* 3 * , a- , ) > * * , -M * * . M"I " ML G THE OMA1TA DAILY DtiOSJ THURSDAY , OCTONKR IB , 1802 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Bcaollon Was tha Feature of Yesterday's ' Bnsiness on 'Change. ' AT THE CLOSE V/IIEAT / WAS SOME BLTTER Corn Itnlrd Very \Vcnl < Knrl.v , lint llcci nnil tlmcil nt 'I ilrsdii j ' * Trices lor October anil May , but Io cr lor No * ember. CillCAoo , 111. , Oct. -Ko.ietlon was the fea ture today on 'chunsc. Tlio ilcpiosslon wroiiRht by DodRo was party o\eicomc , a nititial bound bick after the smlUon Impicl bolnit as much the cause , perhaps , ns imv- thlnR. At the close wheat was 'Jo betlcr than at Iho corroHomu | ! > ! ? tlmo yesterday. Corn ruled ory weak early , but rocoxorcd nnil closed at yesterday's prices for Octobrr and May , but Uo lowur for Novcml er ami De cember. Provisions ruled linn nnd closed .Ic lilxhor for pork , about unchanged for ribs liutallttlolowor forlanl. 1 hero were snmo buy Ing orders at the start In nlioat. partly to cover shorts an.l pirtly for Investment , the fcelliiK secmlnir to bo iniltu Ronoriil that nflor such a break ai yestoriluy ionic recov ery could reasonably bo looltcd for. The ml- \lcs fio-u ( Jri-iit llrilnln that Hid whpitcrop In tm. rnllc.lI . ICInvlo- , . was 2.-.OJI.-OJ . busbnls loss than lust j ear mid of a % ery poor < | U.illiy , und that the count ! v Hill h.ivu to Imliort llli.- 00i,0 ) 0 bushels tli s jear. also holt o I to ' * the mnrket llrmnc s. Hut HIM icporl tliiit there had 1 cen soodslionois In in inj uctIons of tbo winter wheal belt and Hi it Ind ciitloiis ucrofor it L-cncril rainfall , loiothur w < tli Hit ) ilocKli-d weakness In corn , soon undermined thollrmncss und the nri-owcnloll \estar- - ony'slow 10 nt , I ut nftcrwards impioM-d if there nasany disposition yosterdav tocrlll- 0,70 the Kovernmi-nt crop roporl on which they rlatm It hid oxaiat-rated the crop. It was pretty ofllclrntly hot at rest by the fait I hat Iho various state repotts is they c.unc , estimated tl.elr crop dcolilcdly Inr.i-r thin ul\uii In Iho Luvcrnmont report. The slrinitli ; ! Into In thp BosslonMIS causi'd , It was i-lnliiied. by a reuort lli.il thu welcht per bushel of wlipat nonlil lioltKlilcr man last yiar , and that bv llzurliu' coiiimi-reliil Ijiiaho.- . the yield Would U' much --mailer Ihil tin1 ll.uri-s recently plvcn out would Indicate. Ik-s'dt-i ' , cables din nnt decline iisinich uscspeoted , consldt-rliiR the bioiks In the Ameikan n ; u- Itots. ' 1 ho opt-nlir. wis.ilmnt Uc lilshurtian ycstnr.lay's i-osln ; , ruled \voaki r , and pi lues tleclljicd ft inn Vu to ' * f. usal n bfcaino ndicr. mtvunclnj ' c , c.osed e.isy. Uc fio'n tlio lop. Corn was \ery weak aood ; mrt of Iho scs- slon on fii'i ) so'illns , line uentlicr nnd pros pects of licnxy Inter 01 dollxcrlo * . Later , honoxcr. there wns a rally. I'irzelv duo to iho free coM-rliic by shorts on tlio decline and the niriller untU-lp.itod ncelpu for to-morrow , prlco chniijjcs weio limited to from * _ e to lo rouse. Ho ehurs WITO sullcis ut thosturU many clnlmliii they nro un ible to obtain onc- oniirlcr cnuui ; ) ! c-us ut the pio-eni tlma Oats oiioiicil stonily , butns other sr ilns were wcuUer. o its symp it'il/ed , nml with liberal Bellini : , pncos icccded fiom 'ic-to ' , c. On the decline there wns coed bnyln- , und other Kr.nns s-howin moro strength , puces nd- vnnced from > | C to > _ < . ' . Tlio pimlslon inurliot was ( Inner ut the ODcnlni ut d wus trenerally innlntnlnod throughout the d.iy iitnn linpro\omont upon yibteidiiy'sclosiiu prices. IMItej h.id tlu-lr ubb nnd flow , lint on tlm whole the market wiis llrm. .liinitnrv not If wus thu .11 llclo prln- elp illy truded In. I'lio fentnro wus tlio taking \VrlRlitimthc cull of nil thu ollorlnss. His puri'lmses were ubout N'OO bills. There wus u need ilcin.ind foi xcssel room , hut the nllerlngi wcio limit. Kates to llnlfalo hold atoa'ly atle for \\heut and 2'iu for corn , Rbtlnmtod rcco'pts for tomotronho.it : , SfOunrs ; corn , IUU cars ; oats. iU ) curs , boss , 'iho leadlns futures ranged us follows : 42' ( 1)31 I S 4C,1 [ to 50 ' < . . "in. * j Vii'-ti I'Olllv ovolntlcr. 1 1 M Jnminry . 13 40 LAUD 7 40 7 40 Jnminry , . . . 707 BIIOHT Kins Octobci . 10 00 10 00 1000 Jammry. . . U Ml I , 45 Onsh ( itiolntlons were ni follows : I'otm l.usy : nominally IDuJlSc lower thnn lust wcok. WKBAT No. 2 sprlnj : , 7J'e ; No. 3 spring , GCQOGe ; No. a rod , 7.J.e. ) Con.N Lower ; No V , 42Jo } ; Nay cash , 11'jC ! No. J.yellow , 419aillT < c. OATS No 2 , ! 'U e ! No. 2 white , f. o. b. 30 34J40 ! No. U , white. ' "JiS31o. ! U. i : No. 2 , f > Ge. lAiir.iv-Ma ) 2. wxao'lc ! No. 3 , f. o. b. , 40G5c ; No. 4. f. o. b J" > J6'5o. 1'i.AX bum No. 1. $1 12 } } . TIMOTHY Stun Prime. fl.GO. I'OIIK Mess , per bbl. , $ ll,3ll.i.i ( : Inrd.per lOu Ibs . $ s.ri ! short ribs , sides ( loose ) . 7.7)S 10 00 : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $7.'JO7.2'i ; short clour sides ( boxed ) . IM.UV3S.10. Wnibitv Distlllei. ' Ilnlshed goods , per R.il. , tl.13. bOOAlt ? Cut loaf , B'zOS'ii" grannluted , CJiiC ! standnid "A , " u'.c. ' Itccelpts und shipments today wcio as follows - lows ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IU'EIITS. I tiint'MbMS. Hour , bills ' . ' 1,000 la.OOO \\llCftt , bll M7.UOO IW.iXW Corn , bu toi.oou : r.ino ( , Oat8 , IU 6UHWIU 257.WXI llyo.bn 2700J UIXO Dnrlcy. tin llb.CUj 8.-UQ ) On the I'roduco oxuhanzo tciiluv the butter mnrUnt was stoutly ; t-roiniory , ls"n. : dahy , IKa.'Jo. Eggs llrm : htrietly fierfh , lUBMii'-c. ' St. l.diiU .M.irlicts , BT. f.ot'is. Mo. . Oct. 12. I''rouii Unchanged. WIIIIAT Oponol Hun and uoaKmicd , but later rallied and closed ' . .I'uo ' above yostor- dny : cash , i.'i'nc . ' ' : October close. ] nt t'Jboi ' lo- ccinbor. 7-1.1 ! ; May. 70'ac. COIIN Iti'KiinonU und sold lower , but nd- vnneed later und closed 'utt'io liutter than ycsii-rday : cusii. 40iOctobui : closoJ at . .U c : Noreinl PI , : ii'4C ! ! Dccoinbei , 3j'ie ; jctir. auc ; May. 42 , > 4 < i. . . V. OAis . > low. with \cry llitlo change ; cash nnd October , SOcj No > ombcr , "USJCi ilay,3l > 4a ( . HVB I'll m at file. IlAiu.hv Moady ; Iowa , 6l5TUc ; Minnesota , IlltAN Lowori r oe.ibt tiucK , HAY I'nehiiiiized , LIAI > ( Julot ut Jj.75 ; spoltor , nominal nt II ir.Q4.10 , I < ' [ .AXHKrii-Qiilot ut Jl.Od. I'OHNMCAI Qlllllt ! (21 < ii' . ' . 1" ) . WIIIHKV Stonily ; fl.io. llAnniMl-LowiTi tVl © 753. IIIO.N COTTON TIES-JI.IO. I'novtsiiiNS Very ( inlet , with onlv nsmull . trtdodono at priivloiiH iiuotitluns ; pork , Sob , if I-IK ) ; luid , ifxOO ; dry suit mints , ooso shoulder * , Jii.T.'i ; lens und libs , ? > . " > ; ihorts , < J.ni ; boxed lotx ISu more : bacon nliniild jr , t7J.r ! IOIIKS nnd ribs , $ s.7.'i ; bhorta , I3.n0 ! su nr onrod hums. .ll.tlXQiiS.Vi. Huci.ii'Ts I'loiir , (1,0)0 ( bbls , wheat , 119,030 liu.i corn. 43.00) ) bu. ; o its. 4'J.ooo bu s rye , 4,000 Jjn.i barley , I I.'MO ' bit , BIIII'MK.MS l.'lonr. 10,009 bills , ! wheat , l.U.nOO bu. ; corn , 3.MXIO bu ; oats U.UW bu ; tye , 4. . " > ,0)J lu. ; barley , I.UUO bu. IliilcH nnil I'clts. Kollowlns nro the nrlci < s paid bv Omnhn Seniors for hides and poll ! ) iiuited | hiihjoct to ohuniionltlioul notUo : No. 1 ITCOII hides. : io ; Mo 1 ITCTII salted hlilus. 