THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FfllDAY , OCTOBER Id. 1892. 4SSIB1I8C A SERIOUS PHASE ffudgo Scott's Tronblo with the ButtOonnty Bur Not Easily Adjusted. UPHOLDING THE DIGNITY OF THE COURT lie Defend * lit * Action * In the I'rtcnon Cn n Oinalm Attorney * Cnll n Meeting to Trtfco Homo Ac. ttiin In the -Mutter. TKKAMUI , Nob. , Oct. 13. [ Spools ! Telo- pr&tnto Tun Bun. ] A member of the bir nppllcd this morning for a suspension of the judgment entered yesterday bj JudRO Scott ogalnst Attomor B. W. Peterson for con tempt of court , The application was crfinlod and the matter will bo tnkon up by the supreme - promo cotitt at its naxt term , If not sooner. A rocognlranco of KXX ) wan required and will bo given , and the attorney will continue his practice ns heretofore. iIiulRn Scott hlnton tin ; Cine. Judco Srolt , when Intorv lowed , said that ho deplored tlu matter very much ; that ho had roalbod n crisis was sure to como sooner or later on account of what ho corsldorod an organized und llxod purpose on the part of the various attorneys to defy the will of the court. tlo protested tiiat bo was only doing his duty by Insisting that cases como to trial unloi * there appeared good and substantial reasons for the continuance. Ho further stated that to the brst of his belief nnd knowledge there wits an understanding on the part of tlio vnrlous nltornej's that they would i ot lot nnv cases como to trial be fore him If they could help It. Ho also said lie had no feeling In the Polorson mnttor and offered to null the recoul it Peterson would ngroo to obey the order of the court nnd take up the domuncr und apologize for the Ian- Euagousod , Will Iln Kxnmlnctt lonlglit. Tbo Board of Insanity mot nt 0 o'clock to < night and ri { amended complaint gchnrg' lag that Jutlpo Scott U non compos mentis wns filed nml Judge Scott was orduted to re port boforu the Bonrd of Insanity lor exam < liiatlou tomoiioiv evening nt 7 o'clock. Attoinov H , W , Peterson returned from Omalin this ovonlng nnd In reference to the renort that application would ho inaao by him to Judge Scott for a stay of exrcutlon ot the contempt proceedings says bo has passed from .ftidga Scott's Jurisdiction and donlc" absolutely that ho will make nny uch application or BO near the court unless the Judge remits the line nnd removes the contempt , from the record. Attoinev K M. Bart'ott ' of Omaha came up this ovonlng to assist Judge Scott. The tight seems to be on In oatnost and a lively time Is expected tomorrow. OMAHA ATTOKNi\b INI lUtVIIM : . or tlio l.ornl Iliir \ \ 111 Tnho Some Action In tlio CIIHP. The members of the Douglas county bar propose to have n hand In the discussion of the trouble growing out of Judge Scott's ox- porlenco with the Toknmah luwyors. A niootlnir was hold yesterday afternoon nt which It was dccldod to call a general meet ing of the bir on Saturday afternoon. The following call has bccu Issued for the meet ing : OMAHA. Oct. U To Iho Members of the liar of tlicFonith htdlcliil DKtrlct ot the State of NobrnsUii : Wlioruus , ( Iravo rumors are In cir- culutlon of tins mrtludmlnlstr itlon of justice by lion. U It. boott , ono of the JuJ L'sof the district com lot tlio rourth jitdlcl il district , In presiding oscr tlui courts of s ild dlstrlut , nhlcli. It true , doimuul most sorions consider ation ; now. therefore , wo tlu > nmlerslKtiod , re- Bpcctfully I'all a inoutlni ; of tlio bar of wild I'onrth judicial district to COIIMMIO In thu Ioutlii3 ; L'utinty court room , No. 1 , nt - o'clock p m. , on b.iturdav. Octobnr IS , IbW , for the purpose of tiinKiiig suoli liivostln.itlon nnd taking such notion us may bo ncccss.ity to preserve ami protect the fair reputation of our JuuL'OH nnd toncouro the uure udiniuUtra- tlon of Just lee : G. W. Simr.iis , 12. O. Woon. C. L. DAV. J. .7. O'l'O.VMOR , \VuLll. THOMPSON , A. U. I ( PA I ) , JOHN I' lliu.i.x , CilOKOKll LAKE , , T. II. McOuM.ocir , .1 OIKS W. IlAMIl.TO Oi I ( J. A. L'lllTUIIAIIU. JOHN b W.V. . MOIISI.MAN , i'Atir , II S. HAM. . A. RCOIKU : A. DAV , \L.b HVtAllT/IANIEU , W , O. VAVOlLUL.Il. O..1. lli'.sr , HOIIKHTV. . I'ATUIUK , 71. 11 HUM MIIIS , A. C. Tunui' , \VlNS. bnt\\VN , O. U. 1'01'K. li. II. IIIIADMiir , SI. li HKAIIS , ' ' EDBON HICII. T.'J.'MAIIONKV ! 0. J. SHI in , O. W. DKI/AMITIII ; , T. 11. MlNAIIAN , Ij. II K NT , JOHN 1) . liTK IllI , t.KV , J'ATO. LEG S. ISTKI.I.IS. : \V. S. U. 12. liKUTItAND , II. 0. Urn. A. S. HllCIIIK. J. 3. HAII.I(1AN. O. \VlI.UAMS. . II. 1) . IIOI.MtAN , 1'iiASK llnii.iit , FllANK A. 1'AIIKKM , JOHN L. UAiiit. Jj. U , Wiuoiir. II. W. l 1. It. ANIIIIICUS. O. I ) . KI.I.IOT , O. O. lilMS , A A. bTAiiu B. K ANITISF. JOHN o. ' C f. MONTOOMEUY , W. II. TBS I'.iCK. W. .7. C'oNNKhrj , ClEOIUIR IllI.MOUE , O. II. ItAM.Otr. W. N. WIM.IAM * , C. A. llAi.nwirr. 11. IDAV. . ANIIIIKW Ili'VLN1 ! . 