Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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ClirK ,
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CC.t'KCIL , ni.UKFS.
t'elircre- ' t r carrier tfliuir part of th ? oltr
I. V. , Til TON. - MANAGER.
> II in'tien Office
, jhl , Editor.-
MIMHl .1//.A//OA.
Iv V. PlLtrblcpCc.
i ctrcli Muffs l-.tcbcrCo. .
The toiperanco dcpirtrasnt o ( tha Junior
ICSRUO will entertain at tfco Uromlwar
McthoJIH church tomorrow ovcnlnr.
Ii.iMi.OM mcetincof thel-idles Aid society
of the ConRrppatlonnl cbur.ta "III bo held
with Mlt MonltroiBorIbU afternoon at -
Mrs , V J Schnorr. who live * on Itarmonjr
trcct , received word lait evening of the
KUddon death of hr Muter. Mri. Wilson , of
South I'm ati a.
lluhup VV. M. Stanford of the Kv npellcal
B.soclMion of Hnrrtsbarrt 'a. . will proscb
In tbc Flrat I'rpubj-torlan cbunh : hl < even
ing HI T " d o'clock. Kvrryoao M Invited.
Murrlncc liccn e * were Usucd ystordav to
the following pitttrM I'.itrich C llonfr of
Oxuhi nnl K I'HO I. Mcllcrmott of Council
111 ifTs r'ranV Irvvtn mul Mary MaiiMo. bolh
tf Omabn ,
S. O hindi hail n writ of injunction InuoJ
from thn ditrlct court yrVerJ.iv to restrain
I'aul.l llmcti and oihort from cutllnc down
thn timber on a juice of land which he
rented to tltrtrti ome tlmo nu'j.
1'ollaKiutamlo No. 21. Improved
Order of Hcd M > n , will moot this evcnins In
rexular coutJdi In tnMr wigwam , i-or.ior of
liroadtvay ntxl Main streets , at the eighin
run. All vltlung chleN ara welcome.
The Free MctlindMn will hold their qtiir-
terly tuwtlntrut the L'nl in ( JhrMtmn ml slnn
next Saturday ami Sunday. HUhnn B. I' .
Hurl of Lo * Atitrelns. ( Jsl. , will conduct the
myall tua Ail me invited to attend.
1 ho llro iJrpm.Tictjt vras called to the
hoasr of K Uilansr , corner of Hill and
Kiipphct st-i'its. ve terilay raornln , ? at 0
o'clock to rut ° Qf a blaii- that hii started
frct.i a B.HOIIIJO cxpliwioa. Tba dam. ec was
Ai'ali chapter. No. .V. , Order Kutern Star ,
will Rive an entnrtniiimcnt in MisonK * hill ,
i cuth Omaha , ttiU eruninr. An Invlta'ipn
hm bcnn extended to Harmonv chapter. No.
I5 ! , Order Ba trrn Star to bo nruienu All
members wlshinc to po > .vill taUc the T p. in.
motor at the corner of Pearl uad Broad iv.iy.
Article * of Inrorcoratlon wera filed yestcr-
Jny by tbo La Porio l > and and Town com
pany The capital stoc * i ttxeii at $ I.KK ) , < K ) >
and the lncorporator < are Isaac II. Holmes
of Ii Portr. Tex. ; CcoryOV. . Chandler tnd
Ilalpti M Comfort of Syracuse. N. Y. ; O car
A. Houcbtor of Auburn , N Y , and Thomas
M. Leo of La Porte , Tex.
Lloyd Forcrave , n younz mm with a lone
police court record , wa * sentenced to a
period of thirty day * In the county Jail toma
time ace on n cbarcu of vaarancr. He ap
pealed tno CA < O to the district court , and se
cured Frank Gr.isn' slsnaturo to his appeal
bond. Yesterday mornlnfj Mr. Grass de
rided to Rive him up to the authorities , and
KorijravM skipped out to avoid betnc ar
rested. Ho was mtcndlnc to tase thn Bur-
llncton roaa for soina place eait , butun-
fortnnntrly for him ho took the same train
that Ofllccrs S. anlan , Ivomp and Ilarhyte
were to t-Tko for Rod Oak , where they were
to testify in a criminal cas . Forrrave * was
arror.ed and u now in the ciy jail getUnp
ready to servo out his sentence.
Illrjcte tnrn !
Stolen , from in front of my place of
Ijusinc * ? , 1X > Main street , Council DhiT : < ,
Satu'iiny ovenititr , October l. > . rftcr-
linp safety bicycle. N'o. 1024 : : { 0-inch
wheels , H-inch cushion tires , cork han
dles , double dlninond ( r.vme , chiin run-
nine on in = ido of frame. Howard of i'2o
for return of wheel. S. M. WilllumMin.
Wheelmen , cut this out and preserve it.
No bankrupt , fire-smoked , dnmaccd
furniture : it Meyer's , SOj-307 Broadway.
Clean goods , less thnn any Omuha priuerf.
A. L. Haeer of Greenfield is at the Grand.
S. P. MacConnell left last evenlnir for St.
Theodore \ \ * . Ivorr and wife , of Gtea wood ,
nro rccistered at thn Grind hotel.
