THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; JHUDAY , OCTOBER II , 1892 m 10 [ IB at ) SPEG1RL NOTICES , ' - . 1-Olt 1IIMK COLUMNS AMVMl'11-.nMhNlrt 12 30 p m for lliavTttilnR nniJ nntll 8 M \ > m. for tlia mornlne or Sunday cdl- No df ortliprnpnt taken for 1os than 55 c nta for the tlrtt Iniprtlon AUkdtcrtlionicnts In lti ? o colnmni m ronli n vtot < \ for titft ln prtlon and 1 < ent a word for cacti ( uhnrqucot Inocrtlon. or JIW per line per jfionth 'lernu each In adranco Itdllal llciirex. cymbol * , rtc each ronn - nnord. Alladti-r- tlnoinentii tnukt run ronM cntUdr Advertisers , br rf-nucullnii a numbered check ran navn the letters mtdrpuscd to a numbfrod letter In care of Tlr llrK An tcrs ta ndrtrei > i7d will bodellvcri-il on thn | irg < enlallon of the cliPt NOTICK. In the future no ad orll omcnH will bo taken for the efcnlns rdllton after 12 M o clock All notlcci lironrlit Into tt o olllcc after that hour nlll to Hr t Inncrtcn In the followlnu mornlnu edition. SITUAIIONS-WANTED. WAKTHD A SITUATION " AS \uTf.K 11 fiOOI ) A rcferrnrofnrnlidied or will rent small water mill Addre Tot 'lVi.jUkliison , Neb C.I li * A 1IY A YtL'MrMAN AH SI KNOtlllAl'IIKIl .A-bookkeeper or oillco aMlslanl Address J , 3J I log. ' " 3 ' 3 - ) , POSITION nv KnrvrrLy ! < s A-WANTKi t Ity rcforunce. Address 1107 Pacific tcet , linnlm , Nell > 'TW ' ' ' T i.OOKKLii'KlT : WANTS t'lHlHOV INKST J\OT norlhwesl Satisfactory icforcnccs Address I' . O lor HI ( linnlin Nib MW4 IIT - \ \ AVI I'.n POSITION AS ItOOKKKl'.PKIl ANI ) AAVI ortno vork hy rounu nmn of experience and rood lelc-rcnres. Addio's N 4J , 1'ce ill 15' WAUTED-MAL.K HELP. T5-WASTKI ) SALV/sMKN ON 9A1.AllOil roM- Omission to nnndlntlionew patcnlcho mcnl Ink orusltiK pencil 'Iho nrentc t snlllnK novelty over lirodticcd , erases Ink thoroughly In two aieondii. tie abrasion of paper : sou lo IUpercnnl ) profit , ono Burnt' * sales amounted fl ? ) In sin d.i's , nn other Hi In two hours ! wo want onuemmfcllo Ben oral npont In each slnto mid territory Mirlrrma nnd iinrtleiiliirmiddress Monroe I ruser MfK Co , -\VAS'1KI ) , AOKN'IS ' 10 Sr.LI. 1 INK TliAH J > corfei s piilrex. extracts nnd miiid-les by simpla to families , no cnpllnl required ctcluidvo terrl toryt Rooil pnr. Bet our lll > orAl Irlnl nlfer Q. W Loverln A. Ilrowne lo , Chicago. MI'u ' u ! * _ "ll \li LMl'LOVSIKN I' OKI'lCi : . it situations furnished , J1 N Ihth . -i iii-i-i LAS" . A 1 TlNNKTr\VANTri : ) KOII jJehop nnd Inrnnrn work No others need apply Wm l.ylo Olckriy Si Co , IJJ1 Donnl.imit 1" * . . , - M'.wnu MIN. : ALSO niurKLAVKiis JJwarteil. I'ny every Hnlurdny. lei .Molnos , IR * McDonald MltiiOft 'l > - MNANTIII ) 10 COLLKCr AND SUM. 4)caunlry Aidy | | al bliiKur olTli'3 vJ"'i "n-llKLlAlILl ! MAS AI10UT 23. WHO HQIMl'I' Allo Itnrn and nllllmt lo work will bo Instructei In our business and salary paid nhllo learnlni ; AI > ply IMP PoiiBlas. < mint AMO , 500 l.AIIOUP.US ANI teainslors nnd Mibcontrnitnis to work on ex tentlen uMlork. IMnnd nt Llnioln , .Ni-b. 'leims SI a day ; men JJ a day free trnnstiortntlon foi men nnd toimn from nny point on the Itpck lulani road , deport nt 13 miles south of Lincoln on llocl Island wolk W. K. Cnllahnn _ .M513 H * _ TJ WAVIT.D. T-i' N FIHSI1 01.SS 11IUCKLAV TJD at once. Apply to W U Hughes at . iTnle " - ' IJ Keb. "n-LAlioHKIW POlt UNION PAC1K10 Il'Y CO l > J > BOiitherii WyomlnB , Utah mid Idaho -free pass Kramer i , O'llcnrn Labor Auency , J01 boiitli lit Btreet."i"1 ' > - ) , A LIVi : W1III3 AWKK UKIMII. B-WANTKI rcprosent ns In every locillty. on with vim. vhior. pluck , nnd push , i in o i"lly innk IM CO per nionlh : no pcddllnn ( tooda : fomcthln entirely new ; ktiiplo ns flour bond for full pni tlculnrs today Address " 31111111 tacturers. ' 1' . i Jlox i.103. llORtonilnss. > Ul.i N6 * -WA.vrr.D , toMi : oooi ) MAUIILI : HKTIKU' ' Apply or uddrcss Davidson Jt Sons , tbj'rjBjjj 11 _ VA T ? I MAN TO ATIIIND i U NAC and work nround the houne. Apply DID UoiiKli * * * Blrcol. T ) AOTCNIS WANTHO EVKIIYWHKKB KOU JJnew hook by Jonlah Allen'a wlfo.iininnlha o thn Ilneo I'roldcm " bond fifty cents for the null nnd lie the llr t In the Held , hend for circular ! Dodd. Mend & Company , ft Knst ntroe New York City ( Agency ileit. ) Mli'J < i U - > NTri ) AT ( INCH I'lVIC TINNKHS AN cornice men , stonily work. It. L Curler. 110 11th m. WJ 1 W.rNTr.I ) AT ONCK A NO. 1 IIAIINISS maker who Is llrsl clnns workman nnil has lee ! No wht8k > bum need nppl ) Charles I'opp Imoiicao , la. M73 < H \VAM'ii ) . AT WKST I'OINT. N1M1 . AN 1' . : porlonced hiitchor , rclall , to cnl meat on bloc fitnto experience , nise and wngts wanted , a. I Ilcltrmnn , > ' 7.B IS AT OMAHA UCX PAC1OH BKI Omaha. " ( l- r \vrANTiiiT : coon COATMAKKUS AT TI : JContlncnlniriolUlngHoimo 748 It WAftTKI ) , 8TA11LKMAN WITH HKI'i : B i encen lloom B , Crclithton bloclt 7S2 1. ! ' T3-WANTI liTlTuBTCLAbSVOOD CAUVK J > Apply 102'J S 18thsl. _ 71)1 IS 1J-TIHHH WtmiCMlJN WANTKI ) TO CL13/ jJland Inquire of Italic A Wood at Potter ilcorpu con piiny'H oftlce , lull tornain tbefu Milnrday nlunt 7&S 10' ' TIIAVKLlNli \VANTKD-WB WAtIT tliorouRhly competent , oncrKutlc nnd expc lined liiun to tnke general clinrKe of onrNobras territory. A uood nalnry will bu paid to tlio in who can fmnlsh proper credentials nnd till t position piitlnfiictorlly The K. K. bunborn C 1603 Howard st . 