THE OMAHA DAILY BEIil : SUNDAY , OCTOBEll ! ) , lS92 SIXTKEiSr PAGES. INGALLS TAKES THE STUMP Ho AIOUECS His Andlonco to Enthnsiam by His Utterances , KANSAS UNDER THE POPULISTS' RULE 'jle Tclld thn Tropic Some Stnrtlliic Truths and Ailvncnto * the CIUMO nt Itcpnb- llcnnUin with Illn Old-rimo rinry VlRnr. Torr.KA , Kan. , Oct. 8. Ex-Senator In. galls mndo his first speech in tbo present campaign hero tonight. A torchlight pio- cession preceded Ibo .speaking' and was re viewed by Mr. Ingalls. The nudlonco which gathered to hoar Mr. Instilh was enormous , fully 8,000 people bolng present. The onthu- statin wai proportlonolo to the size of the crowd nnd the ox-senator was given a flatter ing reception. Before and during the sDoaklnc the popu lists scattered circulars around containing this quotation from ese of Mr. Ingalls1 upeeches delivered 111 the senate Just before Senator Pelfer was elected to succeed him : "I cannot forbear to nftlrm that a social ( ivstnm which offers to tender virtuous nnd Independent women tbo alternative between prostitution nnd suicide ns nn escape from beggary is organized crime. A financial sys tem , under which moro than one-half of the enormous wnalth of the country derived from the bounty of nature anil tha labor of all , is owned by u Httlo moro than IJO.OOO people ple , while 1,000.000 American litlzens , nblo nnd willing to loll , nro homeless tramps Marvlng for bread , requires adjustment. " I'npiilutR lluvn liijuroil KIIIIHI : . Mr. Ingalb said ho was glad to BOO BO mnnr of his old friends among the sterner ox present , becouso ho desired to deny be fore them the allegation that ho hau cone abroad ( rcfcrrlug to his Huropoon trip ) to cscapo taking part in this campaign. Ho was elad , also , to see so many women present , for ho wanted them to understand that they had only to ask the rcpublicab party for full sulfrnco nnd they would gut it. "Tuoro IIRB been manifested1 ho continued , "among mandarins oI the republican party In Koti- as an apprehension that my appcaranco this evening indicates n purpose to break into thu senatorial campaign. I Imvosald before - fore that I was not and would not bo n candidate for tbo 'senate. There is no string to that statement. My purpose In entering this campaign is to reclaim Kan sas. Thu victory of tno people's party two years ago bus reduced the value of every acre of laud lu the state , it has destroyed tbo capacity of every citizen to pay his debts , It has destroyed tno fair nnnia of the state. It is my desire to rcstoro Kansas to her former glory. I have i.o personal ambition to gratify. I believe tbo successor of my lalo lamented colleague , Senator Plumb , could bd chosen from among ihomon , who reside in the territory whcnco ho atnc. My seat In the senate la not vacant. [ Ap- plause.j Vt'hon that scat is vacant , If I do- slro to return to Iho senate , I will see you again on that subject. | Loud nnd continued applause. ] Continuing , Mr. In pal Is said the partv leaders had warned bun to bo cautious in dealing with the democrats. They were afraid ho'would explode n dynurnito bomb among them and drive them from tbo sup port of the rouubllcun ticket. That cau tion , ho said , was superfluous , for , bo continued sarcastically , his treat ment of the democrats had always boon of tbo gentlest character. Thcro was always moro or less talk of democrats going to vote the republican ticket before election. Hut when election day cumo they were alvvavs found In line with their p.n-ty. Ho tbon pro ceeded to denounce In his sarcastic way dem ocrats and democratic platforms. Alilunikltlri of tliu AVar Should lie Hurled. As to the people's party platform , ho said there was ono clause in it to which bo could subscribe , and that was that the animosity , of the war should bo buried , and that , the states could not bo pinned together inunion with a bayonet. Ho desiroa to remind the populist , however , that the union could not bo cemented bv eggs. The south , ho said , would never bo reconstructed until Genera Weaver could speak with ns much freedom i Georgia as ho could In Kansas. Coutlnulnir , ho urged tbo republicans who had Joined tbo farmers alliance movement two years ago to return to tbo republican party and aid in the rc-uloctlon of President 'Harrison , for. if Kansas elected the populist state , legislative and elec toral tickets , it would sink itsol la degradation , from which it could .mayor rise apain. The democrats rolled uoon Kansas and other western and northwestern states to elect Grover Cleveland by their sendlnp Weaver electors to the electoral col lego. The democrats neither hope nor e.\ poet to carry Now York. The McKliiley law had decided the election then in advance. Tbo cast wautcd n change from the present prosperous condl lions. It would bo for Harrison and th domocratn lolled lor victory upon the west. t Their duty was clear. A vote for Weave was a vote for Cleveland. Continuing , Mr. Ingalls discussed various state and national issues. The enthusiast ! of the evening exceeded that of any sluiila : moating during the campaign. TOX TAI.KS AT KIMHNUY. Ho Makes mi Ktcollont Speech nu the Iimies of Iho Day. KEAHSBT , Neb , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB UKE.J The Kearney opera was filled this evening to hoar J. Sterling Morton discuss democracy. Tbo tariff issue , old , thread-worn , nnd ever now each presi dential year , was first outlined from tbo democratic free trade standpoint. Free lumber , an important factor to western borne builders , was civon as an illustration an infant Industry , IIOO years old , but they sold nothing about protection in its old ago. Then followed a category of frco trade argu ments , that would benefit tbo masses from u democratic view. The idea that a fowmanu factories should ho protected at Iho expense of the masses was hooted ut. They said it was unfair for American coeds to bo pro tected while foreign workmen came in to compete with American worluuou , The money question was handled in a scholarly manner , to tuo edification of all , excepting a.sprinkling of independents in the audience , Mr. Morton's exposition of the question corroborates with the republican doctrine. Tho" percent land loan theory of the peoplo'fl party was exploded , and the inconsistencies - consistencies of the people's platform was hewn by the query : "U'liero can you got money eoough lor Ibo economical administra tion of tlio government , if you loan to formeriJ" I'tilil Attention to Van IVjck. M'r. Morton paid a fitting tribute to Van Wyck by reviewing his political career , first us n democrat for ofllce , theu as a re publican for tbo same end , and now as a populist and a candidate. Ho said that if the defamation ot Nebraska by the people's ' party continued , laud values must decline. Then n liltla story was told of ixarly days in Now Amsterdam , in