Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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DeJlTcrefl by currier to any p\rt of thf city
liu 'ni' ' K Office ,
NBht , Editor
K Y. Plurrblnc ; Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. .
A case of membraneous croup has been re
ported at the residence of Thomas I'lnuey ,
U7M Fourth avenue.
\Vnltcr , the S-yuar-old son nf Mr. and Mr * .
Alonto A. 1'crltir.s , died at 10w : : p. m. bun-
day nt bis residence , 2114 avenue 1 .
A writ of atlacntneut was issued from ttio
di'Uiel court yesterday In favor of Jnhn Mn-
Iciupy against William Maddeu for f-JOii tor
good's RolJ.
Thorn wil * oo n incctlnp of the Yotinz
Men's Kevuulican flub Wednesday evemnp ,
Octobir U' . I'-.U. ' All republican * , yountf
bbd old , aru Invited.
The Veloran T'ppccnnoe uuh will meet
this rvinlnp at republican beadqunftrrs in
l tie bHi/p block nl 7. ; l o'clock. Hon. L. V\ .
Hc&s und others will address the club. All
invited lo nllcud.
Mariiagc licenses were i surd yesterday to
the following person * : Emory Colcman of
J ons , Neb. , and Belle Uorsoy of OimihB ;
J'hll S. Ltivcnhurc und Ida Wyi'KcfT of
( ouncll \\tlltamTuttIeand Florence
Davis ol I'oUnwaUamle county.
The Women's Christian association ate
making great mcpunitlons for their "noil fes
tival , " winch Is to he held for three day. " ,
loniroclicinc November a. A line list of ul-
U actions will bo provider ! nnd the proceeds
w Hi bo used In paying the plumbing bill for
tbe hospital.
The uralcid verdict of tbo Jury In the $ ! fi ,
( UK ) damage nut of lilizuhnlu I'utterson
ngalust the city lor datnnci-s fur injuries bv
reason of ur alleged defective Mdewuik , was
cponen bv .ludcc jslacv In the district vourt ,
> rterduy. It was lound to ho for the pltti'
lifT In thu sum of * ' 0.
Wlllluin tjrinin was tried before Justice
Buenriiipor yesterday on ttio charge ol stenl-
itic n helfrr from Chris bchrudcr nnd wus
clven thtrtv CIH > S In the countv Jail upon
conviction /ed Bether * was ulso tried us
un accomplice nnd his CHSO was taken tiridet
ndvlu'incnl Hi * life lor the past ten .tears
lias been n beautifully Tariepaied panotnmii
of dcvilrv and the limit of ttie l.nv will
probably be used on him.
Never before litivc the people of
Council Bluffs and Oiuiihtt had such an
opportunity to buy aero property suitti-
ble for home or fruit ! ts is offered by
Day & Hess. 401) ) .acres to picK from.
Only two nnd n half miles oust of Coun
cil BiulTs postollice.
If you don't to buy liurd coal you
hnd "belter see Bixby nboul those oil
burners. They tire adapted for u e in
liot nir furntices , btcam iind hot vater
ooilers , with no eoal or ashes lo hitndle.
J'JSlt.WX.tJ. I'.tlt.lllt.lI'llS.
P C. Devol has returned from o visit to
Judge U. H. Trimble and wife of Keokuk
are in the city.
The Misses Anna Bowman Mid Stella
Bullird uro home f fem a visit to Oh mpia.
Jumcs Fcnlou of Colfax was in the cijv
yrslerday , Ibe guest of his son , J. M.
Miss Clara W rip hi loft last oveninc for
'JYxan , where she will visit her sister , Mrs.
Frank B. Ide.
Andv ICastner has been appointed ccneral
UL-cnt for Ihe newl.v orcnnized National
Mutual Fire Insurance company of Council
H L. Willlntns , L H. Brldcnstoin. E. B.
ICdcerlon , E > . E. Belknap and I. K. 1'arsons
have gone to Boone to altond the preat coun
cil of tbe Improved Order of Hud Men ,
uhlcu meets there today.
A. ti Hondncks has inturnod from a visit
of several months to his old home iu Vir
ginia. Ho will reiurn there soon to engage
in the smelting of ore from mines on pror-
crtyvhlcu he has just purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Burroughs of Talc ,
Idaho , are here lor a visit with Mrs. U. D.
Brown , while on their way to Cnicago ,
\vheru they will spend the winter. Mrs.
Burroughs is well known Hero as Miss
Krlllo Hatcher.
If in want of anything in the window
f-hndo line.cui lalns , curtain poles , wall
iiancr , portiera , chenille table covers ,
etc. , Btet ) into the Boston Store , where it
is u pleasure to show { joods. Council
BlutTri , la. _
. ' sale Mon-
Special cniup.'tign whip on -
d-iy. Your ehoico of ti whole window
lull for oOc , former pricy ( iOc , 7oc , OOc
nnd $1.00 each , with iMinpaijjn banner- .
Charles Probstle , 21 , > Broadway.
House cleaning time DUB corno and si :
lius'the larjiest invoice of lare uurUiins
nnd drapcrieriover received nt the
Council Bluffs Carpal company's.
fitllf ? < l u i'lihtor *
A business meeting was held lasl nvcnin (
al tbu Congtcputioual cburch for the pur
pose of taking s'.eiu to 1111 the vacancy ir
tbe pulpit. There was a largo and enthusl
nstlo attendance , and a unanimous call wai
extended to Kov. H.V. . Sump of FoxDor
ough , Mass. , who has been occupying th <
pulpit for the last tnreo Sundays. Wha
Mr. Sharp's decision will bo wllh referenci
to the call cannot j ct bo said with certainty
hut the rhurcn und congregation are ven
hupcful that tie may be induced to accept
lie has made a very favoruoia impressiot
during bis slay tie re , und if bo uceepls In
will become the pastor of a united aud en
thuilaslic organisation , tie will attend tin
Concrogatlonnl national nnnivcri-uries , whlcl
commence In Minneapolis this week , iind h
will probably make Iniovcn ui decision Iu i
fexv days.
The cold weather is approaching , pro
imru vouriieK for the cliilly nights , viai
the Boston Stoie und look over thui
elcpnnt line of comforts and blankets
Blankbts and comforts to suit all taBtc
iind ul nil prices. Our low prices prevail
vail in nil cines , the power of the read
dollars bhows itself. Boston Store. Courj
cil Bluffb , la.
