6 THE OMAHA JUTLY BKE ; ( KTOBEll 10 , 1892SIXTEEN PAGES. THE OiMA.IIA BEE COUNCIL BLUFF * * CFFICKJ - NO 12 PEARL STREET rcllrcrca fcjr carrier to nnv part of th ? city II. \ \ . TII.TON. MANAGER. .111 A U /.N T/O.V. X V. Plumbing Co. Council Uluffs Lumber Co. . The Olivette club will Rive n dancing party next Wednesday evening at the Uoynl Arca num pnrlors. Unity' guild will bo entertained by Mrs. F. A. bllctor. Lincoln avenue , Friday ovcn- Inc , Octolcr 21. O. M. Hnrl nnd C. 0. Saundor < xycnt to MUvran Vnliev Inn evening nnd delivered addresses nl tbo republican rallv. A mnrnaeo license was Issued yesterday lo Samuel V. Fltzslmmons nnd Neltlo May John&lon , bolh"of David City , Nob. The Switchmen1 * Mutual Aid association Is preparing to bavo Its annual ball in Ma- EOUIO tcmplo on Thanksgiving evening. Married Mr. Hnbb l nrl nnd MUs Corn McCormlck last Tuesday night In this city. Hov. W. C. Lovick of thu Hotbamy Bupllst church oniclntcd. The Indies of the Woman's Cbrlntlnn hos pital will meet nt the residence of Mrs. .1. 1J. Atkins nt 2:30 : this nfternoon for tbo purpose of allendlng Ino funeral of Mrs. Dr. Green. There will bo n regular meeting of St. Albnns Lodge No. 17 , Kinghls of Pytblas. Monday evening nt Cas'lo Hall. All vlsltlm ? luileulH welcome. Hy oraei of chancellor coiiFmnndcr. A cold ring has boon lound by the police. It has emravcd on the msldo tno motto , "Virtu * Junxlt. mors non soparnbit. " The nnmt , "KrmiUltn 1' . dimmer1" Is nlso en graved on It , Mrs. S. .T Leo , who worKs nt tbo Kaglo laundry on Lower Broiidxvny. bad ono of her lingers pinched so that It hud to bo mupu- inlcd , by bomg caught In the steam roller. Her whole hand was badly mangled. The Indloi of the Christian church gave n social Friday tilcrht at the rcsldenco of L , M. Shubcrt , 'Jl'3 Avcnuo G. Auout 100 wcro present. Music was furnlshoj bv the Twin City trio nnd nn o.ijoynhlo time was bad. Misi Lvdla Wlrt. the \ouncr lady who fell from tbo fourth story of the deaf and dumb Institution ono day lust wcolt , H pronounced out of danger , no internal injuries such us ' \voro fcnred having manifested themselves. Mrs. Clara Huffman of Kansas City will Blvo n frco Iccturo in Hughes hall next Tuesday ovcnlne on the subject of prohibi tion. MM. Iloftmnn Is said to bo n forcible speaker. All friends of thocauso are invited. The Grand Order of the Orient will moot Friday evening , October 21 , nt their hall on Main street. Applications should bo In tbo hands of the secretary or treasurer by 'Wednesday oronln ? . It is cxnoctod this will be ono of the largest meetings ever held In this city. Mlnnlo DIxon , who pees by the names of Murdoch nnd Gibson , was arrested yoslor- dny on the charge of disposing of some mort gaged properly belonging to A. 13. Butt , of Omuhn , The defendant , is the woman who was stabbed in the back by n voting man nnionl Tracy some time ago. She Is out on bonds. The Ladies' exchange will this wcolc move tts headquarters to yi7 Broadway , This change Is necessitated by the icmoval to Omahn of Mr. Showers , who has boon fur nishing thum store room for six months past , nnd with whom they part with rogrot. "Tbo ladles will continue doini : charitable work for tbo poor of the city out of the prollU from the snlo of home-mado food. A young man named Murphy loft n pair of shoes ntn Broadway Irult stand yesterday afternoon , saving ho would call for them later. Ho called , but in the meantime someone ono had been there before him and had taken the fhoes away. Elmer Brown was ar rested on suspicion of being the guilty man nnd was slated with obtaining goods under fnlso pretenses. Ho is in jail. A house at tbo corner of Thlrty-olRhth street nnd First nvonuo burned yostord.iv niornlna. Mrs. Williams , who lived there , was sitting up with a sick child nnd Dccl- dcntnlly dropped u lamp on the floor. In an instant the house was wrapped In ( tame * and It was burned to the ground before the flro department could extinguish them. The house was Insured for S'J50 nr.d was owned by Mrs. Williams. St. Paul's fuilla mot with Misi Mary Davenport Monday afternoon to consider plans for their work in the church for the comlag ycar. About forty responded and a very enthusiastic mooting was held. Ilorc- nftcr the meetings will be held lepularly the llrst Tuo = .dav in c-nch month nt half past ! ! o'clock nnd will be entertained In the form of a musicalo. Tno next repular meeting will bo with Miss ISlalo Butts , on First avenue - nuo , November 1. Anyone not n member of the guild may attend thcso muslcnlos bv paying 10 cents admission. II you don't want to buy liiu-cl coal you iinil bettor BCO Blxby about these oil burners. They uro adapted for use inLet Lot nir furnticcs , steam nnd hot vntcr Doilors , with no coal or : ishcs to handle. Dig line o'f hanging lamps , stand lamps , hall liunps at Lund Bros. Iliivo you scon those beautiful hand- painted jardinieres at Lund Bros ? Call on Messrs. Day & IIos9 nnd ask lo bo shoxvn the Klein traut of100 ncroa IIOAT on sale in live and ton aero tracts. They xvill shoxv it frco to nil. Miss Mary Crenelle loft Friday evenlnp for loxvn City to visit Miss Ida Wallace , xvlic Is aliundlng the medical department of tin Utata university. C. K. 1'lckctl of Wnlorloo , la. , xvas In llu city yesterday for n visit xvith Thomas 1C Casndy , his former classmate at the Stall university nt loxvn city. ' MM. Knoxvlos and son , Charlie , of Topeko Knn. , nro visiting In the city ns tbo guest : of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Evans. Mrs. Knoxvlo Is a nlcco ot Mrs. Evans. 25 dox.on gouts' heavy gray under shirts during this xvoolc for 15o each worth ifllc. Boston Store , Counci BluITs , la. Save your hard coal ; use wood , ant call on II. A. Cox , 10 South Main street Best Missouri wood 55.00 per cord , do livorcd. _ Will llu it Illg I'll rude. The Indications noxv are that the parad next Friday afternoon in honor ot "Coliin : blan Hay" xvill bo ono of the largest ovc eecn lu this city. The city xvlll bo illlod xvil visitors from n distance , drawn hero by th Brand ledge of the Odd Folloivs , nnd itt \ matter of local prldo that llicro bo as llu nu appearance as possible , Almost ovnr teacher and pupil In the publio schools vvi DO In the procession , and It Is hoped lhat th different org.mlzilluns of the city xvlll b equally xvall represented. Just to hnnd , another case of CO pair of xvrappcr blunhots , the latest novoltin for xvrnppors. Only 7fm ti pair , Bosto Store , Council BlulTs , la. XX'uottMl to Itity , Improved property. Will pay cash I price is loxv. II. G. McGee , 10 Main struct Cultlo