THE OMAHA DAILY BKEr S.VTUUr > AY , OCTOBER 15 , 1802. THE SPECUUTffE MARKETS January Fork Was Elevated Thirty Ctiits Ovjr Thursday's T gores , TENDENCY WAS DOWNWARD IN CEREALS tnrtln % Mou-il Up in sympathy nml Illlis \Vcni l.lkuulMi Ail * inriMl I'niUcr * Worn * > nlil to Opinso this In 1'ilcci. CiiiCAno.T11.0a. 11-Anpld txvlst of the Jnck screws under Jaiiuarv pork i-levitcd tliiitnrtlolone rlliu ctoo led iy to He oxer lustnlshl'sllsnros. In icrc ils the tenilLiicy W.IH downward A coi slder iblo portion of Jlloom's bU line of xvhcills s ild lo htixctomo upon the market and tlio clo * IU btleus Bhovidu nei loss of from ic lo'.o for ho tiny. Corn IsolT from lie lo 3e and oats fiom In Iho pnrk croxxd the Cud ihv-WrUht LOIII- hlnntlon took nil the fiinn irv pork th it the BicKcrs wctoxxlllliU tosoll. l.ird moved 01 rathct xvnsmoxcd up In svminHy nnd ribs were llkexxuo id x meed The picUcrs , xvllli the OMOpllon of the Cinliihy btolhois are re ported to be opposed to the ml * inoe , which I'ltterthey nro aiding tUhl to bilii * ami il It m iy hu t I'.on fur gr inlud ill it the parties whonreirodltLd xxlth Kraduilly accumulat ing In then oxxn hands all Iho sm plus pro duct , hixoiurifutly [ < oinldiiedthor ! pot lion and hue thi-lr own Interest as Ibclr only motive Inslnnitlons h ixo bii-n throxxn out of an ant icnnistio feeling exlstliu I o- txxeentno Lud.ihy I'nekliiK comp my and un- otl'L-r liirgopiLl.ini ; i-oncirn xxlikh In s nno ' biothon lo mntsuio Indne-d iho I'udnhv Interi'sl llamseixi's In thu Moil sliutod by Wrmht. but II may bo sufei lo assiimo Hint Iho picki'is ritLrred lo sto irood IOIMIIIS , for tliLlr iiltlludo. ind tliu sinII they LOIII inn. to buy xx III pay Ilium a prolltim Us legit m ite iiiLr l xenlf the icmalndoi of lliolrido Is nrriiH'd uaiilnst them On llio other h mil there. Is t ilk Unit the t ud ihy-\\ rl-lil pi'npio xx nut lo KI t tlio tr ido nnd the public In on llio marl.i i ut hli'hi r buy Inside and uonlo i lillies , so us to sill shoit nilhst Iho pieUllu icuRon. irx poi It closed 7'c ' lip fiom thu opoiilin , ' I.nd ind libs eaih left oil xvlth i cnln of lOe for Jiininirv , . , \\liat stien lh theio xuis In xxhc it tolay x asehhllx iioilxtd fiom the ImpioXLd hlXLr- noel ciblts thu public ones iiiothu | diildod btroiiL-th there , xxhlle the pnx.itu onis xicro UVLII moio fiixoribo 1 brio xv is xerv I ttio xxhc it foi silo em IX hcio and thoiish the de mand us sluirKlsh II xxns "iilllLlent to ad- vnnio ll.'llres a tilllo Aliolher iiii'Oii foi Iho Btrencth xvas found In the Tallin oil In 10- coltits lit pilmuiy points und cspcLl illy in Iho sort hxxi si , xx hero dellxcrles h xo app uently /eachod the mis'miim lint reports Unit the Sirclied xxhut fields In llio southwest h nl Seen Kitllinr llio needed moUtuie xxeto fio- qnontly and upp imitly authentic , mil this with the fact th it other I niopuiii miiKets did uotHhovx the same degree ot siionslh Hi it thu Liverpool inuikLl did. und so-no xxoto rather eusler. had a xxeakcnln. elHct. I'rlLCS ul the onenliu xxero i bout fiom 'ac ' to So lilRhor and iidxanced ' e more , then o iscd oil fiom " o to 4i' . hold sleid er a iln in I the closing xuisxxlthln ' > o loxxei th in vestLid ix Coin vxns Millet and Hhoned i lilt u flimncs * puny , largely In sj inn nh v xxllh who it. but HiLii bLt.imo xxe ik on thu fiLe sell n ; both of loin : properly and for shot l ILLOIIIII It oils opar itors shmxel .1 disposition to Boll freulv , xvllli tome ordeis of this kind snl I to bo foi eistein uciount. llry int xvas i nol- ubly lui u sellur Theio xxus i modoritu demand fir xxhcit nnd coi n room Iliitos hold ste idj on Iho b isli , of 2'ic for xvhoit and 2'io for com to Hun no rstlnmted iccelpts foi lomoiroix. xx he it. locals : corn , LOO L irs , oils . -OJ L irs , ho s. moooho id , , , , The iL.idlng fulures ruined as folloxxs ; un N i limn lo\x I ( lost 7-H M'v bl blJIH JIH 4m 4JC 43KUH ? .lii > C A tti \ O 2 Mx < mil > ir. . so no.fl'i lUceinbir . . sm " 071 .fl'i .ll'i Xi ss I'OIIK II 4J 11 42 11 4' . Jnnunry U Si 12 U ) U77 8 1..A1M ) 7 C < j Jnnunry 7 15 binnn lints OctobLr. . 1000 10 m Jnnu ir > . . I. .VM ; 11 ( . " . Cush iiiot.Ulnns | xxcro as followH : 1'i.ouubtundv and better undertone , but Drlccs iineh m ud. \\IIKAI-NO 2 sprlnr" , TJliL ! No I spring 51ISU.1C. No Jnd. 7J'Ju cons I.oxxcr : No . ' . 41'/o ; Na , i c isli. 4me ! : Ro ivellow. 41'ic. OATS No 2. - iDc | : No. 2 white , f. o. b , J3U &He ; No ,1 xxhltc. DS'tlc. H\K No S.'Oc. llAilt.LNo 2 , 003C3oi No J , f. o. 1) . , 42Clc ; No. 4. f o b Jfiftlie n.AfcrtiiNo 1. Jl U" . TIMOTHY Si I u 1'r me. * I 00. I'onic Mess , poi bbl , Jll ItOll.lO ; latd.noi JOiilbs , ? ' iT't. Hhort libs , bides ( loose ) . * 7.ji5 1)75 , dry b Uted shoulders ( b.i\el ) , if 207.-ls Ehorlcleai shkslboxLil ) . t-i ) > ® S 10 WIUSKV Distllleis' iUiished koods , per u il , II 15 SudAits Cul In if , 5'tttV ' o ; granulntcU , fi'iio ; Btiinduid 'A , " 'i'ac. Hecclptb nnd Khluments ted ay xxoio as foi- IOXXR , On the PiodiRO ONehan e toil iy the liiittn mnr'irl xxas Him and iini.cs uiuliin Lil ureuneiy. lsJle : daliy , KnJ.'Je. 1- s , linn btrktly fnsh in HKQ.2i.c- . > ii < xxoilc Xlurkt'ls. Nixx Ynnic , Oct -i'l.otm Hecelpts. 40.00 pli-'S. ( u\iortH , 50 bbls . 2..b)0 b.ieUs ; clul and htuailj ; s lier' / > 0) bbls. Owns MKiii ( julot , stu uly. \VnrAT Itccuipts. Uil.uoj Im ; o\porls. 101 , OOObii ; h.ilis , 1.1110,11 Obu of fulnrm. 7-ilJhu ) of snot .spots nioilmatul ; iiLllxe. ilosln. ite.ulj ; No , . ' led. 7biii In nloro and olox atci 70 0 alliiat ; SJGMi e f , o b : No .1 led , 72ie tiiiKi.nli.Ml led. CWt.TTc ; No. 1 northoin , h V No. 2 iiortliLrn , 7734 : Nu. 2 , IM Ootlons XM'iodnll. 'ie loxvci and xxo ik , open Infill m at 'c'4 adxance on drmer e.ible und XVLI XiL'.ither ahroid , deelln iu 'tc o loeul U'all/lni ; . No J nil , Octobot. ? ! ic : ln ) coinbur. Lloilnt : S\\i- \ ; May , S' SiSa i : , c his In nl b7'4c. KitDull. . Klondy. HAIII l.xtuinly. . dull. UAI i.r.x MAi.r Miii.uly. unlit , Cons Itciolpts O'.OOJ tin ; export" , Os.oi Im ; anil's , 1..UO.OOJ 1m of fnluus , UMu. bu. of Rpot r-potH dull , knur. No bOQVl'io In nloxntor ; 50TJ 0'4o ' atlo it : ill KriuleU mixed , fi/iClJ'nC Options onone tinner. ' c adxanue ; duuline I Tc o xvlth tli xxeat , elosod xxo lU at ffl'ju under jtsteida : with IrndliiK IlKht. Uutobur , 4'iSCtl'iyc. ' ' iloi IIIR nl 4'IV ; Decomliur , OUtilPiO , I'lusln , Bio ; Uav. ' > ! l-lc4Mi'i.i' , clnsln. nl w > , e , OATS llci olpts,2IMiJu ) bu , oNpoi 13,14 > , o u bu sules , 1. 200,000 bu , of future's , H'.UK ' ) bn Hpo Hpota , fulily aetlxo. btuaily ; opt.ons , qnle unchanged to 'ii > up. Oulnlior. .ili ; > 4' e , November , .ri\Lj ( , ! . " , > at 'j'l'iL" UuceiuliLr , JiSidTi. ' , closing al , Hi , NO. 2 bJIOt , XX lilt t * . ShO ! llllV'Ml XXUltUllli .UiiJ" : white xvi'sturn , Ell'iGliL , No. 2 I'h'e ' i o , ! I3 % UAV Dull bin Hteiiily ; bhlpp nt..Vii7j jooil to cholio. 