Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1892, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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TConsonnblo itltorntlons in-ido to pur
ohnsord ot any of the following milts ,
cownsor trmntlo.x. ThoseRurinunH will
bo displayed In our
Dressmaking Parlors
on Kfill ! Floor.
Prices one-quarter to
one-third of cost in
Paris , France.
1 cost $55 $ , now $25
1 cost $45 , now
1 cost $100 $ , now
1 cost $200 $ , now $75 $
1 cost $45 $ , now
3 cost $75 $ , now
1-cost WOO , now $50 $
1 cost $120 $ , now
1 cost $180 $ , now
1 cost $325 $ , now $100 $
1 cost $450 $ , now $100 $
These arc direct purchases selected
by our Mail am "Wiillneo us models. They
have- served the purpose intended for
thorn , nnd wo now olTor them nt
fabulous : eductions to clour the wny for
other designs from the fashion center
Take elevator to fifth HOOP.
Marriages That Have Illumined tlio Post
Eoveu Days.
Tunctluim Time Have Occurred I'runilsos
for tli Future tUmt Abutit Omuliu
1'uoplo Socluty Supped by llui
Ciiliimljus ICxcroUcs.
Society , highly trained as It Is , educated
to repress emotion and intorast , was com
pelled to throw off its hauiour ana nil ad-
inlrari manner to go into rhapsodies over thn
Wymun-Orchard wedding Wednesday even
ing at Trinity cathedral. There have boon
many beautiful weddings iu our swell circles
In the bygone- , but none were so benutlful ,
none upon which so much money was spent
to make it an ideal picture , as the ceremony
of Wednesday night. The fair , young brtiiu ,
In her picturesque gown nf heavy wnllo
hiitln , Directoiru In cut , thu battlumunts out
lined with buautitul ponrl tiimmlne , the
neck very high , relieved by Irish point lace ,
bcrttu-llUo in oltect , with long rovuw trlm-
mvd with pearls and a girdle completing
a perfect tout ensemble , lormlnalins ; in
short ends , made a novor-to-bu forcottnn
picture of loveliness , while supporting
the bride were u uoublo miartotot prully
girls , iirrayrd in gowns inudu precisely alike ,
thu material in nil of them being the sumo ,
brocaded tuffcta trimmed xvlth chrysanlho-
mums of the bumestiudo us the gowns , Iho
skirts perfectly plain untl boll shaped with u
fooling of brocadeu chryAnnlbomums corresponding
spending to thn Mh nil o or the costume , the
decollete empire waists being finished with
tbo same llo\\cn\s und u chemisette of chiffon ,
largo full sleeves , putted very high , extend
ing to the waltt. Miss Dun fly led the procession -
cession of voitiil maids wearing green , Miss
iiollo Dawey and Miss Laura Hougland wore
yellow , Miss Daisy Douno and Miss Me-
ICuuna. lavundi-r , MUs Pomphroy of Knux-
Tlllo , Tonn. , und Miss Li//io Hooucr , pin it ,
while prolty and piquant Helena Wj man , the
young slbter of the groom , was urrnycd In
white silk 'uulle with vnlonclunnolace , round
full waist mid plain skirt with u
aash of wldu while satin ribbon mid car
rying u hugu bunch of chrysanihomutns ,
was a dumty imilu of honor. Tuu scuno at
the ultar was very chusio , withul very Im
pressive , thu bridesmaid * ranged on oituur
alno of the chancel , while the ushers were
grouped on Uio biups liulow. And Iu iho re-
cessioiiAl. the elTeet was greatly heiuhtoned
as each bridesmuld ivaUud alone from Iho
altar In the litany dcslc whore she wus met
by an usher und the procession moved out of
the church , the choir Hinging mat louder old
hymn , ulniu t , us old us "Boyistou" und
"Bratllo Street , " "On Our Wuy Kojgiclne. "
Tbou to add to the beauty and enVclivmicss
of It all , iho chimes In old Trinity's tower in
a pueanof prulse over tlio mating of two well
known boeletv pcopli' took up Hie music ami
they rang lustily uu intermezzo of Jar.
As to tlio uiusir , ibut nUo WUB u fcaturo of
the uuptliil bcrvlce , tbu choir of boys nud
men aupplomcntud by the ludlrs' chorus
BlngliiRin its unilrotv Wugncr's magnlllc nt
wedding nmrcn "Paithful and True" as it is
Kngllshcil , better known us the Lohengrin
march , Rung ut the wedding of Eh > a ut Bni-
liant to Lohpnurln , "wbo wont upward wiiu
the flood , " Thu fresh young voices of the
boys , thu voices of the women , all combined
to make mi olTrct thai has never been
paralleled iu iho church ,
But thi > beauty did not all rest In tbo ser
vice , for the church was dockuil with chrys-
uiillieinunm brought all the way from Cali
fornia , 15.1XK ) of them , for iho event , aud no
were appropriate flower tould huvo been
chosen , for U not only typitlcs iho Iullnots
of lovu but iho fullness ot ( he year us well ,
Tbo symmetry of Us siMpo well tits It to
symbollio iho complutouvss of perfection
which the Mikado , the Son of Heaven , mun <
dunely rcprcbcnts , und here It found In
symbolism In tlio triumph of u love whloti
boib bovn Known but nuvur admll'od until
quite recently , Great bunches of these
utumual flowers wore placed on tbo DOW
upporU tied with whllo ribbons. Theri
French Dresses at half to one-third of cost , Everything Marked in Plain Figures. No goods
j < - - > o o
Reserved or Laid Aside. Prices Made to Effect Quick Sales.