WfiitMud. . A curious dlscaso has broken out amen the cattle in liarnor township and Is takln tbom off rapidly , U resembles hydrotbobl | in many respects , llio rattle cflllctcd xvith frothing nt tha mouth , pawing the earth angering goring ono another and anyone xvho come near them. An ofllcor xvas sent lo Ibo fari wbero Iho trcublo Is nnd killed several ( the diseased calllo. The state votorluai aurpoon bus beau notified itr.il xvlll niaUu u oOlcIal Investigation of tbo caso. Gentlemen , the liuostllno.of tall good in the city , just received , Uoitor , th tailor , 310 Broadway. Boston store closes every evening at p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. Judson , civil oujf meor , 823 Broadwaj NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Stockholders of tha Union Depot Company Hold a Secret Meeting. NEWSPAPER MEN WERF. STRICTLY BARRED Dct.ilM of the McMIng .slip Out , However , nnd Are Cnticlit liy nil Attentive ltd- porter Nnliriiici Advunceil to I'nj Oir thu A mooting ot a part of the stockholders of the Union Depot association \vns held In the council chamber last ox-onlng. It tvas n star cbauibo session , nnd re porters \voro btrlctly barred , the Jani tor of the city building 'jaiti ? sta tioned outsldo the door with n larfio wooden club anil Instructed to batter the bead of nny newspaper man that appeared nbovo the landing. The transom ever the door xvas hermetically sealed , Unfortunately , however - over , ono of tbo xvlnaoxvs had bcon carlossly loft open and the sound of xvlutxns polug on xvitblu XXMJ nlloxvod to sift through the fly screens , dually reaching tha ground in a somcxvhat strained condition , nnd therefore very pure. lMun : D nmccl. The racotlng xvni held for the purpose ot talking over schemes for liquidating tbo Imlebtriinen on the depot property so ns to cnoblo tbo association to carry on Its xxorlt nxvhilo longer. E. L , Sbugart had an Interesting plan nnd one that occasioned considerable fnvorablo comment from tbo members , itvas to hiivo the city council condemn the ground oxvned by the depot company for park purposes and hold It for llvu years , with the understanding thnt , at the end of thnt time , If no depot had bcu secured , It should bo convened Into a parlt. If , hoxvover , tno roads should meet with a chunga ot heart and dccida to coma into the depot scheme it shouia bo ulspobod of for that purpose. Another supgcstlou xvas that these xvho xvcro unwilling to go on xvith the dcuot pro ject bo Induced to uoimto their slock to a commlttco of twenty or so nnd have this committee hold the property , pay oft all ac cruing taxes and do the wrestling with tbo railroads on their oxvn hoolc. None of thcso pbms were adopted but merely laid before the stockholders In order that they might think ever and adopt or reject at the next meeting , xvhlch is to bo bold next Saturday uvenlng. Koppliif ; it from the I'lipcrs. Another plan xvns to bonoxv the money necessary to pay oft the taics In case the city council could not bo Induced to remit them and pay off all other indebtedness. Just before adjourning Mr. Shugart asked lie meeting hoxv much or the croceeds hould bo given to the noxvspapors. "lloxv vould It do , " said ho , "to toll them that xvo ust held n mcotiue to dnvlso ways and noans for raising the necessary money to my off the indebtedness , nnd lot it go at ball" No , " replied William Sicacntopf , "I vouldn't tell thorn anythlne. I thlnlc that bo more secrecy xio observe nbout such hlngs tbo bolter. To tell them anything x'ould only be to put people ou their guard , and wo don't xvanttbat. " "That's right , " said E. II. Mcrnam. "There isn't nny corporporntion thnt thinks t necessary to lot reporters into thoirpri- nto meetings. " "Excepting tbo school board , " Interjected somebody. "Gentlemen , " said L. Everett , "wo have done right fn excluding reporters. No man Is going to give expression lo bis full nuu rco opinion and run the risk of being slan dered and viltilied by tbcso ncxvspapcr re- jortors. " And then they sang a hymn and xvcnt out. C'AUOUT ANOTIlIMt. Conlldcnco Men nf in Their i'lno Work on Hustle. John Hoightonsleln , n joung man whc Ivcs at Silver City , bears the distinction ol laving worked oil on him xvhat is probably the oldest , mustiest , and silliest of nil con ft. deuce cames. Ho camu to Council Bluffs yesterday morning nnd xvhilo ongiigou ir reading the , signs on Iho business bouses became came acquainted xvllh Unco young men or , xxboso faces ho ibought be sa.v Indications ot early piety. Tno quartet xvcnt abcul lookmir nt the bights nnd enjoyed one another's society for some limo , when one ol them pulled a queer looking padlocti out of his pocket nnd olTer-d tc bet that none of his companions could oper it. Holder to Umber up their eolfconli donco ho fallowed them txvo or throe limes hoxv easy It xvas , and Ilelghtcnstcln bit tc the tune of $10. That xvas just the amounl that be xvas out when the business transnc lion xvns ox-cr , the division ot the dpoih made und the three goud looking young iner had vanished from his slirht. Ho compliance at ttio police station nnd cax'o a aescrlptloi of the Ronlldcnco men , but so far uouo o ; ibem have been caught. Mr. Holgbtcnstclt left for Kllvor City ycslorday lo loll hi ; young friends hoxv easy It is to earn flO ii the city vhen ono knoxvu how. TIII : I > USTI > ONII > OI-KMNU. The lloston Store AX III Amiln ICntertnln tin i'nlillu on Tuosiliiy ivi : > nlii , On account , of the rain the tuilumt opening of the Boston Store hist Thurs iluy evening xx-as not enjoyed bv in great n nuinbor of people ns'tho even \varraiitbd tintl IIB purliujj desired to bt prcEont. For this ronson Messrs. Poth erin linm , Whitoluxv & Co. liuvo do tormincd to jrlvo the public anothoi chunso , nut ] huvo 11 xeel next TuosUux ovoninfr ns the timo. Tlio display xvil bo oven tinor than thnt which deli ) < litoi nil who atturdod in Hjilto of tlio rail Tlnirndtiy ovoninp , for tlio aclclitiuim tlnio xvlll cnablo the clorlcs to better ar range the goods. Uealdcn , many nov ( , 'ooels huvo arrived slnco then , iiiul inon will coino every day , anil all of UIOHI xvho uttonded the lir&t opening will bi .abundantly rupaitl for visiting tin second. Of course , no goods xvlll bo sold dur Ing the evening , but the clerks xvil tuko every pitlns to inako the ovoniiif pleasant and Hlvo all desired inforrnn tion concornSntr the mnny noxv things The doors xvill ho opened nt 70 : ! ! ant the exposition xvill last until 0:30 : o later. Carpets Imvo risen in price 5c to lOc yard , but the Council Bluffs Carpe company xvill continue to