Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Date and Pork DM the Capering on 'Ohango
Corn llccnil ! | Wcro Ilcivy , llolns One
Hundred nnit Twenty ( Mm Almvo tlui
j ; tlnmtc , With n , rio i > cut of
n Hlcnily Incrcaii'i
Cmo tan. 111. , Oct.ll-Oftts nnd porK did tlio
c.inorlnp on 'clinnRn todiy. Slhloy's silo of
oats wus cnorinoui and nt ono tlino cjutod u
tumble of from'te to V. WrUht so'.d Jnnii-
ary uork uur.'ic. ' Wheat wai stubborn in a
mule. It closed slroiu at'io advance nftcr
recovering a decline. With 000 cars in slfiht
corn wai losi ste idy nnd shows n not loss of
Wo from lust nlilit Wltli some advance
abroad iinil tlio I'lnelnmtl 1'rlco Current esti
mating the ciou at MO.OOO.OOJ Un. anil tlio suy-
V ply on Ootolior 1 , including old whoit left
over , at : iJOUW. ( )3 ) 'izalitit 4M.iOJ.tKJO bit. .1 vein
HBO , tno crowd w.n In'lino I to re .inl tlio
howinis as decidedly hollMint ( liosnrt. nml
tliero vvinpooU hnyliu for n time , wltli Milch-
oil. Konnalt-llupKlns. OHIonl ml J' " ' ' " ' ;
man ft. Diviiotlvi. on Hi" biiyhM vldu. Hut
thu flnmic3 < lr-d to fn-o ro ill7iiu l > v Ion.8. who
wore disposed lo lauo iitolits.nn I tliu strviutu
teen ( IN iiiii | no I
Lus.itienw irti--l > u | ) < o. l.ottor and Mil-
mlno-Ilo Ini in led thu solllii ! ! and the sfilpoM
noon not on thu svno slilo. Another wo i f
factor wuro tlio liber il rilns which vvero re-
) ) oito I In Iliii mi tlnvoit an I southwest , with
u tirosiiect Hi it Ihoy would oxtoud over the
cntlio winter whoiit Imlt. I'licro was much
activity or hn-1 .th . to HID tnido , the urofos-
BlonnN iloui must of the bu > .lnuv > 1 ho open-
Int ? prlcu wim V n | ) and an udvim-o of Ji-i
more followed. then a deiMlnn of 'to and a
ra ly of ° u nt thu o'osc. I'lniine's In firuun
lii'irUntp , udvkus fioin this otitotliut not
over one-half of thu nsiinl nrot of winter
whoit Indyul been wrcrtiMl , on liu tolho dry
woatlior. mid tliocbwrtorliiiof loom foi thu
shipment of ( .Yi.on bit of nho it were tlio In-
lluiiiicus In ihu vvhuul jilt as thu session was
coining loan end.
Corn tccalptH vvcro hsavy. ho nf IS ) curs
abo\o the cMlnwtu with a nrosiicct of n
Btnady Incio.iM ) and there frrosollliu
both by discouraged holdois nml for i-hoit
m count , with l.ttle do'ii ind i-xi-oiil to cnxur
limits mid secure | iiolll . I ho pi lea sold olT
} 'to fioin lust nlslit's ll/uns , but locovered
from "ic to V- . , , , .
Jnoitri thuro w.iit liirsor volume of busi
ness thin fui n loiu tlmu p lit and tin Irro MI-
lar MIISIO of mlces. I hu opening was
utronscr iin I ' .c hi.her. Trices hold sto uly
Tor a lime , lint : is corn we iKuuud and there
was free liquidation 11 y lee il nml outside
lioldurs , the mirivi't svinn.illil/od mid prices
receded from 'ic to ' < . reai IrdslliMillv nd
dosed steady with a not deollno of from'ie '
llos piodnels were iiMi/rillv stronger. The
rccoliiunf live lires wr/jnboiil H.UJO less
exiiecled and thuro v/i not much IIIK ney In
thesellhitfof the i/dueU with \ViUht a cond
buverof .lanuiry nork. OnlldilUures vvero
not nin'.nt lined , howuvot. the vvo.iKncss In.
corn and IIOJTH lii\ln.s a little ellcot during the
liittor imrtot the session. The i > ickltm of the
west for tlin woi'k exhibited a deerotiso of
1MKJ ) IIOKS tlio llrst reduction imported for
Eomo months
nhtlmutcd recu'pts for tomorrow : ,
450eari ; rgro , UIU ears ; o.its yij ears ; bos' ! .
18.0)0 ho ul
There a fair demand for vrs ul room and
rates held < sto.uly at U'iufor wheat and " 'to
for corn to liuir.uo
The leading futures roused as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
Fi.oim Dull , at aiiout lOedcellno
\Vin\T : No. 2 sprint , 7J\e ; No , n spring ,
6 : < aai'c ' { : No. 2 red. T.PC.
COIIN Lower : No. ' , ' . 4l' c ; Na il cash , 41c ;
No. II volloxv. 4P1C.
OAIS No. 2 , 2uo : No. 2 tvhttc , 3o : No. 3 ,
white , IDiS.lle.
KE No 2 , fiCc.
llAni.EV No. 2 , TOffiKc ; No. il , f. o. b , , WOMc ;
No. 4 , f o. b J.TrJlfo.
1'r.Ax bKtn No I. II 12 ,
TIMOTIIV hH.O 1'rlme. fl.CO.
I'onic .Mess , pel bbl. , * ll.icII.'H : ; lard , per
100 Ibs , $3.12i ! : short ribs , sides ( loose ) . IT.TOS )
P.05dry salted shoulders ( bijvod ) , $7.20iiT,21 ;
thort clear shies ( Dcixed ) , 8vri < ® < 9.ll ) .
WIIIBKV Distilleis' Ilillshed uoods , per Ral. ,
SuOAns UnchniiKod : cut loaf. G'jS.l'.ic ' ;
grannliited. ri a : standard "A , " .Vjic.
Hecclpls and shipments today wore ns fol
lows :
On t ho Produce OM-IIIIIIJO todnv the butter
mnrkrt was llrm : croimeiy. l aru- : dairy ,
ICfflrJc. io'gs : llrm : strictly frebli , 103Jc. )
Niiu Voile .ti
Nnw YOIIK , Oct. 1 -ri.ouii Iteeelpts. 51.010
pkgH. exuorts , 1,0.0 bbls , l.l,8JObaek-i : sales.
0,200 bbls.
CoitN MUAI , OulPt , steady.
Wiittr Heeolpls , ui',101 bu. : exports , 28-
OOObil ; sali-s , 2.511,11 Obn of futures , 411.100 bu ,
of snot. Spot , dull , lower ; closing steady ;
No. 2 ri-d , ' ! ) u In hloro and olovatcr :
70yoaliimt70y0Slu ; f o. b : No 3 ii-d. 7Jut
ungraded icd. 777e ( : No. 1 noillicrn hJ'i ©
Ale : No. 2 northern , 7M4" : Nn.2 .Ml.wanUen ,
7iic. ! Options weio moder itelv notUe , opnn-
Ing firniLT at an advi-neu of ( if.'ia ' as Inllu-
enccdbytho nest , deollnlng "vo on foreign
Belling , free receipts ami llglit ele irancus ic-
actln , ' ' 4 © , d on covering nnd oln-liu llrm at
Ci'iO over Tiirsdny's : No 2 red Oi-tobor. 7s' ,
< i47lle. closing at 70e : Deiembcr , 81 l-luitSI'jc ,
closing at Kllir ; March , b'i'iilblBc. . closing at
80iu ; .May. bTii&t Ue. closing albSc.
HAHM.Dull but stonily.
IlAiu.hv MAI.T ( juli t lint sto uly.
Coi Itecelpls , .WU.OO ) bu ; exports , 200,00) )
bill sales , bu of futures , 12I.OJQ
uu. of filiot. Spots opened weaker ,
closed stonily and modoratuly nctltc ; No 2 ,
50QMiUo In uloMitoij fOUu alloit ; nnir.ided ;
mixed , 41'l4fi.l ' ( c Options ouoned woikand
declined 'iff i u wllli tlio west and on freu
offerings , ndv meed 1fQ1Bo ( } on covering , cloiod
( > AiH-Itoculpln , ll .noobu ; o x ports , 2(1,00 ( Jb u. :
sales , I'O.OJJ bit , of futures , lu7UOO bu HIKII ,
HpolH. quiet , omlor ; option" , dull. weaUor :
Octoljor. 34 . ® I4.V , closing Ul'io ; No > ember ,
c , cl , slng lit L5 ,
II7 ! . ' . closing nt 'Ifi'ioi No 2 spot , white , il o :
nilXQd western , iroil'u : whlto weslorn , iwai'oi
Ma 2 Chicago , , ll' } < i&5i.u. . '
' htciuly ! b"lt'lilnp.CMi70o ; good U
H ( julut but firm ; I'aclllo coast. 17le
BUOAII-KIW , dull but llrm ; rellncd , fairly
active , bteiidy
A.oi.Assts-VoroUn , nominal ! New Orleans
steady , quiet.