Prepare for the colrt weather. Th
inimeiibe supply of Indins' mi .ses' jenti
nnd children's underwaro tit tlio Bosto
exceeds anything in previous yean
Our prices , us is 1-nown throughout tli
west , the lowest. Boston Store , Counel
Bluffe , la.
.No Tluui to l.lllculi' .
I'dlltlcs has been it terterlng wllh all kind
of business mope or less of late , nnd now tli
lawyers are bcciunlng to tervo notice oh tli
courts that'tbcy tcust pot out of the vvav c
ibe hand wogoa or bo run over , Tbere hi
Wen no superior court slnco Judge MclJc
was noreinatod for congress , but thcdls'.rn
court has gone right alone us ibonuh not )
Inu "ere in ttie wind. Yektrrduv uflertioo
n petition was being circulated uuiong tl
nifmbrrn of tbe Pottuwuttamle county bt
asking JudcoMucylo adjourn Iho preset
term of court on und aficr October 15. I
rrdrr 10 give politics ttio undisputed fleh
'J here U but little draita that the politic
will bo granted , at least In purt.
Do vou want a nobbv coat either i
Indifb' , niUsOb' or children' * nnd ut Hi
right prli-o ? If BO , vlblt the Boole
Btoro nnd look over their Hue. Counc
, la.
U'unlril to Ililf.
Improved p-operty. Will pay cash
rietiblow. H. G. MuGuo.IUMaln btroo
. , invoice of new Ineo curtnine i
the C'oundl BlullB Carpel company' * .
Judson , clvli otij-aiudr , UliS Broadwa
People of tbe City Victimized by a Well
Drtt d Stranger.
Twcntj-Klrc t > nt AVm Alked , Ja t to
Covrr KtnrpM ( JlmrcM Mnnjr Merc
Takrn In I ) ) ' tlic I'ltiu * Look
ing Strlnillrr.
A well dressed younc man , who talts with
an oily tongue nnd weirt an outward aspect
frescoed with stream of piety , has boon In
the city for several days past for the purpose
of introducing ; bibles in the city , lie claims
to bo representing an eastern millionaire
whose ulin is different from most of bis kind ,
t being to provide nil the people in the
country with bibles , r'or this puniosc be
has sent out tbo young man with a sample
to show the wild westerners who have never
seen anything of the klnu. The millionaire
agrees to send a copy of the bible to any ad-
aross free , on condition tbilt the person de
siring It , pny tha JOOUK man " > cents for
ex pi ess cbarircin advance. Now that
thc > have had time to tnlnK it over , what
Is to bfcomo of this 'Jo-cent piece in reality u
a quos'ion of .omo Concern to the people llv-
Itiir on Fourth and Fifth avenues , many of
whom he has succeeded In cettlnp to sub-
scriDf tu tbo scheme , but most of them have
come to tbo conclrMon that the joutiir man
is lr > Inp to retrieve u fallen foitutio or two
br vlH.vl"K the pious dodge. The HI bio
society bibles five to any who tire
too poor to buy ILom und it hardly seems
likely that u millionaire would try to run
opposition to u charitable institution of the
kind unless ho thought he suv ; n railroad
that , ho could wreels nt tbo end ol the ven
ture. Hut the youtig man has disappeared
and the people who let tbulr money slide uro
wumletini : if they have been placed lor one-
lot a-qumlcr MH-keis.
.lut to hand , another case of 00 pairs
of wrapper blankets , Iho Intosl novelties
flip wmpcrs. ] ) Only 76c a pair , lloslon
dtoro. Council Llutt ! % Iu.
Save ' vour hnt-J ooai ; use \\ood , and
mil on 'il. A. Cox , 10 South Main struct.
Bust Missouri ooU io.oO per cord , do-
I'oiiiifll rriH
A special meetinp of the city council was
held last L'Vcuhii ; with Mayor Lawrence and
Aldermen graves , .lenninge , Mayne , Puce ,
Smith and Tiboetts present.
A petition was presented from property
owners askine that thoullcy between NVillow
avcnuu und Fifth avenue bo paved from
Seventh to Eighth street , witb brick.
U ran ted.
A communication from John L. Webster
of Omuha in behalf of tbe Uuiaba
jJridgo and Terminal Hatlwav company ,
VUB rtad. It called attention to tbe fact tbat
a franchise hnd been grunted to the Inter
state. Uailuuy compauy lor u railway riRht-
of-wuy , but thul a number of things hud
prevented u reallzallon of the plans. Now ,
bowever , things had so shaped them
selves tbat t bey expected to have their bridge
und railway reudy lor use in u few
months. They staled tbut they were the
buccessor * of the Interstate couipauy and
uslted that nn iiddiiooal ; privilege cu given
bom , that of usini : steam on their runway
n streets wes.t of Thirteenth street , so that
bey might connect with other railroads.
Alderman Jennings stated thai Mr. Web-
tor told ului thin be would bo ready to make
dcliuitc proposition lo the 0113 * in a lew
avs. The icatter was tabled until Mr Wch-
ter should bo heard from.
The action of the council in refusing to ro-
mlt the tax of the Ocilen Iron wet Us wus re-
onsidered und tba aistbsinent cdnc'jlod.
A rebolution as passed Instructlnc the
treet supervisor to fie over tne sidewalks of
he city and repair such places as he might
'onslder ' oauecrous.
\ \ icUbatn Bros. , were awarded a curblnc
( Jcorpo W. Ho wilt was apoointed trustee
if the public library to nil the vacancy
aused by the rcMgiiutioii of Kev. U. W.
Gallon Messrs. D.iv < k Hes-5 and ask
o bo bhowu the Klein tract of 400 acres
IDA' on bale in live and tun auru tracts.
will bhow it free to all.
2Cp bankruDt , liro-smokcd. damaged
uruiture at MoyorV , ifOj-307 Broadway.
Jlcau goods , less than any
I4iiUiH | 1'ariy ( 'iiiuliil'itrs.
