Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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from I
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boy , '
on ot
Jnflge Oronnse nnd General Vnn Wyck
Close Their Canvass at Fremont ,
lie Atil.Trt That .tmlcr Cremn n Ilnnillr HID
Jtcnnril I'lrn null tiniliulgr I l'l So
I npirlnfl5 : Ili'Biill ill tlio
Closing Mi'i'tlnf ; .
Nob. , Oct , Ifi. fSpecinl Tele-
pram to Tur. Bnn.J Tbo last of the series of
Joint debutes between General C. H. Van
VVycls nnd Judge Lorenzo Crounso took place
nt tbo opera house in this city this afternoon ,
.ludro Crounso wan met at the depot by
the Blnlr , 1C en nurd nud Arlington dclcga-
tlotiR , with the Kcnnurd baud at tba
head , nnd escorted to republican bend-
quarters. At i ! o'clock the vntious
clulm , among them tbo Fremont
Flambeau club , nnd cltlzans led the prnucs-
blon to the opera bound , which was com
fortably filled. Among tbo friends of Judco
Crouiibo in the ranks were Hon. W. N.
Nason , republican nominee tor thn legis
lature in Douglus county ; C. H. Fowler ot
Omabn , W G. Whltmoro ot Talloy , rnomoer
of the stale central committee , nud tunny
others. Koss Hammond , chairman of the
Dodge county central committee , calli-d
the meeting to ardor and introduced
Cludgo C'rouiiBit , who Rpoko one hour ntid
wus followed bv General Van Wyck , occupy
ing ono hour nud tiftoen minutes , CrnuiiHO
closing in u fifteen minute speech. Bulb
candidates \voro heartily cheered , the uutll-
cnco being nbcut evenly divided.
After tbo npplnuso which greeted him bad
cubsldcd , Juduo CroutibO r.uld :
i feel ut homo In Dodge couuty , nnd I ECC
mui > > of m.lilends . from \\ushinglon county
here "
At this point Van Wyck stopped to the
front nnd requested tbut Cruunso muko till
personal allusions , if any , iu his opening
speech , tbut no might have u chance to reply.
Coutiuuiug , .Hidgo Crounso said :
Compiled with thu icu-st. |
"I bavo been forced in this debate to dis
cuss mv opiioncnl'u peraonnl record , bul
tmvc taken no pleasure in it , for 1 would
much rather huvo discussed tin ; issues be
fore tbo people , and 1 fuav the general misunderstands -
understands me. He belongs to u party
without a platform , and has never defined
his own position. He bus persislcnliv appenlna
lo Iho prejudices nf his hcaror and has
piven me no opportunity to discuss issues.
Ho bus set himself up us n Moseb to lend the
people out of tbo political wilderness. He
has crieu calamity incessantly , but ufi < 3r
traveling about for weeks i hnvo found
everything but distress. When n man sets
himself up in tbe business , his own
record should be unassailable. Although 1
nm not a Moseb , 1 invite criticism of my re
cord , and nm willing to nccept the consequences
"I huvo not n word to say against the alli
ance or KB memliirs , . I ta'uo it they are iren-
tleu'eu of buiibo nud will bo perfectly
BUtlsticd if they vote ns they jilcaso. 1 nm
no here lo tibk for vote" , nud am not seeking
the United Stutes senuio through the cov-
urnors chtfir. 1 have pfou the recipient of a
very high compliment , higher than usunily
comes to a Nubnibkun , that of receiving tbe
nomination for governor of this fearless
Ktalo when I was l.K.l ) miles away. ]
love the people of thib stale , not too well ,
but just well enough to have protected them
iu limes past , when it wus rot popular ID dose
so 1 huvo my suspwious of a candidate who
gushes ana professes lo love tbo dear people
so heartily while asl'ing for their voles.
lllh Ititcurcl iinu Vun U'yck's.
"The senator will tell you something about
railroads. Well , I hnvo had souioruilroiKJ
experience in u IcgiMalivo way. 1 voted
right on railroad questions , and it cost me
my seat In congress. General Van Wyck ,
whose voice is ho loud toaay in opposition ic
the railroads , wns Bllout wbon he was in
congress , except when voting in favor of the
roudb. 1 bueuk by tne cord in these mutters ,
tnkliiR the records for my authority. But m.v
Inond will indulge in generalities withoul
reference lo a tiguro or u dot , uud will bint
ut n mysterious something which has brought
down atro calamity on the whole country ,
With ull his opportunities lor doing some
thing for the people iu the way of cheap
transportation , ho never done unMhing ol
the kind , but uow , so near November b , lit
yearns for the dear people. Ho voted foi
the Cinciutinti & Southern ruiirond bill ,
which provided for ' 15 cents per 100 foi
ovcry 100 miles , and n r.-cent passenger rale
Now I ask it that is wuut Nebraska wants
"Vun Wyck wauls voles bad enough tc
promise iu advance that ho will sign 11113
uill the legislature nicy pass. 1 do not wan
votes that badly. J do" not wnnt to oo pov
urnor so badly as that. Van Wyk woult
Einn n Ncwberry bill or a huckleberry bil
without oven reading it , it he is honest n
what bo snys. I uill sign uuv richteous bill
but will write 'vote' mighty strong if ether
"You will nil ngreo with ma that the pub
lic domuiu should he hold saurod to actuu
settlors. Van Wycu is the only muu whi
will not agree with us on that point , unit tbi
records show that he has been on the wronj
bide every time.
Ills llrnrt IK in Washington.
"It Is bind on good authority , that where i
man's treasure Is , there will bis heart b
ulso , und Vun Wyck Is headed for Washing
ion. Ho bus n mausion there o
which ho might bo proud. VYhui
1-trniigers are being shown about Washing
Ion city , the great public buildings nn
pointed out , nnd ulso n costly mansion which
ills explained , belongs to United btalos Son
nlor C. H.un Wyck ol Nohrusun , the on ! ;
Nebraskau who o\vns n palatial residence li
the capital city. Now. 1 do not object to mi
friend owning u house In Wasti
Inpton , but 1 do object to hi :
Inveighing sca'nst ' ether wealthy men
Ho goes for Caruccio nnd compurcb him ti
n Chinumnu who ncivur bocomob n citizen o
this country. Caniegio cnmo hero a fov
years ago u poor boy uud by superior onorg'
und bubiucbs ubuity has given umplovmen
to 15,000 workinc mon , who , through bun
hnvu mudo for themselves comfortubl
homes. Ho hub spent fJ.OUU.OJO iu this coun
try for benevolent purpo eB , iindowini
llbrnriOH , etc. , but where is the public char
Ity to which Vnu Wyck hub ever given n del
lur. rich man though ho Is )
" 1 would llko to Invite the general to n dU
cusslou of tbe republican platform and no
dwell upon bis record ur.tlroly , Intercstln
us It is , 1 would like to usk him to discus
with me the McICiuiey bill , that bill wbic
has now proven its buufcru influence In fnvo
of American Industries. But A'uu Wye
chuoscb rather to tuun Inu lyre to the iiuui
ot the prnsbhopper , Tuo cyclone nud point
Tuliaiij ; About Miiiu-y ,
How ubout sllvcrl 1 nm for the sllvc
lilll as it btuiids , us uralubt free silver ,
wish 1 bud two bours to talk about it. I ut
for that sort of free silver that will take H !