Kin. Active , llrm ,
Kgss-Oulol. llrmur ; western prime , 2Jia23e ! (
receipts , ti.4'Opk.R
Ilinih-Kieady. f ilrdomand ,
1'oiik Morn ai'llxo , steady Cut moats
quiet , fctoady ; middles , dull , unsettled ; Inrd
iiulutiiiomlnillv easier ; western stounclosci
iitHW ; silcs,21) tluctKiitjKOl ! ootlon sales
Mi tlorccs ! Oclobei , ( sJl ( nsl.i.rl ; NotvniDur
ctanKl mj | |
liUTTUii rulrdeniend , flrnii western dairy
1VL&-00 ! western creamery. lt > d-'iici ! iiBn : | , .
' '
.c ,
OIUESKModerate demand , firm.
Vin Iito.v-l.'alrly i.ctlvo ; American , JUOOU
Oo'ri'Kii Steady i lalc , * ll. 00311.73 ,
IBA | > Dull ; domestic. IJ.WXil ( &
TIN Dull | striilghu , t.Uiu,0.7ii. ( (
M , l.uiiU .Uiirkt-t * .
BT. I.ouiB , Mo. . Oct. H-l'-LOuu-Unclmiigcil
VYjlKAT-Oash , higher at O'Jo. Options dc
Mined early , but rcio\cre > l later and closci
llrm about thvsanio ns yoslurdav's ; Ninem
tier. OJlic : Ileconiber , 7.'ie ; Slay. 7U8e ! ,
CuilN Cuih , hl.'hor at 4J' ' c ; Option
dropped curly , then partially reacted an
closo'I ' 0)i ) under yesterday ; October , U'lijt
November lW' -ecinbei ' ' ,
, c ; , oS'iiM'o ; Mu
OATB-Pash. bettor at 3S.4os options , lowci r
llYK-Qulot ut Wi.O le.
llAiii.uv ( v'olot ; sample lots Minnesota
BI4tC.- .
IHlAN-Qiliotl 57358 > iooast track.
HAV Unyi prulrliITOO iavo ; tlmothi
ut { j 7.1 ; spelter , dull at (1 10.
r uttlOT.
lIUTTBii UnobanccU ,
Eiios Unchiinaoil.
l ! < Wr.MUAl. Uiwer nt K 0. < & 2.lU
\Vlii8KY-Sleudy at 11.10.
lUoniKa-Unchancod ut ( X2ica7.2i
IKON COTTON Tiva Unclmnsod at 11.10.
rjioriBiOM8-l > ull and theru wuiouly a ima
tndo done at nrarlous quotntlon : Pork ,
fob , Ji20) | Mini , t .OO ; dry silt moit ,
ooso slnmldcrs , jl.7.1 ; lonm and ribs. } 7.Mi
horts , tW bnxod lots Ho morel bacon
Mionld-'M. } 7 8S : longs nnd film. $ < 7i ! shorts ,
S.'Cfl : susur cured Inms. fll.fO12.Vi.
Kr.t'Ul'ts I'loiir , ! > , OJO bbls ; whent. 161.0)1
bu ! corn. 21.00 1 1m. ; oats , W.003 bu ; ryv , 0,000
bu.j birloy. I'.njo Dtl
HiiiPHF.NTs riotir , 10,000 Iib1 < : wheat , 4nflOO
bu.ieorn , IS.OOObu ; oats , 10,000 bu , ; rye , 1OM
Jiu , ; birloy , 1,000 bu ,
Hides nnd 1'cll * .
PoUonlnz ro the prices piM bv Omaha
doalcis for hides and polls quoted nublect to
ch'ingo without notli.01 No. 1 "ri on tildes. , ! e ;
No 1 irrei'n sallnl hldos , 4'iMHtNo. . 2 erccn
mltcd hides iiIUei No. 1 green snllo I hides ,
21 to 40 Ibs. < ai'ie ' : No a green sailed hides , 21
to 4T Ibs , , J < t.Vie ; No. \oi1 cnlf. S to 11 lbs..5Q
o < - ; No 2 veal calf , s to 11 llu . il'ic : No l dry
Hint hhle . 7i-s No. 2 dty Hint hides Set
No. I dry silted hl.o , uilfle : put cured
hides ' , io par Ib , lcs than lully eurcd. bheep
pellsireen silled , each , .tteiHl 'ill Uiocn
Balled shoarllng ? ( short wooed oirly sklnsl.
caeli , llll'ilc : dry shearlings ( short wooled
caily skins ) , .No. 1 , cncli. 55ilOc ; drv shearlings
liort woolod enriy sklini. No S. oich , lei dry
Mint Kalis is and Ncbiaslci biitrher wool polls ,
pot Ib.noloi-.l weight. IOH'ic ; dry Mint K-in-
sas and Nobrask i Murnln wool nnlts. per It ) . ,
actual weight. b&l2e : dry Dint Colorado
buk'hor wool polls , poi Ib , actual weight , 105 }
12'te , dry Hint Colorado Murr tin wool polls.
per Ib. actual \ M2ht. . saioe : dry lloceos and
buck ? , actual wcUliU TU'ic. ' ll.ixu fectcutoiT ,
as It Is useless to p ly freight on them ,
KiimcM Oit > Mnrlo ! ,
KAN < S CITV. Mo. Oot IIVIIKT rirm
n nd I'l good dem itnl. o'o lngweak : No i hard ,
old. f.'ci noiv. vi'/oiiJUc ' : No 2 red.CJ'SilO.I'ic. '
CIIHS Vupy ttcak and ' < n lower ; No. . ' mlxoJ ,
ilju'il'ie : No ' 'while. .I'i'iil7e ( )
< Jistoady ; No. 2 mixed. 2aa.O'iCi ' No 2
whlto. 2)fUo. {
KlWeak : Xo. 2. ,2"c.
I lSFKII rirm ; IKdiM'.Ol '
Hu INIcaily . s u kcd , illHlliJ.
II -\\eak : timothy , } 7."i030.00 ; prairie ,
lltiTTR't riraii croimory , 12JJ2lc ; dairy , 1.1
J c
l.fUH Aetlvo , firm : 17c.
Ki.CUiTs-U'lio it , 1S'IU03 ' bu ; corn , 17,000
bu ; ivits. 11.000 bn.
S.IIII-MIAIS tt boat , 70,000bu ; corn , 12,000 bu , ;
oats , none. _
lotrdn ( iriiln .Mnrkrt. O , Oct. 1 1. WII'AT Dull ; firmer ;
No 2 easli and October , 7l' c : November , 73c ;
Doi-emtier. 76 > xc. May , S.'Vt'iJ'le.
Cons It.ill. No. So ish. llu ; No 3 , 4 1C.
OATS tjiiloti cash , , ) J'ic
KM. ! ) u I ; No ' . ' e ish , , ' , c ; No. 3 , file.
Ui.ovi u SI.ID Ai-llvo ; pMiuu cash an 1 Oc-
tobi-r , * i < 1 ; N'ovemlur. Jl47'j ; Decumeor ,
Wil ; ,1 iiiurv , fllM ; M , ircli. tl'V
KHTiiTM-l'lotir. lit ) bbla : wlioit , Olsnj bu. ;
com , 2 1 , ITU bu : oils , 1,21) bu ; rye , . ' . " bit. ;
clover si-ed. IJ4 bu.
J-iiii'Mi-sH-rioiir. s , 111 bbls ; who it. 01,210
bu : coin , 4I.OJJ bu.j rye , 4JJ bu. ; clover seed ,
2 bu.
Omalm Crnlt iMarkrt ,
OttxpM Now Yurk ConcorJs , , lc per 10-lb.
OAI.IKIIIMA GiiAt'hs I'cr crate. $1,50 mus-
c it' : * 1 7 > Tokays.
t'VI IIIIIIM V I'l AllIKS 1'i-r OOX , JI.OT.
Cu.ltntiM i IVMH H51 per box.
Al'i'i i > 1'erbbl , M.OJ ; fancy , $1,50 ; llvo bbl.
lots 2'io less
I'cr box , JJOO.
Cot ton MmUut.
Nr.w OltLKANa. L-i. , Oct. U COTTOV
Sloilv ; mlddllii' . 7'Be : low mlddllnc , 7sc | ;
good ouiln.iry , ( I'D - : net receipts , ll,0)7 ! ) bales ;
exports to Ore it llrltn n , I.1KI ) biles : to the
continent , .1.5/j bales ; s lies , , l,2j ) b lies ; stock ,
11(1 ( 'I ' 0 bales.
MCMIMIIU , Tcnn , Oct. II Steady : middling.
7'ao : rocolpts , l.b'li b lies ; shipments , 47J bales.
btoclr , Jl. ' . ' i ) b iits. Sales , liio b ilcs.
Cnllei ! Market.
Nmv Yonis , Oet. Kl. Options opened
ste idy and unohiiued to 10 points up and
olo'-e I steady at 1 to 21 points uu : s lies , M.1 0
b igIncludla , - : October , } H 4 in Nl ; Novem
ber , 111 J.l'ijill. ' H : December , 111 003 r > .10 : M in-
uaiy. Jil.'iiWlli ; rouriiiry. $11.91 ® 11 10 :
Mimli , ? ! ® ; April , $4'l)5illlO ; May ,
SI4.nV3ll.Ki ; Aii'just. tllhO bpot Klo moro
aelhe , lliinor ; No 7 , $10.21.
