Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1892, Part One, Image 1

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    PART ONE. EE , PHOES 1 TO 8.
It is Now Evident That the Now Goiminy
Militmy Bill Will Bcccms a Law.
ITcwspapersr with the Exception of the
Cffidal Press , Generally Oondomn It.
The Lu'io ' of Cumlerlnrul Will Not E-
nouaco His Rights.
German I'eoplo Condemn I lie. Cruelty o
I'artlelimiiU In the ( Ircut Itiirp i : t'iirl
to America Increasing Tins guocii
nl WitrtemlHirR Hying.
? IfW New York Afnoclnled I'rcJt.
[ Copril lit < l bv
BIIIIMV , Oct. 15. Public attention hero ii
chiefly directed to the military bill , whlcl
not a single Journnl. oxccpt ttio povornincu
organs , supports. Tlio recent pretty gen
crnl tcltol thixt ntrisls wns impending la tbi
Prussian cabinet , arising from thodlvcrgonci
of views In regard to tbo bill , bus becotm
prcatly modified. The opposition now tid
tnlts ttmt thcro la little ground for such bo
lief. At a nicotine of the Prussian cabltie
r.o astlvo opposition was offered to Ilio mcas
lire. Tlio ministry ncceptod the bill on con
ultton that the extra expenditure involved n
berne by the empire and not by 1'russl
alone. "Tho assurance of Chancellor voi
Caprlvl on this point appears to DO sallsfac
tory to thorn , lierr Miguel. Prussian minis
tcr of llnanco , from whom the strongoa
opposition to the measure was expected , cor
tented himself with explaining the financis
results of the bill. The radical Journals sai
castically comment upon what they terra tb
submission of tbo ministry.
Converted thu IJinporor.
In regard to tbo omnoror's attitude , It I
stated on'cxccllont nuthonty tliat bo was n
flrst reluctant tovalvo his objections , chlell
on account of the great incronso in tbo 01
pendlturcs. Tlio chancellor , however , wit
much insistence , converted him to ttio opil
ion that the proposed chanpos wore absi
lutoly necessary on present grounds.
The prospcet of the bill passing tbo Held
stag has buen Improved by a report that tti
government has decided to concede to parlli
ment the Hunt to fix the annual peac
footing of the army. If the time of sorvic
is also reduced to Uvo years it is not unlike )
that the bill wilt bo supported by the coi
scrvntlves , frco conservatives , national 111
orals and ccnlorists , which will suffice to 01
sure n government majority. Next week tl
bill will no submitted to the Bundcsratl
which is expected tb speedily adopt It , as n
the German governments arc ncqualntc
with and have approved of its contents.
The Cologne Gir/.otte , which is the host a
thority on the subject , has published ccrta1
details of the bill from which it appears thi
the measure specially provides for i n eno
mous Increase In the artillery branch of tl
service , putting it crcatly In excess of tl
French artillery , which slnco tbo From
military reorganization ha exceeded tl
( jcrmnn.
WlmtVllllam DIil Whllo la Vienna.
Although Emperor William spent I1
greater part of bis visit to Vienna in shoe
Ing nnct sight-seeing , ho found time to ha
several lengthy private conversations wi
Kmperor Francis Jcsoph. It Is understo
that those interviews wore wcro chit-fly c
voted to the discussion of army reorganlz
lion. Emperor William , it is said , obtain
Emperor Francis Joseph's assurance tb
the lessons taught by tbo Gorman expo
incut would not bo ignored by Austria. T
latter Is really ns much interested in t
question as is Germany , seeing that a ti
years' service largely prevails in the Ai
train nrrcy on account of the last army I
which Increased the yearly conscripti
without proportionately augmenting t
pence effective.
It is reported that the meeting nrranp
to tone place bntwcen Emperor William n
the dulco of Cumbcrland ot Schonbrunn
discuss the question of the Brur.swlck si
cession , fell through , owing to the cx-quc
of Hanover persuading the duUo of Cumb
land not to go. The duke U In n quandni
Queen Victoria advises him to relonso 1
claim to ttio throne of Hanover , whllo I
own mother strenuously opposes a ronunc
lion , which woul'i bo against bar fathc
dying wishes. If the duuo follows Quo
Victoria's counsel. It Is thought prooal
that his oldest sou will bo allowed to succc
to the throne of Urunswlck , though ho hi
self would only bo ullowod the usufruct
Ins father' * Immense wealth.
During his tUny at Schonbrunn Empo
William occupied ttio bodroutn In which I
) ) olcon the Great slept during the siege
at Their Uriitalltv.
The Austrian military riders who ti
part In the long distance race have rotun
to Vienna , leaving about half their her
dead or disabled In Berlin. The Gorn
riders' iiorson fared little better. The
thuMnsm of the general public over the r. .
lins qulto vanished und has ueon replaced
n fort of moral disgust , The Gorman nocl
for ttio protection of animals has decided
protest against the brutality ot the rid
und to bring the question before the Hcli
hi op.
Inspector General Rosenberg , ono of
highest authorities on cavalry training , 1
issued a paper on the race , in which ho
tributes the BUCCCSS of the Austrlans chUte
to tlio fact that they worked harder Irani
beginning than tbo Germans , who too
good rest on the first night , whllo the A
trlans reduced their rest to a minimi
General Rosenberg considers that for M
Ing qualities the Austrian cavalry is the I
iu the world.
A report Riving the exports to Amei
from the consular district of Berlin for
past three months shows that they have
creased p.iUtS25. ! ) compared with tbo i
responding period last year. The incroas
mainly duo to the Hamburg sugar expo
which amounted in value to f,400.000
an Increase of > 40,000 In the value of
knitted goods exported from. Chonnv
'l'ho exports from the latter place vt
especially largo in view of the fact t
prices wcro 25 per cent lower , owing to
effect ot the MclClnloy bill and the low pr.
of cotton.
Created a Sennatlon.