tbo American product , but 110 more , 1 iu
lor uu honesty in ull things und not a flu
dollar. Van Wyck will shako his iUt undo
my nose und Bhout , 'Wasn't you in favor o
lint money duri'ig tha wnr * ' 1 nnswo
culiniy , no. We resumed specie payment b
t-uhijv und smoothly that the commorclc
world burdlv Inunv whi-u nnd how it wu
done. Ho will give you as uu illustration o
hlu peculiar llunncial luens tbo stor
of Abruhuui , who paid 400 tbekel
of silver ior u burying grouuc
though I tii-vor could BOO why b
dee % U unless to show that ho is uway'up I
i-cripturc. but I tell you that grand ofel putr
urcu wus not a fraud nnd wufc a better liuuu
cier than Van Wyck , Ho paid peed nuinc
for tbut lot , bul if he had been u flat mono
innn bo would hu\u taken u plcoa of purct
ine-ut and wrote on It , "This is 4uD shekels ,
und offered it in puymeut.
Yes , our money Is ROOU. Toke $100 c
El.OiiO. or as many millions of it , to the treai
urv of the 1'nite.d Stutes uud jouean gt
guld for it any Uuiu. In Cuba , \v bore I wii
soiiio time tno , they Imvo WU per capitn un
you can buv u EUU of clnlhim there for $11) ) i
paper or fit ) in Hold. iu you wont tc sum
thing beret
"is'ow rar time Is up , but 1 want to ei
borl you to nuud by the jnout-y that Is bul
stuutiul. "
Gt-mtrul Van Wj-cfc'i lu < ] il- .
Goncrul Vnn Wyck was received wit
cbuurk kud reucbesd lor some ot Crouuse
papers , but tolled to got them Ho got
unjjrr nnd naid Crounne.had gone bncii over
his record of twenty-five year * &RO , when ho
WA. < o republican.
' Ho niao nccuscii mo of hnvinc moncr.
Well if I must detail It bore , my father had
some , my mother bnd some more , and her
father had some eighty years nno , be
fore Crsunso was born. My honse in
Washington , oh 1 iSbaklnc his list under
Oroutise's nose. 1 1 thnnk God there Is no
r.iilroud money In It , Is It a crlmo it a man
lives to bettor his condition I Alu't that
what we all try to do 1 But I am ashamed of
mvsnlf thnt 1 noticed it.
"How nbcut this fiat money ! When cold
wn * up to { -greenbacks were worth the
saino. We want the government lo Issue all
the money wo need nnd stntid behind it , "
Vnn Wyck owned un that ho voted for the
tariff law of IbCl , as charged by Judge
Crounsc , but claimed it xva < i under peculiar
circumstances. Ho also pleaded guilty to
voting for thn national banking system ; but ,
like the tiriff bill. It was nt thnt tlmo n
iicccBBity. Ho mndo n partial confession
with regard to the Union Pacific hill , in
which .ludgc hud charged that Vun
Wyck was the only man who voiod to allow
the Union Pacific to take $ sOftKW ) accumu
lated moneys out of Ibo sinking fund nnd np-
proprinlo il lo nny tiso they mleht see fit.
Ho objected to Crounse going Lack thirty
cnrs nud digging up his record , when bo
as n republican. ( A voice : "You would
e there yel If you hart been kept In ofllce."j
'ben thine * took a lively turn on thn since ,
vorv little of which could bo reproduced
n paper. s
Judge Crounso closed In n dignified , busl-
es way , nnswcrinR all questions pro-
15OU.MJ TO IlUI.n.
> w Crpnbllcuti City Commit too Proceeds
to 1'ully Orpiinlru.
Twenty members of the now republican
Ity central eonimlltea mot last evening In
he rooms of the Fourth tt'nrd Kepubllcan
lub in Tlic Bcc building , with nearly all
ho party nora'necs for tbo city council and
Jonrd of Education in attendance.
It was votnd that , inasmuch ns the Into
clly convention did not name members of
ho comtnttteo from tbe First ward , tbo
hreo members ot the old committee were
cititled lo uct with Ibu new committee.
Au executive committee , consisting of
Jbnlrtnnn Georco S. fciuiith , Sei'retiir.v Wnr-
ng. Treasurer 1'ipcr , 1. Frank. H. N. Wood ,
B. Bruner , 1' . li. Sudborough und F. A.
ilosHick , was iippoiuted.
A communication addressed to Ernest
Stuht , treasurer of tbe old committee , und
signed by nil tbo republican candidnles at
tbe last election , requesting him to turn
over to the new commutoo nny funds left
rom their assessments , was placed on tile ,
aud the treasurer Itiitrueted lo" furnish Mr.
Sluhl wilh u copy of the tame uua domund
iho funds.
A campaign committee , conbisting of the
.hreo executive officers , \vas created with
nstructiotis lo confer wilh the couuty cen
tral commiltue.
It wus btutud that not more than five or
six of tbe old committee inhintod on holding
over , but thnt Secretary Kclloy , of thut
body , hud declared thut ho would not sur
render the books und papers of his oflice
without goiug to court. Thut settle J Mr.
ICellcy'B i hopped provender , so lar as the
now committee is concerned , for the mem
bers gave it out cola several days ago thai a
candidate who would not uccora ilium Hie
preference over ihc old ono would burvesl
political Biiowbalis on the hth of next mouth.
The executive comuiitlco will meel in the
club rooms tomorrow evening , while tbe
committee proper adjourned subject to tbe
call of thut subcommittee.
Among tinVrtrtutiK. .
O'Nnn.i , , Neb. , Oct. 15 [ Special to THE
Bci.J Hon. .Tames Whitchead , republican
eandidulo for congress iu ibis a.slrict , came
up to f urnnti Thursday evening to attend a
campflro nt tbo homo of his old comrade ,
Johu J. Hullnran , who lives near that place.
There were u large number of O'Neill people
iu attendance , and thu evening was most
profitably uua pleasantly spent. Putrick
Gahugun , nuotbcr comrade of Mr. Whitc-
heau'R , who resides near O'Neill , wus also at
the camplire. Whitehead , Hulloran and
Gahngnn , nil belon-ed lo the same ng menu
Colonel Strong of Omaha , colonel o' their
regiment , was ulso present. Yesterday
Mr.Vnitebead went down to Cuambeis ,
twenty miles south , where ibecounly reunion
of soldiers Is being held und haa n nlensanl
time with the boys. Ho cuuie up to O'Neill
this afternoon nndoul lo Atidnsou this
evening , u here nnother joint duhuto was
held witb-Conuressinnn Kern. Tne O'Neill
Republican club , 100 strong , wont up with
Mr. Whitohund to help in tbo good work.
Holt county republicans are very enthusi
astic ano working bard for rcpuolieuu suc-
cehb , nnd the prospects are looking veTj
bright for carryinir tbe county for the entire
ticket. They are looking forward with
great interest to the speeches to bo given bj
.ludgo Crounse und Editor liosowator next
Ouniliii lti-iiulilirin : I'.utlli'K.