sell at th eiiino old bedrock figure ! . XVIinrc tuX'or lilp. First I'resbylorlan , corner of Willoi ovcnuo and bevcnth sircot , Hov. Siopho Phelps , paaior Preaching by the pastor t 10 : 0n. m , Sunday school at 13 m. Youn people's meeting at U:80 : p. ic. At 7IK : ) p. u u union meeting under tboauiplcos ot th Youug I'oopto'a Society of Christian Ei doavor § ocietlos of tbu city First UajitUt i'reuchiug morolug on evening by the paMor , Hov. J. It , Davis. Morning subject , "Kor Whnt Intent Hnvo Von hont lor Mol" Kx-oninR subject'lloxv the Wnll Were nulldod. " Sunday school i l 13 m , Voung pconlo's racotlnp at 0.30. Christian Kldcr O. lUo Vol. n noted , ovancollst nt lown , xvlll preach at Mnnonlc tomplontll o'clock n. ra. Theme , "Paul's Great Prayer for the Kphcslans. " In the ovonlnif ho xvlll uollvor nn address for the City Union of Christian Endeavor nt the Presbyterian church. Subject , "Tbo Baltlo Over the E-npty Oravc. " Trinity Moihodlst Episcopal Fourth street nnd Ninth avcnuo. Hov. U. H. Bar ton , pastor. Columbian Sunday. Preaching 10o : ; n. m. nnd 7W : : n. m , Sunday school 13 tu. Epxvorth league G : 13 p , in. Hcthanv JJnplI.it Sixteenth nvonuo nnd High street. HoxW. . E. Stanley ot DCS Molnos will preach this evening. Uerean Haptist Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:1)0 : ) p. m. Sunday school nt 11:1,1 : n. m. Filtli Avenue Methodist Episcopal , cor ner Eighteenth strcot nnd Fifth nvonuo. Preaching , 10:30 : a , in. nnd 70 : ! ! p. m. Sun- dnv school , 1 ! ) in. Class meeting , 0,30 u. m. C. W. llroxvor , pastor. Young Mon'ii Uhrbtlan Association Hex * . Uo Vol , state evangelist of the Christina church , xvlll- address the young men at1 o'clocK. Tomoln Baptist Preaching services in Hughes' hall , corner Uroadxvuv and Park avenue , at 1U.IW a. tu. nnd 7:30 : n. m. 1. . A. Hall , pastor. Sunday school , 13 "in. Second Prosbytoilan Harmony end Logan streets. S. Aloxandor. pastor. Proacbing nt lUila. : ) in. "Columbian UnyV concert nt 70 : ! ! p. m. Sunday school nt 12 in. Chris tian Endeavor atOl'i : p. in. St. John's Entrllsh Lutheran Services on first floor of Merrlnm bloclt'JUS Main nnd ' -09 1'enrl street , nt II a. in. and 7:3 : < l u. in. ; Sunday school at U:15 : a.m. Hex * . O. W. Snvdcr , pistor. HronUwav Mothnalst 1'nlscopal 11. P. Dudley , paslor. Preaching at Hl)0n. : : ) in. ; subject , "Uivlno Sonsblo ; " preaching lit 7ltu : p. in.5 subject , "Ktcrnol Llfo. " Congrcgallounl Preaching nt 10yOn. : m. No evening service. Utiut About Itml Kutiito' . ' The prospect lor ono or txvo moro bridges connecting Omal.ti mid Council lilullhi , together Vi'llh other tirojeets of rather bitr proportions , hits sot " tongues xvnggfng" about how real estate is to bo nITcetcd. Ouesscs nro ns numer ous us quorlcd. In order to got some export opinion on the Bitu- nllon for tlio buncllt of Tin : Bui : renders , i ' call was made on ( jroenshields , Nicholson &Uo. , xvhoso activity , success and extent of business roiulor them competent to spuak on this topic xvith an air of authority. It suomed that business must bo rushing , for nil in the olllcc wore so busy that ficy nit her bluntly said they rotilly hadn't time to talk anything but busi ness. "But this is business. It's the pub lic's business. They want to Icnow xvhat you think about the real estate situation in Council Blull's , as you're exports , you know. " Alderman E. E. Mayno , xvho is ono of the lirm , at this surrendered to the' pumping process , and said : "Well , I suppose you knoxv thcro is no boom in Council IJlulTn , but on the other Imiul there is no punicky fooling. Koal estate in limes past has bcon n little sloxvor than it ought to have been , but thcro has been a lirm and confident feeling , xvhich lias sloxvly but surely "icon ripening into increasing nativity. tor the past three or four months thcro ins been u vot-y marked and steady in- ircuso. " "To xvhat do you attribute this in- ircusoV" "Why , it's the natural increase ( anscd by the steady growth of both cities. Prices urCouncil Bluffs have nl- , vaya boon fur below iho natural tmu'lcot , 'aluo , and tlioy are still BO loxv that if -hey - change at all they luivo to change 'or the bettor. Onmhtv is groxving nnd EO is Council BlulYs , uud right Dotxveen these cities is a largo amount of prop erty which cannot but increase in value md improvements. The txvo form ono of the most assured great cominorci.il : md inilxvoy centers of Iho xvost. Just ook nt the intip and you xvon't need to uslc xvhy there is "increased activity. "Why just look nt ono little item. Hero uro our books. Hero's our rental 1st four months ngo. There's 14 houses for which xvo xvoro collecting the rent. Noxv there are l.'il on the list , nnd xvo can't get desirable houses fast enough to suoply the demand In September alone xvo rented 83 houses , and even then couldn't supply thcderaand. That's dimply ono straw , but it shoxvs the xvny our business is growing.1' ' "IIoxv will the bridge enterprises nnd other improvements nIToct real estate1' "Tho improvement ; ) spoken of xvill on- hnnco values , of course , and these xvho invest noxv cannot but inako well. Wo do not expect u boom. Wo don't ' want any , but that there xvill bo u steady in crease from noxv right on is ns certain as that the bun xvill Iccop on rising every day. " "Is most of the increasing activity duo to speculation or to it bonti ( Ido de mand ? " "A very largo percentage of our buyers and inquirers are among the homo builders. Many xvago xvorkors , clerks and othcis are planning to secure liomqs of tlioir oxvn. Many are from Omaha xvho find that they can live moro cheaply nnd comfortably on this aide of the river , and bo us near or noai or their work. They can buy a lot and build a house for what they pay for rent in Omaha , and in tlio cud have a homo of tlioir oxvn. Then , too , vhoy can sco for themselves that they are sure of having the property advance in values BO that if they ovoi want to faoll they can do * so nt u profit. Then xvo Imvo a good many outsiders , as you call thorn , who are ouiotly investing in Council niulTs and xvho nro doing so not only because they BOO sure money in it , -but for purposes of improvement. 