The peaplo's parly of Kane townshin held
i convention last evoninir at tbe headquar
ters to place in nomination a towiibhip
ticket. A. J. Slnpleton ivauppolnlcd
chairman , und j\ . .1. McClart-n. bucrctary.
s'oiuinatiuiib lor jubilee ot tue pcuco
brought out tbe names of A. M. llutcbiu-
son , Kd Molt , Oeorgc Alcl'cab. O. H.
nnd W. L. M. niursh us candidates. After
balloting several times Hatchiiihon , McPeak
und Marsh were nominated. The rest ot the
liuK was done by acclamation , .la ID us
Sullivuu , Ciuorgc Dull und J. H. Hull wore
nominated lor constables , thu names of
( Juorge Hunter and A. .1. Staploton being
suppeuoO , but both declining to have their
names considered. Charles Bherruden and
James Wilde wetc nominated for township
trustees , aud Kd 12. Wright for township
A. L. Heudricks , who has lust returned
from a trip through the south , was then
called upon for u speech , lie gttvo tbo
audience tbo benefit ol nls truvcls through
Virginia , Ueorcia and Alabama , iu all of
which ho staled that there had been large
defections from the democrat ! : : narty to the
people's. In Virginia , be fcaid the populists
Ima a uartlculurly btroug foot hold. Cuudl-
uates bud been nominated by iho democrats
and populUls , but there hud not been u le-
publicBn speech uiado in the wtate. The in-
dlcutions wuru tbul the republicans would
o unilo with the people's party , and iu that
event iho latter would undoubtedly currv
the state , it , beinp Nrcely composed o ( di : -
( . runtled democrats.
( Jiturgo liuntci'b resicnation m committco-
man Irom tbu I'ourth ward wus accepted ,
but the vacancy wus not iilled. It wus de
cided tbut uny vacancy that might occur on
the ticKi't us II hud been juudu up should he
filled by the city cential committee , and the
couvuutluu udjouruud.
25 doxon goutb' hotivy gray under-
bhirts during this wouk for UK- ouch ,
worth ac ; ! , Boswu btore , Council
Ululls , la , _
Gontlotnon , tlio iluest line of lall s
In Iho city , juot rucuivoJ. Holler , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
htotii Went'i , ( ilillK.
Fred Robinson , who works for George
Mekchendort. and / . B. Hitchcock , an uppet
H roadway blacksmith , were urreited al at
early hour yesterday morning on the charge
of larceny. Sunday night they came across
Dr. II. S. West's runaway horse uud bucr j
louuruly ( valuing alout' the street , an i. goi
on bourd. They drove iato town ( julotlv
u t-nouch until they arrived at the corner ol
in Urcudwuy and Ulen avenue , when i * . oc
cur rod to them 1(411 ( the buggy was Ir
t lee good a co dltion to buvo been it
i a ruuuway. They accordingly rau tbi
rcMclo aptlntt the earbslone nnrt
} roke ono of tbe wheels , after wblcb they
.ook the rlK to a .North Main sttcct livcrv
liable and put Hup to await Us owner In
.he mornlne a search \vas made for iho two
: uns which wcr tuoDO ed to bare been losi
Irom the buggy during the runaway and
jpon bunting In Meichendorl's stable on
[ 'icree street , they wore found snugly tucked
under a pile ot hay. The case was brouchl
up in Justice Swcnnnppr.'s court and Hitch-
rock waived examination and WAS nound
aver to the prand ) urv , his bond bolnR fixed
st $ .500. Hoblnson gave bonds In the same
smoutii for bis appcaraccc this morning at 9
a'clock , when he will have a bearing. .
PlUcr tltjUncr .
Special trains on the W abash , Thurs
day lind Friday. Oct. 12 and 13 , lenvo
Iroighl depot , Council Bluffs , nt 12:20 :
p. m. , and reiurn after Iho races.
The Boslon Slore closes uvory even
ing nl 0 p. in. except Mondays .and
Salurdayj * .
New carpels nnu drnporics nl Iho
Council Blulls Carpel comuuny'fc.
I'nlrrnl Court AiljonriiA.
ludceVooUoti will hold a short session of
federal court this mornlnp at which bo will
close up the work of ths term nnd then leave
for his homo In Mount Pleasant. A week
Irom today ho will couimeneo the term of
court ul Des M dines. Considerable business
has been disposed of during the last two
weeks , a large portion of St being cases on
the criminal dockbt. There were sixty-three
indictments returned bv the grand jury. The
following disposition was made of the cases
on the criminal docket , the cases marked
continued" belngsodcall with on account of
their coming In too Iato for 01 rest and trial
ul this term :
Tried , found guiltv and sentenced. Wi ;
tried utid discharged , ' . ' : Iried , lound guiltv ,
conllnued for sentence , 3 ; dismissed , 3 ; bond
forfeited for non-appearance , 1 ; conllnued
lor tr al , ,10 ; total uurabor criminal cases , Tfi ,
Including three cases of passlne counterfeit
monpy : fines Imposed , $ yto ; Jail imprison
ment , 2,705 day ; penitentiary imprison
ment'J yeais. In twenty cases a portion ot
the sentence was suspended during good be-
Arranging it I'liilt IXliUuL.
It tins boon decided to have an exhibit of
fruits and vegetables under tbs ausmcos of
the I'oltawuUanilo Couuty Fruit Growers
and Hardeners association. In connection
with the annual meellnc of the association ,
on Saturday , December 11 , IbW. Orculars
have haen sent out , signed oy the president
und Rccietary , urging the active co-opeiatlon
of the fruit growers and gardeners of the
county , and asking them to begin at once to
select the be t siierimens of upplcs aud storu
them in a cool piai-u. Iho superintendent of
the horticultural department of the World's
lair for Iowa has sent a icquest for a collec
tion of the best winter apples to be placed on
exhibition. All fruit worthy of a place in the
World's Inir exhibition will DO rcser ed for
thai purpose after the county display. Ar
rangements are to bo made , il possible , for
offering premiums to successful exhibitors ,
und for that purpose B meeting is to bo held
on Saturday , November 5. ot the court
house. _
Boston store closes every evening at 0
p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays.
loOpooplo in this cuy usa gi3 stoves
1 he Gas Co. puts 'em in at cost.
Somelhingcnliiely new in flower pot
stands al Lund Hros. '
l.iittrr Dn.v Cuiiip Mectm ? .
