ONEFHE OMAH SUNDAY BEE.PRBES PRRT ONE- . PRBES 1 TO 8 TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , SUNDAY MON1UNG , ' 'OCTOBER ' 9 , 1S92--S1XTEEN PAGES. NUMHEll 112 , AUSTRIAN HOMED Winners of the Great Rsos Being Potted ami Feted in Berlin , IT WAS DEATH TO THE POOR HORSES Maty of the Animals Ridden Expire from Their Hard Usage. INCREASING TROUBLE IN THE MINISTRY Differences Between Chancellor Von Oaprivi nnd Herr Miguel Widening. EMPEROR WILLIAM'S SORE EAR AGAIN It M Dm Subject of Discussion III Hi" Dnlly i'niiorn Tlio Xowly Hlpctcil Iliirgo- uiuilur of Hcrlln Conllrincil ( ) OS lp. ( CopjrliMert IMS by .Vow York Antedated Prets 1 IH-.iu.i.v , Oct. 3. The long distance mili tary riilo Is the ono topic of convolution in tills city. All classes of inhabitants nro in terested in the event , which has totally politics andoverythint ! clso. Desplto the disappointment of Germans at the Win ning of the race hy an Austrian and the bol ter general time nindo by them , they nro lavishing hospitality upon the Austmus. The latter have been feted and dined by tbo officers of ( llfferciit crock regiments. Today a serluB of great ruccs was given In their Lonor. Emperor William will return Monday evening from Weimar , whither ho has pone to attend the trolden wedding celebration of the grnnd duke of Saxo-Weimar , when ho will pivo the Auslrinns a dinner. ilo will nlso visit the stable * where the Austrlans' horses nro kept. It AVi Cruelty to Animals. Some of the horses arc Irreparably 'njurcd. ' In ono stall nt tuo stables la a beautiful tnaro with both her hind hoofs split. She Is steaming and sweating nnd is evidently In rent agony. She mndo Iho dlstanco from Flonsdorf to Birlm In eighty-two hours. Of llfty others inspected , fifteen are disabled for life. The thoroughbreds suffered the most. The condition of the nnlmals Is pill- nblo. Their sides nro sunken in , and it seems as though their spines were twisted nwry. Some Hungarian hordes , that uro scarcely Digger ttian ponies , seem to bo In wonderfully good condition. Accurate statistic ! ! of the horses that have died in Ilcrlin cannot ho obtained. Ills known , however , tunt eight of the Austrian animals died on tbo road. A 'Ministerial Crisis Threatened. Wbilo the raeo has roictiod supreme In the public mind a ministerial crisis has been quietly pnjp.u-lng. The differences between Chancellor von Cuprlvl and Herr Miguel , Prussian minister of finance , linvn been widened through the unheard-of action of the chancellor In completely ignoring the Prussian cabinet In the presentation of the now military bill. The chancellor , who has EUccecdcd in overcoming the emperor's op position to the bill , did not consult either Herr Micucl or Count von Kulenburg , presi dent of Iho Prussian council of ministers , In regard to the measure. It is predicted that the chancellor will ulssolvo the Kolohstng if the bill falls to pass. Radical papers ro Jubilant over this outlook nnd ex press the liopo that In the event of dissolution their party will make great gain : ) . The VosslschoCellung savs today tbcro Is no clmnco for the passage , and disso lution will onlv strungthon the opposition and compel Chancellor von Caprivl to resign. The paper rails upon the government to withdraw , or at least to postpone the bill. The chancellor , In the moiutimo , circulates the story that the bill us now proposed is practically the same ns the one prepared by Pnnco llisinnrclt , which had the approval of General Count von Wuldcrsoe. who was then secretary of war , and that there Is no truth in the reports that tbo omporor. the chlof of itaff , or tuo minister of war disagree us to the provisions. l.'iniirircir William's Kar. The Cologne Uazotto a few days ago pub lished a denial of the reports circulated about the trouble the emperor Is alleged to bavo had with ono of his oars , The denial Is said to have coma straight from the court , the emperor being very sensitive on the sub ject. Prince Humarck's organ now proclaims that the story is perfectly true aud that It is folly to deny it. It adds that the facts were well known to the intlmato relatives of the emperor. This statement is scarcely likely to IniToaso friendliness between the emperor mid I'rlnco Hismnrcir. Stories of the omporor's financial diffi culties nro again current. Ills fathm-and grand father allowed army subalterns a cor- tulu amount of money each month if they worn without p.-ivnto moans. ICmpcror William refuses to contluuu this practice ind no further grants will ba made , though the present recipients under tbo old system will contlnuo to draw the sums allotted to them until tliov are promoted. The number of subalterns receiving tha bounty Is very mall. They are mostly the sons of raon who died on the llold and whoso families have been for generation ! In tuo Prussian lorvlco , Thu emperor's action In this matter 1ms caused much gossip and It Is civon out ns positive ovldonco tluit ho is hard up. CoiillriiitMl Iho I.lliuritl lliircoumstur. ' The emperor's cordial message , conllrming the election of Herr X.olle , who U an ardent liberal , as burgomaster &l liorlln , Is regarded ns of great political Importance , U'hou Herr Xollu's numo was llrst mentioned for the po- Mlion it was freely predicted that the OMI. poror would never coullrm his olootloti. Dur ing the old-omporor's Ufa the relations b t\\een the burgomaster and the court were very stralnod. Kvcu at tno beginning of the