01 residence , or business here. Yes , younu man , Council BluiTs is all right , botli noxv and for the future. If you say any thing don't shout 'boom , ' for there isn't going to bo nny. Council BluITt property don't need any xvlndy advert ! * ing or crazy hurrah , any moro than gov ironmont lands do , but I knoxv for the xvondorful activity in our own buMnobs , and the steady increase that real es tate , whllo as cortuin as govorninonl bonds , xvill yield a good many times . ' per cent. Some of the property xvo coiv trol are regular snap bargains , and thoi nro being snapped up rapidly by those Bhrcxvd enough to see that they tno rosr uhir bonanzas. They are going so fnsl that they xvill soon bo scarce but Btill these xvho buy a real market value xvill make hand Bomoly , though of courao they xvon' make as much as these who are Bhroxvi enough to catch un those tmaps. Thoug ) they may not inako as much , thoy'l inako enough to satisfy any rousonabli man. " A xvould-bo investor , who looked as i ho had xvculth in his pocket , came ii and naturally the real cstato man had ti clioko off the interviewer in order ti attend to the business demands. The Doston Store closes every even ing nt 0 p. m. except Mondays am Saturdays. runted u "XX'lldcut" 11111. "Shorty tup horse trader" as ho is coir monly linoxvn ? but who gives bis real nnm as Jim Johnson , xvas arrested ye&torda afternoon for cheating Mlku Fox , a Ke Crock farmer , our ot a horse , cart and bai 11033. Fox wanted to sell bis rig , an "Shorty" bad a tlOO bill which ho xvas wll Ing to give for U. The trade was accor lagly made and it xvas not until Fox trlod t get tbo hill broken that bo found It xvas oc ol Iho Missouri xvlldcat bank notes , and coi lequentlr xvortljlf.ii. Ho rustled n round until ha pot the IKVSO trader behind the b.in ana got his rig hiult , when ho breathed moro onslly. It hns uoMiccn decided yet whether Johnson xvlll lx > { prosecuted In the stale courti on tbo ctinrco of obtaining goods under false pnnefnos , or In the United Stales court tor poAslngn counterfeit bill. Never before t have the people of Council UlulTs nrnl Onnhit had such an opportunity to-bttv aero property suita ble for homo brvlruit sis is offered by Day < fc lIcss.JJl)0 ) acres to ulck from. Only txvo and tuijilf miles oas. of Coun cil BlulTs posloflico. The M { foliar Piano and Organ com pany received their llrsl noxv styles of Hnrfliimn's yoslorilnv. The old styles " are still selling at"a discount. They still have a. large stoi'kof them on hand. Nfcil 'Muru 1'iillri' . Hcsldcnts of the Fourth ward nro clamorIng - Ing loudly for moro pohco protection. The "rclrenchmonl" theory ot tbo present ad ministration has reduced the police force until this xvnrd , one of the largest nnd most populous in Hi ? city , never sees a pollcoman until after midnight , nnd ns It goes to bed about that time , tbo chances tor keeping on speaking terms with the mini ot the star are rather slim. TltoioaultM that tha Fourth xvard U inado n camping ground for tlio roughs xvho malto their living nt Iho cxncnso of honest people , nml depredations ot ono Itiiid or another nro frequent. Lait Fridav night txvo girl' , xxho xvorlt for .1 O.Voodxvnrd and 1. N. Fdculngor on Fourth avenue , xvcro returning homo from prayer meeting \vhon they xvcro assailed U.v n burly fclloxv , whoso lirocuo proclaimed proclaimed him a Swede. He , xvith a coilplo of companions , xvas noticed Bcinmng them closely us they passed him under nn olpclric light on Fifth avenue , and xvhcn they hid cottot , past the men lolloxvml thorn. When limy reached Iho corner of Klghth slreet and Fourth avcnuo Im rmi ahead und seized ono of Iho girls nbout ttio waist. She Immedi ately screamed for assistance ) nnd Mrs. Ulcltcx * , xvho lived near by , run out nud suc ceeded In frlchtcnlnc Iho fclloxv uxv.iy. This i nol the llrst alTntr nf the kind that has happened in that vicinity recently , and the people xvho llvo in the neighborhood nro do- mnndtiig that something Do dona to prevent such occurrence1 ; In ttio future. I'lro Corner of llroiuliiy anil licntim Slicut. Our late loss by fire xvns covered bv txvo policies , both in the COUNCIL BLUFFS INSURANCE COMPANY. By 7 o'clock the next morning after the lire the secretary xvas on the ash heap , pencil in hand , ready to figure tlio loss doxvn to bedrock , xvhich ho did , too , saying that' it xvns his duty and no small pirt of his business " So long as ho did not go boloxv bedrock xvo had no reason to complain , consequently the settlement was not only prompt , but in every way satisfactory1 , so much t-o that in addition to Sit. OO UO ( seven policies ) carried by this company before the lire we noxv add to it 910,000.00. Being intimately acquainted xvith the secretary and directors xvo cannot bo pei-huudcd thai better indemnity can bo obtained than that olTorcd by our homo company , besides we believe in patron- i/.ing xvorthy homo enterprises , every thing being equ.ll , and unless xvo do xvo shall continue to bo dependent on for eign capital and Corporations. G. R. Wll 1:1:1,1:11 , 'i JAS. A. I No bankrupt , , lire-smoked , damaged furniture at Meyer's , 305-H07 Broadway. Clean goods , less than any Omaha prices. Dlitrlcl Court IloliiRS. Iloxvard Sporlis , Iho sowing machine man who ran up against several snags recently. entered a plea of guilty yeslerday morning nud thus avoided the trial by Jury xvhich had already bccu commenced. H. Pyburn iiled n motion for a conthiuanco on the ground that Hugh Nelson , his princi pal witness , had loft the country aad could not bo found In Omaha , xvhero ho lives. The : nollon has not as. yet been decided. A short session of court xvas held for the purpose of transacting some business on tlio civil sldo of the calendar. Hattie Pierce xvas gruuteu a divorce from John Plcrco and Efllo Sxvan from Frank Sxvan , neither of the do- foudants taking the Iroublo lo put In nn ap pearance. Tbo decision of Justice Cones in ho case of Cnambcrlnin acalnst McCamp- hcll , xvhich bad been brought uu on a petition for a writ or error , xvn $ reversed. JuJgo Macy adjourned court for good last cvciiliR' . and left for his homo In Hurlan. Judge Smllh. hoxvover , xx ill hold a session tomorrow morning , at which the followlnc cases xvlll bo tried : C. O. Hood against tbo Clucaco & Ncrthxvestorn , staloagHlnst DICK , Urnndon and Sober Burns , state against E. M. Kstcs , ICnnball & Champ Investment company against thn Board of j3u.uallzation of llio clly of CouncilBlulTs. . Stolen , from 103 Main st. , noxv Stir- ing cushion tire safety bicycle , No. 102-1. A liberal rcxvard will bo paid for its return. _ Suits and overcoats $10.00 loss than by nny other lailor. Clothing , dyed , cleaned , repaired. T. J. Peterson , l311 ! b. ! ) th St. _ XVclcoiiK ! the Odd rollmr * . The loxvn grand lodge of Odn Fcllnxvs will meet In Council IHUffs this week , the ses sion opening on Tuesday. As Ihls is ono of the most Important gatherings ever bold hero Iho citizens thould need no urging