THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS IUbs , Pork , OalB , Corn and Wheat Scored Advances Ycalordiyi EVIRYTHING KEPT NEAR THE TOP It Had Hern a ( Icnornl Ilollcf Thnt the JlecclpM In the Northwo Would Let Up , Hut It ttm Not to lie. CIIICAOO III. . Oct. 17-Theblz stained culllnRon'Ch in oacomo I In Imminent ( Lin ger today from tlio eumblnoil ( HtliltiR up of prices. Short rlbi made a loip of G2 > io. pork 40c mi llnril .lie. Out * closed with it Riiln of from J u to I "id cnrn Is up from "So " to liontul wheat JiC. Tlio provision market opened strons on the small ioeolptof hoi * and tliu good do- Jnatid reported ( rout tlio yards .lulin Cud iliy A. Go. woiti tliu bust buyers of .Innu-iry pork at tlio start , but Litoln thodnv evoryboty up- poured to w ml II. 11 ildnln-P irniiin took a Rood do il and tlioro appf1 trod to bo numerous Inlying orders In the li unit of coinin salon ) mn < ev ' < ! iiLT.iny. Unto y llrolh"M worohouy bnjorsof lard , or would h ivo boon If olTer- lns It id boon moro llboril 'I hiy sot a fair tii ] ml Ity however mid It w is s ltd their pur- cli IRCS ttoro for account of I'nlrlmnks , { chftnrt7-l > utPn and McL'oi inlolc took between ! . ' )0I.UUO ( nun JOJO.UJJ pounds of .lanunry ribs 'J'liutu was no hesitation im tliu buying slilo nnd iirlce a ithorod slronnli as tlio session progressed Closing aio at tlio top of the dnv's rntui ! . II lins been a ccnoral botlof lioro tbat tliu rccelptH In tlio noitlntest would lotnp. but In- lead the arrivals. If anything , aru larger tlinn limy Imvo boon. iNnlwItlmfindlni this nnd uxtr.iDiillnarlly bo ivy rocolpta looilH. vlitmlhoioononcd nnlto linn tit tbo prlco It rlosod t on batindiij. 01 a little better ririunnss. too , wits In tbo fiico of tlio fact that thu Ijlxorimol in irhm ivis n iiliir and III it ) nil In shlppi-d .H'.UOI ' bushels lust week a.Mlnst unly CO Dot ) liiisholHon tbo nook pieted n : . Un Iboother liiinil , lloerholiin's uulyorjilniri.ini iioolod c.irwcs of Uillfornlu and i oil winter uimurand held hlulici London sent hlKhui < | tlnlitlons fur silver , hleh m cessatllv makes Indliin who it cost thp fort'iuM piireliiisol innro monov It aln l KhDwciI tluil a larao are i < if tlio winter who it boil licro wiisslllllii nuod of riln. DID nur- l.ot bccttnu very dull after hnl' tin hour moderately netho fuloand the crowd turned thulr nttintlon to the blnckliniril. whereon the uhiiiuus In tlio \ Isloio supply worn boliu posted \Vltlithopiiblle.itonor mi im-roiso nf II.MI.OOOhn the tnarlfLt summed oil. but Ilia ollui'l ( if Iho largo Incru i quickly ovcri'omo by tliu recolnt of tbo utnilu cables , ( liinttm ; ndv.inees at London I.iris and Her lln , and the market on that news hoiMine ( inltostroiiK. asking the best prices of the d y towards the oloso I'rom tbo iinchniutd prices at the opcnlnK the inirkot advnnued lie , then cased olT V and untilly advanced 'H1 Corn opened Hlronn with recovers the best buyors. 'Iho rocolptH7oto 00 c'irs. where only 810 had boon expected , but as there was Htindny Inspection of six Import nit ro ids , they foil below what mUht .1 ivo been ex pected. A cool many reports were In from tbocountry th it the qu liltof tlio crop w is utmost snro to pro * \ory Inferior and tlioro was less disposition to Bhort tbo mirkot and considerable covering r-lblov , lljydcn nnd Jtartlott-l'ra/ler ivoro aoo 1 buyers an I priors prndutilly went up. but then hid some reac tion , mainly oirn'0 nolilii ; : by ldin and bohwart/-I > upeo. supposed to boon St. Louis orders Tbolslblo supply lljurcs uddoil to the torn downturn ! trend until fie rally la wheat o lined alarm amour the shorts and resulted In another advance to near the host juices of tbod ly. Tbo oils tradois tomv experienced as active a session as they h ivo h id for months , the iimrkot rnlliioxttomoly strong fiom tlio xery utart. The biiylnir eiders were bonier tlnn on Mtiy proxlous il ly Ihli month , "lillo tlin Fhorts. led by Slbloy. I'.irarhuo and Learning , took advantage. Now Yoric also bought Iieoly. The marUot woakoncd somewhat nftcr the o uly business h id boon transacted , but renewed buying by tlio shorts durlnx the Inat half hour of tbo session llrmed up price- , consider.Lbly mill tbo oloso was madnatthu Iiluh points of tlio day. The Decision for the Jlurry temul to bo the lUht rucelpts , the ar- rlxnlh for two days belli'4IJ cars and R'ijU bu. by can il. wlieroas the estimates called for 470 e.ira. The fact that the olTurmis wore nioder- nto assisted the advance tnatorlallv. 1'rclghts vvoioslu uly with a fiilrdoinind for vessel room at"ic for wheat and io for corn to IlnlT.ilo. Katlmiited receipts for tomorrow : Whoiit. Bi I ours ; corn , VUJcard ; oils. 315 cars ; lions , 1P.O Obcad. The leading futures ranged as follows : AHT1CI.KS WnrATNo October. . . . December. . May COIIN No Ii- Octobor. . . . December. . OATH No s November . Duccmbcr. . VlfiK I'OII 1C rsovcmbcr Jnnunry . I.AIIII November Jnnunry . . biinitT Kins- October. . . January . Oush ( | iiotntlons were as follows : Pi outi Ilarelv ste idv and \orv dull ; win ter patents. 1 17 -l OJ ; winter straights , t L.'xj ; sprliu p.itonts. * Ul ; sprlii' irattthlsl(0&I.SI ( ) ; hiker ' . $ J : > "aJ.OO. WIII.AT No. J hprln. , Ta'.o ; No. U spring , BlSiiU'fCi No Jrnd , T.l'.c. COIIN No ' . ' . 4l'8c ; No . ) cnih,40'c. OATS No ' . ' " . ' No a white ' . L"Jj.c ; , J.'o ; No. while. M'iflllu'ic. 1UK No " , fii c. liAiif.ur No ' . ' , OOGGIc ; No 3 , BOfflC2c ; No. 4 , o. b , JIHllo. l'i. AX bli ii No 1 , Jl lOJil.lO' ' ; , TiMOilir bin > I'rlme. il.OO. VotiK .Mess. ] ioi bbl. . $11. 1)0(312.00 ) ( ; lard , poi 10(1 ( Ibs. , KOO ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , 17.718 ] oi"ii : : dry hilled shoiilclors ( boxed ) , (7.45 1 1.Wshort clear sides ( boxed ) , t.lo < a.S.I5. WiiibK * Distllleis' Uulshed EOOdx , per gal. , SuilAlts Cutlo.ifr > JiaS'ic ; Branuluted , 5Hc tandnid "A , " fi'ne. ' Itocolpts and lpinonts today wore as felOn lows : On the I'rodneo oxohango today the buttei ninrknt was steady and unehingod ; eroiitu- cry. 18a l5o ; dairy , 'iiaJJo Eggs , lower al St. l.onU Murld'ts. pT. I < otiis. Mo. , Oct , 17-1'i.ouu-Unolmngod \VilKAT Cash , lower at CSitt,8 ( o ; option closed So abiuo batuid iv ; October , C'Jo ; Ue comber. 