Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Judge Scott and the Attorneys on Their
Good Behavior ,
J'ctf rion Appournd In Court ml Continued
III * 1'rnctlri * ! lliniiEli Ho Him Neither
1'nlit tlio I'lno Nor Offered
TBKUIAII , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telo-
Kram to TUP. DnE.l-JudRo Scott took his
seal In the court room nt 10:30 a. m. A iout
half of Iho Hurt county bar was present and
the court room was packed with nn anxious
audience , antlcipnllne a sensation. In this
they were disappointed. The Judge -vai as
agreeable as noula bo asked ana
U.o lBw.\crwcnt their full length to mcot
the JtidRo on nmicnblo torrns. Thu llrst act
of the court was to natur.illzo Jolin Isclson ,
u Swede. Ho then called the criminal
docket. Tlio llrst case was the state ncalimt
M. .1 , ( jullairher who was called up to plena ,
lie iilcadcd not guilty of cattliiB u tollow
trump with Intent to kill. 'Iho case of
thu 'ato ' vs Konstrom was culled.
Tbo dulendnnt , having clouded guilty ,
was sentenced to twenty day * In the county
Jail.'J tin caio of the state vs Amos btovcns
was callvit and Attorney I'otorson , who was
lined Jtll'J ( or contempt and sent to Jill last
week and ordered not to appear before -
fore Scott's court until Uo purged
Utnselr of thu contempt , appeared
for the defense and was permitted
by the juacoto proceed In the same ngrcoa-
blu wuv n all other lawyers. The cuso was
not for trial nt 2 o'clock nnd M" . I'olcrson
\\lll nroeoo I with the case. ulUiuuRh ho has
nclthor imld the line nor olTorcd any npolocy.
Attorney Wharton was In the court
room nnd consulted with his hontr
on the bench. Undoubtedly ibero
will bo very Uttlo trouble until
the Injunction cnso restraining the at
torneys' , board of Insanity ana ofllcorM of the
court'from proceeding with thu charpo of Insanity -
sanity nRnlust Juilno Scott , which cornos up
for trial tomorrow before Judges Irvlno ,
IJavis and Keysor. Uoth slacs seem to boon
their good behavior today , although the al-
tornnya Btill declare that ns soon as the In
junction case can bo disposed of they will
push thu intonlty caso.
.Moro Tronblo Anticipated.
Shyster Is a term to which the Hurt
county attorneys object , especially when ap
plied by members of their own community ,
as in the petition wblcn was circulated by
thu farmers last Saturday. It ts thought
tlio lawyers have concluded to rely upon
their ability to substantiate the charges
made against .ludco Scott as tbo most
direct way to disprove the damaging allega
tions made In the farmers' petition. To this
end tboro seems to uo a quiet determination
to push the Insanity proceedings as soon as
Iho Injunction case is'disposod of , and while
there lias been an apparent cessation of hos.
tllltles today , it Is evident Uat bolli
sides are preparing for a measure of strongtl
on the inori-ow. Hon. H. D. Estnbrool
UIIQ Attorney B. W. Slmcral of Omaha are
now on the ground , while a score of other !
nro expected tomorrow. The matter has
gone so far that , It is difficult to see how
either side can.recede from Us position , and
it is now tju'lte probable that the matter ,
which at one tune could bavo been sot'.lod
with but few concessions , will sow have tc
bo contested to the bluer end.
To illustrate what u small bot'lnnlng there
may bo to an affair of far-roachlng import
ttuco , It may bo well to note that this trouble
had its origin In a little lucldont which occurred
currod on the tram while Judge Scott wai
enroiito to Tekamah to open court. Two attorneys
tornoys wore comlnglip on the name trait
with the judge. One was to try a case am
the other dissuaded him from trylni
the cuso before Scott , A trentlcinai
Bluing in the seat behind am
hearing this conversation between th
two attorneys , went Into the other car on ;
related to Scott the conversation that too'
place In the front car. At this Judge Scot
Hcumed to fix. a determination to fnrco tb
trial nnd It is doubtless a fuel Hint this littl
incident hart much todowitli the stibsequen
action of the judge , which has caused such
pvclono of excitement among the legal frc
BlfinlirrH of tlio Kluhorli Yilt ! ! < y Trnvelm
.Men'H AHitnoliitlon I'uns r.i'Hollltlons.
NOIIFOLK , Neb. , Oct. 17. [ Special to TH
BII.J : : At a meeting of the traveling men c
the Kill born valley this afloinoon the fol
lowing was unanimously adopted :
Resolved , That \vu , representatives of 11
KllJiorn valley truvelltiK men In eonvcntlc
ussuinblcd , do heruby extend to the wives <
the traveling men , to those of ox-truvellr
men and the eillrens of Norfolk I
Kunoral , our hlmuru thanks for tl
niRlurlul assistant o rendered us both I
money nnd piesencu at our annual nicellng :
Norfolk , NBU. , HopluinbcrllO.o also wish I
express inorepsiieelnlly to Homo Miller , tl
Noifoll. lleot bngar comoanv and O. A. Mas
our appreciation of courtcsloa extended t
them , llu It further
Hosolvi'd , Tint wo extend our lioartv ai
prcclitlon to the inaniifucturen and Johbo
of Omaha , Llnco n , rrcmont. Council Illutl
i-lonx Ulty. D.ivciiDort , Ohio IBU , St. , luso |
and Kaunas City. nhn imvo so ably sccondi
our meetings and assisted us In u very llbcr
nnd iiiatcrltil manner.
ItosnlviMl , That wo recognize all duu cou
tonlesHhown us by the Fremont , Klkliorn
Missouri Vulloy railroad thiou h Us vu
olllclent and uecomodallnuolllcors and man
Bur * . J. U. lliirlmnnn , C. II. Uuynolds ui
otliors , and wish to thank them for spool
trains whereby our uiicstH woru enabled
M'ncli thouliy nnd rotiini liomo at u very d
oldod udvunl'inu to themselves , do It Oirth
KosoUod , Tlmt are vury gnitofuTto 01
f rluiKlii and customers finni abroad for the
liicsunoo ! that wo wore omiblod lo show the
in our feubln iiuiiuiur I he ostcom and itr.n
Hull ) for which they nero duly entitled f
mint favors of patiommo and nopu to b al :
tncnlcrlaln them again ntour next iinnu
nice' ii . 1 < \ li. UtMi'iiKiiU
OTTO TAi'i'HltT ,
S. A. OOM.KV ,
Committee on liosolutloui
Danlinr unit Vicinity Stvopt by u Tarrlli
DtJMiut , Neb , , OcU 17. ISpoclal Tolegrn
to Tim linn ] A terrible hailstorm sout
west of this point ragoa at 7 p.m. T
sound was lluo the near rumble of a hea
train. Hallstonns 111 largo as ben ogga f
thick in the streets hero. It Is feared th
great damaso was done to fall wheat In t
urea of the storm.
'H Kluvator
ALIIIOX , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegn
to Tilr. UKE. ] At S o'clock this morning t
nlghtwatcb discovered the elevator , owr
by Mlles Uodd of Los Angelas , Cal. , renl
unJ operated by Drowor .t Cook , was on tl
Thu Albion Jlro 'company waa on hi
promutlv and provcutod tbo ( lames fr
spiu&dmg , but the elevator U a total Ic
fully- , covered by insuranoo. The loss
gruin on band is $2,50U. liuurcd for f l , (
The net losa of Drawer & Cook Is ? IJX ! ( ) ,
rovi'rcd by Inuuranco. Thu i-'roinont , !
horn , "c Mlasourt Valley Uallroud compi
loat tank . Th
a water and ouu frolghl car.
U un clew to the orlcin of the lire.
Nior Iliind.
Nob. , Oct. 17. fSpaolal Te
gram to Till : Unn.j For some tlma pant
lias b'l'n u cause of complaint that Hastli
lias buon without u cornet band. Lite
houcvor , ucii an orgnnizatlon wui me
nnd the MOW tuna was p'aced ' , under Iho
tfctiou of l > iof. AI. L. Avurlll. Frli
nlcbt thu members gave their conci
Dutton ball being urovvacd to ttie doors , '
piogram iva an unusually Hue one , v
uiuli'iun of prominent. " In thu city tali
pnrl , the new Iluslingi Cornet baud com
in for Us blmro of tbo praise.
it r m iiTui iiu i.ire ,
LtNfoi.x , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special T
gi-ufti to TIIK HEU.I John Evans , the c
vict shot bv the guarus while attempting
cscapo Saturday ufteruoon , died at mldnl
last nlcbt. Uo was buried tbli oflernc
Tbo i'01-oiior'a Jury found a verdict lu aooc
aui-o with thu lucti * .
\Vnrk ol llunti Tlilcvci ,
r. Neb. , Oct. -Special [
TUB Dee ] Sometime during Uat night
Nnwton horsa barn In tbli city was entered.