to dress Iho business snoots in their gala cos tumes and extend to the distinguished vis itors a hearty xvclcomo. Hunting nnd om- b le mi , mottoes and orders should adorn all Iho buildings on Main street und Broadxvny , especially. The publio buildings xvill , of course , bo elaborately decorated , and Council Bluffs xvlll Improve the opportunity of demonstrat ing lhai it is capable of properly receiving nnd cm ing lor the most Important btato assemblies. To muko this plan n EUCCOSH every busi ness man should feel u psrbounl responsibil ity , and the work of decorating should be entered upon xxllbout delay. The committee on arrangements has ap pointed asub-commlttoa lo attend to Iho work of dccoriulnir. It consists of Thomas Hoxvmnn , M. F. Itnbror , II. U Harlo. . ) . W. 1'orogoy turn JohmSuhlckonlnnz. This coin- mlttoo Is to superintend Ihr decorations of the city , and tha desire U to have every building In UioClly trimmed up In rod , while nud blue without further notlco. Mrs. E. Kintjr. is going to teach Gor man and I'Vench lesson : ) at her reel- donco , 105 S 7ln bt. , Council mulls. Reception hours , " toI and 7 to 8. ICOpooplo in , ' tins city use gn stovoj Iho ( jas Co. put' ) 'am in at cost. Pay Davis foi ' ( lrugs and paints. i E Tbo growth m'hiirobors in Vale Is apparent In ail departments , . ' The laxv school cos tbo unprecedented number ot 1TO aludonls tbls year. Chicago is again to have the largest one best telescope In the xvorld. It Is to bo tbo gift of Mr. Yerlics to tlio Chicago uuivor- ally. Tlio esilraated cost Is fjOU.OOO. The Columbian co sbrallon in the public schools xvlll vary somewhat from the national ' tional program , 'It estimated mat 13,000 , COD xvlll sing the pralsosof the discoverer an the discovery. Upon the return of Ildwnrd F. Scarlci from Europe tbo Hopkins mansion on Neb Hill , San FruncUco , xvlll be formally trans tarred to tbo California university regents to bo hold in trust.for art purnosoi , Spocla ! privileges und ojrtaim rooms xvlll bo assignee to the Bun Francisco Art association , Thomas HotlgUlns of New York has giver I-JO.OOO to tbo Koyal Innlltuto for Kciontltlc Kosoarcbcs. Aoout a year ago Mr. Hode Ulns gave $200,000 to the Smithsonian Iiutl tutlou. Half thU xvas given xvltbout condl tlouf. The other half xvai to bo dovotcd t ( tbo dUiribhllmrof Informallou upon tbo subJect Joct of atmospheric air la Its relations to thi physical uud intellectual welfare of man kind. WHITNEY WON'T ' WALK HOME Kind-lfoartcd Commi iouers Arrauga to Got Dim Back from Uf WILL HE BRING THE CRAZY MAN ALONG One UnrMlon Which the County Authorities Mould I.Iko lo lltuc Amucrril rinn- o tlnllil the North XVInc at llio lliKiiltal , If raonoy Is nil Unit i required to Insure Omar Whitney's return from C.itindn , that gentleman xvlll soon bo nt homo receiving tbo congratulations of bis friend * and husk- In ? his corn , xvhich huiraptdlv rlpsncd under the sweltering rays of the October sunxvhilo bo has bcon out on bis Junket xvitn Sylvester Underwood , bis crazy charge. The county commissioners cannot state whether thn txvo men xvlll return together , but they ara pa- iltmtlv proving and hoplnutunt Omar xvlll bo xvtso cnouch to shako Sylvester and ( ct him losu himself In some of tbo Canadian bvxvnys and budges. It Is kuoxvc that snmo months aeo tbo Vet mont authorities shipped Underwood to tbU fitv , xvoll ituoxvlng that ho xvas u pauper as well as a lunatic. Ho had relative * lu this city , but thuy refused lo tnko cnro ot tilm and the result xvas that If ho Htajcd here tie ixould become a permanent charge upon Oouglas county. Tno commissioners knoxv this nud nt once they concluded to glvo tnoso vcrmoutors ns good ns thov sent. Wl'h this Idcn lu view tbov decided to send Mr. Underwood to Bruttloboro , the place from xvhcnco ho came. To find ix m.iu xvho xvanted lo Inito him xvai Iho ne.xt question. The sherlft xvas xvilllug to go , hut ho xvnntod the stnlutorv fees. The commlsslonnrrt thought they could find a man xvho xvoulu t.iko the trip Just for the sake of having llio rldo. In looking around lor such a man they hit upon Whit- i.oy , xvho xvns anxious to go. in tbo lown of Bratllcboro xvus tils native heath. The deal xviis made , nnd after furnishing the trans portation and Wll of spending money , Mr. Whitney nlnrted und" reached the loxvn In good shapexvh.no ho tried to turn hU man over lo the authorities , but they xvould not have It that xvny and ordered joth inon out of toxvn , tolline Whitney that f ho did not go no xvould bo Imprisoned or llfo. Wliltnev did not xvnnt lo bo sopa- ucd from his family for BO long a period of Imp , so ho took some good advice and klnpca for Canada , not stopping until ho md reached Montreal. From that point ho olcgranhcd that hn xvai dead broke and till had tUocrazv ninn on his Hands. Com- nlsslonor Van C.imp happened tu bo the only commissioner about the court house vhen the message xvas delivered , and In eply ho Bimnlv mid the Mr. Wbl tnoy to got the man oil his hands. Now tbo other members of the board Invo nken hold of the mutter and huvo tele graphed Wlntnov $100 of county money to id him in getting homo. They have"nlso otermlned that the next time they send a rnzy man out of the state thov xvlll send a ; uarJ xvho knows enough to drop Ills man nt bo proper time. AVIM , HUI Ml IT NUW. Nurth Wing of tlio Ciitnily Hospital to Ho Knttrrty Itriilurod. The principal subject for discussion nt a meeting of the Board ol County Commisslon- ots yesterday afternoon at xvhlcb nil ino ucmbers xvero prc-sont xvai the county hosnltal and some method of bolstering It up. Commissioner Stcnbcrg on behalf of Ihe committee reported that they had looked over the ground and xvoro convinced lhat the lorlh xving could not withstand a severe xvinter storm. It xvas recommended that .i'i3clier& Laxvrlo bo employed lo superin tend the xvnrk of reconstruction and that tbo cost bo paid out of tha general fund until this 'und could bo reimbursed by Iho snlo of poor 'arm lols. The architects' plans contem plate too tearing doxvn ot that portion of Iho north xvinff beyond the central biy window and Ibo rccon&lructton of the portion of the wing south ot the bay xvlndoxv on nn entirely noxv plan , using any avall.ibla ma- : crlal. The cost of thls'worlc is estimated nt $17,000 nnd the archlloots Intend giving the 011 tire job to ono ccnlractor. The work in cludes tailing doxvn the present walls lo ino evcl of the second lloor and reconstructing bom to their present height , reconstructing .bo lloorK and roof ana comnlctcly removing Ibo north half of the north xving , cleaning nnd stacking