- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * WEDNESDAY , OC7UOBER , 1302. If TRYING TO PATCH UP A PLAN- Important 'Meeting of Htpresenttitivoa of Western Heads , CUT-THROAT COMPETITION MUST CEASE All tlio Honili Anxious to sro It lnil-A Merry rmncnsor Unto \Vnr mi In tlio ia : t M lelc < l the Alt Oct. 4.-Tho committee of CHICAOO , III. , - appointed by managers nnd vlt-o-prosidcnts the Western Freight association lo formu late a now agreement , or nugROst utnond- jncnts to the ono already 1 existence , ' cilice. met today at Chairman MldKloy's full representation of There was n ho Missouri river roads. At the mnrnlnR rcssloti arosoluuon was unanimously adopted provldlng for the organization ol n tonnage pool to cover all compotlllvo Ironic In t o territory of the Western Freight and 'Irans- niissourl nssoslations. This action , of COUMO , Is In the nature of n recommendation lo bo passed upon bv a general mooting to bo hold later. Should nil the lines Interested subscribe to the nRreomoi.t and Iwo up to . . J0 } * will bo nn end of cut-throat competition in rates will have bee ho and the problem solved. This afternoon the committee ins been discussing thi- conditions of ' \ \ o no posed agreement. It Is proposed to make It binding for a period of llvo years at .low . ; . nnd to appoint nn advisory rtf"hl , { authority to order diversions of fiolght whenever such ft course may appear noces- ol toniiago. arv to prcTcrvo the equalization The ccinmilleo will bo Iu session ogam lo- rates between Ohlcaaoami Bouihorn points continue to grow be.iutl- July less. The Illinois Central "asm last Loon drawn mio the n hl. U , rate to i No w Orleans hereafter will be f-'O Ilisf , to Moi - phis , fl'J.nS. The Monon also Bppllo jt the fuithur and announced u knife n nlu today rruuetlonofr,0 In tlio round trip rate ! be- twcon Chicago and Cincinnati and Chicago , Uurllnpton & Missouri nna the Hock Island all lilod notices of wit ilrawnl from tbo I'ranscontlnenta nssocla- lion , to take effect January 1. 'ibis loaves only the Denver & Hlo Grande to share with ttio'Southorn Puclltc the honor of remaining with tno sinking ship. These notices of withdrawal seem to bo a usnless formality , but it is possible that the withdrawing roads anv tochni- nro guarding themselves against ciil point that may bo raised to hold thorn to- eponslblo for association expenses afier Iho ninety days have expired. War on the privntu cars seems to bo tno order of Iho aay. Slnco the Chicago fc Grand Trunk reduced. the mileage ol the refrigerator cars of tha dressed beef shippers the question of taking similar action with regard to patent stock cars is being agitated bv the managers of ceuaiu vestprn roads. The Chicago Great Western has given notice that it will no longer handle the cms of the Street Stable Car company under contract , nnd when compelled to bundle tliem to accommodate shipper * will not allow moio than a Imlf-nent per mlle per car. Other roads are likely to lake similar action. \vii.i , in : in : 1 1 , T. Koliraiki Ccntr.il MIIH.IRPIM S.iy Tint Their rrnjcvt N Mire to succeed. Mr. J. II. Uumont , the prlmo mover and president of llio Nebraska Coutral rillway , when asked as to the status of the company- Bald : "Wo are not ongugod in a game of bluff as our friends of the Interstate Bndgo company seemingly aro. Wo are actively comolutlng Iho necessary surveys and the preliminary work , and until this is done have little to say as to the Nobr.is.ka Central i enterprise. I'VYo have until next May be fore a bnadoful of earth need bo turned nnd long'hoforo that tlmo you may expect to Icnow lliat Iho Nebraska Central Is an as urcd fact. "Individually , I believe Ibis talk of a new ' brldneat East'Omuha is simply a game of obstruction devised to Injure our enterprise , but more lliau over I am hopeful Ihnt the Nebraska Control will be an accom plished fact. Wo will bo in a position to talk moro definitely in the near future , but until wo do have something dotinito wo are not going to In dulge in fakes , bo assured of that. " , ( icnur.tl 'MiiiniKer Niish Talks , Mr. F. A. Nush returned yesterday morning from St. Louis , whiinor he had cone in iho interest of the Nebraska Central. Speaking of that enterprise ho said : "If I ever liad a doubt about the building of the Ne- brusku Cenlral it has been entirely