Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    , ; ! , " Y , t1 ' <
Till' ] OMAHA DAILY KEKt . . .TUESDAY , ( KTOCKIl H , 1802.
iri\Mt. t\i 'Pi if PC Till' ' PATXT
Rich Transylvania Trotting Stakes Won by
a Massachusetts Hotsa.
Lexington CriMTilnl llli l.ntrr * nl llio
lluric , Who WltnrMi-il SIIIIIH I 'I in- ( loll R
Othrr Now * from llin Itiiro C
SpiirkH of Spnrt ,
Lm.voiox , ICy. , ( Jot. l--Thl ( ) was ft cola
day ut Lexington and for that miller a
grand holiday In all Ibo wonderful blue grim
region of ICuntuckv. Over G.UOU persons ut-
lonilcil the races todav , nilraelod principally
by iho Transylvania ,1)00 stake. All races
\voroclo.ui , coiiipolllni : Iho wlnnors lo go tholr
level beit lot their inonnv. A Mmsacntisotts
horse , Kremlin of tlio Allen farm , PlttsUold ,
Mass. , look tliu prlw > In thoTroiisvlvnuia
Hinhoi In slraiifhl heats In neck and half
IciiKlh llnl.shos. Kremlin bail n record of
'JMIJf. unit soliail Walter K. but tbo host
previous record UIWIIIK tlio tlilrtoon entries
in Hits central was 'Md' ' . , , held by Llltlo
Albert , Kremlin's best lllno In the race
was only quarter ol a second under his
record. ' Hut ttio unexpected and tbo really
urrat , event of tlio day was the breaking of
thn 'J vrnr-old race roconl by ono second In
thofto'cond rac" , oy William I'eitn. Tlmo :
SJM8K Hcru Is a laurel for Pennsylvania.
for the plucky bay colt coinoj from tbo
I'hiiHilx farm , Phtimtxvlllo , Pa.
Klrst r.ieo. Uluo Or.m stakes for 4-year-
ntils. continued from H.iturdny. Jt.MJ : St.
Clulrn won , Slumber , ! xeounil , llanpy I'rlm-
rosu llilid. Time : ' 'Ml , S-lli , SISU. : 2'J't.
Msir.'i '
yecoinl Men.yearold trnttlnu. open to Ml.
imrso $1.00)llllam I'enn won. Mamhrlno
Swift sufcjiid. trlnVllkus : third. Time : Si''ly
: Jl8i..U : ! ! : Tim time In llio second heal low
ers this riico record one socond.
Third race- . tin ) Tr.insylvanla " : If
class : Kremlin won , lla mln' < NUhtliiKiilu
Hocond , l.lltlo Alburl llilril. ( Ireimluiif fourll. .
DlllllT fin.ll. lli/tl : Wllki-s slYtli. I lull. . hi
Huvmilh. Winter K ulplith , Antler-smi's Nlaht- ninth. Majiir tunlb. Si. Vincent
eleventh , New Vorlt Central twolflh. Halllu It
dntiiiee.,1. Tlmu : asll'i. yl'l. : 'll\\ : \ .
lMiirth raeeimitlnlshiMll , I'M' elass. troltln- .
inirxo I.Vj'.i ' : Ur. Spar.s , Nelly N ,111111 untl
VnctoliH oiii-li won oni ! boat , flint1 : ' .M'-J'i. '
U.trilii 1C , to binta. : . ' > U. wont In -l. : : :
Sliurl llnrM ) l > ay > * l. .MnrrN I'aiu.
Mounts 1'Mii , KMT. TIMI-K , N. Y. , Del. 10.
Tim In * ' week's racing of the so-called lo-
pltlmato season was Inaucur.ilcd hero Ibis
afternoon with fair wcathfar and 7,000 spjo-
lalora. Only ono fuvorlto , H'.imiuct , won ,
and the speculators were pretty well cleaned
out. Summaries :
I''lrst rai'ii. Uvo fnrloir.'s : Correction I'Mo ' 2i
won. Miiiiutiell (7 ( to ID ) second , lil//ulta i-H to I )
thlid. T.ino : ris' ' < .
Six-mill racn , mllu anil a titarter | : llaniiicl |
( uvcn > won , llnssell (7 ( tii''isucond , Sletpnor (3 (
toliihlril. 'rinin : 'Jln. :
Third r'co live furlongs : lluih Penny (4 ( lo
] ) won. | lv " .lovo (7 ( to i ) second , Clara , cell , i. * > lo
: . ' ) Hi ril , "Tlmn : r.'P4. '
Koiiith ruue. ly'luiiipa m1 stakes. SHVOII fnr-
loirjH : Annlu I' , volt , I''il lei U won , I'rineo
li'urgo ( . " > to ' 'I second. Itnnvon (9 ( to HI ) third.
Tlmu : l's. :
Klflh rupi1. siirnn fnr'tmcs ' : Iiyppiini i.Mo It
wnn. I'n-d Tural < "i lo " > second , Aral ) il to I )
thlr.l Tlmo : l : 4- .
Slxlb raep , six futlnnps : ln ! cim Cl to I )
won. Slrnei'o ( "i to II huconil. Aildlu I'l to li third.
Tlmo : l:12y. :
iuli-pniiilriiitu Opens
Mir.XfE , la. , Oct. 10. The four
weeks' mooting opened today wilh coed
crowds and good raclnp.
The isiia trot , with thirty-live entries ana
11 f teen Htartars , opened the meeting , 'i'bouuh
tboy had lo beat , down a breeze from tbu
\vost , they inado uxccpuonally good lime.
llnnlco K . won iho lirst teal and Ihcn
I'eduro catnu in for the next two. Equinox
took'thu ' third , and iho remaining Uvohuatb
Kiinlnoju.yrou.Itadurn . .ecoinl. llurdoo It
t.lilr.l , llutsy t ! fourth. Don Dnnnor llfth
Time : yui : fjoy , 2tfJ ! . Si'Mtf.Ss'M * : , : i.H. : : > ! i j
Ttiootlior ovout , the ! t:00 : pace , showed up
wltb twelve slurtow nnd furnUhpd coed
spori. P. T. liarnum took the race in straight ,
heats after Trump nnd Dr. Christy bad a
boat apiece to their credit.
; iuil : iwi-u : 1' . T. llarnniti won. Dr. Christy
boeonil. Trump third , Altomalo fourth. I'nsli-
lor , jr. , llflh , Tlmo : S:1 : ! ; ! ? atSI.'JsSi. - > : S3 , . : ' . ' 4.
ICcHiiltH ut ( Mmiofitrr ,
liLoucoTcit , N. .1. , Oct. 10. Weather
clear ; track fast.
Klml raeo. sovi'ii-ol'-'ntli mile. Mln-.lrol
won ; Hinder I'leil II hi-iind , llcneltfthlril ,
lime : : : ; ;
T S > ei'0iid nliio-slMcenths
race. - mllu soiling ,
Maiden lloindon won ; Jiyrlsl suennd ; Onvx
third. Tlmo : 57.
Third race , Hovt'ii-nli-hts mile , holllns.
hnrji us wont Kelchnm huoondj National
third. Tlmo : lirj.
roiirlb raeo. thlrtoon-slxteonlhn of a milt1.
siillliiL- ah.siinova won , Whllu Wln s Hri-ond ,
Vooulltu third. Tlinu : I:2S
I'lflb race , Movpii-uUhtH of a mllu. solllnj , ' ,
( irenudlur on , l iiililan | socoml , I'adro third.
T ino : : ; , " .
Sl.xlli race , nlne-slxtounilis of a mile , soil
IIIK. Ynunz liiniory won , Itlns second , Ciover-
diilu ihlrd. Tlnu > : : MU-
Tips liir Toiliiv.
Hero are the horsox looked upon by tbo
prophet ns bein peed us old wheat for
todav 's ovunts :
. .
Tradesman Andiow I ) .
Ni'Oilamla I'odiKii.
Sliuncti Ijiimt.
Ulionii Sainlstune. *
l.oo llrl ol A. U. II.
Kin , ' Idle Jim Mnlholland.