Fancy Brocaded Silks , Plain Colored Crepe Silks , Double Width Bengalines.
Evening Shades Moire Silks. Figured Mouseline Silks. Mattelasse Silks.
Street Shades Moire Silks. Embroidered Crepe Silks- Black Moire Silks.
Figured China Silks. Jacquard Dotted Velvets. Colored Rhadzimere Silks.
Colored Peau De Soie Silks- Striped Satin and Velvets. Black Satin Moire and Stripes.
Colored Faille Francaise Brocaded Velvets. Striped Velvets.
Fancy Brocades.
These consist of fancy bro
cades , street and evening
shades , beautiful , harmon
ious cffects.lovely designs , .
artistic combinations. We
are unable 'to describe
every piece , hence have
classified them into lots to
simplify the sale.
$2.SO Brocades
A-i'O now Si. DO
$4.25 Bvocacles
Arc now B1-7L" >
$6.50 Brocades
Are. now S'-i.3O
$12.OC Brocades
Arc now So.DO
Suitable for Combination
Many of these brocaded ,
striped and figured silks
are especially desirable for
Matinees ,
Odd Waists ,
and Sleeves.
Containing from two to
three and a half yards and just
sufficient quantity to combine
with the latest styles of winter
dresses for street and evening
Pattern Suits
Only One of a Kind.
These are principally fine
Japanese silks and prin
ted in France , contain
from 12 to 18 yards in
each piece and at the
prices offered
YouMust See Them
$2.50 Japanese Printed Silks ,
Now 9Sc.
$3.50 Japanese Printed Silks ,
Now $1.25.
$4.00 Japanese Printed Silks ,
Now $1.65.
At These Prices NO Goods Will be Taken Back or Exchanged
* iv' * t
were chai'iotwhccls with pedals for spokes ,
balls of lire with lambent tongues of llame ,
buttons of some natural legion of honor and
still others suggestive of pin wheels
in nature's own day fireworks. There
were palms in profusion about the pulpit , in
the chancel , standing along the choir r.iil.
But this garniture of flowers , these garlands
from Pucilic's sunny lands , had little symbolIsm -
Ism to the relic hunters present in the church ,
who , after the wedding party had passed
out , despoiled the church of its festal charac
ter by carrying olT the llowcrs mm ribbons ,
leaving it ii.sorry sight. It was like sucri-
leco to have the sacred pl.ico so rudely
treated by the scoi-os of uninvited people
who usurped the best seats by reason of
being OH hand when the door. > were opened
and crowding into the edifice like cattle ,
forcing many invited guests to remain on the
sidewalks until after the ceremony. But
the crowd outside was oven ruder than the
crowd within , Iho bridesmaids having lo
run n gauntlet of course remarks and
badinage in their etTorls lo gain
admittance. Of course no one regrets thuso
occurrences moro than the bride , for ano is
i-ssontiully democratic , and when asked to
have cards of admission to the church
printed quietly lemurucd that all the pcoplo
could como who bad a mind. The sequel
shows that her simplicity and modesty were
most shabbily treated by the mob , who iconi-
Incly wore looklnc UDOII n swell wedding for
the first tuno. Hqroitltor the wibU bride
will huvo cards urintcd with instructions to
Iho ushers to rigidly adhere to their Intent.
The scene inlhocntoof the Paxton where
tbo reception was held wus very brilliant ,
the loom looking like n section or fairyland
sot down in Omaha for the purpose of
adding luster to the occasion. There
were fairy lamps in profusion , chrysanthe
mums in"oidless nuninors , canaudcd mid
festooned uvorvwher < 3 , broad bows of nhlto
ribbon toglvo touo lo the color scheme. The
menu was excellent , us the following will
show :
with Mushrooms
in Human Shells.
Palo do folo gras S.mdwlchog , tMiii'kun Sulad.
Uiiuecu Btraws and Olives.
Apolllii.ulx. C.ifoNnlr.
Pmiuh , a la Cardinal.
Cream of Hearts , with Arrows.
Heart Uulius. ti.utod Almonds.
Heart lion lions Poiucry Hoc ,
The decoration of the bride and groom's
table , heart Mmpod , with a pyramid of the
ronfcotioner'u urt In the center , was the sub
ject of much favorable comment , it being
very mucn doubted if the fnmoui Sherry
could in anywise improve upon its beauty.
