THE OMAHA DAILY BpEt fjbllrKSIAY. OCTOBER 13 , 1892. * THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. CFFICEs - NO. IS PEARL STREET Pel Jverec ry carrier to * nr prt of th city l ! \V. TILTON. - MANAGER. tin * new O nice , . Nt 4J Wltor MlXUIt J ix y. reurcll Bluffs Lumber Co- Ira Lucille , anusbterof Mr. and Mr * . M. 1 ! Sear * , died last evening , aped 0 isonths and H day v W \V Cone , li. B. Gardner and Gcorco Hunter are announced m Independent candi dates fcr Justice of tbo peace. Harry 1C Saiitb of Omaha and Miss Anna M. F.ndiev of Counul Bluffs vcro married laatcvcnlncat the residence of the bride's paim's , 111 Enst Pierce street , Hev. C5.V. . bnyder ciMclaUnL . E.MC. Infant dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C Nelson , died jrrstorday morning at 0 o'clock cf cro-jp. 'Thn funeral will orrur thl * n.ormng from too family residence , 111 Hidgc sire i. nt 10 o'clock. All MeniScrs of A Lincoln po t are re quested to be present nt Grand Army of the Krpubtlc ball on Koturdnv cvcnlne , October 13. to arraopp far the proper observance of Oolmnbui dav Hy , order of D. Maltby , post commas Icr. Mr and Mr ? J. H. Pace celebrated tbe fifth anniversary of their marrlaco last even- Inp at their residence , ' . - Mynster ilrcet. A larce p\rtv of tneir friend ? \\ero invited to spend trio cvcninp with them , nnd an en joyable evening was passed. Tbe reeular ineetinc of the Modern \Vood- rnen will b held thU evcniutr In Kniehts of Pvtbias hall on Main street , nt Ti.TO o'clock. It Is earnestly desired that a full attendance of the members bo present , u * famines * of Importance will bo broucnt before tbe camp. Marriage nccn e wcro S ued yesterday to the following parties : Harry K. Smith of Omahn and Anna M. Fiodlav of Council Dibits. Joseph Tnvlor and Janlo Smith , boib 8f hi 'ux ' City ; William II. A her of Terutn. eh. Olt < . aud Theresa B llyan of Council DlulTs. Anders Christian \VeUman of Shelhy county atd Carrie Margrotha Peterson of WnupacaVis. . The cold weather is approaching , pre pare vr-urself for the chilly nights , visit the Boston Stoic and look over their elefrnnt lire of comforts und blanket1 * . Ulanktts and comforts to suit nil tastes nnd nt nil prices. Our low prices pre vail in all cases , the power of the ready dnllnrs fellows itself. Boston Store , Coun cil Bluffs Iu. _ Prepare for the cold weather. The immense supply ol Indies' misses' rents' and children's underware nt the Boston exceeds anything in previous years. Our price3 , as is I'nown throughout the west , the lowest Boston Slore , Council Bluffs , la. If you don't wr nl to buy hard coal you had better too Bixby nbout these oil burners. They are adapted for use in hot nir furmices , bteam and hot vater ooilers , with no coal or ashes to handle. Save vour hard coil ; use wood , and rail on H. A. Cox , 10 South Main street. Beat Missouri wood fo.00 per cord , de livered. Miss Anna Ross is home from a three months visit in tbo cast , Mrs .1 M. Scaiilan and Mrs. J. J. Keith have returned from a trio to Su Louis. O. E Deswick has cone , to Xorfolc , JSeb , . bavlnir received .vord of the serious illness af his mother there. Mrs.V F. Sapp has returned from a visit of scvernl weeks with relatives t.t Chicagc and Lake CicnevaVisconsin. . Ha'ry UavLs has returned from Wyoming , where ho has been for several months , and will remain in the P.lufis during tbo winter. Hermann Parr , formerly tracitma ter ol the Council Bluffs and Omaha Railway com pany , is notv superintendent of the Mil waukee and Waumatosa railway. moliff Children. Especially infants , li prevalent at all times but Is larpcly avoided by clvlnp pr opcr noui ishmenl and wholesome food. The most sue ccssful and rehablo Is the ( Jai1 Borden "Eacie" Brand Condensed Miln. Your rro- ccr and di ugqist keep it. Do you want a nobbv coat either ir Indies' , misses' or children's and at the right pricey If so , visit the Bostor Store and look over their line. Counci' BlufTe , la. _ Special campaign whip sale on Mon day. Your choice of a whole window full for oOc , former price COc , 7oc , 00 < nnd $1.00 each , with campaign banner ? , Charles Probstle , 2 } > Broadway. If in want of anything in the windov f-lmdo line , curtains , curtain poles , wal paner. portiere. chenille table covers etc. , step into the Boston Store , where i Is 11 pleasure to show goods. Counci Bluffs , la. _ Now carpets and draperies at thi Council Bluffs Carpet comoany's. llrmvn u a Ill uniUt. J. H. Brown , the colored man wao wa : arrested