Arrangements are being made for holding
tbe annual camp mooting and conference of
the Latter Uny Saints at the Cnautauquu
grounds next fall. A cession is being bold
at the present time ul Logan und is being
attended by about 5.UUO people. Tbes-o meet
ings last for three weeks and it will bo seen
that tbe gathering hero next fall will be of
ns much importance as the regular Cbau-
tauqua assembly. The Chautuuqua people
require tbe pnvment of $ loU rental for the
grounds , but the importaut nature of the
gathering will render tbe collection of such
HI : amount u matter ol small concern.
liirdiniors , nicely decorated , at Lund
Bros.50c a lid Toe
Davi , pure drugs , best , paints.
Matte rs 1 li t Occupied tlic Commissioners'
Tiuicui l.nst Nls'it's ' SCSMOII.
At the meeting of the ! ire and Police com
mission last evening D. U. Robinson und
others presented n petition asking for a fire
alarm box at or near the corner of Twenty.
sixth street und Capitol avenue. Mr. Robin
son represented tbo .signer * of the petition
"and urged the board to plaoe the box some
where In that neighborhood. The board
promised to consider Ihe matU'r.
John Brenticld , chief of the secret service
of the World's Columbian exposition , re
quested Chief Seuvey to send a couple ot
good detectives to the dedlcatorv cermuonicb
Ociouet1. . Chief Seavev was directed to
hcnd the men und he will detuil Captain
Mnstyn and Chief Defective Havelor tbe
Fourteen hundred and ninety meals wera
served prisoners in the city jail lust month
and lb davs were lost by the patrolmen.
Mr. . I. O'Connor , treasurer of tbo Fourth
of . I uly celebration , turned over $ lifortbe
police"ro'lef ' fund.
Chief Seavey reported James Ish , a fire
and police alarm operator , for being absent
without leave ou September 30.
An unldovlt signed by S. E. Stevenson ,
IW14 Francis street , was filed , charging
Onicers Huzo und Burns with unlawfully
detaining his horse The animal in question
wus found in the barn rented bv Pairio.i
CJrinllh who was shot by Isaac Montgomery.
According to Stevenson's stuternout the po
licemen jef used to release possession of the
animal unless Ihov were paid tbo reward.
Tbe two officers led the borse from the barn
wbnre ho was lound down lo a livery stable
and for this claim the > : " < reward.
O Ulcer Cutltm was reported as suspended
for gambling.
Chic ! Sailer reported five lengths of hose
broken al the recent lire on Capitol hill.
Superintendent Coulter ol the fire alarii
service uskod for permission to change fire
box No. Tl from Nineteenth and FaniEm
streets lo Tuuiity-fourlb and Locust ; als (
police box from Sixteenth und Lcaveuworlt
st roots to Sixteenth und Williams , and bo >
71 frqra the Eleventh street viaduct t <
Eleverlh ana Mason streets. These re
quests were referred to the committee ot
Annual leaves were granted police officers
Holman , fifteen days ; \Vhlt , fifteen days
Curry , ten davs ; Clark , ten days ; Havey
ten days. Firemen : tieynolds , ten days
Cuplain Lank , ten days ; ( Jnrdncr , ton days
Burd , ten days ; bible , fifteen days.
W. M. Hatterman was uppom ed a specie
Officer Cullen was on the carpet chargei
with gambling when off duty. The botiri
decided by a unanimous vote to dismiss th
_ _
Matin liy tli n inc .
Tbo following clipping from a Louisvill
paper was scut to THE Bin ; yesterday h ,
'Chief Jack ( Sulllgan of Omaha prcsente
Major Hughes , our own tire chief aud ib
newly elected president of the Fire Chiefs
association , with a beautiful chair made lior
tbo horns of steers und buflaloes. "
The chair v\u > made by tbe men at No ,
engine house , 'l'weutfourth ' and Cumin
streets , aud is indeed a beauty. For month
hoforo tbe fire chiefs convention the men t
tbo house worked hard polishing solecte
Highest of all in .Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
horns and the result of their labor
was on clegunt ctfalr , The uphol-
stcrlns : was done oy Ii well Known
Oranha firm and was the best that the house
could turn out. Major Hughes is n great ,
favorite among the fifei cftrMs of the country
and to cerroiUy will filitbc position of presl-
dent of the association trlih credit to himself
and the orcaalzaUon. ' v
Vnrlott * Oflcmlrr * titithcrril In lly llic Oftl-
cem I-nvT.-Mluht.
Detective Savage arrested Thomas Morri
son last evening forf l-ofciphcUy In the rob
bery bt n Bonsou Heights motor car about
Iwo ivcckt ago. Mormon lalllcs exactly
with tbe description o/ihcj robber given by
the car men just nftcr.U orolbory , lie was
also positively idotitrtlrd'-as the mtm by A.
M. Walton. i
Last evening n tall man witb a sandy
moustache steupsd up to the desk at Mc
Donald's restaurant to par for his meal. As
Mrs. Clark opened Ibe money drawer tbo
man attempted to grab n roll of bills , but
Mr. Clark was too quick for httn and nabbed
him before the door was reached. The rob
ber kicked Mr. ClarK and started on n run
down Iho street. In nn nllev near the Now
York chop house ClarK caught the man and
was again knocKcd down and escape was
oasv. A description of the robbsr was left
with the polirc.
Last evening Dotecllves Savage nnd Viz-
aid trresled Harry F. Bntton , an employe
of Aulnbaugh's fur store , fnr grand larcenv.
It was roporled that Burton had cuihC7Zled
fMX ) of thu linn's goods. Both Mr. Aulu-
baurfb at'd the prisoner declined to talk
about the matter.
Officer Stiles arrested George liwlng last
night for horsestcaling. Itus claimed thut
the prisoner had taken possession of Dr. A
Johnson's rig xvhile il was stundlng al Four
tccnlh und Douglas streets. Thu outfit wa
recovered some six hours later und Exvlng
dented stealing IU Ho laid the blame on u
couple of women who wore with htm wnen
Ihe horse was untied and dilvon away.
Charles liusbmau was arteMert by Officer
Sullivan last night on general principles.
About three years : ipo Bushman attempted
to hold up Officer Bloom by Ihrowlncr a
coupln of revolvers into his lace , but luck
was ugainst him nnd Bloom look the would-
be hichwaymtin to jail. From there bo want
to state's prison , where he served two years.