4Bl'e ; ; No. 2 ircon nlted ludet , : itf.4)io. ) No , 1 Kroon Hiilttiil hldus , r5 to 4'J ' Ibs , Iftl'ii'i No 2 Kruun salted hlilus. 25 to4n Ibs , 3l'io : No. 1o il calf. H to r > Ibs.r > i4 Co ; No. 2 voul lf , H to r > Ibs , IHio ; No l dry flint hldc , 7 < ti No. 2 diy Hint hides f , u ; No. 1 dry b.iltod hl.1c > , WJ"ei pirt onroa lililos ! ( o par Ib. , Ics4 ttiun fully eureil , up pelts iJreen silted , uueh , iricditl.-'J : on mllod hlieurllncs ( short wooZet ) oirly skliibi. each , IVtifflci dry sliourllnt's ( short wooled onrly skins ) , No. I , cucli , ft@IOoi dry i < hcurliiis9 short \\ouloil cnrly skins ) , No. 2. o.ieli , nu : dry Hint KUIIS.IH und NobiusUii butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , no tin ; I wcUht. 10l4'iu ; dry Hint Kun- sai und Nuhraskii .Murrain wool nolts , pur Ib. , actmil wolRht. biiir.'ci ; dry Hint ( 'oloriuln butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , uotnal uolxht , 10 ® U'Sius dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool polls , per Hi. , notuul violeht. r/iilOu ; dry tluuuos and bucks , uctiiul wt'lilil,7iili.i. HIUK fcul cut olT , as It Is usok'sa to juty frol lit on Ilium , City 'Marlu'ts. If ANSIS OlTV. Mo. Oft. 1. , WllRAT Dull , Jowori No 2 hard , ( tiii JIUoi No. 2 red , O.'Si ® o. COIIN Dull and weik ; Nn S mixed , a7 OATS-WoaK ; No. 2iulxed. .ulfr o. UAV 1'lriu ! timothy , M.WGlUUt prairie , II oo@fl.7i. 1IUTTKU Scarce mid flrincrt c'roamory , 12'j } flo : dulrv. rJ2o. 5S.COJ bu ; corn , 3,400 t , 72.000 bu. ; corn. 1 1,500 bu. ! oats , iionu. _ Jlanclu'tor Cotnnuirrlal ilANCiiKSTcn. Oct. 12. ThoOinrdlan , In Its cfliiiinorcliil article says ! Huslnoss drags und the bales yesterday were much bulou iuoa- day's uvcrnKO , Occasionally there was ft il gut oiulug Ju quotations , though tUoy ( enornllv firm , lluyorswcrn not ilUposoil to Tonuiro much until they had moid r.llahlo Inforinntlon rogardln ? iho outturn of tha Arnotlcun cotton crop. Yarns were very < | tilet , Omnlm I'rtiH .Mnrlcrt , OHAPE.Now York Conconls , 30o per IJ-tb. basket. C' l.itoiiNf UiUPns I'cr crate. II.M cit . ! 11.73 Tokay * ) t'Ai.mwrUA I'l At IIKS IVr nox , II. 3\ UAI.IIOHVIA I'Ktns JJ.11 per . At-i-i.Rs-l'orbbl. , ! l.0)j fiincy. ll-SOj flvobbl. lots 2'ie less. I'orboT , fie Ccitton Mulkol. Nrw OiiMCAv. l.a , , Oct. 12. COTTON htcidvt inldillltif , 7 11-IOc : low mlddllni. , 7 : i-10c ! coed ordinary. < > 7-ICo ! net receipt" , 4f ( > 'l bales ! Bros * . B.M'S bales ; exoorts eoist- wlse. 4,511 imlus ; s.ilcs , 2OJ ) bales ; stock. II4.4ST bales. Oinnh i I'roiliK o Market , Efins Plow nt lOc. stocKlaIJ.o ! ! choice d'l 1 r v " Voui.TiiV "ciilokons , old fowls nnd ducks nro selling nioitly tituc. OH .Miirldil. LONDON. Oct 12. CALCUTTA LINSEED 30s 3d ppr ipiaitor. LlNMKKD Ott , ISs Id porcwt. Tuni'KNTtsu 2i's per cnt. 'lulu. Clui'Ano , Oct Ii Kcnnctt. Ilopktm * Co. to S A. McWIiorter Tlio opening wii llrm , tint there bdnn llttlp ilnmnnil prlcpi cn Pil oil nml tha mnrVol win extremely dull until tlio lust hour wlion 1111 nclUo ilenund from ilium rntllpit It shortly I'nnlrliliio vn n liuyvr nrouml Ilio b'Jttom nml nolil imnlcr ntely on thornlly Intur HPIPII | | rontlnuo lioivy but tlio ilrouth luii not been m iti-rl illy rolle\ I ox cppt In HIP cxtrnnin wp , t nnrt ciblonro belt r tlmn were oxpcrtpil 'I III ) irooil repoit Ituluroil u uuoil tunny of tlm lopil triil.M to tnki > n jliort rlilu nml tli * * rally lu I IT Is InrfiPly ilui ) lo uuerlnub ) t lie in Corn nml oil' n ere imrlliul.il I \tuik i > irlbutsoiua oftlio bljehurtstotcroil tliplr Hit" , on thu brpnk nml Intt'r there WHS n KOOI ! rally In n ) niimthy Itli ttlieut I'rm Moris continue t uue ami icnturcless , but with nil upward tonilom'F Unit-Aim III. , Oel IJ. Co insolinnn A. Day to Corkroll Him Commission lompiiiy : Phi' Kriiln nnrkotd nusnc-d unli-l with a deirth of oulsldo news an I spocul itors wet J Inclined to nlo n rostltu spoil. That \er i present class of operators who holer llUo MiltuiTs over anything tlmt looks ilei I pouupod upon the murkul , ilotLimlnod If poss.ble lo force a p inlc. Itiit no pinlu'\Ill I'O'uo ' I his season on hlc ) May who.it. 4ic Mny corn or .I"ic May outs. Line In the SPS.IOU ov- oral bullish announcements in I'lo an'l pilce.s uiUan < .i"i nn the Influence of Incicised buylii : orilenVlm.it wus nllectod blighter leoolpf. Ill in e ibli'S und an oxoi-old loc Imuket I'orn elincd higher on piirchisc * cslh.i .tod at l.wm.UOJ bushels foi iho prov s'on ciowd , i.OJd.OOJ foi tins toitth- wcst nnd l/onuui by H'llnpors Oats ulvanccd on buyltiR Inlliienc'cd hv the belli-f Hi it wet \ < c ithi-r will docro ise the rs olpts Provis ions nro stagnant cx-ccpt when Iho Wiuht and Cud ihy comliln itlon llxsl" llii'in irounil n little for nppoinnro btikchnt p icl.cn h'uo not shut clown ate rnnnlii : slowly just to supply tlitf'r fresh mo it tr.i'lo and turn oxi-i-ytliltiK else Into lard. They so'l ' a little October l-irl e\eryclay and the lulr'j.inks' crowd takes It. I'ucUers Riniorallv lmo so'.d all the J"nn ry stuff they think they c in move and tins w ilttn fet cheaper hozs. 'I heir . ! iiiiiniy silea would show u inollt If co\oied c irofuliv , but they would rather buy the ho s and move the pro Inct If they sue u prospect nf uetllnt : out oen , so as to keep their men eintiloyed. l nn AIo.lll. Oct 1. K 0 Io.zin . < , Co n Him can. Holllni-'cr , t. CoVe lisvii liml T quiet when umrkot toil i > liecumbor opened ut "Mm1 told ns low u4 ij'io ' mul clua-il nt TJ'CU. Mny eloipit nt SHiCtSKfo , lloeolpts coutlniiu hcnTotal rcctlpt. nt lutcrlur points toiluv pro Ili4I.VI > } liusliols nnil tliu slilpmeiitN 707.00'J buahfls 'llil * Is ton niiicli whuni to nilmlt of much < l vniicc. ' 1 bn fnct Is iccplulH nro beyoml nil pxpcctntlous iml until they ilo lot upconill tiling cannot plmnie. Tlio dry nonlliur continues RiutciMiiplnlntH of the nlioit sown nut comlnK up nml prc vutliu xonliii. Is uoncnd from thu u Intel wlii'iit bull Cables lira nbout ns dull MS they cnn bo. with loner < | uotntloti9 'lUit ! Ul stuck li-ro In prlvntou.iilnubllcoluvutor a : d 19 117.093 busliel.