Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1892, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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A Oouplo of Old Timers Spin a Sprinting
Movement * of tlio Short llnlrrtl Tlio 1 rnck
nnil sutile I ) K unit dun Thn Coming
Itcnrli Nlioir nnil ( IcncrnV I.ocnl
Ilin Driilh ol .IntlRO Ulnrlcson.
Shooting nnd Fishing , n Boston sports
man's Journal , has thofoilowlng to say nnont ,
the Ifttnontcd dontb of JUdge J. H. Clarkson !
News of Judge Clnrkson's ' death will bo re
ceived with nurpnso and genuine sorrow by
many renders of Shooting and Fishing. Ills
recent contributions to this Journal gave evi
dence of his devotion to the rlllo and to Hold
sports ; thov also revealed much of that poetic
nature inherent to many of the Iratornlty ,
but generally withhold. .Judtco Clnrkson's
writings , which ho called "Confessions of n
Klllomnn. " wcro altm to the experiences of
many devotees to the rlllo , and his recitals
10 appealed to the frntornltv as to create for
him reclines of warm friendship. Shooting
nnd fishing will carry the sad news to many
Roollons , nt homo and abroad , nnil will leave
feelings of sorrow and rrgret at the death of
the brilliant young Jurist.
1 lin Trap Shooting rournnv.
A Iran shooting tournament will bo hold at
the Bnmts Park Rim club grounds across the
rlvor October 20 , 27 and 28 , with Ullly Nason
ns tnanazcr. The prospects nro good for n
largo attendance , as there will ho many
sportsmen attracted hero on Ihoso dates by
the bench show , winch will bo In progress
t Exposition hall. There will bo both live
birds and Inrcots used , and the daily nro-
pram will Include from ton to fifteen rnces.
The Bhootlng off ot ties will ho encouraged
by the management , ns it Is believed the
dividing ot small purses among so many
shooters has n tendency to decrease the at
tendance at tournament ? . Ai high as ,1
nnd 'M per cent have otlen boon mikdo In
fittmll swoonstako shooting , and the winnora
then lese money , ns odd ns that may seem.
It Will Soon Hi ! SnoHlmlU.
Scrappy .lack O'Connor headed ClovO'
land's batting llitin her closing games.
Edward O'Neill , formerly of Milwaukee
nnd Ft. Wayr.e , died nt Kail Klver several
' nights ngo of asthma.
Down south they gave Hilly Earlo a now
nlcltnalno , llo was so spry on his feet thai
the cranks called him "the Contortionist. "
Dahlon , the minor , will have to disgorge
tha WOO hi goublod from Mllwnukoo las !
aason. llo has been called down by Judge
'Tls rumored that Al Buckonborgor wlllbi
found at the head of affairs In St. Louis Ii
' 03. 1 linos-Star. Thoiiirht ho had agreed ti
stay In Pitts burg.
" 1 won't" in base ball generally means tin
opposite thing , -loo Kelly declared hi
wouldn't play In Baltimore , but ho has no
copied terms after all.
.loo Ardnnr Is heroically endeavoring toke
eke out a livelihood with a somi-professionn
club hi Cleveland. It Is needless to add tha
ho U slowly starving to death.
All pitchers could with profit study th
haoits and practices of pitcher Nichols o
Boston. There is a pitcher that , accident
excoplcd , is always In sbapo to pitch gooi
ball. Snorting Life.
Jimmy Oannvan was harpooned by ol
Anso at last on Tuesday last. Ho threw th
Iron Into him deep , then put on the bone
for the balance of the season. 'Cause , ho hi
the ball too hard too Infrequently.
If Tim O'llourko , shortstop of the Ball !
mores , could only Hold as well ns ho bats h
wouU bo ono of the stars of the loaguo. H
lias n bat'liiK average of over .iiOO , but hi
work at shprt Hold Is rncged at times.
Sly. foxy old Frank Soleo has gotten bin
self disliked by expressing nn opinion tnt
two leagues aro" necessary to make base ba
go. I'd llko to know what difference
makes what Seleo thlnics , ono way or ar
It doesn't , tnlto Kintr Kol long to catch 01
Bays Mulford. A Boston Base runner In
recent came fulled to stir on n half passe
ball. Kol was mad. "Why don't vou gi
away from that hoc i" ho nskod. "Vou ni
us if you were quarantined. "
McAleer of Cleveland shows his wonde :
ful ability ns n center fielder bv missing bt
ilttcon out ol 281 chances for outs. Grlfll
of Broolilvn leads Mao In average , bi
played In fort -fivo fowes games and bad 11
lower chances ? Times-Star.
Big Hank O'Day claims to bo In botti
condition than over before and would llkol
sign nt a moderate salary with nemo loagi
club for next year. And that , U a tut
many a ball player will sing In the next s
months. "Times isn't what doy was , don
It , Hnnkl"
Captain Comisboy hns had Iho laugh (
his old boss this season. In each half Ci
clnnati has won six out of sovcn games fro
St. Louis , orii total of twelve out of fourlei
games played , nnd Jack Croox swore In tl
spring that tno Hods couldn't hope for a bo
tor place than seventh.
Ily llach. the llght-walstcd Mlnnoapol
matzunta who twlco broke up the \Voste
league , has sold his two years' lease of tl
.Minneapolis grounds , and will lotlro fro
the base ball business. This was wise ,
no room will ever airaln un found for Iln
in base ball. Excha.ige.
Captain Comlskoy l-j much pleased -vl
his iiow out-llotdor. Kansas City Iloovi
"llo knows Just what to do with the hi
when ho gets It , " says Cormnlo , "and ho u
derslmids n few things about running bast
llo can make n good record In Cincinnati
' Uo will put forth hU host efforts. "
Basa ball has boon tried In the Cltv
Mexico wllh but poor success. The natlv
are too liuv for such rport , and the Ami
lean residents arn the only ones who ta
any intoiost In the game. Sporlintr Lli
And nro not the American citizens , on
average , goltlng pretty tired , tool
Talk about your checkered careers , may
Frank OcnnU husn't had ono this suasc
Ho opened up In April with the St. Lei
Browns and after n winding nround the clr <
through Ihu minor leagues , ho again Inn
within tin1 blt ( lads' confine * wlthClncinna
KOIH the p. l > only to bu tnUon uimm to t
bosom of Von dor Abe , with whom ho w
ilnlsh the season.
The Hultiinnro-Plttsliurg deal for iho e
change or Van Hull run ni.d .loo Kelly w
consummated last Friday nnd Van IKiltr
signed with i'lttaburg. IColly onectcd ]
going to Hnltlmoro at llrst. claiming that t
town would bo out of the league next ye
Manager Ilunlon talked him out of this Id
and ho promised to Join tlio team , provld
ho received a short vacation , which \ \
granted 1'ittsburg Dispatch.