ulstlpatcd by the events of Iho last week. Of course wo are going to build thu road. Wo organised the compui.y for thaPpurpose. All this tallc of a new steel biidgo at East Omata is ' simply btartod to discredit our proposition in money uirclns. but instead of having the ef fect desired It will have quite the contrary effect , for the people who are to bointciostod will sec how visionary their scheme Is , and bow eminently practical the Nebraska Cen tral scheme Is. Without wishing to occupy public attention , you may umply say that the Nebraska Central will bo built , " ! Mr. I'rluco Give * Ills Opinion. Councilman Sol Pnnco , chairman of the committee on viaducts nnd railways and also llio chairman of iho special committee appointed to confer with the railway and depot olUclals for the purpose of making an amicable sottlnmont of the union depot difll- cullies , when seen said , : "Yes , I have read the report In THE UIE : of Iho arrangement between President Clark and City Attorney Council , which secures for the city iho curly construction of the unloi. depot. "I am glad tuut such on agreement has been reached , because I ISavo worked hard nnd earnestly on this matter , fully under standing the detriment which Is caused by iho miserable shed which now does dutv ns u union depot Nevertheless , I am po-ii- ttvo that ihcru must bo u great mlsumlor- standing of the terms as arranged butvtcon President Clari ( and Attorney Council , ' "In iho nrllclo In Tin : Bui : lisnvs lhat ' .ho Union Pacltlo is to deed to me city the lauds hold In trust by Alvln Saundcrs , Whou 1 happened lo moot Mr. Claik last night and enowcd him tno aitk'lo In Tin : HKI : ho said tin * his undcmaudinu' was right the other way ; that the clly was ta deed to tbo Union Pacific ino lots held in Irusl by Alvln Saunders , which is much moru reasonable , 03 purt of thin property is cornered by the west end of thu bridge , ami the tnoU of the i balance lies between it und ihu proposed depot , "This In fact has boon .tho only matter of contention , us our citizens have insisted that only that portion which is actually covered by the doput building should bo quit claimed bv the city , and iho baluncu held us a pro lent. "Ueiardlng the blocks II to Q inclusive end the irianglo Known as the Wind- spear pur it , that I look upon us a separate matter winch tdocs notcomolnto the depot agroomotil for the reason Unit In re turn for ulvingupiha property to the city thu rullioad company will ask cor U In con , cessions from the city , iu the wav of giving it the right of way throuih txniain streets In order tliut. it may toncli valuable properly belonging to U , which ni prcsant It has DO CCORS to. _ Agulnut thu Alton , Louis lo. Oct. 4. ST , , , Judge Dillon gave n decision loday in the suit of the Wiggins Fc'.ry company against the Chlcuiio , t Alton Hallroad company for broach of contract for llio diverting by the Chicago & Alton road of It * iralUo to the Kads briclso. The court renders a verdict in favor of the WlL-gins ' Ferry company , giving a judgment uculnst the Chicago ft Alton road for jy7Siij'J.40. ! ' This' Iltltatlou has boon pending for several years. llio Uruudu . DBN > 'EH , Cole , , Oct. 4. The total earnings of the Denver & Rio Grunao railroad for ihe month of September wore I8IU.TOO. an In- creusu bf JS.IVM ) . The total earnings since f TrBiinmlMiHirl Frclclit Aiioclntlmi , KA.NstsCiTT ! Mo. , ( Jot. . The regular jnoulhly ineeUnjf ol the TrauimUsouri Freight association becnn horothls rcornlnir. No business of Importance was transact > d today. The association will act cautiously on Important questlocR In view of tbo changes contemplated by the managers ana the president * , Itniltrny Notr * . Ooncr.il M , H. Buchanan of the Eilthorn left for Chicago last evening by the Norm , western. Mr. .latnes Uompsoy , xvho Is n clorls In the Onlcna division of ttio Norlbwestorn , is Vis- King friends In the city. * In view of Iho fnct thnt the railroads hnvo mailo n one-faro rate for troons nltnndtngtho dedicatory services of the Columbian expo sition In Chicago on tbo'JIsl , thcro promises to bo a lively war between the ro&di horn to pet the business of hauling iho Second In fantry and band. Mr. S. II. ll. Clark , General OeorRO LolRh- lon of St. Louis , covornitiont director of the Union 1'nctllc , and Mr. F. L. Amos