R THE OMAHA ' 'IJAJtfLY 13EK : Sl'MDAY. OCTOBER 0. 1802H5IXTEKN TAOKS. W. R. BEXSETT CO , Wo Have Eoma Big BarRftlna in Our lurnilurj Department. WE - HAVE MANY DEPARTMENTS Among Them llnrdmire , JowelrjSllxer - n rr , Tolmccii nnil CiRfird , Cnnily , No- tlonn , Hosiery nnd Himr , .Stationery , Iliitlcr , flient , Crockery , Ktc. In furnlturo wo luivo n largo nuditlon to our lino. A few cotilor Uiblcs loll nt lioo and 75o. Comforts 50e , OUo nnil 7oc. KIcKiinl paper holdorn 45u. Nice ling lloor rtiRs. Mirrors cheap , otu. You will mlBs it if you do not examine our Block heforo buying. In liiirtlwtiro wo quolo fire &liovels at He. He.uBprinn bnlnnco scales for family use , few left , f > c , loss than half price. PadloclcsCc nnil upwards. Carpet tacks , full papers , only locach. Currycomb . ' ! o. ICu dljiper lie. Good horse brush lOc. I'till line coal hods , coal solves , fire shovels , slovopipc , elbows , collars , etc. , love boaid1' , elc. , till tit botlom prices. Wash boilers nnd lest kelllcs cheap. In our jewelry department wo Imvo el egant assortment o [ pocket and tnblo cut- cry , carving knives and forks , silvor- % vure , jewelry , watches , clocks , otc. Tobaccos nnd cigars department cl- gnrs tit le , 2c , . ' ! c , 12 for fie , 4o nnd 6c each. 0 for U-JC , und all excellent value in tlio lino. See our elegant assortment of pipes nnd mnokero' nrticles. All grades chow- inn tobacco , very lowest prico. Our I'aiuly dcDartmetil loads nil in fresh goods and low prices. Our notions mm glove department : Pins lc , hooks and eyes le. ' Hnir pins le bunch. 'Spoolsilk ! ! o. Hasting thrcnd , Go n doxon spools. 1'nckngo needles containing 5 puclc- ntrcs ncedlcB , nlso dnrnors , only Gc. Safctj- pins , le. See our olcgiuit nssorlment of gloves. Prices are Iho lowest , Stationary department is booming en velopes , Do package ; note paoor , 3o. Toilet pajior , oc roll. Toilet jiaper , 'to Hal. Toilet paper , oc Hut. Our butter and meat department is doing wonders. \Vo bcal Ihein all. Our butter nnd eggs are lite best iJvoryono snj s so. Crookorv ucparluieut olTurs 6(5 ( piece tea sot $1 . 'J8. Lamps lOu up. . Olnss castors only 2-jc. I Glass sells formerly SI.00 now 50c. i I Bait and popper shakers -c each. "Witter pilchcrs , while granite , lOc up. Largo consignment of lamps lo bo closed out at a bargain. C3 I Will have a special lamp sale for Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday. Early Imyors will have the best selection. Our drug department. This ia what ivo pride ourselves on. Wo shall bo com Dolled lo secure moro regis tered drugglsls ( Wo have two now , besides three others , helpers ) to accommodate our trade. AVe are glad to see that people appreciate our meth ods aim prices. Wo nro Iho lowoht in liriccs and best in quality , no use trying to diBguiso Iho fact. Bring us your pro- ecriplio'ie. ' Wo will nblonish you. Got your pat ents of us. Save money same us others do. do.Abovo Above all things use Bennett's patents and save Hoc on $1.00 boltlo and be cured. W. U. BENNETT & CO. , 1G02 , Io04 , loOO , 1508 , 1510 , 151U Capitol avo. Attention Myrtle Lodge. So. S , 1C. of P. You nro hereby requested lo assemble at I.Iyrtlo hull nt 12 o'clock sharp Sun day noon lo attend the funeral of .Brother C. P. Miller ot Enterprise lodge , South Omaha. Dr. X. IPros - neil , C. C. A stylish black horse , speedy , safe for lady , top buggy and liar-jess nearly now , for sale. Park avenue stables. Mount Vernon Pure Virginia Ryo. I l > eg lo call the attention cf Iho public to the above popular brand of uuro rye whis ky nnd respectfully ask a comparison with liny other brand of pure rye offered in this maukot. It is far superior lo any other whisky nnd I guarantee its abso lute excellence In flavor as well as its purity and its wholesome ollocts. The public is invited lo call and try It. Hen ry Hillor , 010 N. Kith St , family wine and liquor houso. Esmond hotel block. A Ucantlful Wodillni ; Present is a picture nicely framed. Bee A. Ilosno , jr. , 1513 Douglas slrcot. Tor Your Connlileriilloii. "When selecting your route of travo 1 , always remember that there nro Parlor cars on the Sioux City & Pa- clllc day Irains. -Pullman palace ploopors on the Sioux City & Piicilic night trains. Wagner palace sleepers lo Hot Sprlhsrs and Dcadwood on Iho l-Yemonl , Elkhorn & Mlsbouri Valley iratns. Prco reu'llnliig chair ears on Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley through and local truins. In fuel you can depend upon first class accommodations on nil trains of the ' Northwestern lino. " City TIclcol olllco M01 Farnani siroot. Now china for aocorating at IIospo's. Wanted , to buy from 100,000 to 300- 000 hard brick. Call nt or address UOii No , 171 h. Domestic soap , queen of the laundry. Prof. VoiTot , hair dresser tit Ideal linlr Btore,201)S. ) 15lhod lloor. Tel. 1018. DauUli llrotliurliooil. Members iiro requested to meet at ball , 1311 Douglas st , Sunday , 11:30 : a. in. lo attend Brother Christ. Olson's funeral in Council Bluffs. The cafe at Bachelors' Quarters , 2010 Fnrmun street , is now under the mini- ngoment of Mrs. Reynolds , formerly con nected with the Millnrd hotel , Parsons living in the vicinity of the cafe who wish to llnd lirst class board at moderate prices will do well to call und see her. O Culllonilu Kxcurnluns , Pullman tourist sleeping car * nro run dally on all Pacific coast trains