. Pryor of Philadelphia will bring his
famous puir , Bob Ivy , for exhibition only.
This dug bus the beat pug blued in the coun
try In his veins , and U worth lilu weight
In bllver.
The sporting men have not been loft out
by any innnns , for every kind of a sporting
Uoc has boi'ti booked , T. O. Davy of Lon
don , Oiit. , will bring live pointers which
nto considered to be the llnest In the coun-
trv. All of those pointers are prle dogs nnd
tiuvo boon entered for exhibition ut the
World's fiur next year. Mr. Davy also
bring * a btilng of fine Kncllsh setters.
KpiUrJtsetters | \ from the east will arrive
ohdajAVnU tats on tholr collars noting
. . , . from $500 to $ liiOO. George
BoU 6t TyVonto la coming ulth n string of
cocker bpanloh wblcli ho claims uro ihj
Jlncst In America ,
The Milwaukee kennels will send , among
other doe * , the champion beagle , Llttlo
Duke , ttio winner of thirty prizes. Other
well known beagle breeders will also ex
Sir Staffordtho $ .1.030 Skvo com
ing from Philadelphia. This llttlo bundle of
ilesh and hair weighs only ton pounds , but
U a boautv and has as good care as a race
UorM ) .
Frank Dole of New York city will aond u
champion bull tot rler that has taken many
By Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the Ex
position doors will be opened and the grand
display uf bowling , yelping canines will bo
on exhibition and will continue to occupy
their cages until Saturday night.
With tbo arrival of Peter Jackson m
America there will be a comparative revival
pf intereit in flstlo affair * which have lan
guished ilnco the cnorvutiou attoudont
upon the recent * aturoalla at New Orleans ,
public U / * too languid to take any
enthusiastic interest , but it will lUton
placidly to tbo ohnlltnijes aud counter-
chnllungcs nnd words of mouth of aspiring
champions , mid talk is about all that U will
cot for awhile. Jackson will undoubtedly
light Corbctt If ho got" a chance , but the
pas < no of the usual amount cf verbiage will
prooablv precede n conclusive agreement to
II a tit , Ihcro U probably no man living
whom tbo American public would rooro
enjoy seeing Corbett pound Into
otrranl nolhingnots than . that nr *
rant blatherskite , Charley Mitchell. Mitchell
is a fighter uf no moan ability but Ills ver
bosity In making challenges nnd clnlmlnir
chninploiiAhlps and his celerity In getting
out of the way vhen ho sno ? n chance to bo
Accommodated have disgusted three-quarters
of the sporting world. Both Jackson nnil
Mitchell declare their nnyloty to meet the
low champion and It Is pnitty certain that If
hey mean business they can have ull they
viu.t , Aildo from the consolation that
voulii result from seeing Mitchell's ' proton-
Ions forever quloteil , u mooting between
iickson and the champion would ha far morn
Igtiillc.tnt n.i far us Its relation to the
vorld's championship Is concerned.
Jac MeAullffohns given it out that , ho
vlll novcr light again" Just wait till ho
alts itgnlnst a good stiff poker giimo n few
lines , and some one can have a light for the
Tommy White , the Chicago feather-
velzht who foucht a draw with Dan Daly
it South Omaha two years ago , has posted
i forfolt for u match with Paddy McBrldo of
Philadelphia for 51,000 n side , nnd the larg
est purse oflcred. If MuUrulo falls to como
o tlrno , Whllo says hn will light either
Stations or Smith.
Charles Mitchell was brought up on ro-
nand In the Bow btrcot pollco court , Lon-
dan , October T , to answer to the charge of
ominiltltig nn unprovoKcd assault upon
.Seorgo Salvage , thq need kcopcr of n lode-
ng house In the Strand. Tno magistrate
.old Mitchell , Oio class ho belonged to was
worthless anil n ilionnca to society , and son-
.faced him lo two mouths Imprisonment nt
iard labor. Ho appealed , but was refused
jail. Subsequently , however , the mogls-
rate relented and released Mitchell , ball bo
ng furnished In the sum of .50J.
TOOT n.Yi.i. ix'iuT.
Alxiiit tlio rcr nnncl of tlio
Uniiiifl ColloKO T < > : IUI.
The local foot ball enthusiasts nro anttci-
Kiting a number of interesting contests on
111 ? local grounds bafnvo snow Hies and the
oall grounds are bclnir put In excellent con
dition for I ho sport. The came yesterday be
tween tiio Doano college nnd Uni
versity of Illinois team * was a good
one , but the public will no doubt
tuku rnoro interest In the coming contests In
which the University of Nebraska will bo
one ol the participants. The .Nebraska team
will have at least two matches with colleen
tc.ims from adjacent states next mouth and
> nora may bo arranged if sufllclcnt
interest Is taknn to warrant it.
Foot ball is rnpiuly becoming
a rival of base ball in popular favor and the
college boys should not bo obliged to nlay to
empty benches in Omaha.