Over In St Louis they claim that 1'uts
Bolivar Tobi'iin Is Iho urc.itcst base bnll g (
oral ol them all. Comlsla'y , Anson or ISu
Kixlngmu not in it wllh him. ThU nil con.
from being at the head of tno Victoria
CloveUmlH , Next year Pntso.vHoIivnr m
undertake to pilot tha club njrnin , and n
, Justas llltcly to bring up nt the tail end as
nny other petition. 1'at Toboau ns n un
manager of anything u roallv laughable.
In b | > o.ikln of Jack Crooks' throwl
oluillotiL-o Tin : OMVIH lim : taysi "If Ju
has $1,000 or nny part of It to' net on n
piopDsltloti tlio ralto elf In that dining c
Job be held last winter must Imvo he
enormous llo probably meant ha tvoi
bet n DJcUago of cignrotioi nl the Uharl
Ilolllv brand " -Sparllnir I.lfo. lhat
about the only credit TIIK Iltci : has roceiv
in tbo Snorting Life In a ) rar , although c
i uuins of Tnu UEK'S pir.ifiMpns nave be
f utilized by thnt punor. Hut thu fun of t
thing Is that Tin : UKI : didn't sav any sti
i thing n > quoted abovo. That is one of t
I pearls that oriianicwu tbo brain of lit
i Eddie Hifo of the Ohio State Jodrnal.
[ Kddlo Hurtfp , the llttlo hoodlum , who I
I been plnylnc sueh olcgunt bill for the N
1 lork , hudiiU nasal organ binashcd in
I Jack Doyle in a barroom light the oil
I evening. Thursday nlgnl of lastwcoU-Do
I anil Burke , of the New York toiim , bcca
I ongascd in a flKbt. A siranirer liihul
f Doyle and iho laitor thrashed hu m
I whereupon Hurko iniorferod nnd goui
i Doy ofilKhtfulty in iho face. Theroul
I Doy la look un iho offensive once moro i
I guvo Hurko thu worst thrashing ho ever
I in His llfy. Ho knocked him down i
I imuchrd and pounded hliu until bo lay
I but insensible. Hurko was taken homo i
I was unable to Icavo ibo house or pUy 1
I for thruo div\s.
Joe Wnlah nnd Uaorgo Stepbeiii , momt
ot the old Columbus champions , nrfl In town.
They are after the money duo them from the
defunct organization and will llkolr got It In
n few nays. There seems to b no good
reason whv they should not hnvo bad It long
ago. Stephens nnd Walsh both played la
Marionette , Mich. , club with Bill McClolIan ,
Jim Donahuo and Charles Abhor. After
leaving Columbus Stephens played n month
with Haltimoro and Ed Hnnlon stood him off
for his salary. After gottlntr his money hsro
Gcorgo will moro on to Haltimoro and maka
nn attack on President Von dcr Herat's old
father's bank account. Joe will return to
Omaha and trap cajoles until tbo robins
como nenln ,
These nxo grinding base ball writers who ,
hypocritically , most deplore the present tem
porary decline in base ball nro the very
writers who hnvo done most to bring about
thnt decline through their ventilation of the
instdo workings of ease ball , their obnso of
magnates nn J plavors , nnd their constant ef
forts to brood dissension among the ex
ponents and consequent suspicion and dis
gust among the patrons of the garao. In
deed tt Is n question whether some of the
newspapers which pay particular alien lion
to base hall hare not moro than offset tholr
good work of the years boforn 1890 by tholr
course since thatyoar. Snorting Lite. That
comes In bad grace , Brother Hlehtor , con
sidering the great good you did the glorious
old sport In the year of our Lord. 1S9J , when
you tlockod withV rd , 1'foffor , Irwin ,
Olasscock nnd the wreckers generally.Vo
nro now reaping the harvest that cprang
from the seed sown by the Urothorhood.
Thnt Is all.
Billy Hart , the lad who mndo the longest
till over the center Held fence at Snorts-
man's park ever seen on an Omaha ball
ground , nnd who pitched sorao great ball for
Brooklvn this summer , will probably never
" ' .run another ever the pan. " In n recent
game at Eistern park , in sliding lo second
base , ho sprained his shoulder. A tendon
was either snooped or slrotchcd when ho
struck the canvas , for ever since the acci
dent ho has boon unttblo to throw n ball
without suffering the most excruciating
pain. With his urm at ease ho experiences
no inconvenience , but the ttoublo lies with
Uio muscles used in playing ball. If the la-
Jury should provo permanent It is not
serious enough to kenp him from the case ,
and ftom ball Held ho will return to grasp
the stick. During his ball playing days
Hart ha * kept up his mcmoerstilp In tbo
Typographical union , anil ho Is still In ns
coed standing ns hu was on the dnv ho quit
the composting room for the diamond.
Olilt-Clnit or the llorNomcn.
Starter Swigort will bo occupied on the
southern choiiit for iho next month or so.
The slndo of Nancy Hanks , when going at
full speed , measures nineteen ana a half feet.
Omahn'a now driving association , which
promised such great things , seems to have
ll/zlod ontiroly.
Manila Wllkos trotted the third hcatol
n race at Evansvlllo , Ind , In SiOS , wtilch
is the world's ruco record.
Killy Vorn , 8:83' ' by Talnvoia , dam bj
Seneca Pntchcn , Is the fastest Nebraska orod
mate for 1SOJ , save Iho yearling pacer Belle
Acton , 2:21'4. :
Billy Pnxton , Nat Brown.tBllly Huston
Hal McCord und ether welllUnown ant
wealthy local horsemen will make an offer' '
to glvo Omaha a meeting to < ct year that shi
tnny feel nroud of.
James Britlaln , Wavno , Nob. , has pur
chased of Charles W. Beach , Auburn , Neb.
a 1 and 2-yoar-cld filly by Ucpubllcan ,
dam by Talnvora , g. d. by Mumbrlun Ham-
blolonian. g , g. d. by son of Lexington g. c
g. d. by Vorhess" BlacK Hawk.
The Hoadslcr club made n fine showing
the nast summer , considering that this wn :
Its first season , and retires for the winter :
pretty well satisfied organization. Hesula
meetings will bo hold throughout the winter
tor and everything possible aone to insun
a greater success next summer.