via tlio Bantn Fo roulo , the shortest line to California. The cars are furnished with bedding , nintrcssos , tollot articles , etc. Porters nro iu attendance. Second-class tickets are honored on these cars. In addition to the daily service the Banta Fo Houto runs special excursion jmrtlea with an agent of the cotnwuiy in charge , using these lourlst sleeping cars , and leaving Kansas City every Sunday noon. For further information and time table of the SantaFo Route and reserving of elcoplng car berths , address 1-1 L. Palmer , passenger agent , 1810 Fucnuin street , Omaha , Nob. BOSTON -STORE DRESS GOODS On Snlo Tomorrow Upward of Tiva Thou sand Pieces of Drets Goods. EACH ONE PRETTIER THAN THE OTHER And All New Ptutcrm Which Unvo Never Horn Mimtti In Omithn llrfdrc , Hut Are All thu Style In .Sim York Now. Introduced by Tlio Boston Store for the Ilrst tlmo in Omaha. JW-INCII FANCY MIXTURES. Ml pieces in Ibis lot of mixed suitings in all similes and colorings worth tloo , pick them out at lOc. ISO pieces nil wool fancy suitings in bourotto nnd illuminated mixtures , neat stripes and plaids , shadow effects and camel's hair Mripos , any of tneso t'ooils are positively worth OOo per yard , talto vniir choice for ; tlo. ) " Hero are values worthy of special note. All tit 'IDc a yard. Hcdford cords , surah twills , hen- rloltits , storm serges and fancy weaves , all pure wool goods , and embracing a line of shades and colors that is entirely too numerous to mention hero. Also DOU pieces cheviot and homespun millings in a collection of styles , colorings ami elTocts that is truly incompnranlo. The entire lot will bo olTored at JOe a yard. A LITTLE LOT HUT VUHY CM IE A P. About ten pieces 44-Inch chevron fancies that would bo cheap for S5e u yard ; wo will close them out for 60o per ANOTHER GREAT ASSORTMENT IN POPULAR PRICES. 12-Inch solid colored boucle effect camel's hair nnd homo-spun novelties and all the loading shades In the best silk finished French henriotta ever shown in Omaha at ( > ! ) c nor yard. AN AGGREGATION THAT IS MATCHLESS All at 7lo ) n yard. 40-inch Flench novelties in molro ef fects , two-toned velours in stylish col oring ? . fil-lnch navy blue storm serges. HMnch French camel's hair stripes. 1 1-inch two-toned storm serges. 40-inch Scotch clan cashiuoro plaids and 4l-inrh ( striped ( navy blue nml gold ) . Fionch serges , any of these goods are worth from $1.00 to $1.25 par yard ; the price is 7c ! ) a yard. FRENCH AND GERMAN NOVEL TIES. Silk and wool diagonal novelties , 48- inch finest silk finished hcnrlottas , 51- nch two-toned storm serges that will lover weal- out and C4-lnch navy blue term eergo that is. worth $1.50 pel-yard ; .11 for Monday for OSc per yard. 41-inch bilk and wool oplngles , volours , itlomans , etc. , in stripes , llgurcs , dots , iTnngonblo and shot effects , sold clse- vhero for $1.75 , at $1.2o. N Ol'R SUNLIGHT BASEMENT. Double fold illuminated plaids , half , vool budfords in fall colorings at lOc a ard. Sixty pieces 41-inch wool homespurs , n two shades of brown , navy and blacic it 14o ti yard. 4Wneh fancy woavcd cashimlors in invics browns , tans , blue , wine and jlack at 7c a yard , worth SOc. BOSTON STORE. Solo nsonts for McCall's patterns. N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. ONI : or mi.MOitE'.s L.VST I.KTTUKS. 'our Dnya llcforo Ills Ui-ath lie Writes This I.otler. LIXD'KLL UOTKL , ST. Lens , Mo. , Tue-sdny , Sept. 20 , 18U2. W. W. Kimball - ball Co. . Chicago , 111. Gentlemen : En closed pleuso find chock for piano sent > n my order to my sister of Plattsmouth , Nob. As 1 luivo not thanked you by otter for the piano for my family use , 1 take this opportunity to do so and testate state that your beautiful upright piano "s a gem tn every way ; charming to the eye , exquisite to the oar , easy of notion and with a i tire , musical , singing tone , which only master instruments possess. It has been given the place of honor in our homo and lias already won many enthusiastic prnisos. I believe you to bo in the very front ranlc of piano nuuiu- fnuturors and well worthy of the golden Iaurol4 that are being bhowered upon you. Cordially " yours , ( Signed. ) P. S. GILMORK. ; ! 00 of above made instruments are now in use in Omaha , purchased of A. 11OSPE , Jr. , 1517 Douglas street. W. T. Seamanwagons and carriages. Suni'l , llurim is making special prices for ten days on cut glass a handsome ciralTo , $5.00 : formerly $8.00. See the now "Wedgemore" pattern. Domestic soap is sold by your grocer. Artists' materials at IIospo's. N. Y. Board of Health disinfectant , "Anti-Conn , " Sherman & McConnoll. Rent estate. Bargains only. My word is good. W. G. Albright. 61M-1MJ N. Y. Life bldg , Tlio latest fads in opera glasses retail at wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co. , cor. Farnam and 14th. Gas fixtures , oloctrlc and combination chnmluliors. L-irgcst & finest stock in oily. Prices guaraiuced low as tlio lowust. Don't fall to hco us bofaro purchasing. Tin : Ht'ssKV ft DAY Co. . 103ins. . 