some tinn ao for bavin ? two wire : at once , bad nil trial in the district cour yesterday. The defendant himself wa placed upon the staod nnd In tne course o his cross examination by the county attorney tccarao very much tancled up. At last h > became dcsperato and exrUlraed : "Al nEht , send mo to thepenitentiurv , or do wha you want to with mo ; 1 shan't say nnytblni more about it. " Tno ca&o was jiven 'to tbi jury during iho afternoon and after helm out a Fbcrt time they decided to take his an vice , A veidlct of piiilty was returned. ' Morris Qulnn pleaded 'cuiltr to thechargi of burglaritinc thoTrcmont bouse. The case of Oswald Peter on , chareei with the eoducllon of Annlo Cbristisusoa will bo tried this morninir. Mrs. L. U. Paitaa , Uotntord. III. , wrltos ' Froiuoersonal expsrionco I can rocommoni DeWltt's Sirsapinllo. a curs for Impar. blood aud concrai debilltv " Just to hand , another case of CO pair of wrapper blanket ? , the latest noveUk for wrappers. Only " . ) < : a pair , Boato Store , Council Blulls , la. \Viinlril to lluj- . Improved -oportv. . Will pay cash i pricoUlow. n. G McGes.lO Main street No bankrupt , lire-smoked , damage furniture at MoycrV , 30-5-507 Broauwa.v Cletin goods , loss than any Omaha pricti ng itrmly tu Conileiiin. A petition has been filed \\lth the sberl by the Union Laud and Ijiprovemcat con pany askloi ; that a Jury be appointed to ai Just tbo damages upon tbo property along U line cf the proroied new railway , tbe con p-iny hnvliic failed to coma to an ogrcomei with certain of tbe property owners. Tt owners \\boso ocmei are mentioned In tbe p titlon ara Mike aud Marr PoUck , J. Suit van.F. _ tj. Loucco , C. Burr Towle , U. . McKce and tbu Klmr > all-Champ Invcitmet company. In acrordanco with the petition lury was selected vcstardar , composed of I B. Trfrwilliser , M. F. HohroO. . H. Luca John Mu'quccn ' , H. G. McGee and A. A Hutchlnson. Tnoy will meet on too 17th f ( tbo p rioie of determining tbe value of it land m question. The Boston Store closes every ovoi Ing nt 0 p. m. except Mondays an baturday ? . Largo invoice of new Jnco curtains a the C oundl Bluffs Car | > et company's. Jardinlers , nicely docoratesl , at Lun Bros. , 60c and Too , , pare drugs , beat palnti. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS ttokboldeis of the Union Bepat Company Hold Another Meeting. PROPOSITION FROM THE UNION PACIFIC Ttii-j OHcr to 1' the 1'ropcrtr Unilcr Condition * \Vhlcti Some of Tlioio Inter. c trj ConililerToti Maeh Onc.Siiletl The Itcsult ol the Vutr. At a tncctlns of 'ho union depot stockhold ers held two weeks ao the directors were Instructed to sell the depot , propsrtv to the Union PaclUo company , provided tha com pany would lake it , nnd release the companr from any contracts whicn it may bavo made with reference to the building of a depot thereon. Tni.i was thought by the Mock- hoidcu to bo a very cenarous offer , out yesterday the Union Pacific cacic to the front mth a proposition. In which they manifested a very laudable willingness to accept the earth as a present from the depot company , nrovidcd tbo latter would furnish a clear title. A mectlncot the siocltboiders wa < held at the council chamber yesterday morn- inp , but thi depot compiny ivai not well represented , owing to the fact thit the pipers had advertised the meeting for the evening. Instead ol accepting the preposition maao bv the depot companv , another proposition WAS submitted from tbe Union Pucilic , reading as followi : rroio ltliin of ttic t'nlnn P.irlllc. I'lrst. On behalf of t'io t'nlon Pcclfie Ilall- roiid company I will take the real estate now ownoubyyonr company , paylns tliu an.ount -i'ccsary to ro.niliur-u tli stuckbouli > rs of our coiiij'iuy | lot iiiuti.f- they bavu advanced n s-aKl eunii , ny ( or blnoUs , * i. .11 unil 12. anil ots n. 0 ami 1 1 in U'ook U. KlildfU'a suti- tlxlsioii , for the suni of iivniOor * o inuth less him that Mini us the pnrchaso money for s.iul ot > . niiiv aniuuut to ; so thai the said Union 'iit-itle coiuii.'itiy piy you the actinl t-ost liiTfof. tj\cs and cu ts paid tlii'ri'- or. This , hupcvcr , upon condition that a tct title to salil pruDerty shall bu by voii e-uii- eyed to Oliver W. Mink and Jainei G. . feooud. t'pon the counitlon that the city of . 