„ . - , r - I THIS OMAHA DAILY BRE ; WjjpNKSDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1892. HOT ACTUATED BY MALICE Bears Explains Whv Ho Charged Jnd < ? o Ecott with Insanity. SUBSTANCE OF THE AFFIDAVITS FILED ftcvnrnl Hurt County Cltl ni Tr tlfy llmt a Vunnptrnry KiUlril t" I'rcunnl Illi lltiiiiir Holding n Mc - ftlun nl Court There. TEKAMAII , Nob. , Dot , IS. [ Special Tolc- ffram to Tin ! Ilr.E.I On account of the fact that the train from Omaha WM Into tins InornlriK the only buMno s trnnsactcU by the court with reference to the injunction In ttio Bcott CMC wns the order by tno court to have OfflUavits filed by 12:10 : p. in. , nftcr which Court adjourncil to 2 o'clock. At Hint tlmo the ca o came on regularly before Judges Irvine , Davis and ICoysor , 'J ho Hurt county lar was represented by Messrs. Slmcral and Ettabrook , and Messrs. Wotmor , Wharton nnd liartlott nppcarod for Judge Scott , The iflldnvlts Introduced on behalf ot Judge Scott woi-o from members of the Jury drawn for the orosent term ot court , nnd from lltl- p-ants who are Interested In the cases pond ing. Those were for the purpose of establish- Jn.t the fact that there was a collusion Huong the members of the Hurt county bai nil that It had boon decided to try no oases before JiidRO Scott. Several litigants de posed that they were anxious to have their CMOS procccdid with , but their attornovs bad filed stipulations for cuntlnunnce. On the olhor hntid the attorneys had mndo afll davits thnt there .was no conspiracy to pre front Judito Scott from holding a terra of court in Hurt county , nud that no member of the bnr desired to Interfere wltn the course f Justice. Nut Arttmtcil liy Miille . W. G. Seor.x , who made tha complaint be fore the Insanity commission , made nflldavlt that ho wns not actuated by malleo In his ( lotion , nnd that ho bad Rood nnd sunioient tonson to thlnlt thnt Scott wns Insane. Lrs. Tllden , Conltllnp und Mcrrlam of Omuhn tando nfliunvlt. to the effect that JucJijo bcott tvus mentally sound. It nppcarf , that during the time Blnco the adjournment of court , last WOCK Judge Scott wns oxnininod In Omuha As to his menlul condition. The only sensational feature of the tcstl- Wonv was "thnt part of the Sears nflldnvlt Vrhlch charccd thnt JutlKO Scott , when con ducting his campaign lust vcnr , tola a local kxttnrnoy If ho would use his Inllucnco to so- turo his ( Scott's ) election ho would lose Nothing by it. After the nnidnvlts had been submitted In evidence , the case wns nnrued at length by the attorneys. Messrs. Slmeral und Estn- broolc contended that the court hna no jurisdiction ; that It could not issue nn order such as that prayed for , for the reason thnt It could not punish n crime until It had been committed. Messrs. AVcuster , Wharton and Hartlolt contended that the court had Jurisdiction , 5nd that It wns clearly within thu province of the court to Issue such an order as that naked tor. At the conclusion of the nrgu- tneut the case was talien under advisement , and court adjourned until tomorrow morning ftt the usunl hour. i-r.miArs TKAMTS STOI.I : IIIK. BUtcfii-Voiir-Uld Minnie Clnrk of llurvaril . , Neb. , Oot. 18. Minnie ClarU , in years , daughter of C. P. Clnrk of thU place , mysteriously disappeared last li" rlday evening nnd no clew of the missing girl has as yet been founo. It appears that about flusk she stnrted out to gather up fuel along the railroad truck near where she lived. Not returning in proper time her father want In search of her nnd found articles Of her clothing along the track. The disap pearance was at llrst Kept ( jnlot , it l-oing ( bought that the girl had toenn aidoa to escape to lolatlvos In tno east , us there earned to l > a unpleasantness In the homo on account of disagreement between herself nnd her stepmother. Hut on thoroueh investi gation it wns found that none of her clothIng - Ing hnd been taken from homo. Her fnther believes that she has been made the victim of trumps , Telogiams have been ent in various directions in hopes of finding some trnco of the unforlunnto girl. llrr.ik In tiiitltciibitrc'M Ciinal. GoTiiEMmnto , Nob. , Oct , 18. [ Special to JTiis Bcu.j DurluK Saturday night tno embankment , of tbo canal , about a mlle west from the InKe , gave way nud a largo amount Of water ( lowed down the lake , damaging the pnlon 1'aclHc railway to some extent. Sec tion men were at work nil day Sunday and trains moved across the dam aged spot with caution. The water followed the track Into town , wboro It stood a few feet deep on ono street In a low spot , but did no damage snvo to iho Ink a and rail way. The lulto Itself Is full of ivator and spreading as It does over 100 acres of ground , It js so thoroughly ombanued thnt there IB no danger Cf It cutting away only through Its natural outlet. GoTiir..MHJii : , Nob. , Oct , IS. fSpccml to Tliinii.J : : Thn power house is completed and the wntor wheel Is In plnro and ready for operation. The plcklu nnd vinegar factory of H. J. Van Uiior Is completed nnd the ma chinery will bo ready for operation In u few weeks. Several of the buildings for