The Doano collcuo team has made a credit
able record duringthopatttwo years. Fisher ,
the center rush , played as a substitute for
the same position last year. Ills snapnlng
back is good , nnd lit * is considered a heavy
player. Ho wciglu 170 pounds. The heaviest
man on the team Is Owens , who plays the
right guard. Ho weighs 1)4 ! ) pounds , nnd is
comparatively n now man. Patton is plnyicg
tucklo this year , and his work shows a
noticeable improvement over labt year. Cnssol
U another new man , out plays end well und
on n klcic ho is down the Held almost as soon
as the ball. Farr Is another player who has
improved greatly since lust your and it will
bo a good gun-d that will bo uolo to lake care
of him before the season ti over. Williams
Is ono of the host men on the team. lie Is
good in tackles nnd Is always ready to
do his shuio of thu blocking. Swam
IB almost too light for a good
foot ball player , but bis agility atones in a
great measure for his lack of avoirdupois.
Lcavat , the quarter , is nt the same position
us liibtyoar , but his passing and blocking are
much improved. Hoxsuy , the left half back ,
Is Doano'.s 100-yimt inin and ho can
back the con tor as well as make end runs.
Mains , the rlcbc halt buck , bus tbo honor of
huvi g m.ido the ilrst touch-down over
mtiilp against tv.o University of Nn-
brasku team and nf captaining the
team that gnvo them their Hrt > t defeat. Ho
is the manager of the team this year. Cap
tain Sweeney , who plays full back , Is ono of
Iho best in Iho stalo. [ Hs tackling and
kicuiug are both good and ho is tbo star
player of the team.
'llio "I'rolmsorV Opinion.
Pitcher Stagg , formerly of the Vale colloco
team , but now prafojhor of athletics at the
University of Chicago , is ono of thosa who
are still confldcntof thofuluroof the national
L-amo. Ho says : "I nm avvaro that there
has been n great falling off in attendance , but
1 do not think the decline is permanent. The
mnilts of the game of base bull nro so great
that it can iiover dlo out or cease to bo the
Amoiicun gutno. I consider foot ball better
adapted to amateur * , but it will never sup
plant huso ball lu the affections of the public ,
liccauso professionals will not take bold of
foot ball owing to ttio dangers of the game.
"Thochargn that base ball is demoralising
does not hold goad so far as amateur playing
U concerned , but there could bo Improvement
in tlio professional came. If Sunday games
wore stopped , sale of liquor on grounds pro
hibited , ucd better dUcitillno among players
maintained , It would help the sport. So far
us nu amateur play is concerned , nothing
could furnUn a moro admirable training for
iho physical powers , as well as some Import
ant mental ( [ uulitlos. "
( lnii club I'ufzoi.
Tbo last shoot o ! the season of the Bomls
Park Oun club was hold nt their now
grounds ucrois llio river Thursday. It
closed a very successful season. Increased
Interest has been taken in the club , nnd the
rcKularshoots have resulted in a very uotico-
nblo improvement in the marksmanship of
tlio members.
The pvl/cb offered nt the opening of tbo
season have been awarded , nnd the
prl/ei , consisting' of two hnndsomo gold
incdalH , were won byll , E. Chubbuck mid
Klocktau llctli. ( icorcc W. Loomls aud
William Salisbury nro 110 winners of second
place and elegant shell cases. The spodal
iui/.u ciTerod for the greatest improvement
dnrliiir tno ic.-o" a Btenl fishing red. was
Iwou bv Harry Kecd. The corduroy shooi
ng coat offered bv the Bornis Omaha ling
compuny , lo tno member participating ni the
greatest number of shoots , was won by F.
II. U la no.
Another "l/i t ot
The Athletics and Fort O in alias will cross
bats ou the lattor's grounds today In Iho last
( jninoot the season. As Iho soldiers have
downed all comers during iho pust month ,
they lira entitled to Iho chatupionshlu ot Iho
city , but Iho Alhtotlcs think they cnn down
them , so n good gatno is looked for. Old Uo-
llabla Mul lvalue will pitch for the Alhloiloj.
Ilithu it. ill llrirfii.
Jacic Crooks will winter in St. Louis with
his wlfo nud sister.
Mauagor Frank Leonard has gouo Into
business ut Lynu , .Mass.
Oanzal leads tbo Boston club In batting be-
slues doing most of tbo catchm ; , ' ,
Collor.y has como to llfo ns-nln and is play-
Ini ; gloat ball lu Brattloboro , Vt.
Charley Do Walu passed ihrough the city
during the week on hts way to California.
H Is said that Dan Clarke is bossing a sec
tion gang on the rail road near Ottumwa , la.
Dad's mm ; U built just right for that kind of
a job ,
The Now Orleans , Atlanta and Montgom
ery clubs are so far tbeonlv Southern league
teams which have reserved their plovers for
next year ,
Cleveland won the second championship lu
splloof tbo predictions of the eastern papers
which declared bolh Roslon und Philadel
phia lo bo stronger teams.