Mounts I'AUK ,
Adolliert llulcu Koso.
Mlt'huolMnry Stinip.
: i. AJOVIMI BPl-ljHiln Hoy.
4.f . Nomad Dofurxllla.
f > . Yon mi ( iiamor.
( i. rveiino.
llt-N .MiilncH' I'lill .Mi'dlnv
Dis MOINKH , la. , Oct. 10. A six-day.s'
fiosslon was oncncd at tba drlviup parktod iy
in the prcsonco of tr ! , > 00 people. Kosulti :
Uliissl' : . ' trot : l.onlsvillu won , IllacU Vle-
tiil-'Hcuaud , Ktralford third. Host limn : i'M'1 ' '
; lnssii : : i inieui I'aoll won. llonry I < seeond.
Ju-o : Ihlrd. Ili-st llmu : . ; . ? .
Ciroii Irdttnrs : Colonel I * won , Dolllo It
bocond , Allen Hinllh Ihlr.l. Host llmo : U'i''I'i.
IO'UIIH * OuKilicr .Mcrl ,
Lvoxs , Nub. , Oct. 10. [ Suocinl lo Tin :
JJiin.l The October races nl the Kverott
H-toing nark opan tomorrow for four days ,
Thorn will bi1 some of the fastest liorses in
thu country bore. The track is Is line condi
tion. liiircu crouds am expected ,
1'inil Itiu-K Tliurkday.
Kay's ' unUnown , wno is to compote
in the loot race Thursdav apnlnst ,1 , lt.
lllncK'H proio.-o ( or $1,000 a aldu , arrived 'in
tbo cltylast ovenlnir. llocauio direct from
Ins iralninc Krounds ut Colfax SpriiiKK ,
where no bus noon for ion ddys ucllini ; in
rondllioii for the uvi'iit. ills opponent and
Uiinkrr HIM oxpeiil'-'d today or tomorrow. A
coed minv : bou htu'K already heun inado on
tbu ruMilt , nnd thii Houlh" Omaha ii.irlioti
whonro backini ; Ciooriro ICay'rt unldinwn arc
Tory conHdiMit Hint they linvo iho winner ,
liud will t' " bruks if they have not ,
Jock I'rlm'o .MilIan Another Itrcniil.
Sinu.n : , Mo. , Ort. -fSpoclul Telegram
loTnr. Hii.J : John S , Prlnco of Oiiuliu ,
the profoiislonal blcycl | l , broiso the world's
record today for u quarter of a inilo ovoi
tbu lilto-ihapoU track at Association nark ,
Priuix ! inado the quarlnr , llvlni ; Bturl. with
out a pao''inniior , in o. U3 , , u Jf.y g.iit ,
\te\i\K \ \ \ Hi" lasieit nulhenilu quarter uf
nulu ever ivadu ny a profosbtcnal , clihei
wllU or without ii pactiuiaijfr. Five liiiior :
nnd three Htarioi > navu inado nftldaritb as U
thu corroctmm of ( no iiino ,
HnriiH' I'ranU riea.
Ciiituno , III. , Oct. 10 , In suit lo recovoi
tiJ.OUU from the PiUsbuix Huso Hull club ' 01
bprvlces , linrns , the unso bull pliyor , tiled i
nova ) utuwcr In ronrt today to tbo plea o
tbu club that bu wusnetrli ontly carulossniu
Impiiiperly porfonnc'l the duties us inammor
capiuln ami third bx < uuun for Iboclub
Burns' answer suy.s that ho always uclo >
\rltli roiuonuolo sUlit und ubillty In o coord
mice wltb tbu rules of Iho club , bill ho dii
uotacroo tliut hu was campotent to porforti
Aity Alunlil . .liivnr. .
tlllly Lewis of Kan fraaclsco , a middle
weight , i * lu tut ) oily , anxious lo
match wltb any nvnUnblo man In tils class.
Ho would rattier contort tor a rpasonnblo
purse , and is under iho imi > rosslon that
Anron Shorroy would bo agreeable to such
nn arrangement ; If not , any olhor mnn will
answar. It is possible tnnt these Iwo maybe
bo matched , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Antlim * for n ( InniPi
O.MUIA , Nob. , Oct. 111. The Cathodiat
Hrno Hall club dofoalod a picked nine on
Sunday nt Twentieth and Williams , score
1" ) to 10. This makes slxteon strnlRbt ( tamos.
WochallonRO any club In thn city or stnlo
under lii roars of ago for money. Addroai
John Bhnnnahan , cabtnln , 1U25 bouth
Clovclnnil ThriiWR Oir Ilio rlr l ottho I'lrnt
ol thn l.ii t to rittftlmrg.
I'lTftti'iin , I'a. . Oct. 10. Cleveland lost
Iho Ramo by careless nlaylnsr. Attondatico ,
t,12-J. Score :
I'ltlsburR . t 0 0 I 0 n 0 0 68
uiovuihiui . o ' 0 u i o s o o o- : :
lilts : I'ltUbtirit. H ; Clnveland. ; < . Krrors !
I'lltshnrif , 2 ; Cioro'and ' , 4. liirnod tuns :
Cleveland. : t. ( latteries : llnldwln and Mac c
Yoniuand.Immur. .
\Vllly Illlty's Wondrrfiil Donlilf.
CixrtssMTi , O. , Oct. 10. Hutchlnson's
two-bairccr won the gnmo for Chlcaeo In. tno
niiilli tniiltiK. AlloadancoSOO. Score :
C'liu'lnnall . 1 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0.1
Chicago . 1 0 0 0 I ) 2 0 II I-- 4
lilts : Cincinnati. 0 ; UlilciiKn. It. Krrors : Oln-
uliurilt. 2j Chleiio : , 4. Harnod runs ! dhlcato.
4. llattorlos : Dwyorand Mqrphy : Iltllchln-
son and Klltrlclxo.
riillaili-lpluii Won Oncn .Mure.
I'lllt.MiKl.i'iiu , P. * . . Oct. 10. Philadelphia
defeated Haltimoro today by hnrd and con-
scculivo hlltin ? . Altonditnco Hoi ) . Score :
I'hlliiilntpllln . 0 2 II 0 ( I 4 0 1 * 7
Hulllmoru . 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 U2
lilts : Philadelphia. 10 ; lUUImoro. ! ) ! Krrnni
1'hllndolphlH , I ) , ' llnllltnnre , I , Karnud runi :
I'hlladulphla. 1 ; llaltlmoru. I. t ! merion :
Ciumunts ; Co bl ) and Unnson.
tviinniMly l.ulil 'Km Out.
Niw : YOIIK , Oct 10. The sonaiors could do
iiolliinp with IvnnnuJy and HrooUlyii wou
the 1:111110. Attundanco , ! II5. Score :
llrooklvn . 2 0 U 0 U 'J 0 2 8
Washington . II 0 o o o 0 0r >
lllls : lltooklvn , 10 : WashliiKinn. t < . Krror.s :
Itiooulyn. n ; Washington , 7. Ktrnuil runs :
Ht.Mililvn. n : Wiishliutun. 4. llalturloa : ICon-
ncily. lladdouK and Duly ; Munliln and McG -
G n I ro.
Silaiidini ; ot the Teams.
lie-iulillcilii Itoys of Yule ,
NHW 1UVKS , Conn. , Oct. 10. Mr. Kooort
Buchanan \\ado of St. Louis , 'president of
tbo Vulo Uumiblican club , has received the
following cablegram from LTnitud States
Minister I'holps at Uerlin : " 1 claim the
ho-ior of uniforming tbo Yale battalion. "
Dr. Chaunoey M , teiow ) ) is billed to address
a distinctively' Yale republican mooting on
Iho ! 'Slb instant.
ii is.i t inn ifuiiKc.isT.i.
Mit > ui-4 nod CrxilerViiatliof \VIII III ) Nn-
liiMsliii's rortlon Toilny.