tfco Holton copper nnd brass factory nro ready for tno roof. Tlicso nru nil brick buildings of the most substantial character. The two-story dqublo brick block built by Ktttridgo Bios , of I3ostou Is ready for ton. lluilly InjuriMl In u Jtmmtray. COLI'.IIIIHIK , NOD. , Oct , IS. [ Special U TUB BKK.J A very painful accident befell George MclClrath as ho was riding across the country several miles cast of this city , He was driving a fractions team , which becoming i- coming uncontrollable succeeded in breaking iB tbo ton euo and turning over the buggy , Mr. MclClrnth was hurled violently to tbt around , fracturing a hip bone and bruising im up In cuncral otherwise. Ho remained Where bo full until a passerby plukod hire tin and brought him to his home at tbl f place. It U believed ho will recover. UKruni.ii'vN CITY , Nob. , Oct , IS. iSnocIn il toTiiB Biu. : ] A team of J. S. UllTord rat Into n passunser triln hero yesterday morn ing ana crippled ono hnrso so it hud to bi killed. The other ouo wm only slightly In Jured , _ Alli'Ki'il lllclnv.iymnn < ' ti'd. FnEMDST , Neb. , Oct. IS. [ Special to Tin DEI ! . ) On complaint of Jajnes U , Burns , : brakeman on the Klkboru , about imQuigb last man'- , two persons were arrested by th police , for holding him up in the old fushlonoi ) way by ono ot them presenting a revolve nnd requesting him to fork over his monov Ho had just received his last month's pay but cuvn thorn ( I nnd caused them to be llovo that was all ho had. In polica cour today they jrovo their namoi as Charlu Phillips und Franic Smith. They ploatio not KUllty nnd the case was continued uuli the .tlib last. , during which tlmo thov wl remain lu the county JuiL 1'i-u mtjr r - t. NrimvsKi CITV , Neb. , Oct. IS. [ Specie Telegram to TUB BEB.J John Cisco , ca ployod at Duff , Bartllng & Co.'a clevutoi while at work of tbo top of tba building tbl uiorulng lost bis balauco and fell to th ground , a distance of I ) fly feet , lie wo unconscious when picked up and although u | bones wcro broken , internal Injuries at fatredvliloli may prove fatal. Tlmnr lira \Vrnui ; .Switch , CitKTr , Neb. , OcU IS. [ Special to Tu BKR.IVhlio tbo second section of fa : freight No. 77 on tuo U. & M. was enterin J tbo yards In this city U ran Into tin OIK switch , throwing the train on a sidetruc occupied uy loaded cars. The engineer on fireman Jumped. The engluo ana ton care | ro a total Ion. The damagrs urt > a bo : (20,000. No ono was hurt. romplutinl It * I. Inc. BnxiBiCF , Nob. , Oct. IS. ( special Tel f ram to TUB BIB J The Itapld Trans cornp&nT thin mornlns stele ri march on Ita opponent ! by cnmlnvtunder the Sixth street tr ok of the Beatrice trent railway and then building It * line down to the wott side ot the street Ella from which point It Intersects to go west to Fifth , thence south to Market , thence cast to Sixth and connect with Its Kouth Sixth street lino. A mooting of the woman's auxiliary board of the Columbia commission Is culled to assemble nt tno I'nddock hotel ot this city tomorrow afternoon. Inriu > i1 thn .Mnrliliif. NuvMi * Oitovn , Neb. , OcU 18. [ Special to TUB Btr..J : Yesterday II. Toxloy nnd S. Jsoison threshed nt Joe L. Uarry's , n farmer living wast of this place. Last night the machine was removed from tbo grain stacks nnd burned. Whom the perpetrators are re mains n mystery. I'UltiOMilt . \T///.S J ff/.l L. It Attract * l.nrgn Crowd * tu the Old llnllcr In I.undo i. LONDON , Oct. 18 The Old Bailey court was agnln crowded to tbo doors this morning lo hour tha testimony In tbo case of Dr. Thomas Neill , the American charged with murdering n unmoor of unfortunate young women with poison , The crowd \vn so great that U became necessary lo erect barriers nt some of the entrances to check the rush. John ( J. Kir by , n druggist's clerk , testified that smco October last ho had Kold Nolll mix vomlcii , poison , several times. In quantities of ono to four ounces , together with empty capsules. Tbo sales wcro made to Ncill on tils own prescription a * n doctor. Tbo trial of Dr. Thomas Neill , the nllcpod Dolsoner , attracted largo crowds to the Old Halley this nftornoon nnd the entrances were besiege ! ! bv even larger numbers than had gathered in the morning and there was much pushing nnd scrambling for scats. , Miss Wiley Slcapcr , daughter of the land lady of the promises ut lull Latnbolh nntaco road , whcrn Ncllt lodged , was called. She lestltlcil that Neill came first to tha bouso In September , IS'.ll. Ho gnvo lib name as Dr. Ncill , and naid ho came from Quebec , lie remained until Jnnunry r > or t ) . Ho snld ho was going back to Quebec when ho loll , lie citmo back aunin on April 7 , ana loft the fol lowing Saturday. Ho appeared never to have nny uuslnoss or occupation. Ho said something nboiit being agent for a drug mer chant. Ncill had shown her n case ot pills. Ncill once volunteered the statement , when the Inquest on Marsh and Shrlvell wns on , tnat U was a case of cold-blooded murder. Ncill hud told her about Ills being watched. Sbo had been n box In Nclll's room contain- Int.galatinu capsules. Cross-examined , Mls Sleaprr sold Neill told her that he habitually took opium. Dr. Ttiomnn btuvcuson , ono of the attaches lo the homo oftlco , was examined. Ho umdo nn analysis of the exhumed body of MaliUlu Clover. Uy chemical analysis , ho detected strychnine in ttiubuvvcNancl the chest cavity , und u frog wus killed by sttychnlno so ob tained , llu had found strychnine lu a cnse belonging to Ncill John Wilson McCnllough of Ottawa statrd that ntlho end of February nnd Iho begin ning of March of the present voar , ho wnn nt Hluuchurd'H hotel , Quebec. Whllo there ho made the acquaintance of Neill , whom ho Itnow us Dr. Cream. Ho saw n bottle in Nolll's room. Hoferrlng to the bottle Ncill nsked : "Do you Itnow what tbntlsl" Me- CullotiL'h replied in the negative and Ncill said : 'That , is poison. " McCnlloui-'h risked him whul he aid with it , and Ncill replied that ho cave it to women for n certain purpose. It contained whitish crystals of irregular size nnd a shmtug np poaranco. Keforrinir to Neill's statement ns to what , ho did with tbo poison , McUulloueh snid : "How do you do thtuf" Mcill answered : "I glva it to them in tbc.se" ( producing a pasteboard box contain ing eighteen or twenty capsules ) . Ho spaku unreal deal of women in London nnd men tioned Waterloo , Victoria and Westminster roads , as thoroughfares in which bo mot women. At this point court adjourned until to morrow. 111.1 x.i vfi'fi. irAii. Such Is the li' < 'lnrntliii of u Cmmillnil Cov- TORONTO , Out. , Oct. IS. The World , ono of thostrongostsupportersof the Dominion gov ernment , In an editorial on the annexation movement says : "Annexation cannot over be without strife. A great majority of Cana dians are built that way. They would sooner light than bo a part of the United Suites. Not that they hate the United States , but they much prefer to bo Canadians and be long to tbo llntish empire. The government of the United States goes Into the tail twisting mania oh fronuont occasions. and the conspiracy to dissever Ireland from England has Its head quarters in the United Stntos < These arc tiard. undeniable facts. He , therefore , who Is n Canadian and argues for annexation is arguing for civil war ; ho Is stirring up civil strife , nnd Just as sure as annexation Is ror- sistcd in strife will come. When strife , civil strife , breaks out It breaks o > ' unex pectedly and In unlocked for places , but It will come. Let these men then understand whitnorto they nro drifting. If they are wise tboy will cease their troubling or they will seek n place of rest under the ( lag they so much lovo. Tboy uro free to depart , to Join in tbo much talked of oxodui. Hut If they stop here and continue their treason and. their prompting of this spirit they must take the consequences. " Illmr in tin ! Co.il Combine. Nnw YOIIK , Oct. 18. Attorney General John P. Stockton of Now Jersey struck a hard blow at the Reading coal combine. Ho appeared in tbo chancellor's chambers in Now Jersey und asked that ri receiver bo ap- pointed to take chnreo of the Now Jersey Central rullrouo , the Eastim & Amber rail road und the Uelowaro & Bound Brook rail road to enforce the chancellor's injunction ngalnst all tbo rullroads In the coal en in In no In Now Jersey. Tno Information was tiled bylbo chancellor , who granted without hes itation tno prayers In both , und made the writs returnable on October 'J7. The promptness with which the prayers were granted is said to bo an indication that , n receiver will bo appointed. The attorney general has filed with his papers a mass ot ovldonctishowlnclbat the temporary and per - manent orders of the court forbidding In crease In the price of coal huvc been ignored and violated. o DoWltt'sSaraaparlliuciennsei the I2l v n l.lvim IMt at Sen , NKW Oiti.BAND , Lu. , Oct. IS. Tne Nor- \ve lan steamer Agnes , from Bluallolds , ro ports having rcocued tbo llrst oflicor and ono n seaman ot the Honduran stairaor Stranger , ifrom UolUo for Uluollelds. Shu capsized in 10 a btorm October 10 , nud of thirteen on aboard , Including seven women and three cnlidron , alt except the two rescued are sup posed lo bo lost. IKn 10d r y. , a- art rt IH id lil 111 VSVrt out all nlghl Till broad ( Jlut ut Jrini In the inorniny , ils bo When yon wake np In the morning with JQ a dry throat and oUcnslve breath , nolblns ro inorJs tuch prompt relief M a rcfrriblng il > ! llilua drink of Sen-no SALIXK UK mild ( iliac ipcrleat and diuretic. H 1 * * Iwttled only by luc KtdMor Sprlngi on Comjany at ck r ) Excelsior Springs Ser Pampktft , MllSSQUfl m lUcliardson Drug Co , , Agents , Omaha , Neb Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant mul refreshing to the t.istc. nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cfl'ectunlly , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the btomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its efibcta , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manycxccllentquiilitiescommend it to all nnd have made it the most popular remedy known. Svrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by r.ll leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for