Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1892, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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    'I'll MM Air A IVVTf.V RNR. KITrVnAV rvVPO1fl \ * IK 1 O > Gl V1M1.V PAfJIR
Disturbing Fxpericmco of a Convaloscant on
a Shopping Tour.
Vho Varrrrt Thing In lli-trotlml SoiivcnlM
A ( lob ol ( ) < > MI | S.niilwiclieilvitli
Useful lllnt < Tltn l.iitcU
I'rllM ol rutlilun.
Tlio history of events ns narrated by
various writers ofttimoa demonstrates
Iho fact that different people looking
upon the siuno BOOIIOS nnd listening to
the saino words , dllTor widely in relat
ing the true circumstances. 1 other
words , it socms natural for members j (
Iho humun family to look upon people ,
places and things through spectacles of
some peculiar color , whoso hue depends
largely upon the stnto of tlio wonror s
I hixvo been wondering if any of my
fair sisters have over encountered , tin
oxporlenro similar to the ono which
occurred tn the writer. After n short
but severe illness , of which it would ho
quito natural some little- traces might
still remain , 1 am out for an afternoon
of shopping , unit going from ono store
to another I have the pleasure of moot
ing n number of friends On boarding
the cur for down town I moot the Him
lady friend , who immediately exclaims :
"Oh ! my dear , how awfully you do
look. I would advise you to take a
change of clinialo nt onco. You'- com
plexion has Unit yellowish lingo which
indicates malaria. "
At these sympathetic words my heart
flutters faintly in protest , for I confess
that 1 have no ambition to pluy tno role
of the interesting invalid. It's quito
out of style , you know , and its no par
ticular pleasure to bo told that one has
the appuaranco of a walking tombstone ,
mud now just before starting out on this
shopping tour I have carefully noted
the reflection in my mirror and con
cluded , with considerable pleasure , that
the said rellection was pretty healthy
looking. But ray friend says I look sick
so , after all , I toll myself I must have
boon m'stakcn about that rolloction.
Ono can't bo a judge of one's own ap
pearance. These unpleasant cogitations
are interrupted by the sight of a friend
who has just returned from the east
nnd docs not know I have boon ill. IIo
shakos hands In. o cordial iminnor and
says :
"Why ; how charming vou are looking
"Hut , " I reply in a hesitating way , "I
have boon sick. '
"Well , if you have , no ono would sus
pect it ; vou are the very picture of
health. Your eyes shine like stars , nnd
that white veil is exceedingly bocoin-
ing. "
At those llattoring words I begin to
cheer up and to conclude that I do not
look us if I were in the last stage of the
gandocs in spite of the convincing words
of my kind lady friend , and somehow
that naughty li'ttlo cap of mine slips
back a little further oil my curls , and
conscious of a jaunty air , my stops
quicken to keep pace with a happier
mind. Bye and bye I fenl a gentle tap
on the arm , and turning around am
happy to discover a swcot young girl ,
and from , her rosebud lips she greets
mo thusly :
"Why , you poor dear , I can see that
you are still on the sick list. Actually ,
your dear face has a ghastly look. * t
think you did wrong to vontu'ro out to-
day. " I
I can oflfor no denial of this serious
charge ; in fuel I am rapidly becoming
„ liowildorod as to how I do look , anyway ,
But passing on I enter a store and am
soon at the counter of a favorite clerk
( gentleman. )
"How do you do today ? " is the ploasv
ant salutation. "I never saw you look
ing bettor ; in fact you never look Dad ,
even when sick. But it seems to mo
that the roses in your cheeks nro fresher
than usual. "
I nra too bewildered to reply and be
gin to suspect that these .rapid and won
derful changes are duo to some unseen
nnd mlschovous fairy sprite who is play
ing a naughty trick with her magic
fairy wand , which , mayhap , she waves
before my defenseless countenance and
transforms it at will from round and
rosy to palo and sickly.
Did you over look into ono of those
comirnl mirrors , so arranged that when
you turn it lengthwise you look very
thin and angular and the features dark
nnd melancholyV But turn the mirror
sideways and your relloction is imme
diately transformed into a very short ,
1 rolly-polly and jolly looking individual.
_ _ _ _ "Do my friends look at mo through ono
of those magic mirrors ? " I nsk myself.
Surely the change cannot bo a'll in
poor little mo. But , ahl there comes a
haiidsomo woman , a dear friend , and I
tun ready for the loving kiss ( In fact I
inn about ready for imytblng in the way
of surprises ) nnd the anxious and so
licitous tone of the gentle voica which
says :
"No need to toll mo , dear , that von
are not well ; looks are enough. Tlioso
poor eyes are absolutely glassy. I suppose -
pose you have had to take Unit horrid
BtulT belladonna , have you not ? "
"Yos , " I faintly murmur , "about two
months ago. "
"Well , " oontinuos my folr friend ,
"thoy say H makes tlio oyns brilliant
but If the oll'oct in your eyes is brilliant
J can't siy : that I admire it. "
But somehow I recall
to mind the ro-
inark of the gentleman friend who told
mo that my oycs tvoro "like stars. "
What a contrast of opinions. After the
usual adieus to this fair consoler , I de
termined to call upon a gentleman
friend , in whose integrity of opinion I
have hitherto hud reason to believe , and
obtain , if possible , some solution of those
mysterious changes , and say at once :
"Do I look sick ? "
"Look slckl Well , I should say not. I
Look us if you had never soon a sick |
day. "
"Well , my friend , I can't believe you.