15th. Frescoing and interior decorating ; do- iginan.l oitimitoj fu--nhhoJ. Haury ohnr.in n , leOS Douglas stroot. I'oai-ock is the best soft coal. Sold only by Jonus , opnodlto postolllco. Being a regular nominee for council In the Dili ward , I respectfully ask the support of nil votoi-d who believe in bus- inc-s princIpleB in the council. ED. N. BROWN , Proprietor Brown'a C. O. D. Grocery. Now scale Kimball pianos at IIospo's. Noxv Metropolitan club hall , 2,1d nnd Ilnrnoy sis , , can bo had for private balls and parties. For particulars inquire at Max Meyer Co's. Latest shoot music at Iloapo's. Tlio Jinn Wlii > Don't Know What tlio aomo of comfort In travel is , should got hold of n Burlington route folder nnd inform himself a ) to the ser vice that company jiow offers to all points cast , wast and eoulh. Jla trains leave for Chicago tit 0:50 : n. in.1:45 : p. m. and 11:60 : p. m. Douvor at 10:15 : a , in. nnd 4:50 : p. m. Demlwooil and Hot Springs , nt 10:15 : n. tn , St. Loula at 0:15 : p. in. Ktinatis t'lly and St. Joseph nt9:50 : n. m. and 0:45 : p. m. Unsurpassed equipment of sleeping , dining , reclining chair , Ilrst class and smoking cars. City ticket ofllco , 122,1 Farnniu st. W. F , VAILL , Ajjont. BOSTON STORE BLMKEl1 SALE Trtmcndcns Enlo omonow to ! " Pine Blank ets , Comforts and Flannel at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER'MADE YET We Itrcclvcd The o Klngnllt nml I'diiifnru nt I.r n Tlmit I'l'rul , ciist : tn the Mill They ( Hi Tomor row Sumo Wny > ' ALL ON SALE IN TIIK BASEMKNT. 1 c.iso flno full 10-1 caitct 'jirtiy boil blankets tit Too a pair , wortlv$1.60. 1 cuso ulco wlilto cotton blunkots 02c n pair , \voftb $1.23. U cttHos llnost ilcnco wool Mlclilgnti ( ? roy , fntioy boi-clorort bed bankots ( tit Sl-.OS , wortb $4. 0. 2 oiisus of lumbs wool 104vlilto bed lilunuuts $1.08 , worth Sli.SO. U eases olcgunt nil wool scarlet blank- otH , ftlll blo , only $2.50 n pjtir , worth Sl.'Ja Flnost grade strictly pure wool niocil- catcd scat-lot blnnkots S4.25 , woi th fully $7.oO. Superb California silver wool blankets , just us line and soft as silk' , extra slzo , regular ? $ it.)0 : ( nulo , only $7. 50 a pair. 1 cuso fancy comfoi'ts , for slnylo bodd , 25o. 1 case full size comfort ? , 7oc. 1 case clieo o cloth comforts , $1.00. 1 case extra heavy Iltlo sateen com forts , $1.25. Tlio 1'Yonoh patcon comforts Jr. this snlo at $1.50 , $1.75 , 82.00 and $2.2-3 , are way beyond anything over shown for twice Iho innnoy. 20 comforts , elegant figured , French stitcon on both sides , filled with ontiino older down , only $1.08. Regular price , $8.60. $8.60.BARGAINS BARGAINS IN FLANNELS. For tomorrow only. Extra heavy all wool California scarlet - lot nicdieatod llannel , regular price 40o , tomorrow 25c a yard. Very line plain red flannel only 15c a yard. Extra quality flno all wool white flan nels 22c a yard. Extra fine heavy shirting ilanncl , reg ular Goo quality , only Hoc a yard. Bcnutiful elder down llannul , iu all colors , -loo a yard , Great big special sale , COITON BATTING. At lOc , 12Jc and 15c for n full pound package. Four pounds of this batting is ukinty for the biggest Icind of com forter. SPECIAL TOMORROW. A largo line of ladies' all wool skirt patters atl 19 a pattern , worth $2.00. GREAT SHOE SALE. Don't forgot that Lapham's entire stock of flno shoes from under the -"aimer houbO in Chicago is now being d at half price in our shoo dcpart- nent on the first floor. BOSTON STORE , N. W , Cor. JOth and Douglas. The latest thing in the way of in- genius inventions is the Universal ndd- > ig machine. It has enough advantages ever the old style adding machinoj to bring it right to the front , and its sim- Viicity , accuracy nnd spaed will soon bring it into general use among all classes who have to do much "footing , tp" in their bysinosf. Mr. and Mrs. Mornnd's classes in dancing for adults began last Tuesday with an enrollment 52 .names. Les sons Tuesdays and FrTdays at 8 p. m. Twelve lessons ladies , , $0.00 ; goutle- non , SS.OO ; season , to May 15 , $15.00. Private lessons daily at 2900 Dodero trcot. For winter flowering bulbs , call ou Nebraska Seed Co. , 15th and Howard. Sqmo of the scientists are severely criticizing the startling theories ad vanced in the now novel entitled "Tho Lightning' * Flush. " COUNTY MATTERS. Major TnUdock Itlockti n Iiltcli Scheme The County llospllal Stair. The county commissioners bold a tnreo tours session yesterday afternoon , nt wblcu Mr. Paddock took it upon himself to oppose the construction of trio ditch to stralgbtcn the Elkhorn river In tbo vicinity of Waterloo lee , notwithstanding the fact that the prop erty owners , through whoso lands the ditch would run , were- willing to bear all of the expense ot the construction. Ho succeeded in delayiiiR the matter by having the matter referred to Iho county attorney , who is to glvo an opinion a to whether or not the worn must proceed In accordance with the provisions of the state ditch law. The appropriation sheet , providing for the payment of $ l'.1,031 , the city's share of the road , wns passed by a unanimous vote , and the countv clerk was authorized to draw a warrant for the araonutJt > ayablo to the city treasurer. The award for furnishing the hard coal for the court liotiso and jail was made to tno Omaha Coal , Colto and Lima company. Tbo price Is ? 