Jfr.w YOIIK. Oct II I'hTiiotiGUM Qulot ,
sin idv : I'nltod closed l.'o ' for November.
Coiros &KI.I ) On , Firm , quiet ; crude , 27Uo
bid : yellow , l ) > is bid.
TAM.OW ( , > nlet , easy.
HUMS ( Jnlot , sto idv.
TUIIl'tSMINK Dull , StO id33)0'JC. ! ) ' .
Liverpool Markets.
l.ivrupoor. Oct. I L WIIUA.T rirm , demand
fair , holders oiTorspirlnily : No 1 California ,
T'/idifMs i > d percental ; No 2 roJ winter , Os
Quiet , domund poor : mixed western.
i'jd ' per cent il.
I MO.N I.OIM clear , 41 Ibs , 41s Id per owt.
Oiuahi rriiiliicf M.irlcct.
TIans slow at I9c.
Hurrr.ii I'.iclJnt ; stoslf , nSIJ'jo ' ; cholco
U-Iliy. 1(1 ( ® 32 ? .
I'oUi.Tiiv Chickens , old fowls and ducks aio
scllln. , ' inoitly utOc.
Trailer * ' Tut it.
Ciuctno. Ill , Oct. 11 Co inselimn & n iv to
CocKroll Ilros Commission eonipiny : Wheat
opened n sliado higher In reponso to ( Inner
I.lvcriiool advices , nccomp inled by the ac-
conitinco ot lust nlghtS e.iblo olleis. but cased
oil 'ic on ruill/lnir by longs , Inlluoncoil by
larwo 1101 tliwcst iceoluts , sl n il soivico pro-
illotlons of Kcnor il ra ns In tl'O west and
southwest mill small Atl.intlc chir.inces 10-
Dorlod fpr forty-ulshl hums. Tow.irU tno
close a recovery oconiroj on huttet second
rah es , sliowliu no fresh car oc arrived lit
London and onlv two awn tin } ; sale. Coin
dull .mil almost fontiiic ess bhlppora were
scalping on tlio sldo This c.uiicd n 'Jc
decline and a ' 10 recovery. O its \vcio vvu.ilc
under hi'avv roiill/ln hy Now Yorlt and local
lonis. I'riv.ito olovaloi pcapio mid shorts
xvuothu best buvors. I'ho provision market
VMIS n repetition of yesluidny ' e.ilpors first
lot hort on a wo ik hnjt mm ki-t and then cot
loiu by in 111nsafter WiUht'spurelinEO of ft 0)0
bbls. of I in nrv uork nnd ( In.illy sola out at
u lacond ilocllnu r.ithor than Uoop the stuir
CIIILAOII. III. Oct. II - 1O I.o .in & Co to
Dune in , Holllnzor & CoThoio has boon n
: il st-nco of vlior In the wheat pit today. I'rom
thoopeiiliu until the chHO tno dilttwnslo-
w.iui , i lowci ovol , largely owing to ho ivy
iccelpts and lUlit sbliiinunts. Tlio receipts
aioovoi 1. O'.l'O ' ' ) btishnls In excess of the ship
ment * . I'lit'l this st.ito of thlnss
changes pi it'is will not ndvunca When the
oh inu comes wo look for iidvunIiiK
iimrl.fts Docomliui opened at 7fi70iBc , sold us
low ns7."i c On the ileullnn , lllooirora proin-
inunt looul operator bec.imo .1 buyer und , ul-
Mincud thu mlcu to 70o. The clo-,0 was 7Vi ( }
7ll'i ho fuulnu locally Is In f ivoi of u hlsnci
r.inpo of values und Iho foreign advices
nro strong for the liner qual
ity which Is not olToro I freely ,
Diy noitlior still continues iilthouzh rain1 ?
are predicted , The price may lie Inlluciinud
tiy ilio rain lint any lot-up In receipts , r.iln ot
no rain , will ho foi owrd by Inshei prUes. The
cash Uumiiml Is better th in it was yesteidny ,
but it Is by no mo IIH hrlsU , Tlio host buyers
uro the mlxeis and oloinlor conipinlos. Tliu
net ho taiiouulntion In corn for the
present U out of the m irUut. The
fluctuations aio narrow and duiicnuin ; ; on ihu
iiilv | | and demand foi cash olfoiliu-s and
tlilidoinand n l ithurllKht toil ly Oats au
wiulf , The firituro In Iho privlilon market U
tire steady buying by \ \ rUht. C'luirtcis were :
\ \ ho it. : L-iilOOil ; corn , 10. ' . OJ.
Ciiic c ( ) , Out. IJ. Ivonnctt , Hopkins & Co ,
to S. A. McWhorlor : Scarcely anybody de
nies tint the position of
f-ivors matoi hilly better prices the latter p irl
of the crop yo ir. 11 Is the pi escnt siiccnlutlv t
situation that Is troubling the irade. Tin
in.irKoIx boom too n irrow to hold tin
enormous receipts that contlnuo U
pour In from all directions i'oi
ulxn iinvrs N moro oncoiiriu'liu than e.\-
pi-clod and If uxporleis wouUl tulo oi\i\ij\ \ \ \
, to rnllevo the pleasure at tlioblc speeu ,
latlvo markets there would bo Ditto tronbli
In holdlns prleca now and uatubllshlni ; a busli
forafutuio advance. It Is buconiln inon
and inoio a ino | < tlon uf receipt
and tliU U the controllnu factor
'Iho market him been iiulto wal
biibtulnuil todny In spltoof ( .onslder.ibloslior
soiling , t'oi.i and oats vvero fairly stand ;
most of tlio soKilon , lint in thu last lion
there was hu.ivy selling of May oats
and this depressed both unrUiiM. 1
Is tuld that country holders who bough
outs vv celts auo and had not soli
lualnst ihomhnru are now doliu so , hiivin
doulduU that they are Ilkoly to KU lowui
They are also Rhlpplni morn frouly froi
co'intr/stoukholdurs , In provisions there wn
very llttlo union , and they wuro vvoll held I
splto of the lower ho ; marliot , but there nor
no features of ( iitti cst.
AM > 11.MS. (
hccurltlm Ynitrriluy U'cro Strong froi
blurt lo riiiUh.
NEW YOIIK. Oct. U. The stook markc
today vv as btronis f rum start to flnUh. I'ral
nbly the most slKiilllcjut f out nro of Kpeculr
lion was thu lucruasod actively and buoj
ancy of the Grangers und a number of otlu
tacl > n , vvliloh havu hithcito occupied a con
pirutlvely nnlmporliintuosltlou Inthoinii
Lot. Amoiu thu latter , Western Union wi
; conspicuous for a rlso of 2' ' , to 03i , Halt
mpro H Ohio advanced 2"f toOJJf , nnd Oh
A. MlsslUlupl , 2 to 84. ruolllu Mull cold t
ncnrly 2 polr.ts , to 'J3M ; . The general II
was favorably alTcctod at the opoi
hu l > y advices from London of
buoyant nature there for A merle :
securities. An advance runclne from !
2 per cent WIIH rviordoit In Now Knglan
l.uUu Kflo ft We&turn , Hurl I UK I on
Uulncy , Itock Island , Louisville ft Nushv 111
NorlliL'rn I'ftclllo urofurrvd and the Indu
trials IcudliiB.tho upward niovomont. Uurli
the attcrnoonttxuw Kn.Mand ran off from 47
4J ? ou tliu ( fleulul o ( the utory about tl
The total silea of stocks toaiy worn : ij,07l
shares. Includliu : Atehlson. J',7o1 ; < ; iilctijo
Uas2lfiOJ ; Krlo , 11,003s Louisville \ . Niish-
vllU,70U | | Missouri I'aclllc. , ' ,10 : Northern
I'liilllu prufiiired , y'H3 ' : Now V.njland , OhOi ;
I'.Lcllic .Mill. , I. < K ) > : Keiilliiir , 81 703j HI. I'nul ,
b.OOJj Union 1'aolllc , K'.OllOj Western , Sli)0. )
Yiirlc Alonry Market ,
NMV YOHK. Oct. 11 MOXBY ov C Lr. Hasv
at 41 } ® " per cent ; last loin , 5 percent ; closed
olTorcil at.l per co-it.
1'iitMi : MhiicANTii.n I'AITII 537 nor cent.
fcTiiiiivo IJtcinNOK Weak at jl hl" © l RP *
forb inkers' sUty day Hills and ® ! SOU
f Ji demand
1 lie closing quotations on beads :
bid tasked
lloston Mock ( Juntatlons.