A sensation has been caused In the Ihcr
cal world by tha uoscoiuMng of Herr Jun !
man , director of the Nouo Dcuucha oj
housu , who is very heavily la uubu ilo
pone to Monaco with his mistress , leaving
hN family penniless and 1m company un-
paid. JutiKerman's father has often played
in America and ho will appear In New York
In November. Ilo himself has lost money
through assisting tils son.
Mott of the Gorman rianors contain arti
cles upon Columbus. All agree that the des
tiny of the onliro American continent Is una
voidably bound up with , and can only bo no-
conipltshed through , the progress and
leadership of the United Slates.
The dowager queen of Wurtemburg ia
dying from fever.
inj'i rolitlont situation In llecldedly
Sliiilicn Up ut I'reBetit.
IS'.UbjJnmcs ( lurrtnn Dennett. !
Bcitux , Oct. 15.-New [ York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Bne. ] Tbo situation ha
not greatly changed \vlthiu the last fe\\
days. The storm U brewing , but lias noi
burst. Wo hcdr the muttering thunder ayil
feel the llrst rain drop * , and know thai
In n few woalt * the horizon will bo brlghl
with llamo. Meanwhile the champion !
who will shortly bo engaged in flourishing
their swordu tire preparing their arguments
and gauging the strength of their opponents
Caprlvl sits apart In hU tent the ICanzlcrit
In Wllhclmstrasso Issuing orders to hi !
henchmen , priming bis newspapers and in
structlng his reptiles. Alliances are madi
and scaled on paper , only to bo unroado act
disowned the following morning. The mln
Istcriallsts cry pence , and there Is no peace
Their enemies reply by threats to thol
On the oin sitlo wo are told thnt the adop
lion of the army bill la 93 good as assured
On the other it is snla that the bill wil
never sco the light , or If It ( toes It will b
cast out by the Uolchsln ? . Humors of nl
sorts are In the air. Caprlvl Is to resign
Caprlvl Is to stay ; the H"ichstag is to o
dissolved ; the Kcichstnjj Is not to bo dls
solved. At one moment ttio emperor ha
pledged himself to back the chancellor , tb
next wo learn that ho is to lenvo him to hi
fate ; that ho will lot him go as far as ho ca
with the bill , and if ho finds the Ueichsta
bent on opposition , bo will drop him.
\Vo stand upon the threshold of the cor
fusion of parties , and sco ministersscliomln
and Journalists dreaming. The upshot of 1
all will soon bu soon. Caprivi has throw
down the glove mid the Keichstng seems ii
dined to do its duty.
In the excitement of politics smallc
things have been neglected. Among thoi
Is the very pretty quarrel between Pro
Hafnack and the evangelical party. I hen
that the superior council of the Evanpelici
church has Just appealed to Dr. Bosso , mil
Istcr of public worship , to remove Ilnrunc
from the service of the state. He he
caused a scandul in the * church by his n
tacks on the apostolic creeds , ills dismiss ;
appears probable. DALZICI.
Cities Imimlntecl , Valleys Ovcrllvci
Wrecks mill I.IMS uf IIIV.
LONDOX , Oct. in. A very great storm si
in over England , Scotland and Wall
Thursday night and has been ragluc sine
Wires nro down in every direction. Tidini
of disaster , snlpwrecu and loss of life ni
beginning to como in. The rivers in all th
territory nro out of their bonus and doit
preat damage to unbarvcstcd crops an
Iloodtncr low lying towns. In places tl
country Is inundated for miles.
The water continues to pour in a flood ovi
tbo banks of the river Derwent , and hu
dreds of cattle and sheep that feed on tl
moors uro in danger of being drownci
Ltrpo parties of men anu boys are out dri
ing Uvo stocK to higher ground. *
At Durham , which is nearly surroundi
by the river Wcnre , the water is very hie
Tlio railway bridge has been swept away 1
the torrent , causing a heavy loss , and fi ;
thcr damage Is apprehended When t !
bridge fell a freight train w s Just poing i
it and the engine and loaded vans went
the bottom of tbo rivor. Tbo train ban
had sullliient warning of the impondli
disaster to maUo their escape uninjured.
The storm Is r.lso limiting itself felt in t
channel. The Deux Gaming a french It
gcr , has been blown nstioro on the island
Guernsey , where she broke up. All li
crow were drowned.
Boats are used in tbo streets In the low
part of Leeds. The river is still rising.
Dublin's riistnlllfii llurclnrl/iMl.
IH'HMX , Oct. 15. Burglars broke into t
postofllco last night and stole the night ca
bag. It may bo that money was the 01
object of the thieves , but It la signifies
tlut a number'of letters , m.ny of whl
were addressed to Lord Hough ton , the vi <
roy , Mr. John Morley , tbo chief sccrota
for Ireland , and occupants of the vice rej
ledge were destroyed. There is no clew
the robbers.
Deslrni'tlvn WImN ,
CITY or MKMCO , Max. , Oct. 15. A terril
hurricane Is raginir along the entire coast
the Gulf of Mexico. Many of the vcss
lying In the port of Vera Cruz have dracg
their anchors and the French steamship i
Germain is in Imminent danger of becoml
n wreck. It is rumored that one sblpt
been sunk. Many buildings along the co ;
were destroyed last night by the force of I
nnlillu r.vlutrilTrimntK Vnmmlmtlnn.
DiMii.ix , Oct. 1B.-A proclamation bos be
promulgated announcing the appointment
.lustlco Mathews , Land Commissioner H
Ington , Mr. Heche , C. Edmund Murphy n
Morrough O'Brien as members of tbo cvici
tenants commission. Justlco Matbows
president of the commission.
I'rciicliiiicn Vlcliirliins In lluhoiiioy.
PAltlf , Oct. 1Q. Colonel Doobs , the cc
mandcr of the French forces operutl
nualnst the king of Dahomoy , telegraphs tl
his expedition carried a strongly ontrencl
outpost six miles from Cairni on Wodncsc
nnd that the French loss was twonty-el (
killed and woundod.