All my lady friends gay I do , while all
the gentlemen say I don't. Now Is it
not it fact that all you gontlomou.liko to
Hatter a li\dy \ and try to make her happy
bv , the administration of a little 'tally ? ' "
IIo laughingly denies the charge nnd
Bays , "I can explain that to you in a
minute. One woman never wants an
other to think tliut slio In looking pretty.
They are all jealous of ono another , you
sec. "
, "Shame ! " I indignantly exclaimed.
"Don't you dare ncuiua us of such sol-
flshncss. I cannot allow you to bring
such a charge to our door. I admire a
pretty woman us much as I do a hand
some iniin.1
* 'Oi | ! well , mnybo vou do , " ho replies.
"But that ratio is about 1 to 1,000 , for
na n ruin they can't bo said to admire
ono another. "
"That is what ono gentleman thinks ; ;
f but I hud rather believe that during >
that afternoon of shopping 1 changed in
looks as a chameleon inuy change his
hue , than to admit that charge of sol- )
jlshness aguiiibt my fair sisters. "
S By the way , did you over look upon
vour rollectiou in the d-jpths of an old-
fnshlpned bi'ttbs door Unob ? Just try it.
The effect is awfully funny. It always
recalls to ray memory the story ol a
king whose only ctilld was a oeautlful
princess , aud who , for fuitr that she
should become vain or make a foolish
marrlngo , banished from the cas'.lo all
the looking glasses and nil the men ex
cept an ugly old couch man nnd the
king's fool In his pointed little green
cap , hung with tinkling brass bolls for ,
thought ho , a princess will never admire
a coachman or a fool. But , alas for
excess of caution , the pretty princess
found a brass door knob , and polishing
it to I a liicrh state of reflecting brilliancy
gazed with delight upon her broad nnd
smiling face , and to end all fell in love
and eloped with the coachman. ? No.
she was not so modern aud preferred
the cumi'iiur little fool. And then you
know how the romantic Indian maiden
braids her long , black tresses by the
aid of the deep pool in the wild wood.
How wretched she must bo in the winter
tor when her looking glass Is frozen
eVe .
In conclusion I will say that the re
flection which is returned iy your own
faithful mirror is the best ono to rely
upon , So do not allow your peace of
mind to bo disturbed by tlio opinions of
different paoplo who look at you
through spectacles of varied shapes
and colors. GliACK II.
"What wo have trot to do , girls"s.iys
a pretty young woman in the New York
Times , " 1 * to make war on those delight
ful baU-holor apartment houses. A man
called on mo last night who went to live
in ono last snrinir. IIo is full of on-
thuslnym yet , and I don't wonder. The
ono ho lives in is a big house on Fifth
avenue tlrvt was the former rosldonco
of Mrs. . When her husband died
she disliked to llvo there alone , nnd had
it made over into batcholor suitus.
Then she put her butler , who had mar
ried her maid , in charge , and the place
is llllcd with mon who llvo altogether
too dolltihtfully.
"My friend snys nobody over leaves
unless ho dies or gets married , and they
evidently lake the greatest pains to
avoid either misfortune. Mr. L. has , ho
says , a pretty parlor , with open lire ,
rugs and all that sort of thing , and a
bedroom and largo bath and dressing
room , and ho hasn't a care in the xvorld.
IIo never knows anything about his
laundry , for instance. Ills drawers aud
presses are always lllled with fresh
linen , of whoso gathering and washing
bo has boon quite ignorant. A
stituli is never needed , for it is
always taken before ho discovers the ne
cessity. His clothes are looked after
by the butler , who sends them away to
bo pressed or sponged whenever it seems
to him proper. His hats are always
brushed , and oven his umbrellas are
kept trim and taut ready to bo grabbed
up hastily. If ho is going away , ho
wires up from the ollico , and his basr or
ti unk is packed nnd sent olV to the sti-
tlon ; when ho comes back , his luggage
goes to the house and ho goes down
town ; when ho roaches his room again ,
the trunk has vanished and his belong
ings are all in place.
, "Everything ho sends to the house Is
paid for on arrival , nnd once n month
an itcmi/.cd bill is presented to him and
iliat is the end of it. Ho gets up when
ho pleases , touching his boll when ho
does so , and when ho is ready a tempt
ing little breakfast is sproud in his par
lor. Ho dines when ho chooses. 'I am
looking forward to the winter nights,1
ho remarked last evening , 'when , with
the couch drawn up to the lire , my book
and my pipe , I shall forgot the cold and
storm without in the cheer and comfort
within. ' What do thinlc of that senti
ment from a man who is a good dancer ?
Isn't ' it all too ideal and dreadful ? " And
the other girls looked very solemn and
said that it was , ,
* * * . . . . i
Quito the correct thfng just now is the
betrothal souvenir , wrltos'Dorothy Mud-
It is sent to the fair fiancee by girl
friends , relatives and rclatives-to-Do as
soon as the engagement cards are re
ceived. Whore the family connections
are far reaching the lucky damsel
stands an oxcollant chance of securing a
very < valuable collection.
Whllo unique fans , silver comfit boxes *
bearing the entwined monogram of bride
and groom , antique shoo and 'belt
buckles , lucky coins threaded with
dolicuto strands of gold , horseshoe mir
rors and artistic girdles are all in order ,
yet the articles most prized are speci
mens of old family plate and china.
The moro ancient the offering Iho more
certain does it appear that you come
from blue-blooded stock. These souve
nirs are indeed hold as reliable evidence
of good lineage , a patent of birth.