HOSTOV , SI iss. . Oct. n The following are
tlio oloslii- stock quotations ;
Atcli .VTop 'iilnmct , V llccln. . . fH
lo ! tonV Albnii ) . 2JJ Cntnlim Ill
do MnltiD 1SI Kr inklln Ii
' " Kc irsircc ll'l
rin-tcrii It It 'M" . . 13J Osceolii .1 ! } |
I Itchburi ; It U . . t , , ' , -ante Ko topper . . ID
HliitA.lVreM.pfil 71) Ij3
l.lttlo Kcick A U S . W AnnlMon l.nnd Co. ' . ' .J
Mni9 US West llnil l.nnd Co. 17
Mcx fun co.n 14i ( | Hull Tokiilione.JJ
N. V A X. KiiKlanil 41 ! Iunion Moro d. . . . It !
OlilColony 1SJU \\nter 1' 2
Mis Lcn coin . . . . 17 Cent M 75 ;
Alloue/M CunuullU ( ) ; X K. T 1,0
Atlnntlc 11 K i , U l"i
lo ton , t .Mont . . . Vi < (
rscw Yurk .Hilling OtintatKini.
NEW YOIIK. Oct. 11 Tbo follow Ins are the
ctosln ; ininliu iiuot itlons :
I.nnilon rinaiiol il JEctlow.
ICOpyrlflitcil I832 by James Gordon Bennett ]
I.OMION , Oct. I.I. INow Yotk Herald ( J.iblo
Ppeclal to'lllE IIKI' . ] On the HLC v e\chan o
a fairly cond btiaincis w is done In spitu of thu
progress of tlie suttluinciil. but not as much
as yesterJav , All the markets wore firm dur
ing the c irly p irt of the day , but prices aftor-
w irdi fell back on .silos to secure prollts.
Tliero was not much change In Inteibourso
stocks. biHluess boliu enouhed by tlio Jenlsb
hello ly , while 1'aris wns rather dull.
Homo rillways Impro\ed , especially
the ho ivy lines. Anuilcan secnrillea
closed btrons at a iid\anee , lilcber
prices coniliu * o liand this aftoi noon. Now
York and ( irand Trunks were steady but
Ah'Mcan r illway blocks ro o U to Ji. Nitrates
were ulho In request. .Mines wcro II rm all
ni on ml especially dl imond sli iros. chartered
South Afrci. Consols leftolf 1-llinei cent
lower for iinallored. It ir slUorwas better at
from Jud lo ' .id pel ounce. There h is , been
\oryllttlo Inquliy for money. Short loins
hivobeen obtained at 'i percent discount.
Tlio iiiarkul wan linn. Two and tnreo inontha wore quiet at from l'8 ' to li ! per cent.
ritninclal > otvs.
K\N3AsOitr , > Io , , Oct. -Clearings , f.-
Kn is. ' .
Nr.w OUI.IHNS , La , Oct. U. Clearings , $1-
OC'i Oil.
Ni-W YOIIIC. Oct. 13. Clearings , fH8'J07,3jO
balance- , Ji,171'Jv3.
llAi.rnioiiR. Md. . Oct. II. Oloirlnzs , JIS.470.-
111" : Dalnnccs , t'fil.vti. .Money , 0 pur cent.
l'iili\HEW'llM , I'a.O.-t 1.1 Oloirlnss $11-
lo.VJSl ; I ) ihinccs , $ ljS,4l' ) . Money , I per cent
MLMI'IIIS. Tumi , Ojt U. Now York exchange -
change inning nt $15j , Cloailnxs. $ J01i,27iij bjl-
ancos. J12J.718.
ST. r'iui , Mo. Oct. 13 Cloarlnss , H.SOI-
07 ! : balaiicus , { l.7,7.Vi. .Money qulul nt ( iii7 put
tent. n\ehaimo on Nuvv Yorlc 2 > u dlseounl ,
Hosiov , Jlass. , OcU lil ( Jlearlnss , JII.718-
a.'ii ; oalaiicus , 1,011.17) . .Money , 4'i put cent
K\chaiiieon Now Yorl > , tu to l-3u discount.
I'AIIIS ' , Oct. U. Thro3 per cent rentes , mi
27 < ic for thu account The weekly htatemoni
of thu Hunk of Praiicu allows a dueronso ol
2l)7.VJJf ) cold and JJ',0)Of ! ) slher ,
CHICAGO. Ill , Oct. 1.1 Cloannss , Jl0,0.r | 0
New York u\uh.iiiKO ( , ol i at 4oo discount
SlcrlliueMhiniKudull , but steady ; sixty. dn\
bills , il.bU ; demand. Jtl.SU' ' , . .Money In goo (
demand , rate unchanzed , 6 0 per cent ,
I.OMIOV , O t. lil. The bullion In tlio Hani
of I. upland has decreased 1804 000 during tin
p 1st week , Thu proportion of the Hank o
Kn.'lnnd's reserxo to nubilities , wh'ch ' las
week was li.ili ) pur cent. Is now 41.74 nor cent
Amount of bullion withdrawn fioiu tlio lianl
of Ungland on balances loday , uu,000.
l.lVi : .MAKKKT.S.
Cuttlo Show u llottiir Tiinn llo s We ilici
but Scarcely l.owi-r.
OMAHA. Oct. 1H. 1'ourdajs1 rocolpts foot u
IH.'il.i cattle. Iti.OS. ) ho s and 1,010 shuup , iiKalns
U.libl cattle , 10.VJ luvs and UU7U sheep .u
s into four days of last wuok ,
The ninjoi part of the caitlo offerings vvor
vvostoiusof pretty common inmlltv. I'rlccs o
becfcattlo ruled stronger on all dcslrabl
grades , and trading an such was brlsU , Oem
monstult was moro or less nojleotod an
Blow ,
There WIIH n coed inquiry for cons an
butcher stnlT and prices ruled strong to K
liUhor from the opening. AnythliiK at 11
suitable bold early , Hu Is , oxen and stuc
sold fully btoady us did cowa , ciumeri an
JlL'ht stun" , Itvvusapood active market un
the pens were vvoll cleared of all holdings ,
Thu iiiuikct on stock cattle wns not vor
brisk und prices on all except cholcu fuedoi
- - - ' - - - ' " y nnd lower. ( Jood , smoot
ly well and a fair uniount i
to. Hupresent.ulvo bales ;
No Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r ,
n 7ii i o 1 CS
I 11H 1 4) . . I 70
14 Ml ? 1 41 11 mi Ml I 70
8 10) ) > I 40 il , h l I 1 7'i
21 5.11 1 5) ) I 75
2J 7-11 1 M 1 7.1
i ou i .i ) 1 75
1 S.'O 1 JO 3 1130 1 75
r.n 1 SI
1 2.1 I 30
2T1 i ro 'flU-ittl ' 3 3)
41.1 I 03 1 'KtJJ ' 8 33
: ruM 1 SO T.J-41) ) 'J 31
M 2 03 JH > ) 'J U'i
- ' 00 I. , : ) 2 7.1
X' ' . 'ViO .1 . ' *
217 a 41 4 1U7 : i W
Jll 20) U ' 'I' ' ) J 5J
1213 1 00 1 7. .
KrW 1 00 II HI 1 80
I UK ) 1 31 ' ' 1 SO
VO 1 5) i'.1 o 1 81
1204 1 f > 0 US ) 1 t-1
MO 1 0) ) 1U > I 81
114) 1 05 .nu i m 3..1141 210
1JIO 1 70 .1110 1 OJ 3..IW1 22J
8TAO < < .
1 CTO 1 75 . .luo s ai
srocKnns AND rGiptiis : : ,
711 1 03 31 Ml ? 11 3 on 2r D
2 03 1 1100 8 21 3U IMS 2 53
7IJ 2 CO IS HtU 8 ill U 1'iTII ' 250
rte 2 (10 ( 2 .10 : KIT. 2.V )
7TU 2 31 81 lisa
d71 Oil ) 2 31 81M r.7i
74' ' ) 4 ! . ' 4J M HMO
I 5IJ 15 34 8 r.J 10 , 1117
0 cows and calxesJl OJ 1 cow and calf 40 01
1 cow and cilf . 3) ) DO 1 sprlniror . . , .13 OJ
1 cow -uiilc llf . . . .35 00 1 milker 3101)
WYOMINd cvni.c.
No , Av. I'l. No. Av. I'r.
80 heifers. . 2 ,1) 23stooM. . . 101.0 201
5 feeders. . 1070 2 8) 1 bull 1073 1U1
.1 feeders . IMI 2 4) Ii feeders HIM 8 Ml
18slcois . mr > : i til .llsl 1 fil
U bulls 1,11) ) 1 v > ( V ) feeleis llli 240
2J rows . . .1(140 ( 2 OJ 7 cows . . , .111(11 2110
.1 bulls. . .1101 1 II ) 31 co\vs. . , . 8fJ 801
8" ! COH s . . . Hi ! ) 2 M Itr I , tl 2 81
14str. UK im II 1J 28 cows. . 1 ! ! 3
51 cons . . . HH 2 05 4atr , tk. .lll.'O 240
10 sir , UK. . 070 2 40
20 sir. Tex 1007 s 0) 47steeM . . .1131 210
11) ) stools . . . .Iliri 2 10 II steers ' Oil
1-'steers H"il 2 ai II steers livj 2 M
7 steers . . ' , WJ 2 dO 24 fuolor.s. tl'iJ 2.13
II feeders , IDuJ 2 21 2 feeders . .10.11 201
SO feudal a. .HWf 2 00 01 feeders .1)8 2 ( > 0
lloos At Iho opening the supplv wns loss
tliiin tvventy-llvo loads. Opening prices were
fully steady , hut as Into trains h-voilol the
run lo upwards ot 4,0 0 head Uu tr.idu weak
ened and the market closed any where from
fie to I.'iu lower , with several loads unsold ,
bales vvero largely at from $ .V."i to $ VH. with 11
few s ili-s of cholco he ivy at M HI and $3 41 nnd
some rough loads us low as ? " > ' ) " > Tne market
closed very mean. Itcprcsenlallvu s lies :
No. Av. No. Av.