whlcli tbo Vmi U'i cks and other Vans llcurod in a commercial crisis , and how tbo Vans sought to remedy It , it was found that the Indians (11 ( tha yiclnlty used , pcrlwluklo shells as a medium of exchange aud the colony adopted the same , Tbo Yunlcca colony from Con necticut took advantage of tbo situation and bought up the burplue products , paying in ybolU. This Illustration of fiat money brought < to\vn tbo house and Judge IMgcrton , wtio % ns present to defend Vnn Wyck , asked it 11 uatlocs demonetised gold what effect > v0uldit hnvet Morton replied that it would not effect tin value. All the nations may declare that Kearney is In Africa , out. that would not jnftkoll'so. Aiuwred Tliriu All. Other populists undertook to tanelo Morton on their underground theory of money , but failed , lie enid i ( tbo government could create money it could create souls. The people's party platform contains some things that nro good nnd some things thai DM not , but lUo now things arc not good , und A tne good things arc not now There would never have been n people's uarlT i ( it had not been for the democrats beating It Into their bonds that U wn wronir for a few people to rob the masses for the benefit of the ton : Mr Morton said : "Tho only/lght In the nubornatorlal contest Is between myself and my buchollo irlond , C. II. Von \Vyck. " nii'i\v : ; AT ititooiciA.v. Ho Dlircmrn tlio Issues nf the I'rrornt Com- pnlRti tlrforon I.urqn Atnllrnrr. HiiooKt.T.v , W. Y. , Oct. 8.- The largest and most enthusiastic republican mass meeting held In Hrooklyn In ninny years was addressed - dressed by Chauncoy M , Dopcw In the Clin ton avenue rlnlc tonight. Mr. Dopow said that the peculiarity of this canvass was the general apathy on both aides. This was duo , bo said , to the widespread belief among the people that no nutter who was elected the country would boEafonnd prosperous. Butte to what was this prosperity due ? To the republican pollov which bad guarded the Industrial Interests ot Iho people. Panlw In the past had been directly auo to democrats tinkering wllb the tariff. Wo have been nineteen years without business disaster. 1 ho prosperity of the country was duo to the application , continued for twenty- five years , of ropuOllcan principles. As for that saying of the unthinking thut the coun try would prosper , no matter wno was elected , 1m would reply tnat. if Cleveland were olectnd nnd should bo backed by a dem ocratic senate nnd n democratic uouso of representatives , und tbo tariff laws were moditled on tbo basis of the Chicago plat form , then wo should bo quleklv over whelmed by business disaslor and financial ruin. Continuing , Mr. Uopow discussed Iho tariff at lentith nnd guvo considerable attention to the financial planks ot Iho domocr.itlc pint- form. ( U'lmlillraiit ut M'lHiylcr. SCIIUYI.GII , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telo- gnim to THE I3in. ] The republican county convention was hold hero this afternoon. A. 7) . Hughes was chairman und E. CI , Phelps und W. L. Howard , secretaries. The ticket Is : Representative , John Prous of Schtiyler ; county attorney , T. W. Whitman of Schuylor ; commissioner * . James Linigloy for the llrst dlslilot and .Idsopli Prusa for the second. Tbo chairman announced speakers to bo hero ns follows : John L. Webster. Frldnr , October 11 : Hon. hurcnzo Crouuse , Saturday , October " 3 ; George D. Meikoljohu , Wednesday , November 2 Not ll-viicLly Ilitrmo'iiluUHif Cr.vrim , Cm , Tfob. , Oot. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bic. | The independent county convention held In this city today nominated . F. Por'or ' for representative nnd J. B. Uorshimer for county attorney. Porter represented this county In the legis lature ot IS'.ll. There IH the same cry of "rltm" as the independents have been lu the habit of making against the old partins nnd many of thorn refuse to bo bound by the acts of the convention. Itully at Hartluy. C\Miiitinnn , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telo- grom to Tin : Bun ; ] A republican rally was hold nt Hartley touight. Hon. J. C. Gam- mill , candidate for senator from the Twonty- tilnth district , and Frank P. Solbv of Cam- brldgo addressed the largest political gather ing ever hold at that placo. The Indlanola bund furnished music. Oril's Ucmorriitln Kully. OHD , Nob. , Oct S. [ Special to THE Br.E.J The democrats hold n rally in the court house last night. The B. & M. train brought In a delegation from Greeloy Center headed by a brass band. There was u larco audi ence , many of them bolng republicans and independents. Ituaily lor the PenHoiitlnry. FAHIIUJU , Nob. , Oct. S. ( Special Tele- cram to TUB BiK.J Henry S. Marr. who stele a buirgy and harness and other prop erty from John Kridor , was captured by a doouty sheriff at Cedar Rapids , Nob. , nnd brought back this morning. Ho had n horse which it is supposed he stele la Smith county , Kansas. Ho made a confession and says rcady for tnc penitentiary. Chcjciiuo I)1 < 1 Not OiiiiVKNNE , Wyo. , Oct. S. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Colonel John P. Irish of California spoke co an audience of 1,000 people at Turner tonight. Ho dealt princi pally with the cattlemen's Invasion , tbo arid laud bill und protection as afforded by the McKiuloy tariff. No great enthusiasm was nt any tiaio manifested , c IJJV.IL nunviriES. The Daniels boys were taken to Logan , la. , yesterday to answer to the charge of bur glary. The Firth ward llamboau marching club has n membership of seventy , nnd is still crou Ing. J , C. Isb is plannmc for the erection of n MO.OOO business block at Tblrteontli und Jones streets. ( ins Jones is In the city Jail charged with the larceny of a coat from his employer ErAslub Benson. The paving of Madison avenue from Sher man avenue to Fifteenth street was coin inenccd yesterday mornincr. \V. W. Lowe has sold his interest in the L. & pharmacy at Sixteenth and Faruara streets to his partner T. P. Lewis. J. II. McCounell , superintendent of motive power for the Union Pacific , will bo homo jn n few days from his European trip. The people's party will hold Its city con vention on October 15 to nominate candi dates for tbo council and Board of Educa tion. tion.A A little cottage at Thirty-fourth nnd Martha streets , owned by J.V. . Clark , was damaircd about $50 worth by fire Friday afternoon. Mr. OITutt received a telegram from Mr. Rust , thu American water works receiver , today saving that ho had started on his way to Omaha and would bo hero In a few days. Judge K. M : Stonberg Is proudly display ing some corn which grow upon his farm in the western part of tbo county. Ho main tains thut thu crop will average slxtv bush els to tbo acre. The re.U estate owners of North Twenty- Sixth street between Parker and Lake streets have petitioned the city councillor grading and paving. Over