Over 1.000 horses bavo trotted am
paced in 2:39 : or bettor tbo present season
und ever 800 sires are represontoi
for the lirst time in the 2:30 : list. The yea
opened without any sign of the grea
wuvo of extreme speed lhat bos surged ovc
Iho country , sweeping nway all provlou
records. It has been a year of phenomenon : !
Wilkomont that is a combination o
Almont nnd George Wllkos blood , being b ;
Almont Pilot , owned by E. A. Smith. Law
rcnco , Kan. , und out ot a mare by Goorg
Wilkes , is siring sonio good ones
Tbo latest is the 4-year-old mare , Lizzi
N , that , September 23 , look a mark of 2:28'j :
Wllkomont is at Indopcndauco and will n
doubt iiialorlnlly reduce his mark this yoai
Aflor John H. Gouiry paced Iho third hen
of his race atWichita in 2:14 , Aslilan
Wllkos by Ked Wilhoj , his sire , was brough
out before the grand stand ana the sight c
tlil ) great sire brought fourth a thunder c
upi'lauso. Greatness is admired In the bora
just tho'sumo as ibo woilorn ponulnco wi
KO wild ever Iho moro mention of James C
Blalue's name In a convention.
Hello Acton , thochamp'.on pacing yoarlim
seems to hnvo n coranotltor for the throne I
Victor Maz/ono , by General Hancock , dai
by Strathmoro , sinun ho paced a half t
Versailles September 20 , in 1)5 ( ) > . Wo wi
see what the daughter of Shadoland Oi
ward will do at Sod alia , smco she goes thoi
the same aay Queen Manoy starls to bet
2:01. :
Winslow Wllkos , 2US : % 13 the fastest Ni
braslta bred horse. Ho was bred by the lai
N. 1. D. Solomon of Omaha , is by Blac
Wilkos. son of Goorco Wllkos , out of n mai
by Almont 3i. : His lirst appoarauco on tl
race coursa was In 1SSD , wbon ho started i
the breeders' mooting held at Hastings , Not
in the stake for 4-yoar-olds , no winning I
Biralght houts in 2 : ' . ) , 8:28' : . 2:41 : , dofcatli ;
Dan Tucker , who has since paced thri
heats in ono race In 2:17 , . 2:10' : $ ' , 2:1 :
Neither of these horses sturlcll at any otin
mooting in 18811. The year following Win
low Willies started seven times making h
lirst appearance at Iowa Clty/Julv 30. tl
rnco being won by Sunshine , 2iiSK : , 2:23' : '
2:30 : , Winslow Willtos' position bell
5 , U , 0. Ho next appeared Augu
ID at Ollurawn , la. nnd won
sltaight heats in 2:37 : , 2.31 , 2:3J : ni.d tl
week lollowmg , August 27 , at Independent
lie was 3 , 3 , 7 , dr. In n six heat race whlc
was won bv the groy horse Guy , tune 2:151 :
8:1.W. : 2:18 : ,2:18 : , slO2:10. : } : . At Dub
quc , September 3. ho won n straight he
rnco lu 2:32-MUD : , 2:34 : , nnd at Uushvill
Ind September 30 , bent 2:33 : for the 11 r
time , ho winning the second , third nt :
fourth heals of n four heat race , tlmo 2:23 : !
2:2I'4,2 : , 21 > 4,2:22)i. : October 10 , nt Tor ,
Haute , ho won u live heat race dofoalii
Huch howes as the daud Glondonuis , Troa
uiv , ole , winning iho lirst , second and 11 fI
heats , tune 2:11 : % 8:17 : , 2:1UJ4',2UM4. : 8ll' ! '
and thus entered the 2:20 : and 2:10 list ovc
the same traolt. Oclobor 17. at Lcxlngtc
in u slrouff Held of her uj ho was vlcloriou
winning the second , ihltd and fourth heal
llmo 2:17 : , 1:15 : , 8:1 : | if , 8:17M : , bcalli :
Glendonnls , Treasure , Johny Smoker , ot
His Is'.U career was not HO brilliant ; Ii
made but tbreosinrts and was oulsido it
munoy twice , nnd was fourth money wlnm
once. Hal Pointer won the lirst event Oat
her 2 , at Richmond , Jml. , in 8:10' 2:1 :
2l3af. ! Bunco , Jr. , won the next event O
tober 13 nt Lexington In 8:13 , 2-13'J , fil :
and Grant's Abdullah won the till til tuco I
2ISM. : 2:121 : , , 8l.Vf , iho llrst heat of tl
ruco being u dead hual in 2:15 botwoi
Grant' : ) Abdullah nnd Hunco Jr.
Scpioinbor 27. lolri , ut Terra Haute , th
nig stout Btulllou owned b.\ Thomas Cc
lopy , Oman. ) , won u live heat race
8:11 : , 2:011'2:12 : : The other two hea
witro in 2:11 : , 8UiJ : Hal Pointer boat Dlio
u year ago over tno aama course in 2:1
OdOi. , , 2:18 : > { . Diruct taking Iho lint heat I
The so-called Dos Mnlnos Driving nsaocii
lion Is conlomplutlng another meeting , whii
y , ImlU'Ht , u line exhibition of nerve. W :
ir horsemen go to the expense or shipping tha
irn animals lo thu Iowa capital until inc debts
thu lust meeting uro squared I Ilardl
What assurance can n horsbmnn have ho w
, , bo paid when ho Knows full well that bafo
tha association could neither pay nor hi
1. the courage to cirry out tholr hchcuio. Ju
how the association will settle wilh I
Amurlom Trolling association wo do n
know , bat certainly the DJS Monies poor
must tlx matters wllh all horsemen w
Jo I failed to get Iho full nay at their late me ,
' Ing no kick will ba made , oihervvl
ma American association certainly will pi
tcot iho turf Industry against another fan
Tlt-Tilttlf or thu
Youug Grlffo. iho Australian , is aft
George Olxon.
The Hob Dodds-Cbnrllo Johnson colllson
booked for the Pacllic club , October .11 ,
> n Jnio Goddard states that ho will tight t
id winner of the Oodtroy-Choynski mill ,
idot Nobody need worry about Sullivan o\
id lighting CorboU or aay ono olio again h
ill done.
id John U. Sullivan cays ho iblnks Corb
til would have aa easy tituo of u with G <
r The Omaha Athletic club will gle a set
of Interesting sparring matches this fall nnd
Bob Fitzslmmons finds "acllng" not no
profitable n > scrapping , and ho may disband
tils com | nny.
Hilly Lowls of 'Frisco 1 In the city rcadr
and eager to meet nny 140-pound man in this
neck o' tbo Umber.
Dunny Daly has gone to Salt Lake City to
train Jem Williams for his coming light with
Charlie Johnson before the California club.