Everything wus upon n lavish hcnle. The in
dividual caito boxns wore also buavt shaped ,
with the monouram "O. U'1 on tnom , wnllo
cupldx , huurU and arrows entered largely
Into the minmouiatlon of the sweets. Thu
tables were lluhtcd with munv bracketed
candelabra , shaded bv chrysanthemum col
ors , matchliiL' the gowns of thu bridesmaids ,
A baud of music was stationed In the .south
corridor , opening into iho parlor , and tlio
young puonlouro privileged to'danco if so
minded , or clso .sOek ijulet alcoves to mil :
over tno radiance of the tceno nnd wondur
who next would travotso the primrose path.
To the bridesmaids the briito u.tvo beau
tiful pins of ruumclcd chryhanlhnrnuiiu ,
set with diamonds , whllo the groom pre
sented iho u&hcr.s , Mr. I'Yanic Hamilton , Mr ,
iJimlett Richards of Chadro'j , Mr. Hoiiry
Barnes ot Mlnr.cupolb , Mr. Vccllo of Mollnu ,
111. , Mr. Pierre Gurneuu , Mr. 1C. C. Barton ,
Mr. ChnrlcH Saundcrs , Mr. .Dur : Motvun of
St. Paul , Mr.W. J. Curtail und his best man ,
Mr. Henry Wyinan , with link sluavtt buttons
with tlio Initial of the groom on tbo one , the
iniiiul of the usher on iho other. And thu
people who were at the reception were quite
in keeping with Iho brilliant entourage.
They wore representative of thullfouud
thought of the metropolis , many of them
having known the undo from cDlldhnod , und
had Born her uir.cruo from her chryalls n
sivcot , gentle minded woman. At 11$0 ! Iho
bride unJ croim quietly doparUd from thu
acono ot rovetry , and tailing a train left for
Kan f as City , later for Colorado
Spilugj , whore , It is understood , the honey
moon will 09 passed , Tbo destination of
of Mr. aud Mrs , Wymun wus kept a profound
bcuret , not even tbo Intlmus of the happy
couple knowing whituer they were bound ,
Afltr Nr.Viimbor 15 they will boat home ,
nt iXHU Paolllo ctrcct. Before leaving the
bride did u veiy uraelous act in sending to
Miss Etnmil ii upland her wedding bouquet ,
and also one of her slippers , us gentle re-
nrnders thnt In tUi-midst of her hapnir.ois
ILe.brlde had not forpuueu ono of her"dear-
at friends , wuo wet to have btcu ouo of her
Evening Shades
Fancy Brocades.
Do you know they are the
latest decree of fashion
For Dinner Wear ,
For Reception Wear ,
For Evening Wear.
$2.50 livc-nln.5 Brocades now $1.25.
$4.50 evening Brocades now $1.60.
$5.00 Evening Brocades now $2.51) ) .
$7.00 Evcn'n * Brocades now $3.50.
$9.00 Evcniig Brocades now $4.50.
$10 Evening Brocades now $5.00.
$14 Evening Brocades now $6.00.
bridesmaids had not a serious Illness pre
vented tho'liappy consummation.
As part of the wuddinc testivities there
have been several delightful functions , beginning -
ginning with Mr. Bavtlott Richards'
dinner to the groom and ushers Monday
nvLMiing nt the Omaha club. In fact , Mr.
W.vnun , up to the night bolero his mar
riage , was In the "hands ot his friends , "
and his club associates uavo him a real
bacchanalian scud-ofT with visions ol wtmt
good times a Benedick would miss when
bound by silken cords to the woman of his
heart. The dinner Monday night was
planned with epicurean taste , the menus
being exquisite etchings from Paris , the
monogram of Iho nest appearing In gold inoue
ouo corner and that ot Mr. Wyman In the
other. The good things that were on it
were :
Anchovies on Toast.
HI mi Points on Half holl.
Amontillado ,
Oieon Turtle Soup.
Fillet nt lilack Itasd. Uuciiinliora.
Chateau YqiU'in.
llooatcr Ainoiiuttu.
Ituluart Champagne.
Mainschlnu Ice.
Tonl Duck. Currant Jolly.
( jci'iiinn Asnaragus Haliid.
C.ifu Nulr - Chartreuse.
The table WUH KOI in a solid square with
two cavcri at. the onils and three on the
Bides. th vicsts belli ? Mr.Villliitn Wyman ,
Mr. Henry Wyman. Mr. Honr.v Barnes , Mr.
Prank Hamilton , Mr. Charles S. Hinders , Mr.
Dan MorRnn. Mr. 1C. U. Barton , Mr. W. J/
( yartun , Air. Pierre Garncau nnd Mr. Kich-
nrds. Tuo llowcrs worn something gorgeous ,
roses I ) "hit , * predominant , artistically ar
ranged nbout the board. Tuesday ut I
o'rlOL-k Mr. Saunderafollowoil up tlio lestlvi-
tics ot llio nlglit loforo with u breakfast ,
which lusted until the hour for the Dewey
cotillion ut the Paxton to 7. The clients
were : Mr. Wyman , Mr. Barnes , Mr. Veollo
of Moline , 111. ; Mr. Moraiin , Mr. Richards ,
Mr. Henry Wyman , Mr. FiMnlc Hamilton ,
Mr. I'liirro G.irnoau , Mr. K. U. Barton , Mr.