11. I ) ABiionic , TIIOSIAS It , OlIAIII.I.S 1' . l'I.AI'1 % IDA THOMAS. V. A.HlKUMV , JAMKS II MclNTOsn , T.IMI it K. THOMAS , J. W.VKST. . "W , D. IlKCKhlT , MAIITIN IMNOUON , rioitci ; : ( ) OAI unit. I'D 1' . HMITII , luvit.n R lUxrKii , 1' . M. SIIMIIIIV\NT. JAMK r KUIM'\ , I 'n i.D W. MM/I.V : , .T. II. Slll'iVN : , Ij. II. COI'bbAM ) . J > r. OnnrooT. O. ClllllSTOKI KIISOV. W. SI. COM in IIP , " Ai.nin ) . ! . lr.M , 1) M , VissririiAr.Bii , 71 W , hlMKim , ( iKOHIli ; l'IIIIOW.V. . 12. T. 1 AlLSnUOIlTJI , JOHN r TAI.IIOTT , Ij. I ) lloi.Mn , WAIIIII N sn'ir/ W. It. AluuitiH , O , If. ( . 'ItALI.K. ItlX'KIVKU > O SATISPACTIOX. Hurt CiiiintAttnriuijH Kail to itocuio ilnilun Scott's icill. i : . The oxncrlenco of Judge Scott at ToUamah 'NVodncsUay nftcrnoon was the topic ot dlscus- filon around the court house j csterdny. Some of the lawyers thought ho bad notnd \vlsoly. though , perhaps , with undue hasto. It wns conceded by nil that a Judge could bo u ho saw lit und no ponon had u right to question his motive * . Ho had supreme power over his court nnd the records thereof nnd If ho felt so dlsDoaed bo could I'oicii any case to trial after the issuui had ht'on once joined ; It was a matter that was wholly within tha discretion of the court as to whether the cases should bo con tinued. If the Interested patties nnd tlielr nUsrnoys wanted u continuance the couit was in no wisa bound to grunt the otder , though in su h Instances Itvas usually granted as 1111 nccomodalion. The TcKumah attorneys who came to Omaha to request Hint Judge Scot tbo to- called mill anothur moinbor of tho'bonchsont up to complete tlio term , got but few crumbs or comfort out nf their visit. The Judges worn all of ono opinion upon this subject , and that opinion \\iis that tha ivqueU could not bo gruntoil They argued thut they were till members of the same co-ordlnato body , each possesi > ini'un cqunl power with the ntlier. That holug so no Judpo could toll another judge what bo should , orvllui ho should uot ao. You should itcop salvntlpn oil or hand ; II Tvlll euro all aches nnd pains. Price ST > cents TlioMiiyoiuiul 1'tirk - UiuiimUnlouor * Cunie ton llBllnlto IflHlnrstillidlnt. Mayor Boinl * and Mr. Unlngor , Mr. Kll- patrick and Judga LiUo of the pirk couimls- Ion held u consultation yostordav ever tin disputed Bomls park improvements. After 10n lull discussion of the points at difference , the mayor asked the commissioner * to submit a plat nhowlng exactly whora and to what extent > tent the board desired to depart from tbi original plat in making thu boulevard and tin park wuv through the grounds do tinted. When tbU is done thoi the major can glvo the bean u doUnita answer as to whether ho will agrei to the proposition to let the uommlssioueri take part of the sidewalk space oft of the ends of tbo loU adjoining thd park Instead o ! leaving enough ground tor that purpose out Ida of the drivowuv , The commissioners think that tboy can go Along with tha donation of slJowalk apaci only a part of th way through tbo purl where thu ravlno comoa closest to the line o the ground donatod. U look * now us tuougt A comnromtsA would be roacheii Tory soon and the Improvements continued nt nn early dar , During the consultation Mayor Bomls said ho had dealt liberally with the cltv In donat ing valuable property , which had advanced n great deal in value slnco it had boon glvon to the city. Ho had n right , ho thought , to oipnct Uoornl treatment In return from thoao who represented the Interests of tbo city , lie did not like to apponr In the light of nn obstructionist or a complalnor. but ho cer tainly had n right to expect fair nnd reason able treatment at the hands of the park com missioners. The mayor was assured bv the members of the board thit no matter what might have been said outslda tharo was no Inclination on tbo part of the board to deal unjustly with the donors of Bomls park. There was uo 111 feeling In the board toward the mavor , nnd tbov wanted him to understand that at the outset. Tbo mavor then called attention to the original plat of the Bomls rurk tract , sub mitted nt the tlma the lands were donated , and which calls for a thirty-foot roadway known on the * plat as Lincoln boulevard , running east and west through the tract , with a narKwav llftocii feet wide nnd ipaco for sldownlK ton foot wtdo outslda of Iho boulevard. Ho 'Traveler ' , take Beochnras Pills with yo u. .mTituxoMH3.ilsc I'loC , Fnrglft und UUl'lKitn-ChroiiogrHph for l.utltmln Ilptrrtu hint Ions. WvstiiNOTON , D. C. , Oct. 13 Tao voung Jesuit astionomor , Prof. Cionrgo A Pargls ot Georgetown colloso. some tlmo ojro In vented the photo-chronocraph for moasurltig star transits And mailo a novel nnd , It la claimed , very valuable application of his discovery. Bv It ho has also boon able to determine latitude nnd longitude. Key. J. G. Hcgcn , S , J. . the dlrootor-ln-uhlof of the GcorgotoM n obsorvatorv , says on the subject : "The determination of latitudes , and In pattlcuUr their periodic