4 Kid llognn and Dolly Lyons are to meet In
n ton-round contest on the night of the God-
froy-Choynskl contest on October 31 nt the
Coney Island Athlolio club.
Charley Mitchell , the Cnpllsh pugilist , was
last week locked up in London for two
months for knocldnp down nn old man. It Is
thought iho lAllcr's snull ls fractured.
At Snn Francisco recently Paddr Uyan
resented somonuuso of John L. .Sullivan by
Duncan Hnrrhon , Sullivan's former thoit-
rlcal partner , nnd knocked Harmon down.
Jack McAulilTo's bcnollt nt Wllllnmsburg ,
his home , was almost as much of n frnst as
Jnok Skolly's the night boforo. John Duffy
ot the Olympic club acted us master of ceremonies -
monies ,
Peter Manor , the Irish champion , accom
panied by Jos McGoath , the ouatnplon
foalhcrwotcht pugilist ot Ireland , arrived
from Englnml , September ! IJ , on the steam
ship City of Uorlln.
Cleorgo Clark , formerly the backer of
Tommy Uvan , nnd well known In locnl sportIng -
Ing circles , died suddenly nt Chicago , Octo
ber 8. Ho had just taken the management
of Hob Fltzslmmons.
The Pnclilo Athlottcclnb of California has
arrautrod n match between Ullly Dacov of
Now York and Jim Uurgo of Australia. The
light will bo for a purse of $ .2,500 and will
takoplnca In November
Poler Jackson will sail for Now York on
Oclobor 18 on the Teutonic. On his arrival
ho will challenge Jim CorboU or Joe Goddard
to light for the largest purse the Coney Is
land , Pacific or California Athletic clubs
will offer. Peter Jackson is iho champion of
England and Auslralla. Ho won the tltlo bv
defeating Jem Smith and Frank Slnvlu.
The Ilojj , lloil nnil ( Inn ,
Quito a number ot nntolopa hnvo boon
Illeil In Box liutto county this fall.
C. C. Clallln nnd John Cross nro way up
n Dakota popping away at Iho redhead aud
I flftv live bird match between these old
rivals , J. J. Hardln and Frank Parmaleo , Is
among the possibilities of next week's tour
John Collins , Al Patrick , Frank Hamilton ,
E. T. Fitch , "Skip" Duudy nnd ono or two
others are out In the western sandhills toy-
ng with the grouso.
Judge E. S. Dundy , In addition to killing
ihreo bears on his Into trip to the tnounlalns
.audrd several baskets of trout thnt would
have turned Izaak Walton greun with onvy.
The Stnnlon , Neb , Gun club , with Fred
Ackermnn as manager , will giro its first
annual shootlnc tournament November IB ,
nt which $ ioO in cash will bo added to the
Sportsmen generally nro much olntod over
the prospect for n largo oxhiolt of tluo r.ird
dogs at the coming bench show. All tbo
best local dogs and many from abroad nro
already on thn entry list.
Fred Fuller and O. J. Linucilan will settle
tholr right to tltlo of Nebraska's champion
rillcman tnls afternoon , on the now grounds the rivnr. The match is for S100 a
side , 200-yords oft hand , twonty-flvo-ring
Although ihero is no lack nf reports ns to
the abundance of quail throughout the state
I haven't heard ot a single respectable baar
being mado. You can't Judgoof the fall crop
by the notes of tbo old cock from the fence
top during the summer months.
Questions unil Answer * .
OMAHA. Oct. 12. To the Sporting Editor of
TUB IlKn : 1'lo.iso stnto best time loo-yard
foot ruco and by whom made. A , Uruminond.
Ans. H. Al. Johnson. Harry Uothuno ,
John Owen nnd W. T. Macphcrsoa all have
the record , 9 } .
COI.UMIIU * . Nob. . Dot 10. To the Sporting
Editor of TIIK HKC : Where can t order an
oluetrlo trap ? What are blnu rocks worth n
l.OOJ ? Where e in I Kot a copy of club by laws
und rules govern Ing tr.ip shooting ? A man
bets mo ho can bout me shooting , we shoot
and tie. Who wins ? Choke lloro.
Ans.--l ) Our guu stores , this clly. (21 (
About J7.BO. (3) ( ) Send mo a 2-cont postnuc
slump and I will send you by lows and rules ,
(4) ( ) It is n tie and consequently a draw.
OMAIM. Dot , 13. To the Sportlnc Editor ol
TIIK HER : As you lire an urdiiiit sportsman
thought you nilsht hulu u brother out. Wlilc ]
Is the best wuy to got from here to 1'orty Mill
creek , VuUon rlvor , Alaska , nnn about tin
cost ? Also wh'tt lire arms will 1 ncod , elotn-
Ingoiittlt , I'tc. ? C. 0. M.
Ans. If you will write to Charles Hatlock
American Angler office , 10 Worron ntroot
Now Yorit , ho will give you nil the informa.
tion in regard lo Alaska you desire.
LlNCOr.v , Nob. , Oct. V. . To the Sportlni
EJHor ot Tm : Hun : What are the nrosuooti
for uroTo-isUmal base ball In the west , Onmh.i
Kansas City and our old circuit. I moan
Whore will a lotlor roach 1) . E. Howe ? Homo
Ans. (1) You'vo heard about that anov
flake In hades , haven't you I Yes ; well basi
ball has about the same chance out hero for i
year or so. (2) ( ) Care Frank Bandlo , this city
ATCHISOV , Kan. . Oct. 0. To the Bnnrtlni
Editor of THE HEK : A young sporting frieuc
of inliio caught a bird down on the soiithon
border a week nso und everybody In Mils par
of thu country are purlcd to know what It Is
O.ui you toll from thu following 'Inscription
Length from tip of bill to Up of tall. 14'
Inches ; loiiKth of tall , U Inches ; bill , convex
2 ; IDS. to knee.'Hi logs ualo yellow , nuarl'
uhlto ; feathers fringe down to Knees , back 1
Greenish gray , bond ijreon und gray will
bum topknot ; neck cr.iy. tln o I with eioon
belly and under nuckhitu ; till squaicd
oyoa brown , wln s spotted green und Rr.iy
Ans. Your description is that of n Mcxl
can rood runner or the Arizona cbapparra
COUNCIL IIMIKKS , la , . Out. 10 To the Hport
ln IMItor of Tin : HKC : I'loaso Ht-ito In 1111
d.iv's l\Kf. \ how long the Onmhu honeh shov
will run Isthoruii volume containing podi
Kroo-i of all liNh sellers ? What Is tin
pedliriuoof the Irish butler Danny , owned Ii
Om.ihu ? Kfiinol worth ,
Ans. (1) ( ) Four dav3. (2) ( ) Tbo Amoricai
Koiinol club's stud hoolc contains iho podl
rrcos of nearly all ibo high bred 01103
( J ) Glvo mo owner's name and nil particular
you may have unil I may no nblo to answo
VOIITII I'r.ATTK. Neb. Oct. 0.To the Sport
. . .s Kdltor of THIS HEK : Did ( Jhurllo Mltchoi
and Oeorno ISodfroy over iiicutln u ( Itfht
HuH.loi ) Uoildiud made a mutch yet. unil eui
lie legally claim Iho chainiilonshlp If Sulllvui
rafusei to U''lit him ? J. T. bturlss. !