niitlci- pate leaving on n tour of the road today , although they may not start until Thursday , iho day ot starling doponJIns on Mr , Ames' wishes. Mr. Ames , it Isihouglii , will nrrlvo this afternoon from the cast. Tlio Nortkwoalern Is milking thing * real warm at Lincoln the o October days. On iho 1st ihoy entered actively Into competition with other Chicago roada for passenger business to Chicago nnd Intermediate points by pulling on a solid vosllbulod iraln , llghlcd bv gas , with dinner and chair cars , leaving LiiH'oln nt 5'J. : > p. in. nnd arriving lit Chicago at U10 : ! a.m.adllfercnco of thrco hours in favor of the Northwestern. This train connects at Missouri Valley with their Omaha train leaving hew at T o'clock nnd makes the run in fourteen and ona-haif hours. The Burlington and Ruck Island nro In n quandary lo know how to moot this cut , and It Is cxpsctiil therj will bo lively husUinc on Ihe part of the other roads to overcome the Northwestern's slroij : ; load for business. Look out for cheap substitutes ! Beware of new remedies. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup has stood the test for nearly llfty yonts. IIAVIUCN HliOS. Sprrlul 30-iuch wide bcdford cords , dark 80 yiiril , ivldo twill suiting , 80 yard. ; > ( J-iiiui ] wide llcuced suitiiip , nil dark styles , worth lee , our pi'ico lOo yifd. lHO ! plocoa now dark styles of printed eho . roii only "o yard. 50 pieces dark styles olistUU wore lOc , rod need to 5o yard. I3iff drive in line towels in center ulblo tomorrow , tlou oiioh. Now lot of 0-4 uheniUo table covers , only 81. US each. AH linen napkins , SOe dozen. 10 pieces 68-inch silver blo.iehcd dtiniiibfc ut oOo yard , worth 800. Tills is a spudul drive , and extra Rood value at oUi ! yard. ll-Isi/.o marseilles bed spreads ro- dticod to Si.OO eaoh. Ucinnanlb of table linen on sale to morrow. Remnants of dark outing flannel in grcul variety. Ivfinnnnts of gingham. WlijUo shakof llannol 3cynrd. } White wool llannel lee yard. Soft ilnishod bleached muslin only 5c yuid. SPKCIAL. Ov.r ; sOO odd pair of blankets , being a sample line of ono of the hirgcst houses in this country , on sale at prices that will tempi you to buy. Single blankets "oo , ! J5c , oOo ntid up , while double blank ets are going at GOo , Goo , Too , $1.00 A pair and upwards ; some are slightly soiled while others are all right except , the prices' being cut all to pieces ; a good in vestment ; look them over. 1IAYDEN BROS. _ _ Dry goods. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is good. \V. G. Albright 521-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg. The latest fads in opera glasses retail at wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co. . cor. Kurnnui and Mth. feliltericlc'H Auction. Fui'nituro , carpets and draperies at puulie unction today at 10:00 : , and 2 o clouk. Some wonderful bar gains left from our fire sale. Every article must go at onto to make room for new goods. Auction takes plnco in our east room , 1204 Farnam street. ClIAKLIi SllIVKHICK , 1201 , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam St. Among MlllUir.v AInn. Dr. Oacho has returned from a trip of inspection to Forts McKinney , Hoblnson and Niobruru. llo reports the boalth ot the troops as bemt. excellent , ullhough the weather has been extremely warm for the fall season of Iho your. The Iroops lhat hnvo boon sltitioned in the Held in Wyoming during iho summer have been returned to their posts , us all Indica tions of I'oslilllloi between the rustlers nnd Iho ral'lo kings seem ID have subsided for Ido present. UoWltt'sbarsaparilla cleanses the blond , Increases the appatito und tones up tlio sys tem. It has benelitod many people who have sull'orod ftom blood disorders. It will help you. rained In Song anil htory. Octavo Thunol'd "Stories of 11 West ern Town , " now running in Serlbnor's Magazine , is one of the bust stories il lustrating western Ilfo and character which has been published for years. In the October number Is doi-cribod with an illustration "Throe Kicknpoo Indians , splendid in uaint and fcnthars. peace fully , . veudiug the 'Famous Kickapoo The following inaiTiago licenses were is- MICH by County .Tudgo filler yesterday ! Name . [ nil udilioss. A e. i I'utrlul. . ) . lliillor , Hnitth Omiihn. . . . S" I MuKKlu II. l''ll/Kurjld ' , ooulh Umulia U J .lurrliiiii Olavlon Kiish , llolstom , la 'Jl 1 Anna Itrnwii , Oinabu iu j Iliuirv hohl , nUliurn , 21 I lilllu Ahurs , I'lkhorn ' 'U j Kduitid .1. ( iruDiu * . Omaha , . 