A norse nnd saddle bolonplnp to O , .Sicln
tyro wens stolen. A rownrd U oflorea and
o'flicors are malting a diligent search for the
Severn ! Intnra tine Topics Ulftcusicd by
The question of having a flro watsh in the
tower of the city halt or In some other ele
vated placa was discussed al length tt tbo
meeting of the Kiro nnd Police Commission
ers Inst night. No conclusion : was reached ,
though the majority of the commissioners
thought that n watchman la a tower would
bo a good thing. , especially In cases where
flro would break out some distance from a
patrolman's boat or from a flro alarm box.
i The question was laid over for one week In
order to allow a commlttoo to consult with
the lire chief.
A communication from President Davis of
the city council requested the board to relo
cate tnn fruit and vegetable markets. Mr.
Davis wants the market to ho on Tenth
sircot between Dod o and Capitol avenue
unit on Dod o between Ninth anil Tenth
streets. This matter was referred to Chlel
Soavoy. .
The chief of pollco recommended that
W. 1C. Marshall be appointed a patrolman ,
vIcoT. 12. Uonnett , resigned. Kotorred to
the committee on men and discipline.
William Warren was appointed n special
policeman by ' .bo maror. Ofllcori Stiles ,
Kirk , lidgoblll , Kelly and O'Gorrnan were
each granted len day * leave , Captain
Oravos of No. 0 huso company was allowed
tils annual leave.
The council resolution asking that a hose
wagon bo stationed at tbo house atTwentlotb
nnd Spring streets was referred to tbo cnm-
lulltco on property. I'lro box 71 will bo
moved from .Nineteenth nud Farnatn streets
to Twenty-tilth nnd Capitol avenue.
Patrolman Dibborn , who has been acting
pollco surgeon , nsked to uo rondo emergency
doctor of the pollco department. As there
are no funds at hand to supr.ortsuch an olUco
the chief was directed to allow Dr. Dibborn
every privilege possible In oner that bo may
pursue his medical studios.
Tbo question of pay for tlmo lost by patrol
men and llremun when Injured or sick on
duty was b'-ouchl un and provoked quite a
discussion. Some of the members were In
favor of nllowlrir pay to men hurt or taken
sick while on duty , and others woru not. The
matter was laid over for a week.
Young .Men of ( Irorgln Kxpross Tliair Sentl-
nicntiiuii .Mr . llurritou'ii lllneft * .
ATLINTI , Oa. , Oct. 17. A very large at
tendance at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation rooms was held yesterday for" the
purpose of expressing sympathy for the
president and Mrs. Harrison in the hour of
Mrs. Harrison's Illness. A number of
speeches expressive of tbo fooling
ot the ussotuoly wore made and
prayers wore offorod. A commlttoo was
uuined with Governor Nort hen at its bead
to express to the president tbo sentiment ot
the meeting. The governor subsequently
sent tbo following telegram totho president :
"President Donjamin Harrhnn , Washing
ton , D. C. : I have Just returned from a
mectinc of tuo Young Men's Christian
association of this city , larcoly intended.
Profound sympathy was expressed for you
and yuur family , and earnest prayers are
offered that God bo merciful lo you In Ibc
heavy 'nfllietions that are upon you. 1 am
sure It will ho a comfort to you to know that
you have been ramambercd by Christian
young men. W. J. NOUTHEX , Governor. "
U'lint A. 1 > . Hopkins HnltU oil tlin Subject
if Charity.
Mr. A. P , Hopkins last evening appeared
before the Current , Topic club championing
iho cause of tb negative of the proposition
that tbn city nhould have the guardianship o
its poor. The president ot tbo Commorcm
National bank contended thai the pee
should l < o looked after by a body free f ran
the control of politics , and seen-
it.g oulv the good of tbo Indl
vidual. Uo contended that thcr
. should bo two principles actuating the euro o
thopoor , a curative iiud u provcnlatlvo Inilu
enco , from which only great good could ro
f.ult. Ho in ado the assertion during th
course of his remarks that it was sometime
the siuccrestcharitv to refuse help to a man
for It gave him now llfu to llcht the battle
of life and tended to help him on his feet ,
remark that called out considerable nntag
onlam during the course of the debate. Th
affirmative was espoused by scvoral men
bers of the club , the evening being ver ,
prolltably spent in discussing a vital quee
tion ot our daily life.
Disease never successfully altacKS tnosys
lorn with pure blood. UeWltt's Sarsaparllli
makes pure now blood and enriches blood.
The Y. M. O. A. Solionl.
Last night iho commercial department <
tbo Young Men's Christian association ever
Ing school opened under the direction <
Prof. Kohrtmugb , principal of the Omat
Duslnosn college.
Twenty-six men were present , rani
ing in nee from 10 to 50 years. There wl
bo largo accessions lo the classes later In tl
week. Tonight , the mocbanical and frui
hand drawing classes open under the dlrei
tlon of Mr. Grant W. Lllllo. Tbo stenograph
nna typewriting classes will open under tl
charuo of Prof. L. J. DlaKo , instructor In tl
& High school. These classes promise to 1
ry large. The Gonna ? class opens Wudncsdt
id ot next week under the direction ot Mr. 1
idat Ego , who has returned from Germany.
too Thursday evening the vocal music cla1
o- begins under tbo leadership of Mr. L. J
oor Torrons , director of the Apollo rlub.
ir The classes in ICnt-llsti grammar and cor
Irm position will bo opened providing n fc
m moro applicants nfo received. The cntl
lnr : nvslcin of twelve classes are givau membo
lo of the association free of charge. In tl
loal pasi two days thirty-four membership tic
ots were Issued , largely for those classes.
( Irrlit Northern Directors OlioHnn ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct , 17. The stoc
holders of the Great Northern railway todi
elected II , H. bchlft and E. Q. Mchols
New York and Sir Donald A. Smith
Montreal directors for three years. Lai
m the directors re-elected the old ofilcors.
Do Witt's Sarsapantia is ronanta
at 10 Caution
im Don't be deceived by ignorant ,
bo unscrupulous fakirs and confi
dence men , assuming to offer
od " Indian Uemedieu , " and who
ed pretend that their nostrums are
ro. made by the Indiana ,
oin fS Oil , KICKAPOO
00. lOt uro ; Indian Sap ;
and other Klckapno Indlr
loIt Homedies uro TDK O.MA'OKN
The word " Klckapoo " Is cop
tie. righted and they dare not sic
no tnro you get "Kleknpoo
M , , ; * ' " > iop "i t tie rj bottle or uackige lieari tli
1110 'ic.ilcille ilguiturt Uiuii
on Ulitrlbullnc Aecnli , S'-il Graiul Ate. , No
onto Ilutcn , Ct. Tli e punulne ludlan KemcJIri
uut peddled but are iuld at ull drui ; ttorei.
ion ,
P D ET ET T 8n J three 2-c. tUnipi to pij pui
* c - * , tnil will mall jou free
tnrllllug and Inttntilf Intcrfttlnit book of r
paitei. entlllfii "Utb AM ) hlOLS AMDi
tbo Tilli ill about tb.i l
Of the boundaries ot all oleolloti dUlrlets anil
tha locution of all plnras ot reilitr.tllon In
thacltr ntOnmhK fern Ecncral elect on to
bo hold on Tuesday , UinStnilar of No\rm-
bpr. tSOi
To the KlpetoM of tlin rslty of Omnhixi The
boilndnrles of nil election product * or-I- !
trlcU and thn Io3.itlnn.ot nil plncc of rosl -
tratlon and the days of rosHtratlon In the
city of Umiihit for n Rcnernl election to be
hold on Tucvlny , tlisSlh day ot N'u > cmbr ,
ISO.1 , urn a * follows !
Notice Isheroby slvpn to the loztxl voters of
the pity of Oninlri , Nobrmk * . thit r r the
concrnl olr-ctton to be hold In laid city Nnvoni-
Ixr 8th , 1MJ , the election precinct ( or district )
bonndiirlci. nnd tbo places of rovlslon of reg-
Istratlon , and tlio ilnys for rovls on of regis
tration , nro us herein named :
llonnilitrlet of I.lection rrrclncm or Din.
Conimoncln * at lntor < seetlon of Sovontl. and
JacUion atrools tlienco totith on thu center
line ot Seventh toccnterof Mason , thenceuust
on the center line of .Minon to the Missouri
rucr , thunco north on the river to tbo center
otJarkRim street , tbcncu west on the venter
line of Jackson street to the place ot begin
ning ,
Commencing at tlio Intonoctlnn of Tenth
nml Jackson it roots thence south on the cen
ter line of Tenth street to center of Mason
street , tlienco o.iBt on renter line of Mason
sttout to center of ! ? cnth streuUtbpnco mtrlh
on the center line of Hevunth strrot to center
of Jackson street , tbonci ) wuit on center line
ot Jackson street lo plate of bcRlnnliix.
Tlllllll UI-iTHICT.
CommcncliiK at the Intrnectluii of Thir
teenth nnd Jnckion strools. thcnca south on
thu venter him of Thirteenth street to center
of MUBOIIstruct , thonrue.mlon thu cuntor line
nt.Mason street to center of Tunlli fttreol ,
thence north on the curler line of Tuntlitttieot
to ci'ntor of JacUjoiiHticot , thunco wesson the
center line ofJncuson street to tno place ot
boxlnnlng ,
CoinmunuliiR at tlio into oollon ot Thir
teenth and Mnsoii streets , ( .bunco south mi Iho
center lli.oof Thirttonth stroel to the center
\VllllHins8truut , east un tnti center line of
Williams street to ci'ntor of Klovi-nth street ,
north on tlio center line of Eleventh street lo
cmilor of Musoti street , west on center line of
Mason strcut to place of beginning.