Will Cartnn , Mr. Dudley Smith. Not to ho
outdone bv his nssouiatos Mr. Henry Wyman
followed the dinner giving by Inviting the
ushers to ptrtnku of "something" as H past-
wedillmr event , on Thuri > iay ! ut the club in
honor of Mr. Henry Barnes , Jr. , of Mlnno-
upolls , the guests boine the same as before ,
only Mr. William Wyman was far away
with Ills brido. speeding toward the "laud
of gold. "
Miss Djwey's cotillon Tuesday afternoon
in honor of the visiting friends of the
Wyman-Grchard wedding party , Miss
Pomphroy of Knoxville , .Tonn , , n tynlcal
daughter nf th'- ' ' sunny boiith land , Mr.
Harnus of Minneapolis , Mr , Veello of Molina ,
III. , and Mr. Ulchnrds of Uhadron , was n
pleasant , to thn coremonlos of the HUG-
ijocdlng night. Tlio young pcoplo danced in
the puri'-4 of the P.ixtou , the rooms being
nrtlllciully llclitvd and inudo handsome by
llowcrti and s.mllax It was u floral cotillon ,
roses In big bundle ? being given as favors
to the women , a Kinglo rose to the men.
Eight llguros were danced , live direct and
thrao indirect , u iiroltv inilltury march Hi-
uro and the pvrainid llguro bolug iiinang
those danced. Mr. Will Uoauo unit Miss
I'omphroy , Miss Orchard nnd Mr , Veclle ,
MUs Dawoy and Mr. W , T. Wyman , Miss
DaUy Dnanoand Mr. McMillan led , thoothur
dancers being ;
Mr. Frank Hamilton and Miss MctCnana ,
Mr. Barton nun Miss Hamilton , Mr , C/'artun
nnd Mr.-- . Newman , Mr , Barnes and Miss
Dundv , Mr. Saunders und Miss Wukeloy ,
Mr , Berlin anil .Miss Curtis , Mr. Heed ami
MUs liatcombe. Mr. Smith and Miss Will
iams , Air. Full-Hold and Miss Morris , Mr ,
Henry \Vymuu and MIM. Hull , Mr. Morcan
and Mrs. Kcdluk , Mr. Uarnoau and Miss
Hughes , Mr. Wilson und Muss Summers ,
Mr , Ulchards enjoying the afternoon as a
"stag. " The women looked particularly well
in tholr soml-dancing gowns , suzgcsttva of
October's waning days. Mrs. Ulall presided
at the favor tablo. while the lookers-on were :
Mrs. end Miss Hanscom. Mrs. Klorstead ,
Mrs. Kichurdtton , Mrs. Crosby , Mrs. II or-
bach , MIM Dourko , Ur. ami Mrs. jSummora ,
Mr. Sutnuol Orchard , Mr. Morris , Mr.
Richardson , Mr. Luttior Drake , Air. Ralph
Richardson ,
Ilimull anil
The toarrlago of Mr , Will S. Powell , trav
eling freight and passenger agent of the
Chicago , Mllwaukco & Kt. Paul at this
poluU aud Miss Agnes Elizabeth Sweeney
of Das Moines , n daughter of Mr. mid Mrs ,
C. II. Sweeney , was very pleasantly cele
brated \Vcdnesdav avoning at the bride's
homo in the Huwkoyo capital. The follow
ing account of the nodding is taken from
the Dos Molnes Register :
"The house was decorated in an extremely
pretty mid offecUve manner. The hull was
adorncu with autumn loaves aud flowers ana
the chandeliers were trimmed withsmilax.
Largo ropes or stnllax were stretched from
the chandeliers to the corners of the rooms
and cut flowers were scattered about the
parlors. The bay-window in the sitting
room was drapbd with stnilnx and bankcu
with roses , and Itas there that thu core-
moiiy was performed.
'Thaver fc Kramer's orchestra was nros-
cnt and promptly at T o'clock the tuneful
strains of thu wedding march announced the
approach of the bridal party. Mr. Will
Chase and Mr. Frank Whltworth preceded
the party and formed an aUlo by the stretch-
ng of while ribbons. They were followed
jv tbo little flower girls. Misses Frances
West and Greta Chase ; the groom and his
jest man , Mr. John Robhins of Omaha ; the
nnid of honor. Miss Mary Wilkinson of
ICeoKUk , and the brido. Thu beautiful IDpisco-
> alian service was used nnd the ceremony
, vas impressively pronounced by Dr. Sooy
of the Methodist church ,
"Tho ceremony wus witnessed by about
sixty nf the relatives nud Intimate friends of
.ho fumlly , and after its close tholr heartiest
congratulations were showered on the young
coupln. I'ho bride never looked moro lovely
than she did in her lovolv bridal gown of
white watered silk , with pearl and lace
Timmings , and in.icio with n court train.