'J.5 I Kiitliurlnu Koslors , Onialia UM Mi' . L. U. Patton , Uociciord , In , , writes : 1 From personal oxporioaco I can rocommonj UoWllt's Sarsapunlla , a cure for Impuru blood and L-onorui debility " .StriHit Iliiilwiiy ICxtt'imlon. The Hoard of Public Works has granted the Omaha Slraet Hallway company a per mit lo erect poles for the running of an elec tric line of street railway on Twenty-ninth avenue , from Woolworth avenue to Hickory streelj on Hickory street , from Twenty- ninth avenue to Twenty-ninth street , and south on Twenty-ninth to Arbor street. Disease never successfully uttacics tnosys- lom wllh pure blood. Uo Witt's Sarsaparllla pure now blood and enriches uloau. Allnr tlio Hey Sheriff W , L. Steam of Logan , la. , Is In the cliy ufler Jou and fid Daniels who are wanted Iu his cuunly for obuitilng money under falbo pi'utuuses. ASTORIA'S ' EXCELLENT PORT Wlwt the Wonderful Oregon Gitf Ha ? for the Vessels of tin World. THIRTY FEET OF WATER OVER THE BAR Kciult of rtitntltiK ilctllcunt tlio Month of tlio Ciiliiiiilini Itltnr ItoMiiircc * il tlio Country lintniMll.itiMy Trllni- tury to Antorlu. Sliiuoy Doll of Astoria , Ore. , Paolflo coast lawyer , Is In tlio city on his way to Washing ton , In connection with the 1'nclilc const wntjf fi-out c.i'oi that have baon spaolnUy nilvancod for argument biforo the United Stntei snproino court Oc'touar 17. The _ question nlTacts all the ttdo W'ltors of the 1'aclllo co.ist , ai to whathor llio United States , a ? original proprietor , o.in erant , itnd by its moaiiiloroil natcnU has granted , to tha bunk owner the cnsctr.onl of an exclusive rlK'ht of nccoss in bis frout for wliarfiigo purposes out to the actual channel of lldnl water over Intorvonlnc Hits ; or whathor the Pnclllo states , denying their title to the river beds from the same original proprietor by the concrosMonnl acts of admission , have the nOsoluto tltlo belotv ordinary high tldo , tuipoi'lor to the bank owners' casement , nnd can fcnco him off from the channel If they choose. Cases Involving tali question are up from Seattle , Tncomn , Astoria , Yiiquliun anil other Doints on the const , and It Is expected that this voxcU question will bo doltnltely and fully settled on this argument. Many of the greatest lawyers of the United Sutos supreme court -bar , Incluainj ; ox-Attorney General Garland , Prof. John R Dillon and others are expected to participate In the dis cussion. Very great riparian in to rests are Involved In many important I'.K'illo coast cities and along the entire const. Mr. Doll , who represents the Interests of the Astoria hank owners , pave to n rep resentative of Tun Due some information as to thi ) position of Astoria as the coming sea port of the west , llo romariud last ovo-iinp lit the Puxton that since Juno 1 of this } onr Astoria had taken the Iront r.ink among the tirciit Ill'sl-tlim : seaports of America. "Why only slnco Juno 1 , 18U-i" ho was asked. AVImt the .JrttU'H Do. "Bncauso , " ho said , "prior to that time thu bar at the mouth of the Columbia river was only eighteen feut at low tldo , with a tortu ous , shifting and dangerous vlianm-l. On that tluv , our Jetty was so far completed that , upon onlcinl soundings , there was found u depth of twonly-soven feet at low tide , and n smooth , slraignt , and snfa channel , re duced from eightoeti to three miles iu width. Further work ana erosion nave muuo the bar thirty feet atlowtiiio. Thu Is ihroo feet opttor tnan Ne.v York nnd a foot bolter than San Francisco , the only other llrsl class American senporis. It moans , too , a cer tainty of thirty-two feet on the llnal comple tion of the jet y. "This oxtriio'rdinnry result lias rovol'jllon- i/nd all commercial conditions In the west. All the great Iranscontiiicntal railroads are aujustintr their business to ttio situation , and the llrst of the year Ib'JJ will see them all moving toward Astoria. Tuo Union Pacific is now building the Astoria PacltloolKhty- llvo miles to connect. The Northern is about to connect from Gnblo , fifty-eight miles. The Chicago & Northwestern has acquired the Ore ron Punlflc , and will come in from Albany , Ore. , lao miles