-i uaU of llili only..SirJW ) biulmU la No 2 ourco-itrjct Brnilu ( 'urn at tbo opening T\ns freJly solil It Htmteil oil nt lii' < c fur Mn > solil down lo IViff-IITCc nml ilo pil ut - itoVo ( ilo not look upon corn nroun. tl.13 piioo mhl-'li. Tli ? iloiunml H KOOI ! uud will Loutlniio ? o until the close ot iri\lKntlon An > diniiKC to wet weather will roilu.o receipts .Mn > oils opened nt , ! Jiio ) , snlil to oljfie ami Hie cloio 11 nt ti } . " li c. Althuuuli tlio government manei n totnl crop of G.TOOOMU bu the qunlltj does not bo.ir this out They tire very llclit mLlKlit und lonk llko n pniall ciop -llo pro\l3lon market Is dull , ftllh very little business iloliv charters nruVheut , 101,000 ; torn. .lOl.OJfl , outs , 5I.OJ ) , birloy n'J WO I'rlmo tnys : Ilrouth continue * , but with thin exception , tlin neither Is H'mply ' imrfei-t Aililltlon.il reports from Illinois shon that the curly SOIMI n he-it hascomo up null , but that It will not sprout i-ntll rain comos. bomo damutfo to yoiinunhc'iit from tl > and chinch bUKs Xoitiiorn UllttylH ver > ( In , farmer * cannot p'on Hut ll.tlo f ill rve will ii sown this year , A Inr.o farmer In coiitr.il Illinois , In the ICBI corn cro Ins country In the Btntiar tbat ho hns been cathcrlnt ; corn foi food nad Is utterly surprise-it lo llnd huu poor tlio crop Is actimlly tnrnhitr out. A lar c nmourit of corn now moving was nold nt Jj cents In .limp , hut niuM mit bo dellvorcd on account ol bail roads mid backi.nrdni.ss of the reason and this mu\tincnt Is likely to continue until this btulT Is deposed of Hr t kllllun frost Hut 8 I'.ciilpts of corn Ilfctl ) to contlnuo for tuonc-pks t'anncra not lit r itlmr sell thau bulM uon cribs , _ London 1 lii.inetnt lc\lo , [ Copyrighted IS'.U by lames ( iordon Bennett ] LONDON , Oct. 12. [ Now VorU. Ho raid Cable- Special lo THE IH.K. ] On the i-tc ck o\t-lian.-o tlio settlement attracted chief attention , ' 1 ho ncconnt was lur or In sVe , but rates for contlntmtlon vuro much the s mm ns they were a fortnlylit nii ; ecnl'.ii4 ; In some cases. Homo r.iiw : > iv stock was a trldo Fcurccr. A bettor class of foreign bonds ere carried over at 2 per cent , nnd American railways nt - ' / . 1'orolifn markets were fairly active and firm geneially , the chief toaturo belnj a further aiUanco ot I1 ! lo 11. nor cunt In Argontlno bomls andiallway blocks , In which a biisk business was done. Interhonrso deserlp- tloiibcro nu 1 In sympathy with the 1'ails niar'iot. Americans were good all day , und were ( hrilly U to 1'i porccni hUher. ConioN were dull. The discount nuitkot was llrm. hut thu rate for thico months' drifts was not bat ter than l'n pot cent. and although attempts were made lo quote higher i itus for call 10 ins only Ji per cant win Hci-urod. llankei . asked 2 per cent th s mornliitf for loans on the stoeK exchange , but did not xot it , und thu ratu ob tained was either 114 or l"i percent. 1'ln tnulnl _ M > UI. > . KANSwCiiv , Mo. , Oct. 12-Clcnrlnsi , $ . ' , - IIJ.KSI. I'IIIP. . Oct. 12-Thro3 per cent icntM , OJf -l.'io for the account. 1UMIMOHK. Mil. , Oct. 12 Olearlnzs. } : iOSO- 210 : li.ilunces , * J7l.,7ti. Kate , U pur c-unt. I'uiiiMiFU'iiiA , I'u . Oot. 12. Oloarlns , $1'- CT4OT4 ; b.iliinet-s , $1,754,817. Monuy. 4 pur cent. OiSfisNMi. O , Oct. 1. ' . Money . (20 ( per rent. Now Vork oxt-hnivjo pur. Clc.niiics , t-s"i7,2.vj. I.OMIOS , O t. 12. Amount bullion irene Into the Hank of l.tiKland on balunces tod.iy , i'0),000. MKMIMIII , Tonn. . Oot 12. Now Vork ox- 27 ! bal- anees , ; ! I4,7-1. llosiov. Mass , , Oct. 12.-Clearinss. $18,100.- 34-lj oalanee , . 11,071,4 ir. Monuv. 1 pur cunt. K\clianuon .Now Vork , f > o to I'-i'io ' discount. Nl\V ! Oni.lU.NS. La. . Oct. 12. Cluailius. | , - aT'J.fSJj Nun Vork oxehnnze. comniero ul. 41 " > pur fl.OOJ dl-icotint ; bank , Vlo dUconnt to p ir , ST. LoutiJ , Mo , Ot-t. U CloarlnsR , J4.4II.- OO-l - : haluncfs { -.KO-1 > . .Money oulut at O-tiT per cent. n\oh IIIKUOII Now Vork -lOJJo discount. ClIlUACO , III. Oct. 12 CluaruiKS , $ I.I48,11)I " ) , New Voik uxchaiiKO soli at luo discount. Stui llns e\ehun u liu.i w , bltydav bills , ti.ttt ; duiniinil. * 4.wi'j. ' .Monuy stuady ; rates un- chansud , y < iti per rent. 1,1 VI. blOOK .MA It RIOTS. Cluilco Ciittlo lilchur , Otliiirg Unstciuly HORS Autltn mul I'lrlii , OMAIH. Cct. 12. Three day's receipts foot up r > .S."il cattle , tlJ7Q lii > n's and IOil ) bhui'p uKuliiHt 11'h'l ' cuttle , r..Oh , ' lioga and " , 'Jt'J bhi'ep'.no Hist half of lust week , Tha supply of cuttlo wus twlco us largo ns last ViOilii-'Biliiy. nuikliu Ineiua-u on un - In ro- culpts uo far this weuk comp ired with last of about 4,000 hoan. As usual thu Kroutor Hurt of thQOtlcrinzs nuiedlreulfrom thu iiinuo unit mostly on the fecdor order , Thuiu was n wooil Inqiiliy from droiMid buof men for mutiired stuuis , und with nn ni'tlvo doinund for KOOJ feeders Iho tradu wus fnlily sutlsfuuior.v uu fui as tlieso yiniies wuro uuucJinua ( ! oed to cliolcu 1-W to 1,5. > U-U ) . coin-fud huovus found tea luauy biilo nt fl'H and toll , with fair toned ( westerns at around ? U'i to * ' . .vj. on the iniilui'Ki.idea , osuculally cattle "betwixt unit beiwren" bouf und feeders , tiadu wild do- ctldedly sljw with pricoi very unuvun , but ccnoiully lo-iur. Thiiio WUH n food llrm un dertone to the ttudo und u fair clearance clU'ciud. lluti-hurs * stock nnd oanncr ' sold at urlcos weak to 10u lowcir than Tucbday , I'llmo spayiHlhulfuis sold as liUh us tiUJ and old thin COMH us low us $ .00. The bit ; bulk of the fair toyood stulf sold , however , ut from $1,50 tojl.yj. Hulls , oxon and Htaxs wore dull and weal : at from Jl.'Ji to I.M5 ; uulvus an I yoar- llnis Kvnurully unchanged ut from J-.UO rte tl/JS Thcro wna no particular uhanKO in the sloukur und feeder ti.ule , Uood to choieo HtulTfOldat from JiV.'i upwuids und fair to poor llsht stulf an I yuarllnKs nt arounU J..OJ toriSu. Kopiuiuntatho saluss VMK.bUl ) llUUf. Na Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. US 1171 m" > U.UUJJiai 10. 1112 'JI..IUK ) JU3 \ pen TOO sw 210 n w 2 10 IdlM 2IK1 mi SM 1010 2 ( Ml GS. 2 CO 13. . 61) S4.Jli 400 1 Jli ) 400 1. 1113 421 1 425 1. 1 .1110 10.1 i. into 215 2..IMJ , 54) ) 2M „ , 4C 2M 1l ; r.n . 2 51 , 870 20) ) C4. 2 ! > Illbl ) 2 111 , 715 271 . 0.11 275 . uro 2b1 ,1010 JW 3J CATTLE. So. Av. t'r. No. Av. Pr. 41 ye-irllnM 03 ? $2 40 .1 stags. . , .10s5 tl 75 21 feeders . .1001 2 l ,1 01 eons . . Oil 2 00 S bill s. . . . .Mi 1 70 10 sluurs. . I2J8 ,1 10 fc7 cows. S-U8 i DJ 2 Ullis. . . .ll'io ' 1 2,1 1 cow V > 0 1 21 87 cows . . . IHO 1 10 15 steers 11.1. 2 S3 US feeders. 1147 2 SI 1 bull un ' . ' .1 cows . . . 00) 1 7,1 fcS feeders 1100 281 M ! foodcis. HVi 2 OJ Ill C'OW . . mi 2 111 JU cows . . . U07 2 UI 11 cows . i 53 21 cows IUI 2 OJ 41 sleets .1171 3 1.1 2 feeders. 11C1 2 81 1 cow . . . . 8-U 1 7i 78 steers . . .1141 .1 01 2 foctler. .1011 2 Si 1170 a 40 41 feeders ,10i7 2 bl 11 cows IW7 2 00 _ cows . . . 034 2 UO M feeders M.I 2 CJ M feeders..1111) ) 2 111 2 bu I. . . . 1 fi ) 0 ! cows . . . ( ITO 1 05 1 stag. . . . .low 2 fij lit ) steers. .11/1 3 40 4 feodeis 2 UI 1 fucder U.-O 2 bo I feeder ! rr > o 2 01 2 bu 1. . . r.'li ) 1 1,0 ' 2 01 1T cows . . . . 811 1 0) 2 bulls. . . 1171 1 7.1 2J feeders .U74 2 8.1 2J feeilcis. , I1S7 2 8) il bulls. . .libl 1 UO I steer . ' 2 53 X feeders..1120 2 111 21 strut * ! . 111)7 ) a .11 1 feeder . ,111) 2 111 0 sleets IDS ! a 40 10 feeders . .1117 2 01 7 cows . . . . H7.1 1 11 il bulls KM I 1 7.1 21 cows .IJ 2 1 03 8 cows . . , ' 2 , ' 15 II cows. . . UI8 1 in 1 steer 'lOJJ 117 cows , .1014 2 VI 0 bteets 1114 ; t uo ; i cows . . , . Sill 1 10 2J steoM 1 U ) 3 ,11 t cow 1 CO IJ cows . i , 81) 1 til ; t cows . ! ! l2UJ 2 00 2 calves , . 17J 4 00 COLnilADO CAT1LK. II bulls. . . OJ.J 2 0) 12 stOots . mo 3 00 21 cows 2TO 1.1 cows . . . Oil a ou ii steers . IJ7U I ! 