the brick. The report xvas udopled. The recular list of monlhly approprialions xvas read nnd adopted. The commilloe on ditches reported that Iho petition ofVIlllam Mvcrs nnd Isaac Noyos for drainage ditches should in their opinion bo adopted and so reported. The re port xvas adopted xvith Mr. Paddock express ing surprise lhat ho xvas not nsUod to sfgn It. The clerk explained that it xvas signed by the major und ho subsided. The county surveyor xvas Instruclud lo prepare esti mates. The contract and bond of C. B. Havens for furnishing coal xvas apyroved. The report of tnc county clerk for the third qunrlcr xvas handed la and referred to the 11 nun co committee. A resolution xvns introduced by Commis sioner Stenborg asking the board to request the cily council lo open a thoroughfiiro lo Douglas addillon and the poor farm lots. Tlio b'oird Ihcn adjourned lo Salurday. Oclober yj. A marriage by nroxy , In xvhich Iho bride xvns In England nnd the trrooin in Mexico , xvns u recent sensation , This proxy business U of moro frequent occurrence xvhcn the bride is in Dakota. "My dour , " said the ambitious mother , "I trust that you Imvo ( 'iron Mr. Bullion every pO3siblo advantage to declare hU lovo. " " 1 should say I had , " returned Iho hxvcct lrl "Why , 1'vo oven xvhlstlcd us ho has bidden me ( rood night. " "Wo might as well romldor our engage ment as broken , Kciilmild. " "I don't see xvhy ! Your father said postponed " "Posc- poiiod until xou arrive al years of discretion. And in your cas > o , IJo sy dear , you Itnoxv xvhat that means. " Among Ibo wcdaingi soon to take place xvlll bo that of MUs Mv't.i McAllister aud Mr. John H. Janoway , jr. .MUs McAllister , xvho resides noxv In Nciv VorX' , Is a daughter of the late Colonel McAllister , and the pros pective brldceroom u BOH ot I Jr. Junoxvay , U. S. A. , and nopboxv of cx-CJorornor Urcoti of Now Jersey. The marriage of Miss ICathryn Lonergan , daughter of John Lonorgan of 5li ; Aduuis slreet , Chicago , to John A. McShano ot Omaha look place on Tuesdax' , Oclober 11. The wadding xvas verv qulot , Iho guosls bclug limited to the i mined into relatives ot both panics. Ht. Hov , M. F. llurltc , bishon of Cheyenne , and a relative ot the bride , per formed Iho ceremony. It Is announced In Noxv York that Ir Charles B , Ponrosoof Philadelphia Is lo bo married lo Miss ICulo Drrxol of Ihls city. MUs Uroxol Is a daughter ot the Into Joseph It. Urcxel , ono of the three brothers terming llio Urexcl bauking lirm. Shu has ? 1WOOOU ( , In her oxvn right. Is n gruduuio of Vussur , n splendid ctjucslneuno , and has iravolou ex tensively. A brilliant aisomblapo of fashionable- people - plo gnthorcd at the Church ot the Epiphany , Now YorK , on Thursday , to witness the nup tials of MUs Eliza Strong Tulhlll , duughter of Judge und Mr . Hlehard S , Tulbill , aud Frank Do Haven Kolchum , 'J'hodccoraUoiu of tlio church , whllo not elaborate , worn beautiful and xvero all in pink and xvnlto. The bride xvoro an unusuully handsome cos- lumo of rich ivory sutln trimmed with point duchess lace. Thn re xvoro six bridesmaids and three llttlo llowor glrla xvhoso gowns xvero of different hues , It being a "raluboxv1 xvoddlug. About tbo queerest looking and youncest bridal couple aver seen In Gainesville , 1'cix. bat in the Missouri , Kunsas & Texas rallxvuy depot axvuttlng Iho arrlx'al of a train xvhich xvould take them lo Denton , The bride xvas only 15 and the groom 14 yeara old , The croom is JonVrson McKoy nnd the bride U Misi Cordelia Hoyuolds. Both are chll dron of farmers living near Denton. Soon uft r their arrival the prospdotlvo groom ap peiirjcl In the county clurk's ' ofllco , uccoiuna nlcd by a blx-fool man , Thu big man applied fora license , giving tbo name of JelTcrsoi McKoy , URO ! )9 ) , nnd Cordelia Hovnolds , ago 18. To this hu kworo , and Iho llcunsu xvns is sued. In about thirty tntnutci Ibey xvero man and xvlfo , THE NERVOIB SYSTEM , \ Cnsc SliimttiR llnw Cntixrrtml ll rno .Miiy ImoUn llio MrntiU nml Serxoui rnnrtluti * . The fufrciK'hliiR effects of ontarrlial liscnsc Is Blclldnjily sliown In t'a os nf- cclliiK llio nervous system , rntnrrh/.by irovcntuiR aloot ) , and impairing digos- .ion ; and also , by lowering Uio tienonil icullh , Induces a trnlii ot nervous div it-dors that , in time permanently under- nine llio whole system. Thin is llio blnle of tunny people who have tried in Miln , throiiirli doctors tind drug" , lo Ret Id of llio misery and pain of chronic disease. The failure is duo lo the fact Hint the Inn condition Is not recogni zed. When such IMSCS of oatnrrlinl ills- ! ease are treated for the two alimonl a Ittlo medicine , rightly aimed , will cure when the routine dosinp of poisonous md disgusting drugs mtei-lv falls. A cas-o In mini Is that of Mr. N. I\ ° ioroit un , 1)0 ) ! ) .laekson St. , an employe if the Mo. I'neifii ! Hy. eompauv. Mr. SoroiiBon Is an intollljjont and tltscrn- nt ; man and fully appreciates the juiiclll he hits rccolveil ul the hamla of lrs. Coiioliuul and Shoinnl. lu a re cent Inlorviow ho replied us follows to questions loucniii this point : N. P. SOUEXSON , 90 ! ) JaoUson St. "In in ikliw n ttUemcMit of my rifio for pnltllci- liinl foci th.it I inn tll rlinriliii ! inliil > I ono In I'm inlilli' . Myintarrh rninc nn Mtmt > iiml lu-rori' 1 n ' iluoil It 1 : i nr irly u uiock. II I Iinil licoilril lln > Irvtssrni lnni < I ttoulil linvu IICOM fp.irrit inui-li f- urltiB unit opens At llr t 1 lihwXcil mil iplt iinil oiilil nut rc t lit nUlit. Thn > i y hack ndii'iliiinl lie- CIIIIIP n ncnk t cnulil tcnri'i'ly nit iii. | It srcmo I n f my Hpltio ( Hil I brouknlK'n o\or 1 'tonii.-'il , "My iiiaiiinr > ont \crjr IHXT mil I win pnsllr co i- Tii'cil nml worituil. At limes I riMitil I u i > li'pp nl nil ml noul > l lie n n-like the entlru nlclit In tliu ilty line tvnt t bhiihlanil | Klocp ) nn > l tiu't ' no llfo or ntn illloa tiiilii tin yihlni ; . I lull \\cuk niut allnii'triiinr nl it nt limps WHSpry < ! i ponilcnl. It w.iU.lHiipr - \omitL'lillitvtliat mmlo nut bo lii In think 1 timer tottlil cpt ncll. My niiirtltu | nln'O t tnllri'ly fnlloil Hid I lu'enme o weak I ( oulil vniu'clj lioM mj po- fltlon with till ! rnllro'id cciri > ii.v. blncn tuklUB the mullclni" * tif Drn. Co | Planil and Shopurit unit ot > * forvln cn-pfiill ) ttielrlilrt'ilUniBus to my inoito or Ifo I liavoliccDino striMin r In nilmliuul tuiily than I ia\oo\pr liccn before , l-ur trn > 4nn ! I luuo u-cil rnrlou ; rciupdk' ! tint llioy I'ntlrolj fulled to hnlp mo. I am merci tlinn MUMIcitlth tlin ini'lhola or lri. 