THE OMAHA DAIoY BEE : Tt'RsDAY , P TOBER l1892 , NOTICES. KMKNIS Toll THB-'K COLUMNS AIIVKRTI Uif n nntll 13 .10 p ra lor Iho rvrnlnjt und until t 3d p rn for the mornlne or Sunday ral No s.dvprf.lnpnit'nt taken for lc s Itinn 2& cenlt for lheflrf.1 Insertion All ndvcrtlKenicnlf ) In Ih'Mrolnmni m ci > nti a word for first Insertion and 1 cent word for each fmtmMinprit Insertion or IIJH p r line for month Terms emu In advance Inlllal flirorps. fcytnbols , rtc each rotint in ft word. All adver- tl empntr. muni rnn ron pentlvrlr AdTprttsert , t > y requesting ft numbered check. rnn havp the Irttcri addre iipd to n numbered letter In c ro of Till lirr Answer * no addressed will bo delivered on tlio prcM-ntillon of HIP check. _ _ N01ICK. In the future no < 1rcrtli > emenU will bo takcnfor the cvi-nlnR ndltlon after IJ SO o clock. AH notices tiroarhl Into Ibe onico after that hour will be first Innerti-a In HIP following morning's edition "SITUAHONS-WANTE'D. WANT ) l > 7A Ml ATION A MlLLVil : reference Iiirnlshprt or will rent mall water mill Artdrp-B Jinx IU , Atkinson Neb R7I 17 * - - ' ' WANT * POSITION IN WEST A-J-OOKKtll'I'lt i foruncc Aildress I1. O. Hot B.,4 Omaha , Neb M7H& III * AT ION nYorso MAN IN nori'i. on Asm wl.litiK to bo Bi-nerally useful " ( iberand reliable Urnl class refurentes Address N ifi lieu VOI S ( * MAN. POSITION AS bTENO- AHYA btxikkecpt-r or ( ifllew tant flood reference ! Addrerr A 14 , lleo ortlee. Council Illuns tiSO 19 WANlED-lilALE HELP. - .VANTKivSAl.KSMKN ON t > ALMlY""oil COM- mlnflon tn handle tbe new- patent ebe-nlcal Ink cmiiliiK pencil The cresteH HlnB novnlty ever produced rrn p Ink thiiroiiKhly In two seconrts. no nbniklon of paper VOO lo ft'JOper < ent pront , ( inn Bcrnt B Milen niiHiuntecl liiJI ) In six ( la au other 1 * In two IIOIIM w want one enercetlo Ken- rral accnl In i-ach stntn and territory For terms mid nartlcnlars addrets Monroe Eraser MfR Co . XM , Lalrossc WIs t EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 1IE37 help and nllu llon ! > furnished , 220 N. Ifllh p-axi M\VKH MKS AI.-O HIllCKt.AVKHS aJwur-led Pay every Saturday l > u > Molnp , la Mcllonald M 1C ! Oft * > -MAS WAMED TO rOl.LVPT AND SELL IN Jcountrv Apply at Mnecr otJIee. 40Un4 - : , 1. MAN AIIOl'T S5 WHO I" . QUICK B-lliilAHI vr'lllnc to work will lip Instructed In emr biiBlnpsB nnd salary paid whllo learnlni : Ap li ; DotiKlas 4UOn4 r\VANT.II M9TKAMH TO l.MIO'll'US ANII teain'turii and unlicontrnrlnrii to work on ex tpnslon of Itock Inland at l.lnroln Neb Teams , * 4ariay nipn Jiaitay Krpp transportation for men and tniimi from any point on tlin llorli Island ronil llpport nt 18 mllp * eolith of Mnpoln on Hock Inland workV T Callahan .M61B 81 * IWNTIH pru lit once Apply toV B UiiKhpa at < reto , Keb , WP I * - - NAM 13AVI ) B-WAVTBH-TUB of enpruetlc men and wnmen opnn for perma- npnt work. Wo Klve eielnslro tcrrltorv WP enarnntpe c"Od workern f TO it week.Vo fiirnluli omen , furniture dpllvp-y team nnd nownpnpur nd- TprtlnliiR Our article Is a monopoly It will BBTO S5 per rent of the ronl t > lll of ovprrliodr I'till par- tlpnlars by mall l.llhocraphs pampblnln ntc free upon receipt of postncc Addrpus Koal-Bpnr To. , 68 Oliver ntreet. lioston , .Mans. MMl 118' T > _ \VANTKI ) . A I.IVI3 \VIII-A\VAICI5 ) Ul'.I'IlE- J JspntatlTp to represent In every locality , onw with Tim vlkor , pluck and push can oaslly mate KM.00 per month no peddllnc uoortn. KOmethlnc entirely new ntaplo us Hour fond for full par- tlculurn today Address "Manufacturers" 1' O ItoxWtIS , llonton Mass MM5 N 6 * -WANTED , SOME GOOD MARtlLE bl B , Apply or address Davidson A. Sous , Chlcaeo. Ill M lua 24 -WANTED. MAN TO ATTEND H'RNACK nnd work uround Hie house Appls 010 Donclns Mrpct , ' 3 HOYS WANTED AT OMAHA BOX FACTORY , Kasl Omaha 740 -WAVTED" WIDE AWAKE WORKEIIS cvi-rywherr to sell "Shppp r pliotoKrnpliii of the world' the crenteil book on eurlli. costlncflOt 000 , cash or Installment * . , n lunnnru for the nolldajs naonls eoInlUKUinney mammoth Illustrated clr- culnrs and term * , free , worker * wild with IUIPCO S Sir Klnu n'Lory Altooua Pa . clnured 11.500 In Blr weeks Rev , lo , Wallers Mini. . I'D In 17 hrs Miss L 7. Hrown Los AnuelcB , Cnl f73 tlml day MnKiiltlrcnt otittlt on'y il Goods on credit. Addrem ( ilohe lllblo Pub Co No 723 MiestnutsL Phlla. PH. , or No 358 Dearborn t. , Chicago 111 M77C 21 * -WANTED. FIRST C1.AS9 COACHMAN , 12J B S. 17th , N. W cor. Douelns 76 * - . EXPERIENCED CA.NVASMNG B-WANTKD. salary. Four months' employment 1n book onriMisstnp rrlth monthlv Ineoinu cuuran- tned Add. KtatliiR ace experlencu name and number of books sold amount of nalarj exjiected. etc. Gnaranlee PtibllsblnB Co. , 1120 Pine street , ' -.MBOilSl * Ht.lxiu' . Mo - -SALESMEN WANTED TO TRAVEL IN f-UR- ronndlni ; cllstrlUi by team or otherwise , snllclt- Inc orders on tiimiuli > * , lon from retail dealers for rubber bontn and shoes , to lie nhlpped direct from factory Those already tra\eltnir with another line of peed * con III itnikelhlKa valitii bin addition to their business Addresr Rtntlnc tiurtlcnlnrs and refor- enccs , tolche tur Rubber to , Colchester. Conn. M7U2 21 -FIRST CLAS1-TfLOTIlING SALINMAN NO E othpr need apply E Diamond , 2518 N" Htreet , Hi umnha M874-16 * WANTKI ) . 