nny ono wno wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA , FIG SYRUP CO , , SAN Fit AN CISCO , OAL. . KV. NEW YOBK. T T Vou cnn rctluco your xrclslit from ten to tAventy pound * n. month , ntlionir , with out Etarvlng , nt reasonable cost by the use ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many ycnn practice , causes no HlrUncHsorlnJur.v I" the limit h , Is highly Indorsed. Send for proofs and testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARKE , 1 . O. l > rmvcr 13 : ! . Chlcneo , 111. AGKVTS WANTED. This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of f-'cicntifir Medicine. Nothing has ever bean produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION' . It has been used over 40 years , and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles -Ivctcrnal or Internal , Blinder or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or IJIccding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. For Burns , Scalds and Ulcemtiorr and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequalcd. For Boils , riot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistulas , Old Sores , Jtching Kruplions , Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Kipples. It is invaluable. Price , 50 Cents. Trial gizc , 25 Cents. Bold byPnUEKlitii , or i nt lwt-p M on rcc ll [ of prttf. s' HUM o. , 11 u. 113 niuian at. , M > tr unK. ARE YOUSUFFERINC FROM Female Weakness , Catarrh or Uhcumatssm , [ Chronic , Nervous or Private Disease' . , IP SO , OAtiti ON Dr. Searies & Searles Consultation Free. ArknowlPrtsort lo 'jo the most aiiecosfnl poclflllU In all rillVATK , I1LOOU , NEUVOUS , bM.S" AND UlUW- A1IV IIISEASKS. ( ionorrliuialn from S to (1 ( clnjrt. Syphllli euro I rllUout Mercury. All utaaoi tor life. bTHICTL'ltK iicrnmiientljr curoJ. ramoral co-n- , , lotu , without culling , c.nntla or dllatitlon. Ourj u netted nl liunm by p tlunt wltliout u momsnt'l atn or annuTnnoo. l-ILKS. FliTfl.A AND IlBCTAr , ULCEI13 curol rllhoutpaln or iletonllun from binlnois. 1IYDUOUKLK ANO VAKICOCKLIJ pormiiiontlr nil luccvaifullr cur.vl Mi'tbod no'.rnnJ unfailing. WEAK MEN ( VITAI.ITV WEAK ) . Startosobr too clo iipptl. callun to Uu lnos9 orntu < lf ; nororo ruontat * lrala or crlef : SKXIIAL BXUKdSKS In mlJUlu Ufa. or trom the prJucts of routhful folllai * WKAK MI'.N Alll ! VICTIMB TO NHIIVOUS I1K- mUTVar KXIIAUoTIO.V , WASTING WKAKNKSd INVDLUNTAHV l-OSdKS with KAItl.V IJKOAV In YUIJNU ami MllHM.b' AOKI ) ; luck of Tim , rigor , and itrODKth , with sexual organ * Impalroit lU wpaVenfnedprjmituroIr In ttpproiichln/old aza. All ylnlil readllr to our nuw iroatuient for los of vital power. Call un or uddroii wilh > tamy lur rlrcu nr > , f reo book unit rocelpti. Dr. Searles & Searles , ' Next to I'ostOIUco. YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Well , como nnd have them examined br-our optl' lean r'reoof rhariri * . nnd , If ncconarf. lilted wlih pair of our "I'KltrKCTIOJJ" Sl'KCTACI.KH or H\Y ( il.A sKS-HIP l > o t In the world. If you do nol ni'i-il itlairu * wu nlll lull yon no and advltu jroti nhui to do. COI.II M'ULTACI.KS or EVK lJI4Afa.SK KUOM U IJl' . bTKKl. SI'KOTACLKS OK EVr < ; iA rii : rilO.M * l I'l * . rinln , > rauki < , blun 01 nhltctla9 t > 9 , for protecting tlie ee , from We i pair up , Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , Jewelers and Opticians. Farnam and I5tli Streets. Omaha a NOTICB Ol'1 ASSIWSMBNI'OF DAM ACiES l-'Oll GRADING. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots am real uitittu aloiu alley In block 1 , Komitzo' fourth addition , from lOtli to llth streets : You are hereby notlllod that the under sinned , three dialntitrotted freeholders of th city of Omuha. have heeu duly appointed h > ; thu uiuyor. with tbo approval ot thoclty conn ell of snld city , to ussess theduinato to tli owners respeutlvely of the property nffectei hy KrudlnK ot > > alu alloy , declared ncccaiar hy onlluanco ii'u. 'J'J * ' . " , parsed October Jsi IbU. ; upiirovod October 4th. 16UU. Yon uro further not III oil that havJnz aa ccoted ald appointment , and duly nuullUoi u < rcqulrud hy law , HO will on the -Otb day o October , A. I ) . IB'JX at the hour ot 10X ) o'clocl ! In tbo forenoon , ut the ottlco of hlirlver i Ononuhoe. MJ3 Karnnm Btreet. within til corporate limits of bald city , meet for the pur pos < i of considering nnd maklnx the amess men ! of dumneo to the owners respectively o suld property alfucted by said gradlne. tak last Into constdoratlon special benetlts. If nuj You are notified to bo present at the tlm and placu aforesaid and make uny objection to or Btatcments concomliw said assossmen of damages as you inav consider proper. W. 0. SIIUTYKK. OEOltliB J. I'AUn. T. . McOt'J.LOUII , Oommllteoof Appraisers. Omaha , Nub. , October 8th. ISX' . Oltklia I'rnrlninntlnn nd notice to the Hrctf nmlegi \ \ \ voters of rlty of tmnhn of nn nnmiM cltv election ot thu city of Oinfihn , tdlriu held im IhnHtndny of Novonibcr. 