5. . . . 73. . . .2IG
4 . . . . . .atii
40 . . 870 . . 218
l , . , 8.1' 07 . . .205
f > . . 7,1 . 2SO
4' ' ) . . h. . . .2.11
IS 71 . 211
. .21(1 ( bO . . .221
rs . . . .2 8 OS 27ll
.10. . . . .212 . 217
, u . . .241 . . 20S
5S . . . .341 ns . . .241
H4 210 211
JJO . 23' ' )
. ail . 2.11
. . .2.V M . .27i
. .270 17 , " '
" 42 , . .2ii :
! 27I 74G . . 2.14
. . .24S G ) ' ' '
. . . .Hi" C.I . . 'ill
72 215
M . .223
" [ I 52 . . .270
' 7S . .223
l'STu 57.
i n.'o a ooi i 250 40 4 si
5 . . . 12 , ! 40 4,111
SiiBti1 The sltuitlon Is practically un-
ehaiiKed. There wiis nothlns on silo today ,
either fresh or si ilo , but. the demind is strong
and prices iiiottbj' | ! steady. 1'alr lo aood na-
tlves. i.l. > 0ti4 .1) ; full' to L'ood westeins , jl.2" > Sft
4 ' . , * > ; common and stock sbccp , $ J.2"ii.L25 ; good
to cholco 4U to UJ-lb lambs JIU.I.7J.
Itccclpts anil lNi | > ltrili of Stock.
Oniclal receipts and dlaoosltlon of stock as
slio\Mi by the tiooks of tlio Union Stock Yards
company for ihu.tWintY-fnur houra endin. ; at
5 o'cloct p. m. , October 13. lSJijr ,
Chicago Live Stock .lliirkct.
CIIICAOO , 111. , Oct. 1.1 ISpccial Telegram to
Tun HEE 1 Tliero was : i more actlvo market
today and most kinds of cattle sold to a llttlo
better advant mo than on the picceding days
ofthKvveck. The offerings of irood lo o.viri
( .orn-fatted steers were not sullicleni to mcni
Iho doinanu and for such llio range of values
wnslilghor fully lOc hlirhor tlmn on the ( Iny
before. In other drsci , | > Uons there vv.ia
hcarcelv aquot.ibluadvance , but theiowusa
llrm or fooling all around. Trade opened u irlv
and although the stulo and frtsh iccolpts
combined amounted at le ist to 2 > ,00j lio.ul ,
very few lots runia neil In sellers' hands ut
the close , bales weiu noted all tlio way from
JI.OO to tl.21 for sc il IW.IR cows to from Jl 50 to
If 170 f r exti i steers , but tlio bulk of the busi
ness was done at from tl.dO to $ . ' .21 foi cows
nnd bulls and at from fl. . ' ! to Jl.Ti forsteem.
Hungers to thu number of 11,00) ai lived ,
Tliuy were quote. ! at from 81.21 to JJ UJ for
Texans and at fio.u J ! , . " > ) tojl.50 for westerns.
Mockers and fccdcid wuio lu demand at from
Jl.W tol.5
lluycis were Ilgurlng on receipts of fioin
21.00J to l'i,0)0 ' hogs foi toil iy and they went 10
the yards this mot nlng with the determina
tion to buy the btnlf flioipor. Tlio trilling
circumstance Unit only about I'.i.OOO hogs could
: tin hctucd up did not altci their putjiosc ,
J hey Jiimucd on the market at the very out
set nml bore It doun fiotn 53 to lOc per 100 Ibs.
1'aokors would not b d more than ii2i for the
best , and though there were s lies to shippers
an hljli as from to tV7i' ' , Ibu bulk of tno
business was done holow Ji5i. niiieli of It at
from ti.10 toJ.1.2.1 Closing quotations were at
f i om il.7.1 to for light nnd at from $1 h,1 to
j'i5" > for heavy and medium u eights. Culls
und eholori lalnled pUs bold anyvvhcio fiom
* j.uo to m.'io. , , v
' 1 lioro w is an extremely dull mnrkot for
sheep and lambs , and while prices ULTJIKH
miiL'ii lower the feeling was depicsscd , I uw
wtiro wanted for shipment and the wants ol
local Hliiu htororB apucai to bo pretty well
supplied for the presunt. Tiaalng WIIH slow
nl from MUO lo MO ) for natives und ut from
IJ 01 to * l,40 for westerns ,
KccelplHi Cattle , 17,100 head ; hogs , 7,000
ho id ,
The nvonlnn Journal reports :
CIATTI.B Kocolpts. 17uju bond ; sh pments
4,000 bend ; market steady ; prime to i-xtn
natives , * i.00"itt > : , others , IM.5 ® l bj ; com-
iiinn , tl.7,14.asi , Tdxiins , t ! 41i4.75j ( lanuers
U25 < ai.25 ; cows , lil fiWHJ.
Hens UoeulpU , AI.OOJ bond ; shipments , 19,000
bond ; miiikut sluwi ut lOc lower ; lough IIIK
common , II 7V3'i.tli ! mixed nnd puckers , * , ! UYi
& .15 : nrlitio heavy mid butchers' woliihts , J3.4
4t1.GO ; light , Jl'JOtoa.1.
biiKi.r Ituculpts , 7,003 head ; shlpmonts
2.UIO houd ; market 1020o lovror ; natives
* I.SO < Si3.W ; grass Tex-ins , SJ,83j vvestorns , 11.2
ip HIUISIH Cjty'1.1 * " Stock Market.
st KASHAS OITV.Mo. . , Oct. 13.-OATTI.B-1CO
10 cclpts , 10,0 0 ; hhinmonu , H.OOi , The inarko
WIIH dull and unchanged. I'ecdcM uero uutlvu
rein and llrm : drcssoil biof and shipping htoors
in llioai.01 ; cows..Wii \ M ; Tqxas nna Inulai
lu stcors , tl.5@-il5 ; S ookors und ( ecdors , il.J 4J
iiid 'llbls-ltccolps'j'A800 ( ; shipments , 3,200. Th
inarkttoponuil qctivo aim strong to fiaiu
idea hlghor , lust thu K ln and closed weak ; ul
oa urudos,8l 7V&1.4Xbulk. } il SI J" > .
ill bill Kl'-Hocoiplf , I.5JO ; slilpmonls , 1,503. Th
gs market wns qulctnind steiuly for good sheoj
id other * nojlcctoU ; muttons , tJ.'Mi iM ; lambs
id J5 uo.
ry Novr Vorrf l. ! o htock Alarlcet.
th is Nisw YOIIK , Oct. U IIECVES UocclptB , SI !
llr , 3 O. Jones , of
Tulton , Arkansas ,
"About ten } cars nco I con
tractedaBovcrocasoof blood pol
eon. leading phj siclans prescribed medlclno
after medicine , w hlch I took w ithout any relief.
I also tried mercurial and potash remedies ,
with unsuccessful results , but which brought
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
inado my lifo
ono of agony.
After Bulfcrins
four jears I gave up all remedies and began
using 8. B. B. After taking tovcral bottles I
ivas entirely cured and able to rcsumu work ,
Is the greatest incdlcino for blood
to-day on the market , "
Treatise on Illood and Skin Diseases mailed
tree. BW T Bi-tcn w Co. , Atlanta , Ua.
head , all for linelilorer ! : no tralo ; fooling
dull : droned l-cof slow , 7fiH'lo per 11) .
CM.VES liccolpts. 2u ! heuill market Uc per
1 , loner : vo.ils. Jj.uoai7.7i per 103 lbs | grassers -
ers , $ J.OO15a
SiiFPt1 AMI Tuns Hcoolpt' . 7,014 lioadi
inirkct voydull. Uu per pound lower ; sheep.
JIOO I.73 per lot ) Us ; Inn In. fl 7WJ.1.SOU !
dressed mutton dull nl 7M.SVio per poiindi
dros < ed 1 imbs lower , sjjii'ic. '
lions Kccclpt * . Cca-i head. Including 2 CUM
for silo ; market weak at tiGIQV.M per 100
I In.
VI , I.oun l.lvoMtnck Mnrltnt.
ST. Ltvi . Mo. . Oct n. LHTTi.n Uccolpt' ,
4,100 : slilpmonto. : i.23it tiiurkol ste idy : fair to
cholco nitlvo < lpor , M . ' 'ntVOi : ordinary to
coed Tc\ ins and Ind'an ' steers , iJ.2Jiftl.00 ;
IndlMli rows , } | . 10 7 IT , .
lloH ( Hjoclpl' , 4,533 ; shlpnients , 3,100 : mnr *
Kct 5c loner : heavy. i\2 tt\0is picking ,
fMiOill.'iOi light. J1.-W.130
yiillKi' Hccelpls , 8)0 ) ; shlpnionts. 3,5JO |
market llr in ; n illvo muttons. l OJlT.V
linn. , Juno 15 , ' 93.