7 ffiliii' . lloi'S rirm but quiet ; st.ito. commoii ' Choice , UO.'lu ; I'aillie co ist , IT ® Mr. HtlilAll Uuw , qnli'l but steady ; baler , , ( I bat-H CL'iitrltiisiUs , u , tibt , nl J 7- ties retlne Itoudy ; full demand A.oi AbstK Neix Or e.uis , dull but 11 tin , ] { ILU Actixo , llrm. KKKS-CJnlot lint ( toailr ; xxestern prime. 7i [ f.'lo ; rotulpts , l.h l nl-s linn b-l ulily acllxe and steady. Wool. r Irly utlixo nnd Him ; domust ( lucre , 2.ili ( . ' 'i1 ; pulled , 2 ( ii.l.'u , TUMIS , i.Vitlu I'OIIK I Inner an I quint Cut moiits. ill tndbtoadv ; middles , iiulu ; hhoil Js for Uc toiler , hard. btioiiKer , quiet ; xxete itoam clo ul IN" * ! s lies , Mi llcu'ts al < H.I ( ( .Wi ; option suits. I.Uli tlertos , Outobui , f- closlnn' m Js.70 iisLol ; Noxcninor , * 7 w > a" eloslii.- $7 81 bid ; Jiiiinary. J7M bid , llimfclt ( Jood dtmund. llrmer , xxu > tu rreainrry , IHA-'Uo , KlKln , I'i'ift.'Ue. ' Uiumh HelliTBiipply. ojsler. I'ld IllDK-rirm , bteud ) ; American , tUOX - lalto , * ll Cftiill.75. I.FAii-llull ; domostlf. ( LIKCM vft. btriilnlili , fW.71ti.083. Millie mill I'l' 111. rolloxvlntr uro the prices pild liv Omn dealiTb fet lliles ) and po'.H quoted hiiliject thiinio without notl o ; NoI I uiien lildis , : u 1 1. run silted lildus , 4imos No. 'lite t uted Indet , at44'4Xt. No 1 KULII B iltud lilu 25 to 40 .us . 4 © la ; iN" - rficen iltud hides , to4ills.aiiy.14U ) ! No. 1 xoiluilf.hto , l ; No.Ji > ui'iilf | , Htoll llis , ftoiN" il Hint hides' , 7o ; No 2 dry II lit hides No ! I dry % .iitcd hides 6t o : inrt oui hides Jio per lu. , lps ? tliiin lully oiired , bin polu-Uiivn sultod. oiiLh. .UL tr. . ) ! uic suited shonrlliiK * ifchort xxoo'cd oirlyHkli cacti , 158-3ol iry bhoarlln.-H ( sliort xvool early Uliis ) . fxo. 1 , ouch. f IOo ; drv Iioiirlii short wooloil early hUlnsi , No. S. o.ich , aoj i niiitKuiiBii und NubranUu bull her xxool pol Oi UryUlnlUi , SM nnd Nebraska Mnrrnln noel rm1l . per lb. , iclniil nolRht , SVr.r.'c ; drv Hint I'.ilorndo butcher wool polls per Hi . actual welzlit. lOiS 12'H' ! dry flint Color ulo Murriln XT'OO ! poll * . prr lli < ncliial xvo Oil , Hftioc : dry HOCCPS and bucks , actual woljht , 7fl'iillui' ; fool culolT , ns 11 Is useless lo p iv frclglil on tliotn. hi. t.onU Xlnrhcts. ST liouio. Jlo. Oil , H.I t.ouii-Qnlot and nnuhnni.'cil \VntiAT-WiiB llnncTrlv , 1ml dcollnnd Inter nnd closed ' .I'jo ' lielow icstrrdnx-'s-cish ind October. W , C4 Hoppinbor. 7'.V ; May. is'io. ConsU as Uo hi her only , out liirnod I itcr and cimoii " , e under > pstcrdiy for op tions ; c isli xvis hither. 40Jifflllc , Novi-nilier lliHLd nt : iv" ( ® ' ' < ' ' c : Dccbinbor , . , sYBI3K < ! l jont. lS\c ; May 4Pill\c . OiTIowoi ; e.ish'Jo Old ; December , .Ci't ttll'.c. KOt llxv-l IrmntM'ii- . „ , , , , IIAIII.KX sjnlet ; simplp lots NohrisUi sold U14S ; low i. "tic : Mlnne oli. V.1. ' Illtxs-Dnll it 5".ie IhlSMldoof the nx'or. II AX Dull nnd unili iniiedl pralr'c , S.OJ'iB 1)10 ) ; tin othv. W fflllM ) . l.rAii-yulut til t.i'3 for sofl Missouri ! i7u ! forclioiiiU'iil I i.AX" ! n rinn nt Jl 07. lit Trm-Liiicli uiicd. . - . ( oiisxint Quli'l al KO ffl01. \ \ IIISKXoioidy , it ( I 10 . . llAd usi-stjiil ( v uncli uuo 1 lit J . " © , ! j luos ( .orroN 1 its-blc ulv , uncli uucu nt " ' 'I'ouK-H'ihrr. job lots sellliu nt tIJ I2'i l.iiil iiiiintiiiiliy lit hoi at i10 Hry sill minis and Inieon qtiicl it ptex lousqitot itlonsj liii"0 shoulders. t7i ! , lon s und libs T. " * > : shorts , J".0i ; boM'l lots I > o inoroi b ILOII "hoiild-K ! 7 .3 ; liin.'sinil rl'is ' * t.71 ; shorts , $ ' " 0. siuar euicd h ims Jll i-OiMJ 5i . . . . . . Ul ( i IIT < I'lotii l.oiO bhls : xvhu-xt. ll.0)t ) ) bu ; LIII n,4l ) X ) i ho ; oils. I7.00J liu , rj e , s.oji ) bn ; b ir ox' , Ji , ' o bn sini'MSTroiir , 0.001 lihls t xxho it , MOV ) bu ; torn , 2r.KIO ( bu ; o its , 1 1,033 bit. ; ive , 10.0JJ Lu ; , 1'JiO ' bn Kims m CUXXlnrki Is. ICNsriT . Mo , Oct. II - WinXTsteady : No 'haul o ( I , Viu , noxx. , 'l'ii4U' ' tNo ; 2 red , M ' . ( Ik. fiiiis-U'eiK ; NoJniKol. HVisf.'jc . ' ; No 2 Xlllltf. .lifUJl , ( U\rs- si.alj ; No 2 mixed. Ma'.O'&c & ; No 3 xx hit.Jii ? , te : ItM-WuiK : No S. WIP. I I , XX M'l n- rum ; nsi ® { OD lilt XV siL'iulv s u Ueit. "iCS'i'iJ \i-tt - > and unehatitjcl ; tlmolhx' , $7 50S 1) ) 10 ; pi ilrle fl utBI7i. ( III rirj i-l Ir n ; cro imory , K&'Uc ; dairy , 1,1 P.1 c l.ciis rirm' I7c. Ul ci il'Ts-Uheit , 1I5)00 bus corn , 21,000 hit .oils none bull1 it- sis \\lie \ it , T .OJO bu ; corn , 12,000 bu ; s , none. Oil Uaiki-t. Nt.xx Y'iitt , Ojl 14 PhTltoM uxt Opnnod rm mil idxiinccd slUhtlv : ut the ehuo Iho npiovoinuit xx is lost und the m n Itet left oil L i' ' I'LiimvIx mlu snot o I s iles. none : . ontl m s ilc * 0 it ) ) lib's ' : opcnln ' it J'lL'i ' liLhcst " J'i' ' . lowest fSi ihnlng ut . " > 'c. .Im i oil , no s ill's I ot il s iln- l ! oiJ ) b ils ( 'inriN si'H ) On. Qii'el. llrm TAr.'ow-Mino.ictlvu , Llty ( $ . ' forpk s)0 ) < 4e. ItOSIN Dllll Triti't MINI. Qulut dn I. I/OMION. Del -Ou.LUrrx. . I.INSKED Tis 'id pi'i qn irter IthiiM n 1'pruoi.i-UM l' ( l tier siillon , I mil1 * % TIM. M'liurs Jla 7d per owl. I.IN.SI en Ibd per exxt I.lxi'rpool MiuKi'ts. litxptit'oor , Oi't II Wlit.vr rirm. dotn ind ill ho d-rsollerspirlnilv. No 1 Uillfornli. < 'lliff. s ll'jd ti'reent i. No . ro I xx Inter , fis un ( I'fd Heielpls uf xx iiu it pis t Ihrua davs ipiu . ! ! ! OiOcont iK InslitUln. ; HSOJl Ameil- inCOIIN Qnlel : mlNud xvoatein 4s Id pei contal. Jccelpls of Atuci can LOIII p ihl thieo days 7 til ) cent ils 1'r. vs , Can idl in. "is 7' d pai Lentil. Oiniili l ! i nit Murkrt. OKAIT ? Noxv Vork Concoii'.s , Uo ] ior Il-lb ) nsKet OM.UO iMAtii\iTS Per onto. $1.50 mus- its : * l 7) I'olt i > s Cxi n HIM v Pi AC m . PIT HOY , il G ) . ( HUHIIM X I'l'MtS { ' " ) ) per bl\ Al'i'i i . Poi bbl , * il 0) ) ; funey , JI.30 ; five bbl. ots ' . ' 10 IP.S s-Perbo\ OJ < otion M.ul.i.t. Ntxx Oltr.FAs-i } j i , Oct. 14 Sto idv ; mld- : lllnf , 7 'i-luc ; U > \ \ mlildltiu , 7 1-ldc ; soo4 Difilniiy , d l-10j ; net loceipts , 7 , ' 'S biles ; .MOS. S.OllliiIes ; oxpirls to Ureit lliltn'n ' , 8 'nil's , s iles . ' .dOJ bile , stools , 12s.'J ( bites iVtoMy : Ni't ro"elnts , fi'.OsJ ' biles ; RTOSS A u'j Uiles : oxporls to ( licit Hilt un , Ib.lll I ) lies : to the continent , 7.ll ) bi'.us ' ; LO ist- i ) d,2l * ba.os ; s ileId OOJ bales. ColU u llm It * t. Ni.xx Voiuc , Oct. H. Options opened biroly stc id > at . ! " > lo 4J pilnts doxxn. and losol ste.idv ut II to O points doxvu : silos ROO ba s Inelndl.i. . Ojtohor. tr J > © ril > ; Noxcmlict , in"i. . T muni xr , $ U 7.1)11 ) S"i : I no- niiix.JII.7n' Mtitli $11 ( mil 4 bi ; April , SM 7'ij Max , ill liTi ll.Ti : Suiileni'iui , SH" > J spot Klo iulol , o isier ; Xo 7. S.MJ'j. jkisi Wls. Cit. 14III.AT Steady ; DULQ'llhCt. 