prcsnnt reign things continued in thu sama htato until IMuca Bismarck's liilluonco do- cliucil thrco years no , The emperor con < tinned the election of Herr von Forckon < beck , the predecessor of Herr Hello , but It i < all ) ho remarked to Minister Herr Furtb , ivho pressed him to tbo continuation , "Don'i let ino bo asked again to coullrm the election of a liberal burgomaster. " His action in re gatd to Herr Xullo was looked forward tc with anxlctv , The massage was a pleasant lurprlso ana It Is rcgardoa as a sign that thi 11 mo of boycotting political opponents of the juveroinent is over. Want the Itrpeulcil. Three thousand retail traders of Cologne Bavo petitioned the federal council and the nnpcror to abolish tto new Sunday rest law ' /hey auuro the emperor that Sunday ret ) tends to limits employe * not more rellsioui but wore uU&iuro laoklug and dliuontontcd The petition ndds that statistics show that It Is unfavorable to tnoralltv nnd bad political economy to hamper trade and collect experi ence from the ruin of many poor trailers. The Chamber of Commerce of upper Ha vana U preparing to agitate the question , holding tha sumo views ns the Cologne peti tioners. Tno German exhibit for Iho Chicago World's fair exhibition Is so nearly com pleted that llcrr Wermuth , Iho Imncrlil commissioner , says it will bodtspitchcd next month If nocossnry. It will poruapj DO ilU patched. 'I ho event of tbo musical season was the opening of Hcokstem hall , which Is Intended for piano recitations. It was inaugurated with three Invitation concerts , given by Von Utilovv , Brahms and Hubcn&teln on Tuesday , Wednesday nnd Thursday. All the artistic nnd musical lions of Berlin xvcro present. , i\ over In tinny years worn so few Ameri cans in Itcilln as nt present. Social life In the Amorlc.m colony U about at a standstill. _ AVI I , I , I VM'S ( VII. I. SUI'HIIMK. Ocl man j ' - \Vnri lug Minister Millies Up nt llii > Kmprrnr'Mlsli. . ( CopyiliililoilNJi b > Jumps t.onUm Ilennptt 1 , Oct. " 5. ( Now York Ilorald Cable Special to TmHir. ; . ) The difference between Count von Cnprlvl nud Count von Kutonburg has bcon finally sottlcd , the emporof having requested Count von Kulon- uurg nnd ilorr Miguel to comply with the tlcslrcs of the chancellor. Both Immedi ately obeyed , and have given orders to their respective press organs to cease attacking the chancellor. This submissive abdication of authority call ) to mind the Jlneu episodes of the time of 1'rinco HUmarek. A hlrh court ofllcial has explained this strange metamorphosis to me. Tbo emperor , he says , has pledced himself too far in the matter of the nrmy bill. When Count von Caprivl presented his army bill to the federal council tno emperor sent 1.1111 u congratulatory nnd very compli mentary telegram. In It ho called the bill a patriotic act. In conversation with several noblemen ot the court bis mnjesty said : " 1 will glvo up the education bill , but 1 will nevct withdraw Iho military bill. To recede would bo suicidal. " Ills Mead Slta Kitty. Caprivl , therefore , is perfectly safe. The risks are very littlo. The emperor oven .said to him on Tuo.iclay evening at I'otsdam : " 1'lils time I shall go on to the bitter end. If necessary , wo will dissolve the Kelchstag and If the now majority should also bo bos- tllo wo will continue dissolving until the bill Is passed. " The emperor has thcroforo Identified him self with the bill , and ho will dismiss every minister who opposes it , directly or indi rectly. Such is the present situation. Chancellor Cawlvl has requested the Krc'uso nnd the National Zcllung testate state that their news about this crisis was unfounded mid they promptly obeyed. This is how history is written. The emperor will moot Prince von Ueuss nt Weimar , and the unplassnntncss caused by tlio letter respecting Prlnco Bis marck's visit to Vienna will b o removed. Next April , In accordance with the written promise of the emperor , tlio empress will go .to Homo to attend the celebration of the sil ver wedding of tbo king and queen of Italy. s IMIMNIIS. I'lcncli Politics AKillii Assuming n Turlin- lent Stiitc. [ ropjrrlutilnl lS33byJnuioi Uonlon Itennelt. ] PAUIM , OcJ. S. [ Now York Ilorald Ca'jlo Bneclnl to Tin : Ucn.l The situation In Franco Is cloudy. It is probable 'that the mmistiy may bo overthrown about the 20th Instant. Thu cause of the difllculty Is the position taken in tuo Carmaux strlko troubles , both worulngmen anil employers having equal rcuson to complain , out the minister may also bo overthrown because of the treaty of commerce. The Swiss deputies are en raged ana the protectionists reject the treaty , The political interests ot Franco demand tills treaty , but the ministry prefer to lull uponthe Carmnux question rather than upon n question of foreign policy. There U n menace just as great In tbo Panama canal scandal in which politicians , journalists and deputies nro said to bo gravely involved , The rumor of an inter view botwceu the three superiors Is abso lutely Inlsc. Thcro Is no change In Franco-Hussian politics. The expedition to Dahomey will , It seems , have accomplished its end next wee : ; . The success of Franco is beyond a doubt. The excitement caused by tbo discovery that the Germans have been sending munitions of war to Dahomey is groat. , J ICQI-ES ST. Ciiui : . I'all IIcnierM at Tomiy.icm'n Funeral. LIIMIOS , Oct. t . The duke of Argyllo , the niauiuK of Dufforin , the carl of SelbornCj liiv. Honjamln .lowott , M. A. , LL. 13 , , imistrr of Jialllol , Oxford , and the historian , Lccky , were among the pall bvarors at the funeral of Tennyson. Mr. Gladstone was invited to net in this capacity , but no wrote n reply usking to bo excused on the ground of pressure of public work , Aimtlirr IliinU mill ll lUg Dcllrlt'llry. I OMJON , Oct. 8. Tbo accounts of the London hunch ot the Bank of Australia show liabilities of i'USO.oau In excess of as sets , This detlcioncy is duo to large over drafts in the director * ' books , which It is al leged have ooon doctored by the cliuirman , who H intoroitrd In cert'iln companies which owe the bank tno largo sum of t00,000. ! Olijrcteil to Ulriiiilln * . Htm-PESTir , Oct. S. 