7S7 I. 1 > - llAllllini WA.VTKI ) A I lllbT CLASS WOK JJinnn ; flZOJ per week. Addren II L llecki Allunile , In T > -WANTrl ) , AfJKN'l.S f > W 'IO JIOOO I'KIl I ) ; J'collectlin ; small pictures for u" to topy and c large. Katlsliittlnn Klliir.intccd nnd a * l ( M out free A. DI.IIIIO , V Co , to Kendo Btieot , how Yoi M773 II pint \VIKK : AND P..VPKN-KS TO MAI Jand fomiilo workers tunitni rcsldont Palcnm for n comi'r.n ) mitniirnilurliiK fnodii wanted ovcry hniitrbold I'rrmuiiint , prolltablo woi 'Jciinn nnd ( Irctilurs fieo Addrco Kliclro .Ni rlty t n . ts Armory at , 1'oslon , M.i a M777 11 "nWAVIKI ) . \ \ 1IK A\\AKi : WO 1 1 K U J't'Vi'rytthero lo snll ' Shepii'a phntORraplis of I world" tin1 urt atent book on earth ; coatliik- IUC 0 tash or Installments , ab ntinra for the holldn ) nkontB eolnliiKinonoy , iiuimimith Illimtrated i t nlais ami lernm free ; \\orkers wild lth itiicce Mr KlnirO'Lor ) Altoona , Pa , clean d tl.VjU In i weeks ; Itov Jon \\ullor.i Nnnlncknt Mn . f I-U 17 lira ; Mlsn L / llniMii Los Ancoles , Cat . Urn I dti ) .MiiKiillkent onttll on' > tl ( ioods credit Atldresn i.loto lllbln pub Co , No i hoHtnut t. I hllu , l' , or .No JM Dcurborn i Chlragn , 111 M770 ' 'I _ T > -TUAVKLIS 1 A1 LflMAN lN ) hPKriALTI J'fiir dry Koodn , iirocery aid uuneral nlor worth f.Vj per week lo experienced num. .Alllm 171 Miiiirnoiitrei. ! . ( hlcaiQ. M77IH _ WAMTEP-.FEMAI.E IIELP. " T\V AN'I iTTT"ililT. . roll lil'NVuAL HOD : work , niubt bo i.ood took , Miulur and Iron Apply UJ t udlul | uve. _ u - \NTKD. . A b\Vrni : on DAM : KIIIL. i C.7 - . ) A < ilHI. ' 1ODOOKNKUAL HOU C-WA.NTH ork In fiimllynf tno. Muil bo u goad co Apply nt SKIJuikiunilruel. MJl li ri-llltl. XV ANI HI ) l-Oll nUNKIIAL HOU ! V/Kork. 21.0 ben ard struct Mn. II. 11 MarhoQ 70S U _ _ -WANTKD. (1IIIL fOll ( illNKItAI. HOUl C work wllh llrnt class reloroiacj liUJ n we 1831 lKmia | elrtol. Tli I _ ' ( \ WA Vri7l ) . TWO PIHST LLAHS HAI VV Udlei , luusl hat a had lonu eipurlenre , i Koodierierrucu. hoothers. 'lUo Mor o Dry tit Co. 7IU _ pIIKST OK WAliKd 1O ( OMPirrUM ( II ! V > Mu t boKood uook mid laundress. Jlr J. Iliumon. 1'ios iMirnnut. \ \ \ C-illiTT\\ ( AN'lii : > TO DO ( illNlCllAI. HOU ; work ; muM l > u n liood cook ; BKCI fl.lOe. i t all 1701 biiuth luh tlrct't. -M7.U / iooi ) ( iiiiL IN PAMILY Mo .S.siU lrii-t ; 717 1 _ riA liiui. IOII < TKNKIIAI. HOUSKWOHIC. AI v/aiiurreilrl , ( efaicuco icqulrt'd Applr " ' C'ullfonilu t. 7J4 _ 0 "WAN rii ) boon cobic. i\o WASIII Uooduavvs. 2M ! Poiulas it. .Mi 00 T UIULS WAMUD.tOII CUMlNCi bTHKKT. " J _ \ _ MTftJ C-\VANTii : > , IIIUL toll r.KNKHAI. HoTl work Apply at Jr.M fcpruro st. _ Mirj 17' .POU nENT-HOUSKS. _ " -ON I.Y"TH o Yir T " "OF" TinTivimmro lagosjutl completed. Hare bath , hoi audi water and inojirn eonrenleneef Desirable ho for biKlneis men lu beaullful bUiifordclrilu. particular , apply to blur 1 eau slid 'Irust g ut . 4 ew York Life building. I TV- Fun UEviviTooiriTor&K , ALL MODI JconTenlcnrcf. . with Inrnu burn , untt'upuli ove. JuqulronlJIT fl. Illlut I 1iOU HUNT. JlOUbKiT IN" ALL PAHT8 X/citr. To O. F D 'Uoomp sy , lii rurunu IlF.NT-HOX73Ea. Con ( ( mini - - 110U3K NBAU HIGH SCHOOL ; D-li-llOOM stnblc , modern conveniences. The . V llnll.on t'mton block. 370 ' - IvKftllAIlLK IIOMK OK 0 HOOM" . HUH- nl lixl or iintiirnldhcil. I'nrtloa Rolnit to < nil- fornlu. Applr on promises , 11U buuttiTenth ttrcct - IINlSllKt ) HOtMi : . IWJ CAI.tKOUNtA D-H liiniilro Ir Jonvs , Uth ud DeUce ; oponMo Cdftlly. Mill 21) f\-\VIIOI.KnU I'AKTOKWSLh VUHXI9tlMII 10 IJtoom house tor rent Address N 18 HepXIVC XIVC li1 - I KOOM H.AT. STKAM 11KAT. I'lltST-CLAPS. Itcfrrrrjcea. 810 3 ZJnrt Mteot , room C. < M -10 UOOM IIHICKIICU3K WITH MOHKIIN ImtirovomcnlK , on suth : raotncnr LoaTonwnrth Inquire nt 677 Si Mill . . 1A1 3 1100.MS CUKAP AT 003 N 11T11 ST 1-J-13J7 .NOKTII 210.1.NQU1UK ISflJACKSOX _ 1 / ilil'll 1 1-KOIl IIF.XT. A 7 ItOnM IUW3K WITH ALL -'modern conTonlcnccs liruurnrJ , at I4H South ! Uli St. . t. : > If taken for nyrnr MM * * - UT.NISUl'.I ) MODKIIN 1IOIHK TO HEsl'OM.- D-V IMo purlins W21SI Mnry'n UTOIIIIO JI507 IS' D-1IOU81' OK II IIOOMH. ALL MO11KHN CO.V- Tenlcncos. | dcn iinllf locntcil ncsr business con I IT Aiplr IBM Uilcnxo Hi , or I. S. tklnnor. li.M larniun MKH D-KOH IIICNP. 4 COTTXJi : . ONK TUU- ntshdl rjSouth SJtli , or unfurnlihoil moilcrn Improvements MPUU * -\7 Kl.Y KUIIMHIIKI ) HOUSiKOIt : TIIK nlnliT.S.'fl South 38th street C39 Id" - . UOOM COITAOK ruuvKCK. nmt.KTT. also Rood barn tJjOJ I Idllltr Irust Co I7I Knrmini uli-rJ HUNT , A OQOt ) I-UOOM IIOUSN AN'I ) DVOll . city wntur and cistern anil well wntcr , nt SOI t ( 'linrliu t. O'U ' 13 * " -TTisr voiiiU'iioi'Kin'v ui'.Nr.M. on SALI : nrllh Coo. W I1 > oitoi. lull Fnrnsn WJ D-roil UK NT , 10 HOOM llol'di : , 2J1J CAS3 , Jll ) W Itcocl A Solby , Hoard of ' 1 rado 1T.U -rou TiKsr.ONK oi'Tiir MOST roMi'Lv.ri ! convenient ind cbmforlnblo nine room houses In , with bnlh room. I imidry und all inodurn conveniences , nlso nlc ynrd ntsiS. cor .lones nnd ZSlli Klrools bolwecn HI , Mury s nvo. und Leaven worth i-troel. U"l YS-io itomfTfocHK , riwrinLT.v t.on.TKI > I l-/urnoconndull ImprOTLMiionH "Otl N IStU Stl l l | HOOM llOr Ml g 17m AVI ! , . UI.TWHKN D5 mid Lenvennorlh , MGJG 17 * - IIOOM COUVI-.H PI\T. AM. MODKIIN PON- D-fi ( ! 2101 Leavcnwortli t CSO 51' D-rFs HOOM uouaK A.N-I ) HA UN , AM. MOD. crn. fIJOO 1S11 lllnnny , KOHIIPlane. . M57U 15 JDparUof 'city , KllVct'iiiy .1 Co , Continental blk Ti-'roHKNT.ij UOOM iirt'sr SOTH ANDOOno K I'slroets All niodTti convenience Possession given Imrnedl itel > Cull or a Idress M. L. lloeilcr , lloom 131 , I'uxtun block 'J l Klmx7sHK7T i76tJ'iK r , UOOMO. I.MIOK D Inwn , or. bt Alary savj U K Hulls , 2a > 3 17lh st r < > OW rou HUNT , noon MOOKHN ri.AT IN Tin D Lanxc block , UM S l"lh street MCll. 15 1 IMINISIIKO IIOUXK , 'iruoOM * , HOOMKIl : and boarders In Iho house. 2 03 Douglas strent \-FOtl UI'.NT , ONI ! lINMMlNItWHO HOOM /steam hcut , cas and bath. CnlInt"OJho 2ltliM _ Mbl 10 * - > Olt IIK.NT , TWO 4 ItOO.M llltlCK Pf.ATi D-I ' outli ICth 711 13 * TV-voa unsT , TWO Niri : HVH-HOOM HJAT. I corner I'mnlnit and Vista streeta.SSOO each , ficu N Illcks , , njh Y Life 'I1MH ! - - HUNT , 'I WO NICK 8 UOOSI I1OUSK' ' with modern con > enlencc . near llaincom park Ceo. N lllcks , ,0'ih Y life 74JMU ! Hs7v ANii ( : i IT UOOMKD IIOUSK. CK trnlly located Lnqulro'Jdll ) Capitol iivenue -COTTAdlC , II HOOMS , COU PAHK AVK AN ! Jackson. PrlcoflOOO Apply on premises 741 10 FURNiaHEli HO QMS. PLKASANT LAHOi : AM ) hMALI , NICHL1 E furnished rooms on tar line. 1L > 3 30th Btroo S5I JO VPIlLAHCi : ANDCOMrOltTAllLi : UOOM : Gonllemon preferred. I'W Capitol avenue. | 4-OIH _ _ _ _ E-rUllNlSHKD UOOM , WITH UATlL f i ( mouth , 11HJ > b'arnnm. t > 43 422 N. I7th S - . ) UOOM. MOUKUNCOM E-NKWLYKlIllNISIir.l \cnl2iiccs Private family ; terms moderate MIPS Hurt Blri'it. M574 15' _ - UKNT. MtNVLY KUIINISIIUI ) IIOOM E-KOll without board 5111 N. loth at. M5S8 15 * lKSAVT UOOM" , PUIVATK KAV.1L1 J : > ono Kontloman. MOU ; two , $3 00 ; bath otc motor oue block. llliUeorili ave. CJ5 16' - -1UKN1SHKI ) HOOM.OW S. I'.Hh ' si. ACCOMMODATION 1 OH B RU.NTJiKMi : > modern con\cnloiicen 2M ) N 10th. J171/G10' E-roilllBNT. NKWLY PUUMMIiit IlOOMs'l private fiuully to two or four cnts. Modcral terms Address f 10 , lice M7ut 10 * S , IIOlsKIvIJBPINCJ. O .Mnrj'anvo O P Kiittn SW H 17th Clij O.O 3JTJR1JISHED ROOKS AND BOABD. 