THE OMAHA DAILY DEIS : WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER ID , 1802. SPEG1RL NOTICES , ' - MM TIIBHB COU'MN ? AIIVH'TI-fMBtlH IJ 31 p tn lor the evening ndr.ntlll Sop , m for the mornln * or Monday tdl- Jin ndmt'Mment taken for less than cents for the first insertion All td ertl 'n-enli In tli * e rolnmns m rents a word fir first Insertion and I wnt a word for each s.'Sfqiirnl Insertion , or II.SO per line per month Term cn h In trttanee Initial figures , ymtnis fte each connt as a word. All ndter- tueinents tiinst rnn conseeutlfely Advertisers , by requester n nnrnbere-l therk ean hate the MU'M addtes ed to n nnmberet lelti-r In entoof Tit r. I'FT Answers so mt resspci will bo delivered on the presentatlim of the-cheek 1101ICE , In the fnture no ailT rtl mr > nt nlll bo taken for thu erenlnu wllllon after IJ M o clock. All notice * broofhllnlotaooniee after th t hour "III t s first IntcrUa In tlio following morning's edition. SITUATIONS-WANTED. "IrOflKKr-KI'itr\V > ANTS1)mTIONriN"wKST | ) /V or northwest Falls-factor ? iof ri'nces. Artdres I' O. lloi S1I OmMia , Neb M.M la * "T V"lT"U TlAfiY" \ AMS I'l.At K TO 110 < IBN- 4\eral hoiispirork where sbocan KO honio nUhls Inquire 1MI l-nki street. VK-VT "IIVA Yorsn HAN. PO-ITION AH "STKXO rrapher bookkeeper or nfllrv assistant , ( ioixl references Address A II , Ilco orilcc , lonncll niulti. 8.73 II WA MT.I > . coi-vixti. PLAIN ar.wixo on nnyklnd of work where Otm Is not nhllgrrl IK Mand wanes K W per week , board nnd room. Ail dress O 7 lie.- MKM 13 * WANTED-MALE HELP. _ 1WAVni : > AI.B.-M KN ON A i. * . II V Oil COM- -I 'minion tn dandle tlin new patent clic-nlral Ink ernMnir pencil Iho Rri le t pellinz rwiTclly e < T Pn ilmvil irnsc , Ink thuruiiEliI ) In to si-conl * . no abrasion of paper. Vn til W per cent proBt . one nrf nt a m-len amounted Mi ) In sit dn-s an other f 4 In two hourswi > one energetic Ken- ernl KB'-nt In each Mute anil territory For terra * . nnil rattleitlnrs address Monruc 1 rairr Slftf. rn , XA , I.n t rtno.VI > TiB.M itsi < KMI-I.OY.MKNT omrB. HBSI ami situations farnlihcil , 2SJN. leth ) - , KWBII MBN. Ah.- " ! 1IH1CK1.AVKUS ] 'tractiM I'ay etery Haturday Dai Mnlnei , la. HcDonnl.l Mlfil OA * fJ-MA.N' WANTBIl TO roM.KfT AND SsKt.l. IN ' > c3untry. Apply nt Sinner iilllei- . OJnl Vji-IIBI.IAIII.B MAN A BOLT li. WHO IS QUICK SJto learn nnd wllllnc lo work will be Instructed in our biiilt.ess end salary paid while learning. ' " " pIrlMBDouiclns. Tvv A NT KI I.'SWTBAM" . lift 1\HOHBH9 AND leiTm ters nnd subcontractors to work on ei tension of Hock Inland at f.lnroln. .Neb Teams , tin clay men. lift day. Kree transportation for men nnd teams from nny point on the Hock Island road lleprirt nt In miles -otitli of Lincoln on Hock Island work W. K. Callahan. MM3 il * "n-WASTKO. TBS K1IIST CI.A S nUIPKI.AV- Uersnt once. Apply to W. H. Hughe * atj'rcte. JT WAM'KD TUB NAMBS ANI ) ADDHKSSBS Jof enercetlc men and women optn lor peima- acnl work. Wo slvo ciclnslvc territory.Ve cnarnntc-c ftftod workers 130 n week. We InrnlMi office , fnrnltnre. delivery tiara anil newspaper ad vertising Oor article Ilia monopoly. II will fare IS J > < centof thoroal bills of evi-rjbody. I-nil I ar- tlrutnrby mail 1 Ithocraphs. pamphlets , etc . free tipon receipt of pnstflpe Address Koal Spar t o. . ti Oliverjttft'Ut , I'oslon , .Mans. M& 1 n3 * p\VANTVi : ) . A I.IVB WHIK AWAKB HKI'HB- J scntatlTe to represent us In erery locality , one * llh rim Tluor pluck , und pimh. ean ea lly make 3'.V.t ) < ) per month , no poddllnu goods : omcllilnz entirely new : staple ns Hour , irnd for full par- Ucujnrs today. Address "Manufacturers. " 1' O * ' " " , HoFlon .Ma MSJS Nfc * T > WANTBI > . SOMK OOO ! > MAHHI.B SKTIBHS. JJApply or address Davidson A Sons , ( Menno. Ill T > WANTBI ) . MAN 1O ATTKNII I-CKNACB JJand work around the house. Apply 310 Douelas Btrcct. 'al ' > - HOYS WANTBI ) AT OMAHA BOX KACTOIIY. JKnstOmahn M - WAV1KI ) , WIDK AWAKK Wn'llKEHS erprywherc to spit " 3hepp' photozmphs of the ' vuiarn nnd terms tree ; wnrti'rs wun w Mr KlnitO I.ory. Altoonn. I'n , cleared ii > w in six weeks , HOT Jos. Walters Nantuckot. Mass. . flso In Klirs ; Mlhfl I. . 7 Brown. Los Anuelcs , Cnl . FT3 flrst day Mnenltlcent onltlt on'y II OooiU on credit. Address < ; iol > o Illblo Tub Co. No 5M heftnutsl 1'hlla. , la. . or No. 3ig I.'earborn M- , Chlcnun , HI .M77B .n * _ WANTKK. KIUST CLASS COACHMAN , IK 1 # . Kth. .V. W. cor. Douglas. 7 T > -W. M-PI , EXI'BIIIKNCKII OANVAS- ISO J.1 ( ! nt on ralnry. Four months'pniploytnent In Injok r nTu lne wltli tnnnthlr Inconin euarnn- teeil Add. , ntntlnk' nte , experience , name anil riumber of books old. amount of i alary expected , no. CuarintPC 1'ubllshlui ; Co. , tl % > 1'lno ntreet. fet. U > l . Mo. Miwai * 8 A MM MKN WANTHI ) TO TltAVEI. IN1 ! It - ronmllna < tlitrlcts , by team or otherwise , solicit- Inff orders in commlislon from retail dealcrn for rubber boots and shoes , to bu khlpinM direct from factory The o already travellni ; Jth another line of Kooits co n Id make thin a TKluablc addition to their buMneps AddresH/xtatlnir particulars and refer * encvs , ( olche ter Hubber Co , Colchester. Conn. MVU 21 " | > linoO.M-MAKKIt ? WA.VTEfl. TWO TIKHS -Dr.ncl ono ower. Nebraska llroom Fa < tnry Grand Inland Neb I'll 27 * ) WANTHD IWICKI.ATEHb ; UTH ANI1 ' tJrace streets. I-WANTBI > . TWO ri.LJiiiKifs HKI.I'KIU. J > ApplyJ I. Wclshans AC0..3W3 Kth at. -MJI7 T > -Yor.N'r. MKTANI > WOMEN WHO WI-JH TO I'enrn * ' to { 1n week , write us mil we will x- plain. .Mattoon A , ro. . Oswv/u. N Y. M9 > l : i * "IJ "TAI.KJ1 TO rllll.nilKN ABOUT JBSr * . ' J'Ono of the iuo t popular books ever published Pi'llsat nl.'llt. i rctllt KlTcn. t'rclht paid. Best book forthe holidays AeentH wante' . Also for oilier bookn and bibles. H. II. WoodYirJ \ Co , l.'alllmote. Jld. M S Ti-WA.NTKn. A KlHsT CI.A ? HAltNK- ) ioAkcf-nt oner , co bummer need nnswpr this. W. W. Palmer. Ilamburic , la , 1 1 21 -WANTKD. | . A YOON'i MAN TOKBKI' HOOKS J Isotlcit anil follect for a job prtntlnir oltlre 3usl bn well Bcqnftlmrd In the city nnd nllllnir to work nt a moderali' salary at be lnnlnv time salary Mud ( iToanqucstlonablu reference. Ad < lrMi Jl lice. Csl 16 * 'l\ IK YOU AIIB SBFKIVfi A Hllill IIKAUK I ) p < ltlon In any part of the Lnlltsl Mates wrllo o Wt'strrn Hu lucss Aicnc ) . Iccloslnx stamp , Innrnpolls. Minn. TT IOiJ DAY I.AHOHKH WANTBI ) IN B.