two-thirds of the frontage is already represented by tbo ulguntures. Mr. M. Haykon received the sad Intelli gence this morning that his daughter , Josie , ngod 20 years , died ut her homo in Chicago last night , niter an Illness of several weeks. Mr. llaykcu loaves for Chicago this afternoon. The will ot tbo late iJorotha Kiilengio of Klkborn was tiled in thu probuto court yes terday. The property , some 810,000 worth , is bequeathed ns follows ; The sons , John , William and Julias yet $3 each und the bal- auuu is equally divided ootwucn the two daughters. A pleaslug entertainment In every particu lar was rendered at St. Phllomcaa's ball last Friday evening under the auspices of the Young Men's Institute. An uudlcnco of cbout lOOpooplo responded to the Invitations aud did certainly aalte this occasion an enJoyable - Joyablo ono. Not a single Chinaman has registered ns yet lu at tbo internal rovrnuo oQlcein Omaha to secure a certillcato of citizenship. This indicates that thcro is a conoortod action on their part to ignore the now law until the mnt'ter can bo laid before the supreme court of the United States. Now the west Leavonworth street resi dents are happy. Tno street railway people have nut another car on the line west from Park avenue between tbo hours of C nnd 7 o'clock in tbo morning und evening. This is the accommodation that the residents In that vicinity have oeen clamoring for for moro than a year. The police arrested last nigfit Hcury Bold- win for passing bogus chorus. Baldwin In duced F. Fawcutt to attempt to cash snroo ot tbo paper. ' This Fawcctt triad to do supposing tbo papar was genuine. When thu swindle was discovered Fuwcctt caused the arrest of Bald win and was himself held a % complaining witness. Tbo regular sanitary oftlcors will have cbnrgo of the garbage work in tuo city after tills weak. Tuo additional men furnished by tbo police department have enabled tlio Board of Health (0 canvass the city very tnarouimly und servo notices for the abate- maul of nuisances. Thowoik can now be carried on by tbo rceulur force of Inspectors | wliouut trouble , RECORD OF REFORMER REM * Facts Taken from the CongrofljlonntjReooril Wh'ch ' Oannst Bo Disputed ? ? HOW HE GUARDED POPULAR INTERESTS llo Never Alliiurcl nil OppnrttniHjjto Vn * Without divine xitiio Ciriiir | ; liini : > l.lft All Intcrrstli.K IMt ot Ills Illnlory. WASHINGTON- ) . C. , Oct. 8. fSpecial to TUB Hr.E. ] Representative ICe1" posing ns an economist or reformer would , bo n . lUdl.- crous object In Washington. There IB noth ; Ing In the rocora of Mr. K6m In tnc session of congress which ho recently socved to causa any ouo to oven suspect thut ho bad nny notions of reform , or that ho cnred a H'R tor the constituents ho Is attempting to stir up by bis calamity howling. It Is true that but Httlo In the way of work can bo ox pee ted ot n miu during nts first term In congress , llo usually studios the Hold , nnd when ho has thus equipped himself ho can all the moro effectually hclu his constituents. Ho is invnrlablv expected , however , to vote rlgbt upon the questions which affect his peoplo. Mr , Kom came to congress us an nlllanco representative ono who denounced corporations mid all that his partv opposes , He no sooner got his scat warm than ho bcgnn to vote nnd work for measures which his party and his own constituents dcnouncJ upon every occasion , llo is not , upon record ns opposing nny corporation , but upon the contrary the Concrussloual Record nnd the tutnuUjs of the house committee on Indian affairs , ' of whlcli ho is n member , show tlmt ho stood up nud was counted every ttmo a corpora tion's Interests r.-oro nt stake , and ho was counted for the corporation. Homo of His Urform Work. Mr. Kom began his wovlc in tha interest ot corporations by introducing a bill ( II. R.I.5S1) ) on January 25 lost , which proposed that , the government should buy out the plant of Iho Washington Gaslight company , nt n "cash value to bo ascertained by n board of'fivo dis interested appraisers , who shall bo exports In the business of erecting gas works ; " oto. Mr. Kom's bill for this purnoso npptoprlutcd. $ IOUO,000 , but It did not limit the amount which mlgtit bo paid to thnt sum. The ' 6111 would huvo boon a nrcat boon to a corpora tion hero which has grown fat oft' the gov ernment , but which now , under existing law , is subject to Government regulation. It would , uo doubt , bo glad to soil out upon such terms us proposed by the reform mem ber from Nebraska. Mr. Kom next Joined witn the democrats on the houxo Indian affairs committee in re porting und having passed the Tarsnoy bill ( II. R. ri.liSI ) . "to authorize the Dontson & Northern Railway company to construct nnd operate tx railway through Indian Territory , and for other purposes. " Instead of restrict ing this corporation to the protection of tbe interests of the territory , Mr. Kom ciwo away to tbo company n town site , switch room , etc. , every ton miles alone tuo road , wben , of course , n town will onlv bo built about every twouty-fivo or fifty miles , Section 4 of tbo bill gives the com- pauv the right to charge tbo same rata for freight as is charged in Texas , 'whara the people nave groaned from exorbitant freight tariffs for years. It , says in the same section that 3 cents a inilo mr.y bo charged for pas- setmcrs. The gentle reader in Nebraska will gasp at this provision , which gives away the property of the Indians : Kind to tliu Itiillroud. See. 5. That said railway coinunny.Bbnll pay to the secretary of theJntcrlor , tot tbg benefit of the particular nations or tribes tbiouih' whoso lunds ald line may bu Iocatod.t.tli sum of TM lu addition to cotnpons-itlon pro vided for In this act for propuity t.ild-n and damages done to Individual occupants by tlio construction ot the railway for each inllo of r.illttuy that It may construct In said terri tory , siild payments to bormndo In Install ments of J5U as o.icli ten miles of road is graded. Without any requirement for the building of the road the bill gives the company three years 10 becln work a frco option but does not rcqulro it to over complete ltsljnos. , Such rates , such privileges would never bo tolerated in Nebraska. But Mr. Kom liad no lUoa tbe people of Nebraska would ever know that he was working and votiug for such a bill. Then Mr. Kom came .forward again In bo- hnlf of another corporation. Ho supported vigorously the uill ( H. K.