17-KLKOANrLY HIUMSHKD UOOMS , Plllt I'cliias board , nt "rho" Dolan , aJ and 311 N Ibl fctreat. _ -M ' * tt -tf-l UHNIMIKU UOO.M3 ANI ) 1IOAUI ) . 20 1' Dounlus street _ 131'J 15' , . > . IiAluiB HOOMS WITH OK WITHOUT llOAIll n I 2.VJ farn-im > IMrri5' i -itAnitsu ni SUITi : S ) U I'll HOOMS , Hit's 1 L1 class board , tolt Chicago St. Jll 5-15' _ _ _ 17 KLllNlsllBI ) Oil UVFUHNISUHO HOOV J1 wit board 1310 Chlcajo HU Ci IS ? -KLKOAN'ILV HjllNI IIKO IlOOMh , I lilt v JL ; class board , weekly ordally I7U Cnpltolavo , . 7oJ 13 * 11 T ? llirSIUAIILK UOOM AM ) 11OA11I ) IN I'll 1 * Mite family 7M N. I'lth M7I.I 20' i.-rou : ruiiNiMiHD noo' . ' - HHNT--NIUILY . , JJ first class bourd Utopia 17'l ! I7JI Dnvonport i [ J JI7IU 'JJ- t r FOIl KENTTJNFUUNISHED ROOM ! UNFUUM Ilii ) HOOMS AT 18 Jt Davenport 718 14' 1-4 LMUIINISHKO UCOM" 1'IHST FLOOI i ; , heat , KIIS und rauiio , 2.'U N. Iftli BOABDINGr. I I'UIINHIIKI ) DIM.Nl ! UOOM. UHNf PAI Mn board Address N 31 lleo L7IH 1'OR RENT-STORES AND OFFICE ! T. TIIH4 V1MHY IIHIUK Fnrimm et. U hu bulldlni ; ha < u fireproof r ment liiioomuril , complttto iiteiinbi'UtliiK fixture water on all tlio lloors , tus , rtc. Apply at the olb of'JlioUee. l ! JKOIti IlKNT , ShTOHV HIONI ! KHONT I'll liioof building , llnu eoncrelo basHinont , li Dodge st , will rout lower room nnd biiBoiuoii uppur Ktorlcn tlno for sowing rooint or factory nny kind Hunt to suit If satlsfaclory John \\lllln (711. WANTED-TO RENT. K HOAlll ) AM ) LODIHMi WANTKD HY M ; and wlfunnd baby till May l t , references lv and requested , Address N 31 , lieu. l > 7d U WANl'KI ) , U.NKUIINISI1KII IIOOM At K board for two In private family. Address .S lice. 700 U STORAGE. : s f-IIHY.CLKAN A. PIUVATKLV BFOIIUD I'll Jd id LnllurtMMI DouL'laiiOiuuha Move llojialr worl 1T 1 r-bTOIIAIlH CUKAI' , CLKAN.VICLLS , 1 M , Lt-'uriuui street. VS 1iT 1 WANTEU-TO BUY. k. VTAM'Kl. | . WILL PAY SPOT UAHII 1 > amounts fcom IM.uuu 10 SIlW.W ) for slucia of c coo ill , bouts , hardnnru. clutUliu or iiirpcts Mi liu\olargo discount oil Involeo | irlc-u. .So snl siookuconsldurutl , Addremlu cantldcaco , bo i so Lincoln , Nub. CS J 133 TijV.CNTKI "TJ nuv boiiu 8 PKII CK. i-i tlt luortfH os , lleo I H saltiy , JJl lluard Tra7S 7S T-bKCONII HAM ) HOOKS IIOUUHT FOIl UA . > at lliu Aullquarlsn book sloru , 151'J turnam 071 ll II tit FOR BALE- FUR MIT CTRE. 0-rOll SALK-HUST CL\7 * 1IAHD " " "wo bank counter , desk und nlhur bank furnlti 111 tell very cheap , Address N 41 , lieu M774 11 H' . . * aid 0 -rOll SALK.TuU.SlTUlTir AND UUnlMihiS lira a 10 room tlat newly titled up lloumsall luu or wllubourd. Hunt location lu city , a bargulu If la ! u , al uncc , will take purl trade. Ill ucallU reason soiling Address n < 5 , llee. 75u I ; UN FOR SALE-HOUSES , WAOONS , El oo if p-1011 hALK , A M\TY.lOLLTll TOP lltUi ifOK -t form00. 11. K. Cole , contlocuui block , y OK St. ) -tOH BALK , OO J7 CO VKlt BU Sl'lll ci.uap. IJU bo u 111 ICth sU Mi7l 2 FOR BAIiE-nORBES , WAOONS , ETO. C n'lnu-il. _ _ 1)-MOrtTllAOKK HALK. 15 mules , 4 horses , ) new wncons , harnen , etc , Must l > o told al once , cheap for cash. Omaha Mortgage. l < onn Co. lloom II , Crolghton block. IMh and Douglas next lo postofflco. 737 FOR 3 ALE-MISOEljIj ANEOU3. Q -IOH 9ALK ; H NK FOX HOUND PL'PPlKS. Also Scolch collie shepherd puppies Chas Klaus , Columbus , Neb 520 13 * Q-FOll HALT : MUTUAL 1NSKSTMKNT CO stock , from 1 to 10 slis.res , Kc on the dollar M M llobortson , Neb Stoim Laundry M71.7 15 * IIBOEJUI.ANBOUS. 1J-IIO1WK UANUII NO ni-IIOHSR1 * , COLTS IXntid rattto cared for the year round. (1 O. Oans South Oniahi. Noli I' U box 1 J > M luS O27 * - OVK.ItaiAT.SUITS OliKANKtl. 1 YMI ) , UK- paired cheap , also ladlo' clothlnK 1U ) > How ard street , room 2. 7US2I * - NANNIK V WAHKKV. I'LAIHVOVANl' S-Mlf reliable business ft h year at 119 N ICth Ml _ _ - KXTHAOHOlNAHYi WO UKHKtlL revelations Challenges the worlil Mrs Dr. M. I-CKTAYO , ilcirt trance cltilrvoyant , inrologlsL , palmist and 11 fn romlor ; tellt ) our Ufa from the cradle to itrave , unites the ijparatodi cau oimar- rlaKowlththo ono you lore ; tells where you will succeed and In what builnoji best a InplPd for , has the ciMcbrato I K yptlan lirea tplata for luc'i and to destroy bnd Inlluencosi cures llts , Inrumpnranco and all prlrito coinplalntn with m.istaKC. biths and alcohol treatment " -end $ JOJ , lock of hair , natno anddatoof birth and roejlvo nocnr.m Hfo chait. 2 contain stamps for circular R | O Initials of onn you will marry ; also photos of svuo Olllcu 417 .louth lllli street , Hr t Moor , houri Hum to U p-.u Conio one , come all , and bu cjnrlnuod of thli won derful oracle. M.t.Tir. ' Q MADAMl : Kill 17. . IIWOI'ASS 8TKKBT. CLA1H * 'Toynnt and trance nieilluni Imlopendent volonn , toll * | i ist and future , miKnetlc troatiuent l.ndlea only MI7J Nil * MAH3AOK , BATHS , ETC. STOWl MAlNIJlc ) "J Prnttst , MIS2 15' 'P-MADAMK SMITH 1.151 TAPlTOIi AVK.NUK , -L lloom J , 3il Hour. Alcohol , euliihur ind sea bavlis. Ml'JJ 11' rp-M.Mi : . LA HLK , MASSACJII , 410 fcOUIlt I&T11 Istri-ct , third door. Hat 1 JIW3 IS' T 1ASSA HK Till ? \T MB NT. KLKCTHO-TIIKIl. mat bathi jtcalpaml hair tri < atrui > nt , manicure- and chiropodist. .Mrj Pojt.blJind 1'ilhVlluncll hlk. MUaiC , AKT AND L ANOTJAGK. .CT TT (5 K fKLii ! ntKGIf ! IIANH ) TKACIIKH > with llosi.oorN cor. 15th and llnrney. ! > U \T A i , Amwitmm HOAUU ANO UOOM i > ' excliaiiRe for laneuaKOi miKlc , pilntlnk. < 'tc llcst rcferuncos , tuldrossN.ri lleo olllce TI3 14 * MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WMONEY f ii A(7i ( : UANS LKs > 3 i'li A N 7 P is u cr Including nil charges. Charles W Unifier Omahi Nil InnV bldn 91 ! ! AY1" 7 Pl'.ll CNN ! ' MONHY-NKP 'IO UOHHOW i erson Oninhi city proper ! ) No oxtri charge of nn > kind Why pay high rnloi ? Money U cheap \oncaiigct full benntlt of low rates from ( ilobi Lonn nnd Trust Co , and Dodge 1)31 ) LOASSON IMPlnVKl ) ANI ) UNIMPIIOYKI clly properly , tlCOJnrid upwards , ! ] lo 7i > ercenl ho delays W FarnamStullb M'o ,15ttx.ind Llarney * IUUO -PIUVATi : MONKY , 1ST AND2I ) MOHTOAOl loans , low rale ) Ale * Mooru Ilea bldg lOi \\r-OMAIIA \VINH1 IIVNIC MA1CKS LOAN ' on rcalestatoat lonrost markctratoa Loan inado In small or larROHiims for short orlonK tlmi Mi commission Is charged and the loans are nd sold In the east , but can always bo found at th bank on thq corner of Uth and Douglas atrcets. 