21 1 bull . . .1000 1 40 II stcois. . ' 2 1,1 fi7 feeders 10 7 2 40 21 cons 871 1 SI as cow s . . . 1 SI 20 cows . 1 1-1 11 feeders M7 1 4) Ii ) feeders bit 2 .r > I 2.1 feeders. . I ) IS 2 bO 2G feeders 1117 a oo 7 steers. .12J1 a 10 1 sU'or. 111) a 21 Ill stcorj 1118 a vi ( 1 feeder b8) 2 ( il il feeders Il.V ) 2 fij 61 feeder I17J 2 13 21) ) feedeis KM I 2 b5 1. steers 1100 U 0) 'lli-XtS CATTLE. 5 stccM 870 2 10 2i slecrs OQ1 2 10 lloas Uecelpts were rather llthtcr limn dcaleis conerally were lojklnz fur , sotbat Inspltoof unfavorable reports from Chicago , with n good general tloiu ind , the maiket opened actlvo at\oiy nearly steady prices. All buyers were In It , and as thu morning ud- vinced iho maikot lather firmed up , some bales aloni toward the close being at prices strong tofiu hUhur than Iho early murkor. 1'iilr to good hoas of all wolghts so.d at from SI.1. . ' ) to J\ai , wltha few choice sortoJ lie ivv loads al tl 10 and J3.I1 , and veiy common stair and throwouts.it from tVJJ all the way down to 14 _ ' 5. 1'ho oxtiomo close was us nsu il , rather weak , nnd a fuwlato arrivals remained un sold. Tiadln , ! was largely at from } \23 to 81. l\ the sitfiA as fill'"nos.i.iTho general averaco of prlees paid was f 5-V. against I3.itT ) Tuesday , and $5.10 last Wednesday , lirpruspnt.itu o sal"33 : No , Av. SU. I'r. No. Av. Sll I'r. 0 43 $4 05 bli . . , . .218 40 J1 30 1 . HI ) 43 ii UO 08. , , . .241 20) 53) 1 . . 250 n oj SJ . , . . .SUJ 8) ) 5 3) 4 ' two 5 UI ) b7 . , IbO fl 3) 40 .is ? 100 fi ID 70 . , . .2) . ) Hi ) 533 1 . . 110 5 10 7.1. , . V.7 IbJ 5 30 3 . n 20 120 530 37 I'M 20J fi 20 10 . .24. 120 5.U 11 . , . . n 23 2UO 5 , IJ 3.1 . . .270 200 B 23 CO 217 ICO 530 Ii . . . .211 40 r > 20 CO 240 ICO fl 3J ! H . . . . .311 a.'o 5 20 7J 210 2)0 StiJ 3. . . . . .400 5 21 4 . . . .2.M 7) . . . 218 sno 5 2,1 t'Sj ire fl3) ) d'l. ' . . . .2 J 200 3 23 70 2IG 240 530 72 . . . S'W 200 5 21 71 270 11,3 5 30 70. . . . . .SU ajo fi 23 20 ! i07 80 5 30 00 . ,2b7 : u ) .121 12 illS l.'O fl30 74 . . . .V4S 200 .1 25 57 . . . .240 100 fl3) 77 , . SSI 440 r , 21 8i ( 210 10) fl ,10 S3. . . . . .2J5 120 623 4J . . .213 80 530 .121 OJ 214 IBJ 53J 71 2111 100 .1 23 0) ) . . . 2)7 43 fl 33 71CS CS .2)8 200 5 21 OJ . . . .277 aiO fl.10 .15 . . . 270 123 5 Si bit 214 12) .130 M . . . .2'iO 2sO 5 2.1 ( .1 . . .293 120 fl J5 ns. , . . 211 I'OO .1 23 M > 2jS Ib ) 5 35 09 . . 250 123 s 21 ui . 211 ao fl31 09M M ' " i j2 203 r > 25 21 au sj fl 35 01. , "soil 12) 5 25 OS . . . . ' . ' 23 40 G3.1 U ) . . . : b7 , i.0 ft 2.1 ca . . . .2w 40 .135 dO . . .230 120 5 23 07 . . . . 2sO SO fl 31 70 . . .VII 100 523 07 227 40 531 . . .270 100 5 27H uJ 251 ! SO fl .11 f.1 . . 215 2JO .127 } . M 20J 243 C35 71. . , . 242 100 527" 45 1(71 ( & 40 ( il , V.Vl 80 527'J 10) ail 043 05. . , . 220 40 427'5 1'ICS AND HOUC.II. 12 . 120 23 123 35 113 4.10 1. . . 103 4 23 1 49) ) 83 483 1. . .210 433 0. . . . 21,1 83 483 SHKEI- Receipts were qnlto liberal , and they mot with an ucttvo demand at fully stc'inv prices. A string of good Utah wuthuis sold forl 10. Pulr toned natives. W .lOtM 35 ; fair to'-'oocl westerns , } | . .J" > ® I.S.I ; common and stock sheep , tJ.2lit 1.25 ; good to chol o 40 to 0)-lb lambs. fl.0j4.73. Representative sales : No. Av. I'r. 771 Utah wethers UK ) SI 10 Itt'rolptH anil Disposition nt Stock. Ofllclal receipts nnd dlsDosltlon of stock as shown by the tiooksof the Union Stock Vault company for the twenty-foul hours ondliij at 5 o'clock p , in. , Octoboi 12. 18JJ. Itl'Cl II'TS. Disrosniov , III'MIIIS. CATTII. noc.s. sntii1 Cinalia I'nckliiK Co . The ( I H Slnmmond Co. . a.n 47J 11X1 I.5M 691 US I 'I ho 0 iilahy l-ncLIni ; Co . 1,4.1 1 , C.l. ) 1U1 J -qillroJ , llu.tun . 814 1,4.1&l 814I I , Nols Mortis . &l I ! llcckor .V I ) . 175 Hpco , ahlpjirs and 1'ccilrs 1,477 Lett ever . 60) 1UU Total 5.WI ,127 S5S T.lto Stock .Murlti't. CmcAno , III. , Oct. 12 , ISpeeiiil Telegram to Tin : DKK 1 Tlii'ro was nothing in iho shape of cut to for which huycis wt-ro willing to nay firmer prices. There was not nn ever supply of good torn fatted cattle , but they felt thu dupios < > loii that pervaded , the market for the poorer soils , and Hold n frac tion lower. Kunoy beovea are mill quoted as high us from H Oj to 13.05 , butto-day's offer ings did not Ineludo anytliliiK good uiioiuli to urln. thuso ll ures und It is by no means cer tain tint thuy could havu been realir.o.l for unythlng now In feodars' hands. The avorngo dcollno In the glades abnvo inudlum wus uhoiit lOc. I'oor to inudlum natives wereolV from luo to 1 "x : . whllo In westerns , of which about 0,000 arrived , theio was u reduction of from 15j to''Oe. Another Uo to l.'io per 100 Ibs. wus chipped nfl the maikot valnoof lie tituiluy. They Dropped to from VI.UJ to if 1.01. i nil salus were slow at that i ango. Thu only assignable cauto for the weakness was tlio locont "slump" In grain and provisions. The liluhust prlco ruai'hcd uuf r5,70 , und that in cue or two Instunces only , tijles were largely ut from $3,15 to $5.51 , nnd the dong quotations were from tl.OOto $ .151 for poor to prime wulghls , nnd from il UO to $3 bO for heavy and medium , The nnallty was nnt , tip to the recant mer.ige , 'I railing In fheop was s'ow atuulc prices. Dining the II-at three dayx of thU wcok traders huvo had about 5ouo hu.id more thuii iirrlvud tiiosamo tlmo last your und values doiiroolatudj from l.io to 'J.-.u per lee Ibs. Tlio best grades uf native t > huep were quoted around (10V but It took roa good article to bring moio than $1 M , und there was but little trading at higher ll.urcs. \Yosteiiu \ weio dull nt from Hoe to Jill ) . Keculpts ! Cattle , 22WW head ; hogs , 20,030 ho id ; Hiicup. B.OOJ head. 139al Uiuc\ai > , 111. , Oct. 12. The Kvonlng Journal reports ! tiATTi.K Uecelpls , . 2 ,030 huud ; sh'pmpntb , fi.OUO head ; market lower ; best nntUee , ? 4.031.15 : others , JL-VSl h3 ; feutlori > , $ l.2.Vit 3.75 ; HtoL'Uors. * . ' . lXiS..OJ ; Toxam , M.S.ai.W ; rniiKOM , US5Sfll.60l cows. J2.2.14W.05. lloua Itocelpts , 20,003 head ; ahlpmonts , U.COO A l'hniI ] ) ir ( , nln Tnkoa 1'finii Iho 1'urjc. . Imitations may bo cheap , but tlioy uro wortlilcos. Do euro to buy the ponuino Joluuiii Holt's Mult Extract only. It will glvo you tbo best Butlbfuction. The f'oinilni3 must littvo tlio signrt- turo of "Johutin Hoil' ' on tlio nook of every botlo. For sore Throat , Cotiphs and UOUB } , u o the Mult ] .xtraut hot nt bed tiind , und the gonu- ing Johnnn IIolT'a Mult Bonbons during the day , 1'leasat uud aotlvo. headi ninrkOWKlilc lowrrs ronah nnrl com mon , * 4 7V4tflf ( rnHpil and pnckcri , f.\r tA.4at ' r nfitl butchcri' wolshls , J.\tViti.70 | lUlil ! , , fl8. < i > y < i. Sim I'-Uccmiiti , C.M ) hend : shipment , 4mo heads lu'itkot slow ; shcop'WlJOfl lower : lamb'Mi'lowefftmt , fluDfU.Su tnlto.l. tl'Ji Ol 7V .vtthori.t. ! > .0i < < i1iiij Iii\iinsiras ( ) } J.M ( westerns , M UQttitO ) ! i.-imti" , Nou ViirK ll\ct SlnrK Alnrkrt , New VOIIK , < lrt , 12. liEnvra Hi-ci'lnt" . 1.757 lip.nl , liiflutlln Tr cars for sale. Market vi-ry dull , r > iiU.'Vpiifr tJUb . lower ! 