Jay Faatz declares that the Uochoitor
club owes bun bao.t salary dating from Julv
last , but then Fnatz couldn't bo happy un
less ho hud something to Kick about ,
Cliafloy Cashing has returned to the
* tabo ! In Milwaukee for tbo wlnlor. Charlie
says there are exactly 8.07-,2aJ ties between
Providence , H. J. , and Browervillo.
William A. Sunday , well known to all ad-
inlren of tbo national game as "Billy" Sun
day , Is lu politics. He U running ou tbo pro
hibition tlcuot for tbo general assembly In
the First senatorial district of Illinois.
"When will newspapers which claim to
have the good of baio ball at heart ccaso | tn-
pressing upon the public that the game is a
business and not a sport ! " Sporting Llfo.
If a fcuv more newspaper * bad paid eoruo at
* * " *
tontion to business principle base bait
might not have boon in the condition that It
li today ,
Anson will goon nn extended hunting trip
thtough Iowa after the cloio of the bnso ball
season. It ! to bo hoped thnt uli eye for
nlgcon shooting has not deteriorated to the
8 md extent as bis ability to lilt the ball.
.lane Sicnzol led the Northwest league In
batting with nn average of , .1.VJ. Wlllto Mains
stood eleventh In the list with .2T3 nnd
"trl-sockcr" Strauss could only stock up.213.
Comp's nvorago was .139. btrauss led the
second basemen In Holding.
Joe Hattln , the vctonin third baseman , nf-
tor twontv ycms on Iho diamond , 1ms gone
back to hts old trade of bricklaying. Luckv
.Tool Munv will bo tbo impecunious ball
lessor , with empty stomach nnd trousers out
nt the knees , who will envy you before many
In the face of thn threat ! of the macnato *
tomukon-iU per cent reduction' snlarlo *
iicxt year , about the same per cent of the
players would nnil It advisable to sprnid the
winter lonrnlng n trado. Iho past sunson
has furnished some Illustrious examples'of
men who hud boon very noor ball plnvbrs
becoming excellent bricklayers , section
hands , etc.
Ton nnn up a tree It bozlns to lee it ns
though the Bean titters would carry the
championship rnz to the Hub nnd drtipa It
over the door ot Fiinoull hnll. Well , Uniton
ought to have something. Shn hn been
robbed of the nonot Incident to the nativity
of the world's champion pugilist ntid the
base ball championship wlll.sotvo as u sort
of elixir to soothe her In her despondency.
WhlK | > rrluiH ill tin ) U'llocl.
Tne Omnhn Wheel club boys are talking of
organizing nn Omaha century club ,
The Omaha Wheel club G. OJ .O. C. was
organ/ ! . ) ' ! last week with llftoon charter
mt miiors. The objcr.t of the club Is to tuko
an nnnunl riiti each season.
Some of the Council Bluffs w.hcclmon are
organizing n World's frtirV'Whool club'lor the
purpose of riding to Chicago during the fair.
The membership will bo limltud ,
Perrlgo's L. A. \ \ . stove ' ( so dubbed by
Sonutor Morgan ) wns set In place one day
lust week , and many a cash prlza .session
may bo looked for during the coming winter.
A Inrgo number of the Omaha Wheel club
bovs rode to Watfrloo.vln Elkhorn last Sun-
liny , stopping off at the Lmsrson seed farm ,
where a few hours were whllcd awny among
the melon patches ,
Ilattcnhnuor brothers nnd Carathnss of
Council Bluffs look n ratnalo last Sunday
afternoon north of Big lalco nnd claim they
made some discoveries which would surprise
the natives nttho World's fair.
Miss Powell and Miss Kuno , members of
the Oniutia Lidiei' Wheel club rode to Lo
gan , la. , last Sunday. It is a hard rldo for a
lady and very few laities wish to try It. Miss
Powell aud Miss Kuno made the trip of
forty-two miles in six hours.
The ticket for the election of the Nobras-
Itu Lsnguo of American Wheelmen nro out ,
nnd now who Is going to buy Urn ? There
will bo very little competition ai there is
but ono candidate for each ofllco with the exception -
coption of the nflico of chief consul for
which A. II. Pcrrigo and H. 1C. Smith are
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. O. Daxon were last
Wednesday evening the recipients of n very
handsome woddinir gift , a silver lea service ,
from the Tourist Wheelmen , of which club
Mr. Djxon is rnprosontntivo to the League
of American Wheelmen. Captain Potter
presented the gift ana Mr. Daxon rospondoJ ,
thankinir the boys and assuring them that
tbo Tourists would always bo remembered
In the Daxon household.
On thn Tourists' called run to Logan , In. ,
last Sunday liftoen members turned out and
all hud u very eoocl time. The roaas wcro in
line shape auil for miles wcro as hard and
smooth us a track. Severn ! pilo-ups were ox-
onrouto , but all carao out without
ijury. The ' 'push" arrived nt Losan at 10
n. in"nml were taken' in tow bv the Logan
wheelmen and shown the city. After a good
dinner , which wo % relished by nil , a visit was
paid to the Mormon encampment , where a
couple of hour.i were spent roauilncr through
the city of tents. The balance of the day-
was spent at the club house of the Logan
wheelmen , where they were royally enter
tained until train time.