Mr. ,1. U , MOOM : Mv lJ\r Sir 1 htiv
bcn suVJcctto tlclt IWidncho nil inv llfo.
Over U\o years npo t boRnti uslni : "Moora1
Tree of l.lfo" for it anil never had n o\so o
sick lioiilncho s In co. cvcopt wliesn the
medicine win ixt ono onil of the raid ami I nt
the oilier. ItU worth IIIOM than tnonojr to
mo. I lioifllly rnooininotul It to nil snfforurs
of bcndacho. Very truly voitrs ,
W. 11. Ln.n.
I'nstorrirst B w ptlst Church.
TIII : itn.u.rv MAtucr.r.
TX"TUUMi\T3 : pUcod on record Oct. 13 ,
.L luu.'i
Herman Hartnrin and wife to Mo o *
Poitelai , lot II , block S , subdlv of II
Kixllclc'siidd . . . i 1
N .1 Smith and wlfo toV U Drumimmd ,
lot II. N ,1 bmllh's 1'la-ii . 4.10
II M Thompson tin I hnsliind loV A
Corson. tinstoo. u 41 fi-t-t of lots 12 and
U bloc' < M , Kendall's add . 100
J I' Smith an 1 wlfo to Anna Dow no , s M
lot II. bhu-U OJ , Ninth Omaha . 1.20J
1'otlor , V ( leoigo comp uiv lo ,1 H Molklc ,
lot II , block 11 , I'otter A , lleorgo com-
panv'sadd to lUst Oni'iha . 3. > 9
.1 it "Slolklo and wlfo to UT Umlloy ,
s nno . . . . ! li3
.1 U I'ut/or , mil wife to Jacob Shilgar , lot.
11. b'.ock I. KiHh .1 Selby'a add to
South Om iha . 1,700
r.lcnora Men-Ill nml liuibunil lo lilchard
Kbblt , lot s. bloc i HI , South Omaha . 1,000
\\nllacoand ( wife to. I I ) X.lttle. lot
17. block 0 , Summit add . 1,0 JO
Vesturn l.uul and Investment comp my
.1 II I'lanp , lots 1.1 and 14 , block 10 , llcil-
frd 1'lace . 003
nencorOt s and wlfo lo UV Wight , lot
.1. block ! ) , " I'rospoot I'liieo . . . . 473
Cvrus Morton and wlfo to I.lnwood I'aik
iiid coinii my , s'5 no nw JJ-15- ( ew
foul or. 1 1 , no nw ) . 2',003
S' 1 * .lorgcnson ot al to Anton.lensrn , s ' {
lots 1 and 2 , block r , I'addouk Place 200
2OLohock. ole O I" DavK cnmpiny ,
lots 0 and 7 , block 10 , llllchcock's add . 103
OAEennelt , slieillT. to C H Yost , lot P.
block : ' , Sherwood | > aiK . . l.fini
iimo to sinio. lot Ii , bamo . . 1,570
amc to HV .Moisman , t Iot2l'tln so
nw ll-ll-ll . 17,000
V I' 1'owlcr , sppclul master , to llrown
Hros Lumber Co , lot 2,1. block 2 , Yan-
dercookTerr'ico . . 300
I M Richmond , s imc , to C II Wilson , lot
0. block K Dr.iko'H add . 1,100
bnmu to same , south 100 feel let 17 and
wcst2.1feet ot south 100 sect lot 10 ,
block , -.Hinders & IPs add . . . 1.003
) anlcl O'Conncll. same , to Oeorgo Smith
lot ' < and wcat 10 feet lot 4. Smith pane. 2,070
H H Thomas , Mime , to U It Heard , lot I
and east ' 3 lot U , block 7 , llllls'do
add : \o 1 . 3,871
Total amount of transfers . S 07,0.15
AlllI Yon ( io Kist This fall ?
If so , it will bo to your interest to
'ally ' nuqunint yourself with the oxcol-
oiit train sorvk-o now in olloct between
Jhloa o , Bullnlo , New Yorlc. Uoston
mil intorinctlitilo points , via the ' 'Ltifc
Shore Houte.1 Throtitrh truiiis loivo :
iciiffo ut 8:00 : nnd 10 : : > ( ) a.m. , : i:10 : ,
0 , 7:15 : ; iml 11.30 p in. The " ( Jhk'njjo
ind Boston Spccinl" (10:30 ( : a. ra. ) is the
only complete train through from Chicago
cage to Now England. H bus dininfj
cut * sorxing1 meals thu entire dibtam-o ,
in itself an exclusive foaturo. and the
equipment of the train throughout is of
the very highest standaid. The Chicago
cage and Now York Limited (5:30 ( : p. in. )
embodies all that is modern and novel
in railway transportation and has very
appropriately been called a "perfect
train. "
B. P. IIr-MiMiRiv. T. P. A ,
727 Main street. Kansas City.
C. K. WILIJUU , W. P. A. , Chicago.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
Mv word is good.
\V. G. Albright
521-11-3 N. Y. Life bldgr.
The I.-xat II irvi-st i\nirjlon South
VIA Till :
Will leave Omaha p. in. Oot. 2a For
the above occasion the Witbash will toll
tickets to points nonth and southeast at
half faro. The only line running solid
trains with reclining chnii- and Pullman
bullet sleeping cars to St. Louis , con
necting in union depot with all trains
running cast and south. iTor tickets and
further information call atVabash
ollico , 1502 F.trnam street , , Omaha , or
write G. N. Cl.AY'lON ,
Northwestein Pats. Agent.
Something of Interest to ell Ameii-
A Calcutta letter says that American In
ventions and discoveries nro fist ; displacing
tuo older outs of English inanufnttut o in the
Indian Kmniro. Thus , a few jenrs ago , the
Amciicun liarvcsteia nnd itnpcia ivero ca-
tlicly unknown , vilicio now theio nro many.
The American tclcpliono has Lxx > n introduced
in most of Iho Inrgo cities. Stranger than
nil , the old fashioned , hugo pilh mo las.t giv
ing place to Dr. I'icico's I'icasant Pellets , or
"P. I' . 1' . , " which v.-eio Hrst introduced in
Ixwdon some jeara ngo by their Ainciicaii
piojinctois. l.very Kugllsnniin who enjoys
peed eatinff , mast have his dlniicr-iiill , nnd
It is not unusual to ECO dlbtmBUishcd peiMins
draw f i out their waistcoats a tiny little \lal
of tlieso Pellctj , nnd tnl.o ono vv itlt their wine.
After taklns ono you foci veil , instead of
bilious and constipntod , your sick bendacho ,
diiness and indigestion arojjono. It's dotio
mildly and easily , too , ThcM ) aio tiny ,
BUfrai-coated , but thoiough in results Ono
Pellet's Jnxntivo , thrco to four nio cathartic.
They icgnlato and clennso the liver , htomach
nnd l * v els quickly , but thoroughly. They
are gua > antcal to ctvo satisfaction.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cattle , ho- and Hhoop inarKot In tlm west
L1V13 bTOC'K
" '
OMAHA Writs f > thU hoaii fo.cor -
0. ] roat M arltot Koparu.
Wood Brothers ,
fouth Omaha Telephone 11)7. - Chicago
JOHN I ) . IIADISMAtf. I . . _ , .
„ „ „ .
WALTKIt B. WOOD fMnnnirori.
Market reports by mull anJ wlrochoorfully
( urulshcd upoiiapplloitloii.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , IZastHt. Louis , Kansas Olty , Soath
om.ihu , tiloux Oily , 1'ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
&g and U KxouanjM Ilulldln { .South Om in u
Corrci | > onileDco iollclteil and proinptlr annvoril.
tjicclol attention to orileri forstotkoMtfujdiirj.
KMBblUlicd , 181. - - InoorporatjJ. lilt
( .uplift ) fully paid , IM.UJJ.
Waggoner liirney Company
Wrlto or vtlro ui for prompt ana rolldblj uiarijl
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvu Stoo'.c CommUjlou.
Room & 1 liichango ilnlldlng , BjutU Omaha.
Tulupuouu 1707.
_ _
M , 0 , Daxoii7
ImimrtPM and mfr" , llnnr llli'yolp' oli1 , 'n liionllily
l > -\inout Ul N tJt'i M
Morss-Coo Slioi C iiimiiy ,
II 1 llnwnrl ir ( > i-t ,
1-rti-tnrr corner mil mil liniiilalropli .
1\onratankliiKrli oirlti | > tii ri li bii > i > r . HII ! are
fi'lllnsacl'm of BOI > | H whl Ii Isctf mll'iblo
nltll lllrnh inn
Kirkcndall JIIGJ & Amar , Hand-Scwol
Ima poinpinr , l" > > l ,
iMion Itiilibor lm < nn I rubber IMI < I | .
MiiH-compiny , lli llut- 1IM unit UIU llnrioy
1101 llarm-y Mre-t. Mroet
Blotcky&tti ?
Clnthltm n ul i n furn \ -
liu ( ilM ) n. n trial.