At * i recent souvenir exhibit the
choicest pieces of ware displayed a de
sign which commemorated the landing
of Lafayette nt Castle Garden. Not very
long ago a collector olTorod to the Vir
ginian dame owning the sot 810 n plato ,
but she refused to part with her historic
art treasures until the betrothal of a fa
vorite niece enticed from their seclusion
some of the handsomest specimens.
Karo bits of Delft , Derby , Worcester ,
Sevres and Lowostoft are brought from
the china closet of grandmother , sister
aunt and cousin in honor of those occa
sions. Cups as fragile ua an eggshell and
looking us if they must have graced
the table of soiuo ancestress long before
the Boston tea party play the part of
souvenirs with a charm all their own.
With each gift is sent a history , which
the painbtnking recipient quickly trans
fers to the parchment leaves of a
daintily bound souvenir book , while the
heirloom , along with others of its kind ,
is sot upon the velvet-covered shelves of
an exquisite plate-glass cabinet.
Washington society has n valuable tic-
niitsition in Mine , do Lomo , wife of the
now Spanish minister , Henry Dtipuy do
Lome. She not only possesses in rare
measure tbo beauty of her countrywomen -
women , but , with a husband whoso
social and literary qualifications are oo oo
notaulo , her homo is likely to provo the
center of a very brilliant circle this win-
tor. Senor do Lomo isji man of pro i-
found sympathy with all oharitablo en i- ii
terprises , and while at Montevideo
founded the Spanish hospital , raising in
a Binglo year $50,000 In its behalf. Ills
wife Is distinguished for charitable impulses isi
pulses , and , although a woman i
of fashion and beauty , loses no
opportunity to promote enterprises
looking to the welfare of the
unfortunate. While at Buenos Ayres
she conducted a memorial festival which
resulted in securing $0,000 for a charita
ble object. Minister do Lome Is a mini
of most engaging miuuior and of great ,
dignity , without the slightest proton-
sion , being as courteous and tronhil ito
his inferiors aa to his equals. ; Ho speaks
Kugllsh with great fluency and is a master -
tor of French , Ho Is active and alert s111
tno performance of nil public duties , and
it is regarded as fortunate that ho has
boon appointed ns minister to this coun-
try nt a time when ho will bo able nlo
dcontribute to the success of the grout
Columbian festival , In which spain lias
has an equal interest with ourselves ,
Kvory young man , as well as old , is
interested in the match box , if not from
a smoker's point of view , at least from I u
fooling that it Is something always ser
viueabla The boat adapted aud most >
iuihlonablu designs at this time are
)1those illustrating hunting scones. The
fishing rod and kinship have been put
by , the gun , the setter and the wild
Idgoose supplanting them.
Apart from nickel the material lu -
ally used for match boxes has boon ll
ver , but a formidable rival has appeared
in finely figured dark steel , the body bo-
lug of that uiotal , the hinges , snap JOud
cover ot silver or gold. In the moro
expensive kind there Is a horseshoe or
bed of rubles , with an olToct nltotjothor
gorgeous. The shapes vary from the
shell pattern Id n plain satin finish. The
absence of elaborate decontlon is amply
atoned for by the great durability of the
The hostess who cannot offer her i
guests thu delightsome privileges which I
only a secluded nook can supply is sadly
Inciting In tholtrt of ontort.ilnlng. She
must own ono spot , no matter how tiny
her home , where her feminine frlonds
may take surreptitious snoo/.o , flirt with
the last adorer or cut the company if It
is not to their mind. A softly cush
ioned tote-a-toto speaks eloquently of
two souls ; the tinted silken draperies
for daylight and the waxen t.ipora that
dispel the shadows are wonderfully bo-
coming. A llitlo stand holds n few
choice books and ontrravlnga , while
upon the corner bracket a sweet , faint
odor rises from two JOSH slicks that
smoulder in a silver holder. In a big
blin jar vivid blossoms add their blight
beauty to the dainty alcove. Is it any
wonder , then , that the "cozy corner '
has become an institution in all well
appolntod houses ?
V #
If you are thin and want to put on
flesh , for breakfast and supper have
something nourishing and savory , plain
brown broad , for Instance , the slices
browned In fresh butter on a griddle ,
which makes an nppotlzor of the good
old dainty. Demand goo.l , lean baked
potatoes , to bo eaten with untloniablo
cream or rich gravy , which is llosh-
forming fooJ , and you inny indulge In
made dishes us you pioaso , provided
they are well made. All thin people
wishing to grow plum ] ) should begin
with simple , easily digested food , al
most as if they were invalids. Fresh
raw cggn , beaten with port wine or
sherry or with orange juice , or.two or
threo'drops of oil of cinnamon hi a toa-
sptiotiful of bruudy , are very nourishing
and give strength lo the digestion , so
that stronger food can bo attacked. If
care Is taken to select very uigostiblo
food it is true that the moro ono cats
thu moro one can cat , and the system
may thus bo led into vigor und strength.
In choosing n trussoau for it
amounts to that for a debutante ,
mothers and daughters should boar in
inlud that simplicity is now considered
a necessity among fashionublo maidens ;
and tint it is in the perfection of cut
and absolute freshness of and minute at
tention to detail that fortune's favorite
may bo singled out , and by no moans for
the richness of material or for costly
trimming. Indued , it is deemed dis
tinctly vulgar for a. girl to "ovordross , "
and in this , as in many other "signs of
the times , " it may bo soon that the
world is growing wiser and th it the
American standard of what is proper
and right is improving.