Miss Mav Fore of Boone , I.v. is visiting
with her sister Mrs. John T. Tiad.
P. M. Crockett , nf the flrra of riardcn-
bricht . . Crockett , Coin , la. , Is in the city on
Mrs. S. H. Hill of Dnlutb , Minn. , accora-
panted by her daughter , Mr * . Fish , of the
Bnmc olace , is the suest Of ner soni p _ jj _
ilill , on ThirJ avenue.
Charles Johnson , a younit man on his way
from Hartford , Conn. , to the west , where ho
was golnc fnr bl < health , was comoolled to
stop at Hi Beraanl'i hosnltal Monday ck'ht ,
nnd died there shortly uftcr nrnvlnp. The
remains will t > i kepj at Lua Kiev's under
taking rooms until his relatives can bo beard
He U Spiling the IMano , .
"Munller must be dnincr the biisinesj , "
said Colonel Porterfiold o" the Motor
company yesterday. ' 'Hardly a day passe-
but ho sends citbor a piano or an orfjnr
jcro. s the bridge. " And ho is mijjhtj
right. Five fine Hardtnans nnd three
Standard pianos , nnd also four orfran-
were not only sent ov r , but actually
sold to Onmhii parties so far this month
xvith oed prospects of as many more ,
Good goods , low prices nnd f.i'r ' treat'
ment is what keeps the Mueller Piuno
nnd Orpan company on top. They
think of opening a branch in Soutn
Omaha before lonr.
Gallon Messrs. Diy k lies ? and asli
to bo shown the Klein tract of 400 acres
nrtff on sale in five and ten acre tracts ,
They \vill bhow it free to alL
Sunday .school Work.
EX B. Steven'on , assistant superintend n
of the > fortb western departmentof mission s
with heailquartcra at Ucdir Uamd < , la. , i
in the city makinp an effort to ntsa fund ) t <
carry on tbo worker orcanulni ; and mainlaic
Ine Sunday scdooii in Pottawaltamio count
under the direction of the county sup rin
tendent , it v. Joseph Weils. His report c
tbo work done in In the northwestern dh
trict durinp the put seven months contain
some interesting nrurcs. The district co :
tains eight states : lowj , Illinois , Wiscoc
Etn , Mlnne'olB , Nebrjskn , North and Soul
Dakota ana Montana. Thcro bavo been M '
Sunaay Kcbools esiaolUhcd in now sottli
menu , and " 10 tcachri and 1T.5TJ ? cbolai
have been 'nduced to bocorae raemburs c
tbcso srhcols ; H , < < 5 Dlblei hnvo boon dli
trlbuted and f.l.-- " worth of reilslous read ID
has been put into the bands of tbo pjoplo i
these districts.
Whoa in want of a peed liniment , buy Si
yatiou Oil , which costs only U5 cents.
Gentlemen , the llnouilne of Mil oed
In the city , juat ruceivoJ. Itoltor , th
tailor , 310 liroadway.
Beaten store closes every evening at
ix in. , unless Monday * mid Saturdays.
Judson , civil entrineor , Si
shannon Until.
Chief of Police Scintnn received a tel
eram yesterday from H. L. Hichardo
.heriff at Kankoltec , III. , InformlnR him thi
\ \ illlam hiDtiCD , the father of Willis
Shannon , Jr , who U supposed to be In th
city. x\as found uoicl In a bouse In that CM
yesterday morning and asking him to trv 1
find tbo ion and notify him of the adal
No roan of the name is known here ,
Stclcn sduchol Dwcham's Pills will t
Suits nnd overcoats 510.00 less than 1
rxny other tailor. Clothing , dye
cleaned , repaired. R J , 1'eterson. 13
b. Wh st.
UOpcoole in this city usa JJAI stovt
U ho uns Co. puts 'om in at cost.
Big line , nf hanging lamps , gtai
lamp * , ball lain pa at Lund Uro *
Tint D\yS Te'sifla of ths Grand Encimp-
ment of OJd P
llncuM nntl I'nhllo llullillnjl ( Mjr
With rii > c itnil lluntln ; In Honor of i
II. c Orr.i lnn VII I' . rt ol Ilia
State ll
The Rrjn I cncampnunt of O,1J Follow *
oocaeJ yoiWrJsy morning naJar tha most
favoraolc circumUancot. Although the
most Important part of tbo * oulon
doci not occur until tbla mornin ; therwa *
a lar a representation nf the memiari of tU ?
oraer from all pirn of tha utc , and the eooa
weather after tbo itora of tha nlbt bsforo
made every oct < fcol at pjaco wlta blmielf
and bit surrounding. Tbo cltlzjai ac'.oj oa
the sucjllon mido througn the columns of
the daily papyri a few dajs AJ anJ decora
tions were vlslulo 0:1 all InnJs. The llDOtt
in the city , beyond .11 comparUen. ' .v.-ii thitt
of the lie ton store. Tbu ' .Jraud hotel ,
uhtchwti taiile tha baaaq-itrter for ths
Snnd 1 d j , wa alio lltiely dtapc'l 'n tbo
MI mini colon and < > vqriroen. M iny ol the
dtri.-or.uloiis took the form of inn tnree link * ,
ibo mystic leta "F. f > . T.1 and other al-
IIMIO.-H to tha 2Cr.3U of the onlcr. Amonc
thij huiine bomei thitvnn decoratoJ
worn THE Hr.c oClco. John Ilcno A : Co ,
Motoilf F ro . , J. J M-ur.iib. th3 ( Jiobs ,
Nonp.rPlI , Council Blultt C-irpit compaay
and tta city butldlnsi. Th ° d.jorations of
tbo Utter xv--rs oipsihlly taitafal.