'I he Ignorant classes still ruslst the efforts of the authorities to enforce sanitary measures for the extirpa tion of cholera. Today the snnltury ofilcora engaged in the work of disinfection were bet upon , first by women with boiling water , then by men and bays with stone * . Finally the mob was dispersed by the police. Anifi-lcaiis at Uncivil. M vniui > , Oct. SMr. . Snowdon , the ne\ > United States minister to this country ; Mr , Curtis , the American delegate to the Col urn bus exhibition in Madrid , and tno staff ol tha American legation in this city , have goiu to Huolvn to take part in tlio festivities al that phico In connection with the Columbus celebration. i\pnrt : Dvcrcuglni ? , LOVIIOV , Ocl. S. The Hoard of Trade ro- turus Issued lor September show that ! tH' ports decreased JL'.1H'X,0)0 ) ! ) nnd that export ) decreased M9U,000 during that month a ! compared with the corresponding month las year. _ pimlntcMl to Olllre. Ojt , 8 , Count do MuroiU Westerley has be n appointed minister 01 forclgi uffalrs in succession to the prlnci Caraiiico do Cbimay , who died on March y last , mil ? , < 7i i7 't 'iiTcin Jim. 1'itiaii : , Ocl. S. The govcr.iuicut has for the proposed holding of Iho Czccl in thu city. ALREADY TOO FULL Westminster Abbaj'a ' Burial Ground is Very Much Over-Tenanted. WHERE POEF TENNYSON WILL REST In the Corner Near Brownine and Under the Bust of Longfellow , . WHO WILL BE THE LAUREATE NOW No Quo but Swinburne is Elicibc ; ! , aud He May Not Succeed. GLADSTONE AND HIS PRECIOUS HEALTH Ills . \Mncil Intention ol llr.nlni ; tlin l.ou- tliin I'og-t Tcrrurln-s Ills I'llrnili , \ \ hi > Sroin to t'lircdfc th lle- Biilt ol III * Tcmrrity. it ISM bjrJamO ! Oortlon Bennett.1 LONDON , Ocl. S. [ Now York Herald Cable Special lo Tin : Hin.J : For the moment everything is thrown into the background by the death of Lord Tennyson. When the Inquiry was goiug on some months ngo into the room still lutt for interments in Westminster Abbey the space was shown mo which has long bcon reserved for the illustrious post. It Is In tlio poet's corner , lust beneath the spot where Longfellow's bust siands and next to Urownlug's eravo. Tbo puffin of n woman had to bo moved a little tle- further on to make room for Browning. She was the wife ot some unknown barrister , for in the early pariof the century everybody was hurled In Weslainstor Abbey whoso filonds could pay the necessary fees. Itvas t.-catod as : i mere parish church. That has bcon nut a stop to. but cvon now it is difficult to keep out third and fourth rate celebrities. Their friends are numerous and n tremendous pressure Is brought lo bear upon Iho deanwith whom rests the power lo give or rcfuso permission. Sometimes ho finds It by no means n pleasant duty to pro nouncu n decision. Dean Stanley gave way to out.sldo pressure moro than once , and Dean Bradley has not nhvavs been able to resist it. Tbo honors of Westminster Abbey hnvo been claimed by many a man who was clean forgotten six months nftcr hU death. ftliould Stop IliirluU Tliurc. No ono will dispute Tennyson's right to rest there aud doubtless room will bn found for Mr. Gladstone unless ho forbids it by special directions. There ought to be no more Interment within the walls. A lar/ro / part of the old abbey was built upon concrete and It is no easy matter to cut through it. There is nn old man attached to the bulldlnp who knows the whole place under ground , nnd ho described it to mo aspiled with dead with the exception ot ono particular corner , which is n bed of solid concrete never .vet touched. It would bo better to * leave it so nnd that was evidently the feeling of the royal com mission which Inquired into the whole sub ject In ISO ) . Some consideration for tbo living should now be shown. \Vlio Will AVntr tlio Crown ? Next comes the question , who is to bo maoo poet laureate ! A good many candidates nro In the field already. Alfred Austin de sires , to prove his Illness for the office by sending to the Times n yard or so of his verses on Tennyson. Ills versos were ad dressed lo iho prince of Wale ? nnd betrnn 'And you , Sir,1' which , by the way , Is far uhoad of anything Tennyson ever turned out. Austin never wrote a line of poetry in his life , nud his appointment , would bo a dis grace to loiters. Tnero is only Swinburne who could wear the laureate's wreath without , setting all the woild laughing , anil some of his early writ ings st a nil much in the way. The best thing lo bo Oono is to lot the ofllco remain unfilled at least , for n timo. Thcro Is no immediate necessity for a poet laureate aud wo bavo no Words worth or Tennyson lo succeed to it. Every body except the disappointed candidates will forgive Mr. Gladstone