Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    t m j
Thotttand ? of Eeekors Watch
Some Very Pretty Raws.
lighter IJUnppiilnlcU In Sot Mcctlnc
111 * ii ul Silver Oily Opriw In Hunt nnd
WliiU ImlrpomliMico Stopped hy
DnrkiiPM Other hpiirtn.
Monnis TAHK HACP. TKACK , N. Y. , Oct. 12.
-A holiday crowd ot Ifi.OOO turf lovers
made this n memorable day's racing. The
bolting stands were packed. Beautiful
weather nnd a fast truck wore the f.ivorablo
features. The expected mooting between.
Lamplighter and Montana did not take
placo. The former started for tbo llrst race
t I to 10 , b-tt only won after a tusjlo with
St. Follx , the 10 to 1 second choice. Fairy
shouldered 1I7 ! pounds and won the second
race at llvo turloties In galloping stylo. She
was llrst choice at 5 to ! ) .
Ynmon was the host of thoio tn the third
race , anil after being rondo an oven money
favorite , won In easy stylo.
Garrison was glvon Iho mount on Iho Annti
F colt nnd the talent made the comblnntlor
nn even money fnvorllo for the Uunmon
Btaito.s. The colt won , but only of tor a dps
pcrato strugglo.
Banquet nt 8 to fi gave Montana a bac
ttoallng for Iho Manhatt'nn handicap , the gold
Ang pulling tin 125 pojnds and running tin
mlle nnd quarter in2:0"f. : } Klldeer took second
end plnco from Montnnii bv two lengths
Marshal , Doggctt up , was a 4 So 5 fnvorko fo
the last race , but MeCafTcrty put Ilellt 01
Lady Mary nnd enough money lo make ho
Mccond cho'lco at 8 to fi. She made all th
Vunnlnir and won by n head In an oxcitlm
Bnlsh with Marshall nud was not bid uj :
( Summaries :
Klrstrnco. one mile : I.nmnllshter (1 ( toll
Won , St. I'ollv (1(1 ( ( lo I ) second. Versatile. . (10 (
to I ) third. Time : t:40'i.
Second race , llvo turliniKs : 1'alry (5 ( to 2) ) vror
Chesiptiko ! : < . " > to I ) bucond , Correction ( Utul
third. Time : MM.
Third r.ire. llvo fiirlnncs- \ omen ( even ) wor
J.l7.olti : | S lei 1) ) sucoud , liycoum fl to 1) ) thlnl
Tlmo : f.8 l.
I'ourth men. Iho Duiuiioro staUrs , six fin
loims : Aniilnl- ' colt ( even ) won. Wcirmsor ( I
to 1) second. KlUslminuns (12 to I ) third. Time
'Fifth rnce , tlio Manhaltaii handicap , mil
nnd iiiiartur | : llnncuot ) ( H ton > won. Klldnori
to It second , Moniana 18 to 5) ) third. 'I'ltnc
" " ' '
"s'lx'th race , six furlongs : Lady Mary (8 ( to !
won. Marshall (4 ( lo r > ) second. Miss 1'lslier rjj t
1) ) third. Time : ll2Vi.
sit.vitt : CITY'S aiuirriNO.
IIlRli Wind mul HiKivy Track Intorfcr
with the Snort.
Sil.vr.ii OITV HACK Counsi : , la. , Oct. 1 !
[ Special 'lolcBram to Tun BEI : . I The fln
day's racmp found the weather clear and th
wind blowing a galo. The track was dust
and slow. There was an attendance of 1,001
J. G. Par&low of Shonandouh. la. , ofllctuU
At the pong. Summaries :
2:4.1 class , paclnir. pursoSiOO :
Monkey Wnndur , s. s. , Diinfoo 1 1 1 2
Unity Wonder , h. in. . Wilson U 'J 1 2
Time : SSI : . snutf. 'J9 : : ! ! { . yar. ;
Yearling cluss. $100 , half mlle :
Illiick ( Jnelph , s. R. , CiuninliiK 5
Klntrflfllior , h. n "
Will I ) . 1) ) . K. . Wsiro 3
/Jnscol Mnlil , h. m. , Oalia 4
OroHtonhin. h. s 1
Tlmo : 1:48.1:40. :
; iun : troltliiK. purse PM :
-Star Moilnini. li. in ! i 4 ; i
Ulack Nollk- . m , . . . . 1 2 1
J nuns , 1)1 It. H 4 4
Harry 1'nnnlnston , br , 9 2 1 2
Donhtful , hit. K 7 7 0 s a : i r
atarKclsall. lilk. a' - C 8 7
Tlmo : 2i7. : : L'i4. : : Silli.-'UU , 2M. :
2:3Ti : trotthi ! ; , purdoS'Oo :
OhostnntVilko3. . I ) , in 4 4 4
Tiilu. b. in II 1 1
Cnthnrlno. li. in 1 2 2
Daisy I1 , on. M 2 3 y
Tlmo : 2iU4 : ! , 'JillGJi , 2i : : : , 2i3Si. : :
HunnicR lialf-inllo dash postponed on a
Stuppnil f > y Ilurl < nra8.
ic , la. , Oct. 12. But ono <
the three races on today's card was llnlshc
when darkness came on. Kthol B took tl
2 : ! 50 pace attor an exciting raco. The ovei
. of the day's sport , hoivovor , wai the 2 :
trot , with nlnoloon starters , Albion , Ma :
Leech and Diutnanl , having two boats
tboir credit , when the race was poslpom
until tomorrow. The other race was tor
year-olds , that had never before started in
race , and was also carried over aftorSorco
ess and Buulah bad n heat uach. Summar
2i1 : : pace , purse $ .100 : Kthul It won. KU
Tlonsoii second , Don I'avno third , Mosuc
fourth. Coorio Uowcr liflh. Tlmo : 2 ; :
( iooil < iolng ut IMyitlic.
BOSTON. Mass. , Oct. 12. Another ft
sized crowd went to Mystla park this aft <
aooii and saw two good rncos , only ono
which was llnlshcd. Al Candor , tbo favi
ilo , won the 2:2 : ! ) race , but Baby , the favi
Uo in the 2:28 class race , only succeeded
celling the lust of the flvo heats troll
when the race went over until tomorrow
Summaries ;
Class2:23 , trolling , uurso $ WO : Al O.-xncl
won. Mllford suc-ond. Twai : third , llnldn
fourth. Diinnetto llfth , Time : -:2.l : % , 2 :
2:22lj : , 2i22 i , 2:2 : li. !
Ulnhs2h. : trittlic. ( purse SM ) ( iinflnlsho <
Iloti-hot HOII two hcuts. Kdillu Wllkus , 11 !
nnd llubv ono each. Tlmo : 2:2'JH. 2:21 :
I'llllslllIH III \lllglOtl ! ,
LEXINOTOX , ICy. , Oct. 12. Auothor f
and beautiful day orouuht out about 7 , (
people to witness the sport at the Kcntuc
Trotting Ilorso llreedors association tru
today. Tlio track was In excellent condltl
and the tlmo was fust. Summary :
Klrst race. 2:3' : ) pac-o. purse W.OOJ : Send
won. .Major second , Ambro > lul llilnl , MUse
Lu s fourth , Tlmo : 2HS , 2IH'i : , Slii , 2tu14. :
t'oconil r.ito. fn-o-for-all irottiii' . ' , iHirsu.f. ' , (
llylund won. Knnlno 8iH < nml , Uurltoii till
Jnvk fourth. Muttlo U lltlli. Time : 2K :
8:1215 : , i1 : ii5f.ii KIM , at 13.