Tl t ! } ' rxliiii.
The grand encampmaat canvonoJ y
d.iy mornl-j ; with tbo toilowlnresularlv
ajipinlud o meets pretent. .1. S. Ba'.nmy of
lYii3\tllIe. actins iraad patriarch ; K.V. .
Uartnian uf Indiatiola , pranJ hih priQit ; S.
1 * . Snilb of laivn. FalM , crand senior War-
il-'n ; V.'uii.itn G.irrett of Burlington , grind
scribe : I. N. CliirXo of I wa City , grand
trcasunr ; A. Block of Atlantic , ? rand
Junior warden ; Jaae F Spira of Council
llluI ( < , sraud rairihsl ; C. Kathmtn of Stu-
nrt , pr.itul Inside ssntlnel ; J. Uoblaion of
C..ioivtilo. crniiJ outJlio sentini ; ! ; J. ( * .
Loncucxiile of UJbjqjf1 aad W. B. To.npo !
of Atlas'.ic , roirciontativc | .
After HiC uoiatnittcisi on crfden'lals , stata
of tto order , nap-ials aid Rnevance * , char
ters and by-la.74. finance , correspondence ,
mileaca ami p > r diem , returns and election
returns bad beoa aupalnted. toe report of
this trand ; pitriarcb , which wis very long
and exhaustive , was read. Tnree jncJtnp- :
ments wera repjrteJ as having b'iin orean- ! !
izsd iinco ihotl \ : session 'ho o at Fon-
tanollc. Boone ana Bayard. I ) pen atlons
for the encampments at IJocu Valley , Lake i
City. Dina , Cherokee , Vlllisca and Farn- : i
hnmvillo bud been Nsned. The report of tha
Cinnd scritKJ snowed that there are 135 en-
cimpinenl * , KtO patnarcns bavo bjcn ini
tiated and tnc tout mambershlo is 4,9i5 ;
{ 2,476 ha been pild out of tha relief fund ;
the annual receipts were (12,551 , and the expenses
pense-s $ J'.T91.
At the afternoon session the nomination of
ofticers of the encampment for the coining
year were mace as follows : Grand
natrlarcb , S. B. Smith of Iowa Falls ; prahJ
Inch priest , A. Blocs cf Atlantic and T. K.
Krcanoach of Atiamo a ; grand senior
warden , John T. Geneva ? of Des Moines :
prand scribe , William Garretlof Burlington -
ton ; grand treasurer , J. Norwood Clark of
Iowa" City ; trrand junior warden. J. F.
SoJro of Council Bluffs ; crand representa
tive , J. C. Kur.z of Burlington. The ottlcers
named above were installou and will occupy
the traditions until tbcso coatnatiocs are
A committee was appointed to take charjro
of the arrangements for a crand reunion of
the order on the fourth Monday in Ssptem-
Dcr , l ' .tt , in connection with the World's
fair at Chicago.
Last evening the unwritten degree work
was exeraplirted by the Daughters of Us-
trekab in the oresencd of an audience of Odd
Fellows and their ladles tba > . Qlied Masonic
hall to overflow in ? .
This morninc the grand lodge will ciect at
0 o'clock at the Masonic ball ana commence
its annual session. This Joa e consists of
the ofllcew and 100 representatives from the
several districts of tne state.
M'hcre to Kecntcr.
The books for th9 registratiarj of voters
\vill D90p n'Osu > b2r 2" , SS and 23. from 5 a.
rn. toO D. m. , and on November . " from 0 n.
in. to S p. in. Tno oooVs will bo in the hands
of the w istrarj at Iho following places in
tbo various precincts :
First Ward-First precinct : Wheolar &
Herald's oftlce , 134 Eis't Broadway. Hecor.d
orcclnct : Kesidence of Mrs. Orlffetb , 3U9
East 1'lorce.
Second Ward First precinct : E. T.
Waterman's cirrlazo shop. 43 North Main.
Second precinct : W. H. Knnpher'i grocery ,
744 Bioadwav.
Third Ward First precinct : Crestoa
house , 217 Main streou Second precinct :
Ueorse Blaxsim's shoo store. s07 Mala
Fourth Ward t'irst precinct : Terwilll-
ger's oftice. 2iO South Main. Sacoud pre
cinct : Ivoliev houso. 1212 South Main.
Fifth Ward First precinct : vVardlan's
procery , 1WIo t Broadwnv. SiconJ pre
cinct : Diover's hotel. 1710 Tenth avonue.