variations , by means of photography has repeatedly boon pronounced feasible nnd highly deslrableyct | n practical method that would afford nil the advantages ot tbo usual methods nnd at the same tluio publish the whole record graphic ally on n Plato has never been suggested. Uuily in IS'Jl ' the plan was so far advanced that the ptlnclplo was adopted. Yet It ro- maliiud Incomcloto until Prof. Fnrgls sug gested the application of tbo photo-chrono graph The photo-chronograph used in lati tude determination differs In several re- sports fiom the ono used in transit work Both mo the invontlon of Prof. Knigis. It will not bo too much to say that the photo- chronograph In Itu various shapes has suc ceeded lu solving the double problem of do- torminlim bv wny of photocraphy the coordinates dinates of observation latitude and longi tude. " Prof. Forgls himself says : "It Is desira ble to state hero that results nro not decided Html , because the declinations will have to bo c.t'ofully scrutinized when the matoiiiil is more abundant , and by icuson of thu defec tive construction of the microscope. Two conclusions , however , may bo drawn from those tcitilts Ilrst , that tno photoeraphlo method is us'aapllcablo to latitude determina tions ns it Is to those of longitude . In both cases fewer stars , indeed , can bo observed In a given tune than by the usjnl methods , but this diindvantngo soums amply compensated by the accuracy of the slnglo result. " c roo/i.v run xiuiw. Serious rli irco Aealimt .Tuilco Albion Tour- K < 30 An O.ttlibDiiiiil oclnty nr Itlacks. JkCkaov , Miss. , Oct. 18. Mr. R. H. Wildo- berger of Clarksdale , Miss. , Is In the city and brings late details of the recently re ported race not ntid trouble In Coahoma county , which wont abroad as a bloody war botwccn the blaclcs and whites. It de velops , Mr. Wlldoborger says , that the trouble had Its origin In a secret society organized among the blacks by the famous .Tudeo Albion W. Tourcee of Maysville , N. Y. , who In consideration of $ .2 cash in hand ( of which $1.30 gees to Tourjno ) furnished the blacks with a certllleato which guaran teed to thorn , whether qualified electors or not , in largo block capitals , the right to vote , followed by those words In very small tyuo , "In any mooting of the Citizens Rights asso ciation. " The poor negroes , Mr. Wlldo- berger says , think this oathbound association Is a substantial backing in resistance to anv legal process In putting down the whites and advancing the prices of cotton plcklug. Some of the members ot the society came to grief in Coahoma county and gave away the whole play , whlcn , Mr. Wildoborgor assorts , is simply to gut nil tbo money possible out of tbo negroes and to Involve thorn In trouble for political effect. The grand jury of Coahotnn county Is Investigating the socioly now , which has a largo membership In the back counties and serious indictments wil likely follow. The trouble In Coahoma county has sim mered down to this : A negro resisted arrest - rest , backed by this secret organisation , firing upon the offlcor. Kosult Two nocroos Killed und members of thu society m jail and tbo records of tbo organization in oQlclal custody , DoWltt's Sarsapanlia is ronanlo "THE MAN IN OBEY. " Mayor Minor's Companion Una Ills Frloiul und I.tvod ill Mouth Oriah.i. The police of Ouiaha nnd South Omaha were very actlvo yesterday in looking for tbo tall man ia grey clothes who was scon with thu late C. P. Miller of South Omaha just a short tlino before tha duad body of the Of- mayor was found near Dccring's warehouse in this city. It was the general Impression that when the man was found a clew to the numlorar of Mr. Miller would oo gained , und the coroner's jury has been walling for tbo mun to bo located. Tlio man has boon tound and now the po lice ara usingovery effort to Iceop his Identity fioin becoming known. Ho was , so roliabln reports have it , with Miller on the night bc- fore the latter was shot , but was not his onomy. On the contrary ho Is a well Huown businessman of South Oinihu and was a warm , poisonal friend of the late mayor of the MagloClty. This has done much to again discredit tha murder theory , but tbo jury will wait for further developments. Tno jury hold another secret sosslon yos- totdny afternoon. After a fbw moments conversation It aujourucd until today. .ii'i'Kii 31'i.vciiiK run T Wai ran t Sunrn Out fur tlio Arrest ot tlio llnrKtis * "f IIcMiH'nti'iiil. Yoi soyrowv , O , , Oct. 13. K. O. Christy , In the employ of the Curncglo company , Pittsburg , tonight sworj out a wntrant before - fore Mayor lillloclc , charging' Burgess Mo- Lucklo of Homestead with treason and with being n fuglllvo from Justice * . 