-JIJC" ) , by Mr. Compton - ton of Maryland , "To incorporate the Wash ington & Maryland Rulwny company. " It gives a right of way to this .corporation , to build a motor railroad right up into Wash ington , when other similar railroads have been denied the privileges for years , the effort being to kcon such roads out of the citv proper. The charter granted bytho bll is loose aud altogether In tbo Intorestof the company. It can pav 4 per cent ot its earn ings in lieu of tegular taxes , when no ono can , of course , ascertain how much tbo earnings really nvo , and so thu effect would bo that the company would pay no taxes at all , claiming as usual it was bank rupt. That Is a common way of swindling the government. There are no restrictions nbout paying up the stock , wnicu may bi watered ad libitum through tbo issuance o bonds , ns well as stock. Ills im : > rts at friiiiiiiclcrlng1. Again Mr. Kern came to the front , ou Jan uury 0 , with a bill Introduced by Uimself ( II " H. irtS ) : ' To provide an ndeo/into volume ol ful. legal tender coin and paper money , for the classification of tbo funds in tbo United States treasury , for tbo establishment ol a general system of government banking , and for other purposes. " it Is very probable ttint Mr. Kom , was im posed upon by this measure ; that ho did not prepare It , for no oirj would suspect him with being able to draft a bill. The measure provides , In a word , for the practical , nbol- ishtnent of our banking svstom and the es tablishment of a "government banking nnd loan bureau" with branch Uanlcs whpfovor needed \ \ Ulcli shall Issue currency or certifi cates upon gold , silver and other things de posited , But Mr. Item proposes to glvo u army of "bank directors" fat , Jqbs' nt , (1,000 salary a year each , with nothing to do. Ho would create n useless bystam.of bupk- ing and thousands upon thousands of , bajlc officers , some in nil communities , wbo wo'uld draw unreasonable salaries , anil thus aug ment the government's expenditures with out bringing In nny rcvcuu'o , "would scorn that ho had in mind 'providing for a lot of men out ot employment. The money to bo loaned by tbo bill is to draw 4 nor coat interest , but It is to bo the surplus in the treasury 1 Mr. Kom probably know * that there was no surplus in the treasury , no idle money In the national banks , and thcrofora there would bo nothing for thls'army of inpu nt $4,000 n yoir each to lend or. do but sit nround aud look wise. lln > 'm > r Antaconl/cil n Corporation. Throughout this man's entire careerhbro there Is this common effort in bcbalf of cor porations and nowhere 19 ho recorded as uutugouli'mg the interests of nny mouioa corporation. Tlio bills bo lntr.oducod'\yoro drawn bv others nnd were Intended by tbo makers to subserve the purposes of monopolies - polios nnd corporations of mnuoy , ' , ' It has been stated to Tnr. Bit : ; correspond- out thut Mr. Kom votoa nnd netoa pnlv after consulatinir with and getting tho. advice of lr , McKolghaii ; but If that Is" frueriand' ' I' ' have i.o reason to aoubt it , tbp.ffobraska re- fonuor is guilty of not only"soryliiir the in terests of corporations , but dolujr irwitttout intelligence enough to know H. Doqd't' It , scum that a man so devoid of Intolligcnco nnd so far hi his actions from the platform upon which ho was elected Is n dangerous man to have lu congress ! ' n , P | IU > * S. JICATU. Slot riiHon mill hprliiRAiv n > PI-OHM , III. , Oct. 8. The deniperats .of central Illinois baa a big demonstration bora this afternoon nnd venliig , Air , Slgy.jUjSQU , candidate for the vice presidency , arrived ot 3 o'clock , accompanied byOC \ ) J > e.OJ > jp , from Bloouilngton , They marched to tha Gruud opera house , where a meottpK WAS bpil. ) Congressman Springer o'.scussc.d lUo. > tariff nt great length and was followed by Mr , Stevenson , who devoted his tlmo to the tariff , reciprocity nndfthfe.forco bill. In Iho evening thcto wn B monster profession , which was followed by n meeting nt House's hall. AddrO3. cs wcrCTU'Spo by cx-Govornor Hubbardof Texas u id Jambs W. Hunter , candidate for concros Second Day of the [ Cnilomor Mrctlncr , BuATittcn , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Spools ! Tclo gram to Tin : BIK. : | The second day's ses sion of Ibo Nebraska Christian Kndoavor union was greeted with np Immense attend ance nnd Interest. Reports of the several officers wcro road nnduiiroved. . Numerous valuable pnpors on Christian Endeavor work wore road , following which came the elec tion of o Ulcers for tno ensuing year : Presi dent , C. A. Murch , 'Kearney j secretary , Frank F. Cooic , Lincoln ; treasurer , .O. M. Neodhnm , Albion , Five district acurotaries , vlco presidents aud an executive committoa were also clectoj. The next pluco and data of mooting ' .v'era loft to the executive committee. Ttih nvonlng a social reunion was hold at tlio Pad.d"oek , which was lurccly attended. The social addresses wcro delivered by Ucv. W. C. Stevenson of McCook ami Rev. I ) . R. Kerr of Ilclloville. Tomorrow's procrnm contemplates sunrise consecration meeting , Sunday school In nil the churches nt 0:30 : n. in. , general services In nil the churches nt 11 n. m. , Sunday after noon scripture readings , brlof addresses on special won : , Sunday evening union norvtcc at , the Paddock , to bo uddtesscd by Rov. l' . C. Sterling of O null a aud Rev ; Francis K. Townslcy of Ashland , Nohratku Count ) ' I'nlr * . Ki.Mwonn , Net ) . , Oct. 8 1 Special to Tin : BEK.I Klinwr/od's first fair was n coinpU'to success. The displays of hogs , sheep , caltlo and poultrv of lluo grades were well repre sented. There were BOIIIB line racoj , nnoiit llfteou line , high spcoj traitors were on the grounds. The Blmwood fair grounds , without any question , has thu best halt mite track lu the state , so nil the horsemen snv. The associa tion Is out of debt nnd this fair loit nuout 8i,000 In the treasury. Bid Bl'itiXn , Neb , , OcU S. [ Special to Tin : Biiu.J Dfluel county has Just closed her third annual fair , which lasted three days. The display of ncrlculturo has nnvor boon equaled , oven by older stntoi. Crops of nil kinds are simply imnionsc ns the exhibit proves. The corn exhibit was perfect , both In quantity nnd quality , and was the envy of residents of Iowa who were present. A line diiplnv of horses , hoes , cnttla nnd .sheep was shown. The cowboy tournament , races , meeting of tbo old bottlers , baby show , etc. , makes this third fair ono long to bo remembered - berod and rollccts great credit ou the man agement. Ills I'lilth Kcunrdod. Mr. Charles Walto ot Uoudwood , S. D , is mo of the men who for the past twelve oars have penistontly oxporlmetitod with ho refractory gold ores of the Black Hills , avlng faith in their richno'ss nud knowing hat u process for their reduction would oniotimo bo found. It was n long aud weary /ait , but patience nnd faith has been re- I'nrdcd , nnd tlioso who tvero fortunate nough to train possession pf some of those iropcrtios nro nowonjovlng the profits whic'i ' heir working brings. Mr. Vv'nlto's posses- Ions are among Iho richest lu tbo Bald ilountum district , and nra makini : weekly hlptnonts of bullion. IrP Wnlto is occom- lanied bhis wife ant ? daughter , nnd the > acty are onroutu to thdu : Black Hills home. North I'lntlu Conference. WEST POINT , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special , o THE Sec. ] Tbo North Platte con- 'crenco of tbo Kvange'.loul Lutheran synod of S'ebrnska held Us autumn session ia West oint this week. Theio were about n aoon jastors and delegates iirosont , aud the Oraca Lutboran church and congregation furnished ample room and entertainment for tbo visi- : ora. Excellent papers were prepared. iVftor having a helpful couforcnco tboy nd- iQurncd to meet at Dakota City In April. Those present were : Rev. A. J. Turkic , Omaha ; Rov. J. W. Kimmol.jTekamah ; Rov. J. H. Knrpcnstoin , Ppnca : Rnv. J. S. Dotwoilor , Rev. C. HiJber , Omaha ; Hev. II. .f. Hopoman , DaUjota CjtyjnnUiHov. W. A. Lipe and Rov. S.Pear30nVVV"Qst Point. . \v York Kxchiinco Oiictntlons. NEW Yoitif , Oct. S. . { Special Telegram oTiin Bnn.l Exihaugo was quoted as fol ows : Chicago , CO cents discount ; Bos- .on , 15 to G cents discount ; St. Louis , DO .0 35 cents discount. WK.