21 cars im- told. Niltlviiatceri S 1.2511 1.N ) per IDUllis : bulls ami f-olK Jl IVrfiW. Dressed b of , lower , 7.c"i ' IT5r pound. Slilpnicntt today , Ms beeves nnd 4..VO qilurtcrs of beof. CALVES Ituaulpts.lUJ huad ! jirkot dull40 per pound lowers vunls. fT.u04M.25 pur IlKMlii ; jtrasitois , $ . ' ,21.7,1 ; western cahcs , yilKKi' AND LAMim Hccelpls. 1,707 hond ; m irkct vo'y dull. Uo per pound lower ; sliuep. H.2,100 per un I hi ; Iambi. e.100S ? . .2.i | dre'-sed mnttnn dull at 7iS'io ' per pound ; dressed Inmhs lower , S'sSIOp. lions Hecolpts , 8,210 head. Incliiillii ? 2 c irs for s'llc ; mnrkot steady ut 13 0)5i3.li2 per UO Ibs. M. I.ouls lt\i > stouk > lurlict. ST. Lnrt * . Mo. , Oct 1 ! . DATTt.n Kecolpts , 5.200 ; shipments. Il..JO : niurkot.teady i fair to cholco nitlvo Htcorc , i.l .MoVO'i ; ordinary to good 'Icvus and Indian steers. J2.2Ji.J.tO ( ! rows , $1.2.VT35. . llotinIlecplpts , 0,23) ! shipments , 4110 ! mnr- kut r/itllo lower : bvnvy , f.\J © ' > . ( ! i DaoUIng , $ . 'i.ioaf > r. : > . light. M-Juwiw. SIIEII' Hceelpts , 2,210s shipments. 5.100- market Rtoi'ivi uitho muttons , $1.03ISO ; Tuxans , J , 1 0,41 4. to. KiitiMi * . city I.Uo Miii-lc 'Market , KANSAS CITV. Mo. Oct. , . . Ho- ' 12 CATrt.u - xrfii-/VT \ l 4. 1 t t'l U f \/Uli I V. Jt i I Li - i J celpts. 7,10 ; slitpincnt4 , r..OOJ ! coed steers stonily ; others dull .mil woik ; shipping steers , ? .L'MOl.r ) ; rcxas.imi liml.in atocis , } l.l OJ4J ; stooUois and feodors. $ i4V t.UJ. Hods Kccolpts. l.l..MO ; shipment" , 2.0CO : nrir ket aetivo. weak. IDc lowotj uxtromo ranijo , H ? j\.i1 ; bulk. } 1. r > ai Ji. Siiishi1 Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments 1,003 ; tnar- Uoi nulct and stonily ! lambs , < 5.0 ( ; muttons , W.M34.50 A Guru Inf C'holura. There Is no tt > o of nnv ono suffcrlnpvith thn choora ( when Chamberlain's Colic , Cholcr.i.anil Dmrrhicn Homeuv can bo tiro- cuicd. It will plvo rcllof in a few minutes and euro In n short tlmo. 1 have tried it anil know. W. II. Clinton , llolmoita , N. J. The epidemic at Holmotta was nt llrst bullovcd to bo cholera , but sub cquont Investigation proved It to bo n violent form of aysentorv , almost ns dangerous as cholera. This remedy was used there with Rreat success. Forsalo oy drugclsts. riwrs or un : iiiiti'iun'iit. . Sanitary Olllcor Sbcrar I think wo have now succeeded In getting Iho cltj Into pretty good shape If tlio people will only obey the orders which have been Issued.Vo have served over 2,000 , notices ordering the abatement of nuisances. Wo have a record of those no'lces anil ulso of the work which has been done every night by the garb&go- men , and after going over the ground two or three times moro \\o will have everything cleaned up. Wo will visit ovcrv man upon \vhom a notice has been served and see that they comply with the orders. Dicit Ingorman , Nebraska Seed Company I don't know what reward is going to bo paid by the express comDantoj to the bravo men who wiped out the Dalton pang in Coffoyvillo , but I'll toll you what. I thtuk ouijut to be done. Every bank in the west anil tiottUwost sbpalil contribute , sav f 10 , tp a fund to bo divided among the survivors and the families of thosa who were killed. While they were nlivo every bank was lluolo to a vis'lt , and $10 is a verv small sum for any financial institution. After nil ex panses were paid the fund would make the participants in the raid rich uion , ana they suioly have earned the rewnfd. Sergeant Graves Theio is a soldier ar- losted for stealing. I don't believe i over sa'v a case of the Kind before in this court. Uncle Sam's boys have n hnrd reputation in some quarters , but outside of a II eh t , a ca rousal or n round-up of the tough district , I don't bellovo thdy are given to violating the laws of the land. They nro not to bo blamed very much for their sprees. They load a most monotonous lifo and when nay day comes it is only human nature to long for n "fling. " But stealing or any sneaking mis- Qornontior or crime 1 < > out of their lino. W. O. Saunilera Why is It that while the paVomcnts of the. various streets nro being cleaned every day or two the Sixteenth street viaduct Is not swept once a vcari The track is h.ilf covered by the accumulated rubbish of months and every time a motor train passes ever its passengers aio nearly suffocated by the blinding cloud of dust tbat arises. It booms to mo that public eonven- er.co demands that some measures should oo taken to abate this nuisance. C. H. Davidson Don't you thlnK it about time for the street railway compiny to bo putting open cars on the Walnut Hill line ! Why do I ask ? Because it's tlmo that the ouon cars bo tatton off the South Omaha , the Sixteenth street ana the Farnam street , lines with the anproacn of vuutor. The Walnut Hill people have been compelled to ndo in closed , musty cars all summer and as they run this line different from r.ny other line in the city I [ thought may bo the resi dents on the Walnut flill svstera would bo compelled to ride in the open car * during the winter. John Groves If I was ono of the regis trars who are to sit in Iho various precincts of tno different wards L would want some thing aono in the way of making the voting booths a little moro comfortable than they are at the present time. The floors have not been put In as yet and the stoves have not been sot up in half of them. It is asking a good deal of a man to expect him to sit thcro cool days and chilly eveninirs and run the rUk o ! contracting pneumonia or something about as baa , for pay that Is supposed to Include - cludo the ordinary comforts of such work at least. least.W. W. B. Cheek The Burlington is holding Its own at South Omaha , and cnniurlng a goodly shnro of the business in that thriving packing center. Our cash receipts average fllO.OOU n month. During September wo brougnt in 'J.OOO cars of llvo stock and shiopcd out GUO. Wo also took out 29 , " ) cars of packing house product , which exceeded the number of the former month 210 cars , This Is a line showing , nnd when you re member that the other roads are doing a good businosa , U gives you nn Insight of what the South Omabft market amounts to and a fair idea ol Its magnitude. Bruce MiCulloch The South Omaha mar ket is nil right and flourishing. Kansas City is almost moving heaven and cartk to secure the business of South Omaha which comes from two northwestern IMIIKOS. But no in roads nro helng made and the shippers nro not to bo turned away from us. They do not care to send their cattle to the Kansas City bono yards to como in competition w'tli the Btult there that is soiling from f 1.75 to t ! . > , The cattlemen of the northwest are true friends of South Omaha and appreciate the ninny uuvantage , and superiority of our market. H. W. Carey I bnvci spent two weeks traveling ever Wyoming unit Coloiado ana llnd " the there and the everything" on go JJIIU UU4 > 44 lt-l " 1W f % " * ' > - M. * r spirit of western enterprise 'way on top. The country stands in need of n little rain , but nothing is suffering for the lack of moist ure. The cnttio-look line nnd the old-timers sny they aro'in hotter condition thnn ever be- Maydepend upon the way > o i treathewarn- ( Ings which nature gnes. A few bottles of S. S. S. taken t 4he proper time may insure need health i or a j car or tw o. 1 heref ore act at once , lor it IS IMPORTANT that nature bo assisted at the right time never fails to relKVti the system of im purities , and is an excellent tonic also. He Wants to Add His Name. ' Permit me to add my name Jouf nvcrther : ontaine one of Treatise on blooJ and sltin diseases mailed SWlFf Sl'JECino m. Aiiw.ia.Ga. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , IB Cnnitnl $ , ID IDD Surplus if 05,001) ) ) Officer * nnd Director * Ilenrr W. Vntei , prcilclont II. C. cuitilru. vlco proililunl , IX H. MaurlcjV. . V. dune , Johu i , Culllni J. N , U. I'atrlci , lawl .V , Itecd. caililer. Tl-IB IRON BANK. foro. Tbo liny croo U especially flno nnil thoiuaniH of tons Imvo been stacked for the winter's feeding. The great west Is pros pering almost boyoiul ocllof , rind n * for urowth It Is slmplv mnrvolous. S. U. Howell If thopntronsof ilrue stows know iho ilcnso iRnor.inco of ninny of U.o . prescription clerks of this city they would not swallow any medicine &t nil , It is amaz ing to tno that men will ongnco to compound medicines who do not Know the llrst princi ples of nn apothecary's business , it la n scciotof the trn.de that many of the drug clerk ! have to carry some of their proscrip tions to n competent pharmacist nnd Imvo hltn prepare ilium. The law requiring pro- icrlptlon clerks to pass nn examination ttocs lltttu good so far as my obsctvntlon goes. U3V. A. W. Clnrk I wish the people of OmnliA would wakotip to the importance of tbo Associated Charities work without hav- Ine lo bo actually draeeod Into it. There nro hundreds of men In Omalm who ute In sympathy with the movement nnd menu to assist , but they do not send in their names. I have to hunt them up nnd spend valuable tlmo explaining to them things that they ought to understand before they glvo their nnmos , There nro othoc mutters con nected with the work that demand my time , but I Imvo Icon obliged to drop ovor.vthing elo nnil go out Rollclting names to the membership roll. Thcro nro enough wealthy and well-to-do people In Omaha to glvo tho'nssoctntion 1,000 members within n wcok If they would only think the mutter over llvo minutes and then net accordingly. General Hrooko 1 think those school boys In Now Yorlc who pulled down the Unglish ( lag did prettv near the proper thing. . The man who displayed the ICnglish Hag should hnvo had nn American Ihg by the side of It. Ho ought to hnvo knou n better than to hoist n foreign lint ; nlonu on such an occasion. I don't object to the spirit of patilctism ilts- plmod by the school bo.vs : they were all right In doinq as thov did. .1. S. Lowls If I had a friend who was suffering Irotn consumption 1 would send him to the pine forests of Michigan. I'liero is no cast nnd west for consumption. It is till north and south. The healthiest people in the world nro In Iho northern part of the countrv. When they nave summer It is straight , and when winter nrrivcs they nro readv for It nnd enjoy It. iMou who know more nboti' . It than 1 do are of the same opinion. 'I'ho mountains uro all right for people who can stand it but U takes good lungs to got any air out there. Charles Singer 1 hope that the next legis lature will tnko some action Coward n i-hango In the present garuisheo law which is a. standing cover for dead beats and operates against business men of alt classes. As the law stands thcro is absolutely no way to mnko a married man p iv his dbbts. All ho has to do Is to proviao himself with n wife mid the Inw can't touch lil-n. 1 do not mean that all of a man's wogcs should be made liable to garnishment , but if a small proportion tion , bay 10 per cent , could bo reached bv his creditors it would protect the merchants without wonting nnv injury to the debtor. D. A. IVarco Mnjor Puddock wni in South Omnha the other day , and I guess lie did not meet with n very warm reception. Thcro nro lots of democrats in boutli Omaha , but they do not love the major. Uo evidently forgot that I hero was such n place as South Omaha while serving as county commissioner. The people uro interested in securing from the county several thousand dollars duo the city on the road fund. The mnjor almost refused to even hear a cotnmit- mitco appointed to wait , on the boirl for that purpose , nnd all the work that has been performed in our bohnlt on the load fund question was done by Judge Stonberg , who represents unoibor distuct. Junng his term of ofllco Major Paddock has been in South Omaha but three time * , and then on pi ivato business. Ho hns never sought to ascertain the needs of his coastituonts here , nnd although 1 am a democrat 1 do not propose tosupport uimfor election , ana there are several hundred other democrats in this toun of the snmo inind. Now remedies are being constantly intro duced to the public , but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup still maintains its pro-cmiueuco. * n Julius CiuiarVllcnx' Woes. The old light between the Omaha Repub lican Printing company and J. C. Wilcox hns been.revived in the district court , in an notion in which Wilcox claims the sum of 5.3,4'il. Ho alleges that when ho was publishing the Republican nt the corner of Tenth nnd Douglns streets , tbe Republican Printing company whipsauoa him at every turn ; that the members of that company held out his mail which contained money belonging to him ; that thev spirited away it typewriter nnd desu ; that they looked up his coal bin , fro/.o him out and compelled him to vacate the nuiidinc in the dead of winter nt a gteat in convenience nnd at an enormous expense. If out of order , use Bojcham's Pills. All alone , both In the nny it acts , mul in the way it's sold , is Doctor Pieico's Favonto Piosciiption for women. It acts in this way : If you'ro weak or "run-down , " it Imilils you up ; it you suffer from any of the painful disorders nnd deinntjomcnts peculiar to your BOY , it icliovcs nnd cures. It improve , ? di gestion , cm ichcs the blood , dispels aches nnd jmins , bungs re-'i calling sleep , nnd ic'.toros llc-.h ami FticiiK.li. For all functional uwik- jies.ses nnd it regularities , it's a positive remedy , lleuce , it'b sold in this way : It'smi ( ) itnlicil to gho Miliifuciion , in every aisc , or the money paid for it is re funded. Dr. riorcc's Plcnsmit Toilets prevent nnd cuio Sick and liihous Headache , Con tipn- tion , Indigestion , lillious Attacks , nml all do- rnnjemcnti > of the liver , btonuich and bowels. They're the wnallebt , the cheapest , the easiest to tale , lint ill that uould bo nothing , If they weren't also the best to tnko. SKWBU PROPOSALS. Pcalon piopos'ils will bo iccolvcd by the un- dorslnncd until 1UO ; o'ulock p. in October 2Sth , 18'- ! ' , for the construction of a bower In sun or rtlstrlotNo. KIT. In thu cltv of Omnhn. us per ordinance