2 f.OOn from $12 to f 15 per week EllenbiTK A Cooper W6 Itb st , blonx City la J1672 lb * -IIKOOM WANTED TWO T1KU8 and < in sewer Nebraska Ilroom Fnrtory Orand Ixlantl Neb ' . ' ) < 2L" B-W'AM'KD TWO KA'l'KlimNCED DllV OOODS palesmen lu a retail Btorii- will piiy cond salary for coed man Inquire nUTUtb mid Crnee treels In crnocry storu Tuenlny between 12 and 1 o clock. W7 17- B ; - WANTED - lUlICKLATEUS , 11TH ANDO Oraco utrctots O STENOGHAPHEU ( EXPEItlENCED ) WANT- JJod for about tliree weeks ; one who can operate llemlneton typewriter. E P. Newhall Pacific Kxpress. MU11 in * -\VANTilT : TWO PLUMIIKUS JIELPEUS. B | Apply J. K WelHbann & Co. , 3U3 S 17th atMiH7 MiH7 B -YOUNG : MKN AND WOMEN WHO WISH TC rarn t20 to 140 a week , write ui and we will ox pliiln Mitttoon i I'o. . Osweuo , N V .M'Jil 21 * NIEN WANTED ; 8ALAIIY AND KXPENSES Permanent place Apply at onto Urown llros Co. , nurserj'iuen , Chlcaeo MliVi IA * | * -"TAl.Kh TO CHILDItEN A110UT JESUS" J)0neof the most popular books ever published hulls nt HlKht ( rcdlt clveu I'lel.'ht paid ltr t liiKik for Ibe hullrtu ) ' Aeents wanted Also for other bookk and bibles U U Woodward & Co. , llaltlniore , .Mil -roAT-MAKEIl > roil LINCOLN PA UK PAlIl and ) ear around work guaranteed Inquire fez W M faundcrson , Murray Hotel , all day 'lues Oar. MW ! It ) * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. - D GOOD C'ODK NO WASHING Cr Good vva/eB 1'K > 1 Douiilas st. rWANTED - WOMAN TOOK AMILAUN DRESS \J Oood unices Musi have relerenres. Apply tc Mrs , d W McKeulh , Itt27 Bo 3.1rd street , betweer S andCp. m JM&U2 -WANTED. A UIRL. 2iX)2 ) DOlHiE ST STMbS7 MbS7 IB * p ONE ( iJOD HOJJI'iroil , LADIES PJIE v ferred , In mery county lu Nnbrnsku , foi lllimriitt'd.nrld s Fair RU UW ulrciilatlon nnd In creiiitlnir rapid ! ) jilsl Ihe thine to make money Also ciimplule Mils of E. I' Hoes nuieln. enl ] Million t-nrioMi stamp A fen more for city btatu Ac ) , SIO Met KUI ) bullrtllli ; , Ouiabu MbM 18 * _ TWANTKD , iimihEKEKpnii HV A WIDOWEI with four children ; iiood position , coed wacos Gerninn preferred Cull or addrex ut once H. A lloebllnc Jan cn , Jetlernon counly. Neb , iisfij ss rt \NTKII. . d FOR GENERAL I work filT S 20th UIO lb * WA.VTI'.D , A ( iOtlll G111L JXJU UKNKIIA1 housework. 5S1S Dodge WW 17 f1-WANTl'I , SG1HL > 1 1XJH ( JKNKHAL HOU.Si : V. work , 1 for second work and attend rblhlren iood iic paid , 11.11 * SOlh ave. H3 20 * / \TANTID. : . A "CIIMPBTENT GIUL ton GEN V eiol liximew irk iili-o H nuriu Ctrl al ittj C'ullfoi nlant Hftereine reyulreil. IU4 IT ll , 1 < AIY TEACHKUP OUT OF EM V jil , ymeiil to take orders for "Tbe IlUcoiery un ronqnent of the New \N orld , " by WnshliiKtou Irvlmj ulftrnnU ) llluMratKd Interosl rivardlnc ( oluuibu It ii'iw at lever beat and acunls aru uveruclnK true tlO to rtl iKir day Call or address J M. French I Co M * I'axtou block , Omaha WS 17 * CWANTISDGIUL Hil GKNEIIAL HOUs ) trorKatouce Jill Douglai street ruWW W RENT-HOUSES. r\-FOR RENT. * COTTAGES , ONE FUR J.'nlthGd W.'Miuth Win , or unfurnlihod , moden lniprOT niiHit P | FOR KENT , IHUXIM HOUSE. ALL MOIHTRI /conveiilences , llu latue burn , tur.1'oppleto f.TB luuulrealtE B. lilhsl W -PWWJR IIBAT IlOUfcEb IN ALL I-ARTS O ! -L/tHy aimU. r Havli company , IJOJ l-aruaui Bl _ 4iy D-OXJ r TWO 1.EIT OF THE frROOM COT IBvesjust caniplclcd , Have balu , hoi and col water uud modern convenience ! IN-slrabla homti fur bUKluess rufii In bvauUful Stanford circle r u Iiarlloulari npply to etar lx > aa nd Trust Co , 4 Nt > v ' D-t IUK1M tWTTAGE KUHNACK. BATH. KTC also coed liarn tli.U ) HCUlty Trail Co 170 Karnuui. U5-19 ? L IWIHUEU IIOUSK. Wa'CAU Blre t Inquire Kr. Jouki , lOtli and op B H duly- 1U11 tu FOR RENT-HOTJSES. CnttlmKO. D-WMTTOURl'llOPKKTr. TIKNTAb OK SALE with flro W. 1 * . tOBtes , 1614 Karnam IJ ) -fxm UKNT , IMtOOM HOUfK , SOU CA1S , MMi ItKd A Stlby , Hoard of Trade VJV TJ-1B-IIOOM ot'fl ' ! , CENTnALI.T l/f VTRD ; _ l-/f urnare anfl all Improvemonts. TOG N. IDth St IB7 -IJ-IIOOM HOUSE NBAH HIGH BrtlOOLj Klpatn heat , filablr ; modern conveniences. Thoa , K Hull. Or ration block. 878 _ -A DESlllAIILK UOMK OF 1IOOM" . KUIl- ntshcd or unfurnished. Psrtl'f. colnc to Tall- lornla. Apply OD premises , 1112 Couth Tcntb street -4 ROOM FLAT. BTKAM IIP. AT. llcfcrccccs 61C H 22nd street , roots G. 438 D to-nooM niuru HCU-IK WITH MODKHN Ininrovrrnt-nts , on toth fir ret near LeaTpnnnrth. Inquire nt ETT bo Wtli street. M733 TJ-l-S ROOMS CUHA1' AT 60S N. 1MT1 ST 430 NS' D-WR .SOUTH SSD , INQUIUE 153B JACKSON MfiT , D-l-Oll UK.VT AT UOOM tlOtiaB WITH ALL modern conveniences larce rard. M 141J Smith 7Clh Bt tSl If taken for n rear M.ViT D-HOUSB OF 14 11OOM1. ALL MODK11N m.V- venlences plnasantlv locntinl near bu lni > ( i < pen ter. Applr IStX ! Chlcaco at , or L , S. Manner , ! ( , ! I MKW -FLAT * , DWKM.INGS TOTTAOE9 IN ALL parts of cltr Kilkenny * c Co. , Conllnontal bit D-rruvisuKii HoidE. r TIOOM . LAUOB lawn , ot. M Marrnavc O. K llutt . SWS ITlh lit D-rUllSNIIED IIOUT. , 11 HOOM1 * . UOOM KltS nnd boarders In tbo unnsc. ZI03 Douclas strcel M724 20 * D-VOIl HI-.N1. TWO 4 HOOM JJIUCK TLATS , MTOotltb ! Iftb 711 1H * D-8IX AM ) KIHT linOMHD HOtlSR CIN- irally lotntcd LnqulreSCIC Capitol uvpntic. MTH > IP * -KOH UKNT , DKBlllAUE UOUbU. Al'I'I.Y 11)10 ) Dodge MBll ) -CUKAI'IXJIl Till ! WINTRK , 3 HOOM FLATS" . 1628-37 North 51st street ; cltr water ; t6 U K. limn , V.-JO North 17th street in SSJ n 16 D-IOHHKXT 2 NIN'RHbOM HOUSES WITH all modnrn conveniences , uow Prlre ftOOO per miintb 10 room house nil modern conveniences. N U cor 11(1 nnd blcaco streets f-40 09 per mo 2 Plx-ruum luinpes , .H'Jl 34U Hurt street , f 14 00 and fl.'i IX ) per inn each r , room cotlnEU , 28th nnd I'aclBc utreeti , (12 00 per nio I'otter i George Co . IGtb and I'arnam streets MMJS ID D-A LAHliK LWT OP CIIOICK 11OU < 1S. : stores , Mat' etc Houses from $500 per month nnd up George J I'aul , IU)5 ) rnrnaai MBM NM5 D-roll III'NT , A MCK COlT OrtC ROOMS city water sewer connection , paved strict HB perniotith. also n coed cottncefTOOinn close by , $12.SO per mo T. C. llrutier , room 1 \ \ uro block 11.1018 D roil RENT. C-IIOOM COTTAOK : GOOD CKL- Inr well and clslorn 1021 bo ll'th bl M8I7 22 * TA-liROOM COTTAGi : , HATH Ol'l \ WATISH , 1 'rlsli-rn lawn treei neiir motor , cemented col lar , H7 UU , or on lease $ U W ) bee owner ( rfJl 1'nx- ton lilt MV.'u FOR RENT-FTJRNISHED ROOMS. O N1CKLY tUHMhUKD UOOMS 422 N 17th bt 111124020 * E ACCOMMODATIONS I'OKC OU.NTLKMK.V , modern convenlcuccB. 