'nuiictl niutrs slinll by pronor trc'luaiico runt to thu t'nion raoiHu It.iluvnv company lie rlpht of wayiixi-r anil tin1 rl-'lit to nialn- mn Its tracKy on I nloii avcnuu free from any ndllluno whatever. Third That upon the cmip ction of this ransaetlon the L n on 1'aclflc Itaihtay com- any -hall bo bv the city of Council Bluffs nil by your comp'iny frerd nnd absolved rom all foriuer areen.ents expresse 1 or im- ) HcU. uoncornin : the Knlou dt-pol matters of , 'ounull lllulT- . und that no Drocei'iMnz * . bhnll ic1 Instituted by either tbe city of Council Hulls or uy your com piny in tlie future aiinst this i-oinpany seeuln. to compel It to ntcr into union depot nrrunco.-nents afalnst ts Ueslrus. t. II. II. . LAIIK. This proposition caused something of a stir n tbu camp , and a general discussion on- ucd. Some of the stockholders tbouRht that uch a proposal evinced a degree of bos- rlshncss that made its acceptance out of the question , whije others cazcd wistfully at that f.JO.OOU and said that anything would be bet- .er man lolins ; tneir hard earned cash. At enRth it was decided to lay tbe matter on he table until the evcnins , in order that the tocisholdcra might be present in larger num bers. At the Kirnlnjj Slcctlnff. When the meeting convened lu thceveninc ho uttcndar.cs was larger than nt any meet- , DS since the first organization of the com panv , 117 shares out of07 bcintr represented. The qupstiou of selling tbe depot oropcrty to tbo Union Pacific Hallway comp'any in "ac cordance with tbo above proposition" the mam subject for discussion , and a very warm mo was bad. William Siedcntopf thought tbe company had pursued a wrong course ever since its u organization. Tno city council had been giving : tbe railroads evorvtninp they wanted , reducinc their assessments. grantine ; them rights of way , while the railroads had done absolutely nothing in return , and bad even insulted the company's committee who waited on tbe officials at Chicago last week. K. L. Shugart toot tbo same pround. He did not want to surrender anything. He was m favor of paying the sbaro of those rail roads who refused to chio In for n depot and pretty soon tbo roads would be willing enough to come into the combine. K. H. Merriam wanted 10 snll out. The prospects for a depot being built were bv no means flattering and beforj lone tbo chances fcr petting their money back would DO pone too if tbe offer of tbo Union PacirJc should be refused , bomcono alluded to tbe clause in tbo proposition providing that the council should give up all claims to Union avenue , and this called Shucart to his feet once more. "It's unfair to the citizens in gen eral , " ho said , to ass the council to heln us get nd of tbo property. " and the loud applause that followed indicated that tbe idea of selling out was losing friends. "x'es " chimed in Everett "and , , tbo com pany ought to bu made to pay bacK the money that was gotten under false pretenses.1' \Vlll > otM'll Out. At lencth a vote was talten on the motloc to sou out. Pour of the largest stockholder : voted in favor of seliinr , butoutsidoof these , vote ? in favor were few and far between On the contrary , whenever any large stock' holder registered his vote on the other side there was tremendous clappinc of bands When the vote was announced it was 77 tc 45 ticiinst selling. P. J. Dav then moved lhat the secretary and president notify the council at once thai it was tbe sense of tnn depot company tba' ' the city should at once take possession o ; Union arcnuo and Dro the Union Pacific of ) of it bodily. Some of the others wen opposed to this , however , thinking that suet a move would bo lee radical and would b , apt to make the railroad officials even mon sour than they now are. On SiedontnpP's motion the secretary wa ! Instructed to ascertain tne indebtedness o the company , aud a committee of tnree. ron listing of S'.edentopf , Shugnrt anil D. W Archer was appointed to negotiute a loan t < pay it off. A committee of fifteen uus tilsi appointed to > abor with the city council for i remission of the special taxes. Tbe mectlnj then adjourned until the 2Glb. The railway commission will bold anothe : session this morning at 10 o'clocK at the elf council chamber to hear testimony wit ] reference to the local depot question. Mrs. Wiaslow'j SjDthins S/rap for chi dren teething Is tbo family benefactor. 