9.03 per ton. delivered. The soft uoal for the county hospital went to 0. U. Havens & Lo at S'J.50 for Klch Hill coal delivered on tbo track , with ! )0 ) cents per ton additional if put in tbo bins. The same firm pot the contract for furnishing thn coal to the outdoor poor. Tim price was fi : . > 5 in ton lots and an additional charge of L1 , " ) cents per ton when delivered outside of tbo two- mlle limit. Tlio following physicians were nn- pointed on the visiting staff at the county hospital : General surgical diseases , Ors. Summers and Leo ; diseases of the oyc. car , nose nnd throat , Drs , Clifford and Uluclc : general medical , IJrs. Drldgcs , Glnti nnd Worlcy ; crcnltal , urinary nnd venereal , Drs. Kobort , Lanyon and Summers ; mental and nervous , Drs. lirldcos , Unpon and Hanchott ; nkln , IJrs. Hodman and Binrt ; obstetrics , Drs. Chnsc , YanCamp and Dailoy ; pathologist , Dr. Hues- ton ; resident physician , Dr. lireovort. The members of tbo staff civo their services without compensation , with the exception of tbo ro'ildcnt physician , who will bo nald a salary which will bo fixed by the commis sioners. Tuld to Jump Into tlio lllver iiy Ills iiu- Itlnyer , u Clilcnio.tliiii Doci Si ) . CHICAGO , III. , Oct. R A. Mortonson of Mor- t&nson ft Co. , shipping agents , who was sued todayfor toO.OOO damages by Mrs. Mary W. Christiansen , tells n romarkahlo story in ex - planatlon. Ho says the plaiutlff'a husband was his cashier. Christiansen teen to drink- lug and remonstrances and repeated dlt- charges falloj to euro him. "Finally , " said Mr. Mortonson , " 1 concluded 1 could put up with him po ] onor and calling him into my olllco told him so. I gave him u severe lecture. I told him ho should ho ashamed of himself and wound up by saying 'you are so worth less that it I were In your place I would go drown myself. My advlco to you is to lump Into the river.1 1 thou dl. churRod him and he went homo , changed his clothes and came down hero to the river and Jumped Iu. His body was not found until npxt day. I did not for a moment suppose bo would bo fool ish enough to jump into tboirlvor simply be cause 1 advised him to , " ' A Cure lor Cholera , There Is no use of any ono suffering with thn cholera when Chamborlnln's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea IWmeay can be pro cured. It will pivo relief In a few minutes and euro in a short thno. I tiavo tried it and know.V. . H. Clinton , UoJuietta , N. J. The epidemic at Helmetta was at first , believed to bo cholera , but subsequent Investigation proved it to bo a violent form of ayiotuery , almost as dangerous a > cholera. This roinudy was used there wl U great success. For sale by druggists. BE8NISON BROS , Knocking Piifos Look Ont for Prices the INext Sixty Days. WE ARE GOING TO UNLOAD And In Ordnntn On Till * Wo Arc llonnil tn All 1'rlcr * Ail Kf ii Sharp Look Out for Ui. Flno dress goods , are all now , Consisting ot storm serges ami all late weaves and all sold as bargains by our competitors ut 7oa , 8oc , $1,00 yard ; Monday , choice of ono counter , at 50o yard. 100 pieces colored gro grain silks and blacic faille rhudnmas at 75e yard ; can't match them elsewhere for leas than SI.00 yard. 50 dozen slightly soiled kid gloves at 25e nor pair , slues mostly small. Wo closed out ever $5,000 worth of Indies and children's ' underwear. Monday ono lot ladies' whlto morlno al 4c. ! ) Ono lot of children's nnd misses' scar- lots al C'Jc. ' 60 do/.on children's merino , mostly pants , at lOc each. Wo will sell Monday 10 do/.on Indies' blnclc ilno wool tighls at $1.75 pair. All Iho nbovo goods are great bar gains. Don't fall to see thorn. Special bargains in ladles' and chll- ilron'd hoso. Look them ovor. They are special for bargain hunters. Standard urinls 4o yard. Monday our 5o and Occotlon llanncls go at HJ(5 yard. 81 Ib. feather pillows 59c. See our line brown shooting , 20 yards forSl. SPECIAL CLOAK SALE. Greatest bargains over olTored in la- tiles' , misses nnd children's cloaks. Ladies' rcofor jackets ! t2 and ! il inches long , in tans anil black , at $5 , $6 , $7 and $8 each , worth $8 to $12. Lidies' jackets with Astrachnn fur shawl collar 82 inches long , worth $15 , Monday only 88.50 oacfi * Monday wo will sell ladies' light tan jackets ! ! l inches long , wilh opossum fur shawl collar , at the low price $10 each , worth $18. Wo are fallowing all the late novoltics in cloaks. Remember wo are headquarters on cloaks in Omaha. Mail orders tilled. tilled.BENNISON BENNISON BROS. Old Soldiers Attention ! To all old soldiers who served not loss than six months in the late war. There will bo a meeting at KaufJfman'd hall Wednesday night. October 12 , at 8 o'clock , for the purpose of considering natters of interest lo Iho class above nentioncd. Plcasocomo and attend this meeting , us it is a matter of personal in terest to yourself. Don't fall. By order f committee : J. S. Miller , Colonel { artlotl , Edward M. Shaw , Samuel Stover , Oliver Davis. W. II. Plainer. Now picture frames. A. Hospo. F. M. Schadell & Co. , nro adding low trimmed hats daily. They bavo = 01110 pretly novelties this season. Dom'cslic soap is Iho best Try it. f / ( .iilitoriihi Homes. A considerable portion of California is admirably adapted by naluro for eom- "ortnblo homes. There is perhaps no place in the world whore a family ( if modoralo means lo begin with and of industrious habits can live so easily , en joying not only the comforts but oven the luxuries of life. Instead of being , as many suppose , a place where only the wealthy can enjoy life , it is peculiarly adapted to homes of thrifty people who earn their daily bread , and while ono without means would undoubtedly find it very dilllcult to got u stnrl , a man with a small capi tal can very soon surround himself wilh