7P478ij ; May. TSMWSKc. COIIN Oash , htoady at 4Uo ; options olosci ( So abo\o hatiirday ; NoTOinber , , IJ.WBo ! ; Do cbinhor , .lh" , ( i , : is > , o ; May , 41 He. OATS Clash , steady at S'lo ; options bettor November , Ih'ao ; .Muy , .UiJ.IJ c , H\K Lower. Me. llAiti.rSlows Iowa , r > S3'c. lllUN-Qulot ; east ti.icU , MitWo 11 AV Steady ; prulrie , W ! > ( X Ma ; tlmothj II ) w l J oo. l.UAD-Sloady ; H73 for soft Missouri ; ( J.G for ehenilcal , l'li\Xhirii Steady nt fl.07. ItL' rirni ; ureamory , "IG''Soj dairy , 1 Ol'le. s Quiet , I7o. bleiuly nt tl OV2J.OO. ' UIUTON Tins 11,10 WIMBKV hlondy ut .IO for finished goods. and lu.-hor. 1'ork lu Jo loU Jl ' . . ! " . > . l < ard , tHJij Urv milt Bhouldon lee i > , Jl.7.1 ; loir. anil rl'js ' , (7.K1 ; shorts. J8.W boxed , Ilo inoro Union shoulders , i'.tt loim-s. 8S.7.1 ; rib ; . . * * S7)4 ) : bhorta , tJ.U'SJ. Uugu enifd hums. * ll.f.x31.V ) . Uiicrii'TS riour. H.OW bbls ; who-xt , V510 ; bu , ! corn. 4 . ' .00 1 bn. i oils. 57,000 bu. ; ryi nonet bat ley , niiiie , hiiii'Micsrh rinur , 8,000 bbl . ; whsat , 7:1.01 : Im.i inrii , Il.0u0 ) bu.i oaw , 1J.OOJ bu. ; rye , 7,0 Im , ; burley , nono. Vor .Murki'U. Now Voltlf.Oct. 17.-ri.oiw Uecolpts , fiO.Sl iikgs ; oxuortH , 7I.MJ bbls. 4J.OJO biokn ; du and easy ; calos , 8,800 bbls. Low oxtr.i , J..u IllKl ; winter whout. low itr.ulos. fiuOjllUO ; fn tofanoy. .I. lOjfll JO ; p itonts , } l ioai 4J ; Alii noiota nil , MjJa.1 : utniUhts. fUi 4..1 ; patontii , ll.'Jitl.S ) ; rye mUturcs , * ) .UJ Ul" , COIIN MKAI , Qnlut , stuady ; yellow wester ' \VtirAT-UecelptK , fSftrtn bu.j exports. 10 ! COUbu ; h ih'H , l,4u.l.inobu. of futurtx. J.IiUOh or bunt. bpol dull , llruifr ; No. a rod , , .l TJVio In btoro nnd olovalci ; 7i 5iiUUo ullna 7HliQH4ef. ) ' o b : .Na.lroil. 'ST.'iiu ' : itnuradi Ifd. TOab V0 ! No. I norlhorn , BiJ.SJS.lSo ; ft a northorn. J-iUUrJli ? ; Mf. - MUwuukcnr 7.41.10. OptlonM wcro mo loratisly ri'KiiliT. opening al 'io doullno on oiinlor pi viito cab u * und foreign bulling , advancing trlllooti May. roacllni M ® " o on luw lnt inovument , coed clear mm on tlio 1 crenso In htooUs and visible supply , udvunci UiB .o 01. covering and llrinor west , o 11 itiKNtvuily mid iinuhnneud toUoilecllne. IN y red , Uutobor. 7B'W67hf.f. iiloiliis at 78S Dicoinbor. M ) . 8lc. closing at MSo ) ; Un . . . ItrE-Ilnll. easier ; woMorn. . MixiU of grulu ill utoro uuU alloal Octet ) IM Wheat , 12OirsM7 ! bu ; corn , 1,6Yl7t ) oit Ji 00,170 ! rye , Mtri bar cy. 3' < , .I2.1 ; milt,3J.i.Oj prn . none. lUnt.ttrDull but nominal ! western. fl'il71p ( ItAiit.EV MALT ( Julct and stoidy ; Can id n , D ) Qfllc. Cons HccelpK 241.009 bu i oxporls , 118,001 bn.t slo , O.VVOO ) bu. of futures. 11 , IWJ bu. of upot. Spots easier and rnolcritoiy nctlvo , cln ln tn dy ; No. 2. 40Hiai1' < o In nlBrntori fiOifc O'ionllint : nnRr.idod mlxol. 4'i ) < 'a.Mo. ' Op tions were dull , oponlni at UCJUc. decltnod on easy cnblo , Inrio rccotots and Increased stocks nnl vlilblo , advanced Utt'jo with nhcit nnd locil covcrln/ . closed llrmjo up to fo down ; October. 4nJl9'te ! , closing at lilacs IlO'-cnihcr. 514131c. . closing ut filttc ; Hay , ! ® ij 1n' , closlnu ntri. OATS-llocolpts , Hl'.OJO bu ; exports. 31)bu , ; iilos. 4 O.UJ ) bu , of futures. vt\m ) bu spot , Hpots actUo but irrozulitr. rinsing stoarty ; op- tlnns luodontidy nctlvo ind firmer ; October , aiViCiDaiMmhcr.awci May , THoi ) No. 2 spot , while. 'I'e ; tnlxod woitarn. .lldtne ! white nest- orn , iwail'Sc ' ; No. 2 Cliloago.IUUo. llAV-Qitlrt.ste.idyi shlpplni ; fl&aooo ; good to choke. "i Slc. lloi'M Qiilot. steidy. 8tlivit-ltiw ) , dull , ( Inn ; rennet ! , quiet and stoidv iVot-Assrs I'orcljn , nominal ; Now Orioans , dill , sie.uly. liter. rittni coed ( loinniil. Hujs-l'ilr dam-iud. llrm ; receipts , 5,183 I'niiK-Sto-idv ! old mc9 , liaoOTil2 2.1 : now mess , IIJO tflU'ii oxtri prime , $ H.UUXail. ' > J : out mo its. strong ; middles stroll- and nil lot : shot t , uloir , JS..11 for Novomber. Lird , dull , hi her ; weUorn sleim elmert t80) iislted ; niles Hi tlercos ntH7 ® 7l ! option sales , l.l it ) tloreos ; Octobct. * s 70 , olosltu ut 1)1)1. ) no nlniil ; NoioinDor , { 801 , closing nt ts.'lbld ! .Iniiuary frsi. IliTTrnt lu ifood dem mil. flrmor ; wo torn d-ilrv. IVlftJIo ! weitorn ere unery. lOiSJic ; r.mlii , Sfi'jTftJTc. CiinstQuiet , rathm otsy ; pirt sklnn. I'm IIION Stoitly. fair donnn I ; American tl liiiXTH'- . ( l H'l-Bii Ste ulv : 1 ike. 11t.ooail.71. In vnDull doiiKHtlo. tl'i iJ7l 0V I IN rirni. strut-Mils , f lS7l ) , llnlrs unit Tolls , Pollowliu nro Iho prices p ltd bvOnnlia dealers for hides and po'.ti quota I subcot | to rhiiiuu without nntl o : No 1 1 > \ eon hides , lo ; No I IT 'on silted hlilei , 4ai i'j ! No. Screen mllcd Indi" , i-Til'ici Nn I r < en silted hides , aiti 40 .bs. 4iil'i.No : J itroeu s iltod hides " " > Io4ilbs .It&'io , No 1 M'H calf H to II Ibs.l ® tie ; No J vc il o.tlf. S to II Ibs , , l'o , No I dry Mini hide" . " < ; No ' . ' dr > Hint hides .lo , No. 1 drv silted hidelijtie ; pirt oureil hliloi ' So tier ib , less than fully cured. Whcop nelts-liriun sutod. < ich tru'on siltol sliMrlltus ishort wooed oirly skins ) em h , IVilllc dry ihoiiiln-s ( short \vinilor ! o irly skliib1 , .No 1 , each. IflHOu. drv "hcarling" short won , D I I'lirly s ( Insi , No " . ouch , V , iliy Hint 1C ins is and Nobi isU i but -her wool noils. pei Ib. ictiiiil wi-l.'ht luau1 ' ! ilrvlllnt lin - His.ind NobrisU i Muri iln wool milt's ' , pur Ib. , ni'tiiil wplghl , SiD -L ; drv Mint Colorado buleborwonl pelts p M Ib . lotual wcUht. lihi l"ifr ; dry Hint Color ido Mnn iln wool pelts. per Ib , ni'tual we glit. s'ilJii. dry tleoces ind bucl > , iictu il wel.'ht , 7-i'ij ' II i\n foot cut elf , as It Is useless to p ty fieUlit on them. ( Ml n irltut. New VniiK. Ot't 17 I'Riuobbi : : Opened doll and weak with an lucre ised pro sure to soil as tlie dav a I v. need At thoetosotho tone of the m.irKot was stendlet. IVnnsvl- vinlioll , spot sales noun , ( \o\oinbor option ilcs 81 0'd bids ( ) | iuiiln.M'ae. hliheu ftl'.e. lowest IJUc , closln ; 1J' Mma oil , 10'ic bid ; no 3 lies Pot il s lies , s i.UJJ buls. ( . 