Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1892, Part Three, Page 18, Image 18

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! Protest Agabst Columbus Monopolizing & 11
tlio Houos. :
The Hnro Olft of Tact A Novelty for Uncli-
clnrn The I'lMliliinnlilo Ciir | ) o Inter
cut In L rcinliilnn ( JoMlp i"11' i'nnh-
Init Note * .
Amid the flaunting of banners , gor
geous pnrmlcsnml Illuminations In lionor
of Columbus , stanch defenders of wo
man's , part In the world-making ovcnt
dlscovorctl to their sorrow that their BOX
were entirely overlooked. There were
no nsuans of prutso to Mr.s. Columbus ,
no joyous tributes to tlio memory of
Qucon Isabella. Studious indllTorcnco
to those historic chin-actors provokes n
modornlo btorm of protest Miss Phoebe
Cousins writes to the Now York Sun n
vigorous denunciation of Ootliiim's cele
bration , because Columbus monopolized
the honors. Another feminine writer In
the Hun inquire * "What of the woman
who , with u woman's divine , intuitively
inspired faith and impulsive generosity ,
aided the Genoese dreamer whom kings
nnd councilors had ilosplsed and re-
jccted'r1 And what about that other
woman who brought to Columbus
as her wedding dowry the
vnluablo maps and charts , journals
nnd memoranda compiled by her ftithor ,
the distinguished Portuguese naviga-
tor ? Columbus , lilco Ihu avorr.go sent
in-lnw , upparontiy went into the busl-
ness of his fnthor-in-lnw , for wo road
that it was while constructing maps and
charts for the support of his family ho
imblbod the Idea of land to the westj
ward , which ho BO gloriously ostabi
Hshod. " The writer graciously con-
eludes that Columbus is worthy of honor
for "his genius , indomitable will and
magnificent steadfastness of purpose , '
but all these , she maintains , would have
"woman's faith and
boon futile but for
courage. " Mary Elizabeth Ulako writes
enthusiastically of the charming charncj
tor nnd ennobling deeds of Isabella , llor
part in making the discovery of tlio
continent possible was charactorlstio of
her generosity. "While on the ono
hand she devoted a largo portton of her
revenue to the domestic training and
dowering of poor young girls who might
else fall victims to that plcasuro-lovlng
ago , on the ether she was traversing
her kingdom with a network of ad
mirably planned highways hi order that
brigandage the boourgo of her con-
tui-y might ho driven out of existence.
She patrolled the land from end to end
on every public thoroughfare with an
organized brotherhood of knights and
gentlemen , 50,000 strong , to rid the
kingdom from the reproach of lawless
ness."Using her private funds , she organ
ized a , corps of comrotont surgeons for
the llrst tnno in history to follow recu-
larly the marches of her soldiers with
nurses , tents , beds , bedding and every
convenience for the euro of the sick and
wounded upon the battlf Held. This was
called tho'Queen's Hospital' a greater
innovation In its day and way than
Florence Nightingale's mission on the
Crimea , or Clara Burton's fcorvico to the
Grand Armv. The young queen with
the blue eyes and rod-gold hair was a
familiar visitor in the crowded
wards of plague-stricken pest houses
where she walked daily to com
fort and pray with iho dying.
She was the sympathetic cncouragor
ol every bright and bnivo spirit in her
realm , the patroness everywhere of
learning nnd enterprise and progress.
She counseled with Xlmonoz and Do
Mcndozo , the great cardinals of her
roign. She encouraged Palncio to write
his dictionary , Volno his geography ,
Pulgar bis celebrated chronicles , Pedro
Martyr his decades , Lebrujur his scion-
tlflo methods. The Spain which she
made and loft behind her was almost us
now a country to the world which had
known it before as the American conti
nent beyond the western seas.
"Some ono has asked , pertinently ,
what nosslblo change can come in the
next 400 years so great as this which
has taken place since October 14 , 1492 ,
nnd tlio an'swor is suggested by the progress -
gross of women. It is that woman shall ,
by her oxnl'.ation to power , create u now
world In the centuries to como on the
continent which Columbus discovered
through a woman's generosity 400 years
ago. "
The present-day irlrl likes pretty hos
iery , nnd what a girl likes nowadays she
is euro to possess "sooner or later , Hays
the Dry Goods Economist. She can have
thoin as fancy as she desires this full
and winter , for the manufacturers have
evidently given the designers plenty of
elbow room and the results are striking
but artistic. The mostnf these "fancies , "
na the tnidn calls them , are of black
bootees and colored uppers , decorated
with aiour work nnd both silk and gilt
embroidery in colors that are stylish
nnd hurmnni'/.ing with the fushioimblo
shades of the present day. Nile , yellow ,
terra cotta , Uusimi hliio , rod , nmiivo ,
pearl , and several other taking colors
may bo found among these novoltlos.