Hon. C. J. Gieea and J. C. W barton \vll
speak in Blum's hnll on next WedncBdaj
evening. The republican clubs of the cit.i
arc nil Invited to ho present.
Hon. L" . Host-water will speak at Fores
hull , corner ot Sixth nnd Pierce streets , oi
Saturday evening , October S3.
On Saturday evening. October " 2 , n meet
ing under republican auspices will ho holi
iu Florence , al wmeh K. L. LlviiiBSlon nnc
others will speak.
Tbo ttalnulHlll NinlbVard Republican
club will meet Tuesday evening , O lobor Is ,
nt & o'clock nt Fortieth and Hamilton stroels
E. M. Burtlett and J.V. . Johnson bavi
been secured for the evening. All caudi
dates are cordially Invitoa to attend A spa
cial invitation is ex-louden to the ladies.
I'Mivnil Illi CliilniH tu Ilm-uxiiltiiin ,
SAVAGE , Neb , , Oct. 15. [ Special to Tni
BEP..J Last night Hon. W. S. Holmes nd
dressed uu enthusiastic audience iu behai
of tbo republicans of this suction uf tin
country. Judge Holmes showed tbo indo
pundunt platform to llio people in Us trui
light us lo their Inlorou. Ho proved li
Ibu people thnt Ibo McKinlcy bill hu :
bouutlled ull classes , nlsj that free coina' i
of silver would give a chnnco to
the greatest monopolies the world has eve
Known. Ho urged the old soldiers to stum
by those who have befriended them bv pen
stoning them uu3 their widows und orpbunfi
Judge Holmes Is n candidate for slate roprc
suntullvo nnd proved by bib sound rensouini
to the people thut hois well qualified fo
that position.
ut TolihiH ,
TOIIUB. Nob. , Out. 15. [ Special to Tn :
Bun j The democratic candidate for nttoi
ui-y general spoke lo an audience compose
of democrats uud republicans last night u
this pluon. Mr. Goring would buvo th
people believe that tno republican state ofll
clnls are perpetrating a grand wholesale sten
of the paoplo's money , nud thut he , slandiui
high iu the lugal profession in the state
does not dare in bring charges nzuinst th
robbers uud hnvo thorn braught to Justice
His effort to dothrouo tne McKinley turll
law wus un utter fnilure.
Hot Spring * ' I.lvclj C < iuv4iiitlon.
IIoTSl'luxus , Nob. , Oct. 15. iSpoclal To :
egrntn to Tuc BIE. j Ono of tbo liveliest n
publican conventions over held in this cit ;
uomiuuled the following strong tlciiet today
James Brcdloy , treasurer ; John L. Burke
ronrescutativo ; W. L. Judklns , clerk court
U. Kullnr. state's attorney ; E. S. Kollev , roj
isler of deeds ; L , B. Cull , probalo judgeS
S\ ' . \V. SnillliHon , uudllor ; T. W. Cruut
eberifl ; J. A. Bull , assessor ; L > . D. Braolu
suiieriutendeut ; E ; Cnlhoun , coroner ; E. T
Cturk , commUciouur.
It 'XVun u Votii MuKi-r.
Oxroup , Neb. , Oct. , ID. iSpucial Tolt
gram to TUB Btu.j Tbo people here wer
disappointed last night over tbe nonarrlVD
of Hon. Beu S , Dakar , who wus advertise
to address a republican rally. Hnwovei
Mr. W. H. Baldrcgo filled bis appoiutmon
nnd delivered a most excellent aadruss. Hi
exposition of tbe silver question was clea
nud convincing. His spotted wus u vet
Will nivo rinld u Jtoiuinir Ititrention.
TAUuon , Nob. , Oct , 15. 1 Special Tele
gram to Tnr Br.rj Au enthusiastic moetlu
of rcpubllcau butmesB men wus hold here ti
night and arrangements made to give ) Allo
W. Field a rousing receptiou next Tuesday
Au effort is beinr mudo lo have u specie
traiu run on the occasion from Nebraatt
Eoputlicin Bevival in Papillion Awakens
the Sleeping Patriotism.
flnrmonloug Comity Convention , hjilenUld
Ticket Nuiift-d ntitl n llounlnc JCnllj-
Held ( loml Work in theCauie
of the 1'eoplc.
PAI-ILUOX , Nob. , Oct , 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnr. Ben. 1 The republicans ot
Sirpy county cover enjoyed n more satis-
Inotorv or enthusiastic convention and rally
than that which tools place here this after-
coon and evening. It was county convention
day and in addition to tbo usual Interest
nttondunt upon such occuMotiB the fait tliut
Senator Manderson , Mr. D. H. Mercer ,
cnn cUatite for congress , and Mr. Dickonson ,
canOlduie lor ( .Into senator from Sarpy and
Sounders countlcn , were present to undress
ttie people mndu the occasion doubly import
ant und Interesting.
Some of the leading democrats and inde
pendents looked very much discouraged
when they saw tbo largo attendance and tbc
enthusiasm manifested both in tbo conven
tion aim at the rnlly in the evoulncr at tbo
opera house. It is conceded oti all sides that
many votes were maoo for tbo republican
ticliot by tbo success of today's ( nestings.
Count } CoiiMMitliin'h U'orl , .
The county convention \vns called to order
in tbo opera bouse at " o'clock by Mr. Clur-
oucc KO.VF , chuirmau of the contra ! commit
tee. Every precinct in tbo county was rep
resented by good lurgo delegations and
n spirit of hurtnony and good will
seemed to norvado the convention
Iroin Ih-bt to hist. Mr. William Hobin-
hou was selected rbairtnan of tbo meetltii : .
Mr. Charles Hoover was nominated for
county attorney by acclamation and Mr.
Clarence Keys was nominated ou the second
ballot for representative. U. P. Stnuffer of
Bullevue run Mr. Keys n clo e race , but the
bust of feeling prevailed all tbo wov through ,
and whun Mr. Keys wuj declared the
uotninoo be was heartily called out for a
speech. Ho responded in a foiv vigorous
mid practical remarks which wens followed
bv enthusiastic applause. Mr. Keys , is a
ptosperous tind highly respected farmer who
bus resided in Snrpy county for over twentv
yours and his election is practically assured.
The nomination of M. Hoover is also con
sidered astront : one.
Byron Sage , another well known farmer
wno lives iiour Spnr.gtield , was nominated
for county commissioner for the secona dis
trict , Afier the business of the convention
was con plutcd the delnrates und the lurpo.
crowd ol hpectatnrs bagan to call for Mercer
and Dicuuiison who arrived during the pro
Mr Mercer spolie first and confined his
reumriis to a sort of general survey of tbo
field und a few well timed thrusts at tbo vul
nerable points la the independent party.
During his speech bo said some vcrv compli
mentary things about tbo traveling men"oi
? iouratia. Ho bala bo haa noon informoa
by scores of the energetic knights of the crip
thut the business interests of the stale were
never in better condition than at present
and ho consicli-red the opinions of the travel
ing meu n vnry accurate index of the actual
condition ol the state from a business point
of view. Mr. Mercer scored a number of
good points and was heartily applauded.