\T I'Onmha InqulreofU . Halnvs , inpt , opposite Cnrti'r Whlto lnd Works. WI-W * . . . . JIBN TO III > THIHITB cinri' , lars tb ! > mornlni ; at 7 a m tl 1:131 arnam street B WA.NTBIICAIII'KNTEHB ATOW I-AHK AVK nueand Jjrkson st. MIO.V3J * -WA.NTBI' . AfTIVB AOKNTS QUCU 7\T KHT JJitrcs to handle the Universal addl.u machine. > i cMitnpetltlon. BO X | pronts. territory If ileilred. r.ui or address , Jll MtCagut ) building. Jl'x.d Iv WANTtHOYS KHO\TTT TO 16 * YKAII * . m ufti to learn uphnlsierln ; on loutues K. M Unite Co , lurt Nli-l-olas stret-t. 3I1IXU f."J' TV-WA.NTBH AT ONCKslX " CililNICB ) TAl < 'Bii : -I'M. Ka.'Io CoinlcQ works , 1113 IKxJae Jnhc Kpvncter illOisi 1 WA.N t'KII , AliENTi. ; { SCO T > HU.UI I'KH llAli J 'collt'ctlnK small pictures for us to couy and en larje atUluttloii tuarantre.l and a fl.UJiiuin I iv A. ininno .V Cu..iU Utailo street. Now York MIU1 I'J' _ BW.\VTUII. A SAI.KaMAN IIAYINK AN F lahluhcil troilo In southwestern Nebraska am ni r ihern Kansas , Aildrtss lleycr , lljut.erniiin S Co. tl. Ijill . llo. > 1IUJ1J T { WA.NTKD , AN K.M'KIIIKNrKD MAN T ( Dreprescnt our mrrchant tailoring department lulHuaha. BicluslTV control to acreptable party IjirKOllnuof samples nnd complete uutrtl fror ( me who can .tiro bond fur roods conslxnol pro ferted. Ad.lress with references , Jacob Koi-.l'i buns , I'Mladclphla. MIDI lit WAHTKD-FEMA1.E HELP. ft WANTellUXJI ) COOK NO v Ooolwa va , 1M Douglas l 7 * WASTKI * . WO MAN COOK . . . v lined wases. Must hate r fer nc s. Apply U Mrs li , w Mtvvath , 1 ; so. rU slreit , b.'t . - i I nml OIL ru , ( * WANTBII IIOUSKKKHI'KIl IIV AVH > O\VKI v lth four , hllilrcn ; c-ood positionrood wages l > ertuan prrfcrrtM. Call or addr.-ss at onr II. A 1'Jt ' ! ' ' 'ni ! J oson. Jenersnu county. Neb. J4t M ( i - WA.NTKIt. < illtf."lOir7iiBNBUAl. IIOl'sK p-w A'N r KI . j i7i u i.s.T . . .s.i s wtlt' . I for srfiind nork and attend rklldrea cooit wacrs paid , ll.'l ri uth ate. yu uj- P-WANTKH A TFwiT rooK TN i-AMTiTY 3i J"'IV ' * * * ! W U coiupeleot. llcference rv qultrvl , tas tiuiijlas street. yj pWANTKII. . iooiT ! iiiii r.S0il\V"lrl ( ' " ' * * i \ 'J1.1 two ilOv'rs north of Maioi. pWANTKO.GBHilAN < ilUi.NbMAI4.l'AMII.l | V to assist witu yr-.cral houitivork. lalliilijon trrt itff jy * 7\.W'A.NTKll.'T MdAUT. AtTlYB Glitl. Foi VXIclil ccnarslhnusowurk wse H-IU pvr sieeV Apply acillainoy st Wl /V WA.NTKII. tOOI > < X > OK , . , „ V. < uao4 wnaw Must liatpg'jo J rvfvrvaces. Kv KX Burturwi. vet mb yIu * fTWASTauwill. . ou uKN7uTT"iToi7i : vy vatkitssctv lllllv > a u iirow. uM v * WAXTED-FBMALE HELP. rnitliu4. C-1IOi ; BKKKI'KIt WANTKIl BY Isrlf tn tafcft fharite of honsc on farm : X In fArnliy l.l ht work , pleasant home. I'srtlfs answrrlntad will plea * * rlrn deicrlpllon of elf and wares wanted. Adilre s O 6 , Dally llev , Omaha , Neb. . H-li * / 1 WANTBII l.ADY AIBNT Wl OMAHA. v > ronncll IlliiBs an < 1 allOTrr the west to sell Ike Q T. llemmlles fine 'ample ontnt frrr. Mitral pay to rlrht | > artle . Addrrtt O T. Ilcmptly Co. , lloili ; l.inrrjln. Neb. Mi 50 * _ _ -WANTBI ) . ttAMK * AM ) fllllU TO IKJ nl7U new work for ns ( it homo t-i tnH wik rsillr made ! no palntlni ; or c.inTnssInz : send self ad rttr'iod rnrelopc BchrDlanufacttitlnitl'u. . 4 Lib erty Square. Huston , .Mosi MM it' I I-WANTKIX ACTIVB AIIKNTS Ql'ICK AT KIIS v/urrn to handle the I'nl'f rsnl mldlnr mnrjilne. Mo competition , gnod profits , territory If desired. Tall uradiltess.ail ilrCaguc building M" ' I If ' ' FOR. RENT-HOUSE . n-FOII HKNT. t CirTTAdK ! ' . ONB Fflt- nl hert. HIMonth X'th , or nnfarntshcd. modern Improvements .t'J/7IJ' D-JOHIlF.NT , il-HOOM HOt'i : . AM. MOUTHS conveniences , wlUilatRO barn , sun 1'oppletoa nve Inqalro alJ17 S. ISth st. 1 I 1-F.I VT YOlTit I'lioPBIlTY.TtBSTAt. Olt 8AI.B J-'with ( loo. W. I * , ioaleslCII Kar.i > m l > -11)11 ItBNT. 10-tloOM IIOITSK. li CA < < , HOW. lltcd.i clby. lionnlof Irade. 711 . . . . . CKNTHAU.Y IXWATKIl ! ' /ornaco ami all Improvement * . . " ( K N. 17th ft. D-I5-HOOM IIOL > K NKAH IIKJII team hcnt , Habli" modernronrenlence : . The . K. Mull , or. I'aiton block. .17G - * IIKxilUlll.K IIOMK OF-J IIOOM . rTIt D- nltbcil or unfiirnltliert. rrtc | voln to I'nll- fornla . .Vpplou prcmlsci , 1117kjiitli Tenth > troct \ -I IIOO.M KI.AT J-TBAM IHAT. 1 'Hcfvrcnccs. 6IS A. nnd strcot , ruiim C n-10-HIOSI IlltirK IICTSK WITH MODBHN Imnrovpr.ients. on ajth sreet near Leavcnwnrth Inquire at7T ! -o mil street. M7n T V-t i BOOMS CHKAIVATOM N. I.1TH ST -IMT NOI1T11 7JI > . IXgUIltt : 113 JACKSOS. D-HOfSK OKU IIOOM-J. AM. MOIII'.HN' ttl.V- venlenris. pl a anllf loc.ited npir bii lne i cen ter. ApplUW Chlcaxo it. , or f.S. Skinner , Farnam Jltoa D -H.ATA \VKI.MM I < 4. COTTAOKS l > f AM. parti of cttr KIUennr4 Co. , Continental blk. Vil D -FCItN4KH | | HOL'dK. S IIOOM" . I.AIlfJK laHii l , ot. St. Jlarr ave. ( ! . f. Uulti 22)3 llth nt r\-im.SI-iIEI ) HOOK. II ItUOllHiMMKllS J 'ami boarder" In the house. SVJ ) Doaelas trn < n > i ; --a- _ _ -KOU ItKNT. TWO < IIOO.M I1IIICK KI.A1V. ; tl 13 * DSIX ANf > KIlillT HOOMBI ) HOfSK. CK.N- trallr lu.ated Knqulre WIO Capitol arrnue .M7W If * D-fOlt HBN'T. IlOfSB.S IN AM. I'AKTS OK city. TnoO. 1 * l > avls company , I5")0 ) Knrnam t. ill n-OM-V TWO J.KtT Ot TUB IV'.tom ! COT- taire > Jii t < f > mppteil | HaTt-bath , hut ami r lit watrranil inojcrn conveniences I'eilrnMo homes for business tnin In beantlful > tanfinl clrcU * . I fir particulars npplr tn Mar 1 oan ami Trust ( o . ngents. I New lurk Life bulhlloir i"i- T \ - eHO < M ri/rTAiK KUIIN\CB. \TJI.KTC. . 