103 W MONKY ' 1O LOAN ON IM" " " " { 1 > C1T property , low rate A. C. Frost , ounlns blk 101 \T } AND2-YKAIILOANS ON CITY AM ) KAH ! Heed A. Solby , 311 Uoard of Trndi 112 \\r-CITYANDKAUM UK VI. KsTATK LOAN > ntlonojt rates ; consult us before borrowlni K. C. ( iiirvln A , Co , iW ! Blic-eloy block HI' ) \l-MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWHST IIATC : * The 0. F. Davis company , IMj I'arunm street. 419 \\7" ANTHONY I OAN ANI ) TIIU9T CO . 31ft N. ' T I Life , tands ut low rates for cholco security o i Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property.9W1 \Y" C. F , IIAUIUSO.t , aiJ N. Y. LIFE. 831 Ty"-CKNTUAI' LOAN & TUUSTCO , UEH I1LIK \y-CUKAf MONKY , bKK 0. W. P. COATi : * ItJU Farnam. V/J \\r-THK KlUnLlTV THU3T CO , HKCKNTL < > removed to y. 15. corner lleo building , Is pr pared lo close loans on city real cstnto promptl and at lowest rates Submit auullc.itlon. 131 Oil MONKY IO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) IlKA cslate , lowest rates ; building loans a spa laity Thomas Ilreunan .V Co , Karbncb block. IlKAl , K PATK LO VNH. TO 7 1'KH CHN' noaddltluniil cburgas lor commission or ntto ney'9 feus W. II. Multle , Klrst Nnllonnl Hank bid OT ; \\T 110NKY 10 LOAN , f.'O.ODO ' 1O LOAN 1 < * Omaha on building and loan plan * 1 ! > P1 paid nionlhly will pay oil $1,00900 In nionlhs No commission Hnte Is less ihan tl per cent. Poor man's vlinnco ! Do you need mono } ? C'an you use money ? If fa , call 01 address room .112 , Iloo bulldlr Ouiiina , Neb 40J n I MONEYTOI.AN CHATTELS. X " \viLTri OAN MON IYONA NY curlty , strlellyconfldeutlal A K. Harris , roe 1 , Continental block ) ( X X I'llllClIAllIt , SI DOL'GLAd DLK , 10 \ DOD ( 107 LOANS OV OIIATI'IILS HKASONAIILl ? II X tcrcst , partial payments 1 to ' 1 months W. Dm Is , 11AI , Continental block. Kluvatorl5th stm X-MONII\ LOW HATES ON ANY KIND ( security. Kc > tune Mtue Co , W bhoeley bloi 10' X-5100,000 00 TO LOAN IN AMOUN T3 from S10 up on HOUi-P.lIOLD PUIINITUHH AND PIANOS , 11OUS1IS , WAUO.NS AM ) CAUUIAliliS , WAHKIIOUhF. HhCKIPIri. OH P15HSONAL PHOP15UTY OF ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can navn time nnd money by calling on OMAHA .MOIllH.AliK LOAN CO , Hoomll , CrclKhton llloek. Uth and Doitulns nii\t to Postolllca INtOllPOHATIII ) . m0 ; X-MONKY LOANHI ) CIIIIAP AT VOUIl U\\ tluiu , Nebraska l.u.ui Co , 1JIU Douglas bt. bt.4U. . "V 1' ' ° Vull NKKI > MONKYT -.V Till ! MDKLll'Y LOAN RIIAUANTKK C ( Itoom \MiHniill blocL cor. 15th und llninoy st WILL Lr.NI ) YOU ANY HUM. KIIOM flll'loilO.t ON TI1H DAY \OU AbK 1 OK IT Wo make loans of any situ , Inrgd or small , on household good * , pi.mos , horsed , \ > jgons , warehouse recelpls and person il properly of alt kinds , In iiny amount , without dvhi/ , pub licity 01 rumovalot properly : choapast ratui and easlust payiuunU. drlU US Kllldl' . -LOW HATKH ON riJillfl 1'lJlli : LIYK Blot elc. J , W I'uylor , Pioneer blk , coutli Omul X MONI5Y-.T ) , 15) ) , OT DAYi CUKAP HA'l and euny payments on furniture , pianos , II stock , elc , without delay or publicity , cash hand. Dull lire-en , room 8 , llurkui block MJS X-CHAlTlilTLOANSr l LU-'K. MOItU 481 Nl , I ) 17 K-IM.UOO ' 1O LOAN ON CHATTKL SKCIIlin business conlldeiulal. 11. 55J Hoard 1 rade. MI1I7 N ; _ j "Y MONK. VI O LOAN ON KUHNITUUI ! . PIANl -.Vlmmes , waiions nnd lolUlerul ecurlly lit ness toiiltdeutlal. I red Terry , room 4JJ Hauicel BUBlNESa CHANCES. y-ron SAI.I' . 'Jim CO.VIUOI.I.INI ; INIKHK -L III Iho Iindltii ! n H nnd door mill In the nor west : doliiK an Immense business ; over S J.UIX north of now workflow lu the mill : a liront Darn ; In the rlk'ht parly. Call on or uddross J , H. Mas rooms U'umt.iJ , llurker block , Omaha , Neb (94 OK Y-1F YOU AllHclKii.NJ ! A IIUSINKS4 OPPC Unity r qulrlui : small capital. In u certain n nxccedluiprotltublo ! and crowliu bu > lnuis , always tasb , write lo tlio undersigned luclosl slnmp , when full pnrllculan will bo nUen. U. Iv , IttJ L street , Lincoln. Nob. j v ) H Y-'OH SAIiK.AT AVKIIV LOW FIOUIIK , T ; ontlru slate Intercut In ouu of the heaviest p Ing muiiopolluj now bdforo Ilia imblle. It will a ? 5 uvrcDiit of the coal bills of everybody and p dueo beller rosults. Kverbody want * It aud v havKlt when sjen A lar o builiiBit cm bode at oncii In every county Full iiurtlcuUrj by in Address ti K K.ll.ML st , Lincoln , Neb. MB ] VrOKBAIii.Y ) HOOM HOl'KI , ( iOOII ItKPA A only hotel In town Ad.lrou Frank lluthwu JK blerllnitiNeb MJOS I od " un V Ml"KHK3r PAYING CLOl'HINU , 11001' A or J shoo butlncss lu the northwesl. along with ui will and UMIO , for > alu cbuap. P , o. box I , Chadr Neb 17SI _ " V < 'OAI'"ANI ) I'K'-DUUblMISSIFTAKKNBO ' A A bargain. Allen Uros , ilth aud llolt Lino. J * VOH SALK. CLKAH STOCK OF FUINITUI . WOOJ ; rupklatlon. , W Address .N J , ! ) onicj. BUSINESS CftANCES. CondiinrO. IMTIMlCIlQTItl.NM HOOT ANI ) . nhop bnslne s In tlio northwest , along with Rood will and lenio for nalo cheapPoslofTIco box "I , " 'hadron , .Neb. MiJS 18' r ) . A LADY 1MHTNEH TO A C5OOU Lpaylni business. Best loqatlon In Omaha. Ad ; re s N .tb , llee. 750 IS' V -FOIl SALK -A MKATMAHKKT (1OOI ) l.O- J- ration , llrasons for seltlnir orncr mjst RO to turopo. AdilraiRRM Doujtltn street Mu/.i 17 * TOR EXCUANaE. y-Cl.KAH OMAHA llKsL ItSTATK FOIl MOM ? , ' -'actual valuation Money laloan , Ilox519,0mtha , 2 110 Z-I OWN 100 KAHMS IN NKIt ANI ) DAKOTA , Will sell or oxclMngo. Hut 7C , Frankforl , Ind ( / VOH KXPIIA.SOK. CLKAH IrllOOM IIOUSK /Jandlnt nllh harn , for S room homo ; will pay dltloroncc In cash I ) . F Hutchison. UN N l.'lii 7-OMAHA lUHtnitVCK. CI.BAH , TO X 'Jclinnxo for clear rcMdenco In a Nebranxa town t'cnil lull description Aloe Moorp , ( Ollteo MiU. 713 10 y MKiiniANnisR TO THADK ron CATTI.K /Borland lloxSIO , St Paul Neb M72I 1G Z 4 CLKAll CJUAHTKIW OP VAHM LAND IO exchange for mcrrhandlse , ICO aero homestead , KM Address N 41 , floe M727 14' y-CLlIAHCITY PHOPICHTY ANUOASH rOU 100 * -ncra farm. V F Harrison , 012 N Y , Life 75314 FOR SALR-REAIi ESTATE. RKAii isr.