'opolanil nnd M'l'parcl. I inn Hit of nil thp trouble I ia\o named and In all ru < pvri a nu mini. ' S5.OO A MONTH. Catarrh trea'el at , the unlfo in rate of $3.00 a month medic n > s Inrnibht'd tree. Kor all other disen o 5 the rates will lo low and uniform. Patiunts.it n distunes su - Ccbsful.y tro iteil. Send for aymptom blank. HOOMS3I1 AND 111.1. NiYOHIC : LU'K UUIDDING. OMAHA , NKIl. \v. 11. coi > nuANi3 r. r > . C. S. hlllCPAUI ) , M. 1) . Sprrliiltlrs Cntnrrli , Aitlimn. Ilroiichltli , Ncr- vuus Ul uiiiP * , Blood Ill-clip * , llhcumntlfini. Con sntnptton nnd all chronic uITGctloiiK ol llio Throat , Lnnt : * . Slomach. l.lvurnnd IvUliioye. Olllt'i * Hours ' .i to II a m. . 1 to 5 p in..7 to 8 p. in. tnnd.iy , 10 . in to U MI. The meanest thlof yet chroniclad is the DutTulo youth , ivtio stole n basin of holy water from A church chancol. Though the venuraulo Dr. Newman Hull rotircd from the ministry recently after a scrvluo of lifty years , ho lately preached seven scrmoni within ono week. Bishop IJrcnnan of Texas , now nrchblshop of the CiUtiolic prnvinco of Dallas , lu tno youngest man ol his rank in the world , and his promotion Is said to bo Pope Leo's own personal act. If Uishop Potter of Now York ! s uilty of heresy , lot his accusers stand forth. Ho aribes to remark : "If a mau Is n fool or u Itnavo , tbo nHt of holy orders will won : no such miracle upon him as will inaltu him a hcholar and a saint. " The raplu growth of orders of qoaconoisos In the viiriou ? i'l-otcbtunt acnomlnalions means a consldcrablo Increase in brother- hooUs. The Protestant liplsconal trainlnt ? school for deaconessoi In Now York has Just graduated Us llrst class of young xi onion. The date of the laying of the corner stone of lliu ( Hiihcdr.il of bt. John the Divlno in Now York bus beou changed from All baints1 day , November 1 , to Sf. John's clay , Dei-ember ' . ' 7. It is understood , however , that unless sulllclent funds are on hand by that limo lo utitirclv pay for tno ground , the date of ceremony will bo further pouponou. Statistics of tha CongroRaltonnl church presented at llio national council in session In Minneapolis .show 5,001) ) churches In the United SUtos. The east has 'J.IL'O churches ; the Interior , comprising fourteen tlales , li.ii 1,811 , and the \\ost , l.flsM. During the trientiium just closin ? 1IS ! cliurchon wcro added In the east , Il'JU ' in llio Interior and 70 in the west , n total of 70S. Uut of this num ber-Ill have disappeared , leaving 11 net guln ol-l'T. ' Tba motubarshlp of the church Is novri. , UOU , the cast having iW'.OOJ , the In terior ltyUU3 ; and the uost 51OOJ. The gain In the list three years lu tbo east xvas l.l.OUO , in the Interior ! i,7U9 , In the west ll.llii'J the per cent of Increase boms largely In the xvest. Notxvllhstnndlng the oxistonoo nnd suc cessful working of mulllullnd ngoncles among nml for young men , llko the Young Men's Uhristlun nssoclution. the Chiisliaii Kndeavor , the lirollicrhooil of Andrew nnd 1'hillp. ol Id genus omnu , the spiritual desti tution ana need of tlilb class n surtlmg , says n clergyman In tbo b't. Louis Hopublli , . Out of 7UUU,000 young moil in America , 'tis said thul fi.UUO.UOO never go to church sevoaty-llx'o In ox'ciy 10JI Nlnoty-llvn per cent do not belong to the church , On the other hand statistics bhoxv that clxty-sovi-n out of every 100 criminals ara young man ; nnd voung men nru the chief patrons of the tuloon , the gambling don , and the house of ill-famo. Such huuits dotorlorato the body , dobuuch the soul and dUcount the futura of the country. Washington xvas an Knlscopallan , Adams preferred Lfniturmnlam , Jefferson w-u * a skeptic , Madison's ppoplo wens Pnisby- teriii..n , Monroe favored the Kplseopul church , John I ) . Adnrns xvas a Unitarian , Jackson n Presbyterian , Van Hut an HII KnUcopallan , Harrison attended the Metho dist church , Tvler the Kpiscopallan , 1'oik bccamo n MothodlHt after Ills term expired , Tavlor was an Episcopalian , Flll'jiore u Unitarian , Plorce a L'ongrogatlonallsl , Uu- chuuun xvns n Presbyterian , Grant a Metho dist , Guriicld n Christian or Cumpbellitr , Haves xvas .a Methodist , Arthur an liplsco- pallan , Betijamiii Harrison Is a Prcshy. tcnan , These statements refer to the at tendance and profuronces only of the presi dents. Durlngtheir termsof ofllco but thrco xx'cro church members In llio full nnnso at the xvord Washlncton , Uarflcld and Harrison. Iron Hull Mitltrri. n l.TlMOltn , Md. , Oct. 15.-Mr. A , 1) ) . Ho - mcr , nnofllcerof the old oruorof the Iron Hall and tccrotnrv of the new order of the Iron Hall , spoaltlnt ; ol the Indianapolis in dictment , stated ho did nolUnow xvhat elTcct the proceedliiKi xvould huvo on the noxv ordor. Ho states that ! ur. A. H. b'omorby Las never hanuled n dollar of money belong ing to the Iron Hall and consequently coulu not bo held for omncz/.lonicnt. The reorganized Iron llall moots Its crisis touuy. for the llrsl a sni6inouts called by the recent convention hold here are dup. Hrldo No. 2 No other xvoman ever xvoro this ring , did she. darlluul Widower No xvomau ou earth uvor had It on. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want advorttieiipnt * appnarinz In i\ no M > niPr ro often the moMt lniore < t ij part oflM ronti < nt4. They express the IINC t iii-eilMho dally Million of the people wn . wnnt fiiinPthlnj and who ara willing to ij i.oinctliln- , KMPI4OVMF.NT. 1 avenue. . toy , for io work , Kllcy .1 ' lipira-leii 4J M , ( n street , \7ANrKli-A competent ctrl Tt Mri s ! \\f AN"l'it : > A neat , competent irl ID do ' Rcncrnl liuiitoxTorU nt li > J 4ihttuet. Hr. O Herman. ItgiTBRS AND ' \ND. vTnlw.tys ready mid uxor wlllliri to ho\v \ proportyi rUsmxTiys on Irtiid. Uo nnd sea them. " | 7 > AUM nnd city loiin. Miinoy lotnol cm" * stiielc nnd cr.ilu. Itoil rstuti' for siliv. Dwi-llln t .111 1 htMiiio n < ntiM. : Moimv lo.imvl fur lee il Investor * , l.omeo .V Towu-.Ml I'o irl sliet't. s\liv-lpilr.iblo ) ir' - on PutV vo. Modern Inint-i.voiiiuiit * , 14 roonn. nno tiloek from motor ; u hintntnlC tiliert : once ! o.uy p ly inunts or tr.vdo 1C. II , Miciife. IP \ on wont to rout nhimspspo liroenshlohK Nicholson .t IM. jrTiTiT : N s 1 1 1 kr.ns. " M i1 1 1 n i Sivs" oo. luv ? \ < the largest list of property of any linn irt the clly IT Olt S A lii : Choicest farm in ISiitawntLi- 0.1110 Co. 11.1 IUTOvoill loc'iti-d an I im- prt > vo.l.rrl'0tl _ _ | ) ' i aoro. 1C II Sho.ifo. 1'y.Ujavl ! ] "ylhlns for silo or trade SIM > U II. aiu ito. Hm idxr.iy an I M un stroiit. pOK HAU. On sin ill pnytnonts , fruit and ' Riirilon Iinil nnir Uiiuncll IllnlV-j II , U. fcho.ifo. Ilro.vlw.