WASIIISCIKIX , D. G. , Oct. 10. Forecast
for Tuesday : For Nebraska Ritr Tuesday ;
probably showers Tuesday night or Wednes
day ; cooler west winds.
for Iowa Fair Tuesday ; south winds ,
slufiins ; lo west ; warmer in cast ; sllpbtly
cooler In western portion ; probably showers
For South Dakota Fair , cooler ; local
showers by Wednesday morning ; sliRlnly
cooler ; soulhwost winds.
For INorlb Dakota Local showers during
the afternoon or nlchl ; winds shlftlnp to
west ; guncrally cooler , except lu oxtrcmo
noi'lhcast portion.
Local Keoiird.
Orricc OP TUB WKVTIIHII Bi'iiutu , OMMII ,
Oct 10. Omaha record of tomneraturo and
ainfall compiroa witn corresponding dav of
asi four vearj :
- l J. isstl. 189 ? . 1839.
laximnm tumuoruturo. . . . 8. = C73 511 ° 71l =
illiiliiinm lemtH-ralnro 4U = 4' ' ) = 411 = 47 =
Vvcrasptoiiiuurallire ( i'i3 ' 54 = 4S = KJ =
'reclpltat on DU .110 .00 .00
Statement showing the coaditlon of tarn-
leraluro and precipitation nt Omau.t lor trie
11 y and since March I , IS'.l. ' . M compared
Pith the p.onoral averaso :
formal teiniipruturo M =
Oxeoss fur tlio iiav. 11 °
> efuluncy ! since Murcli 1 209 =
Normal precliiltnllon O'J Inch
'lellcloiipy ' fnrtlio dsiy OUinoh
lollelenoy wlneo Jhirch 1 ' . ' . .18 Inches
G , E. LAWTOX , Observer.
L. A. Kent of Mlndcn is at the Pax ton.
J. U. Watson of Stella Is at the Arcado.
W. O. Oibbs of Lincoln is at the Dcllono.
llonry Tcrnln of Fromontlsat the Murray.
.1. C. Blackburn of Arlington is at the Del-
one.T. A. Baldwin of St. KiUvnrd is ut the Mil-
J. K. Ivos of Croto. is registered at iho
A. Crawlord of Howard Is n guest at the
1) . A. Jones of Wayne Is a cucst at the
CJ. 0. Torwilligor of Wayne U at the
C. W. Brulngor of Cir.ind Island Is at Iho
S , .f. Rryoii of Ashland was at the Mercer
Ci. W. Ultchic of Friend is registered at
the Area do.
J. V. Sannders of Konrney is at the
L , G. Davis of Beatrice is a at the
W. II. Dnrgnud of Lincoln was at tuoMl- | !
lard yeilerday.
II. II. Hoblnson of Klmuall is ragistorod
it the Paxton ,
P. II. Uallcy of Nebraska Uily is u truest
ill Iho Paxlou.
K. II. Oliver of Grand Island was at the
Murray yesterday.
W. IJoweeso of Lincoln Is among the
at the Murucr.
Gcorgo E. Dorrlngton of Falls City is u
guest at llio Mlllnrd.
Mr. and ftln. J. ( J. Sneer of Blair nro
among tbo guests nt the Arcado.
Dr. H. McDonald hits returned from a two
month * trip to thu Paclllo Coast ,
Mr. H. C. Crumb loft yesterday mornlnc for
Chicago in rosponsu to u tclugrnin announc
ing llui doalh ot nn inlttmUo Iriorul.
Aiulrnw Beckman , democralln candidate
for stale trousuror , was in Iho itltv yester
day , cnroute to bis homo at Oakland' ,
Mrs. Henry Gibson is homo from u thruo
months tour through Colorado , tilopning ai
Denver and other points of interest.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Drisklll and Miss
i\iinie DnsUlll of Speurilsti , S. U. , wcro
among Iho arrivals at the Paxton yesterday.
Tom S.voenoyvtio diicovorod the Black
Hills at the time whun Uarnoy'B ' I'onU was u
wnlcrholc , is in Omaha doing missionary
worn for ihu town of his heart's choice
Itapid City.
Mr. Charios N. FalrhanUs , for a number
of years connected with Iho Now Yorlt S'ln ' ,
and ul present editor ol Urownlnu it ICIrg's
publication , U in Omaha. Mr. Fairbanks is
unoof tliu vurr urlulitnil nuwspapur men in
iho country and a cartoonist of oxcnptlonal
Mr. II. K. Palmer has returned from Now
Yorlt nnd Now Jersey whore ho found moat
of lho % UUSUIO.-.S men talklni ; for Harrison.
Thu talk down ihcro Is ihat Kicvonson U n
greenback fuvorlnu' an unstablii
currency and lira fact In losing Cleveland
many votes.
ICJgar Scoit , referee , and 1C , M. Bart let )
and John I ) . Wlmrton , attornuyit for the In-
terittpu narlles , returned Sunday Iron
ClilcaKo , whuro for u week t hey wore busy
liiking testimony in the cii o of Nuls Morns
aeainsiAndrovvlIaus , wiiicli Inyoivos tiSJOOO
Thu suit is tbo outgrowth of tbo closing u |
ol a
Cilic-.v < 5ti , 111. . OiJt. 1U , IKpfctalTolosiuti
to Tun BII : : , i-Tbo following Nobriis.iiuii !
rogis'torol hero today : At IhuTromoni
Y. Lucas und wife , ( leorgo A. Joalyn nni
wlfu Omaha. Al iho Palmer F , C. Condon
W YOKK. Oct. -Special ( Telem am t
Tin ; BKIM. | . C Hamilton of Omaha is a
Ilia Bartboldi. Olhor Oinithans lu Nov
York are J. H. Duniont. Windsor boiel ; ! '
O. UilU Pluzi ; W. B.Tuvlor , Hold Savoy
F. W. U ruble , Hoffman houne.
Fnrjlnr Extjnsivo Improvements at the
Union Stock Yards Are ProjeotoJ ,
City Coiinclliiicn Spend ttio Evening DIs-
liutrlilnc Ilimlnr i Tluit Unit AITIIIIIII-
lutril llcnvy C'littlo Itcfelptu
Natcsnml rorsoimli.
Improvement follows imnrovomont at the
Union Rtook yards nnd the and Is not yet.
The slock yards company has Just completed
arrangements for pulling In aa olaatrlo liaht
plant , \V. S. ICItijf , the company's engineer
and arch licet , loft last night for Plttsburr ,
Pa. , lo place orders wilh the sVostliighouso
Klcctrical company for the machinery for the
The company will expand $ . ' 10,000 in iho
creation of buildings nnd Iho uijutpmont of
Ihc plant , The plant will bo located on
Twonty-sovonlh street Jusi south of Iho
South Omaha's Kloclnc Light company's sla-
lion. A brick bulldlne Uvo storlos high will
bo oroctodi The boiler room will bo AOnCtO
feet and Iho machine room 50x01) ) foot , The
dynamos will have n capacity for furnishing
light for IOC ) u ro and l.ll'JO incandescent
lamps. A circuit will also bo put in furnishIng -
Ing- power lor oloctrio molars. The
capacity of iho plant will bo the sumo as
that of the company now operating horo.
This Improvement has boon under con
templation for some limo. The stock yards
company will not only furnish iho lighis for
its own use , but will supply whatever de
mand thcro is for lliilits or power In the city.
Al Iho present tnno Iho comnany uses
twenty arc and 200 incandescent lights And
a small oluctrio motor in tUa running of iho
fans ' .n its oftlco building.
The Iniroduatiot ) of iho oloclrlc motor in
the city for power in the propelling "of
machinery is nn Innovation long looked tor.
They nro especially valuable where power Is
desired for a small amount of machinery and
thcro is a largo dumand far them In South
Omaha. Probably within the next vcnr the
stock yards company will bavo USD for n
Inrno amount of" electrical contrivances fn
the handling of increased business. The
company contemplates nutting electrical
pneumatic tubes through tbo yards within n
short time. These lubes will bo t eil for the
transmission of orders for feed to the feed-
master's ofllce. When Iho company has Us
plant completed Iho number ot nro and in-
catidcsconl lamps in use will bo largely In
creased ,
fl Is generally understood thai Iho now
plaiil will be so arranged as to furnish power
to the Metropolitan Street Il'illwnv com
pany , and thai electricity will take tbo place
of horses In the operation of the company's
line lu this city.
of rile Oily Council.