'orros &EIII : On , llisy an 1 dull ; cruao , IJ'Si'l ' yellow H't TAtt.o Dull stoadv ; city ( $ . ' .03 for plcjs ) . 4'c. . KOSIN Dull staily ; strilnol , co'iimon to good , * ! . . ' i@T ' ' , -I'lm , ruojor Ho doniand ; 1)01 ) LOMIOV. Oct 17--OAi.ctrrA LINSEED IOs per quirtur Pmu'cvriM : Hpiiitrs 3J3 oor cwt. WHALE On. IMS per ton full eu Uiukft. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 17. Options opened steady , unchanged to 11 points htzhor. .ind rlosoil stoadv atr > up to II points down : s lies , haijs luicludtn , ' : October , til VI ; Novem ber , ill.1 ® ! ! ! ! . December. $1110141520 : M i rob. If 14 7V9 4 111 ; April J14 81 ; May. * I4 70 < 7i H.SV bpot Ul > . dull and ste uly ; No 7 , JIG.JOZ6 10 1" } UioJANGino. Oct. 11 1'lrst ordlnxrv , 10.1111 rels per IJ kilns , go id seoinds. 10,1 ) U rols ; re ceipts during the week , -J7.HOO b IRS ; purch ises for the Hulled States , ' . ' 7.010 ; shipments tor the Uiiitou tat itos. ll.'lll : stook , 110 OJO li IM. SANTOS , Oot. 11 U700 rols nor in kilos ; rp- colptH during the vvenk. 7oOJO ; uiirchasos for the United Stiles. 2.100) ) : shipments to the United states , 1",000 , stock , 177,000 bags. City KANSAS CmMo , Oct 17 WHEAT Was ic lower : No J hard , OTMSOOVio ; No 2 rod , b2 < J 0.10. 0.10.COIIN COIIN Was Y,1 lower ; No 2 mlxod , J4ifl ! ( } J5c. J5c.OATS AVoak ; No. 2 ml.xed. C6.ar01c. HAV rirmor ; timothy , $3 OOas. 53 ; prairie , } 4 007.00. llUTTEii Very Drm ; creamery , 2IO23cdalrv ; v Knos Active , ( Inn ; 17l714c. KECi'UTS Wheat , 8luOJ bu. ; corn , 53,000 bn. ; oils. 1.0'il ' hu , Sllll'MKMS,72,003bu jcorn , 28,000bu. ; outs , l.OOJ bn. Oinnh.i I'rult Mnrl.rt. OIIAPE3 Now York Concords , J3c per JO-lb. biskou OAMtoitNiA OnAi-ns Per crito. 11.50 mus- cits : t71 \ Tokays UAMF WNIA IM-ACIIKS Per nox , $1.61. OAMFOIIMA I'EAUS JiS1) per box. Al'i't.B-i 1'erbbl , JIOJ ; fancy , $1.53 ; Qvobbl. lots. 2-lo loss 1'er box. $3 00. Liverpool DurlfetH. u Oct. 17. WnBAT Stoidy , do- inand uootholders oiler niodct iteyNo.l ! Cali fornia. Os lldftlis ll'd uorcenn : . COIIN Quiet , unoh ingod ; western , 4s iJd per contnl. L HID Pi line vvpitern. 42s 11(1 ( per cwt. C'lirrsK Amor' llnost vvbllo and colored , Ms iior civt for Hjptoinoer. Cotton Mull < ct. NEW Olu.rANS. La. , Oct. 17. Steady ; mid dling , 7 U-IUo : low mlddlini ; , 7 7-iu | ; 1:001 ! orulnary , d U-lGc : not rocolpts , 1J.1S9 bales ; uross receipts , 1I.H90 b.iles : exports to Great Ilrltulns , 'i.l7I bales ; to franco. MOO bales ! sales , 4J'jO ' bales ; Block , 1J2.07J bales. dm ilm I'roilucioJI.irknt. Eoas Slow at I9 < j. lIUTTKit-l'aoltlnK stocK , l.liiU'/io ; choice a airy , 1 Oft Me. I'otli.Titv Ohlokons , old fowls and ducks arc Boiling tnoitly ut'Jc. Now lurk lij ( iooiU .Market. NEW Yonic. Oct 17. There was moro llfo In thodomund for dry coojs for the spring soa- fen today. The cotton Koods doni ind lu.d an Improved tono. Inquiry for cooda at old urices was uollvc. TradurH' 'lain , OlliOAno , III. , O.-t. 17. Cnnnsolman k Day tn Cookrnll llros , ' Commission company : Wheat opened dull and the market for two nnii ona-half hours vvnshoi\lly pounded by short' influenced ny lur.-o northwest rocuintb , In orensea slilpmonls from Indl.i lo Kurope and the addition of nearly 4tillJOUO bushels mo i to the vlslhlo Hupniy , The bears boom to havt already dlscountod every pnsslblo announce' munt and urlcos yielded only Ho from hitnr d iy's aloshiK. Durln < the last hour there win a naif cent rally uii btoidy buying , in lluonced by hl-'hor quotations from Kn llsh , French an I German markets , am urospocts of Interrupted receipts li consequence of storms In the northwest Corn wiis a compiir illvolv sniull market. Tin a ( I v unco was the result of buying by shipper and other local shorts who feared Blot mi weather would chooic receipts and onusi poorer Krudln of nirlvals. O.its vvasa Enmuj market anil prices advanced lo on cover lastly Hhiirts vvho raided tno mnruet Ins week 1'rovlslons scored sharp advances al u round on dldiippolnlliiK receipts of hogs Th tulkls that packers having sold their vtl muted output foi January must soon liny th hozs In Older lo h ivo the ptoUuut fully Liirei or mu'l cover Ihulr contract In the market ' 1 herofnro auv falling elf In ho , ; receipts o advances In orlces will ho watched by lh blinru with iilarin OlIlUAlin , III. . O.'t. 17. 1' . O. Ioui A. Cix t Duncan , llnllliu'er.V Co : The wheat m irke has been dull and without fo ituro today , Th r.inuo of the December option was from 7V * to 'i'i" and 7i\c. thuulojln prlco liuliu7.1'ji 71'ie , .May Hellliu about. > u over. ' 1 hn Ineroas In our vlslblo supnly of .I. II.HOO busli ols , makini ; u totil of .V.uUuoO ) hush ols , U nn Kiuat ar.'uniunt In of any advance. Itooolpta nt the nnrthwoi lire far lu nxcoiaof allusllmatos Until thcr In some lot up to tin ) ro.-olpls tliu market can not niUanco much if any. Calnc roconod were btondy but the prle U gradually gonu lowor. The cua demand for our d.iliy rocolpts n this point lh fair but at ruinously low price l.'holeo No. : i red wlntor old today at i cents , with No , 2Belling nt 75't oonts for Di eeiulor , Thlsnpnoirs out of line but th prlco Is low und If receipts do not let up u will ha o bomc adv mco from today's price. Corn ruir.-ed from 4JVo lo Wo for Mav. ' 1 rail nils rather ll.'ht. 1'roiu all no can leal aboul tliu crop Ills illhiippolntliu In yleli Tliu oabh demand fur shipment has been po ( today. The closing prlcu Is 41ij ( IU O.its Imvo boon authu. A local oper.ui M who told at aliont 'Ma has been a slo.ul buyer durlnic the session The treiu-th i hoj produits continues The ( net that he roio uu full short of tno estimate Is 01 . uanso for tlni advance , out Iho Wrlnht folloi u In t uro suslalulni ; ttio ndvanco. r- OniOAiio. 