Sixth \Vurd-Fint prjcinct : Kssldenw
pf Wise Payne. 2110 West Bro Uvav. Serene -
ono precinct : I'olico station. Cut-OS island.
The regUtration boois are to bo entirely
new , and voters who raly uooa their nivln ;
, resistered r.nco before will he left. Every
once who expects to caslhU vote next month i
must see that his nama i < properly entered i
' on tbo books on one of the above mentioned 1
days. _
Fire Corner of Hroiilwuy anil llcnton >
Our late loss Dy flro wis covore 1 by
two nolicie * . both in the COUNCIL 1
By 7 o'clock tha next morning after '
the lire the secretary was on the a h
heap , pencil in hand , ready to fiiruro the ,
loss down to bedrock , which he did , tou ,
its saying ' h at' it wnj his duty and no J
, snialfpart of his business " So long as 3
is.o ho did not go below bedrock wo had no )
.on - reason to complain , consequently the 3
nty feeUlemont was not only prompt , but in
tya every way satisfactory , so much s o thai \ :
aof In addition to 9,200.CO ( seven policies ;
i- carried by this company before the lire a
we now add to it * 10,000.00.
3- Bein ? intimately acquainted with the 3
ath secretary and directors wo cannot tx
11 porsuuded Unit better indemnity can b <
obtained than that ottered by our home
( omptny , besides we believe in patron
of izlnjj worthy homo enterprises , every'
sIS thing t to hit ; equal , and unless wo do wi
IS shall continuo to bo dependent on ( or
in cign capital and corporations.
G. u. WHKEI.KH ,
JAS. A. llintm.o.
The penuino Burr Oak stoves are soli
only by Ctns. Swalno , 737 Broadway
10 Call and oo thorn.
OIT lur the Fair.
ToJsy will see a large number of BlaCflte
start on a pUgrlmige to Chicago to see wbi >
they can of the dedication of the World'a fal
The advance guard left last night , consUlm
of Mayor Lawrence and wtfa , Mr. and Mr *
le- C. T. Officer and W. 1C. Ljrncaard an
famil.T. Amoaj thois vrbo bar.
their Intention of cni'is toilzht ara ( be I > \
i lowlne. Jllis Kiltie lluil.ird. Mrs. < j"ir 3
T. Phelps. Mr and MM W O.irt , Mr. '
Ovlda Vmn , Mrs , Jam * * Siriit F.r. o/
Ilurkonnd wife. Peter Smith. MM. Charlet
Ilactenc , Mr. aid Mr . II. H. Jennings. Air
sod Mrs. J. U. Paw , F. Uelic. Mr. and Mr .
N. A. ' 4lbbltt.s. Mr. and Mtv C. Straub. Mr.
and Mrj. ( Jsoree Griycs. Mr. aaa Mrs. B. t. I
Mayne. Mr. nnd Mr * . H. H. Van BroM , '
Mrs. H. Mo ler. Mr. and Mrs. Jimo * Whit
ncy , .I. M. Campbell.
If you don't to buy hard ml you
had " belter ? o Hi.xby bent thow oil
humors. They are adapted for u a in
hot * ir ( urnnce.t , steam and hot 'nt r
boilers , \vith no or ashes to handle.
Carpets ha\e risen In price oc to lOc a
yard , but tha Council BlufTs Cnrjiet
company will continuo to sell at the
sumo old bedrock figure : ? .
CO I. f. 'Mil IAN Ar XIVK
T.tkn tlir Mrittrr In llrtiul mill
Appoint .t Ciiinniltlrr.
Thcro was a mectlti ? of citizens ia t even-
Ins ? at the city building for the purpose of
maldnc preparations for the Columbian cele
bration oo tridav. It had not btcu very
tborouchly advertneO. hut there were quite
n number "present anil the plan was cntorcd
Into with a dctcrtnlnntton that boded > \oll
for it * succpis. XV , J. Davenport , wl.o acted
as president , iv.n appointed m.iribil of tbo
diiy. and D. H. Uailoy und L. B. Cou lnj
fitit and sccooa aides , wltb power to select
Mr. Davenport stated that he win v < rv
noxious lo bav _ the railroad * stop cverv
wheel lor tnrco or four hours Friday af'rr
noon In order that the railway ernpicv.- * .
about l.tuu In number , ml.b ; taKO trnri In tbo
parade. He bad already con ultuil uitii
tie ofllciils of two roadi b i do *
tha one bo represented and they tb 'us i
very favorably of iho Moa.
A comm.ttec con l tlnc of XV. J. Daven
port , ljrur tl. XV. Siwyor , J. M. ( Salvin. A.
.S. Haelton. J. K. Coopsr , J. C. L-lnpn nnd
I. Undetnt'jln vv : appointed lo have charge
ol tlie oocral nrr.irizemcntH. and to select as
in my otbern as they raUhl so Gt to act : n
thr coTimittcc. A ri.Molutoa ( was parsed re-
rjno'tlns tbo baslnp s rccn to cloio their
store * duriri& the parade , ni-d to drrorate
tbeir pbic-s of business at far a. possible.