J'ho bridal bouquet nnd a long veil raught
with pearls completed the costumes. The
maid of honor's gown was of white silk ,
made demi-truin , and the flower girls were
lumty empire gowns of cream silk and car-
rlod roses ,
"At 8 o'cloclc a largo nnd brilliant reception -
tion began , for whloh over iiOO Invitations
mit homi issued. Until n late hour Locust
street was thronged with carriages doposit-
ng their occupants at the brilliantly lighted
"Among the strangers attending tha cere
mony and reception wore :
"Mrs. .1. W. Jones of Peorln , Mr. Cbnrlas
Jones of Cbicau'o , Mrs. Dr. Speed , Mr. John
awoenoy and Mr. Scripps of Rushvillu , Mr.
J. C. Srripnsof DoSota , Mrs. Mury Beaver of
Cedar Rapids. Mr. Jumos Summorvlllo ot
Keokuk. Mr. A. B. Bridges of St. Louis , Mrs.
lohn Howell of Omaho. Miss Lizzie Parrott
nnd Mr Herbert Howell of Omaha" .
' There has seldom been eon in this city n
larger display of beautiful gifts wtilch in-
dud on many handsome pfocos of sllverchina ,
pictures , furniture , cto. There Is not a
young lady In this city whom ' the young people -
plo would miss more fro'm tnolr circle than
they will the brido. Her brluhi , charming
personality hus become Indollhly nssoclatoa
with social circles , ilofr girlhood hus been
passed in the city , wlldro her winsome nmn-
iiora and beauty und force of character have
won her stanch frlonds among the young
mid old , nnd poor ns well as rich. Mr.Howell
is connected with the Chicago , Mllwaukco &
St. Paul railroad , andi J well known In the
city , being u iicpSiQW'Of ' Mr. Adam Howell.
Mr. and Mri , Hawaii loft last night for a
fortnight's bridal trip'through the oast. They
will ba ut home to tucir friends after
November 15 , at1UJ Chicago avenue ,
Omaha. " v
Siuitli Oiniilm Miriill U'odillng.
The event of the \\-tokiii South Omaha
social circles was 'tbV marriage of Miss
Mauda Havwurd , oDJ/'ifauglitcr or Mr. nud
Mrs. Frank Hayward/to John U , Watklus
of this city at i ! o'clock Wednesday after
noon. The ceremony was performed at the
residence of the brldo'a parents , at 11)07 )
North Twenty-fifth street , In the
presence of about fifty guests. The
house was tastefully decorated with notttd
plants and smllax and the marriugo cere
mony was pronounced under a pendant arch
of smltux. Dr. T. A. Berwick played the
wedding march and Rev. CauonVhitnmrsu
performed the ceremony according to the
beautiful ritual of tbo Episcopal church.
The brine was becomingly attlrea iu a white
oropo trimmed with pearls and lne < , which
sol off to advantapo the classic beauty of
her features. After the ceremony tbo
young couple received the congratulations of
their friends und then sal down to a Delicious
repast. The wedding presents \voro numer
ous and expensive , testifying to the esteem
In which thn bride and groom are held by a
largo circle of friends , Mr , and Mrs , Wat-
kltis loft during the afternoon on an ex
tended bridal trip aud will make their homo
in South Omaha utter November 115.
'ihu cucsts ware : Mr. anil Mrs. Howard
Mayers , Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gibson , Mr.
mid Mrs. J. W. Sine , Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Smith. Mr. nnd Airs. J. II. Van Duson , Rnv.
und Mrs , Canon Whitmarsh , Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Lott , Mr. mid Mrs. Thomas Goarv
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayward , Mosdumcs
H. E. Hoglo , J. D. Jones. T. C. McDonald.
W. G. Sloano , C. Gender , A. W. Sv\o auti
Mnrv B. Loavltt ; Misses Coo Hunt , Lu
Hunt. Hogio , Ella McDouald , Kat.iVhit -
marsh , Hattie Smith , H. K. Pierce. Bessie
Meyers , M. Florence Smith ana Blanche
Gender and Dr. T. A. Berwick. Those
present from Omaha were , Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
A. Page , Mrs. S. H. Windsor , Mrs. Robert
Doherty , Mrs. P. B. Stuart , Miss Muv I.
Llonbergor , Miss Alido Lorlntr , Miss
Katbarvn Blake , II. G. Sboploy
mid II. L. Fowler. There were
also present Miss Winifred Besloy of
Council Bluffs ; Mrs. J. B. Watklns nud
Miss Harriotto Watklns of Clinton , la. ;
Miss Mattie T. Wallwork of Chicago , nnd
Mrs. Dr. Winnott nnd Miss Edna Shnpard
of Lincoln.
IliiU'hlnsim nml lIoclir.MH- .
The following from the Evening Journal of
St. Thomas , Ontario , to Us the story of Mr.
Albert Hutehinson's wad ding to Miss Coch-
rano : "A quiet wadding was solemnized this
nftcrnoju ( October 12) ) tlio residence of
Mr. Adam CocbrauoWollln gton streetwhen
his youngest daughter , Miss Grace , mid Mr.
Albert Hutchlnson plighted their troth. Rev.
I. A. Mucdonaki of ICnox church ofllciatod ,
the interesting corernnnv being performed in
the prosuncconlv of the near relatives of the
[ wpnv couplu. The groom , who is u brother
of Mr. Thomas H. Hiitchlnson of this cltv ,
was formerly a resident of St. Tiiotntis and
is one of the young men who have gone forth
from tuo citv to tlnd their fortuii2 in the far
west. In Air. Hutehinson's case the quest
lias evidently bean successful , as ho occupies
the responsible position of stationery mront
for the Union Puelllc railway , with head
quarters at Omanu. He now ha : returned
to his former homo to claim ns his bride ouo
of St. Thomas' fairest daughters. Mrs.
Hutchlnson , in both social and mublcal cir
cles , has many warm friends , who will unite
in wishing her much happiness , while they
regret that fate has fixed lior now homo nt
such a dlstanca from her old one. Mr. und
Mrs. Hutcuinnan leave on the afternoon
train for Now York , On their raturn they
will probably spend a few days In the city. "
.Iiiliiisoii anil < Hlrriiml ,
Wednesday evening at the residence of
Mrs. S. J. Lawsou , VMS Jackson street , nunt
to tbo bride , occurred the mnrriauo of Mr.
George C. Johnson and Miss Anna Ounr-
gard. both of Newman Grove , Nob. , Rev ,
J. W. Jennings of Norfolk officiating. Mrs.
Johnson Is the daughter of Thomas Oster-
i'.iril , ouo of the loading business men of
Newman Grove. She was formerly n tonchor
In tlio schools of that town mid is ono of tlio
most accomplished nnd highly rcspoctnd
young teachers of Madison county , whore
she has a host of friends lib well us m Fre
mont , her former homo , and In this city. Mr.
Johnson wus for years ono of the mot popu
lar and successful traveling representatives
of Bomo of tno loading Implement houses of
this city and of Council Bluffs , und on Sep
tember 1 "was elected cashier of the Cltlzuns
State bank ol Newman Grove , whore ho has
thortonlldonco of the entire community. Tlio
uappv couple loll on the 7 o'clocu North
western train for u two weeks trip to Chicago
cage nud other custom points , from which
they will return to tholr newly furnished
home in Newman Grove.
JloareyuiKl.MrPurmotr ,
Mr. P. C. Hoafey nud Miss Kullo McDer-
molt were married ut the convent chupcl
Wednesday evening. Rov. Father Natiniu
officiated , assisted by Rev , Father McNulloy
of South Dakota. Tbo wcdalng wi.s n quiet
one , only friends of thu young coupla being
present. The bride is u churnnm : ludy with
a host of warm frlonds In Council Bluffs ,
where she hus resided ,
Olriinuocl IIU Itlrtlulitjr ,
People wbo have never soon Mr. B. H.
PoU at homo und know him merely as their
milkman would open their eyes on visiting
his residence In West Omaha , His bout > o ,
which is half hidden behind the trees of a
pretty valley about five miles northwest of
the city , is ouo of tbe finest und largest farm .
Black and Colored
Moire Silks ,
Have yon a silk petticoat
or skirt ? The garment
will not cost you iriuch if
you take advantage of
this sweeping sale. They
are stylish , fashionable.
You can make it yourself ,
and you will enjoy noth
ing more in the dress line.
$25'J ' Colored Moire now $1.25.
$3 lilack Moire now $ 1.65.
$3.25 Blacli Moire now $1.75.
$3.50 Black Moire now $2.
$5 Black Moire now $3.
houses in the stato,5and the number of at
tractively palmed mid trimly Kept barn" ,
milk hcusrs , sheds , ice houses nnd thu like
which cluster over acres of croiind In the
rear suirgest to the visitor that ho is enter
ing a small village. Everything nbout the
place is in Keeping. Tnero nro sleek , u-cll-
fcd horses enough to stock u umall circus ,
long rows of cuttio 111 ! the stables and there
are carriages , co.iehos , bugcies and cnrts for
all sorts of driving , mid it all rapresoms
what pluck , energy and industry will aecom-
olish In Nebraska.
The birthday of the proprietor of this
model farm is an anniversary in the celebra
tion of which a Inrije nortiou of the Germans
cf Douglas county unnuallv take part.
Yesterday bo completed his ISSth year aud
his friends irathorud from town auct country
to do honor to the event.
There were two or three hundred of them
ana they had an old-faihloaed good tlmo ,
with no frills nnd furbelows on it. Mr.
Post's house Is fittingly furnished for tlio
stateliest nnd stiffest of receptions , but ho
dojs not believe In that.sort ot misery.
There wove tables loaded with good thlncs
to eat , nnd those who wont hungry had
themselves to blamo. There was boor for
the bcor-drinknr.s , wlno for Uio wiuo-lovers
mid tea aud coffee for those who look neither.
There were lots of nuiot corn 013 for the
gossipers , there was " "dancing in the barn , "
and above nil there was Mr , I'ost himself , In
ovorv place at otiiio , fussing around for fear
someone was not having a good lime.
If ono miijlit judge from tlio tacas of the
dancers who kept tiuui to the strains of a
line orchestra , from the shouts of laughter
und the singing of the Mngcrs , his urn oil Ion
to clvo everybody u Jolly time was gratified ,
Everybody was hapny an 1 Inft hoping to
bo able to attend "Post's birthday parties"
for many a year to come.