-xy .in 1 Main strcut YOU want to hivir sntnothlmt - l rP lionrpsnrd - Ing real oUato see Urocushulds , Nicholson \17 ANTKD NV raika 1-in 1 In o\oli tngo for i peed work hor-o * . li II. ' honfo rjKTTxsuiIf)5rNu7iTni.stN : : : ) , t no. imvo VJiiiuiiy I ) ir alns In I nprovcd nii'l vu'.infc property \\luoh they would bo nlo.iso , ! tc show you. \ r A.OOI ) X O \ havosomoof the llnus& ' ' .farms tu nouthnoMorn low.i for sale. ( ' .ill and Ri-o us WJ Miiln trrut. IP MphoKin you h ivo .1 house to rent see ( irounshlolds. _ AJ1AIU1AIN. IJaenfruit nml cardon tr.iot L"i inllus from postolllco.'J't aurei in sjrapu ! . ' i aero In lilueklipirliM. SA ) implo truei 71 Ilium tret's. 'Cii'licrrr treuihMi'llns , st'ihlo , ct- . Price $1,001. No tnidi' . P. II. Mioifo.f Tl' Y. ° 11 wnllt to m'y ll ' "I ! > 3o tlroinshioldT" Meho ilson > t Co f OJo.00 P13I { MONTH runts :71nod V-rnTnT 'Pdwolllmt on Ave U near ailth st 11 H Mic fp. " V you w ant to Imy a hoiiio see Ur L Nichols it Co. rj uicnxsiiiKLiVs. " NICMIOI JN .1 c'b. AU v X wuys liavo snaps on h tin ! Tor conservative lux oat o rs. _ D ON'T huv proiierty till you have been ttrcuiijhlells. Meholson . .V Oo. rjjir.nxs'iini.Dy. NIUIIOLSON TV ( So real V > i-stito : : ind rent il agents. Oil Hwiiy.'J. _ IST your pronarty witli ni ( > ii who rnstllTto icIHt _ Hoi ) ! roon liluli s , Moholson & Ho. IUKNSIIIMH : : , NIOMOIAON'.IC > . nre tho' loadmi ; roil i-stnto doi'ors ' of Council j-po thorn when you uant 'iiiyilnni ; . DON'T foru-ot th.it Cieonsli'oid ! .t ; Nlchol- -on are ilicbt In the inlddlo of the rlnn ; liiraustlUt of property or any donlor In the clly. _ _ /"lOMKnnd taku nnont Ciroi > ii < diloliK NlohOl- v/son'srUsiind ttiKou rlduox'or the city ; U coils you nothing , " 11' you want to liny land see UicenshleltU , Nicholson & .Uo _ 1IOK UEST 7 rooini oa Plrst Avo. , 123. E. -A.1 M. Blio.ifo. Of.03 . acres of uholeo pine lauds for bale , jno.ir Purvis , .Miss. K.isy tnrins In- qtilieof Mrs. 11. G. llronks , or A. T. Klco , IM Illislrrut. ICO ACl'K.S of c'luiir land In o.isliirn Nc- brusUu to p\ehnnso for a geol rnsldonca In Council Illuirs. Want , honsi-s : iinl lots for No- hrasl.-a Innd. .lohnstou , V Van Patten. " \jn\V C-room house. Ihreo h'ocks from cour& i > house. Pilco Jl.'J'id.Oi If luiien at onco. ( ircnnshlolds , Nleholson .V , Co. G AllHAOK reiiitivodi c'i > ii ) ) ls chimneys cleaned , i : . I ) . llurUe. ( My Itldrf. "I71OK SAI < 12 Purnlluic , \turns nnd li-usogf A the largest mi'i ' llnesl hntol In southori ) Nobi 119)111. ) All modern Improvements , ole Kiint fiiriiltnre. Nut profits IIUOJ.OJ per an num ; Imlldliii ? ncMily built : no eomp.-lltlon , IVctil.nJ1.0i ; ( , balf e.uli. i : II. bheafe , Counoll Hluffs.Ia. _ _ _ I71OU HAM' Ilardunrj ntocks In lown Htid -1 Nebraska. Iiixolu s , tl.'iuj ' to2OJJ. ' II II. E Tno nriros mid twocnltsfor n good lot In Council IllulK U II. Blicafo. ell PAI.E rnmlly hoiso. nan pliautoti , 1 luiriiui.3. etc. U. ( jiot'ory , I2J Slain ot. BALH At Imr/aln. lUdlnnt Homo FOIi burner. II M Hunker. S''l lllulTst. FOH SAl < Ij Ti'iuii ot inultii , A so ono irontl i nolle horse. Will l.il.u p.ty In grailliiK. ! I Kvcrotl. ' DANOINO SCHOOL. \HrU. A. p.irors , children. in. : 'iduits , ? : : ii p in Socials hpouid iinajj foil i th Mondays , U p. in. Music f urn Mini ! pu ties and einln Address at U. A. I'lid Council lllufTx. or 111''I I arimin Nt. . Onialiu. 'C. CliaiubiT-o Instructor. AIR ' Won : Of all kinds promptly und H-illsf.io- lorlly done by Mrs. GILLETTE , 938 PERU ! AVE- , COUNCIL BLUFFS. If IneoiislHlcnt lot- ill , ( lion a poUal and xvorkl will buKcnt for und delivered. I.C Ill NcilK ! ! ! . Ill the countv court of liiuln ) county , No-1 hraslui. Octobur lath. A. II. IS1):1. ) ] In the in.iltorof the estate of V. A , Viingrecn , ' Iiisolx-L'iit : 1 Tlio fulloirlnz persons , lo-wll : The eiodl-l tors , and nil oilier puruDim liiteinHtud In Hiildl iniiltor , will taUo nollee that on thu 10th Oiiy ' of October. I8'C , the county court of Diiiiula * { i aunty , Nolir.isk-i. niudeliiu followlnx ordori OIIIIKII KDII MM K i : 'io fiiniiiT > " " ' Btulo of NobnihUii , I , „ DoimliisC'ouniy. I . At u BChslon of Hit ) foiintr com t. hold In and forHiiId county. HI the eoniily court riioiii , In Oniulin , on llm 10th ( Inv of t'otobui , A. I ) . MJ- i'rithont. .1. W. nilur , ColllllV .Illdiru. In the iniillor of the osUtu of V. A. Vangrcon , liiHnlvniit. , , , , , llu It lainembored , that on ihlH day thli iiiiillore.iiiH ) on for hcailn und on the moot- liiKof thn uri'dltorH lo MilocL nn iiHslunou lo Hiicfcrd the shorllf , and Andruw ltoi belnil un inliiuinsly olcetod by Km oiudllorH and duly conflniiod bv tlio court lo Hiieccod to hhorllf uRitMlKtiuu , UN oiduri'd bv llio court th.it nil claims iiiiilm > t Umi-slutoiif stltl V A. Vunnrecn , Insolvunl , musl bo flli > d In Dili court , on or hefoiolho Ulhdiiy of November. A I ) . 1MB. ntSo'oliii'U i ) m nnd that it copy ot IhlH oidur be pubilbliiiil In the Oinahu Dally lice , it nowRpiiporpilnto'l ' lind In uenurul cir culation In H.tld counly of DouudiH , for llvo days , rduinioiialns Ouiomir Illli , IH.1. ) And yon will further tuko niitlee , that all clitlms not , Illed In thin couit nt llio Hum up- palntuil for tlmt purpmr. will bo forever haired from consider.alon In thu llniil nettle * inoiitof said t'Htuir. or from jmrlleln.iUnij In anv dividend therein. Wltncms my hand and olllulal Heal IhU 121U dny of March , 18W. J. W. KU.I.It. Oouniy Judge. O. I h. A. NO. Hil.-1'llOl'OSAI.S KOK Hnhslstunco Mori ! ' , Olllcu of I'lirchinlnit and Depot UommlsHiiry of HiilibUUineo , U , H. Aiiny. Oinahu , Neln ihku , Ouiohar4lli , lb'/ ' . healed pioposiiU , In trlp'luute , uubject to the ilvnul condition * xvlll bu rcuulvitd at th ! * oltlco nnill 1' ' oVloeU in. , central standard ilnif , on TiiuNtlnv , ( Jutolmr IHth , IBU. ' , at which time und place they xvlll io ; opened In th prefcunco of hldduiB , for thu furnUlilim' and di'llvury alOniiiliii , NelirasKii. thu followlnn biil ) lMencuhtorea , vli. : I'ork , Imcon , laundry Bouii , flour , family : laid Hiidcminud tonuitoos. I'rcferoncu xxlll bu liven to artlvlvs of do- ihchtloproauetlonor inmiufueliiiu. condition * of iiiulit | v and prlcu ( IncliuUiu In thu price ot furelvu proilm-tlonH or inmiufiu'liiru lliu duly tlifieom bcliiitciiuul Tlio right IH ri"iiir od to reject any or nil bidx. Illank nroijo- H lU and Hiieelllnatliins hhoxxliiK In clutnll thu m Helen und ijimiillllox rciiilrod | , and. Klvlna full inforiiml'oii IIH lo coiulllloii ot contract * xvlll hu fnrnlhhud on apiillfatlon to I ihU olHco. II. U. OsUUOD , Uaplnln mid Oi , E , U. a. A. oliHtll - j. > j