Juat u Trllle I'crMinul.
Mr. Dickonson then took the platform and
fleeing Mr. Unarles Nouns , u leading inde
pendent , in the audiouco bo proceeded to
walk Qi > over his frame and pound him into
thu eurib , orutorically speaking. Mr. Picl-
onson said that this man Nouns had boeu
dogging his footsteps for weeks picking up
\vhat he said LO men in private con vcrsutlon
and then distorting bib words and ncdJling
thorn out for ttio purpose of decafvinc tbo
people ov misrepresentation. Mr. Dickenson
grew very caustic -and addressing tils re
marks directly to Mr. Isnuns , he said : "No
Kontlsmau wouln do wlmt j-ou have been do
ing for the last lew weeks. Nothing but a
contemptible cur would stoop so low. You
have wilfully told what you know was false
and I am glad of thib oppartuuitv to toll you
BO. "
Mr. Nouns seemed to wilt under the lashIng -
Ing and the convention applauded Mr. Dick-
enscn to the echo half n dozen timns duriuc
the scathing cnstipation. Mr. Dickenson
finally turned bis attention to tno issues of
the campaign und uindo a number of pal
pable hits upon the tariff question. His
bpecch was received with great favor.
< uimt ( > r Miuittrrhnii llerrlvi'tl.
Senator Maudorsou arrived from Omaha
wbilo Mr. Diclimison was speaking and ul-
thoucli ho was billed to speak in the evening
the crowd insisted upon hearing from him
right there and then. The senator suid that
tuis was a peculiar campaign. It was a cam
paign ot education , und not a time for story
telling or for lioiatorous excitement. Ttiero
wcro bcrlous issues to he discussed and
meu who undertook to uddicss tbo people
this full should realize that there was im
perative need of serious thought and study
of great national problems which were of
vital interest to every citizen. He bulievod
i hat disaster would follow if cither Cleve
land or \ \ oaver should succeed in winning
the election. The only way to continue the
prosperity of the country was to continue
the great national policy which hud made
prosperity possible , by the election of Har-
rloon aud Reid.
The senator then asked the convention Ic
excuse him from further speaking us bo was
booked for an address of some length in the
OVCUIIIB. Ho wa ? heartily cheered.
To tlln Siitlfcfactluu ul All.
Senator Mnudorsoa's two bours' speed
hero tonight was greeted bv u largo and
enthusiastic audience , the discourse Uotnp
interrupted by frequent bursts of uppluube ,
Ho relorrod to the" wonderful progress and
prosprritv of the country under protoctioc
and arraigned thu indcpsudent party foi
UH culutnity how ! and fulsohoodi
about poverty and ruin. The KK ) ( > 0itK (
iminlgranlb hua come to this country bscauic
of its prosperity and tber would continue tc
come as long as protection obtained and
made tbo conditions of laboring man bottui
thiiu elsewhere in the world. The epoauoi
favored curtain restrictions on Immigration
und showed that thu republican puny had
given us tbo only good laws in this direction
He thought That tbo exlstunco of two po
litical parties was necessary for the coun.
try's good but could see no good excuse foi
the existence of the independent party. STnt
Wyclt'b inconsistent howl about povortv nnc
Vundervoori'e fog born voice received i
Mmro of the speaker's attention , aud he prb
dieted the triumphant election of Lorouzc
Crouusu and the entire republiuau ticket ,
Ho advocated a true ballot uuii u fair eounl
in the houtb und believed tnut it would hi
brought about under republican rule.
He believed that while the McKmley bll
could not in its nature bo perfect , the ropuu
licau party would furnish the Improvoinun
whenever necessary. The free silver fallacy
was bannlod iu nil able manner to the satis
faction of ull. The long lists of facts uni
figures presented by tbo sonalor wer
listened to with great intorosi by the uudi
cnco , ma thu speech did great good for th
cause here.
railed to Draw u Crowd ,
ST. PM-L , Neb. . Oct. ID. [ Special Tnk
groin to THE Bu : . | Todny the people'
party bad expected to entertain a crowd o
their followers with spoocboj by Messrs
Trevelllek audCruddock. They failed.Tbol
people would not come , and but for the kiui
attendance of tbo republican und dotuocratli
euriobity seekers , there would have bee
nothing to mention. They have repented ! ;
failed , but this is tbo most disastrous meui
lug BO fur in the campaign ,
Thure Wns LUtlc KntUualnsui.
Onn , Nub. , Out. 15. [ Special to Tn
BEE. I J. H , Cruddock ol Lincoln and Car
tian Hlchurd Trovolilck , who claims to b
tbe author of tbo people's party platform
( poke in tbo court House lust nlsht. Ther
was a imiull uudleuoo and but little entbusl
asm bhovvn.
Jlulu Jiitrrr 'ri < U with tlm IMm'Uuj : .
BBATKICC , Neb. , Oct. in. { Special Tele
pram to Tun BEE. ] Hon. Matthew
democratic candidate for attorney
nddrcdcd a domocrarfc mpctmg t tbo nudi-
torium In this city "thin evening. A
threatening rnln Intferforod with a very
Jargo attendanca Tllo tneotinc WBS , how
ever. n Bucoo"is and Mfc Goring dished up
tbc unadultcratod doitrino to his boarcrs In
tbo conventional dcmocrMic
Hon. Thos. JMRJnri > Cilvtfi Sninn I'ncti Aliont
the l.nnt Urclklnl'irr.
Hcimos , Neb. , Oct. li. ( Special Telegram
to Tun BcnJ Hon. TJjomas Majors spobo to
n crowded opera house , tonight , The train
bringing bin in did not arrive until S p. m.
Many wont homo. In the course of bis re
marks he said : "My farmer frionils , do you
as farmers want frco coinage of silver ? I
do not , The government buys silver In
bullion and makes out of TO cents worth of
bullion , (1. Wo arc tno govern trent , BO we
keep ! )3 ) cents of each dollar. Farmers , have
you a silver mine ! If you bave , vote for
free coinage ; if tint , vote to keen
the ft ! ) cents to ourselves and not give
it to the silver mine millionaires. By our
present way \vc niiike iiO cents on every del
lar. By free coinage wo give it to mllliou-
-nircR and bullion dealers. The subtrcusury
scheme ot our independent party Is that tbe
government grind out money for us. If we
do not got etiouph , would crlnd again.
"Tho result would bo the same as the cow
winch sucked hoi-3elfN She would bo the
government , fat , Mick , fine.Ve , tbo
people , would bo her calves , poor , starved ,
crawny things. The calamity haulers have
nly two classes , tbo paupers and the mll-
ionalffcs. How ninny of each of you are
aoroi They also charcod tbo republican
tmrty two years nco with u poor crop.
Hnvo they credited It now with two
good ones ? Are thev honest ac
countants ! The Twenty-first KDS-
lon cost 2,0t > 0.000. The Twenty-second
essiou or tbo session of farmer reform coil
J.sbiri)0. ! ( ( ) How did tbev spend the $ s$0,6tM !