'Iho afildavit sworn to by Christy was raado In necordanco with tlio warrant lit his possession for the arrest of McLucUlosigned byJ. a. Donnelly of I'lttsburg. The war rant u us placed In tbo hands of Chief of PoliceCanlwull , but at a Uiu bour last night McUucldu had not been arrested. It is stutod that McLucklo will stubuornly contest - test the attempt to ox'radlto him , and tha cuso If necessary will bo carried through to , the supreme court of Ohio , . Took tlio .Striker ' 1'lacos , Coi minud , O , , Oct , 13 , Highl now mon wont to work in the Big Four switch yardu ihU Aiornlug , takinir tbo strikers' places. There was no disturbance , bovural trains were taken out. n WORK OF COUNTERFEITERS Omaha Reported to Be Hooded with Bogus Silver Collars. NOT CONFIRMED AT HEADQUARTERS Secict Sortlcc Ofllclnls Not Informed on tha Subject No CIintiRO In Mrs. Ilnrrl- fton'A Condition Other Interest. I up Washington > c s Notes. WASHINGTON BUREAU OP THE BEB , 518 rouiiTEBvrit STHEBT , WASIIISOTO.V , D. C. , Oct. 13. A dispatch was published hero yesterday under nn Omaha date line , savins th&t that city hna boon Hooded with counterfoil sliver dollars. At the ofllco of the chief of the secret service today nothing had been heard of this raattor , although the agent of tin department in whoso district Omnba Is situated reported to tha department under the duto of the seventh from Council Bluffs. It is possible that ho had already Investigated the matter and the facts did nut warrant , any report oa tU This is purely a speculation , however , on the part of the secret sorvlco ofllco horo. The agent's report dated the tenth Is expected tomorrow and posslblv it will contain some Information on this subject. No Clmiigo nt tlioTlilto House. Mrs. Harrison rusted comfortably todav , and If any shade of n difference could bo noted In her condition tonight It was for the bettor. Iho president went out walking this afternoon , but most of his day wits spent In the sick room. Dr. Gardner conllrmed lu an interview this morning the statement that there \vas no Immediate danger in Mrs , Harrison's case , although ho admitted what bus been stated in these dis patches that her condition Is. very serious. Kir. tind Mrs. Russell Harrison rue still In New York and unless aoino change for the worse Is noticed In Mrs. Harrison's condi tion they wlllRO to Chicago to attend thu World's ' fair dedication exorcises. Western L'eiiglons. The following western pensions granted nro repotted by Tin : Bun and Examiner Buroati of Claims : Nebraska : Original Thomas \V. Kirk- patilck , Joseph S. Blukc , Jaeob M , Lone , iJavld Alolef , George H. bllvurnnil , John Fisher , John J. Mwllold. Additional Wil liam Bradlor , Pros ton Williamson , Chester L. Morse , William Wilson , Henry 1C. Yin- cent , James It. Chutcti , UlchnrJ. Hoisitcr. Increase-William Mullen. Original \\ldow Ell/aboth Massov. Iowa : Original William Fitzcorald.Tim othy T. Whitinarsli. Additional George Moore , James Mlddaugh , Illchard A. Swear ingen , Marion Fuller. Renewal nnd Increase Motris C. Culbertson. Increase William Coopock , Green H. Farnsworth. Original widows , etc. Minor of Charles Wagomunn , Susannah C. Barker , Julia E. Cleveland , AtnnndaVngomanu ( deceased ) , Juno Clen- doiincu. South Dakota : Additional Anthony Sprague , Nathan J. Titus , licet Samples. Prof. Wiloy , of the division of chemistry In the Department of Agiiculturo. Is now Visiting the sugar stations nt Medicine Lodge , Kan. , und other places in the west. His division is now receiving samples of tno beets raised for sugar purposes In the west ern states , and it is expected that every county in these states will soon bo represented. At present comparatively few samples have como In and their analysis cannot bo taken as a fair indication of wbat will bo the result of the crop this Your ? It is expected , however , that the crop will average at least ns well as U did last year. Samples have been received from only two counties in Iowa. That from Clarlc county shows 5.5 percent of suzar , und that from Lynn county 9.0 per cent. Tbc average for the state last year was 11.8 , and It Is thought that when the other counties are heard from this will bo increased this year. In Nebraska , Dodge county samples show from 0.5 to 10 0 per cent ; Holt county , from 10 to 17.8 , while these from thti Schuyler experi mental station run from 15.5 to 10 per cont. In Indiana the samples from Davis county analyze 7.0 and 11 per cent nf sugar ; from Jasper county from 4 to 10.S nor cent nnd from Owen county 0.8 per cent , In South Dakota ono sample from Brown countv runs as high as 17.2 per cent of sugar- from Clark county from S.U to 10.1 , nnt ono fromo Clay county shows 7.8 per cent. A considerable increase lias ocen made tbls year Jn the acreage devoted to this crop and the western farmer- , will obtain a very snug sum from the sugar from beets under tha operations of the bounty law. MUccllanooui. W. Cnlvm Chase , the food inspector of the district , has brought a charge of libel against George M. Ambler and James S. Myers , who wrote letters to Iho district commissioners charging him with selling bis lutluence. Mr. Cnnso is a well known leader nf colored renubltcans la tbo district. A special to the Star from Montgomery , Ala. , nays that Chris Magee has been suc cessful In peisuadlng the republicans of Alabama to withdraw their ticket in the in terest of fusion. Leave of absence for ono month Is granted Captain Henry P. Bltmlngbam , assistant surgeon. By direction of the noting secre tary of war leave of nbbenco for flftco.ii days Is granted Major Daniel G. Cnldwoil , sur geon. i' . S H. Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for chll dron teething is the family benefactor. 23 cents a bottle. AUC'CX'A.S'lJtUfilKfS aiBA' George J. Paul is one of the young men of Orauha uho has built up a business through his own efforts. Ho was thlrtoon years of ago la 1S79 when Georco P. Borals , now Omaha's ' mavor , gave him n position In his real osluto of fice as ofllco boy , clerk and general utility Isd. Young JPaul did his work ao WRll that In 1SS7 ho was enabled to start in the real es- j" tatc and loan busi ness on his own ac count , the business which ho still con ducts. Mr. Paul was born In Galena , 111. , in 1800 , removed ot Council Bluffs in 1SG9 , uud has resided In Omhaa slnco 1871. JiH.llJl At J , I. . Armstrong round J.yliiK Demi Ilcslde thu liimil. DoitciuSTEit , Nob. , Oct. IB. [ Special Telegram to TUB BnJ J.L. Armstrong , an implement man , died bore. Ho was found lylncr besldo Iho road , dead , four miles south of town tills evening about 7 o'clock. The causa of his death is not yet kuown , Tbu coroner has bcon notillcd , Armstrong is a single man about SO years of agu , of temperate habits , and was ap parently well at noon when ho loft town. PAI-IIUOS , Neb , Oct. 13. [ Special to THE Br.K.J Charles F. Hacodorn and Miss Jennie - nio Slpbord were tnarriod today at tbo rcsl- denCQ of the brido'a parents at this place. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Bakin ABSOLUTELY PURE The contrnctlnz panic * tire well known , both Dclntf thd child ten , Dt .wealthy nnd to- spoctou parents. The ; will tnaxo tlielr homo here , the groom being 6hd of the proprietors of the Pnplllion flouring tmll . DortciiMTRii , Neb. , pot. 13. [ Special to TUB HBP. ] Mr. A. B. King of Omaha wns mnrricd to Mm Maud Kdbtor of this plnco at tbo roslcionco of the bride's parents , Hov. Lnnoy oniclatlnc. The brldo is ono of Dor chester's most beautiful and distinguished young ladles , who his bcotilont ; nnd favora bly Known In this place , ana ns shodopaits for her now homo in Omaha tnora go with her tha best wlshos of a host of admiring frlouds. I'rcMiftnrlnn Sriioil f'rarccillui ; * . BETIIKK , Neb , , Oct. 13. fSpecial Tolo- grain to Tnc BEE. I The third day's session of the I'rojbytcrmn synod was greeted with an Increased attendance. Today's session has bcou taigoly dovotcd to the recaption of ronorts on college and homo nnd foreign missionary work. On motion an Invitation from 1'onUor , Thurston county , for the synod to hold lu mealing tuoro noxt.year was unanimously accepted. An Interesting meeting was hold nt the Socoiul 1'resbytorlnn church in West liaalrlco to night , The subject of ' 'Kvangollstlo Ser vices" uai discussed by Ilev. II , O. Scott of Hastings. J. U. Countermine , O.U. , of York Mnl others. Hov , Dr. Urocn , late missionary to Mexico , also delivered an interesting address - dross on "Itoman Cuthollo Kvnngoliratlon. " The mooting was quite largely attended and was full of interest. IMillo'i * MIMmp. Oscroi.i , Nob. , Oot , 12. [ Sooclnl toTnK Bnn.J EUdy Karror , the little fellow thut handles TUB UCB hero , and can make a fol low buy ono whether ho wants to or not , mot with an accident hero last night. During the republican rally 13dd carried a torch In the procession. TLO torch was filled too full of Dll nnd blazed up. Ho throw Ilia torch on thn ground nud nttomptod to nut out the lira by jumping on It. Ills trousers got saturated with oil nnd took tire , burning his legs rjutto badly. The lltllo follow Is gurno and will get nrouud again iu u few days. Sriitouccil n lirmt. Tnr.Di'oni ) , Nob. , Oct. 13. [ Special to Tun Bnn. ] Udward Thompson , who has boon hold here lu the countr jail for some tlmo past awaiting his trial on the charge of bolng a procurer , pleaded guilty yesterday before TuUgn T , O. O. Harrison and was sentenced to iTsK months' term lu the state's pilson at hard labor. j IKK .IT jni.r , cirr. An Oitl ainn Iturucil to Dentil and Pour ltulldhi iJostrnjotl. HILL CITV , S. D. , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele gram toTiiuOuc.J FIre destroyed four bus iness buildings here this morning about 3 o'clock Tom oklns Ac TIgho's furnlturo store , Mills' restaurant , Crane Brothers' gro cery store and Cantleld's drug storo. The losi on the buildings 11 $7,000 and on stock $8,000 , with no insur ance. Tbo Masonic nnd Odd Follows ledge furnlturo was destroyed , clausing a lots of about bOO and insured lor $400. An old man , Cunningham , lost his Ufa In the flames. Touch Times in the Territory. 