* #
Gasoline will remove spots from the
most delicate fabrics and leave no trace
behind of its uso. It will also renovate
feathers and olotin the plainest or the
richest lace. The lace is plunged into
ii small pan of gasoline just asono would
wash it in water. Gasoline , however ,
dries almost instantly. It isalsoaflno
woolen clothing of all descriptions , and
from the backs ot schoolgirls' waists
who wear their hair braided down their
backs. Keep far away from the lire
when using this liquid.
* v
ctontly , observed , " is the dictum of a
dentist. . "In our city houses they stand
in their cups or hang on their racks
nbovo the sot toilet bowls day and night ,
absorbing any disease gorins that may
bo floating about. They should bo
washed frequently at least twice a
week in some antiseptic solution ,
strong suit a rid water and bi-carbonato of
soda and water being two good and
readily provided cleansers. Tooth
washes and pastes should also bo kept
carefully covered. "
K *
P.atti , too , has been writing her memoirs -
moirs and reminiscenced with , great
frankness. On ono occasion , ' ho says ,
she was actually embarrassed by the late
king of Spain. Ho was conducting her
over the pnluco , in company with the
present queen. Every four or live seconds
ends his majesty called the singer's at
tention to bomopicturoor trinket and exclaimed -
claimed mournfully : "That belonged to
ray clear Mercedes'1 ( his lirt wife ) The
queen and the artiste tried to change
tlio subject , but Alfonso XII was full of
loving reminiscences , and ho led the
* *
Before the cold weather comes on , and
colds , sore throats and nil the plhor at
tendant oirils of our variable climate are
fairly with us , mothers should see that
their children accustom themselves to
the use of cold water on the throat and
chost. A vigorous washing and scrub
bing with cold water every morning ,
tollowod by friction with a coarse towel ,
will do much to prevent any throat
trouble later on. A child should also bo
tausrht to gargle the throat well with
cold water every tlmo it brushes its
An avorairo waltz takes a dancer over
about three-quarters of a mile. A
square dance "makes him cover half u
mile. A girl with -a well Jillod pro
gram travels thus in ono evening :
Twelve waltzes , nine miles ; four other
dances nt n half milo apiece , which is
' hardly a fairly big estimate , two miles
' more ; the intermission stroll and the
] trips to the dressing room to renovate
' her Kowu and' complexion , half a mlle ;
f grand total , eleven and a half miles.
Frills ol Fuslilon ,
Empire styles and Dlrectolro styles
are on the increase.
Cleopatra silk is the name given to anew
now and vary rich silk , the lustrous sur
face of which is covered with 11 cropory
effect of ellky knots and cords.
In hats the newest thing is a turban of
bright colored strips of fait cloth
braided together to form n plaid and
' " ,
trimmed with velvet and wings. ! ' " " " ' " " " i .
Passomontorio trimmings are moro
than over in vogue. Those which emu-
mi to from Paris nro exceptionally boun
tiful , and many of the colors are marvel
ous in their blending.
The Columbus veiling is a novelty
nnd is very pretty. The veils are of
line tulle , sprinkled with chanillo or jot
spots , and have an inch-wide border
pattern in the same style 0:1 : three sides.
In plain gowns for morning street
wear a great variety of plaided goods
nro used , broche serges and diagonal
cloths shot in colors , green and blue ,
brown "nnd rose or heliotrope , black
anil claret.
Sleeves have grown much moro im
portant us distinctive features of 1a
gown , being much putted and f ullod and
made frequently of velvet or other rich
fabric quite In contract with the color
and text nro of the gown.
The latest market reports brought by '
travelers from Morocco quote girls from
10 to 13 years of ago at ? 80 to $150. This
Is what they "fetch" In open market
whoa the bidding is lively. The re
ports add that "tho slave merchants
find the females most profitable from 10
to HO years ot ago. "
The "No. U" Wuoelor & WiUou maltos a
perfect stitch with all Uinds of thread , on all
classes of material. It U always rcauy. Hold
by Oca. W. Lancaster Ac Co. , 511 8 , lUtU I
Sll'OCt ,
n i >
Twenty-Seventh Cession of tbo Grand
Ledge of * .6dd Follows.
, ,
Wlml tlio I'Vittor A'ta Dglne Throughout
tlio Vlty-lniiiirtnit Meeting of the
Scottish into MUjfni * of tlio Sniitlicrn
ilnrliillotloii In Washington.
The event that Is uUractlnc most attention
In the secret society world is the twenty-
seventh annual mooting of the grand IOQRO
of Odd follows , which convenes In Omalm
this week. The program as arranged Is very
Intorc.stlncr nml includes a pnrado , n grand
banquet anil ball nna-othir plonsnut features.
The program as finally completed Includes
tlio meeting of the grand oncnuipmontTuos-
tiny nt lu o'clock in the hall of the onlor r.t
Fourteenth Uodco streets. On Wednes
day tno grand loJpo will convene at 11
o'clock. Thursday tlio vlaltlnp Odd Follows ,
nil the subordinate lodgoi In the oily , tlio
military organizations will , In honor of the
mooting of the qr.iiul lodRO of lowu
in Council Bluffs , co to our sister
cltv nnd Join the Olid Vollows there In n
parade. AtI o'clock the Odd Fellows with
bannurs flyliiR nnd hands plnylng will form
nt Fourteenth nnd Dodsro for their purudo
through the strcois of the city , the route of
the procession boltiR as follows :
On DotUo woit to Fifteenth , south to Douit-
Ifts , to Tenth , to ilnrnoy , to Fourteenth , to
Furnnm , to Sixteenth , to Webster , counter
march on Sixteenth to Fnrnnm to IClgh-
toonth nnd thimco to WaiuitiRton hall ,
where n ijriuul banquet will ho
sorvod. Jn the evening Mayor Bomls will
welcome tlits Odd Follows to Omaha which
will bo responded to by an Omalm mini.