.1 Jiv sin axis ,
Mr. Sol ftusscll , who bciran bis annual en
gagement at Boyd'K theater last ovenini' ,
seems to think old ways the best. There is
real genuine , honest fun In "A Poor Rela
tion. " made d ubly enjoyable by the
genius of the man who pi ys the
part of the inventor , Noah Vale.
A sterling actor , acknowledged leader of his
school. Mr. Russell alms to give thut ' touch
of nature which makes the whole wet Id kiu , "
and Sow well ho succeeds his uninterrupted
series nf popular ovations , not only in
Omaha , but throughout America , arc in evi
dence. Mr. Russell Is surrounded by a good
company of pluyers..Frani ; E. Alken , Charles
Canfiold and" Earlc Stirling carrying oil the
boners among the men. while Miss Minnie
Radcliflc , Miss Lester , Miss Abuott , appear
ing In thoroughly congeulal roles. As for
Iho children , they are irresistible , \\ltb
every seat in the house taken , with every
box filled , It was no wonder that Mr. Rus
sell , in his pleasant way , responded to a call
at the close of the second act und made a
verv taking little speech which caused every
body to shaice hands with his neghbor over
tbe fact thac Omaha wus Intellectual euouh
to appreciate the actor and the num.
t.'JC.lL RttXriTlKS.
Euclid Martin of Omaha has been elected
president of tbo Blue. Hill bank und John U.
FetrCr of Oraubatbe managing director uud
vice president.
John Grant has fluiphea xho concrete base
on the Park avenue pavement , und is rush
ing the asphalt coat. Tne work will be com-
plelcd In a week or ten days.
Hugh Murphy has completed about ten
blocks of oricii pavement on the itTjrtb Mda
of Leaven worth ttieot. Nothing has yet
been done upon the S9ulbcido of the street ,
Wednesday is the 'last-dnv for receiving
entries lor tbe Omaha Kennel club dog show ,
which commences OctoCerl ! . " ) . Quite u num
ber of local owners ol .good dogs have neg
lected to register their animals with Secre
tary Marston. They should attend to the
matter at once , as Iho show is already an
assured success.
[ Malt Extract
and TDK 1C
Properties or0
Cask of ALE ;
without being
It exalts the energies , stimulates the
nutritive powers , improves the appetite
and aids digestion. It can be used for
man , woman or child.
Matchless as a tonic in convalescence.
Purchasers are warned acainst imposi
tion and disappointment. Insist upon tlie
" Genuine. " winch must have the signature of
" JOH AKNHOFf " on the peck label.
If vim lutve nn appetiteIiiillwhtlun ,
Ariiitiili'iiur SI k-Ufiifliclir "till
, < - : , riuiQ
" < lou n" or losing tlrhlii toke
Tlify tnim up tli < i iT.U Moiimrli uiiil (
ItUllll 11)1 ) tllll ilHKX\ll \ rllCTKlfo - " ' < '
rai \
Anew nal compline 'I'reatjisnt , ronilitlnz ol
Enppoiltorlei. Ointment la Captulei , ulia 1 ° Uo <
andl'lIU ; a I'oiltlvo Cure fur lliterual. Internul
tlloOor Uleadlneltonlnv , Cnrnnlo , Itocentor llerj.ll-
Urrl'llBi , TiU HmupJ/ tin uuvcr bjon known lo
Uli.ll par bor 0 forii entb7 mull.Vljj > uIer ! from
tlil > terrlDlu dliuao Trli n u wrltt3n iranrantaa 1
pomtlruly elven wltu U bjzai or rufund ihemonar 1C
notcur&dAHal fcti'iip for fraa bampla. ( iuaranto3
liBueil bjr Kulin A Co. . DruzeliU , Sulo A'-c-p'.i , corner
1M1 * knJ Huuzia troai uui. ia. Neb
bids nuirlu-J ' 'proposaU for district
Kind iiu bo'idi > " will bo recu.vud nt. llieeltv
linii.urer'b ; olllcc , C > inuhiUNub. | , up to ISo'davli
noon of thu Ulh dny ot Optotjer. In'/ ' ' , for tin
IiurcutiBo of J'lV'OU.dJ ( JlstrIct pridlnv bonds 01
thucltv of Oni ihu , Nub.
buld bonds hhnll -4)11104 ) Oetobor 1st , IsDi
UTICI sliull bo payable jiifri'inoiiti ' to nine your' '
after tliu Uuu ; thereof Ith .nturo t ul tin
rule of.'i pur cent per .untium payublu un
nuully. ' - ' '
rrinolpul und Inten > t nayiible nt Kouiitri
llros. . Ne Yotlv. uul bqgil * iliatl bo of tin
ilenoniliinllon of lUXi.ui ; , anJ 4H1LU
bid must bt.tto 'pr'ee and itinoun
for und Include urcriieJ Interest K
dateof dulivniv : it Unlah-i. Ncih Thu rl lit I
rti urvcil to reject uuv und nil bids. l ucc
nnaei churlcr power of cltlnsof the niutrcpal
llun eluhs und Urdluunru .No. i'A npprove :
t-cptfinlier lot I ) , IBLTJ
6''ldit Ulty Trciiisiirer.
I'rop > uU lor Uutnei Strvvt liiip
llllIlllB ,
Feuled bids marked propainlf , fnr dlstr'c
ttrfilliuiHiviiin'iit | bontl-i" will bo rttuh ml u
tliu otllco lit thu city treasurer. Umaba. Neb
up to IJ o'clock noon of 1 'tli ' diy'of Uutubei
] * ! . for tlio purchase of liM.'jui ( XI dlstrlc
fctreca liupiovKtuenl bond of the city o
Uinuhu , Neb ,
HuliI bonb ] tiall ha date ! October 1st , IBO'
and hlmll be payable In from one to nine year
niter the date th roof. with Intern * ! ut th
rule of 5 percent per annum piviiblo annual
I'rlnclpal and Interest payable ut Kounu
llros. . New Vorlc.
bald hondk kball he of the denomination u , IV ) i.twmia tliK.oauach. )
l.uch bid must Btuto pr ee and amoun
Bounbi for unU locliide U'-cruoa Inturuot l
date of delivery at Omaha , Neo.
Tbe right u ruserved to reject any and ul
Usiind under charter power of cltlfsof th
wetroitolltan cla 9 und ordinance Nu. UI , ai
proved cpU > lllt > ur tM'i.
s''laiTt city Treasurer ,
' ? l vdmlen
who iHTtond tlwt
thi jan pell Ur.