7034.U. No J--111 111jSC. ( . ( ' ( ins Quiet ; ? < o ! 4 u OAts-Actlxu : No 'J xvh te , .D'lJ.U'ic ' ; No. 3 xvhlto .H'jSll'jC ' Kx i.-Mlc. 1 Ull 1.1. v 04 c. Anu-rli in KclriK r nor llrpf. I.i'xi id'oor. , Oct II A merle in Kefrirerator Ikef roreiiuartLrs , J'tdj hlncliiu irtors , j ! d per lb LONDON , Oct II Amurlein Kofrisotator llLof rore < iuarteis Us ml ; hlndiiuarleis , JsQ Js d poi S Ids bj the c iio.iss Xcxv \ ork Hi y C.uoiU .XI ii Itot. Ni xx VOIIK , Oil II The dry pooJs market xvas without , much ch UKU to 1 iy. Phu lone tc cotton , ; eels was strong and more upxvuri ! chuiies no looked for Ontsldo of Lotion there xxoro no noxv fonines. Oni ilia 1'ioiliiLo llnrlfor. ew nt lOc HUITI it I'.icUin sto ; f , lJU'o ; choice d iliy. Mr 11" . ( ! lilolous , old fowls and ducks an selling mo illy tit lie 'Irndnrs' 'liilK. OniCAno , 111 . O t II Kennett , Hopkins f , Co lo s A McWhorli-r II uly lixerpoj wheat cables xxcre so atioiu th u thny liirnui spLciilatlxe sLtitlment foi u time ind thu in ir Krl slunxed i oed d l il of stionsth foi l\M > o thiLe hour ° . l.ato l.lxoiiiool won equ illy eiiioiira ln ; but , London louu nnd continental c iblei steady. II id J < lxei pool juni Rood huxln orkrs xvith her hMl prices ! there xvoiild h ix o been llulo dillli'iilf lu lifting our mirUul lint lotus re isoneil th t" n icduitlon of Ameile in stocks of xvheitxxi in I m poi t int fe it nro nnd w II limit this Ltxoi pool nilies xxoie of suiill lutoroit It 1st question If Decen hei xxheatein oe culled lov xx hen No. .1 ted xvmtei K selllni : at lO'io toll discount. Ills b.illoxo I th it the dlileieno must soouoi or Intur n irrow materl illj , an Itxxlllbo hard to adxtiiue llm loixer ruli xx hlle our storks are boinj 1 ir'ely lucre isud In corn .mil oats the ilo x nward ton toncv con Innes Country bhlpiiurs compl iln of tnol nablllty 10 Ket cut' . As pi-Ins leiedo thcl mxlety In uollxer nln Incroisoi stori : oem in the ousl Is Kellln sutrco nt som oints , < xUni ; to Iho In tctlxe do n in 1 lu th' mat. OIleruiKs continually press on th j m ir l.ul and iir'mi decline. In splto of tliu fuc Lliut thux lee < too ulie ip nlro uly The Ion- In Octobei ribs are m.inlpul itliiR J inu.ii pork , and prices of other prodiiLls are a licet i- lhi're' ) > , lloyond this theiu Is llttlo In th market , CiiitAiiO , 111 , O.'t. II ConiHulm in .1 Di lo CoeUn'll llros. ' lonnnUslon Lompanv There nroslsnacf ( | ulclconliu- set In tii Hi iln and proxUlon mi.rkols nllliou h thu line outu inlly not jnt shaken olV the ! toipor. \ \ lulo Itir o roculi's ofiieit h ix IILOII dcpioasliu prices ciirriHpjndln , > ly laiv i-xporlH , ospccliilly In the foim of liour , Imx Clipped nxx ty almost uniiollejil 1'orel n at xkes IndlL He L'onll IOIILO In prliea and emu n OIIH arrlx ils ilprimir } markets mo dull bt icI.Lii n ; frhlp rents from hull i apd lius-,1 haxo diiiii'i | | ( Into Inaixnlllo meu anil Hi west of I'mopo now mikes Anuileti un elli for her surplus fool products. Almott tn Incieasu In vhuolunu ot HpcciiUitixo DIIS ness must result In ndx inc-liu PIL. ! . < S Cm ted iy ixns qulot niU f | utlonally loxxi iindur o'Ters of new corn by rucelxurs ca were nisy , tlio prlnu mil featnio bell bomohollliii by lonsa for Noix Voik and lot iiL'LiiunU I'rox Islona ire n stun 1 marUet , ll pnblle lioluz uni ortaln how to opo ate In dm f.ico of m inlpnUitlon I his il\ \ \ rUht undue pro ulnoiuo and piesllKu , xvhh fornuivnn day * pisl hu h IH bLen utilizing forcu .l.inuar/prodULt nearer Into line xxli Ills manipulated Oalober deals Itloiliaiin as If ho und lliu Ciuliilijs to bull il January product still fuiihur mil If possib ill jw in enough new tr ido lo furnish a sirei for their o n operation : ) , tileh now bland o xvllli iinnoyln ; dlbtlnctness. I'llKAiin. Ill , O.-i 11 1O. . Iozin : & Oa Inin.'aii. ) llullln.'er.x Co : Wo liuxo hud anolli iliilland nnlnlureslliiR wliuil n.ur < ot tolu At tlio opening Du eniUer sold at 7G' ' , 7iii mid .id' , aiu.ed to 7JUu an I 7ii1 o. The uoyc of XLstL'iditx'heo imu scllerd on thu adxun nnd u ( Incline of a the reau On this ( Icellno I'.irdrdL'u btoai 111 u bu > L > r , xxhlrh causinl nn u teen \n n co to 7Cc. The KLMIUI il uunllmo U LiilIUli xx llh nnr local oiitr.iloi.s blronu und higher uablos i | oiu xxlih dry weuth lhroniliiiit lliu xx Inter xvlieat. KIXOS L fldenuu about present DHLCS. When thudal hu ix y iii'clpts and lompiratlvi'ly lUht bin s monts aio l ikun into ai'iouni the nurK blnm ronrtl Urablo siroilh : The low url en prcxiintii sL'lllii , ' to any oxtunt n under all thu clrjiim f.iiii'c xxo thl any letup In thu movement thu country xx 111 ulxu i uoal uiUauvu. T cil dny'a rei-Hlpis at llio p.-m iry marKun n IC 8 I.JU.IUJ bn , .ml the ship uonis'jll.WJ bu. K ry pertH niu only mo lor.ilo. . Corn U fair ts. btouly , Thu uish dumiind Is moilc ts.u utoly KooJ , but the du'iia h llht. Konr of ho ivy receipts kcops the bull olcmcnl oil of tlio market. \ \ o look on Iho price around 4Cc for M v mod * cr.itolj stto Wo hear llio crv of scircltyof ears limiting our receipts If this U corrcet nnd receipts Increnso huixliy wo m ty eo n. fcxv rents loxTcr prices Thorish dom xnd fore o 1 i Is uood. Iloi produrls wnro slroric. \\rlul.t and Uls followliu stl.t bnylnz. nnd until they Bet lliroiuh and i-onimcncosoHliU pi cm uru nol llltclv lo yield much. STOCKS AND IIOMIS. Drnllnus UITO UniMiitll } XVolt lllurlbuteil In Sp urlliLM Ypslrrdiiy. Nnxv YOIIK , Oct. II. The steak innrUct dm IIIR Iho greater pnrlot Ihb d ivxi slront to buox'utit. The dc illn.'s xxoro nnnsifiltv xvell I'lstributcd ' , n llioiuh thp total tran'ac- lions wore ninch smaller than Monday U ill- WMJ-shares ns well us the Industrl its nnd n number of "pcclnltles scored the hUhest prlco lorsomotlmo past. The Uraiurrs Improved from ' 4 to I'S ' pericnt , the latur in llurllnit- ton A. LJnlncy. 'Iho bit ) In. ? of these stocks xvns h isud on scml-olllclal Hlntcmonts thil lliu September reports of the IlurlitiK- ton , x. Qulm-'y , Koclt Isl ind and I'nlon I'nclllj will nil show a naterlil Inoro iso In oi'rnlius ns Lompired xxlth last yu r I'tm In luilr ills utter isllcht ducllnu In iho uutly trudliu nssumeil the lu idershlp In tlic upward moxeiiicnl Lhlcuo ( las liuinI'sueduly iiniinlnunt. xxlth si'os ' fiom Ssi4 toll ) Honor il lilui.tre was mint her foituri , r.sliu from IIS1 , to lri't ' on reports th it tlio pomp inj has seeuiLd i ontiol of I'm Cense Id ited I' I'i'trlcstor itioeomp inx'and on sliitomiMits b > elli lalsllut.Mt Kdlson has no liitunllon \vlthdra\xIn { fiom the coiiLurn. Ainel 1C in I'ob u'to , xvlilth xxaa quoted e\-llx 1- dend , sold up from IIO' to HK'i ' S itlonal ( .oidnaii sh IKS rose fiom > , lo 1'2 ; 1) stlllliu and Cittu l'i edit , , : xx is Ine iilnr nml L'lo > e I xvilh a nel loss of "a per cent. l.dl < on lllu- mlti Uhi { adv'iiucu 1 l'i u-ul \ \ estcru Union fd percent. Amoiii Iho loxv priced "hires , 1'iclfle Mill , I < nnlsxl lo , Nov. Albiiny 1 % Chlcaiio , NIeuol I'litnsecon s Mexican Centril and 'Jii'iroli ' oiithorn rose 5 ( lo I points Durltu the after noon Nei , I.n l indnlch h id piovlous y nil- xnnceil fiom 4r4 to 40. sold doxxn to 44' . , Mid IL ! idliii il thus imu tlmi'declliiL'd from Wt to is on rumorsot fiesh llllgit on Pho BIMI- er i. 1KI re icted'i to \ pu cent In s > mpithy tiii'l I'losut lit nur In tuiio at the decline. ( loxeiniiunt bonds Hun * t ito bo-iils quiet Phe I'osls ixs One Incldonlof Ihodnj xxas an ulxniiciiof o put oIn "I xer bullion Thu I ) is s foi llils moxo nonl u innol bn de L'tlhud 'ithi-r Hi in sonllmental. Pho London tlu- m in for silver Is not us hoivv ns It xxus u moiilh ami ind If next month's liituin nlon il LonfuieiiLo Is i "bull curd" foii'lsn uulhoil- IILS h ixn f illed to ie ill/o lliu fuel. 