Horse * und floi'rtmiion. c
Manager and liohort J , 1-vear-olds , ore
the record of that ago,2:03 .
tied for pacing , : 4.
Sallie B , bv Young Jim , dropped dead in
tbo third heat of the 2:19 race at Lexing
Hurry Wilkoj , 2U1' ' < , sold at the sire sale
for J300 , and Rotaflud Witkos brought
Amcricus , bv Onward , dam bv Dictator ,
has been sold to C. J. Hamtln of Buffalo for
It is promised that William L , sire of
Axtcll , 2:12. : will bo on the turf ucxt year.
Hols 10 yours til'd.
Allcrton is said to have ontlralv recovered
from his lameness , but ho will bo given no
training this year.
H. S. Heed ol Lincoln , Nob. , has sold to
William Simpson of Norton. Kan. , Western
Wilkes and some mares torfO.SOO.
Mr. J. D. Creiguton ot this city purchased
New York Central , 2:13 , at the Lexington
sale and sold him ut an advance of $ "iOO.
Ono thing can bo said in favor of Nancy
Hanks if she li fnst she doesn't nppoar on
the street with her brother's suspenders on.
Yoiikcra Statesman.
Over 1,000 horses wcro entered for the four
wooks' meeting at the Independence , In. ,
track , which began October 10. There were
thirty-live entries In the first raco.
The spectators at the Stockton , Ca ! . , meet
ing objected to tlio races being contested forever
over a kite track , and on the third day Doth
the running nnd trotting races were over the
regulation ,
Abdnllah Wilkes , owned by Charley Me-
Cargar of Lincoln , paced n mile inM : on
the kite track at Lyons recently. Abdallah
Wilkes wns raised near Council Bluffi and
started in llfo as a trotter , bat afterwards
chopped into Iho paclne class.
A sulky has bcon made for Hobort Banner
that Is faomoUilng of an innovation. It bus
pneumatic tires , forty-two'Inch wheels , and
iho axles uro so arranuod that it can bo
raised or lowered so ns to bo the right
height for nnv horso. The material used is
tubulur stcoi , Including the thills.
Oiicitloin and AiMirnm.
WAIIOO , Neb , Out. II , To'tho'Sportlii ! ! IM-
Itorof Tin : Ilm : : Todcculo u hot plo.iso state
Ilm lowUbt Uiiiiporattiro during last winter In *
this part of Mubrauk.i , in your timidity piper ,
J 11. llAICT.
Ans. The lowest temperature was 20 =
below zero , registered on Jnnuarv 10.
Coi.uuillia. Neb , Dot , 17. . To tha Sortlli2 | )
Editor of THU Ilm : : 1'ltutn umwcr thu follow
ing iiimtlom | In TIIK SUSJMV llci : to decide u
bet : A foots Sullivan does not xyhliiC'iirbett , U
buts ho clou- . , the lljht Is a draw , wlio wins ?
Ans. Tuo bet is drawn.
OMAHA , Oct. 1" . To the Hportlti ! ; Kdltor of
Tun IIKI : : I'lonse unawur the , folloivlni niius-
tlon to dnelilo , v Ijct : lu n four-handml KUIIIO
of double hi ill live A deals. . .Must A's p.ut-
nordraw tuliU liundor euii hbhn'.d up curds
that Is not trump ? A SUIISCHIIIKU.
Ans. Ho can do as ho please * ,
I'llKMONT. Nob. , Oct. I8.nTo tllO S1101 till K
Kdltor of Tins IlKBi Will you stuto-m THU
H'M > AV llr.i : wluitlicr Corliott and Mitchell
huvu over boxed to uthorV A. L. U ,
Ans. No. They were to have sparred In
Madison Kquaro garden last February , but
Iho match was stopped by polled interfor-
OMAHA. Out. 17. To the Sportlnir fCdltorof
TIIK HrK ! What color Is Adrian Wllku * and
nhon \ > as lie foaled ?
Ans. Adrian Wilkes Is black. Ho was
fouled In IbTS.
IN' . 10. April-1,1391 , ,
Dr. J. | B. Moore Dear Sir ; Huvo bean
troubled with catarrh. In my hoaj uud face
for three yiy\M at times * usunublo to tioiir
had a constant ringing In my oan and lot-
two years wts almost deaf. Have tried sev
eral so-called remedies and boon treated oy
regular physicians und noted specialist ! , buc
failed to get any relief. I tried ono bottle of
M corn's Tree uf Llfo Catarrh Cure. It gave
immediate relief and efTeutnd a permanent
cure. I heartily recommend it to ull sutler-
era of thU diseaio and \vlll cheerfully give
any further In formation ou boiig ) addressed
at my homo , No. 21 Swoonoy aye. , Burllng-
ODj la. Foi sale by all druirglsu.
Hespectfulllv ,
It. L. UCID.
for sale by all drugglbU.
Tbo profosson of the Ann Arbor , Mich , ,
university have had iheirsalurlos all raised
Irom FJW to 4VJO H year by tuo regents.
Mr * . L. U. Paltun , ItostuorJ , 111. , writes !
1 From personal oxpsrlence 1 can rocommoqd
DoWitt's Sanapurllla , a euro fc Impure
blood and cenoral debility "
How the Hellos of Fashiouablo Omaha Will *
ba Hoad-Ooarecl Thh Season.
The Illncorcrlo * nln llcportcrVlin Visited
the Mixllfitcft of Omxhii unit
the .Sucrtit * They Tolil
For the rurposonof enlightening tilmsclf
upon the to a mucuUno mind Incompre
hensible and Indescribable vngivrlos and I
lOlosyncrntlcj of fbmlnmo hcmlpcnr for tlio I
approaching winter , A3 they will bo lllus-
U-iUcil in Omaha , ti-r porter visited no "em
porium" near the corner of Fourteenth and
Douplas mul ulfHilently slated his mission to
n stately beauty itii black , with short curly
luur , dazzling tcs'.li , uud a RQlf-poisesscd
manner. Sha comprohecttea thonUimllon nt
OMCJ nnil with an nmusod twinkle In her eye
proceeded to par.ilyra that reporter with n
tocbuicnl exposition of fall anil winter fash
IIuU nra to b < i Inrgo this season. How
large It would bo dlDIcnlt to say , for , given u
tendency , fashion oii'v ' , stops when furtnor
development Is Impossible. This expansive-
noss. however. Is confined to the brim. The
crown has dwindled to such dlmlnutlvo pro
portions that It Is hnnlly worth cons. deration ,
Such beauty and gorzoousnoss of coloring
has novcr been seen since ttio days of chiv
alry , us hny ono may discover f roui a gl'inco
over the pnrquot of the opera house or an
Inspection ot the show windows of the fash-
lonnblo modlsta * . No bird of tbo trouics was
over arrayed ID more plowing plumnpo than
will bo the fashionable beauties of Omana
this winter ,
The cxtrcnio Is a flaming rod , n beautiful
color , but Just imagine the sensa
tion , If two or tin co years nco
there had flashed Into Trinity cathedral , for
Intlnnco , among tbo blacks , browns , grays ,
creams and whites which were ( jay enough
In thosa days , a blazing meteor of the bright
est cm-nation , with & brand , Happing brim , a
crowti like a dlcu box mid plumed lltto the
helmet of a medieval cavalier.
"Tnoso nro very fai bionabla In Now York
now , " explained the reporter's curly headed
Instructress. "A littla conspicuous i Uinl
Ob , I don't know. Cut oh , ye" , aultc the
correct thing for any ono wltn the complex
ion to ntacd It. "
From this extreme the colors shndo away
throunh all the warm autumn tints seen
only on n manic-clad hillside after the ilrst
touch of the frost artist's brushes.
Ono of the creations tenderly caressed by
the whlto IliiKors of the young lady dis
played all of thosa colors In n marvelously
constructed headdress of i-ea velvet , brown
felt and dark green plumes. And so skill
fully wcro the materials handled
and the colors matched and blcndod
that the effect was no more glaring than is
that of the autumn leaf.
A hat to bo worn almost anywhere is a
ad brimmed gray with n wide binding of
black velvet , trimmed wltn the stiff Alsa
tian bow , ono of the leading features of hat
irctiltccUivo this season , and n long , tlroop-
'ng black plumo. The crown of this affair Is
, lie shape ot the frnstnim uf a cone
itiout two inches in diameter at the
base. As far us utility is concerned a clrcu-
or door mat would answer every purpose , j
'or no human Uoad could ever Lo forced into
liat crown.
Now comes a "creation" In dark grenn
, 'dvot. The brim is rather wide and per-
'ectly Hat. From the center of this piano
.hero rises up n "crown" which in slza and
shape is exactly like ono of the old-fashioned
cundlo exlinguisners which wo can ull to-
member. Some sort of narrow white trim
ming Is celled spirally about this
cone and little- preen plumes sprout out almost
anywhere and everywhere.
"Don't you tliinlt that is lovely ? " inquired
Miss Curlybcad as she hold it out at arm's
ength and wor.shipud It.
"Unspeakably- gasped thornportcr , and a
Ittlo titter witi'dotT him that ho was not
alone. There wcro Jlvo or six other curly-
beads in various parts of the store and as
many p.urs of sparkling eves were taking In
the .situation and appreciating it to the dis-
comlituto of the interviewer.
'Now hero is something which is pretty
to bo worn at tho'thaater , for instance , " and
the young lady brought forth u pure white
ono.Thuro was no doubt about it , it , was
pretty even In the abstract without the
pretty face which it will homo day tot off , no
doubt. It was composed of some sort of felt.
white as the drivenisnow , and a inueuillcont
long white ostrlch'pluuio full gracefully over
the broud brim.
