THE OMATLS DAILX BKE : SUNDAY , OCTOBKIl 0 , 18D2--SIXTEEN PACKS. DAILY BEE U U08EWATEH , EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVEHY MOIININO. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. TKIIMS OFBUnSCnil'TKM * . P llr He * ( wlttimit Sttndu ; ) Ono Y r . I TO liftllr unit Hunilnr Ono Ve r . 10 W HIiMonU. TMcp Montli * . i funar lice. Ono Y < r . . 8 ltir liy ( Ilf , Onn Veur . > llrc.OQB Year ' 0 ° Yearomens. . : : n , 1 IIP Von ntdlillnir * Bontli Omnlm , corner N anil Will StrooU. Council Illiinn , 12 l' iirl flreut. Chicago Ofllcc.31 ? Ulininbvr of Commerce. New \ork , llnom 1.1,1 * nnrt IS. Trltnino Ilulldlnr. YTtihlnRlon. 513 Fourteenth Street. Alt communication * rclnllnn to new" ? < ! aitortslmntler i > tiould be mldroJicd to Ins so- Jtonal Dcpiitmrnt. tlt'SIN'nSS ' I.KTTKIM. Mnes * letter * nml rcmlllsnc * * honld bo soil toTho lleol'utill littiK Company. Omaha , /.n.ifl. clicrku nnrt poitortlco onlcrs lo be made pnblolu tlieorJcr ot tbo comimnjr. TUB DKB I'UULISIIING COMPANY 8woiiNSTATr.Mi.vr : or CIUCOI.ATION. Btdleof r > Dbrn kn , I Caiiiilrnr DnnKlnii , ( _ . . ficurito II. Tmcliuck , fecrolnrrof THE 1IEK Pub. lldblng comiiniitnp Milemtilj mcnr llml tbo nctiinl rlrriilnllnii of'I'llK IMlt.v Itr.K for tbo wcok cndlnKOclnbcrS , 1BW , wns ns fcillowi. Bimilny.October ? JJJM Mondnr. Ootdbcrn K'1'2 Tnpsilar. Uclnbi'r I iV'lfi WednomJnr. OetuberS Sl.oM Thurmlay , ( 'rtobcrr. 2.1,70.1 Kildsy. OInlier 7 53,6(0 Batiirilnr , October 8.1 . ° ' 3 Axcrnse. Sl.ilOJ tnouiiK : ii. T/SCHUCK. Birorn to before inn nml tubserlliod In mr prci' tnn- Ibis dlli dnr uf October , It'J. ' . 11.1' . FIJI I. . ( Sent ) N'otnrj1'ubllo. . Circulation fur September , Tun Suinoscls iuu\ the Iroquois are as Imrmonlous ntul foliclloiis na two Indian cnnps ul ways uro. WARD MOAU.ISTKU Is to bo do- tlironod ns the fiiHinonnblu monnrcli of Gotham nnd ono Oliver Tonll is to wear the crown. The duck is dead , long live tlio tonl ! BISHOP J'liii.ui'H UIIOOKS has just talton his sout with the bishops at Balti more , tlio latest bishop of all , ' but the greatest ono , too , in tlio eyes of the Amorlunn Dcoplo and oven of the bishops. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'r.AiN lifjuros show that there is 81,000 worth of real and personal prop erty in Noliraslta for every man , woman and child in the state , while there is but $5.48 city , comity and state debt per capita. Stand up for n utato with Such u iiKijjnificont record of prosperity. IT HAS been decided to hold no cano rush at Yale this year , and so far no hazing lias been attempted at the now Chicago university , although it has boon in session a whole wcolc. University lifo henceforth is evidently destined to 1)0 most monotonous and stupidly sonsi- GjxiuAr : , HATTON remarks in the Washington 1'ost that just at the present time General Sickles nnd .Tdd 0 Grcshatn appear to bo swinging ing- along in the doubtful column. Just in what column Frank flatten is swing ing along no reader of the Washington Post has been able to perceive. Tan members of the people's party talk loudly about the evils of class legis lation and arraltrn the republican party lor passing such laws , and * yet their party advocates the Bubtreasury Hchomo nnd the 2 per cent loan to farmers , the worst sorts of class legislation overheard hoard or drcamod of in any country. TIIK choice of tlio English people for poet laureateis Algernon Swinburne , who , in point of literary genius , is gen erally regarded ns Tennyson'ssuperior. But Mr. Gladstone has the power of ap pointment and it is possible th'at the eccentricities ol Swinburno will wolcli against him in Gladstone's eyes. The greatest of English poets have not boon the poets laureate In every instance. IK TUB Ilonry George theory were put into practice' and all the revenue ol this country were raised by a tax on land alone , in a short time the taxes would bo so high that the owners would bo compelled to part with their land and become tenants of Uncle Sam , a thing which the home loving and homo owning farmers of Ne braska would not enduro. TUB improved railroad trackage and depot fucilitios contemplated at South Omaha .vill bo of great advantage t < that thriving town as well as to the fout railroad companies interested. As tc the truckage improvements , it ia nol surprising that they should hnvo boon agreed upon , but when union depots arc talked of the people are naturally skop tical. In this case , however , it appear ! that the railroad companies thomsolvoi would gain as well as the traveling pub Ho. TUB fact that all tlio tranic assocla tlons are going to pieces does not implj that there will not bo nthoM formed Indeed , it in evident that already tin railroads are taking stops to ivorgani/.i those iiBsoulatlousondlirerontba'sos will the sumo objoiit in view , a eonlrall/.atioi of privileges and trallic at Ohlcagn This Js a matter of vtiet Importance- the Missouri river oitios and more as poclally to Omaha. We need urgontl. a combination of shipping interests act ing thiough a freight buro.iu and the wo need ogani/.od : and combined oll'ort of Missouri river oltion to do bittlo will the now railway combines which are a ! ready forming. This is u matter of vitii importance. IT SKi'Ma rnthor odd Unit Englis eoulnl circles should bo shoukod by th disclosuron of Lndy Cavendish and th duchess of Bedford concerning the pn