-IX.IIEH JfUllKCASTS. Warmer Winds Will Illow and It Will He Fair Today In Nrlmitika. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 8 Forecast for Sunday : For Nebraska , Iowa , North and South Dakota Fair , warmer ; winds suiti ng to southerly. Local itrcoril. Orricrior TUB WIUTIIKH BUIIEAU , OMAHA , Oct 8. Omaha record of tomoeraturo and rainfall comparoa witu corrcsondlug ] day of past four vcan : 1891 1891. JSM. 1SS9. . .laximnm . tompoiaturo. . . . 01 = 48 = 67 ° fi'J ' = Mlnlnuim tiMiipoi.ituio f)8 ) = 41 = 55 ° ) : ! AvoraspteniDoraturo . . , , . . & 'J ° 44 = Gl = M Precipitation 00 .ffi .17 .00 Statement showing the condition of torn peraturo and precipitation at Omaha tor tno dav and since March 1 , IS'Ji. ' as compared \vith tbo ponoral average : Normaltemooraturc CG = Dclicioncy for tlio d.-iy. ( i = Doholeney since Alarcn 1 " 19 = Normal preeltiltallon. 10 incl Dellcleiiey fortho duy 10 Incl Deficiency since Jlnieh 1 i.39 inches O , E. LA.WTON , Observer. C. A. Pylo of Benedict Is at the Arcade. C. A. Burnett of McCook is at the Murray. M. C. Keith ot North Platte is at the Pax- ton. ton.J. J. N. Phelan of Alliance is at the Pax- ton. ton.B. . S. Peck of Stromsbonr is nt the Mil- lard. lard.L. L. R. Rldgoway of Albion is at tbo Bruns wick. . B. F. Doloplaino of Chicago Is at the Del- lono. lono.Q. II. Ray'mor of Lincoln is a guest at tbo Paxton. D. W. CooU of Beatrice Is registered at the Pixton. O. P. Cully ol I.oup City Is a guest at the Dollono. J. B , Filkms.of Kansas Is registered at the Morocr. W. S. Servcn ot Chicago isin guest at the Murray. c , John Sklrving of O'Ntfill is a guest at the Millard. P. S. Blodgott of St.1'aul was at the Mur ray yestorduy , , ii oc J. L. Chamberlain oIlLoiilsvillo Is a guest at the Arcade. . .D-JOI H. H. Chony of Hastes was nt the Arcade - cado yesterday. num. P. W. Peterson of SPflJtbn , la. , 1s a guest at the Mercer. , \Vllllam A. Wycboft-ft/i / Lincoln was at the Dellouo yesterday. , „ Mr , and Mrs. T. Wi Lansing of Lincoln were among the arrivals ut the Millard yes terday , PI in Dr. V. T. McGillyouddflof Rapid City nna Charles Walto of Ueadttttod paid Tliu lliii ! a visit last evening. } > 1 ° Lloutcnant E. V. BocMlllerof the Second Infantry returned to thtt'jjost ' yesterday after a three months trip aurora , ' Mr. Charles Smith , whoist'heproprlotor of tbo Detroit Uxcclslor works , is in tbo city on invitation of Mr. A. D. Bradley to look over the ground und if possible taitun excelsior factory In this city. . Private Secretary Morrlssoy of the gov ernor's political family , came up from Lin coln yesterday to cast a critical eye on tbo situation in Doudas county , and bring greet ings to the fui 111 ful Satnosot braves , NEW YOIIIC , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tuc BEE. ] Omaha : S. Crenblo , Hotel Bartholdr J. F. Murphy. St. Denis ; M. R. Tronermaun , Broadway Central , CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEU. ] Tno following Nebraskans registered bore today : Great Northern J. S. Knor , Omaha. Grand Pacific Mr . A : U. Curtis. T. O. Warner , W. A , Fonnor , Omaha ; John C. David , Paivnoo City. Palmer House W. S. Boyton , Omaha. Leland J. R. Mallory , South Omaba. Vic toria Qeono W. Fisher , Lincoln , Sherman P. M. Smith , South Omaha. TAHHAfflf WINS THE JaROlIE r Garrison Fmbos tha Grout Colt Along an Easy Winner from "Yorkvillo Bollo. RUNYON'S NICE RACE FOR THE NURSERY Ho Kn.slly llrat UlM .Alrtuil , Who Was tlio I'nst ruvorltr < : ( o n nt Churchill Dow in.Tito . Lexington llnrncsi liners Other Sports. Mounts PAUK HICK TIUCK , N. V. . Oct. 8. Marcus Daly's great cell Tammany p'lt up 1U ! ) pounds ( \IH | bent the beautiful Illly York- vlllo Belle , lij , un opeji length for the rich .loromo stakes. Garrison gave a bluIT rlilo on Tammany , flourishing tits whip and roll- lug about ns It wonting vary hard In order to boat the Ucllo. This performance of Garri son's \vns giyen fortho purpose ot deceiving the public , so that the odds npnlnst Tarn- ninny on his next appcaranco would not bo ton short , Tammany was 3 to 10 nnd Yortt- vlllo Hello 11 to 10. Miirou a Daly1 * share of tbo stakes is 919,410 , I-1. A. lib rot's ? ) ,000 nnd tlio Bashford Manor stublo's $ iH)0 ( ) , Azra running third. Tlio other stilco fenliiroho Kursory , was captured by V. A. Uhrot's Runyon , who made nil the running nnd heat Miss Maud , the favorite , in n driving finish. Uunyon was n 5 to 1 chance. Chesapeake anu Correction were first anil second choices for tlio opening six furlongs dash , but Fairy ( fl to 1) ) , ( Samson u , won easily , Cbosnnpnho second , Correction third. In the sncond racuthotwo choice ? , Michael and Candelabra , mot thu same fate , Low- liuiilcr ( 'I1 , , to 1) winninc it tfood race bv half n length. Marshall was an even money favorlto for the mini raw , but tie finished unplaced. Mlddloton ( r to 1) ) , 'Lidy Mary (13 ( to 1) ) , anil Iliram (7 ( tel ) buinir llrst , iocond nnd third respectively. The nlungoM hot on Diablo nnd Cynosure to win the last race nnd muho up tdoir losses , but Hvdy put tlicslr monov in the llro by heading his Hold and landing ilrat money nt post odds of 3 to 1. Cvnosuro was second and Milt Young ( to 1) ) third. Sum- innries : Klrst race , n\ furlongs : Pnlry O to 1) ) won. 1 " "nppiii.ortto Jlsueoml. I'orrecllon < iitor. ; ) tlilrd , Tlnio : IMS. Second raco. inllb nnd a furious : Lowlander - lander (9 ( to S ) nun. Mlchncl (8(0.1) ( ( ) second , tiiiideliibia i9 to 5i third Tlini1 : : , . Ililrd race , live ntiil a half furlongs : Mld- illcton (7 ( to Dunn. Ij.idy Aluryir.'to DscconU , Ujr.un (7 ( to-l ) tliinl Tlmu : IUT'4. : J onrtli race , thn Jcruino stake. inllo and a lialft Tutiiiiiiiny (9 ( to iii ( won. York vllle Itollo ( , ' 1 to 10) ) second. Axw (0 to 1) ) tlilrd. Tltnu : I'lfth race , tlio Nursery stakes , six fmloiiKs : Ifnnyon ( . ' > to li won , Miis M md to to 0) ) second , Stowaway 0 to 1) ) third. Times 1:111. SIMh race. nillO : llvdv it > to I ) won , Cvnos- nrort to llbocoiul , Mill Vomit ; ( I to 1) ) third , Time : l:4l , . Closing at Chnrclilll I > cVrni. Lorisvii.i.e , Ky. , Oct. S. The best card of ho week was up. for the closing of the Loms- Illo Jockey club meeting this afternoon . 