Speeches will bomado by PuiiGrand Muster
Jones ot Iowa nnd Oriui.i Master Loomls
of Nebraska , whllo Iho president of tlu < state
convention D.iuchtors of Kcbclmh will bay
something in behalf of hur sisters , Every
thing Is m Rood shai)3 for the mooting , and
It Is thought that quito 400 delcgatci will bo
In attendance on the session of the grand
In order to carry the Odd Fellows to Coun
cil Ululls und return motor nrrangomoiits
have been rtrndo and trains will bo in roudl-
uoss at 1 o'clock for the Visit to the HlulTs.
Knights nl 1'.ilhills.
Enterprise ledge No. 79 passed the follow
ing resolutions nt n roucnV meeting of the
lodge , upon tno death of Brother Cuurlos P.
Miller , nvivor of South Omnua :
Whereas Illins uloased the sroatKulor of
tlio unlvorso to reinovo from our midst our
Into Itrothor Charles I' . Sillier ! und ,
Whurotis , It Is lint just that u llttlns recog
nition of his many sterling qualities should
li hud ; therefore , ho lu
Ko-io veil , Hy Ijiitorprlso No. 70. Itnlghts of
1' , that whlh ) wo bow with humlilo sub
mission to the will of tint Must Illtrh , wo do not
tlio less mourn for olir brother who has been
taken from us. - >
llo-olvo I , That In the dentil of Charles I' .
Ml lor this lodRO lailicnts the loss of a brother
who \ over ready to Broiler the hand of aid
and thi volco of sympathy lo the distressed ;
: i member of thU vic'Jcty whoso endeavors
were uYuitod for its wet tutu and prospcri/y. a
friend wlio was do if to us all. a oitl/.uii whoao
uprlKlit nml noble llfu MS u standard of emu
lation to Ills follow men.
Kesolvcd , Thai tlio huartfolt sympathy of
this ledge bo extended to his beru.ivod wife
und frlumlsln thulrullllutlon.
Koiolved , That thaso resolutions bo spread
on thorecordsof tills led onml a copy llieroof
bo transmitted lo tlio bcru.ived wife of our
deceased brother itndoto each of the dully
papers of Om ill , ! and out Ii Omaha.
Jly committee of IJnUfrprlso locl o No. 79.
The Pythian Lifo association has filed
nmondid articles of" incorporation with the
county clone and [ ufdiuir of state chancing
its name to "Omaha jj.ifo Association. " It
has complied \vltn nil -tho roiiulromonts of
the laws of tna Supreme Lodge Knights of
Pythias liy oliiuiniiUiif , | U1 objectionable
words from its bylaws , rules , literature ,
blanks , policies , etCJ * It no longer confines
its membership to Knights of Pythias ,
though its.dircctor.s and ofllcors must still bo
mumours of the order.
When Supreme Chancellor BlnckwcU returned -
turned homo from Kansas CUy ho was ten
dered a rousing recaption. In him the order
has an able , genial and masterly executive ,
and the Kuichts of Henderson , Ky. , may
well feel proud of tuoir loader.
Mars lodge Mo. 139 hold their regular meet-
intfon the ovonlng of the 12th at their hall ,
Thirtieth street near Brown , with Chancel
lor Commander Gladnisch presiding. There
was a good attendance of members present
and umonir thorn there was ono visiting
brother from St. Albans louiro No. 17 , Coun
cil BlulTs , Judga John G. Tipton , and hogavo
a very interesting speech on Pytuinnism and
also spoicoon the subject of organizing a tern-
plo ol Pythlau Sisters , and ho took part in
conferring the second rank on Mr. Josopbson.
The brothers of Mars lodge nro happy to see
once moro their grand and glorious chancel
lor commander presiding at their meetings.
Ho has been uiviiy for several months on a
pleasure trip through the eastern states , payIng -
Ing a wolconio visit to his folks , nnd his ab-
sunco from the lodge was very much re
gretted. The third rank will bo conferred
on Mr. Joscphson next Wednesday night. A
cordial Invitation is extended by Mars lodge
to the various sister lodges In town to visit
them when they possibly can.
The mooting of the grand Icdpo at Geneva
was very largely attended by the delegates ,
120 out of Mb being present. It was thor
oughly a business meotmir , business mothoas
prevailing , in view of which the lodge suc-
cocucd in finishing its work in two days.
The question of the now ritual was loft
wituoutsuitloinont , the consensus of opinion
being that it could still bo published In
languages other than English for the benefit
of foreigners who had Joined liuro. Mayor
Dale of ColumbUR , the now grand chancellor ,
is ono of the strong lights In Pythianism in
tliostatoaud his ulovation to the chair is
fnvtrably commented on , for ho wuilo n
modeat , quiet raun is an enthusiastic
knight and will do much to put. tlio order
blvck whcro it was originally. James
Donnelly , manager of the American District
Telegraph m this olty , was elected sergeant-
Kcottfrth Kilo MIMOIIH.