111. . Oou 17. Kcnnott. Hopkins rii - Co. to y. A , MoVVhorter ; Wheat ban riU | iid iis > llrm most of tbed-y but. dull and foitnrelos s- 1'oroun udvlcoii are tooro oncouriuMiii in so. . vxporu moro lltiuml , but receipts at prlmni o.o : markets today were the largest ou the on y. und tha vlilblusupplv iiiiulonnonf tliu lieu lest on record , Trader * ury on tl fence. The prlco H to low th futv care lo bu uort aad ikuulptv aru lucrou rnldj Hint still fewer eire to bo lone The mult Is that trade H llfolos * and nearly ovorvbo ly Ii wultlnt for the market to eel out ot the rut. In corn and oils lo"il Miorts covnro 1 quite freely , most of 'ho mica bolni for country noeotinu It M ballovod that the llrmnoss U but temporary and prlcss will drop again al soon as these who h.iro covered boiln lo resell , ns they are likely to do If receipts keep up , lu provisions tbo In January alnrmod shorts , from whom tlioro haj been a oood dem ind , ro ultlnt In bettor prices. Mght receipts of ho.-s nnd higher prices at the yards helped the ndvnnco. STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. Actl lty In Jrrurltlcn Well MnlMalncil NBW YOIIK , Oct. 17. The activity at the Stook oxoh ingo which so pronounced a feature of the stook mir' < ot last week was fully malnt lined today. Tha tram utlons reached the largo tot-il of " 431,871 shares. In cluding U403shuroa of unlisted stocks. Chicago cage Gas advanced on largo purchases Pf to 01 'i percent. A llttlo liter Distilling and Gattlofcodln ; loomed Into prominence und rose from 01 to 03 percent on atilmitnd trad ing. Atncrlc in Tab luco conunon advanced 1" < per cent. Chlcaco , Hurllngton & Qulnoy , li ! per cent : Uickiw inna , 1 per cent ; Kdlson Illtiiulnatlng , l ! { per cent ; ttvans- vlllo St Terre Haute , 2 per cent ; Illinois Central , 13 per cent ; LiOlcdo Gas , \ \ per cent : Manh itt in , 2 per cent ; Hnltlmoro V Ohio 1 pur font , and tin ) romiiludorot tbo lUt U to ' percent , the latter In I.oulsvlllo , Now Albany \ I'hlciuo , which ndvanood on the continued lucre iso In earnings , .lersov Cen tral fell oft" 1 ' per cent ! Heading , m per cent : Union I'.icllle. I per cent ; Loulsvlllo A , Nash- vhlo , I'i per ( .out ; lienoral l.leclrlo 1 per coot , an 1 Nnn I'ng and 'i ' par cent Th'j actUo stooku gonei.ulj yieldo I about 'i to t per cent , with H i iliv of ' lo > . per cent from the low est In th'j Iln u tr ins lullons 1'ho m irkot loft oir weak fet the railways and Him for Iho in- otiitimis. 1 ho 1'ost says : It w is plainly oiioujn Inill- oiled nt tliooponliu of loduy's stoolc market lh it tliu lo iders of the ripitl ulviinco had for the moment lost their grip The not result of the Oav's business wn a tilsllnct loiictlon nnd It was duo to nollilni ! more than lo the wild tipwntd rush of Now I'nglnnd stock In the Hrst ten minutes t-ileh movements mtikuionsei v- ulho people cautious. The follow , ng nio the closing quotullons fri the lu iilln- stocks on the New \OIK MocU ox chan.o todaj : > \nrlc Mo HM tlitrkrt. Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 17. Most.v ON OALT , Firm at 4 to 7 per cent ; last lo in , 1 per cent ; closed olTorod , itl pot tont. I'IIIMK MruCA.VTlt.s 1'AITH IKS per cent. STBIILIMI HXCIIANOK Woiw at tISIH for sixty-day bills nnd $1 8fl f jr demand. The closing < ] iiotjtlons on'bonds : rinanrliil Not PH. KANSAHOm.Mo.Oct. 17-Cloirlngs , 11,840.- I'Aitih , Oot. 17. Thro 3 per cent rentes , OUI foi the account Nisw VOIIK , Out. 17 , Cloarlnss. $ ' )9,972.J8J ) ! balances , f 1.17(1,014. ( Oct. 17-Bpinlsh gold. 2.5Uii \cliunKuquleU biuur quiet , llAt.TlMom : . .lid , Out. 17 , Clearings , $2MI- 081 ; Palancoj , $ J7.'li&7. Money , II pur cent. I'liir.AiibM-iiM I'a. O2t , 17-Oloarlngs , III- G1770 ; b.ilaneus , } . ' , 150.417. Money , 4 per cent Mr.Mi'lilH , Tuuti . Out 17 Now Vork ov- chiingo belling at ll.fKJ Cleailn H , J.'JIU77 ; b i nncen , } .SI , II. 1. I < OM)0O t , -Amount of bullion with drawn fiom the 11 ink of Lngland on balance ! todny , i''l' ' UOSTON , Muss , Oct. 17 , Clearlnza , $ I7,8 . . Ola ; balancus , $1,1.13.172. Monev , 4a5i , per cent Kxuhuiuuon .Now Vork , luwiVj discount. br. IjiitilB. Mo. , Oct. 17 Hearings , J4.8I1 , U7i ; balanens , JJJl.d'd. Monev ijulotat ua7 pei tent. E\oh.iniro on Now Vork Mo discount. Nuw Oiti.KANd. Li. Oct. 17 , Clearings. Jl. 307,410. Now Vork oxch nuo , commorol il , * l.2 per tl.OJO discount ; II.IIIK , IJo dlsjonnt to pit CHICAGO. Ill , Oct. l7.-Cloanngs , $ . ' 0.07J.i8l Now Voiko\ch.ingo.D < a40odbcount. ! Btorilni oxchaiMO nil. lower ; slxty-dnv bills. $1 8J > 4 sight drafts , 5I.SU1 ; , Money ousy at 6uiU pe i.ivi : nrocic .M.\itKirs. I.lKlit Itccuipts of ull hurts rind Cult ) I'rlcus Iliiinen and llii ; ; * llgli | r. OMAHA , Out 17. A usual on Monday ro celptsof all Mndsof sleek wuru Uy no moan oxcesilvo and nu irly u third of thiMn arr.vo too Into lo out any llguro lu the marker. In nil over 4DJU cattle wuru rocolvod , bu Perfect Development DopandP Upo i Perfect Nutrition. UBO Hio gouuino Johnn Holt's Mult i\tnict : , it ia tli uubl tonic nutritive extant , I is apoumlly locommondod nuiv int ; mothura , comalesoonta nn tliu woulc and ilobilittttod. lie id \viro of iiuitiitions. Tbo gent ill ino mubt huvo the siRimluro of "Johaii illy HotT" on tlio nook of every bottle. Fo IP y Soio Throtit , Coughs unil Colds , use tb t' Mult ICxtnu-t hot nt bod-tlmo and tb ie Konuino Johutin Ilotl'a Mult Bouboi its s- during tbo duy , Very piuuiuiit. IPS * than hnl t that nltmbor had arrived up to the noon hour. 'I rrrnrmrkot wtis active und stronger on nil doMrahio olferlnzi Some very peed 1212 pound grTsTWottern bcovos sold for (1.00. but the Rcnet'd run of western cattle were rither commqnlsh and moved slowly at about steady prl o4 frhtn tl 75 to MM. There wore no native cArltfod cattle hero either good , bad or Indifferent , In general the mar ket wa * steady to strung nnd a fair clearance made of the unrly nrrlrulo. Hutchcrs'stuff and cannon' Bold very un evenly. Good td cliotcft con * and hplfors wore fairly f too seller * lit ttom Jl.7.1 to JJ.75 , while medium to poor stuff WHS decidedly dull and bArely stondv nt from SI.00 down. Hulls , oicn nnd stags were unchanged nt from JI.2J to J2.2.V. Calves ana yonrllnK * iow nt from Jl.10 tot 1.00 , A fair business w a trans.iotod In slocuorj and feeders. Tiiara wiis no mntorlnl change In the situation lieprtiscnlillvo salcsl lions The supply iris e\cn llRbtor tb in usual for u iMonilar. This fuel , together with tbo very fuor tblo o tstern reports , K.IVO us .1 Kood strong market In unite of tbo absence of ny shipping deinund. 