The city council mot. last evening. Mayor
Walters prosido'i. An accumulation of two
weeks' business was before the members.
Thn business transacted was of an unim
portant nature and Ibo clerk's dcsl ; was
cloaroa by W'M : , Iho council colng into exe
cutive session. .
The following chances were made in the
recent appointments on ths board of regis-
Irnllon : First ward , First precinct , A. B.
Moroy instead of P. II. Uonroy : Second pre-
ulnct , J. W. Sipi > Instead of F. Morton ; Thlrd
precinct , M. G. Zorbo and M Montgomery lu
place of L. Carpenter and B. A. Nunn. In
the Second precinct of the Third war-l F. J.
Fritog will servo Instead of Arthur ICrum-
Several special ordinances wore Introduced
and referred. They provldo for the levying
f special taxes and assessments to pay tbo
: est of grading Twentieth streel from O to I
trcols , M street from Twentieth to Nino-
eon th streets and Nlntcoiilh street from
Missouri avenue to M street , Eighteenth
treot from Missouri avenue to M street , the
pening up of Thirteenth street from Mis-
ourl nvenuo to Armour street and the lay fog.
f sidewalks on different streets.
An ordinance was pusscd providing for the
issuing of bonds in tbo sum of f lii.OUO to pay
he cos > t of grading L street , from Twenty-
'ourth ' street to Twenty-sovonlh street , ox-
lusivo of intersections , wlt.h vitrified brick.
An ordinance was introduced nnd referred
providing for the issuing of grading bonds
or districts seventeen and eighteen , in Iho
itim of * T,4l)0. )
Treasurer Hector reported that ho had
'orwar.lod to ICountz Bros , of Now
York S10SM , to pay interest coupons duo
October 1. Also $14,97 ! ) to redeem coupons
und bonds ot paving district No : i. and
$1,703 to redeem coupons and bonds duo on
curbing district No. U , making a total of
'J7 , 7ii. > .
An ordincnco was Introduced providing
'or the regulallon of Iho business of pawn
brokers in Ihe clly.
Properly owners asked to have Thirty-
oighlh slroct opened up through Logan
: ilaco. The petition was roferred.
Chief Becliett reported Iho number of
street lights which did not burn during Sap-
lutnbor. Tbo total number of hours they
wcro oul was 110.
( ! op Sing's communication , asking for $100
damages done his laundry by water Iwo
iveeks ago was referred to Attorney Van
Mr. Haley Introduced a resolution Increas-
ng Fire Chief Smith's salary from WO to $75
per month , the ohiot to davote bis onliro
II mo to tuo department. The motion pro-
The bid of Cash Bros , for sloping banks at
10 coats tier cubio yard was rejected , It being
considered oxcoislvo.
The council will moot us u board of equal
ization October ! il , 22 and 2 ! for tbo purpose
of cq'jnlulug the special assessments levied
in grading districts li and 7.
The contract tor grading O atroot , from
Twenty-second to Twonty-lourth street , and
the alloy , between Twontv-third and Twenty-
fourth , streets , from N lo O streets , was
awarded to John 12. Owens ut 147-10 coins
per cubio yurd.
The contract for grading the alloy between
Twentieth und Twenty-Aral streets , from L
to M streets , was awarded to Gush Bros , at
III 7-10 cents per cubic yard.
lU'xUtur Today.
Tbo board of reghtiMllon will moot today.
The registration is general and oaoh voter
in the city must register before being en
titled to a'voto at iho November election.
The ether dates of the sitting of Iho board
tire Wednesday , October 10 , Thursday , Oa-
Iobor27 , nnd Friday and Saluiduy , Norom-
bor 4 and fi ,
Tbo places of registration are as follows :
First Ward Firnt precinct. Fowler block.
Twenty-fourth siroot , botwoan M nnd N
streets ; Second precinct , 702 Twenty-fourth
street , between J and 1C streets ; Third pre
cinct , paint shop , Uormunia halt , Twenty-
fourih sircet.
Second Ward First precinct , Boyle's fur-
nluiri ) store , Twenty-fifth street , between N
and O streets : bocond preclnot , Twonly-tlrst
and lirovyn sireois ; Third proclnU , Morrlll's
feed slorb , Albright.
Third Ward First proclnot , Mrs. Kauf-
hold's bullnlng , ( } street , botwocn Twenty.
seventh and Twenty-eighth streets ; Second
product , Arkado hotel , Tnirty-tlrst and H
Fourth Ward Stock yards barn.
1. 111(1" ItlH'fljllH III' Cllttle.
Yesterday came nour being u record
breaker ul lha Union slock yards , The
banner day in iho receipts of cattle at iho
yards was Outobor 10 , 1801 , whoa li,74S were
rocoivcd , Tuo receipts yesterday numbered
(1,711 ( head , mostly westerns. Most of the
inutlo were common and of tbo feeder order ,
although them wnro some very choice ones
among ( hum. Tliu market price Is consid
ered good , and is uway above Kansas City m
every particular.
Nole mill Puntniml * .
ICd Doud loft yesterday for Sail Lake Clly
to oo absent several days on business ,
Mrs. U. K. Morris has rciuriioJ from Denver -
vor , Colo. , where she has boon vlsUlng.
Tim lax list for the year 1602 has been
completed unit ii now lu the bands of City
Treasurer Hoc tor ,
Persons A Berry will orccl Iwo cottages ut
Twouty-fourtli and Wyman streets , the plans
navlng been approved.
Mr. and Mm. W. U. S so eniertalnod a
party of frieudt lust evening at their nome
Nineteenth aim I streets.
City Treasurer Thomas Hector U In Mm
noiola. Mrs. Hector Is visiting In Iowa
during the treasurer's absoncu.
Councilman Bullu and Judge Iledtoj leave
today for Genoa to ticnil the state encamp
ment of Iho ICnlEht4) )
Frank Cooper , formerly a resident of Ihls
city , but now ongai dd in the banking bust *
ness nt Central City , was a visitor at the
lOxchango yesterday. - -
D. A. t'cnrca , doputg oily clerk , Is in Lin-
coin today tocurlng the grading bonds loft
wltb Auditor BontOKto be roglsioMd , Ho
will return this evening.
W. L. Bluodoll , ah amployo of Swift ifc
Co. . will bo united ( Jhi marrince this ovonluR
to MIM Suslo Luth at Oitumwa , la. They
will reside In Souih Omaha.
John Doud. forniofly a well known
speculator on the S6Uth Omaha ranrkot , but
now located at Boone , In. , In the packing
business , was In Ihotlty yeitorday.
The members of B. 1C. Wells oatnp. Son
of Yotorans , entertained tbolr friends last
evening wilh n social andtlanco. Thoalloud.
nnco wrvi lanro and iho event n social sue-
Mrs. F. Graham nttddaughter , MlssJcniua
Uraham , returned ycslordnv from Olympla ,
Wash. , wbeto they have rcsfded for Iho past
ycni. They \vlll rosIJo InSouih Omaha In
Ibo future.
The democrats will have a rally nnd torch-
llghl prooosslon this oyonlng. Thospeaklne
will bo nt Blums' ball nnd the suoakorj will
baJudirc Doanu , Hon. Warrott Switxior and
E. P. Smith.
Albert Do Oraw , employed at the Cudahy
packing homo , got the middle linger on hfs
left hand caught In cost whnnlq yosiorday
morning , and n surgeon nmputatcd'lho mem
ber nbovo the knlirklo.
F. O. ( .Jnnith has been appointed as agent
for the Paclllo and Unlled States Express
oomnanles at this point , to till the vacancy
caused by the death of Mnvor Miller. Mr.
( Irinith was Mayor Miller's ' assistant nnd
hli nppolnlmoot is considered n very good
Hllvor city i : ro .
Spocinl traitiB on the Wiibash , Thurs
day nnd Friday , Out. 12 nnd 13 , leave
freight depot , Council F31ulTs , nt 12:20 :
p. in. , and return after tlio rncos.