'ourtcen ' thousand to dig up the wooden
'ence around tbo university and put up uu
.ron fence. As apostles of economy they
gave f.'illO to wauo and nee how deep Gulvcs-
on burbor was and found oysters which cost
inch nne I."i2la cants.
"Thu Inw of Nebraikn limited the number
if emplovcs to sixtv-six , vet they had HP
and at a cost of i-JliK)0 ( ) , and their own
ahiriL s amounted to only $10 , IKK ) ; also the
UD.ODU that bbrndor wanted to contest the
uliictlou with , but Governor boyd votnod
, bat down to SlO.bUJ. and others which
cau mcutlon , for I was there.
Our friend and ofllceseokcr , Sbrnder ,
.vithin . my hroring damned the constitution
und the supreme court. Now will > ou vote
"or n man who wants to destroy part of our
itnte government ? Shrnder was ashamed of
.he Grund Army ot the Ucpubllc button. I
, vnnt to bo buried with mlno on my breast. "
Ho cloica with a glowing tribute to Judge
! rouusc.
l fiti liih OtiuiorrtitH .llfti't.
Alll.LA.iil > , Nob. , Oct. 15. ISpoulal Telo-
cram to Tun Buu.jVlmt is left of the
democratic party in this precinct made n
heroic cfiort to rescusitato democracy this
evening. The Millard baud f urr.Ubod the
music and the liule boys carried a few
orchcb. Mr. Phil Andrcse of Omaha
wus tbc first speaker aud ud-
aressea tbo audiuuco iu German. He
aid that undiir a republican administration
the treasury bad been depleted. , ludpc Uoan
folloxvcd and said that under a republican
LdministratioT the treasury had been bur
dened with a surplus , end the audiouco
looked puzzled , and wondered how
all these great truths could be
true. Mr. Pickurd discussed prohibltiou
aud annihilated tbo McKinley bill wild one
mighty sweep. Ho undertook to toll those
present why tnat under free trade one day's
work would buy ontr nine pounds of sugar
and that now one daj's work would buy
tweutv-two pounds , and there be got stuck.
Mr. Shoemaker , candidate for county at
torney , took the flOor and said that nmoty-
two years ago the democratic partv wui "in
favor of having everything free , including
stute sovereignty , and that they were still
that channel.
Alhiun'ti : * urrrHfcftil Itnll.v.
ALIUOX , Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Special to THE
A very enthusiastic republican meet
ing was bold hero last night. A largo torch
light procession marched through tbo princi
pal streets. The Albion baud furnished ex
cellent music for the occasion. The crowd
.then uajourned to tbe large opera bouse , fill
ipg it completely. Hou. Loruu Clark pre
sided. The speaker of the evening , Hon.
( Jh'irles Green of Omaha , being introduced ,
made one of the most eloquent political
speeches over delivcro.l in Buono county.
for over two bourt ho bold the undivided at
tention of the audience. His flights of elo
quence xvero received with tumultuous ap
plause. His handling of the tariff and
quotations from democratic authority of note
to sustain bib position created a profound
impression. His presentation of tbo silver
question was clear , logical and well defined
and convinced any impartial nearer ot the
soundness of tbe principles luid down by tbe
republican platlorm and of thu fallacies of
free bilver.
rromuiit'K I'lfht llcmouratlr Itiilly.
FitCJioxT , Neb. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bee. | The democrats held
their first rally hero this evening. The Fre
mont club of 10'J with their new plug bats ,
linen coats and torches and 200 with torches
and lanterns headed by the Fremont Cornet
baud und thOiluuior Fife ana Drum corps
matched to the- depot , wncro they were
joined by tbo Hnopor Flambeau club and
silver baud in uniform ; also the Scribnor
uud Dodgcj clubs , which came on n bpscial
After parading the principal streets and
firing ! ( ) ) Roman caudles they went to Love's
opara hnuse , which W.IB crowded to its ut
most capacity. Hon. VV. H. Muugcr intro
duced \Vo.buch , who "spoke for a few min
utes. Mr Muugur then introduced Hon. , i.
Sterling Morton , who spoke for over one
hour uu the financial aud other questions ,
and not forgetting to pay his reopeots to
General Van Wycti.
Ni'wlmu lu'h
NKWHAWKA , Nob. , Oct. ID. I Special Tele
gram to Tun Bii.J Throe hundred und
fifty people gathered toiucrht and listened tc
republican aoctnno so ably not forth by E ,
M. Pollard , .Tuuge Field aud Judpe Lansing.
I 'oil urcl opened the mojtinp by u
clear presentation of tbo tariff. He
introduced Judco Field , who received
a crund ovation. Ho dovotud hU time to c
discussion of tbe tariff und tbe bilver ques
tions. His effort was well received und ap
plauded frequently. Judge Lansing tollowtid
with ono of his strong , humorous talks upor
the issues of tbo party. 'J'ho mooting wai
brought to a close by giving throe diners foi
Harrison. Republicanism is boiling ant
Nubawka is roused with enthusiasm.
MIXPH.N , Neb. , Oct IS. ( Special Tele
gram to 1 HI : Bir.J : 0"o ot Hie best pollt
leal speeches of tua , campaign uus dolivorcc
in this city to nlpjUt byY. . H. Alexander
The opera bouse wus well lllloa with men o :
ull parties , and for uu hour and a half tin
closust attention \vasj paid to such a tali : m
the tariff as has never boon presented to thi
people here.
Grunt Countj'V lliijniliUrun Tlrlctit.
Hi ANN-IS , Neb. . "Oct. in. fSpocial Tele
gram to Tun Bcc.J The republican conven
tlou for Grant county mot at Hyunnis todu ;
und nominated the following ticket : Count ;
attorney , W. L. 'Mathewt. ' ; coroner , Iri
Cook ; superintendent of bchools , YV. E
Hunuston ; assessor , , i , .1. Davis. 'A ful
precinct ticket wus placed in nomination ,
InilfjximlcntH Muk i' u I > ls ) > lny ,
AitcMiiA , NOD. , Oct , 15. fSpociul to Tni
Bii : ; . | Tbe Independents held what the ;
termed a rally bero Wednesday. After ad
vcrtislnc tbe speukei's for two weeks tbo
came iu froia nil diiootlons. After formin
a procession In the outEklrU of town tbf ,
paraded through thn principal uruets.
Irvtntrton Diuiuicntti , Turn Out.
IHVIXOTOX , Nub. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tele
pram to TUB Buc. | There was a dome
cratic rally here this evening. The follow
ing were tbo speakers ; C. J. Smyth , G
W. Cooper , h , M. Morrow and J. J , Poiuti
Mi ny were present.
I'lrkt of tliti
POXCA. , Neb. , Oct. ! & . fSpcrlal to Ta
Bcr. ] Last evculng tbo first tally ottbi
place of the present campaign as bela b
tbe democratic club. Hou. G. F. K-lper on
HOD. Fred J , FJX wcro tbo oratirn cf thu 01
John L. Wotstei Pleads the Oatise of Patri
otism at Sckuylcr.