'I ho folio w.iu , uo Ihoulosliu quo tit Ions fet the Ij idlnit stoi.ks on Iho Now Vor c atojk o\- chin.u ted o : 'I lie tot il s ilo * of stocks ted iy xxoro 307,000 , Inchulln Atch'son ' 'I ' UJ , L'hlc ifo , 10 , 03 , Kilo. d.W.1. 1. luNxllo A. N islix'llle. 7.1i2 ; Noitlicrn I'lioIHu prufotrpil , 1IT" > 7. New Kiu- 1 ind. . ' , ( ji , lieailln ? . J7ll , fct I'unl. t- crtlSr 1'iinl .1 Om.ih i , dOi ) , I'nlon I'uollie , 10.SOO , Western Union , 7 , > 0i > oxx Yoik.'Moiu' ) > I rlcct. NFXXYottK. . Oct. II MOM v ov C XLL Kasv at 131 per cent ; I isl lo in , b per Lent ; closed otTurud ate per ce-it. 1'iiisir MKnrxNrii.n 1'Aprn " > B 7 per cent. SIIIIMVI l'xc.i\ > n1 : \\eik alflU1 for liuiKeia1 bKty-d iy ollls .mil $1 bb fjr do- ii'and j ne closing iiiotatlons ] on boids : London I liinncial [ CopyrU'atotl I53J by .luni's ( lonlun Hu molt ] I.OSDOS , ( ) Lt , 14. LN'uix York llurild C iblp- Bpeelal lo ' 1 llh llhr.Tho ] settlement h.i bi un bum -lit to a s itibf mtorv Loncluslou o llio Moo i oxuhaiue , no dlllleullles boiiu nn nouiiecd , but an outsldo biokei Is re porlod to hiixo siisiiende.l . pavilion Consoli KIIVO xv.iy 1 l-Od. Thofe itnruin forelv Koxernmonl bCLiirltles hub been the UIIOMO ili'iu ind tor Ar untlno Hturlliu lo.ius an llneno-i Aj res bonds , alt of xxlileh closed ul funhor m itorhil adxance. llri llliui , hovx nxui are i at hen dull. Cicnch rentes , Itnllai I'm tu ueso and Kussl in fours uru Romcixhi dull und slUhtly loixei. Homo rails linvu bee luss llrm dnriiu the lust hour und they elos modular. Aniurk'im after u tomjiorir period of dullncis h tvo beconio llrm u ali .lu.l nl l'io ' lusc momonl buyl'i , ' ordois cum In fiom Now \ork. an uilv inco of Pi per LOU xxas eel ibllshcd in Illinois ( untr il , \ per LUI In Ohlo.x. Mlsalsslpl , 'f ' pet cent In l.onlsxll ! > x. Nashx III ii. 1'riu un I .Northern I'.iclllo prufei encn und from 'a lo ° i In buxeril oilier Mnnov was nol muji xx intctl bhoil Ion hixobcoi ohitliieUac lur eonl. 'Iho ( II Lount nun kot xxi. s a.l.'hll.v llrmer Tuuaii Ihriiu niontlu' bllU xvero quoled ul ' lo 1'i pi cent. I'lninehil . Mo , OBI 14-Cloarlnss , NI.XX YOIIK , Opt U.-Oioarlnss , ill,00.I ( ) balances , Ji.Sl.15J7 I'Aiiis , Oat. 14. Throj per cent routes , 0 2'iu for lliu ucco int. )9 TOIIII . Oct II Cloarliiis , $ JJ ! ih OOJ ; bi nncoii , fir. ' , IK lo IIALTIMDIIE , Mil. , Oct. 11 Oloarlnjrs , J..M lo.h 4)'J ' ; baliinco ! , J.I7U 173 Money , d pur eent. ivm l'nilAtii.i'iin , Pa , Oji ll Ohiarln-'H. $11 m 4JII.0 : b il.mcea , 4l,7uS , W. Monuy 4 pur LOII luMI Jospos , O t. 14 Amount of bullion xvll MIte driiwn f iho II ink of ' MIH Hiu i-nt'l ind on balnne H todny , i'lJo.OtK ) . to CINCIVSATI , O.Oct , 14. Manor a'iGS p er tciu. Nuw York uxtlian.e , JUa dibujin erv. Cle.ii'liuri , f..dd..Sjd. | 0 S-T. I.OUIH. Mo. OcU -ClearhiRb. . 14.40 rs 01 ; buliinct ! ! ! , J 137,701. Monoqu'ol ' ut 02,7 p co Lent. i\uliuiuuonNoix : Yori ; 2oo pai , It. Nrxx Oni luss 1. a . Oct. II. Clearings , t 10 fl75lOi Nuxv York uvehuii o , LOmmorclul , i' d > per (1,0 0 discount ; b ink , .VJu ilia 'ount 10 p nt HobTOS , Illss. Oct. 14 Cleirln.-s , If0.b0 | er I. . ' ; jalances. Jl.iin fcom. Moiux' , 1' , pur tin er r.xchau e on Nuw York , & ® 1J pur tonl d nIy LOIllll. Iy I'- , UlllCoo. Ill . Ocl. -Clounnss , JIO.478,1 ii t Nuxv York e.\chann'o sol. ul 4 Jo discoui CO Slurlln. huii.'uqiilut at fl hi for 111 blllhiiuil Jl.bO'i for al ht drafts. Money ucti Ik ut 4 id per Lent , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIIo l.U i : hl'OCK .MAUIC1ITS. o- ere rex l.lttlo ( Jhmiga In ihu Uiitlla Mtii.itlon Ilo x- xIV blllul ) X\c.ior. OUAIIA. Oct. 14. Uuculptsof all Klndii XTC moderate , in faU raihcrii0-hi. rivoUuys'i colpt" fct t nn SI i..V < \.iitle. , Ift.ttvi hops nnd 2'74 shepp neimst INSI'I citth .USvl ho s and 4.1IJ , hcip'ho corrufiivniliiu Qxo days of list wrok , The rmrkol xvi ncilxo ind stronscr on the few dcMrubio hpef utjo err re I , oiiiu prpltv coed i"irnle 1 bPi-xpV cnl fjr JiaThPio xvpro no Bond to ct iu xvcsterns unions the olTcrmns and thcri * W ( s tin competition on Iho i oiiimoii tn pier itnlT r.ilr to cool MPOS Mild nruiind ttuit i J < , > i.i Tcxnns sold ut ! . ' P In iront'Ml the m itnLt xv is In vorv goo i sh ipo as f ir is the tlesli-bu | er ides xvcro onnTitiod , but It xv is the s inioohl story of IndllTorpiiLu and no.Mo t xvhpn ll'CMiiuto the under urtdos , Cii < vs nnd hclfor-t wi'd at ste uly to strong pr cos nt fiom J 03 ftt { J V ) Iho bulk of the fair to uootl stuir tit fnnll tl Iti to * . ' 15 , Hulls oxen und st i s xxoro i trfilo stronger nt from SI''i tnj'73. Voul c ilXLs xvrro In .ood rictn ind and llr n at from JIOJ to H.M Common stutl ind je irllnas nro a drug on Iho in iruol al from tl.40 toM " . Hood lloshv feeders nro roidy sellers nt f ilrly sitlsfnetory prices but the yards arn full to ovurlloxvln xvllli ll hl Irishv B til IT and vcnrilnus xxlileh uru hard to moxu at tiioiiiid Jl V ) to J.'l Shippers hixo bpen xxnrnod isulust IhlsstulT for some time , but the Irish continues to eotno und Ihey lese inonpx' . Uopresenl itlx o sales : Din ssi D nbi No Av I'r. No AxPr. . No. Av. I'r. It ) II" ! $1 4) 27. 1117 $173 01) US. ? 4 03 .1 HIM J 7'r H r > i7 1 01 1 Vi 1 21 .111' . 1 OJ i nome - 1 21 II.-7 1113 K mo ; 1 IT. II ) 2 in 4s in. i 21 i.'tn JOJ s Ills 1 200 l ! ) t > 1t i , n 1 II ! l ! JCO Ml i - nii ' " IUI 20'i SHI ' "o b47 210 1"45 i 'is 10 1011 ar lli.l i .is HIM 2 r. 7-0 1 40 27U 2 2J 1H1J 1 40 220 101) i no 10 m 3ft ) Hi 3 i si r . urt 2 tO 7IU 1 'M 11Mi 1 40 2 . 403 500 10) i 11 110 400 410 .11 ) 3 71 U ) I OJ ovrrr.n. No Ax- . l > r. No Av. IV. Noi , i coxxs . fill $1 21 1 * stcor II.'O i,0 :1J : * = lcets . S7J J . ' 0 41 slivu JJ3 COI.O.KIIO CVTTM : 5 cows . 873 1 SO 111 eovxs . , I ! ) cows IUI 1 1 f.-cJpi d ( I 1 71 1J 1 feeder l)1J ) J 03 21 feeders 1 feeders .1U70 2 00 2 feeders 10 > ,0 20) ) M fee iei3 .11)15 ) 2 . ' 1 H bulls 10s J 171 1 bull 114) ) 1ft 1 \ 1113 1 71 1 cult . Ill 1 50 f > S feeders 1147 270 45 fLO-Jord 1 03 2 40 41 Moors .11S3 .MM 111 steers . .11.4 2 , ,0 1 stojr . 