Third raje , 2i-i : ; class , trotilnir. pnrso 3
( iinllnUbedi : 1'rlnce llerjchol won two ho
and 1'ourl Ucllruxor ono. Tlmo : 2:2.J. : 2
LouUvllIn IVIiiH TIVII , hut Only CouiitH <
tit Tlll'lll ,
ST. L.otim , Mo. , Oct. 12. The Loulsvi ;
wou two games from St. UouU today ,
only ono ot thorn , the llrst , counts In
championship raco. The ilruwns wore
every way outplayed , nnd the loss ot
came was supplemented Uy their loss of
grout catcher , Dick Buckley , whoso rl
forearm was broken In a collUlou at
plato with Brawn. A fturgcon , who h
poncd to bo present , examined his tirtn i
iironounced It broken in two plai
Weather clear , Attendance . Score
St. I.onU 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 i c
LouUvlllu. . . 0 0 U U 3 1 U 1 ; i
lilts : BU I.ouls , fl : I.onUvllle. 7. Krn
St , I.uuU , li : I.ointivllle. 2. Ivirncnl runs :
I.onlH. 1 ; l.onlsvlllc. I. llatti'rlos : 11 UK
UucUloy und UrUvs ; Sand era and -Merrltt ,
Vi-ry Ivvuli'iitly.
' HEW Youic , Oct. 12.-Tho Giants were
in a plujlni : humor today and they closed
season ut the Polo grounds with a def
Attendance , 5S7 , Score :
Now York. . . 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 1 (
UiUllmoro 3 U 1 0 0 4 2 0 <
lilts : Now York , 7 : linltimoro , 13. Err
Now Vurk , 7 ; llaltlinoro , - Kurnod n
N'ow York , 1 ; llulllmoro , I , llattorlt-a ; li
4ud lluylu ; VlcUery nml ltobln > ou.
hvuutor * Unit Kuilly ,
Pmi.Aiim.riiM , Pa. , Out. 12. The Phil
pi By oil all around the Washington * ten
Weather cool ; attendance SOT. Score :
Waihlnxton 0
I'hlluclolplilu. . . , 1 I U II U 0 0 .
lilts : Washington , lit Phlladolphla , 12.
com : Wmlilnzton , 4s rblliidiilpliliu U. Kui
runn : WnBhliuton. 2 : l'hlnilulphli | : , a I
( rlcn luka and Mcuulrot U nuy and Ol
ml * .
Splilrr * Iloii't Xitvd It ,
PirrsnuKO , Pa. , Oct. 12. The Cloveli
fsllod to appear to-day when pluy was cal
nnd Umpln O.iftney care tbo c.amo to Pitts-
bur if , 9 to 0.
StamllnRnt thoTenmi ,
v. r , . p.c. vr. f r.r.
rioTclnntl 1151 C8.9 Chlcauo ST SH W.7
Notion. . . . . . . . .472(1 r. | 4 Clnctnnntl..8'f S3 4A.R
I'liUhurii 41 III fii.l l/onlnrlllB . . . . . . .11 ( I ) IS.3
llrooklrn Oil &V6 Ilnltlmore Z"l 41 S7.1
Now York 41 05 M.H St. l ) iiu. . ! i 51 1.3
rhlifidolphla..n > OT SJ.O Waslilniton. . . . ! ! 49 19.8
Si'AllKS 01' SPOUT.
Oront Pnrorn Agiilnst Cyclists.
CntCAdo , III. , Oct. 1'J. Arr.inffomonts nro
now pending with the owners of Mascott nnd
Joy Kyo See , by which ono or both pacers
will bo brought to Washington pu-k next
week to go iwnuiRtsomo of the \vhoclmcn.
Homo of tha b t riders In the coun'.ry will
bo bore.
Dnrls Held to Court.
MRMPIII ? , Tonn. , Oct. IS. Jack Davis ,
whoso blow killed Dick Nolan In tbo hall ot
the Amateur Athlete club , nnd tbo seconds
anil assistants on both sides were toJiy
bound over to the criminal court in the sum
of $ J,003 each. _ _
Contimieil ( lotul Showlnc ol tlio MurkoU ol
the Mngln City.
The showing at the South Omaha market
continues good , nnd the favorable conditions
will not change soon. The receipts of stock
since thu 1st day of January foot tin
553,011 cattle , 1.2S3.S51 hogs , HU.IJ'J' ' ! shooii
nnd 10-Hl-J horses nud mules The figures
show n gain over the corresponding psriod ol
last year of IIT.J''O cattle , ISr.SsJ hogs ,
10,010 sheep and -1,125 horses and mines.
Tuo increased receipts show , an actual
growth ot the market , the now terri
tory Invaded nnd the favorable trial ship
men Is made by many who have boon patrons
of other stoclt editors. Thov rcallzo the
superiority of the South Omaha markel
slnco making their trial shipments and arc
now sending tholr stuff this way.
The market continues strong , the tlcmaur
Is good and Ibo prlcos sleady and sntisfac
tory. Onu rear ago top western cattle sok
at ( SUS and top cows at $ 'J.50. Yostoriluj
top westerns brought M.'JO and top cows
As predicted In n rcccntartlclo in Tin : But
the hog mnrkot continues coed and his hog
shlt > ot ? , * > fume continues to bo klnc. Onoyeai
ago yosterJay the sales of bogs were wlthli
the range of from $ -l.n.i to $4.07Jtf , with tin
bulk at from M.10 tofl.W ) . Yesterday iiog !
sold within the range of from $5.05 to $5.13
the biilk sellina at from $5.25 to $5.95,0
nourly SI higher than prices ot ono yuar ago
The Indications Btill point to tbo market no
dropping below f5 before the first or mlddl
of November.
Aiintliitr lU'pnlillciin Itnlly.
Arrangements huvo boon porfootod for tin
boidlng of a republican rally In Soutl
Omaha ono weik from toniehc. The rally i
given under the nusplccs of the county central
tral eommitice , ntul u number of nblo speak
crs will tie present. .
Tno Young Men's Republican r.lub wll
moot this evening at Knights of Pvthias hall
to transact regular business. All member
nro urged to attend and n cordial invitatio
Is extended to all republicans In the city t
bo present.
II75.I TlllHi 'vttltKVAS IS.
Itnlim anil Colilur I'ronilKCil fur Today I
the Nntchhurliiiml "I Oiniilm.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 12. For N't
braska Threatening weather and rnin
winds shifting to north ; much cooler I
eastern poi tlons.
For Iowa Increasing cloudiness and rain
cooler , southeast winds and shifting to th
For North Dakota Generally fair ; wind
shifting to tlio wnst and slightly warmer.
For South Dakoin Ituin , followed b
clearing weather ; north winds ; much coolo
In eastern portions.
Local iCcciirtl.