along the coast , In ttic early spring. ThoB.it M. has nonrly reached Yollowslono park , and is heading for the sumo point. Tne Grout Northern has us surveyors on the Cowlitz Pass toward Rainier. The general public will soon real ize the revolution created by that jotty. "In oil other couditioi B , busiiiea Its bar , that tend to maUo a Urn-class seaport As toria is tuo equal of Now York and Snn Francisco railway connections exoipteJ. Astoria's harbor , ten miles from the sea , Is perfectly landlocked from ino southwest wind" , which alone are dangerous on the Pa- cilic coast. Ills fifteen miles long , and Us half milo in width can bo made Iwo miloi if nccct > sary by lurning Ihe middle channel in to Astoria channel. It has In roser'vo twenty miles more of harbor on its can and bouth- west sides in Caihlamet and Young's bays. Its shores allow of slips and plors for ships , from 500 to 2,000 feet in doDih , as against 1,100 iu Now York har bor. In ono other respect Astoria harbor Is the best of nny first-class harbor in the world the eight miles voiumo of fresE. water in the grand Columbia makes Astoria harbor fresh at low tldo. This not , only saves its wharvo ? from the destructive teredo , but , cleans the ships of barnacles ana thjs adds 12 per cent to their sailing qualities. "Not. only is Astoria thus nrimuf inior pans as to her bar and harbor , with the Japancurrmit , tbat hlchway for sailors , elf her bur stretching to Hong ICong. and the Columbia running east and wo t giving hur u water level grade across the Heckles to con nect with lake levels to New York and the Gulf stream to Liverpool , she stands at oto of the four great gateways of that , world's highway of commerce from Hong Kong to Liverpool. What I'nrtltiiul .May Hope For. "What about Portland , 100 miles tin the river , you ask. She's all right. Making As toria tno Liverpool of the Pacific teas will make Portland Us Manchester. It , is only an echo of Its provincialism , now fast p.m. Ing away , that makes any ono in Portland cling lo iho delusion lhat she can bo the seaport on the Columbia watershed. Al- rencly she only .ships lorolgn ono-thlrd of our surplus products , because as a third cla.s seaport , she cun't offer the best market. Her great destiny lies in her unequalled power at Wlllamotto fulls to manufacture for a world's market , ami her position as n railway center at the converging water levels of the Columbia water- shod. Wltu her creut nvor lo barpo these products to n world's ' market at the lirst-class seaport at Aitorin , only Man * Chester wltn her fliO.OOJ.OUJ canal to Liver pool cnn rival her. The greater Portland grows as such a city , the tnoro imporlUnl becomes - comes tbo seaport of her products. The grouter Astoria becomes as a seaport , the bet tor becomes the market for Portland pro ducts. No seaport city can over have n rival In on Intorioi- city , nnd vice versa. Euub is a complement to the oilier , and a wonderiu destiny Is near for both. "Tho Columbia watershed Is n vast ro- clou , " remarked Mr. Dall , making n seeming transition , ' -It is one-sixth of the whole union in area , nnd Is all tributary toourgrea' ' seaport along the water levels. It is thi. north half of the west third of the union , being all west of the Heckles and north of thu Si&kiyous In California to the divide In British Columbia , between the north fork of tlio Columbia and.tho Thompson und Frazor rivers , except Ihe 100-milo square of the Puget sound watershed , It is chock full of the most wonderful resources , wheat , fruits lumber , hops , minerals ot every kind , slock and everything olsn , from the neb mines of the Salt Lake basin , the real headwater * of the Snake rivor. to and beyond luo souih line of lirlllsh Columbia. .NotloiHl Alone llio Union I'acllic. ' This Is my first trip over the Union Pa- clflo , b.v way of Idaho , over the wonderful Suaka river plains. You have beard of the worldfumedVitluirotto valloy. 200 miles long and fifty miles wldo , the prids of the west I Well , these plains , wbpro Jay CJould mudo such a wonderful roouporatlon of hoallh recently , uro Just as fortllo and a third larger. A suge brush desest , you av ? Baking Powder : Used , in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard \ Yes , but with I r ran Ml on M fortllo HS tlio 1'lnlns on Sitlnsr. 