Which tl jirorc tlioVnltlni ; r ln > -
hontlfi f Onlnuilty llnwlrro i ir Stntc
nntl > ntltiuil I'nupority Cunilno-
Itig Tulk by tin' Oirii'd Orutor. , Kob , , Oot , T [ Special to Tnr.
Br.n. | The republican rnuv hero last night
wns In ull respoots the most Important po
litical event of tbo campaign. Hon. John
L. . tcbster of Omaha wns billed to spcaK
nnd tbo reception tendered him wns n most
flattering ono. A proccs lon of legal voters
f t four blocits loTg , with bunds nnd
torchlights , wns the feature of tbo evonlnc.
Mr. \ \ obster was escorted from the depot to
the opera house with honors nnd before his
nrrivnl thorj tbo auditorium was packed.
There must bavo boon several hundred
people who found It impossible to get Into
the opera houso. Mr. Webster's entrance
wns signalled by shouts and cheers. Ho
spoke for morn than two houro , substan
tially us follows :
Mr. WiiliRtcr'n Sip ch.
While trnvollnr In Buropc for plonsuronnd
rcnrcntlon I was lumosl constantly in view of
national Hips whose dark colors represented
the rules of qHcens und oinpororn. They
wcro emblems of countries that were not bus-
tnlnctl by the will of the people , but were
emblems of n govort.mental power that reslud
in the will ol the ruler , und where tbo masses
of Ibo people wore mudo subordtnulo lo , und
under subjection lo the will of the throne.
When the grout steamship brouehl Its load
of passeucors within sight of th" American
r.oil there went up to tbo foremast the stars
und stripes of our own glorious country. JJv-
pry American citrn on board hulled the
bricbt stripes nnd glittering slurs with do-
licht. Jt wns the emhlnm of u rouuir ? of
prosperity. It wns tbe emblem of u
country of uuiversnl liberty. It was
the emblem of a country whoso
government rests entirely upau the will of
the people. It was the oinblom of n country
where cveryman's vote counts us much ns
tbut of every other muu. It wus the emblem
of a country where thouvcuues to trade nnd
prosperity were equally open Irnm tbo hum
blest to the btrougebt citizen. It wus the
emblem ol a eoutrtry thai rests upon patriot
ism of th people , nud oucbt to cxclto iho r.o-
mirution und druw forth words of
from nil people who live beneath the shadow
of Us folds.
When I reached niy own state of Nebraska
1 found here a party In the midbt of n
political campaign bas a ou a platform thnt
bus in it no slncli1 word of praise lor our
common country , nor any wordb of commen
dation for O'O liberty and prosperity wbloh
tbe government bus brought to the people
That platform is n condemnation , from ono
end to tbo other of It , nf tbo government nud
of tbo people. It doeiaros in the very
first sentence ot the prenmble thut this na
tion of ours is on the verge of moral , politi-
cr.l und material ruin. \ \ by , within the
lifetime of the very people who drafted nnd
approved that condemning senlonce , the
finger of time points to u material prosperity
dfvelopnd iu tlio United Stales which tie
other nation in the world ever witnessed.
Nun nnil Tliuu.
Go bnctt to IbflO. At the cud of Iho free
trade rule ol the democratic partv nud with'
: < UU'JOIUU ' ( of people we hud out : ilUUO , miles
of railroad. During the thirty two years
that have passed MUCO then the demands for
commerce and for travel have increased nt
such u wonderful rate that it now
utilizes 105,000 miles of railroad.
These railroads bnvo penetrated the
most remote regions ot tbo coun
try. They have opened up the uveaues
through tbo vast prairies ot tue west. They
uuvo penetrated to tbo mining regions of
tbe mountains. They have gone ID tbe lum
ber legions of the northwest. They buve
spread to tbo grazing regions of Texas. They
are gathering in the cotton from the lields of
the south. They hnvo knitted and woven
together tbe vast nrea of our immense coun
try , making us ono solid people , giving facili
ties lor the rapid interchange ol commodities
thut have benefited nud enhanced commerce ,
manufacture and agriculture.
Look over the map of Europe. All tbo
railroads of free trade Europe are pot equal
to the commercial facilities of America. Add
to Europe the railroad lines ol Asia , Mexico
nnd boutb America , ana still the single gov
ernment of tbe United Stn'oi Blonds at tbo
bead of the list. This o 10 achievement of
the world's enterprise is within the limits of
our own country , nnd within tbo memory of
ihe men who approved thnt condemning sen
tence. There is maritod by this ono enter
prise u prosperity that dees not point to ma
terial ruin , but to the bupplnesss and enjoy
ment of nil tbo people.
Still ttoro uio paople who condemn tbo
building of tbo railroads nna the develop
ment of the country produced thereby , just
us there uro others in the domojratlc party
who abuse the tariff and the benefits which
have grown outol ihut , equally lo the benefit
of the whole people , by tno bulldiuc of rail
JiIiiKtraUtcl It ; nn Incident. v
Lot mo illustrate this by an incident , us
told to me by one of luejudcosof Frederirks-
burg , Va. Oul from Fredericksburg there is
u range of mountains which have never been
penetrated by n railroad. There were tcat-
tercd ulong UP upon the bill hides here and
there , single log babitatioiib. The livelihood
of thnt people consibtod in cutting down the
timber , but theie was no way to transport ir
to the market. With this there existed an
impoverished condition , by reason of
being cut off from the advantages of com
merce nnd tbo public intirkels. An enter
prising mini proposed to build u line of rail
road to the lumber regions. The road wus
constructed. Tbc time bud come when Ibo
firbl rmlroud engine nud tram of carb was to
travel to the end nf tbu road. Ono of these
inhabitants from tbo hillsides , who
had never been a railroad m his
life , vent do n to see the mon
ster engine and lo carry the news
homo to hit , family of what It was tbut he
BOW. When ho returned bit- wife ubkad him
to describe it. From bis ignorance of tbt
world bo was unutiln lo toll her what il wnc
that he saw , nt-d taid : "Wife , I don'l know
what it was , unless it was that dumuud tarifl
the dcmocralB say is ruining Iho country. "
Still tte populists say the nation is on Ibc
vcrco of material ruin. Back in 1800 , when
the democratic party ai.d free trade were ut
tbo helm , the vulue of tbo entire farm pro
ducts of America were but * lWri.OOUUUO (
In Iblll the population of the couu <
try bad nbout doubled in number. Yel
within thut samei period of time , uud withir.
the memory ol tbo men who penned iboat
words condemning the prosperity of ttic
country , tbo value nf the furm product ol
America bad increased more thun twice ns
rapidly us had the population of the country ,
uud the vulue of thib furm product wui
measured nt 4firJO,030OOD. Here is the ovl
deuce of an increase of prosperity to tin
vast agricultural regions of this country
which Btuudt- without u parallel any couu
try of thu European continent. It Is i
rec&rd of prosperity never experience !
by the farmers wiihln the sumo number o
years , Irom tba time when George Washing
tou hlgut'd the constitution of iho Unllui
Stutes , down to the tlmo when the popullsli
uominuted Weaver for president. . Yel , li
tno fr.ce of tbnt unrivaled prosperity , th
populists are tupportlng u man for prebideu
who stands upon tbe platform that th
nation U on tbe verge of material ruin.