luxuries thai only Iho woallhy can en joy elsewhere. A small Iract of land , ten acres or at most twenly acres , is enough , which can bo purchased al a reasonable price if oulbldo of a "boom" dlstricl. Wilh in- lelligenco and industry used in planting and cultivating it an inc.omo is certain. It bhould bo part orchard and part vino- yard. While the trees and vines are being brought into bearing , enough lo materially contribute to the malnlonanco of the family can bo grown between the Irecs , and if the neighborhood has been well selected every member of the family riTJto and willing to work can find pleasant and remunerative labor in orchards and vineyards near by , and minister to the support of the family while acquiring the knowledge and sKill necessary to the handling of their own crop. The third year a considerable return may bo expected from the vinnynrd , and Irom a part of the orchard. As the work has all boon done within the family , this will bo neaily all not in come. The next year and thereafter there will bo work enough , and rslurns enough on the homo place. Cosily buildings are nol necessary , for Iho climate is such that in much of the slate , lifo In Ihc open air is entirely pleasant for three hundred days In the year. In the coast range ot mountains , be tween San Francisco and Monterey , nro many such homes. At llr&t , Ihoy were madb on Iho valley land on ollhor sldo of Iho range. Ycnr nflor year Ihoy have crept up into the lllllo valleys be tween the spurs of the foothill. Then on to Iho foothill , and in many places clour lo the summits. All through they have found ex cellent soil , good pure water , and everywhere un exceedingly healthful climnto. Nestled In these lilllo valleys are some of the most delightful places in the \\or\d. \ So mild is the cllmato Dint fuchsias nnd geraniums grow all winter andltlio family garden iu planted in the fall\yloldlnk' good crops of peas , potatoes and any soml-hurdy vegetables in Fobruaryj There la | plenty of land equally pro ductive now in Iho market and at low prices ani\ \ persons looking fora location for a comfortable homo should not fail to visit thistpromleincr region. The Santa Crux division of the South ern Piicllio company's 1'aclflu System laps this range of mountains near Iho southern extremity , its two long tun-r nols passing under the main rungo. For further information as lo this lo cality and how it is reached , call upon or address the following named olllcors of the Southern Pacific company. , E. HAWLEY , Assistant ( Jonoral Tralllo Manager , No. 313 Broadway , Now York , N. Y. E. E. CURRIER. Tow England ngont , No. 102 Washington street , Bos ton , Mass. , W. O. NEIMYER , General Western agent , Ko. 201So. Clark stroel , Chicago , ' W. C. WATSON , General Pnsson'gor agent Atlantio syslcm , Now Orleans. La. ' T , II. GOODMAN , General Passen ger agent Puclllo syatoin , San Fran cisco , Cal. ARRAYOF Tha-.OO-Cont Sloro , 1310 Tarnnm St. , the Center of AUractioj , SI WORTH 32 IN MONDAY'S ' SALE . GI.iMnnrr , Crockery , Tlmvnro , . Wnotlcniriirr , I'lutnrci , I'mmm , Silver- , xniro , Joitclry , l'ool 'tlM > oln , Toilet , Article * nt Slaughter Prices. 35o dish pans. lOc. ft-jo dinner pails , lOc ; Ibis Is tv 3-quart palls wllh cnp on top. ! ! < > u ditiry pans , I On. 2.jc pudding pans lOe , "oc cotleo pots lOo " " )0 tea pols 10i % . "oo cuspidors lOc. "oo oil cans lUc. 25o Hour sifters lOc. Great bargains In lump ? . lOe for n lamp cumulate. IDo for tv decomted lamp complete. 1 We for a. decorated lump with chimney to maloh. 09o for decorated lamps complete , with 10inch shades. This lamp usually Bolls tit $2.50. lJc ! for -1 ploco class sot worth $1.00. ! ! o for fine lublo tumblers. lOo for { quart crystal wntor pitchers. Slashing prices in blue enameled stool waro. Great -1'Jc sale. Arllcloa will bo sold at Ihis price tlmt are worth Iwo lo three limes Iho money. It will include - cludo kotllcs , Baucoranp , fry pans , tea and qolTco iiots , baking pans , oyster pans , wash basins , ate. , otc. Samples can bo scon in our front window. New toys , dolls and fancy goods are arriving daily and our store Is fast as suming Iho appcaranco of tv vast muse- utn or curiosity shop. It's doll day Mondnv. 1,000 l/i-inch / kid body dolis.uisquo head , ( lowing hair , Hoc each , worih 5Uo. 600 18-iuoh dressed dolls , complete with hat to matoh at 23c. See the now Ksquimoux nnd Xailu lolls , also the Christopher Columbus dolls. Bargains in our book department. 1,000 Me novels at lOc. Children's books at le , 2c , , ' ! c , oc to 49c. Wrillnir tablets al lie , fle , 7c , worth Ihrco times Iho money. If you don't cot your share of these Bargains you will regret it. Goods de livered promptly. Open evenings till 8 o'clock. TIIK im-CEXT STOKE , II. IIAUDY fc CO. Wholesale and llelail. WHEKE IS THE BOYP l.lltto Jnlitniy Doliurty lias Itccii ATlKsliif ; Slnro .May. On thn morning of the last day of May , 14- ycar-old. Johnny Dohcrty klssod Ills molbor ( roodbyo nnd started for school. Since than uo hivs not been scon or heard from. The lad was unusually brlKht nnd was a general favorite at the school ho attended and was always well spoken of by hU to.iehors. Ills parents live at , tll'J North Fourteenth ntreot und are worried iiluiost to death ever the long.abscnco of their son. Some time ace n noiplibor told Mrs. Uoherty tlmt she haa heard thnt the boy was In Denver. ActiiiK