'ITnoy stretch rlonr across lonho , over 30(1 ( mllit * long mid fifty miles wldo. At Ullss Million , the Snnko lies HUe n serpent , tuousand& > of loot below the lovcl of Iho plains , Of coutstbcro is no water on the surface , but ftront syndicates nro making reservoirs nna utillilan the Ilolso nncl other riven and stroiir/ision the higher Mopes to tlic fiorth for Irrlgntlgn. Too result U tnar uolous the proonttit Rra s you over sniv , four tons of hay pen ncro to the crop , nnil tnreo to four crop * per nnnum. A perfect mine of wealth in store for our Krcat laud. "Still , the surfacelreams nro Inadequate to irrigate 11 nil. Jlttt the mountains nro full of wutor and the Snake river watershed carries off live times as muvh water us the Snrlto river Itself. Alino t nnywhoro you c. n tnp water from oiRht to twenty foot under the soil. Five great streams run Into the Stinko between American falls and the Oregon line at lluntington , yet the SuaUc sooins no larcar at o-jo place than another. Tlio pUIn iiiferenco is that the water percolates m underground channels from the motintiilns. Tunnels rimming the foothills would K'lvo IltnltliHs Irrigation mill mauo the richest country on earth. "But the water in not. tha only coldon for- I it no of Idaho. Tlio snnas of tli t rinaKo Rill- tor with gold from n perennial fountain , vainly sought b.v minors for years and vonrs. Takaoul ono year all the cold in orm of tha sandbars of liio Hintku nnd the next year will Hint nn equal dnposlt Wnoro tlio ledge * are no man icnown , bub thev must bn fabulously rich Mlninir Export lioth of Denver cainu across the RocUios with mo. He tins Just been out there , and ho claims the ijold ls > In the country bodroclc. "I fear" you will think I am romani'Inp about our rich country. Not sn , however , nnd the proof Is In tho'rapid development of our wondurland. So far ns Astoria U con cerned , look uut for : i ureat stir nil ovur the oust. To moL-t the need * of the exclusive seaport of that great roglon sno must grow from 10,000 tofiO.OUl ) population in , u lncrcd > July short space of lime , to c.itcU u p with the developed country. That she will bo the exclusive seaport of our watershed Is plain , because oho will furnish a world's ' marlcot price for oroJucts lit the ocoaii's . " gate. _ _ _ COi.Oll.YIM ) < 10M > . Hon't llo 1'iiiir All Vour Life. I want u partner with $100. Think wo can miiko $ 0,000 sure In six months. Perfectly lotjltiiiiiito : iiul requires none of yourttmu. Kor ptu'llculiird addroaa lltinfoi'cl Stott , Diirunjfo , Colo. People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can be. It takes off dirt. So far , so good ; but what else does it do ? It cuts the skin and frets the undcr-skin ; makes red ness and roughness and leads to worse. Not soap , but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap has no free , alkali in it. It neither red dens nor roughens the skin. It responds to water in stantly ; washes and rinses off in a" twinkling ; is as gentle .as strong ; -and the after-effect is 'eVery way good. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use'it. Cattle are reared on their fertile grazing fields in Uruguay , solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Beef , Competent choniMs supervise every dc- Cill , from the faro of thi ) cuttle nnd tluoiijgli Iho piocL'ssos of manufacture scrupulous cleanliness prevails to Iho potthr.'of the cninpletcii oxtrnct. Tl-.K preserves Iho guAMTi' . riiAVou and rmi- irv of this faiiiiiusiroduut ] , which Is lo- diiy , us whni Hist put up by tlio ar'jut olieinlht. Jiibtns vnn Ijloljlg. Incomparably the Best l-'or ItnjiMvi'd mid KeoimmiP I'ookory. I'or Ucillcluiis , liufreshlnp lleof Ton. HUMPHREYS' llr , uiiii'irev | ' 1i-v curcfully prepared HenuHlles , useU for jeura m jrlvato practice nnd for otcr thirty learn by llio people w-jili cntlrn suwiiw. E cry Eluglu bpecula u HiWlal euro for the cjlseaso uumcd. 1 Ley cure without druKghiK , iiurKlntf or reduolns thn 85 HtPiu anil are In fact and deed Uie Uut rrvluu Itrmedle * of llio World. Miror raucirii * foa. CIHKV. rwicrt. 1 1'evors , Conemtloai , Inflammation * . . , 'J3 a Wurniu , Wonn Kevcr , Worm Colic . 'J5 3 Trrlbluei CXiilc , Crying , WakcfulnnM , 'J5 4 Ulan-lion. ot'Cnlldron or AiJullji . JS 7 Cough * . Colds , HronchlUs . 45 HN'ruraluln.'oothacho , Fuooachc . 