if he allows the coun try to run along without an official poot. Will Defy Iho | - igb. The prtmo minister has made up his mind to keep in London all winter , hut his friends are trying to change his determination. Tbo fogs ot tbo metropolis , of which wo have already had a forotastCj would try him severely , and wo would see how soon his llfo of S. would bo brought to a close. Of late years Mr. Gladstone has frequently " gone nt.road , and it would"tfot bo prudent to ab.uulon this precaution , simply because ho is the heud of the ministry. His colleagues are anxious that ho should not incur any ad ditional risk for , in the present slaty of af fairs , the ministry could not hold out n month in thu next session without Mr. Gladstone. Ho will certainly oomo to London to got his home rule bill drafted and consfdnrod by the cabinet and let bcallh louli after itself. A MnMiicit or PAICI.UMKVI- . J'ISIUIXT | ( : c'AiiMT ' AT 1,11,1,1 : . Socialists "lluilo n , Demiiml I'piin Mini An i\cltini : ; Incident , P.'itiS Oct. S. PreUdout Carnet arrived at Lille this afternoon for the purpose of at tending the fetes to bo hold on the occa sion ot tno IDOtU anniversary of the defeat at that place of the AusVrlans who , after a tcrrlflo bombardment of the town , were obliged to raise the sioeo. When the presi dent roacaod iho square , wliorn a platform bud boon ereutod for tbo u o of speakers who were to deliver patrioticnddresscs , loud cries were uttered uy parsons in the assemblage demanding ninncily for tbo socialist Online , who had been condemned for the share ho had taken In the Fourimes dynamlto explosions. These shouts were mingled wllh cheers and'tho Incident for n time caused something of n commotion. l.hcly Times l.ookril lor In Jamaica. KixosTu.v , Jamaica , Oct , 1 , Advices received - ceived Irom Hnytl tire to ( the effect that trouble is again immiiieuj , ' n that island. All the principal cities and' towns , with the exception of Jacmel , havo.turned liberal. Uvcn members of the cabinet hnvo boon conspiring ugamst' Hypoirte , nu"d Haytleq consuls at different ports are suspected of supplying Information to tbo rrfugcoi. Two envoi officers have boon arrested for com municating with Manlgot and utlemptin g to corrupt the national ffa Another Dump Vlctlm- Cruelty , VIENNA , Ocl. S. The tb rougtibred Irish tnaro Loppupringe , , whlcU'won glory for Lieutenant IVmtzoQSlOm , "oW of tbo Gorman contestants lu iho icccatloug distance race , by making tbo fastest time between Berlin aud this cty , dlod today from the effects of the strain caused by the terrible ride , Lopp- springo trjivcrieft 'tlio distance between the two cities' in sovcnty-Uirca hours and six minute * . . _ \rillmm nt VVolmnr. WEIMJUI , Oct. 8.--Kmpcror Wllllnm has nrrlvod here , lie was met nt the railroad station \ > j the dulto of Baxc-Wolmnr , the prlbcnss of 'Saxd-W clmar , the king of Sax ony , Arcluluku Koinnra ot Austria nnd the grand dukk Vlntllmoro of Russia. LONDON , Oct. S. Tno News' Uelgrado cor respondent slntos that the residence nt Alox- nndrovnzt of Ivcstcb , the Servian llborul , was shattoreil by n dynnmtto explosion while n political cathcrlng was being hold In tha town , _ xTii.t. ii'ini3riv iv CliolrrnOlnllns Mntiy Victims In Cities At Oiinrantliir. HAMIIL-HO , Dot. S. The oniclal cholera sta tistics for yesterday place the mini nor of cases here at twclvo against fourteen on Thursday. Ttio deaths numbered tuo , n decrease - crease ot two compared with Thursday. In Altonn ycstordny three now casoa nnd three dcallu were reported. LONDON' , Ost. 8. The Uurlln correspon dent of the Times has nrosonted the case of another pauper taken to Moablt hoipltnl suffering with cholera and says so little anxiety prevails in Uorlln regarding the cholera otllooK Hint the medical inspection ostabllshed n few weeks ago nt terminals has boon abolished. QuAitAMisu , S. I. , Oct. 8. The stoeraEO passengers or the steamer Houomln , who were detained at Hoffman Island for obser vation. were nllowed to land at 1 p. tu. today. Ono hundred and'forty-slx Immigrants from the steamer Polarla , who had boon held lu quarantine , were transferred to Ellis Island todnv. ftn-PESTit , Oct. 8. During the past Avolvo hours fourteen ficsh cases of cholera ml three deaths from the disease have boon oportcd horo. Much distress U occasioned inonp tha suffering people on account of ICKIICSS. The physicians nre unable to at- end to alt tbo demands on their sorvlccs , ud ns a consequence some of the persons .ttacked by the plague nro at times forced to go without medical attontlon for n consider able pciiod. liuui.i.v , Oct. S. Pour more inmates of the house of correction here have boon attacked ivith cholera andVrcmovcd to the hospital. A. mar. was found } dead In the Thiorgarton today , nnd it is supposed that his death was duo loan altncl .iracuto cholera. Professor Guttraan , the head of the ohol- ra hospital , is afraid of a fresh outbreak. MUSZIMK : , ct. S. Several suspicious cases of sickness have occurred hero during ( 'he. . lust few davs. It is believed cholera has gained a foothold in this city , though the exact nature of 'Uicf disease prevailing here irxsjiot been ddfinltoly ascortainod. A MsrEni > i i. Q3tS. Cholera continues to prevail in Holland , but the discaso Is not makiuganv scrfous'advances , the statoocnts showing that tuo , number of persons at tacked and the mortality nro still comparatively ' " tively