'ho woathcr was raw ann only nbout 3,500 icoploverc present. Afternoon , the ilauirh- .er of Troubadour , who won the Bauford itakos , was the only favorlto first past the test at odds of 2 to 1. Summaries : rirst race , slv furlongs : Alt Allen won In : I8 , blreak-of Mirlitnlii , , ' ( ' , ' to l ) second , llln- oii ( S to 10) ) third. Second rate. six furlonsm : I.lttlo Annlo (3 ( la It won In l.'lfl'i. Kniinlo S ( I to II second , Od- royCltoni tlilnt. Third race , the Stun l.ird slakes , for 2-yoar- Jlds. ono nllo : Aflurnoon CJ to 1) ) won In l:44'i. l.nlv : Juno ( ll ) to Osujond , Deception ( li to 1) ) .lilrd. 1'ouith race , frco handlcnp. nitln and icvonty yards : hcnorltii (4 ( to I ) won In 1:4. : ) , lit CoUioy ( s to 1) becond , Hob h m to 51 bird. I'lfth raqc. ono inilo : , " Ifonry Jcnkjns GUJ to 1)MIII ) In 1:4J : > < , Adi lunuo (11 ( to 1) ) second , Oui > Uo.iror (1 ( ! to 1) ) third. SiMli r.uc , selllnir.Jlvo furlontjh : KiuiircbS t-rodtTlck-Cito' ' ) woiHn IMiH'j. Salvation 0 to 4) ) bucond , Ku eola (1'J ( lo 1) ) third. ISrccdcrH' Htivex lit LrxliiRton. LEXIXOTONKy. . , Uot , 8. The fourth day of the Kentucky Trotting llorso Breeaors association was a vcrj' chilly ono. The great Blue Grass stake for 4-year-olds was un finished. Honors , however , were equally di vided , Steinbergtaklnp two. boats and Ut-orco Sat. Glair two. The deciding boats will be trotted Mo nil ay. Summaries : 1'lrst race ( continued from 1'rldny ) , purse $ lliO : AVIllcslo Gin. \ . Allianv Itoy second. Jmtsworth third , Time : i : ' { , a:2J. : : 'J4 , Second , 'Jatcliis > s trot , imrso 51.030 : Leo Itusiull won , Itelsuy llr.itton second , Vi-sta Medium thlid , Uinllla fourth. Time : --l : , fl. Third race , the Ptalllon Iteprosentatlvo stal o forlt-yoar-olds , ij.COO : Dliectuin won , bablim hocund. KOMI Turner third. Hilly Llinlsy , Tlinu : 2.Tli : , 2:18 : } } . 2W : . I'oiiitli rucc , Kino ( liass HtaUo for 1-year- olib.f" > .00i ) . ( iinflnishcd ) : titulnlicrir and ( icorso ht. Olalr tlod for llrst placo. Happy 1'rouilho third. Time : 'JL'l : , : ) { . : j , . Ssaijj. rifthrnuo , aSi : clnss , trouiiis , inllo heats , two in throe. purtiOf 400 : h-iilah WltUes won. Annie G second. Turner Hey tlilid , Ulrtlc Olit fourth. Time ; iiiC. : : a'J7'j. : Sold Tnunty-SIx Ilrait . Ky. , Oct. 8. Woodard & Shanklln sold twenty-six horses this morn ing foi$19,410. . Sales of $1,001) ) niiu over are as followsCarazo , b. c. , by Alcuntria , daw Jennie Cobb , J.i II. Jcrinyn , Scrantou , I'a. , j" ,000 ; Star Hussoll. ch. s. . bv Lora Kus- bell , dam Prlncoss Eloise , E. H. Uoss , ISas- ton , MU. , $1,200 ; Vcrix. bay colt , by Humor , dn.n Cvmual , Uoorgo HlldoOrccut , Trenton , N. . ) . , $1,000 ; Police , bay colt , by Stranuor. d ° tn Mystoy , to Luwboad & Uasboro , Wil- luiupton , O. , S1.0T5 ; l noy Muud , blk. in. , by ( Jnnoral Knox , Cam l annie , to J.V. . Dalv , Mount Kiscox , N. Y. . fl,075 ; Barcol , by Su't- cliffo , aam Lady Maud , to J. W. Lyou , Mount Case , N. Y. , fl'JOO ; Lady Prlncoton. b. ill , , Dy Prlncoton , dam Wint-a-nit , to Poter.Truox , Enu Claire , \Vis. , $3,101) ) . < < uyVon tliu Iturc. CIIILLICOTUI : , O. . Oct. S. The flfm heat botwcou lJuy and Hal Pointer wus paced to day in Guy's ' favor In iJjOU.V. The consola tion race give id the defeated horses a few dollars. Other races were declared off. Summaries : 1'roo-for-all pacn , n.irffo J3.00U , ( If th heat fin ished today : uiiy Wllld'S won , Hal 1'olntur bocond. Tlnioi a:07'i. : ' - ' 'ii.Situji.auaii , 2ouji. : The a-Viitr-nld ) CoiihOlat'on ' stnlcrs ; ICoys \viin , Cautlivuro iVilla-a bucond , I'otrolouin third. Time : Jy < U. U-yoar-old Consolation trot. ? 100 : Jcsso ! 0 won , Star I'riuces second , Alarjfrot W third. Tlioo : 2:27 : , 2:27 : trot , lljaoi Whoatland Onward won , Onpitanabccond , Indlunu tlilrd. Itust tlmo : 1 liUHt Day lit KIIIIHIIH City. KANSAS Cm' , 'Mo. , Oct. 8. This was the last day of the Kansas City races : First race , for all , naoliiK. tiurso. 11.000 , un finished from yostunlay : Hey Wl'les won , Klley Medium oocond , Alcolyto tlilrd , Host tlmoi 2:1CJ. ! hecoml race , 2:3 : class , trottlnc , mir > > o.r 00 : Nustnood won. llorninpo second , Golden lioy third , liubt tlmu : 2il ; : , Thlidiuce , 2:20 : cliuu , trotting' : 1'ot Davis won , Joker bccond , Ashman tlilrd. Host tlmoi 2i''l , _ NATIONAL l.l3AiUi : . Itostoii's AVInnlui ; Twice n Day , Hut Hlig U'oa't Catch ITp. BOSTOK , Mass , , 'Oct. 8. Boston and Now York played two games today , and Ibo cham pions wo'ii 'by superior fielding and base run- nlnp. Weather fair. Attendance 1,227. Bcoro : Boston . , . 4 Now Yorlf. , . , , „ . . 0 000000102 3 Hits : Hoston. Oj , iowVorl : , 8. Hrrors : Hos- ton , 1 ; Now.Vork. 5. Kaniod runs : Now York , 2. llat'crlesi Nichols and Ucuuott ; Oruuo and Hoylu. Second gatnoi lotM . . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 a NowVorlc , , . oooooio-i Hits : llostou. 3j Now York. B. Krrora : llos- ton , 0 ; NoW VOrk. f Karnod Huns : Ilontou , ll Iow Vorjr.l. ' H tterlo l Btlvctts aud Dan- xul ; lluxlo and Kwlus , llaro tlio Jtiif , O , , Oct. 8. The Cleveland ! wou today's ' gauio by good b&tllutr , buucblncf hits In tbo scoond inning. Attendance , UOO. Tbroaloning wouthor koot people away nna tbo game ( vas'oallod at tbo end of the fifth Inning pa account ol rain. Scoroi Olovelaud. . . . , . . , „ , . 1 8010 6 Ht. LouU. . . . , . , . . , . , . , . , . 0 0010 1 lilts : Cleveland , 10) ) Ht. Louli , a Krrorii Clovulaua , 1) ) it , houli , 0. liurnod rua i Clovninnil , 4 | Pt I.ouh. 1. llnttorlcst Youns nnd.Imnior : llrcltonstdln nnd VlcUrry Tails Out Another , BM.TiMonn , Ma , . Ocl. 8. The lUllunores bunched hits on Uoyhing ted v and won In n cantor. Attendance. ir > 0. Ruluy. Score : liiiltliniiro 10000 ft"0 0 : i-0 I'hilndolphia. , . , , , , . 0 5 lilts : llnltlnioco. ISil'lillndolpliln.S. Krrorv IJa I mort-.U , I'lillndolpbln , 1 , Karncd runs : llnltlinorc , 0 ; I'hllndmplila. . < . Hatlories ! lokcry and Koblns ; Woliliu nnd Clements. Turned Down tlnrlr. PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , Oct. 8. Tltnelv hitting ana good base running won for Plttsburg today. Attendance , O. > 0. Score : I'lttsburg 0 0 a 1 0 0 .1 2 0 7 L'lilcugo OOOOKOOOO II Hits : I'lttsburz. 12 : ( 'lilnnita I. Krrors : rlttsburir , 2 : Uhlcnzo , 4. Knrned miis : I'ltls- hnrg. J : Chlonpn. 1. Itattorlos : Turry and Maokj l.tiby. Sehrlvcr and lUttndgo. Maiulniirot thn Tonmi. w , tn P.O.I vr t , , PC rioTcUnj M ji TO.S iMihi\iointit ( . . .s M w.u I ! 