Tim .Most J'ri > H ] > crou Nutlnii in tliuVorl <
During that same thirty years the we alt
of the country PUS increased at bucb a rapi
raid that it has outstripped all competitor !
At tno tlmo when the republican party 11 n
r.ame Into power Great Britain wus the mo-
wealthy nation of tbo world , Isext to he
came Frauce und Germany. In Ib'.Q th
wealth of the United S.utes exceeded S5'J
000,000,000 , It wus greater than the combine
wealth of Sweden , nud Norway , nnd Bel
glum , nud Holland , and Spain , and jtul1
und Austria. It was greater thun the COG
Pined weulih of Auktrin und Germuuy. . '
wus greater than tbe combined wealth <
Franco nud Spain , It wus creator than tl
combined woultb of Grout iirituiu and Ho
land and Belgium. And It equalled tl
combined wealth of Great Britain uud Spul
1 iu Ibo fuco of such evidence , of prosper ! )
nud vast accumulation of material weult
1 the populists continue to proclaim thut tl
nation is ou thn verge of material ruin.
Tue couiplaiut still U thut tbo people a
hurdeccd bv debt nud tnxHtlon. and tbe na
tion impoverished Look nt little free trnde
Belgium , and her debt per capita Is $72
Iok at th" empire of Germany , nnd her r.n-
tlonnl ncbt is * 43 prr capitn Look nt Italy ,
with her standing nrmle * . nnd her
citlnnnl debt is JM pnr cnpitu. Turn to
Great Britain , the mother of , trro trade and
tbo fntuur of the doctrines taught by tbo
democratic pnrtv , nnd her debt per cnplta U
f\03. \ From all these turn to the United
States , with her protective tariff sys
tem , encouraging homo industries nnd
securing to the laborer adequate wages
for bis toll , und our aebt per
capita li but ? ST > . Wo nro tbe hnppieit people
ple In tbo world. Wo have tbe greatest
prosperity. Wo have the greatest farm pro
ducing wealth. We bnvo the creates ! facili
ties for internal commerce. Wonre develop
ing the most extnnBivo manufactures. Wo
huvo the greatest wealth of nil the world ,
and with all that we have the smallest iloht
per capitn upon us of any otnnr nation In tbo
world. Auo jut , In the tnco ot that , your
candidate for governor. Van WvcK , con
tinues to proclaim ttio fact that the nation IB
on the verge of material ruin.
An Aiicttl ] to lltiiu-nt.y and I'ntrlotUin ,
1 appeal to you ui honest men who love
your country , and who love Its prosperity ,
uud who know of its development , to come
out from that party which , in lit platform
traduces your country uud slanders us pros
Look nt your own state of Nebraska Our
prairies yielded last year ltir > , OlU.OU ( > bushels
nf corn , the surplus ot which brought u it Inn
tbo limits ot this htato MUIIO $31)- )
000,000. Lrcok to your surplus wluiut
ciop. which brought within the
limits of your state nearly f 18,000.000. Turn
o your oats and vour rye crops , \vhtrh
h oucht it < vural millions'more. . Turn \b
tbe cattle and the bogs which you have
shipped to market , which brought In millions
upon million ! ) inure Why , the truth is
that tbo surplus produet ot Nebraska
iu two combined years like that of ISU1
would bring to you people from the consum
ers of this surplus product enough to pay
oft the ontiio mortgage debt upon the farms
of the btnto of Nebraska. Iu the tare of
such living evidence of prospcrltj ,
1 nppoal to you , as farmers ol
Nebriiskii. to coiiio out of that
political camp whleb blunder * and scandal
izes the prosperity nud fume ot your fair
state. Vote "for a man for president who
does pot condemn Ills country , but who loves
his country. Vote for a'man lor presi
dent tla < . stands on u platform that
cun sea good throughout tlio whole
length mid breadth o * American boll ,
insteuj of voting for u mini who fan
sen nothing but u nation standing upon the
verge of rum. Vote for that mati for presi
dent who has stood ut the uolm of stale , who
bus given u wh.e administration , whoso
policy losteis and vncuuraces the industries
of th country and whoso heart is blgonouch
and whoso brain is expansive enough to Oec
in this country , not ruin , but business pros
perity everywhere. And that man is Benja
min Harrison.
Tliry Arc lipady tin- Any Trade In Oriliir to
IIITI Hryini.
NEIIKASKA City , Nob. , Oct. 15. [ Spoclul
Telegram to Tin : Bij.j : Otoe county demo
crats nro becoming desperate. Au item In
nn Omaha paper this morning which pur
ported to be uu interview with .luromo
Sharap , independent candidate for congress ,
ib evidence enough to swamp the bourbons
in Otoo. This alleged iuterviow said Field
absolutely roiused to divide tuns with him nt
election. F. M. McOurthy , deputy county
Nomabu City on tbo 14th ; nlso that Shnmp
was sure clerl- , today approached a prorni
neut democrat ol this city , C. P. Lloyd ,
nud asked : "What did you mean this
morning ? Why are you democrats so quiet
about Morton ; "
"Well. " said Mr. Lloyd , "we dare not sny
much about Morton. If wo do both democratic
cratic und independent people will go nwav
from Urran. We must elect him. even to
the extt'ut of a trade between Bryun and
Van Wjcte. We uro ROing to do our best to
give Bryan n majority in Uisc county.1'
This tie-up between Sbump , Van Wyck
nnd Bryan has foi some days boon known to
republicans , ami they nro uowfully able to
combat it.
Holt Cnnuty'h l.ntcht Lupri'ss.
ATKINSON , Nob. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tcic-
gram to TIIC BEI : . ] The greatest republican
rally yet bold in Holt county participated in
by O'Neill , Atkinson and Stuart republicans
besides others from all over the county , was
held hero tonight. Hon. .lames Wbitehend ,
tbe principal s-pcnker , interested and in
structed the immense crowd for two bours.
ChurlOj H. Towlc , another local spaaker ,
assisted aud tbo meeting was doclaicd
a rousing grand succcus. Ouo hundred aud
sixty tickets wcro sold at O'Ncll forAtklu-
son and fully 10U came from Stewart.
Wbitobund in his tour over Holt rounty has
made n splendid impression ana not only
strengthened himself but the state aud local
ticket. Holt coun'y republicans are im
mensely enthusiastic nnd prospects are flat
tering lor carrying the county. Tbe torch
light procession was nearly u mile and had
! ! IK ) in lino. Tuo ritiis whore tbo meeting wus
held wus HlerUly packed.
joiIILI : .
1,1st of the Or < liir < IK mint nt Ilcul : < juurtrrK
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oot. 15. [ iSpociai
Telegram to TIIE Bin.J The following
army orders were issued toduy :
Captain George E. Pond , assistant quar
termaster , will procoad from Pluttshurs , N.