11JO JO ) 70 feeders 1103 2 7r > 4 stoora .007 J 10 103 stLors . 11S3 J ,10 27 feeders O-'j ' 2 OJ 'tullln ? Mods The supply of hess xxas somewhat undoi oxpnetmon. of doilor , biitthi do- inind xv is also lighter thin usual. Kirlv trading xvtib dull and 611 the basis of a r > c to lOc ducllno fiom rimrsd i > 's o irly markets I'.nr to need ho s sold mostly it fro n 4 > JJ to J > ) J xx 1th a foxx choice lo ids at t" . . ' 7 and J > 10 an 1 ( julto i fexv Lommon mixed lo ids il Jl II iho market nilicr Improved as the morning udv meed and Llosud strong xxith pricllcallv cxorvthlui ; out of llrst b ind.s bales xvcro I ireelv it from $1 20 lo 1.1 Jl against $ " > 2 > to $1 .1) ) TlinrMl.ix" . iho Kent ril tiven oof prices paid bom.r $ > 21 aKalnst t > ' \ Lhui'-day und jl . ! 0J ! last Krlday. lieprcsontutlxo s lies : No Ax. Sh IT. No AxSli Pr. I" , .2UO iti 241 tH SI-'O 7. . .107 G 05 fill 2-U UO 520 78. S3 r > 11 LS. . . .277 20) ) V.0 78..Hi .Hi . 243 r. 11 n . ' 44 100 f.7 . 4) ) * 11 4S . 101 200 07 . 410 5 n 5) ) . . .241) ) 74 . . ' 00 111 78 . .211 220 2200 01 . 203 r , r 14 . . .Oi ( -0 B 21 7L 10J fl 17'4 ' . . .210 10) ) 5 25 'JJ 2s UJ 5-3 TO 100 r > 2J . 107 . .11)3 ) 1C ) 1 20 2U U ) fi 2) . . JJJ UO 1 20 .211 210 r > 2 > . . . . ' . ( .I .i.'J .1 2J . 247 100 1 21 .i.'JU ' ' ' U ) r , 2J U'O r ) 21 . . . . .2VJ l.'l > JO 8J 5 Jl . . . . 211 ICO r > 20 . . .247 20J * > 21 Jll 21) ) 5 JO 47 . . 277 1C3 5 21 Jll'I . . . . -'I 100 ' ) JJ 87 . . .JiU 40 5J5 . . . . 'ID S ) 5 . ' 0 03 . . . .210 5 21 . . . 211 120 .1 20 ( , a . . . .2)0 240 " 1 JO b.1 . . . . -10 Id ) 1 Jl ! ! ! .2J1 S3 fl 20 IS . J4JUl .123 . . . 3.iO SO 1 .0 Gl Ul 121 . . . .277 5 2) hJ 210UJ ri21 2111 2 0 1 2J blro . .2:1 : UJUO 1 21 242 110 .1 20 ro . 241 UO . . .24U 3)0 6 20 71 . 215 ' .1 20 70 . -'M 10J 5JJ- , . . ! .Si3 100 5 20 01bl .3 4 IUJ f.2. ' : J4l ( J 0 r > 20 bl . .21.1 5 J7' . . .2SO 52J blbi .2J1 10J 527-1 . . 2 19 lit 1 20 71 . . . .J.1 200 5 JO 57 4) 5 20 PIUS AM ) nouaii. I 123 43 4 00 0 103 40 4 CO 10 11J 4 50 p-Receipts consisted of a couple o double decks of very filr western xxLthers The m n kol. In svmp ilhy xx llh e istorn m ir kots xvas soinoxvli it oil , but Ihu sheep * -o\ \ ( ra.idlly to lo'il houses for $4 00 1'air to uooi init'vus , JlUiflli , fill to jood xxi'slerns , J1J ® l,2) ; Lommon and btoek sheen $ J J liiJ. . . ? ooi toelioko40 to UJ-lb lumua irl 0.l 75. Hepro sontitlvo s lies : No Av. Pr. .7. Flab xxothors 10J $40) ) ,170 Utuh xxolheis OJ 4 00 Ui'unlpts unit IMsiicnlti.Ml ol Stoi'k. ORIul il receipts ind illiuisltlou of stock a' shown by the hooUsot lliu Union Btoclc Yard' eompiny for lliu Ixxonty-foni houri ondliu a < B o'clock p m. , Uetobui 14 , IbO. . ChlPUBo 1.1J" ' htock JMurlint. CuiCAOn 111 , Ocljfll ISpuoml Toloznm t TIIK llr.r. 1 All descriptions of eutllu woi Hun , but ! , ' ( > ( ) 1 to 'rholco nillxuHleers xxet L'spo'lullr strong. iiHthn iilTorliiKs of snohxxui not nearly LIJII il to the demand i\purloi : xxiinted u fill number and so did u ibler 1)111 ois und locufdnsseJ beef house" , nn L'omtiLlltlon x\a iJi.irii unou h to Klva Hi iniirkcian upxv.ird Incllniilion Sales of ni tlxes XTuro on u b ihU of from Jl 00 lo S3 71 it Inferior lo oxtru.xxjjllo xxoblorns xxero quou ul fioinil 5J lo tWinnd Toxunsiit from Jl lo t.'i' . The I'alriuuiliel ifiniulnoil steady i fiom 41 50 to J15I. ' ' lliore no f Imiiroxoinenl In Iho ho Munition nnluib tlio fuel Hi il the inuikel wi no xxorbu tliuii bofyra may lie regarded as ehan o foi the bettui. lluypra did not tut ho'd x\llh much vim , und nolxtlthstum uu the > ° ry j jnoikralo run csilmuli ut IS.uiO bollL'i 8 to bu Liintui xjlth yuitonlaj" * prkos. The ear moxQinunt was sJiw , mil unsallsfao'ory , mi the ulobo xv is not xxhlt botlt * Muhl ho , xxerosmlublo ut f pii ; JlbO to Sl.4 % ut.d Huh of liL'tivyand medium xveUhls of eommoii prime quality xxero at from Jl ! > J to Jl.Ui. I'oi gr.ulLSXxcrj quoted at fiom Jl in 10 Jl 7,1 m t. Lulls at trim UUO toll 1' ' , 1'ilino huavy ho ; were firmer than ut t moytHterda 11Ob whllu rninmon woo u xxuia vruau , Ob QConldurluu ilieft.ct t nit more than r i,0 or it I.ur cares Scrofula I.- Mra , 12 J. Hovxcll , Mt-dfnrd , Mass , FI > S IIPI . I.25 motliLr hailneiuurcilof Scrofuli hj ihonsno four botth's of tgyafSKSt ° ftr haxhiK hai ir , muLliotlurtro Co > ? SM n atnitntand lulni Xit. - rrdilLeil to mil PitfUrrfnuJi tua loxvLondltnii it. of health , as U vxas thought fchu could not lite 17 INHERITED SCROFULA. il. IIV Cured my little boy of hcreditar vo Scrofula , xxlikh appiaru ( all ext ; hli fait. I nr i. jnrl had ulxLi .upall hopoot hi * riiioxtQ. niLn finally 1 xxa induced to life WSKSfSGI A few bottloi cnrnl him , and H > gryMl no gjmptomso e * the discabo rLiualn , .XIus , T , I , , MATIII.KS , Alathcrv ills , alias ro OJltook oa Uloo 1 anJ SVIn Discuet nullc.l free bxxirr bitcil'ic LU , Al iuu.Ct. lipop nnd Imnus xvcrr offered hero nlthln the lust xxrik nrlccs I.HXO held nn tirprlsinBlv xxoll. They tirovi-ry little Inivrr tnmi thov wrre last l rlduy , ihu best nutlxcs still selling nroiind i 01 un I fat xxcsterns flndln t hnvcrs nt from ( I ll lo JKO. The lamb murkol Is off n polnlor t xx o. the supply ha vmu been creator than ilia demand , they nro noxv at from HM ) to JSSV Fomcthinff extrn mUIit biliic I lOOhut It Is doubtful. Nitlxi ! ihcep nro nitottd nt from JI03 lo ( .5.1.5 and xvestcriis at from f.125 to Jl ( ! ' . Keeelnts Lattlc. H'.iO ) head ; IIORS , ROOO ho nil h(0t | , D.nm'liufid I ho \ ' . \ onihi ; .loiirnul reports : ( HTTr.K-ltetelpls , IJ.'UO lieuO ; < < h ument , C.M ) ) heidj nnrkct trlllo iHKhort best natlxos , M 0W5,0 ( : otherl7 > ai'i' ' . f coder * Sl3 > ; siojkers , ! J n.U W , Texnns , $ . ' i ® .MI'l nitlxocoxxs , J.1. ' . © . ' "I Hoes Hi'eelpls , 18 CO ) ho ids shipments voi hoid : m irkol c'osinl stron "or thin vestirduv , tonsil und loininou , Jl 7' > ® .l.w > . miM'd mid pickers. Jl.Oufn.lO : prlmo heavy n , d butch orV xxol.hls , JV4Ml5fl ! assoitod ! { lit , } 1 . " 0 ® Mil others , $1 5 IS 1 . IIPI i' Hecolpls s.noi he-id , shlpmonts Ofl head , m irkot shnilp stt'injcr ; nitlxi's. $ l.7Va.5 fill criss TeA in . $ ' Ofc.1 MI xvcstorns II iVill CJ ; Imnbs , J.I 85 ® . % ' 5. Nniv % 'oru l.tvn Mont Xlnrkcl. Nr.xv YOIIK , Oct , -ItM\ps-Uocelits ) , S Rs he id , Includlnz * > * cars for s lie : inurket slow bill stoudyj natlxu steers } J7i050i pnr nn Us ; Pi'xins j' 71-ailn bulls mid cows , 21) ) : dressed 1-cof dull. 7AS'iC ( ' per lb Ship- munts lomorrow , SO ; bcux es und i > , .KW > | U u ters of beef CAl\r < lieeelpts. 