Ans. (1) ( ) No , They did meotin n friendl ;
bout iu Boston Ion years or HO ago , however
(2) ( ) No. Ho can perfectly so. The rules cul
lor u battle wilhln six months , after Ih
thlitioth duv of u bona lido challenge.
ATLANTIC. la , , Out. 11. To iho Snortln
Editor of TIIK HIK : ( Jan you glvo me th
nest record of Ouy. the pacer ? I want hi
I OHt record , either In u race or nvalnst Unit
In order to ilocldu u bet between some iiartle
liero. An ear > y answer will greatly oblU'o.-
lluy A. Curtis.
Ans , 3li : < % In n raco.
To the admirer ot an extra ury wlm
COOK'S Sparkling Imperial rocominonds itsoll
Its boquot is tinu. it's ' naiurully fermontoc
. < / , / < ixfin ; I'.IMILV ,
Clilewj i Times , *
It was not us If she h'idii't nny fiiinlly orenst
i'or luir pap i was heir to the old Lord i
Itullvolash :
It wiii not hur luck of bounty , for no Venn
could uompiiru
With her In f.ioo nnd fljiire and she had sue
golduii hulr :
Itw.i.snot fcuaiixo her luinpor wann't gooi
SnuM an iiiu'el's disposition and Blio couldn
bu ir a row ;
It was not that she was giddy , or In cduc&tla
liic'dicl ' ,
For shu'd cnthurcd all the liiiijintgcs 1111
buluncuii Intaot ;
It v/iis not th it she wus prudUh , or to curuti
i no Inclined.
1'or slio ( lotoil nn a tclo-u-totoof the luuiiiiioo
iiioonlUht klnOj
It was not Ididn't love her , or I do IK
Into hur still ,
Tor aim Iniu my young affections , und 1 thin
hhoalwjyu will ;
Hut 1 Hhull never xvcd her , and thu reason
this , you see ;
My dad , isuol first , nnil don't you Know in
slep-maiiiiua vhu'll hu.
IOI.KIH ) . lowoApril 0,1901.
Dr. J. B. Moore , Dear Sir : Kly wlfo hi
used about sU bottloi ot your Troa of Lit
mid thinlcs that stio naj rocolvoj greater boi
eilt from It than any moalclno she has ovt
taken. Yours iraly , L. H. UUFKIM.
Gou'l Agent and Troas. Weit Uollogo.
Since receiving the abovutoatlnionlal , 1 u
Inrocelpt of a letter and check from the Uo\ \
UHufklnof ToleJ Iowa , April BV t
send Hov. J. W. IConworthy , Croatliue , ICai
sos. six bottlei of Mooro's Tree of LUj.
9S t or solo by all druggUU.
A Day with tbo Mannfncturiia of tbo ( Jap-
tal Oily ,
Tlio SPiitlniPiit 111 Knvor oKllinnn ratroimgo
( Inlnltig ( JrtiHinl liiitimtrlcs That
Are n Credit to tlip
Whole Stntc.
In August of last year Tun HKK called nt-
tontlon to tbo fact that the enterprising nco-
pie of Nebraska who were working for the
location of factories within the stnto woio
not going about it In the right way. That to
locata a factory and then lei It dlo for the
want of patronage was tlio height ot folly ,
nnd thnt manufacturers would locate where
ihoto was a corialnty of thulr finding a mar
ket for their goods. In other words , thnt the
best way to build up Iho manufacturing re
sources of the stnto was to croalo n market
for the goods manufactured within iho stale ,
which would cause the plants already ostixb-
llsnod to bo enlarged and the number of em
ployes Increased. It was pointed out that n
market could ba oasliy created If iho people
would elyo llio proforojon lo liomomuuo
goods instead of soudlng millions ot dollars
every year lo cnsloru manufacturers.
Tur. UKK nssumcd that the tendency of
the people of Nobtaska to buy in the east
was duo to habit , lo prejudice in favor of old
and well known brands nuu to the fact that
they hnd never stopped to think thnt by so
doing they were Impoverishing their state
and hindering iho development ot Its manu
facturing resources. Careful Investigation ,
however , showed ono of the chlof reasons
for the people buying In tbo oust was the
fact thnt they were not nwuro that certain
goods were made , or even could bo made , in
the stnto. Many consumers were not even
nwaro of the exislonco of the bast and larg
est manufacturing Industries In Nebraska.
Boliovlng that if the atlontlon of the people
plo was called to the necessity ot keeping
tholr money within the state , and that if the
different Industries of the stnto were
pointed out lo thorn tboy would change
their patronage to homo institutions.
TIIK Bun commenced a series of
nrtlclcs on Nebraska factories The
factories of Omaha , Nebraska City , Ileatrlco ,
Hastings , Kcarnoy and other Nebraska cltius
were visited and described and tbo poonlo
urged to buv thole product. As a result
thcro hns been a groalor ir lorrhnngo of innn-
ufncturod goods among the d.fforcnt cities of
Nebraska Iban ever boforo. The pooolo of
Iheso cities , especially of Omaha , npnear lo
roiilizo ns Ihoy did not before that it Is to
tholr interest to pntionlzo each ether rather
than send every dollar they get to some dis
tant city , where it Is lost to them and to the
whole stale.
In pursuance of Iho work of educating the
people lo buv Nebraska goods , aim of point
ing out to thorn what industries have already
boon established within the state , a re
porter of Tur. linn visited Lincoln during iho
past week In company wllh W. A. 1'ago ,
president of the Manufacturers nnd Con
sumers Association of Nebraska. They were
met tit , the depot by Messrs. Stewart and
Bryan of the Purity Extract company of
Lincoln , Mr. Stownrt being the vice president -
dent of the Manufacturers association. A
carriugo was furnished und the party driven
as rapidly as possible , about tha city from
ono factory to anolber. yftor n half hour's
stop for dinner the drivdSvas continued until
after U o'clock In the evening.