220 N ISth M7U ) 20 * E-3 rt'UNI--HKD ROOMS. HOt KKnBl'iNrT JN t Mars's are G F Rutts , SJO S ITlh Kfj O 0 EFI RN1SHED ROOMS BVERYTHlNl , NEW ftirn u e heat 21U N ItUli nt b32 la * TJI-MCISLY FURNISH LD ROOM. 40 N. 141H PT Mb70 1U * FIMtNl'.HFD ROOMS , I.AHGi ; OR -i-ninll. 1'rlces reutioliable 210 N IDth. M9U4 22 * E-ONIt LAKC.i : MOUTH FRONT ALCOVl : ROOM , "iiltahlo for four tonlli'inen , other room fur nlshtd or unfurnished 21)24 ) California nt W9 ID * E 1'LKASANT ROOMS ! IN I'lllVATH FAMILY cheap. Inquire nt 170C. Corbv Btreet M803 18 * E LARGE FRONT ROOM , GAH , BATH , FURnace - naco heat 1410 Turk avenue M')50 ) 21 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. F-ELKHANTLY rURNISIIBD ROOMS , FIRST class board , atThe1 Dolau , 20J and 211 N ISth street. M MM E-HANDSOME 'SUITE BOU I'U ROOMS. FJUST- claas hoard , la. . ' Chlcaeo Bl. ilSi)2-16 ) * T7 DESIRABLE ROOM AND HOARD IN Pill- f vuto family 706 N. Mh M'ril-20 * "T * FOR RE.NT NICI'.LY FURNISHBD ROOM , -L flrot class board. Utopia 1719 1721 Dutenportct M77U 20 * F-TWO 1'LBABANT ROOMS WITH HOARDj private family. 2570 .Uaruey 7b8 20. F-TO GENTJ.nMA.V. NICFLY FURNISHED southeast front room with alcove und bay win riow modern conveniences , prliate family hoard 22 b. 2'Jtb Mtreet. UJ3 1'J * I ? AVANTE1) THREE OR FOUR HOAKDBRS 1 rrlio ure "llllnp to pay fairly for tlrst class nc- eoiumodulloni Gentlemen preferred. fiJO street Mi520 ! ( * FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOflLS. -4 UNFU1IN1SHED ROOMS FIRST FLOOR ; bousfkeepliiK , heat , cas and ranpc. rfO N lltli. ai7iiQ ai * G-FOR RENT , ONE UNFURNIbllED ROOM , steam heat , fun and bath Call at1 > J So 24tht. . 7820 * G-4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SU1TAI1LE FOP housckeeplnc , to Buiall family , central loca tlon ; cheap rent Apply to J U Wheeler , 417 Kar- bach block MbOS -UNFURNIbllED ROOMS , N ATER , IIATEI , closet , elc , N E cor S.'nd nud Miami B29 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T-lT lfR BNT. THE4-.T.HIY HIUCK UUILDINB , J-lM'i ' Farnani l The bulldlne has a Ureproof "co- inent bubuiuent , complete ttteambeatln llxtttres , water on all the floors , Kan , ntc. Auiily ut the otllcu of a ho llee IHB 1 FOR RENT. FIRbl CLASS Oh Fir B Oil DESK 1 room Apply rooms 10 and 11 , Commercial Nn ttoual Hunk Hide MBI IS * WANTED-TO KENT. -WANTED FOR THE W1NTI5R , MODKRI * well fnrnlhhed cotta u Gentleman uud wife Address N 7 llee 824 K I'1\NO WANTED IIY IlKsI'ONMllI.i : I'ARTi fnr the wlnler to rent , an uprluht piano Ad dreBB X l-l , lien , MD15 IE * RENTAL AGENCIES. L-PERSONS A. IIERRY , THE LEADING HEN tal iiiaiiacers of South Omaha They huvi'btoros , houseii , unices and rooms for runt 827 M4 STORAGE. M DRY , CLEAN A. 1'lin ATELY SroRF.D FUR nlluro.l''O * IHiuzliinOmaha move Uepalr works M STORAGE CHEAT , C'liUAN , WELLb , 111 ] 1 arnnm street. 'My WANTED-TO BUY. TVT-WANTED TU 11UY MMIK 8 PER CENT 1 > tlrht mortKUEOB , Reud A. aalby , 1M Hoard Trade , 7W VT-t-ECOND HAND HOOKS 1IOUGHT FOR CASH 1 > al thu Aullquarlan book moro , 151'J Furnam 077 n 10 * N-A HOOD WATCH DOG. HULL DUG I'HE fcrred Address N Ml llee 814II * \T-WANTED-GOOD HETOND-HAND HUfiOY li oner only barcalns , C. F Harrison. l'I2 N Y Life .M-U.VJ.1U FOR SALE-FURNITtTRE. 0-FOR HALK-FlllST-TLAS'l HARD WOOI bunk oouuier , desk and oilier bank furniture \ \ 111 sell very cheap. Address N 44 , lleeMT74 ID * -AUCTION , THE FURNITURE OK 1P-HOOV house. VIU Cuss St. . t bed room reU , cariet etc. , eviirythlnc sold wltuoui reserve , ut lOo'clocl suarp , 'J nesday , Ocl , IB. 11. Wells , uuclloneer .Hi 17 * FOR SALE--HORSKS , WAGONS , ETC T > -KOU BALK , A SU'TY-DOLLAR TOP UUGG1 X fue IUS.UO. H K Cole , Contlnciilal block 2a > -FOR hAl.E , f.OOD UIVERED bPRINC cheap. 1.JU boulh IClb su 3IHI 20 * 8ALK. & mules , i horses , X new vruuons , harnesi , etc Musi Pe sold al once , cheap for cash. Omaha MorU'ace Umn f o. Room 11 , Crelchlon block , 15th and Douglas , next lo pomomce. 737 T > -KOR SALE-TWO WUIO , MATCHED 11LACI i drlrlni horses. trelw-lilUK iihout bOU Its. each must be sold at a sacrifice , fidelity Loan Guarac tee Co. , room I Wllhnell bullcl'iit Call at once MIK3 _ 8 ALE-MIS CJELLAWEOUB , Q HACK 174. 1R1TCUA.RD , IXJUULAb 11LOCK ion _ Q -KOH BALE , PARROT , bOOD TALKER. II North 10 si , room > 0. MBBI ' MISCELLANEOUS. } > HORSB RANCH NO. liW-UWHsKs , COLT : -IVand cattle cared for the rear round U U Cans Boulh Omaha. Xeb. P O. Lax IK. Mi > u3 OTt' 1J-OVEHOOATs. ( SUlTd. CLKANKD. DVED , RK -Ltpalrad cheau ls\U Howard > ln * l , oCloe room : JU 21 * CLAIRVOYANTS. - KXritAORKlNARY WO.VDKRH'Ij S-ARRIVAL rrvelallons ( 'hallentes the world- Mrs Dr. M I/TKruve , dead trance rlalrvoyant , aitruloelol. palmist and llfo rnalnr , telli yonr life frnrn tli cradlp to crave unite * the rpsralnl c n e > tra r- rlacowllh Ibe one you love , tells where yea will imecepd and In what bu-.lnB .s hp t 1 < pt a for. hai lhcclcbralo1 KcTptlnn br < * a < lplals forlnrk and to destroy bad Influence * cure * , nt ? InlerapprancA and all prlvnle roaiplalnlt with ma < * , 7e. bitbs nnd alcohol treatment. r enA I. ! OJ , lock of hair , nttns nnd date of birth and reoalve aocurat * lite rhart i cent * In stamp ) for circular , clfelnltUH of one yon will niarrys alto pholos of name onice 417 Hnnlb IHh street , tint floor , hour * . V a m to U p m Comr onn. come all. ted ba convinced ot this voa- derlnl oracle. MH9l IB * S-MADAMie FRITZ. 1SIICAF8 STRKIST , 1 LAIR . voyont and trance medium Inrtependrnt vnlc s ! tell * pasl and future , mapncllc trcntmrnt Ladles only Mfa Nia * MRS.NANN1K V WARRKN. CLAIRVOYANT S reliable buslnets medlum.tlflb year at 119 N irth. Wl M.ASSAOE. BATHS. ETC. _ _ -MADAM STOWK , MAUNK1IC HKALER , TMADAM S05U Pratl si. MSM ) 12 * rp M.ME. LA ULT. MASbAOK. 