'CJ liutuli market dull : \o ils. } 5tii iftX 50 per lOUlbs , urassors.t'O'VTi , ' 51. ' 'Ill l l1 AM ) \viiis-Ueut 1 lpt . " , 'is" head : mui-kct ve y dull : sheep , il5ii510 ) Uir KJJ Ibs : Inn hs jisif c Oijdros.c 1 mutton stp uly at 7 sip per Ib : dns ed lumhadull atsTf i'e. ' Hods Iloi'olpts. . ) , % ' ) he ul conslijncil d reel. Nominally stonily at ii G > tii J ) per 100 Ibs. Untlia * ( it.x stuck MurUrt. IxAviA1 ? Our. Mo , Oct II CAITI.V. lo- ! cclpls ( > , III. shipment , 1,00. ) ( mod steeii vvcto slroni ; and othcts du 1 nnd lo'vcr , all t'rides solllna at $ IJ5QIU ( : uixxs. sle ulv ul SI JiQJ'.u ; lexns nnn Indlin steers , mi- clianiru I ul Jl . ' 5tJ 15 , n itlxe" . Bond stocl.nrs and feeders steadv und othcis xxo.ik to Uc linxer. ull Kr.ules holllnz at * . JiTUn1. lions | { eLO'it ' | . 7,1)10 ) : shipments , . ' .s fl The marki t xxnsstroiu ! ull Kr.ido , J4 "ia > 40 , hulk , J5I035.W. Mil l.l1 Heccipts , 0)D : sblpmcnts , COO The m irkot qulLt nnd noinin.illv st common millions , } ! uo. St. 1 oniH l.lxi ! st i U ltnrl.eit. ST Lot i . Mo , Ocl II l ATTI.V Receipts , 1 bOO , shlpmenls , . ' .son , inurkot icllxc stron . fulr to cholco niitlxo stLOr , i.l . ' 5t ? > tl : ordN nary to Rood TON is and Indian btotis , } J.i ) Cil 10. 1'oxvs , } | . ? OA25 ! lions -Hccnlpts , ,1,5)1 , shipments. .1 100 : mar ket loxxor ind xxeau : he ivy , J > 'J545 , piok- iiiL' . S5ooif540. Unlit , * 5'uaiJ5 siu.n Ileci'lpts , lUU : shlpmonts. 1,40 ! miirKot steidx n tlxo muttons , SJ7.15J471 , Tt ins , i 111,50 , WITH THE RED WAGONS. .Malt of Itnslness Men Ci llccteillth riomptiiPSH oil u Noxx Plun. The lltllo led wagon betioino for coliectinB mnll in Iho business portion of iho cily has become n con\cnlotico that business men thoroughly appreciate ana Postmaster Clatk- son has succeeded In ROttinc the 1'ostoftica derjniitncnt to fiunish two inoro XV.IKOIIS which will bo utilized m the neir futuio. "When xvo hist put on the wagon for the collection of mails in the business portion of the cllv , " said the pojtmustur , "the driver catno inlth o-ilv n pocketful of mail at each triti Hut sltiLo thu men chants , hunlccis , nnd other business men \\lio have a larco amount of mail to send nut on almost exeiv tiain Invo learned ttial the xv.iiron collcLt ? the mail Irani the largo boxoatex - uctly the sitno tlmo each dav and thnt the mail taken out of tlicso bo\us at ccit.iin hours \\ill go out on the trains leavinc n few minutes later Just the sitno as though It xas deposited in iho postonico thcto "h n boon a.i enormous iucie.iso in the bulk of matter placed In the boxes and ttio wazon noxv LOHIOI lu xxith n load The ilnvcr of this wnzon is guided ov n clock xx Inch ho keupj in the wagon xxltu him and his xorlc ls > rejrulated b v a bchedulo dosljrnni- inp Iho cxict time xvhou ho shall make ouch call and open each box. The same plan v. Ill bo adopted .vhon xxo put on tbo ncxv xxagons and ttion Iho service will bo oven moie prompt and efficient than it is noxv. I shall have n complete schedule of calls made out nr.d circulated amonc tbo business men , shox\ln ? the exact mtnuio x\hon iho wusons will loach ovcry box in the business poi t ion of Iho city. I'aUo I.Luiiomy Isoraetlca d bv people who buy Inferior articles of food because choiuor ihnn stand ard uoods. Infants aio entitled to the besl food obtainable. It is n fact that the Uni Boidon "IMi.'lo" Brand Condensed Milk i ; the best Infant food. Your grocer and dtuc- ( 1st keep it. Si'ltlcd Ihu Cine. Joseph MIchicl Illed a complaint Thursdaj chargltiB Mr. u..d Mi . Ulliott xxith th ( laiceny of n stove and the Judicial machinorj of the citv xxas put in motion for tbo appie honslon of tbo defendants. Ofttcur Ko.xsor uirostod ihom al 0 o'ciocli yes'ciday MUin'iig. Michael then catno intt court lo explain that he had uompiouusod the case for $5. HCIILO the \\ialh of the po lice force. IJoWltt'sbivsimrllla oioi-isoa tno bloaa , Increases the app3tito and loios up tUesys totn. It bus bonolitod minv piapln xvb ( havosuffpiud from blooa disordorj. It xvil holpjou. All line ! ev- ei v t out j on'\ jmiil for it , if it doesn't benefit 01 ( ino J ou A mcd- Kino Ih it piom- 11 s thu is ojie that premises to > * $ ) nUhere'sonty ono medicine oi itn Kind that cnn nnd does pi 01111 = 0 it. It' Dr. 1'ieico'h Golden Medicol Disuvxciy It' * the ( luintintcrtl icnicdy for all Klood. RUm nnd Heal ] ) IJISCUM.S , fioin a 10111111011 blotdi or eruption to the vxoist sciofnh It Llcanses , imiifies , nnd iniiLlics the blood , hiMgointLS tlio hjhk'in , nnd rmes hull- rheum , Tetter , Kezeinn , KijMpelns nnd nil manner of blood taints nom xxlmtexcr enir * Oiont IV'tuitt Ulcei's lapidly heul under its benign inlluenco It's the l > ct blood purlflcr , nnd It's the clienpcf-t , no innltti noxv many do es nrc oirenl foi n dollar for j ou pay oulj foi the good j on Rot Cnn nnj thing else , nt nny price , lie realty m > Lhcup ? Nothing clso is "lust us good" ns tlio " Dis- po\eiy , " It limy IK ) bolter for the denier , Hut ho xxaiits money and 1/011 ivunt hel ] ) . SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Compan ; SOUTH OMAHA. Ilcst cattle. IKI.J and bhoep mar\ot In tha wu COMMISSION HOUSE3. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER li bTOClC COMMISSION , Tim UADIUS. : : CMAII A tj this hoaii for cc root M i- list Kopartl. Wood Brothers , routh Omiihi Tolophouo ll > 7 , - Chlcn ; JOHN'D llAlllbXIXN I X\AI.IKlt K XVOJI ) f Jlnniiiorj Market reports by mull nuJ. xvlro choorfull fnrnlbhcd upon nppllo ilhm THB Campbell Co mmission Co. Chletico , n-VitSl I.ouls , K insisOlty Soulh Oni.ihj , blunt City , I'on Worth A. D. Boycr & Company , f.Saud 5J I'.xoh in.'o llulldln ; , HoiitiOmaii ! i. Corri i > oiiiluiico lollLllol mil vroiaplly an vir > mionlloaiuoMor4 lor l.ttublliliLil IsiJ . . . IncorpuraUJ , li capital fullr pulj , f.'JUJJ Waggoner IJirney Co-npan ; \Vrltoorwlrjuiforprompt an4 rollj'jlj urn * ici > orU Perry Brothers & Company , LIvu htook ( 'om mission , Uoom 01 Lxchango ItiiddmtiaulU Oinat Tulophoiiu 17JT. OMAHA feiiiifactui'oi's' ' ' ' JoHiors' Directory _ _ V AWN'IXGS A\D TiXn.N. : Jll VofBfflUC' ' ] llcclor i Willicb & Ou iiiiniir 1 lin < him lpnnl nw i ru li'ixu timilt' nil nnt r.itiluir . lins pnvpr nt nil kl l , Corner Utli nn 1 Jickjoa . lp-xlor ) in h ilolhtnir rilHomp IIHl tHu l innir < M < \ * o 11 troeti I inn him tools I a niiu < lrc I. | fiirtatnlociii nits Mil Hu "nicl-xs slri-ct BAGS&TWINMH I niCYCLK BeniisOiialnBaiCo M , 0 , Daxoi , II l/et Importer' nnd mfr < , Hour Illoro p il J on in ntlilr llnrdiTonl Ininbor noa tirnrtol Vmcripjn Pirt ix'X' tiurlnp , t < vnu > PIXIIIP n Ui S 1 th si rnnii tsnn 1 pirnujt Un li" n nl Mihr i ik ii tloorliiK h ilr iln p iiptn tnt IJill u r n HID li li' BOO 1'S AND HlIOKS. lircRoc Sto C 11191117 II P * - | > ct , rl 1. OlinlfMfp & f'j. I lotorv corner llth nml Du u us strr-ft < \ > eiiri > tiinkliiii.l > < irup - Wholes il hninrlor | ami ( 'i'ii > M ( i | t i i i li tui > i > mil nro Hi nr Ijiti- VI.IM'u il i of K.I . > l ld h li very m 1Mb o 1WI 1 jrn ira U mllllnoir n.itii n M\ xUt'i nipr liinl * onion pi > njit VU 1. IMlth lift t KirkraWl JneU Amir Hail-Scwcl , - I OtL-i tonipnnx sina P"IIIIIIIIJP | , Im l , Akonti llminn It 1'itpr 'ii ' > < nn iriMipi no il , Carpenter Paper Co. StiiiuUrd Oil cj * i i < piiiiiint | Mr. tui U nn 1 HIJ llnrnoy IIUi lluraiy i-o" . Oirrr n fall ulnck of milling wrnpplnj | tPlnril ill lu > wrlllnit i p r curl pi till * II Ml H IMS' til CLOTHING. 