2 cents a bottle. TWII.L , in : AX IVINT. : The Hotton MKiro't Autumn Opening Till Victims- Mnssr ? . Fothorinchnm , Whitulaw t Co. , the Boston Store managers , hav planned n pluasant evening for their pat rene and the public this evening , am they extend a hoartv invitation to all nnd especially Iho ladies , to bo present The tinnual autumn opening will tak place , und the display will bo finer ani the event of moro importance than an that hnvo p-ecedod it. Daring th ovonlnt ; no goods will bo told , and th time of the entire force of clerKs will b occupied in showing the miny now r.n bouutiful things that will make ehoppin this season n delipbt to the ladie- Kstra v .ro bas been taken to provid for tlio comfort of all and thousands c people can spend an hour in the variou departments with pleasure und profit. The doors will bo open at 7:80 : and vvil remain upon until the guests of the over in ? have had ample opportunity to se all the many beautiful things. Sitter City Uacr * . Special tvains on the Wabash , Thurs day and Friday. O.Jt13 and H , leav freight depot , Council UlufTs , at 12 : ; ! p. in. , and return after the races. Out of the Hall. A IHtlo affair hu just come to light i which a number of Council Bluffs youn pcoplo were concerned , and in which a nun berof them narrowly mUtcd leaving piece of their brains hanging to the celling ! of dance ball \Veston , tea miles east of tt city About twenty boy and girls of tt younger crowd went to Wiitoa Uu tialu day night to attend a danc given under tt auspices of H social r'ub ' of tbat p.aeo. rhpy went without invitn'lo&s. and soon after t&cy arrived set about showing tbo rustic * bow to run a daaco. For atrbno the rtisfcs contented themselves with cattlrg suunti glances In the direction of-tbo newcomers. At last , however , tbo floor rnncapcr stopped the music , and climbing on a caalr announced tbat be w s eoing to hsve ordnr orb r-ud. ; and U the Iluflitc ) < couldn't kedp their hands of ! be would give thorn a feiv lesions in the artistic shedding of gore. Tbat was a signal for a division of the bous ? . For a few secondi things looked dcdnedlv warlike. l > o > tbo leader of tbo HlutTi crowJ foanc1 blmxclf tos od from the Hoer to the ceiling several times by the brawny bands of one of his opponents nd whan tho"country boy had got through with him bo was ready to de clare peace. A treaty was made , on condi tion that the BluiT < people go borne without being thrown out , and the condition was accepted In a hurry. Another dance Is to bo given at the same place n weeu from next Saturday night bv tbo same club nnd tbe members of the Hiuffs crowd announce their Intention of trying II again , provided they can get reinforcements enough to offset the muscles of the Wrstonlte * . If another en gagement comes off there Is but llttla doubt tbat It will bo fought to a finish. Ton Miull c > I a Ituk. It Isnot unusual for colds contracted In the fall tchanc on all xvinter. In such cases catarrh or chronic broacbltle are almost * ura to rc ult. A tlftv-cent oottlo of Chamber- Iain's Cougb Kerned v will cure any cold. Can vou afford to risK so much for so rnall an amount ! This reaiedy li intended es pecially for bad colrls and croup and can always be depended upon. ForsMe by drus- gists. _ f'lrc Corner of llrnal ; ay anil Itruton Mrct. . Our late lot-s Dv fire was covoro.1 by two policies , both in the COUNCIL BLUFFS INSURANCE COMPANY. Uy 7 o'clock the next morning after the lire the secretary was on the ash heap , pencil in hand , ready to ficrure the loss down to bedrocK , which ho did , too , saying : that" it was his duty and no small part of his business " ' So long as hu did not go below bedrock we had no reason to complain , consequently the settlement was not only prompt , but in cverv way satisfaetorv. so much ? o that " in addition to f ) .2X"ofl ( seven policies ) curiied bv this company before the lire we now add to it 510,000.00. Bein intimately acquainted with the secretary and directors we cannot be persuaded that better indemnitv can be obtained than that offered by our home ompany , besides we believq in patron- zing worthy homo enteroriscs , evory- liing being equal , nnd unless we do we shall continue to be dependent on for eign capital and corporations. G. R. WIIUELER , JAS. A. HEUELD. Never before have the people of Council Blulls and Omaha had such an opportunity to buy acre property suita ble for homo or fruit as is offered by Iay A : Hess. 400 acres to pictt from. Only two and a half miles east of Coun cil Blulls postolfice. The largest , the finest , the most ar tistic display of fall and winter goods ever exhibited in Council Bluffs will bo shown at tbe Boston Store. Grand fall opening Thursday evening , Oct 13. Doors open at 7:30 urompt. House cleaning time : ias come and so has the largest invoice of lace curtains and drape.