1' also co oil barn t ( U Klilllltrru t Co I'tK 1'arnuro. C13-IJ D -KOIl HK.VT , I > KSIH.M1K HOVSK Al'I'I.Y U-OIIKAI * H1KTIIK WI.NTBII , 3 ItOOM I'HTP. li."J ST Nurih 21st Btrwl : city water : i. tl K Hum. W ) North nth atrect. m Sal n li OF OK IlKN'T. I NINK-UOllSt UOf KS WITH all modern conrctilt-nccs , new 1'rlcelWOUper inunth. ID-room homo , nil modern conTenlpnrej , N. E cor l xl ami < hlc-iiio atrrets. f I ) ( /j per mo. 3 nil room honroa. J(31-3in Hurt street , ill 00 and HA 00 per mo each. r. room cottonc. Ijlh ami. I'aclflc itrccU. llttO per tno 1'ottcr i George Co . ICtb ana Karnara street ? SIMM 19 D-A I.AIICK l.I-T OK rilOIPK ItOUSKS stores , flats , etc. Houses from 1500 p r month an.l np. ( Jeorgc J. Paul , lOJi Karnaji. M8S1 SIS' D-KOIl KENT. A NIPK roTTAOiC G HOOMS clly wntt-r. sewer eonnrrtlon. pntpil utrect. JU pormontb. also a trend cottncefrroomH cloi c by I12.3IIXT mo. T. C. Druncr , room I Ware block ' . : 13 D -roitK.vr. c-ito' > jt cvrTAfiK GOOII TK lar. well and clatern. 1021 So. ISth st MKi ; f. pJ-CrKiKJH COTTAGK : BATH , fTl . ' WATKR , ' -'cluti-rn. lann. trees near motoi c m ni l cel lar. JI700 , or on lease JtJW see owner ixjl Tax ton lllk. M 7 D- uooMBi ) HoCSK. no. ISTH AND Center elrecu. M1W51 * FOR H.EKT FTIRNiailED ROOMS. E-N1CKI.Y tUltNIsllKUItOOMS. IS.'N 17th St. .M 2lo ! < .m P A lOMMO ATIO S KOIt ( i CK.STI.KMKN : iJiuodcrnconrenleices 25J.V. 17lh MJO' SO * IU > O 1 < . HOL'SKKKKriNG. ON I Jrt. Mary's are. ( J K Kuttn. 170 S 17th. ) j OCO - Kl'KNISM Kl ) HOtlMSKVKItYTIllNO NEW I Jfurn.ico heal. 215.N lath t. 633 la * E - MCK1.Y I'UHNISIlEDItOOM. < N. UTIInT. M570 1'J * ; < -NI-KI.YFUItNl : HKI > HOOMS , I.AIKiE Oil 1itsiall. . I'rlcei rcatonalilu. 210 N. 19th .MCOI K- 17 ONB UAHGK SOUTH HIONT AI.i OVK UOO.M iJsnltabli * for four centlf m.'ii : otficr room fur nlKhfd or unfurnlithPtl 'JJ.'l CulKornii tl KB'J 13" EA MJJTKIIKJ LOOMS Sl-ITAllI.B FOIl fOUK uentlemen Kuruaoc heat. Inquire 216 N 1'Jth street FHDVT IIOO5I : GAS , UATH. KU K- nnreheat lll'J I'ark nTenue. .M1" . ' : ! ' _ gPBNISHED ROuaiS AND BOAItD. -BLKfJANTI.Y KtJItN' UjTo HOOM . I'lllVP class to nl.Tbo" l > ulan. aj ) unJ'J.l N bth street , MtWJ 17 DOIIUVIILK IHX1M AND UOAKII IN I'UI- i. tale family TOh N. 1'Jtli. JI7CI-JJ' \f rXW UB.NT--NICKI.Y rL'ltNlHKO HOOM. 1tlntclass hoard L'lopla 171'J-1TJ1 Uavi-n | > ort tl. 17-TWO I'l.BASANT ROOMS WITH HOAHD ; t- private family. Z57f ) .Harncy 7sS i } iTO ( iKNTf.KMAN , NIci-hY rfllNIsHKn 1 southeast front rcom wlthalcuTcanil bay nln ( low modern conveniences , prlrato family : board Kfi * JVth street tm I'j * 1VANTKI ) . T1IHKK OU KOL'lt UOAitDKIlS i who are villILnto pay fairly fur Irrt cls ac commodation. . UciiUcmcn preferred i-fl .V 23d street l.i-KOOM ANI' 1IOAI11) I.N I'itlVATB KAMH.Y t for tHe gentlemen with reference * at 13 per week ciuli. nil mortemconvcnlentts. 615 N 23 < l st Miuu ' FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS. . . kfepliik' . heal , gat and rantf. ys ) N lull. _ ilTM lt * -rOK ItKNT. ONB l'NHitM. ll Kll HOOM , steaiuhrnt , easau'l bath fall at 7t ao : uhnt. TsJ ai * G-l IIN'KI UNIallBD KW11S.UITAIII.K ( OH honsekvrplnic , to small" family , central loca tlon cheap rent Apply to J H Wheeler. 117 Kar bach block. MU5 GUNFI UNISHKII AND KUHNI HBI ) HOOMS to rent IIJ1 North lth Also nice hnrd coal burner for sale , almost new. i&3 | < j. t'NKl'H.N'llHEU BOOMS , WATBIt , HATH , closet , etc , N , K. eat Z.'nd and Miami e'-J -rOlTH 1IOOMM I.1'hTAllla Felt i-MAI.L family , il ! . NESS. Uth ctrt-ct. VTU IV * BO AUDI NO. H-WANTKIt. A FBW TAIILB BOAHOEHSi satlsfacllun assured ; terms reasonable , ' ( be Hillside. N. W cor , lith and Dodge Aiyjr-K * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. r-HUlKNT.TIIK ITUY niCKnL'MUN ! ( } . -i 815 Furimm st. The hulldln ; hat u Urcprool ce- rovnl basement , coraplvtit stcianibeatlnK tlxtures. watvr on all the Doors , , i > ta Acply at the oBics VIS WANTED-TO KENT. K-WA.NTBI ) . FOR TUB WI.M'EII , MODKHN well furnished cottaKO Oenllciuau and wife. Addrns N JJ life. b3l RENTAL AGENCIES , L-1'ErtsO.Ns i UBKHY THB i.KAIIN < rTIE ? lal managers uf sunlh Omaha. They have stores , houses , btbc s and rooms for rent en Nil STORAGE. aiHHY.CI.BANt flllVATKI.Y 6TO11BD FUH nlturv,13J7 UougUs.Omatia stor ltg | lr works. aiM M - ' TOICAUK CllBAl' , CI.KAN. WKLlS , liH t'nrnara street. ygy " -TO BUY. -WANTBU TO UUY SOJUt 1'Klt OK.NT i Urn vortztcffs. Rev * i S lby , 1 Bo r4 Trade ATkCu.MI IIANDUOOKS tU.UUHT l-OUCAill i > at th AnttqaarUn bouk store , 15U I'unani. JVJA GOOD WATCH 1 > OO , BULL OOQ 1'BK. Jfarrtd. . Aairau N M , BM. Mi IT * WANTED-TO BUT. Dinllnurd. X WASTKIl. TOIlUYSAFr. WKl'JHT l.flO Oft AiJxo ) pounds : also oRlcr dr t and chair , state lowest prlc . Address N rs. llr . n W N-WANTri > - < lontl HKCONII-I1ANI ) HUdfJYi oner only bargains , C r llsrrl-on. II N Y I.Uf M-MOl ! ) _ N-WANTBK , TO 111'Y OH ItBNT ( iOOI ) photoiraph xalltry. Rlre full paillrnlars Hoi ( I , CntrrttlonTlllc. Iowa . * ) iXKtoiJ.r.n TO s ofBr < ilfH [ tn oo < i condition. Addrett Ol. IWc tlnKdo.rrlptlutian'l rrlcc. MHO II * - V-Olt SAI.KIHST C-LA \l lt WOOD hank rounlcr , ilrsk and other bank , fnmltnrc. Will sell rcry cheap Addrrt > N U , Ilco M"l 13 * FOR SALE--HORSCS , WAGONS , ETC. J ) -fnii PAI.K. A I.\TV-IX MJ\H TOP urn or II K Cole. Continental block Z31 11-KOH SAI.K-TWO WKI.I. MATCIIEII ItLACK I ftrlTlnu horir * . wclihlnx nSonl Wl Itn. raoh must l > a old at K itrlflre. Kldflltr Ixian llnnrnn ten Co , room WUIinell bnlMInj Call at onri * . WAI p-.MouT AiiKK MALI : < & inn IP * . 4 her r ,7 new wairon * . harnesi , oto. Mu l > > e ixilil it one" . cb ap for cub. Dmalia Mnttsscp Ixian I o. Ituum It , Crelzhton block ISlli anil IMuslrn. unit to poitono ? . 737 YOU. SAI.K , fMl ; ) COVKIIKU SIMtlNG wsson : clii-.ip nil South ICth st. MHI 2J OR ALEaiISOli.LANliOUB. . ' . * ! Q -FOR BALK. I'AHHOT HOOD TALK Bit. 119 North 1C t , room 50 MS. * K 1)-II < it.'K | ItAM.'II SO. -HOIlSK'i. . COI. ti Iv.Ttnl cattl caret for the jcir roan I ( > ( > . ( iini SoathOmitha. Nch I1 O boi U-l If.iiJ UJT * riVKIHOATS.riT CI.KANKli IIVK1) . UK- paired cheap It/Jj lluwanl itrvet. oCIco room ? . 