1'ioivc's primfne
iiKxltcine * nt loss
than tbi long-
Golden Medical
Pl x\eiy ( for
] < hcr , Blooil and
$ l.oo per bottle.
I'nvorlte lYcsorip-
tion ( for womnn's n-onlcnesteos nnd ailments ) .
f 1.00 per tiottk. Pleasant Tclleli < for the
liver ) , Si cents per vi l. Compound Ext.
of Smnrt-AVoeil , .V ) cents per botllA Dr.
Hoce's Cntnrrh ] { ctnr < ly , M cents JUT bottle.
The ytnuine niwlidnes con only lw mid by
drureMs , nt Hitnlxjve prices.
There tire niw-o ways than ono to muVpn
.prolitevcn nt "cut priwu. " t'tmuupiilotis
tlmlers tnuiiioril \ \ the I Kittles , or rellll
empty ones nnd Mich mixtures can be ro il
chmply. Hut every liottle of Dr. ricrco's
liemtinc miarantcnl. If it fails
to Rive siit.isfactldli in ruiy cn o , you ha\o
your money lack.
Cnn nnj'thins else , nt nny jirio. U' reallv
s cheap t YPU pay only for vnluu r - ' '
SPECIAL xorioas
The want .vltortUis uonti .ip3 | inn : d a
noniinpcr ' 're ortcn th most lutcrenln ;
part of Its content * . They ovpn s the urgent
needs , the dully uUlim of the people vvlui
want cametlilns and "Iu mo wlilliu to do
\XTANTHI ) A Ihntotislilv competent girl :
" must he : i good eoolt Inquire ut Mrs \V.
A. Manrer. Ml sot-end ivvonuo.
nlwiys rnnclv and exer nllllns to liott
propetty ; rins uiw iys ou hand , tie and -eo
17 * A KM nnd city loin1 * . Money loinuJ enL
L block nnd craln Ht > il i > st tu fur s.ilo.
Dwrllln : an I huslnoss renluls. Mnnuy lo.iniU
furloual Invustcrt. Loucc . .TovMc-'Ji 1'e irl
U1iHJSA.K ! lU'slrnhtu residence nroperlv
-L on I'uik avc. Modern ImuruVPtnentii , 14
lociius. ono block from mnttir ; a hiriulii : If
laker ut onee ; easy inyinenls or tr.ulo I' II.
IP yon want to rent ahonsesei'tireeiichleUK
NleluiNon , V Co.
FOUTIt\I > n-l.iiidslii : Greolv couniv nnd
Cnster rtninty. .Neli. . for mok of Jowoiry.
nrcuns fuinlturu or business pioporty In
* - tlio largeit list of ptopurty of any Hrm In
the city
FOK AI.K Choicest farm In lrottawatt i-
in o Co. . 4U ! acres , well los-iti-d mil Im
proved. Price SiJun acre. 1111
| 1'YOtJ have saythlns for sale or trade sos
in. . H. She its. lirnvlway und Milri strcnt.
FOH FAI.B On simil payments , fruit and
garden Ian I noir Council 111 nils U. 11
Shuafc. liroaclw.iy anl.Maln street.
IF YOIT wan * to heat eomethlnc nc > v roeard-
Ing roul estate ' ee ( Jioeushelds , NichoNon
i. Co.
Co.w AN'TI'D Nf' ra .l a lan'l In cxi'hango for
peed work hor-e . n II Hio.ife.
pUnKN > HKUS. ) NICHOLS-OX .1 CO. Have
VJinuny bargains In Improved und v icant
propertv wjiieh they would Ito nleasuu to
show you.
\\7" \\OOD& Ui ) . have so-ne of the Unest
'i . funns In Bonthuestern Iowa for sale
Call und i-co ns : > 2J Main street.
IF vcm h i\o : i tionsu to rent sec Uieenahields.
Nicholson A : Oo.
All.\IHJiM.N. n-ucte fruit -iiid garden tract
2"3 " miles from postolllce. 'J1' ueri-s in grnpes
it uero In bliielJii'i-ilos. . " > i anule trees T. >
plum trees. Ji'i t-herry trees , dttH.llne. stable ,
etc. l'riccl.nOJ. No tradu. E. II. bheafo.
IT YOU want to buy a lot sso Greun hlelds.
Nlehoulson & Co.
[ . ' . .00 I'BK MONTH rents n mod ii-mom
[ 'dwolllnir on AveO near'Jdth st , I' . H.-hciifo.
IT you want to buy a House see Urconshlolds.
NlchoNon & Co.
J BO acre improved farm Hi Mills county. la.
i'J .ril per uure ; also 1TO at fJ' > ; t > "i acre * Im
proved In 1'ottaxvattatnle county. JJJ ; snaps
John'-Hin Van I'uttcn ,
C4KcnN. urnins , NICHOLSON .t co. ai-
V trnyb have snaps un hand Tor conservative
DON'T hit v pmix-rty till j'ou have seen
GreenshfelJi. NiehoKon .t Co.
ucns 'iiKLns. NICHOLSON .1 co real
ratuto and rental agents. 0:1 llwuy , C
1ST vour propeity with men \\lio rust e to
J ell ItSee Grecmhlelds , Nicholson \ . fo.
GItrr.NSIinLDri. NICIIOU ON\1CO. rcthe
leadiuir estate de-ilf-rs of C'oiinII
llluliR ' eothem when yon want anything.
DONTforse.that riipeiisliieldh A : Nleho'- '
son arc ilK'-t ' in the middle1 of tlio rliiK"
lunifst list if propel iv of uny dealei in the
COMI.nnd taUe one of Giecnshlolds. Nli'ho -
son's rl s and lane a ride over thu eity : it
costs you nothing.
II * von want to tiny laud see Urcenslileldb ,
Nicholson & Co.
POU 1IKNT 7 rooms on Plrst Ave. , J25 il
11. Shuufe.
GCdO acres o' ehoico pine lands for sale ,
Vieur I'm vis. Miss. Easy IUIIUM In-
qulruof Mrs. II. G. HrooUs , or A. T. Hiee. ! ' . ' :
Uh sticcu
GAKIIAUK removed , eostpodls. vaults nnd
cliiinnujs cleaned. U I ) . Ituruc , City IIdg.