It soon became ovidcut that the manufac
turing industries of Lincoln -.vero too ox-
lonslvo to bo scon in a single day. and when
darkness arrived laeroiwcro still many Im
portant factories that had not boon visited.
Lincoln , like many ether cities of the state ,
bas made much greater progress In manu
facturing than tbo people roalizo.
It is Impossible to do The subject justice ir.
ono newspaper urticio and all thai can ba at
tempted is lo call attention briefly to some
ot Iho loading enterprises.
llrick Making In Lincoln ,
Tha manufacture of building and paving
brick is being carried on with great success
lu Lincoln , and lu view of the number ol
moil employed it Is ono of the most import
ant Industries of lhat city. Among the
lirms ongugod In the business are : Buck-
staff. Bros. Manufacturing company , J. E.
Stockwoll , John Fitzgerald , L K. Holmes ,
Mr. Stevens and Mr. Hogau. They arc
turning out ovary-thing in the line or brick ,
common building brick , Ibo finest pressed
brick , nnd tlio hardest , paving brick. Includ
ing Iho paving gangs , toamslors , olc. , the
brick makers of Lincoln nro employing at
loust 500 mou. Anyone who will take the
trouble to mnko a few figures can easily soc
ot what importance this industry is to the
city and to the state. The employment ol
500 men supports 500 families , or 2,000 tt
2,500 people , furnishes tenants or owners foi
500 houses , gives the retail dealers several
thousand dollars Irada each week , and puu
just so much moro life Into every business
onlo rprlso
The Bucltstaft Uros. Manufacturing oonv
pany is soiling n great many brick In Omatu
and Its plant wus visited. The matoriu
of which paving brick is made is a sbalc
roclc of u slate color and about as hard n ;
chalk. It is ground and mixed with watoi
and then passed through the briclc machine.
It emerge ] on a moving bolt and in the form
of a continuous strip of clay the width nnc
thickness of a bnck. Tno bolt carries ii
through another mnubiuo which chops It U [
into the roaulution brick longlhs. Workmen
standing on cither sldo then remove the claj
bricks from iho belt and place thum onu
small handcars which are pushed Into tb (
drylug rooms as soon us loaded. Oy moan !
of steam heat the moisture is driven out ir
about twenty-four hours and the brluks
which tl.rm resemble hard blocks of clay , nn
ready fnr buinlng. The kilns for burning nn
of brick , arched over for the toof , nnd wlthlr
them the green bricks uro loosely piled. Tb <
ilrcs nro built in furnaces iiloug thorldgool
Iho kilns HO constructed thnt tbo heat passe :
to the top ot the kilns , then down through
the bricks and up again through Hues between
twoon the walls of the kilns. It require :
three car * ol coal per day lo keep Iho lire
burning and 175 man lo operate this plan
J. 1C. Stockwoll , another of the brick man
ulacturors , in making largo bhlpmonU o
brluk Omahnward , having secured the con
tract for pivlng the driveways and fou
miles of gutters at Fort Crook.
l.lnriiln Olgarx , .
The cigar manufacturers of Lincoln nr
slriigglin ? lo solve the same question that I
agitating their brothers tin Omaha , how t
wean tbo llniciil smoker- from his ouston
brands. Tim cigar faciorioH visited had uooi
locutions with lanso airy rooms in front fo
retail purposes und worn models of neatness
Their product Is pronounced first-class b' '
their patrons and equal toi anylhing made ii
Iho east. It is hurdi however , to inaki
gmokars rcaluo this. Tha average smoke
nbsoros now ideas slowly. U is hard t
make him realize thai times hnvo change
aud that tha cigar ladustry has boon moyini
wcslwnrd and lhat cigrim can bo tiiudo i
Nebraska as well as oilier lines of goods
Ho Is u man full of prejudices und unforlii
naloly bis prejudices are lu favor of tlio cus
instead of the west.
It is this prejudice that confronts tb
manufacturers of Lmcolil-nnd every othe
Nebraska city , nnd it will require a grou
deal of notation to break it down. Yet ug
tutlon will do a great iltfalt-lt has double
the n j in bo r of clgarmnkors employ oil i
Omiiha , 1:1
Lincoln cigar manufacturers employ twer
ty-livo to thirty people , which la n botle
showing than Omaha can nmko , taking tb
relative sue ot the two citlos into cousijeu
lion. Among Ihoso engaged In tlio mnnufuc
turo of cigars in Lincoln are ; G , U. Wol
1' . J. Wohlonberg , Charles Witzel , I hlli
Bauer , H. Wobkorand L. Gotbolff.
A I'npur Ailll.
Tbo BucUstaff Dros. Manufacturing con
pany is operating a paper mill at Lfncoli
und ono who has never visited such un lust
tuiiuu would bo dcaply Interested in tb
process of manufacture. The mill is turn in
out Btraw paper , both uoavy and llgl
weights , cxprois paper and rag paper , Tt
straw as It comes from the farmer's hands
put Into lurgo tanks aud steamed until It
thoroughly cooked. From Iho tunica It
passed into the boaters , which rcduco it in !
a very Hue , pulp. Tbo paper machine the
lakes tbo pulp In hand , patsos It betwcc
I rollers that press It out to tlic thickness i
I paper. As llr t formed the paper Is u
I weak to support Its own weight , and Is ca
I rled along on other rollers that press out tl
water. As tno paper gains In strcnffth It is
lifted from thn bolt nnd passed on through
eighteen itonm roller * that drive out the last
vestige of moisture. Tali endless web ot
paper passes through tno mncbino without a
break hour nftor hour. A car was boine
loaded with n.iporforthoMcCord-llrady com
pany of Omaha , nnd It was learned that the
Carpenter Paper company , Paxton .t Galla
gher , M. I ) , Steele & Co. , nnd the King
Paoor company , all ot Omaha , are largo
natrom of this mill , In tact , n inrco proportion
tion ot the output ot the mill ta sold to
Omaha houses.
This mill consumes twenty ton * of straw
per day , which manes n market for nil the
jtraw that the farmers In the vicinity ol
Lincoln have for salo.
I'ork rucking.