410 SOl'TII IhTlI i 1 Blri'cl. third floor flat 4 SIVB ! ' T- MASSAGE TREATMKNT , rilEcTRO-THKU- nml bath * , scalp and Imlr tri-atment niinleuro aud chiropodist Mrs 1'ujt , ol94S ; 1Mb Wlthnull hlk WJ _ _ rp- MADAME SMITH 1321 CAPITOL AVENUE. JL lloom a , 3d floor Alcohol sulphur nnd f > ia bathB 821 SI * MUSIC. ART AND' ' L'ANGTTAGE. ' -\r-0 K GELl.ENRECK 11ANJO TEACHER , > wllb lloipeorN W cor ISth and Hnrney l > 42 Vr-VOCAL AND INSTIll/MENTAL-MUMC MRS ( lara lluclmnan il N 14th St. MS71 U" -AI.AlV OK nxi'UltlKNCK IN TRACIIINO d ' lrpi < t'liiilln In llteraturo , rhetoric lilfitory or li brancuvB Call at < ( M Cailtol | arc arcMM1 IT * MONEY J O LOAN--HEAL ESTATE. \\T MOUTOARi : LOANS LKSS THAN"l'Eu"ci\ ' InullulliiK nil elmrKO ? Charles W llaliivy omalia Nnt. dank 1)1 ( lit OT1 T I'KU Cr.NT MOSEV-NKT TO IIOIIUOW prson Onialn city itropprty No extra chariros f any kind Why pay hlzh rate * ' Monej U cheap 'oncancel full benefit of low rates from ( ilobo , oaii nnd Print Co pith and Undue ini \7 LOANHON 1MPR IVK1I AND UNIMPROVED v cltypropprly tt.C'JJ nnd upward * , li to 7 percent odcluyn W Farnatn Smith \ t o , lotb and Uarnpy. 10UU TT-PRIVATE MONEY , 1ST ANIIJO MORTJAOE i' loans low ralui Alex Monrc lleo bide 102 iy OMAHA BAV1VO1 HANK MAKU4 LOANS ' ' nil real estate ut lowesl market rates Limns made In Miiall or lurR" sums for short or lone time 'so pommlaalon Is eharuoj tin'l the loans nrp not old In IhB east , buican always be found at the ank ou thi corner of MtU nnd KuuElas atreetn MONKY TO LOAV OIV " " " " 'Otl C1TV x ' pr-jpprty , low rate A. C. trust , ouclas blk 101 T 1 AND3-YEARLOANS OK CITY AND FARM > mortgages Reed A. belhy , U14 Bunrd of Trade. if CITY AM ) FARM REAL ESTATE LOANS * nl lowest rates , consult u * before borrowlnc C t.urvln & Co , 203 Mieeley block 105 [ ? - MONEY T ) LOAN AT LOWHST RATES. * TbeO F. Davis company , 150j Furnam Htreet. 410 W ANTHO.VV LOAN ANMI THUST CO , SIS .V. V. l.lfe. Icndn nt low ratdn for cholca security on or Iowa ftirma or Omahn cltr propurtj * Illy F , HARlltSOK , SI2 N. Y. LIFE. 937 If CENTRAL LOAN X TRUST CO , 1JE1S RLDQ. TV CHKAP MO.VKV. bEB Q. W 1 > . COATnS , ' 1UU rariinin. WJ T\r MONKV TO LO N ON IMI'ItOVtiU U13AL , * v estate , lowest rntei ; bulldlni ; luuns a epoo- ' altj. 'ihutnus Qreuuun & Co , Karbacb block. TSJoT ! Tr UKA1 , KSTATE LO\NS 0 TOT 1'Bll CICNT , * no uddttlunul cbnriiutt for cominlislon ur ntlor- 'B fees. W U. Melklu , First Xatloual Uuuk bide. \\r-llONEV TO LOAN. $ 'Q.OW TO LOAN IN ' ' Omitlm un bulldlnc nnd louu ; iUn Sl : > M ) ) olcl monthly will paj oB f 1,000 00 In 78 month ! Ni > cuiumlsilon Hate In le tbun ti i > er cent. 1'oor nian'n cbniiuo' Do you need money * Ciin you use money' If BO , call or address room 342 , Dee bulldlnc , Oiutuiu , Neb. 4UJ n4 \ \ ; f-6 J'EK CENTMONKV < IN IMJ'ltOVEU I'llOl'1 crty 11 , C 1'attcreon , 4'.1 Uamee blk. < J41 LAltGE IXJA.Nh MADE ON OMAHA , LIN- coin , Council llluDe buslneHn property ( i per cent. Alio nmull loans GcorKe J I'aul , 1U ) . " > Karnaui N15- MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. WILL LOAN MONCV ON ANT KIND OF SI ! X curlty. xtrlctly confidential A. IS. Harris , room 1 , Contlncntul bluet. KM X -I'ltnCUAllI ) , M UOUCLAti BLK , 10 A. JJOIMJIC 107 X LOANS 0V CIIATTKLS ItKASOVABLK IN- tereHt. partial paymuntH 1 to C luonlb * W 11. Iu % la. It 'M , tontliiuntal block Elevator lath st 109 MON1IY AT UW HATES ON ANY KINK OF X security Keystone Mtse Co. , 109 bhueley block lUi X-5100,000 00 TO LOAN IN AMOUNT * from { 10 up on UOnSEHOLI ) FUllMTITItU AND I-IANO3 , UOHSUS. W'AUDNb AND CAUItlAGES , WAUUIIOL'SB H15CBI1T1 , OU 1'EUSONAL 1'1101'HUTV OF ANV KIND wltbout publicity or removal of property. You can save time and money bj calling on OMAHA .MOIITOAUE LOAN C-O. , 11 , Crel liton lllock. 16tb and Douglas , next to-l'ostolUce. INCOlll'OllATED. m903 V" MONEY LOANED CHEAP AT YOUIt OW > Nebraska Louu Co. , 1J1G Douclai ol. 403 V-IXMV HATKS ON rUUNITCUBUVU STOCK V etc. J , W luylor , IMonuer blk , boutb Omaba WJ X MONBY-30 , W ) . 00 DAYS CHEAP UATEt and ea y payments , on furniture , pianos , llvi lock , etc. wltbout delay or publicity , casb ot liand Dull Or fen. room B Ilarker block .MJ ! - Yl'U NEED MONEY' X-DO THU TIDULITY LOAN GDAUANTHC CO. , lloom 4. W uttnell block , cor 1Mb und llaruey BU. WILL LEND YOl' ANY hUM. 1'KOM flOTOllO.OOJ ON THE DAY JOU AhK TOIl IT \Ye make IOBUH of auy Hl/e , lartro or ttuiall , on lioimebold food" , pianos , homes wnsioni , nnrebouse niut'lptHatid personal property of all klniU , In any amount , without clela ) pub licity or removal of property , cbeapont rates and eaHlem puymenlB. &UE US Kills I' . VCHATTEL LOANa , Vil N V. LU II MOltltlH - 4S3 Ml- r-5.-0,000 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL BI'.CI'HlTYl business confidential It. S5S Hoard Trntle SII'JT N7 A' MONEY TO LOAN ON KUUNITUUIC I'lANOS , VborneB , wauoua and eollaterul hecurlty llusl UCBS contlduntlal r'red Turry , room 4JJ Uamceblk BUSINESS CHANCES T7 rOll HALF. THE COST UOLI.I.NG 1NTE11E81 Jlu tlin leadliiK nunb and door mill In tbe nortti- west dulni : an Immense buslnniii over CM.OUUOC wortb of new worknow tn tbo mill a ureat turfiilc to tbu rlclit party < all on or address J II Ma on rooma b * untluJ llurkur block , Omabu , Neb Y'-IFYOU ARESEEIUNG A HUSINEiS Ol'POU lunll ) r.igillrlni : miaull capital In a certain and exceedingly proUtablu uud crowlnic Inmluoss , and uliruBCunu , write to thu undersigned Incloslnv mump , when full particulars 111 Lu ftveu G E K. . 