Oct. 13. Omaha record of temperature an
rainfall compared with corresponding day c
past-four ypars :
1R02. 1P01. 1POO. 188
Maximum toinpcratnro. . . . 76 ° 04 = 70 = 70' '
Minimum tompcr.ituro. . . . 01 ° M ° f > Sa 50' '
Averaiii ) tomporatiiro . < W = 573 07 = OV
Precipitation . 00 .01 .01 T
Statement showing the condltlonDf ten
peraturo and precipitation nt Omaha for th
day and slnco March 1 , IS'Ji , as compare
with tbo general average :
Normal temperature . W
Kxresa for the day . J2
Deficiency slneo March t . ISli
Normal precipitation . on Inc
l > ollolonc'y for tbo duv . OJInc
Dollulcncy slnco .March 1 . 2.70 Incbt
( i. .13. LiAWtos , Observer.
Kiicoitragin ; ; liu-rensc In Ilio 'Movement <
Ilo s In iliaVcst. .
CIXCISXATI , O. , Oct. 12.fSpocial Telogra :
to TIIK nun. ) Tomorrow's Pnco Currei
will say : There is some enlargement in tl
marketing of hoqs , but tbo movement fal
short of the corresponding week last yea
Packers handled 205f > 00 hogs in the wes
against 170,000 last week and 220,000 la
your , making 7 , KJ5.000 since March 1 , again
GSXUUO ( ) lasi your. Prominent places opo
ntlng compare ns follows :
Whim Nuturo
Needs assistance It may bo host to render
promptly , but ono should romemner to u
even Iho most pcrlcct remedies only win
needed. The best nnd most.slmplo and go
tlo rtimody is thu Syrup of Fiss , manufai
tirtd by the California 1-lg Syrup Co.
XKim OtrKSTJiltlt.IV. .
Tbu MIsiUslppI Valley Jleilical assnulatti
has bouan fix iiniiiuil mcollni ; at L'liiulium
O. Dr. O , A. It. Kohl bus boon rho > on pros
l.otils Marx ot tbo firm of Marx llros , clot
luis of MuKursport , I'a. , shot nml liiHtiuit
Killed hlnibolf. Klnanclal troiihlns mo HU
uuscd to liiivn beuu tlio uuuao of the snlolilu
( ' . \VobsUir , n ilriiiii'nur for n I'hlladi
phlu llrm. cotnmlttod Hiiloldu nt Hunt's hot
( Jinolnnall. O. , by taking poison. Lossui
tbu Ijiitonla ruoc Indloite : a cuuso ( or I
At IjUtHln1. , Mich. , at n spculal mcutlni !
the fctato llour.l of llonltb , It wn Uoulded
contlnnii tiio iiiiaranltnu ronuhitlons now
forcu and apply them In all Immigrants enti
Ing Michigan.
At San l-'r.inoheo the Unltod States snrv
Hloamiir Ilasslur Inn arrlvi'tl from Port Tow
send , A uurty ofsclBiilhls urn on the llni
lor whn havii been oiiKusud thu paal siimni
In biirvoylni ! Iho boundary between Alas
uud llritlsli Columbia.
Miss Janet .lunuitry , dair htnrot tlio Into
.Taniinry of St. l.onls. Mo. , and Mr. llnwn
Klllolt , gcnt'ial ( rcUlit nscntof the llurlln
ton systuni , h ivo \ > vun nnlteil in mairli-'o :
St. l.onls. ( int'st * wore present in nuinlit
from all nails ot the country , ainonj tin
President l'orKlni > at the llurlliiKton , iinuto
Kniperor William of Gormuny Is receivliu
cordial woleomu ut Vienna.
There were fourteen now cases of olioU
and two ditnths friiiu tlio disease iitHt. 1'ute
bni Tuobilay.
A I'iirU naw4tiior | : | prints u sensational i
count of un attuniplcd ustustlnntlon ot
t-/ap ot Itiissln , The story , however , is i
nounced as absolntoly uutruo.
Thuolllclal cholera returns for Hambi
put Hie unmhor of now uasus nt nineteen n
deaths at two. In Altuna onu ninv case \
repotted. There were no uuath * .
DaWUt's Sii-sap'-irtlu aonroys suoa i
sons aascMfula , skin dlsiiasoi , ue-soui rh
mutlstn. Its ilmclr usonav-ji manUvJi. .
Mount Vofiion Pure Virtrlnhv Rvo.-
bojr to call thu tUtuiitlun of the public
the ubovo jiopulur brand ol uuro rye wll
ky nnd ruri)0ctfullyuakiicompiri | : on w
ntiy ollior brand of pure rye otTorod
this uuiukot , It is far supurior to i
ether whisky and I guarautoo its til
lute excellence In lluvor aa well as
purity and Its wholosoino olfoots. 1
public is iuvitod to call und try it. Hi
ry HlUof , 010 N. Hltu St. , family w
and liquor houso. Ksmond hotel bloi-li
Further Investigation of tbo Lincoln
Asylum Management ,
Details of the . \lnnnor \ In Which ItccT Wns
rnrclii : ril for the liinllttitlon
Voiichnrs Slgncit In Ithink nn
f ovcrat Occasions.
Ltxcotx , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tclo-
gram to THE 13ii : : . 1 Thn Investigation of tbo
charges made by B. U. Howlck ag.ilnst tbo
management of the hospital for the Insane ,
near this city , wa roaumod before tbo
Hoard ot Public Lands and Uulld-
Ings this afternoon. The mem
ber * present were Commissioner Hum
phrey , Secretary Allen nml Treasurer
Hill. Attorney Ootioral Hastings was
absent. There was also a gononil attendance -
anco of the witnesses who had boon sum *
mound but it was noticed that Iho much
wanted farm boss , Vr.uilt Huobard , wus
still absent. In view of the serious charges
made against him , Mr. Hubbard's absoncc
may bo looked upon with suspicion by all
parties who nro anxious to learn the truth ,
In tbo absence of Attorney Hust
ings tbo examination of witnesses was con
ducted bv Commissioner Humphrey.
The llrsl witness was II. A. Smith. He
toslillcd that hu sold to Frnnk Hubbard , the
furm boss , a heifer , for which ho recolvei !
Hubbard's personal check for $ : J. i , slgnlnp
three vouchers In blank. The vouchers won
produced and witnc s uleutlllott his sgna ! <
turo. In ntiaucr to a question from Mr. Uuw
Ick Iho witness testillod that ho rccolvoi
but S'Jo lor ono holfur , nnd not SS'J.IO for twc
hollars , as represented In thovouchors.
Iloxv tlu > Trouble Originated.
Ho had received no warrant , nnd novoi
cortlllud or presented ono to the Blati
treasurer. At this point Mr. Howlek mad <
the staloment that tbo frauds against UK
siato had resulted from this piactlco o
giving personal checks. U. P. Lees bai
also had business relations with I ? ran I
Hubu.ird , thu farm boss. Ho identified hi' '
signature to a voucher that called for twi
beeves for SO.I.STi , and toatlllcd that ho hat
sold but ono cow , for which ho rocolvoi
but S-0. For the past three or fou
yonrs ho had transacted all bis buslncs
with Hubbard. Frank Abbott testified thai
lust July ho .sold a cow to Hubbard for sfiS
Tbo cow belonged to lion Ick , but wltnesi
couldn't swear whether the signature nt
tachod to Iho voucher was made by blmsel
or not. Ho owed Kowlc ; a note for $15'
nnd the latter agreed to remit tlio interos
and not push the collodion provided h
would assist in tbo present oxposuro.