Suniilot pro ml 1 by nv-
prt-s < Illlllnnior vt.
Wor rt5 !
Hrnl an. . ) oft cm ! , i : Mfr Knlrinlicil Iron
cornlrtwliuluw ,
car. lull and iu"
strocti , mi-taUr gtkvllulit * , etc
1110 I1U
M. C. Smitiii Co , KiljnnV-Koch ( (
Dry eooii , notion * fur- Dry ( J > U Co Notion' ,
nl liltu K < > III | < Corner rnrnifililin ; iwnli
llth nml Howard ' tl Lor llth nml llnnu > >
KUHNITUltl- : .
Omaha Upliolsbring Co , liccbo & llunyn
plinlstpreil fnrnlltiro 'urnltiiroCo. , lir.vcj in
imsilUIMcliolmatrejt Ulh atrooU
Wholosile only.
K I'C.
D. JI.SlCClC&CO. .ike , 11 nice & Co
10th ami liiriny itrot
Oinatii. Uiunh i.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tfc emlnont spoclillot In norvons. chronic , private , tlooa. kln anil unnarr illiea oi A roimliu n
eelstircd graduate In muilclno , us Jlploma anil ciriltlciitc'nlinir. littlll trcutlm ; wltli llu1 crr'ilu-t succcsi
ntnrrh , ipvruiHlorrlioi- manhoa I , leinlnnl Mi'nknmi nlkht lanei. Impotency lyp'illls. ntrlctaro , uun *
Jrrluon , gleet , inrlincelo.ctc No mercury me I. Nun trc itmiMil ( orlosiof % llil | iuwi r , 1'nnloi unnbln to
cIMt 1110 miy ! liatrv-alol at homo by ooiruiponileucu. Muilldn * or Inilrarannti ont by nmll oreiprojs
curulypickeil. no marks toliullcntu content ! orimutor. Ono pcraonal Inf-rTluw pruluirud , Couiulimloa
true torruspoutloii'-o sUlclly prlvnto l.noH ( Myitoilu uf Ufa ) tool trj * . Offloo kuunUa , m. toU p , nu
) 11. ui.lo 13 m Suud BViuup lor rujlj.
CI\MIIIII. ! OMVII\ , Neb , Ootober
th. IVJA
He H resolved by the City Council of the city
nf Omaha , the inayoi uinem rln , ' :
That iiciiiiaiirntsulnwalUs boconstructoil In
the ilty of Om ih.i dosUnatod liulou , w.thln
live dn v > aftei the puljllu it'on ' of this resolu
tion. or tlio personal servieo thereof , as by
01 Hu nice is .iiilluiil/od nnd ieiiilrod | , such
s.dewalUs to belaid to the i.crmi ncnt iinde as
established mi tins pixed streels spcclllod
herein an I to bo constructed of stou , arlill-
cliil stone , brhU or tlllnc. necordliu to snocl-
Icailons on hie In the olilco of the llo.n.l ot
I'ublicoiks , and under Its Biipervlslon , to-
Wlt !
West sldo of 24Ih slrcet. lot 1Kcllos ?
I'l id' , permanent KI i'le ' , 0 ftctvlde. .
North sldo of llarney htrcet. ill feet of south
> $ of lliosoutlroait * i of lot I iu lot ' . ' , Uapluol
Addition , pormaiient _ > ule. (1 ( fei'tlilo. .
boutli sldu of I' nn nn sneot. lots 12 , 1,1 , II
and 1"- . block IU. West Knd Addition. Lormn-
iiont _ ! adc * . 0 foot \ \ Ide.
North sldo of California street , lots ( land ? ,
liloik 1" > , Cilv. peiinaii iit KIIV lc. lifout tvldo : side of 'Oth street , lot . " > , uloek .113 , City ,
poimaiient ! > ralo,0 feet wide.
iibt sldo of Mill sti eel , lot 1 , block iJI9 , City ,
perm inent sr ulc , I , feat Ido.
South side of llut t street , lot n , block iJIO ,
Citv , permanenl ( ? rude. d feet wide.
That the Ho ml of I'liDlio Woi Us bo and
Is hereby author /oil and dliccteu toeansja
cony of this r holutlon to bo puhllihed In the piper ot the city for one weel , . or bo
- enedoii llie owners ot s ild lots and unions
Mich ov. ncrs snail within llxn d lys after the
mihllfition oi serviceof such cupy eoastrnet
i ild R'dnw ilUs as heruln reijulied , Iho
Ilo , i il of I'ublliVotk ! - , cause the H ime to bo
done , the cost of Lon-lriiotliij ; s ild slden ilks
re'-pcctlvi'Iy to bo asscsiod a , ' Unit tlio lotl
( Ml ite. lot , or n irt of lot In float of and abut-
tliusueli si IcwalKs
l-uv.ed OctobcrJth , bO > .
Presldunt of the Council
Attest' JOHN GUOY1 > .
( liy Clerk.
Approved : GUOIIUC I' . HiMI : * ,
TO ooNKTiuJcr
To the owni'isof I lie hits , pai ts of lots TIII !
real estilo di-cnliod In tlio aliovo resolution :
You and o mh of you are hcieby notllled to
construct permanent side-walks < isn.'qiilicd by
a to-olutlini of the city council und m lyoi of
tnu city of Omaha , of which tliuubovo Ua
i w. iiniKiiAr.cnu ,
riiilrinaii Ho nd of I nbllcorls. .
Omah , , MibiiMlc.1 , OctobiH-Htli.Jb ! ) J
ri < iiisuu | mr District ( r.idini ; llniuls ,
be iled bids m irked "pioposils for district
Kind ng bii'ids" ' will lie rcco vod nt thecltv
tiuasiiii'i'holll * ( . * , Omaha , Nob. , upto l.'o'rlork
noon of tlio Dili day of OutoUer. ivx1. foi the
pinch ise of $ > viojOJdlJtrlet n'l idlng bonds of
theelly of Om ilia , Nn ! )
Slid bonds shall bo dated O-tobor 1st , Ml ,
ami nh ill bo p iy blo In fiunionu to nlnoyn.iM
after the tl no thoieof with Inturint at Iho
rain of 5 par cent pur annum piyablo uu-
' - and Inlcro-it payable at Ivonnl/o
Urns , Nu-v Yoik. Sail boids sh ill huoflho
deiiomln-itlon of $1,0)0 ) OJ , $10) ) OJ an I fflOOOJ
l/iih bid must stilu prlco anl amount
sought for and Include ai-uiuu 1 lull-rest lo
dnloof dulivnry ut Omah i , Neb I'linrl.-lil H
reserved lo lujcct any and all hi Is Ixinod
iimler charter power of oltlosuf ilia motr pol-
Itnn clns-i and Oidlnanco No .1 . ' ! " > , upptovud
heptemberlOth. . , .
„ , , , , „ , „ „ . , , , , ,
Bdl7t | City Trmmnror.
rriipo nl. < for Dlitrli I ( ir.nlln Ilondn ,
Boiled bids , marked I'rupos ils for dlstiiet
gr.idliigboiuU. will borecolvol at tlio ollluu nf
theU.ty Trojhiiror. ( m ilia , Nob. , up to Ii
o'clock nuon. of the lOlh d ly of Outo'jur ' isii ,
for tlio of * 'l,0)00) DMiiet lj.illii | (
Honda of tlio city of Omaha. N'lb ,
Mild liondu are dated September 1st. IB1 ! , and
are payable In from one to nliiu year * aftm
thodatu lliotoof , In dunomlniitlons of tl.'lJilO ' )
and JDJuJcaidi , with Interest at thu rale of j
percent per annum piyablo semhannii illy.
Principal and interest payabiu al Ivountzo
llros. . New York.
t7.5JO.00 of District No. ir.
J3o)0 ( ( .0 of District No 17.
l..010.00of ! District No 4J.
Kich bid must htatu prlco and amount
son.'bt for and Include acarnod Inturest to
duto of delivery at Om ill i. Nob. Thu I l.'ht N
reicrvod toruji-ctany anl all bids. Isiiied
Hiidercharlorpowurofeltliiii of the molropol-
Itiinuluss and ordinance No .at' . Aiiprovud
August2lth , 18Ji HINHV IIOM.S.
H.ldl't. City I'roaauri-r.
1'ropobiiU fur Jlallvv ty Tiuimlur ut lanktua
honlli D.iUutn.
Healed proposiU will bu rocolvod for the of a tr inifor bj u , hiilta-
hlo for carry In. : the nllwuy rolling block fit
thb Yunkton. Norfolk , V boiithwusloni rail
l'ropo als should boelasslllcd as follows :
1. I'ropimlstus'j'l ' transfei bo it.
y. Proposals for tuknu contr icl to do onllro
traiibfcr biulnes * of r illway
a. I'roposalklor runt il of tranhfor boit.
Kcqulruments and speclllcallonx van bu nb-
talni-d from the chief unxlnucr , YunKton ,
Norfolk , V boiithwusturn ullw.iy , Yunkton ,
( J I j
'All b'ds ihould beiaddrosiod to :
'I hu Suercliry ,
Yankton , Norfolk .V. f-uutliwobti rn Kallvuiy ,
Yankton , H. U
The board of directors rctrvt.s the rlvlit t
reject uuy uud all Lids.