14.M L street , Lincoln Neb M7 Y' FOR hALE , AT A VEUY LOW FIliURB , Till entire male Inlerest lu one of the heaviest pay IIIB monopolies now before the puhllo. It will save K& ucr cent of Ibe onal bills of everybody and pro ilnie lietttjr resulti Everybody wunit It and will hum It when seen A laniu builneiii ein bs done ut once In every eonntr Full piirtloularn by mall Address U K K , 1I."JL Bl . Lincoln Neb M 7i : V-VVU HAVE CUeTOMERa FOR A f 1.000 Din J Koodi and grocery Block , fLUXlurocer ) utock l..WU hurdnaru slock. Jl.ouo Kro'-ery iock f..lioi crocery , < sloi.kfl.rOJiulllIncr ) btoct. fl.UUUhurdnari stock ll Hill pay you to eouie and BOO us If jci have anything lo buy or sell or Undo' Wo bnvi customers for money for loans , for real estate fo mi'rchandlko ; jot , fur everythlns1 Call or ad dress Nebraska Ficbunce ( o room K42 Rei Hulkllnc Omaha , Neb Understand \\e onnree n < ( .omnilsslon MTvia 21 \T HOTKLOt 2j UOiMe < TO HUNT , Fl UMbllEIl -L 'ill ! of boarders , fleam beat and all modern lui provemenU : rent reunouablu with security for tJv years , or will cicbuuee for land or coed property llotol McC.uckln. bomb Uuiaba Mb47 SJ _ y FOU SALE MUbT 11E rOLD AT ONCE J J restaurant and confectionary store Addresi AUK Moun , bcrluner , Neb , SI7i)4 ) S4 V-T'IEIIEBT PAYING CLOTHING 11OOT ANI A boi < builnen In tbe uurtbweil , along wltb cooi will and leake for nail ) cbeap 1'ustoniiu box ! , ' Cbudron , Neb. Mf.'a 16 * -WANTED A fiUAlN KLUVA'JOU IN j Luoodloi atlou dolnc ifood liu luuit Addren JH C7 Omaba llee Vl'ilNKSh FOU BALE. A LAHGE. THOU J ouKtiiy twtabllsbud and protltablti produce com mission business lu t Ulcaco. satLn auiouut to 1 00 11HJ a year. Can easily be doubled next year Leas of bulldlne , 4 nturles and ba euieut runs till Maj lu > 4 finest location on Water utrui't TUIiliarnr cbaucv to neeure a unitltablti business for imal amount of money li.OJti required to buy and curr ou tbe business OblUed to sell on acco unt of sick uust ror full particulars uUflrini A ID , tare Lori Jt'luouu , CulMgo , MIW IB * i KA OMA Ji A K K A t > ! actual raluatlon Moncr t r/j OWN in ) FARMS IN'iNWH ' * NDnAKi > TA fJWW sell or cxchancB. Iiux7n.itranklori ind > tn ifri V-NEW RIIOOM inv ( tS \ M ri-o IIMI n ; < * /JlnA ndilltlon. nlchtlr with I 3ft pel frnnt A loin ) , fo , Boort Tumtil lut lurtbcr In ur'fnrni Wclnlmnii. 414 Karbarli Motk. r * Mi > 31 _ r/-WANTT 10 ATIIKS Knit I1AUBKN. \VnntrdnOcercfxrnifrrlUluu. . \Vntitrrt hon p Tor f.'Oi ) nqrt I l \ \ nnlort IIIIIKIC fur Clilcnsu lut und rno'i. \\ntilccl , Midlni-is proiiprtt tor lien .M nines lots Wnntpil f.Hrott Be. will tirkplnne IPIKP. W nntpd , iHirchaiior for H.twu marttnet Wnntpil Hilli street tuislnots trojtcrtr. \ \ nnu-rt linnw for OHIP rci. Infm \VnnlPithou p for.Mprrlrk Co fiirm C. V llarrliun. HI ! N. T.i.lfo MUTOT ) FOK SALR-REAL ESTATE. 11 CAl , KSTATK. llnrtnlnn only Vy word l eooiL \ \ (1. Allirlclit Ml S-8 NPW \ ork Mfo M 4 LOTZS TirrTLKssni B ACIIK WITH : HOOM bnu'c , nil Imprurpmonti inquire SJH llnrd Ktrpet M7 ' "n * M'0 J10MK SKKKKU-IS AVONtTAlTi ? " I'AHK J rnucnn Imrp un plninnt hinii ( < urrnnfpl to ult > ou with tuillilliiE il-nlt tree < w lk nivter. wnler. nnrt en * n'lthlti waUtn dl tinn * of uuMm'M , tclHii'lBiind rliiirch" ! nnS nil for ntmut fVII ) Cpr- tuln to lie tin- | T-uli't Irnlile ro < l IIIPnildltliin In tliecltr Ovpr on tblr < l or II nlroi Ir xilrt Sne \i for particular * Itufore tlip jirlc * U ral nd Uj 7'ruit i-ompany. 17U2 Ksrnani t IJOU SAI.KOIl TIIADK 11Y TUB OWNIIK 1U.ITO 1ncri1 of S'nbrnsku n lltitMl farni'ni ; lund nt n crpnt nacrltlve G 11. IVtcrsuli , 1412 1 : tli nt Umaha WM Ml iT'-rou ' SAM : , MV UIWIDKNCI : ATMII * ami -L Kt.lUruniiKMidliitli liotan I oiild wttnr plcptrlo lioll * nnd titirclnr nlnrni , i | ieuklttff tulip rurnirp antl barn nl o tine vacant pait Iront rpiltlpncp lot 11 L Whltm'j , 431 M rchants Nutlunal li.uiV tilde. 4j ; N5 17011 AITC C11KA1' , Ml APIIKS I. * Nil IN ON ! ? 1 of HIP haul stock oomitlm In Xtibra kn Kor liartldilarn wrllp to X 31 lluo olDun tMI IT * l OHSALK. 5 UOOM rol'TAUK 3JI2 lUNTUOFT -L street , cltr water , " blocks from motor , f I.VJO Mt'JO 18' 4 HKllHY. TUB LKADINli lllJA ilprn of Sontli Omana Uo only KP ! 1IM your property with them 627 M4 IfOtt SAUK A NIC1 ! I1OMU OX IIKrA'fTK -I ptrt-pt. I. room rottnpp nnd basoninnt , city wutur and elfitprn Will BtMl on luouthlr iiiiyinontn or will rpntsnme to coutl niirty. Iluub u Clark , 1318 Ilnrnpv ulrcot . M6SI VO AT A DAltriAlN 2 rilOlCB 1-OTS , font each uioro adjnlnliiE If duitlrpd i : t fronts' S A\ corner lUtli nnd Arbor I'lnest location In city for ruslJenep lllork from lltli S-t motor Him Clinrlpt. llnnlev 1021-o lUtli St. , Omalia MUII F.llt SA1.H Oil UKXT. MY HKS1I KM'U 1J1 b. 2itli btrept oppo ltu lltti ! Htroet out ) of l > uu ln . ronininniH onp of tlip Urn-it vluw In tlip eltv New nnd modern In nil rpsppcts J'lmi from IIPW pnrt of 1'nrlp H < n ) Hot nutpr hpatltiB eli-ctrlc cn llclit IIIE nml all luodprn uoii unlenrci yuurler rnnud onk nnd liportla nine tlnliih rin1 plnpus opprlullr ( IcHiirniMl In uak nnd tile 1'rlce Si.iUW. n linrcnln It not KOld nt mice will ho rpntpd to n nnllxfuolory tenant Apply ou premise's ClurkpUapunMUSS MUSS 20 * S.'O nrro < * near Omalm SV > ll. I iiurus 13 mill's or Omaha ? V > 80 ncren Snrpy Co N OJU , KB ncros Sarpv Co f IS pnr ucr . 831 ncros Sarpy fo. fli.lKW WO ncrps Mirpv Co. , 2" 1C 241 ncrcsSarpj To (16,000 & ! 0 ucrp Sarpv Co . f.r > 0 per ncro C r HnrrlHOti.1112 .N V Ufa M1-20 LOST. LOST UltOWN WATKIl bl'ANltl. IMJO. WHITE < trlpe ou liroiiHt leather collar , llcon e tnc If * ! , ind bniHH tni ; with onnero nnui' ) anil nddroni rindor ri'tviirdeil by returning to W C llotlmnn , Ufll h 2Hli t. MIU.118" L -T r.oi\G TO iiorns TiiKATru ruo\i Uuri hauls hotel , n Indies Iflnck porkctbook cuiitaliilns bi-tweun HJOU und fi > XUO , a loan tlekvt to T J Hinn nlpo Catholic ros.irjA verv liberal reword " 111 IIP paid for tliu above lluturn to T J. Uynn. care Unvil s tlitMtor ( Ml'lll In * DANCING SCHOOL. MH ANIIMHS MOIIA.VD'S ' I > ANT1NU SCHOOL. 