70S 71 * _ _ P-IIIDS wirx in : IIICKIVKII : 1 1 TO SATI n -I * oar. Oct i3J for erxillni ; the lot teti-ntlr pur chnifd br the i > mnba clnti. N W corner of zbth nnd IIoiiKlattrcol 1-ur particulars npplr to I ) J O'Honuhop. weretarjr IKJCI rarnnm t. il'.O W C AIBVOYANTS. S-AHIllVAl , K.XTHAOItllUi.Vlir , WOVDKKFUf. revelation' . Clmllcnecs the word ! Mr * . Dr. M. L CTATO , detd trance clalrro uat , nitroloeltt. palmist and Ufa realer , tclti your life from thi ) cradle to grare ; unlti-i th < - ppirat5 I : cvi 5 mar riage with thfl one roa lor : toll * whcra run will Bticcectl ami In what builnom hou n ! ant'J for ; hai the celebrate I I' rptlan brca tplala for luck and to ilfirof bad InHuencoi. curci tin. Intemperance and all prlrate complaint ? with roaMaKe. batbi and alcohol treatment , teij 12 W. lork of hnlr , natno nnd ilau ? of birth and receive arc-nrate life chnff Zrcnti In ttampi for circular : elto Initials of un yon will nisrrj , alao photbt of ura ? . Offlco 417 Kouth llth street , flrit floor , hour 9am to 9 p m Come one. conio all. ad I b coQTlnced of thin wun- dertul oracle. 313 N 111 c MAIIAMB Kitirz.isnrAfc-1 > THBKT. CLAIH * vuy.inL and trnnco medium Independent voices , tell * past and f ntnru. matfn tlc ttcatmcnU Ladles only Mf 2 M- * - MilNANNIK WAItltBNTrLAIIlYoYAST S rullablo business medium.tlftti year at 113 N I'.th. JMLAS3AOE , BATHS. ETC. rP-MAI > AM SroWK , MAO.NET1C IIKAI.KII , l'ralt t. J1SIO K- _ . iT.V KUK. MASsAGK , IIS i-OL'TII 1&TH lreet. third Buor. flat I. MKJ ? l TMA'SACi : TIlKATMK.NT. KLKCTHO-THKll- balhi. jcalpand hilr treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs I'ojt. olOh-J IMh.Wlthncll blk. V.I -MADAMK ? MIT1I. 1311 CAl'ITtJf. AVKXUK. Itoom 3 , 3d Boor. Alcohol , sulphur and > ca bnth MUSIC. ART AND LANGUAGE. * -n F ( iBLl.BNHKCK BANJO TBACHKH , with llospc or N. W. cor. Uth and llarncy. Sll 7 VOCAL AND INSTHL'MBNTALMf.-lC Mil's 1 Clara Buchanan. l N llth u MM1 IV MONEY TO LOAN - KEA.L ESTATE. \\T .V.OIlTiAiK I ) AN = LKSS TIIA.NT I'BIt CT. ' ' Includlnzall charges. Charlei V llalney omaSn Nat bani bld . KH " \\-T I'BH CKNT MONKY-.VHT TO IIOUHOW- ' erson Omaha city property No extra charges of any kind Why pay hlzh rates1- Money U cheap YoucatiKet full benrHI of Intr rate3 from Ulob I.oan and Trun Co. . 16th and l > odc. Vll \\T 1X > AN3ON IMl'ltOVKU A.MJ UNUlt'KOVEI ) ' city propertr. C'JOJ and novanU.C to T per cent Nodelayi W. Karnam Smith A CO.lSth and Uarnoy 1OJU \v r-l'IHVATE MONKV. I > T ANIJ5IJ .MOKTU AGK loans. IOT rales. Alex Moore. Bed bid ? 102 \\r-OMAITA SAVI.NT.S HANIC MAKBi LOANS ' on real estate al lowest market rates. Lnans made In small orlarzesami for shore or Ion ; time Nocommlsslon Is c.lnrjel nn-l th loans arc not sold tn the east , but e-in always be fonad at the bank on Ihi corner of Uth and boa i Us streets. 103 \\r MO.VBY TO LOAN ON IJI . , . . , ; „ CITV " propertylow rate. A. C. Frost , ousUsbllc. 101 17 1 ANI)3-YKA It LOAN'S ON CITY AND FAUM ' mortiiaKes Hee < l A Selby , 3JI Hoard of Tfsula. 112 \\r-ClTY AM > KAKJ1 IIBV1. KSTATB I.OAN3 ' ' atloweit rates , consult ns h fore borrowlnj B. C. linrrln A Co . an Sheeley block. laj \\r-MONKV TIX3AN AT I.OVVBsT UATKs. * ' The O F. Darla company , liju Farnam street. 113 W-ANTHONY I.OAN ANIi TKCST CO , 3H N. Y I.tft. lends at low rt9i fur cilC2 ! sejrtty on Nebraska or lutra farms or Omah % city property V.'i \ \ Ir-C. F , HAttKUOM , 915 N. Y. I.IFB. W7 \r-CENTltAI. IXJA.V iTHWTCO. , HUH HUH ; . > M _ _ \ \ r-CHKAl' MONKY , SHE U. W. I * . COATB. * . ' I l < Farnam. V.'l \\r-.MONBY TO LOAN ON IMI'KOYBI ) IIKAI , > ' estate , lowest rates ; balWInr loam a spec ially. Thomas llreunan & Co . Karbaji block. \\r-KKAI. BSTATB IX-.N3. 6 TO7 1'KH CENT : * * no Additional cbarzes for conimliston or attor * ney'sfees W B. Mottle , First National Hank bldz. 677 \\T MONKY TO LOAN. JM/WJ TO LOAN IN * * omnha un bulhlla ? and lo in plan Hi" ! paid monthly vllt pay of ! } IOJW ID ' 3 months. NacoaimlsiHn llato l Ie s than < > percent. Poor man's ehanre * Do yon ncd monsy * Can you use mon y' If so. rail or address room 3R , nee building. Omana. Neb. l n-l v\r-c run CENT MONBY ON IMIMIOYED i-iiol * * crty It. C. I'atlerson. SS llampe bit ' . ' 11 \\r LAHtjK I/JAN.s JIAIK o.V OMAHA. UN- ' " coin. Council HluUs business properly ; per cent Also small loan * . Gi.-or > : eJ. I'aulI'JtVFarnam M-ii Ml * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V WIM. LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF f.E -iVcnrlty ; strictly confidential A. B. Harris , room I , Continental block hJj V-rillTtllAltU , il HOL'OI.AS HI.K , Jfl. . IJOIKJE A' LOAN'S OX CHATTBI i. HBAsONADLB IN- lerest. partial payments 1 to 0 months. W It. Paris , KM , Continental block. Kk-7r\iyrhllth it. V-JJONKi AT MVf IIATBS ON ANY KIND OF -Viecurlty. KeysUiae Mt e Co. , Ste shevley block \ -tvaffasa TO LOAN IN * - from 110 op on HOL'SKIIOI.I ) KUIl.MTL'HK ANlt-I'IAKOi UOllflF.r , WAUO.NS ANI ) CAHIUAIJKi , WAHKHOUSB HF.CKI1TS. Olt I'F.IOO.VAL 1'KOI'KIITY OF ANY KIND without publicity or of properly. Yon can tare time and muney by calling On OMAHA MOHTUAIJK 1/IA.V ( V , Hoom H , CreUhton Uluek. l * > th and IlunKlai. next to I'osluftiCQ. INCOHI-OKATEll , mUB X-MONBY LOANU ! ) CIIBA1 * AT YOUll OWN time. Nebraska Loan Co. . 1116 IK ujlis st . -LOW HATBa ON FUllNITl/'ltB LIVB STOCK tie. J.W.Taylor , l'lun r blk. . South Omaha. * - " "V-MONBY-M. OJ , 9) DAYo"cHEAl' UATBH -andeasy payments , on furniture , pianos , lire stock , etc- , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. I > uH ( Jreen. rooat 3. Uarker block. M > 3 " "V-IKJ You NBKU MONKY ? -V TUB FlUKHTY IjOAN Ol'ABA.Vf KB CO. . Hoom \\hltnell tluck. cor. ISth and Hartley sts. . W1U , LENI > YOU ANY ftL'M. FitUU III ) TO 110AD OXTIIB1IAY YOU AS-KFOHIT. We tnako loans of any ane. Ul { or small , oa household zoodi. plaaos. uors s wajons , warvbousa receipts and personal propvrly of 11 kinds , la any amount , without delay pub licity or reaiorr.luf property , cheapest rates and easiest payxents. SSK Us Fills r. X-CHATTKI. LOA.NKJ N. V , J.IKK JIOIllll * 153 Nt , * -WJ.OOOTOLO'.N O.V CJlATTKh SKCL'KITY , tustnesi confidential. IL iii Board Trade. illy ? N7 * _ _ VMONKY TO U > AN ON FUUNITUItJE. 