\Tn : liarnalns only. My wonl Is wood W (1 AlbrlEhl , Ml 3-3 New York I.I to MI4 LO I'M , TUTTLK 8 SUM , S ACHKS WITH 7 HOOM house , all Improvements. Inquire 'UU Hnyd street M715 ' M'O lIOMi : SKUICllHS-lN ANONDALU PAHK 1 > oucan bnvn an eleeant homo arratisod to anil you. with biilr-Hnu limit , trcoi , walks , o < ver , water , nnd Ras , within walking dl lniico of business , schools and thurehps , n'ld nil for about ! 1IU ) Certain - tain to bo the prettiest Inside resldenoa addition In thocllv Over ono third of It nlreidy sold See ns for particulars before the price Is raised 1'ldol- Ity 1 rust company , 1703 Parnam st i.Jil 17OHSALU. I1KAUTHULLOT , 10 VKKt PHON T. I'silhst boulh Omaha , near ; , $1 OOJ Apply to owner , Itoom II , llusbiuan blk , Omaha. lJ OlU 17-toil 8AI.K. MY HKSIIIKNUK AT1I1M Si'.TH J M. 10rooms rndbathhot.ind rold water , oleelrlo bells nnd burglar alarm , speaking lube.furnico und barn ; also line vacant cast front residence lot , H. U Whitney , 401 Merchants National bank lildg , 437 NJ I7OU SALK OH THADIC 11Y THIS OWNI'-H 10000 JL aeres of Nebraska s llnesl famini ; land nt a great acrlUco U. U. Peterson , 1413 S 1 Ith st. Omaha. MIV11 Ml D' ) YOU WANT A IlKAtrriKUli HOMU' CAIJ. and see the elegant double residence 1 can olFor for sale on ono of the finest residence streets lu this rlty Price. (17 500 Cim tnko part purchase prlcoln good farm land Gee N. Hicks , tr > N Y Life Hide M7.7J 10 1OHN M CLAUKIC , IN .1. J 11HOWN HLOCK , ' ' ban for nalo largo list of property of nil do scrlptlous In the city and suburbs. ( , i 15 17O11 SALK CIIKU' , ll'O ACIllTs I.AND IN ONI ! Lot thobeststock coniitUu In Nebraska For particulars write to N Jl llou olllcc tijl 17 * 171)11 SALU , 5 UOJM CO r CAR 1C 5012 IIVNCHOPT -L street , city water , i blocks from motor , $1,500 Mb'JO 18 * .AfANTIM ) . LOT S W FOHOAni.i : ' Wanted farm for Hillside lots and cish. Wanted , lot near rarmiui.amHOth for cn : > li Wanted purchaser f I OOJ IQiior c nt Snd mortgage Wanted , farm for clear prOierty near park Wuntodpurchaserfii000iXi percent mortgage. Wnntid , house for clear Ibis and cash Wanted , ll.tli business pnpert ) > cheap Wnnted.encumbcicd business property for rest once propert > Wanted , f 1000 place near H nscom pirk Wanted , housn fur clear Hanscom place lot Wanted Omaha propert > for DCS Molncs lots Wanted , IIOIKO for ( hh ngo lot and cash Wanted , modern house forMiuslnoss property. C. P. Harrison , al. N , Y Life 701 14 FOit SALK , KI.Kf.ANT imiCIv HLOCIC. H > Ull liousos , near Hanscoui park ; uplendld neighbor looil , all modern conveniences Price , 15,000. Will take good share pureha o prlco In farm land. Coo. N Hicks , JOJ N. Y. Lift ) IlliU- M71U IQ IINCOLN llinullTb IS ALMOST AS NKAH AS JWnlnut Hill and Is Hold nt about ' the price which Its location should command , lias n line school ho"su neir , nnd " beautifully laid out public pirk of 'dIO acres within { mile. 'Ihls addition has nlrcad } nome Ino reHtdonco buildings and inoro lu procrcss of conctriutlon Head tliose lirtcei nnd terms Lots Trom flOO to $ ' .50 and $ 0. Oio-tenth | bush , balnnco n 8 equal annual payments' ' ( it 7 per ccnl Where can you equal this on cltylots' For further par- ilcularscall on J A. Lovgron. solo nut , room 607 Hrown block , a U. cor ICth and Douglas. 714 14 Bl'HNHAM PLACK IS TIIK LATK9T AND Aft solutcly the cheapest nddlllon on the market Think of arro property idling for from t-iOOOOto fUO.OOO per acre , right In the midst of schools , good neighbors , handsome homes , with street ears nnd postonico at thn dour ; one fourth lo one third down , balaneo 1,2.and 4 jearn nt 7 cor cent. ( Jlvo warrantee deed and abstract free with each purclnsw Per further particulars call at my olllce , 507 Hrown block. Sixteenth nnd Douglas J. A. Lovgron , sale agent 714 14 17OII SALK , NICK HislDlCNCK : IN HANSCOM J-place ; all conveniences Price , $0000 Will take good farm land In part payment. Ulcks , ! t05 N Y , 1.1 fo Iildg MHI IS | ? IM : IIOMK ON 1'01'PLKTON. II OUXI L Pine homo on ( icorpla avc . 11,003 Pine home Lowe avenue } 1 000 Mho homo Park avenue. ! 7 000 , Flno home . ' ( .M avenue , tl I MIO. C F Harrison , BUN. Y Life. 75314 . LOST. LObV-PIlOHAULYON..orHSTHHKTllKTWKHN .Nicholas anil Hurt , by Mrs. ( ' 1) lioguo , n leather purse , containing money and two railroad tickets. I Indur return to S''tli ' and Nicholas nnd get reward 710 IT OST AllOt'r A MONTH AiO , A HOV CO.V talnln ? photoifraph nnd ambrotypo pictures Any person finding anil leaving the same nt 'J14 l > arnam street shall be fairly rewarded 71)11 U * I OsT LADY'tj (1OLD WA'ICIl , NA.MI ! WINNIK Jcnitravcd on case Ueturn S17 Kurbnch bloc ) ; for reward 71.1 U I OST LNULISH MAS1 II'F ( ! KM ALK\VI5TTHT ) Jabout U5 pounds lilkhorn Valley house. 