1712 Capltnl nvo , now apoiu CUllilren Tuesday , 4 Ifip m : suturdny 10 n m adit 2 IU p m adults Tuetidny and Friday 8pm. A esriibllesThursdays.R p m 1'rlvnU * loswons dally IMrjill can Join any lime Mace nnd ntw rtnucei tnticbl Tno Cnrlyle , llnr Turd Unvote Wpntirorth , Manltnn and C ilumblHU fanciers. Hiisldenco 231PC Uodtr St. M'JJJ SIR DEESSMAKINQ. TSOAnKMUNT TO DO lliUM MAKINf } IN I-ifnmlllCB solicited. . Mist turd ) . Si ) boulh 2iilb street , f JUWlntl * \\FANTKD THE iT.AOiKS--TO KNOW THAT- ' thpy can cet n iflSUCO Vnurse of scientific dress piittlne lessons frto at Prof Del.nmorton aeadumy 'J4 N V Life Lndlra eomo mid liiientl pule uiid leara to make drc MOH with or without seams. Miuo. Aberly. representative. Auents wanted HfllS 11" Till : KEAI.TV .11AICKUT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Oct. IT , 1SW : IVAItHANTr IinEII ? . Jo opli Dopltu andwlfn to 1'ranlf t'ro- chmka. : lotb luand 14 , block 10 , llronn jiark $1,000 1) L Holmes , ot al to Thomas Wliulen , lot I ) , block 0. snnie C50 \V il Ivync to C N" Murlcubon , lot n , block 101. .South Umaha . 1.010 I'etorCociiroll and wife to C M Hunt , tindlv h lots 10 and II. block 1 , lots 4 5. Mock 0. w 14 n lot IS. block I. Llu- wood park 450 r L Unol and wife to same , uudlv 4 lots " and .1 , 24th Street Business nluce hub l.-'O A ! Tukov et ni to It I' Wells , lots 18 and 11) ) , hlocUa , Clifton Illtl . . . 2,250 S S Curtis nnd wife to C S Shopurd. lot C. block 1. Belvedere 1.30C F E llallev and wife to A L Patrick , lots ! > , 12 and R lilocK 1 , lots 4 and 5 , block 2 , liurllncton plnco 2MO Same to H H I'arker. u " lots 1 and 2 , IIC.CKI. | : Walnut Hill 4.000 A L Patrick to 1 K llallcr same 4,000 W E Newlln toV H Gates , lot a I'riiyn'ssnbln Milliard .C's 2,500 South Mlu Kual Citato ami IhilUllii ; Co. to Miei iimn \ \ lleox. lots "II , " "i : . " ! ' . " "O" and "ir'Sturds place 10,000 Itos > lre Ailinnou and nnsliand to Henry Miller , n 'i of u2iO fuot lot ti , liurKor's Allotnient 5" > 0 Llnlnuer i. Motcalf Oo. to U E Grener. s b lot 13 , block S. Wllcox add 450 QUIT CLAIM DBKDS. T .T Suckett mid wlfotoO S Shepard , lot L , block 1. Helvedere 30 IICEIIS. Dedication of plat of Win. A. Doucla ' Fuh of lntH lu ll nnd 12. block II , Potter A Colib'b second ndd . G A llennntt ( hhiMlID to Omnha Na tional bank lot 12 , block 10 , I'laltivluw 010 Total unionnt of transfers $34,110 vis TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , I'M Farnain StreuU Omaha. "Home Patronage" All our ujrliites uro madij In Omaha "FISfJIRAMD" FOUNTAIItSYfilNGE , httch Olio has nix hard rubbttr pipes In wo box lie guru the trade muri Flnll 11UAND" U 011 each one. take no olber. Ask your druia'lsi foi Ihein , or Omaha Hnbber Co. , 1UO rurnaui Ireut corner Itith , Lady clerk Ip attendance. IllIK rilUlllll.lTtltT'k .NdlllH' . Thn f illumine doe Ijavo lieoii liniiounded ; 1 lirlndlu luilldds 1 Newfoundland. 1 tliiek [ loud I o. u 7.ute.rbiiiilu ) ; ] . 24 rurs. 1 croyhound. 1 Gordon snttor IilBli betturs. c und tun. 1 hootcu torrlor. J not roduemua within four ( ll days sali doss will l-e drowned. JUUN Bi'UL'RL.dopouDdkBeper. O1B dit THE PRINCE OF. WALES SMOKES. D - H E B R U H SnOKING TO ] is not like otlu'r Uiidi. It has peculiar fragraiic.1 and peculiar flavor. Its peculiar tnilormitv always gives peculiar Lomiort , and has made it peculiarly popular. Said everywhere. AUdj onU by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , Durham , N , C. Unllkt unsalable which are ildiiltrmtrd Cocoas Indigestible A Cocoas with starch. IX * -iBEST AND GOES FARTHEST- Icuvcs no Sediment oil the bottom of the cup. Every SIAIJ can lie ! SVUONO and V1Q- > OROUS 111 all 'eiiuris _ _ _ _ usini ; SPANISH , ihe rent bimnldh Kemidv.OU1 > O MEN OK OLUsutlrMiiu fioin NEHVOPS DEBILITY. IOST or FAILING MANHOOD inch pi.m.siors ( nvuUioas ncrxoui te prostration CHUM d l > \ tin ur f opium lohacco it alcuhu ) .ikc * fiilnrss , mental i'pprc-siau losi of p wer in itthrr KIX npcrni.itni i > rpnoRB ANi * Am K i st rhtLa earned u > st If abuse and o\rr indtuceni r or jnpt isoitairak ness can lie restored to perfrrt lita > ili BIO Hi , NO31.1J VITALITY OF SThO > JQ attCK. Wegive a written KUMrjnir" with I In TC 1-1 in > p it refui < ' - - * i ' 101 0 boxes { . „ For Sala in Omaha by Snow , Lund < 5c Co. IEFORHITY saaeis EiasticStockings , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water3ottsi. Syringes , Atomizer 3 , Medical Supplies. ALOE&P SFLD , ) 114 S. 15111 SL , Kexl lo Postij [ ( : THE SHORTEST 'LINE "TO CHICAGO is via the Chican-o , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electnc Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at7o5 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9130 a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. RHILWHYTIMEGRRD 11.60 a m i. . . . Kansas City Day Express . . i O.UO p IU5 p mi 1C. C Nlzbt Exp via U. I' . Tram , r.4) am IMS p m . . . st Louis Exprem . . .1 40 am Going I ClIU'Ali'.l. U 1 i 1'Al'IKIC trom Kail I Union depot 10th A Mnrcy bts East. lOIMam , . Atlantic Kfvreti . UJOpm p m' ' . Vestibule Expfosi . LIO p m C.33 p ml Mcht Bxpres' . . . . Golni I CHICAGO , It I , APAi'lUT i-'rom West I Union Depul 10th and Marry Sti West I''Opnil IJi'tivoi Lliultttl % n m liUOam .Knnsaii CUT CExcu-it 111 p m leaven I U.MON I'Al'IKit I Arrlvoi Omaha | Union Depot IDHi ana Marcy Bts i Om lU i 7.Vi am' ' . . . .Huatrlce tCxprus ) I I , 10 p m DM a in1 Denver Bxuresi i 4 Oi p m 2.15 poi OverlandKlyer. . , . . . . .I 70J p m 4.1.i p in llluobp't"si.