The coming week will bo an important ono
In the history of Scottish Kite Masonry for
tlio southern jurisdiction. The subordinate
bodies of the order are without rnprosontn-
tlon in the sunromo council , and at tbo meet
Ing on Monday an ell or t will bo mad o to
change tbo order of filings. The mombara
ot the supreme cpup.ell uold position for
lifo nnd fill all vacancies thomsulvos , the
subordinate bodies 'liuving ' no volco or vote
whutovor. Two yehhf 'ago ' tlio taxation upon
members was im-wayed by the supreme
council , and this occasioned considerable dis
satisfaction , the d 0,4(1 ( of General Albnrt
Plko , of blessed mejnory , brlneing thlnps tea
a crisis. At n meeting ol members of
subordinate bodies in Washington
a call was i5Xfy'ed Inviting the
subordinate bodies tlj/ipiighout the southern
und western states jo snd delegates or repre
sentatives to u convvjulinn which mot yesterday -
day m the national capital , Brother William
H. Boivon , aa0 , rept.usenUnrr tnoOmobu
consistory , Mr. Bbwon was instructed to
assist Uolonol Jorda fjj ; matters pertaining
to tbo craft , and U poskblo { to seou'ra for No"
braslcn a local council which would hnvo
Jurisdiction ever tlitttiuo. AS It Is now , tbo
suprorao council ggU.nlKho roonoy for Initiations
ations , unu tills ts tHbij-'fe'lit to bu somewhat
excessive , A baautUT ( ouvonir of tlio occa
sion has boon struck at tlio Philadelphia
mint. On ono sldo appears tlm bustof Albert
Plko , the Into grand commander. On tlio reverse -
verse sldo appear tlio 'legends that nraboijy
the principles for whlci | tlio mambors con
tend , which road as follows ; "As Free Ma
sons wo respectfully petition for our rights. "
' No taxation without representation , " "No
body of Masons can bo Kovoint-d except by
thoi'r own ( roe will ana nccprd. " "No lifo terra
of ofllce. " This medal ts u ncmdod Iroui a
ribbon containing ttio three Amorlcan colois
rea , whlto unit bluo.
A. V , unit A , 31.
The latest statistics show that the Masonic
fraternity lu the United States U now about
700,000 strong and in tbo world nearly
'J.OOO.OOO. The annual incorao U estimated at
{ . ' 5,000,000 , of which moro than tbrou-fourtba
Is used for purposoi of cbarltv.
The grand jodiro ot Missouri held Its
session ut tic. Louli last week.
Six now lodges wera chartered during tbo
past ledge year by Iowa grand ledge , I ,
.dilated , 1,455 pasted ana 1,1M raised ,
ndmlttod by domlt hml 22,1 reinstated. Thcro
nro 451 working lodges enrolled , with a mom-
borihlpof 3.1,110
Ullcn , N. Y. , Masons have up to the pres
ent expended J157.000 on tholr now Masonic
temple , This Is exclusive of furniture ,
which will cost f2,000. The temple wns ro-
contlv dedicated by Grand Master Jnmos
Ton Kyck.
The Lending Orders.
From the Fraternal Congress reports wo
compile the membership of the leading fra
ternal bonoflclary orders'
American t.ealonof llonnr . . . C > l.aV >
Ancient Order of llnltodVorkimm . S8.3W
Anclont Orotirof TOTPMPM . 2i !
C'nthollo llonovolont l.oilon . : n.Mi !
Cnthnllo Knlnlitsot .Vinctic.i . 3I.OIH
Ontltollu Mutual lleiuillt Association. . . .
Konltablo Aid I'nlou .
KmplroOrdor Mutual Aid .
rrntnriinl ' Mystlo Ulrulo . 7.WW
1'rooSoiiiof Nruol . UO'.1
I'mtornil LoKlnn . . . Lull
lloinoOln-lo . iViW
Improved Ordorof lluptnsophs . lO.iKiO
Independent Order ot KorL-stors . JP.IXli
Iktwi l.oplon of Honor . IW
Iowa Unlti-d Workmen . 7.IIJI
KnlKhtiof Honor . I.THWJ
KnUlili mm lullcsnf : Honor . OMNI
Knlirhtsof PytlilnS. Und Hank . S7. t.n
KnlL'htsof ' MucO ibeos . f > 2M
K'nlRhlsof thulioldun Unto . n.WI
KnUhtsnf tlioOolilcii Knglo . -t.inj
Modern Woodmen of America . fi'.uSi
Niitlonal I'nlnnMonutu . : K.I ! "
.Vow KiiRlund Order of Protection . HMffl
Niitlmni I'ruvliliiiit I'mon . . . . . O.H"
Or.liTOfC'liosnn Prler-ds . : " > , ; W7
Ordt-rof llnltod KrloiiOs . SI.P."J
Order of Ooidon 'Jliuln . B.P.M
Order of Scottish Ohms . ! ! , ( iS [
Order ' I'aiiiidlan Homo Oirclcs . M' " '
I'mloptpil Homo t'lu'lo . B.77il
Itoyul Arcanum . 121,7(1 }
Hoyal Totnplnis of Temperance .
Ifovul ' Society of Hood I'ullowj . ll.ttl"
I'n It IM | Onlor I'llitrlm Fathers . Utlll
t'nltcd OidurnMloldcn Cross . 1'Mi.VJ
riilti'il Krlumlsof MluhUnn . : U" > 'I '
\Voodinunoftlio\\orld . IVIiS
U'inl Arcanum.