MNri i'unuoc'k'n CoiiriTt.
'I ho following Is the protrrum for Carrie
Maud Ponnooli's concert at Uoyd's Wednes
day evening :
j u Atluzlo . Vlattl
I b U.iurlco . OKUIOW
Mr. Hurt llutlcir.
Ai'lixmul Oabalolt.i Iti l''ulluu , Krnanl. . Vnrdl
Mr. Idimlmid.
( n My Ultlo Bwonthuiul .
TlneoSonss J b l.ullnby .
I oTIio Knsulruu of .My Ufo. . .
. Hov Smith
Mrs. Ruuhroolc.
Sons Tlio l/wt WatU . I'lnsutl
Captain K'ln/le.
Hapsodln Ilnnsrnlso . I'r.inMst
llnrr I'.dwnrd Hei3ollorr.
Aria Tan nliausor . Wagner
ho"'B" J iiTwiw April . Nuvln
" ' " l bSnow flulcns . Cowen
.Miss I'oniiDuk ,
Fong I 1'ear N'o Ton . Illnsutl
Mr. Luinhuril.
1'unst lAintasIn . Sars.ito
Mr. Hurt Duller.
Duo . Sclocloil
MUs I'unnock and Mr. I < unibard ,
Arl'i QIIUOII nf Snuba . Uunod
C'aptaln Kliulo.
SOUR A Ory of Ijive . Hapoll
Mia. Kstalirook.
Aria -Siiison anil Dulllnh . Silnt. ; SUUIH
Hprln. SOUR . . . . . . . . . - . . . Woil
; ;
Ml'.s runno'l ( .
Knssliin Song mid D.inco .Anton Uiibenstoln
llerr Kilwuril llosiulbei'2.
TIIK.V rijyi \viiiir. i .
In t-ospons9 to a challenge issued by the
Omaha \Vhlst club to all Omaha a party of
whist lever * mot at tbo rosldonco of Mr. C.
S. Raymond Monday evening and trfod con-
elusions with tlio result that tlio Omaha
Whist club suffered inglorious defeat at tuo
hunus of a picked oignt , tha scores being 05
follows :
Points Onuh.v Points
Picked night. won. Whlsl ( 'Ink ' non.
A , II , lludbon , I nl . . . Dr I'rurmniir. ' I
II. I ) . Itoud , f 1JI < h" Dr. Ouniior , I J-
1' , II. .loluison , I los „ \V. II. Mullilo , i
A. 1 < . llubU. f m' > s"V. . I. llmvles , f
U K. llarmird , I ? 0 ( ; . P. Htohljlus , j B ,
O.H It'tyinond , f ' * ' Dr. llrldcun , ( u >
H. ( J. Jordan. I (13 ( . . . W. II. Wllbon , I 67
11,11 , Hailing ! ) , f * * I' . J. Hucklcy , f
liiuiiKiiriilitl thnVlnt r SU.IHIIII ,
Tuesday ovoniiin Union Pucllla couucl
Royal Arcoum gave the first uf Iholr Borlos
of winter parties In tholr lodge roomi in Tin-
BII : : building. Hleh-Uvo was playeil , the
Iho lady's prize , u Jowcl case , being won in
Miss Touncfeld ; the genlloiiian's prize , n
sliver match safe and ash receiver , falllnt.
to Mr. George Grlswold. Ai thu torintuulloi
of the { { atno delicious rufroshmonts wire
nervea. tlio. first incctlnt ; ot It *
' - - '
Upliolstenj Goods
Ibvy Silk Bpocalellcs
50 inches wklr , lovely colors
n copper , reseda , old blue ,
.M'cnch gray , old rose , old gold ,
oyal blue , olive , infactneaily
every conceivable shade and
combination in pleasing bro
caded effects.
These goods have bco.i sold
nt $8 , $10 and $12 , come only
n short lengthssuitable for up-
leistering chairs , sofas , couch
es and some pieces long
enough for single and double
We give you your choice to- dl
norrou * of
Thirty Styles
$2.95 A YARD.
too yards , all we have , as
sorted colors , blue , olive , cop
per , Nile green and old gold ,
50 inches wide and formerly
# 3-75 a yard. This f.ibrir is
specially desirable for portieres
and hall draperies and at
$1.95 you cannot afford to miss
this absolute money saving
Fret ork 49c ,
The balance of our stock
goes at 49C a square foot , not
a piece but what has sold for
$ i and over. Take elevator to
fourth floor
year being a genuine success.
The following guests worn present :
Messrs. and Mosdnmes William Uygor , ( ' . K.
Potter , A. , r. Vietling , A. P. Connor , W. P.
Unvli , W. P. Milrov. M. D. , George tins-
weld , A. P. Ill-ink , K. C. BoiiKhinati , f. O.
Rhoados , J. K. Preston. .1. It. Shuldon , A. K.
ICimball , C. A. Few lor , I { . K. McIColvy , ' .
1C. Diival. M. C. ICiddor , W. P. Ourkce , J. U.