Another line has a black ground with
artistic embroidered dots of several
colors mm n touch of gilt forming a portion
tion of the design , which ib serviceable
for wear and washing , us the gilt i of
the best quality and worked in perfectly
The njour or lace patterns aro.quiet
nnd refined in nppcurnnco in a pleasing
quality of Halo , with liichollou ribs and
u little dainty embroidery in sill : in the
The sandal design is ono of the gems ,
nnd shnwH n color , yollow. rod , etc. ,
with black to carry out llio fanciful
idea. Kmbrohlurles of several colors
appear well on these backgrounds in
llornl designs that are carried out in
fast colored silk llosaf lovely shades
and tasteful combination ? .
Charming examples of sllunar hose in
solid colors product ) n and rich
nppoarnnco without any oxttomo olToct.
These are in tan , blue , lavender , yellow ,
pearl , Nile , and all evening shades ,
with embroidered designs.
A fcrdat and rare gift IB tact. It
smoothes ovdr moro rough places and
scatters n renter wealth of kindly feel
ing than any ether grace of mind or
body. The woman BO endowed not only
makes friends but she kenps them like
wise , for she holds the ron | that governs
the tongue and keeps thu temper in
lonsh ,
Moro can ho accomplished by tact ,
Biiyn the Philadelphia Times , than by
force , though lot it not he imagined that
tuot moans wheedling , far from it. Tact
la the quality that enables a poreon to
trot everything they want without let
ting others know they nro having their
own way , Tact governs hucbundu iiucl
rules world * It is the mighty power
that gives leadership in society , grace
of demeanor nnd olmrui of manner , that
turns contretemps to pleasant happen
ings nnd nwkwnidnesH to ncrfict grace ,
Without It women nro lost. Speeches
are made that can never be pardoned ,
feelings art ) hurt unintentionally , iwr-
haps , but cone Die less sorely , ihul In n
hundred ways tbo ponton devoid of tbU
rare quality manages to offend. There
fore from infancy cultivate this sterling
vlrtue.for it can bo obtained by constant
watchfulness , nnd onca acquired In Its
kindly guise It becomes very dllllcult to
distinguish it .from goodness of heart
nnd genuine churlty.
* *
"Mlstor , there's a smp&nder button
gone oil ' vour pants ; lot mo put one on
for'you.1 Tlio mini looked abashed to
bo nccostod In that manner on thn nub
ile street by a woman , says the St. Louis
Kopubllc , but It was no use , she had him
In u tight hold by his vcst.nnd thcrowns
no lot go on her part. " 1'vo fixed many
n button for men older nnd younger than
you , nnclo , and thoro'a eomo got 'cm on
now that 1 put on for 'em two years ago
that is If their pants are nltvo. The
buttons will last longer than tlio pants. "
All this time the man was trying to
make the button woman think ho had
no use for her , but she couldn't see it in
that , light. When be was con
vinced that ho couldn't break away
ho attempted a compromise and asKed
her to go inside the door where there
were not HO ninny looking. "Oh. no ;
stop right olT the sidewalk , " und she
pulled him down into the gutter ; "tho
moro that HCO mo the better I'm advor-
tibcd , don't you see' ; " ' and by tills time
the button was on and she kindly but
toned on the mispondor , then buttoned
up Tlio Man's vest nnd said cheerfully :
"There , you got out ot H snfo and it
only cost you u quarter. " Then the but
ton'woman wont on her way looidng for
another customer. There Is no street
too public for her business and the
crowd onjov the fUn as well as she en
joys beooping In the two bits for the job.
* #
Many people are now enjoying the
open tires before the cold begins to
strengthen anil the steam heater or fur
nace are to bo made use of ; yet the ma
jority j do not manage these open liros
with oven ordinary wisdom. There is a
temptation t to mcddlo with the opnn fire
which , tlio wisest among us can hardly
resist , and It Is just this continual pok
ing i of the lire that gives it its bad repu
tation ( as needing constant caro. If wo
give { our open tire the same chance that
wo , give our heater it will keep equally
well , provldod tho. chimney lias been
properly j built and the draft is right In
all piiriicitlnrs. No open tire should bo
touched ( oftener than twice n day , morn
ing j and evening. At such times It
should s be thoroughly cleared till it 13
freed from all ashes and llllod up to its
full capacity with coal , being careful to
keep the coal ns high as possible at the
bade of the Ur < \ in order to equalize the
force of the draft between the front and
back , nnd in order to give as broad a
surface of glowing coal as possible. If
the grate will not do this , there is some
thing technically wrong about tlio
chimney draft or the coal , or else the
individual who Duilda the lire is addicted
to the pernicious use of a blower.
According to the report of a medical
missionary in Morocco , the lives of
Moorish women are sad and hopeless In
the extreme. Dressed in their brilliant
eastern costume of silk or satin , with
full Turkish drawers , waistcoat embroidered -
broidered in gold and silver , and tunic
of lace , with bright headdresses , nnd
wonderful jewels , these women are pill-
ful objects to these who know what goes
on behind the closed doors of Mfo windowless -
dewless houses. Each man may marry
four wives , and divorce them for most
trilling causes. The woman that hns
no sons is usually divorced ; the woman
that has no children at all is sure to be.