-ies over received at the Council Blulls Carpet company's. Suits and overcoats $10.00 less than any other tailor in town ; clothing dyed , cleaned and repaired. Frank James Peterson , 2311 S. 9th street Gallon Messrs. D.iy & Hess and ask to be shown the Klein tract of 400 acres no * r on sale in five and ten acre tracts. They will show it free to alL An artistic display will bo the grand 'all opening display at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , Thursday evening. Doors open at 7:30 prompt. 25 dozen gents' heavy gray under shirts during this week for 15c each , worth 33c. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la , _ Genuine Round Oak , Radiant Home. P. P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main. Gentlemen , the finest line ofiall goods in the city , just received. Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Boston Store grand fall opening dis play Thursday evening , Oct. 13. Doors open at 7:30 : prompt. Boston store closes every evening at p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. IcOpeoplo in this city usa g 3 stoves The Gas Co. puts 'cm i"n at cost. Something entirely new in flower pol stands at Lund Bros. ' Judson , civil engineer , 323 Broadway Iurnc < l a Nonunion .Mnn'i * Homo. UoMCSTEtn , Pa. , Oct. 12. Tno residence of John Fox , n nonunion man , was set on fin last night by incendiaries. The family bare'j ' escaped with their lives. Pimples % Blotches Scrofula are all caused by t Be warned ! Nature must be ES- ( ) sistcd to tluow off ihe poisons. ] or ( J this purpose nothing can equal ' A Nature's own assistant & 5 0p A pure Vegetable Compound of ( ) 0 Herbs , Baiks , and UooU. Contains A .j no ac.ds or mineral poisons. > It It ai rrl adle ri t'if 11 k of F.nslinJ \ V All that tt r.niior 1 > r tt U , , ! < lo a V / > bciik. Atitrur. sii. V i Hlit-Y A" I5IGILOW , 5 > l Grand A\c. , Sew llatcn , C"nn , CURB Acew Aal Coaisleti Treataiah Eorpodtorlci. Ointmjnt la lUptaiei a ! a la U ) I'oilurj Car * far KilfraiL Inn 31 iailtc1i3i , Caroa.s , lle--3tor Usrjll Tal Itjail/hii n T3r b ja kaova t. oi lirord , untar miiL VVoj uC2r Jrou tblWrriale dlieiu 1u a wrIU'i nair-ntii I poiltireiKl'di vita 6 tumor reran I them jair'l ' coicar < Js n1 mnj for fr eil bjdu&a A'X ' ) , Uru el > t > , nj BOO We will place these suits on sale Thursday , Friday , Saturday. We bought these garments at a bargain and to sell for more money , but as the occasion of fers itself in the shape of a mild season , in or der to dispose ofthem quickly , we offer them at this price. They are on display in our west window. They come in 4 styles and IS differ ent patterns ; the cloth is new , heavy weight , in dark effects and just manufactured. These suits are not made by Sweaters nor by the four fine concerns , located on Hester Street and the slums of New York and Bostonwhose , entire product is claimed to be confined to one concern in this state , but are strictly good , clean- goods and are garments that no one hesitates to wear. i akes a suit that will surprise you. Successors to M. Hellman 6c Co. Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. Machine at a 10-Tons-a-Day Price. Onr vro , , . , , o „ „ wUb Eflch Machine. TaeSonthivlclt'nallnc'Prj'mUaS-borse.Iull-circle machine. It ha ? tbe largest leed opening ol ny OntlnuonBalln ? , IXinble-Mrole I'rets In tne World. Bales tlcht ; draft light. Capacity ; Con rnc lon ; Dnrattllty-aU the IIF.ST. _ m _ _ SANDW5CK tyjANUFACTURING CO. . Counpll IJliifT. . Io a The following tei-t'mon'al ff > ni Senator II T. sbumwav nt W lUcfl cd , NeK. snc iks for 1t rlf' WAKEl-ir.r.n. Neb Ortober 1" a-indwloh M'f'z C o . Council HnitTs.pnts. . WP ire very well pleased with the f-outhwick ll.iv I'n-ss. bouiht from vou recently.e cm ba'.ol3ton > perdnv. I think itsuperior to anytb'ns I ever s > iw fern b iv nress. Re-peetfnJly Yours. n. 1' . PHVMWAY. SEIKO FOR. CA-TA-IaOGUEl A.N D 1JR1OI LIST. " All she lacks of beauty is a little plumpness. " This is a frequent thought , and a wholesome one. All of a baby's beauty is due to fat , and nearly all of a woman's we know it as curves arfd dimples. What plumpness has to do with health is told in a little book on CAREFUL LIVING ; sent free. free.Would Would you rather be healthy or beautiful ? "Both" is the proper answer. SCCTT& BOWXK , Chcmms. 