1 cr Mr o sll us. Cliit'iliiij MI-I u. fur < i & 'DaMilColcir. ln ( , n n n irlil King . . ) , sntnplc * p o Mill l > y c * lirelinilnriio / t Mfrsof 1C , V S" innti hlrl nml orcrilN , i > te. I II tssaiilh Illlml. GOAF. , COKC , | 1'HODUCi : Oin1iiiCflil1Co\elJii3Co ! \ ! Hub LVii ) ) Wo/v ? ) ijtiUiiiiuM : ! BI llKlllCll xV C < ) Ili-nl in \ xoft c nl. r MfrK cnlx mlr 1 Iron \Yliilncy \ & Co. . cor irtli nnd oornlct * . window ctun . HIP ! IP | kxllitht < tie S'ro.lupp frilti of ill , Mruelt , . ' , . . lluttir on4 niiilpaultrj 111,1 111. ; > Uo. t klii.lori -I i DUV GOODS. Cj" Jas A. ClirkS M. E. Smilli i Cj , Koc'i lluttcr o'i > oji | imillriin I till Drj itnidi no'l3n f ir- l > r > line l < Cn Notion" Jli si.iuii nu , au n Hlilnis io < nl * Cirriijr mill" fnrnlsliliu K < ili llth mil H. ) \ irl sti Lor lltli nn 1 lining Sl'OVK RIU'UKS Omrilia.SJo\cltppjii'\\"li51 \ \ \ Oiiiak LT'iolslrin | ) ' ? ] Cj , llccbo i llunj.n f-t vorcinlr5 inlwxtcr nltiu Innonts for anj plinNtprol fiirnltiira 1 urnltnra Co. . Urica 1 1 kind or Htovo in Vila 11HJ HliMclioliii .itrjjt lllhitrjeu 1.M7 lloiulns \V li iilu only SASH TO\S. ua , ) : : itc ; | D i r M nt'o 31.\.llsbro\v&Co. \ ) \ II Hardy & Co. D. 31. c , Draco eCo \ : Slnnnfictarori of suli. c > s i ull nltinm iloiiri bl I nils nil fii'ici ( .oixli IIOIHU fur inoiildliiK1 ! Itrinch or . . nlililnil ioo.l. , clill ' liUl-IJOiJoncsstro't , lOt'i in 1 Ilir > ! at oil tlcc Ulli ixnd It M an flu n M i irrln p O n ill i Oni iln ' - lil'i Hiriiiini SA ) 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tile eminent uroclillit In nervous , chronic , iirUnto Lliio.l , ikln mnil nnnnti ilUcr A rgmlir nnfl rcl'toroa urr.duRUi In miilclne , us llplomns imil n nllli 'Hi ' nlmn. In still treallnu w nil Itio KrrutL- t 3iiciij nltirrh , apermiilorrhoca losi tuanliuo 1 , leinltml XV. nkuu n. nlubt loiaos , liupolont } ptillls ittrtLturo ifon1- Jrrlioptt.Blett , Tnrtcor/ulr etc .No merciirv uts I. .New trealuu'iil for lojsof vlinl pun r PiiUle * un iblo lo U lt mu rajy bo tr nlotai hur.ii. Iicorrnpon ILDCO. Me II Ina or InnuunifnU nut b mail nr axiirvs curoly picked no innrkg to Inill ilu couto in or ovinl < r. Duo inraonal Inlcrvluw | in.iuiroil. Coiiiulmiloa trto Lorre ponilcnri ) Urictlv privito llia < ( Myslorloi of Ule ) mat Int. OCiju ! ii > un Un. m. to J p. uu U ) u tu 10 li m bcia im up for riDU- PERMANENT SIDCWALK RESOLU TION. Couscir , CIIVMIILK. OXIVIIA , Xeb , O.itoticr 4th , 1 . ' . llo It'.vrd by the City Council of the cily of Oni ih i. the m n ol LDIH urrln. . That u iiii.uiiMit slili v. ilKs boLOiistrnetol In thoLltj ofOmiha is dcsUn ited below , xx thin lixednxa ifter the publk n on of this resjlu- t on. or the per-on il survlco thi'icof , is by 01 Iln nice Is nutlioi i/i'd nnd iciiulrod. such B ( lew il\s to be laid to ( he bcrmi nentr ido is cat ibllsiicd on the pixid htieets spcclHcil herein an 1 tube ninilructcd ot sion , artlll- Llul stone , lirh U or II Inc nccoiilliii to speci fications on file In Iho odlco of the liinu 1 or Public \\oius , mil under Its supLrvlbloii , to- xvlt \\tst Bide of 4ti ! hticet. lot 1' , Kellogg I'l IK , perm inent m ide. I. feet ixlde Not Hi side of II n noy street 05 fiet of south 'i of the south e ist , of lot 1 l-i lot ' ) C ipltol Addition perm uiLiil grille , d feel wido. South sldj of Pn in un sirLOt. lotI' , II. 14 ind 1' . b'ocK ' I ! ) \\est r.nd AddlUon. uuimi- nent u-i ido. d fpnt xxlde. Isoith sdo | of C illfornl i street , lots b ind 7 , block H , L liv. perm in nl iaie. ( . feet xxldi1 Histsldoof Mhstrei't , lot 3 , nlOLli. i4s. City , perm niunt ir me I. feet wide Past side of 1'lth stieet , lot 4 , block ul9. City , pet m inent sr ule , i > fcot xido South skip of Hurt street , lot I. block ol1 * . Cltv , penn tni'iit prndo. d foot xxide Tint the Hoiiid of Public \\orUs bo and ib hereby authori/ed and diiecti'd touinsca Lopx ot this r solution to bo published In llio olllel il p ip"rof thooityfo. ono xvouk. or ho served on iho owners of s ild lots und un is siiLh oxxners snail xvllhln InoiLiJ * ifter the publk nlon 01 sLrxiLcof suchiopj constiucl 3 , ild sldi xv ilKs us hoiL'ln icqiilroil , th it lliu lloaid of I'ul.lli'nrUs Lame the himolobo ( kiiio thi'LO-itof lomtriHtlnK s ild suloxx ill.s respcLllu'l } to ho ISSPS-.O I ii nlnst the roil oil ite. lot ot pnrt of lot lu fioui of anJ ulmt- tliiirsuch H ! li xv ilus l'a = sea OLtoboi 4th. isn ? I'resUli'iit of the Coniie'I Atlest. JOHN RUUVIf. l lly Cleric. GnoittiK P. IUMIM ; - , M 11 or. TOTe To the axvacisof the lot- , , puts of lot- , and IL il Lstato di'scilhed lu the above rusoliillon You and oiehof you ire lii'iobj nolillud lo coiihtruu perm ini-nt siiluxvulki .isreqiih. ' I bx' , i lusolntiiin ( ihu ellv Lonnui mnl nnjorof tno olty of O. n ih i , of xxhkh ihuiihoxo H i 1W llIKICIIAINr.U Chit rm mi lion id of I nh \\oiUs Om ih i , Niiln.isUa , ULlohor l.'lh Isl. ' OIJ-IM4-I3 17-IS-P PKOl'OSALS KOIl J'AVINC AND MACADAMIZING. Eonlrd pioposiln xxlll bo loeelxeJ by the uuderslKneil until 1 I ) o'clock p m . Outobei ii'lli , M' foi thufolloxxln , ; kindsof paving m i- terlallf bhcolnsph illnin , Mont Til Is 01 other ruiltj , Color ido s in Istoin1 , Woo lint" . Kansas , stoic , an 1 Vltt Ih'd brie ) , , All ui.cor liiuto speullleuttons I or p iv I n. p irioi iho follow I iu streets mid alloys In lliu city of Oniahn. comptlsiid lu hlri'ul Improvement dlsulets Nos 4M1 , | s7 , 4-'i ( ' , 4'i ' ) and 4'U ' , oiikicd Impioved hv oidlninios Nos .1 'IT , .1 ! U. I IK ) . S'JIh uud ulOJ ui-iie.'tlxi'lx | , and for iiulnor nine idamr/liu' hliuet Im * pioxtment district No 4-1 , oiikiod Impioxid by on Iln ineu.lWI , und inoro p irllcnluriy do- SL i died us futloxxs to ivlt : .No 4'ii tenter btrect from IDlli stnet to yu jh7lley In lilockftl , city , from 17th btrcbt lo Hill hlioiit. . . . .So 4 i | Alloy In block 110 , from 17th bticol to lMhiu ot. . . . .No. 4cw17th stri'Lt. from Jaok m streol to ' < ' -s'ol4JI-0A1.y | lu , ' , . from I6IU street t0No I4tij-Ur'tc nj stieet , from .l.'nd Htrtet to thu ullov In twtcn J.'nd mid .Mrd struLts , In the ° ' ' ' ' ' ! ? ai . a prlto per sijn iroy ird llio trouts ind nl- for llio p ivln < inmpluiu In | iiy < , mm the miu-inlnml/liu or p n Intoin - trlct N" > . thtieetlmpioxumerildl 4J plt 1 ti ) < ) \\orktiiuo Junu In nccoid I into xvtli plrnis midspo lilt itlons on llio In Ihu olllto of thu bo