U. W. Kauflmnn , O. A. Southwell , U. Sal
ford , J. C. Haas , F. U. Unas and J. P. Hig
gins were put on the stand. They tcstlllc
to similar transactions , and tl.clr ovldenc
clnarly established the truth of tbo charge
made against Farm Doss Hubbard , all c
which were given In detail in Tim Br.c las
wceir. The investigation will bo resume
tomorrow morning and some interesting nn
sensational developments arc promised.
St. I'uiil'a Hully Was Hot Interfered wit'
by u Ilruvy Kalii bturin.
ST. PAUL , Nob. , Oct. 1'J. ISpeclal Tolc
grain to Tnu DEB. ] The advertised raootin
of Mossrs. Crounso nnd Lansing was ir
tended cs a local affair , but circumstance
made it more. Tbo speakers came through
heavy rain storm to the opera house to mec
a crowd of voters who faced th
same rain storm to meat the guest
Judge Crounso opsncci the mooting with
speech that for honesty and earnostnos
needs no especial mention. Ho made friend
nnd none can deny It. When Mr. Urouns
had forcible and pleasantly expressed hitr
self , Judge Lansing furnished ono c
his characteristic addresses. Mr. Lansing
in his usual style , poured the regular amour
of hot shot into the camp of the foes. Th
reason that the meeting was moro than loc :
is that delegations from St. Libory , Elbi
Danncbrog , Gushing nnd other countr
places were boro. The Dannobrog band fm
nisUed excellent music for the occaslor
Howard county will do her best to got bac
Into lur proper place.
llrooklyn HourliniisMtiku Cliurgcx
the Machine ISnodln u d Treason.
Nnw Youic , Oct. 12. A sensation has hoc
causid in political circles in Brooklyn by th
statement that many momoors of the ccntr
democratic club bcllovo that Iho democrat :
machine is nut loyal to Cleveland an
btovonson and that tbo republican machir
Is only an annex to the democratic Hug.
It is openly charged by some of tbo mar
bors , whoso names , however , nro not give ;
that the $180,000 wbicb was sent into Kiiif
county during the campaign of 1SSS wei
into the pockets of the so-called democrat
It is said that a committee of the cotur
democratic club has been appointed I
impuach tha democratic machine in Broo
lyn and to publish its alleged baseness
pockotintr the money nnd defeating M
Clovolaud iu 1SSS.
Members of tbo regular organization Ituip
ot this and suy the charges "aro founded i
tlctlou ,
CIly'H Jlii ; Itnlly. CITV , NOD. , Oct. 1'J. jSpoci
Telegram to Tun Br.u. ] The llrst rally
the campaign occurred this overling und >
thu uusplcos of Iho republican zouaves , Lie
tenant Governor Majors being the spoako
Ho was escorted to the court house by tl
zouaves , In uniform with torches , about 1
stronu' , headed by the band. At tbo cou
house tno exercises openoj with n sclcctii
by the band. S. W. Collins , president
the Voting Men's Republican club ot LI
coin , was tbo llrst speaker. Ho rnndc i
eloquent plea for protection , honest mom
aim the principles of the republican part
Mr. Majors was then introduced by C. \
Hogo and the applause following I
appearance lusted at least llvo mlnuti
Wbon quiet was restored Mr , Majors enter
into u culm discussion of the Issues of t
day , covering the ground entirely with u
nnswerablo arguments. Ills arraignment
the alliance party caused great npnhuif
His tributes to Harrison , Crounso and Fie
were greeted with great cheering , and
closed with u burst of eloquoneo which st
prised bn most Intimate friends. At the clo
of tbo meeting Mr. Mnjura was escorted
the hotel bv tbo club. Votes were- made I
night for the ontlra ropuDllcau ticket. .
the hotel cliocrj were given for Harrisc
Crounso and Majors , and tbo Inquh
"What's tbo matter with Watson 1" ir
with the hearty response , "He's all vighl
1 liiirntoii'M ConvlncliiK Argument.
McCooic , Neb , , Oct. -Special [ , Te
cram toTjic BBB.I A largo orovvd turn
out to hear Hon. John M. Thurston tl
afternoon despite tbo heavy rain storm. I
speech was ono of his Ktrangast efforts a
curried conviction to his listeners. Ho
tacked the people's party platform , shawl
that by aUoluto government own
ship of railroad , telegraph . and i
L press lines such a horde . „ of fodo
olllcobohieri would bo created win
tenuroof ofllco would bo measured by t
leimth of thu administration then la po\ <
that It would uoimoQjslolo over to got. rid
a bad iidmliiUlrallon. Uo showed that
rlgH govurnmontal control \vus \ bailer th
ovvnordiilp. Ho took up the tariff In dot
and showed that everything't
MoICiutoy Dill Is today sold cheaper tb
ever before In tbo hlstoryof tbo country.
iiiadu tha money question BO plalu c
brought Iho results baforo the laboring n
in such a way as to forever clear nib mine
nil clamor for oboap money , unil appealed
all cllizons to stand up and vole for' 1
Wuluut Hill Jtcpuhllcaiii.
The Walnut Hill Ninth Ward Hepubli
club garo its visitors Tuesdaynlght a rep
llcau toast that was worth going mile
Join tn. Tuo attendance was gocd and tbo
tiru meeting a very ontbutiastioonO. Tbo
of speaker : ) wus the largest that has part
paled in any ot tuo club meetings this >
uud the way in which good republican c
trincs worn expounded would giro n demo
crat another attack o > the horrors. The ball
was opened v/ltn a ratatng half-hour l lK by
Attorneylames A. I'aiSeVs. Ho was followed
by U. } 1. UobinsopXr. O. Urane , Hrnd D.
Slaughter , Henry Lwescy and Jim Kyncr. *
Senator Scovlilo Blt&urorn nttd ( Monol
Holland of Falls City wore proser.t and
frtvotcd the members _ ) vith brief but en-
cournirlni ; nddrossni. [ j
The West Omnhfi'lH < m corps furnished
music for Iho Gcca-doStST
Drrli Nil MiilW'ror llntncr.
I ) \vmCiTT , NOD. , Uot. 12. ISpoolal Tele
gram to TUB nuB.1 Ualncr nnd Dech held
a joint discussion en ho political issues hero
this afternoon. Mr. Dcch made the cunning
speech nnd for an hour tnld tbo pcoplo they
were being robbed by the nets of congress
passed thirty yonrs ago ; that tbo republican
ml ministration hud crippled Iho huslnoss
intf-rcsls of the country , nnd advocated
government ownership ot nil resources of
wealth and the unlimited Issue of Hat luonoy.
Mr. llalnor opened In n speech of an hour
and n quarter completely lu.ocklng the
foundation from under the fnlso Mruuturo
of sophistry which Mr. Dcch had raised ,
ably answering every point touched upon
by him and quoting from Prosldoat Lin
coln's message to congress in direct contra
diction to statements made by Dcch , nnd
leaving the nudlonco to follow too atlvlco of
Lincoln or Dncb.
Dccli for llftccn minutes tried to reply but
could offer no answer to Ilainor's argument.
At the it was generally concluded that
Doch wus no match lor llatnor in dcbato.
tlio Uomorrnts.
GHVXP ISIANII , Neb. , Oct. 12. ( Special
Telegram to Tin : HER. ] On account of the
terrlblo rnlu storm tbo democratic rally was
somewhat dampened. Tlioro was no parade
and though the house was pretty won tilled
there was not near the crowd expected.