193 , for tliopur- po * of elcetlnu OPO rbnfu-ltninn from ouch wnrd -i i To thu occtoM ! nnd losn. T ) Tptcra ot the city of Umnlmi I. ( Icor o I' . llomK niajror of the city of Omnnn , dn liinu tlili. my proclnmntlon , nnd by the authority vMlutriT-nte ns nch mnyor do horaby cl\o public uqllro to the elector * anil lcil : votcrt of the c'tr ot Omalm thnt nn tiiinu.tt olty elootlon of. aha -city of Omnha. will lioheld I n snld city unJCiic < duy. llmolalitli day of Novciiilier , IKi ) forUie purpose of olcct- Inn nno councilman from bach wnrd , The poll * shall bn nticn on the ( lay of snld nlrcllo.i at eight oMocWIn thn morning nnd Khnll conttnuo open uuill ; six o'clock In the ( iveiniiK of llin htima dny , nl the rcspuctlTo voting plucr * following , ( i-wlt : J.OOATION OK I'l-AOW OK UF.OISTItA. wino cornbr 7th nnd cornflr 9th atid I2th nn ' l a"1 nllo-v 1 > aclflo atroot Ufl- ' 1' W" ? ' % " < > lr'Ct ' S AV corner 10th nnd Hickory Ctrner cth nll'l Center \VcornerOlh und llnnoroft nth DIstrlct-N H corner 13th and Ylnton RKCOND WAIItl. N W L' ° rncr "tl > IU"1 llonc' street"1' " rlct N W corner I3th lllrt Acino : ird tl ) < itrlct-S W corner ISth nnd I.navon- worth strcnu. 4th Dlitriet-S W corner SJth and leaven- wcirth ntrcutn. wortlifitrouli"3 ' ' oor"or 23d nnd ' 'Oavon- ' lith nutr.ct'-nist sldo of South 20tli street , iiPDOHlto I'opplrlon nvo. Tth niilrlct--S B corner 10th nnd I'lorco Mh llijtrlot-9 K corner 14th and Willlntn llth DMrlct-N E corner Blxlconth and Con- trr alrcnts. 11th District N W corner 2Jlh and Doroiii streets. nth District S K oornorSOth nnd Bancroft streets. I'Jth Ulslrlot N K corner 13th and Vlnton strcotH. mil IllstrlctaV corner 13th nnd Valley streets llth District N ncorncrMthiiid Ilouluvard avenue. Tllllll ) WAItt ) . 1st IIstrlcl-S W corner 12th nnd Chicago streets. 2d District X W corner lltli und Davenport ad District South sldo of Capitol nvcnno near iwntofi iith : street , 4tb District Weil sldo of 12th street , be tween Dnuitlas nnd Dodio Htrccts. 5th District N i : corner luth and Capitol avenue. Bth District N' B corner Oth nnd Humor streels. 7lh nlstrlct-S E corner llth nnd Dou.Mas stieutt. bth District N E corner 13th nnd Jackson streets. Uth District S K corner 10th nnd Howard B tree Is. fOUIlTIIVAIII ) . 1st District NV corner Uth and Davenport streets. ' 2nd District N W corner SJnd and Davenport stronts. fi ; ird District N W corner ' . ' 5th und Dodeo streets. „ 4th District N E corner 17th und Dodge streets. " ' 5th District N" E confer 17th nud Harnoy streets. IM Oth llstrlct-N ) W corner 0th nnd liouglas slrcnts. . n , 7th District N W corner ,5Gth street and St. ilury's avenue. Sth District \Vcorner20th street and St. Mary s nvenuo. " " ' Ulh 'District East side ot , r-outh 1'Jth ' street , between Ilarnuy street and St. Mary'snvonue. 10th District NV corndr 18th and Lotven- wortli streets. ' ' c Uth District a W corncrWth street and St. Mary's avenue , i i rtrrii 1st District 'East slJetff'Sherman nvenuo opposite Manderson btrcot , liiirl District S B corue'r.'Sliorman ' avenue and Wlrt strum , * a i1 llnl District 8V eornor Shnrman uvenuo and LIIKC strott. . 4th DIstrlet N W corner Sherman avcnuo and Gracu street. Sth District ri W corner 17th nnd Charles streets. bth District East sldo of Sherman uvenuo about : iJ feet north of Nicholas street. ? th DIstrlet a K corner tcth aud Izard streets. Bth District N W corner ICtli and Uurt streets. Uth District N B corner Uth and Oass streots. 10th District East sldo North lth street be tween California and Unss streets. llth District S K corner ISth und Oass streets. BIXTII WAHD. 1st District S n corner 24tn street nnd Ames uvenur. 2nU District 3 W corner SOth street nnd Grand aruniio. : ird District K corner 45th and Grant streets. 4th District S W corner 21th and Mandcrson streots. Sth District SE corner 2th ( and Wlrt itreots. Oth District H W corner 33rd and I'arker streets. 7th District N W comer 24th aad Corby btrootfi. Sth District N E corner 27th and Hnrdctto streets. Oth District N E corner 23nd nnd Grant luth District N W corner 23th and Franklin streets. llth District S W corner 31th and Franklin stroots. 12th District S W corner S2ml and Clarlc streets , SEVENTH W.\nU. 1st DIstrlet S W coruor 28th and Mason streets. 2nd District N E > corner 20th avenue and I'ouulotou IIVPIIIIO. : ird District S VV corner 29th street nnd Woolworth avenue. 4th Dlbtrlut N W corner 29tU street and Arbor fitrcet. 5th District South sldo oflnton street near ( past ofronuth ll''d uvonuu. nth District S U corner 3Uth avonno and I 1'oppluton avenup. 7tn District N W corner 31th nnd I rnnols streots. EinilTII WAIID. 1st nistrlet East sldo ofOth Btreet'near ( south of I Charles street. 2nd District West Hide ot 23d street near ( south ot ) I'.iul strpot. 3rd District N W corner 20th and Nicholas streets. 4lh District N H corner 20th and Cumin : strep-U. 5th District West side of North 2.Hh street npar ( north of ) Cumins street. Oth District H K corner -"d and Hurt streots. 