Itnmodiatclv aflcrthe adjournii.ent a raect-
Inp nf the cumrcittoo on urnneemcnts was
held , an the foilotvinc additions ticromadc
FraiiK CuanPlla. S. si K-ler ! , .loha Schoen'-
eor , .1. M. Scan'.an. A. C. Orabam , John Nc
fon. K. F.X'iif. . H. 1 > . Barrett. It N
XVhitlio. .ey , XX * . t . Toickitun.
The committee of arraa cmcr > t . anpolcfci
at the citizens meeting last eves-tup , uui
meet at _ o'clock thi * afternoon n' . th'i coun
cil chamber of ' .be city bulldins fcr the pur
pete o' completitiz nrranctimctits.
Day it Hc 3 rcpjft th it they arc hav
ing n peed demand for the ten-aero lota
in the Klein tract.
The Il-ulhuit novelty base burners
are the bn t heUo'a in the city. Sea
them at Svvaino's.
Vtantril tu llnjr.
Improved propertv. Will niy cish if
pricatslow. II. G. M3Gco.IO.Maln atreat.
l.ei t lilt Clnthoi.
R. H. Johnson , Jr. , a colored man who
lives at 107 North Thirteenth street , Omaha ,
ciitcd at the police station yestrrJay , rather
short on clothc- , but correspondingly lone oa
grief. He had bean rooming , he said , with
another darkey by the narao'of Sam XX'cst ,
but durintr the" last twelve hours of their ac-
quuintanc ! XVesl bed developed a very bad
bahit of early rUio ? . XVhen ho got up ho
round his room mate gone , and with him the
largest shara of his wardrobe. The uoi'.ce
I succeeded in locatmc XX'cst and he wa * Jahcd
as a fugitive from Justice. He will not gn to
Omaha for trial without a requisition.
i s
Genuine Round O ik , Radiant Home.
I P. P. Stewart stoves und ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole v"c Cole , 41 Main.
The Boston Store closes every evening -
ing at G p. m. except Mondays and
Saturday ? .
I Don't forget that Swaine sells the
lilmhurst stoves.
Did Up the liank.
A check for $270 was presented at the First
National bank of thu city ycsterJav. which
turned out to bo a forgery. It Dora tha sig
nature of Lewi * Barns , and was maao pay-
cbe ! 'o XVllliam XX'oods. U was also stamped
"certiSccl" with tte forged signature of A
XX' . Uiekraan , cashier of tno First .National ,
and the aate Oc'ober 12. 11 a. in. It was
presented bv some unknown party at tne
People's State banu of Gotbenburc , Netj. ,
and was evidently paid without a a.uraiur.
It was returned to the Gothenburg banu
yesterday. _
Save your har-l ; use wood , and
call en II. A. Cox , 10 South Main street.
Best Missouri wood io.00 per cord , do-
, livered.
j Have you seen those beautiful hand-
painted jardinieres at Lund Bros ?
j Sco those oil heaters at Swaine'737
Broadway , _
Davis for drug's and paints.
.I.S.M/t AC JII.VT > .
This evening George XX' . Monroe , the well
known comedian , and bis company will dose
their tbree ' ' .
nights' engagement at Boyd'.s
theater "Aunt ' . "
, presenting Bridget's Baby.
Every person purchasing a ticket will"be
civen a card boiring the name of bis choice
' tor president and governor , which will be
I takec. at the door and tbo result announced
between the second and third acts.
' IJore Davidson and beautiful Himio Aus
ten will appear in "Dinirersof aGroatCity , "
at Boyd'i new theawr. for lour nights , be-
' einninj : Thursday , Oc'.ober 20. This atcrac-
' lion has won great favor in New York and
all the large eastern cr.lcs , and has oecn
liberally applauded by tno metropolitan
press. The sale of seats for the entire en-
gacement will oegln this morning.
' The enjacement of Clara Morris at Boyd's
next Monday and Tuesday should be doably
attractive. She is an attraction of note in
anything aha do s. On tbo occasion of ibis
vUit she will be seen in ber matchless portrayal -
trayal -Carallle" on .Monday r.ight. Tnes-
day will bo trlven for the first litae her own
adaptation of Kicnard Dak's powerful and
interesting drama , entitled "Claire. " Miss
Morns has entirely recovered her health
and as usual U surrounded with a most com-
patent company. Tbo prices of admission
nro not raised , the boit ieau belr. ? tl , a
move the raanagemcnt deserve credit for.
- i The program given tbu week at Wonder-
land has never b ea duplicated at tbe same
price anywhere. On cuno parlor stage Pe
ter bamson , the Uussijn Hercules , ciyes
wonderful cxbihilions of bu marvelous
strength by bendicc heavy bars of iron ,
saapDinj chair.o , lifting wetgbu. etc. On
tbrt bijou tneater iVago the pros-ran U three
hours ! n length , comtnencini ; with oce Uoui
of specialties introducing the ever favoriu
i SKter. Carlton , tbe wonderful child artists ,
Herwertn zna Klplcr , chsracter cbane <
artlsis. Levitt and Miller , Neval.'o
the world' * peerless Jujglcru , anc
tbe Featoa brotners eccentric Irlst
t cnmeoians. After the olio thi
r t Thornton Dramatic company engage you ;
„ i attention with a beautiful presentation o
* j "The tllack FU ? , " a realistic nve act com
' edj drama wblcb Is superbly staged and cos
id : turned , introducing tbe full strength of tbi
I company.
ty to Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
. Bakin
d.U Powder
7 OF
Relieved nc cf a severe I ! oc ' trouT I .