Matt Goring llrat addressed the aualonce ,
tolling why ho was a democrat. .T. Sterling
Morton followed with an nttnck on the Me-
Klnloy bill , protection and republicanism ,
Van Wyclc wus ublv described. Sixty ol
the fnlthful from St. Paul were horo. Dur
ing Morton's talk n lively discussion started
between Mr. Oxnard and the speaker , but
Oxnurd was howled duwn.
Sprlngor unit Ills Wool Statistics.
Sl-uisui-lBM ) , 111. , Oct. 12. Hon. W. M ,
iprlnger was recently charged lu on opor
otter by Socrctary North of the National
\ssociation of Wool Manufacturers with the
mlsuso of wool statistics in m ;
diicusslon ot the tariff. Spriugei
"ias written a letter In reply
.0 bo published in the Stuto Hoglstor , show
ng that North's references to the pncos o !
icourcd wool in the United States and Ku-
rope rest only on his own assertion , as then
ire no quoinlionn on scoured wool in thi1
country , and therefore North's statement 1 ;
ot responsive to the controversy.
Itoclstr.ithm Hogim .In Xow Vorlc.
NewYoitic , Oct. -Yostoraay reglstra-
, ! on began in this city. Citizens lo Iho number
bor of OJ.ODO qualified for voting. On tin
iamo day In IbSS the figures were 03,813 ; it
.890 , 00,170. Mr. WhltoUw Hold , the repub
Icon candidate for tbo vlco presidency , rog
stored at 4'Ji Park avenue.
In Brooklyn the nEtiie's of 07,457 citizen :
were registered , bolife 13,7-lli moro than wor
registered in 1SSS , and ! 0,531 moro than li
" 00. \ t
David unit ( iolliilli vto ( ! cr Togntlicr.
Nnw VOIIK , Oct. 12. It Is reported li
democratic circles that Hill and Clovoliini
11 not como together initil they meet nt th
big mooting in Tammany boll ou the 2311
inalant. Mr. Cleveland has boon nslcod t
areslde , but has not ns yet ropllod. Uiuhan
Crokur said today th'iit ijenator Hill wouli
make an address at IJicjnectintr.
lltuh'i Thrcc-Uofiiarvil l'lilit.
SALTliAKI . U. T.gpct-12. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Biu.J-iCU : : ? * Allen wus toda ;
nominated by the liberal convention n
3gden for doteKUtotq 'qonsress. The fich
' _ n. Utah wlllibe a thr'cbCproCred ono * Fran
12annon is tbkoHrcpubiican' iineo antl J. L
Hawlms Is the candidate of tbo dumocrats.
At PlnVto Cohtor , ; 1 *
PJ.A.TTE CRNTER , Nob. , Oct. 12. [ Special t
Tnu BCE.I The indopondcnU hud a rail ,
here Monday night. I. , . McUoynold was th
first speaker , lie Indulged in a number o
assertions peculiar to the alliance , and wu
followed by J. II. Powers along the sam
lino. The mooting was not well attended.
In thn Thirteenth District.
FHEMOXT , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tolc
gram to Tin : Bp.n.J The republican convor
tiou for the Thltteenth senatorial dlstrk
mot In this city this attcrnoon and nominate
Henr ; ' Spriok of Fontauollo for state sona
I.UV.IL IlKKl'lllES.
County Clcrlt Sackettis nt Geneva , atteiu
Ing au annual convention of the Knights o
The Nebraska National bank has file
claims nmountlnfa to$2. > , GSl against the o :
tate of Meyer Hollinan , deceased.
The IJoard of Public Works has grante
the telephone company u permit to la
conduits In Douglas street , from SUtoont
to Twentieth.
Thomas J. Beard has boon appointed spi
clal administrator of tbo estate of Ueorgo I
Board , docaased. The personal propori
schedules ot fO.OlT.
Tbo Omaha Caslcot company has filed artl
clos of incorporation in the oHIco of tb
county clerk. The capital stock of the con
pauy Is tlxod at f 100,000.
The elevator men in the city hall hav
denned their bright now blue uniforms , an
are now uasily distinguished from the men
hers of tlio co'tnmon herd.
A stranger In town reported to the pnllc
last night that ho had been robbed of ? 1' ' , " > t
u colored courtesan down in the bad land
The police promised to look for the feraulo.
The second trial of Henry May , the youn
man accused of stealing from Iliiydcn Bros
Is on in Judeo Davis' court yesterday. A
u former trial at this term of court the Jut
Jn Judge Jrvlno's court judgments as fo
lows worn rendered against tbo dofum
lumber linn of S. It , Howcll & Co. , upon tli
calling of the docket today : B. P. Wni
goner , J5.-1US ; FirH National bankof Oman
The funcial of Cyrus Moad. the youn
Omaha man who committed B'llctdo in Do :
vor recently , took pluoo yesterday from tl
rosldcnco of his parents ut'.Ua ' South Twoi
ty-llfth street. . The Interment was in Foroi
Lawn cemetery.
Jtdgo Berku gave Dillj , Tjckor sixty da ;
on the hill ycsterday/illis llrst llvo on breu
nnd water. Tucker is-ulbad man and Is Dotti
oltlocuodup. Ho proposed to John VYavbrigl
that they rob a saloon , .but Waybrlgbt di
cllncd ami told DoteqUvo Savugo.
Beginning this wooKiuIlav. Dr. Franitll
will bopln u series of.Kr-luay evening lecture
on "Kpochs of Jewish ilUtory. " With spud
reference to the Inllilonco of Judaism c
other religious crcodj.s "History , Its Plui
in Iho Pulpit , " will pB-yio first lecture.
Last night the .v'fiitiier bureau roper
were delayed by the iajm in tbo west ,
siiowcd ut Choyouuo'ryostorduy and olh
points in the northwest ? . ? At Konrnoy near
an inch of water loUj'-Tlir rain storm w
worklntr eastward quit o/rapidly fullowod I
a cold wave. , - -
.A small 11 ro was dBtdvorod in the hallwi
of tbo Unllnd Status itUoual bann bultdii
about 8:30 : o'clock lust-iilclitatid thochomlc
was telophouod for. A smuil hole hau bei
burned In the lloor , whioh ca DO repair
for ? i3. It was though that a pllo of wab
baa been carelessly luft lu tbo hull.
trle.ititig thorn. A number ot ladies fainted.
In Ciisn \cclilent ,
An ambulance was stationed on the northwest -
west corner ot Fiftieth street nnd Fifth ave
nue for Instant service. In i-aso ct an accident.
The corners of llio sldo strcots , ending nt the
park nud Fifty.nlnlh street , were nctuolly
I'onccsted wttti wagon-stands , and they were
nil liberally patronized , although the natrons
saw but llttlo.
It Is estimated that 50,000 men wore In line
today. It took fully six hours to pass n given
The parade was over fifteen miles long.
The troops which led iho column had reached
Fifty-ninth siroot , disbnmlod nnd returned
to the lower part of the city before the last
four divisions of iho parade had started.
After the military paccanl was over , the
crowns directed their stops lo Central park ,
where the Columbus monument was ttn-
vcllod. A salute of twonty-ono guns was
llrod as the monument was uncovered ,
si-riii-s After Dark.