With the I.lvn IHXIIC C'liib.
Last ovetilng's session of Ihe CurronlTopIc
club was of moro than usual interest. Dr.
Somnrs , commissioner of bcallh for Iho clly
of Omaha , favored Iho members with a carefully -
fully prepared review of tbo disease known
as the Asiatic cholora. Ilo followed It from
its npnoarnnco in Iho sixteenth century ,
through all its Inn-ols and vlsitallons ur > lo
nnd including the present epidemic In
Europe , discussed the proper mode of treat
ment for the dlsonsi1 , how the malady is fos
tered nnd the best method to prevent Its in-
troducllon Into a community or country. It
was an exceedingly interesting and o'ntor-
lalnlng roviow.
Other members of the club entered line the
discussion which followed , and unite In say
ing that iho evening was ona of pleasure mid
A piiFHonecr and freight train eollldeil on
the Hlo Or.indo near Colopaxl , Colo. I'our
men wore badly Injured In.tbu accident ,
Private lingo Muliniidln of company C. Klrst
Infantry , committed suicide al the llenlcln ,
Cal. . barracks by taking a dose of strychnine ,
Thirty oxjiorloncutl jrpn makers , nil colored ,
have left Knoxvllle , . TCAII. . for Homestead ,
I'a. . to take Ihu place of strikers. Moro will
follow them. ' ' > '
It. Ii. Jnh'.son nnd'JIl5 : daughter of Monte
county. Alabama , win-renfonnd at their homo
backed to pieces. It\lssupposed to have been
tbo work of negroes.
Tbo tending boys' qtrlku at the VIncland , N.
.1. green glass works If.cndud , thobo/.s return
ing to work ut last years wueus. Thu works
aru again In operation.
I'ralrlo fires are raging In Oltlahnna all
alone the line of thtl Siinta la railway , and
have done conslderiiljle damage. A bridge on
thu Santa I'o near Kdujuqd was burned loday.
Conrad licndorof LiUlsrillt > , Ky. , shot bis
wife through the lungs .Sunday night and tlion
cut his own throat witn 11 razor. Ho accused
his of Inlidellty. 'llblh ' are uxuoetod to
tile. (
Speaker Orlsp uddtea fdInrge orowtl at
Morcaulleld. Ky. Thoj country around Mor-
trnnneld Is full of third thirty followcrn nnd
.Mr. Crisp was ( > ent d u'to" bring them Into
llnnry Cnlpepper. ii'liroinlnent clothln ; iner-
bant of 1'lnu HlulTd. Ark. , was shot and In-
tantly killed by Israel Stewart on the Hoyd
) liuitatliii on the Arkansas' river bankoppo-
Ito that clly.
Ada GaMagher. 23 years old , a variety act-
ess known on tbu sta o as Ada Doavor , eom-
nlttad snleldo ut he.r lodgings 100' . ' Knee
treot , Philadelphia. I'a. . by cutting licrtbroal
vlth a ruror.
,1. W. Chiilmer ? lias linen uppolnt'i' ' receiver
of the W. II. Kay Manilla I'lipor company ot
'amdcn. N. .1. It Is allowed that , the all'alrs of
ho coinpnny have been ImproDerly managed ,
riio llabUltlos uie slven al JSO.UOO.
Ton Ihousand dollnr.s. It Is announced , hai
icon offered for the first coin of the World's
fair half dollars. The fair management expect -
pect still hljhor bids. The JIO00 offer was
ma o bv tbo KoinlnKton Tyoewrltor company.
Thn last batch of Immigrants who have
) cen held down thn bay since thu outbreak of
cholera have uuun landed at Kl is Island , N.
i' . They numbered forty and were brought
rein the steamer .Stoiilnnon. where they bad
luen transfurrod from the Norminnia.
A brld''o twu'.vo inilo ? north of St. Joseph.
Ho. , on thu Kansas City , St. .loo & Council
lUiilTs railroad , was sot on lire by tramps. An
-.MrastooU train ran Into the burning struet-
ire and was wrecked F.lKlny bead of oatllo
were roasted lo duath. Thu trainmen escaped
iy jnmpltie.
Frank Johnson , being refused admittance to
sou his sweetheart. Lulu Warwick , by bur
falhur. In ICnott county , Kentucky , went
away and returned with throe fr.umts. /
light eiiMiiud in which Warwick and his son
uid ono of .lohnbon's friends were killed.
Thu others lied.
The lury In the autopsy case of Dick Ulan.
lhifl llarlccr , killed In a glovu contest wilh
I art Davis before the Amateur Athletic club
of Memphis. To inf. , Saturday night , returned
a verdict of death by tbo bursting of a blond
vessel. eansi'il by conuiiis on. Tno partlel-
imnlx have been placet ! under bond , Havls Is
In Jail.
Two drunken men , strangers , broke Into it
ilunco at While Hue. Carter county , ICy. ,
I'riday nluht and tried lo run the tlilnu lo
suit thomsoivcs. They woru ulueted fiom tbo
honso. As thuy loft they llrod unon the
inorry-niiikorg. kllluir ) John Wllinnth nnd
Jmiies Collins and wonndlnu W. K , llonsel In
the hip.
At the election of thn Comstock Tnnnul
eonip'inv. bold In New \ ork , thu following
were elected trustees : Ellfilm Uyor , Jr. , Ktl-
ward O. lloardm in. Otto Lovrnnznrd , ICiiKeno
ijollgnmn. Kdward II. .Slnretw , Herman Sturr-
bun : and Theodoru Sutro. Koburt Hobiirt
Smith and Oeorgo I ) . Illlllard wore elected In-
spoctorH of eleutinn.
l-'rad IlitHsolt. n student at thu University
law school , living with his father on thu lat-
tur's farm near Lawrcneo , Kan. , shot nnd
seriously wounded ! ' . . Illilns of thatpluco
and .lauk Cravoraft of Hiawatha. 1'ho
wounded men are students of thu Kansas
I'nlvcrslly nnd members of Iho University
foot ballulnvun. The wounded men had Ire-
liabsod on the HiiKsolt farm ,
.Iildjso Mnlson of tbo United Htiitesdlstrlut
court for .Minnesota has suatalned thu do-
iniirrur entered by the Mlxsmslppl Liunber-
inim'a as-ioclallun , t < ) tlitf.Indlutiiiunt charging
Its ; iiioiiiboM with cilhStjilracy In maulng un
lawful uoiiiblnatloii'l\lf 'trauu , holds that the
association had not lly'm ' notions violated
any of the provlslotNiu thn Shurman law
reliillnu' to trnsta anijl'i'i blnatlous.
Ilarlln authorities dtieinro there la hut ono
case of eholorn lu tnat't'lty. '
Hilda I'osth Is groatiy'alnrmnd over the au-
pt-arancu of cholera hi tjjl ) ; clly ,
Thu Huaplulons casiv .uf nlcUiiDss at Alar-
.sullluu are bald by. , | ii { lulaii8 not to bu
cholera. Mi vi
Ivnili-'rants aru nnitnbolng admitted to all
thu Canadian poiti ! trlihoul bulng forcud to
In Paris and Its hunrtrli'i1 for the day theio
wcro rupnrted eleven now ca > us of uhulura anil
m.dcuths from the dftpnjsju ,
1'arls anthorltlos.luivc elosod thn polll-
bonixo and coualioi'aliH ! oxcltLinont exUls
among a curt
Thu Irish maukorol tJsjVorles buvu Ijoun nn-
nsually Biiecossfnl this year and a lursu portion
tion of Iho uatch Is bulnj ; Hhlppod to the
United Stule * .
, lud o Chnnvlan of Qnebcu hax rendered
Judgment eonimluln1 ; ( ix-l'rumlur .Murder of
gnuboo to stand trial on all tlio clauses of
malfu.isiinco broiijht against him by llio
atloriioy uunoral.