'J'Aiii.iQCur , I. T. , Oct. 13. The posse which wont to capture Nod Chrlstio returnee - turnoo to this city this morning without their gamo. Christie's frlonds bognn last night to surround the oftlcera from the out side and the reinforcements sent by the mar shal were delayed so that the ouleoty were obliged to retreat. Twenty men have been sent by the United States marshal and Ohio/ Harris has ordered the sheriff of this district with , twenty men to assist. John Fields , who was wounded In yostor- day'i ' light , can live only a few hours , and Joe Bowers , who was also shot , will lose his fcot. NATURALFRUITFLW/ORS. / Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy tn their use , Rose.clc Flavor as delicately and deliciously as the fresh fruit. CAN PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS reading this thai DR , MILES' ' NEW CURE rou Tiin HEART Is the only reliable cure for the tired fooling pccu liar to women Buffering with weak heartu , pain lu Bldo , shoulder uml arm , weuk and hunary ojicllb , Irrcijiilnr pulse , fainting , smothering. Thoiimimli tofltlfv to their permanent cure. KLEOAM llooi ; FJtKl ; ATUnuauiSTS. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO , Ellchart , Ind Per silo by Kiihii * . On Cor nth .I Dougla ARE YOU SUFFERING ? KKO1I Female Catarrh or " m Hhcumalssm , | Chronic , Nervous or Private : jr 1) ) iscases , ON Consultation Free. be tlio iMOstHUccoiful Hpoclallst In all I'III\\T , IIUOOII , NKUVOUi , BMV AM ) UllIX- " " " AHV DISEASES ( ionorrlircaln from 1 to < t ilafj SyphllU curaJ wltlioutMcrcury. All nl.iuei ( or Ufa brUI"IUIK ( ( pormaiioiitlr uuroJ roraovat co-u- plcto , without cutting , cauitl ) or dilatation ( urj iitlcctcd At liouio br pivtlont without a momant'i iialn or nnnornnco. , 1'IMW. 1'1S11JIA. AND llHCTAr , UI.CKItS euro ! without imln or dotnnlton thlw builnuia nVDllOUhl.l1 : AN'J VAIUCUUKIjK pormanoatl/ end ucccsifiillT currnl. Mi-tHoil navr nml uiifulllni WEAK MEff CVITAMTVVKAK ) , Maausoby too clon nppll. rntten to builnem or atuUr ; uyoro manttl ( train oriirlaf ; HK.VIJAI , JSXCKSEJIH li middle llfu. or Iroui tha eHocti ot ifDuihful ( ollloi. WKAKMKN AHB VIC'llVffTO NKHVOOS 1)1 % niWTVor KXIlAUSriOV , WASTING WKAKNKH3 1NVOI.U.NTAIIY IX.SSKS wltli HAUI.V DUCAV la yoiINO and M1DDLIS AiKl ) ; Ucic ot Tlm. TlKOr. and itronnth. with e ual oriiani Impaired auil wrakenonedpramaturolir In i > | ire clilniolj ao All flolil roadllr to our IIBW Irualmont for losj ot Ylta ! power , Call on or ulJrau nltb atnoip ( or circulari , ( red book and roculnts , Dr. SearlesS Scirles , u Next to Test Oraco. Or tlio Liquor Ilalilt I o lllt lr Cured lif niluilnUUTliiif l r. linluctt' fiulilvii . It can bo clven In a cup of coflco or tea. or ID food. without the koowl ( le ° oribe patient. It In abiolutely uarmleau. and wUI effect a permanent and pecdy cure , whether tlio patlaut i a raodcratt drtaker nr n alooholln vrrock. It h i b easlv n la lieu nfla of cuor.aad ia tvtry Inmncoa perfect cure liatfal. xowaa ft urTrr Kail * . The y teniono0lmprefrn > ted Bllb Iho Cpcolflo. ! t baoomti so utter ImpoHibtlltr iff. } " * "luoi1 "ppotlte to cxlit. VULIIEN Hl'KCIr'IU . ' , . CO. . Prop'ri. rlnrlnnatl O. boost of oartloulari tree. To b liid ot ICiilini. Co. . IStU and Oou lm Sta. , lath and Uuiuliifrht-i. Whoiudilu. Illako. llruuo& Oa. uua Utubarusou UrujUo..UaiAhu , Nub. Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the Insto , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head- nches and fevers nud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste aim ac- ceptflblo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manvcxccllentqualitics commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it > romptly for. any one who wishes { o try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , SAN FKAW CISCO , OAL. I -OTTIBVILLE. KY. N EW YOBS. K. "ST M ho plnaup cnn't rp.ich joultyuuilo 11m rliilit thlnK nt the rlKlit tlrno , LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS ! see that they nro heiilthy nml perfect I'nt tha liver to nnturtil work This vmsuios illiioMlon nnd nutrition Avoid unrlpa fruIVs nml unwholesome moftta Cook overs thlnif , even water Cle.m oil th3 tniMubranus of stumacli nnd bowjU Uoi3i * vit DrSellout's ' Manflrato ) Pills , Tliey carry nnay nil illseiuo Kcrmn nnd nil poison ous matter. They asMiro perfectly liciltliy nml nnturnl secretions 'lliej turn the liver to tha nc * tuiint of dlBpatlon nnd nutrition , quickly , safely thoroughly Keep head cool , feet n\rni , akin cloin SOHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. liuve boot ] tested In many a Cholera epidemic. They ao for thu. STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWELS do what sanitary science says ahouUl ho iloiiowlth palni , cloicts , rooms and