No IHOI. neeoidln ? to plans and specifications ou fllo In the ollleo of the boaid of public woiKH 1'ioposals to bo inado on printed blanks furnished bv tl.n bo.ird. and to bo accompinled by a collided chock in the sum of f.ICO , p lyablo to tlio city of Omaha as un Idoni'o ot good faith. Thoboaid jescivoi the light to reject any or all bids and to waive defects. I > . W. UIUKIIAUSnil. Chalnniin of the llourd of I'nbllo Works. Omalm , Neb , October lath , 1893. olU-14-20-21 SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilest cnttlc. hot ; und sheep market In Iho west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRA ZIER I.1VK STOOK COMMISSION. TIM : Li.Ai > iii3. : IWrit ta thli ho ID for cor- Hoporti. Wood Brothers , routh Omaha Telephone Ili7 , JOHN I ) . IIAD1SMAN. I . . , , , WAI/ri.l. K WOUI ) fSliniuorJ. Market reports by niiill nn J wlro cheerfully furnished upon application. _ - - THIS Campbell Commission Co. Chlcniro. HablKt. Louis , KatinwaHy , South Uniulu. blouxOlly. lort Worth. A. D. Boycr & Company , fSnnd.'iJ r\oli : .1110 llnlldln j.Pouth Om-ih i. CorroiioiiilcuooBOllcltoil nnJ nroiuptlr nnnwuril. tpJclnl oltcuttoiitouraurj fomtockon Jt JujitorJ 5 lieaTB&l. lDOor.iorat-J.lSJI t lill , & - - , - - Cuiiltal fully j'alil. 1-y.tW ) Waggoner liirney Compaixy \Vrllo or wlro u for prompt oua rellabla in rnt ! repurti. Perry Brothers & Company , Llvo htno.c Coin mission. Kooro 11 L'xchnnBO llulldlu ; ; . Sauth Omaha. TtTephono 1707. OMAHA fuehrers' ' and Jotters1 I AWNINGS AND TUNT3. Oiiielia Tcnt-Awiilas Wolf Bras , &Co , Ooniimiy. rin > t , Imn ToimK , nwnlnu" , tnrpin- mnck , oil nn I rubber lm , < mpf ( ir nil klnil < . ilotlinii : isinojiic. tin MnK < tuuia-r , PIP > > PIII | In MumMro.'l. ton itnloiiuc THIS , litli HAf TWtN'I'X | HtCYCLKS. BeiiiisOmaiiaBaiCo M , 0 , Daxon , luniortcr am ) mfr , llnur IU'jPIo nUI on innnlhlr . _ , , tnirlnp * , twin. IMjnivnts 1JJ V 1Mb st HOOTS AND SHOIW. " Morss-Coc Siioj C , , . II llnwnrl < ir < ! ii. liKtnrrrnrnprlltliiiiil l ) < Mialn < ltopl \\paromiiklimrln o | > rl < eMi > n li lmror , nnl nro nss iirKimH nlilili ls urjr fn'Oib u wltli niorcli ml * Otnaliii Upholstsrio' Co , llccbo i lluny.w . Viw'iioi"o ' ! i fi - - " ' r'rnl'"roro" ' ! Ur'1" 1J \VtioIoj ilii u ily GO'J'-riCK5 ' I [ ) I i3 , 1.VO OTsiceTe &lJ9. ilMT.icc"Tco ! 1201-l )1.Ionoisiro3t ) , 10th uiul IHnv St.ect Omaha Dm ill i 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. TU eminent spoclallit In nervou , clironlr , iitlvnlo. tlooJ. ikln an,1 nnonrj dlscmei A regular Una eclstcrod graduate In incclclno. us llplomns nml conllloHtc'nlioir. . Ii it ! ! ) troatliiu irllli tlm grmie t siicci'S § ntnrrli , apermRtorrnoca. loat manhood , aomlnal Wi'.iknmv nUbt loasoi , Imnotoncy , i.-nlillli nlrlcluro. eon * Jrrliooa , Bleit , Tiirlcocule.ctc. No mercury useJ. Nc\r Iru-ilment torlossor vltnl | iowir , 1'arllM uinblu lo rlsttmoirmy bolrjnlet at liorua by oorrcsionilenciMeilliln | * or Inilruninnts sent by mall orexiirosne- curelj-pacVotl , no marks lo Incllcnto ronionU or tender. Ono personal Intoulon nrciuiruil. Cuniuliatloa free. Correspomlenco strictly prlvnto. HIICK ( Mnlerlo * ol Utt ] icml Inn. Offlca tuuroUa. a. lo U p , m. Uuiidn/i U ) it. ui. to il in. Soiul uuiii > Jtor PELIMANENT SIDEWALK UESOLU- TION. COUNCIL CiiAMitint. O\mn , Neb. , Ootouer 4th , lyj- ' . Ho U icsolvcd by the City Council ot the city of Oinahii. tbo mayor concnrrlni ; : Thai DcinianontsliU'WalKs bouonstuioted In the city oromaha as designated below , w.thlu live days aftci the pnbllu.itlon of this resolu tion , or the personal suivlcn theieof. as by or.lln.niec Is .iiithoil/cd and iciiilrod ] , sncli sldonalKs to bo laid to the i.nrin nunl uniiln ns oscabllshed on tlio pi\etl hlioets.pecllli'd heioln nnJ to ho constiuctcd of ston1 , artlll- cl il Htone , brlulc or tlllnsr. nccordliu to hpi-cl- ( Icatlons on Illo In the ofllco of the Iloar.I ot I'nbllc Works , and under its supervision , to- v. It : West side of 2Jth street , lot 1' , Kellogg I'l IIP , periiianont Kr.ido , 0 foot w Ide. Noi th sldo of llarnoy street , ' . < " > feet of south ! j of the south east ' . , of lot I l-i lot P , Capitol Addition , permanent Kiade. fl feet wide. S-onth tlik-of Tiirn nn snout , lots U , in , 11 and I' ' . bloi-U HI. West End Addition , ccinia- nont ciadr , U feut wide. North sldo of California , street , lots 0 and 7 , block 1" , Cltv. porin.iinntginilp. 0 foot wide. Hast sldo of Mb stroi-t , lot . " . , nlock Ills , city , permanent gr.uio.O fuot iile. Hast side of I'Uli ' slieel , lot 4 , block 310 , City , perm incut gr.ido , ii feet \ > Idc , South sldo of Hurt street , lot 3. block HIP , Cltv , permanent sradc. Ii fi-ot w lilo. Thut the IloniU of I'nbllo Works bo and Is hereby nutlion/ed and directed to cause a copy of this r solution to ho published In tlio olllolal pipurof the city foi onowoi-k. or bi ) | burvod on the owncrsof said lots and unless such owners snail within llvo days after the publication 01 service of such copy construct ald slduw.illts as horoln ieiiiied | , tli.lt Iho Ito.u.l of I'nlillo Works eaiibo the s.uno to bo done , the cost of constructing slid sidewalks rexpeetlyely to bo asso-- > oil against the roil ( Htilo. : lot or part of lot In fioncof iin.l ubut- tlin ; snob Hl'lowalKs l > a. e > . October 4th. 1SOJ. President of the Uouncil Attest : JOHN GItU\'I > . ( Ity Clork. Appro\cd : OlIOKOi : 1' . HKMIS Mayor. NOTICE TO CONPTKUOr BIDEWALIC" . To the owners of the lots , parts of lots -ind real cstito descillied In tbo above resolution ; You and oneh of you are heiehy iinillliid to construut permanent slduunlks , isrefiiln-d | bv a rosolulion of the city council nnd in.iyorof tno city of Oiniiha , of which thu.ibmo Ha C ° 1)y' 1' . W. lUUKUAl'Si : ! . . Plnlrman lloaiil of I ulillu WoiKw. Oiii.ilin , Nubi.wka , OctolmrlSlli. IKJi , l-roioi > iilK lor District tiiadliif ; Hondn. Scaled bids marKed "propinils fordlstilct glad iu boiids" will bo rrcu.od 'it thoeltv tioasiiier'holllui1 , lliii.iha. Nob. , up to t'j o'ulock noon of the Nth day of OiHobei. IMU. foi Iho puichaBo of } > VUl ) Oil dial rioter idliu bonds of the oily of Urn ill i , Nob. bald bonds shall ho dated October 1st , I83J , ami sh ill bo payable In fiomonu to nine yuai i after the d.ito theii'ofllli Interest at the rate of 5 poi cent per annum piyablo an- I'rlnelp il nnd Interest piyablo at Kniintro Hnis , Nu'v Vnik. Sail hn.ids aluill ho of Iho denomination of Jl.OJOO ) , J.OJOJ an I * 1000) Euch bid must Rtito price an-1 amount sonitht for and Includu acciuoil Interest to date of delivery nt , Uniuli.i. Neb 'IhorlHit s reserved to rujuot any and all bids , IBIIIDI ! iindureliartor pownrnf olllus of the molrinl- | Itnn el.iss and Oidlnanco No. , IM" ) , approved s'Jldllt Cltv'J'ro.iHUior. 