Thu people of Throe III von * bceamolnconiiud
ul .1 luport tiiudo by tbii American consul at
that po nt tn tilt government atVabhin uin
and nttackOil ttiooinsulato , breaklni ; all thu
windows In Iho hiilldlnl ,
Advlens from Honolulu zlvu an account of
Ihu arrival Uiero of eleven mun of thu crew ol
Ihu bhlp William A. t-'imjiUell , whluh was
abandoned al hua dnrlna a gulo. C'autuln
Ilavum < of thu vcisol anil Ihu rest of the crow
ur lhon\'ht to have perUhud.
Junn L'ontrera. tlio I'ololirated weather ant !
seihmlo nrojiliet of Guaijujnula , prudlcla a
Hurlesof tno inott serious uarthiiuakusuvor
exporluuud In this country , the 11 rat * hook
bulnuBobudulud for toiuurrow ulRht. Thure
N much uiultuinunt In noulhern .Mexico , foi
Mr. t'ontreriv bui never failed ia bit pre-
Superintendent Hamilton Jumps on Bob
Duncan's School Plumbing.
Itnnillliiii Unit Ono ot tlio Tank * on Itnnil
to Hack Up 111 * Stntoiitent * Ollitir
Ituslnr * * ol the llonnl of
For the first tlmo In a mouth the Board of
Education had n quorum last night , and
cleared up n van amount of minor matters
nud 3omo important business.
Superintendent Hamilton reported that the
Hush tanks in the closets of the Omaha View
school were played out and ihnt they had
bcou pul in now lasl year by K , W. Duncan.
The roporl charged that Duncan had tisod
the very cheapest grauo of copper and 11
would cost over $100 to put thorn in again , as
they should be.
An altercation took olnco between Mr.
Hamilton nnd Mr. Wcurnr , the lutlor claimIng -
Ing thai the tanks hod boon oroperlv made
and simply needed repairing. Mr. Hamilton
lot Mr. Wehrer hnvo n cooil deal of rope mid
then going into ai , adjoining room ho bronchi
cut ono of the tunics and exhibited it to the
board ,
The copper used was pronounced by members -
bors of the board to bo about len-ouuco
weight , whereas it should have been sixteen-
Muy O < > to the Court * .
Mosrs. Boll & Borllnghoff made a demand ,
through the attorney of Ibo board fora re
consideration of the balance duo thorn on the
Kollom school plans. They refused to ac
cept the amount tendered them by Iho board
as payment In full.
On motion of Mr. Smyth the board in-
structud the attorney to Inform Bell .t Her-
tnglioff that the board would not reconsider
la former nulioii and if the architect1 * wanted
any moro Ihoy could go to the courls and
sco about It.
A communication from llio clly council
was read , In which the board was'informed
hal the ? il-IOl ! paid by Iho board to assist In
he erection of thu city hall could not bo rc-
'nntlod ; plarod no lilo.
The nthloltc ilub of tbo High school ro-
juosted the board to grant the members of
ho club ttio nso of the gvmnaslum , which is
not used this year ; referred to Iho Ulh ( ,
school committee.
< J. L. Hurst , license inspector for the city ,
sent In a communication asking the board to
illow him ? : . ' , " > n month fora horse and buggy ,
ilo claimed that It was impossible for him to
got about on fool swiftly enough tosocall the
lartics who should pay llcenso fees , and by
laving n horse nnd buggy he could collocl
nero money and Ihus swell the school funds.
I'hu communication was received with a slg-
illlcant smile nnd placed on tile.
The city treasurer informed tlio board that
, ho following funds stood to Iho credit , of the
Hoard of Education on the treasurer's bonks.
icnoral fund S'S.SfvflKl '
Situ and hnlldlnj ? fund W.Mirt.4. " >
Sinking fund UA'78.-J
\Viint to Cliiingo tliu Slmic.
Brarton nnd Doncctter addressed the
> oard In a communication asking Ibo privi-
cgo of pulling in n diiTeront kind
) f stone in the stops of the Hartman school.
They claimed that tlio stone they wished lo
substitute for the specified article was botlor
ban the slono called for in ihospccilicullons.
and further that there bad been n clianpo
FAHSAM ST. TIIEATEK Iloinlap | 1'iiccs. '
One Wool ; , Sunday Matinee. Oei. Uth.
Tin : Vrrxiitilc ! Cuini'dian ,
Alba Hey wood
Will present by perinlss'on of Sol Fmith Kns-
sull , thu best and funniest of all
his Mii'uesvjs
New Edgewood Polks-
Argue Politics
Mil hear I'filnin ; l > nn'l nriine tmllllr * irltlinc
tixlaii. 'Jliln in nut inu dav fur nullttc iitiaiimrnln. \ .
llave.8cln ( tilei'iir.ilauiHfurli wrth. fur amute-
mtutKHiil ( I ic/iU ) / aft'riwiin > ' ci'fiilna of
h'.it ddja' / ' Hie
Ivectlierca miTi/i'lM / xji nunn I i/nci the ) ) < -
ji ( nf Hie ellil. it terms III it vfulnutu / ftrmi"
} rx at leant once < i nicfls tn
Cor. Capitol Avenue and l.'ilh St. Cutillnuons
performances from 1 tnUiuO p. m. The most
jioDular thualer In tliu west , giving the
Biggest , Best and Most Re
fined Shows.
Knloi'UUning daily liousos crowilotl wltb
the best people of Oiniilin , und giving
twice tbo amount , of tiinuuuincnt for
one third tlio money.
Read this wuolc's mounter list :
Thn rrtiam of the Vaudevilles.
In tlielr latest production , entitled ,
Inlrodiiolng sungb , dances and burlusiiiio Imi
Pnrld'Oinle vocalist and dancer , Introducing
herSpiiulnb hklrtclancu ,
In their orU'lniil ereatlonnf
The oil lnnt
Hongs o thu Hnnny Honth.
I > conlrlu comedliui. humorist und tonlual
The Itillo Qiieon and Champion of Iho World ,
"Holder of thu II , S. A. PlmrpsliiinturUraH. "
Upon to meet any lady rllie t > hot In thu world
Tlin Mont ItciilUtle of All Suiitliurn
Dr.iinun ,
- OR -
Interpptcd by an IvxcellcntCast.
OCTET "T * Ul P lluriiini ! Steamer. Ileiin-
OC.C. I rl Iw tlful Transfoniuitloii.Des-
Iiiirato k'nlfe Unul , I'lantalltm Jubllous.
School Children's ' Matinees ,
Uvory Saturday Aftoriioon.
Admission One Dime , Including seats
NO II IU II lilt.
made in the specifications on this question of
The architect w s asltort to say n word
upon the matter. Ho said that there had
been no ch HIIRO made In the itpcclllentlona
and thai the stone bolnc furnished by IJray-
ton it Uonockon was a cheaper grade of stone
than that called tor In Iho spoclllctulons ,
llosnld tbo nrtlcln furnished was Rood stone ,
but It was a cheaper stono. The matter wn
referred to the commillooou buildings nnd
Hills for current expanses wcro reported
and allowed.
MliN nnil Conlriirt .
lilds for the oarnentor work on the Control
school hullduiif were opened. Tbo bids
rnnpod fiom tl''MH * to fl.VlXH ) . Ordered tab.
The bond of John T. Sohlltrco , for com
pleting the carncntor work on the Franklin
school , was road anil nnnrovrd.
The commit lee on buildings and properly
was authorized to let iho conlraott for llio
cartxmlnr work on the Windsor , Co-itral and
the Center school bulldlnps to the lowott
bidder without brlhBliifr tlio matter nRam
before the board.
The uids for ftirnlshltiK now furnaces for
the Dodge school worn rejected nnd the
secretary was itithorizoil to roiulvertlso.
The contract lor piaump a pas pipe ralllni ;
abottl thu slono stops nt the I.oivonworth
school was lot to Paxton , < c VlorlliiR at SW.
rt'o.xrisi nn FIIO.M KIUST fuiu.l
iwcou Messrs. Andrews and McKclKtian al
.Nelson tomorrow. The republicans are very
ni.Moci\ri it ;
Natlomil Ciiiiiinltlri' Ciilnilrlnt | , ' In Colnnl/o
> r v Vurk lor KlDctlnu I'liriuni'H.