Swept Away liy I'loods.
HOMI : , Oct. 15. Heavy floods have
curred in the Messina dlstiict of Syria. ' ]
village of Nizza , Sicllln , has been inunda
nnd several bouses have boon swept owaj
Itnllroiul .Men Duiniinil Ilio Itfliutatciiicn
DKXVEH , Colo. , Oct. 15. The engmci
conductors , hromon and trainmen on
second and third divisions of the Hio Gra
is struck today , and as n result no trains
these divisions but the mail and express
moving , Some time ago Superintend
Hldgoway Issued an order that two throi
trains wcro to bo run fromMlnturn to Grs
Junction without a stop. Tbo tlh.o rcqul
to raako the run is ten hours , anil tbo ci
noors claimed that this was too long n i
to work without anything to oat or time
Engineer Gordon was the first man ordo
to taken through train anJ ho rofus
after which the order was rescinded.
this ho was suspended , and tbo quouloi
bis reinstatement has been agitated am
the railroad men , until today a strike was
declared on two divisions , nnd If the rail
road docs not raturn ( iordon to his position
the fourth division men threaten to strike
tonight or tomorrow u-iorrlng.
President Jeffries of the Hlo Grands savs
thnt Engineer Gordon was suspended for In
subordination , ns ho bad declared thnt ho
did not care whether ho worked or not.
Tbo strllio hai tied up the povornorof Cali
fornia and his party ct Grand Junction , en-
route to the World's fair dedication nt
A favorable change In the situation Is ex
pected tonight.
Ill ] In Now lit Co.illnrmvnt nt C.ulvrstoti ,
UAl.vrsTox , Tex. , Oct. lo. Captain Joe
Shelly , special United States olllcer of San
Antonio , arrived In Utitvcston today on the
Ma'lorv ' line from Key West with Encar-
niicioa Garza. mother of Cntnrlna G.irza ,
Mexican revolutionist. Encarnr.cion has
been the confident nnd companion of Catarlna
slnco the Inception of bis brother's move
ments last fall until their abandonment last
Captain Shelly began nn active hunt for
the Mexican leader ttirco WCOK.I ago , after
the shooting of Sheriff Shelly , his brother.
of Starr county , In an attempt to arrest n
band of Unrzi follower ) . Captain Shelly
finally located Encarnaclon Uarza nt Key
\Vcst nnd nrroslnd him.
The caplnln gives the following particu
lars of tbo movements of the revolutionists
from the time they abandoned their move
ments on the Hlo Grande border : They went
overland from the border to Corpus
Christie , Tex. , and thence to Ciioro ,
where they parted , Catarlna continu
ing In n private conveyance and
Encarnaclon tailing the rallroid. The twc
mot nt Houston , Tc.x. , a few days later.
Thence they proceeded In dlssulso via the
Southern 1'nclllcto Now Orleans. Tlioy re
mained in Now Orleans until March , when
they went in a steamer to ICoy West , thoti
Catnrina wont to Havana. From Havanr
Cntnrlna went to Xassua and Now Provi
deuce and tnon returned to Key West Maj 1 ,
Encarnacion remained in ICi'y West undsoor
bocatno president of the Donala Manna
Hovolutlonary club , fomed to invndo Cuba ,
It was at this tlmo dispatches stated that
Garza was in Key West , but tno officers ro-
garilod it as a hoax.
oo/ > ir/.s//.s oV TIII : % .
They Arc i\iitosHdl to Sorrotnry Totter lij
ArrliliUliop Siitolll.
WASIUNOTON- . C. , Oct. 15 Archbisboi
Satolli , papal locate , called on Secretary eState
State Foster today nnd presented a lottei
from Cardinal Hampolln , convoying the gooc
wishes ot his holiness. The party then pro
cccdcd to the whllo house , but the presldeir
through Private Secretary Holford conveyed
voyod nn expression of his regrets that hi
was unable to give the legato nn audience 01
account of the exc3edlngly precarious condi
lion of Mrs. Harrison.
After the cxpre.ssion of sympathy with tni
president In his affliction , the party with
' '
drew. Archbishop Satolli , nftor'tbo' close o
the World's fair dedication ccre.rnonIc-9 , wil
maltoatrip to tbo west , possibly extondlni
it to the Pacific coast.
At the Department of Stnto the lepat
handed to Secretary Foster the papal sccro
tary of state's reply to the invitation to cor
trihuto from the Vatican collection Colua
bine relics and documents for the Cbicap
exposition. After the delivery of the lottc
a pleasant exchange of civilities followot
The papal necretary of state , Cardinal Hon
pollawas the colleagua of Secretary Fostn
when the latter was minister to Spain an
Archbishop Sutolli brought a personal moi
sago from the cardinal in addition to th
message expressing hign sentiments c
admiration aim esteem for tbo America
government for the people which was con
municated by nini.
Calilornm's Supreme ! Court Ilnrlilca I'oli
III tin ! Nmr llnllcil
Los , Cnl. . Oct. 15. Ttio supreir
court of California today , in the case i
Easton vs Drown , being the application of
noncartlsan political faction of San Franclsc
for a writ , to compel tbo registrar of votes I
plnco the name of a nonpartisan on the mi
nicipal ticket to bo voted for at the no :
election , dccldad adversely to the plaintif
on the ground that the sections i
the political code providing for votin
straight ticket , Is unconstitutional. Tl
court holds that tbo ofllclal ballot should 1
primed without the party designation of nn
partv ut the head oftbo ticket and thi
voters can only express their cholco L
stamping opposite each name or propositu
voted for , except as to presidential elector
who may bo voted for by n single stati
opposite the party trroup on the ticket. Eac
Individual candidate's nams , however , wi
bu followed on the printed ballot by b
party's designation. Tlio court Is unar
nious in the decision which Is considered i
important ono by all parties.