The Lincoln Packing nnd Provhion com
pany handle * 110,000 boas In the course of a
season and employs 140 men when lu full
blast ,
I. M. Uiymond who operates this plant
Is also nn extensive wholesale grocer and
Is reported n * decidedly In favor of home
pitronago. "I bought the entire output of
the lirsl canning factory started In Nc-
brnskn , " inld Mr. Raymond , "nnd 1 am now
bundling Nobr.isttu crackers , vlnogor ,
starch , soap , meats , canned goods , extracts ,
lard , coroni goods , uto. In fact ono-thlrd of
all the fronds thnt I soil nro made within the
slnle. All of the Hour that gees out of our
building Is of Nebraska manufacture. I
Hnd It Just as easy ana. moro profitable ta
sell Nebraska goods. A great deal ol the
western canned corn Is b-ttor llian the
nnsiei-D. Woslorn mills make cereal goods
cheaper than the eastern , ns the raw material
costs them less. " Mr. Haymond went still
further into details , showing thnt poods
made In Nebraska were equal to these of
eastern manufacture nnd that there was no
seiisoIn shipping supplies from the oast.
Tim Stittn Institutions.
In this connection it mleht bo stated that
' .ho mutineers of some ot tlu stnto Institu
tions are uccomlng Inioresled in the homo
patronage movement. The management ot
Iho insane asylum especially has Inkon n
great deal of trouble to ascertain ulmt goods
are made In Nebraska and in advertising for
supplies It specifics tint Nebraska goods
bo furnished. The state is n very largo
buyer of main'lines of goods and if Ihoso in
charge ot the different institutions would
follow thn example of the asylum psoplo it
would glvo material aid lo Nebraska In
Other Lincoln rnctoilrs.
The Purity Extract company gives em-
ploymnnt to about twenty people aud turns
but n big line of high crado extracts of all
kinds. On November 1 Ihoy will com-
tuonro the manufacture : of perfumery , face
powder , etc. Not long ago casloin manu
facturers supplied the trade in this line v Jry
largely but they nro being forced out by iho
homo palronago movement nnd thu superior
quality of goods turned out by Nebraska
C. J. Roman , Camp Bros , nnd O. W. Camp
& Son nro manufacturers of carriages nnd
wagons. They employ fifty men or over ,
but could easily emplov a good many more Jf
it was not so popular among wealthy citizens
lo seml east for their carriages. Mr. Homnn
has sold several vans and carriages in
Lasch Bros , company manufactures n fine
line of confectionery and employs thirty-hcvon
pooplo. There is room for a good deal of
hemp patronngo missionary work among Iho
rolull dealers in confectionery.
The Lincoln pottery works employ about
twenty-five mon and turn out all kinds of
flower pots , hanging baskets , yard vase * ,
milk pans , oio.
The Cbuso Manufacturing company makes
its headquarters nt Lincoln , although its
plant is located at Weeping Water. It
manufactures tilgh grade sowing machines ,
uch as the Now Noble , Lincoln , etc.
W. B. Howard , who takes a great deal of
ntorest lu the homo patronage movement ,
nanufacturos nu extensive line of speclnl-
les. such as preparations fnr the ekln , face
bleach , cough euro , cello remedies , oto.
The Lincoln Craokur factory or the Ameri
can Biscuit company's factory is a well
patronized establishment employing forty
peoplo. Their product Is sold mostly In No"-
The Lincoln Paint nnd Color company Is a
ory largo concern , having fcctorios nt Lin
coln , Omaha , St. Joe and Spokano. They
ate putting up a four-story brick building in
" , mcoln.
There nro many other factories in Lincoln ,
i detailed description of which would make
very ontorlululng reading for these who ate
Interested in the prosperity of the state , but
imfortunalcly there Is snaco only for the
baio mention of names.
Among other factories noted were the fol
lowing : Lincoln * Carriage Top factory ,
Vogt & Williams , cider and vinegar : Lincoln
Vinegar and Pickle works , Lincoln CoiTi'o
nnd Since mills , A. M. Osborn and Western
Mauufacturingeompany , cooperage ; Edward
Jauoscb nnd William Gaiscr , cornices ;
Cooper Kudintor company , Downing Iron
and Boiler works , Hall Hango and Furnace
company , Lincoln Head Grader company ,
Crandull Puttorn and Model works. Model
Mop Pail and Wringer company , Nebraska
Muntnl company , Western Mattress com
pany , E. C. Hartshorn , upholstering ; Globe
Whlto Lead works , Lincoln Planing Mill
company , Linuoln Saddlery company.
Lincoln" Shirt fnctory , Carr Soup
works , Thorp & Co. , stencils , etc. ;
S. fa. & T. Manufacturing company ,
totils , awnings , etc. ; Lincoln Trunk factory ,
Lincoln Wind Mill company , t'olson & Co. ,
confectioners ; Hedges Iron works , Ander
son's Dottllng works , Lincoln Bottling
works , H. L. Smith machine works. W. II.
Borcer , broom faoiory ; Tjchsoii & Heusch ,
spice mills.
Because some of the manufacturing Industries -
trios uro mentioned at greater length than
others must not ba taken tw an
Inulcation lhat Ihoy are of moro Importance.
A good many faclorlos were visited nt D
time when the proprietors hnpnuned to be
out and n good many olhcrs woio not vlsiieu
at ail , ns darkness sot in too soon.
It was Intended lo call ntlonlion to the jot
printing nnd book binding dcpailmonis ol
Ino Lincoln newspapers , which employ about
! 1JI ) people , but the space is too limited.
Will 10 newspaper plants nro not usually
classed among factories they employ nc
small number of people. Thcro is still u
great dral of job printing sent out of th ,
state , which could bo ilouo Just as well anc
Just as cheaply nt homo. The Lincoln news
papers are paying consldorablo attention ti
Iho homo patronage movement and Lincolr
consumers are commencing to catch the
spirit which piomlsos to give manufncturinp
In Nebraska quite d boom.
An Important Homo Industry.