FOR SALn 1'urnltnre. fixtures and lease of
the luirt' t niio finest liolul In southern
Nubtiib' a. All modern Iniproxfiiicni' . ulo-
Kiuit furniture. Nut prollts ifloUJ.uil per an
num ; hulldlni ; newly hnllf. no competition
I'r.cnf i.nOJ.0 > . half cash. E. II Sheafe. Uuuucil
llll > ff < . Iu.
FOHS/fLK Crfianiory O'ltflt. cotiiurivln-j 2)-
n p. hoi or. ll-li. ) p. eimlne. - Do l.ivi-ilj
8 ( > p.tratnrs ' critiim rats , : tMf.iilfini uacli ; ash
cluirn.II'Ji L'a'lons ; uouur hntter woiucr. ljuain
seiilfK , Miilcht uin. ater tank nnd other
fixtures. Will Roll ehoap for u.ith or trade
for Un i. U II. Mieafu.
IfOK SA l.H-A snod milch eow. I'ricp tu.00.
Will take pay for bamu In caipemer uork.
l.ooiiHid ICverelt.
Full SA LK A Bond pony : welzhs ahoutsr
pniindg. for ! 4U.lU. ) Will taUu par for bjnu
In furpenter work. Leiiipird Kveii'tt. .
H . AI.K A ccntlo horbe and phaeton
r. A. Wood A. Co , Mi Main hlreet ,
F I OH SAI.IZ Ilnrdwar.1 xtocks In lown uni
Nebraska. Invoice * , f.'l.uu'J to fl'.OUJ. 1-11
T o nmiPh imd tno eolti , fo :
n Kood lot In Oounell HI nil's. U 11. Hhuafe
W ATr.H SI'ANlttk dos lost ! rolUi
marliod I' . K. MeCullouin. Liberal te
ward for reiurn to Itl'J Aveiiuo A.
MONDAYS in Kv A. ] iurlor . children , 4
in. ) adults. 7ilp : rn. SoflaN second am
fourth Monday , , K p. m. Muslu furnished pur
tlus and clubs Address ut IL A. I'.iriors
Cotinell Illtitrh. or ItlM Kuniam t > t. . Omabu.V
K. t'hamberx. Instructor.
To the onners of all lou or purls of lols o :
Davenport between . ' .Glli unduMb stteets ;
You are hereby notltlid thut tbu under
slL-hfd. tlireo dislnteresled frueholdert of th
city uf Omahu. liu\u been duly appointed b
thu iniiyoi , wltli tin ) approval of the clt
council of said city , tu &n > ess tbo dumueti t
the OHIILTM respectively of thu uropcrt
atTocted bv cradln uf Darcnport street froi
IMjtli to Ueth streets , di-clnrcd nucessiry b
oidliKiucu aV87 , pasviul October 1st , l trj , ai
proved October th. IM
t ou are furlhur notifiedt ha thaUuc accept e
said uppoliituent , and duly cinulliloa r <
cjulreu py law , ne will , nn thuUli day c
October. A. 1) . . IKi. , ut the hour of S o'clock I
thu afternoon , nt tb olIU'u of ( ico. .1. I'.iu
1CU5 I'liriiHiii street , within the rorporatulimit
of Buld city , meet for Iho purpose of coimrtei
Ini ; and muklnc thu assfubuicut of duiiiuRp t
the ouncig reipuctlte'v ' of nuld proper t ;
ufloetud by said zradlnir. liiUln.- Into foiiklil
erutlonspeclul benefits. If any.
You are nullUfd u > bu piehtnt al the tliu
und place a'oiusnld , and niiiUe any objectloi
to or stutuinentM , oucernln ; suld ufcsettsiiici
ol dauiuiies as you may consider proper.
GKO. J. Wl'U
Omaha , Oct. Bth , IfcCC. o-iud-ut
Winter's at the door ,
Overcoats at our store.
. In many respects we are much more for-
tuna'te than our neighbors in that we are not
loaded up with last year's styles. We started
out new this fall and our overcoat stock
is no excep uon. W e
have had made 4OO
all \vool di- a g o n a 1
sack over coatssome
Wo'rtli ' SC3.OO.
with and some with
out velvet eollai's , lined with serge , and ai'e in
bro.wn , gray and tan colors , sizes 34 to 42 ,
made to sell and to wear as good as any $6
overcoat.but as a starter we offer them at $8.75.
W e also have
15O Chin ULSTE1RS chilla Ul-
sters , suit able for a
storm coat t i c t 1
, s r y
Worth ST7.Y5.
wool and well made ,
with big * collar , with or without belt and
double breasted ; standard value $7'.75ve of
fer them to you at a five dollar bill.
Most anyone can quote prices In a news
paper , but to have the goods to show at the
price and at the same time satisfy the public is
another thing. V/e have the goods and are
pleased to show them whether you buy or not.
We sell no shoddy stuff. All our garments are
sold on their merits and to get your future
trade. Our past method of doing business is
sufficient guarantee of just treatment.
Successors to M. Hellman & Co.
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets.
. W. PAMLE , i. B.
The Go&d Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience.
/ treat the following Diseases
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , end I/jnps : Ml-
easesoftbe Eye aud liar Fiusand Aioplci.Ueurt
Disease , Liver Coiuplalut Kidney Ccmplulnt ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Dlahete BriEhtBphease.St Vitus'
Dance , Khcumatlsm , Taralysls , White Bwclllnp ,
Dcrofuiu Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula in ano removed without
the knife or drawing a drop of
blood. Woman with her dellonte orpr.ns re
stored to health. Dropsy cured niibout tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to S5OO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot cure without mercury.
Tajio Worms removed in Iwn or Ihrcc hours , or uo
pay. II'-niorrholilH or riles cured.
Will pave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Plij-klclan wlio can fell what alls
a puihonlthoutatlilne a iiiicMlon.
All oorresjxindcuce Blrlclly conOdcntlaL Medicine
cent by uxitress. AddruaS u letters lo
G , W , Pangle , Mil.
8SS Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Funeral Director , Embalmer
114 Main Street ,
Coudoll UlufTs.