131 South < th Avenue , New York. Vo..rdruiistLeepiScoit'j Emulsion cf cod-liver e > 3 UI drujjirj enj-yMhcrt do. f * i DR W , R , BAILEY Tt-Dtb rilled With out I'aln oy the Latest In cntiun. TEETH EXTRACTED WITIIODT 1'AI.X Oil I ) \XGER ATULLSETOr TEETH OX RUSHER FOR ! * . - . . ( ) ( ) . Perfect fit snaranteo.1. Teeth extracted in tbo mornlni ; . New ones lnsriod In evening of tune d.iy. ee spcL-imens of Iteiiovahie Ilridse. See spo imens of 1'Iovltilo K.astlf I'lato All worl. warr mttd as represented. Olllce , ihiniili'ioor , I'axtoa Iliojt Telrpliona lOsj. ICtUaiJ Fan in S i. Take Elevato.'or Sti'rwjy fro u 13th ttreot entrance. NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To the oivner of lots anl land frontlnzupon street improvement districts numbered and descrloed us follows : No. 4sa Center sticct from 10th street to llth street. No. 4sT Alley M block .11 , city , from 17th f treet to 1Mb street. No. 4 fl Alley In block 11C , from 17th street to Ibth street. Xo. 49i ITthslieet Irom Jaek'On street to Le ivennortli street. Xo 4U1 A1 ey In block IflJ'J. clt- , from Ifith to 17tb btroet , in tbe my of Omaha , and sub ject to iissesament for iho pa\lns ur rcpavia ; of tbo same. Vou are hereby notlfioJ In nursuanco of or- dln-iuces Xos. WJ ? . : I3Jti"t. : " . ; i is and : mo. re- speetlvely. pa'sed nnd approved October Kith. ls'.f- ' . to select and determine npoa the lln l of to be used In pivln said Improve ment ct on or ( efore tbo 10th day of Xo- vemfocr. if'ri or the city council will deter mine saldmaterial. Dated at Omaha , this llth day of October , Ifc'Ji. I'V. . HIUKUArsElt , Chairman of tbo Hoard of I'utiliu Works. OW-14-1. . . Sim & Sannlers-j orney\uallWape-Vnd ? fpdenl courts. Roe us .J. 4 and 5 shusat llenro bloc , Council IJlulTs. l.u PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. Scaled proposals will be received by the un- dersizneil until : : ) o'clock ) > . m , Dctuber : ili. l i for curb'ns with white Color ido aandstonu and Horn i s.indstono , uecorJliii to spo iHcatlons , the follouln ; f-tn-et iruprovo- menl distr'ets ' : Xa 4sj-l'iclSe street from 'Hnd street to the alley oeetueeti 3inA and UJnl street. Xa 490 Center street from 1-th btrect to llth street. No. 4' J 17th stteet from Jackson street to Leavenworth street. In tbe rlty of iitnuha. Each bid to specify a pr co per llneai fo&t for tuu cur ol 112 complete on thu streets. Work to Lc done In acconlineo plans nnd bi)0'-lflcitions : on tiio In the ofllcu of the Hoard of 1'ublic WorUs. Proposal to bo made on printed blanks fur nished by tbo l < ounl nnd tbeso accumpan'cd ' with a cerlltied check of jr.Jt ) payab'c in tbe city of Omahn a an evidence of goo.l failb The board reserves thu rubt to rejeet aiiy or nil bids and to waive defects I' W UI UK H.XT-Kit. Cliairman Hoard of I'ubllcVorks. . Omaha , Uctotwr Ktli , Is/J. Twin/City Steam Dye Works U A. SCHOnDSACIC , PROPRIETOR. DYEING , CLEANING AND BEPINISHING OP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omaha Odlce , Iu21 Farnam St ; Telephone 1521. Council Bluffs Ofti < * e and Work ' Cor. Ave. A nnd iWth St. ; Telephone 310. Send ( or circulars und price att. OWLINGSUCCESS. 9 S'P ' REPUTATION AND SUCCESS TO ITS OWN /CEBITS. IT IS PURE , UNADULTERATED.AND FOR RAPID CLEANSING POWER HAS NOEQUAL. IT IS INVALUABLE IN I\ITCHEN & LAUNDRY. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. CHICAGO. S. W. PAN6LE , 1. D , The Gofr ] Samaritan. 20 Years' Eiptrknte. 11SADEK OF mSEASKS OP MEN AND WOMEN. rnOPUlETOU OF THE \VOUL1VS lir.IUlAL , IIISI'KN- SAllTt Or f treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head Th-oat. and I/sccs ! Wi cascsof the Eyea'iu / r Pits a ad A poplex } , lloart Disease , Liver complaint , l.ldnev Ccmpl&lnt , Narvous Dobihty , Mental Depres sion , Less of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Diabetes. Bright s I > l cose , St Vina * l > ance KheumaUsm , Paralysis.hite Swelling , Bcrofu a rcvcr Sores , Cancers , Tumors nnd Fiftula in ano removed without the knife or drawine : a- drop of blood. Women with her de "ate orpi na re- Etorcd to health. Dropsy cured \u.bout tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to SSOO forfe" f"r a ° T Venereal Dis ease I cuiriot cure without mercury. Tape Worta < removed in twA or three hours , or ca pay. U ujoiTliiii Is i.r . P.ics ci nd. THO'K V.'IIO ARK AFH.TCTED Will save life and hcadroda of dollars by callisj ; on or usiii ? OR. G. W. PAXGLt S HERBSL REDICINES. The only Physician tvho cnn tell tvhnt alls ri person without asking a question. A1J correspondence strictlv confidential. Sledlcias sent Ijy cxpriss. Address a.i letters to e 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL FOR rAVIXG. To the owners of lots nnd land frnntln : noon street itiiro\ciucnt district No. 4-i. compris ing I'licirlc street from U.ndtreot to the between-2nd and : urI btreets , in the city of Uinilia , nnd snliject to n > "E-incnt for the pnylns or niHendaniizlns of the ' aiic. Vou mo licri'hv LOtlOoi , In pursunnci ? of ordinance No. ICKH , pasvod anil approved tlio Idth d.'iy of October. liii VD cloct and dtcr- mlne upon the kind of material to bo used in pa lni or macadamizing ald lii.urovemcnt i dlstrift ori or before the 10th day of Xo\era- I her. 192. or tno city council will determine ' said niaturi'il. I D.tted at Omaha , this 11th dny of October. l&ir.1. I'V. . IIIKKIIAI' KIL Chairnian of the Hoard of 1'ubl \Sorl > . O1J-U-15. NOTICE OF ASSESS.MEXrOP DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots , p irts of lots an'l real eitiile alon ; nllcy in bio-k 1. Koiint7e's fourth addition , from luilitnllth street : Vou nro hereby notified tint thu tin lor- Klttned. thrco di inti're = teJ frechold r of tbo city of Omaha , bare baen duly anpoir.ted by the mayor. Kith the approval of llieeky coun cil of Mild citv. to JSMJSS Ibo d.iinie ; to the owner ? respectively of the property HflVeted bv zradlnz of feald alloy , dcclan-d noce arv by ordinance . o. UV-ii , u i 'p t October 1st. l-'rt ' : approved October * tb. Ibc.1 Vou uro further notillc.l tlrit havln : & ? - couterl stld nppointmt-ru , .m.l duly on iliUo I as recjUlied liy law. wo will on the ' 'Jih day of October. A. I ) . IbJ" . nt the ho ir of 1U : 0 o'c oeU In iho fore-noon , nt the ollkc of Minvpr \ . O'Uonohoe. 14 id Tarn mi street , wltliln the corporate limits of bUd ollv. tuct't for the pur- l.o > ! of con lderin ? mid niiuinzthc .iiM-si- nient of damaze to the owners respectIvcly of s.ild property affected b' said pradinz. tik- Itis Into ron Moratlon SDCCI il beaetlts. U tiny. Vou are nolldc-d to bo present at the time nnd nlaee : tfcire ad ! and make any objections to or s.tirnicnts concerninz said assessment of dumacs as you mav consider pronor. \V O. PHUIVF.i : . OF.OIMiK I. I'AIJU T. II MrrrU.Ul'H. C rnmlltocof Appraisers Omaha , Ni'U. October 8th. Ib/J Olonl'J1 Omalia Mwlicil and INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY p'SS ' FOR THE SM'TREATMENT -OF ALL- licitf4CllliiciaojTitin vil rj nilioi f ir .I'Miir treitnienl oieverfurra uf 4i' > 43 reii.r- mj iu ili < nl "f ar.'ical IreitnsiL fj U'Jt lurjiaiK'nti. D .in a > i I nti * 11 > n.illjit at cnjiu dauon. tn li < * vrevt. \ \ nio fur circular * 113 df irmlUfi uq l bri'ei tra - cv ciableel. t-irfaiareiKf loj | ul . . tjinors run- rer catirru. broiouu. . H-itlnUua. eiac.rlcltr. pi- u'f ' ti.eruitfp < T. ai In % ] r. uJaUir. t.e , ear. itta Mtil tl'tcil an Jftii * urjn at < vurjUu.ii TUQPi P ? fl ? WiVttPV A " " 'KCIALTV. UlOUaOu'J Ul IIU.UrJii IJ'U ' * 01 Diteitii if Women MIKB. tVubtrelaulr nl le I a lna-n < l ) imrtmrDt for Wunii.n uurtnj c Jiaiiameat , tri -iti I'rtate. ' Dnlj Kelw'jlo Mjllc l lul tuto initial a rut PHIVATR DISKASBS el hoaie br c'rf ' * JJ"'I . ; : < e. All cjairauutoiil in llolii. , > jr rattra u at wut b/m ll at nir. i. fn arellaciol. . n uiirii ta Iniltjto tji- ifotkur nJ . ' uue i > cr > u ml ln ri-jo i > r terrjl. ta'lanil ii'i Qit t < ur wiij lil. rjr of year ca s , ail we irnlill in plavj H rjnuer , oar BOOK TOr / rV / , HtKi L"p" ' 'rtri'3 - | . Na or Neri04i 1)1.31,54 ) lmK | > t acjr.E7pmili , Gleet , itj qjji tK'UlUt lirn , Appliiuoai fnr Dafurailuei anl Truuei ur.lf oiinu factor/ tne wei : li DEKOHM1TY. AI'I'MANTK , TIU'iiKs. ELE r 1UC UATlEIUEs ANU HF.LTs. Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute 26th and Broadway , Council Bluffi Ten mlntuei rldt fro-n center of O niUl oa Oaiii i. J toucu Uiu2 < laanf ii ai. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want alvorlMa iint < .vip In n lowspiper arc often th" mo t Interesting i.irt of Iti contents. Th-y e\pro > the urgent iccds. the dally wl ho of the people who \aiit \ < o-iethln ? and whu arc wll.ln : to do. oinethln ; . EMPLOY KENT. l\TANTKI > A thoroiiililv CT upctcnt clrl ; ' i must J > icood cook , lit'iuire of Mrs W. \ . Maurcr. Ml orond IIMMIIU- . ' J 11(1. ( wantoJ at ItaCilcr axenuij. Wood turner nnd band sawyer at Hucen's plan nc ml l. Mi'.i'iyorx. . HOUSES AND ' 'i.ND. luK"Nllrriollx CO. are i" always ri'inlr an.1 f er nlillns to show in.perty ; rUsxiwjys on li ind Uo and sca .hem F. . \IIM and city loins. Money loincJ on. anvl cr.iln Ueil estate for silo. [ iwellln ' and business rentals. Money loaned for loc il Investors. Lou eo & Ton le. ili 1'earl trcet. Ifi'U SALE Desirable rssldonca property * on I'.irk ave. Modern Imuruvcments. 