A man who gives employment nnd stand
nrd wages to 17. " > men , and this in whiit ii
distinctively a homo industry , deserve :
credit. John Graot , Iho pavme contractor
does this. It wus Mr. Grunt who conroivoi
the idea of utilizing Ibo Ions of slagthrovw
Into the rlvor as refute by the smelte ;
people , and In the manufacture u
Hlagolllhlc paving ho founded t
now und acllve indiiblrv in Omaha. To Ihi1
business ho hns succeeded in adding iho bus
inuss of asphalt mixing und paving und i :
now in chnrga of two important city con
tracis. A lour of his works and of the as
pholt laylntr on Park uvonno rovcalod grea
activity In this particular industry
Neither iho nsphalt works nor the slag
crushing plant of the Grant company is lm
posing from an architectural view-point , bu
there is an ulr of business about them Hi t
Is cheering , The company has tbo crudi
aspbaltum , which comas from Trinidad , un
loaded from tno cars nlongHldo tlio works ,
and tbo process of reduction and mixing i
carried on nt a "while heat,1
though In this cnso It njlgh
morQ literally bo termed a blnok huat
Tht ) band used 1s Nebraska band , the whiti
variety coming from the Plaito , tbo vi-llov
from Cedar creek , and it has been demon
siralod that Nebraska sand is tbo equal o
any ether tand in Ibo country for usplnl
work. The wearing qualities of tbo Gran
asphalt are yet to bo tested , and Mr. Gran
has only ono desire "Wlut I want now,1
ho said standing on his Park avc
nua work , after measuring off 1,12
feet and culcrhig it ab iho result of iho day'
work , "Is all tno trallic , and of the heavies
kind , that can ooino along hero. " Tbo pavement
mont certainly looks llko a thoroughly work
manlike Joo. Mr. Grant has been In th
paving business oil bis IIfo. Hu was th
lint government inspector of asphalt pavln
over appointed , overlooking the laying of th
world famous Pouiiiylvatuu avcnu
pavement ut tbo national capital. Ho lai
the lint asphalt pavement In Omaha , the
working for the Barber concern. Hois
citizen and taxpayer of Omaha , und here a
bis domestic uud commercial Interests at
The Grant slagollth bas been tried and fouu
perfectly satisfactory by all losls. It wcai
as well , If not better , than natural stone , an
Its appearance U excellent. THIS slag la uli
Lend Me Your Ear
While we talk about our magnificent
assortment of Fall Clothing.
It is all in and the styles nro the most fetching you over saw.
The material too is of excellent quality , and somehow the
shades and. designs are peculiarly happy ,
In every way the fabrics seem adapted to the figure and a
delightful harmony is thereby effected.
Special sale of Men's Suits this week , $12 and $16.
Child's Cape Overcoats , assorted shades , $1.05 and upwards.
Men's Underwear , in three colors , white , tan and light blue , .J4C.
Men's Black Hose , Ilermsclorf dye , warranted fast color , 14C.
4 ply 2 too , warranted pure linen , collars , IDC.
4 ply 2100 , warranted pure linen , cuffs , uc.
Men's Black Stiff Mats , 980.
The most complete lines of clothing , Men's Furnish
ings , Hats , also Boots and Shoes to be found in , the
city : See display in our windows.
J. BAMBERG-ER. Proprietor.
rjomombcr Uio street and number Mail orders are solicited
1317 and 1319 Douglas St. , and will receive prompt
Omaha , Neb.
Opium , Morphine '
A Cui'O Guaranteed in Evury
For further particulars address -
dross iho
Dedal Gold Cow Co. ,
Blair , Neb.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tli omlnant ipoclnllit In ii rvon , clironle , prlvnlo blond , iklnand uiinnrr dUcmiei. A repvlir nnl
, ' unil curilllruU" clinw. Ii till truiitlnir wllh thu ' HUCLUSJ
ocUtured uraduatu In mutlclno n 'Jlplomns ( arnUt'Jt .
ntnrrli. ipermntorrhoos. Ion mnnliood , etnlt > ( il wuakiiuo. nlubt lois 9liiiinluncx. | yplilll * . ntrluluro , uou.
jrrlioea , Blet tTnrlrnt > eliclc iso mercury ueJ. Nim troiumunt forosn ! ofltnl pirn * r , 1'urtloi iinnbln lo
\lslltuemajbotrBntoilAt liuiuu by oorruHpondoncu. MedUlna or Instrument * front by tnutloruxprt"t9 ' 6
curely packed , no niarkB lo Inillcutu coiitenta or mmler. Ono ncrAunal intorTlow prfHrrod. Goniultatloa
tree. Corresponaunco trtclly prlvnto. Hook ( Jljuorlti ot Ltt ) Mat fma. OClou huun U . to U p. n.
Hundnji 10 u. in. tu | 3 m. aonil Hump lor nolj.
UI'PHmUi l * > tli Sr , , I iirniiiiiht. 'lliuiitor
to ro-no'Jy nil dofoon o ( oyu-
Btvul bpuct.icliH of KII iraiiluu.l qu illt/
(1 uiul ill ) .
XolliKiiill SjioclnlM mil iy'Utui ; ( ! , U
nnO unwirJ. Ooaii'Ut'a ' | ire rlitlom | fnr
iu8H.i ; ) tillo 1 correctly b itnu cl-iy : u ro jalvn d
- | rvrt nor cent prollt Siiloiraon wnntcil Ilnrilwxro
J.UUnpi-claltr for Inulncn mu" . Uo piinniulDil lit
turs.oto.AiljiitttJloNanial'latuCo .51 H'wny.N V C ,
used In Uio malone of tlio con ere tu haio of
tbo aspliult pavement. Only tlio slag from
Kold and silver ores U mud , that from Iron
belnc found unsatisfactory.
Still another use has been found for this
cast-oft slag. It innkos the very beat Kind of
bnllattlnK for railway rondbcdf , and the
Union Stocli Yards company of Boutu Omaha
has used and ctmtraoicd for hundreds of tons
of it from tlio company. OuUIclu
cities of Ibo Htalo are recognizing
its value as a sidewalk material
and Nebraska railroads must soon
call.for It for ballasting. HO that Mr , Grant's '
enterprise U in iho wav of reculvliifr tbo re
ward it inerlta In supplylnR tbo siato with
another homo industry , which employs
many inin and will oneaga the labor of
more. Tha Grant pay roll last wccU bore
the uamos of 175 mon.
In tlio 11 out men tof all fuunsof
linn \\'iuliiiis.i ) am ! Disorder of
1\/T"T3 * XT v/Mi lo > 4 at conr.uo. ambition
IVl. JJ , l/N unil vli.illty. iuiituuii : yujrsot
Ihu most vuinurU.-ibloMicuoa * In
tlio treatment of tint ulasof ( Iliuusu * . wliluli
Ib provuu ly thu uiiivun * il I tllmunv of tliou-
HumlH who liiivn lioon uuiuil Wrllu furclrou-
l.iri mid question lint. 1 HU nn.l riirimm
hl . , UllUIIll , .Ntilj.
Tliu riienoini'iml I'liyiltlnn , Totcliur uiul Author-
em , ulll teach piyvljouiulry lupliyilclun.uncl otluiM
lu cimlilu thorn ( o < IUKnu l ill uu i : und ul u thu
( .urullTu kuunl without unklnjc iiuv > tlun . Cuinu or
encl H luck uf hair with II.W anil huvo thli ilenion
itrnted. Till : IIUAI.TII UI'I'lliK ,
lltt N. llth itruot Oumtiu , Ir. Juliu bliulti/ Hi