4J3 Il-Ili'oduclii1 * . Wok Heailacliu , Vertigo. . MS 10-I yipei > fcli . 'IMIou ' ucM , Constipation. . 'J5 11-KupprcHvod o * I'ftlnful 1'erludi. . . .45 J 'J-V.- lilies , To441ofuflol'crlo < l8 . 45 ! , * -Croup , JjuriBBlllHi Hoaneneu . 45 1-Sall Kliciitu * ir8lpc-la : . Eruptions .45 IU Illieuranlliim. Illitumatlo I'alni . . .45 10 ninlurlnt Cbffla , Filter and Ague , . .45 ir-PIICH , IUnd ) rnieodlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 lll-Cnlnrrlit IilUnenxa , Cold tntlnllead. .45 UO-\Vhoopliit oiiBU . . .45 2T-Kldnpy ] ) lM neii . .43 B-NrTvou OhblHty. . . . l.UO 30-lVluury W Uuc , Welting lied .45 Sold * y Prii l ' t" nl ri'lp"1 ! ! OI > rf ll | ol ( itlc * . tit. p. to..m * ' S P E C I .FJO S . Save Your Evesifflit I Eyes totted fres DyanEXPEIlT OPFIOIAN J'orfoct adjtiBtmont. Superior lenses. Nerv- ouBheadttcho ourod by uilus our BpootuolN and Kyozlusjoj I'rlcoi Ion for Ur.t clan goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD GO , 15tUSt.Crelfrhtoa Dloctl Nature's Remedies are ofttimes poorly flattered by chemical and dangerous imi- , lations. For five ecu- ( luries Carlsbad } lias stood in the role of strength and health river , and millions _ : iiavc been cured by the Carlsbad Waters of all soils and manners of diseases. The genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salts are the Carlsbad - bad water solidified , bottled , and placed in every American Drug Store , to relieve the public of mal- assimilation of food , flatulent obesity , catarrh of the stomach , and gives lo all a healthy appetite , strong : , vig orous otlesh , a perfect digestion. Take no imitation0. Eisner & Men- delson Co. , N. Y. , Sole Agents. Bogus White Lead and adulterated paints would have no sale did they not afford dealers a larger profit than Strictly Pure White Lead The man who best guards his own interests is never per suaded to buy paint that is said to be "just as good , " or "better , " than Strictly Pure White Lead. The following brands are standard , manufac tured by the "Old Dutch" process , and always strictly pure : "SOUTHERN" "RED SEAL" "COLLIER" Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. The National Lead Co. man ufacture a line of colors to color strictly pure White Lead any shade wanted. They arc put up in small packages ; one pound being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Lead. By using these colors and strictly pure White Lead you know that you have pure paint , which you can not know when buying "mixed" or "prepared" paints. For sale by the best dealers in ( .nints. If you are going to paint , it will pay you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many n dollar : it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis. Mo , BOCTOB , : TMEi SPEOlAtilST. In tlio trii.ilmentof all forms of PS.IVATE DISEASES. anil \Vu.iKnoss and Disorder of TV/TTTM with lois of COIIPIISU. ambition IVllZyiN und vitality. KUhtrcn years of HID most ruiuarliiiblu success In the treatment of this class of dlsuuses. which Is proven by the iitnvurs.il tosllmonv of thou sands who liavo bcon cured. Write furclreu- lats and iiiestlon ] list. I'm und I'urniini MM. , Umuliu , Nuh. NEBRASKA National Bank. 0 , S. CEFQSITQvY - - OMAHA , NEB Capital $100,093 Sui'iilits $05,001) ) omcornnna nircctart Henry W. Vutoi. pro Ment II. C' . CiiBliIni ; , > Ice iiroililotii , c. S. Mmirloo XV. V. Mono , Jolin i , Oolllua J , N. II. IMtrlck , l.oirlj A , HCfd. cusblur. THE IRON BANK. ( Iruao KID GLOVES The above brands of prloves lor sale by The Boston Store N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Omaha PSYCHOMETRY ! DR. EMMA HAZEN , TliB I'licnomcnal 1'liyilclan , Teacher and Author- en , will tracli | ) iyclijuiutrrtuiU ( | > lcUiinuiJ ] pthen toenoblo tlieui to rtlnnnotla dliemei and tflre tlio ouratlTU ntivnt without anklnfqueilloni. Come or eod lock o ( tialr wllti II.UU and IIBTB tbli demon- Itrated , TIIK JIKAI.TH QVl'lCE , < U M. ITtb ilteet , Onuba. Ur. Jokn gbelbr fit STTTHTO Of clothes all sacks' all made of the same kind of goods all erie color all cut alike all trimmed alike all lined alike all made alike go on sale in our mammoth men's suit depart ment today all at the one uniform price of ten dollars and fifty cents a suit which we believe to be the best value evei'given by any clothing concern in this country. These suits