Beatings are frequent , nnd merciless ,
nnd under the silicon dress , with Us
jewels und gold trneorios , the back and
arms nro often bruised and bleeding
from severe whipping. Even among
the richer women , whoso husbands are
kinder than men of lower estate , there
is much sorrow. They nro never al
lowed to go out , and they are entirely
uneducated and without occupation siivo
gossiping , quarreling nnd tea drink
ing. "What do you do nil duyV" asked
the missionary of ono of them. "Wo
sit hero , " she answered sadly , nnd the
story was told.
The University of Michigan numbers
among its students two young Chincbo
girls. Mary Stone and Ada Kahn are
fiillhloodcd Chinese , whoso homes are
in the interior of the Flowery kingdom.
For tlio convenience of their American
friends they have exchanged their own
names for 'the ones above mentioned ;
their feet , as the gallant chronicler ob
serves , are not maimed after the custom
of their countrywomen , but , are fully
developed , and nro of a pretty shape.
They are devoting their time at Ann
Arbor to tbo study of medicine , and in
tend , to return to China as missionaries.
There are also three young Chinaman
at Ann Arbor , preparing themselves to
become physicians.
A wonderful portiere which orna
ments a recess of n whlto and gold room
Is the work of the daughter of the house ,
It Is made of the small embroidered
Turkish squares sold for linger bowl
doylies or tiny cushion covers : these are
solootnd in light colorings pink , blue
and light yellow and are put together
with btrips of inch-wldo white velvet ,
the applique stitching being In yellow
silk. Before the velvet is useu It is
worked in small polka dots of yellow
silk. The drapery IH lined with a thin
yellow silk without luster , and it bungs
from n slender whlto enameled polo
picked out in gold. .
"She was the most stylish corpse , " wo
heat d a worn mi remark the other day in
speaking of u leader of fashion lately de
ceased , says the Philadelphia Times ,
nnd , prompted by curiosity , wo Inquired
what went to imilca a "stylish corpse. "
"Oh , " replied the gusher , with no
hesitation , "she were u black velvet
gown with point lace trimmings , l-nd
her eyebrows' penciled nnd cheeks and
lips rouged , besides having her hair
Hbiio in the most delightful fashion possible
sible- . Positively , to bo ( uch u bountiful
kcorpse was worth dying for. "
* *
It is estimated that 00,000 Americans
have crossed the ocean since May , nnd
of these the great majority uro women.
Estimating that half these women Imd
$1,000 to Invest in bric-a-brac , gloves ,
gowns and bonnets , and that a great
many have several times as much , it is
easy to understand why American
women IUMI accounted the bust customers
of the European shops.
l.uto I'mlilon Notri.
Buttons tire very large and are made
of ni'jtul , pearl , jet and crochet.
Rotno of the now ribbed velvets are
superb and enormously expensive.
Watered billcs in black nnd colors nro
in moderate demand for immediate use.
Graceful prlncosso coatft of ribbed vel
vet are worn with skirts of alllc or cloth.
Four to six-button gloves of medium
heavy kid are in demand for street
Pins , orr.nmonts nnd buckles of bright-
colored rhinc-stones nro again in de
Very rich whlto sntln brocades nro
brought out expressly for wedding
The uowent bllupors ore made of black
moire and nro finished with an cluboator
garniture of jet.
Some rlnlyiow Hilkn are wov n with
Blocl or ether metals glittering througn-
out , and wonderfully effective.
Fancy volvuts iu pluid crosa bard ,
striped nnd ember ofTocta nro much
liked for trimmings nnd combinations.
n nek velvet with yaltow trimming or
combinations of yellow nnd black nro
nmong the most stylish of the sonson.
Napoleon blue broadcloth is used for
French walking coats , finished with
shawl collars of dark mink fur , also for
parts of costumes and long Russian
There nro more ngrccnblo sights than
tnn-colorcd shoos and hose of light tan
which suggest the absence of hose and
an Intimate acquaintance with the dust
of the streets.
Leather trimming , leather-covered
button ? , straps , bands imd 'bolts are
wo-n ; Indocd , leather in bomo of its
many possibilities scorns to bo ono of the
nuitoilals of the future.
Cut steel IH coining once moro into
favor , and Is mud for trimming upon
fitilln , velvet and old laces' ' , nnd Is fash
ioned Into buckle' , brooches , pins nnd
embroideries , nnd used in every combi
Cropon seems not to have lost Us pop
ularity with the lateness of the season ,
nnd novelties In Russian blouses of cro-
pen with linings of silk or other thick
material , uro among the importations
for winter.