11 rooms , one block from motor : u b.iraaln If laker at once ; easy payments or trade li. 11. -heufe. IT vou want to rent a house seeCfrccnshleids , N icho'.son & fa p iinr.xsmnus. MCHOLON .1 co. hdvo V THO , largest list of proncrty of any firm in. tbe city FOR PALE Choicest farm In I'nttnwatta- nieCo. . 413 acres , veil loc ited an ! 1m- - 1'rk-eJl.ian acre. II U irlieafo. J 1 YOU liivo inytblc ; for silc or trade see- - - 11 II. Snoife. llro il-.v.iv and M na stront. FOR ? A1.E On " .T 1 piyi.ents. fruit an ! ( rardcn Ian I ne r Council lll.iffi C. II. fcLeafe. llroadwiy , ml Main straot. II" VOl' want to hotr -.uUiIn : new record * Ins real estate co Urecasholds , Nlcholsoa tV < . > . \\7AXTni ) Nc * raska 1 ml in exchange for ' I peed work bor-es. I- II 5-he.ife. rjRF.EXbllEI.Ds. XICHOLEON & CO. bavo VJ many l-iriilns : In Improved an.l vicant property wu ch they would bo ploasoa ta show you. \\r A. WOOD * C ) . have some of the finest ' .farms In southwestern Iowa for bale. " Call and % cu us. KM M-iin street. IT vou h ivo a liouso to n-nt eo Cireenahleldu , Xlchu.sou t Co. AI1AHGAIX. Ii-acrc fruit and KardCn tract 2'j miles from poitoflicc.'i's acres in n rapes. 'i at-rtt In blaekberries. 'JjJ apple trees 75 plum trot-s. : ii c-licrry trees , dwo line , stable , ct" . 1'rlccHOOi. Xo trade. E. H. Eheafu. TK VOU wMit to buy a lot 5.20 tiresnbhleldj , J-NlchouIson it Co. mil MONTH rents u coed S-room Pdwelllnzon A\cC nearl'llli st. E. H. Sheaf c. II" you want to buy a nouso see Grccu&hleldg , Nicholson A Co. _ 16J aero improved farm In Mills county. la- . K2i Til per acre : : ilsr > l t at Jji ; fc/i acres Im proved In I'ottawattamlo county , ill ; snaps. Johns-ton .t Vim 1'attun. rjnrEXPiiin.Ds. NICIIOLSOX & co. ni- > * w lys ha e snaps on b ind Tor conscrvutirn lnve tors. DON'T l' y pmnerty till you have seen IJreenshlelds. XlehoKnn A. Co. rKE'lIELDS. X1CHOI.S.OX Jt CO real and agents. 0:1 Hway . 0. Illuirs. LlTyoiirpr.-in"rty nun who rustle to jell It. u Greeinhields. Nicholson & Co. /-JRKr.N-HnM ) ? . NICiOL : OX&C J. rothe VJ leading reil tst.ito de ilora of f'ouncll Hlulfs. j-yethem when you want anythln ; . DoX'T forse * . th tt Urccn-.lroid * & Nlehol- -on arorlsi-t in the mulillo of the rlnit : lursest list of property of any dealer In the city. /1OME and take one of Oropiishleldh. Nlchol- v son s rl.s and taKC a ride over the city : It costs you nothing. 11'von want to buy land see Ureenslilekla , Mcholsno & . C'o. FOH Itr.N 1' T rooms on Tlrst Ave. , JM. E. H. t-heufe. OC03 acres o' choice pine lands for sale , ne4r 1'urvU. MUs. jasy ; terms. In- nulreof Mrs. H G. Ilrooks. or A. T. Jtlce , 1M 4Hi slrr-ei. MISCELLANEOU8. _ JAUI1AGE removed , cesspools , viult-i and * chlinnuya cluuned. E. I ) , llnrkc. Oily Illdg. FOR SALE 1'urnll lire. ( Ixturcj and lease of the largest un < i lineal hotel In southern rsebtusmi. All modern Improvements , el - Cant fiirnltura. Xut proliti JI003W pur un- nurn ; building newly bu'lt : no compjlltlon. I'r coji.noj.ohalf ca > h. E. H. sheafe. Council Iu , f7lORSAf < E Cr.'Hinery outat. comprising 30- -L ti p uol er. 13-h p. online. 'J KB l.avello sep iratori , ' , ' creum v.its , .uoiraiions uacli ; ash chlirn.'IJJea'lons ; power butter worxer. bemtu scales wnlzht oin. water tinlj and otlmr fixture * . . Will sell cheap for cash or trade forl-m t. E. II. nhc ife. i pll SA l.EA zood miiub cow. I'riee Waoi \\uit.-itu piy : fors.amo In carpenter work. Kuonnrd Ktorvtt. ir oRsAUE A couJ pony : wolclii about b l ipncind& , fnr W.w.VI I tnko piy for same In carpenter work. I < eon .rl Kvi-ictt. S-AI.n A LM'titlo hriiMi and phaeton" W. A. \ \ oed & Co , . ' . .M Main htrt-el , FOR SALE-IIardwar- ln Iowa nnd Nebraska , lovolojb , KJ.UUJ to J'i.WJ. ' E. U. rhenfo. TT'.XCIIANOE Two marf and two colts for -I- * u coed lot In Council Hiuff * . 1H. . t-beafe. IJ"OH EAljE I'amlly her e. nnw phaeton , harnem. etc. U. Gregory. 12J Main tt. POINTER rt'l1 strnyrdi hlnek and tan J hend ; name Game" Return to 11 Pearl st. and cet reward. FOR SALE-At Imr-aln. Itacliont Home hasp burner. E. M. Hunker , ai llluff at. DANCING SCHOOL. _ _ MONDAYS In II. A. parlors children. 4 p in. ; aduitt.TMlp mocla'.s bccood and fnurtli Mondays , S ij. m. Jlusli ; furnished par- tic. und cluba Addri * * ul 1C A , I'unors , Council lllulfi. or IbU Fiirnam St. . Omaha. W. * - Chambers , Instructor. W .C. ESTEP , Funeral Dlrecior , Embalmer 114 Main Street , Coudcll Bluffs.