low. Myix'jfrp3h"pases and four deaths were the total returns received by tbo boalih oflicors toduy. AIIII , Oct. Sir In this citv and suburbs yesterday twqnty fro b cases of choloVa were reported to thu authorities. During the same time sov.on persons dlod from the dlsoase. AMiixoTONy I ) . CJ. , Oct. S. The acting secretary ofstate received a cable message from Kio Janeiro to thu effect tnat quaran- tioo has been1 re-established against the United States on account of tbo reported reappearance - appearance of cholera in Now York. M.l'a CUXHIIWv. ( JovcmorSciiy : SIilcs IlU Anntuil Itcport A Couil allowing : . WASHINGTON , D. C. , Ocft. S. The annual report of Governor Seay of Oklahoma has boon icceived. Us population is shown to have Increased from (13,141 ( in 1S90 to 133,100 in ISOi. These figures do not L.cUido In dians who still maintain their domain. The real vuluo of the property of the terri tory Is placet ! atf $17,130,00(5. ( The real nnd personal property of the territory Is es timated at $10,000,000. The school popula tion N Rivon at'iIOU' : ' , an increase of 10,553 for the year. There is a growing feeling of distrust , the governor says , jimon ; the people of Okla homa , as to whether the policy of allotting the Indians the choicest lands of the terri tory and making , them inalionaolo nnd non- laxablo for twenty-live years , Is fair and Just , nnd whether , under tha , policy , the fu ture prosperity of the territory will not bo seriously retarded. vVith a fair prospect of an early decisionby the supreme court giv ing "Greor county" to Oklahoma , the gov ernor says the territory will bo entitled to statehood antl ' 1U soon ask congress for ad mission inlo the union. iiuntii > in\ K.Irut : WKEUK , One of tlio Itio ( iriinilu'g freight TniliiH ( Iocs Jnto thn Oltcliiitli 1'utnl Ki-stilt. DBNVIIII , Colo. , Oct , S. At midnight the Santa Vo had lost n freight train on their division between Denver andPueblo. . The Denver it Ulo Grande that runs parallel with the latter road reported llndingtho lost train In the ditch fifteen miles this sldo of Pueblo , making a bad wreck. Under the onglno lay the englncor.und fireman , names not at pres ent known , alia head Uraueman MoUno , All three were dead. A wrook train has started for the scone. II.YJro pin : jounrii < " " " " " " 11 * borcentit IIilKlieji of ( i Troop U'lnn tlio ' llonorii ut ili'o , l-'ort hlieriilnii hliout Cinouio. Ill' Oct. 3. .Sergeant Hughes , troop G , L'oort qavulry , took first cavalry honors easily , leading in the competition lha't eudodwith , today's shootin'g at Fort Sher idan. Vi t The contest forjjecond placa was morn ox- citing. There \ycjo \ three favorlfos for the honor , Serceajits Henry , Second cavalry ; Price , Nlrith c falry , and Hohr , Firat ca'v- airy , whoso soqf < > > were respectively , -100 and -105. Sergeant Kohr won the coveted prl/c. rrute tnut OfiUcupnl Contention , lUi.TiMOu's , % ! ) ] . , Oct , S. At the mooting of the Protestant Kpiucopal convention to day , Hov , Dr. Alton of the commltu-o on new dlocoscs reported favorably tbo resolution for the erection of n nan' dioccso within the dio- ccso of Virginia , It was unanimously passed , Dr. llart of tno committee on standard prayer book favorably reported the resolu tion offered omo days ago for a uniform system of printing tie cautlclo , gloria patria and the whole book of Psalmi. Tbo resolu tion _ \vu adopted with the amcndtnodt that flvo Buiifible ; persons ba uppolntcd to paduct the work anil they report at the next Qeaeral convention. . Wet Wr.Uher lu Sill I'runclkco. SAN PiiVNcitoo , Cal , Oct .8. It com menced raining bard here oirly this dvonlng and the Indications are tUatjt will continue all iitght. Heports from various parts of northern California sluto that rain is falling , Thu li taa tint general storm of the season , TRIUMPH OF CRESPO Venezuela's ' Latest Revolution is Success ful Now in Every Important Detail , LAST OF PALACIO'S CITIES CONQUERED La Guriyra Falls Easily Into the Hands of tbo Revolutionary Army. CITIZENS SAVED FROM BEING PILLAGED Admiral Walker Ltnda a Force of Ameri can Sailors to Protect Property. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS FLY IN TERROR VlllrKts I'lilhlo anil Ills l.ituslsttnts VnnUli Irom Sight ( Niiiiplctrly , mill Arc Said to llu\i I.rll tlio Country lor I'ltropt- . 1892 by Jnmcs ( Ionian tlcuneU.l Lit CiUAVKi , Venezuela , Ocl. 8.--illy Mex ican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to Tins BBU.I LaGuayra Is In the hands o ! thoCrcsplsts. Goncrul Crcspo has triumphed nil along the lino. The war Is over. Mem bers of the government have cither loft the country oruro trying to got out ns fast as they can. * After cabling.vou tbo news from Curacoa of the crushing defeat of the govern ment forces nt Sun Pedro 1 hur ried to this city , I found the Crespists in possession nud the greater pint of the inhabitants very glad that they wero. Bcforo Crespo's detachment got hero La Guayrn wa Illled with rimers. The news of the dufont of the government forces created something of u panic that hadn't got fairly under way before the town boprun to 1111 up with refugees nnd stragglers fiotn the nrmy of the Pulido , that had met Its Waterloo , nnd ml hermits ot the government who had lied from Ciracns so os to bo out of the way when Crespo's man got there. There was a lot of in con diary material gathered In the town. Admiral \Vallier'H 1'roiiipt Action. Pillagonnd