.Nmv YOIIK , Oct. 10. The republican na
tional campaign commltteo gave to the press
last nluht a stalomont eharultiK the tlemo-
cratlu national commiUoo wilh consplrlii ) ; lo
colonize In Hits city for election purposes
larconijtnbois of nepioes from Philadelphia ,
Hnltiinoro \Vimhinijtoii and also lo buy
til' IhotisutuM of colored floaters in this citv
anil state. Those revelations of democratic
crookedness , it is furlher stated , have come
lo Iho republican ciimiial n comniittuu
throtiRli thooxortio'js ol Commiltcomun Da
vid .Martin of IVnnsylvanlii ,
Captain. I.V. . lildbrof Waxhltiptun. D. C. ,
is .slated to bo the chief instrtimonl employed
by the democratic national committee in this
manipulation of the colored voters. Ilo Is
said to have visited this city las' August al
ihu call of ihu domocr.Ulo national rom-
mlttee , who have civon htm ai assistants
three colored inmi , Arthur Hmlth of Wash
ington , Travis Oliucnu of Plainlicld , N. .1. ,
and Ubarle.i llrowii of this city.
Ulaer is also churRcd with liavinp at
tempted lo brlbo colored preachers to lurtbcr
his schemes , but in this ho is lopjrled to
have mot with repulse.
The republican national cnmmltlueinen say
they will spare no olTort for llio detection of
those contemplated frauds on iho fruncbis'M
and will leave nolliln undone to punish the
\Vyinnrn Drinni'ial * .
WvMoiti : , Nob. , Oct. 10. ( .Special TPO !
Brain to Tin : lii.J ! : : The democrats had u
rally bore tonight. A special train from Io- !
atrlco with about 100 democrats came In
curly. They marched through Iho nrincipat
alroots to the opera house where \V. D. Old-
bum of Ivearnoy and A. Hardy of Hcnlrico
addressed thorn.
I.yoiK Itcpiilillrans CiinliiliMil.
Lvo.vs , Nob. , Oct. Ul. ( Special to Tin :
HRi.JPolitics : is at high tide in this county.
Several joint debates have taken place , und
others are vet to take place. The republicans
are conlldtml ol viclory on Ihe slate and
national ticket.
Tonight , and Tomorrow
KnriLrtMmMit ; ; of tlm KmlMtMit Com Milan ,
Thl oviMilns and lomorroiv evenlntr.
TMw.irll. ICIdder'h beautiful roinnntle play
I'rleos I'.iniuot nnd lirsl live rows In eircle.
il.MI ; last live lows lu elivle , ft ; iiunerul atl-
mlsslmi. ( Irst llnor. ? . > v : lirst four n.s In bal-
eonv , I.'ie ; last live rows In hiilony. " > iei tal-
lery , ivo.
81'NIIAV , O'T , 111. 11,18 , anil l .
Saturday .Matinee.
.IIAKTIN , V llltODK I.K'.s
Superb C'oinpany. In their latest New
A liuallslle Itomanlli1 Comedv Dr-ini'i In four
act" ; , by .his. M. Martin , nnisfiitcd bv a
. clcut ( Jorupany of iioknowln.l ui !
Arllsis headed by
Miss Louisa Rial
And the over popular I'limtuliiin
Mr. Harry Booker
ii I 111 the f ol Ion IIIK easi :
Harry 1 > . CMICIon , II. II. Kitanl , T. I. McCranc.
Ida Solee. Helen Hell , .lohn Kvaiif , Nc sun
Cimiiitoni I1 , It. I'vurton , Wm. Donulitily , .las.
II. Martin.
Sulu of Beats will open Wednesday mor-
nbi'4 at thu usual jirlues.
] winitijiir ( Art ( Jullory ,
Locke K/icliardsou.
In reultiillons fiom
In .Shalicspnuru's Maslurpleru
Tleliet.sMc , at ( Jhaboand Kiltly'i > .
l'roi.i | nU for District llrndliiir llonils.
Healed blilN 111:11 : lied I'niposalN ' for district
uraillliK bonds , will lit ) receive , ! at llio ollluo of
Ihe U.ty Tiujsmnr , Omaha , Nub. , up to r.
o'cloeU noon. t > f thu lUth tlay of Outouur. IS ) . ' ,
for ihu Diirclunoof K'4U.H.UJ ) District ( Iratlln ;
IlontlH of the city of Omaha , Nub.
Maid bomlHiu-u dated bnplmuborlM. IMi : , and
art ) pay.ihlB In from ono to nine years after
the date thereof. In denominations of il.iMl.OJ
ami f'lJO.ul ) uaiili , with Intomst ut. thu r.itoof 5
port-out per annum payable uunil annually.
1'rlnulpal itnd intercil pty.ibu : ; at Koniil/e
llros. , Now York.'lO.W of District No.1. \ .
V > . .W0 \ \ of District No , 17.
iHVUK ( > .W of District No. 4H.
Kauh bill must Htuto jirlon and umoiinl.
smisht for and Iniilndo aoornud Intiiiest to
date of tlelivory at Omiiha. .Nub. ' 1 he rl''ht ' U
ruserved loroloutauv and all bids , lusiied
niulurchartorpowiirofi.'ltlujof tbo molropol-
Iliin class and onllnanco No. JWi. Approved
AiiuiiHt 'JUh. iK'J'i ' IlLNiiy lloi.r.s.
S.'ldl7t. L'liy Treasurer.
1'iopoial * lor ItuHu-iy ' 1'ranslcr ul V.iiil.liiii
Sutiih Dnl.iiln.
Roalod proposal * will bo received for llio
imrchasoor runtal of a transfer IKII : | , Hiillu-
ilu for ourrylliK the railway rollliii ? sleek of
the Vankton. NorfnlU A HtinlhwuHUr.i rail-
' '
' boDliibslllutl asfidlows :
1. I'ropoinU to sell transfer boat-
'i , 1'roposals for lakinu eonlrnet lo do enllio
tramtfer bnslueBS of railway.
0 , I'roiioniilH lor rental of transfer bout.
ItuiMilmuicnU ami Bpcolllcnllnn" rail lit ) ob-
talnutl fiom the chief oirjinuur. \ aniiton ,
Norfolk & boulhwusieni railway , Yunkton ,
'All b'.dsuhoultl bo atldresjed to :
The Secretary ,
Yanklon , Norfolk & Southwestern HMwuy
Thu hoard of illroliton rcnerycs the rtKhil
lujucl any und all bill. . . OTalil M
MPAU" - rtrTHV-t .
. Vlvi'wtiU l >
Ibt ) ti'l.l i
j. > DkJli- . i-i MI i ri
j , . , ,
iptllw.rueuwldi- | . Mlfcfi > i
dL'j-Uuii. iiliriiliui. utlluw c . .iiij-lf-
| onuu'lercr/ui a jrtiJlllriffoiu I
Upure blooicr > fullure by rte ktouiw li. lurror In
Uuci iiiclrurvurrfuncllnn. . I' " ' " '
t to i rf arm . ; ; *
elren to o ii < tlnir i n liinefilwl liy Uklnyune.f tf r
< ni ll ! ro .l l f n | J . 1ri .
i AI. dA.71 * prubl..l < B r Verk.
Cures Others
Will euro You , Is n tmo statement of tlio
ctlon of AYEIl'S Snrsaparllla , when
taken for tllsp.isc.i originating In Itiipurn
blood ; hut , wlillc this assertion Is tmo of
AVER'S Sarsnparilln , a.s thousands cnn
attest , It cannot bo truthfully applied to
other preparations , which v.nplnrlplrtl
dealers will recommend , and try to tin *
pose upon you , as "just as good ni
Ayer's. " Tnko Ayor's Barsiip.uilln nnd
Aycr's only , If you need it hlnod-purlHcr
and would bo lieiifntcil permanently
This medicine , for nearly litly years ,
hus enjoyed n repiitnlion , nnd made
rcfortt for riirt" , that lias nov r been
pipmleil byotluirprepanitlons. AYKR'S
Sii.saiarilla : | eratllcatei the taint of lie-
rrtlltary sriofiiln nnd other blood ills *
cases from the system , mid it has , tloscr *
vedly , the i-mitldctirc of the people.