1'rlees ruled 5o to lie lihei thin bnturd ly , and the rocoluls luuuod bands % ory brlsltly at the ndv nice , t wasur.u'tlently a S" > 4J market for fulr to : oed stulT , with a few of tliu best butcher at $ > 4i'i and fi 45. ana common to poor Hilt and throwoitta at $ )2' > and $ " > J" > . nvery- Mng sold o\cet | some Into nrrlv.tlB Silcs ere largely at J5 40 iiRalnst $ "i.25 to { 5.3o rdav. Honresintatlvo s ilef : Smu' Only two of the four double-do.-ks rccoivpd wore ottered for s.ilo. They were cool Utib wothoM weighing 101-lbs. and broucbt $4.03. Deslrnblo muttons continue In liCtlvo dommid a ; stoidv to strong nrlces 1'alrtocood n itlvps , * J501J4 51 ; filr to coed westerns , . ) .2 > ® 1.2.1 ; ooinmon nnd stock sheep , J.21WJ.25i irood to chok e 40 to QMb. lambs. ; I.UJI 75. HepreibntuMvo H.ilus ; No. 4 > Av. I'r. 10 Utah wethers. . . 103 tl DO Receipts mill DUpiMltion or Stock , oniclal receipts mirt dlsDosltlon of stook as shown by tbo books of tbe Union Block Ynrds company for the forty-dUht bouri ending at 5 o'clock p. m. , October 10-17. ISJi ItftKll'TS ChlriiKO I.lvu block .Murker. CHICAGO , III. , Oct. 1 ? , [ Special Telegram t < TIIK IlUK 1 Uood native c ittlo sold ns well ui on the closing days of last week. Tlicio won not m tny of them and thov wore all wanted ror the poorer grades the mar > ot also dls played reasonable netlv It/ , but It was weal ns a conseqneiRO of a. too liberal supply. Tin arrivals Included about I..OJO natlxos and 10 , 000 rano cuttle. The former were rjnoto.l a from f 1.40 to $ l.7 * > . Cows and bulls selling on i bnsli of from $1.0) to $101. for Inferior to oxln dualities , und from JilJ to f.'i'-'j being tin range for common to extra steers , Tux us tlo werosalnble ut from JI.'J'i to J.iOO inn westerns al fiom Jl.5ii to if4 59. Not mud stock was loft unsold , and the goner il marko had u steady look at the o oso. I'oodliu c.iltli wore In autlvo domnnd und sold stronger. Higher pr res were pild for hogs. 'Iho ad vunio Mirlcd from Oo to I5o with nn avera'i gain of about lOo. Receipts foil a lena wn ; " Hbort of the number looked for and to th t" fact alnno was duo the upturn In prices. Hal of the supply was reiiulied to III ! shipping orders dors , anil tlio remainder not boiiusulllclent ti moot the wants of local p ickeis , there mis i ijulck market Tnu best assorted lil-'h weight bold up to fiom } . ) GO to } ' > ( ! . > . and f inov , hoa % and medium weights ere pnsl ed to * i.7bu there was not much trading at these figure' from $ > , l > to $10.1 taking Iho greater mimbei 'Iho close wns llrrn nt from J1.00 to J1GJ fo light and at from $1.05 to $ r ) sl for niLdlum am heavy , 1 hero was a strong mnrkot for sheep an lamtis. Altbou.h tbo HKolpts rojebod genet OIIH proportions , so sharp was tliu demand ilia Hiileiinen wtiro In a position to put up price from 'Ho to 'Jle. Lambs showoj the nios inarkbd gain ; they advanced from $17.1 t How is Your Blood ? m m % 4kmmm m % mte I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee , and was cured Bound and uell with two and a half bottles of KSKSnH Other blood modlcluqs had failed E d 9 to do me any coed , \ WILL C , HIATY : , Yoikvllle , S. C. I wa > troubled from childhood w 1th nn as- ra\atBipqfco of Teller , and Ihreo bottles ot Htnovllle. I.T. Our book on Illood and Bkln Diseases mallmi tree. fattn.TbrwiKiUCo.AtlamaU : OR , RW , BAILE Teeth rilledVltl out 1'aln by the L.itcsl Invon- tlont TEETH cxruAOTnn winiour l\NOClt A PULL. BE TOP TUETH ON KUUUEU TO H5 OO. I'orfcct fit Runranlcol. Tueth extracted I the morning. Now ones InajrtoJ lu ovoulu ° ' of Ito'iiovnblo Ilrld o. beogpoclmonsof I lexlblo Kl istlu 1'Uto ' All work warranted .19 roprotented. Olllce , Ihlld l' < oor. I'.ixtou Illoj't. Tolrphniin l Si. lOtliiul l'.tpHn3li 1 uko Kiev noor Si i rw ij- from IDIU fatiout Uutrauuo. 1800. Sheep were quoted at for native * , nnd at from M.a.1 to M 50 for west ern * . Tow of the former were good enough lo brine moro than * l 8.1. and * ale * of weilonu nera principally at from II 8.1 to 14 JO. Itocolptsi Cattle , .JuOOt nog * , 23,0301 shooo , The Ercnlne .lotirnal reports ! CUTTi.r.-llccolpn hondt shipment * , 70lj market steady on best ( trades , otlior * lower : best nnthcs , $1.003v.RO | olhnr * . * B.M8 4UJ ; Tcxnns. } l.53tti8J ! gtockors , * i.8WJJ..l ; cow * , I..VXiM.\\ llons-Hocelpt * , 51.000 ho-xd ! khtpmisnt * , 4,200 ; mnrkct Ino hlehort roueh and common , 8I. A.MS : pucker * and mixed. M2.VH545 ! prime heavy and butchers' wnlghlB , li.fX ) < t AGO.SIIRFP SIIRFP llocotnt * . 0.001 head ! shipments , 2tOO : | market lOffOIlo liluhor ! owe * . $ .t'J.vai 40s mixed , fl.2 : > JM.7. > ! westerns , JI.2Wtl.01 ! lambs , JJ.'JJ5W 50. 50.No No iv Yoric l.lxo sturK .Mnrlirt. Nnw YOIIK , Oct , 17. 1IPBVFS Hocelpt * . S.1) ! ! , Ineludin tM car * tors ilo ; miirkotnctlxc , lOo hlehor : nntlvo iteer * . i.iooililt per IOJ Ib * . ! roxutitaiid Oolor.ilos. $ M7liiai.4l ! bull * mill CCHS. JI.IDjMtiO ! dressed beef ntnutynt 7SlS' < o per Ib htpmontstomorron , ! 174bee\cs UAI.VFS Keeellits.l.'J'lhoiid. tniirket stonily s vonM , Mu04JH.npor 101) ) Hiss Knissorsl.7.1J 51s western cnlxes Jili3'i'ai.m SliKKl'Avn liAMtis-Keoelpts.l'.OIlhead ! iiia'- kct slow but ste id } ; sheep , 5.I.WAI. . " ! per 1UO Ibs- Inn bs. { MiOtW I'J'Ss ' dressed mutton slow nt 7ttS ! So per Ib ; dressed lambs steady al bO.1'ic. ' lloos-Uocelpt * . O.JIIO heid. Itipludlns three cats for sale ; market .ste.uly nt llOJIi' ) 03 per 100Ibs Knnsn * Cltv l.lvn stuck Market. IvXNHAS OtTV. Mo . Oot. -OATThK UO- colpts , 11,000 ; shinmonU. A/O ) . Mnrkot quiet , sto.uly for Rood ntoori ntul rows others wo ik to loner ; utocknr * , feeders. Toxns ino Indlin steers. unctuinRuil : shipping steers , tJ : ! cows. ll.'J.vaZU ! Toxasand Indian stcors , il 85 OiB-l ; stockers and fee lera , $ { .S ( ijl''i. Hoiis-Kpcolpts. ,1,0)0 ) ; shipments , ,1.100. The nrirkctwns falrlv netlvo. tslionv ; ull ( trades , I3outt\4l , bulk , ni.Mil J.1. SnrEp Kocoints , I..IW ; shlpmnnt * , 009 The mnrkot about tie uly ; Texas millions , tJ.03. SI , Linus I.IMI Mink Market. ST. Ijoris. Mo. Oct 17. UAT-rt.r Kccnlpl * . 