-itrmi'u HXBX ( SuniIJSJ | p m 6.40 p in . ' . .Pucitlc ICinrun 10 10 a m C.J'J p m . . Diiiivur F ; t Mall . . . . ' 4 2) p iu Uaves ICH1UAUO , SflL. & tsT. I'AULIArnta Omaba D U P depot mid Marov Mi ' Oinaht UOJ a ml Deailwood Express m 1)00 a ui * Ex. SaU Wyo Exp ( Ex Mon I i.aj p m1 . . Norfolk ( Ex Sunday. ) . . . I02i m COO p m St I'aul Eiuren . I V tin m Leaves IcTHUAdO i'NOltniH'EsTKRN Arrival Oniahalll P ilepnl. lUlh nnd Marcr His | Oipitut 7 0 a mKUx. buu'yl Carroll Pusseunur V.S'J p m 10 40 a in . . . . Chicago Kxprass < O.UJ p m 4.05 p m Vestibule Limited I U20t in 700 p ID . . . .Eastern Flyur . . . . 2 ti p m C.40p mEx. ) ( Bun I Chle. Puss ( Ci. Mjn > | b.Oia in leaves fCUIuAUOdc NOltniW hnl'Ell.V .Arrlvni Iransferl Union Depot , ( xiuncll UluITi. JTraaifar ) l UJ a ml . . . . Chicago Ex pi HNS I & ,10 p m 4i'J i in VeBtlhule Limited. . . . ' l > i9 a m t.33 p m . . " . F.aslorn Flyur . . . ' 1.11 p ui i.UU p m ( Ex hunt Atlantic Mall ( Ex Monl , 7.U a m Ml ) a milttx bl Carroll Panmni-er (15x ( Hi i U 45 p m " Laves MISBOUR1 1AC1F1C | Arrl ei Omaha Depot Itlh and Webstar Hu | Omalii 1 10 p m . .bt * Louis Lxpresi & 4i am 10 01 p m .bu Louis f.xpress 4 U p iu 4. Up n. Nebraska l H'B.1 & M a in Ixiaves I UMAUA i ST IXJLlid Trunsfe'1 I'ulou l pot. Council Illullt 441) mi , Ht. Loul _ Cfcnoa Hull _ ' Leaves j CUIUAOO , U 1. & . 1'AUUIU. Transfer Uuton Depot.Councll lllutli C..S p ml Nlirhl Expreit , . . . 10 Ma raj Atlantic Erpruss . . . . 4.SS pm | Vuntltiulj Limited . . K C. , fcl' JOE A C ll. lArrlvoi Transfer ! Pulon Depot. Council Illuffi ! 'l raniifar IbUlaiii , . , , Kans Clly Day Exproo U''J p IU 10 15 p m . . Uansus t'ltv N'lEhl Exprv I U.XJ a m 10 ISpml . . . . . .bt Louis Expn s . . . . lu3U a m leaves I ilOUJCClTl 4PAC1FIU I Arrival Tram fur ! Union Depot. Council 111 u St. I'lrunslvr T.4J a in .bluux I Ity Anuoiuoiodatlou ill , UO p ui tM p ui. hL Paul Exprsss V4IU in l avus i i ) . IIUIU1S i. UI > OY lArrlrn 'jrunsfer1 Union Depot , ( ouncll lllun Iraiiifl " " loud u in rbltafo Expruti t.Il"p"Tn 10 U pin ) . . . . Chicago Extiruu ' U'i , a m 7.05p ui Creslon Local 10 40 a in Leaves 1 UMAUA 4 BT Omaha IU P depot. IQtb and Ma re r Sis 4 _ n ml til liall. | j i a in l.c Tt i u , 91' P. . M & O Oniahsj Depot , Utb and Wubster BU " " CIO a m blcux City Accommodation" 1.16 p ru B'suiUlty Kxpr.i ( Bx bund'/ tM p m . . .Hi. 2'aul LlmU J . . . Hi f mU | jjcroftl' jijuf r Kx.Huad f- The orJy uniformly successful SPECIALISTS TJST AMERICA 111 THE TREATMENT AND CURS OF SYPHILIS , GONOR RHOEA , GLEET , SPE.H- MATOKRHOEA. SEMINAL V/EA.K- H E fS . L O . . T MANHOOD , EF FECTS OF EAR LY VICE OR EXCESSI V E INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS , FEMALE WE A K N E SS. _ SEX- TJAL DISORDERS , HYDROCELS , VARICO- CELE , PILES. FISTULA , RECTAL ULCERS Consultation free. Call upon or address with stamp. firs Roll ? * J 14th and Douglas. JioriililiuUnbll Vn ARE YOUSUFFERINC ! cinilc ; Wtukucss , Calarrli or Olironic , Nervous "or Private 1) ) ceases , IF BO , OALl , ON Or. SearEes & Seartes Consultation Free. Atknonlndce I to .HI the most nucceif ill speclnlliit In Ull PltHATK , HUIOII , NtUlljJa , bl.t.N AM ) Ultl.V. AUY DlUtMS Ooiiorrbiutlu from i to G day * . Byphllli i-uruJ v , ithoul Mercury All taue for life , tTHIC'l L'ltE pcruintieutly cural. removal complete - plete , without cutllnE caustlo or dilatation Cura M huutt by pkticut witliuut u tuoiuunt'i pain or anrioyunnd. PILES , Finn LA AND HECTAL Ur < rEll3 cural wllhout pain or delonllon from btuluejs , HYDIIUCELE ANU YAIlirOUKLE ptirmanontlr uud iucie lullv cured. .Method new and unfailing. WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) , Mad * so by lee olou appll cation to b uineis ir-iu 'ri sp nrj lueutal * ii la or trie' bK\tAi. I > r-aKS l mWiilu lltu , or tnuu the I'fi" tt ol > nu.lHu f ' .I.ei WKAK MES AUK ViCllMfi TO NERVOUS DR. Hll.irVor EXU VUaTIUN. WAhTlNliUAKNM1aS lNVi > Lt'NTAHv UJ-Ea witu ICAULY DBt'AY In YOUNO and MIDDLI. Adll ) . lack of vim , vleor. Mill strength , wib | noiual orcann Impaiiutl HIK weakenened prvniatureiy * u approaching ntd U B AU ylulUiuadily to our now truatmenl lur ! oi of Tttnl power Call un or lid ' > wuti kUuip tur rlrculars , free In nk and rt eits Dr. Searles & Scarles , 1Ij H rttol'o tOfilce. MINER LAW CONSTITUTIONAL Presidential Electors Don Be Ohojon by the Oonrdsjirml Districts. SO THE SUPREME COURT HAS DECIDED w Yitrk'n ItrsrlMr.itlon Mio v thnt lii-publlciin Unlit * MH.V II" HxprfKM mi ilrcllon ; IlH lleinoernl" Tt ) * hit tn Until Mrklrt * . WAMIINTITOV , 13 C , Oct. 17 The f ilted Stulo suuu'ttio rojrt. bv Chief .tu tlro dul ler , today tcanirnied vhe JuJpractit of tb Mlchlpui supreme ronrl upunldluc the con- slHutlotmllty of the famous Minor Inw proviu- Inc for tlio oboiec of nrpMdsntlni cloi'tor tiy coiiRro'.Mcninl ttKlrlPts intlnnd of tic ttio stall-im n whole Tuo court holds that Uio tciurtoentb ninomlraunt to llio oonstitution of tbe United Stotci did not limit UIK rlclil of the stuto to tlx thi < mode of i'hno lng doctors. It Is conceded ttnil tin * tiffnct of tlio ilnuiilon will tic to elvc purl ut limit of tbu electoral voio to Cleveland. puii'\uiN < ; TO rAitiiY MU tunic. RiiClftlriitloti in Kepulillrau Clllf anil Tow II * InrriMtnl O\pr 1(10 IVr friit. NiVOIIK. : . OrL 17 Several moinbars of bu national committee who lira banding lu-ir efforts to ttio olccttou of Mr Hurnson \ nibcrrd iu u room lit tutI1 Iftb Avenue hotel \ . nstei-duy nncl n 1.1 jhUciil conference which ontlruod lor tin hour or two wns bold , M. Irooltllold. chnlrmau of tbo stnto contrnl oininlUeo , nnd .Incob PiiUeritm , ctinlrmun 1 the cxucuilvo committee , were also t > ros- tit. The po Ibllltlci of rcpublicun success lit ho sinto nnd tbe dosn ratenc.vt of tlio battle vhlch must tin made wnn dlscnssud lit cou- iderahle longui. Word bus bi'cn passed round n statement sliowluc an Increase n registration nf over Kill per cent over lust car In lopublican ritiQ and towns