valotieo of druukonncKS among tli ladles of the aristocracy. The vice I Bufllclontly common In certain nig circles in England to have boon vor often sjiokou of by Americans who hav witnessed it. and if the temporuto an orderly society people of that counti nro shocked by the nrusont oxposun It is because they have boon blind i what olhnrs have long seen. Morn uro lax umong tlio arUtocracy of Enf land uiul habitual tippling by ladles lilgh Btntion is by no munns the wor feature of Hfo in the upper circle Public sentiment would nut for u m mont tolurnto it in this country , b uro dlU'oront thoro. \ xv : The success that Ima crowned the ef forts of the Manufneturors Association of Nobrnska during the first year of its oxlstnnco hns naturally led to the con templation of nn enlarged field of use fulness and Improved facilities for carry ing on the bonnflcont work In which it is engaged. The first exposition hold under thn auspices of this association last Juno In this city proved successful beyond the expectations of its most san guine frlcnda. It was visited by about 20,000 people in addition to no less than 11,000 school children to whom free tick ets of admissio'n were issued. The asso ciation not only succeeded in presenting to tlio view of visitors a display of No- brnska products that excited the admir ation and wonder of all who saw thorn , but it also made a handsome sum of money , not for the behoof of the associa tion itself but for the continuance of the work which it lias undertaken. The ob jects of the Manufacturers an3ociation have frequently boon explained in the columns of this paper. It exists solely for the purpose of promoting the inter ests of the manufacturers and tradesmen of this Btato upon the ba is of homo pa- tronnge. The scope of its work is broad enough to include every farmer and every wage earner , for every forward step taken by the manufacturer or the tradesman Is n benefit to the people tit large , no matter what tholr occupation may bo. The ollleors and members of the asso ciation are now deeply Interested in a project to provide a pullablo and por- mnnetit building for future annual ex hibitions. It is desired that a central and convenient location bo secured and u building erected thereon which will ulToril irmplu accommodations. Thus far tlio movement may bo taid to bo in em bryo , but these who favor it are decid edly In earnest and firmly believe that it Is practicable. It. is proposed that a site bo chosen In the custom part of the town , or in some locution accessible to all street car lines , and that a build ing bo erected huitablo for the exposi tions of the association and for con ventions and gi oat meetings of all kinds. The need of a great auditorium in this city lias been felt in the past and will become yet moro evident in the future as the city of Omaha grows and becomes joar by year more central and moro con venient as a gathering point for the surrounding population. While it is yet impos-iiblo to present the details of the plan suggested , it maybe bo said in gonnral terms that it is based upon the idea that the association is es tablished as a permanent institution ; that it will need a permanent exposition building especially adapted lo the pub lic convenience by reason of its accom modations in the matter of room and location , and that such a building would often bo in demand fo.- the tiso of con ventions and other great assemblages. It is proposed that a stock company bo formed , of which the Manufacturers as sociation would materially constitute the majority , and it is believed that the latter would bo able to turn in a hand some sum every year ns the result of its profits from expositions. This would certainly prove to bo the case if the income from tlio initial exposition last Juno at the Coliseum may bo taken as a criterion. It is natural to expect that a state exposition that has proven so interest ing and profitable will eventually , and perhaps very soon , develop into an in terstate affair in which the stales of Iowa , Katifaas , South Dakota , Wyoming and Colorado , and possibly Missouri , will share with our own great state' of Nebraska. It should bo the aim of the Manufacturers association to make Oinahii the exposition con tor , as it is already thu commercial center , of a vast territory beyond the borders of this commonwealth. Wo believe that , this is practicable nnd that the birth of a great intorstnto exposition , to be held annually in Omaha , will bo hastened by carrying out the project , of erecting a sult.ablo building upon the plan briotly outlined above. As yet it is only a suggestion and n thoino of discussion , but from such beginnings great enter prises have been developed. TIIK KK.iL , IX.rKKMIX.lTUJX. According to a recent interview with United States Fish Commissioner Alex ander , who has just returned from n visit to the seal islands in IJerlng sea , the poachers have practically exter minated the fur soul. While this state ment is doubtless somewhat uxagtror- atod , there can bo no question that the slaughter of fioal has very greatly re duced the supply and that there U really very serious danger of the ex termination of these animals and tin. destruction of a valuable industry it : which tlio United States is most largely intorojtod. It is tlio testimony of ihoso who havi glvon expert attention to Ibis nmttei that the extermination