High bodices fastened behind and
long , very full directoiro sleeves with
rich' Inco frills drooping over Iho hands
are a feature of some of the very chio
nnd charming domi-drosg creations of
the moment.
The new autumn bonnet Is' distin
guished by its "jam pot" orown of vel
vet in bomo bright color with a brim of
inco or jot , and lilnuk ostrich feather
tips with diamond buckles are the al
most indispensable trimming.
For evening , dinner ana lieu = o wear
many Ilchus are to bo wornand they are
made of gauze , chllTon and point d'esprlt
or Valenciennes Inco , long and full and
either tied at the walsfln the buck in
Marie Antoinette style or draped on the
Some of the now skirts in cornet shape
in thu back , and only medium in length ,
have a rich trimming Burrounding the
front breadth , which defines a tnulior.
Tills trimming , in pointed passemen
terie or ut jot gimp , is repeated along
the back seams.
Small cnnos of two or throe capcsoach
being a different color or shade , are dis
tinctively now. In three shades of browner
or shading oil into ether tone ? of rod or
brown , all bordered with mini ; and the
collar a ruche of tlio three shades com
bined , is tli3 very latest thing in this
Tlio sleeves of this season are still the
cachet of the costume , but the hijrh
fullness on the shoulders has given way
to a sloning line , outlining the shouldcV
distinctly , and all the fullness placed on
the outside of the arm , giving the re
quisite breadth. To malco a successful
costume ono must study the sleeves with
great consideration , for upon this point
hangs all.
Chamois gloves arc liked by many
ladies ] and would bo more popular bu't
for | the fact that in almost every pair a
thumb | or linger is made of such poor
material i that it stretches and trots on ?
tireiy \ out of shape , spoiling the Jit of
the 1 glove. If manufacturers will lake
pains to remedy this defect , the demand
for these gloves will decidedly increase.
The race tor traveling in Japan is
spoiling the delightful simplicity of the
Japanese child-women. Already the
quaint , , mild-eyed little women appear
at parties nnd fetes clothed iu most ex
aggerated conies of French modes in
loudiind Haming colors. It is said that
when dressed in the European gowns a
Japancbo wife precedes her husband in
entering , a room , while in tlio eastern
, dress she must follow him.
The fashionable pen is the old-time
quill , but not cut from the pinions of the
'nimble goose. The pen elegant is the
harpened point of an ostrich quill , the
'eathor permanently and closely curled ,
and fitted .with a gold nib. "The mono-
jam , in gold , or silver , or tiny jewels ,
idorns the stem , and the pretty trinket
's warranted to give the desired stylish
nnd scratchy illegibility oven to a cop-
lerplato hand.
The newest sleeve Is ono of cloaolfit-
tlng velvet , which easily follows the
outline of a beautiful arm , emerging
"rom seine contrasting pulllnoss about
the upper arm and shoulder. Another
"a von to style when rich velvet is not
used is that of a succession of pull's
" > ound to tlio arm by bands and bows of
velvet , such as were worn in the days of
Qucon Elizabeth. Tlio fullbaggy sleeves
will die n lingering and reluctant
Ono of the prettiest house jackets of
the season is _ made with a trimly lilted
coat back with a line fan plaiting down
the center. The front lias tlio olTcct of
a long Russian blouse , with full skirts
and fastens under the loft arm and on
ono shoulder. It is bolted from the sides
only and thoiro is a rather wide turn
down collar and full bishop sleeves.
Rows of wlvot , ribbon and n scantily
irathorcd lace frill trim the jacket on
the leftside , from Iho neck to the hem of
the skirt. Velvet ribbon is used else
where on the garment.
A huge novelty is a costume of . > sort
of astrakhan fur , called caracul. It is a
fine , silky fur. black and glistening at
jet , witli the smooth surface marked
witli twisted places , commonly called
"cowlicks. " It has boon introduced by
Worth of Paris , and also by a lending
London dressmaker , who make the
shining fur into skirts and jnckolB of
fancy shape , with linings and combina
tions of light tmtin in various shades.
It has a rich and novel nppoarnnco ,
A handsome dinner dress dominated
by cmpitc Ideas is of rich red bungallno
silk , the cords bolng introduced in wavy
lines and producing a peculiar lustrous-
noas of oll'ec'.t. The skirt and Its train
are bordered with black fur , the former
bolng slightly raised in front fora space
to show a black velvet petticoat em
broidorud in a pattern with jot and ruby
bonds. The sleeves , with their full ,
soft pulTs , the yoke , the cross folds o
drapery BO distinctly of the empire
period covering the bust , lira all of the
velvet with its glittering decoration of
< li > l | > About Women.
Susan B. Anthony admits she IB 72
years old.
The Duc.hebs do Montponsior , slater
of Qucon Isabella , is a grandmother
at 65.
Senator Squires' daughter is * only 1/5 / ,
but she has written n volume of poetry
and dedicated it to her father ,
Mrs. Amelia Bloomer who devised
nnd gave its name to the "Bloomer
costume" is still livlncr where she has
lived for a generation , at Council BlulTr
She wears tlio ordinary feminine garb.
Ono of Boston's clubs , tlio Wintergreen -
green , la composed of women all con
fessedly over M. Mrs. Mary A ,
Llvermoro. who would doubtless own up
to a dccndo or two more , is one of its
loading spirits.
Mine. Modjeaka appears to have
achieved n distinct triumph in. New
York with her impersonation of Knth-
erlno of Arngon. Modjoska is the only
nrtist of her ncoAipon the American
stage who has not btonped growing.
There seems to bo no limit to her ambi
tion , nnd there is , ns clearly , no limit to
her power. She is n very remarkable
The British Medical association ,
which id the moat powerful association
of physicians In the United Kingdom ,
nnd which in n great measure controls
the practice of medicine In Qdcon Vic-
lot la's dominions , has just wiped out n
blot'from its escutcheon by nblitcr.Ulng
from its regulations the ono which has
hitherto excluded women from member-
hhip. Close upon -00 women nro now on
the medical register in Great Britain.
Gentlewomen whoso years nro many ,
whoso brains are wise and who > o hearts
are young , keep themselves looking
pretty and dainty by wearing little caps
made of bits of real hied , nnd upon
which are placed coquettish bows of
palo rose , blue or whlto ribbon. These
little1 caps arof/inost becoming , and if
some ono objects to nn elderly lady
wo.irlng n rlbbotn I can only answer as
did a Woman rltor , "that it Is the
withered oak upon which the mistletoe
blooms. " i <
Our AOt-iil lliuty ,
"There urc. ? ' &Ud John M. Pryse ,
"mnnj ovldoncesof the existence of the
ethereal form , b'r 'astral body' , as taught
by theosophy. ' 110111101' nnd the tier-
man scientists Hnrtmnnn , Stahl. Muller ,
and Bonnet lillvo demonstrated in
physiology thai the physical body has
an Inner Invisible prototype. The study
of heredity has shown tlio same to such
Investigators ns Von Baur , Burdach ,
Purklnjo , Volkuuin nnd 1. Muller. In
vestigators into tlio various phases of in
sanity ( Frisdrioji , Grass , Heidelberg ,
the noted physiologists U. G. Cnru ,
Krause , Llndeman. and especially F.
Fisher ) have developed the theory of nn
ethereal body expressing Itself in the
material one. and they use this idea , to
explain many psychical faols. Von llul-
mont developed 'ills father's theory that
If the body is constantly changing a
fact known to Pla1 jiwonre now told that
wo have an oiHjrelj now body every
seven years ) then there must bo fcoino
jiermiincnt principle back of it. This
Idea forced Loibi'ltz to postulate such a
connecting 'ink ' , which a close studj of
physiology afterwards made him realize.
"Ono striking proof of the ethereal
form is that persons having arms ampu
tated were enabled to toll that the lingers
were buried in a. cramped position. If
a person is hypnotized and told that a
piece of paper glued to his baulc is n
mustard plaster , a blister will be the re
sult. But if n real plaster is put on and
the subject told that it is only a pieoo
of paperiio inflammation will take place.
The Hypnotists of Franco have made
pink-colored words appear on a subject's
arm , merely by 'suggestion. ' 'Christ's
bleeding wounds' and whole sentences
appearing upon devotees at Lourdes are
similar phenomena. A mother after
having seen a man's head cut oil' gave
birth to the body of a child having no
head. Persons who had jaw-bones ,
fibulas , etc. , removed have grown secoim
ones. The astral body as tautrht by
theoBOphy alone can ntlord any explana
tion of all such facts.
"But theosophy goes further and says
that under exceptional circumstances
this usual form may bo projected from
the physical. In tills wo find abundant
confirmation in the numerous cafces
brought to notion by the Soeioty for
Psychical Research. ( See "Apparitions
of the Living" for a Irundred or moro con
vincing cabps , and the articles that are
appearing in our leading magazines
similar to the ono in the Soplembor
Review of Reviews. ) This materialistic
ago has sealed everyone's lips about
such things until the recent revolt , and
now we are permitted to hoar every
where narratives of astral trips ,
prophetic visions , apparitions , and the
"However , the rationale of such
phenomena and I say it without four of
successful controverslon from even
spiritualists cannot bo found outside
of theosophy. " ' ,
The American , Wno Co. of St. Louis malto
tlio celebrated Iraburiul Ctmmpagno. if you
can't got it at homo order direct.
) ON'T
You Hco Your Stout Friends Growing
Tlilnncr Every Jay.
They Arc Using Dr. IMison's Ofooslty
Tills nnil Hdinl-- .
U been abundantly proved tint tlio us ? of Ills
non-electrlo lmml . or hi * obesity plIU. or both , for
whlcli thu iivcnt * or tills country nrd thu noil-known
tlrm of Iiorlin ; Jl ( 'o. , 4'i I' West 2'nil Strool. New
York City , If the onu sufu nnd pifevtlvo wny of i .
iliiclnKcoriiiilvncy ThoObpalty 1M1Unro nmilo from
llio waturn of the Uurmun Imperial -jirlnus , govern-
wont OiYiinrahlp.
The liuniUor pills nro nsoil ? parituly ; , ninlumkon
rapid Hint liuullhy rurit. Or , It uteil , they
liclpoauhothur In nctlon una ubtula betlarresnlti
Cured His Rheumatism and
Obesity ,
AUIIITOIIU'JI. JIciTUIj. Chicago , April 20 , 1&12 ,
Cicintli'ini'n : I'lon o > cmlonais-lnch : obesity Imncl
to MnV. . I. , < 'nrrcill , ' 'til ClicslniU Slri-c.t , I'hlhi-
ili'lphln , ( I O. I ) , l.lku your obesity bund ninl | illl
\ery much. Tbuy liuvo ifilurvil ray wolnht elKhtct-n
llio lust tlvo wiMiki. The obuiitjrpllli
avu ilrlrun a wny ull rhunmiitlc trouble' .
How to Get thu Proper ,1I asiircmcnt.
Monsiirfincnt for tlio bitnrt It the l rue l part of
lie nilnuiuii. Tlio numbers 1 , ' . ' . : i nn lliu band In
tilcntu nhero moaaur.'nidit ulioulil Im tnki'ii ,
Tlio handcoat t' ' > > vault ( or any luaxt'i ' IIP to SO
iTic'lii's. but fur iino larRertlninM Inchon iidil lui'unti
i-ztrit fur irncli nililllluiml Inch. Tnun n < Inch rest
JJ.W , iina tlio pills may l' liuimlit for il. ! > ) u bottlu
Vuucanbuy thu pill' nn < I banili illroct from our
lores , or by mull or expren * .
Contalni all tlio valuable Sallno I'onilltuo'iu of
JlH'i : FIU'IT. l otlorvmcont , tnsloi mreet unil
iiloa anl. Ilko noila.
A ilolUutfill ( Ubstltuto for Soilu , Lemonuile , Itout
lleuriirBiiotlior summer boTenino ,
Ir , KrtUon'a KrultBalt : IB tlio butt and slmiiluat
rumvdy for ri'unlullnk' tnn action ol lliu ( Ivor that
1ms jut iH'l'n ' cllnc-nvi'ri',1. It U v rr vatuublu ufti'r
unyoxceix Inuallnitcrilrlnklnit. Iq warm woutliur
ItloHuinllio tomporatiiro of thu hotly unit keoiui una
in iK'iiiiifurtrtblc , lio.iltljy condition In tlio uiimmur
i : ONI : < ) LL\it I KH IIOTTLK.
liiu'BlMl f Now Vork wbu
> y uuiu uiu ntr carry
our voocU In Ktork , | .
Clmrlcs N. Oi It teuton Co. ,
W. II. riohlutrclln & Co. ,
nnit other loading houiot
Dr. IMUon'i niuoiriu Holla unil I'liiKor Hliik's
nrusold at our sWro * . Kund for sjiovlul Elec
tric ] teltlruulircaloa.
42 P West 22iHl Su , Now Yorlt City.
] 0 F Hamilton Plnco , Hoston , Muss.
31 P East Wwhlwt'tou St. , Chlcueo , 111.
fndrf IS jf.rt of r
You need not pny ono
crnt. Wo will send it to
you F1IKI5. Kveryblcrclo
wnrrantcil , and eiiunl to
Ilioeo sold nnrwlieront
S4ritoSr.o. .
Anr bororRlrlnndcr
18 ycnrs of HEP , who
rrnnts n Unt-cliua
Mrjelo urt ono
freo. Wo nil ! Kirn
nny boy or plrlnW-
cjelo nn very cosy
cimdltloiiii. Wheels
nro 2S Inches , nllh
trcKccnt ftccl rims
mil molded rubber
tlrncil MCP ! cor.o
l'oarlnn. , niljustnblo
to wciirt Reared to 43
Indira ) ilotnclmblo
crnnks ) 4 to 0 Indies
tliroiri frnmo tlncly
I'linniclcd.wiib nick
el trimmings. Knrh
mnrlilno Is supplied
encl oiler. Uolmvn
oltlicr 1'Ojrs'or ' Klrls'
Mylct. If yoiiwntitn
lilijrlrFtro cut this
ndv. out nncl K'ml to
inliMlay. .Aiklrcra
A. L'urtU & Co.
.A'IcoMaiilc.OrrKOi'.Mn. ' Wclclit IVMrotuat-
niciit.ranllis. ; tttrrtri'itnu > iitliilllM ,
The fallowing ponioin have InKon treatment of
Dr. Snyiler , ultli Itus of vteljlit in nlvcn hclow.
They will cheerfully answer nil Inquiries If ttninps
nro Inulosoil.
Wrlitlit Weight
llcfuro. Afcr Loss.
MH . UArnnr , ' ' . .IIIIINVON ,
1'nclllP.liini-tlnn , lowii 3331bs. U71IM. 178 Ib
MUM. AIM i : .MAiM.r
drt'itiin , .Mo ,130" IC3 15'J"
S II. Cni'K ,
Omro , Wl . 310 ' S05 1:15 : '
Krnuklln. Ill . 131" ISO
Allix. ( il Ollnu KlIKKMA.V ,
Ft. lllilwell. Cnl . 273" 100'
I.illbo , Klfth-st. ,
I.unvcnnurth , Kits . 275 " 170 1O5'
Noittnmnir. no lncnnvpni nco , linrtnltMt ntul no b
eel * , btrlrtlr cunllilcntlal. 1 or circulars uad t <
2ioulnla addrebd nlth Gc. Iu stampu.
\oVicker'a ? Theatre Bldfl. , Chicano. hi
Bums oniY$3.5O , eau
) > ci
4O6 Neith 16ih Street Omaha.
Tlio Phenomenal I'hyalclun , Teacher ninl Authoress -
ess , wilt touch ] > schonictry to phyHiclnnantxI olhen
to enable them to diagnosis diseases nnd Klvn the
curative anent wltliuu uiBklni ; questions , ( . 'oniuor
( tend n luck of lialr n Illi I I.UO and hare this Oumon-
mtcd. Tin ; HIAITII : OFKICI ; ,
418 N.mii st Dr. JOII.S SIIEIJI V. I'rcs.
In the trcutmentor nil forms of
ana all WouUnoss anil Disorder or
TV TTr ? TV T will * 1" : > > ) "f cour.iKi ? . umbltlon
IVJLJILilN nnd vitality. Klslileon yours of
tliu IIKHI runiurkuuluMiucos ? In
the troniinont of tills ulnsa of disoasca , which
la pro von by thu uiuvorsil : t ttlmony of thou-
Hiuida who h.ivu uoon cured Wrlto for clrutt-
hira and question Hat. 1-ltu unil Kuriiiini
bin , . Oniuiiii , . % ) }
Thoonly laztllr uridhatil Clilnau n'.iyilclti
Eight yottrc siuiir Tan ymra iirictuat tunir1.
ence with nil HIKKII dliouul. Trims nuojjsitallr
allehroiilucaseiUlriin up by nlliar iluatur * CM
nnd sue hltu or wrltn for qiicitlciu bl'ink. Da nut
UilnkyoureaiolioiuloH bconuj il'iotortjIH
youid , biittry tlieCliln > iailo9lor witli hli irjwnnj
woiiilerfulroiiiU'lloj. amlr.iojlvo navr uo-iolH * an 11
poriuanentcuroirluitullur ilootori cjnnot jlv ) .
llorbi. Uoon unrt riiintnnttirj' romodlaililt
medicine * , Tlio world III * xltnen. Oi > thuuivi I
tfBtluionlnli Iu tlirmi yuan' prautloj , No Injurluji
decocllunn. no mirccJlU'i , no poUJ i. ttulluuil
trojtiuent uii'l ' pcrmniiBiit curj.
Kollowlnzcuesiueaafully troatot nn1 enrol ,
irlvuii up by nthar doctor * !
Thot. CouBlilln. 4Hi Harmiy iitrret , rlironlorliun.
rontl3mUyuurn , kliliwy nncl llrur troublot ,
The . Culvurl , Wu and Kurnim slrjoti.
( U'hllltr.liiillu'Jitlun. lo i or ttroiut'i nnd
Took inudlilne for yei but K < H nu rjllof.
M. U Aiulertoii. IJJI Ctnulnt otrjou ouir.-a
nstUuin uud brunchltls of uttoou fotn un iliu
Ilai for ! lo tlio followlnif pri > paral romotlloi at
ILuOaboltlo. ilx bottle * forfiUO , for tb- > cure of
Atthraa , Catarrh , Hick lloailaohe , ImlUuitlou
lllooil I'oUonlnu' , Ithoumatlim. Kumalu Weiknuit.
Kldnoy uml I.Ufr ComplaintNo uicenU.
onlr by CUluQitt Mttdlcluu Co , Capital , IIVJ.OJl
Offiw , ICth and CalHoraU Sti OmVai , N'el )
Your next week's washing
fr V PF wrt-ir-
\ _ - - -
Will look whiter , will be cleaner and will
be done with less tabor if
(5 ( used. The. clothes will smell sweete-rancl
Will last longer. SANTA GLAUS SOAP is
pure. , it cleans but does not injure t-hc.
fabric , It does t\ot \ roughen or chap the-
hands ,
MiMLgns use. it ,
N , K , FAI RBANK COy M'/Vs. / CH ICAG.Q ,
rrVLE RIPANS TABULE3 regulate the stomach , liver and >
iir > "F ] o purify the blood take
( , are pleasant to , safe ana
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches
on the Face , Blight's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizzh ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Ec/ema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausca , Nettle
Pa'nful ' Digestion , Pirn- pics , Hush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Coin- ple.'cion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating arc benefited by taking one tabulc after each
meal. A continued use of the llipans Tabulcs is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
THE ORIGINAL AHD GCNUINC. The only Snff . , Surr , n IrrlinUr PI'I ' for
itllfA , uik DnigsUt fnr Clilcfttttfri rnyllilftaman.i Hrattil In Kc-.l aiul ftuMiiirlal
ir uu > IM llhUuoi.lil > on. Tl _ ' J Ho other Llnil. / . "ubimiifi n nn. ( Inil
11 MI * In rimi-boint t < np . i > lnk wr | ippn , re lnnacroim cntinlerrrtl . AtOrucflit" , or cnl nt
> .ID ( ATnkH r r ttirllcQlari . . , u . tliuotiUlj. > inl "KHIcr liltl.nillc > . * * inttlltr , br rrturn Mall.
I.UOO . rmlmonUli l..ine r.iprr , CHICHtSTER CHEMICAL Co. . Mii < Hnn Hgnore.
Knl.l br all Local Druujclnta * 1'IUJ.AIIEI.I'lllA. 1'A.
TKDSTIIH : : ov Tin : i . \ rr .v mititis OATn , .1.1 ; ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " ' ' ' . "r stuild-
Ti.r. < x > . riWvMTVTUUSTUOMI'ANY.
AICLU.UI.LANI ) A : CO , . Ooal. ItOO.M.
in : OMAHA nnr nytJ.vriN'B iio' > u. AI- . Ii. Itii\'iSjV : : CO. , Contractor * .
vtTllsliiK mill .SuSL'riil.lon ) | Dejiiirtineiils. WKSTKUN UNION TKI.r.UUAl'll OKl'IOH
II. A.WAONEIi , Ptjiti ) Aisi'iit for L-'iiUml St .
Mutual Aeulilont Absolution
. , : .
nir. oiiAuris HOSMVATKII.
MAFSAOiit'pnrr.H MUTUAL UVK INHUH- iir.r. iirur.AU OK UI.MMS
ANOi : COMPANY. UK. II. II. 1IIKNKY , No-c'iinil Tliro-it.
OMAHA l-'IIli : INslJltANt'B J.NRI'nOTIO.N ( JltANT Cl'LI.I.MOKi : , Oculist unit Aurlit.
DUKKAU , U. HAKTllAN , [ iibjicctnr.
UN OHANT , ContractorforStrot'ttinilSUlu- UK. O L'All S. IIOI'1'.MAN.
wnllc I'.ivoinontH. UNITED STATES Lll-.i INiUKNOH Ov ) .
H01IKHT W. I' VI'IMCIJC. Law Dllleoi. nf llW YorU.
KQUITV l.'OIJIir ' NO. I. :
KtJlMTV iUUUt' NO. 'J. U - , . | TMiNT : C'O.
LAW.ryuurNo. 4. 8IAN1IAKI ) AOflli.SrT : INdU.A.NUB 00.
N 1C. I'A'ITK.V. DnnlliU
. COM-
MIJTUAf , MFK 1NSUKK"1' ' ! ! ' - KOWi''K : ' . llainiiidiiil typo-
) ' . M. CIiliI.4 , Archltojt. livrltum ,
1'FJSN - nf Uiiiiilt'i * Pliu'i *
HAirrroui ) Mi'R AND ANNUITY ixsiru- i ilSaSJfe ,
ANCUtJOMPANY. AI.I-V ; MOOItl-Iti ) I l > l.'i' ' null I.D'im.
WKllSTKIt It IIOWAUP. riHiirani-f. UNI VlflWAl ! OOJ/L / AND ItKPUKl INO
" LAN it * . ' ( ) . _
: in .M s.-nuiiiy" JON till' . 'iTAViY/Y'i'/NXoO / t , I nsil rn lino.
Sstoi iv H - 'l"wSA'.J' ' ! ' ? ; ! > . ! ' ,1 < II'IJA'N ACOJIlBNT
KNT ( JO.MMA.N'DKU. Ai-il--TAN I' ( } UAin'jilMABTitl. : ;
ADJUTANT Oi.N'jKAr. : : . Alf.ldl"
0111 KK UOMMIbtfAUV Ol' fcU
0. V , JIEINDOHliT , Arcliltoct. Ik 0 , NA8II.
iiITOKIAL : ) KUUMU Ol' Till * . IlKK. Uoiupon-
U. S. AKMY 1'IUNTINO OKFIOE * . lii ' . Muni'ityiilns ; anil ( Jalluy roumt.
A few more elegant office rooms may be had by applying
ot R. W. Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room floor