1.UIO ; shipments , G30 ; Texas .ind Indian steers , li M5110' ' . lions Keci'lpts , ; ) , ! ! ! ) ) : shipment * , none ; mtr- : kot lOo In.'lieiheay , i\Jii..LU ) ; p ickltiA J' > . 10 OHO ; llelit. J.1 U261AJ. bttrui' Uecolpts , fiJO ; shliiinciits. none ; no salon ; nutivn millions uoniii brliu JlOOitl 71. "Lnto to boa aim early to rtso will shortoi the rend to year homo In tbo sUto * . Hut early to bed and "Llttlo Birlv Iil3jr."tdc pill that , in.ut'H Itto loir iiivil bailer an I wiser. The I.ait ItiliMMt i\curitlnn : South Vlll tbo \VA13Ai3lI U AIL ROAD Will Icnvo Omabti 4 p. tn. Out. U5. For tbo above occasion Ibo Wabasli will boll tickets to points south mid at bull fare. Tbo only line tunnuifr solul trains with lecllnitig chair and Pullmiin buffet sleopiii" ; ears to St. Louis , con necting in union depot with all trains running east and south. Per tickets and further information call at Wubash olllco , 1502 Rirnain street , Om thti , or write G. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern P.iss. Agent. A. KlaiiVclthiiouii to Iho Theatrical Prolcssloii Tolls His Story. The following story Is told by K. Ilclmer of Hclnicr & Lict7 , wipinakers ; , No. ! ' > Kouith Avenue , Now Yoik. " 1 have had a combination of catairbnnd bronchitis from my cai ly infancy. T o years ngo the Byniptoins hocnmo greatly nggia\atcd , nnd I was afiaid of i mining Into consump tion. IIa\o tiled iiihiilations , douches and medicines mimi'ious , but none \\ith ns maikcd Riiitcss as Dr. Safe's Catarrli Roinoly , coupled with the uw of Dr. Pieico's Golden Medical Iisco\ery ( for tlio liionthitis nnd the lloMl ) Having used two bottles of tho'Catauh Hcniedy'nnd n b'.o ' nnioimtof tbo ' Golden Discovery , ' I find my self n well mail " Tlio makers of Dr. Sage's rteintMly lese f 00 if jou'io not cuird ol CaUuli. Dr. SIRO'S Hcinody has piovcd a euro for 09 out of 100 cases of Catairh in the Hoad. and its makers can alTord to take the risk or your being the ono hundicdlh The only question is are you willing to make the toht , if the makers are willing to take the i isk f If so , the rest is easy. You pay your drug gist 150 cents and the trial begins If jon'ro wanting the $500 jou'll get some thing better a cut el BELT C GEE WO Thoonly luillr nriljtt3l Chlun p'lyil lii KlRtit your ' st itI'm yaira iiriotiuil uvpjr1 cncoirlth all Ki ) vn dltJHU ) I'roits tii30jaifu'l/ ' nllohronlocisji vlrjn up by ot'ior djctori Uill andsoohlnor urltu for question blank 1)3 nil think your CAiuliop ) ! JU IM-I n ? yo ir djctormU you so. buttrytha t'hbuia don jr ivlth hli inv ill wonderful ro uoaloj. in IrJJJlvu now bone Its an 1 i permancntcuro wh itottur doctor * cinaot nlvj llorbs Itoon and IMints r.ituro'i rainodlos 'iU medicines The world till wltnoji Onu tlioiniil tostlmonlals Inthr-'o yein' prietlcJ .Votijurloji decoctions , no n treaties , no poliaa lutlonil troalinunt ami permanent curj Following cues nucciiifiiUr trjatol an1 curil , Klvun up by otlior dcctord. Thai CoiiKlilln. t\ii \ Ilurney street , curonlorliau- matlsm li yoarji , kidney and liver trojbloj. Tliog Culvert , IJlh and 1 arna n strjoti , Konorll doblllty. lndU3itlnn , Ios4 of utrjrulti un < l vltillty. Tookmedlclnu for ye trs but KOI no relief , .M. L. Anderson , UH Cunlnt stnut , oUir.'i aotbma nnd bronchltla of nrtoen yu in standlnz 3In ! for flilo tin ) following propiro I romolloi nt fl UOabottlo sir hottluj for JlJO , for tbo ciro o ! Asthma. Catnrrli , Mci lluadicho , llloort I'ulsnnlnx , HlioumltU ' . . . turatln Woiknuii Kldnoy and I.Ivor Complaint. No nuunU riolJ onlr by Clilnmu Muillclnu Co , C r > ltul , IJJ JU Office , ICth anJ Calitiuh Sli. O-TII'II , Nell SOUTH OMAHA. _ _ Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilest cattlo. hog nnd hhoop market In the wcs COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIEZ LIVU h > TJOIC COMMlbblON. TIM : UMHIM : : , HA | W rite to t'm hous ? for cor- liA | ra ot Marital Roporta. Wood Brothers , routh Omah.i Telephone 1117 , - JOHN l ) IIAIIIHUAN , I „ . _ . . , . „ . W A I/I Kll 13. WOOD fM n ori. Market reports by mall anJ wlro cheerfully furnished upon applla itlon , TME Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , HastHt , I/onU , Kana&H Olty , South Omuhu , bioux Olty , Tort Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , t and 59 nxahunoo llulldliuSouth Omalia. Correipondenco solicited nnd promptlr aniwarJd l { fcpeclul attention to order * t ot utookori .V leoderj. EiUbllibod , 1B84. . . . IncorporatuJ , UJ Capllal ( ulljr paid , tW.UUJ. Waggoner Birney Company Write or wlro UB for prompt aad roll bla marke reporti. Perry Brothers & Company , Live btnoU Uommlsiilon. Uoom M bxchanxo llulldlnx , 83nth Omab Telephone 17J7. OMAHA tuu allu PILIMANINT : SUMWALK RESOLU TION. COUNCIL , CII\MUIII. : OMMIA , Neb , OitoUcr 4th , la'J- ' . IJo It resolvid by the City Council of the city of Om ili.i. the in.nor concmrlti. : Th it pel m inont sldi'W ills ho consli note 1 In the tlty of Omaha .isdesUn ilcd helow , w thin live d.iv.s after the pulille it'on ' of tins icsolu- t on , or tbo personal SPIMLU theieof , as by or.lln nice Is niithoil/cd nod UMUlrod | , sncn B denalU- be laid tollip i.orm nent 1:1 iiln is est ibllshed nn tinptMd streets spcclllpil herein an I to ho const ! iitHnil of ston , .iitlll- cl il "tone , hid Ic or llilnc. > c oiJIn ; to htircl- llcallons nn Illo In the olllco ol the ltd ir lor 1'ubliu UorUs , mill under I La supervision , to- wli : \\est side of 24th stirot. lot 1' , l'i ; i P. perm nient sr I'lo. ( . feet w Ido. Noi tb