10.1 Dodge st 75'j Ib * THE WONDERFUL WOMAN ii-i : IIIA : J.A Who Is now In this rlty nnd enn bo consulted from Hn.m tciBp in . nt loom 1 , Ksmonil Ilolol. corner RUi and Uobster streets , Ouinhii. Neb Shu Is iisycholoiiltit , Kdentlllo life render , fon-casttr , healer , south'iiayiir and peaccm.iker to all man kind of tlio hluhcut order ' 1 hrouuli her wonderful inotmicrlc sluhl nhu soarehes your must Mcret thouiiht , bondii the punetrutl ! K rnys of her met merle iia > o deep down Into your soul , ehntters Its faNu Idols , collictntbo frniliui'iits of your broken heart and cements them wltli h balm Knootlilrm u < 1C to tnstlull new life. hopu. liHiItli and vlKor , stiirtlntt 11. you uuow on llfo- > ' journey , nteom paiDlnu you lo ( > t t Journey's unit , , enabllni ; you to avol < < the iHsUy miures and pltfulls ' , that beset Us way , astonlililim you from tlio mo , inoiit you arc In her prueoce with her Inllneiuo over your mind 'Iho lujulilost and stroniront minds are her ennlBut Hiibjcuit , Mlnbiters , lawyers , docturn. business and t > riri.s8l } < jiiul icen , do you doubtlt ? If so , call und J o'convinced She "III clvo you food for reflection In addition lo her eaves Shoiilso possesscathu' noven secrelsot the Ktiypllans. lliu most nutedjof which Is the "CJuopa- fri Amulet , " throiiKh whtl | | that famous queen held Mark Antony a slayqi ( o her whims and ca prices ; thlscljurm Is wornjdy nearly o > ury troHiiud liuad In Kurope , northern Africa , India , lltndooitlau audsoulhneitLrn Asln ; liiUiljitountry nouiu of the must uoteil per oiiaicii attnbtue tholr puod lioalih und success lu liteco Us secret Intlu- once : through Its aldl you ean /oe , draw frjcnds iiflwr to you , win undylnclovo nnd conslaiieyji ( Irallfr your moil cherished wish , attain to tliUblKhubt llltfht of tout uiubltl'msand realize thp IdEhest'hopu that lie : within the limit of human suit ess 'J lielrmrodlociu entering Into Iho composition of the amulet urc extracted from a serpent InhabltlnK the rlrcr Mil ) This serpent Is noluJ for the peculiar manner In which U secures Its prey without coming In conlatl with II 'I his lady will nlvo correct Information ru cunllnv tlHicoinlnii election , law Bulls , Jouiney * business , dlrorens , elo , eu-s Yutuublo n'crcts tc ladloi , lime ilioso fui whom you have ulvcn UK full surrnnder of your heart's atlectlou ( irovor fnlao ? Do you find yourself unable to wli Ihu.ii for hum jutiru heart > unrn ( lioe. fortuiio seem to pass you Iiv7 ] | us > uui health fulltd , und do you Mud > ourself tpldof thai life aMl vigor that l more precious than void ! IK you feel dutpomlent. and that life Is not u joy bui a burden to > ou1 If jonm-ed uav leu don't lull ti see this wondurful woman before she leatus , ai you wll | never meet her e < ) uul again , letters con taliilnu ( I UU promptly answered Her work I cleiitiilc. n she simply makes USD of the poweri nature Lai bestowed upon her t all und Ivurn wua clunco has to offer turouifli Iho medium of till wonderful woman. As the nodle of thocompasi points lo the north pole. scluucB with the mme pre tlklon tliroufli this master mind will ulvo dlrurlloi to your life. Cut this out for f utura refi-rtnce , a It muy not appear iikuln. Call early , as her room aru frequently to crowded tbut tome fall to tcel U consult her. Parlors at tliu 1'truoud hotol. ruom I eorutr Ibth and Webstv r Hreels , Omaha , Neb. Ku lor by the ludlus'eulraucc mid pointers nlll Ulivo you to ucrapartueuts Out of sight out of mind. That's the way with things in the laundry and the kitchen. Perhaps you think they're using Pearl ine there. And your linen is going to pieces , and you're dissatisfied with the work , and you're blaming Pearline for all the trouble. If this is the case , you can make up your mind either that Pearline isn't used , or that something else is used with it , which does the damage. It can't be done by Pearline. * You'11 probably find that they're trying to wash with some of the imita tions that peddlers , prize-givers and un scrupulous grocers are palming off upon servants and some others who can't see the danger. Look into the kitchen for yourself and see that they use Pearline. Ocksn f\ Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers \ull tell you " this is ns ijood ns" WJC1J.U. " . ' . " ' ' ' . or "tlio same ns. 1'carlmc. IT'S 1'ALSK I'c.irlinc is never peddled , J . "O 1 end if > our grocer sends you something in ] > lace of j'c.irllnc , bo honest send it fact. S17 JAMUS 1'YLB , New York. 'WELL BRED , SOON WED' GIRLS WHO. USE Are Quickly Married Try it on your next House-Cleaning. RHILWHYTIMEGHRD Leaves I C11IUAUO IIIJIILINO I'OS i , y Arrlvj Omaha | l ) pol lOlli an 1 MISJ i Stt OniVn - 1C l ) , S 1' J 0.11 Arrlva Omaha. Depot loth and Misnn Sts I. H50 a nil . . .Kansas City IHy ICxprnss .1 11.00 p m P 4 > p mK. | C. N'lKht Kip vli U. P. Tram | 1. n nm 0 45 p m . . . . M. Louis Hxpross . . I 0 40 am Go lux I CIIIC'AU ) . It. 1 A PAt'lMC I ITOIJI Kait ( Union Depot 10th A Marcy Sts | Kast. , UI1ICAUO. It. I , A PACIFIC , Prom Weil I Union Depot 10th and Marcy ais | \Vost IZOpnil . Denver Limited 14'.I o 111 H OUaiul . .Kan a CltT ( Eicunt Sunday ! I lit ) p in Leaves 1 UMO.N PAC1K1C. Arrival Ornnhi { Union DopotlOth and Marcy Sts Leaves IClHCAliO , .MIL. A oT. I'AUI.IAnivo Omahi0 | U. P. depot and Marav fats | Oni.ilM ml tilouxllty Pans'niw. | 10."Jp in 3o p mlml . . . . bt. Paul Kxproas lOUOa m Loaves | SIOUX flTY A PACIFlti I A rnvej Omaha Depot. 15th und Webilur sis I Omiln 001) ) p nil Paul Limited | U a > a in K. . K A .MO VALI.KV lArrlvui Omaha Depot , 15111 aid Webster Sts 000 a m . Dendwood Express . 5 7J p m OOJ a in tllx. HaL ) \Vyo. Kxp ( Kx Mon ) mm a 3J p m . . . .Norfolk ( Kx. Sunday. ) . . . . ( ! 09 p m . St I'niil Kxpress . 0 25 a m Leaves JUIUCACO ft NOltriHYKsriSlt.N ( Arrive ! OnvahaU. | P depot. 10th and Marcy Mts | Onjahi 7 A ) a m ( Ux. bun'j ) Carroll Pasian er. J5up m 10 to a m CliloaKO Kxpross ( > 0j j ) m 405 p m Vosllbulo Llntltod VM t m 7.00 p ID Kastorn Myer 2 lip in 6(0 p tu ( Kr. Sun 1 Chic Pass ( ICr Mon ) HOia m Leaves 1 Miu'ii\vtarKic.s | Arriviii Transfer | Union Depot , Council Iltuffs 1 1'ranifur leaves Oil A 11 A , t r. LOIH3 j Arrives Transftr Union Depot. Council Illuilj I Trans for 110 nil . Hi. Louis Canoa Hall | 115 p m Leaves riiiCAdo. H i.&PACinti ArrlvJi Tran > f r Uulou Depot.Council IlluITi Transfer C Vi p m Night Kxprom 8 W a in JO 20 ft m Atlantic Kiprusa , 655 p m 4 55 n m Yestlbulu Limited . . . , 12.50 D m leaves 1 K. 0. , SI' . JOH ft U U. Arrives Trantifor l Union Depot , Council UlufTi 1'rniisfdr THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at ; 105 p. m , , ar riving at Chicago at 9 130 a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. 