Hardly bad the last strains ot musln died
nwny from the neighborhood of the Colum
bus monument nt the Fifty-ninth street en
trance of Contra ! park than New Vorlc and
her 500.000 or moro vlsllor.s were uijiiin
packed along In a line In order to wittios *
the pigonnt. The scones of the morning , at
tbo sldo strcots ana along the route of parade
on the grand stand , house tops and stoops ,
and In tbo windows ntid bnlconics , wcro re
peated. It socmod as if 5,000,000 Instead of
It , 1)00,0JO ) people had gathered to watch the-
lasi great sight of the three dnys'scries of
ovenls celebrating the discovery of America ,
Tbo parade was ivmaridiblo from thu fact
that It made n wonderful showing of the
uses to which electricity could Uo put to us a
power nnd as a light.
The parade was also remarkable Ironi an
other stMidpolnt nntl tliiu was in demon
strating that hundreds of thousands of
women nnit children , to say nothing of inoii ,
nro able lo end nro twenty hours of alght-
seeing from ono point armed with gooil
lunch basnets nnd yet not admit that they
wcro tirod.
Shortly after 8 o'clock the different bodies
who were to take part In tbo parade had
mustered nt and about the Battery uud the
lower part of Broadway and the police began
to clear the line of march , The way was
cleared nnd Iho crowd walled , but the pro
cession did not appear. The crowd waited
patiently. An Associated Press reporter
hunted up and down the long line irylng to
llnd the cause of the doliiy and at length ho
found it.
Ciimo of the Doluy ,
It was all n matter ot Queen Isabella's
tlghls. "Tho goddess ot liberty has inker
my lights I1'exclaimed Queen Isabella , "ant !
I'm not going lo'Bit with Ferdinand woarlu ?
an Indian squaw's dross. "
This was spoken on lloat No. IB ot the al
logorlcal pageant , as the procession was
being formed , Queen Isabella , who is Alarj
McGinty on other dnys. told the truth
Somebody had taken her costumoand bofon
she could cot a suitable ono , ihoro was :
Queen Isabella was not the only ono It
trouble. Fame nnd Electra had n-i argument
mont over a blonde wig mid the sparks How
Amerlcus Vesnueius blamed poor old inno
cent William Penn for taking his cap. Mr
Penn and Vespucius mndo a search and 1
was discovered that ono of iho Tolloc sut
worshippers was ll'o guilty one. Thi
aquabbles over uniforms had lasted for at
hour , when Mayor Grant sent word that tin
show must co on nt ouco. Now the mayor1 !
message was convoyed to Colonel ( Jarnot
and those in command of Iho lloats wen
told to hustle. They did so , nnd at 9:30 : thi
big show was under way.
The route of Iho parade was up Broadwui
to Fourth , west around Washington squan
to Fifth uvcnuo to Fourteenth street , ti
Fourth avenue to Sevenleenlh , lo Fitlh avenue
nuo lo Fifiy-ulnlh street.
Oucen He-sent ( 'liHstlim Gr.'iuos tlio Pcstlvl
ties The Day to lie Perpetuated.
HUCI.VA , Oct. 12. The queen rozont , whi
came to attend tha Columbus colubratlon
landed from the gunboat Condo Valdorni
which arrived In the harbor yesterday. Shi
and the royal family drove to tbo church
where tlio To Doum was sunp. Immensi
crowds gathered along the route to th
church and gave tbo queen and royul part ;
au enthusiastic reception. The town wa
gaily decorated and all the vessels in th
harbor were docked with buntlnir.
Tbo queen regent held a brilliant ofHcIa
reception at the Hotel Colon. During thi
day she witnessed a splendid cavalcade
striking features of which were cars allegorical
gorical of Industry , agriculture and mining
The ijueon regent has signed decrees , set
ting apart October 1 as n national holiday
making n grunt to the monastery of Li
Habina in recognition of the services ot tin
Franciscans to Columbus , and pardonlni
live prisoners convicted of capital crimes.
Tli magnlllccnt monument to Cnlumtm
was unveiled at Larubida today. The cere
monies worn attended by tbo quoou regent
King Alfonso , the minister * of siato , scna
tors , members of the Chamber of Deputies
naval nnd military ofllcers , and a vast con
course of civilians. The river ana bay wor <
crowded with all descriptions of craft , and
us the covering dropped from the monument
mont , the warships fired a salute. Tbo scon
presented was a most animated ono. Tb
queen regent and llttlo King Alfonso wor
accorded a most enthusiastic welcome. Tn
queen regent conferred tbo grand collar o
tno Order of the Uoldan Flecco upon tin
dultoof Vomguu , the last lineal descondan
of Christopher Columbus. The Order of th
Golden Fleece is an order ot knighthood
founded on January 1U , 1420 , by Phillip
III. , duke of JJourgoyno.
At Chlnigo.
CHICAGO. 111. , Oct. 12.-This evening i
the banquet hall of the Auditorium hole
the Columbus club ushered in the season o
pomp and festivity that Is to make Octoboi
IS'- ' ) , memorable for all tlmo in Chicago. 4
brilliant company gathered in honor of tb
hardy navigator , after whom the club 1
named , and with wnoso fame is linked th
world's exposition , the dedication of whlc
a week bunco will mark the climax of
series of magniQcetit fetes In this cits' .
Among the speakers tonight woru Presl
dent C. C. IJonncr of the World's congres
auxiliary , whoso subject was "Tho Comln
Exposition Congresses. " Uishop Spaldlng o
Peoria delivered a spirited address on "Cc
lunibus Ills Mission mid Character. " An
other feature was a poem , "Thu Worli
Givers , " by Muurlco Francis Bran of Notr
Dame university.
Among the remaining speakers wcro Wll
lain A. Ainuorg. ' president of the club ; Hoi
William Uouis Kelly of St Paul. Minn.
Special World's Fair Commissioner Thomu
13. lirvun , .Hidgo Thomas A. Moran and tlot
John Power of Escanuba , Mich. The teas
"I-eo XI11- , " was responded to by Arch
bUhop l-'oolmn , tbo Columbus club boiug
distinctively Calhollo organization ,
Crotim'it Cutlicillu CulHinilioii.
GIICTNA , Noo. , Oct. U ! , | Special ToloRrai
to Tin : Hr.i : . ] The four hundredth annlvci
sary of the landing of Columbus wus cell
bratcu here today on a grand scale , uiuk
the uusplcos of the Catholic church. Tn
procession , which was over otuvbalf mil
long , wan bcadoa by a facsimile of the bai
la Maria with Columbus in the how mid tw
brats bunds. John Hush of Omuhn paid n
eloquent tnbuto to Columbus , Tbo imd
cncu completely HIM the largo opera housi
Thu celebration Is closed Inn It'll t by a grun
ball given by the Ancient Order of Illborn
aus in Trcckel's ball.
On-lit Day at Miiilrld ,
MAPIIIP , Oct. IS.Tho festivities In bom
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
i.o i.i
of the Columbian nnnlvcirsary commenced nt
daybreak this mornlnir , many bands
poine about tbo st roots plnylng the
rorclllo to wako Iho sleeping pee
ple. The city is gallv decorated ,
Including many American lings. Karly
inassr.s , attended by many pcoplo , were said
In all ttio churches in honor of Coltitn'ms. '
L&tcr a monster procession , formed of pro
fessors nnd Mmlciits of the Spanish univer
sities , marched through the principal streets
In luodlovalcoitumo.
n.nrtipcirt1 * Ciitlutllo Ohllilrrn In l.liio.