plunder soon bicamo general. Many houses were looled , and there wns much wanton deatrup.tlon of property , How far things micht have gone it is im possible to say it Admiral Walker , uetinp v'ltk admirable energy and decision , bnd not landed n force of sailors and marines to lold Ihe mob in chock nnd preserve order , i'ho sailors were warmly welcomed by all , vho were not themselves seeking plunder. There is no doubt that much propoity , and icrhaps many lives were preserved by the audlng of the men from the cruisers Chicago and Kcarsagc. Fugitives from Caracas tell mo that the roads between hero nnd the capital nro nl- * most ira'jasBa\JIo. Tnoy nro Illled with people plo who are fleeing , they know not where , and are seeking , many of them , to take their portable property with tliem. Stragglers and camp followers nro hurrying and scum- ing to got to the seaside , thus adding lo Iho general confusion. Iluve Completely Vanished , It Is rumored that Pulido nnd the members of his cabinet embarked from here nnd got safely on board some of the vessels Hint wil ; carry them all beyond Crespo's reach. It i probable that they have dona so , but 1 haven't been able to find anything of them The advent of the Cresnists was ballot with delight. They met with no icsislance , Thcro was no organized force to oppose them , The remnaut of the jjoverniuont army that had reached hero was without officers to command It. The officers descried amid Iho confusion. One fact stands out as clear as the noonday sun. The revolution has triumphed. CKIIfsTO HAS CAItACA * . Ills Victorious Troops .March In and Tnliu I'nHRCRfclou of tlin ( 'upltnl. [ CoiiyrlgMcil 153J by Jamas ( iunlon llunnett 1 CAHACAS Vone/.ucla , Oct. S , [ UyMexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to THK BISE.J Caracas has fallen. The triumph of General Crespo over the government forces is'complete. The revolution Is thus victorious. * After defeating thearmy of thogovernnient at San Pedro General Crcspo began his march upon the capitol , and 11,000 ot his Iroops commanded by Generals Guerra , Kndigurg and Fernandoenlerod the city last night- General Crcspo with Iho balance of his .army is atCalviera , n short distance from the city. Ilo will enter the capitol tomorrow. Hud iho ad vance guard of General Crespo's nrmy bcon angels of neaco Instead of mes sengers of war inelr advent would not bavo been moro welcome to iho people of Caracas. After the crushing defeat at San 1'cdro the govcrnmentjiercolved that It had played its last card , and Acting President Pulido and bis cabinet lied boforc tbu advancing hosts. J'unlc In iho Oily. The news caused nn instantaneous panic throughout the city , which grow In intensity , end ns stragglers and refugees from the defeated nrmy came pouring into the city tolling the ten-Hied inhabitants - ants that General Crespo nnd his army were nt their heels confusion and disorder relgnod and hundreds of persons JoitioU the army of fugitives which had started for La Guayra when the llrst news of the disaster to the government forces was received. Then all semblance ofordcr was at an end. People who bad boon too cowardly to tight either for or against tlio government , aud many of IMlldo's solaiers , took advantage of the situation to bogln rioting and pillaging. Scores of houses were sucked. These who bad the inanhood'to prolost against such outrages were menaced with instant ( loath. Many were cruelly clubbed nnd beaten for doling to protect their property , The rioters were no respecters of persons. When the Spanish minister ventured to ic- moastrato with n gang of plunderers ho was grossly Ir.sultcd , Acting President Villegas Pulido and the members of his cabinet toolc advantage of the confusion to blip out of the city. It is ru mored they embarked on some ship in tbo harbor of La Guayra perhaps ono of the government vessels. It ls Impossible , how ever , to trace their icovcmei'ts at present. That they sought safety in Hichl is curtain , btolo i\crjtlilni : ; roi-liihlc , During the three hours that elapsed be tween tbo it-nomltiloiu flight ol the cabinet and the advent of General Crcspo's advance guard tbo looters simply hold possession of ' .Uo town. There wns nothing to restrain thorn and they plundered right and left , tolling whatever portable property they could lay their bands on , The inhabitants , who nt flrjt dreaded tbo advance of General Crospo's soldiers , THE BEE BULLETIN. Wtalhtr far OmnhanwJ rtflntlii I , ( lorninnV Political Turmoil. WrslmliiMrr AhlirjCroud i < < ) ultli Demi Cri-spo rinnll.V Itules Vrnr/iirlii. I'liT litiroft Oninliu Itonsr * . Si Sm.ttnr IncitlU nn Ilio Stump , Hrlormrr KCMII'A CongrrksloiKil lircord , ' pccil Itlni ; mid Sport Ing ( ! olp. . Itiillroiul .Menircc. . ! ! , ( "roii'-iin unit Vim \Vjckut Ko.irney. .Mclvcl liini'n lliii Cliiinect I'drhiicecii" . \\liltclie.Xl anil Keinln , l > i < li.itc. I , IMItiiilul mill Coiiiinrnt. llentll't WilsliliiKtini Letter. < " > . ( JeiiPi-iil rolltlril Nn s , II. CiMllicIt IlltllVi l.ocul Ne\\ . lleiulllli : Detlsneil loroinpn Onl ) . 7. lli'lniloilVTilUps tlin Stiinil , Speelnl ItcMimc ol Spm tlllii i\rnl : , 8. Dli-trlrl Court .Notes. Soiitli Omiilin Now . 10 , Nrlii--inldi Miiniiliietiircr ' iviiMltlon : | , Srrrct * tnp | < l > N < ns Nulix. 'riioiiipioii-llointon MIIK K\lpriiilnator , 11 , Oniilm'h : Trniln Ilex lev ; oil. ( Ir.iln , l'i-o\lsloits mid l.lxc MOCK , All A'ldrps ! ! to Nelini- llVoiupii. : . IU , l.iistVcck III Sochll C'lrelct. 