Vouuie hrreliy tiotltlud thut the iindor-
siL'ned , thteedlilntt'n'sled friieho dui * of the
city of Oiiiubu , bate been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the upprovu , of tbu city
council ot s.ild city , to unt-s , thedamaKu to
the OWIUTB luspoctlviily of tbe property
utle ted by tha ehanzu of craOti of Decutui
street , from -Tth lo SSUi. hlronln and liuursort-
Ini : itiut'U. dtclured iieces n.v by ordiiiuni'O
.Nuintur lirj , passed Hept. 'Jjth , 1-J. . and ap
proved H-pt. iinl , ItiM
Vou uru further not find , that Irivln ; ae-
ceplediiild appointment , una duly iiU'Ullii-d '
at re'iuliedby law wit will , on Ihe Ituti il ly ut
October. A. 1) 1 'Ji , at thu hour of 111rou
o'clock In tbo ufternoon , it I thu nllleuof l > oo. J.
1'aul. HVt : , K.iiniiiii fctieot. ulthin the
corporate limits ot sild city , nmut for the
purpose of considering uiul making the
UMHvuineiit of duinuso to the ouiiori iitipuo'-
vuly of said propurtj1. allocteu bv Miild i-baniju
of Kiadu. Inktii- Into coiislilfrullon special
benefits If any.
Vou iiro noiilUiU tobo prcsunt ut the lime
and plaeu aforus ild , und inuku any o ijuutlons
UiorsiHtuinenticiincernlnj Mid u * . u > unjut
of dttiiiaRts us you ma ) ' consldor proper.
, \VM. U , rill 111 VRU. . .
Omaha. Neh. , October Cth.Veu O7uiut.
I6tn and Howard Streets ,
CO ItnDins for I'atioiitH. OMAHA ! HEB ,
Tor the treatment of
Chronic , Private ! Nervous Diseases ,
MU5 AM > n'MA I.E.
IMli's , Fistula. Fissure and Strlc-
ttiro nCllic Ifcctuin ppriiiaiH'iit-
ly ouroi ! without tbe use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Encliw Jc lii M.'Miis ' | in ] nut K'7 pii i > HOOK
on Ill < l AH S uid v si HIM lllunlis ,
will l > c MAlI.rii 1 Kl i :
Kith nnd Ilnuuril SIR. , Oinahi. Neb.
W. C. MAX-UT.U. , M. ] ) . . i'ri'S. llmllim ll.l. |
I'mpomiN lor Library ! * ullfni ! .
So iloil proposals will hu teculvi'd Uv l owlsS.
)1 Li. president of the Hoard of Dliuclora ot
the Omaha nubile Illuary. nl thu Nehrablia
Nutlonul banli. In thu oily of OmaliH , until 4
o'elocU p. in. Tliuisdiiy , Ojtuhor lit. IK ) , ' , furtho
jL'roi'llon and eninplulloii of u Ihrco-slory and
Imscinciil Ilio proof llhr.iry hulldhiK ut tlio
southensi cji'iicr of Huh titi'l Hartley stieuts.
Onuili i. In aceorJ moo \vnli plnns mid fcpoelli-
ciitiiinson ll.u In tliuolllcu of Walker A ; Klni-
liall , iirc'iiltuttrouin M.'l Mc-C.iauo biilldln : .
Kich : hid must lie nccoiiipiinind tiv a cerlllioil
chucK for $ .Oil ) , puyahlo to ihu orJer of Ihu
president of the uo.nJ of the Omaha publlu
The hoard rc < .ui VVH Iho rliht lo rejoetany or
all bids.
Ilyorderof the IloHid of Dlroetors of the
Omaha nubile Illirary. WILLIAMS Cuitrifi.
" " "nuVu tint-rotary
Omalia Medical ami
Ivc ! ir
liWfarllltHn , ; > ; niMi i il rdinlia * f > r 14'Jiu (
treitmiMilnl rvtry furnj of JHOII | > ) ru jutr *
Inluullc il in > ur li4l ! tru il ua-it.
a tic-di fori > ttti9iit . hoirl mil uituiliii-j iiet n ,
ixjiuiiilatlon * In Iliu Mi > t.
WrllB fnr drrulan n iUir < iriiiHI n.iJ liraooi. Ir.if
n . club loci , cirviniroinf milnu , pllei , luiiion , cu'i-
ci-r , ( utlrrli , liro.'ii nils , Inlialulliiii. liloCinMt ) ' , iia
uUrlK.tiiilifiMklUnujr , lilaUor. l-i' , cur , oliiB Hnl
tiliinil unlufl mrjk&l iiiurHui ; ; ) .
DISEASES OF V09EK iUi'LIf ' S,1 , ,
VVuineii KHK15. Wn Irni ) Inti lf u'Ho 1 H l > iu-iu lie
imrlmcnt tor Wtimim Uurlnit oimlincniBTit , iti | i
jinvnle. Onlr ItflluUlu Mullcil lun.tule iui.ui.-
MifClHll ) Of
All Illiiod ll KH > n < > j ( J4rully irtti'al h'ph ' ' \
l'oiMin > reai'JV nl Irom I'm nyulo u wittiuui tuar Jr/ ,
Nf * ItuKt'irtitlvu Trtul rent far luit of VITA .
ruWlCil. I'cr 'ill uii4'jl In vl ll ui luir Imlr-jlul
ut huuiu hy uurru | KiaJunui. All r'mmiunlaitl ' jj <
i < oiilUentlHl Mt llc-lii'i .rlu .ri ueutouut hr tuolii'
ciprrn.KUCurt'liia.KDl , nu iiuro t < i In Hi ut < , u
tcnti nr M-nJcr. ono i"jr 'ii ' l lutcrtl I'-otiunil '
1 H : | urid cAin uii ui or u < tJ hl orof > uur ( Mia , k 1 1
, „ , ot Konat n , , , . , ,
liuio | < incylr ; | > blll > , ( jl < iulaaJ Vario j..elo , | U 144 l
llruiHii , yii > i > lluiiHt for Itafur.ultloi an I Tru'e
( nil ) ' liianufuct'jr/ la tlio went > (
J)15KOUM1TV. AI'l'UAXCIW , TlU's-ICa. I.'I.K I'
lilt UA'lTeillKS AND lll'.l.Ti.
Omalia Mclical anl Surgical Ins'Jlulc '
26 Lh aud Broadway , Ojuncll Blatl'j.
TITI ailntue rUe from coulur of O uiUU4 O.u 4
jil u < uuu tliult uluclrlu uio ; > r UU4.