1'IANOA - . horses , wamons and collateral security , Uusl ucss conBdcntUl. tWl Terry , room OJ Uamceblk BUSINESS CHANCES V- WANTED A UKAIN ELKYA7OU IN A i toot locatloa dolaj a cooa business. Addresi N (7 , Omaha L'w. DUSINESS.JCHANCE3. - SAI.K. THKO.1 HOI. LINO INTKKKST Y-rOlt lpadn ! s h andduor mill In lh nnnh- wpot ; doln sin lnireensftT * isln > s. orcr t-5)JJ ) C ) worth ot new work now In .llii . mill a grtat barcaln to th rlrht party. < all nrviir aldrenj. K. Mason. rooms , ] mil as , Uirker bUXt , Omaha. .Nch. Y-- ' YoAnnsKBirx' ! A n'sNfc' ' * oroi lonlly r iulrlnr saiallmfittt. In * crt.iin an ! ciceertlnzl/ i > ro.1lsbl" ana rfowlnt business , and always essn. write to tha. . iln1 rslm < > l. InrioMnr stamp , when fall pirtlcntari still bo ( iTea. II. > - K. . Hj Ltirect. Lincoln.Mil * m ? V - " ' U.HAT fxJW TlO IMIK. TII B J- entire Hale Interest In' miV of thahrarlest pay Inr monopolies now t > fnr ihi tmliiir It wilt ST ti wr epnt > f the enal Mils ( if nrorybody and prn dnm hetter results. Krerybxly wtnti It anl will harp II when pfcn. A lir bu < lnait e n beclonj at one * In of ery eotinty riiH ptrtlcalars by mall. Address tl B. K . HM I. st . l.lneoln. .Npli. M 7 < V HJIt fAI.K , OSK Of TUB HK T I'ATIMt MrueMoro * In central Nebraska. Intulce. about /d.UfsUI Hi- * . wtt ) Y-WA.NTKI * . A I'AIITNKH IN A ClOtll ) PAVIStl 1- business , lady pri-ferred. Hest location In Omahi Address N 3 > x llee 87U U * V-WB 1IAVB CL'STOslBRl Foil A U.DAIHIY I coeds ami troeery nocks II.S11 r rry nlock ; I2 > W hardwarp sl ek.jtn \ * ro ; ty nock : II.Oo ) Ktocor jpiti * * . fl.Vd mllUnrry uxk . IJ.ui ) hardwarn lock. It wilt pay ton to rome and s < > ns If you hateantlhlnR to buy or tell or trade' Wp harn customers fur money , for loans , for real e'tjte , fur mi-rchKndUe ; > cs , for ererythlnK ! Call or ad- flrt-s Nebraska Kichanze Co. . room Z4J Ilco lluildlne. Omaha , Neb. Un ItriUnd- c inree no cctnmlsslon M79J It V -II' YOU AIIBSBBKI.NT. A HL'IVB' < M OITHO l litnlty In any Una of hii ln * * > s write for our bu letln ln"loln ( stanp Wcstorn Ilium ess Agent Minneapolis. Minn. V HOTBI.OFM HOOMSTO IIBNT , FUltMSIIKIl , 1. .all nt boarders , stvam heat and nil modern Im- proTi-nicnts ; rent reasonable , with security for Die years , or win exchange fur land or itoud property Hotel Mf'iuckln. Sonth Omaha. MM7S-I * Y SAI.KTTrnT in : r-oi.n AT O.NTB-A L restaurant and confectionary store Addreis Ans Mcun , vrlbner. Neb Ml Jl * V HAKKItY FOItSAl.B OH HK.NT THAI ) ! ' , BS - tabllihed. Any oniw.intlr.R a bargain tiitilrei * OJ. KPO 5)74 j | * FOR EXCUANUE. V Cl.KAH OMAHA HE , ! , B"TATB ttll MIHE ' -'actual raluatlon. Muncy to loan HoxMs.Omth * Ill ) V-t OWN IOT FAHMS IN NKH. ANI ) HAKOTA ' 'H III sell or exchange , llux 76. Frankfort , In-l _ _ 161 y-NBW I KOOM IIWBLI.1NO IN MrCOHMICK # / - < 2nil addition , slithtly. with 110 fpi-t front (3 ( lolsi fitenod rarant lot further In or farm Wclrhans III Karharh blot k. KS21 y UT IN WI1.C3.V. VAI.UBII. 1110. FOB PSKI' ' - matlc or cushion blcytlc Frank Thures-on. 1m pcrUINob. warn * y-33) AfllK CLBAH 1MPHOVBI ) FAItM FOH -Jhnrdwaru or eon. mil c. 1O1 acre cl<n for t/UCU II 11. Illckson , Crvlithton. Neb. VS7 iu * y-I IIAVK A rl.KAH NKIIBA'-KA FAHM TO 'Jtrade for rcnttci ; Omaha property De rlbi property fully and address for three days OiH.C .M1IJ2I * / fl.KAIt IMI'HOVBIJ I'ltnt'KltTi INTt\C\ ' * mah. value fl.M. Income f3) a m'-nth wil , ox charge for Improved or vacant Omaha property and assume. Alex. Moore , ID1 Hoc bid K. XI10 ? 2) yCI.KAU LOT IN OMAHA TO ti.\rilANOB FOK ' Jhnrsf * harni-sM and twn seatcil extension tot * snrrey , matt be tlri < t class rig AddreOC Hen Jlir/J i'OH. SALE REAL STATE. P KAL BSTATB. iv ISarxalm only. My word Is tood. W. C. Albright , 651-3-3 New York Ufa Jill LOT si. TUTTLK . - sun. & ACBBS WITH 7 BOOM home , all Improvements , Inquire 3411 Hoyd street ' M7T > 11 * rro HOMK SEEK BBS IN AVGNDALB PATlK -I- yon can have an el < > zaai homi ; arrnncu.l to suit you. with building limit. trw , rralks. sqvrer water , and eai. within ivalklnz distance of business , tchools and churches. Anil all for about U.UJ3 Cer tain to be the prettiest In , Wo residence addition In tboclty. Over one third or'It already sold , -oa us for particulars before theories U ralscJ. Fidel ity Trust company , 17M Famaaj st- o ; QlJXW HOMKON I'ori'LKTON AVC. V IIIO ) fine residence ( ieon ta ave. H.3JO tine place Lowe avo. , i ( rrintln cant on Hanscom park. I3.VJJ full lot , Ixjwc JLVC nrar t'nrnaoi. HKi > full lot. .i'th near i'auiam. 1--.W1 ( ull lotFarnam il nqsr.totb. n.dx ) houio and lot , Han < cnm Place. f.f7X3 corner lot , Hanscom I'lacu. tl.'Sn lot on paved et , Uatiwotn IMaca. C. R Harrison. Si : N. Y Llfc. FOnSALEdUT AOE-BYTIIH OWNKIt 10.W ) acres of Nebraska finest farmln ; land at a Croat sacrifice. U. If , Teterson , 111 : b uth st. Omaha ilcti .S3 F-FOH SAZ.B , MY ItOIDBXCE AT1III P. KTH st. lurooms radbith botan I ipalrl water.elcetrls bells and burglar alarm , speaking tube.f urnace and ham ; also fine vacant east front residence lot H. I-Whitney , Ol Mtrchants National bank bldz. IJ7 NJ pEHSON-l Jt HKHKY. TUB LEADING HEAL J- estate dailers of , - outh Omnba.Vu only set bargains. List your property with them. 677 Nil 32 } acres near Omaha Sli IM acres V. rnllcsof Omaha ( U. 60 acres harpy Co. tl.iM. \OJ \ acres ? ariiy Co. , ? < i p r acr . 331 acres sarpy Co. . J1S.W ) fi(9 acres > arpy Co . K.'JJi' . 241 acrcsSaryy Co. . IJX > J. 333 acres Sarpy Co , JM per acre. f. F. Harrison. 817 N Y. Ltf e. J1W1-M Ij'OH bALE-A MCE HOME ON - DBCATCIl A "tre't C-room cotta p and ba < omant , city water and cistern Will sell on monthly payments or will rent same to Kuod party. Hush < ; Clark. UH llarner street. .Mi i a AT A IIAHKAIN. 5 CHOICE LOT.Wxlio feet each : more adjnlnloz If denlr d Bast fronts' S. W corner 10th and Arbor. Flnot location la city for residence Illock from llth t motor line. Charles llanlcy. IiKl fa 10th it. Omaha. Mall FOHALE OH ItKNT. MY ltt > ll > B > CK 131 N ZUh Mrcet.oppotlte 2 < th street end of Douglas. Commands one of tb Qncit views In the city. New and modern In nil respects i'lan from new part of Parts lift Ho : water heatlnir. electric BS llzht- lat ami all modern conveniences , ( quarter sawed oak and ( teorcla pine finish. Flrr places specially deiK3nl In oak and tile. Prlre fi5.C J ) . a bargain. It not sold at once will bo rented to a satisfactory tenant. Apply on premises. Clarke ( Sapen \\7A.NTKD. 1U ACHKs l-OH ( iAKIIK.N. ' Wanted Ifaero farm for fl'lHO. ' Wanted , house for CIJKn and lot * . Wenteil , house for Chicago lot and caib. Wanted , business property for D * s Molncs toll- Wanted. IM cottage will taku lonsleate. Wanted , purchaser for t-jJJl moruazt. Wantel. Ifith street business property. Wante < l. h"unfor Oto > - Co fanji. forSlerrlck Co farm. _ _ C. F llarrlin. 