13. ( Mrpnnlrr'H VUlt lo Moicon. Itoyul Ken mid Its ( Im-dpiis. .Ifi Miniliiy Sporllug began to hope and praj' for their speedy nr- tivnl as the only passible means of obtaining protection for themselves and property against the brutal violence and greed of the mob. Their expectations were not mis placed. The followers of Crespo ns soon ns tuny reached the city at once devoted th'olr efforts to restoring Order and soon succeeded in repressing - pressing ; all open demonstration of violence , but of necessity it must take some lima be fore the utiforlunnlo city can bo again re stored to n condition of tranqullity. As Crospo's men marched Into the city they were greeted with the applause of hundreds of their sympathizers , who have boon long shutuplln the cnpitiil. U wns n good account , too , that Crospo's troops gnva to the inhauit- unls of the city by the business-like way in which they oispcisod tbo rioters wherever they cncounlorod thorn , and put nn end lo Incir nefarious work. Ill } HA.t .MUCH1.1' . } Hltltlti > . i\pcilpncu ol \Veilthy : Xe\v Vull ; "Mull with Wedded IHUs. New Yoitic , Oct. S. Soph S. Ayers bean marrying in a quiet way in 1SSS. His lather , Abraham Avers , owns n largo iron foundry on West Forty-fifth street. For n Ions time Soph thought moro of his line clothes than of any giri ho know. Hut presently ho met , ono n-hoso smiles charnnu him so that ho forgot his clothca long enough lo marry lwr. They were happy for two or Ihrco ycaw , then Mr. Soph became haughty , cold and Indifloront toward his spouse. He cultivated the acquaintance of a lady whoso husband had treated her wtlh equal hauteur , coldness nnd indifference. IM Scph hoard of their friendship nud ob- alned a divorce. The husband of Mr. Soph's uow fiiend nftcnvards dlod and Sspu inar- 'ied her. They lived happily until wllo No. U began to suspect that her husband was lav- shing some of Ills affections on another woman. Trouble then began and llnally the pair agreed to separate , Soph giving his wife $ T > 0 a week. This was in lisSS. Mrs. Scph No. 2 heard rumors from time to time lhathor wan dering htjsband litul become infatuated will ] a poison of ttio iinmo of Nellie Smith. Hut when Soph wandered back to the fold nfler ono year's separation , Mrs. Soph No. 2 relented. He remained homo only n few months. The despoiled Mrs. Soph No. 'J led a peaceful llfo until September 11. Tnun she road this notice in a morning paper : DH'.ll Ayer-i. on Tne-'l iv. September 111. U , Nellie 11. , beloved wife of S. K. Ay UN , need 'J * years. This was an cyo opener. Mrs. Soph in structed her lawyer lo boirln action for di vorce at once. This will bo done. Abraham Ayers read the death notice , dried his son Sophs tears nnd give him n check for S103 to pay for Ibo funeral. "I wont to Iho funeral. " said Abraham to n friend the next dnv. ' 'I felt like sobbing until I looked Into tbo coflln nnd then by Gcorgo , it Ibo face of a woman 1 hail never soon. " "What's this Scph ! " I said lo my son. "What'h Ihis , No. 2 or ! ) . "That's No. ! I , father" said Soph behind hU handkerchief. "And now all I'm afraid of Is that Sonh will run off and bring In No. 4 before wo got No. 3 settled nnd done for. " Nebraska' * AdtprtUlni ; Train i\lillilllni : ; lo TlioiKiinil * Dally. MII.XX , Mich. , Oct. S. [ bpecial Telegram to Tun HCK.I | A cold wave , accompanied by a drizzling steady rain , slrucu Nebraska on Wheels No. 2 this morning , nt Adrain , Mich. Notwithstanding that iho train was ono imlo from town hundreds visited Iho ex hibits. The sumo condition of nfTiurs existed at Milan. Farmers and their wives , however , braved the elements and declared that it paid for all their exertions. Tonight .closes the second week of iho Irain , having exhibited to no less thmi froni7i,00J ) ( lo 80,030 pcoplo In Illinois , Indiana , Ohio and Mlcnl- Ban. MovrmiuiM ol Ocean SIcainri-K. At London Sighted Hoslonin , from .Bos ton : Westornland , iromNnw York. At Hamburg--Arrived U'lolarid , from Now York. At New York Arrived Fuorst Bismarck , from Southamplon ; City of Homo , from Glasgow. London French line steamer La Ton- rnlno , from Now York , October 1 , arrived at Cherbourg at 10 p. in , October S. Kio nc JANRIUO , Oct. 8. The United States and lirazil Steamship company's steamer Marln , from Santos , milled from Kio do Janeiro for Now York October S. Attempted to \ \ reck u Train , MATS IANDINO , N. J. , Oct. S , An attempt was made to wreck a train last night near WInslow , on the Willlninstown brunch of the Keading railroad. Several rails were laid across the track and spiked to ( ho tics. The obstruction wns discovered by persons who happened tn bo passing aud they were removed before the train , which was almost duo , came along. This U Iho third attempt to wrook trains on the toad within a few xvcoks. Tlio C'limilamU : il ( iri-i'nnlrli. GitKESwfcn Vii.i.tai ! , Conn. , Oct. 8. Graver Cleveland , Mrs. Cleveland and Ruby Kuth urrlvod in Greenwich on Douodlot's yacht the Oaclda this afternoon from Huz- znrd's Hoy. They will bo the gucslt , of Mr , Benedict over Sunday. Mrs. Cleveland will remain bore for a week or moro. Mr , Cleve land Is coming here for rest whenever bo can got away from the now pressing duties of hU campaign , 'Ilin Drain ( toll , Om'MWA , la. , Oct. 8. JudgoK. S Samp- sou , ox-congressman from the Sixth district , died today. Ho had been ill a long time , from complications rosuUlnc from Ibo crip , DRIVEN FROM HOME Dr. Rnlph , B. II , Rjbi.iscn . niul W , J. Mouut Evicted bj Fire , BARELY tlME TO GET OUT OF BED rnmilios Who to Hustle ta Escapa Burning to Denth. IT STARTED IN A SMALL SHED Flames Spread with Etaitling Rnpidilj from House to Ilcmsa. FIREMEN WERE ALL BUT POWERLESS reciting on Well Soasiinril Tlmlicr nn'4 Other CoiuliustlliliM tlio ltli : o l.lckril l' | > i\prytliliiB In Us I'nth htllllMllUllt Oi Illp lOSM > t. Ofllcor llynn , walking the upper rnrnnta street beat at 2 o'clock this morning , discow ered n bln/o over toward the north , nnd turned in nn alarm from bo5V . j The fire was in a shod by the sliio of Dr. Kalph's residence , 11T orth Twonty-slxth nvcinio. Before the fire department nrrlve j the llamos had spread to the roof ot the hous * and the doctor's family at once commenced' ' to move Its effects onto the sldownlk , In n moment the whole shed ami story of iho house were abla/o , sending a crrnt llamo of rod lik-lit up into ihe sky. On account of the dlstanco nnd Iho hills lo climb thu firemen were dot laycd n moment or two , nud while the lines of hoao were being laid in the Ilames spread nnd Jumped to the barn of William Fleming ; directly in the war of iho Knlpli stnblo , ho mass of hay In ihis bard : nucht llko Under and burned' ' s rapidly. Four horses and several wngou ' were In Iho barn , but the llrcmon rushed i urouph the smouo nnd cut the animals loose1 } ! .bus saving their lives. The building Wtt burned to the ground , and Including the hay nud train , will entail , i loss of about $1,200. Fire reporter Heard made a run to Mr , " 'ioniing's ' residence , VOS North Uightoonth ' itreot and brousht him to the scene of tuft : onllngr.-.tion in time for him to take chare * of his horses. From the Homing slnblo , lh [ lames jumped lo the line frami' rosldenco of H. II. llobinson , 'J543' npltol nveuuo and with the rapidity ot' Ighinlng onvolopad the whole upper storjr of the building. < this time Thief Suitor had sent in nri order for moro hojo rompanios nn4 poured tons of water onto the burning roofs of the houses ana : ho bare remains of the two barns. licford the llamos in Robinson's house could ba nhecked they sprang to the roof of W. Jt Mount's house , 2r > ll Capitol avenue , nnd in the twinkling of an eye almost ihis housa wns allamo. Willing hands did overylhing possible to save the furniture on the lower llooii1 and a gioat deal of " "property from th $ Ihreo houses wns carried into Ihe sireet. Dr. Ralph had some insurance on th oonlenls of his houso. as did Hobinson nnd Mouut. All of the three dwelllng4 and the two barns will bo a total Josu. Olio of Dr. Hnlph's horsc.svas burned Iri the barn. The total lois will bo upwards of ? 10,000. _ _ it.itnin. - .Mnl < t'lunccrsshil Attcinnti t * iiow Op.ii u mile. WATHKIOO. Nob. , Oot. S ( Special Telegram gram to Tin ; IlpiAbout : ] 4 o'clock this morning this qulot little town was vlsitod by burglars. They went to .fohn Anthon' * blacksmith shop , forced the door auA got all iho lools they ncoaod. They then wont to the postofflc * where they knocked iho Unob of tu snfo off and tried to force the door with dynamite , but not succeeding they adjourned to L. W. Donton's grocery store for refreih- tncnls , but tinning no cash In the drawer they decamped with a few small articles. Sovort.1 of our villagers hoard the explosion. in the postofilco , but as U U n common occur * rcnce to hear a gun discharged at that tlmft of day thought nothing ot it. 1'ji til I Accident at Inliniil." . Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special T ! a. gram to Tin ; HirAugust : ] Ilopnor. 4 farmer living south of Inland , wont to that place ycstordny for n load of stono. Toward evening the team rolurnod with the stone , out without the driver. . A soorcli wns In stituted by the family nud Mr , Ilopnorva * foui.d in a ditch by me roadside witla. several ribs broKen and scarcely nlivo. 11 $ . waj taken to his homo , wii'rj ho dlod about 11 o'clock. It is snppoieJ ho foil from thft wngon , _ Itcrovurln ? lioin ilu , I'lre. CI.\T CK.NTKH , Nob. OJt. 8. fSnaolnl to. Tin ; liii.l : l.oeal moruhanU arc netting straightened around slnea the flra ntid all of them have found places In which : o continue business , Other murchants and buslnes * * icon have boon verv kind in dividing their room nnd helping iho unfortunate one ) . Mosl of tboio who lost buildings nro making preparations to rebuild with brick or Iron , stf that although Individuals have sufferog heavy loss , It will result In grout good to tb | ( town in scourlug moro substantial building * * llcatrlrn hlinaf lill uy War. Bnvnticis , Nob. , Qct. 8. IBpocml Toll * gram to Tins IJBK.l The street railway w * has cotro to nu armistice. Late last night the Itwitrico Hapltl Transit and I'owcr com.- pany was oujolnod from proceeding with further work on the North Sixth street Hoc on tbo complaint of Mrs. A. G. Johnston , The temporary Injunction was granted by Judge ilabcock. The cases ngalnst L , 1'J , Spencer , Paul Horbach and N , M , Drum * back , all rapid transit ofllcials , set for trl .l today , were continued until Monday , Wreck on tlio raiiliiiiidlr , DTfof , O , , Oct. 8. A I'nnhandlo pnnen * gor train last night run at full speed into fr leht uear Harulno station. Doth engine * and a number of cats wore wrecked. EtX glnccr Joseph .Mchols of the jiassongcr tralft. was killed aud another iralnumu Lurt , !