Coinmcnulni ; ut lliu Intersection of Kleventh
and Mason strools , south on tlio center line of
Uievvnlli street to center of I'lorco
on the center line ot 1'lcrco street to cuntor of
SiMli htrccl , north on the center line of Sltth
street lo cenlurof Mason street , nest on the
center line of Mason slreul to iilacu off
Cominonclnj ut Iho Intersection of SUth
and Mason snoots , south un center line of
blxtb street to centur ut I'lorco street , uust on
tha cantor line of L'lurcu street lo cuntor ot
Fourth street , soulli on the center line of
I'ourth street to contorof Hickory sircot. uast
on the contur llnu of UlcKory slroot to thu
rlvur , north on llio nvur to center of
.Mason street extended , west un thu cenlor
line nf Mason strool , extended , to ce.Uor ot
Slxtli streol. Iho nlaco uf beginning.
Commencing nt the Intorsucllnn of Kleventh
and 1'lorue , south on tnu center line uf hiuv-
tnth to center of William , east on iho cunlur
line of William to centur ot Tenth , soulh on
the center line of Tenth lo cenlor ot Hickory
struut , east on the contur lltio of Hickory
struut to center of 1'ourlli slreul. norlh on the
cunter line uf Fourth street lo cunlor nf
1'iercc , wuslon Ibu confer llnoot 1'Ierco slreet
lo Iho pluco of beginning.
Commeiicluc nt tbo Insersectlon ol Tblr-
teontb and William stroots. south nn iho coa
ler llnu of Thirteenth lo Ibo cenlur lli o of
Dorcas street , eitst on the center line uf Dor
cas street , tu thu cunlur of Tonlh sircot , norlh
un the cunter llnoot I'enih lo cunlur ot Wil
liam slroot. uust on the cunler line of William
lucunlei of Thirteenth street , the placu uf be
Commonclni ; at the Intersection of Tenth
and Hickory streets , thence south nn the cen
ter line of Tontb to center of Dorcas atrout ,
east on the center line of Dorcas streut tu the
Missouri rlvur , nortli on the rlvor to center of
Hickory street , west un the ccnler line of
Hickory street to tbu pluco of beginning.
Commencing at the Intersection "of Tenth
and Dorcas streets , south on the center line of
Tenth street to cltv limits , east on city limits
to tbo Missouri rlvor , north on iho rlvor lo
cenlur of Dorcas struct , nest on the centur line
uf Dorcus street to place ot beginning.
f Commencing at tbo Intersection of Thlr-
teenth und Dntous streets , south on the cenlor
Una nt Thirteenth to contur nf hprhrstroet. .
thence east on tbo cuntor nf Spring street to
old county road , Ihonco soulh lu city limits ,
tbunco east lo cuntur of Tenth slruut , north on
thccenlcr line of Tenth to tlio cenlerof Dor
cas sti cot. west on the center line of Dorcas
strcut to tbu place of beginning.
Commencing ut the Intersection uf Thir
teenth und Jackson streets , thence west on
the contur llneof Jackson street to conler ol
fifteenth streot. thence south on thu center
llnu of Fifteenth struut to oontur of I.eaveu-
woitb .street. IhuncKniiston the cuntur line ul
Ieavoiiuorth street to the center of Thir
teenth struot , thence north on tbo center Hue
of Thirteenth street tuplaccot beginning.
Commencing at the Intersection of thir
teenth und I.oavcnworth streets , thouco west
on the center line of Loavenwortb street tc
coaler ot Sixteenth streut , tlionco south or
the center llnu of tilxtuunth struut to cuntur ol
Mason street , thence west on Iho comer Urn
of .Mason slreot to cunlor of Klgblconlh streut
thence south un Iho cunlor lluo ot KUhloenll
stioot to center of 1'lerco stroet. thoiieo cam
on the center line uf I'lurcu slruot to center o !
Th rteuutb struct , theneo north on thu contoi
line of Thirteenth street tu thu pluco ot bo.
'Commencing at the Intersection nf KUtecnU
und I.oavenworth struuts , thencu wosl un UK
center llnu uf l.oavenworth struut tu centur o
Nineteenth street , thoneo south un Iho cento
1 no of Nineteenth street tu cenlor uf Masoi
stiuut , thunqo oust un iho contur line of Masoi
stieet tu cuntur nf SUtconlh slreut , Ihunci
north un the cunter llnu of blUoonth struul ti
Iho place of
OommencinK at the Intersection of Nine
teonlh and l.onvonwortli streets , tlienco wcs
on the center line of l.onvcnworth streut t
lw cuntor of Twunty-tecond strout , tboncusoutl
w un thu center line > n Tuenty-second street li
ro euntur of I'lurcu streetthoiici ) cast on thu coo
ra turlinuof I'lcrccsticet to centei of ICI hteontl
JO strrot , 'hence north on tbu ccntoi line o
JOk ii.hteenth strcot to the center of .Masoi
street , tbcncueston the centerlinu of.\laso
stieot to thu center of Nineteenth stirel
thunco north on tlio rumor line of Nineteen !
streut to thu place nt liuxlnnlnv.
Communclns nt the Intersection of Twenty
> y Bocoud und I-cavonwortb streets , thcncu wm
ot on tb" euntur line of I.eavenwortb Btrcot t
of the cunter of Twenty-fourth Htrcot , thunc
south on thu center line ot Twenty-four !
er street to cuntor of Wuuhxirth aveuno , thenc
cast on iho center Una of Woolworth avonu
to center of Tnonty-sucond street , tbonc
north on the cunter line ot Twonty-sucon
street to thu placu of buglnnlii ) ; ,
CoinmcnclnR at thu intorscctlonof slttocnt
ami 1'leree streets , thcncu Heat on the conic
line of 1'lereo street , to euntur of Twunty-bUi
oiid streol , thence south on thu center line c
Twouty-BOi'onu htn.'ot to the tenter of C'entt
street , tlium-u on thu center line of Centi
htrcut to the ccnler of tievcnteeiith sireu
thcnci1 north un thu center llnu of Suvuntuuut
utreet to the rcntur of WillUm street , thonc
until on Ihu center line ofVllll.ini street i
confer of sixteenth streut. tbenuu north u
thu center llnu of sixteenth slroot to the piac
of beginning.
Coininenclnz at the Intersection of 1'ou
teenlh nnd 1'lerco streets , thence \tust on U
ccnler lluo of 1'ierco at reel to center of Sn
teunlh street , thence south on thn center II11
of blileunth street tu cunteruf WllliitniHtreu
liicncu unston center line of Wlllium 81 reel I
thu center of fourteenth street , thence niirl
on the center ! lno of Fourteenth struct toll
place of buidnnlng ,
Coinmonclim at the Intersection of Thl
teunlh und I'lorcu streets , thence west on tl
n ccnlur linn of i lerco street , tu center nf Foil
IT. lecnlli stieet , Ibenco south on Iho center Jli
of Fourteenth street lu cenlor of HluLoi
slreet , Ihenco oust un cuntur llnu nf lllckoi
stieot fj i enter of Thlrleenih strcot , then
i.orlh on iho cunler line uf Thirteenth btre
tu the ulacu ot beginning ,
Nitan DibTiucT.
Commencing ut ibo Intersection of Foil
tHO.ub und William streets , thence
on the center line of Wlillam struut to cent
> nf seventeenth street , tbunco soulh on 11
cuntor line t < f bovontfonlh alruut to thu cunt
of Martha alreul , Iheno.i oust ou the cunt
lluuol Marlha street to Iho ouuturof Thl
tai > ntb , theuco nortli on the cunlor llnu
'IhlrtuuntU street 10 tnu center of Hlc-ko
ttruut , Ihenco west cu the cunlur llnu of Illo
ory htiutil to venter uf ruuriuunlh slits
thence north ou the cenlor llnu of Fourteen
tired to the pluco of beginning.