Itcclor & Wilhclnj Co. Ubeck & Lioi.
Corner Utli nml Jackson n Innlwst 3 ixiil
Btrccli innU'o tools
HOI street
Chas. 11 1-cc.
rtirooil lumbar , woo I Porl
llonrlna. oimnt mil
Dili nml Uonglm ( Juliicy w iltollna
Flick & HcrJjorL I. ObtrfclilcCo. , .
lnipnrlor ami lobbori of
1001 ranmm sU millinery nxtloni Mull
onlor prompt
.W-u-uiilli mil , t
1'APKU. OIL- , .
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co.
Carry n full Mock of
prlnllm ; wrapping mil llpllmvl ami hitirlciltni
wrltlnupipor , ctnt pa oil ? , atloisrone lo
ppr i to I
Kim & SmcaL Cole
Xlfr of K . % 8" ptntt . fnncj
< cli.r\ il'i-i
fhlrn ami nvnralK ito.
CM IS ontli lilt. . st. teloptium * tl
KstiibllshoJ 137.1 Branch & Co.
Whitney & Co.
i'roducp. frultn of all
lluttor. ' mii1
t'Kitt poultry klruli
JUSimtli l.HtuU
Jas A. & Co.
llutler , oho r ofji
| ioullr > nail f\ma
Jl ; lllllll llth st.
OmaliaSlovc lie pair W'ts
bln\o repair * nml water
nttiioliiiiuiits for nny
kliiil nf HtuTU inaila
M.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co.
Manufnrtnror of null , CJK ( 'olln n Hi urn
< leer * , bllntli nn I fancy Kooiln IHMHO fur
moulilttiK > llranch of nMilnif foiuli , chll
UCLUtii and UarJ sts ilien nenrrlnups
UIU I nrmiiii St
To the owners of all lois. iiartsof lots and roixl
estat'j alotu illtb street from Doogu to Dav-
onpoit sticut ,
You nro hereby notlllod that the unilor-
siKtied , tluco disinterested freeholders of the
city of Dinah i , lia o bei-ii duly njipolntod
by the ma } or , ultli tlio | | of tlio city
council of said clt > , to n sis * the damnKe to
the nwnuis rospcethi-ly of the property af-
fecled by Rridliij ; of s ihl slice ! declared noc-
essirv bv oraliiunco iiiinil ei .I.'MI , D isscd Oc-
tnbei 1 , Is'U. ' apnroxed October 4 , I1-1) ) . ' .
You are further notified that It i\lnx ac
cepted said npuolnlment. nml dnlv iiinllfled |
us required by lnw o III , on the 21th dny ot
Oi-tobur. A. I ) 18' ) . ' , at the lioni of UjilO o'cloclf
In the foicnoon. at the olllco of hlirl\or fi
O'Donohoc , 1401 Pin mini htreellthln thocor-
pniato limits of sililcllv , meet foi the pur
pose of consldoiliu and miilchu the .IHSCJS-
mcnt of damiiKo to th > ) ouuuis icspocthuly of
s il I property alTecto 1 by s ild uradliiB , laklna
Into consideration sped il hunollts. It ; inj ,
You are notlllcd to bo picscnt at Iho tlmo
and place aforesaid and nriUo anv objections
to or btitements concurnln r s-ild n Hussment
of damages as you nuiv iimsldni inoiier.
W ( i. lllIVlU. :
cnoitUlM I'Al'L.
Comiilttcoof Appraisers.
Omaha , Neb , Oct. 8 , 18 1J. OlOd Iflt
To the owners of all lots or parts of lots front
ing on ( jrand aMmniThlrtyMnonlh to
I'ortv-iccoml streets : I'littlui im-niHi.Tlilrty-
eighth to roitleth Htiecl ; 'I lilily-nlnth
stient , Uruml a\enuo to Ames avenue ;
Tot tloth street nml I'liitleih aenue , from
( fraud ; i\onuo to bpr 14110 stn.'ol
You am hereby iiotllleil Hi it the undnr-
slirned , tlircodlslnturiMed fieeholders of the
elty of Omaha , h i\o lii-en duly i.puolnted by
the mavor , with the approval of the city
I'onncll nt Bild oily , to i-o-s the dnmnco to
the ouniirs ro4pectl\ ely of the property
u HIT I ed by Kradliu of iboio described street )
and aM'iiurs. declared m-co-isiiy byoidlnancu
No .L'SS pib cd Uuloboi 1 , Ib'l' ' , appioveil Oc
tober 4 , I Jl
You are further not del tluit , havliiK no-
coptod H ilil iiiiilntini'iii | | , nml duly iiialllli-d |
as ii-iiulroil by H . n will on tlm 'Dili day
ofOctolur A I ) ISJ,1 , at the lioui of I o'clock
In the iifturnoon. nt the olllco of ( n-or o J ,
I' , nil. Hi ) "i I'linnim Htieiil. llhtn the coiporato
limits of H ild city , mi ot for the purpose of
coiiHldiuliu and mnUliu the as ossmi-nt of
( laiinmu to Iliu uunoirt loneetlvnly of Bald
propetlv , nirected by sild fi.iilln. , taking
intoconslderatUm special Imni'lIU , If iinv ,
You me notlllod to Im pioient at the tlmo
anil ptnco aforesaid , and inaKo uny olijnutloni
tnor HlntiMiii'Mts coiicumuu Hild aasesimont
of dainugui as you m ly i-nnslitnr uropur.
( j > IJI <
( iioitJi : : u. PAYMi
Omabn , Octobers. 16'K > . OlOdlOt
Notlco ul of I ) IIIIIIKPH lor ( ir.ul-
To the owners of all lots , pirts of lols and
lual estate alonj alloy In block S3 , fioin 171U
to Ihth streets. '
You are hereby notlllod that thu under-
hliMied. Itlrco dlslntoroUod friio holders of the
city of Onriha , h ivo been duly appointed by
the mayor , with Iho approval of the olty
council of said city , to nsies * the ( liiimmo to
ihoovvnors rosiii-etlvoiy of ihu property nf
fcctedby Kianlns of siild alloy , iliiclarcd noc-
cssiry by ordinance number , Wi7 ( , piixsed hup.
temLor r2Jlh , IS ! ) . ' , uppiovcd HJplomber 2Jrd ,
Y'OII are further notlllod that bavinaecop -
toilKulil appointment and duly iiii'Ulllud ' as
icqiined by law. o will , on the ItMh day of
OctoLor. A , I ) , 18Jat thu honrof 10:10 : o'clock
In the forenoon , nt the ollluu of Hhrlver *
O' DOIIII hoe. i ti cut , within thocor-
liorato limits of Hild city , limit fur the pnr-
inHUiif Lm ( < ld r IU iiml iiiiklnir Iho asnuai-J
in-lit uf ditmajos to Iho ownurd riiipootlvelyl
of Hiild priipiirty alloolol by ild irnillii/ , |
takln ; ; Into consideration spoclal bcnullts , Iff
" You aroi.otlflod to bo prcKant at the tlinol
and placu aforesaid xnd inaUu any objeutlonsl
tooriititeiiicnts eoneurnln Kiid assessmoii * i
of damages as you may } 1.lll's1lil1VirAlril'or' ' '
\V 'J < P 1 1 1 [ I \ 1 1 (
Commltteii nf Apiirn' ' Hurs.
Omaha , Neb , October 5th , IbJJ. lidlUl.
To the ownura of all lolii or partHOf lotv on
Davenport between -Ath iiniUHth streets :
You are horubr nutlll'id that the iindor-
sluncd. thrvo dmlnteruated frceholdcm of tha
olty uf Omaha , have bound uly appointed by
the mayor , with the appioval of the city
LOtincll uf said city , to asjess tbo dumairo to
the owners rexucctlvoly of the uioperty
iitTected bv grading of Diiri-nport Htrcut fioin
iiiltb to .Jhtli ytruula , dec iin-d nocLiiuury by
ordliiancu il.'b7 , passed Oclober lt > t , Ib'j. , up-
proved October 4th , IMU
) ou arofurlhurnotllledthatliaInsaccoptcrt
said uppolnlinent , and duly qunllllcu as ro-
qulrcu liy law. wo "iM , on Iho 2)ih day ot
October. A , I ) . , IH * . ' , nt tlm hour of So'uloek In
Iho iifturnoon , at the ullli'o of Ueo. J. I'aul ,
JIW ) I'unmm btruot , within the corporatollmltv
of a ild city , muut fur thu purposu of convldcr-
liU and iiuklnK Iho ubsLhiinfciit of diuniigo to
tha owners r-j peetl\uly of Hiild property ,
nlfenled by said cnidlnc. taUliu lutocouild-
cratloimuoalal bonollu , If uny.
You are notified to bo pruucnl lit the tlmo
ami place aforesaid , und maku any objccllont
to or btntoiiiuntsioncL-inliu nld iissessmen *
of dumuKOi ui you nmy iiinkldor proper.
01.0. J. Will * .
w. o. HII IVI : ,
JAS , tiroUKDAl.ll
Oinatia , Oct. 8tb , Ib'/i o-lOd-101