sldoof II irnov street "i fiot of south ' 5 of tbo south o isl. > A of lot I 11 lot tl. C ipltol Addition , perm nient .ri.ide. n feel \\ldo. Pontb sldoof T irn im street , lots U , It , 14 nnd r > . bloeU 11) ) West Hud Addition , torma- nent LT.ide. u foot \ \ tile. ortll sldoof C.illfornl i street , lots C .vnd 7 , block 1" > . C'lty , net man < nt pi a Ic. l > foot wide 12 ist side of JJtli street , lot 5 , olock J4s , Olty , jicrmanent tr ido.II feet \\lde I' istBldcof 1'ltb ' stiect , lot 4 , block H9 , City , perm incut Kr ulc , ii feet w Ide. South sldoof Hurl street , lot 'I. block 319 , Cltv , perm incnt i ule. I ) feet wide. the lion id of I'nnllc Works bo and Isbcieby author./od .mil dlreeteit toc.iusea cony of this r bolutlon to be published In the oniclal piper of tbo city for ono weol . or bo served on the owners of sild lots and un'oss ' Riiclionncrs sinill within Ihodiys iftor the public.itlon 01 service of such copy construct said slnou.ilks as heroin reqiilred , th it the Hoard of I'uldlo Works c.iuso the s inio to bo done , tbo cost of coii'triictlni ; s ild sldowilUs respectively to bo assessed uiilnst the ro il o > lato. lot or part of lot In front of .in I abut ting such hi U\vulks 1'iiascd Octobei 4th.1SII. ) . T. I' DAVIS 1'ipsldont of Iho Uoiinoll Attest : JOHN GKOVI > . ( Ity Clork. Appioxcd : GUOKCi : I' . HiIMI5 , M.iyor. NOTIon TO CON Tlltlrr SIIi\VAliKS. ) To the onaoiof the lots. piiU of lots nnd real estitn desci Hied In the alioM' resolution' Yon in lo ich nf von in1 hcieby nnlilled to constrULt peinianont sldun.ilks isn > iiiliud | bv i losiilutinn nftbocltv ooiiin'l nod mooiof no city of Om ill i , nfvlikh the.ilinie U a co"y' co"y'i' w iiutKiiAi > iic : dull m in lli ) ild of I ub Ic Works Om ib i , Ni'bi nslcii , October l.'th IK li OI2-1I-1I-I5-17-18-19. TO HANNAH JAMPb : Yon mo hereby notilleil tbo under- Hlnned. three uisinterostod freeholders of tbo city of Oinnha , Invo been duly appointed by the mayor , ulth the approval of the elty loim- cllof snld cltv , to iibsuss the dniniuo to thee o nors rosjieetl \ rly of tlio prnpot ty doi-1 iroJ by oidlnuiKO noiessuv to ho nnprnprl iti'd for tbo use of R.UU elty , for the purpose of ov- tendlnii 1'lfty-llri.t street from the i.ortli line of lllmoUaiiKh .V l'altoison'4 nddltlon to 1,0 ivemuirth street. You nro fuithor notlllpd th it , bavins ac cepted sild appointment and duly mi allied asrciiiilicd by I i , wo will , nn the lOlh d iv of October. A. I ) . ihU. .it Iho hour of 10 o clock In the forenoon at the olllco of-hnvoi A.O'Iio in- lioe , NOtrarnam Mreut , within the inrporalo limits of hiihl city , meet foi the purpose of consldcrlni ; nnd making the ussossiucnt of UniiiaKo to the owners rcipoctlvuly of said property by reason of uneli taliliu nnd | ipro- prlatlon tliercor , I iklnK Into lonsldera Ion bt'iiollib , If any. Thopropurty holmixlns to von. proposed to bo appropriated us .iforcmild , und width b IN boon dec ared neci-ss iry bv the ouncll , by or dlmncu .to appropriate to the use of the city , be I ni : situate In Mild city ot Omabi , In tbo county of Doir.'liiH nnd htuto of Noliniskii , Is dobcrlbeil at folln.vK , to-wlt : 'J'ho o m twon- tj-llvofeBt of lot one , block three , In Illmo- bmuli'H uddllion Yon nro notified to bo prcoiint at tbo tlnio nnd pi ice nfoirs.ild and iiinko any obJectloiiH to or statements concerning bald proposed up- propriatlon nr iissossmont of dummies as you maylcoiHldor pioper , W. O. hHltm H , JAb.'bTOOKIAMl ) ' ' bJO.d.'Ot O ni'iv S - JIH , GRADi : OUDINANCi : NO. : i''l. ! An ordlnmico i ht ihllshliiK the radonf 18th street from tin. center of Iho llrm.illoy north of Sirlu | bticet to H ctiLOt. In the city of Ilo It ordilnoi by tlio city council of the city hYclinn l'.k''I ' hn u'r ule of ISth RtrPot from tlin center of the llrst alloy not Hi uf Mirlnj , ' htioot to II btieet. In the city of Om.ibn. Is hereby o labll hed ub the following ulnvatlons , tbo n.iilo belli/ uniform blr.ilKht HIIIIH between Iho iiolntiKiioilllod In the btroeu , avenues or alleys n iini'il in the luspujtho koutlons fol- JOVUIU' . tlWll ! toctlon2 , IJradoof 18tb street - KlovatUn Klnvitioii of West ofKiHt C'urb ( Jurb 1'olnt opposite the ccntor nf Iho alley north of Bprlnt' struct . MO 2000 North Liirh of Kprlnif 5 2J4 a ( ninth turbof bplbln'ntrool .Old 2040 1'nlnt 2W feet south of bprliu street. . 20JO 200.0 North curb of lloulovnrd street. . . . . .1730 1745 South curb of JloulovarU Direct. . . . -.171.0 1745 1'olnt opposlto Ibo north llnootlliuelTorraoo . .1SO.O 1BOO North curb of Coates struot now A street . .MO 1UI.O Bouth ourii of Coates i.troc . % now A btreut 191.5 101.5 North curb of II street , for- niTly Canton btreot , is- tabllsliPd vrado . . 20\n 20.V.O huotlonll. This ordlii'iiipn Bhnl tikooifoct and bo in force fiom and after Us p < 'lty Ulcrk , K. I'.DAVlb. I'rnsldent C'lty Council October 10tl M tyor llcclor i Wilhelmj Co. Lobeck & Lino. Corner 10th iim ! Jackson Donlcr In hitrilwaro nna trocH IllPtlllllllP * * tOOlU HOI IKiusln ttCFt. LUMHIUL : Chas. It. Uet John I Wakc5eiT llnrrtTonil Inml'Or. tmpirlpl Vmorloan 1'ott- c tpct < inl p tlonrbiv o'mnnl nnl nil urn ] l > oujl\ < iiojr nhlto line LIQUOKS. M1LUNKUV 1'rick & HorlcrL I. Obcifclilcp & Co \Vholp < it1 111 nr MiD Importer * nnd Jobbers of 1001 Fnrmm it mllllnnrjr notluni Mull ontprn prouiiil t. Carpenter Paper CoT "btandaid Oifco. " Carry n full nloik of printing wrapine | | nn I Itptlnpil ninl lutirlcrtlnr wrltliuiupuT cinl im ull9 mlo troiii' . elo icr ctt OYSTKUS. _ _ King & Smcail. 