upon this faint , clew Mr. Doherty went to the city on the foothills ot tlio Houltica ami romnlncd for several days. lie walked the streets dny and nlfht , but fulled to llnd the boy. The police wera given a dcscripilon of Iho youngster and promised to look out for him. A clrcu'ar letter .wltli . photoRraph was nlso sent to the Kocliy mountain detectives , but so far no word has icon received to lighten tbo load on the mother's heart. Two or three days npo a couple of small ooys reported that ihoy had scon Johnny nut near tbo Castellar street school. This rumor was re ported to the local police force and thp oftl- cors on beats were constantly on the \viitch for the youac man , out so far he hasn't showed up. The parents are sendtnc ; > hotocraphs to marshals in nearly all of the cities iu Iho west in hopes of locating their child. It Is supposed that the boy fell Into bad company und ran awav with his newly made friends in search of excitement and adventure on Iho plains and among the mountains A reward of f , " > U is offered by Iho lather for information about his sou. O Jl.tl > A A70/M/V I'.tSS.HSE. Vojnuo ol the Tnpi-st IlUintirck An Aeelilcnt on Koiiril. New YOIIK , Oct. 8. The steamship Fucrst Bismarck arrlveil toJny and reports n very rougn passapo. On the night of October 4 the gale increased to a hurricane and grant seas were thrown over tlio decks. Tlio watch in the llrorontn hud just been changed nnd the men who were relieved came on deck for nlr. They had no sooner appeared above thau 0110 great wave bonrdcd tbo ves sel over tbo bows and swept n'ong ' In n mighty dolugo. In Its course it gathered up sovorul men und hurled them about , tossing them ugalust the bulkheads nnd then picking them up again and hurling them agalust other objects. Among these who were caught by the wave was a small boy , n member of the crow , who wns da'jhea with terrillc force against acabiiihou.se. He was bnitly injured , his leg and ono arm being broken. Further away were two other dromon. They were swept off their fuot , and dashed against tlio bulkhead. Their arms were broken , Three others were also hurt in the samu manner , but their Injuries nro not so serious. None of their limbs wore broken , but their in juries necessitated their conllueinent Iu the ship's hospital , I'roulili * In Uolli-gc. CivcissAi'i O , , Oct. S. All unusual pro ceeding WHS witnessed this afternoon la the ousting of the president of a female coltogo from the college building nnd plating the property In possession of the trustees , Tbo scene was the \Yoslcyau I'omnlo college , wldoly knnwu among the Methodist denom ination. Dr.V. . iv. Brown , who has held It under louse for ten years , and who sued to have the lonso extended , was cldfcnte.d in court. 110 appealed , but BO fur has fill fed to glvo bond and t'lls nttcrnoon the shurltT was ordered to roiuovo tlio president and to glvo the college into the possession of the trus tees. Tlio school wat in progress and fifteen or twenty pupils were enrolled. The posi tion of the president puts a sudden stop tu the school , as the trustees intend to topalr and roniodol the building before opening it. There was no scene. Dr. and Mrs. Brown immediately pacitoJ their things and pre pared to loavu the building and luo trustees placed a representative In charge. llncl I a Heimilluiml Dluirco Cnmt. t'lHLAPCU'iiiA , 1'fl. , OcCS. The jury In the trial of the suit of Jacou Culburtson against A. J , Mansllold , brought to recover fn.OOO damages for the ullonatlon ot Mrs. Culbcrtson's affections , this morning brought m a verdict in favor of the defendant. The case has attracted widespread Interest on account of the sensational charges of both Bides nnd was practically decided whan Judge Finlottor handed the case ever to the Jury Irnl niiht expressing tlio decided opin ion thnt the cvliloiH-o In lhl cuso conclu sively ihow.s thnt the plnlntlrt'4 ' onso li n vllo conspiracy Mistnlnod by porjurv. The pur- pee of this conspiracy Is evident--to bo freed from his wlfo for n newer love and irmlio money by It. tuiiTii o.n.iit.i. riE < ire from tlio I'ottoinoe Thn " 'I ' Amount til ItiuliiPM tt rrun iirl . I'ostninstcrliH ! o\v Is very much olntnd over the Incrnnso In the volume of business nt tlio postofllco dsirlnR the Mrst ipiartor of tlio lirescnt lUcal ye.ir , which ba an July 1. The volume ot business transacted by n post- oflleo Is a very safe criterion of lhs condition of the commbrcud Inierosts of n city , anil shows very clearly what l bolt'e dond. The IicopiO of South Omaha can point with prldo to the business ot tholr po < toftlcc > . and there nro very few cities of thn tuino sl/.o In the country which can mal < o iw llatlcrltiR n showing. The cross recolpU diirlnii the IhcM ycnr cnilinp Juno ill ) , Is'J.1 , atnouutod to MI.SU.VM. The tlr.st quarter the receipts footed up JIU.UOIU ) * , tlio sccoiul quarter ilroppml to jrlilSl. ( > , tlio third nunrtor wni * 3S'3J.'J7 , nnil the foitrtli quarter fl.SM.fil. The receipts for tlio first qunrtor ot the present llsciil year amounted to $ I1UMH ( , nn incrcnso over the lnrco < a qunrtor ot the pi-occillng yonr ot iioarly ? : i,000 uud ever ttao Miiullost quarter of SI.TSU.SS. The force consists of Pojtmnstdr IMuscow , his insist ; ni t , two mailing clnrk . n distribut ing clcrlt unit delivery clerk mid ilvo carrion. The force is very himllv vvorliod to hnnillo the mall mutter , uud there U very llttlu ulloncsa tlierenbouls. DurliiR the lust fiscal year there were Issued - sued i.Yl ! domestic money orders nnd ' 'IK ) international. The poital notes issued num bered 1,074 nnil the loiters nnd parcels ronis- toroil , lr > IO. DurniK the lli-st ijuartor of tlio present -fiscal ycnr tlio lunnbcr of domestic orders Issno'l wns 7S.1 mid iKtcrntitlor.nl 107. letters Olid parcels registered numbered 471. 