ir-f of public xuiiks. - iuh : proposil to bum ido on pilntul blinks furiilblioj bv l hub mil mid to ho m cmiipaii- lud by ni'i i tilled tin tk liuhu Mini of .w piv- able to iho city of Omaha , us un uvldento of ' ' ' ' reserves the rlvllt to rujcct any j f linlriiiun lloar J of Piibliu .Vorks. Oinuha , .Nob , Oolobur llth. lM/j)1.n..i | | , . , 1'rupoiiiiUli'i lliiilxx ty luinslur lit \iiiiktiin houlll 1 > ll.ol i Sealed propasih will bo rooelvoil for thu iniruliuko oriental of u tninfur lu n , biHH ; blu fur carryuii the rallw iy lollln , ' stoo < of ihoVanlctou .Norfolk & boul'nvsulurn lull- Wi''ioiisalsfchinld ( boolii flllod us folloxvs 1 I'ropji ilH Hi soil irniHfer bun J. I'ropoials for laUinx uonlr lot to do outlru triiiibfLi ljiilno iii f nllxv iy .1 I'Kipjsilblorionulof irinsforboit. Kuiiiliumuits und siiutlllciillmi. eon Im ' > I Iliad fiom the eh of urt , ' iitnr. ) J't ' do , .Norfolk A. rjouth > xt3ii.rii lallwiyanktou , U Ij ' 'All h ( Is bhould btiuddfouod tin 'ihubutrotnry. Yanklon , Norfolk & fcouilnvctnrii H iu | iy ( ' The board of director * restrxt * iho r'i ht l rujcn any und ull bids. Ufa HIM NOTICE Ob1 ASanS MnNT OP DAM. AGKS FOKGKUMNt : . To the oxxnoisof all lols n irtsof lots and roul est no atoiu .llth from lou o to I ) iv- ( ' 111 Ort StIL'Ll. You mo hereby not fled tint the iindar- s Kiiud Hi eo ( UsIiiierLslLiI fioi'liolders. of the elty of Um.ilm , hivi-liLen duly iippylntod. by iho major , xxlthihe ipfioxul of llm city ) issisi thu dam IRO to Iho uwnuis lespeetlxoiy of tlio property af fect od by gr ul Ilii of s ild stioot ilLclaii d fioo- tssirx bj oiiiln inee nuinbi'r IJPd missed Oc- tohoi 1 , Is'lj iptiroxod Oi tel ) r-I Is' . ' ) ii aio further notified Ih it hixliiKiic- LCptLd said HptiolntniLiit. un I du'v qualified us ri quirt d li > luxx. xxu xlll , uu the Jltn diij ot OiMoboi , A I ) ISJ' . .it the hum of II U o'clock In lliu forenoon , ul thu ollh-o uf Snrlvor Si O'Doiuihoi1. 1101 1' irn im stieou xxlthin Ihu ( .or * poi no limlls ot sildillx. meet foi the pnr- posu of considering and miUln : lliu iisios-i- niLiil of ( lamaKo to tbo oxxni'rs lespcetlvoljl of s il I pioporly iireeloJ by s ild Ki.idltrtaldnu liiloconslder.ulon sjiuul il banolltj , K any. Yon iru neil fled to bo piesenl .it the tlmo and pi icu aforesaid and niiiKu mv objoclU > ii3 to or s > t conceriiln s ild assessiilent ul d images us you IIIHV LOUS del ninpor. W ( . -IIIUX. ll ! { . iiroitr.r i. PAI r. . Ciimi iltteu of Appraiser ) ) Om iha. Neb , Ost 8. IfiJi Ol'Jd ' 10 To the oxyiieis of all lots or parts of lots frqnt- Inj on lirind nxi < Thlrty-sovmiih to rnrtx-soeond streets I'uxxiLr.ivi line , I'hlrlv- eUhlli In rorllclh sticiil , I hlrti-ninth . street lit ind avuinc to Ames uxuniiu : I 1 .irllutb street mil loitith axeiiuo , from lr ind avenue to hir | i : MU stin > l \ o i nio herebv mitilleil lliit the nndcr- sl.'neil. tliiLO ( HsInlureHtLiI frcnhuldi'rs of the cits of Oniiilu. h iv e bi'Lii du y .puolnlLd by the mavni , xxlth iho ippiux il of thu city oniicll of sild elty. to ISSLS- . the dutmu'o to HID oxvni is re > pi'Ltl\i Iv of Ihn properly alTictcd by Kr.idlnz of ih > x > di'si-rlbud street * and axL'Uiu s duuliiro I ni'iusi ny by ordlnanco No l.sp issed ( Jelohor 1 , IbJ , appioxod Uc- tobei I , l.-'H You aio further nol lie 1 ih it , baxlii nn- coplbd HuhI iippiilntnant , ml duly in | illl.cil nsi. . > ( | iilril ( by l.ixx. u. ' "ill on ihoJill duy ofOttoliei A I ) IS ) . ' al ill'-hum ' of t o'clojlc In lliu iifti moon ut Iho olllco of < > poi2 ( ) .1. I' ml. lli ) " > 1'iirn i in .sluni. xx Hi n tliu iinporito llmllsnf Hihl illy , miol foi thu purpose ot L'onslnuiliiK and mul.liu tin' assortment of ( Inmncu to the OWIIUM nispi itlxoly of Hilil iri ) | > dtx , airuclud bv Hild i idln' , tiUlnj nloLonsnlcr itlon bcnnflti , If tiny. \ mi uru pointed to bu piujcnl .it Ihu lima anil plaeo afoicmlil. and m I'to ' ni ) ohjoullon * tool Htitements coni'einiiK slid iissoismoal of d iinajo-i an you m iy I'nmliinr nropoi mnitjij ( : I'Aiiu JOHN II UlM'l.r.U. dl.UKOi : U PAY Nil Om.ih.i , October B ISj ; OludlUl > otlLo ot AKHixiiiipnl "I Diiinaijrs tin ( nail- In . To Iho owners of nil Ion p irts of lols mid ion' ostiituulon ; alley In block M , from 17lh to isih fct rents You aio huiouy nolllled that the undnr- hl/ned IhroodUintoriHli I freu holduis of Iho city of Om ihn , h ixu been duly appointed by the mtiyoi. xvlth the upprov il of Iho oily Lonncll ( if sild elty. to IIS-.IHS Ihn ilimiiRoUi ihooivnurs riiiiii'Lilxo > of ihu propurty nt- fuitedhy Krinliuof sild ulluj. mi'lued noe- issiry hy iirlln inuo niinibi r 1M7 , piihsed rmp- l < mLer"Jth , IVi. , approxtd H'pleinbui2.lrd ' , Y'ouaro fiirthoi iiollflnl t ml hixln , ; nccop- lid sild iipiioliiliiiiinl und dul > iiiillllud | as iIKIIIircd liy I ixv. nu will , on Iho I'Mh day of OcloLur. A I ) , 1SU , at llio lioiu of 10 IJ o'olock In the forenoon it l'io ' u lieu of hhnvot ( /Don ihoo , IIO U'urn n . i > tl not , n ill ) I u tliueor- porilDllmiHofHil I cllx mui t foi Ihu pur- posonf LOiHldor iumf m il > .n. . I' ' " ' nksom- im nl of daiim-'os 10 Iho onmr * iiupuotlvuly of sill piopurly ulliiutn I by h ld uriulnr. t iiniliuouoiiifderutlo | i spiiu m benullls , Ir ' "Zinnia tiotllloij to bo prison ! at Ilii ) llin mid pliioo Hforubiilil mid mium liny objuellonj tnorslalemonl'4 ' eonciirnln. sud aiisosiiiiunk of damu 't us j ou mi iv " ' } ' | ] ] ' ' ' | , | , ( IKn'ltii ! I I'Al'U lAMI. ' IOCKDAI.R ( JoninilltiHi f Apiir i'nur ' * . Oniahn , Noli , Oclobor ith , IbJ. OJillui. To the ownois of ull lulu or purls of loin oa DmeiiiiuriliotwiMiii mid'Hth ulrLDtst You uru hereby iiiillll-d Hint the imilor- hk'iiLil. ihrto dmlnleroflod frtuholduri of the olty of Oimha huvo boon duly iipiiotiilod by Ihu max or. with tlm nppiiixal uf thu city council ur bald elty. lo iisioiisthu dunmcd to llio oxvnurs rosptttlxuy of iho nioporty allccted bv Rradlninf Dux eiuiort Htrt'iit from luili to hth fclrtols , di'O mi'd IHICUS.S iry by onllimucu , ih7 ; , pisiul Ootolnir Ist , isx. , up- oroxeil October 4lh I U , ) miuiofuithui iiotlllud.lhiilhnvhuitccoptoai bind uppolnlmunl , mid duly nil illllou HS ro- niilrud by In" , xvo will , on tliunh day of October. A 1 .1M ) . ' , nt llm hour of So'uluuk lu tliu nfHim.ion. . ul thu iillliu i > f Iju ) .1 , Paul. | | > )11'irn ) iniblruLt , xv It Inn thuiorporutullmltu it iild olU. niiiul for Ihu puiponu of tonvldor- In-und inukliu ihu atiu tmuiit of dunmiiu to Ilia u neru r'.bpuellxu v of h ild propurty. by said iriidliit : , tulJn ; Itilutonsld- tr itlon Kuulul hotiulln. If .my You uru 'inlllli'd to bu pubiinl ut ihu lltno und plain aforoxuld , und iiiuku miy objuvtloni toor MiutdiiiuntH onuiinliu nuld iibsuHtinont uf dunuuukus you muy iiiimldnr proper , ( JI.O. J. I'AIIIj. \v. u. BliHivi : , J\B. dl'UL'KDAhl' OmtihB , Oct. Stb , lb'/i o-lUd-W >