DIVENTOUT , la. , Oct. . ' . ' . ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Urn. ] Two thousand children
of the Catholic parochial schools paraocd the
streets todav with ( lairs and bnnda and Joined
In the exorcises at the opera house lu ob
servance of Columbus day.
ColuinlHM lnr Observed hi Alt the Trlnrlpnl
CltkM iirtlic World.
Dvvio.v , O. , Oct. 12. The starsanrt stripes
were raised on nil Catholic schools nnd Insti
tutions today in toner of Columbus. To
niirht the American Sous of Columbus uavo a
b.iiiuet. ( )
DHTUOIT. Mich. , Oct. 12. The Italians ot
the city celebrated the Coltimbusannivcrsary
today. There was < i procession and n mass
meotlng , the latter being addressed by
Acting Muvor Coots nnd n number of prom-
Incut Italians.
BM.TI.MOIII : , Md. , Oct. 12. Tlio Italian
societies of this city today unvollcd a
marble inotiuincnt to Columbus In Druid
Hill park and presented it to the city. Thu
ceremonies wore nrecedod by ti imrado
throusli the principal streets. The coro-
monlos were closed bv Cardinal ( .Jlbbons in u
suitable inldross.
Br.iu.iv , Oct. 12. Tho-UOlh nntuvcrsary of
tlio discovery of America was culubratod
here today by a general performnnco nt tbu
Hoval thuutor. Among tboso \ \ ho lUlcndcd
wuro Mr. Phclps , the American minister ,
nt.d members of the American legation.
UnMM , Oct. 12. The French consul In
this city today presented tbo mavor a mag-
nlllccnt Moral wreath sent by the lieonraphl-
cal society ot Pnrls , to bo placed nt foot ot
Columbus statue lu this city.
ll.WANv. Oct. 12. The fotcs here In honor
ot Iho discovery of America oponcd todny
with discharges of artillery from Mono
castle , La Puntn , tbo battery opposite the
castle and from tbo fortiilcntions at Casu
Later In the day n To Doura was sung in
the cathedral. Tbo city U handsomely drco-
rated nnd the vessel's in the bay are gay
with Hags nnd bunting.
The church opposite Iho plazr. do Armas ,
where the remains of Columbus Uo , wus
visited by Immense throngs of pcoplo. Thu
dav was observed ns a general holiday.
Bi-iT.u.o , N. Y. , Oat. 12. The Italian societies -
ciotios of itulTnlo celebrated the Columbus
u'jnivcrsiiry today by u gttmd street parade ,
followed by services ut St. A'ltonio Itatlnn
church , and n muss meeting and picnic at
Contra ! park.
McMKiritMt , Oct. 12. A larpoly attondcil
meeting of the geographical society was hold
hero today in honor ot the four hundredth
anniversary of the discovery of Aniorlca ,
Addresses wcro delivered by the American
nnd Spanish consuls , mid their remarks won
loudly applauded.
MoxTiti\u : Oct. 12. The four htindredtl
anniversary of the discovery ot America was
made the occasion bora today of n publi :
holiuay. In nil the public schools addroiscf
were delivered.
Piin.uir.U'iiiA , Pa. , Oct. 12. Three thou
sand members of Italian societies of tbo cit. >
paraded through the principal streets toilaj
to the Columbus statue In Fail-mount park
where Discovery day was approprliitolj
commemorated. Floats representing Colum
bus before Isabella and a model of the CUM
vel sent to America were among these dr.iwi
iu the procession. The parade was rovlowoi
by tbo mayor and the Italian consul.
The colouration this afternoon lu th <
Academy of Music by the people of tin
Hoinun Catholic academics and bchcols o
city was Interesting and Impressive.
Tjio beautiful romantic comedy drann o
the "Harvest Moon" takes its name from i
venerable inn of Old Knglnnd , in Yorkshire
where tbo action of tbo piny is laid. Tin
story is Intensely interesting , and the drann
abounds in startling and unexpected ell
maxcs , which rivet the attention of tin
audience to the full of Iho curtain. Tin
comedy clement Is Ian ; * ly dovt.lopnd and i :
clean , bright and sparkling , entirely dovolt
of Imrso play and humor. The story nnd In
tent of the "Harvest Moon" U so cntirclj
different from the usual run of plays that 1
may bo considered n drama which s'amli
nlonc , but few having the slightest rescm
blauco to it. It is n heart and home. hUtorj
lillcd with traaio pathos which appeals to
nnd Is understood by all ; the dross circle am
the gallorv alike nuKnowledgo Us truth am
beauty. With the company nro Miss Louisi
Htal , lute leading Indy of A. M. Palmer' :
81'NIMV , U''T ' , 111. 14 , in , nnd J .
Saturday Matinee.
Coinptiny. In ihcr latest N'ow
A Itoallstlo Itnmantlc Comi'dv lriiniln : : foil
acts , by Jus. M. Martin , pursuntod by a
SoloutUomiiany of uultiiuwloilgod
ArtlstH hoadi-d by
Miss Louisa Rial
And the over popular Coined inn
rv r. Harry Bookei
With tbo follinvlng ease
llurrv n. Clifton. II. II , Hisiird. T. . ( . Mef'r.ino
Ida Solee , llclun Hull , John I > IIIIH. NuUni
Ciiiiitoii | , 1' . It. Kverion , Win. DmiKborty , Jus
II. Martin.
Sale ot scats will open Wednesday mur
at tbu nsiiiil prices.
Mana. . ' , Tuesday end Wednesday , Oitobsi
/7 , 18 and 19.
In the l-atcst Success ,
A I'lcnsiiu Entertainment of Itaro Merit.
Bright Dialogic. Witly Sayings ,
liov hhoets npun Satunlny iiiornlii .
Mrs. S. K. O'NEIL ,
Principal of thn Mliinnupiill-i bcliool of I'liyil
cal Train n ; .
Will Dclhcriil'Ci'ltirJiin I'liyslcnl Cnlliiri
On Mnuduy Eftniwj , ( MHrr ink ,
Al 8 O'clock.
rmn'oiiiiMrlTliiK ' nn nut Ino nf t'it > MiL-tVi ! pin
SHU I hr Mm. u'Xoll can | io In I nt tlio Mlllnr.l liuti-l.
Ailiiii-Kliin InlwmroA c I'lfkcli 1111 : ilu utMil
.Mi-iT lru ! . X tin's alum. I nil uii.l Kii limn.
m "Yoof EvBsMl
nyi-stostol free tiyan KXPRIIT OIU'IOt\ >
1'erffCtadj'istniiMit. bupurior ic'inui. Narv
otifcboa Jiicho curud ny ualn [ our Snout lea-
and i/olas'iOi ; I'riuui low for lint ol.ii
ll-JS. iathSLCVi > lclit'j.i U.ojc.
" . 'Im ' the Penman" company , and Hnrry
Hooker , so IOIIR nnd fnrorably known its
Dlckv Dints In "Tito Stowaway. " "Tho
Harvest Moon" company opens n four
nights' engagement nt Lloyd's thomcr this
Mannpor llurKtss comes forth with nn an
nouncement for the oominK week that will
certainly prove Interesting to the clientele
lint coos to the Fnrnnni Street theater for
imnsomont. It Is thooncnRomcni of Harnoy
Ferguson , the most cntortnltiliitf of coltlo Im.