Commencing ut thu Intersection of Save
leentli und C'enler struol * . theuco west mi I
cuntur llnuof Ucnler to runtur of Twenty-Ill
ureut , thence south un ttiu center lluo
t. Twcnly-lli > t street tucontorof .Murtbj.thcn
t.a umt uu tbu conler line of Martha to center
3 Twentieth ttroel. thence south on the cent
3U line of Twentieth utreut to oonter of U.islolli
lliunc ount un the center line of UiisiBllur
cuutor of bcventoButu struut , thouco uurtb i
the conttr line nt Porontnenth ( treat to th
place v' ! > o tnulnj. . iTji
Oonimtinolnit at the lnt r < crllon nt Nino-
teenlli nnd U.-i'tollnr ! > | rn < U , tbciico nest on
tlioconlcr llnatif t'asto InVsttt.'Ot to the crn-
terot Twentiptli slrcpUMntni-o north on the
center line of Twciillotll.Vlfcot to the center of
Mnrtlia street , t'icnco nns un the center Una
of Mftrthn street tit tliox-i'iipr ( of T i'iity-flr t
< trcct. thoneo north ortnhn center line nf
Twontv-flrst street lo'ttirr tor of router
st'cnt , thence wo tiin thttUi'nter line of Ten-
Ipr trcct to the raniurtof Twcnty-'cconil
Htrtnit extended , tlicnvq north to the center
Una of Woolworlli a\tMiu { orlonclod , thence
ttestti thu center of Twentv-fo irth ttrrrt ,
thence'south on thu c-r > nt 'i- ' linn of Tweniy-
fourth street lo the cPlitcJ of Vlnton strerl.
thence east on the center Jlno of Vlnton ntrocl
und northeast nlonv V.nton street to thu cen
ter ot Nineteenth Blrcot , thence mirth on iho
ron lor line ot Nineteenth street lo the pluco ot
beginning ,
Twr.i.rtn jtitaTtilCT
Commencing nt tlin , Indirsei'tlon of Thir
teenth iiiul Martha strecls. tliPtu-n west on the
cent-r line of Miirth.i to ctifilorof Soxenlconth
stiuct , thence south on tbu center Una ot Sev
enteenth tn renter nf t'asli < llir. : tliotico west
nn thu renter llnu of C'nstulliir to ccnlur ot
Nineteenth , thence south on thu centet Una ot
Nineteenth to center of Spring street , thence
cast on tliu rente1 line of SprlnR strcot on-
tended to center of old county roid. thence
north to renter llnu of Sprint strowt , thence
wrst to center linn of Thirteenth , thence
north lo the pluco ot bujlnnlnp.
Commencing at tbo Intersection of old coun
ty and fprlm ; street , thence woUnu the
center line of Surlni to center of F.lhloenth | ,
thence south on center llnu uf .eighteenth to
city limits , thcncu southeast and oxlundoil
nasl alonsiul city limits to center of o'd
county rind , thence north on tlio center llnu
of old county ro.ul to the place ot boKlnn'.n i.
Commenclne at the Intrrsoctlnn ofKlzht-
ccnlh and Spring slinuts. thence \\rst on thu
centur line of Sprliu to center of Nineteenth
street , thence north on the center llnu ot
Nlnoteontli to ccnler of Vlnton strcot , thence
nuthwest and Tfusl alon ? thu renter llnu of
Vlnton to center of Tucnly-fourth street ,
IhtMica smith on the cunter llnu of Twunty-
fourth strout toelly limits , thunco ulnnc smith
city limits to center uf Kluhtoenth ntrer.U
thence mirth nn the euntur llnu ot Ktghlcontti
street to the Place of bujlnnln .
TllltCt ) WAUD.
Cotniiienclnc al the Missouri rlvor at tha
crntor of C.iss streot. thence went to center of
Thirteenth street , thence south on tbu center
line of Thlltoonth street to center ut Daren-
port struct , theucenast on thu contnr Und of
li.ivonportlo thu Missouri river , theoco north
lo thu place ot heKlnnlnt. : .
SECOND nisTiiirr.
Coiniiieiu'lnir nt the Intots-si'llon of Thir
teenth and Uass slrocls , theneo west on the
lontor linn of Uass street tu centur of Fif
teenth street , thunco south on the center
line of Fifteenth street to cunter of Capitol
avenue , thence east on center line uf O.ipllol
avenue to center of Thirteenth street , thoncu
north on the comer line ol Thirteenth Btrcot
to Iho place ot buxlnnln * .
Commend ! ! ' . ; al tbo Intor-eellon of Thir
teenth struct and U.ipltol avenue ,
thence west on tbo center line of
Uapitol avenue to center of Flttconth
strcot , tlienco south on the center Una uf
Fifteenth street to center of llurney strent ,
tlienco cast on center line nt llarney struct to
ccnlur of Twelfth street , thence north on the
cuntor line of Tvrulfth street lo center of 1'nr-
nam street , thunco west on the center line ot
Knrnain strcut to center of Thlrtuenth strcot ,
thence on thu centur line nf Thirteenth street
to place uf boglnnlni ; .
Commencing ut tbu Intersection of Eleventh
and Davenport streets , tliuncu west un the
cunter line of Davenport street tii center of
Thirteenth street , tbuncu south un the center
line of Thirteenth street to cunteruf Douglas
street , thence east on the center llneof Dung-
Ins struct to center of iiovonib : Bliuot , thunco
north on thu center llnu of Klovunth sttcot to
the of .
place beslnnlnp. h
Oonunencln ut u i > olntj un the Missouri
river at Davenport Htrctit. thence west on tbo
center line of Davunuprt "street to iho cenlor
of Uloventh streut , thence sbtith on tbo center
llnu of Ulovenlh street to Ihu cuntor of Dodeo
street , thence east nn ilia-venter llnu ot
Slruut lu the Missouri rlvyr. tliunca north on
thu river to the placu qf buglnnlUE.
Conimonclnx at a polpt oijitliu Mli onrl rlvor
at die center ot Dougoslroatlhonco uu cunter
line of Do IRO street lo tootsr of ' 1'enth Btreot ,
thence south on the cenlor line of Tenth street
to thucunlor of Farmuh struot. thunco oust on
the center line uf Ftriiain street tu center of
Mnth street , thence BotithuOn center line o !
Ninth strout tu conqr | ot Jaaksun stroet.
thence cast on tbo center line ot .facKson
struct to the Mlssouil river , thence north on
Die rlvur tu tbu place of hbirliin us.
Co-nnionclns ut the infprspctlon of Dodge
and Turilb streets , thenku'we-it on llu ? ccntui
llnu uf DodKu struct to center line of Eleventh
streut , tlienco south nn the center line of
Klovuntu struct to cantor ot Douglas street ,
thence west on tbu center line of Douglas
strout lo contcr of Tnlrtuunth street , thoncr
south on the center line of Tblrluunlh slrccl
to cuntor nf Farnani slroot , tliuncu oust un the
center llnu of F.irn.uu strcut to center ol
Twelfth strcot , tlienco south on tbocenloi
line of Twtdftb siruot to ceiilur of llai-ne }
street , thence east on center line of Harnoj
struut to center of Tooth street : north 01
center line of Tenth struct to place of ; e iu.
r.inimi DISTIUCT.
Commonclni ; at the Intersection of Twolftl :
and llurnoy strants , tlienco ; est on the conto :
line of llurnoy struot to oonter of Fifteenth
thoncu south un the center line uf llfteontl
struct to cenlor uf Jackson street , thence ( > as
un the cuntor llnu nf JacUson street to contei
of Thirteenth strcot. theuco north on iho cen
tur line of Thirteenth street to center of How.
aril street , thence cast on the center linen
Howard street to centur of Twelfth street
thence north on the center line of Tivjlftl
strcut to place of beglnnlnc : .
Coninionclnz at tlin Intersection ot Mntl
nnd Far nun ; streets , thence wtist un the cento
line of Farnuni street to center of Tout I
Btrent. thence south on the center line o
Tenth street to center of llarnuy airout
thunco west on Ihu cenier llnu of llarniv
street to cunteruf Tivolfth struut. thencosouti
un tbu cunter llnu nf Tuolfth struol to cenle
of llonuid street , thence west on thu cenle
line uf llonard strcut to center of Thirieentl
Rtreet. thence south on thu centbr lluo of Thlr
tecnth siruut to renter of Jackson street
thence uast on the center line ol Jucksoi
street to center ol Ninth struut , tbunco nurtl
nn thu euntur llnu of Ninth street to plaoo o
lloilnnlnn at the Intorsoctlon ot Fifteen !
and Uhlcuuo streets , ibonco soulh on cento
llnu nf 1'lftei'iith sircot lu cenlor t
Capitol uvonuo , thoncu west on cuntur linn o
Capitol uvuniio lu center llnu uf .Nineteen !