It has also i AUK J n.y liu.r tu J.TOW oul
n , as it had ' .tn faliirg cat l > y tic !
handful. After lr > ' 'ig. Wan > physicians
in vain , I am so bappij find a cure in
S..S..S. O. II. LLBUU , Galvcston , Tex.
S S * U 1U.O CM , , aitt the \ v
G2 t-T It IJ entirely * '
TrcttKo , m ri" > k nil Sl.ln milled frc .
> . ll it Co. , Atlanta , O- .
lIK.NT.iui , D f ) i iln.t IL . . .
r UI * . ujiU-.i ) n rroat IVaurnoj cuul
iitrjBoior W3i t. NVatiiaioffii M jiil ujorji.
1100.90 la-ti jln .If ii-i. i i lii > ( .1.11 if miu.-f
fltC4f ilitt.i. t'tj uiiurj oil Asa , llirr.Mji i. 1 )11
ill hcii.i : ! * Wai iitt t lifouniff IJIIIDI. . l r utfjti.noi o til brut
tclt-mti4euf r 1 1 id.x Mfia , A rciiin'i triksniii
II. t tar IV t.f a , \Vjin-jitji nt on ii tui.'i
> . cnor1t lor iiie' wlt4 li will oil wfltttt
laarntueio rj'm I if ns' ciril Ujir'nui in in
onir br lr)9f > i re. > ' 1 > i < Uoiiiuu * i9iv
l turner l.aftiJrarisnn ti I'tnitiA '
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cares Chif. g , Chapped Hands , WcuncU , Bums ,
Etc. A Delienrful Stumpco.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Von Sec Yonr Strut rricnils ( Jrowins ;
Tliimicr Ihcry D.iy.
Tbcv Arc Usitis Dr. .EilNon" ? Obe > il >
Pills nnd
It hsi t ; n S nnSJ3t/i' ; ! ' . "red thit Ih" nsrof his
non-clecltlpband . f his ob mr pills , ur both , far
trtilch the n.-ent. " o'tbucuuntrr crslhe well-known
flrm of Ix > rlnz A. Cctft K V , ' t Jindtrcit. . New
\ or * CUT. tj thf one .itp TifxT o etttre war of re-
duclnicorpulrncr Th < > O ! > Mtr ! I'lllsaremulefrotn
th" waten of tte German lnp rUIprlos . roT rn-
ment Ownership
The band * or Miltcii it * paratelr. andmitea
riil , ; an 1 hoilinr core 0" . If ue < l losettcr. th r
helpeich other In action a.m oauia better retail *
Cured His Rheumatism and
ArniTonirv H-rrrt. Cliicajo. April w l-ft *
Oontleraen I'lei-c ena ' : ne i--Jnc.t r. .ltjr h n
tollrj.\V L farr ' 2jt thcsni.ttreet I'blla-
> i 'Ipbij C u n U'e yoor obi tr tian.l 38,1 ptlu
Terr ranch They bi'c redonKl cty weizht elsburn
pounil-io the ia i B e week * The otM
Ls7c OrlTcn awar ail rbeamitic troabie
lion to Get III ? I.viper .
Me-surrrjient for toe toiurl i tb * * largest part of-
tbealTnen Toe nomtw- * , : t on the oanrl In
dtmie where measafrnpnihouli be talen
Tbe rn , ! c9 l II 4 < * ca f. r SOT len.'ti oa to V.
inche * . bat for one larger th n V mc ie add lucents
cxtrA for esch additional tnch Tuai ,1 V" Inch oit-i
U 'M. an.l the pit i mar ( , - bjafht for II i ) a bottle
Youcanboi tbe pli ! an 1 uaarS4 direct froci oar
storei , or bj1 mail cr exprc.'s
rnntalr.i all th > ralnib e Salin * ronjtltoem of
UU'K KKTIT I cSerreJCCnt , taitej Teetand
pleaaznt like toda
A dalUhtf at sabstltut * for S > < 3a. t.crsonail * . Hoot
Be r or anr other vamm r b rerjs *
Ir Ediwa > Krnlt - lt. li the twit ana lmpleit
reaieJf for rtfulatlne the alon of the llrer that
h jet t > * en dUcorere.1 It I' verr raloable after
anr eicex In eatlo ; or JrloXin ; In warm weather
It loweu the t mfxratnre oftbabodj anil kc p one
In a comfortable , beiltar comlltloa m the
Whole ! e draznm of Ne r Tor4 Cltj who carry
our ; oed In tloei
Charles N Crittenton Co. .
MclvCison Itobbln * .
W. H.Sclileflelln A : Ca ,
and other leadln * houiej
Or. Edison' * Electrlc'll ' ltsand FInperRInts
are so.d at our stores tuna for special Elec
tric llelt Clrcuiir ialc l
LORING " & CO. ,
P West 2-2nd St , , * cw York City.