So far as colomvas concerned , the next
was perfectly satisfactory. The foundation
was brown with rose pint : trimmings and setoff
off with a long Drown plumo. Hut there was
that crown utriiiii , and this time It was two
stories high. The Ilrst story was a ulco box
about three inches high , and the second wns
also u dice box but a couple of sizoj smaller
and opcji at the too.
"Now , what do you supuoio that
cup was put there for ? " asked tlio reporter ,
who was this tuuo an honest searcher for the
"Oh , well. It would do for matches ,
wouldn't III" smiled his informant , as she
handed out the next lovely thing for $15. It
wasn ribbon hut in lavoti'Jor ' cream anil yellow
tints , with a plume Unit sproutnl up'llku u
prince ofVulos feather. Whan tiic rain
rains on it the days of usefulness of this J15
hat will bo over.
A very picturesque headdress waj ono
which had a sensible crown , a dark
brown foundation with deep croiun trim
mings and two long streamers. Sot about
the crown was a brown velvet continental
cocked 1ml showing a yellow lining.
Throe "loves of bonnet : . " were shown at
most unlovely prices. The first was an
evening bonnet snurklin ? with irides
cent trimming which U ono of the very
newest things in fall millinery. This
w.i 3 really ono of the daintiest , most oc-
wltchlng conceptions shown. Its colors
were cream and tan , over which was a spray
which looked Ilka the drop ; , ot dew.
Another bnnnot not qullo so delicate was
of black velvet wtlli Kilo grean trimming ? .
Thu stiff , straight aigrettes In all color * nro
qillto the mode , quantities of them being
innsiod In at the b.ick or the frout of 'the
hat.On some of the whlto and light-colored
felu npptur ( lowers upplicjiiad In u darker
color. Ttiu Tandem , as its nnino might
imply , is ono of thu smartest huts of the
season. It has a hard CM wii , low and square ,
the brlni : ) turiioa upward In a piquant
retrousse , with tno back and front slightly
pointed ,
Cloven crowns In felt hats are associated
with traveling , for these nro much used for
the purpose. Doing so soft and pliable , they
can bo Mowed away In the pocKot. Many
and useful nro the traveling hats shown ,
They are trimmed either with broad braid or
velvet or silk ribbon. Many are prususscd
of what are called the winged sides or brims
which stand up like wines.
A p ratty matinee hat for a young girl U of
rtcc straw , edged under tlio broad urlm with
Nile green velvet and trnumud around the
low crown with whlto ribbon loops striped
with honoy.iucUlo pin if , Intermingled with
fan pmltlngiilu whlto luce. Soft shaded os
trich tips aru In front.
Tne LotilU capote for n. young matron has
a soft brim in plaited black not , edged with
a wreath of berries and follngo In Jet or iho
iridescent bangles , matching ttio bead of thu
hair pin amidst bur curls. The crown , of
puckered tulle , Is covered with yellow corn
llowors and upstanding ribbon loops match
ing the wide string * . Tliroj of the pretty
blossoms ncstlo lovingly on the curls of her
brow , whllo u buiil * boaj rests lu the center ,
accompanied by JOG wlnus and a trulnossa
trailing buck umoug the ( lowers and drooping
ovov to touch the wavy inunsoa of Buir behind.
No other Sariiipariila has the merit by
which Hood's S.irsamrilla liai wun such a
tlrm hold upon tlioicoulldoaeo of the people ,
Durdottp ; thu humorist , is a deacon
In the Baptist caurch at UU homo , Bryu
Mawr , ! ' _ _
. .S or JMMJIIO.Y.
Strlpoil bonpnllncs In Iridescent colors
nro vry \ no wand popular.
Color plays nil Important part In the
fashions of the iliiy , the gayest of tints
mid .most surprising of color combina
tions npponrlnjr oven In llio corded ntul
twilled turn plnidotl wool cowns , the Ilrst
to nppoar upon tlio ptroot to nnnomico
the nativity of the mode.
Fine fjold Rltnp is ono of the most
fashionable garnitures , especially for
the trimming of cloth drosses. They
may bo had with a triple cord , wldb
enough to garnish the hem of the skirt
as well as a narrower design not
much rnoro than a cord , but ot course
In honor of Qtioon Isabo'la appear
huts , wraps , slippers , nnd jewels ar
ranged in anIIquo patterns , and among
the most elegant of autumn bonnets of
black velvet urn those c.illcd the queen ,
trimmed with the softest and most delicate -
cato of yellow Is iballo roaos and jot
Codices nro without exception fund-
J l ) and almost invariably terminate at
Iho waist line , wheiotho wUirt IH hooked
up over the bodice bcnoalh a band of
-velvet or trimming ; or they are made in
the strictly omplio order , falling in
folds from the short yoke or juckot
Without being confined except just below -
low tile-bust
J Among- the many pretty novelties
which tho'now season Is bringing is a
dagger for the hair , which is tlio liuost
touch to'tho'empiro ' atvlo of wearing the
hair in the high .Toscphino knot. The
hilt of.tho dagger Is several Inches long ,
and IhcTprettiost ones are of a dull gold
filigree , studded with small stones of
many sprls. . .