" 1 cannot forbear toi'xprrssmy Joy at
thfi rolli'f I liavt-obtained from tho'uso
of AYKU'H Sarsaparilln. 1vat 1 nllllctrd
with kidney tionlilcs for about six
months sulToriiiK jjifatly uith pnlns In
thu .xiiiall of my liark. In addition tn
tliln , my body WIIH rovurcd with pimply
eruption ! ) , The rt'iniMlics proxi-ribeil
failed to help mo. I then bikini to take
AYKU'S Sarsnpnrllhi , nnd , In n short
time , tin1 pains ccnscil ami the pimplf *
disnppoiued. 1 nilviir every yoiinrr man
or winnaii , In i-aso of MlrUnrss iv.sull.
liiK frinn impiiro lihiod , no matter how
Innj ; ulandlui ; the cast1 may ho , to take
A YUK'SSarsiiparilla. " - II. Ij.ariminn ! ,
; \Vllliutu st. , Now YoiU City.
I'rojiari'il ti > lt. J. C. Aycr & i : , 1 , ! ! , Mnea.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafinc , Chapped Hands , Woundo , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shamxjo. |
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
AND 1'AKT.S OF LOTS AND \\Kt\\ \ \ ,
You nro liHioby notified Hiat tlio nnilor-
slunt'd , lliri-i ) dlslnlorrsteil fruulinldorH In thn
city ot Omaha , huvu hiim duly aniiulnled hy
tht ) mayor , with the approval of thu i'lty
u'liinull tjf suldi'llv , to asMjsi thu ilamaKu to
llio ownerx rt'spiii'tlvolv of the propiirly ilu-
cluroil hy ordlnaneu nucessary lo bu appropri
ated for the nsti nf s'lld clly for the pnrpoMi of
opunhu nnd extending Kith sired froin Vln-
ton slreet In It ) sutiih city limits , declared
nocusstiry by ordlinineu ilJtW , uilsscd te-
toher .Hi , 1 > - ' . ' - ' . a | > iiri < ved Drtobor-lth , Ih'.IJ. '
Von nrt1 furlhur notlfli'd , ihat huvliiK au-
ccnluil s.ihl appiilntinent , und duly iinalllltid
ns required bv law. we will , on llin I'.ithdny
nf Dctolii-r. A. I * . . IS'rj ' , til tin ) hour of ' . ) o'clock
In the fnri'iioon at thu otllce of T. 11. Mt'C'nl-
loeh , HI' ' N. Y. Lift ) ItiilUIIni ; . w.lliln the cur-
porato limits of said elly. meet for the | > nr-
pose of UDiisldiirlliK nnd rnnlilir ' thu atsess-
ment of damitzu to I lie owners icsiiH'llvely | of
Hiild iiropuily , by ruason of such taking and
uniiroprlatlon IhiTeof , taldnx Into eonslilor-
atlon special hciiullts. If any.
Tin ) property boloniHng to you iiroiioscd to
he appiorlatiil | ) ! us afon ald ami wnlfh has
buBii deulnrutl niM-essiry by tbo eonnoll , hy
oidlniincu to aiiioiirlatii | | lo ihu nsi ; of ihu clly
belnx slln no In s.ild clly of Onrihi. In the
c'oiinlv nf I'on.'las ' , mid stall ) of Nebraska , I"
dcscilliod as followx , to-wlt : Oponlni ; null ox-
tenilliii ; Hitli Hlri'L't fiom Vlnlon Hliuut lu
sonlli fliy llmln.
Yon mo nnlllliMl to hu pruunnt at llio llmo
and placeafmesai I , and makii any
lo orsliitonionf-foiu'iini.ns said innpiised nn-
proprlallon or assessment of damages us von
may eon.hler , „ „ „ , , . ,
.IOIIN I' ' . F. . . . . . .
Tib , IKU'J. o-idlUt
jnorililn IIMill 4'iircu In 1 < 1
loUOdlt } * . ! Sl > | > MV Illl I'lirYfl.
I > r. J. m < ' ] > livii . I.rljniiuii. .
To thn owiiors of all lots , p irtttof lot * and
real intalo uliiiri alley In blouU I , Ivonnl/u it
fourth addition , from null lo llth hlruuls :
Von nro huruby nolllliid that thu iinilur-
sltfiiud , three dislnlerostud freebnldurmir thu
elly of Umaba , havi ) hfun duly unpointed hy
the mayor , with the aiiprnvnlof tlmelty I'onn-
till of Hiild elly. tn assess thu damn 'u to ihu
ownni-i * nisi . llvulvof the properly iilfiioluil
bv uradliiK of suld nllny. dwiuiod nticoviiiry
by ordlliuiirii l > o. ! I"W. li.ikM" ! October 1st.
m'.i'I ' ; aiiiuovcd Outi > htr4th ) , lhi' : > .
Von are Tnrlhi'r nolllliid that liavlnir au-
eeiitml hilil apiinmtinunl. and duly niinlllluil
iih lennireil by lau.t > will on Ihu ' 'Jill day of
Oftnber. A. D. IS'J. ' ' , at. iho hour of I0 : ! o'ciofU
In ihu fortmoon. nt. thu olllro of Khrlvero :
ti'ltonohoo. l-UU Barnaul Ntreol. within thu
( urpiiratu llnills of sali | city , merit fur tliuiiur-
iiosij of coiisldurlni : and innkins the aatttm-
niitnl of iliuniiKii to Ihu OWMIIIH ruspeollvtily ol
wild proiiurtv ailtiolud by said gindliiir. tal-
mi : bunulllH. If liny.
Vim are nolllleil lo lit ) lucsent at Hit ) tlmii
and nliicti nforotuld and tiniko u
lo or Ntatiiiiionti ronciirnliUHiili
of iliiniusus as yon iniiveomdfli'r jironiir.
\ \ . ( i > n M K I > 1 'I t.
cioit ; : < ii ; i. I-AIM , ,
T. II. MfCI'l I.OIMI ,
Cammltleoof AppralNutii.
Om.ihii , Ntib . Oulobiir 3lh..lbW. OI.IHI1U1
Niillcn nl AHMI IIIICII ! of Damages lur
To tbiiowner-i of ( ill bits , parts of loin and
mat uiiale ulonl alley In bind. M , from ITlh
to 1Mb klruuls.
Vun aru hui'Oby noUllcil that thu undcr-
( .Ignuii. three dlMnturosted free holding of tin )
i-ltyof IJinaha , Imtobvun duly npiiiilntuil by
the mayor , with Ihu upinoval tif Ibo city
I'lMincllof xald city , to HSSCI.H tbu damaKu lo
Ib.ioHiiurs ronpectlvBiy ol'llin ' nropeny af-
footed by Kraiin ( of niilil alley , tieoliiieil ncu.
essary by ordinance iinnibur.fM ? , puhsud . cp-
lenclJur-Jtb , IVJ'J , appiovcd K-'pliuuboi' 'Jrd ) ,
" "
"vijii are further notified thai having uucou-
led aald apiiolntnicnt and duly iiiuilllod as
leiiuued by law. wo will , on the lUlh day of
October. A. I' . , Is'at ' ' Ihu honrof llil'l : ! ' o olock
In tbu fiirunotm. ul the ollluu of rihrlver ft
U'llonahoo , ItUil'arnai iktrtiDt. within tbo cor-
ixirate limits of said city , muul fur thu imr-
posooffonsldor-bi ? and iiMklnv the imusi-
niont of diimines to thu OWIIUM rc < | icetlvcly
of ubl | in > pirly all'outod by bald ur-idiu/ .
' i InloooiiHidcrutlon Hjiucl.'il bonnllu , K
von aio ii'iilUt'il to bo probunt at thu tlm
and place aftiresiild anil make any objuutlont
Ioor8lateincnl rnnuurnlnx Halt ! unsoasnuuil
of ilmnuBC-H as you mur ann ldiir inpiwr.
ofcoHUK J. J'Al''U
Committee of A plira'xor
Omaha , Nob. , Oclober Mb , Wi. OGdIUt.