F Hamilton Place , Boston , Mass.
P East Washington St . Chicago. 111.
Atlk n'tof Ore n ; anJ Cle-olotilona Inthj
bl.bcit jtyleof tha arL 1'adeJ an. tcvl
fabric * male to loo- a.'oj aj n
\ > or promptly done ami ' 'clirerei la
parts oi ibe couotrr f c _ for urice lU-
C. A. UAC'.JAS. - -
SUro.dwir , NearXo.-heit3ra
Cocxi. U-tvri. lo TI.
f * c * * ?
Funsial Oireslor , ErnhLn :
114 Main Street ,
Coulcil Btuffi.
MM ; f-1 lt Sr i
S WlfcfS : ? ! I ? ; - 'ft l tS : . Xgr 4 *
I fe rf iilEliiIr tem SL"l/i. r- .
. _ . . _ s 5 ? --r _ ? i5it-T = - < - r . - . ' , _ Trtrl _ _ .xL.
i * - - - - * ' * ' " * c-y * rT ; y * - * * < j * * - y- av * * - sOur - ?
Our increased trade and territory lias overtaxed ou
present quarters , but -we liave now under construction the
Largest Implement Warehouse in the state which we will
occupy December 1st , and where we will be pleased to show
the trade a full line of the best makes and grades of imple
ments and vehicles.
'j '
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
1000 Main St. - Telephone 100
The want alvert'ss-nenH applirln ; IT a
cewipiper arc often the mo-it interesting
part of its coitenli. They express the ur.'ent
nccils. the dally wUhe ; at the people who
uant < o i * thln and who arc willin : to do
comethln ? .
EMPLOY 2.E > ; T.
/ " ' HII. wanted at 113 Glep avenue.
AVANTED A competent = lrl nt Mrs. S.
' FArnswortb's , COl : outli KIrhtli street.
Apply at once.
\\7ANTED-Go < yl reliable m-xchlne hand
' and wood worker. C. Uosen's
\v ASTED-Youns Imly for cashier ami
bookkeeper Call at 6'T Miln atreut.
GnEKNr-HIEI.1) ? . NICHOLSON k CO. .ire
alw-iy * r dr antl ever Tlillo ; to how
property ; rU > .iiways on bind. < ia and see
FA KM and cltr loirn. .Money loin ? I on
stoclc rind zriln. Ueil e-.tito for sile.
uwctltnian'l bu > ine < renta't. Money lo.inol
forloc l Investorj. lxuiee A. Tot'.e , Ji I'earl
IpoU ? , v.E ( De-slr-tblo re lilnnia property
JL on I'.irlc avc. llojsrn Imnruvemenu. M
room * , one btoct from motor : a bargain f
ttkei * at once ; ca5y piymen : or tnde t' II.
IF van wint to rent a boaso see Urccusbletds.
Nlcho ! on A Co.
GP.EEN IUEr.D5. MfHOSoON A. C > . h ra
the lar e t list of property of any Qrra In
the city
FOK ; VLE Choicest firm In 1'ott-vtratt.i-
m'eCo.UI n"rei w l locitej an ! Ira-
proveJ. . I'rl tl ) an acre. R M
LKYOU hva inythlc ; for < ile or trvlo SJ
E. II. sba > fa. Hrnid' . ? ly an I M in strife.
FOU sAI.E On < rr.ll yment . fruit an !
cardcn Ian I neir Council lll'.itli E. U.
Ebeafe. Broictwjy an I slain stree : .
TP YOL want to bo ir ornethln : no reiarJ-
J.lns realetrate ses Ureernhelds , Nlcholioa
V\TANTED NV raka Ian1 Iner-hinje ( or
> T good orV honei. E. H. gheita.
many bimlni In l-nprove-l and vic-int
property they won 1.1 be ole\tej to
show you.
V\T \\OODA OO. hare * o-neot the finest
f fprm In < iuthwe tern Iowa for alc-
Call and * e as ISt Mnln street
[ F 7ou li i'e a house to rue :
L Mcholrn A. Co.
A HAROMN. U-acre fruit and sirjen tract
i -S-i 'uiltrj from postolHce.t j acre in zrap * .
'i acre In burberries. 3) npp'e tree-i Tl
plum treos. Uficberrr trec-i. dwttillnr. stable ,
etI'rKeliOO > . No trade. E. II. ? heife.
F YOL' want to uy a lo : o Grejmh'.eMi ,
M-bo ilion A Co.
"PER MONTH rinu a rood 5-rrv > m
jon AveC ne r 28th st. R ll.r-heafe.
PFyou want lobuy a Douse se Ureenibleld .
L Ni 'bolton & Co.
G HEENslllEhOS. MfllOLsOX ft CO. al-
way * bare soapi on band tor coniervillre
DONT buy prorwrty till you have seen
OftenOileldi. Xlcbolion k CoG .