471.Tho The expenses of comluctlni * the ofllro for the last llscnl year nmountcd to ? 10.5i\15 : , InnvmRtlio not receipts forwiirdod to the ns- slsintit United Stutos treasurer at Ciilcnpo fci 1,0117.75. The expenses incurred during the first qimrtor of the present year amounted to J.'l.OW.Ol , leaving the not re ceipts at f3Wn.W. If the Increase during the ratnalnliig throe- qunrtiirs continues correspondingly the ilrst quiirtcrof the piesent llscal your tlio volume of business ut. the postoftlco will bo several thousand dollars greater thnu during the preceding year , livery indication is that such will bo the case. Will lln Doilic.ituil Today. The now First llaplist cliurah building at Twenty-llfih and II streets will bo dedicated today. The program 1ms been arranged as follows s Morning tit U o'clock . Invocation Aiilhuin The l/ui il is In Ills Duly Tuniiiln. . Choir PorliUira | . Itcv. . .1.V. . Iliirrls Solo /.Ion . Miss A. Woodward 1'ravcr . lov. ! IX A. Itiissull AnthtMii U. ruthor Almighty . Choir Sermon . Ituv. W. I' , llolllimsr. I ) I ) ( juurtot . . t'liututo Domino bolo Tlio Lord Is My Light . . Mr * . I * T. Siiiidprliinil Dodlcatorr 1'ravur . Kuv. .1. .1. Kculur Hymn Curonutlon . C'ongtcgatlon Ik'ML'dlctloti. Evening , 7:30 : o'clock . Invncntlon Serlpturu . 1'uv. i : . A. Kussi-ll Solo-Oalvury . Mlis Situ Itites I'rayer . Kov J. .1. Koolcr Address . Ituv. A. C. Ilnssell Anthem . . Choir Address . 1 : . ] ' . . Woriiii'rsloy Add i ess . liu\l. .1. ( { color Quartet . llonedlo Aiilnui Mo.i Address . , . I.V. . Carjiontor Solo . I. K. Cook Hymn /.ion . itongiogullun llunudictloii. Work on tlio l'l\onl > : i IllncI- . The work of finishing the interior of the new 1'ivonlca block at , Twunty-slMh nnd N streets Is progressing rapidly. Mr. I'ivonliu 1ms recolvuu notice from Washington ttiiil iho apartments on the third floor for the use of the government must bo ready for occupancy not later than November 1. The apartments will ba used uy the microscopical inspection force , tUiiir present quarters being entirely too small. The citv ofllcials are banking on gattlng into their now quarters in the samu block about the inidcllo of next month , .Mr. IMvonka promising the rooms will bu ready for occupancy by that time. of tlin Kpnurl h League. The quarterly meeting of the Kpwnrlh league was held Friday evening in Iho Ice- turo room nt the First Mothoilist church , nnil the following oftlcurs were elected : President , K. IX Gideon : vice prcsldonls , H. G. You as , Miss Alien Krion , Miss Alma Francis , C. C. Huck ; secretary , MSlIss Blanche Glasgow ; treasurer , .1. Uogcii ; or ganist , Miss Blanche Kdgcrton. Notes anil IVMonnU. Mrs. L. P. Wallcor is visiting in Logan , la. Dr. D. W. Ott of Klversldo , In. , is visiting Postmaster Glasgow. Xach Cuddington went to Ivausas City last evening to be absent several days. Miss. Stio Batoi of Ued Oak , loiva , is visit- hie Mrs. H. A. Uarpantor of this city. Mrs. Ucnton Lewis of Lonp City is visiting - ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. ( _ ! . Sloan. Jay S. Hawley anil J. I ) , Hogcri of Per- cival , Iu. , are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. O. 1C. Pnudoek. Tomorrow afternoon at fiurko's court on Q street Toddy McGee and O. King will cou test in a cruno of hand ball. The bouth Omaha ofllco of TnirJiiis : : : now located at 4lNortb ) Twenty-fourth street in tno olllco of the Daily Stocku.nii. Telephone - phone 117. South Omaha lodge JCo. ( ! ( J , Ancient Order United Workmen , will meet in special scis sion Monday evening and all members are ill-find to attend. Kov. C. M. Ojwson will preach on "Pro crastination" at the First M. 10 , church at 11 o'clock this morning. The evening topic will bo "Capital and Labor. " The young ladles who will take part in ilia broom drill , to bo given by the ladles of the Episcopal church Monday and Tuesday evenings , October 'J I and ! . ' . " > , will incut Mon day , Wednesday and Friday afternoons atI o'clock at Hlum's hall for practice. All members of Houtli Omaha loilgo No , Mb , Independent Order of Odd Fcllowb , nnil visiting brothers nro requested to meet at Independent Order of Ojr. Follows hail at 1 o'clock this afternoon to attend t'no funeral of our late brother , Charles P. Mitlor. c. L. Talbot , noble grand ; J.V. . Johnson , secre tary. _ _ / . % j'o.s.s/ssr .v or r ui.tc.ut. ( jcniirnl Crr | > r > ToliigrnplM : > Nuiv Ymlc I'rliiinl nl Hi * Victory. Niw : Youic , Oct. S. A friend of Ucncral Crospo of Venezuela today received a dls patch from him continuing the reported overthrow of Iho Yenr/iiolun government and the entrance of Crespo Into Caracas at tbo bead of a victorious revolutionary army. ( jonoral Ilolot Pcrara , Venezuelan min ister , said ho would send his rusignattoa to the now government by the next steamer. Ho bollures the war Is not yet over. If Crospo assumes the dictatorship another war Is certain , If ho calls congress to elect anew now president all will bo quiet. The following permits were Issued by the Buperlntondont of buildings yostoriJay : 1'nolllo Impress company , tno-alory brick Htable , Klovenlli ttrc'ft and L'HU- Itoluvuiiuo . . . . . . . . f 10,000 II M , Mursmaii , one and iiiic-liulf-stiirv fraino limn , "J'lilily-sucond and lav- Dtipnrl stieuU . 1,500 blx minor permits . 1'JT : . Total . .Tr. ' . QBPRICES U I BlBUlpiV Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard WHAT THE JURORS THOUGH ? Onscs That Have Bcon Pnssou" Upon ia t District Court. THREE MEN GO TO THE PENITENTIARY llenr.v Mnjrnnd Tom Murmy rouiiil < I rlti Thnt Woulil Nol Agree nml I'eter 1.M- qulst rulleil to Kecoxer I torn HrciliiMi Nosi > . The sovornl divisions of the district court devoted n few IIOUM to the transaction ol business yostcrnnv morning and ihon ntt Journal until Monday morning. William Urndy stood up and took A flvo years' sonlonco without n mtirincr. lirndy was the man who did business when Itanium's circus wns In town. On thnt day liosnntchcd a lady's pur.so Just n-i shown * boarding a down town motor , The Indy hclu to him for some tlmo , begging for as- slstnnco , but none of tlio passengers ot ttio cnr cared to holn her hold the ligtil-flugoroil follow. At last , Romowhat disgusted , she nsticd , "Is there a man on this carl" Some twenty or thirty members of the milo fam ily who were winching the proceedings pulled their ho.ids down Into their coat collars , but refused to niiiwsr. The wounu i Blood her ground , nnd continuing with the rcmnrlt , "Somo of you wuar pants , but X guess you nro not men,1' marched Mr Urnily nwuy and turned him ovrr lo the pllco. Thomas Slutw nnd P. U. Wolf , the t6 men who were convicted of getting nwny with a lot of goods belonging to the Adam ? Installment company , were each ncutonctd' to terms of two J-MM. Tlienu during Conlilii'l Agrnr. In the ease of Henry Mny , the yo\n \ g man who was charged with Having stolen n lot ot coeds from Hnydou llros. , the Jury fnllod to ngroo nnd was discharged , nflor being outf twenty-four hours. The last ballot ttood seven for conviction und live for acquittal/ . May was remanded to Jutl until such tlmo KB * ho could furnish Jl.f.UO biil : bonus. There wns nlso a disagreement , in the ca * of Amnndn GarlloH niralnst Thomas Murra ; In this case the plaintiff sought to rccovoi fi.l'OO ' damages. ( ic-tt Nothing for Ills Noir. 1'oter A. HJqulst will never pet nnythlcR for that nose which ho lost bv having It como in contact with n motor polo ou the Kast Omaha lino. IIo wns riding ou thai line , nnd whllo looUinc out of Iho cnr win * ' ( low n polo look olT inrt of his prouosci * . Ho thought , tlmt the car- company should pny him f 1,1)00 ) damages , but the Jury found tot the defendant. I.nuycr DiiiU Si\rt : Ills Itrpiilntlnti. The churges against Lawyer John P. D.wls hnvo been purged , und Mr. Davis comes out with nothing moro serious than a reprimand. Some time ngo D.ivls was accused of un professional conduct us nn attorney , in that ho misled .ludgos Irvine nnd Ilopoweli' in cases that were , on trial before thorn , Tlio matter was referred to a bar committee , and an Investigation followed. This morning - ing the committee reported thnt the foot * were true , but that Davis nxmnlncd tnnt ho did so icuornntly , nml without any Intention of misleading the court. Iu tlio case of John l-Mnmilgnu cgalnii .Tncob Elton , which has been on tnil ia Judge Ferguson's court during the pas * weolt , the Jury vostcrdity nlternoon returned a verdict lor tlio plaintiff nnd assessed bis dnmago at fi cents. This Judgment gives the old colored man possession of thu land 1Q controversy. I.lrrnsm. The following marriage licence * were Is sued by County Judge Eller yesterday : Ntuno und nddross. Ajv , Hwtin N. Nelson. Hwedobuig . 3 Mnry llall , Wnhao . , sa Mncllson I ) . Youcll , Omaha . I * Kll/nbnth McJiillI.in. Omaha 17 AiiRiist Shallber. . Oninlii * B3 Cliarlotlu I'eiursoii , Oinnlia 11 } I'eter L.irson , Oninba 31 luijurlt Mury I'elerboii , Uiiiiiha 31 II A/.AKD David \V. . nzod l.'i inontlip. only child of John C. and Ailed lhiarJ. un I'rhlRy ? iilsht , Uclnbcr 7. 1 ' ) . ' , at IS u'cloclc. I'nnernJ services at the family roslihme. uas-t Uinalia' proolnct , .lust I'.tst of Kliirenco In lie , on Sunday - , day at-iO : : o'eloel ; . lnu-i nu'iil 1'oiest I.awn eeinetory. Kelatives and frli'iids Invited. I.ATIMEU Mr-i M. , Hired 40 yi'ars at ihe rc l- dcnuo of iJelut-tlvii Mlcliaul 1' . Dcinpscy ( ,1s * ' tnrof KlioOhlcf J. J. liullUmi. Mis. M. P. Dompsnv. Mr * . J. Urmsby and James J. Gait * lilian of Chicago. 1'iinural .Monday mornln ? . Uolobpr 10th , ap 0 a. in. from residence * of M. T. Dumpsuy. illtll street. 1 olAvcen Sowud slrcel , nnd ri.iiilillii to St. I'cco la's church , Interment ht. .Mnrjr'B' ccniotery. Mrs. R. E. Davies WILL SELL HER ENTIRE STOCK OP Positively Retiring , We have sonic lovely trim med hats which we place oja sale awfully cheap : 169 Trimmed Hats $2.49 , Worth $4 nnd $ B. 29.1 Trimmed Hats $3.78 , Worth $7 and $ b. 12,1 Trimmed Mats $5.OO * Worth $1O nnd $12. . R. II. Davi 111 S. 15lh SMpposlle AnCFO A Farm of 10U AC'llKd In town of llunnlpft Jllulcio Co , NuU , bltuatolon the llliiunl nd MI4' die I. nun Illvoii , oiiu mlle ( rum liuniiln * il.tlfD , fct ) tUo U. It M. H , II. tor ' * " ' ' * * ' ' ' ! ) ! ! ' ' ' ; l" J 1' * liKfttfn IHtllr t 32 MKC sxiiiir , UIUAUU , Ulfe