I'.lT.ll. HUll.HIl i\l'l.USlOff.
Tire Men lUlli'il und Nlmi Iliully Injured i
rortHiiioiitli , O ,
PoitTSMOtTii , O , , Oct. 15. Two boilers
the k-jfhng mill of the Burgess Stool at
Iron works exploded this morning , wrcckir
tbo building , killing two hands , injurii
nine others. TUG following are the rmm
. of tbo Injured :
. HicimiD FLCMINO , colored , Injuries a
Jonx D. Itowx , scahlcd , badly bruise
probably fatally.
tiroiuii ; . ! . BCSSI.EII , severely Injured abe
the neck and baek ; will probably die.
CiiAiii.i'.s X.UIISUH , brulsod.
Jens ICi'.N.Ncnv , back hurt and bad
scalded. Groiiac , scalded , orulscd.
KnvvAiu ) Mrrcuci.i hurt about the ba
r.nd hoaJ.
ISAAC FAUMIU : , Injured about the head.
1'rnncUVilliinl unit u IllitlusnUlioil Coi
piny : Uomliic troin Aliriuul.
Piiii.ADX.l'iilA , Pa. , Oct. 15. Ofllcers of I
National Woman's Christian Temporal ]
union nro expecting the nrrivU in Noiv Yo
today from Liverpool of William Stead , odii
of the Pall Mall Gazette ; Lady Henry Bom
sot , president of the British Temporal ]
association and vice prcsUont of tbo Worli
Woman's Christian Temperance union ; M
Frances E. Willard , president of the Worl
nnd .National Woman's Christian Temp
nnco union , and Miss Anna Gordon , prlvi
secretary to Miss Willard , cnrouto to t
National Woman's Christian Tcmperao
un on convention to bo held in Denver , Oc
her 16 to ' ) Inclusive.
Women Ciin Vnlo In Clilruuo.
CHICAGO , III. , Oct. 15. The election co
mUsioncr > today declared that women c
entitled to register and vote at the coral
S election on truttccs of the university.
People Who Dabbled in Panama Sharon
About to Bo Htvuled Up.
, t
Efforts of the Politicians to Put Off Prose
cutions 'Wtrj Unavailing.
Plans of Austria , Germany nml Russia
Oonosrniug Future Alliauojs.
figures Compiled from I.nto Cuntoms
lloiino Itcjiorts Slii\v n TruinuiKlous
Volutiii ! of ItiHlnms In llotli
Jinuirtn und Kxpurtn.
[ Copytlglitcd 16V2 'iy James Oordon ltennott.1
PAUIH , Oct. 15. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Hcu.J This has boon
n lively week. A ministerial crisis is Inevit
able Iroin various causes , which I have al
ready pointed out such ns the Cannaux
strikes und the Franco-Swiss treaty. Then
there is the trial of the I'annma canal people ,
which will bring forth scandal. Great of-
lorts ura being maflo by the politicians to
avoid the trial , but the Judges nnd , nbovo all ,
Procurours Quosnay nnd Beauropalro , wuc
appeared in the celebrated Boulangor trial ,
insist that tbo trial shall go on. Through
the Dobats it is learned that a number ot the
politicians , deputies and senators who have
touched the commissioners' money ( It Is said
that more than 400 parsons are Involved ) arc
fully nllvo to the Importance of the scandal
which must react upon the foreign depart
Souio 1'ulltlcal Tip ? .
Tko recent visit of. the kaiser to Vlennt
has given rlso to various remarks. H ap
pears that Austria Is rylng to got on gooc
terms with Hussln , .and that she desired tc
settle the Balkan question directly nnd with
out the intervention of tbo other powers. I' '
is also said that Austrm acted uoon the In
stlgation of Germany , which country founc
it was imuosslblo to urrivo at any resul
with Hussia. The cause was the persona
antipathy of'be two emperors which prevented
vented the ctovtsinevdf.n way to dotuch Hus
sia from France.
On the ether hand , . It&ly cannot keep u ]
lor armament , and Germany is seeking fo
another basis for alliances. She is desirou ;
of reorganizing the ti-inlo alliance with Rus
ia ns the substitute for Italy. Up to thi
present nil her efforts have boon checkmatoc
by the unalterable , ivlli of the czar , who ha
said : c
" 1 promised \\llltjnca \ with franco nnd
ivill not abandon it for any other policy. "
The Eucllsh may.'soon expect to cncounto
French diplomacy'in ' Eaypt. I bellovo tha
a promise has been obtained to fix n date fo
the evacuation of the country. Tno occupti
tlon of Egypt may last two years more.
A variety of questions are disturbing th
political world. It Is uoliovod that the tec
slon will last until spring. All the power
nro talcing a stand upon these pending mat
rrunvli Cnmmurchil Stntlmlrs.