Union P.iclllo council is nothing If not
progressive nnd the members of that fra
ternal body surely deserve success lu their
oflorts to nrouso enthusiasm among the
members. As an inconlivo to members to
como out and meet the other brethren u
series of social entertainments for members
and their lady friends will ba given during
thu season , these parties to bo given on tlio
third Tuosdiiy of each month nt tlio council
rooms in tho'Uti : : building. The liwt event
will bo n high llvo party Tuesday evening of
ihls week , to which , every member is ear
nestly invitod.
Ono thing is certain , the Union Paclllo
council will never ncuiu give a picnic in Sep
tember. July Is seemingly tno month of pic
nics and the boys will prollt by their experi
ence.Why not have a Royal Arcanum night this
winter In ono of the opera houses or Exposi
tion ! Lot nit the societies band together
and have such a rousing mooting that the
membership cannot help but grow. Have
some good speeches , some good music , nnd
the rest will como naturally. Surely this is
worth thinking about.
It would bo Interesting to know how many
candidates j'loncor council initiated during
tlio past year. Koforrod to Secretary Ma-
The Hoynl Arcanum , iio.xt to the Ancient
Order of United Workmen , has ttio largest
membership of any fraternal organization in
the country.
\ M Edts &
Ttie only uniformly
Consultation free.
C ll tif > 'on or address
with , stain p.
I4tii and Douglas.
DB.13.0.VK3'4 NISUVK ANI >
MKI T.ttBpaJlilo lor llfitorlv DUiliuii , t'lti ,
raliila , lloailuono. Nurvoui 1'ronratou ciusuj br
Icoliuior tobacco. Wukofuliien , .Moiital Uunroi.
lon.So tnenoHUollralnoiuiUulaiaultf , luUiirj
decar.cloatli. 1'rouiature Ulil Ana , Uarrunai ) . i , < iu
ol 1'oworln oltLionoi , Impotunoy l.ouo'jrrUua ' uul
nil Female WtmkiUMnus , liivoiuuiarr lastai , Hpjr-
nmtorrb iicau > oU by oror-uxoctlon of tluurjli
felf-abuioavur-liiilaiBuauo. A montli'i forfl.U ) mall , WoiuirantDD lt botji tu ojrj
KocUonlafurtibaxui. wUti Ii will mil written
Kuarantoeta refund K not uurj L Uuarantaa Usuj I
unlr by Theodora. K. l.ewlt ilrut'KUt , solo uvaui ,
loutlioait caruur ICtiiana b'arnuut ati , Umutia"
Well , rome nnd havu thorn uiamlneU k/ our optl-
lean Krooof Cliarifu , unit , If iicioaimry , tilted with u
pair iif our 'rKUKKUTION' ' BI'KUTACI.KS or K VB
IJI.ASSKS-tliu bout in tlio world , If > qu do not
nueil ulasvoi MII will lull > ou si nnd ailvlko > ou vrliut
to lid , (101.11 ( bl'KLTACI.KH or HVI ) ( il.ABrfl'.rf
KU011 tJ ll' ! . fa'l'Ki ' : ! . Ul'KKI'ACliKrt Oil BYK
( jlA 8Kri KIIOJI H III' . 1'lnln , mnoku , blue lit
white iHmseg , tot iirotvctlng lliu L'jca , from Ho ) a
pair ui.
Max Meyer & Bro , Go , ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Farnam and 15th Streets , Omaha
That the Men's Suits we
sold this week at
"Wexe ZDeclcLed Ea-z -
Four Styles , Eighteen Patterns , Dark Effects.
For $10.00 we sell this week
a lot of round and square
cut sacks and 3 and 4 but
ton cutaways , in dark grays ,
salts and peppers , pin
checks , fine worsteds , etc.
These are the "best suits ever
offered at the price and will
'wear like iron.
Successors to M. Hellman & Co.
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
You Sec Your Stcii1 Friends ( Ironing
Tliiinu'iEi cry J.iy.
They Are Using Jr. ) Kilistm's Obesity
Tills nnii It.iiul- .
It line boon nuundantly proved Dial tlio USP of Ills
iion-GltM'trln Imml * . or lila obotlty plllH , or both , for
w tilth the ftiri'titH of tli Is country nrj the well'known
tlrm ol LurliiK .t Co. , 421' 2 < ml Strust. Now
Vork City. H Iho ono nnfo nnrt ottuctlvu way of ro
ilurliiKcnrpuli.ncy TlioObualty 1'lllrtiiru nuulofroin
tin : wuliirs of the ( Jcrnmn hiirliiKs , Kovorn-
niunt OwiiL'rfhlp.
Thu hands or pills nro HBOC ! aiiratoly | , iimlmJkon
rnphl nml lioallhy euro. Or , It unnil IDJi'U.i'r. tiny !
help each other In nctlon nml obtuln licttorrcaiilti
Cured His Rheumatism and
AI'IinnuifM , IloTKI. . Clilrnvo , April 21 , 18'13. '
Opntluinen : 1'lrnto sontl ono .Ib-lnc'i ohoiilty hiintl
lo.MriV.l , . Carroll. SSI riiuitiinc Htrcut. "I'lilln-
clt'lphhi , ( ' U I ) , l.lku junr olioalty Imnil mill pills
very much. They h ivo icilucoil my wolulit olKhU'un
ponniltln thu last live \ieoki. Thu oliujit ) pllb
liuvo driven uwa ) ' nil rhounmtlc troubln.
lion to ( ! ol tlio IVoimr T
MiMBuriuurnt for Ihu bind la tlio largest purl of
lit ) nhdnmun. Tlio iinm ) > ur < I , ' _ ' . H on tlni baml In
dlratii wliuro nio'isiir iiii'iit nhould b tukmi.