The young man who is sunding n box
of sweets , to the girl ho adores docs it
properly only when ho ties on top a
Russian enameled spoon.Vitli this
aho will convey the dainties to her
pretty lips , nnd for this lie will pay
about $2.5. Hut when it comes to a ques
tion of love , should money bo consid
ered V
Just now , instead of the dainty por-
fumcs , all tin fashion girls are hunting
for old scents. The Cliineso ones nro
especially liked , but a girl who has tin
old receipt is looked at with
envy , though her men friends insist it
hag u stuffy smell very suggestive of
Pretty school dresses are nwdo of
brown or green tweed for winter wear ,
in combination with ale blue wool.
The sldrt h killed to "a narrow belt ,
which fastens with a buckle of silver.
The blouse is of the blue , and Iho
rovers on the coat , also of blue , have
silver buttons for a finish. The little
coat is lined with blue like the blouse.
These dresses are effectively made up
in scarlet and white , or blue and
The now Russian bolts are really
workaofart. The lloxiblo bolt bind is
sometimes divided into narrow
bands in front to which is attached a ,
largo ornament with pendants , perfect
copies of rare pieces of goldsmith ; , ' work
from specimens in collections. Others
have enameled buckles of cu'-ious shape
aim color , anil other buckles are of gold
filigree on curious bolt bands.
The no\y ribbed velvets are very much
used to trim gowns of faced cloth and
camel's hair. Those velvets , with Rus
sian vcloui-3 , have become decidedly
popular and are used for cloak di esses ,
rcdingoty , three-quarter coats nnd parts
of tailor costumes. They appear in
shades of chestnut , copper , bruwn , ma
genta rod , gray , moss and olive irrccn ,
and are narrowly ribbed likn coi-fln < > "
Pretty boxes and odors
arc used to sell such
soaps as no one would
touch if he saw them un
disguised. Beware of a
soap that depends on
something outside of it.
Pears' , the finest soap
in the world is scented or
not , as you wish ; and the
money is in the merchan
dise , not in the box.
AM sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people are
using it.
nto .1
Catarrli or
llllCUfflltSSTl ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
Arknowlodcotl to 'jo thn inoit uccoiriil Bjieolallit In
ii AnvAiK , iiwou. Notvoui , am * AXO UHI.V-
iJonorrlmnln ( torn 1 to 0 ilajr . Brpiillli cural
without Murcur/ . All taio > for life
faTIUUTUIlK permanently curaJ. ramoril co.n-
nlcle HltuoulcuUliu , oiiiillj or illlaUtU-a. riir >
MI-cied at liouiu I'X I'atlsnt wltUjiU u mornsnfi
1""lT"nP ' ? | J < iA ? AND HKCTAI , U , CHH3 c.iroa .
wiilYr nt naln or ( lutiinllun fioui tinihioi3
II TIlliliuKU ! AN" VA KICOUKI.K permvionllr
Una Vutcu .rull c rj.l. . Mi-tlioU now aiU unfailing
JVITAMTV WKAK ) , MalJBObrtoo cloil nppll.
cKtlPO to l > n Uio oritiidiri Korora luontil itr.Un
orviMt BBXOAI. KXCKSdU-J In mlJJU llfu , Of
Iromlhu ctlccUof jruuibrtil tulllei.
VOUNO n < l SIIOIIL.H . AOKIJ ; lacK of Tim , TlKor ,
and itronittn , wliU e n l orgam ImiulruJ nj
wuikononoaprjmitnrelrln aiiproiodluKoM u < e.
Allrl Wruaullf to ouruow treatment fur Ion of
TlUlpowor. C. ll on or mlJrmJ with itara for
rlrcuUrJ , frea book a-M rosolpt : .
ll Oftirlnc t CoirlOJ US Boutli 13th KtrJUt
Dr. seancsa OI.UIB ) , OUAUA , MB.
Nozttn 1'uUOlIlco.
Unlike uniclublt which art tidulteratcd
Cocoa * Indigestible & Cocoa * tilth stank ,
leavcs no Sediment on the bottom of the cup.
Free Admission at The
Western Clothing Go's :
. Mo ! f Kersey overcoats , three shndoa. rondy to wnltz out at
$ B.DO , ncvei * baforo sold less than $1O.OO.
Shetland Ulstors , plaid lliiinn , will gallop quick nt$0.7D , others
nsU2.OO _ ! for them.
Men's fine Dross ovsrcoats will follow in Una ut'unhonrd of
Boys' Shetland Ulsters nt$3.OO will changs linnda rondily , thlt- -
beinq hairthelr value.
Boys' Kersey , melton nnd Irish frieze overcoats , net their part ,
nprs on account of good looks and low price ?
Children's cape overcoats nt $1. CO jump along , ages 4 to 18 at
quicUstop , the low prices will make them ao.