8tr3t'l , tlioncu north lu center of D.ivcnpor
street , tlienco east tu center llnu of High
teunlh slrcut. tbunco north to tbu center c
Chicago sircot , tbunco oust , lo Ibo uunloro
Flflcunth slruot , tbo place uf beginning ,
neglnnlng at the Interjection of Ghloagi
and Eighteenth streets , theneo south nn th
center linn ut Klxhteentli struut to the cuntc
of Davotiiiort slreet , thoncu west on ihu center
tor llnu ut Davenport street lu center ot Nine
loouth street , theuco south on Iho cuntor c
Mlnotuuntb street tu cuntur of U ipllul uvonui
Ibunco west on tbo cuntor llnu of Uupltc
uvuniio to tbu cunlur of Twentieth gtroo
tbuncu north un thu cuulur nf 'J wontiet
Btreel to tbo center uf Davonpnrt Htroo
Iliunco nest on tbo contur line nt Davvniioi
Hlroot lo the center of Twonty-fourlh struo
thoneo soulh on Ibu conlur line of Twenty
fourth struol to Ibu cuntor nf Capitol avunu
. llumcu ueslon llio cunter Hue of ( Jupltnl uvi
' nuo to thu center of Twunty-sUih stroo
tbunco north un the center llnu uf Ttvonti
sIMIi struct to tbo cuntur uf Davenport sired
thence west on the cuntor | lnu of Davunpo
atiout to iho conler ot Twcniy-suvoniii u\i
n uu , Iheneo north on i-ehtur line of Twontj
aevonth uvonuo In couturnf Chlo.icn strcu
thonuu oust on cunlor lnuiif ( Chlcugu tu cunli
llnuof IvUbluonth strunt to plaeoof bogli
nlUB. *
i t ,
Uuelnnlng ut Ibu Inturscctloii of Twontlui
nnd Davenport atrouiu , Utuncu soulh on tl
center llnuof Twentieth , sireel , to thu cunt
uf Dod.u street , thuncu wu t un cenlor line i
Do j po street to tbu cuntor uf Twenty-four
btrcut. tbunco smith ioi | > ilho cenlor line i
Twenly-fiiurlli slroet IPthu cenlupof Furnu
r10 street , thence wust un tli9Vjontur line uf Ku
10r Ham street tn cunler of Twunty-IIfth avcnu
rIU tlionco nortli on center Daunt Twunty-llfi
IUy a\unuo to center of ( louulas sirutt , them
wubton cunter llnu of Doiinlas stroel lu cent
jo y uf Tweiitv-elKblh slrcut , Uiencu north nn editor
til tor llnu ot Twunty-olfhth street to cunlor
Dudgo strcut , Iliuncu uusl un cenlur line
Dodge blrcot tu ccnler of Twunty-sovun
ixvenueIhenco north oil center llnouf Twuni
rst tuvonlh u unuu louunlurul DavenportscrCL
st tlienco un contur line of Davenuo
ur strcut to center ut T enty-slxih slrct
10 tbcnco south on center of Twenty-six th Hire
ur tu center of Capllol uvuuuc , tliuncu oabt i
err oentur line of Capuol uvcnuu lu contur
ruf ' 1 wunly-fourth slreut , Ibenco north on cent
uf llnu of Twenty-foiirlh Htruut to cuntor of Uu
ufK enport , tbenco oust un ounter llnu ot Dave
port ttreul tu oeuler of TwuntlulU utruot
pluco of builunln/ .
lleslnnlng ut tlu > Intersuctlon of Fifteen
strfutiind t'aultul iivonue , Iheneo i-ouib
n10 ref Fifteenth struct to tha euntur
10 Douglas street , thence wust un contur line'
at Duuiiluuiitruot lu centur ot Nineteenth stro
or thunco north un cunlur line of Nineteen
lu atrcet to cuntur uf Capitol uvonuo. thun
of east on c'ir.tor line of Capllol avenue lo cent
or of I1 If tuunlu slreul tu tbu plucu of bvgluuli
ir ,
Oeslnntu : at the luter.cctlou of 1'
oonth Mid Miurlss otrcolt , thence totilli on
enter of I'lfternlli otrirt tn renter line ut
ownfd street , thence wet on center line of
Howard street to r ntc-r ot r'ovrntoonih street
tlienco north on center line f N < vcnloi > iith
street to center of llurnoy street , thence west
nn center line of Ilirney Mreet lo eentoruf
Nineteenth street , Ihcncn north nn center of
Nineteenth .street tu center of liuuslu * street ,
tliencoutst < ui euntur ilno ot Duuulas street'
tocontcr ot t'lftccntb street lo plaoo of uo-
SIXTH Distitirr. |
lloilnntng nt llio Itilcrsectlon ot Nineteenth
fttrcot und 1'iipltol avenue , tlicucp sOMtb on ,
the cenlflr llnoot Nliielnimlli street toeuntor j
nt Putnam street , tlionco west on center llnu |
of 1'arnam street Id center ot rwonty-fuiirth .
strcot , thuiipo north on eontorlliioof I'wuntv- I
fourth street toconlnrof Do.lgo strooUtlionco |
east ou center lluo of Dn i o struct to center
ofTweiit'elh street , thence north on center
llnonf Twenlluth street lo cuntnr of 1'niiltnl
u venue , thonua eist on conlor line of Capitol
nvonneto center of Nineteenth stiuot to placa
ut bejlunln .
Hajlmilna nt iho intersection of D.iu lis
struot und twenty-fifth avenue , thence south
on conlur llnouf I'wontv-tlflh uvonuo to cen *
lerof ruriium street , thence won on the von-
tcr llnu of I'urimni street tocnntorof Twenty-
sixth treot , thunco south on center line of
Twontv-sltth streol tn center of llurnoy
street , tlionco east on center ot H.irnoy struot
to con tor of Twou ty-llf Hi avenue , Ibenco sou Ih
mi tbo center line of Two'ity-IUtll uvonuu to
center of St. Mary's : ivcnuo , tbcnco east on
cunlur line of SI , .Murv'i avenue to center ot
Twunty-lltih street , thoncu soulh on cenlor
llnu of Twonly-ntlh streol to ccnler of l.uav-
omMirtb struol , thence west on centur line of
I.oiivcnwortli struel to center of Twuntv-
olcliU ) slreot , llionco north on center ilno nt
Ttvpiity-nlKlilli street locenter llnuof harnam
strict , Ihcnoo east nn center of Fainam
strout to center of Twenty-eighth street ,
thence north on center line of Twoniy-oUhth
street to center of Huitulas streol , thence
on ocntor llnuuf lUmglns sliuot to center ot
Twcniy-Ufth uvonuo , Ibo plaoo of beginning.
r.idiiTii nivntiCT.
tloglunlng n < Iho intersection ot Twentluth
nnd llatncy struuls , tbuncu south un cunlnr
line of rwcnUotn street to centur of Ii0.ive.n-
worth utruot , Ibenco west on euntur line of
l.ouvcnttorlli street to center of Twunty-llfth
strout , thence north on center llnu of Tn-cntv-
Uftli streut to center of St Mary's UMMIIIO ,
tbuncu west on centur line nf st , .Mary's uvo-
11110 lo cunlur of I wuntv-tlftb : i\omit > . tliinco
nort lion cuntur line of Tvven ty-llf tb u\unmUo
cunlor of llarney struot , tliuncu east on center
llnouf llarnov struut to center of Tuuntluth
slruot , tbu ul ice of beginning.
.NINTH nisTiui T.
Holnnlng at the Intersection of Seventeenth
nnd llarnuy si roots , tbcnco south on center
line of Seventeenth struot to center uf St.
Mnrv's : ivenue , tbunco wesl un llio cuntor llnu
of SI , Mary's uvunnu tu centur uf Twentieth
strcot , Ibunco north on center line ot
Twentieth struct to center ot Uarnoy strcot ,
Ihenco wcston center line of llarnoy streut to
center of Twenty-sixth streot.thenco norlh un
cunler line of Twenty-sixth struct lo conlur of
Fainam struot. thence o stnn center line of
Farnam strool lu cunlur ot Nineteenth street.
Ihonco south uu comer line uf Mnotocnlh
slreul lu conler uf Ilarnov struct , thence
on cunter line of Hurnuy struol lo cunlor of
Seventeenth stieot , tbo piacoof beginning.
TKNrll llS1IUfT.
Beginning nt the Intersect Ion ot Sixteenth
anct Jackson streets , thence south on center
line of Sixteenth street tn the euntur of lon-
onworth street , llionco west on cenier line of
I.eavenworUi siruul to center of Twentieth
itreu ( , tbuncu noith on cunlor llnu ot Twenti
eth struct tn cunter uf St. Maiv's avenue ,
thoneo uasl nn tbo center line ut St Mary s
avenue to center ot Klvhtcoiith slruot. tbcnco
south on center llnu at Klghtuuntb street to
venter of Jackson stroot. llionco east on cen
ter lltiu of .lacUson street to ccnler of Six
teenth struut , Ihu place of beginning.
Beginning at the Intersection ot 1'lftconth
and Howard strcuts , thonue south un tbu cun
ter llnu of I'ltloeutb street tu iho cuntor uf
Loavouwurtb slruot , thencu was ton the ccnler
llnu of Lo.ivcnworth stieet to tbo eentoruf
Sixteenth struot , tbcnco norlh on the centei
line of Sixteenth struut to the cunlur nt.lack-
sun streut , thence west ou ibo cenlor line of
Jackson slrool tu the center 01 Eighteenth
stroot. tlionco north on the cenlur line of
Eighteenth street , lu the contur of St. Mary's
avenue , thence uast on llio center line of St.
Mnrv's avenue und Howard struul tu ibo con
tur ot Fifteenth street tbo placa of bo lnntns.
Commencing nt tbo northeast corner of thn
city limits , thouco wust on the city limits lo
Twentieth street , tbonuo south on the center
line of Tweulleth street lo the center ot Ein-
mut street , tbuncu cast on Emmet .streol tu
eastern boundary of the city , thunco norlh on
tbo eastern boundary to the place of begin
Commencing at the intersection nf Twenti
eth and Knimet streets , tlionco uast nn iho
cuntur Ilno of Emmet stieel to the eastern
boundary ot tlio city , thence south to tbu
eastern boundary of Iho cltv to a point In
llnu with Ohio slreul. thence west on Ibo
cunlur line of Ohio slreet lo Twentieth struut.
thence norlh on llio conler ilno ot Twentieth
streut tu Ihu pl.icouf Du lniung.