the outer per-ton They clean nun uurlf } tlio Inuer houao nnd put the uli incntarr rhlanuuli In perfect order. Avoid stlmuHhts. C'lear tlielr oITecu out of the system nt once with the Mandrake I'lll" I'nt tha alimentary channels In order nnp bid doflauco to clioloru. In ctiolcrn epidemics , and all others Involving the Iher , Btoiunch nnd bowels , morn cast's of proton tlon nnd euro stand to the credit of lr. tfchonok'j Mandrake I'llts than all ) otlier iiKcncy or remedy WITHOUT THE BOW ( RING ) it is easy to steal or ring watches from the pocket. The thief gets the watch in one hand , the chain in the oilier and gives a short , quick jerk the ring slips oflF the \vatch stem , and away goes the watch , leav ing the \ictim only the chain. This Idea stopped that little game ; The bow has n groove on each end A collar runs down inside the pendant ( stem ) and tits into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendant , so that it cannot be pulled or twisted on" . Sold by all watch dealers , without , cost , on Jas. Boss Filled and other cases containing this trade mark Ask your jeeler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM IGlti and Howard Streets , COltooms for IMtlnnls. OMAHA ) NEB , Kut the treatment of Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases , MA Ml AND nMAIK. : I'ilcs , Fistula , Fissure and Slric- tiiro ol'tlio Itccttini periniuu'iit- ly otircilvitlioijt the use of Knife , J irature } , or Cnustic. Euclosv 4c In htainpi nnd our 107 PIRO : HOOK on DIHIASIS : ; Mini gupathm niuuk- > , win ho .MAihin : nui : : . INTIIIIXATIONAT , SANITAUIUM , inth uud Howard Sis , Oniiiliii , Nub W. C. MA.\UII.I. : , M , I ) . , I'-c-s. uniioii ibii Pij.r. DREW , BAILEY Tooth rnicavith - nut I'.ilnhy the LutCbt Invon- tlout KXTKAornn WITHOUT I > AIS on DANOGIt SKTOr TUHCII ON UUUIinK FOU wn.oo. I'orfoot Qt stinrantoud , Tooth extracted In the murnlni ; . Now ones liuartocl lu oveiilna' of h.iiue tl.ty , Kio apecliuonsof Ilomovnlilo Ilrlilzo. Heu 8Dclinein | of I'lexlblo Klastlo I'lato All wnrl > wurritiited as represented. Olllcc , 'ihltai'iuor , I'.txtou Illiut. Teleplioua 108.1. KHli iril P.IIMTU SU Tulio Klovator or Sulriv.iy fro u IGt'i Btroet Kutruuuu. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , B , DEF03ITORY - - OMAHA , NEE Cnpltnl $100,033 Surplus. . a $05,01)1 Offlcenaud DlroctOM Heurr W Tatoi. prailden It. C. Cu < blai { , vlca pr < iaoni , O , H Maurloa W V Morao.Jolinl , Colllm J , N , IL l'Jtrlo < , lewl > A , Ueed , cosblur. THE IRON BA.NK. BOO Men's CJ'EACH ' We will place these suits on sale Thursday , Friday , Saturday. We bought those garmen-ts at a bargain and to sell for more money , but as the occasion of fers itself in the shape of a mild season , in or der to dispose of them quickly , we offer them at this price. They arc on displf-v in our west window. They come in 4 styles and IS differ ent patterns ; the cloth is new , heavy weight , in dark effects and just manufactured. These suits are not made by S\veatcrs nor by the four fine concerns , located on Hester Street and the slums of New York and Boston.whose entire product is claimed to be confined to one concern in this state , but are strictly good , clean goods and are garments that no one hesitates to -wear. Takes a suit that will surprise you. Successors to M. llellman & Co. Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. Us remarkable among whiskies for its Purity , Rich Quality , Smoothness and Delicious Bouquet. Sold only at High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer does not keep it in stock ) Write to OALLEMAND & co. . CHICAGO. . . „ 'Korvo Seeds , " J tlio norulorful romeJr "Is solil with n writ- * eii Bnnrantpo to euro illl nervous < U < ea os. such us W < * uk Motnorjr , Ijosn or Uinln I'ovrrr. Ilcit < liichc. WnliofnlnHst , l n t Mfuinonq. Nlehtlv KniU- ( > loii3 , NorvounneB8 , Lassitude , all drains n.nil loss of poirerof thoiicnorntlio Organs In either nor cnutort by over uinrtlon , youtlifiil c rrotc. or i-iecaslve \uco of tobncco , opium or 8tlmiimut which fonn lcirl to Intlriulty. Consuuip- iUonnnalnsnnlty. I'ut iiicon ! > rnl.n. to carry Indent pocket Kl per pick * 'R'Mhf nailsOfo'fi. With every tinnier wo awe d it ritttn yunnmlre to run orrfJundthetnoncV' Circular free , AUdrecaftopvotlscilCo.if For sale In Omaha by Slionuan & MUonnoll , 1513 Uodg o stroot. blDUCA.TIONA.Lx. YOllMfi I ROIPft Superior tilvnnt er < for rdurntli.B _ LOyJtPj younjlft.llci . Cnurroafrtudrtlior. nupli , llinirnl \rtdi-portmoiil8liiKlicftunler li u lii-mnf Ihvlnutinorlina untl Ktiropenn cultuio. Inrcu niul tttuliful Kruundu , new hullilliiKN , rooina well vcutilflcii , by itn ( Ipoiis < - < iilfiubi-r 7lli Per < ntnliiKU inl.liin K 'V.f. . W. IJAIIIHBIT , I'icii. COL5I3I1IIA , M , TO THE OWNERS OF ALL LOTS AND PAUTS OF LOTS AND IIUAL ESTATE ALONG 10TII STREET FROM VINT ON STREETTO SOUTH CITV LIMITS. You nro Hornby notlfioil tlio slcncd , thrci ) ilmlnti'rbstoil firuhuldors In tlio city or ( Jiimha , liu\u been duly itppoliilui ) by thu mayor , with tlio approval of tlio city council of said ell V. to asnuis tliu dainuKO to the onnoM ruspoutlvoly nf tlio propurty clu- c I. uod by orUlu.iiii'o nucossaiy to bo npuroprl- .uc'il foi the use of said city fdr the inn potta of opuiiln. nml oxtondln ? 