Foster , P. A. , . ' ' 'rank L. Gregory ;
Miss Kmllv Andrews , Miss Nettle \Vilkiu
tn Miss Zimmerman , Mrs. ( J. B. ( lednoy ,
Mrs. Catherine Dyball , Mrs. Youngfold ;
Messrs. Tom Scword , N. A. Sander , ( ! eorgo
Dyball. H. W. Dyball. William N. filler ,
Dale Uraham. _ _
Jlcittli fit .Aim , t'lmiMTt
To tuo many friends of Mrs. ( Jeorgo
Clousor her sudden aoatii on Tuesday was
ii great shock. Hardly bad they hoard of
her illness when "Cod's ' linger touched her
mid she Mont. "
Forty-nine years niro Mnrgarotta Crockett
was born In Quinsy , III. An unusually
happy maidenhood was passed in that uitv ,
mid In WiS , when she was marriud to Ucorfiu
Clousur , thot : n ribing iiltornoy , and wonc to
ICaiisus to inalco hur homo , she loft behind
her m.iny loving friends , seine of wliom are
living hero and stood by lior Thursday
For twonly-four years Mrs. I'lousorlm
niailo her homo In tlio west , Ilivst in Kansas ,
then In Minneapolis and the lusr four year *
in Omaha. Ilor genial dispnillion und ni.itiv
lovable tiiialllliw won for her u largo olrclo
of friends , not least nmoni ; whom are the
member * of the Cloufan , ovur Which literary
rircln aho proslduii as proildunt for two
years. An open boolt , with tliu word "l-'lnls , "
was iimomr the iiviiiy tuiilmonluls of nftoc-
tlon Inul upon her < : asltt , and its mute .HUB-
rcstton touched tin- hearts of ninny. Her
love of books amounted to : i imblon. She
was : \ linn ( , and her choloo
library tcstillcs to lior excellent literary
tastes . Her lonely und sorrowing sister anil
husbvid have the sympathy of n host of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ICiirrpllon to Dr. Shield * .
Dr. Shields , the now pastor of the .South
west Prosbylurlun church , was tendered a
reception Ly the members of the church
nml their friends at tlio uhurch parlors on
Friday evening. More than 203 IVosb.v
tu riii us wore present to welcorno the now
pastor of ono of tlio most prosperous
churches in Omaha , Tlio 1'ro-bytoriun
clergy of U'o ' city was well roprosenUnl ,
IJrs. 'Gordon , Luard \\MNonmidthQlr
wives being among the guestH , The pretty
clmrchvas huiidsonioly docoratud with
palms mid chrysantlinmums , eacn visitor
being supplied with 11 bnultonloro upon en
teriiid the otiurch. lr ShluIdH is vcrv
hlghlv pleased with liin new churgii and tlm
moniDors of tliu cliuich UIM niuuliy well
with tholr now paator.
'I'll ii 1 \ViiclilliicAiiiiiiiiiirii .
Halurdav ovoniiig , OuloborH , Mr and Mrs.
CJeorga Uobcrts ghvo a rocoptidii in honor of
their son's twenty llflh birthday and also to
announce the innirlupo of Mr ( leer o Uob.
orls. 1r. , to Miss Kilu May itroouiiw , wliluli
was holomni/od in Sioux t'iiy , January
lit Ihlti , by .ludh'o Hwoanngon unit
which until now bus boon kept
u ecrot bv the purtioa in Intorost.
Mr. find MTJ. Hobeian , Jr. , assisted by Mr.
nml Mrs. CieorBOV. . Uoberts , received their
friends until 10 o'clock , when the gucists but ,
down to an elaborate wedding dlunor , Tlio
table wus tilled with all the luxuries of ttio
si'aion. Mrs. Uoborts , jr. , were bnr wed-
illiiK gown of croum white o.nlimoro , cut
en tratno and elaborately trimmed with
lucound ribbons , und curried u bouquet of
cioam white roses , Ador n pleasant evenIng -
Ing spent with cards , dancing mid morrv.
making tlio gucsu dormrtcd nbout 11 : ' ' ,
wishing the newly ivodded pair nllliapju-
nc and proiporlty ,
The following guests were iirosnnt ; Mr ,
and Mrs. Rrokaw. Mr. und Mr * . .1. Iteo'ar ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ucdding , Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Mttlol'cld ' , Mr. und Mrs. Otto Htuoen , Mr
and Mrs , ( j , II. Adums , Mr , und Mrs. C
Doilson , the Misses Ida Solomon , ( ) ? orro | )
Bhoeloy , llattlo Kdliolm , AiinioKosDo , L\MO \
( 'amoron , Mr' , Mary Juckson , Mrs. John
Hnawf Mr * . J. U. J , Uyuti , Muhsrs. John
Btubon. Harry Hoed , JJr , Alexander , Adci
Lori Hoddlni ; ana Frank Ilrokiv w ,
Cunrrrt urtlio l.'lty .MU liii.
The concert to bo given Saturday evening
of tuls week ui the Llnlnger pallory for tht
boooflt ot the Industrial school of the U"