7th District S W corner VOth and Casi streets. NINTH WARD. 1st District S W corner Kd nnd Oinnluu 2d District N W corner 40th and Cumin ; ctrocts , t M District N K corner. , 40th nnd rurnun 11 4th I/lstrlet North sfofef f Davenport street neur ( west of ) North aSd'.rftonuo. Sth district S U cortitrr aist avcnuo ani ! Dodeo street. lith District S W corner 29th avenue ant JuuUson Ktrcot. In witness wliorcof I 11 inn hcrniinto sot my hiind us iniivor of said city of Omaha , thh lith day of October. IMKI , ( IKO. I1. ItEMIS , Mnyor , Attest ; JOHN OitovBS , Olty Ulerk. ollM'JIt Save Your 'Evesiffht P d Eyes tested free by an EXPERT OITIOIAN r10 I'ei feet adjustment. Superior lonsoL Nsrv < 10y oushoadacho cured by uslui our Suootaolei i- y and Eyoilassoj 1'rlcei low for U t el as , goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD GO. - 1HS. 15thSt..Ccolghtoa Dloak. 3tIc Dojr I'oundkueper'it Notice , Ic The followlnz dozs have been linixiundodi 10 1 brludlubulldoK. r- 1 Newfotindluud , sat 1 wlilto K < | iilmaux. at 1 L'luck poodle , - a Tfuterbpunlels. y. ' . ' 3 cnri. 10 1 cruyhound. us 1 Gordon butter. nt 2 11 lab betters. 2 black und tnn. 1 Scotch trrrlor. I not redeemed wltuln four (4) ( ) days sal Id dojs will ho drowned. JOHN Sl'OKIUdos pouudkcopor. Olb d2t I'AVJXO IJON'DS. Pro < * , ntnntluti nnd notice of siitimlMlon to the cltrtoM and loxnl votCM of the city ot Oinah.i or the iilcstlon | of iMtilnit the Ixmds of the city nf Omaha In the sum of ono bundtrd Ihotmnil dollnrs ( < H , ( KXi ) to p.iy for the rest of pivinjr. . repnvlni or tn.ic- ailiimlzln : the Inlertortion * of streets nnd HpncosopiMislto nllcys In Riild city , unit to pay the cost of mivlneln frontol rt-il ostnto not subject lo iiMnssmont of upcclnl tt oi for paving pnriioso * . TO the doctors nnd lognl voters of tlio olty ot Omnhnt Y _ 1 , lleorjn 1' . llemls , mnyor of the city of Omaha , do Issue tltlH. my proclamation , nnd I > V tlionutliorlty vested In luo ns such tunyor do hrrotiy elvo public not'co to thu electors nnd loftnl voters of thn city of Omaha that 11 ccncral election will bo hold In unhl city on Tuesday , thu eighth day of Nototnuor. l" > fli , for the purpo o of suhmlttlng to said electors nnd Itval Voters iho iucstlon ] nnd proposition , following , tn-nlt ! Sliiill bniuls of the cltv of Omfihn In tno sum otono hundred thoiisnnd dollars Kluo.OMi be Issued tor thu purimsn of n.iylns thn cost of unvlni ; , rop.tvlnR or innc.idumlziliK the luttr- occtlonsof ftttncis nnd ouacp * opposite ulloys In snld city , or paving the roil of p.ivln In frontof rcnl i-sinlc tint subject to n csamont of speclnl tnxcs for nnvlni ; purposes , sild bonds to run not more limn twenty t'JUJ years .Mid to bunr Interest pnyablo cml-iinniially nt it r to nol uNcccdlna live pnr cent per an num , tVlth coupons nttnchi-d. to bu fulled "I'nvliiR bonds'iind not to bu sold fur less than par , the proceeds of winch shull lu used for no other purpose than paying thu cost of pavinc , rcpnvlti ) ; or nmcndntnlr.liiK' the Intorsccllons of streets nnd spaces opposite alloys In suld cllr , or In front of real citato not subject to it aessmeitt of Rpoclal tuxes for pavlnit pur- Tin * said question uiid proposition shall ho Riihmlllcd lo H ild i-lci'tors i-ntlro In the Droiior form provldoil hy Inw forolllclnl ballots , ulth tbo words "Yes" " , So" printed thereon. All of said hnlliits having nn "X" murk follow- Inz the word "Vcs" shiill bo counted In fuvor of Issuing said bonds , nnd nllof snld tmlloti liavInK nn "N" murk tollowltiK the word "No" shall bo counted and considered ns aRnlnst thn Issuing of s.ild bonds. The polls shall bu open thn dny of said elec tion lit elilit o'clock In the niornlni ; and shall coiillnuuolieii until six o'clock In thu cvnnlui ; of the s.ime uny nt the rcspoctl\o votlnR plnccs , ns follows : LOCATION or pr.Arr.3 or IU.OISTUA. HIIST WAItt ) . 1st llstrlot-S E corner 7th and Marcy &ircots * i'ml llslrlot-N W corner 8lh and I.o.ivon- worth strnflts. ril Hlitrict-S E cornsr 12th and Jones " ' ! > ltHcl--SE corner 13th ind flrst nlloy south nf rlcrco street. rth tll trlct-Nnrthsldoof Pacific street bo- twpi-n nth und 7th streets. Cth llslrlot-int ; sldo of Oth street near ( soulh nfl 1'iiclllcstrecl. 7li'wnif ' r'Ct ' "s K tior''crif ' I'nrl' Wild avenue unit \\ll1lam street. th Dlslrlut-H W corner lOih and IIloknry Olh Dlslrlcl-S corner 6th nnd Center st rents. Kith District -N W corner Dili uml li.kiicroft -streets. llth nistrlft-N E corner Mill und Ylntou streels. SCCOMlrAKII. . 1st DMrlct-N corner Uth nnd .lonci Jnil lilslrlct-N W corner 13th and Paclfta streets. 3rd Dlstrlct-S W corner ISth and I.navcn- worth strenU. 4th District-S W corner 2Hh nnd I.unvon- worth streets. 1th D.sttlot-S E corner 2W nud I.oaven- worth strcnts. tUh DlitKct-Eist sldo of South 2nihstreet , apnoslti ) l'oplcton ) : ive , 7th District S E corner 10th and Plorco streets. fcth DIslrlct-S E corner 14th and William sti cets. nth District N E corner Sixteenth and Center - tor streets. inth DIstrlct-N W corner 3nh and Dorcas streets. llth Distrlut-H E cornor20th and Bancroft btrcnls. 12lli Distrlct-N K corner ir.th und Vlnton Mroots. 13th DlstrlPt-S W corner iln : ! nnd Valley streets llth District N Ecorncr20th ind Ilouluvard avenue. * THIRD \vAnn. 1st Dlstrict-S W corner 12th nnd Chicago streets. 