Children's stylish Lord Chumley overcoats nt S2.00. lead tha
procassion for good value.
We guarantee n saving of25 per cent comparing our prlooo
with others at this
Mnil Orders will receive prompt attontion.
Bo sure of street nud number.
lipor M\ \
Opium , JNIorphine ,
A euro ( ; n.irnnccil ( In cu'ry
Tor fnit'iur imrllciiLm ntl-
dress dm
Blair , Neb.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Til * eminent ipidnllit In r.orvoni , rhrontc , prlvnlo. tlonJ. ikln n.l . uiinnty rtlionioi. A retmlar na
ralilcrud Kraduulo In muilclno , na 'Jlplonmi nnil cvrilflcatc' olinir. n ctili tre'illnv wllli tlui grfntul iiiccon .
utHrrli , ipermniufrlioca , losi munliocM.temtnal woakiium , nuht Io3 e , luipotiincy , lynlilll' . . nrlclure. xon.
Jrrhuoa , uleot , tftrlcocelc.ctc. No momirr ubeJ , Nen tiontmunt ( orIon of tlul IIUWIT. l > nrlli < uii bla to
flslt momu7 be Irentel * t homo \ij \ corrusiiuniloncu. MoiHUn * or Initrumcnti > ont lijr mall ( ireiprrsi
curolr Pdcke'1. no ni rk tolnjlcntu rontuntn or mndor. Ono personal Interflow | iri-Iuiru > l. Coiiiullklloa .
froa. l orroiuniidenro ttrlctly private. Hook UlJ6terl i of 14/0) lonl 1 J. Offlja Uuuti'J . m. to U B.
UunJun Wfi. jn.lo ilm bund Hump lor rcol/ .
Troth 1'lllod With
un' I'.iln iiy HID
Iiitust I liven-
W5.OII ,
Perfect fll cnnrniuood. Tooth extracted In
the inornliiir. IHOW onus Insartoa In evunliu
Hi'ii bpoulnioiiaof llomovahlo Hrldjio.
Hue Hpoelinen'j of Kloxlblu l.iaxtlu I'l.itu
All work \vnrr.iiited ut roruaentoj. |
Olllee , 'llilid Floor , I'.ixUri lllic.
Tclcplimia lHi ( , imiml SU.
Take Ulovuto ; i r Sfiliway fro u t th
WPll.romonntllmvn tliom vxnuilnu'l \ > 1 our oiitl-
Ican Frooof rlior/o. arid , If ii < vo nry. ilttcil with
pair ii f our 'l'KIU-m'1-ION" HI'lM'TAtl.KH at UVK
OhASMid-tlio bunt In ttiu wurlil If I" " < lo "l
need ulnmoi wo lll toll jou iianil nrtvlio ipii what
to clo. ( ill.l ( > 81'KCTACI.KH or K\f. ( ll.ABsKH
KHOM H HI' . hl-KKI. Sl'KC'rAnH7 OK K\tt
UI.AiBKM ntoil | | L'l' . I'liiln , 'inuVP , blue or
wlillo ila"e , for jirulectliu H'O 'J ° 'i Ir0m
| inlr up.
& Bro. Go
Max Meyer . , ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Farnam and 15th Streets Omaha
A farmof IKUucici In ( own of llunu na. Hlalno
ro.Neti , HUuatril on thu Dliiual mid Mtildl * l.nup
rl\er > , or.u utllofrom Diinnliik lntlu'i ' ou tbo 11 , 4
M , H , H. ror.rlc..D | . < l 7'1Jl > y'MSKIOUFl '
i JJ l.iku fctr l tlilcago.IU.
I6lli and Howard Streets ,
I'or thu treat meat of
Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases , i
LMIcs , Fistula , J'issuro nnil Slrlc-
tuvo ol'llio Itcctiiiu permanent-
Jy cured without the use of Knife.J
Ligature or Caustic.
EnuloM If In Mnmps nnd nur 107 imgp HOOUj
on I > JSKAHMml ; ! ) OurHllon lllunkv ,
will I'D MA1I > l-'UKE.
irriitNATi : ( > N.\r < HANITAKIUK ,
Kith und Howard Sti. , Omaliu , Nt
W , C. MAXWII.I : M. I ) . , | * rrs. mii in. n. <
f AH3 TADULES rc ol l
_ i Mumivcti linrauu Intwili. liurl-
die bo t nii < Jli In * known lor lullou * ; I
riel. cjilklil > 4tlou ( djfflrtj U.i > ul
' > iu > lh , tiraJirlni. I < rllurnl ; < .ii o (
' r w/tMuii , nlu'iilcr. rjllow r.iurlot
1 ii , Uef ( r/Sw orMullIiiifnJio
! liapirratloojcrr f Jlur Iij ti ttui 'lillifrcrlt <
.tntlnM to | rforni tavlriiroMrfiiuellCiUt. rirl4
f ettfn to f > u-u , < < oi ( Mtlf BtmulJjT uklm ti > n " |
MffiS $ j&tt&n\ \
I- ' * * <