1)a\id ) \ Cole Ko7 Mfr of K X s1 inntl ihlrti ninloTcritlM cte. ( I m IJtliBlrpet " fll IS South lltliM 'iu' "II I'HODUCIU'OMMISSION ; lirancli & Co Wliitiicy & Co. frnlti of all Ituttrr , PBR iiiiilioultrt | JUMiutli llthiu Jas A. Cluk&Cj lliilu-r oliniKi A tn piMiUrt nnI , KH no .11 ; Nuni ! UthaU srovi : fcto\orpiiilr | ( Tiid wiltir Mtnclinipnls for nay kind ol * tovi * niiido SASH T0S. . M.A.Disbrow&Co. 11. Hardy & Co , ltiuiufi\clurer < or s nh o > ilulln nib urn doori hi I nil < nnl Innoy iood < home fur mnaldlnjti llrnni li of nlsblMK Koodi clill ( Ice , l.'th nnd Iznrd il < dri-n < irrlnios Hill larmiinSl NOTICE OF ASSKS MHN I' OP DAM- AOP.S KOH ( .KADINti. To tbo onnots of .ill lots n irlsof lots and ro il est.tlo alon.14tb street from DoilKOto 1) iv- enpoit stiei'l Von nro liriebv nolllh'il th it the und -r- siinod. tli ec disinterested frin hinders of tlio elty of Oin ilm , hixobeen duly apnolntod by the major , \\lththo approv il of tlio city pounuil of sild olt\ . In iissoss ho dainiue to Iho ownois te-.peitlvoly of the property nf- fei'tod by i. id In of said sticot diet mod npr1- issirv bv or tin iiu-o number , IJMI , passed Oe- lolioi 1. bU .i | ) ! > ro\od OctobiT 4 , I " - ' . \IHI nro fin thcr notilu-il hi\ln .ic- cepled mid npnoliitiiioiit nnd duly iU | illflod us leipilri'd by li\s no u 111 , on the -HM d ly of Oi'tobui , A I ) ISO.1 , it ilio hour of 11:10 : o'clock In the foiemmii .it the o 111 re of Khrlvor A : O'D.inohoe. 1101 K u imm slieri.ltliin \ tbeeor- ) ior ito Iliiilts of mbliltv. incut for tlio purpose - pose of eonsldorlnjr and miKui ; the nbse i- nient of d iinaio to lh" O-MIIMI icspoetlvcly of Rill I piopurty UTuclo I by s ihl K' ' idliiK. taldnx Into consider , nlon spool il bonollts. It any You are notllled to bo present at the llmo nnd place afores ltd nnd in lUo anv objoctloi.s to or stitomonts vonourniii' Mild sinoiit of damages as you tnav lonsldcr proper. W O SllltlVlilt. i.I. : I'AIII , . . Conn ilttco of Appraleorx Omnln. .Nob. Pot r. . 181 OIQd 106 _ OHDtNANCK NO. : tl2' ' ) ( ! . Anordlmneooli inK'n ' tbo cm b lines of Jack son street from 27th Btnel to ,10th street , and ri'pi'.illii so niucli of all otdlnincos l'i ( niillh t lit'io\\llb Ho It oriialnod by tbo city couni.ll of the city of Omab i. Section 1. Th it the cuib lines of .TacUson street from 271 b stiiet to .Illh street bo and s line ue hereby eh inKud to a uniform width of l'i feet on each shlu of the center line of BII Id street , r-oetlon2 Tluit o union" ofill otdinnnees In conlUctlthtbo pioMslons of this or din men lie , and the s nun ar > huielivii'po.uo I Auction. I Tn it this orrtlnaicn nil ill take ef- fcctaud ho lu forca from mi I aftur Us p isiaso. ' Ity t „ n p DAVIS p PieshlontUtj Council. Appiovcd October Iilih. 1ML' i.i : . > . P. HIMIH : Mayor. To the ownein ( ir all lots or puts of lots front- In. : on ( Jrind avi'iini' . I hlrty-sovnnth to rnrtv-scciind stri'iits. 1 mvloi IIMMIIIO.Thirtyf eighth tn Kiiitlolh hlnei : Thirty-ninth ) Mi cut. liriiKl iiveiiuo tn Ames avenue ; , 1'oilletli nnd I'oitlclli nvoniio , from , ( irand iiveiiuo to spni 1:110 sliuot. You i ro herobv nntllled thut tbo timlur- Blgnod. thiLO disinterested freeholders nf the city of Omaha , h ivo been du v i.pnolntid by the mnvor , with the .ippiovnl of the idiy J rnnncll ol sild ollv. to M-.SOIS the damiigo to tlm owners losnrcllvelv of the property f anVcted by gr ullni : nt iih > vn duhcrlbcd btri'olH I anil avi'iinis , ilnuluio I nntcksiry uy ordlniincii No .libS p isseil Uuiobui I , Ibl ) . ' , appiovod tc- ) ' ' 'voiKirof'urlhpr notlllol thiit , having ac cepted s ild appointment , nnd duly quallHcd iirniiilrod | by law , no vvill on the Jjtb day ofOctoner A 1) 18' ) . ' , at Iho bom of 3 o'clock In tlioiiftiinioiin. nt the olllco of ( Jcor.'o J. Paul. 10)11'.uirim slice ! , with n tbo torpor itn llmllsof aild city , intot foi the purpose of considering and inakliu Iho assessment of damage to the ownois lOipecllvnly of said prnpoitv , alleclcd by Mild „ ' ) ulln.1 , t.iklnt Into consider itlon special bonullls , If iinv. Von nro notllled to bo pie < cnt nt tliu tlnio and place iforosild , and iiiaKo my objoetloiii InorHtitements conroiiiiiK hild nsscsimcnli of d images ab you m iv i-nnshior nrnpiir ( iKDUlii : J. PAIII/ . .1011 s ii niM'iiit : ( iiuiUL : 11. PAY NT- Oiniilm , Octobers , I8ji OlOdlOt TO Till : OWNHKS OK ALLi LOTH AND PARTS OF LOTS ON DKC'A- TUU STHKKT FUOM 27TII STHUI'H' TO 2)TII ) STHKIVr AND INl'KU SICCI'ING HTUKI-U'S : You nro hnroby notllled 111 it the under- 8 unoil.thM'ixlUiiit n-Hlud frroho dors of the illy nt Oniiihii , Imvo been ( Inly appointed hy the in lynr , with Ibo npprov u of the ulty ( ) I1S4U34 tllB dlllll IK"I " 10 tlio owiierH lespuotlvnly of tbo projiurly nllo ted h > Ibn 1'han'H'o uf cr.ulo nf Duuntilr Htreot. from 271 h loam , htrents and Inluniuul- Intf stiuuti , ilccliiiud iii'ii'ssnv ny oidln inuii llllll ) | | | 111. ' , jiaNsi'd hope -'Jib , IDJ. . and up- pnivud bupt. Jlld. Jhlti You are fiirtbor notllliid that bivlri-t iu coptLilHill appolntinonl. ami iluly iiiuUlleil | nsreudlrcdby law wo will , nn Iho liilh rt ; y of OLtolitr. A I ) liiJ. . at , Ihii lioiir of three o'clock In the nf tm niion , at the ollluo of Ooo. J. I'.iul. W > r.irimm istiint. within the corporate limit * of wild elty , meet , for the pnrpoio of ooinldorlnt an I iii.ikliu Ibu- iibM'hHinoniof d im KII to tin ownurj , rospeo' , ulli'clo i hv Miild rliuiiKa \oy ol b ild.nroperty. nf crado , trfUlnrf Into ooiiHldoratlon Bpeclil honetltx , If anr. . . . , You arj ( iiitlllui to bo proiont at the llmo and plncu afores ild , and niiil.o any nujoctloin toorBt.iteinontstonuornln , ' ilil assussnioiit ) of duinuKon a you muy coimh er prouar. it\At \ J , I'A I ) h , \VM.O SllltlVKII. JAs. HJ'OUKDAI.I ! . Omaha , Neb . October Clb , IB'Ji. OTalut rro.i il ! < ICiilht ) Irunnturut hciulli l > , lU lii. Foaled proposilt will bo rocolvod for t'iu poridiuBooriontal of u tr imfor lu tl , billt.i- iilo for oariyliu tliu rillwiy lollliUHtooK nf the Yankton. Norfolk & huiitliwuutorn tali * 1'ropohiilu should bo ulamlllod an follows. 1. I'ropiiiiU to bull tr tnafur boat 2 , Proposals lor takuiK ( iniitr tut to do ( jnllr * truimfer Ijuslnim of r.ill w.iy. ; L I'ropoK.tlH lor rent il of triinnfiir bo it H ( ! < iulroiiiunt < nnd HpeullluulloiK din ho ob * tallied from the Uiluf uiu'lnour. Yunuton. Norfolk ft. HoulhweHtorn railway , YunKton , B. I ) . All b'dsHhould bu nddremod to ! 'Ihohoorotiry , Yanktou , ISorfolk A , Southwe torn Killway. V unk ton , H. U Tbo board of directors rottrvun the rlubt t reject uuy aud ull lid * .