1'1 . . . .4(155 ( n.SJ'-lilcnirn SJ art 40.9 H'tl11 * * ' 31 " fil'0-ll | lll M iV 41.3 llrookltn W a | M 7 nmilmoro . . . . ! . ' , 4J ST. * NowVork 43M M.I Wiulilnilon. . . . ! ! 4A : O.8 Llnclnnatl BOSS Kl.Tlgl. Louis. . . . . . 31 4 3 } . Sl'AltKS ( M-St'OUT. Vuln 1.lie In Tnilntiicr , Nnw YOIIK. Oct. 8. Yule's strongest team lined up against the Crescents at Hasten park this nttcrnoou. The Hay Rldgo Turks fotiuhl n plucky battle , but were bontcii bv n scorootSS too. Ynlo fumbled the ball in tbo llrst half like.lapnnoso Jugclurs. They wcro willing enough ami foucht hard enough , but they nro not yet thoroughly drilled. * < omn .11 oni Itrrord * Jlailr. Nr.w YniiKr Oct. S. The forty-ninth camcs of the Noiv Yorit athletic clubs were held today nt Traverse Island and were made note worthy by the breaking of the world's rec ords. The new reeciiMs made were for the run ning high Jump , lu which II , P. Sweeney of the Xavier Athlotlo club cleared six foot , four and a ( juurtor Inchpx , beat ing the record made by Bvrd Page at Philadelphia ono iiuartor of nn inch. The standing broad Jump , in which A. P. Schwantior of thu Now Yor'c ' Athletic club Jumped ton feet , ulno and seveu- olchths Inches , and the Ihrowiui : of thn sixteen-pound hammer , in which J. S. Mitch ell of the New York Athlotlo club mudo n throw of H. foot , throe-quarters of an Inch , beating tbe best record , his own , of HI foot , eight inches. Ho.ivjI'niils riantnl. ClxriVNATi , O. , Oct S.-Tho pools sold tonlcntfor Iho $ . " , ,000 cuarauteod Trausyl- vnninn stakes to bo trotted hero lodav were the largest ever sold on a race in Kentucky. The llrst ten pools sold ran from f 1.4T5 to 52,17. . Kvcry starter In the raoo received heavy .backing , and never did the pool on any horse go abocclng.Tho llrst pool sold was AndoMon's Nlrhtlncnle , ? , ViU ; Kremlin , SVJO ; VVultor K , $110 ; A. ( .U-ccnloaf , ? . ! [ ) ; Little Al bert , Slfiri ; New Yotic Coutial , SJO ; St. Yin- cunt. $ bO ; Hiuel U'ilkes , $110 ; Major K , $45 ; Gillutto , S'o : , ; Dandy. $ o1 ; Sallie B. $10 ; Florida , i,0 ; Hamlln's Nightingale , $100. Total , $ J,175. T oln thn Ithicl ; . ST. Lotn , Mo. , Oct. 8. Ulll Prtiott , col ored , and "Doe" Kennedy , colored , both heavy woluhts , the former n local pugilist nnd the latter from Now Orleans , met to light n finish light two weeks ace , but tbo policostonpod them Just as they entered the rink' . Early this mornincr they met ngnln nnd this llmo were not disturbed. About " 03 local sports witnessed the encounter which was fought nt 200 pounds lor about a $500 purse. Tbroo savape rounds were fought , Prnett belnjr knocked out in the third round. Kennedy was hardly scratched , while his opponent was tertibly punished , j Unrlo Will < io to .Now Yorlf. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 8. The prospects of a winning babe ball team in this city next year are very bright. It is thought likely that Adrian C. Anson will be among the now men who will make up the Now York team for tlio .season of 1891. The veteran will bo a great card for the Now Yorks , oven though ho is not ns niinolo of foot new as bo wasn decade ago. With Alison covonnsr fimt and Ward und Richardson alongside him at the Polo grounds the Infield would bo in Eomothinpr like good shape. Coildaril mill .Ii Nnw VOIIK , Oct. S. Tlio Coney Island Athlotlo club offers a purse for a iieht be- .ween Joe Goddard and Peter .Tacksou to take place In Doccmbor. Will 1'liiy ' ! ' leu Tcitliiy. Lnrisvii.i.i : , Ky. , Oct S. The Louisvillo- Jinclnnatl game was postponed until tomor row : there'will bo two games then. I'ut \\ltiifsii Out ol tlin Way. GAI.VKSTOX , Tnx. , Oct. S. A News Austin special says : B. Jose , a Mexican and a wit- icss to the murder of Sheriff Ilornsby , was called to his dour and assassinated lustuight. Is no clew to tliu assassin. UIIA in U'yoinlni ; . BUTAI.O.Vyo. . , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BII ; : . ] Natural traa was struck at this pluco about n p. m. today while boring lor artesian water on the premises ot j. A. Fisher. _ xons. The Omaha has closed the twonty-oighth series , with SOU shares of stock subscribed. Omaha associations have forwarded nppll cations for membership in tbo State league Tbo State league Is growing btoadily. It is expected that all locals in the state will DO members before the first annual meeting in- IJocoinbcr. The Nebraska of Oinolm ronorts a marked increase in tno doinaud for sliares , nn iigrec- able condition which Secretary itortnwlclc ascribes to Tin : Bii's : advocacy of building co-operation. The Mutual of Omaha pays withdrawing shareholders in tlio llrst hories 9f > ner cent of the book value , equal to 18 per cent on tbo money paid in. The scries la nluoty-two months old ntid will , prohub'y ' touch par value in a year. Surely the building society Idea Is popular with tbo American pooplo. In ono western city it bus boon applied to church building , two churches having oruanl/oci builulug so- clotlos nmone the nioinbors lor tbo purpose of accumulating funds with which to build churches , and two hand&oinu edifices now testify to tbo success of the undertaking. The plan has also been utIIUod in a llro insurance - suranco company. It is possible that this method of co-operation may bo applied in a variety of ways before woboo the end of it. In nn address to building associations the oxocutlvo committee of tbo Nebraska Sluto league sot forth its objects as follows : "Heretofore local co-opcnulvo Bociutlus have been at the mercy of foreign associations , which , possossing'vast means and prodigal in expenditure , all but overwhelmed the locals , nnd discredited peuulno co-oporntion by reckless methods nnd false pretense * . The league proposes to check ttioir opera tions by balding them to strict compliance with tbo state law. It will aluo aim to secure ' romtlmoto tiroo such amendments to the .aw as our necessities and experience de- 'mnnd , It wlllallmulato lotorest in genuine 'co-operation ' by frequent jmblloatlon of asso ciation nowB. As n channel for the inter change ot tbo views of many minds , it can not full to provo n aourco of cnlightroent , profit and permanent good to the monitors. " llov. Frank Crane , tbo now pastor of the Fir t Mothodlst church , will oroaeb touior- row ou tno aubject : "Tho Waudorlug Jew or tbo Mouuluc of Uholora. " PLANNING AN AGREEMENT Obairiuan Walker Thinks Ho Onn Oloar the Western Heads of Their Trouble. WHAT TRAFFIC OFFICERS WOULD LIKE They I'uvor nn Ansnclntlou Taking I" tv. crytliliiRVc t Iroiu St. l.oiili mid ChlrnRO to ( ho Itorldn World' * 1'nlr Iliiirs. CHICAGO , III. , Oot , S. Chairman Walker of the Western Traffic association has u plan for nu agreement to tnko tno place ot the ouo that Is now nbout to iu < Into history. Hut It Is practically the