013 .N. " V Ufe. My/M \r .NY FAitMs VOK "ALB VBHY CHKAI-T -i'ieaiy terms. CeoV. . I * . Co a to s. Hit Farnam street. MtttS LOST. LD-T-OOINf ! TO IloYlii THBATEIl FHOM dcrchants hotel , a ladies b'atk puckelbook oiiiitalnlni lM3tuecn fvi.Cij and fy > > ; > , a loin ticket to T J Hyan. also Ca'holtc rorary. A very liberal reward will bopuld for Hie above ( IcturntoT I Uyan. care Boyrta ? theater. MlbS l * LO-T LM > AY AKI'KKMJOS. I , MV > HLAtK dlatronal Jacket , on Uth n between Kth it. vlsjloctand Ijtkost. Pleas ; adJrcjs Ulf Howard t. . city .M ) ; / . DRE3SMAKIr.O. . - TO tXJ DHB5 MAKlNf TN sollclu-d. JUil sturdy. f > outli 5h street. LH" ! A\rA.NTEU-THB TO K.NOW THAT " ' they can vi-t a Ilij course of rclentlltc ilrenscDttlne les < ons free rror Dvlj\morto * > 's academy. 3)1 N. Y. Life ' . . come and Iniestl pate and learn to miky jsj j with or withonl st-ams Mme. Abcrly. r iresentitlvo. Agents wanted. > 15tS l'/ * MH AXDMIfi. .MOKAXO'S IIAXCINd "sCHO ) I HiC pH l ave nowo wa. Children Tnesdsy , 4ISp. m.-aturitay. 10 a. nr-and t it p m : adults Tuesday and Friday , i p.m.V esn4blesThursdays.i ! pm Private leunns dally. Pupils can Join anytime. Maze and newuanc s taiuht The Carlylr , Ilar Tardt.avote. Wpntwnrth , kManltou and folnmblan Nli UP. fPAKEN UP bKlTKSIHIJU Ji. LAUGB OKAY 1 horie , hllod In one ey.tAiUlHi lame In one hind lee Owner can have same frfrofluf properly and paylnz cbarecs II. W. Pu/ivy. south of Omana HelKbts station. jnr- , KEEP DUST OUT OP YOUh HOUSE NOW THE COLD THIS WINTER IJY USING THK fJEST THE "IDEAL" WEATHER STRIP JUST now wo have some WOOD STKIP which wo will sell while it lasts. OMAHA RUBBER CO , , 52l > Farnam St. Cor. l(5tu ( ! Wholesale and Retail. Soap To keep the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it oft" ; the skin takes care of itself inside , if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean , without doing any sort of violence to it , re quires a most gentle soap , a soap with no free al kali in it. Pears' is supposed to be the only soap in the world that has no alkali m it. it.All All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. Any cue whose Watch has a bov/f ringwill never liave oc- casiontousethistime-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted off the case , and is found only on Jas. Boss Riled and other watch cases stamped .with this trade mark. Ask your jeweler fora pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM I6th and Howard Streets , 50 Itooms Tor I'atlcnU. OMAHA , NEB , Tor tbo treatment of Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases , MALK AND FKMALE. Piles , Fistula. Fissure and Strir- turoof the Itcotinii pprinnnont- ly cured without the use of Knife , Ligature or Caustic. EuclfHt 4r iii statupi anil otir JC ? pae HOOK on DI.TAPEs anil Qiir Hnn Hlatik.- , , will t > o MAIU..I ) ritr.E. II.'TKItN.VTIONAI. SAMTAItlUM , 16lh and Howard sts. , Oni.iha. : > elx W. C. ilAXWii.r. : M. D . 1'rf-s. B .IU. ILI , p < ( r. NOTICE OF Til K SITTING OF THK CITY COUNCIL AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. To all tax-payers and owner ? of orop rty. and all turtles Interfiled In taxation In the city of Omaha : Von are I'ereuy notified lhat the city coun cil of Omaha will , as prodeil and required hy section Hof the Clurtur of Metropolitan Ultle * . hold usa-ion ! n > a lloird of Kquillzn- tlon of not less than live days , commencing Tliur day. October STth. IfJJ. for the purpose of equalizing the as pssincnt of all property within the city of Omaha assessed for u-cn- tixitlon for city t.ixus for the year l-J.\ such alttlnz will bo held nt the olhecnf the CltyOIer ot said city In the Uty Hall In the city of Oninhi. comrneneln ; at d o'clock a. tn , and continuing until . 'lo'clnck p. in. dally. And you and cich of you are hereby Minified tolwanJ before -.ilil uo.ird of equali zation at tbc ttino nnd olncc niinud to make any complaint or objection you may liavo to said assci-tmptit or any part thereof a hy ftr.tute provlncd. Complnlntf In writlni may be tile ] with the < lty Clerk at any time dur- Iii- the sc-snon of < > il'l boarti. Ol'Jdet. JOHN Gitovr.a , City Clerk. Teeth Killed With out I'.ilnljy the Latest loven- tlont TEETH EXTKACTEH WITHOUT I'.VIH' Of. \\OEIi AI'ULb&nTul' TbfH'll O.V IILTUFR POP. S3 OO. Perfect fit suaranteo-l Trath ettraeled In the morning. I ewr oriei Insarted in evening of vime < liy. ce speclrnens of Itotnovable llrlU''e. Sva peclmcni ot Flexible Ki istle I'late All work warranted at represented. Ulllce , Ihtril fioor. t'jiion lilojc. Telephune ID 'i. Kiihuul i-'ariiu 5' . Take Elevator or .Stilrway fro.n ISth fctreet Kntrauce. Unlike the Dutch Process ] STo Alkalies OB Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. IIAKER ti CO.'S .BreaMastCocoa . r/ilfA ( j nlicltittlv pure and loluble. libumorethnr.threttlmtt I ria ttreityth ol Cocoa ciUed Mtth btarcb , Arrowroot or _ ' Su Jr , anil U far more eco- . coittny leu than one ctr.t a cup. It U cleliclou ) , courtJhlDg , anil EASILY DIQEJTtDi. DIQEJTtDi.Sold byCror r n rjih rt. W. BAKER & CO.Dorchejter , Mais. JURORS HAVE A GOOD TIME Thoj Plajcd High The on ! Abosod Cer tain Attorneys Very Thoroughly , AN ATTORNEY'S CHARGE OF CORRUPTION Complaint That thc.liiroMtrr Inllui-ncnl t > j Two Corporation C p | > er Ulio \ ere In L'nnttnnttlrnilxlirn on tlio k of HIP Ciiart. Dart rountr Is not atone In Its court iotm. tlons , as DougUv county oocLiloaally bu one of Us own , though of mlldor form. There was one in Judge Ferguson' * court yester day morning which may lead to Un Investiga tion before the end is reached. lr > several davn the case of James Hoean ncainil tbo Omslii\ Street Hallway company h j been on trial before Judge Irvine and a Jury. Hocan was set-nine to recover tJd.OOO damiqes to compensate him for the loss of a teg nhlch was token off soir.Qthlng linn two yean nco. At that , tlmo Bo WAI a pAsscnger on the Sherman nvcuuo raotor line. On the day ho sustained bU Injuries bo was riding on the roar onil of ono of the motors , Icanlnp oeatust the guanl rail. In turnln ; the curve