1'rnpoi ils for District < iriilln ( ; llmnl * , . Be'ileil bids , inaikod I'roposalH for district gradlns boid : . will bo rucolio I at the ollko of thoU ty TroiHiiinr. Cm ill i , Neb , up to IJ o'cloou noon , of the loth d ly nf Outobur , s/- , oof . ' Dlsuict OiaUliu- for the niiruha J.'JOJOOJ UondMof thoulty of Oinali I , * \ " . . h.ild bomls aioilatodftuptoinboi 1st , IBS : , and aio payable In fiom one to nlno yuarj after tho'into thereof , In denominations of II.OjOO ) and fiWiiOuach , with Intuimt ut thoratoofr- piTuont porannnin piyablo spiiil annually. I'rlnolpal and interest payable at hounUo Ilros. , Now Viirk. JT.IVW.OU of DUtnct No. .17. m.ouu Oof DUtrlul No. IT Sr..OUOOof District No ID , Each bid must ntato price and amount botialilfor nml inoludo aosruoa Intorcst to date of doli\ory at Om ih i. Nub. The rlisht Ii rosursod to rojuolanv mill all bids , Imued under chin tor power of eltloj of thu inutropol- Itun olaHmil urdlnaneo No .Ui1. AppniVDa AUSII9t21tll , IbJi 1 KNIIV IIOM.N , faridlTt , City Troasurer. I'ropotuU lor Kailu-ty Tr.niHlur at Uiukton hoiilli Daliotu. Hoalcd proposals will bo received for the puroliiiso oriental of a tr ipsforb ; ) it. Hiilta- blo for carryliu tlio railway rolllns stool < of thu VanUton , Norfolk & bonthwuBlur.i lall- I'liipoHalsshould ho diinillled uo follows ; 1. I'ronoiil * to so' I transfer boit. 2. Proposals for taking contract to Uo untiro traiibfer business of railway , : i. I'roposala lor runt il of transfer bo it. Keiiulruiiit-iit * nnd sppclllcallon * can bo ob- talni'd from the chlof c-iujiiuur , Januton , Noifolk A. boutliweuturn ullway , } miltun , 'AM b'da should bctaddre od to : Tliobocictary , VanUtonT Norfolk & SoutliwuHiurn It iUwny. Y u nl < ton , k. It. The bouril of dln-ctorsi reserves tlio rlitlit t reject uuy uud nil tlds. Otsllt M IIAKDWAKK. lleclor & Wilhclmj Co.fM \ ) & IJD1 , NOTICE OF ASril PMENT OF DAM AGES FOH UD1NG. . , , To thoownoisof all lots mils of lots and renl ustato alonj ; .Illh street fiom Doogu to lav- t-npoit stti-et Yon mo liL-iebv nolllloil tint the undor- B ( neil , three disinterested f ic-olioldcrs of tlm city of Omaha , linolieon : duly nppolntod bv the iiinyor , ulth the nppio\.il of the city council of said cltv , to assess the dainaRu to thu oHiiors rospcotholy of tlio properly nf- fcctt-d by Kradlns of hiild stieot duc'larrd nec- i".siry by oralnancu nniulii-r .I.NI , passed Oc tober I , Is'U. apnunud Oi-tobur 4 , ls"J. Vou are fnitlior notihed I hut hiUnjrac- ecoil | ) ( said iippolntniont , nml diny qiinlinoil ns leijulred by I iw. wo ulll , on tlio 2fltn d.iy of Octobei , A. I ) . 1-iD. ' , at the hour of ll.IW o'clock In thu forenoon , ut the ollloo of Slulver .t O'Donohoo , HOI r.iinitii' strcoi. within the cor- jiorato limits of siltlcitv. rnunt for Iho purpose - pose of consUlorln and m tklns the nssess- niunt of damage to tlio ownerle pc-uthuly ot R.il'l pioportyillcotol by sitd ( ladlnK , taking Into consideration spoolil bonoilU , If any. Von aru notllled to bo picsi-nt ut the tlmo and plucu aforesaid and make anv objections to or stitumunts concurnln : said a'-sessmeut of datuugcs usuu mav consider iiiopcr , \V ( J. hllltlVliU. lil.01tai..l. I'At'L. JAMl > hrOOKIAI.n , Coniiilttuoof Appraisers. Omaha , Neb , Oct. H. 181i OlOd JOt To the owners of all lots or parts of lots front- Inon tJrnnd nvonmriilrtysovonth to rorty-second Htn-ots : ronloruM'nuu.Thlrty- clshtli to 1'oitlctli stioiit ; Thirty-ninth strcnt. Uiuiiil avenno to Amos avenue : I'oiUntil street tiinl 1'iiiticlh iiNcnuu , fiom tirand aveiinu topr ixuo slieot Von mo liorobv notllii-d lust the umlcr- slcnud , tliicodlslnturt'stcil freelmlilors of the city of Omaha , lri\o hi-un duly i.pDointud by the mayor , with the approval of the city council of said ully , to is > e--s the damtiKO to Iho owners lospc-c'tivply of tlm pioporty illi'eled by cnidlne of ilnvo described btrccts and axonnos , docltiroJ nuco > s uy by oralnnnco No .IJSJ. p issud Octohot 1 , IS'l. , approvud Oc tober 4 , ib'Ji ' Von inn further notiflol that , havlnc nc- coptetl said iipiiolntmi-nl. nnd duly iiiialllicd is loiinhuil by law , wu wrll on tlio 'iih ) duy .rf October , A. I ) . Ih'JJ , at tlio Iniiir of 'l o'elooic n the nftuinooii nt the ollloo of ( Jcor o J. I'nil. lO'll r.-iimimHtri'iil. within Iho c-orporato llmltsofs.ild ulty , iniot for tlio pnrpobo of oiiHldc-iliiR and makiiu the asseasmont ot ilainauoto tlio owntiM loanuctUuly of said l > roi > i-rtv , alTectcd by bild cr.idlnr , taklns Into consideration spuulal bunrllts , If any , Vou uro notified to bo piu.ont al Iho tlmo and plauo uforosald , nml muuo iiny obji-otlons toorHtatumunts conci-intn : slid assusamcal of dumagus an yon in ly cunsliim niopor ur.ouun j. PAUL. JOHN n. mjTi.nit. ( ll.OKUI. 11. I'AVMC. Omuhn , Octobers. 1601. OlUdlOt Nollcti ot A-mi.iminit ol liiiniii-H ! lor ( ir.ul- Inf. To the owners of all lots , p irts of lots and loiii unatu alonj alluy lit block r < 3 , from 17th to Ibth utruots , Vou aio huroby nnllflud that the minor- hl'-ned , three dlH.ntoru < lol free holdnrs of thn city of Oiniihn , h ivu beun duly iippointod by the iniiyor. with thu approval of tlio city council of said city , to , ih-.ess Ihn damage to thoownuis roapcotUo y of Iho proioriy | af- fuctudhy gratiliis of s ild alluy. iliicliiii-d nec- i-ssary by ordln incu nuinbur rM7 , p issud "up- tuinU-rAtli ! ) , IS'J.1 ' , appiou-d Si'plembor 2Jrd , 1K- - ) ' 1KVou are fnrtlmr notllloil that hiivlns ut-cf p- todbuld appolnlmunt und duly iiiiull led u-j ii-mnred by law. WD will , on tbo luih day of OotoLur. A. D , l lat tnu lioni of lUsIO o'clock In thu foronoon. ut tlio ollluo of Mirlvcr A : O'Doniihoo. IIOH'urnai i tioot , within thocor- porito limits of wild city moot for the pur- posoof iniiili.ar ! ! „ ' iimf miklnir thu imoss- ini-ntof iliiinii.'a-i - 10 i ho ( iwnuri ru.ipooilvoly uf mid property alluultil liy mid tri.iilliu. t lUInu into coiHldenitlon spoo ui bunullts , If "Vonaronotinod to bo pri-Nont ut tlio time and plauo aforesaid and make iiny obJuctlQiii todrBtutonit-nts concurnliu s ud assussinent of dainuscs ua you niuy - . ! , ' ! \ \ , \t , pilKii I < Jli OK.UItUi : .1 I'AIJL. JAMIUb'IOOKDAI.H Comm'tli'o ' "f Apiira'HorH. ' Oinahn , Nob. , Ootobur 5tli , Ib7i Oiiiliot. To the owners of all lots or pirtsof lots on lavonp'rtbotwuun ) : < ( 'ili nml.'tUli iitrcuts : Von uru herobv uotlil'-d that the iindor- NlKiiuil , thruo dislnturusiud freeholders of thu oltyof Omaha , Imvo boun duly iipuoliitcd by the miiyiir. with the uppioviil of thu olty L'ounullof uald city , to asinsn the duinuL-u to the oiuiors rcapcctlvuy of thu uroporty alfcetud bv cradliu of Diivcnportsticot from dilth to aoth stroolo , dec n i I'd nucusNiiry by ordliiunco U.'S7 , passed Oclobur Ut , IbW , up- nnncd Ictobur4th. I . 'aniani btroot. wllhln the corporatellmlti * of s ild cltv. meet for thu purpose of comlder- liunnd inakliiK Ihu ut.si'H niunt of damuitu to llio ownc'ra rmpuoiUuly of nald propurly , ullccludby said priidliii ! . taklnz Intoconsld- cratloiisiioolal hetiudls. If any , . Vou are not I Hod to lie piiibunt at the time nnd pluco uforosald , and mnko uny objectlonj to or bt a turnouts iOiiuaiiiln ; ; mild nfcbufcsnitnl of damaies ; as you muy I'onsldi'r proper , llio. ; J. I'Al'U W. O. HIIKIVKIt. J.VS. rU'OUKI.AMl Omaha , Oct. 8tb , 1602. c-lUd-10 *