> ersonntors. ami the slroiiRest orRanbntlcn
n Ilio Hold of faveo comedy. They will In
orprot " .McCarthy's Mlsliaps , " mul Man-
nRor UurgUs promises llrst of all n feast ot
eal peed fun , a company of mil-
slcnl excellence , nnd a play that
will euro your cynical toolings , cuiiso
vim tn forgot your ordinary cares , nnd
oven make you think klmllv of your enemies.
'McCarthy's Mishaps" was built for laugh
.11 ir purposes onlv , n broad Hold bcinc left ,
'or ' the Introduction of spcclhlilos , which are
nr-.silmablo In modern farce eomodv , ami u
inrllculnrly bright olio is offoroil. Mnrsur-
to Fctvuson Introduces her wohdorfiil con
ortioti dfttices which Illustrate the very
wo try ot motion. Delano nnd Dobrlmont ,
"Vouch vocalists , rainier oelecllons both In
VPiich mul KiiRllsh , sins ; in volco that Is
said to bo n revelation In fnrco comedy ,
latnos llrlttln correctly Imltatps the liUo
. T , Hmmot , Ulclurd l-'crguson , n Ind ,
composes bis otvn songs and slims thorn In a
vny that Is romnriiablo for 0110 so young.
Came Helir , n nopulur nrtisto who tins u
sympojlnm of song , nnd ninny othnr Individ *
ml Intorpolntlons , toeuthor with these Intro-
tucod by the company collectively. Thn on-
cngenioiit Is lor four 'nights , with inatluoc.s
Sunday and Wcdnnsduy.
Tlirrr riiKscngnrH ntul u ( Srlpiiiiin Klllril Inn
K\xs\s CITY , Mo. , Oct. 12. A Rnntn lro
laasctiKor train ran into n cable car this
Horning , kllllni ; the gripman and three
lasscngers and Injuring three others.
Will euro Yon , Is n ( mo statrmont of the
action of AYKH'S Sursaparilla , when
taken for diseases originating In iiupuro
blood ; hut , while this assertion is true of
AYKH'S Snrsnpnrilln , ns thousands ran
attest , it cannot be tinllifnll.v applied to
other preparations , which IM i i-nuMplod
dealers will u'eoimm-ml , and try to 1m- ) upon you , as "just , as good as
Ayor's. " Take Ayrr's Sarsiipanlla and
Aycr's only , if you need a bUioil-purilU > r
and wnnld ho heuclltod pi-nnaiiintly
This medicine , for nearly llfty years ,
has enjoyed fi reputation , and made a
record for cures , that bus iiivi'ihuon
equaled hy other preparations. AYKIl'S
S.'iisaparilla eradicates the t\lnt of he
reditary HCiofula and other blood dis
eases from the system , and it has , deser
vedly , Ihe confidence ot llic peoplo.
"I cannel forbear to express my joynt
the relief I hnvo obtained from tlio use
of AYKH'S Siirsnparllla. I was ulllictcd
with kidni-y troubles for nboiit six
months , sufferinj' greatly with pains in
thu small of my buck. In addition to
this , my body was covered with pimply
eruptions. The remedies proscribed
failed to help mo. I then licjan ; ( o tiilco
AYKH'S Saraaparllla , and , in a short
time , the palus ceased and the pimples
disappeared. I advise every young man
or woman , in case ot sickness result
ing from Impure blood , no matter how
lout ; standing the case may bo , to tnko
AYEK'SSnrsaparilla. " II.L.Jnrniann ,
33 William st. , Now York Oily.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aytr & Co. , ! , mvi-ll , MOBS.
A M LT5IH \I blTT - .
FAHSAM ST. TIIE.\l'liK \ l'oiiito ' | I'.JC ' .
Ono Week. Sunday V.atlm-o , Oc-u nth.
Thii Vrr-iitlln Coniitilliui ,
Alba Hey wood *
Will present by pormlss'on of Sol Pinitli Itiii-
hcll , HID bestnnd funniest of nil
his sucosios
NBW Eclc(6WDocl ( Folksf
4 Nights , Com. Sun. Mnt. Oct 1O.
Con.o K irly If Yon \Viinl a Siit. .
And Merry Assoi-luti's , Interpret In ;
MeOarthu's ' f/lishaps / ,
' _ Mntliipo Wudnusdny. _ _
TI us u I-.UK. :
r Art ( Jallo , v ,
Locke X&icliardsoii.
fn Shultcsiiiu.-iru'h M istcrp'i'co '
U hmojinil l-ilily' * . . . . . .
IWonclay cvenine , October 17th
W. T. rul.MNUS. l'r < ifi > i T "f llur4Jiimn lil | > .
will iliMlerttiiu to ouii'iuur
rlclniijHlulllon wlilrh Um hlllml fem iiimi Tim
Illllllllll Mill hU KlVdll III.O 'It I'l II ' - ' * - flHIl poll WllU-ll
llioi > r rn inr < > llliiil . nml hliitflulninil "I put 1. 1 to
nriii'llni III" wuiiik-rfiil inalli. " ! ' IIUMO I uulnil 1C
Micru ful It lll Im lliu i' " " ' w "i-lorlnl - rn l oC
liiirtoiiianiililliovi'r nc'i'iniinlUlieil. _
HKtri'INd STItlOl'H'ri :
Vmi nro Imruliy putlllvd th it tlio umlur-
H'tfiioil. Ihieodliiiiti-rfsli" ! ffoli'i iluw of llm
i-liy of iiiniiliii. huvo liui-ii duly apjiomto.l hy
thu in.iynr. willi lliu npiirov.ii of thu clly
r.iinneil ot li.ilduily , to iiSjiH4 the dain.iuii to
tlio owners ruitimollniiy of thn prop rty
iilli ) tdiHiythn I'huirju of ui-iilu ; ( if Droatnr
htrunt. fnmrjrtli lo-.Hi , siniiiu und Intonui I
liia sticuts iliuliiri'd necus-iirv ny ordliriiK'n
Nuinbor I ! ) . ' , pakHi'd Hupt. .Mill , lij.1 , und uu-
proyinl Hupi.ird. : . IWJ
Vuii nru fiirtlior mil llnd. that li.ivln ; : a-
ci'iitril x.iM iiiipolniiiiont , ami ilnly iii | i.HI 'il
. will , ihn isth d nt
ni fi'iinlri'il liy law. wn un ly
Ui-iobpr. A 1 . Ki. , lit lliu lunir oflliroo
o'clock In tlio , .it lliu olllru of tiui. .1.
[ nil. lii I'.iriiiiin strcol , wl'hin Ihn
i.-iiriinrutolliiiltt ot sihl clly , nieut lor llm
puriiusu ol ciiiisldurlni : anil iniiKliiK I'm
astuaiincntof iliiiiiu i'to tha owiiurs rmpr ' -
vcly of Hiild pruporty. ulTiiutuii hv H-I" ! ( -li.iiiun
( if.iinuln. laklns Into 'jiin hl"ralliiii upcul il
boiivllts. If any. ,
VuuiiruiiDtiflni tnliu proimitul th Iliim
and pliicu ufoiui ilil , nml inaUii any u ijoclliins
tuorst.'iloini'iiticoiiuurnlii il > l ius 4Sinunt
of 'Juiniise * a you may coii , ldur pf/'P. / '
Ci r o ( j. i A i i
WM.IJ Hiiitivnit.
.IAS , BTO KAI | ) < U.
Omuhn , Neb. , October Olh. UW. Oidlufc