Commencing ut tbo Intersection of Twentieth -
oth and Uhlustruots , thencu easton the cuntur
llnu of Ohio .struul In llio eastern boundary uf
Iho cltv , thencu south uu tbu oawtorn bounda
ry of tbo oity to a point , in llnu with Kui-Jotto
strcut , tbunco west nu ibo cunler Ilno ot llur-
Uello.street toTwonlleth slroot. thunco north
on thu center Hue of Twentieth street to the
place of bodlnnlng.
Commencing nt the Intersection of Twenti
eth and llurdotte sticota , tlioucu east on the
cenlor line of llurdetto street and the line run
ning uast from Hurdotto slreul lo ihu cltv
limits un thu east , tbcnco soulh on the eastern
boundary of tbu olty limits lu u point In line
with Ulurk streut , thence wosl on llio cunlor
llnu of Ulark .stroot to Iho center of Nine
teenth street , theneo north on the centut of
Nineteenth street to the north line uf K , V.
Smith's additionthenoe wust on tbu north line
of 11 V. timllh's addition in Ihu cunlor ol
Twentieth slreet , Ihonco north un thu eentei
uf Twonllolh slreot to the place jf beginning ,
CommonoInK at the Intersection of Nino-
tcuntli und Ulark streets , thunco east on the
cunlor line of Clark slreot totho eaatorr
boundary of thu ulty , thence south on tin
eastern boundary of the city to u point In lliu
with t'.iul strcot , thunco west un Ihu lint
riinnln Into I'.inl .street to the Intersection ol
Nineteenth and I'uul streets , und tbuiiLO nuill
oil the center line of Nineteenth stieet tc
the place of beglnnliii ; .
Cr mmoncinK ul the Intorseotlcn nf Nine
tounth and 1'aul strools , tlienco east on tin
cunlofllnu of Paul slreul and n linocootlmici
from I'anl slieut to Ihooasiern bunndiiry o
the cltv , thence soulh un tbo uuslorn bound
ary ot thu city to a point In lluo with Niclinla.
struut , thuno'j nustuu tbu cunlur llnu uf Nlcbo
Ins slreot lo lliu Inloisectl in of Nlnoteonll
und Nicholas streets , tbuncu north on the con
turllnu of Nlnoluunlh street lo tbu place o
buginnlni ; .
Commencing at the Intursoutlon of Nine ,
touulh und Nicholas streets , tbcnco east or
the conler < lno of Nicholas striiet to lliu uast
em buimdurv ot tbo ally , inoncn south on llu
uuslorn boundary line nt the city 10 u point li
line with ( Juinlii ; atrcot , thimco w it on tin
center llnu uf Oinnlnx street tn tbo Intersec
tion uf .Soventeentb and Uiiinnu streetB
thence sou tb on the center line of no renteunll
street to the Intersoetlon of Seventeenth mil
Hurl strcots , tlienco west on the cenier line o
Hurt street to tbeconlorot Nlnotoenth street
and thonoo noith on tbu ounlur line nf Minn
lounth street tu the placu of ho'ilnnlni ; .
KKIIITII nisriucT.
al iho Intersection uf Nine
lojnlli and linrl Htreels. thence oiston Mi
ccuiter line of Hurt stieot to the coaler llnou
rieVBiiteenth street , tbeni'o north on lliu eon
lor line uf rovenleeiilh streut tn tbo ci-ntc
llnu of OiiinlU' ' street , tbcnco uast nn ( Juniin
street und un u line oust contlnueil from Cum
Inc slieel tc iho uustoin buundury of Ihu c.t
limits , thoneo south on thu eaalern bnundur
llnu ut lliu city to u point In line wit
Hurt slreel , theneo west on lliu euntur llnu u
Hurt street lo tbo center uf slituunlh suruui
thence south on the cuntor llnuuf Smoent
Slruut to thu euntur of Webster street , thunc
west on the runtur line \Vubsler slreet t
ibo runtur of N neteonth slreet. thunco nort
un tie : cunler of Nineteenth Htieet lu Ih
ConimcnoliiK at tbo Inlenoc tlon of Slxteont
ami Hurt streelu , thoneo uast onlhocciun
llnouf Hurt Htreet and on a llnu oust 01111
tinned fioni Hurt street to ibo uaitorn bonniJ
ury of IIIH olty , tbunco bouth nn tno easier
boundary uf thu cliy In u point In Ilno wit
the contur of Cass streut , thence west on II
ci'ntor of Cas strrel tu lliu Inirrotiutluii < ,
Fifleunlb und ( Jjt , si reels , ibuncu nurib
tlio cunlur ot Fifteenth slreot to tl
coiitor nf Webslor slroet , tbonu
west un the cunlur of Vtidjitcr sliei
to the euntur of Sixteenth slree
thunuu north nn tbu eonter of Mxteontb stroi
lo the place of liet'lnnliiK.
Coinnioiiolnu at thu Inlorsuctlon of .Sovei
teonlli and \Velislor streets , Ihonco east t
the cunlur line uf Webster street tn the conli
of l-'lfteontb olruut. llionco soulh on tbu runti
of Fifteenth slreul to thocenlur ofUhlcai
Htruut , Ibunco west uu tbu euntur lluo of CJh
unso street In the contur of ffovenleoiu
slruot und thence north on tli center i
bovenVuunth slreel tn lliu placu ct butf.nnln
ConiinonoliiK ut the lntur uctlon of N'ln
' tecnth \VubslerstreelM.tbcncouaston H
.b runtur llnu of Wubslor iitrout lo Iho ' entur
inuf huvunlcenlli struul , theneu south un thu cu
uf of SuVL-iuuenlli lliu
tur Him strcot lu cenlur
of Cblcuh'o.liuci. thunco west un lliu center Hi
' ! nt Chlu.igu streel lo llui center of Nlnulcun
Ih street , tliuncu north uu tbu center otNlii
cu Icunth btrcot tu lliu uf bej
Kluav nisii.icrr.
flcglnnliiK at the center ot Twentieth strc
and north olty limits , thnnpn nest on north
city limits tn the center ot I'liltty-third lroo , thence south to the center ot
SIIM ( IIO strpol. thence east to the center of
Twentieth slroot , thence north to pl.ico ot
ItoxInnlnK al thu cmitor ot Thirty-third
street uxiondii I und thu north oltr limits ,
Ih'nco vvc t in the wust cilr limits , thunco
south to tlio center nf I'rntt street extended ,
thence east tn rontcrot ThlMv-slxth strcot ,
thence north to the ccnler ofSnrnRilo street.
ihoiifo to tlio center of Tnlnv-tbird
street , thence north to tiic plaeoof beginning.
TIIIIID ntsTiiifr.
lleglnnln ? nt the Intorsoctlnn < > f Thirty.
sixth nnd I'r.ilt slrpot * . thence won on tno
router of Pratt street to the wo l rlly limits ,
thence south Ui Mavno street , thence east un
tbocontpr line of Mayne street to Iho cantor
of Thlrty-slxlh street , thence north lo Ihu
place of boirlnnlni ; .
Itcilnnlnu al the center uf Snrajuo and
TttpiitletlutteoU , thoiiOHtost to thu renter
of 'I'blrty-slxtb streol. tbcnco south to the
cuntorof Houlov.vrd uvcnun. tlionco uistto
tlio rpntor of Thirtieth streut , tbunro north to
the oonter of llnstol street , tlienco east lo the
co , Her of I'wonty-foiirlh slroet. theuco north
tolhu rc-nlorot f'.mniot strool , Iheneo oisllo
the cenlor of Tnnnllulh slreul. thunco north
to the place of bojlnnlnc.
llo/lnnlm at tbo Intorsoctlou of Twentieth
mm Kminet streuls. llionco west to tbo cuntor
of Twonty-foiuth slroot , thmicu south totho
renter nf llnstol street , the ice wust to the
center tif Thirtieth street , I hence south to the
center of lloulovarii avonuu. thencottost to
the center of Thirty-sixth street , thonoo uuth
to thu center of I/o.'iist street evlendcd ,
thoncu east to tbo contur of Twenllolh street ,
tbcnco north lo thu place nf boglnnlni ; .
nezlniiltis at the Inluriootlonof Thlrty-llrst
and 1/ociut M roots ovtendod. thoncu won to
Iho cuntorof Tblrty-slMh.slrcot , tboiipo south
to the center ot Howard strout , thence rust to
Ibo center of I'lilrly-llrst street , t bunco north
lo thu cenlor of Illomlo street , thence o.isl to
lliu i-unloruf I'lilrilotli strool thence north tu
the cunlur of Ltku : slreot , tlnmctf west to thn
center of Thlrty-llrst street , thcncu north lu
the placu ut toilnnlHK.
ItoilnntiiK nt the Intorsuctton of Locust and
I'wontluth slieols , thence wosl to Iho center
of Thlitv-Mrst sttuot , Iliuncu south lu the run-
tor of I , uku strcut , tlienco oisttntbo center
of Twentieth strcot , ibuncu north lu Ihu place
nf boglnnlnu.