33OCTOR : McGE-EW. In tlio trcatiiicntof nil forma of PK.IVATE DISEASES. and all U'unluinss and Dliordcrof with lost ot unumsc , ambition iitiillltillty , rUhteen youMut the most reiimrlviibluiiiccesa In Iho treatment of tlilt ) ulu > 9 of ill ua cs. which Is iirovon by tliu itnivoniiilt ttlinony of thou- BuiitlH who htivo heon cured Write for circu lars unil question Hit. I ttu nnil ' bl . , Illuulill , Nfl ) DRESSMAKINO. 'IO DO ItllKSbMAKIKa IN solicited , Miss falurdy , 30 boulhMh feet FOUND. ' A HUGQY FOIl INIOUUATION CAl.L &ttujliuilsiiueat. Ttio only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE or SYPHILIS , CONOR- RHOEA. GLEET. SPER. MATORRHOEA , SEMINAL WEAK- NESS. LO3T MANHOOD , EF- LY VIQE OR EX CDS 91 V E INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS , FPMALE WEAK"NESS , SEX UAL DISORDERS , HYDROCELC. VARICO- CELE ? ILES.tFIRTULA , RECTAL U'lf'CERS ConiaultaJion Jrcp. Call' 'upbn' di1 'addross with , stamp. cor , 14th and Douglas. SHOOT BUCKS EASILY BV USINO TH I'.tory pair lias ' ( JlXJVir'Inlhon. FOIl SAI.i : JIY Ooialia JluUjcr C' ' 1620 Farnatn I Comer Uth Wholciale and roll . . . .I I'K0. ' WK3-3 NKIIVKANDUHAINTIIBV. MM'a , i3Uo tot HysiurU IJUtlntii Kin , NJ ruliilu. lluadaclia , Nervous Proitralou oius 4 t Hlconoior tobaooo , Wakufulnois , MonUI Uuani lon.So tuussof tUj Jlraln. oiuilnlnunity , mlsai ilccny.diath , PrBaiituro oil Axo. lUrranax , Lo of.Power In either tat. liopotunoy , Loucarrhaa ai ftllXoinala Woaknossjs , luvolunttry I.OIIDI , rtna umtorrhc.icf.uul Ur oror oxarllo i 01 t'ji bril t-clf-aumooror IndulKBneu. A inoith' * trjitiui ll.bfortXby mill , Wu uarjnteasU boui tl oui Turh orduforn IJUKOI , with ti will sail wrltf Kuarantueto rofundlf notcarjl Uuiraiuja lsui only by 'Ihcodoru. F. Lewis driitt KL solo njoi southeu't c-oruur ICtliaud Furiiam t , uuiiha' ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Well , como and liaro tlicm examined by our op lean l-rcoof < linrju. und. If nm < iiry , lined will pair of 'PFKFKCTION' ' ' . ' our Hl'rlCl or K' LJLAhdKH-tliu buit In the world If jou do i need lilaites wo will lull jou so and udrliuyou wl to do ( .OLD bl'lil'J'AILKi or KYIJ ( iLAhS FIIOM U UP Hl'KKIi SPhflAOLKS oil j ? ( ilA aia : HtOM $1 UP Plain , moko , blun whlioglaiios , for iirotectlutt tlio eyui , from We pulr up. Max Meyer Go , Jewelers and Opticians. Farnain aud 15tli Streets , Omal ntri'iii.iiR Syllnlil of Opinions llnndfil Down t > r tliB .Instlccs on WeilnpMlny. LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct , 13. 'Iho following are the > llnbl ot opinions handed down yei * tcnlay bv the supromn court ! Weir vs. Anlliony , error from Cmv county , reversed nua remanded. Opinion bv Justice Norval , I'nitor tlio statute ot thlsst'ito n contract of Ririrnnlv li u slpiinlilc , and the nsslRtieo may innlnt'iln uti nctlon thereon In Ills own irtnio. Ilcmlirxcli'ui ' Ilnrvnrd High school dis trict , error from Clnv county , ntllrniod. Opinion by Justice l\st. Where ii statute upon a particular < wbjrc htiH | irii\liicl H sioclnl | trllmiml for thn do- lurtiilniitlon of ( | iicstloti § perlnltiliik'to ivH'li cubjrrt , Iho jurNtllcllop of mich trllniniil U i'xciusi\o unless otlier lso o\ro | ) < seil or olu.irly fiotn the .icl. I. I lie county MlpitrhittmiliMil In tills stnto IIRcxoluil > o oHcltml Jitrl illf lldii In nil innt- l 'M uorjiiiiiliiR totliodn Islon of counties Into school districts. HnKgiu vs llnppln , error from Stilltio county Aniriuoil If plnlntlff helniv romlt > ltblu thlity ilnys the sum ot $ la"5 , otlior- wise Juilcincnt rovcrsej ami cnuso roinnuaod for lurtlicr nroccedliiKS. Opinion by Ghiot Justice Maxwoll. \VhcniiinurrliRols sulpinhlruil botoro RIIJT net-on ntntes < .lnx t < > bo u Justin-ot the prarn. nilnlstcrof llio Koipol.ur olhor person niithor- l/oil liy law lo Milcmulro innrrl IKCH , and It Is eonsiiniiniitpd with the full belief on Ilin part of tin' persons so niiirrlctl , or olllierof Ilibni , ml they huu Lccn lawfully Joined In wi-il- 10\ . the m irrl ige will lie Milul , nithoiiRli the ur on UefoioMiont It wns so uiiinl/.cil luul no ttihorlly. ' . ' . A llei'tisn to nmrrvl-tbnt n iirellmlnarv lop In tlio proccedlnss. It l iKes tliu plncu ot roolannillon nt the luiHln n church , an niclicod nniler the Itrlllsh uci'lrsl.tittciil i . iiDililulo Iho soleinnl/.itlon of a innr- I ice \vlthoitt n llcon o would render tlio irly pet foi mini : the retemony lliib'e , It Will ol micct Iho validity ot tliu innrrl xRo It . : i. In the nbspiii'o ot iiloiulliiK nnd proof tone no cuntritry , the Itiws of unotlior nlulo wlllb8 resumed to lie , lko out own , I. Un the fiu'ts lot forth In the petition , held hut tlio M Ife could not ricot cr fiotn her bus- nnd iiuon the oi use or net Ion thoroln stilted , tit Unit she \\IIM iMitltietl to h ivn tlmsMis- nclton of n formiT IviilKincnl for nllniony "ol sldo nnil tlio judgment iclnstiuuil.\ Ivon to rointt f nun Juilymonl. Hoiigliuid vi Wuv. JjM-oi1 from Prniilclln 'ouiity ' , iilllniicd. Opinion by Justice Nnr- al. al.A A district court bus the power to correct n , iMnko In tlio record untry of u ductco. utn erin stlbsciiuonl lo Unit nl "hloli II wiis rcn- lo it'll , sus to um Ko the sniiiocoi respond willi ho dctrco nctualb inonoiiiiccd by the court , nil lo con foi in to the pleiillnKs In the cnso. 2. The tnkliuof nsluy of order of snlo by ho defend nit U not u wnUcr of Ids rlRhtto ailily In tlui dlsli lot court , nndorlhu pruvls- ous of M ) ! . ' of the codu. for tlio t'ortuuliuii of n ilM.iKo In tlio lucoril ontij of the duuroe. Cnrhnn vs licctnmui , impoal from Hurt ounty , nfllriuod. Opinion by Jusllco Not vol. It H Iho duty of u roforou lo so ttln nnd slpu ho bill of exceptions In a o.iso tried before ilni ultbcr tli dlst-iet ludco , nor the lork of the ( I strlut court h no nnv nnthorlty Oblgn u bill of o\coiUons In nucli : i cnsc. A motion to dlkinlsH an uppunl ulll ot bu susl.ilncd on the cronnd the hill f ovci'iilionH