G s. NICHOLSON ACO. . re l
estate and rental ajeat-i. 6:1
LlsTyourpr. > o rtr w th nun vhn rut'e to
eUlt. g ; a Greantbleld * . MeauUoq A : C.x
leadio : c-stata detleri of C'oun.-ll
HluT ! . fethem when you w nt
DON'T forre that fJren h'eid i Nleho'-
ou r # ri.-r-i m tlie rattidle of tbe rlnr :
l&rzcstliitolproperty of any dealer Id tbo
-16) ACKEs of clear l ud In eattfrn Ne-
-1 tiravica to excbane for a ; ooj rirtlJence In
Council llluffi. Want l ome > and lots for Ne-
Lratica Und. John > too A Van 1'atten.
IFroQwauttortuy Uni > ee Gr atbletd * .
> khol ooi jt Co.
BX > U ltENC-7 room * oa Kim Are , lii. E.
U. Sbejfe.
The autumn is the time to piint , and one coat brightens and preserves houses
and bijildinjrs and adds mai-h to the va.uc an 1 beauty of your property.
Would You Like to Boy Paint at Wholesale
\Ve want to sell you prunts and everything Ufed in pai : tin < j at svholeaalo and
less. The ljt boiled oil you bou htyou probably paid 70c a g illon fo it. We will
sell you one gallon or 100,000 gillon-3 ; of any brands at 40. ; . Now we have caught
your attention , read the rest of this ana compare these straight cash prices.
St. Louis lead. Tc per Ib. Berry Bros. , hard oil , 5 al can ,
Omaha lead , OJe per In , il.CO per gal.
Joplin lead , Oic per Ib. ISerry Bros , hard oil. I g.J. c.-vn , SI.75.
Cheap lend -Ic per ! ,
Other hard oils , f-otn il.OO to 31.50
Lin e < d oil , boiled , 40o per gil.
Linseed oi' ' . raw , 4' e per gal. per gal.
Paint oil. per g.i ! . Mineral paints. dr > . from Ijcto 3c.
Barrel p no , 2c pei f.ti lea ? . Mineral paints , ground In oil , 4o toCc.
We guarantee to be as good as any m ted paint. We wi ! seti you at 31.2-3
> or gailon. Has never been sold for iC s than il. 50 p r gallon
As good a paint aa other deile-s sell yo-i for Sl.SO. We wul sell you at Sl.OO
icr gal.on.
Our Barn and Roof Paint
We will soil you at " > ? per gallon ,
On all other goods our prices are equallv low.
1 and 3 , 4th St. Mason icTemple.
GGX > acres o' cbolco pno [ lamU fur sale.
nOir I'nr i4 , Mt < a. Eavternti In-
qufreof lira. li. G. Ilroofcv or A. T. lilce. fi
ah street.
CUJIf. and take one oOe ii4htel1 % N chol-
oo' > rl sand latce A rlicuvcr toe city : It
eo t * you nothing.
N'F.Vt ( .room house , three b oe from court
bouse. 1'rlce il 2VxC > > If t wen at once
Greenthletdt , Nirti'iUon A. t'o.
GAHUAGE removed. ee * pooi ! r-tulu and
ehliunecleaned. E. II Ilur e. K d ; .
TT'OR SALE I'arnlture. Sxtann ind tfc.v eof
-L the largest an i tlnait tiotol In touthera
NcbraiUa. All molcrn ln > prov > iruent * , ele-
saut furnlt'irs. > et proHu Jl JJ'J1) ' per an
num ; bulletin ; newly bn'lt : no eompjlltloa
l' 'rc ! ! .f < nu , half cash , fill Steafe. Counjlt
Foil SALE HarJwarj tooVi In IOWA and
.Vebra.Wa. Inrolcs * . U'JW ' wi 2 , > X E. II.
tbeife. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EXCHANfiE T roiusre anil twoeolufor
a good tot In Co-nell It.afTE. . H. sheafe.
"irOR SALE Famlijr lwr e. IB ptiteum.
-L baracii. etc. C. Grerorjr , 1-i M. In sc.
"I7KJU BALE . \t baraln. . Uidianl Homo
J- bate burner. B. M. Hanker , i-1 11. ug.1
FonSALE-Te roof raulfrs. A' oone roe l
work tvorie. Will ti-e pjy In zr.iiia : .
Leonard EreretU
MONDAY ? In K. A. pir.ori. cbildrAn. i p
n > : aUu U , 7:3' : Pm wvian Mseixid au 1
fourth iIond-y , 'J in. Mutu iu/al b U
- Pin. ; / Dr -
tiei and ctuCi. Addre > at I. A. I'.rtort.
t.june 1 { I > uffi.or Kit rrnt _ t. Um-oa. W
K. c utuuera , Inttruetor.
KEEP 'tttj our husband , dear madam ,
n v for one of the o Art Garland
pfinvrvivp Heaters. You know a good
1 Ul.iLM.Hi thing wnen you bavo had It
hummed in your oars , and il your hus
band cannot find time to coma around
and lake a look at the
Art Gar laud Heaters
why , don't let the jxxir'man freeze hla
toes tbu winter , but tuke it into your
own hand , and fix the thing up yourself.
How is your range ? Worn out ? Cal
and see our stock. We bavo plenty to
go around and everyone a ( .orfeet stove.
Come N'OW. toddy this morniny.
We are ready to dhow you our good
50t BKOADWAY and lONoirrii MAINST.