Kunmi insTittcr.
lloulnnlnK at thu Intersection nf Twenty-
llfth und Ijiko stiuuls Ibuncu uost totho een-
lurut Thlrtluth slruot , Iheneo south lu tbo
center of Uloiuin struut. thoncu to the
euntur of Twonly-llttb streel , thonc-o nortli tn
tht'conlur of li.uco street , the place ot bo in-
Hozlnnlnj ul tbu cuntor of rwontloth and
I.ako streets , thence west to tbo center of
Twenlv-Uftb streut. thence south lo llioucn-
lorof ( Hondo slroot , thence uast lo the cenlur
ot Twenty-fourth street , tbeucu south to Iho
euntur of Grace slruot. ihoncn uasl lo Ibo center -
tor of Nineteenth street , thence north tn tbo
north llnout K. V. Smith's uddlllon. llionco
\\u4t to thu oentur of Twentieth struul , thenuo
north to the place of bu lnnln .
Ji.MIl DISlllllT.
llolnnln ut ibo Intoisoutlun ot Illomlo nnd
Twuntv-Slxllistiouls , tbunuo west lo llio run-
tor of Thlrtv-llisl strcut. thonuu smith lu Ihu
centur of r > uward strcot. tliuncu uasl to thu
cunlerof I wunty-slxtliHlrunt , thoncu nortli In
thu cuntor of Hlondo slioot. thu place uf bo-
Slnnln .
lleslnnlni ? nt thu Intersection ot Tnontv-
Iblrd nnd Dricuslrcols , thonoo west to tbo
euntur of Twenty-fourth stri'ut , thunon north
lo tlio euntur of Illomlo stroot. tlioncoostto
tbo cunter of Twunty-sUlh stroot. thunco
south tn tbo center of Suward street , . thence
uasl tu tbo euntur ot L'uontv-thltd slruut ,
Ihonco noilh to the place of b
v ut lliu Inler-oct-ion of Nlnutountb
and lir.ico struots , thence west lo the center
of Twenty-third strcut , ihoncc south to cunter
of Sowurd struut , tbuncu east to Twenty-first
struct , tbcnco south locenterot Uliurlus strcut
thence oust to center nf Nineteenth slruot ,
thence north lo place ot bojlnnlni , ' .
CommonoliiK ut tlio intersection of 1'nrk
avenue und Louvunwnrlh struol. Ihonco south
to the center of P'lelllo struct , tbuncu uasl tn
the contur of Twontv-fourlh street , thence
north to the centur of lioavonworih stront.and
then west to tbo center ot Park uvonuc , tbu
place uf buginniii ) ; .
Comiiienclni ; ul Ihe lntors utlun of Park , ivu-
nuo und I'aulllCMtroet , thence south to Ihu
center nf Woolworth u venue , thence rust to
theeuntor of Tivonty-fonrtn Htreut. tlioncu
north lo the center of I'.ielllo stroot. thunee.
wesl to Ibo cunlor of Park iivenuo. tbo pluco
ig at the Intersect un of Park avenue
enuo und Woolwoith avonue. thein.o south tn
Mil Crulcli'nn a venue , tlioncu uust to tbo cen
ter ot Twenty-fourth street , thencu i-ortb to
Ihu cuntor uf Wuolworth uvoiiuo. and thence
west to Hie cuntor ut I'ark avenue.
Commnnolns at tbu intersection of Thirty-
socondund Cil C'roluhlon uvunnu. llioncosniitb
In thu cunter uf Uak sticut , tbonuo east lo tbu
Union I'aclllc railroad tracks , tliuncu north un
Union J-.iulllo rallroid tracks lu llio cuntor uf
IM Crolchlun uvonuo , theneo west In the cun
lur ut Thirty-second street , thu plaeoof begin
Commencing ut tbo Intersection of Twenty-
fourth stieot und lid CrolKlilun avdniio.theuco
wosl to lliu t'nlon I'uclllu railroad trael.s.
tbunco south on the Union I'acllic ral load
tr.icKs to tbu center ut Uak streettheneo west
tu Ibocunturuf Thirty-second avoniio. tbuncu
north on Thlrty-hocniKl avenue lo thu cuntur
nf Wright strout , thnnt'o west lo thn cuntur of
H.illou avenue , Ibunco south to city limits ,
thouco uast nn city limits tu tbo center of
Twenty-fourth strool , Ihonco north in tbo
contur ot IM Crolghton uvonuo , tbu place of
beginning ,
Commencing nt tbo Intersection nf Thlrty-
sl\lh und l.cavo'iworlli slrouis , thence south
tulho euntur of Cuntur , Ibenco east lo Iho cen
ter of i'arl ; uvunuu , tbunco north in ibo conlur
uf liuuvunwnrlh street , tlioncu wosl t'i Ibo
contur uf 1'hlrl v-slxtb , uf hugliiiitng
Commoiicin ; ut thu lntorsu > 'tlun nf Thirty-
sixth and I.oavonworlh stroots. thence south
tu the contur nf Center stieet , tlionco east tu
( heeenlor of Twenty-ninth uvdiiue , south In
Iho uutHer uf I'd Crul.'blnn avenue , uest to eonlor of Tblity-socond avenue , thencu
south lo tbo eonlor of Wi-iuht stieet , thence
nust tn tbu contur of H.illou uvunuu , ibenc- ;
south lu Iho city limits , Ibuncu west nn the
si.uth eltv limits lowest city limits , thence
north lu Ibu center uf l.oavcuwoith slreot
tbuncu east to Ibu cunlur uf Thlrly-sUlli
slieut , to thu p'.uco of bo inning ,
Commonclni ; nt tbo Intersection of Tblrtlotli
und be.ward Hire-its , tlioncu uast tu thu contoi
cf Twenty-fifth i 'treot , thence south tu the
cenlor nt Indian' uTauue. tlienco wosl lo ibc
centur nf Twenty -sovaiun Hlrcet. thonuu nurlli
to llainllton struut , thencu wust tu lliu cunloi
uf Tblrtlotli street , tbuncu norib lo Ibo place
Commonelii' , ' nt the intorseotlon of Thirty-
flftli and Howard ; stiools , thence east to tin
center nf Tivunty-necuiid Htruut , Iboncu sotiili
to tlu oentur nf Cumin ! slroot , tbonuo west u
tbu contur nf Twenty-foui ih street , lliunui
north tn the cunler of Indiana uvunuu , lliuir.M
west tn tbu unntur of Twonty-llfth htrcul
Ihenco north tn tbu pli
Commonulir. ut lliu lulorseotlon ot Twenty-
nuconj and Howard stieuls , tbuncu uust to tin
cunlur of Tuc'iily-llrit struul. tliunuu south li
the com or of Cb ai lea sircot , thenc'j uast In I hi
conler of Nlnelconth Hlroot , thunoo Huulh It
ihu eeiiier nt ( 'liming btreul. Ihuneo wust ti
tbucuntur ut Twuiiiy-iucnnd slruut , ihunci
norlh to tbo ulucu uf buxlnnln. ,
K.llmTII DIHTIIICT , llio Intersection nf 'I hlrtlctl
und llanilllon snoots , thencu OIIHI lo th
center of Twuiity-suvontli slruol , thence suntl
lu the conler of Indiana avenue , Ihonco win
to thu cunlor of Twenty-sovnnth avenue1
thence south to thocentor uf California slrool
Ibunco oust to the uentor uf Twonlylxtl
slruut , thoncu south tu Ibo center ( Jf Uliluuni
slruut , tliunuu wust lu tbo cuntur of Tblrtlutl
street , thonuo north lu ibo plaeu ut bo.'lnnln , '
Commencing at the Inlersecllon of Twenty
sovenlli avuniio and Indiana avenue , ihenc
east 10 Ibu cuntur of I woutvfourili siiuel
theneo south lo Iho conler nf Cumins strool
llionco wust in Ihu cuntur of Twcnty-sovenil
uvonuo , Ihonco north to Ihu place of bu ln
nln ; .
Coinmomiln ? ut iho Intursuutlon nf Twenty
seventh uvunnu i-nd Cumlruslioot , iliene
east lu Ibu cunlurnf Nlnulcenth s-lreol , thenc
south to tbu cunlur uf Wubstur strcot , thonc
Hunt lo tbu cuntur of Twentj-fourtli slruul
irn Uienco south to the eonlor of Callfornlasirou
n Ihenco wusl to tbu conlur nf Twontyevonl
h uvcnuc lheneo norm In Iho pluco of bugui
K.II Commencing ut the Intersection nf sath un
II- California strools , thence . tu lliu center c
IIIU Twenty-fourth btrcot , thence norlh In th
jf cuntur of Wuhflor struut , Ibenco east to tli
i- center of Nineteenth street , thoncu south t
if the cuntur uf Chluauo , thencu west to tli
1C1 cenle/of Twotily-sixth struct , tbcucu norl
ill to Iho place uf beginning.
FIIIST nisTiiiirr.
Cniiiinenolnx ut the Inlorsecllon of Thlrtlut
nnd nurturd treels. wesl in thu ceuti
Ot of Thlrlb-sUtu urott , tboucu north lo It
center nf Mnynn strrflt. thitnra wst to th
cmlorof I'lnnsint Mroot , thMico south to lh
center ot Wwhitor street ottnii'led. tnena *
aaninthoVonlorot Tlilrtlctb street , tlieno *
north to the place ot buflnnlna.