of tbo ituto will Ito civon out from bcndiiuartrrs 'ho nioinbeix of Uio nntioiuil comiuiitco 1m- ironed upon Uio local chairmen the iniport- nnco of carrying Hits MI U. I'npulUts In n Until I'l.irn , Aln , Oct. 17 Ttio populists mvo taken n now tnclt In Iticir ctTort to pet rocdirnition in the npnointtnout nf election nntmcors in Ilullnck rounty. About ton iluvs n o tuey baa Uio prolinto jutlcc und fieri : urrcstnl for nppnltitlnc ropuoiloatiB in- stuud of pupults'.s to represent Uio opnosition o tlio < lornoiTucv. At fluntsvillo tlicv linve now filed nn np- iliciitiOtt buloro .Turltro Brui-o tn tno fulled jtittcs oiurt pravlnc that the npoolntinR board tn Bullock county be required to vncata the iippointments Uorelorore mndo in certuin products , ullPclui : tt > ut in some irecincts tbo poople's party have uo repre sentatives una thut in othurs ihrco mannRora nro aeniocrats. Jutlgo Ilrui-o set next sutur- day lor a tioarinir of the application for nundamus nnd ci'od the aefondant offlciala to anpeur at thut time. liruw IIIK u sup tu Moidi.K. Nnv Yoiti ; , Oct IT Ono of the political urpriscs oftoJar is the uuaouuoQniont that Mr. Crokcr has told General Martin T. UcMuhon that he would not bu tbo nominee lor congress but that the nominee would bo jtencrul Danfl U Sickles The aotormina- .ion to noroiuato Geuerul Sickles was itald to have bueu prompted o > tbo fact tnat the coueral bad tieon uxcoouinclv restless under the nomination of Clnveland and bad shown lens of boltinc tbo tiultet since no made his address at the Grand Army encampment iu Washington. _ ( 'Iciplniul U iih viireilhtlr NI.W VOKK , Oct. 17. Grover Cleveland re turned bore this morn Inc. The Associated press reporter sboivod him a dispatch Earing ho had promised postmaster penoral- hii ) to Uovsriior Gray ol Indiana In case ha xvns dlecled. AJterroadinc it caroluliy he inquired Uio day of the month. Buing'told. tiobnid the olcctlon wits Uvont v-ono days later , nnd suprKestod that the question as to ills cabinet ivas somewhat premature. He then udvisod tlio interviewer to call on a clairvoyant. He mnao uo moro deQuito reply ply- - _ Aillul AiiM.iiHlH \\iir rriencU. BIUMISGIUM , Ala. , Ojt. 17. Adlai E. Stevenson arrived here last night nnd was mot nt the station by u largo crowd of en thusiastic democrats , including Congress men Livincston and Moses of Goorcla , who ore now oLumpniir Alabama. Ho loft the city ut 4 o'clock lorOpclika , whcto he bpoalts tomorrow. He will return to Btrmincham Tue ° daj' and wilt speult at the fair grounds , u here a barbecue will be orupared for 10.000 pooole. _ lIHIItlll ! > fl/IMl llllll ( iriltllltllllH. POUT Tow s'gKNii , Wash. , Oct. 17. Judge W. H. Calkins , formerly of Indiana , received a letter from Judro Walter Q. Uresham say- lug the btntumonts that he would veto the democratic ticket and take thu stump ncruln&t Harrison w ro "unnutbori7Bd and xvnolly RfUtllltOUS. " _ _ UluiiiM l.tiiivim Optiir I'.irm , WHITE I'LAIVS , N V. , Oct , 7. Illaino con cluded his visit to Whttliiw Reid this morn- inr and left for New York. At the cou- elu.sion of bis stav there bo goes to Washington - ton for the winter. < : ri > \ ! r'H suiuliij- Kcw YOUK , Uct 17. Mr. Cleveland spent thu wbolo of Saturday und bundny on board ol Mr. Ucuaaict'fi yacht , the Oneida , in tb pleasant waters of the Ho is ox- pccti-d htuo today. Clioleni \Vhcn properly treated us soon as the firs symptoms uppciar. choloru can nearly always be cured. Tbo patient should co Imiuo'liateiy to bed and remain us qulol as possible. Suud for a phVBician , but wlulu awuiung Uli urrlvnl takn Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhwn Uemerly in double doses after each operation of the bowels moro limn natural. If I hero IK severe palu or crumps lane it in double doses every liftuon minutes until roiliivod. This remedy bui. uuon used with great siicoesH in seven epidemics of dysentery that were utmost ns sovrjro nud duncuroub us cholera , nnd if usml us diroctna n euro Is almost certain. ( Cvcrv family should have n 5'J-cont bottle at bund ready for in stant use. After the dlsoasQ is under control castor oil must Da taken to cluatiso tb6 system. No other phv.slo or subuitutu will do in placoof ciisinr oil. For sulu by drug- I IIP V. U. I. . A. MuUc * .lolnliiK ru y , The Young Men's Christian association hat been busy for u lone ; tliiio with u buhome for partial payments of the inemborhlp fue , that would maUo joining oa v fur young met ) \\lio wore working on small kulurliii nnd yet I'O ' just to ; heat > who pair ! fully in advance. , \ svhteiu wont ulToct yont nluv that will meet with t-'onnnil favor nnd tiring the lut o adynntngus thn usvoulnttan In offer ing within the reach of al ) vnuui ; niun. A coupon ticket is tisuarj iiuvuble in four payments , H on joining , 8.J in thirty dnyn und. PJ in sixty itnd ninety dayfi. ' 1'liuro ere jots of yriunp fellows to whom HO Is u inrtuno hut who can easily tnko oaroof the amount lu four payments , The association has already I.CJIDO tnunty- llvnuppllcaiJotis for this Utl : > et and UK soon at it IB known It is sure to meet with general favor , Thu directors uro anxious to t > eo tnoio younp ruem who are worulnc on small nularies ovull tbotntulvu * of its helpful privi leges and for this purpoko have arrauirod this systom. _ C Clillctrun. . 1 11 fan It , U prevalent at. all ttmei but U lurptily avoided by jjlviuf ; pr oper lisa ishmeut an < ] wbolcbomc food , The tnu t , uo ruibful and luli&blo is the Gai1 Borden "Kuplo" Brand CcsUonboJMilU. Yourgro- cur und druggist keep it , Il nl ol riicuinoiila , John Tbomus , a toutractor nud one of the jurors iu the Maror Ml ! lor laquett , alod at liU Ittto re-ilcliuico , 'JO * South Thirtieth itreot , Sunday nlcht of pueuuiouiu. Thu ! ttnuouuoemont will tie m dt UUr.