same thing that was pro posed by Jay tlould two or three yours ngo. Them U nothiRg now In It in the first place , and In the second pluco ll is too largo. The general opinion nt present is tint tlioro should bo but ouo lusoclntlon , taking In ovcrythliiK west of Chlcnuo nnd St. Louis , with subassocuttous , with con- Hiding interests. That Is what wrecked the Western Traffic insoclatlon , What the Hues west of Chicago want , nccxrdlng to the trnfllooniceM , is an nssoclatiou < int will cover the territory between Chicago , St. Louis and Colorado , with ono clmlrmun nnd ruto committees at Chicago , St. Louis , St Paul , Omaha , ( Jlly nna Denver Tlin rccommntidnliOHs of these rnto committees should bo submitted to a general meeting. The agreement should provide thnt thu nvso elation rates and divisions should bo confined to the association lines. This scorns to bo thu position of most of the general tiunngors on the subject. Worlll'n I'll I r Itlltri. U seems Unit the telegraphic report sent out from Cincinnati legardlng the action ot the lines In thn Central Tnilllo association on the subject of World's fair rales was not exactly correct. Tlio meeting decided in fa vor of ono way tickets in both direction : ) nnd n general reduction In rates of - . " > percent ( not'0 per cent ) from May 1 until Novor.i bor ! U ) . This would make the rate ironi Nmv York to Cnlcuuo $15. Tlio round trip rate would ho SU. Visit ors would snvo nothing bv buvlng loutul trip tickets , but after visiting the fair they could travel in any direction they plcapud at the reduced rates. Ofinursp , the object ot thU scheme Is to keep tickets outof the bauds of scalpers The action of the mooting wai in the naltira of a resolution to the Joint com- mittco of the trunk lines und Central Tralllo association ami can only bo in.ulu operative by the approval of that commlttoo. In addi tion the meeting decided the winter tourist rates should be established on the basis of J cents per mile In oauh direction , tlcxcts to bu good until May ! tl , 1V.M. Onu AgrciMtii-nt 1:11011 : 11. The Atohlsou road has Jcfiultelv refused to sign the "aide agreement" submitted hf Chairman Culdwull ot the Western Passen ger insoclatlon. The propped agreement , which was presented to nil roads \\est of Chicago whether members of the association or not , provided for an absolute maintenance or passenger rates from October 10 until the close of the year. The Chicago & Alton sicncti it and It Is said that this Is tliu reason tt.c Atchlson declined to do 30. The Atchtson representa tive in filing his negative vote tooic occasion to remind the cbuliman that the Western Passenger association already had nn agree ment for the maintenance of rates nnd that outside llitui that were willing to subscribe to such n movement were ut liberty to coma Into tbo association nnd pay thulr abnrc of tbo association CXDOUSOS. INT.I.ISII .M I'rfsldcnt KnlMM-tKol t hi" Trims } l\iinlu Itonil ( ; < ! u l ° u\r I'ntiits in Kiillroiidlng. Pun.Mii-'i.piiiA , Pa. , Oct. 8. Tno Hallway World today prints au Interview with Presi dent Roberts of the Pennsylvania road , who recently returned from u tour through Gront Britain , In which ho tnllts of the lessons the English railroads taught him. President Roberts was particularly Impressed with the system of terminal freight charges In vogue on the railroadn throughout Great Britain , and told now such a plan , if introduced in this country , woulu go very fur to ulliiy the oft repeated criticism of supposed discrimi nation In freight choruos ns between long and short hauls. "The principle underlying the matter of terminal freight charges on the roaus of Great Britain" aaid bo , "Is fullv recounted by parliament. Railroads in that country are permitted by act of parliament to clinreu for banJling , billing and loading merchandise diso ou cars , und that charge is goi.cially uniform , whether the freight Is to bo curried a long or a short distance ; thus they rccog mired tnnltliu lenclh ol the haul bus no con nection with terminal expenses. "Tho reasons why the long haul should command n less rate propoitionaloly than tthortor , are apparent to every ono laimliur with railroading. "It seems plain to mo that the system of charclng u uniform rate per Inn tier mile , which is what the American nubile seem to demand , is not the proper system cither for the shlnpor or the transportation comput'V , unless .such a system bo accompanied with the proper adjustment of charging for Iho terminals. "The railways nro the highways of the country , nnd the public richtlv demand nropor facilities. The < o ought to bo re quired to cbargo such compensation ns would enable them to properly fulfill tlioso demands. It is ctjuiilly Iho duo of the gov ernment If It says tno railways hhall not charge too high u rate , to MI y they bhuil not charge too low n rate " IloMild the value of every ticket should bo plainly stumped ou Its fiici1 , und no ono should bo permitted to traffic on It. In thn event of Its not being uecd the companies should ho compRllcd to redeem It nt il.s faro value , If prcsunlod within u reasonnblu tlmu. Will ll ( 'iiiisiillihiK'd , Bu.TiMoui' , Md. , Oct. 8. A prominent Biiltlmoro & Ohio rallrond olliclul sayii thut President Bacon of Iho Bull luioro & Ohio would titko charco of the consolidated svs tern with thu Ohio .t Mississippi , the present inanaKCiuuut of the Miv Is giving up the llirht to tliwnri the iiliin of the majority stocuholdurs. The Kngllsh , r majority stockholdings , Imvo Imlu-atcd the directors to bo elected in the liitPiost of Ihls plan. They nro Willlum L Bull of Kdward weet & Co. , bankers , Now Yoric Ldgar 1. Weil , Now Vorif , nnd Krunkll.i U Jrnri , Springliold , 111 Mfssm Bull nndells will supplant George B. Morrison ol I'hlcago and i ; . I' . JJImfol of Now York. Mi I'mcy in n member of the board ut prc&unl and Is Javornblo to the proposed plan , If Messrs. Hull , \Vollu und Trnov nro elected , Ihoy with the old of Mossr.s. Fabn- block , MoKnn mid Wnlsh , wno ivoro elected lust voar , and K. R Bacon will ronstlluto n majority of the board. Whou tlilx M uccom- ' pllshcd the Ohio & Mississippi ti'id llm Bultl- , moro & Western will ho consolidated under ] ono tmmo nnd the Ball.inoro ± Ohio railroad/ / will have its own line to Bt. Souls , hull * /\KUlu t llr.illli'l' . TiKATiiidi , Nob. , Oct. S.- [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.H. I Tno Beatrice Light and ] Pownr company today began suit for ! Jl.'jra.STi damages against tint city for lighting - j ing the Hiimo with electricity up to August 1 , , IbW. ( Jeorgo F , Little also btiud the city for 1 $500 damages to his property In West I Beatrice during the May Hoods , and Kllon , Lcnry brings suit for SI.OOO for IlKo damages from the faiuno cause and ut Ilia sumo time. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE