THE OMAHA DAILY 1J1W : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 0 , 1892-SlXTEBI\r 1'AGES. 15 a. a.ta ta th 30 ar 'V ' Vs iul fill 10. or. ° i ot rel- BHEE7A' SPOUTS OF OCTOBER Big Bass In Nebraska and "Whore to Oot Thorn. WHISPERINGS OF THE PEOALtD WHEEL im llrnlny ( Jnmr Kclinr * from tlie Truck McliUniitl riRlitnrii-Tlio .Siornmnn' | Untied llnmi Hull nnil l.ucnl M Nntf-4. OMUU , OoU 7. To the SrorttnR Editor ot of U prc-oml- THE URRS The porno eue Jiontly tlio BHtno of brains. It would bo as mach ol nil nnomnly lor n foraon to nttutn tea a stte of cxeollonco us a chews player with out the p < mosslon of certain valuable nnd useful iiuiilllios of inlud ni for llnrnum's "armless wonder" to excel In tense ball or tonnls. Ho who l.os been attracted by the concon- tmlou of nttpntion necessary In whist \vlll Jlnd the name nttractlon In chess , out In creased tenfold. Ho who llnds grfttlllcatlou In the excitement attendant upon "show down" or &ovon-up will tlnd the saino cxhll * nrBtlon In tho.tblel : of tlio light over a chess board , und there Is the nddeil doslwblo fouluro that the cliais player must , untlor till circumstances nnd conditions , Uoop bis tcniporijlo lese his cciuatiltnl'y is to lese his Enmo. The history ot chess moro tnnn doubles tbo span of thn history of chrUtlanlty und loses itsj boBintiltiR In the mists of uucortalnty. It Is only cortnln that the paine had boon brouRht to a high stuto of parfcctton by the nations of the east before wovo8ternoM succeeded to It. At the tlmo of Morphy'a wonderful achievements , here ana ubroiid. late In the flftlcs , clitm llrst bocumo pormaiic-ntly established In America. Up to that tlmo 11 vrns only ulnyca In n desultory fasLion wherever two or three inot together nnd the repulnrlv organized clubs \\cro very few. Immcaliiiclv It became known that Morphy liad uttalnod the world's chnmpioriRhlp national wldo wns aroused nrit itiogamu was recoKiil ed throuishout the country. It is to oo regretted that it has only become llrmly established In spots through the western suites , while liv ing In luxury In tliow of the east , but it Is still a fact. There has been us yet but llttlo concerted action upon the part of western devotees of the itamo looking toward regular organization und matntonunco of chess cluUs , although there are uncounted chess plnyora of no menu strength on the west sldo of the Mississippi. Hero in Omaha thcro are cogent reasons wtiy a club should tnltu form and Co- velop : Wo have n state champion or two with us nnd nt least a dozen players v.-tio would ti'.ltu rank in the second or third class , besides hundreds who play without much pretense to sUill. It is only necessary that u club bo organized upon a sound business basis , with cfllcient ollicurs and ( lint but moat important ) with something to actnsa permanent stimulus In orilor to glvo Omaha a place us ono of the chess cantors of the west. The writer has gone through the mill several times and Is not "guessing" In tbo statement of this opinion. Three yours ace ho wns appointed as chess editor of the Kan sas City Journal nnd edited a weekly chess column In that pauor for two yours , matting B. special cflort to discover these players ot tbo west who wcro Inert and dormant. The l effect was remarkable ; a cub ! of nearly 100 members was organized in Kansas Ulty ; another of 150 members In Topcko , nnd at leant twcutv-llvo smaller clubs grow tip over tbo prninos of Kansas , Missouri and tliu neighboring state * . It is , perhaps , not a matter ol wonder thnt wb have no clubs in the western states now of any Importance when wo note the taut that thcro is not n newspaper or other pnriodlcal west of Chicago cage winch devotes any space to the gatno ot affords chess players any moans of inter communication , without which tonlo Influence llttlo is possible In the way of development. \Vby cannot something bu done ? \ \ . K. LEIGIITOX. l\\K \ l > iun In Kclirusku. W. it. May , state fish commissioner , is In receipt of the following letter , which is proof nosilivo of the good work done by tbt commission , from A. C. Putnam , president of the Chudron Hanking company : OIIAIIUDN , Neb. , Oct. 4. Hon.V. . \ , . May Fish Uniniiilssltiiior , Stutr/of Nebraska : Di'ai 1 Sir Thlnlclni ; Hint you inluht bo luteicstud li tJio nucoinitof a trip thnt u parly of nentlo men took in the siiml hills fur the purpose o llu.'lliii : ( Mil wliotliiirtlm stories were true In card to tliu la run catches ot Ij.iss inudc In vhi unity of llvo of it wont to tlio lulco on Thiirbduy , SoiitoinberSJ AVe nrrlVLMl there about biin-iiown imil at to ultclilii our tunt ntartud for the Inlic. W > caught In iilMiut an lioiirfcOiiit'tlilnK lluu twun ty-llvo bua-i avoraulni ? nbnnt two pound : riplucr. und during our stay tlipiti of two day must ha\o < ! nuiht over so vunty-li vu oaHssoiiii of theni ul lilriK over tluuo pounds am they won , il run at least Uvu pound upleco. Wo could have ciuiL-lit ten times th amount hut tliu woatlior was so warm that \v cuuulit only \tliut wn could use and a few t glvo to I rlunUs. [ trust that this will tinconr npo vim to persist In the good work of slock Inj : the luUus und streams of NubrasKa will such food llhli as will In your Judgment tltrlv In tlicdlirutunt hil'.c.s luul streams , tflncerol , yours , A. U. 1'fT.VAM. Tlio Coining llt'iirli Slum' . The llrst annual bench show , held undo tlio auspices of the Omaha Ivenncl clu comes oH at Exposition hall two v/ooks froi Tuesday , October 25. lasting lour days. Th prospects are Immense. A big success Is a ! ready nssurcd. Entries are pouriujf in froi all sections of the west , nnd dog 'men in a parts of the country have \\rltton inquiric without number. It will uu a great treat fc tbo citizens of Omuhanud the burroundin country , us it is thu only logltlinato benc show tnat has over been attempted hero. Tno Intotost in caulno nlTalrs , which wn Eupposca to hnvo reached its zenith and re suited in tlio extraordinarily largo numbc of exhibits In 1 & ' , ) ) , has by uu means itb.ttet which is proved by the fact Unit tharo lin been this year moro exhibitions than eve : The Omaha Kennel club show should bi ocmo ouo of tlio social events of the soasot Jt is nlmidy being looked fonviird to b many of our leading citizens with blonsu nblo untii'ipatlon. Not only U It talkc about on the street aiU hi UioolUco. nnd i the liroblde , but oven the country rounduboi Is nffcctod wllti the popular luroro. Doj that will bo on exhibition Imvo a nation repulntlon , und , being credited with vlctori over ; iholr spicios in innny of ttio oastei shown , will bo sent hero to add now luster their reputation and Improve thulr race , well us in Insure the t > uccoss of the clut laudiiblb enterprise , Atiu'li lllill | ; > ' < l. ( ii'iit psuifA , Oct. 4 , Sandy lirUwold : I hai tbo honor to Inform you thai at n meeting llio Omaha Lacrosse club bold last ovcuti in the Paxtou you wcro unanimously ulocii nmumber ( honorary ) of the club with i privileges of an active player. I will tai ploiuuru In suiiclniK you ono of our cli ImOgds in u day or so. Wo hope tosooyi out orcasloually to got n llttlo lively excrcls Thunkiug you for tlio Interest you ba AlspUyed In the club , I urn yours very Iru U. J. I'KUDII : , Kci'ratary Omaha L.acrosscclub. The l.ait lti > u-utt of Siiiiiiimr , Homo ICuii Hrcokonrldgo will spend t wintoi- Davenport , . Howard I'arl nnd Cius Alberts were i inn I u RUVb in the late October outtlt , , Oral or ucorgo Shaffer , the old Dos Moh : Oolncr , Is on the block at Uravoscnd. Jack lUckolt Is in Chicago and will bo exhibition at the U'ofhi'u ( air next yoar. JC'O Qulun kas been playing a grand seen for lloiton , but bis bitting Is lighter tb a elrmv hat. | PfctTer's leg still gives him trouble. 1 t'cban ; o , YOH , but nln li > U uot in it with ' bulging bralu. Old Cy Kutctlfto tms boon stabled by 13 tltnoro and Kcdily O'ltoubc. the voicelc cent to the Hold , ' Mcl'ucc , of Oltu-.lrmatl , hai been incapr tatcd with n fat thumb , uud about f ' other Hfds with fat heads. Inks and I'otU wcro Waihlnctoti's t teryinagamo last week , nnd of com so Scnalois wi > ro lu it up to tbo node. Thomas Ollbovt Vickery , bo of the Iv liiaut probotcls , has at last received w pe has boon ao htng for n uuipcnslou. ,7lilrd baiomaa Ctmp , of St. Louli , t tbo ball hard nnd ought to mtiko n good bnic- runner , but his Holding Is erratic. Slnr Hayings. Kddlo IJurko , of Now York , has not hnd MI error In his fourteen games In the out- Hold. Ho bat stolen forty buses In slxty- oiio games. Old Man McClollan. formerly of Columbus. Inter of Murinolle , made n two bagger in eight coiucptitlvo games Just before the close ot tbo season , Charley Cusliman has returned to the stable In Milwaukee for the winter. Chnrilo says there nro exactly 8irJ,285 ! ! ties between Providence K I. , nnd llroworvlllo. Dnd Clarico has quit base ball , for'tho good of th gumc , urobnfcly , nnd struck his level bossing n section gang on the railroad for John O'Koofo over ntOttumwn , Iowa. I'lttsburg has IraJod Joe Kcllov to Haiti- moro for Van Haltrcn , giving ? it)00 to boot , nnd Plttsburg will llvo to sco the day thnt she will glvo $1030 mid Van to got Ivjl back Frnnlt Conlus has relieved .lack Glass - i-ock nt short lor the Von Dor Ahofuls , ( llnsscoclc can now draw that oyster can out of the bank and wallow In Idleness aud luxury. The National League will wind up its championship nTfatrs nuxt Saturday , and then wind Itself up n few weeks later. Truly these be troubloos times lor the big nation nl. Hojtoucso are complaining of their uatterv department. They say that , Nicholas has a verv Roro right hand , Staloy has a lame arm and Htlvetts has no moro spued than on old- fashioned elder null. MoAloor Is worth about S10 moro per game linn the average center Holder for the man- nor1 in which ho coaches the ether llolders regarding long Illos hit into their territory , so says K linen4 liates. U'inlleld Scott Uamp , tall , sun-browned and nandsomo , is homo irom 1 ho habitat of the seal nnd the walrus. Ho says tbo Pacific i-Jorthwojturn leasuo was very west- cni Association this year. Ono feature of the inako-up of the Clovo- and team to which credit enough Is not given s the number of all-around players. Da\ls , O'Connor nnd Tuheau nro throe particularly valuable men in this respect. Manager HeckenOerirer has agreed to stay with the Plttsburg club next yoar. Tornis Imvo been agreed to and ho will have abso lute cbargo of the team. Plttsburg Dis patch. Agreed to stay ! Thai's good. Dill Booze Hoover , formerly with tbo ansas Cltys , hns Joined Comraoy's menag erie. Now if Cincinnati could only resurrect Hillio Taylor , Fred l owls nnd Lew Dicker- ion her cup would bo full to overllowlng. "Miko Kelly accepts Jack Crooks' chal lenge of throwing , and names Tommy Estor- brook as his choice ; 10. ) to 1,000 throws in . every or any position. Put up or shut up. " JJoston Glot'o. "Cock die. " however , doesn't count. \Vhllo the Brooklyn * were in Boston this week i'om Lovott cnino up from Providence nnd occupied a scat on the Brooklyn bench. Philadelphia Press. Isn't it dangerous to allow the players to nssoclnto with that kind of n man. Ulg Duiigan of the Chicanes is proving to bo ono of Ifaby Alison's ureatcst tlnds. Ilu plays a first class lieldlng game and is In the front rani : of the heavy hitters , having a bet tor average than big Dan Uroutbors , who is No. 5 in llio lengtlo. Catcher Brigiis is verv deaf , nnd his nfllic- tlon , instead of croalli > g sympathy , has been made the subject , of brutal joits and endless guying by certain players who poao M stnra and act like hoodlums. Brigcs was a mem ber of Iho old Union Paclllc. Alison is considered Iho bostDigoou-shooter in the base ball fraternity.Vo really , be- llevo , however , that ho would hnvo u pretty hard time to win in a shoot with such shots ns ( Jastrlght , Cross , Ward , Uadbnurno and McPneo. A shoot between these cracks would bo a notable affair. What do you say lo n match , Anson-I2x"hango. ! Bob GIKS ! can give any one of the six ton dead birds in 100 and beat "cm out. John S. Barnes recently made the follow ing suggestion for an inscription to bo put on n tombstone in memory ot the Pacllic North west league : "Sacred to the memory of the Pacllio Nothwest league. Born at Tacoma , Wash. , March 15. 1S90. Died at Taconia August ! it , 1S'J2. ' If uor salaries had been $1,000 per month Instead of $ .2,000 she would have lived. She was all right in her way , but she didn't weigh enough" aud had a dead weight round nor nock in the shape of this self-sumo John S. Barnes. No legiti mate sport can live nlUicted with barnacles of bis ilk. Among managers and players there scorns to be an opinion that tbo uvolvc-club leasuo is unwloidlv and dlfllcull lo handle. They almost unanimously favor n return to the old system of two associations. Other players s'ay Iho season i.s too long , and that there are altogether too many games played. Frank Sclco.tho manager of the Bostou club , appears lo have hit the nail upon the head when ho said there were too many champion ships. That seems to have been one of the weakest points in ttio organization wbicti started out so encouragingly. Tno base ball public did not know how to account for twc champion clubs in ouo year , aud they dia not tnncy thu idea. Tim HorHitinru'rt Uolumii. Ancialfa Wllkes' , Syracuse , Nob. , record Is Tlio great Nancy Hanks has only lost pn < heat in fifteen races. 'i hey nro making big preparations for theli racob at Hushvlllo this tvcolc. Hello Acton's dam , Lottie P , 2:17.ji ! wni sold for & 5U before she was developed. Txvo of Onwara's grandsons , Jack Sheppard pard und Uiillno (2) ( ) tiavo n record of 2:10. Judge Urosham , by CJuolph , 2:17 : % , won h the : tUO clans at Suonaudoab , la. , in stralgh heals : best time , 2:40. Mrs. T. O. Tlngloy of Ciolhonberg , thli stato. still uses n sidesaddle that was pur chnscd over 100 years ago. Holdon Davis tiottcd tl'.n second heat n tlio late Syracuse , Nob. , mooting in 2 till,1. ! ! not 2.-21 as ropoi'tud in tbeso columns , wo ar itiforinod by tUo driver. Almonti'ilot TIKI , owned by U. A. Smith Ltuvrenco , ICun , , is .sire of tno dam Jof u two year-old lllly thnt lias lately Loon sold fo inofo money than any ottior Kansas brei f.vo-yonr-old lllly. Tlio St , .losojili association will hold osorio of races , beginning October .24 , nnd union ; the special purses will bo ono of $ IOUOU for i malou race between Lobaseo and the Canud lun stallion , Alvin. I , . Hunks Wilson of Crcston , la. , had thlrt , litifHcs to arrlvo.ut Montreal last Tuosduv September 20 , IbW. K.V. . Wilson , \vhowu In charge , says bo had H very rough voyng but was succusstul In landing every hors sately. Kuntuclcy Husscll , 20 : , bears the dlstltu tlnn of having trottoti tlio three fastest heat over trotted by a stallion owned In Knnsa over n Kansas track. Ho won the 2:21 : trent nt llolton , Knn. , September 10 , iu 2:2Ui : 2:20. : S:20S : ( , At rullcrton , ? Ioh. . September 15 , Dlotat by Dictator won the mixed race , best tliu " ; ! ) ! ) . Tuo sucona class wn > won bv Wanot by Shaucland Onward. September IIVai ! o otu won tlui class for foals of 1SSO. liurnc of Allen by 1'atilo won the froo-for-ull cass i 'g ' 'gU ; U til At Albion , Nob. , September 22 , Blue hoi CO liy Tr.uiipI'.US , won the 2 : Id class , best tun < ib 2'4' . > , ddfoatluK Abtlallah Bashaw and To ibu V. Soutomber 2.1 tlio 2.V : ) class was won b e. I'rnlrlo Queen , by Uushvlllo ; best ttnr 2MO. Durney Allen started to beat tih hul mlle record of 2i31 undlliilbhcd In 2:2j. : Ell , 'J:2'.M4 : , wont wronu early this soaac ana never blartcd lu but ouo race , M llnrltor. tno Rciitleman that had him , saj ICli U all il ht now and has snood enough i lie 2:15. Hud ha not boat : gone wrouc M Banter expected to hnru haa In lntn tl ho grout raouoy winner of IS'JJ. The gelding now at the farm of his brooder , J. K. Brow cs Wyoming , "eb. Uosialn iu Iliawatlia , Knn , , U a nontl on man with his left arm oil just below tl elbow but no id stilt n ccood rolnsimm , j nd Saloni , Neb. , Soptcmber 15'ho drove tl anal cbcsiuut stallion , Crow \Ving , in a hotly co tested race , aud cave him a record of 2:21) : ) ' Hat a driver , with Imt ono arm , over bofo put n horse In tbo list I Wo believe that Air. 1) . K. Babbit , the gentleman in qucstlo belong * the solo honor , al- S3 , A Santa liosa , Cal. , horseman has Invent a sulky that Is built on tlio plan otu tin ol piece. Under the rluer'a neat the tiprln ive will bo located , and' U is tlio Intention have things t > o uicoly aujusloj that when l driver wishes lo RO u 2:10 : gall all how athe have to do is to set it nt a 2:10 : tlguro und ; he will do the rest.Vlien wound up the sul will run u mlle aud a half. A clover featu , tn- Is the selfwinding apparatus. Jlv slun touching a button near bis stirrup tbo drlv can make the wheel wind up the spring , n lu by n handy device ho can throw them out gear whoa the Indicator tolls him that the spring has boon wound up to Iho proper ton * Mon. Thus In scoring whatever power l lost can bo regained. And It Is arranged so the power can bo turned on nt will by the driver. The Inventor says it will transform the slowest scrub Into n worldbo.Uer und make a 3:00 : horse able lo obtain a 3-.OSM record. Now this Is Just the thing lor horses that nro Inclined to "ill down" nt the tall end of the mile. They will hnvo to go whether they will or not , In case of an upset what a' terrible thin ? It would bo to hnvo the sulky shovotho horse Into Iho fence orolso"mlx It UH" with him until It geta cttdy to quit. Shooting nnil Tboro Is talk of reorganizing the old Omaha Ulllo club. Harry Melrose Is after grouse and ducks up north of Valentino. King perch nro being nooUeJ by the hun dreds nt Munnwn and Big lakes. Dr. liny03 has mntlo several nice ratchos of bass nnd pickerel at Cut-off lake during the past ton days. The jacksnlpo shooting , as asual , falls to pin out. with nny dogroa of satisfaction In this Immcdlato vicinity. There aru moro peed setters and pointer owned In Onmtia nltho present tlmo thas has bean known lu years. H. B. Kcnnodv und Jack Morrison , "over Jeo and Biddy , " made < iulto a respectable bag of qliull lust Wednesday. Frank Pnrmeleo and Blllv Nnsou were In attendance tit the shoot nt D ant up , la. , last Tuesday and \Vetlnosdiiy. Fred Fuller and C. .1. Lancdon will try It over ngaln next Sunday afternoon 200 yards. olT-hand , twcnty-llvc-rlni : target , f ItMl a * ldo. Uharllo Budd ot Dos Molncs und llnrvoy Mo.Murchy of Syracuse , N. Y. , wcro the RtiGsls of Billy Brewer n eouplntof days last week. C. .1. Uo t , who shoot's hno of the hand- sotncst Lofcvors owned In the stale , ittioc'totl ' down n nice bag of Jacits ono dnv last wooit. near Nollgh. Manager Day of the Bijou theater is nu old experienced duck shot and nn enthusiastic all round sportsman. Ho will make u trip out to the I'latto for gocso this fall. The quail law was up October 1 nnd ns the birds nro said to abound in croat numbers this full , gunners will tlnd plenty of occup.i- tion for dog and gun until the duck season opnns up. Billy Townsend , manager ot the Ours gun house , whllo nn all-round good shot , Is nu expert on jacks , and during the season gen erally bags us many ns nuy two huulera in the city. .1.11. Wuoolcrnnd Andy Houch captured a line basket of black bass nt Munnwn lake ono day last week , Mr. Wheeler landing n line specimen woisulng In the neighborhood of four pounds. Gcor = o B. Loomts of the B. & M. is shootIng - Ing both targets nnd llvo birds with the skill of a prolcssionnl mid In no great length of time will bo abio to give any shot in the city a run for his money. W. 10. Nuson is making extensive prepara tions for his trap shooting tournamentwhich will bo held on the now grounds ncross the river during the progress of the bench show , which opens October 2. ) . .1. J. Dicltov nnd William P. McFarlanU of this city , together with C. C. Williams ot Missouri Valley and a friend or two from Sioux Cit3f , will make nn extended Incursion into South Dakota this fall for redhead , mal lard nnd widgeon. Both tno Omaha and Haymond gun clubs closed their regular season's shoots Oc tober 1. Thcro will bo n number of special meetings , of course , before their shooting irons uro Incased for the wlutor. In his wrath over his defeat bv Langdon last Sunday , Fred Fuller challenged John Potty or any other man In the stato. Potty , I nm authorized to stntu , stands ready to shoot Frm for any sura ho may see proper to name , after ho cots through with Mr. Lang- don next Sunday. F. L. Campbell of Norfolk , Nob. , manager of the National Trader , made the sporting editor a call ono day last week. Mr , Camp- bull Is a newspaper man and n sportsman , and has the writer's thanks for a cordial in vitation to join him in n quail shoot this full. Rlilt-Clmt of tlio KlilR. The Pacific Athletic club of San Francisco ofTors J10,00u for the JucKsou and Goddnrd ilght. Peter Mnhor , the big auitter. Is ' back In this country and wants to light Joe Goddnrd. Sic'im , Joel George Dixon says ho will not allow Johnny Griniu a single ounce. It ho wants to fight It must bo at 118 or under. Champion .lira Corbott is havinc ; porraa- [ nont training quarters built for himself at Asbury Park on plans prepared by a Phila delphia architect. Jack McAuliffo has declined to meet Geor o Dawson , the Australian , before tbo California Athletlo club. McAuliffo says ho will never light ntrain. Joe ChoynskI and George Godfruy have been mulched by Iho Coney Island Athletic club to light before that organization on Oc tober : tl , for u purse of J5.5UO. Tbo men will light at catch weights. Johnny Grlflln was correct when ho said ho would whip Lynch In a cantor. Thoiight took place before the Coney Island club last Monday night nnd the Braiutreo boy "did" his man in lust live rounds. The small army of puss who infested Oma 1m n few weeks since Imvo all oozed , via the tie nnd tbo box car. Bodon , the old trial boss , Brcnnan , Woods.Condon , Evans , Flint , Shea they have all vanished. Billy Muldoon's gabble about Sullivan'f not having oeeu properly trained mabe true enough , but his idea that lie can put the big fellow In shape to successfully cope witli Corbctt is simply ludicrous to all those who saw the lute light. The Pacillo Athletic club of San Fran clsco , has matched Goorco Dobbs of San Francisco , and Charles Johnson of Minne iipolts to battle to a linish for n fJ.OOO purse ? Tbo contest will talto place onriy uoxi month , and Johnson should win. Jko Weir , tlio featherweight pugllut , bet tcr known as the "Belfast Spider , " wants to I ilaht Johnny Grililn lor as big n ptiwe as anv club will hang up and us big a ldo but us Grlflln wants to mako.Velr couldn't gel beer money back of him to light Grlllln 01 any ono else. A brother ot Doniinlok McCaffory has pu up a lorfolt to back a $5,000 hot that Jin Corbott cannot knock out Domlnick in fou rounds. 1 sea a good munboc of the boa authoiitlos agree with mu In the stutumen that the umti doesn't llvo who can knock Don out in four rounds. ' Frank Slocuin , the bookmaker , has dopes Itod $100 with tha Police Gazette in bohul of John Lecdom of Philadelphia , to Jlgh Tommy Uyan , Johnny Uea an or nny 11,1 pound puellist In America for f 1,000 to V * u side , the contest to take place ut uuv clul offering the largest Peter Nolan of Cincinnati , O. . the old-Urn pugilist , has entered the ring ugalu. ' H says nothing would olvo him moro ploasur than to meet Doinlmok MciJiiffroy in n Huisl contest , or in a limited number of rounds Ut lore the Manhattan Athlotio club for asuitt bio purse. Cincinnati linqulror , Noa ! couldn't whip McCaffrey with n base bal bat. bat.i i see that Billy Myor Is saying tbftt Mi AulllTo whipped him bv a chance blow , tbn daisy right hand swing ho caught in in jugular lu the second round. All rot. Thcr Is no such thing as a chance blow in u pri/ light , aud tlio Stroator Xephvr U no more i McAullffo's class than Jock Davis 1s in Coi bolt's. In a loiter Jim Hall writes that ho wl leave England lor this country nest niontt Hall slates tnat ho will Immediately make | ° match with FiUsimmons tor r $ I5000 ' pure ls at catch weights , the contest to take plai n. either before the Olymnln or the tjono Island Athlotio cltiu ihroo mouths aftc c- signing articles. This is the light nboi'o a c10 others thn sporting world wants to see , un 10U the club that gold U will get a UK winutti 10 suro. suro.Whatever uJ. - Whatever may bo said of Mitchell , nnd great many unpleasant things can be said , re is udmilled by nnv number of uulhoriUi to that ho can tight. Ho is now said to 1 n , weighing over 200 pounds and expects I train to UK ) or 1SJ without weakening hlti ed self. "If ho retains his past cunning , uy iO- oralshlp and shiftiness , " said a follower t iOto the liftlo art , "Coroett will have an Intorcs to IUR time wiping- him off the face of the curt tie It isn't to detract from Coroutl , but tuoro 111 only ono heavy man today who can UK I it Corbetl lu his own way , and that man * ity Charley Mitchell. Tlmo will show whcthi to ago , reckless habits , etc. , have made of Iv ly great lighters simply memories. Poor Sul or van has bad hi day , now lot us see \vh ad tha same conditions have made of Mitchell of Bob FitzjUutuons U again working bU Ja for ttio benefit of casteriwwmopnpor scrlbos. ' There is Just n fnlnt possibility , " ho re. marKs , ' 'that 1 mar glvoviJjMn Cornell * nail. I nm no * , ovor-nnxlona to po out of my class , ns I don't sco thnt 1 'cbuld ' better myself much. HUH , I have u wfll-duvolopcd Idea that I could RIVO nn oxcolunt account of my self , no matter who I foURTit with , nnd there nro not manv mon In the jvprld that 1 would bo nlrald to tackle. If light Corbott It won't bo such n one-slded'offair ' ns hi4 light with Sullivan was. " Wrist. Robert wants to Oo most before shooting/ his mouth further. Is to nwalt the arrival of Jim Hall , and then do his talking. The redheaded Australian Is getting hlnTWf ns heartily dis liked in this country ns ChsYlio Mitchell. Itlssnld , but there's little truth lu the assertion , that when Jacjrson nnd Corbott fought In California , the Colored man was nil but cone when the draw came. Here U what Hnns Christian Andersen says of the fnblo : Corbott was ns fresh ns paint when ho loft his carriage at iho bath door , while Jackson needed the support of two men to mount the stop.s and got to hlscoacb , nnd the slightest tctich of Iho rubber's nnnd caused him intense ncony. Corhctt was intensely disappointed when ho discovered how thor oughly Jackson had concealed his true con dition in the ring. "You fooled mo , Peter , " said ho with n lauch. "Vcs. Well , you fooled mo , too. " "It was n long nehl. " "Protty long. You didn't do much lend ing. " "t didn't go there to load. I was to bo chopped up , you know. " "Yes , " fald , Jackson , thoughtfully. "I be lieve that was the program. " "But 1 stayed as long us you Uul. " " 1 bcllovo you did , " assented Jackson , und the interview ended. W'hlvpurliiK * < > l the Wheel. The Tourist Wheelmen have n called club run to Fremont toduv. Start from Fif teenth and Oodgo at 0 a. m. Humor says wo will soon have n cen tury club. The club will ho Known ns the Omaha \\hcel Club Century club. The Omaha Wheel club pedals down to Lincoln and return today. Tno dlstanco Is 110 miles. Start from club house nt 5 a. m. Several of the Omaha Wheel club hoys pudn'od up tn Blair Saturday night , the 1st , and roturued In the woo small hours of morning. Tbo Omaha Wheel club were scheduled to run to Atntiler pltico Wednesday evening , mid quite umimbar turned out. Tbo run wns enjoyed by all. The Ladies Cycling club nnd the Omaba Ladles Wheel club have consolidated und formed ono organization. Tbo now club has sot usldo Friday evening us club night , when a delightful little spin will bo Indulged lu. Lincoln now sports a now cyo.lo organiza tion composed of about llfty members. Kb. K. Mookott , holder of the state championship medals , nnd an "all-around rustling" wheel man , has been elected captain. The club could nolTbavo made a bolter choice. Tbo Omaha Wheel club pumped their way over to Gcnwood | to dinner und spent the day lolliug about the pretty llttlo city. All who nttondod , and there was quite a number ot them , enjoyed the day and the ride hugely. W. M. Burnum , the popular president of the popular club , the Tourist Wheelmen , is sojourning in the east for a month or so. ' "Billy's" ploasnnt face Is missed on tb'o club runs now. Tno boys wish him the best of good tltnoi , however , and'Tiopo ' to see him among them again in the hoar future. Joe L. Sullivan , ODO oP Wncolu's favorite wheelmen Is among the pjnuha boys , and has decided to stay and give Lincoln the "go by. " Ho has accepted a position with A. D. Morse Co. , where lib will remain for some tlmo. Mr. Sullivan is a true wheelman - man , and has many friends among the boys in Omaha. ' * f Tbo Tourist Wheelmona.o the number ot twcnty-llvo oojovcd a moonlight spin to Briggs' station Wednesday evening. The club presented quito a military nppoarauco ns they pedaled out Sixteenth street and along the Florence road. ' ' The cyclometer registered for the round irip twenty miles. All were ot the sarno fueling/ when tbo club returned to Omaha , "one'ortho tlnost rides wo over enjoyed. " The roads were hard and .smooth , thaair clear aiiO balmy , enough chill to make the riding' enjoyable , nnd the moon was as bright as a second suu. Owing to sickness and various oth'or causes the Missouri Valley and Logan Wheel clubs which were scheduled to wheel to Omaha last Sunday failed to appear. The clubs were to bo tbo guests of tno Tourist Wheel men who had made elaborate preparations for Iholr ontortninmont. Late in the day letters of regret were received from Uaptain McCabe of Logan and Captain Kendall of Missouri Valley. The merry Tourists made the best of their disappointment and some thirty ol them pedaled out to Crescent City in the moruli'g and Florence lake In the afternoon , and spent the day qulto charm ingly. Ono of the most noteworthy events which has transpired the pjst week to stir the local cycling community wns n delightful little banquet which was t'onderod the gpntlcmon friends of the Ladies' Wheel club. The ban- qunt was given Wednesday evening at the \Vnrd & Hopkins cafe on Farnam street. The tables xvoro beautifully docor.uod with llownra. A good even dozen of the fair cyclers were in attendance nnd with thorn an oven ilo/.cn of their gentlemen friends , ovcry ono of whom enjoyed the tinquot nnd the pleasant spin by ruoonliuht which lol- lowcu , A novel fcaturo of the ntTair was the fact that the ladles paid all expenses , oven to the renting ofwhools , , , for the gentlemen who were unfortunate enough to have none. The banquet wns n great success. It i.s noticeable that a great many of the now riders this season nnd some of tbo older ones Imvo fallen Into the bad habit of placing their foot upon the pedals so that the pedal touches about , the middle of the foot. Tbo correct position , if adhered to strictly , will bo found to improve the riders nppcaronco on tha whfjel , as well as develop llio proper muscles of the leg. The pedal should touch firmly tbo ball or forepart of the foot. This imparts the graceful utildo motion so much envied by the majority of wheelmen und wboolwomon. If instructors would insist upon their pupils paying moro attention to this little detail the stiff , unnatural and awkward manner of pedaling would bo entirely overcome. The next time you mount your wheel for n spin observe the maniior of your pedaling pl.ieo your foot lightly , yet firmly , on tbo pedal so that thu too of your shoo and the hall of your foot press equally the snrfueo of the pedal , you will bu surprised ho\v mucli easier your efforts ut pedaling aro. Tba competition for the Tourist medals continues to tittrnct the attention of the com , puling wheelmen niul their many friends. . The September scoring has materially changed the positions of the loaders. The following table tolls the tao : HUMS Attended. Miles IX I1'olter -.Mis. . 4"i j.ufti II. 1C. Smith wo. < , : i7 U' ' , LoiiM Klcsoher. . . .V'l'IV 3.1 - 71 J. r. Uiiliy WHl. . ' . > ; si W. .M. Itanium 3'l v.'i fleoriio Hnncliu M.M' ( > " ' " ' " " ' John llynas , , " „ . } . 'l M W. A. Kinsley - . * * -I ! ' \V.\V. \ Cimiuir.ui jj ; ; . If ) ; i5 Max liolchenhors .lull. 1ft : i | W. II. Mulhall Wl * . . CI t j II. K. TaKnar . , . ' . , . 7 a * II. Muoiitofurliij ; . VlA. 111 LT > .M.O , Umon . , ' , * ? ) ' ' Ttnn Ilumiieiuai . ! ' . „ . , , - lJ. . Wallace . , , 13 IE ! II. U llunid . , / , , , , 3 Ul ] . . Ii llolton . . „ . : ! . 4 so , II , 11. Whlleliciiibu . ; u14 20 U. T.Yutus . ' .I.1 < , 0 IS li , F- Dunn . 1(1 ( 18 llalph Mall . , . , . . ; mi. " 17 W. I'.Noselo . . ? { ' . II 10 W.H. ISIulay . ; . " ' ' ' * ; 7 11 William Kishncll . ! } . . , a n H. It. Youns. . . . u. . 1 11 ,1.11. KaMumii , . i.v..i 7 1U llonard Iliilteuliauer. . . . . . . . . . . . l 10 Forty-throe have not reached tbo contur ; mark us yet. Many are guessing who wll receive tho" "booby prize. " There uro a least u dozen who are tied for last place. Another prominent' local cyclist ha stepped out of the ranks of tha bacliolo class und joined the Benedicts. M , O Daxon , the jolly , good-natured blcyclodealei on Fifteenth street , member of iho Omahi Wheel club and ruprcsonlrllvoto tuo Loagu of American Wheelmen for Iho 'I' Wheelmen , was Joined in tbo bans of malrl many to Miss Myru P. Hatinau al th Church of the Holy Family on the moniln of Oclobcr 0. The wedding was a vor quiet affair , only a fowlricnd * of the lamll , being present. Immediately after the core many tbo wedding parly proceeded lo ib snug little homo Mr.Da'xouhad prepared fo bis bridoat 3110 Faaukliii street , and th happy counle.voro duly Installed us host an hostess. D'Tlnir ' the evening a lart'o ctow of the Tourist Wbealmen | > udalod out to pa their respects to the youui ; couple , nnd wor delightfully ontortatnod by Mrs. D.txon , who Is an accomplished musician. The wheelmen of Mr. Daxon'it acquaintance unite with Tun Bsn In wishing the happy couple n most pleasant spin along llfo's varied rend and hope thnt iholr tandem may not bo wrecked before the trip l ended , "lire's wlshln'M" nnil Answers T , Nob. , Os . S. To the Sportlns Kdl- tor ot Tun URB ! Will you pleuso inform inn through Sunday's tin : where I can purrhaso a thorough book on the doy It , 1 * . M , An * . Ours gnu store , this clly "Tho Amorlc'n Book of , the Dog , " the bos' thing extant. IlAM'itorr. Neb. , Oct. < . rothoSporttim F.d- llorof Till ) HKTU I'OIHJ | publish what Is u KooJ lo.ul for shooting ducks , r.-gnUKo l > ofuvur. mul Is the dusuy duck a frciiuontor of the Noliras'in inkcs nnd streams ? llnrlow. Ans. ( I ) Froin.'l'j ' to I drams ot FFG powder , If you am using black powder , nnd 1 's ounces of No. fi or tl shot. (2) ( ) TJio dusky duck or black mallard , as It Is generally called , is but an Infrequent visitor to local wiUcr.i , but Is especially plentiful along Iho Atlantic seaboard , OMAHA , Nob. . Oct. 4 TollieSportln ? IMltor nt Tun IUGI : To deuldu a small but ple.iso state lu Sunday's query column who led the Oniahas this vt-ar tit tlio stick ? A'so. ' what has become of .loo Kelly , why Is Im not pluv- Int : ? Did Slicltiock play the season out with AtlunlaJ-Old Time Trunk. Ans. (1) ( ) Kollv. ( J ) Kelly Is wllh the Baltlmorus , but tin i.ot boon pln.vlng lately on account of sickness. ( ! ) ) Yes. Iv'ANsvsriTV. Mo. . OoU 4 , To the Sporting Ed I tor of TUB UIKI : Would you oblige a sup- sol Ibur Uyglvliis In Sunday's HKK tliu ac" of Ilin Ilnll. tha Auotr.Ulin inulllHf docs " ! i ei" us applied to running horses Im ply V-ltobelt McU. Ans.-l ( ) llttll was born July ! J2 , 1803. (3) ( ) Sovou years or moro in ago. OMAII , ( ) i-t. a To thu Ptmrtliis IMltor ot Tin : HUB : I'lease publish the address of Hob liillcs In Pmuluv'B Hiu : and obllso ono who wishes to uoinmunlcato with him. Atlas. Ans. Cummlnsvllle. , Hamilton county , O. O.MAIH , Sepl. S ? . To Iho Sport Ing IMllor of Tliu IlKKi Toiloeldu n bet pluito answer In no\t Sunday's Hii : lu u gatnaotvhlsUypouur llvo playing , llrst two tuoii pass the widow , third man knocks fourth stands his hand or passes , dvalor stands his hand : iiiu < a the dealer turn the widow fncn un for tno bonellt of the Ihsi , tuo that passed ? A t-ubscrlbur. Ans. No. MISSOURI VAT.T.r.V. In. . Oct , 4. To the Sport ing Kdltorot , 'I'mUKI ; : : Wlllyou plousu toll mo In your next Sunday's llKKWhat was the llmo of the f uati-st mllu that was in or skated on ice Mid by whom ; ulso Joiupb Donoiihtiu s best time for ono mlle skatliu on IcoS. . L. 1'orrostor. Ans. (1) ( ) 2513.1-5 , Tim Donoghue , Jr. , stralchiaway with wind , near Nowbuvg , N. Y , Fobruarv 1 , 18ST. ( 'J ) Joseph Donoghue. tbroo Ian truck , Orange Lake N. Y. , March 8,1S'.K > , B:50 : l-.r > . llKAinici ; , Nob. , Let. n. To the Sport'n ' ? Kdltorof Tins HKK : Will you glvo mo bc t time of the horse "U llct" und riinuliiK mate , und oblige. II. I' . Springs. Ans. JiO.'iJi' . GIIANP ISI.ANII , Nob. , Oct r. , To the Snort ing Kdltor ot TIIK lieu : 1'loisn publish in your sportlne column of TIIK SI'NIIAV llui : whothor.loo ( loddnul who has a chiillciiRo Is- Hiiort toJIiii Co'bott. isawhlto man orcolcrod. A Uaador. Ans. White. As n dollcnto llavor , delicious nnd refresh ing , Cook's Extra Dry Champagne takes Iho cad. Millions of bottles sold annually. DON'T You Sec Your Stout Friends Growing Thinner Every Day. They Are Using Dr. Edison's Ohesity Tills nnil Hands. NO DIETING , NO PURGING. It Ima boon ntiiindnutlr provoil that tlio imo of Ills noii-olc-ctrlo bandi. r Ills obesity I'llls or botb. for which the uiRMits ofthls country nrotlip well-known firm of I.orlnK iV Co. , 42 K West and Street , ftew Vorlc Cltr. Is tin1 ono nfo onil Directive nay of ro dnoliiK corpulency. Th j Obealty Tills nre mmlo from tli wntcrs of the Gorman Imperial Springs , Kovorn- niunt Ownership. The bunds or pill * nro usoil scpnrntoly , nmlnmken rapid nnd hi'nltliy euro. Or. If used , they liclp each other In notion nna obtnlu bolter results Cured His Rheumatism and Obesity. Al'DITOUIl'M , HOTEI , . CblcnKO , April 21 , 1612. ( .ontli-mcn : 1'lenteacnd one : W-lncli ol > c H > bund loMm. W. Ii. Curroll , 'HI Chestnut Strci-t , I'lilln- ili'lplila , C O. 1 > . I.Ike jour otieslly bund imd pllla very much. TJicy have rcduci-d my weight olRlitven poundxln the lust Mvit week' " . The obesitypllls huvu driven nwny all rlieuniullo troulilc. WII.UAM II. IIU\F.L. j How ( o ( ! ct the IVopor Mcusiirciueiit. The bauds eosi ? , oj cncn lur uiiy irnKin i" i " -1 Inrhea. lint for ono larger than I fi IncliOHndd 111 con tr ritrn tur each nddltlunal Inch. Thim n li' , Inch iost W.dO. und llio pills ma > lie bouiiht for tl.fO u Imttlu Von ciui buy tliu plllH nnd bauds direct from our stores , or by mull or oxpreu s. DR. EDISON'S OBESITY FRUIT SALT A FRUIT LAXA-TIVB. rontnlni nil llio vnlunblo Snlliio t'oinlltuoTli or Illl'H rKTlT. IH cHericscunl , taslei sweet mid l > lu.ia nt. Ilku soda UKMINDS YOU OP CIIAMPAGNM A Oolluhtfiil hiibHllluto for Soiln , Ijeinonmlo , Hoot lleuroriiuy other luiuuicr IIOVLTIIKO , AND HELPS YOU TO GUO\V THIN. Dr. IMIson' " KrultSnll ; Utlie bct iind Mmplc'xt roiniHly JorTi'Kiiliillua the ncllon iif tlio liver Hint lin > ot bi-eu illteutuiuil. It l verj viilunblo after un > ti.M-ess In onllng r ilrluklnit. In warm woiilhur It lower tlio lompoiiitiiru of the body uml kvop ono Innroiufortablu , bo llliy condlllun In thu muuiuer IllOMtllS. 1'iiici : ONT ; DOLLAR run IJOTTLI ; . sojd ) nv ALL WlioIosMo ilruwlsU of New York Cily who carry oumood * In stock. C'liurles N. Orlttonton Co. . MuKeahOti S : Uohblns. \V. II. Scliloilolln ACa , and oilier loiiillntf houses NOTICE. Dr. r.dlaon's Kloctilu llulutuitl I'lti 'or Itlias are sold nt < nir wtoiou Kond for special nice- trlu Holt Circular Beulud. LORING & CO. , J2 E West 22uil St. , Nosv York City. 10 P Ilninllton Phiuo , Hoston , Muss. ill P East Wiwhinpton St JChicngo , III. Ill.K.O. WK3M NKKVH ANI ) IIUAI.VTHB VP WENT.o ji yrta for llyxarlv Dlulnjii , Kit ) , Nja raltlu , lluaJJCUa. Nervous 1'rotiruton ciusal or alcotioior tubnc3U. Wutofuluuu , .Mantil L our , i- ilon.Soutnostof tliDllrjIn. Oiutlntlaiaultir , mlsurr nccay.a utli , I'raat ttura UU Ava , H.urjuDii , Ian of Tower In either tot , Impoloncy , l.'jucurrtisA anj iillFuraalo Woakupssjj , Inroluntiry IAIOI , npar- uiator/boac usuJ br orer-ocorllun of t'n br-itu helf-ubu UDViMnilulKct > cu. A montli'i trjitiuol IIU mill , WoiiuirjnteasU baxoi tu our ; j'.ncli orilofor'i nuxji , wllli fi will Bill wrlttii Kuarnnteota roTunil If notoarji. Uiiir.intoa ! lituitl only by Tlioodoro. K. Lewis druizltu ulo nvoat , lautboait corner lotband Kurnain > l . , Omaha CURB Anew an ! Comuloto Treatuiouk cunilitlui o ( Buppoillorlai. Ointment la liapjulai , alia la andl > lllis a 1'otltlre Curu lur ISxtrrnjI , lutarnal bllndor Uloe'llnislloUliu ' , ( ' .Urooio , llooentor HoroJI- tarrl'llai. T l KouioJbai nuiur Ui u knowu to B Hll.ll par box. U for * } ; mm by unit. U'liriutferfroiu \ tilltorrltila Uliouj wliau u wrlltia uuar.uHJj If l I iio ltlrelyKlren wllQO ojxei urrutunJ tliorounj/lf | notcurpdaual Ump for ffja Hatnpla. ( Iunr4nta > ItluedbrKulm ACu. , DruiiiUts , tjile AsouU.coraur lilt' aua UaiuUi ittatli uss ti * . Nvk. " i BUY A CAKE OF SOAR apd thank me for calling i ' V * your attention to H" MANUFACTURED ONLY BY N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. \ -XX < MkX > V\ < Q f'HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and > I iC. . ic > purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe ami always effectual. A reliable remedy for Uiliousness. Ulotches on the Face , Uright'a Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chtonic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizzircss , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Ecxcma , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Natisea , Nettle Rash > Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of IMood to the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating arc benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Talniles is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Til * eminent Bperlallit in nervoai , chronlr , private. Lloni , klnand arinnry dhensoi. A regular Qnd flRlstered graduate In rnutlolno. na diplomas nnd ctmiflcuter aunw. liillll treating wllb thu greatest suocelk atnrrli , ipvrraHtorrhooa , lost munhooila mlnal vronkno , nlibt losses , Impnlrncy. ffphllls. trlcluro. iron- jrrluiea , KleotTHrlcocclo.ctc. No mercury uhetl. Now troHtmont forloaaoftiul IIOWIT. 1'nrtUi unublo to visit mo may bo tr ate 1 at liomu by eorrospondenco. Meilleine or tnatrumpnts Hunt by mail or express aft. curulr packed , no mark ! to Inillcnto contents or lender. Ono ucriooal Inturrlow pretecrod. Coniullntlda troo. Corre ponJcnco elrlolly prlvnto. Hank ( MjilerlM ol Llle ) Mat ira * . OCloo houniU * . m. U > U p , OB buudaji UlR. Urn. SunU itamplor roBU. CHICIIESTEK'S t < QLICH. R D CROSS THE onlCINAL AND CCNUINC. The only Suit- . Sure , n Irtl/allt / Pill fornle. Lnillra , nk PrugrtHt for CltlcJttrter i nslnk IHmon < i Hfatid In Iteil KU 1 < 7oM nirtallla with blue r.ttxiti Tc * oliuothrrLlnd r ii Mra. AUco Maple.On ( 'on. Mo. MVinlit Ilcfn lututIK ( ) ) ! ) ! > . ; Httir treatment , ICIll UY DR. SNYDER , THE SUCCESSFUL OBESITY SPECIALIST Tlirfolloirltnr | > crnan > have lakon troatmniit of Dr. riiij'ler , with IOHI ef uolKlit IIK ulMiii lie-low , flioy will tlieerfully answer all lniiilrlui | If sliitiiiu lire Inclined. WclKhtVcUht llufere. Afor I.OKS. mis. iiAnii r , f. JOIIVSHX , aclllf Junction , lena 33j His. UT Ibi. 178 Ibi Jilts. AI.ITK MAft.i : , OrtL'iin , 5Ici sy > " | ( ! i " IB' ! " S. It. lorn. Uinrii , WM . ,10" ' 'Oi" itr : > biMiuv : VAX WI.VKM : , Krunklln , 111 121 " 't. Ilidwoll. Cul .273' inn HitSAII.MI , laiis-o. rifth-Bt. Loavunnorlh , Kns i on PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. rtnBtnmni : . nn IncnnxcnlHiioo , lmrml M nrtl no t aa n.iocti. Ktrlrtly roriliclenllnl. 1'urrlrcularuua'l too- tlmonUU nil JriiB * wllh Co. In iituinpH , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. SioVlckcr'a Theatre Bldo. , Chicano. liL Baby's choolc Ib lllco a ppaou , Is it Macluno ; Rupport's bleach ? No ! but baby's inama'rt olieol : Volumes to Its praise dotU BpuaU' Call for Mine. liup | > ort'3 hook , "JIow to ba ItfaiHI- ful"N N , M , RUDDY , THE ONLY 'PRACTICAL OPTICIAN SlllSontli inth bt , , Kurnnin St ' 1'liuator , EYES TESTED TREE Glasses I'll ted to remedy all clofouH of oyu- titvul sjioiauulus ot KtiiiraittuuJ ijtrillt/ SolIiHioM KpcrtiulP ) itiii KyojliiJit , ? l and upwur.1. Occullst' ! ) ] ) re rIJtlnni | fo r glusHua illlod correctly sutuo dny in rojulvod ABTIFiaiAL nDMAHEYEBIH9ERTBl ) PSYCHO METRY ! DR. EMMA HAZEN , The I'hcnomcnul I'liyilclnn , Teacher < iud Aulliur- en , will luath | i ) chouuttry toptiAlulaniiniid utlitTjf | o cuablo llicm to dlnnnoil ill < i'a u > ami itlvo the rurutlvo nnunl without in > kliiK cui > stlons. Comn erse so nil a lock of lialr with f I UJ nu > l Imvo thin dmiicjn- ( ti-Btcd , 'fin : u iirii : ori'M'i ; , lib N , nth trectOuuUu ) , Ir John Hhclby 1'rci. DR. C GEE WO. Tboonly la illr ur.iluatil cliliiiso p'.iyilclan KlBlit yuuri1 otiiilf 'fan yoirt praotiuil oxpar' * viitxxrltliall KIIOYII illaoiiaj. Treats sucojisfullr iilloliroiuou.iajj u'lvon ii | ) liy ntlior doctor * Oill und neohliuor vrrltu fur 'tueatlon blank. Da no : llilnkyourojto huiuluu yuur'luetortilH you no , but try the Chlnime doetDr with lili now un I wondrrful ro'iiodloi , iind rucalvo njw bouetlts an I t permnnmitcurD otUnr doctor ! einnnt ulr ] , limbs. ItooK und I'lnnti-r.iitiiru's ruiuudici hit mcillclnoi. Thu trorld lili > vltnm < . Una thouifi t ti'Mlmuiiluls lu yinra' pr.iullui. No liijnrloiil di'coclluns , no niirujtluj , no puUo.i Uulluiiil treatinunt nnd perninni'iit curd KolloiTlngc.iioi ! iice3nfully ! Iraital unJ enrol , Klvi-n up by ether dortnri ! Thor. CuiiKlilln. 4IU ll'irnny stror-t , c'jroiilorliau. nmtlnmU yearn , klilnoynnd llviT tnrilil.n. Tliot. Culvert , Ulh nnd Kuril mi Mtrouti. con or it dclilllty. InllUiKtlon , lei < of nlrnanU anlrltilltr. Took modlcliiu for > uari but k'Ot no rjll'jf ' , .M. U AniluriHin , IJil Ciinlni xtrjii' , oitir.-'i nstliniii nud bronchUli of llflojii yean utiimlluz. lliu for f\\o \ the following prop ira I romodln nt II.OUU lioltlo. K | bollloj fornw , fur lli'J euro ot Asthma , Catarrh , .hln' < lluvlncho , liMllk-ujtloii Illoodl'olioiilui ; , Ithounrilliiu , fmualjVoiknoM. . Kidney und J.lvor Couiplnlnt , No iinanli. tiolj onlr by Uhlnesu Mcillcliiu Co , Capltul , * llJJ ) ) . Office , IClh and CalifoiMh Sli , Oini'u ' , Neb ON 'SALE ' , MEXICAN ROTS ONLV$10K.U1I , YOUNG MOCJKINO niui)3oiiiy$3.5O , each stllrlU'H. { , 4OQ North lOth Sc jectCivnhn. IH.tH. .J. SIMPSON lilt I Kill UK St. HtnilllH , The place to IIUJT. llorkuniiy and family Cnrrlagoi " I'liirlouor lluiliuo * IliJKiiy. Cjuullty bctl prlc low tint -Klr t tla work 1 f\f \ ) per com profit Sale uu > n n anlcd llanlwiil * \.nj | > uclalty fur tii liif uiuultufiiaiavUillul t''M.utr , AOu tt t > i Nliuv rimcLi.U U'BjrNV.O