The French custom house publishes a n
port upon ttio commerce for ttio year ISO
The total amounts to lO.COO.OQO.OOO franc :
5S,000,000 : ; ) francs of imports and -l.Tai
000,000 francs of exports. This is an ii
croasa of 870,000,000 francs over the prcccti
ing year's Imports. The business in shlppin
with different , countries shows 7,501,003,01
francs , as lollows j '
Countries. . I'ranc
England SS.I.OJO.Oi
llolEinm 4S7.000.0
United States i * 8,00 ( ( > ,0
Spain ' . 41L'CCO,0
( lornmny . ' . auC,000.0
India ; 250.000d
Argentine ; 103.COJ.O
Angorln 1S7.000.0
Austria ; ' . . lUI.OOO.C
Turkey t. . ' . , . U'0,000.0
Italy 121.000.0
China i JOI.000,0
Swltnorlr.nd 103,0'JO.O
Japan , ' B" > .030C
Hri7.ll 8I.DOO.D
Swednn 72.000.C
Australia 07.000,0
Uhlli M.OJO.C
lluytl 40,000,0
Holland 42,003,0
Kouinuiila , . , , ' 30,000,0
nngland 1,102,00,1 ,
licigliim ; oou.ont.o
Goriiinny 3fiJ,00).C
Tiiltud Status 2ICOOC (
Swil/.erland , . . . , 23SrOOQ
Algeria ' . , 507.000,0
Spain ' . ISI.OOU.G
Hilly 17UlO' ( > , o
Ur.i/.ll 1)3,003,0
Turkey ; . . . , M.OO'.C
Argimtlnu ; KI.OOO.C
Holland. . . . ' . f. , ; Ki.oao.t
New Oranuda , 30,000,0
Mexico . . . . . ' 1'8OOJC
I'ortisul . ' , ; , S-ViOD.C
( 'roeio 8lflOOC
Uruguay ; ISooll
Clilll . . . . ; 17.000.C
Austria IC.dOJ.C
Kussla ; , H.OUO.C
Japan 4 U',000,1
Thojo results arc , .magnificent. Tbo la
regime was per ; trade. Tno "system of pt
toction Inauguratedon ; January 1 , 1601 , giv
a decrease n-feragaof. ! " per cent.
I'ICTIM Ul ? .1 .1U.VJ.IC.
Supposed futo ot .it Mtllo I'liiinsylvan
MRWCASTI.E , Pa.Oct. . 15. About thr
weeks ago Samuel Duncan , a farmer
tihonango townsUip.-cnU a 18-year-old daup
tcr of Mark Ewlng , another farmer of th
neighborhood , suddenly disappeared , JJu
can had not lived with bis wife for soi
months , Hls Infatuation with the Ewl
girl was a spocles of insanity , and ho thro ;
encd to kill nor if ebo would not marry hi
This aftoruoon Duncan was found iiidd
in a corn shock. Ho was ia a torribio con
tlon , dirty and starving. He refuses to s
anything that would help to clear up t
mystdry of the fate of the young girl. T
o Ulcers bellovo that the girl has been mi
dercd , If thin proves to bo true tbo prison
will bo in d anger from the enraged people.
Attempted to Itobu Mull Car.
IJU-AVETTE , Ind. , Oct. 15 , As'tho I
Four passenger and mail train duo hero
7:10 : o'clock this evening from Jndlanajio
was pulling out of Clarks Hill , fifteen mil
from hero , an attempt was made to rob t
mail car. Mall Agent John Pauleyou
the car alone and attempted to prevent t
man from entering the cnr , but the rcbber
shot him through the loft arm , Indicting nn
ugly wound , The baagaco master , hearing
the shot , pulled the bell and stopped the
train , when the fellow Jumped off nnd made
his escape. A posio of men started out In
pursuit ol the robber.
itv * nuirx ni".t v.uii.i : UAH.
ttrpuliliratu U'lilln I'llnuUnu lit rlttubutj ;
Klllril unit lii.iirril. |
PiTTsiifuo , Pa. , Oct. 15. UurliiR a repub
lican parade this evening nVlloy nvetijo
cable car ran Into the Eleventh ward march
ing club , killing ono man and Injuring four
others , two of whom will dlo. The names of
the Killed arc :
1IEXUY Al'BI. . nsert IS yours , stnndnrd
bonrei-of tbo natlonul military bund ,
The Injured nro :
WAIIII Kim-NHii. inol IS yoais , musician ,
both thighs crushed nnd Injured Inturuiil y ;
will dip.
llEsnv PonNiTHK.ii , aet-il W ! ycara. musician ,
loss ernnboil mid Injured Intern uly ; wl'.l din.
JOHN BAIUY. : ngod'J-J , badly cut about the
head nnd , U is feared , hurt Internally , dan
gerous ,
JOHN GfuxTitrju , nod 21 , musician , seri
ously hurtnhoiit the legi and baek.
The nccldcat wis caused by tha Inability
of Charles ulodhlll , motorman on car No.
Ol , to stop the car on the heavy grade. Ho
sounded a warning on the gong , hut before
the men could cot out of the way tbo car ran
thorn down , „ . * " Indignant mob quickly sur
rounded tl - MiroatonoJ to lynch
Oledhlll , but ho jumped through the cab
window nud escaped. Ho was arrested nn
hour later at his homo.
Mro. llnrrlnoii in no linuu'illiitn
Tlio 1'rpKlilrnt ( IrrutljUppro nvil.
WASIUXOTOX , D. C. , Oct. 1. . The president
is very much Depressed in spirits at the
steady decline of Mrs. Harrison , nnd no
longer attempts to give attention to pubU
affairs. Ilo denied himself to all cnllovs to.
day and omitted his regular afternoon ro.
A reporter of the Associated press visited
tbo white house at U o'clock tonight nnd was
informed tbat Mrs. Harrison was then rest ,
ing quietly , nnd the only notlceablo difference
enco in her condition slnco yesterday is thnt
she Is drowsy today. Dr. Ciardnor made hi'
last visit-for the night at 8 o'clock. On
leaving ho remarked thnt MM. Harrison \\ns
about the same ns she bad been for the last
day or two , nnd tnat there need be no apprehension
honsion of a crisis for the present at
Lieutenant and Mrs. Parker ' 6f the pros !
dont's family circle , nlso loft the house
about 8:30 with no expectation of returning
bsforo tomorrow morning. During the carlj
part of the evening ihoy walked in the nark'
outh of the house for nearly nn hour. Mr
ind Mrs. H'Jssell Harrison also wont out foi
a walk during the evening. In fact then
ivere no Indications of any special uncasi
: icss or alarm.
tlowa nnil . .Coiimnclio liiillmis Agree ti
( ell Their Lands.
GUTIIHIC , OKI. , Oct. 15. The Cheroitci
commission has concluded the deal for llv
surplus lauds of the Klown and Comanchi
reservation , after the Indians Have boei
allowed their allotments. Two million do ]
ars Is guaranteed tbo Indians , from whicl
they are to rccoivo annually 0 per con
until tha principal is paid. Anothc
stipulation allows them to appeal t
congress for an additional $ .VJ8OOC ,
as the commissioners could offer mi
$2,000,000. The land is to remain ns It Is untl
April , ISM , much of it Loin ? leased to cnl
tlomen. The Wichita mountains are not in
eluded in the treaty. The treaty is subjcc
to the consent and signature of n majority c
the Indians nud tncn to ralilieation by coi
gross. The total area ol the reservation i
2OGSSM acres. From this must bo douucte
the Wichita mountains , ! ! 00OOJ , acres , th
Fort Sill military reserve , about lii.OC
acres , nnd allotment to 3,000 Indians of 1C
acres each. This leaves a public domain c
S/JTG.b'.K ) acres kiibject to settlement , furnisl
ing homes for 11,530 families.
Uutliollrs Succeeding In Having tlio .Sclioi
Fund Divided for Tlirlr Item-lit.
WIN.NIPKO , Man. , Oct. 15. T. Maine Dnili
member of Parliament for Selkirk , tbi
province , Is to tauo a portfolio in the Di
minion cabinet to succeed lion E. Ueudne
as minister of the interior. Dcudney will C
appointed lieutenant governor of Uritls
Columbia. A.V. . Hess , member of Parlli
mont for Lisgar , this province , Is to ho ai
pointed lieutenant governor of Manitoba.
Through persistent efforts of the Homo
Catholic hierarchy and the Catholic niun
bers of Parliament from Quebec , the Domli
Ion government , It Is reported , decided 1
adopt snub legislation as will enable U
Catholics in this province to carry on sepi
rate schools nt the expense of tbo state I
spilo of the national school law of Manltol :
which has boon declared constitutional I
the privy council ot England. The govori
mem will also reimburse the Catholics fi
school property taken for public school pu
poses. This action will likely cause politic
n.ixtsiwsun ixin.ix.
I'ulc ol un ArUnnii Inilliin U'lio AUcmjitt
to AHsniilt n Mttln Girl.
AsnroiiD , A. T. , Oct. 15. Li/zlo Nichols ,
years old , while on horseback niter sir ;
animals Thursday , was dragged from h
horse by nn Indian and nearly choked
death. Besides being kicked and bad
bruised , her garments wore nearly torn o
but she managed to escape from her capt
three times. The girl's ' mother , dismayed
her long absence , started after her ni
found her in n fainting condition , owing
on attempted criminal assault. The Indls
returned to town ycstorda * ' . An anci
crowd collected , nn1. amid his groans ai
protests In broken EnglUb , seized ai
hanged him to a telegraph polo. Ho w
then riddled with bullets and Iba body la
hanging. At the Inquest a verdict was rode
do red of death from hanging and gun-sh
wounds by parties unknown.
Seeklni ; llonirM.
HBI.KXA , Mont. , Oct. 15. A big rush
the Crow reservation was reported ted
from Billings , Stillwator and other towns
bo railroads. The reservp.tlon contal
nearly 2,000,000 acres , about one-fourth
which can bo made very fertile by Irtlg
tlon , Many homo seekers have been wa
ing for weeks to enter the reecrvatlon ni
tauo up laud.
Nut Among Ilio Indicted.
IxniANAVOUB , Ind. , lOct. 15. H dovelo
that Mr. J. Youngnusband of Detroit , hoi
toforo reported as indicted for complicity
tbo Iron ilull swindle , was not among t
number Indicted , Ho seems rather to ha
been the victim of , than a party in , tbo Ir
Hall swindle.
Cusu Agnlnit .lolui t'udiliy : Dliiiilitcil.
CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 15. Tbo cases ogulr
John Cudahy and A. M , Wright , the Ilou
ot Trade men accused by Thomas H , Hou
n'tnthcr for Omaha iniil'lrlnttii \
/ ' < ur , tr. nii'r ,
rnprlvl' < < Seliemii ( .roxvlng in 1'imir.
cm rr.niri < ' 4 rorelgn Uiiinmercc.
er Abbey in u ( Irnvn V r < l.
! I , I'liMo ol the .MurrU I'nrlt AleetlnB.
Otiiitlili'it Ciilllllif ; lleiieli Sholv.
Some I'urls for ItuMiien * .Men.
Oiiiiiliu liiiteprnilent.t lli'Tunp nnd Tune.
n. Crouiisor.ini Vim W.U'ltVlml . t' ' | > .
Siirjij : County lti < piilillcnni AuiiUoneil.
iliilui I. . \\et ti > r in the 1'lelil.
Cuiliing rotiiily ( lertimnn in Line.
4. Kdlinruil mill Comment. v
lleutli'H < lilligtoii Letter.
r. . rriicpnllniH , , | tlo Irvine Trial.
Avvlmn AllUtrH Need u ( Iriind .lury.
rrl oner Killed \Vlill - l > e.i | > ui | ; .
(1. I'miiirll Ilium l.ocnl Ve\v. . ,
Wltllney Will Illdu Home.
7. l.ii yer Deelite to Try u , Inilge ,
Some riKUri't lor I ln > ritrmerH.
KiillrnmlH Worried Alinnl Pair lluslucs * .
H. ItllliMIICII Iflllll tlio AIM | ,
Itt. lleiidlog lor tltu Women ,
.Secret Hoelety NeH ,
tt. Omiiliii'M Triido lievlexveil.
( rum , I'rovUloni und l.lte MOCK.
1" . l.tiHt Week In Local hocliil Circles.
ti. : Sunil'iyN Sport me Melange.
1J > , ( irand Army Department.
of running t\ corner in short ribs , foil lint
today. Housh declined to take the witness
stand und not n partlclo of ovldenco wns
given against the detondants. They were
discharged nnd now talk of prosecuting
rurthor Iti'porU of Loss of I.lfo In tlic
< ! i loraito ltll/.7.nrd ,
DESVIII : , Colo. , Oct. 15. Furtiior reports ol
loss of IK c nnd cattle from the terrible storir
of Tuesday nnd Wednesday nro being ro
ceivcd. Alone the Hook Island railroad be.
twoon Colorado Springs and the Kansas lint
the storm was nt Its worst. Near Falcon
Hock Island track wnlkor was frozen tc
death , while n short distance from MallUot :
300 shocp were found dead and their border
was discovered near by frozcii to death.
Engineer Lciman wni running n. snow
plow near the Kansas line when n part o
the plow broke nml seriously Injured him.
Three hundred cattle froze to death bo
twcon Colorado Springs and Limon.
At H solis , nlso In eastern Colorado , in
unknown laborer was found dead from ox
posu re.
In the city of Colorado Springs , Charlo ;
Boattio , need 3S , n granlto cutter , died froti
the effects of Wednesday's storui. Ilo wusi i
morphine fiend and lived in n tent , ilo hat
taken SOIEO of the drug nnd went to bci
when the storm came upon him nnd the frai
tent was insufficient to protect him.
Near Boulder , in northern Colorado , J. V
Wolfe , n miner , was found frozen to death.
It is expected that further loss of life wil
be reported when telegraphic communica
lion is restored throughout tho'state.
Secretary of State Itrowu of nilmicnola :
ViiKitlvo from u Writ of Mandamus.
CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 15. A St. Paul specie
says : I.alo this afternoon the democrat !
stnto central committco began mandnmu
proceedings against Secretary of Slat
Brown to compel him to cause the names c
the nine electors on the democratic ticket o
the Australian ballot to bo printed by th
state. This Brown has already declined t
do on the ground that three of the name
uro also on the Weaver ticket. Today th
democratic state cotnmiUoo asked the slnl
supreme court for a writ of mandamus , bu
that body refused , ns the request was ur
constitutional. Liter In the day , nowovot
a writ was issued by Judco Brill of the dls
trict court , compelling Secretary of Slat
Brown to appear on Monday nnd show caus
why ho should not place the names pn
sentod by the domocrnts on the state tickoi
as requested. When the officers appeared t
servo the writ , Brown and his chief dejmt
lied nnd tlio writ could not bo sorvocl , Mai
shals nro scouring the state tonight In scare
of the llccing state officials.
1lJlII > J'J-i > A WIFE ItEATKlt.
Mashed .Men Tnlui a llrutii Out mid Cliastb
Him lor inn Cruelly.
OWASBO , Mich. , Oct. 15. John Palmer , n
employe of Bentley's factory of this cit
who has been In the habit of whipping ni
otherwise abusing his wife , was warned I
follow workmen to discontinue it. Bolt
satisfied tbat ho continued his abuse1 , ctg
teen masked men surrounded his house la
night , oncli armed with a horsowhlp.
Palmer was armed with an axe and razi
and fought like a tiger when they attempt )
to pot him out. Ho wus finally secure
stripped nud tied to n stake. Each nun ga'
him onolasb. Ills wife then throw horse
between him and the crowd und bcggnd f
mercy for him , saying siio would forcl'
him , but would leave him. of Ueeao StoamerM ,
At Llzerd Passed [ , n (3ascogno , fro
Ni-w Yorlc for Cherbourg ; Canada , fro
Now Yon : for London ; Nordland , from Nc
York for Antwerp.
At Santos Sailed Capulot , for Ne
At Hlo do .fanolro Sailed on the KHU
Chilian , for New York.
AtrfswYorH Arrived Augusta Victor !
from Southampton ; City of Chester , fro
At London Arrived British King , fro
Now York.
l.lld Soiitenco lor Wife. Mimlm1.
fjuTiiiui : , Okl , Oct. 15. A Jury brought
a verdict of guilty of 'nurdor In the first C
grco last night ogalnst H. A. Hodmond
ChundUr. Hedmond last fall murdered 1
wife six weeks afior their marriage , i
gous to the penitentiary for lifo.
irjj.i fnrn I'Jiti'.VAS rs ,
Wiirmur , NoiithVlncU In What > el > nil
May IZijiect Today.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 15. Forcca
for Sundays For Nebraska Warmer , sou
winds nnd fair weather ; probably follow
on Monday by colder , threatening wcath
and rain ,
For Iowa Fair Sunday , with sile
changes in tempcraturn and cloudy woatho
cold , with rain on Monday ; southeast wini
For North Dakota Light shower * ; colu
Sunday night ; east winds.
For South Dakota Fair und warm ; son
winds , followed bv colder north winds a
showers buuday nlcht or Monday.
Iirnl Jttcurd ,
Oct. 15. Omaha record of tomperatura a
rainfall compared with corresponding day
past four years s
1KB. IMI. 1HO. 18
Mnxlmuin tomporatiiro. . . . 7 ° ss fi = > f ,
Minimum tcinnurilnro. . . m = : u = > 4i : 4
Avorat'o temporatiiro C7 = 44 = 4b ° . ' .
I'roelplliitlon 00 .w .oj .0
Statoraent showing the condition of tr
pcraturo and proclpltatlon nt Omaha for I
day nnd slnco March 1 , IbO. , as compar
with the genorul average ;
Normal tmucruturo. . , , . , . , , , , , r ,
Kxeefc * for thoduy l
Dullulcncy aliK'u March I , . . . u
Normul iiroolnltutloii OQH \
Doliclt'iiuy for thodiiv. Win
Uulluluncy since Murch I a.diliiul
U. E. LiiAvroN , Obsurvcr.
Watmlnitsr Abbey Will Hold No Moro of
England's ' Illustrious Dead ,
Pcoplo Only Known to 'I heir Intimalo
Friends Who ut to Rest Thoro.
How the Publio Was Buying Its Wny
lute Immortality's Burial Ground.