2cl District \Vcorner lltb and Davenport streets. 3d District youth sldo of Capitol avenue noarfwpM of ) 13th slroet. 4th Dlstrfct West side of 12th street , be tween Dnuclns and Dodge streets. 5th District N E corner luth nnd Capitol uvonuo. Cth District N E corner Oth nnd Hnrnoy Btreetn. 7th IJIstrlct-S E corner llth and Doujlna stieots , bth District N E corner I.Hh and Jackson street * . Oth District-S E corner 10th and Howard strceUs. FOUIlTII WAItt ) . 1st District NV corner 17th and Davonpori stronts. 2nd District N W coiner2Jnd and Davenport streets. 3rd DIstrlct-N W corner 23th und Dodge stroots. 4th District N E corner 17th and Dodso streets. 5tn District N E corner 17th and Harney streets. Cth District N W corner 20th and Douglas stroots. 7th District NV corner 2Cth street and St. .Mary s n\onue. Sth District is W corner 20th street mid St. Mary's nvonuir. Oth Distrlut E.istBldoof Ponth 19th street , between llnrney street nud St. Mary'sitvonuo. 10th District N W corner ISth and lo.ivon- worth stroots. llth Dlstrlct-S W corner I7th street and St. Mary's : ivenue. 1st District East sl-Ie of Sherman uveuuo opposite Mandcrson utroot. L'ncl District S B corner Shcrmin nveiiuo and Wlrt street. 3rd District H W corner Shnrman nvenuo and I..mo street. ith District N W corner Sherman avcnuo and Grace street. f > th District h W corner 17th and Chnrlos streets. Ijth District East sldo of Sherman nvonuo about 'III feet north of Nicholas street. 7th District S I ! corner ( Dili aud Izard streets. Sth District N W corner 10th uud Hurt streets. Oth District N F corner 15th nnd Oasi streets. 10th District East side North 17th street be tween California and ( Juss streets. llth District S J : corner Ibth und Cass SIXTH WAIID. 1st District S I' corner24th strcot nnd Amos avunuo. -'ml District a AV corner CGth street and o'rand nvenuo. 3rd District N K corner 43th and Grant streets. 4lh District S Wcorner'JIth and Mnnderson streets. Mh DIstrli't HI > orner2lth nnd Wlrt streets. Dili DUtrloi B W corner 33rd und I'nrkur streets. 7th DIstrlct-N W corner 24th aid Oorby streets. fth District N H corner 27th and Iturdetta streets. nth District N U corner 3nd ! nnd Grant atreitts. luth District N Vf corner 28th and Franklin streets , llth DistrictW corner 24th und rr.tnl.Iln streets. 12th Dlstrlct-S W corner 'Jlnd aacl ClnrK : hiruets , SEVBNTII WAIID. 1st Dlstriet S W corner 23th and Mason streets. 2nd District N I , corner 20th nvonuo and I'oDuleton nvenue. : ird District S W corner 20th BtrPOt and Wcolnorth uvonuo. 4th District M W corner 29tlt street and Arbor slreot. Mb District ? outh sldo of Vlnton sired near ( east of ) south X'tl uvenno. Cth District S I'corner 3Jth avunilu and I'oppleton uvenuo. Tin District NV corner 31th and Frnncl : streets. rnnimi WAIID. Ikt District East sldo of'flth street noni ( south ofiClmrleshtrcut. ' 2nd District \\o t side of 23d street 110:1 : ( south -Jt ) 1'aul HreeU 3rd Distriot K W corner ' 'Oth and Nlcholv Htrosti. 4th District N H corner 20th &nd Cumin ; streets. Sth District West sldo of North 25th stroci near ( north of ) ( Uunliustreet. . Cth District H K cnrpir'- l und Hurt Htreots 7th District S W corner VOth and tas ! atroots. NINTH WARD. 1st District S W corner 3W and Cumin streets. 2d District N W corner 40th and Outnini streets , 3d District N E corner 40th and I'urnati streets. 4th District North slap of Davenport ttree nourieit ( of ) North 33d uvenuo. bill dl trlot b K corner 31st nrenuo am Dodge street. Oth District B W corner SOth avenue am Jackson strcot. In witness whereof I have hereunto set m : hand as innvor ot said city of Omuhn , tbl 17th day of October. l ' . * i (2KO. ( I' . IIEMIS. Mnyor. Attc t : JOHN aitovcH , olty Olerk. olOa2l To the owners of all lots or-parts of lota o Davenport between : /.th undMtb slrcots : Vou are hereby notlti'id that the under signed , three dislntere < ted freeholder ! of th city i'f Oinaliu. havi ) been duly upnolnted b the mayor , with the approval of the oil Overcoat Autocrats That's what we arc when you need one con sult with us We .have all the proper styles all the popular fabrics Meltons Kerseys Cheviots Cassimercs Wide Wales Stockinettes Serge and silk lined Boy orlong cut v\ j Colors tan brown oxford blue black - v | gray- Single and double breasted Lowest price -$3.75 with a gradual rise in price of 50 cents a coat till you get to $30' the high est which fit as well as custom made and wear as long These coats will please your fancy for they arc everyone metropolitan in style and the price will catch you Columbia' Clothing Co , , Cor. 13th and Farnam. Suscessors to M. Hellman & Co. \ RIPANS TABULES regulate tlie-stomach , liver and 5 I J)0" ' ° ' = , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe anu always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches on the Face , Blight's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausca , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Hush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their functions by thu stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle 4 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. I Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. & + * > sKtx s < i 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. n * eminent apeclallit In nerrom. chronic , prlv.ile. tltxvj , ktn n < l unnnrr nUcasai. A reralu ADI ] ftfflstered graduate In medclne , ns 4lplomn * nnd cvrdtlrnlf * nu < m. u itlll treating with tliogrrato.it flnrcust ntnrrhip rm torrlioc' : . lot manuuoJ , larnlnal WfakuiMi. nlitht loisei , linpuluucr. iypilll ! . mrlctnro. ton- jrrhoea. clet't. Tartcoculo.ctc No rutrcurr u ed. New treilmnnt ( orlonof rltitl povri-r. Tartlet unnblo to vlsll mo may bo Ircnle ! l humu bj corrfpomli'nci' . .Meitlilne or Intimmpnti lout br mail nresproM * > curolj pocked , no marki tolndlcntu contenU ortandpr. Ono iicrional Inturrtao prutatroil. Cooiatiailoa freo. Corruipuuitcnru trfcllr prlrnto. lluolc ( iljolerlu ot Life ) Mai tr . Offlou tear 9 . nu U9 f. at , a. m.to 1 } m. Sena tluiap far reel/ . "Horvo Sootls , " the nundcrful runn.ly > oM with ten eimrnntre to euro 111 niTvoiu rtlieanes nurli a ; Wank Mctnorr. Jastat llnln 1'ovrrr. U"'lnrtio. WakufulnvHi. lxi t Manhood. NlKhtlr Knife jlorn , NorvounncM , lassitude , all dnlni and Inaiuf power of tUotjuncratlro r Orleans In 'ithor rcaii < "il by over exertion , youthful rrrom. or xcrMlvr SAuteal tel > r.cco.npllira or stimulant * which MMHI leml in Innrmitr. Conmnitv Lvjtlon UIH. Iinnnltjr. rot up con i > nluii. to carry In vc t pocket , til ptrpacc- = c/aKehr tnatliG for w. lvllh oYctryllnnlcrwn oiititicnttfn iranUc y taturt AD vrrtu fsira. iirnluntlIke moiuy. Circular free. AJdrues A'crvn Sc.-d ( . , C'lilcucn , ill. For sale In Omaha by Sherman & MConnoll , 1515 Dodfjo straut. li D U O A.T IO N ALi. YOUNG Superior aJrouUisM for * ine tlr.j MJ S ; vun ladlcj , C..u co ( tudytljor. anil Kurupi-anriiltiirc , Urga ami I Aialful unninJi , new ImlMlne' . rcnun well Ttnlllnled , lislitcil ty tu > . Oiwnn hrplrnilirr Till , Cur catitlceur aililrrit HfT.T. IV. HAUHKTT. I'm. COLt'JHUA , MO , toiinoll of said city , to asses-s tlio ilainnL'o to tlm ( iwnors rctipoctlvcly of iho uroperty ntrectvd l > v K" lliriuf Diivi'iiport btnt from : ; tli to Ubtli streuls. iluuliiK-d iiei-est i ry ly ) I nnllii.iiicQ : iti7 , | ) .ib5Uil Uctobor 1st , l3.r. , ap- urovi-UOotoDerltli. IMl 1 } ou a ro f urtliur noli Hod , tliatliu vlnt : accepted said uiipoliitniont , uiid duly iiiullliud us r - iitilre < l ny law. wo will , on the : Mlli day of r Uftobc-r , A. I ) . . 1MI. , nt tlm hoiiruf So'nloak In ho nflurnodii , at tlio ollli-o of Oto. J. I'aill , r ll'.fl riirnaiii btrect. within the corporatiillniltb > > t suld ulty. irtcol for the imrjKHouf ooniluur- i liuaiid inaUIni : Ihn HHSi'stinunt of dninaRo to tha owner * rHpoctl ely of nald proiivrtr , l > v satil sradliiK. tuklnz i.T.u.uiMu'clnl lionolln , If uiiy. Vou uro MOtlllud to ho present nl lliu tlmo und pUce arorcxnld , and make nny objections to or Htntomenthi-onceinlii ; Muld s o iiiicnt of Uanmueim yon luayconntder propur. liKO. J. I'Alllj. \V. O. KltUIVKK , JAS. * Omntm , Oct. Sth , 1S02. o-IUd-lUt * TO THE OWNERS OP ALL LOTS u AND PA UTS OP LOTS AND HEAL t ESTATE ALONG 1GTII STKEET PROM VINTON STKEET TO SO UTH CITV LIMITS. You are herebynotlllcil thnt the 'injcr- -Ik'nwl. three dUinturestail frculiolclurs lu tlio city ol Omaha , li.ivo been duly niipolntud liy t thu mayor , nub the upprov.il of the city councilor HiilUcliy. u > UISUKI the dainaco to the OWIIBFH rvkpufttvuly of the property de clared hy ordluance nuces ury to bo npuroprl- utfd for the use of s ild city for thu mirpo u of opunlnxanU oxtendliu ICtti atrottl from Yin- ton Klruet to tu konth city HnilU. doolurod neccksury hy urdliuucu Via , pushed Oc- tolior ut. lays , approved Oelobortltii 1 ( > W , You nru further notlHrd , that huvln 110- ccutudtaij appointment , uudduly uuallUoJ ns ro'iu'.rod hy law. tve will , on thn 19th day of UctobiT. A. I ) . . ISM , nt thu hour of 0 o'uloctt In tlm fonmnon at the oHIeo of T. Jl. .MtOul- lo h , HiaN. Y. MfulliilldliiK. within thu ixir- Iiunttulliiiltnof mililfltv. nifct for thu pnr- IKISU of cons < lcrlii iui3 nrikln ? thu niisus'- incntof dnmitpo to the owners n-spuctlvuly of KII : | | pronurty , hy rmisou of unuli tuhln null appropriation thurroU tiikln ; Into coimluer- utiun Kiioclal bi'iiullts. It uny. The property I > o'.oii3intf to yon proponed to ho npproprliticd > < a nforoalu itnj wiileh has lcen ) d ulircd noccisiry hy the cuini'jli , ) ty ordinance to iipproprlalo to the use of the city Ijuliusltu Uo In o.ill city of ( Jniihi , In thu rounty of Don-ias. iuid iituto of .NuhruuUn , U ilescrlboJ its fallows , 10- wit : Opanlnx and at- tcndlnx ibth Htrout from Ylriton street to kouthvlty lliultM. Yon are notined to ho prutent at the tlmo and plnco afnrustl : I , and inuUo any objection- ! toorhtiUeinuntsconcurn lu alil iiropu-iod uii- proprlatlonnr ai > 4pi > Hineiit of duiuaiius u von may consider proper. proper.T T 11. MflJI'MOO | | , JOHN I' . KliM'K. _ , JAMKSrJTUi'KDAhK Oainha , Oot. 7lh , mi oUUi | MH-llcf fur l.tt Mall 1VI > UUT > U W > 1 > .ttt