of thu sual else where was due to the liullsoriminnti slaughter of the old and young , maloand female , and this practice in Bering so : mtittt , in tbo nature of UimgH. produce i like result. Legitimate sealing doe ; not penult the killing of tlio females 01 the mule brooding coal , and there is IK dilllmilly in distinguishing these from the bachelorsoU : , which are not allowed to land on the same brooding ground o the females by the older seals. Formorlj " i the government allowed the seal com" pany to f.iko 100,000 seal annually , bu the iigroumont with thu prosonl com pany restricted the number to IW.OOQ Pending the arbitration , however , bu 7,000 can bu killed by the company , jus Bulllciunt to provide for the payment o its employes. In the moan tlmo tli poachers have been carrying nn.tliol destructive work and the result is see in the statement , of Mr. Alexnndoi Hvhicntly if the arbitrators do nc speedily pass upon the questions sul : mltted to thorn there will bo no Bisnl loft to arbitrate about ana the go vor r mont will bo deprived of a hnndsom revenue from thia industry. Russia is also suffering loss from tli depredations of the poachers and , u < cording to a recent dispatch , ia propoi ing to take vigorous measures ngnlnf the marauders. The question natural ! suggests itself whatlior the govoruuici at Washington is doing nil that is pnu ticablo to prevent the destruction of Hi It would bo u misfortune of ti smalt proportion * ) If this Industry were broken up , nnd after the years of Inter national controversy It has caused such n result would bo highly discreditable to the United States. TIIK Unix IXUVSTHV. The latest reports regarding the con dition of the iron industry show it to bo vary satisfactory. It is stated that the consumption of pig Iron exceeds tlio production and that there is n very active demand for structural iron and plates. The latter statement Is sfgnlll- cant ns showing how much moro exten sively than formerly iron and stool are entering into the construction of build ings , which of course moans n more general erection of fireproof structures. The country learned a most costly les son from the great Chicago and Boston llres , before which there was hardly n fireproof building , in I ho country owned by private parties , such buildings being construt'lod only by tlio federal govern ment. Since then there hasbcon steady progress in the erection of fireproof structures and reform in this respect Is certain to bo more general in the future , because it is demonstrated to bo by far the most economical policy in the end. A steady growth In the demand for structural iron is therefore assured and this moans an expansion of the iron industry commensurate with the in- uroasa in building throughout the country. There is very little demand for rails , tlio market being comparatively stag nant , and this btanch of the iron traJo sobma destined to continue quiet for some tlmo to come. There is at present no incentive to general railroad con struction , and while it is true that now roads are projected they are not.of sucli extent as will make a demand nearly equal to the capacity of the mills of the country. It is an important fact in the current history of business that the iron industry is doing well , because' there is no other industry wliioli directly and indirectly gives employment to bo much labor. .1 COLhKfll ! 11KI''OH.U. The president of Columbia college has nuujruratcd a reform in that institution ivliich should bo generally adopted by colleges and universities where the > raelico of liaxinc is still In vogue. It ippcars that hazing1 nnd hooting and ushing of freshmen by sophomores mvo been growing for several years at Columbia , and tlio president determined to put a stop to it. Accordingly at the opening of college last wool ; ho told the incoming sophomore class that while lie had respect for trials of strength be tween the classes where the contests were friendly , and did not object to rushes when both classes mot on equal terms , yet the hooting at freshmen , the compelling1 of them to stand treat , and other insults inflicted by gangs of sophomores "on single freshmen , were cowardly blackguardism and no gonlle- mnn would take part in any such pro ceeding , lie appealed to the self-respect and sense of honor of the sophomores , taking good cure , however , to back up the appeal witlutn adequate Jiolico force. When the freshmen assembled for their entrance- examination they found thai something unprecedented probably in college history was going on. The college grounds were guarded by police men , who had instructions to arrest any sludcnt who attempted to interfere with another , and college ollleors were sta tioned so that they would bo able to re port any sopbomoro who hooted. There was no Iron bio at the examination , and although subsequently some of the moro reckless of the sophomotos manifested n disposition to break over the bounds ol propriety the certainly of expulsion in such case restrained them. It it staled that the great body of the stu dents agree with the president that ha/.ing and insults are practices that ought to bo suppressed , and the presi dent is determined to suppress thorn ii it costs Columbia every sophomore. If this reform should become general with the colleges of tlio country it would remove au evil , tor the practices inter- dirled tit Columbia are nothing less which are n source of alinosl endless trouble to the faculties of many of these institutions , and relieve college lifo o what to many students is a serious hard ship. The president of Columbia i : quite right In Ills characterization o the practices which he has dotorminct to put u stop to. They appeal to noth ing but Iho brutality and blaclcgunrdisn in human nature , and their toloralioi serves to foitor and develop those quail ilog , whereas the reverse of this is OIK of the chief functions of education Friendly trials of strength may bo tel crated as necessary to vary the monotony ony and humdrum of college lifo , or a nn outlet for youthful exuberance am the epiiit of rivalry , but the dilliculty i to hold such trials within the condition of a friendly contest , because in order t do thib it ib nooesHiry lo eliminate fret them thosu whose inclinations nr brutal. The president of Columbia college ha sol an admirable example , which It i to bo hoped , for the credit of America colleges , will bo generally followed. II has demonstrated that it is practical ) ! to put a what ho justly churactoi l/.os as "cowardly blackguardism , " an while the moans at his command ma bo bettor than these within roach < most college presidents there is nonoc them so holph.'ss that ho cannot , by like firm coursu , accomplish what Ii IUIH done. coxsmt r.i TIS.II iv nustxKss. Conservative business methods , base upon u bound financial bystoin , are pn ducing good results in the commorch affairs of the country. This 'fact , forcibly exhibited by tlio steady di creatio in the number nnd magnitude < business failures in the United State According to mercantile agency rupor there has boon u largofalling off , bet in tlio number of failures and in tl aggregate liabilities in all sections < the country in the past nine month Tlio decrease in the liabilities is mo marked. In'thoKow Knglaml titates was about ono-third , in t'uo midd ! states ( H-or one-half , and in the wc cm und southern states about t ) eamo. The natural inference from those'fac is that the great doereubu In llnbllitl indue to the management of buslne enterpriser upon conservative principles. These who have fidlcdlmvo boon mainly small tradesmen \Kiolhavo found after n short trial that lllylWoro engaged In a doubtful oxporhncm ind have accord ingly retired from the field before be coming very badly involved , so that the losses individually and in the aggregate have boon remarkably HffhU The num ber of largo failure * reported is very In significant In comparison with the rec ords of previous years. Some of the best commercial authorities attribute this excellent showing to the prevalence of largo crops and favorable prices last year , resulting In a great improvement of the debt paying ability of the people , but It is also true that business men arc crowing moro conservative and care ful. Speculation is at a very low ebb and there is an increasing ten dency on the part of buyers lo pay for what they gel ; lu olhcr words the credit system lias boon narrowed d0wn nnd trade has approached moro nearly to u cash basis. It lias boon a noticeable fea ture of the commercial reports for many months past that collections were con stantly reported good. 'Carrying this out to its logical conclusion it means that the people are boiler able lhan usual to pay their debts and lliat they are not incurring unnecessary obliga tions. ESTlMATliS regarding the probable product of corn vary from 1,1(70,000,000 ( bushels to 1,700,000,000 bushels , nnd the yield will doubtless bo somewhere be tween these figures. The most careful estimate wo have soon gives Nebraska in round numbers 180,000,000 bushels , Kansas 127,000,000 and Iowa 230,000,000 bushels. The indicated yield per acre is in these states respectively 2SJB , 24.H nnd 28.-1. It appears from such data as is available that tliero is required for do- uieslic consumption a little under Ihirty bushels per capita , which would call for aboul 1,000,000,000 bushels between now and tlie next crop. Assuming this cal culation to bo correct , it will bo soon that the highest ostimnto of Iho year's crop is at least 200,000,000 bushels below low the estimated homo demand , mit as the maximum liirures as to the yield are doubtless too high it will probably bo safe lo say Hint the doficoncy will ap proximate oOO,000,000 bushels. There seems to bo no considerable amount of old corn on hand in any of the surplus stales but two , and this will perhaps not greatly exceed Iho foreign demand. It would thus appear Uiat the corn producers - ' ducors have a very favorable prospect for profitable prices ( during Iho next year , which is improvpd by the fact that there is alee a deficient simply of oats. Tnu first celebratidn in honor of Iho discovery of America begins in New York tomorrow with a school and col lege parade , to bo followed on Tuesday and Wednesday by nfival and military parades , and closing . Thursday with a banquet. The arrangements ( or tlioso several displays are on an elaborate scnlo , and the comraeijcial metropolis of the nation , which 'appropriately in- atigurales the" cbmruomorution of ono of the most important events in human history , will for the next four days bo Iho scene of ono of Iho most memorable celebrations in its history. On Friday , Oclobcr 21 , which has boon , by act of congress , declared a national holiday , Iho .entire country will unite in cclo- brating "Discovery day , ' ' with Chicago as the central point of interest. Dur ing llio next two weeks , therefore , popular atlenlion will bo largely directed to the consideration of this great event , and Iho otTeol cannot fail to bo of great moral worth to the whole people. It will servo lo direct the minds of men lo Iho contemplation of Iho wonderful development of civiliza tion during four conluries , and with the American people especially it will conduce to a higher appreciation of the value of free institutions , and lo a stronger love and pride of country. TUB upward tendency of prices shown by the commercial reviews of the pasl week offers much encouragement to the western farmer. The steady improve ment of trade and manufacturing inter ests is also significant to him , for the reason that general activity in these lines is always accompanied by a strengthened market for agricultural products and the maintenance of a steady and oven demand. Notwithstand ing the prospect that tlio wheat yield of Kuropo will bo larger than It was last year Iho growing popularity of Ameri can corn in KOIIIO portions of thn old world is expected to keep the foreign demand for thai great product of the west up nearly to tlio figures of last year , while the homo demand can hardly bo diminished. It is too early yet to determine tliorelation's between foreign supply and demand with any confidence , but if reports from European stuliuliclan.s are lo bo rolled upon at all it is evident that the present dullness of foreign demand will soon end. That prices should bo oj well maintained while Kuropoan transitions are light is regarded ns n gdod'fndlcation. ' A scares are expensive. It if said that the scare almosl stopped the importation of boofcsugat from Germany and'ab ' < a consequence- the Cuban munufacturOjfja pC raw sugar tool ! advantage of the temporary ombargc and raised the price of tholr product 1 cent a pound. The1 sugar refiners trusi fell in with tlio.iCuban cano sugni plan tors and added Itelf 11 cent on lop ol the Cuban advance. I'lius six weeks o cholera quarantlnd cbst the people ol IheUnltoU States /jliioibing / llko $0- 000,000 in the little item of sugar. This incident affords Btrlklnur proof of the vast benefit which this country wouli derive from extensive sugar boot cul ture. Nebraska this year will produci 10,000,000 pounds of HUU'iir but tliat wai loss lhan one-sixth of what faho con auiiiod. She can readily multiply hoi production times within ft ro years will proper encouragement. At f cents t pound tlio vuluo of this product wouh bo equal to &j,000OOX It remains to bi it seen whether the fnnr.oM of the atati itO O will over bo able to grasp the ad vim t10 tago to bo derived from stimulating tin 10 pugar boot industry. ts How can the jiovorty shriokcrs clain JS Unit monopoly lias slezcd the land o the p.-ople , while In this" Btato of No hrn'/tn th'oro tvro 11,000,000 nccrs ot unlm - py.ivod land belonging to the public lomaln , accessible to the homeless thousands who wish lo obtain free homos out of tlio nation's bounty ? \VnnliiR tlimr. JN'cio VoiJi llteirdtr , The doleful 'music ot the calamity hewing lin * boon ultcrlj drowned for the present by the bum of the UirosbliiR mnchino. Dentil' * Urrnl llnuli The mortality among lltorarjr man of the tlrsl rank tn the piut few woclcs 1ms boon extraordinarily Inrtro. Curtis , Whlttior , Kentui nml Tennyson have followed each other lo the criivo in qulcic succession. pci'd thu Itrlnrnii Ilotlon Gtolx , Tbo deadly car steve must RO on the 1st of November. That Is what the Massachu setts law says , nnd the railway companies nppcor to bo'dolue their best to comply with it by providing that pas.ionpcr cars shall bo heated by stoaiu. Tickling Triitonln TlmmK. Kanmt City Journal , Germany's ( jrowlnp fondnoM for corn bread is notoit with uroatsallifactlon lu the corn Krovunc states of the west. The fiiot thatwhont broad is much preferred over here duesn't. lesson the wnrnilu of our roc- omtnoiulaUoii of corn bread forUerniauy. Auicrlrun Corn Abrnnil. I'lillaitchhta llccunl , A special roprcsontalivo of the Aerlcul- turnl department nl Washington writes from Berlin to our consul la London to the offert that an Indian cora mill Is to bo opouoct in IluinnurR this month which will crind Amer ican corn exclusively. This will inako the soconu mill ot Una khut In that city , nnii ns the llrst has worked night and Uuy and Is still bchlnit with.Its or a aw there cannot bo a < licstlou of thu commercial succuai of the venture , especially us the now curonl now at least to the Get man palate is being widely advertised by tlio sample mulliod. Another ovluonco of the Increasing favor which our corn Is paining In Germany Is found In the fact that , a bakery to utilize this meal especially Is noon to bo opened In Ber lin. ventures are In r.dviuico of the report of the German government commis sion upon ttio merits of corn meal for food. Concornlni ; this , however. It 1s Inconceivable that there can bo ulvoruent opinions. Ivor whiter use especially corn Hour Is an ideal food staple , uolui ; ricu ulil'o In the lat-mnk- ingaua heut-producliiK elements. It Is also especially palatable when used hi combina tion with wheat ( lour. 3TI'1A1. OF JJf.VA V&OA. homo Characteristic Kyricx of tlm Uciul l.uuru.ito Al r.liiti'l Clmmolocluiilly. Wtilcli of all his noom.i do you llko best ? Is tbo common question of the hoiir. when dls- cussinc tuo dying cf Alfred Tennyson , and preference ! are poles apart. The following poems anil parts of poems have boon se lected on account of their typical character and nro arranged chronologically Unit the oadur mav trace , If possible , the pool's dovle- iont of manner : Airv. faliv Mlllnn I'll ! Unit , fairy Lillian. AVlicn I : isk liur If she love mo , Clans licr tiny hands above me , liauylilii ! : nil "ho can ; She'll not toll nm If she love mo , CruolliUlo Lillian. I'rytheu ucep , May l.lllliiii ! Ciulul V nlthontocllpso \VeirlcHh : inu , Muy I.UIhui. Though mv very soul It thrlllctli \Vlien frotu crimson-threaded llpi Sllvur-tiobo lauRlitor trllleth I'rythco weep , May Lillian , 1'ruylns nil I can , If praying \\lll not hush then , Airy Lillian. Llko a rose leaf f will crush thoa , Fairy Lillian. "I'oeins. Chiefly Lyrical , " 1830. Of old sat freedom < m tlio liolsliH The Ihinulor-bro-iklni ; nt Itcr foot ; \bnvo her shook tlio stari-y llRhls ; She heard tlm ton lints meet. Thou slept slio down thro' town and Held To mlii'jlu with tbo human raer , A ii.1 part by part lo men ruvoalod TL'U fullness ot Iior face lor open eyes dc lro the truth. Thu wisdom at 11 thousand yrurs H In them. May perpetual youth Keep dry their ll ht trom tears , That her fair form may stum ) and shim ; , Mr.Uo bright our days and lluht our dreams , Turning to scorn with lips dlvlno The falsehood of cxtranm * ! Revised edition of same , 1333. Brcnk , break , break On thy cold gray htouos. O Sea ! And I would thai my tnnguo could utter The thoughts that ai Iso in me. O well for the lishoi man's boy , Tlmtho shouts with his sister nt plnyl O cll for the bailer Inil , That ho | IIKS In his boat on the bay 1 And the stately ships go on To their haven u tutor the hill : lint O for the touch of a vniilsnM hind. Ana the sound or a voice that Is still I llrcalc , "oroalc , break At the foot of tliy cr.'i s , O sea ! lii.t the lender ui.ico of : i day that Is dead Will novcr como iKicl. to mo. "Idylls of the IClntf" volume1812. . Tears , Itllo tears , I know not what they moan , Tours Horn thn depth of KOino dlvlno despair Klse In the heart , und gather to llio eyes , In looking on dm happy autumn Melds. And thinking of the day.s that uio no moro , 1'rosh as the first beam cllttorlnc on a Ball , That hr nub our friends up from the iiiulci world : liad as the last which rcdduimovor ono That sinks with one wo love below thu vore ; So bad , so fresh , llio days that aio no mote. All , sad und strange as In dark snmmoi dawns Thu o.nllest plpo of lnlf-awnUcn' ) < ] birds To dyln ; ' . o trn , w hou unto dylnir eyes Tlio e.isement riluwly grons u glimmering ; So sad , bostiniigc , the days that are no more Dear as rumomber'd kisses after death , And Hwcot as those by hopeless funnv fclKii'i On lips mat are for olhois : dt > op as love , Deopns llrst love , and wild with all regret ; O death In life , the djyn that are no inoio. "Tho 1'rlucoss. " 1817. Strom ; Son of God , Immortal Love , Whom we. that have not seen thy face , II V faith , and faith alone , otnhrauo , IloliovliiK whvro tvo cannot prove. Thou wilt not Icavn us In tlm dust. Thou mndi'st man , he knows not why , Ho thinks lie was not madn to die : And Thou bast miidu him Thou art just , Our little systems htivo their day : Tlioy hiivo thrlr day and coasu to bo Thov mo hut broken IlKhth of theo , And Tl.ou , O Lord , urt moro Ihnn they. Wo have but faith : woc.innot know , 1'or Knowledge Is oC thlius wo HJO And yet wo 1 1 IIHI llcomux from then , A ueum linluilviiOM lul It grow , Lot knowledge grow from morn to more , Hut mure of rovurencoln itsdwu'l ' , That mind and .soul , according wall , Mu ; muliu ono miiiilu as before , Hut vublcr. ' In Memoriam , " J8J3. Come Into the garden. M mil. Tor the hliiuu nl'ht | , h is llowu , ( . 'nmu Into thu u'ardcn , Aland , I urn here ul the Kate alonii ; And the woodhluonplces aru wafted abroad , And Iho miiblcuf the rosu is blown. The slender ucncla would not shu'co ' Ono Ion ; , ' milk-bloom on llio tri < o ; The whitu la-ui-blobiom foil Into the lake As the plmpurnol dosud an Uui lu i ; Hut thu roku wai > uwuko nil night for you saUe , Knunriiu your promlso to mo ; Tlio liltc * and roses wuro all nwalfo They aUhuil for the dawn uiiil tlieo. H "Summer Is comln j. summer IB comliu , I know It , I Know It. I Know It , Ll 'bt again , lo'f again , Ufa again , lor Yes" , my wild little poet , Sin : thuiiuw year In under the blue ; Last your you Mine It BO gladly. "Now now. now. now ! " Is It thun o now That yoii should euro ! bi > madly ? "LovonBaln , bonjr again , no t iU-aln , youii lusiilii " Ni'voriinrouliotsaoriuv ! And Ii inlly it iiaisy an you llltlo ( rlnnd , sou. ( liuru U hardly Ji aulsy. MIorouBftln , lioro. liori ) . liero , liaiipy year ! " \ViirUlu iiuclilddvu , iinblddunl tiiiiiiiiiLT U ciiiiilnu' , U coin In. , iiiy uiinr , And ulltlio wlntera uru hidden. "Dciiictcr mm Other 1'ocms , " 1838. VIEWS OF MINISTER ECAN Ho Attributes the CUlliim Trouble lo tlio Bemoor.xtlo Prjss. POSITION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MOB They Imported to liiM-chc the AlijilnuiO ot tlio Aiurrlcau I'ooplo for Tliolr ) - Attack on tlio lliiltlm WASIIIXOTOX lli'iirAU or Tun IBB , ) fil3 KouirrKr.Nrii tsTiincT , \ WASHINGTON- . C. , US. ) ' If it had not boon ( or the mlsreuresoiUa tlou ol the democratic press of this country , whloh euros moro for political advantage than the Interests of Iho country itself , there would not have boon tlio assault upon ttio American sailors on our warship Balti more and wo should navor liavu had any trouble with Chill , " snul Patrick Kuan , our Chilian minister , In talking with Tin : UKK correspondent today. "Tbo domocratlo press of tbls country , aided by the press of ICtiRlntu' , led the Chilians to bcllovo that the pcoplo of this country did not uphold Iho po sition ot the administration , anil when ttio Chilians assaulted our snltors lu Iho streolM of Valparaiso tho.v ballovod > helr vlotonco would bo applam'od by notonlv the Ameri can press , but the American pcoplo. President Harrison's McthniU , "I toll you 1 never wa * so good an Amorl- can us 1 am now , after coming In con tact with the business methods of President Harrison , tbo best American wo have , and when you see Iho votes counted iu heavy Irish districts next November S , you will bo surprised to see what a-utmugo has como over our Irish-American citizens , "They see now which party Is their friend and they will support the proscnt adminis tration. The republican party Is by Its very nature the Irishman's party. I cannot see how n patriotic Irish-American could support the domocratlo national ticket. "Yos , I shall go to my homo at Lincoln , Nebraska's capi tal , uud vote. 1 wouldn't miss uiy vote this year for anything. This ts nu occasion when all men who have the best Interests of their own country nt heart should como out ntid vote the republican ticket. " 11 on- the "force 11111" U Used. The democratic campaign committees here find themselves in a very embarrassing situ ation. Their parly hai made the "forco bill" the leading Issue of thn campaign , and in many congressional districts it is the only issue. At the opening of the campaign they ordered a largo number of the election or "forco" hill printed. It was then believed that every speaker In the parly would want one , every democratic newspaper would do- maud one" , und the discreet workers would nil desire a copy. It was not the intention , however , to give out the bill for educational purposes , as the managers hud long since luarut that the uill itself not only did not inako democratic voles , hut lost thorn , for the measure is not vicious and does uot pro pose any improper intorforoneo with states' ' rights. It was nrranccd that the "forco bill" should DO dcscrlOQd as u turrtblo measure , as ono which deprived every citi/.cn of his rights nnd turnrd over the ballot nnd the offices to the nocroos. But , the copies of the bill Itsell were to bo given out only to men known to bo nil rinht. Very severe in structions were issued to uot only the demo cratic committees here , but the oflicora of the document room of the lower house of congress. A day or two ago an oiflcor in the Treasury department received 3 loiter from a frlond In Indiana , requesting a copy of the so-called "forco bill. " Ho stated that ho had neen informed that the supply In the hands ot the republican committees was exhausted , whloh was true , ns the republicans have wanted no Dettor denunciation of the lies home circulated about the election bill than the bill itself. It vindicates itself , and no fair minded or in telligent honest man can read it without sav ing it is just and right nnd should bo in forco. So the department ofllc'al ' started out to got a copy for his Inalana correspond ent. Ho found none ut any republican place and finally found himself loaning over the railing at the house document room ask ing the democratic superintendent to glvo him a copy of Ino "force bill. " Tneso Dills are printed for no partisan , but are paid for out of the public treasury und belong to anyone ono who culls for thorn. "Can I got a copy of the force bill ? " in quired the oflicial deferentially. "Well"said the suporlntendont , looking nt the inquirer suspiciously , "Iain not sure that wo have them.Vhotndoyouwant It for ? " "A man in Indiana , " was the reply. "Is he a democrat or republican ? " "Ho does not state nls politics. " "Who are you ! " "My name is Smith. " "Livo neroi" "Yos. " "In government employ' " "Yes , Treasury department. " A pause. ThenVo : are you lust out of the bills. " Miscellaneous. Kobort Subor of CoJar Kaplds , la. , Is at Iho Ebbett. William F. Ilustca nud Orrlo S. Hodga of Iowa , und Daniel Hlgglns of Utah , IDOU clerks In the War department , have boon promoted to 51,000. The drinking water nt Fort Mvor , Va. , commanded by Colonel Ony V. Horirv , Is so bad that a board has directed that it bo boiled before nslnc. The city WAter worki tire to bo attached to thn fort , ( 'olonel ana Mrs. Guy V. llnnry lunched with Messrs. A. J , Uroxol nnd Ueorfto W , Child * In Philadelphia this wook. Mrs. Schofloltt , wllo of the general of the nrmy , U tolling her friends with plea uro of Uio announcement of the engagement ot her brother , Mr. Kllbourn of Kcokutt , la. , to Miss lloyt of Kurltd avenue- , Cleveland , The iimvo hn < boon Just announced by Mist Hoyt's relatives. General anil Mr * . Scho- Held will have an opportunity to moot their future relative during their visit to Cleve land the coming wook. Mrs. SchoOeld ex pects her mother and slalom , Mrs , and Mln Kllbourn , to * potid pat I of the coming win ter with hor. _ i > . s. 11. SMI 1.1 ! 1'IUtniKKHS. ' Our ontfncomunt U a mnttor of chant * . " whimpered the toner lo the organist of Iho choir. Terns Sl'tlnjri : Wanted The man who etui nddtrssn Sunday school without beginning his speech with "When 1 was u lltllo hoy. " Ohloaeo TrlDuiiot Cleveland will drink nothing Intoxicating until after tlm ele tlon , and then only uiuiuxh to drown his sorrows. Atlanta roiiMltiiMon : "Lots of churches going up In this town ? " "vos. tno minister's a liuillor tikes up a collection after ovury livmn. chnriiei$1 to reInstate - Instate backslldci.s and hits thicu b.ickslldori to every conversion. " AtchUon ( iloboi The more people nro civ- Hired , the moro they grunt. Indianapolis Journal : ' -Wo'll start otirUon paper. " Haul ono life convict to anolln' \\ewlll.nudoiirmotlOKhallho \ , The pen is mlihtler than the tunnl. ' " "No : our mottn ? hall be , ' \\o have como to stay.1' Wnslilnvtnn Start "Women. " she , "nru lio.ul In tholr ideas und In tholr inotlmdK , Tliny do not exhaust valuohln energies lu brlncliiK small things to a Unu point. " "I have noticed It. " ho answctcd. "A woman In variably gets n man toshaipen liur lend pencil. " Hlnghamton Leader : When n man can't flnd his shirt button of a Sttndiiy morning his wlfu Is ant to have trouble with hUuholnr. lUllus Nnws : The man with plenty of fat mortgages lives on tlio fat of the land. Chlciiso News : Hnttors Matrimony U thu hupplost elnto a man can nut Into. Why , you bjeneUits don I know anything about It the comrort. the coninanlonshlp tlm limit-tried yoais of i-dniradi'shlp with riatioN How IOIIB have you boon niArrlnd , IlnttersV Hatters Kr tiirco weeks. Oalvpston Nunn : I'nnnlo Is a liunutlful niimo fora wlfo whodullKhts to raise a bree/o. Chicago Itrlluuui : Kemaik by a Now York Man -Ten a eotta and white , divided Into Ihiuo parts lul mo HIM. * n lint was It old Ciosiir sn'.d ? " ( iallla om iminls In" how does that go , anyway ? "In paru > s Irus dlvlun esl. " "What old Ii9 moan'i" "All ( iaul Is divided In tliron purls , " "All call ! That's Kootl enough for Chicago' " PV ( inn. JSVic ViiHr / rmitcr. . Ho gao her a bunch uf fnrEOl-mo-nols Iteforo tliuy parted that day , That ho mlnlil remain In her memory grcon , This fullest maiden that ho had run , When 1'atu tool ; her fur aw a v. Ho called her his diirlln- , his dour , his pot , And she vowed with n tuar that she'd nol ror- K t. Ho asked If she loved him. She ansnored "Lots ! " Hut she went and forgot the forgot-mo-notsl \Vbut ItmilpriH'lty Ari-onipllslutil. nijnniiinh | ) ! Jntirnnl. During the fiscal year 13UJ tUft values of farm produce exported were increased over these of IS'.U ' ns follows : Uacon , $ l,000,0l ! ) > 0 ; bcof , fl'J.OOO.UOO ; live cattle , lu,000,000 , cereals , fl.W.OOO.UJO. The Uccldod tncroaso in meat products Is duo largely to the re moval of the prohibition of Franco and Ger many upon the importation of American hog products. _ 0 Old < > lory liooil llnoncli , Citicfiuiatt Coium icfu' ' , In some of the arrangements for school displays nu Columbus ilay it has boon de creed that no bauucrs be cairlud in proces sion , tlio lla of the United States bolug the only emblem. That is well. Thu stars and stripes has meaning enough , nud glory enough , to cover the occasion. TituMi'f.ri.w > Decllcntlon for n rortlicomlni ! Hook , ot CUIUI'i Verse. i\iaene fttll tn C/ifoni/i / ) A'tic. " . With big tin irumpiit and little rnd drum , arehliii ; lllco soldieis , the ehlldron como : It's this way and that wuy they clrolo and Ilio- .My ! but that inuslo of tholr'a Is flim ! This wny and that way , and after awhllo They march straight Into this heart of mine ! A sturdy old honit. but It has to succumb To Ibu blare of that trumpet and of that drum ! Como on , ) Itllo people , from cot and from hall Thlslieart it hath welcome and room for you all ! It will slug you Its songs and warm you with lovi1 , . As youi- lear little arms with my arms Intertwine : It will route you away to the Dreamland above Oh , a Jolly old heart Is this old heart of mine ! And Jollier still Is It hound to become When you blow that bis trumpet und heat that rod drum ! Soconui ; thouirh I see not his dear little face , And hear not his voice In this jubilant place. i itnow hu woiohappy to hid mo onshrlno Ills memory deep In my heart with your play- Ah mo ! but a love that Is sweeter than Ilolii'eth ' my lioy In Its keeping today ! And my heart illslonelv so , Illtls folk. oomo. llai-ch In and nml-o murry with Irumpet ami drum ! & CD. Largest Manufacturers and Oo.Uorn . ofUlulhluz la thu World. It's time You were thinking ; about that new fall suit , think ? That summer suit is begin ning to look a little airy , don't it ? You might help it with onq of our $8.50 fall overcoats , or a higher priced one if you feel like it. We have them as high as $30 , in all sorts ol shades , styles and sizes. Hut the fall suits they are dandies. In single and double jreasteds , in dark and not so dark colors. All sizes and prices , $10 , $12.50 , $15 , $18 an-J $20. Our Hoys' Department now stands without a peer. We place our usual fine quality-of material in our boys'suits that we do in the men's and sell them all the way from $2.50 to $6.00 a suit , and some fancy suits at a little higher fig ure. We attend to mail orders with greatest of care. BrowningKing&Co I S.W. Cor 1511S Dsil'Ui SI