ut Clark street ho was thrown from the motor and beneath the wheel * of tno trailer. The whcols passed ovr > r hl < > | rlfht ; lorcrusulnK It to such an extant a : to render amputation Bccessarv. Hog/in brought suit , alleging ncirllRpncc utx > a tno pirt of the compauy and Us employes. The company set up a aofcnso of contributory negligence and allowed tnat the ulaco for nasscnRcrj was Iniulo the cars anO not on ido plntfonns. On those issues ttiocato trent tolrlul \vasaubmlttcd to the Jury Monday aftornoon. When Jud e Irvine went to Tckarr.ah ho loft Instructions to have ttiojurr taken bo- fnre one of the other Juilces if a verdict was returned while ho was atnctit. llnir Jioino Vrrillcts Are ItoacliPil. Upon the convening of court yesterday Frank T. Ransom , one or florin's ntiorneys , staled that h i hail some disclosures to rasice. llo had visited n room adjoining the ono in which the jurors were locked for Monday nlfhU Ho had heard them ptavinu cards and cnroumuc instead of con- slOcrlni ; tbo case. Not only that , but he bud hoard ono Juror sav that the uf.orneys were blanks and that ho would never voieto give their cll nt a cont. Ho thought that If the billiff had been attandlng to his duty the cards would not nave ccen In the room. This was not tue lirst time that such thlntri had occurred. This Jury , bo said had failed to aijrco colwitbMandlnt ; the fact that it stood tea to two In favor of aamaees. Mr. Hansom stated further that it was a well known fact ttoat when suits were on trial In which the m- terojts of cornorAtions were Involved that there were always two men banjrinc around the courl room for thu solo purpose of tamp ering v.-ltn and bribing tae Jurors. Judco Ferguson called the jurv in and asked tlio memoirs if they coulu asjreo upon TON REM IN C TYPEWRITER For Safe , Rent or Exchange. the WORLD ! MEQBATH STATIONERY CO. , I.W4 Firnarntreet. . Omah u ThB Liebig COMPANVS Cattle are reared on their fertile grazing fields in , Uruguay , solely to provide | .prime beef for making the 'world-famed ' , Liebig COMPANY'S ' i Extract of Beef ' Comoetcnt ' liemiats supervise every de- , tall , from the c-aro of tin ? cattle ami through the broce se ot mnnnfai turo i 9iTiipuloii c.canlrncs.1 prevails to tlio , . pottln.-of the completca pxtmet. Ttu preserve's tlio QUAf.iTr. ri.Aroic anil PCK- , nr of this famous pro'luet , Tvhtcli U to day. .H when lint pit up by the sr < 5it oliemlst. Juitus von Llebl ; . Incomparably the Best j I'or Improved nml Kcnnotii'C Cookery. ; Kor Delicious Uufreihlnj : lleef Tea. 1 Tbonsanda ot . Dr. illlw * bcolc. New and Krea at . MILES Two ShortneBB ol JIW Breath , Fuin HEART in Sides , yiutterinx , CURE , Smothering rrn Spells , cured bj- one bottle lileu Dr. miles' ill . l > t euro for MtwCURE Heart Hi.itmCs.ri ttr Prsfjy. ltiai , * . DlSOaSOS. DU. MILES aiEDIOAl , Co. Ellthart , Ind , Porsale by Iviilui A ; Oa. Cor 13th & Doujrla Facing tlie Cliolora Keep cool" Tbe pla ua can't rea h yoatf yoitdo tbo rUhl think at tb rlzht lime. LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS I Stf lhat they are ht/altby aad perfect. I'nt tba llrr to natural work This s.t < urc > dl ritlon and nalrlilon. ATOW unrlp froU ami unfliaUi'irm Beats. Cook urcrjtnlnj eren water. Unno-fiaj membranes of stoma-h aod buwjn Dr * ScWs Manirate Pill , . They carry away all dl eai K'rois nl ll poison ous matter. Tbey assure intlocllj e nltby ana natural secretluns. They tarn lbelir < r tu IN &e- tuuat of dU 'lloD D't Duinllon , qutekly , safely tborouihly Ki p bead totl , J t warm , skin clua SCHENOK'S MAKDKAKK PILL3. have been tested tn man/ * Cholera e l'Wul * . They do for the. STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWELS do vbal sanitary science sars ! > JM pains , clustfts. rooms &nd the oatvr $ eroa Tbcy rican aod unrlfy Ilia Inuer house and pat thi all- ia < mlaryrhUnnels In | rf ' ordor. ATOM slltanUhU. C. sr tholr V3e : i out ol the system i onctj with the Mao Iran i'llls. I'm tns biiiuvntary channels la order anp bll d 4aucc to cholera. In choKra epidemics , 4,0-1 all nthars lor iTlcx the llTer , stomach and WJ els , rue.r cas of Mtf-r. ttonaa4 cure stand to thacro-IK uf Ur ec > landrak tills than any utatf azetuy or ro 'WELL BRED.SOON WED'GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married Try it on your next House-Cleaning. arordieU Ttiajr thought not. Than ho road thorn a lecture , tn xrblrb b utatcd that be had bean Informed tbat they bad been plar- Ing cards when Ihtjaboutd bnvo beer. do. llberatlnK nnd conildennp Ibo andence , In Uolnir RO the ; hail violated their otths. It tbcro rai anothar riolatioa the moM aovcro punishment would b mlmlnlsterfd. llP8 rdlnc the MAlomctit of Mr. Kansotn that certain oartlM had at- tetupled to corrnpt Juries , the Jucl o said tbat that wai aoracihluc Hint would bt looked Into and Investigated , Tlio Jury \va toot Itack to the room tn bo Vopt under lock and key until the return of Jiulco Irvine. Other Conn C srs , \V. J. Conncll bas been successful In hli stilt nlth lUrrjy Link. In xvhich a quarter scctlun ol land near Millanl vyn the slak * nl.ivcd for. Tdo lawsuit hml IU olrth lomo lx voar apn niitl tcrenil time * It ban b on , foucht ton tin liti , hut it was uo nsaln attblt torni of court , and. m uiran serorm former occislom , Mr. Connell wa * thn winner. The verdict of the Jury was returned s e tor day. It jrlvos him fl. .T damaeei and thn possession of the land which has been the subject of controversy thcso ntiny renn. The suit ot Tlldn Uccd nealn.t tbo clly ot South Ooiahn was disposed of by the Jury Undine for the plaintiff nnd aisejilnf ? her ilnrr.aupn nl tl.ODo. Sno trni tbe owner ot a South Omaha lot on which tba Ileod hotel U situated. When \bo critic of th trtot WM changed her property was Inft some thlrtr foot In the nir. Sna tued for In tbi criminal court th Jurv returned a verdict ot in.inslnazhtor In the caio nf the state BKulnnt Pclcr Kcolasl. Ho ix the Italian who killed ThomaM Dil'aull , by boatlnff ItU brains out with an iron roil. Charley Crock wa\ arraigned nnd nloadnd notpullt } ' to the charco of Krnntl larcenv.An this lnUnco the defendant H charitcd wltr , having stolen ISO from his. sistor-ln taw , Mrs. Mablo Creek , \\ho ro ldes on Howard street. \ No other viMapirllla i > 3ise < ses the combl- nilloD-proi > ortloti nnd process which maUo Hood's Sarsjpartlla peculiar to Itself. OMAHA , Oct. K > . To the Public Thl * Is a can ) . While I have often .pokon throueh the nrcss to tno citizens of tbls city in ro- card to the union depot , you will bear ma out thai this Is my lint can ) . Ills bociuio I would Rive csocctil emphasis to wlial 1 lay hall ndopl this Idea of a card. Whlloyou. thocilizcns of Otnnhi , are attondii ! ( ? to your private a Hairs , this momcntoui public ques. tlon is being forcc-1 to n solution. The rail roads xvonc by the cnclhoit knuwn as "Ida sllll hunt. ' ' This Is tno most eflactlve Wiv yet alscovereU to undo tbo pee pic In public nftaln. Tne business of thu public cannot be altonocd to in thai wU7ltmus : be Oono witn tbo blare of the brass band. As n patty to the injunction suit , 1 cannot consult , you , whom t resard n. my clients , except ny rusbini ; into orlnt. Ono afternoon , a few dayago. . the coun cil committee mot and agreed urwn a report to fia council. Tno major il um rullanly in- f"rm . > d ) wa.s not present. Ha was linorcu. Ho bed , at a formrr raoctinir , been so Impohto as to &ay tbliiirs that the railroad people did not lUotobcar. Tnat very evening the council took ut > nnd adopted tbo recoil' Only ono man ( Mr. Klsaasor ) raised bt.s volco against tte proceeding. Ho asked that there M n faw days' delay so that the citizens could cotnn In and bo heard. I am reliably in * formed that be was sat down on wltn a dull , McXenlng thud by certain "leaden" who called him to ordsr ana suuprrescd htm. it wa.s out of order , it seems , for ono of our servants to aslc that wo bo heard' Tbo pro * cccJln ? reminds us ot thu mo bl I ice affair before the alleged whitewash committee n few evening ! before. Now. then , to business. You know that the prooCHCa plan of Mr. Cornell and the railroads Is 10 civc the latter a nsr/ect tltla to tne depot Grounds wltbout providing that the bridge or depot plant tiall ba open td the USD of other railroads. The monopoly Is to bo ptven now powers to keep Omaha bottled up to keoo the world out of Omaha ! Citizens of Oraahii , and capcially you wno arc most largely interested In the city , awaxe , arouse I Gel amove on ycu. Tinio is short. Get together and consult. Decide whether you will abide by this action. H Is not too lats now ; in a abort time it may bo. The law and tbn uivver cannot bti rolled upon to hold the fort atratnst both the rairoads and tbo city of Omaha , which , a.s a corporation , sneaks by its oKlccra. Tbo thing to do Is to see tne members of the council and satisfy them that tholr duly is to demand that tbo bridge and depot pianl shall bo open to all railroads on' reasonable compensation compensation which shall not bo prohibitory. Also that no deed shall bo delivered until the dcpolsbail have been built. Including tram sncds. Members of the council are not all committed nzaiosiyou , la conclusion , I beir you to understand that I lay tbo responsibility upon you citizen ? . Get tozntber and zc Itely not on iho injunction , for the city uornojr ( s determined to avoid It. I say tbeso things to disabuse your minds of tbo belief that what ever comes , tbvra is that Injunction to retv on. Acaln I say that you must protect your selves ana that tbo stake U jrreat. H is to tav this tbat I wnu > IbU card. Don't wait for your ncicrbbor to move but morciyoar- self. Jous D. Howe. Mrt L. K. I'ati'jn , liocucorJ. liu , v/rilei : ' Fromnanonal oxpsrianco I caa rocomra nd [ JeWitt's Sanaparilla. a care for ImpurJ blood and eenora' oobilitr " WHITWEZ'S HOME COMKJO. llo l.osl III * Cr.iiy Stan nninetrherc or Other Knrnute. There (5 ( jor tn tbo hotisebold of the Whit- no js and there Is good feolm ? preraillng amonR the rommhMonors of Douglas county. TbU is all cussed by the fact that Omir h& * returned. It Is well that Omir WBltney started for Vcrrnoot a low uayl-igo with a crazy maa , ono Sly venter Underwood. WSilney went with the Urea tJetcrrolnatton of losing Underwcod at Ural tie bo ro , bh former 110111 % bul v/hen bo reached tbcro the town authorities would not listen to any- i bine of me kind aqd threatened lojailOrair if he lost Sylvester la that town. Net u.nitlr.s : 10 bo Jailed Omir puileil bis freight for .Montreal , taking his crazy m in alontf. They stayed tberu until the count ? toIuw'Kpbed * lW ( coin of thu realm 4nU then they btarleJ for com1 ? , bul som now tba crazy man uot loslunioulo and u no longer a charge upon Uoujlus county. Whitney reached Oimha yesterday In AS ( rood btiapo-as could ) > e expected afte'r taking so long a Journey. Ha says that hi loit Kyi- veiter out rafusea toauto wben , wbsre , wny or Do iv ibo lojinsr act wa per/onnvd. "Lain to > 3j ana cany 10 m ? will shortoa the roail to your bo tno In tbo sViei. Bul early to UcJ and "Ltltlu Earlv Ul-jr"tbe pul ibat , o.U'jj ilia loai-ir a.jj Dur an ) wiser. _ Iln4lne ISrlfU. Zsnor Bros , of Blue Spnoyi have gone oa'i ' ol Graot i Ilonerts , coai dealers of Omaha , nive dlitolrcd. J. S. Pearso < has sold bl Blue Sprlogi saloon to nco Murphy. Jce JasikowiaK Is closing out bis general ttoro \Ya4blnirloa , Neo. M Andonon has told bis Implement bnt ! > ness at Ootbenbura to C. A. Murreli. Tbo Gaze County bank at Blue Sorice * ha > Dcen sold out to the Blue Spn pt binic. Macl.acblan .t Cook are closin ? out tbelr general store busmen at HarrUon to dls- tolve. Oorscy Bf&j. .t Oiifiou , a Jive loet ! com- mUston tirni ol South Omauo , nil been ( Slstolved Smith & ijicro. In the furniture builaet * at ( Julde ttock. b&vo Ceon succee-ded oy Bell M Marsh. DeWlll'3 Harr.apjnlia 11 retunU The l.jil | | artt t l.icurluo SuulU via the \VABA.ilI KAILHOAT ) Will leave Omaha 4 p. m. O.-t 23. For the above occasion the \Vabash wil ell tickets to points houth and socthuasl at half faro. The only line running solid trains with roc' ' olinir anil Pullman bullet sleeping- cars to St. Louia , con- nectiaj , ' In union depot with fill trains running east and south , for UcUeU and /urthur snformntfon call atVnbash ottico , l.T-0 Farnaai street , Omaha , or writ * G. X CLAYTON , North. < c lcrn I'a s.