1Mb gtroot fiomffn - tonstrcuttu to bontli city limits , ilocliuccl necessary liy ordln.iuco .Ii30 , n issud Oe- tel or 181 , IR'JZ , upjiitoud , Ih'i. ' . Vou nri ) furlhur notMlcil , Unit huvlnc no- tuiilud BilU itppolutmciit , und duly qnalillcl ns rt'iitilrcil by Itiw. wo will , on tlm iOtliday of October. A l > 18'lit ) tlio hour of 0 o'clock In tbi ) fiiionnnii at tbo olllcoof T II , McC'ul- I loch , 81'J .V V llfo IliuldliiK. within Ibu coi- ponito limits of a ild cltv , inuut for thu pin- pobuof consldi-rlnj ; niul tualdiu thn asicsi- ini'iit of Umnusro to till ! owneis rospocllvoly of Biild property , by ro.ifcon nf nuub inking uud iiDjiruprliitlott thereof , lulling Into consider ation ijiuclal benellts. If any , Thu propurty lio'.on.'iiu' to you propriicil to Ijo upproprliitud us uforo > ulil nnd nlilcli bus lean declared noce siry by the council , by oidlimncn to approprlutu to Iho use of the city Lioliusltn ito In s ild city nf Unixlm , lu thu county of Doiulas , uud Htato of Nobraskn , N dcsurlbod HS fallows , to-wlt : Opeiilni ; nd ux- tuudlui ; ICtli Hlrout fiontlnton gtriiut tu south city limits. You are notlllcd tn bo prusoiit nt tlio tlmo nnd plnco ufoiesaU , und umko any objections to or statements toncurnlir ' hald proposed aii- proprlntlon or assessment of dumagua us you may consider proper. JOHN IVnAUK. JAMKrffal'O''KDAM : Oinulia , Dot 7th , 189- ! . ojdlUt TO"TI1E OWN"ERS OF A'Llj"LOTH AND PARTS OF LOTS ON OECA- TUR STUKBT FROM 27TU STREET TO 29TII STREET AND INTER SECTING STREETS : You are hereby notified that the under- slKiiod , tliieodltlntcrcstoil freeholders ot thu oltyof OinnliB , have lieeu duly npiioiutoil by the mayor , with the approval of thu city council ! ot said city , to ubsom the damn o to tlio ownera roapoctlvnly of the propurty ntfectod lu tlio ehunKO of Krudu of Decutur btroou from -Tth to'"Jti , Htronta nnd lutoitoct- IIIK Btieots. dculurod nocessirv oy ordlnauca Mumlior IU. , passed Fept. ' 'Jth , IsJ. , and ap proved Hupi. You are further notified , thut hiving uo ceptedsjIJ uupolnluiont. unu duly iiunlllicd ui requlrudby law. wo will , on tlm IBlh day of Ootobur. A. 1) . IBU. , at tlio hour oftlireu o'clock In the afternoon , ut thoolllcoof lien , J. 1'uulWJ r.irnuni street. within the corporate limits ot nuld city , nioet fur the of Lousldorluz nnd mnMnK th . d 1111 140 to tbo owners lospcov \nly of Hald puiporty. ullocton bv aald eh inno of urnde. t ikinn' Into coiiHldcratlon Hpcclul bunellts If nny. You lira mitlllal to bo prosout nt tbo time und place aforcs ild. and maku any o'jootloii9 to orst itomenti conuarulu mid asHessniuut ) of damages 111 you muy couitdm1 piopor. III'.U , J. I'AlIh. WM.O Kiimvmt. JAS. ril'UOICUAbl ] . Omaha , Neb , October Uth , IS'J. ' ' , OTulOt. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Ot' DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To tha owners of uli lots , p uts of lots nnd rn il iiititti ) ulnn : nlloy In \i\it \ \ ; ' : 1 , Kunnt/u'ri fourth riddltion fiom loth to Uth HtruuU : You uiu hereby notified that thu nil Inr- sl.Miod , tliroo dislnloicsto 1 fieeholdeirtof Iho cllyof Unniliu. huvo bjun duly appointed by Uiu muyoi. with tlio approval of tbuiilty coun cil of b'lld cltv to ( issuss tha d iiua.'o to llin ownni'i ' loipooilvolv of Iho propel iy ulTecteil bvciadliiK of hd'l ulloy , doel.iied noeo-tinry by ordlnanco lie , li 'i ' , passe I Outobor Ut , Ib'i ' ! ; uppiovi'd Ootobor-ltli , ISC' . You nr < ) fiirthiir untlllod that liavliu no- ccipto ; ! H ild appointment , and duly nuallflod as irquliod by law , wo will on the VOth d.iy of October , A I ) . IS'J' , at tbo hour of Ills'0 o'o oelc In the forenoon , nt the ollk-o of SlulverA : O'Honohoo , 1IU I'aniHin stiuot. within thu corporate limits of said oily , meet for the pur- pos > ) of considering und iiinuin the uiHm - mont of dnmiieo to thu owner * respeell voly of H ild piopeity ullootod bv Hald grudlna , t-ll- lii ! ! Intocoiiblilnrntlon spoolul honufltH. ft any. Yon mo noilIIid to ha prosoiit ut the tlmo and plncu aforesuld nnd niuUo any objuutlnni to or alntmnents concninlnBald us essmonc ot damages coimlrli-r , as you mav proper W. ( J. SHIlIVlill OKOKlin I. I'AUU T , II. MiHH'M.OOIl. OammlUooof AppraUor * . . Omaliu , Neb , October 8th , laJJ. Otudlu1 The Latest CHICAGO STATIONERY Nothing Better. Our Writing-paper and Unvelopes ; Wedding Invitations ; Reception Cards are scnf , at reasonable prices , anywhere in the United Slates. Send for samples. Lr STATIONERY OOM ( lAte CoUb'i Library Co ) 136 Wabiuh Ave , , Chlcnco.