are all wool. They are made of as honest a piece "ol cassTmere as ever came from a loom. They are cut to fit to perfection. They are made thoroughly even Hie linings being triple stitched. The color is a dressy da kgray. The sizes are from 34 to 44. Tliese suits are worth fifteen dollars. They are worth it in our sTcTre. They are worth it on your back in your office in your workshop in the street. They are worth it every day in the week and Sunday too and have never been sold for less. We had them made for a purpose and that purpose was to start Octob ° eT"b1u"sT ness with a rush--to start a thousand men talking about us to advertise to emphasize still more the Nebraska's wonderfuf pTTce s ! TP you're a farmer in the "shocking" business of "cultivating corn or "cultivating votes" for governor if you're a lawyer in good standing [ or"lie"-ing either ] if you're a banker clip ping coupons or a cashier with a longing for Canadian society if you're a-man , and wear clothes these are the very suits for your business - ness , and you never had an opportunity toTFy as go"od a suit in all your life for the money as these suits which we offer today at the re markable price of RIPANS T ABULES regulate the stomach , liver and f i-r , t0i0) purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe ana always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches on ttfe Pace , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ; Chtonic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizzii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Corn- plcxion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the llipans Tabulcs is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Oiuijoji IU it. ui.to 13 m. Suiul lUtuip lot Nerve Seeds , " the wonilorfiil rcmodr U Bold wltli ftvrlt - icn ciuiriintc-c to euro ill ! nervous dlivaic * . sucli an Wca Mrmnrr , Loaaof Ilrulu I'owi'i. llnnUuclio. Wiikofulnest , I.ont Manhood. Nil Ulr Itml - . aco. themoueiCircularfreo. . AadreB8crvtiHscat'o.Cblcuijo , For sale hi Omnlia by Slioriiuin & MUonnoll , 1515 Dodrostroot. { , KIJUOATIONA.IA. V/-M I NJfl Bup rlornilT nloef ( for educating TLJUrSO - L" Vounirlacllej Cout eof tudr Ibor- ouifh i Muilf fcl \nuHiiriniciiiinfit ; itord ' r i.'i cliriiif lh l * t Anwrican anil KiiropganciillU'C ' , largii nrt lu-amldi ) groundfj IIHW liuiMlnce. rooim w U T iFiitllftleil lighted by iru 0 | > cii | itrinjr ) 7th Kor c > Ulunuf > adilitti ' I -liny T. ' . llAllltIJTT , I'r - . CU1.UMII1A , MO , i I BRACES EiQst/cStockinys , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , WaterSottk ; . a Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOE & PENFJLD , 1 US. 15th SI , Ktxl to I'osloflto ' 1) ) nilflir ( rr' Illinium ! r.rtl. . Orltfluul unif Oiilj ( Jriiulnvt re , l " rrli.l.K , i oi ( , < ik IttttfUi . ' 'a ' % irk fl MufM/ f > "f In Kl'u Uiiti. l 4 with bit nimthrr. Ktfvnl < , Ilinlantll < itall a . Al. lo tuiHF1 * fwr it rll i ltr _ - - 'llcllcf for l.i > dl < i , " < t" ' < r. Uj rrlurn Mull , 1O OOlMU l.ll Auw " lobciur CL Bilcol Ce.U 'loi | ; DR W , R , BAILEY Tenth I'lllodVlth - out I'aln ny tlio Latest _ , _ _ Invention. JT.ETH KXTUAornn winiour I-AIN on IlANOKIl -TKKrilON UUIUinil POll W5.IIII. I'orfcct. HI Biiaranteod. Tunth extracted In the inurnliiB. Nuw ones Insurtod In ovonluit .oo . Brln . oo ji. Hcosiiocliiiensof I'loitllilo luiibtlu I'luto All worlf wurruntod as rourokuiiteil , Ollluu. 'Hilrd l''i or , I'axton IIIoo'c. Tcloitlioiio 1085. 1 ( llh nil I Fanrini Sl . Take Elovuto- Stairway from JOth Hliuut ICntranco. DRUNKENNESS Or llio l.l < | iiur llublt I' < 'ur d by biliiiliiUlfrlne Hr UulutV _ ' Uulilcii r * | * ; -t * % II c n be given ID a cup of cofleo or tea. or In feod. without tbcknowledje of Ihe patient. It In abioluttly hurmleM and will effect a permanent and apeedy cure , wbetlier the pulent In a moderate drinker or an aiooboUn wreak. It _ > a U n given In iouiand > > of caacr.and In vcry Instance a perfect cure liaviol. lowed. llMfver fallTlie y l m ono ImprrgnHecJ r/ltb ilie Cprolflo. U beeomt * an utter luimmlUlllr for the liquor appetite lo eilit. , _ UUI.II-N hl'KofriO CO. . Prop'ri. rinrlnaall , C. Itt-piuro book of uirtlcuUra dee. To t > bad w Kulm&Oo. , 15lh and Douicta- . Sir , ISlh npft C'uiuiniciUWliolosalo , Illake. ilruoe A Ua > auu Itichuraiou iruzJoiOmaba , MoU