Tlu ) biinilH eoNt J - VI i-ai'h tor any lutiiltU UD to 3' '
liu'hus , but for nun Inrtti'r limn : u Incho.s inhl HjcuiitH
nxtrn for cadi iiililUliintil Inch. TbUH n { ' . .Inch i otti
SJ.N ) , nml Iho plIH tuny bo bouuht for (1 ft ) n linitlo'
Youonii buy tlio plIU unl bandsdlruct from uur
tlntisi , or by mnll 01 oxjirum.
rnntiilni nil thii vnliublo Hutlno ConilltuoitH ol
Hll'l" 1'IITIT. U ulIurvuacDiit , tuatui nwi'ut mid
liluumnt. Ilku BOIII |
A ilulUhtdil Hiihstltutp for Soda , Iiniuiiado ( , Ituot
Hour or liny other mimncr buvur.ik'U
Dr ICiUhOii'H Trull Salt. It thu biul and > linili | < at
ruiuc'rty for ri'uulatliiu < ' ' " mtlun of tint llvur that
Imu > cl bom ill > o vuroil It H very valuublu nfinr
any u ue In ontliu or ilrlnhlniIn wirni wontluT
lllunuiilho tuiiipi'nitilri ! ot l'io body and Uoiu | iino
In aroiufurtublo , tio.ilthy cundlllon In the Biiiniuur
Wholesale iliuKUlms 'if Nu > v York City who f iirry
QnrKoodi In cluck.
OhurlcM N. CJrlitimtou Co. ,
MuKubnuu ft Kobbln ? .
W. II. riohlullolln A : CD ,
and otlior lui'llni ' : IIDUIUS
Dr. iJllbon's I'.luoli'lu llellsuuil I'liigorUlnn
uriibold lit uur stoics Kunu forsiouliil | Klec-
trlu Holt airuul-ir Huulod.
12 F West 22nd St , , Now York City.
10 V Iliiinllton J'luco , Hoston , Muss.
81 P Hast Washington St.Clilc _ go. 111.
IGtli and Howard Streets ,
COltooinHforl'iitlcnts. OMAHA , NEB (
Kor tlm trualmpnt of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
M WE AM ) ri.MAI.H.
Tiles , Fistuln , Fis.siiro nnd Slrlf-
lurc ol'llnj II'ciiin ( prrniiiiK'iit-
ly C'lircil without the use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Knclose 4i . In sliuniis nml our 107 IKIKI' HOOK
on JISi/\SKi : < : iiiil gui'sllon Illank- , ,
ulll hit MAII.KI ) TltLK.
INTIINATIO.V.M : , s.xNiTAitnnr ,
lOtli and Ilo : irl ( Pts. , Oniulia , Ni'l ) ,
W. 0. MAXWKI.I. , M. I ) . , I'lc-s. n < niii > uii > i. | , | i r.
For Elevators ,
Smoke Stack
Elevators , Etc
Wastibnrn & Moen's Ilia BBS ! ,
Jas. MorLon & Son Co ,
1811 Dodge Street.
Thuoiily niiUr iinl'iiui rhliuo ,
KlKhl yiiiri1 miilr I'H'i yjin pr.iclitiil otiur'
cneavltli nil K i > i dlii > na I'ro in laatittnllt
itllobronlaaiiiiKlri > n ui ; by ollior duotori ( Ull
ami nulilmnr wrllo for ( | iiuitlu bl.iuk. | ) a noi
think your o nu Imu Own 0 n-1 m yu iril letortalM
> on o biittry tlu rti'imo do t'imllli hll irivn'il
wondnrfiilro rodloi amlrjuiUoin * boiollt au I t
iiuriiinnentniiriirhalotinr duoinri uiiimn glyj
lloihs. llnot and I'l.inU r.ulnri's rjaiintloilili
ini-illilnui TlH world lili wltiiS4i Oiu t'lrnnn ' I
U'Ullmoiilaliliilhr.iuyiiiri1 | iri < ; UiMo Injnrlo 11
ilccijcllonn. no nurc'itlai. ' H'l ) > uUo i ll'illo.iil
Irputmuiit and pt'riuanunt curj.
mnoi " 'Jfoaiifullr troatnl ii'il curil
Klvfii Ui liy othur ilcutof4 :
Thor. Couiihllii , 411 j llarnoy Htruot. n'ironia rlia i
miitlmn U years , kliltioy and liver tro'iblm
Thos. Culvi.Tt , Ulli imJ Kuril mi nirauti yunirn
debility. tmlUii lluii , Ion of ntrun < th .i'iJ vltilU/
Took mmllcliM Mr > o in hut not iu rjlljf ,
.M , U Anilurion , Ull Cuuilu atr.'ot , 01'
usiliiunniiil UrunchltUuf tltu n yuirt
Kai fir ule tlm follunliu nropiral ronallji At
HMJiiliottlo. ulr bottlui furVW , for th'J clo nl
Ailluna. Cutarrli , Hick llunlachi ) , Ili'lUjiUoi
lllooUI'oUuuIn . ItUouiantliui , t'om&li NVuiiiiDii
Kliluuy mid lilror Coniplaliit. . ' . 'o uxanti , 9'jH
vnlrby ChiiiMO Ueilclui tlo , C | iHul , IJJ'JI
Olliee , ICth aoJ Cjlifjraii SU , QJI'JI ,