Mi'trul nC Voting l.a\r im cm * | | l > .Mi
DIMTII ami Leaven Him u Very Nar
row Hold on Power Uiin.
icrvatlvet Ttilco lli > | ic.
[ Copjtlstito < llS ! > 3bj-Jnmi > Coritoti llonnott.l
LONDON , Oct. l5.-Now | York Horalfl
Cnblo-Speclal to TIIU Hir..J : In the very-
weak during which Lord Tennyson has been
laid to rest In Westminister nbboy the dcnri
has Been compclloit to roiuse his assent to
another interment thoro. The application
wns made oy the friends of Woolnor , the
sculptor and poet. The dean explained that
thcro is scarcely any room loft In the buildIng -
Ing for Interments , and that ho feared great
Injury would result to the foundations by
the cutting Into the concrete which under
lies the main fabric. 1 understand Wool-
ncr's friends do uot look upon this as satis.
factory , but feel airrlovcd In consequence.
Not long ago n similar application was
made by the survivors of a gentleman whoso
only claim to bo burled among the immortals
was that ho wrolo two or tbrco songs that
were popular some years ngo. In fact. '
scarcely a month passes when pressure is nol
btoupht to boar upon the dean to compel him
to make room for some deceased person1
whoso name is llttio likely to bo romembereut
even n dozen years hence.
inquiry Into Its Condition.
The condition of the abbey nnd the pro
priety of making additions for the pur
pose of receiving illustrious dead were
thoroughly inquired into in Ib''O ' by
a royal commission , composed of it
small numbur of members. A great many of
the most Interesting facts were brought out
none of which seem ns yet to have boon
brought to the knowledge of the public. On
this commission there sat the doan , First
lomnilssioner of Publls Works Sir Frederick
.eiirlilon , Sir Henry Ln/.ard. Mr. Wntori
house , president of the Hoynl Institute ol
British Architects , anu mysclr. l may von
uro wo loft no side of the subject un
, ouched.
Interments in the abbey were originally
: onllned to royal porsonngos , their retainers
or intimate friends. liven the abbots wer
not buried within tun walls of tbo abbey till
the thirteenth conlury. The first person who
wns interred In the pools' corner wns Chaul'
cor , In 1400 , but ho was the clerk ot royal
works under Hicham II. and a space ia
Westminster nbboy was accorded him for
: lmt reason and not because ho wns n poot.
From llmo to time the rules relaxed , es
pecially after the reformation , so that not
only the abbey but thu cloister and scrround.
Ing places became almost , choked with dead ,
When the donn was giving his evidence I
nsKed him if ho could toll us why n porsoa
named George Wellington Francis Balthasor
Saint Antonio wns burlnd In tbo cloister ,
The dean smiled und said ho could produce
no reason. This Interment took place la
1817 , when anybody nnd everybody could
find a snug resting plnco in tbo abbey or it *
precincts. No money was then turuod nwn
from Its doors.
It U I'lill Now.
The present clerk of the works told u
that when the excavation wop made to re
ceive Browning's remains it was found
that tbrco other persons had boon burled
there previously. There only remained ono-
vacant space visible by tno side of Brownt
ing , apd that has just boon filled by Tenny
son. otherwise this part of the abbov ' 19
full. ,
There nro n ! together nbout 1,400 persona
burled In the abbey itself , and 1,818 , in tbo
cloisters , somewhat ghastly facts for the liv
ing to contomtilato. The dean told UB tnnt
once ho had n long letter from somcono com
plaining that tno abbey itself was ,
unendurable from the smell of the dead'
bodies , but no ono else ever discovered it.
The feeling ot the royn ! commission waa
thut In the future the space remaining available - .
able for interment should bo most Jealously.
guarded. Tno present dean has exorcised ]
his authority In this spirit , HO that during
his three years' offieo there imvo boon only
seven interments. Vet there uro some who
would have brought down those seven to'
five , by leaving out Street , the architect , and , !
Spottswood , who wns president of the Uoynl
society. There are only thrco names of un !
deniable distinction runout ; the sovou , Dar *
win , Tennyson and IJrownmp. \
Only a l' tw ol Un l.ort. j
Great men are becoming fewer every year ,
but tbo bmall men nro moro nggresslvo itnil
pushing. Wo Imvo but one poet left , but any
number of manufacturers of doggorcU
Thirty years ngo the novullsU who werb
ninUBing the public were Dickens , Tnacu *
cry , Ooorgo Hltot , Charles Lever , Lord
Lytton , und ICingsloy. Who has /filled the
place of any ono of tnoso masters ? Ooorgo
Meredith is no doubt the equal of those I
hnvo named , hut I don't ' think ho anticipates
Westminster abboy. That will bo claimed
by the bmall fry whosu numo Is legion.
filudiitnno on thu Hun.
Before Gladstone uas oven lir.dtlmoto
meet Parliament ho has lost ono member ot
his majority , counting two on a division , His
forty is now reduced to thirty-eight. Taken
in connection with the reduction of number *
for bis candidates in ether recent ulcctlona
this is a very serious blow to the now
government. It Is another proof that
the Hnghsh constituencies are opposed ,
to his homo rule policy , and
that the Celtic constituents alone glvo him
the trilling advantage ho hns now. Young
Luwson worked hard for victory , and lost by
only throe votes , butinlSSTi thoUlndstoulani *
nud 7M ) majority , and this has been clean
wiped out. It Is a bad Klgn for a pmno min
ister to begin losing his followers almost aa -
scon us ho steps into office , Tlio conserva
tives are much eluted and will meet Glad
stone next February with u confident expec
tation of gottlni ; him out of office bcforo the
close of tbo summer.
Now York Kxi'lmiiKO niiuiiitlciiii ,
New YoitK , Oct. 10. Special Telegram to
THI : HUB. ] ICxchauRO was quoted as follows t
Chicago , 40o discount ; U a ton , 12Jo to Bf