Commencing nt the Intersection of M ynt
and streets , thr-neo wo t In the olty
Until * , llionco south to tbo renter vf Morool
nvnnup , llionco east tn Iho centur of I'leasiul
Alrtiot , thencu north tn llio pluc of beginning
romimmrlns at the Intorsertlon of fumtn
ana P.c-isant strccis , thence west totho ott
limits , thpnco smith on oily limits to the con.
tor line jf l.navmiwortli slr.Mit llionco oust to
the center nr j oas-int street , thence north to
Iho plnco ot beginning.
roltlfiii DtSTiitrr.
OiM'iniPnelns ' at the Intersection of Thirtieth
\\itimnrsircniv , tbcnco west tothooentet
line of I'loisMit strom , thence sniltb to tha
center line of iMiliro strcot , Ihonco cust to the
renter line otTnonly-Aoveiith luotme , theme *
north In thu contur llnu nf ChliMSO si rout ,
tlmnco west to the center llnoot Tblrlletl
struot thence north to the place of beginning.
riM'll DlSTItll'V.
I'oinmonclnit nt the Intcrseotlmi nf Twontr-
olulilhuml Dodge at rents , thence west to tha
center line of I'lu.isinl street , thence south u >
thu cantor ut slrout , thence east
tiitlinonntoriif Tnrnty-ululitli strcot , thane *
norm lo tlio plucu of bujtnnlng ,
CpmmiMiolngnt the Intersection of Twanty-
oiElitlinnd Half-Howard sireols , thpuco west
lo tno cenlor of I' ens ml street , thoneo south
tn Hit'center ot I.oavonworlh slroot , thonca
oust to thocontnrof Twonty-eUhtn stroot.
Ihenco north lo the place nf iitigltmlnit
> 1 ! corner 7th und Marer
' 'nil District N W curnor Slh and I.oavon-
worth streets.
: iul Dlslrlot-N P. corner 12th nud Jones
Itli nistr'ct i : rnrner 13th aid nrst alloy ,
soulh of I'lurco strcot. s
Alii District--North sldo of 1'uclfio street be
tween fitb und Ttbslruc'ts ,
litb sldo of nth slruot near
south ofl I'aclllo street ,
" ' . ' 'ivmf'01 ' s 1 : > 'ornerof 1'urk WIU1 avenue
nnd William strcut.
Mh Dlstrict-S W corner 10th and Hickory
IHb DistrictS \V coriu-r nth and Center
IUh District-X W corner Oth and iincrof
Mth lstrlct-N ) | H cornur tilth and Vlnlon
streets ,
1st Dlstrlct-N cornur Uth nnd Jones
and District N W corner 13th and I'aclllo
3rd District 8 W corner ISth and Loavon-
worlb slroota.
4th DistrlPt W corner SJlh und l.oavon-
worth struots ,
rah I ) strict S i : corner aid and I.oavou-
worth stioots.
Illh DI-lrlct-Kist sldo of South 2Jth street ,
pposlto I'oppleton uvc ,
Tib District S i : uornor Kith and I'lorco
8th DlstrIct-3 12 corner Illh and William
litb District N K corner Sixteenth and Center -
tor streets.
Huh Dlstrlct-N W corner ? 'th and Doroai
st reuts.
Illh D strlot-S i : oornorMlh and llancrufl
st rents.
Kin Dlstrlct-N K corner und Vlnluu
lillli llstrlct-S ) W corner lilth and Valley
llth Dlatrlct-NKcnrnur'-'Otli ind Iloulovard.
1st. D strlot-S W corner ISth und Chicago
ad District N W cornur IHh und Duvonuurt
; : d District South sldu of Capitol avcnua
no ir ( west ofi Illlh struct ,
4th District West sldo of 12ih streut , bo-
Iween llouslnsaml Dodgu streets.
nth Dlsirlct N K cornur lutb and Oapllol
llth Dlstricl N i : corner Uth and llarnoj
7lh District y E corner llth and Duula
Mh District N K corner 1.1th and Jackson
Uih Dlslrlot S K uornor lOlh and Howard
streets- .
1st District N W corner 17th and D&vcnport
' 'ml DIstrlot-N W corner S.'ml nnd Davenport
Jnl District N W corner arali Hnd Dodge
4lh District N K cornur I7th und Dodge
Sin Dlstrlct-X H onrncr 17th and llarnoy
si roots.
bib Dlsirlct N W corner 20th and Douglas
7th Diatrlct-N' W cornur 'JGlh struot nnd St ,
ilury's avcniio
bib Dislilul \Vcorner20th \ street and St.
Jlury s avenue.
! > lb District IC-ist sldo of South 1'Jth ' street ,
lotween 11 iinoy blrcot anil Si , .M.iry'.savoniio.
lilth District N W cnrnor tstb und lyoivon-
. \orlb stroots.
llth District S W corner I7lh slreot and St.
M ry't , uvonuu.
1st District Kust slioot Sliormun avcnua
oppns.iu Mundorsun slruut.
L'nd Dlstriot. S U corner Sherman aveuua
und tVIrt slrcut.
.Iril Distr.ct S W unincr Sbnrman iivonua
and 1,1110 struot ,
uh District N W curnur Mierman avcnua
lid ( irueo stieot.
. "itb District S W cnrner 17th und Oharlos
btb District East sldo of bbormun uvonuo
ibunt : ill foot north uf Nicholas street.
7th D.Hlrlcl S K curnor 10th und Izard
Bth DUtrlot N W corner lOlh und Uur
Uth DIstrict-M E corner ISth nnd Oasi
lOtb District I-.asl sldo North 17th street bo-
Iwcun Oulifornla an'd Uass struuls.
litb Dlstrlul-S K curnur 19lh und Oasi
1st District S n cornci-4th sircot and Ames
uvuniio ,
L'nu District SV curncr Mlb slrcol and
lirund avenue.
, lrd District N K coiner 4. > lh und Grant
lib Dlsirlct S W cnrnor'Jlth and Mandersun
sticots. Dlslilcl SEcnniur''llh mid Wlrtalrr'ols.
Uth District H W ouinur Klrd und I'nn.ur
si ri'oln.
"Ill Dlstilct N W corner ! ! lth aid Corby
Htb lilstrlct-N i : cniner a7tb unJ Uurdctto
Hi routs.
Uth District N n corner -'nd and Grunt
l.ih District N W cornur Mill und l-'runklln
streets ,
llth DIstrlut-S W cnrnor 24th and Krankljn
lath Dlstrlet ri W cuinor a.'nd anrt Olurl *
streets ,
1st District a W curnor " 23tb and Mason
2nd DIstrlet-N h corner 20th uvonuo and
I'npnliitnn avenue.
iird llsirlol-H ) W curnor L'Ulh street and
Wonlwnrlh uvonuo.
4th District N W uornor Mth street and
Arbor sliool.
Mb DlHtilot South no ! ( of Vlnton dtrool ( east ofl smith il.'d avmiun.
( Itb District S K curnur iltth uvuniio and
I'npplulnn ' uvonuu.
7ln Dlslrlot NV curnur : Sllh mid I'rancU
1st District Kasl sldo of ailth struot near
( south ofl ChafUH slieot.
2n 1 DlslrlulVoit \ Hide of 23d Hliuet niiar
( south ut ) ran I stioot ,
3rl District N W corner 20th und NluhoU *
4tb District N H curnur 20th and Oumlnz
rilh District West sldo of North 2Uh struali
near luorlh nf ) Cumlir\trcot.
litb DlBtrlcl S K cornor'iid nnd llnrl ntruuts.
7th Dlstrlut B W curnor ' 'Oih und Uas
1st Diitrlot a W cornur U''d und Ciimlia
Hlruots ,
' 'd Dlitrlot-N W cornur lOlh und Ounilnx
BlruutK ,
ild District N K corner loth und I'arnuni
4tb District Nortl. hhioof Davenport struot
noiirwo l on Nnrlh X'd uvuniio
Mb district .S i ; dornur lllst avniiuu and
Dod'-d slroet.
Otli District 8 W cornur filth uvunuu uucl
Jackson htreut.
Tuusilny. Octnbur | i , IB/.1.
Wednesday. Uuiubor IU. Is''i
Thursday , October'/ 1 > 'J. ' ,
Krlday , Novunilier 4. Ulr. .
buturday , No\um'jci-5 , 1813.
UKIIIKIC ' . ' . Ilr.Mia ,
Mayor ol tbo City uf Oniuba.
Attest ; JOHN Uituviii.
Ulurk uf ihu City of Omuba.
.11. niu MUV nuu i urt tuui | -
UIVIM tnu kii'ju n fur IjillbiZ
/i twi , cousUt > utl ( D , djriiK-ifU. < uulZ
' 'jrmlh , JuttJul-t. . - . ) - i4.rtl.urn - . . . , . . luuof . . . - . . .
/ | > rrUtcii < lci II-M-IUU ,
. Mllcw r iini'lcx > ure bloo , c-t til\an \ \ , } Ibe kComuli , llvtrur II
UisllUM to i > ci-foiin loblr prciior functions , i'trucm *