Y. , to Burlington , Vt. , ou"ofllcial business
conuoc.ud with tbe quartermaster's depart
ment , uud upon the completion of the sauio
will return to his proper station. The fol
lowing transfers in the Second cavalry are
mndH : First Lieutenant Curtis B. Hunnln.
from troop LtotruopU ; First Lioutounnt
Llo\ M. Breitt , from troop C to troop L ;
Fir t Lieutenant Thomas , T. Lewis , from
iroop M lo troop H ; First Lieutenant
Henry T. Allen , from troop H to troop M.
Jjeuve of absence for two months , October
SI , with permission to apply for an cxlonslon
of ono inonih , is grantua Second Lieutenant
Charles 1) . Rnodon , Snth cuvulry.
Leave 01 absence cruuled Captain Owcu
J Sweet , Twenty fifth mfaiitry , is extended
one month. Leave of absence for one month
to take eflect upon bis relief from duly at
Fort Columbus IB grauteJ Major .lohnBon V.
U. Micldletnn. surgeon. Leave of absence
for ton days is granted Captain Charles W.
Tuylor , Ninth cavalry. L'javo of absence
for six months to take effect when bis ser
vlroh can us spared b.v bis post cominuiidoi
is grautod First Lieutenant Montgomery D ,
Piirker , Ninth cavalry. Leave of absence
for ten days is granted Lieutnunut Coiuuoi
Robert H. Hull , Sixth Infantry.
On thu lift ITU Trip.
Ciucvoo , 111. , Oct. ID [ Spucml Tologrntr
to THE Bic. : ] Nebraska on wheels No. 1
visited AVabnsh , Ind. . j-aslordnv und outer'
tuinecl n Inrgo number uf interested citir.cnc
including 2I03 ! school polldruu. At Peru
Ind. , a drizzling rain interfered with tin
success of the exhibit , yet many pusoei
through. The tram will Sunday in Chicago
leaving Monday for Dekaih and Dixon , 111
TueHdnv it will bo at Sterling nud Morrison
111 ; Wednesday. Clinton ; Thursday , Cedn
Ilupids and Friday Bouno , la. : then bom
uarJv Saturday morning.
Vunilla Of perfect purity
Lemon Of great strength
Orange Economy in their use.
Flavor at delicately
and dellclously as the frech fruit
[ nolinod to Show Incronsofl Interest ia
Eepublican Principles ,
llnnrk of Oinulm I > rlMrr nn Kn *
tlitiMnntlo Allure * * nud Is Ui-crUril with
i > < M ( < iiKtrntlnn * ot 1'lrnsurr 1'iillt-
Icnl Iroin Nl > rn lii I'tilnt * .
W isvnii. Nob. , Oct. Ifi.-fSpeclnlTelegram
toTiin Bir. . ] .Incob Hnurk of Omaha nd-
dressed n meeting of Germans nt this plnco
tonight in which he discussed the national
mid state issues in an exhaustive manner.
The Germans who constitute n thrifty class
of the community applauded to the echo
Ino speaker's dotcnse of Nobrnskn
ngalnst the slniiderous nttncks of
the populist candidates ills ndx-ocnoy ol
sound money was also favorably received , ns
well ns bin defense of the American pro
tective tnritf nnd the results of tbo MuKln-
ley bill. The close attention of tbc nudlcnco
nnd the enthusiasm nrousod proves tbut the
Germans of this plnco nro taking a deep In
terest in the cnuviiss. The pr upccts nro
excellent for making republican gains nmonfr
( his clnis of voters .his full. Mr. Hnuck will
spcni : in Beemur Monrtny night.
J.v AiiiitH : K MY.
liifnriunttnn lur tlip ftrpubll-
rmin-Nti lEcrrultH lor othrr 1'nrtlcH.
X. Neb. , Oot. K. ( Special to Tint
Br.i : . | i'ho republican meeting bero last
tilcbt was a success. Tbo Lull was tilled to
overflowing tmd the utmos.1 good feeling pre-
vailoJ U was nolloaablo th.i' n largo number
ot Indies were present. Sb''uehes woromndo
byNoimau D. Koycs of Central City , a
candidnto for reproseututlvo ; .1. C Martinet
ot Clnrks , candidate for county iittomoy ;
Chnrlts Woostur of Silver Creel ! . Kuv. U.
W. Turroll of Lincoln , nud lastly , und inoro
Important than all , by Hon. George D.
Moiklejohn , candidate for congress. Mr.
MeikU'john mndo n plcnslng , locoful nnd
logical address , winning coldou opinion *
from all.
Key. Turrcll spoke very outcrininJnglv
cxhibilinc during tbo course of remark :
a silver dollar of the coinage of 18UO nnd
forUdollar cotilluontnl bnl brnriug the dnlo
of ITTs. For hnlf nn hour Woodier poured
rod hoi shot Into tbo rnnks of the inde
pendents. His logical presentation of hnrd
fncls Koemed to curry conviction to
the minds of his miditors 'nnd clicitud fre
quent npplniiso. The meet ingvus presided
nvcr by thai voierun icpubhcnii , Hon. .lobn
L. Martin , who voted lor William Henry
Harrison in tno lor cabin days niul will vote
for bis grnndson next Novcmuor As show
ing tbe drift in this part of Mcrnck county
it may be stated that two yours ace tbo iu-
dnpi.'iidonts iu this township po'led ' blxty-
cight vote-- , mostly former lopubllcaus.
Now all but three or four of those former re
publicans win vote for Harnsnu nud the entire -
tire republican ticket.
nirrmi'h Urpulilii-in Cluli.
MCKNA , Nob. , Out , 15 ( Spai-ial Telegram
to Tuc Bcn.j A republican club wns organ
ized hero tonight with seventy-six momoors.
The officers are : President , Captain P. A.
Gatcholl ; vice president , F D Atkiason ;
secretary , W. S. Redmond ; trenr-urpr , S.
H. Head. Colonel A. A. .lones of North Car
olina spoke for the cause of republicanism.
He bad n crowded bou'-e ' and un enthuslastlo
nudience. He showed up the record of ICem
in n stvlo that broucht clown the house. Hla
appeal to the voters of Nebraska lorVbito -
hend was grand aud was cheered to the
Senntor I'niltliirU ut Ve'rilnti.
FAI.I.B CITI , Nnb. . Oct 15. jRpacial Tele
gram to'i'iic ticn. ] Sanatoi P ' " ( Innij , ltj.
dressed an enthusiastic crowd of 2,000 people
ple this evening at Voraon. A torchlight
procession composed of delegates from Kulo ,
Snlom , Preston , Still. Humbnldt and Falls
City , with the Falls City Flnmboau club ,
uumbenug in all 2UO , cacorleu the senator to
the place of spanking. The senator con
cluded his two hours speech with a glowiuR
tribute to Ibo adminislrution of President
Hurribou. Ho certainly made votes lor the
republican ticket.
These hats cannot be clupli
cated elsewhere for less than
$10 or $12. Only fifty
be on sale.
are m
Get in early tomorrow morn-
n'mg ; These are worth your
attention. Finest line of
opera hats in the market.
D Rne liiliners ,
Wholcsalo Jobbers In MlUicery
Kotioub , otc. , etc.
llth Street ,
Bet. Farnam and