tittnclio'l to the trunsuilpt Hod In UiK court , \\TH not iropoily sl uod. Jbjoutlnns to u bill of c.xociitkus must bo ' : ilsed by mot on to iiunsb . ! . Iti an notion for an nccountliiR by n itKnlnsl his nxrnt , tlio dofoud- iiut. in his iinsuer. denied that ho was mloliluil to iilulntllT , or that ho Imd nny nonuys 01 ] ) ioporly Dolon huto him , nnd a\orrotl that ho had ncvoniitud for II nvilleis In controMrs\r : prior to the irliiKlii of lliu suit , unil also contested ho case all through tliu trial upon Iho theory lint nothlir , ' duo waa bold hat the iil.iiiiLlIT was not iciiiltod | to pto\'o n'l for.'i 11 .iciotiniliu litlorto Instlltitlnx ho suit , lu order to untltlo him to ruco\or OitS. 4. That the Judgment against the defendant - ant In stii'h nu artlon N less than i.'OJ will uot > iilono pruvont the Dl.ilntlir ftotn recovering ' ! co ts , slnuo u JiHtlc'o of tliu puacu u us no 'uriscllulton ' of tbut kind of t o.iso. Suitor vs the P.irlt Nullou.U bunk of Chi. capo , error from Silitio comity , reversed nnd uinandcd. Opinion by Chief Juslico Max- well. well.When When In an notion on n note on the Issue undo by lliu plo ullius the plutiitllT would 1 > E > roqulred tnnro\o any fact to ontltlo him to recover , ho has tlio Hjjht to open and olosn. If , hoiM-Ycr , lliodutoudant In bis unswur ; ul- nlts the pliiiiittir'H eaiisuof acton , but beta iip ucu inutlor , biiuh as usury , for a tlufonso. so tint tlio dufuiibti would f.ill without proof of siic'h now m.iuur , the dofontlant Is otitltluJ to opi-n and oloso J.iioio from tlio tostlnionoy botoro the jury dllTorout minds mlirht draw illfTarunt concliisloiii , It Is error to dlroct u vordlot. WliL'n nsitiy Is clo.irly obi-ibllsheJ lu tlio tr.ios.iotlon , thuburduu of proof Is on the icrion holding the Insirumontto show that ha s a. Ijonn lido holder for vnluo buforu iiiatur- ty. ] . Custor County Agricultural Bocioty vs The Botita of Suporvlsow of Ous ter county , mandamus ; wilt allowed. Opin ion by Juslico I'ojt : The Diovlslon of sootlon 11. article 3 , of the constitution tint "no bill shall contain nioro Ihnn ouu subjcot and tliu s.une Hluill bo oluuriy c\prus cd In us tltlo" no application to laws In force ut the llniu of tlio iidoutlon thereof. 'I ho provision of section IIohnplorS , com piled ht.itnles uiiUtluU iiKrlciiitnru , for tliu piy mi-ill , to iiKrlonllii-nl soeiolles comply ln with the provisions thuieof , of a sum to U coins for c.ich liilmhll.inl from the county Kunerul fund of tlio so vui ill counties , dooscon- lllet with Iho ininisloiia otbuotlon 13 , article ! ! , Of tllO COIHlltlltl,111. II. Tlio loilslatiiro Ins authority under the connllliitlim to dotei mini ! what untposua are mutters of publlo concern MI .is to render tax ation tlioiufoi admissible. 4 AL'iUiiiltiiral biiulutlos are not corpora- UoiiHiuMiln thuoiilltiitry moiinliuof thotuiin , but nlhur agencies adopted by tliu Hi ilo for the ptiipuso of piomolliu the Inlurests of ii tlunltiuo .mil iiKiinifMcliirliiK. f > . In a in.induiiiii proceedlni ? toco-iipol Iho bo.ud of supoivioori to Incltido In tlio atl- miiteof ovpensos for I lie eiirreut year lliu nmotint p lyiiblu to un uirrlcultiiiul Miuluty by ) iro\lslon of stalttto , the fact Hint .mother .so- uiulylnllio h.nui ) couiilv has compliuJ with the conilltlonx noiimtiry tountltlo it In do- inniKi piymoiil from the county , is nodufotisu wheiu ltdoob not apjiour that Bitcli society U in.mliiLany cLilm upon tlio county foi fund * Lndei tliu provisions of tliu hlatule. Tnylar vs tno ( Jjuuty of ICo.irnoy , error from JCeurnoy oountv , nlllrnied. Opiulon uy Chief Justice Muxwoll. Sootlon 2t , cliipler 2S , compiled Hliitutcs , allOHS Iho county tiousnior ceitiln feus "on all monojhDolloc'ioil by him , " ote . huctlon b7 , chauiur 77 , piovldos "J'liucdiinty tro.iiiirur-i shall buex-Dlllcloenurity cnlloutom of t.iM'i within nnd foi their losuoutlvo oiitintlcs. atiil hi c'Uiuitlca iinilei tuwiibhlp oi iiiil/'itioii , tottri truisiiiors nhr.ll bo the eolh'ctors ol ta\i'ti In their losfeetho t < iwnshlp4iiiia too- tloim bJ and ! ) J piuvido Ilin muunor Hivlicli tates are to bo collPolod lloul , tint tliu words "DII all inunois collooled by him" ( the county iro.iKuron rufor sulo y lo hiiuh la\ua na ho h.iseolluutod from tliu luxirivur ; and that ho la not entitled to feus on nionoyi n.ild to liliu by lownshlp tie isururj. - ' . 'Iho llndliu nnd jiitliinofit upon other matter * submitted mo ncliL uod need not uu rvvlowuil at lonctli , Tippoy vs Slutc , error fiom Sallno county , anirincd. Oulnlon by CUiof JiHtico Mux- \voli. voli.VhlIu \VhlIu the Koneiul rtilo Is that a court cani not bu Held ul u Hmo wluin there Is cloudy tie authority to hold It ; im.l . if thuru was no htntulpo antliorliv 10 tlnu eiroct llio district , court In the uillHtrlntH linvlnjj Imtimu Jnd o could mil ho held In two conation of the s.umi dlslili't at tluisuiiio time , but under tliu con- slilulliin iiu.i Ht.itntos ot the hlalo terms ol tlio district uouu may bo huld nt lliu MIIIIIO llnm In allloiontcounties of UIOH imu IndU' district , and wliciinoousi iry tlio dlau Icl coiut HltiliiKln aity cotiniv may ho uontinuod Into anil held durltiir the lonu llxod for holdlii ! ! Huehcouit in any other count v within thu tlislrlut. or It may bo adjc-urncd und hold buyund aucli limn , " . Thuro U no nmtorlnl error In the record. "I.ato to iwa nua oany to rise will shorten the load to your homo In tlio sine * . Hut curly lo bet ! and "Littln Uarlv KUur."ttia pill tUut raaltoi lliu lua 'or uad Uattor uul wiser. Couiit > Ciiiivoiition , Prolilbltionibls of DougluH county ara huroby requehtcil to muot In limbs con. ventlon ut tlio Onmbit Commercial col. It'Ko , corner of Sixteenth and IJunglua streutt ) , ut 8 o'cloolt Salurduv ovoniiif , October 15,181) ) : ' , to pluuu in iioinlnaUon cundldatcs for the county tlclcot tinil trunbaot nny other business that may properly coino Ouforo the convontlon. J. 1'aii'i'bKoi : , Chairman. L. JoiiNtSON , Secroturi' . REM I N C TON For Sah , Rent oExchange. . BEST in the WORLD ! MEGBATII STATIONERY CO. , UOI Kurnam btruut , OmuUu.