Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEK-2 MONDAY , 0 TOBGU ? , 181)2 )
E. M , Bnttlctt Brings Encouraging Reports
from the Etato at Large.
Advertising Clrrulurs Tlmt llpny tlio Stntc-
mcnU .Mmln iiy tlin I'ntiitUt | < i llnm -
ntnry of tlie Hlntc Hrpnlillrmn
i\orjwlicro : intliii : lnlic.
Hon. 13. M. nartlcttls homo from a short
trio out through the state where ho tins boon
making speeches as assigned by the republi
can utaio control committee. Ho was at
IloldreRO , Mtnden and LexltiRton nml spoke
front the snmo platform with Lieutenant
Governor Majors.
In speaking of the political stluitlon In
general and of the Incidents that eatno under
his personal notice , ho said that sulotidlil
work Is being done all through the state and
that ovoryoody Is seemingly anxious to help
n'.ong vbo republican cause , as thuro Is a ijon-
crul advocacy of republican principles every
where. K'jpublicnnlsm Is tbo chief topic of
conversation In the hotels und ou the rail
road trains nntl the traveling tnon arc doing
vnllant none all along the lino.
"Ono thing that struck mo with especial
sluiiillcanco , " salu Mr. Bartlntt , "was out
In llin western part of the state , wiicro I
found farmers ou the twins distributing
circulars that sot forth thu wonderful for-
tllliy and Rouoral prosperity of tUitt section
of Nebraska. There arc mutiy eastern ex
cursionists travolltiB througti the stuto Just
Dt Ibis time , and this advertising tuatlur
\\as Intended for tholr eyes.
Otl'iutclni ; Cul. unity llowln.
"I obtained aoino of tlio circulars , and
found thut they contained porsotial letters
from a large numoer of farmers In various
counties of that auction , tolling what thutr
fnrins had done during ttio past year or two ,
r\ml many ot tlio loiters hud been uuly
sworn to , and \\pro of the nature of
nllliUvllH. Homo of the writers swore
that tnclr fnrms paid for themselves In
Iblll , and there was every Indication
tlint Uii'.v would do ascll in Ib'J. .
'J'tipv gave their location , oven to thesoclion ,
township and lan e. and told of the road v
market thut Onmha furnished on the ousl
ami iJcnvur on the west , and anv numlicr ot
thinus that went to show the real condition
of tlio farmer * of Nebraska.
"I inquired what the necessity was for
mnking this showing when excursionists
could toe for themselves thai the situation
was as sot forth , even without any circulars ,
mid 1 was inlormed that the continuous
walling of the calamity howlers excltod
Kravo doubts in the cast as to the real stale
of affairs out hero , mid they wanted to bo
sure that thu attention of the tourists uni
called to it while pacing through thu state ,
that they might nail tbo lie when they got
IKIL'K homo and toll their frieuus how Ne
braska was being maligned by some of tier
owa citizen1 ] . That showi pretty clearly
whutsoruo of our I'aimors think of the way
the populist Icaucrs are conducting their
" 1 found Tom Majors supporting Judco
Crounso In splendid shape- , and ho Is doing
Broat work for the tlciiot. His comparison
ot the ru.ords of Crounso and Van VVyck is
making lots of votes lor thn republicans. lie
is showing up the oxtr.wacanco of the last
legislature as outclissiog anything else ol
tbo kind over bofoto known itf thu history ol
ttio slate , with its pinvlously uohcard-of up
proptlatlons and the employment of u nutn
ber'of useless employes , and ho convinces
the voters that ho knows what he is talking
It'M Ilir rcnt Now.
"Two years ago the republicans wore noi
nblo to gel up a meeting at Holdrogo , bu' '
ttiu year they tilled their largo opera houet
to overflowing. The same Is true at Mlndcn
where 1,000 people were seated and as m.uij
more were unable to Una seats. Out In Koin'i
district they ate just ilndlng out that hi
wns moro interested with the corporation !
while In Washington than ho was in thi
weltaio of his constituent ! , nna tried to tin
load a worthless gas plant on the govern
in L' nl for f 1.000,1)00 ) for the nurposo of light
ing the capllol after gas hud given wav ti
' Everybody Is pleased with the wa ;
Judge ( Jrouusa Is doing up Van Wyclc , and'
1m vn yol to hoar any unfavorable comment
What pleases the /armors moro than any
thing one IB the way that new factories ar
being started up In Nebraska the cottoi
mill at Kearney and the binding twine fac
tory at tt'rcmont ' and others of thut class -
tin U tboy nro praising the MclClnloy oill
They will veto for a continuation o'f thl
Btalo of affairs and the continued cnjoyinun
of ccncral prosperity , ana the poverty"wnl
Ing leaders u'o beginning to rcali/u U. "
l SlKitclics ot thi ) Candidate ) i >
tin ) Ki'piililli'iiii County Tivkut.
J. Li. ICaloy , the rmmbllcan nomlneo fc
county attorney , was born Lowlstowi
1'a. , Juno U , IS. ) ! ) , but before ho was u yo.
old his parents removed to Ohio , mid itvi
in the Huckoyo stale thut ho was raised \
man's estate. Ho was educated in ttio rm
lie schools and graduated from Wittonher
college at Sprlaglleld. O. , in 1STO , and thu
entered the onlco of Judge MuUauloy , afte
\vards of the supreme bench , to road la
end remained as a student In his ofllco I
U'iflin until admitted to the Ohio b ;
in IbTS. lie nt oncn rcmovoa
Kobra ka to enter upon the pra
tlco of tils profession , locating ;
liloomington , Franklin county , ns n inumb
of the law tlrm of Kulev Kaloy , h
broiuur , the other member of the tlrm , belt ;
located at Ucd ( Jloud. Mr. ICaloy was cloctt
county Judge ot lYanUHu county soon afto
\vavds und tilled tlio oHiou with credit to 1m
eolf and satisfaction to the pcoplo of tl
county. Owing lo the UciUh of his broth
about two months befuro the expiration
Ills term ot ofllcu ho tcndoied his rosigiiatn
in order to lomove to lied ( Jloud , the bell
to loolt alter the business of the tlrm , 1
continued to reside In Webster county f
clcht ioats , and In 18b ! > was sent lo thu lu : ;
laiuro us lloat roprusuntatlvo Irom Wubst
nud Vi nnklin countieit. The late Judge ICul
of Uod Cloud , brother of the nominee , wus
delegate to the ropubllciin national convc
tlun in IbTO , that , nominated Uuthorford
Ila.vei for prosldent ot the United Stuu
J. 1 Kaloy bus always ticen a staunch t
publlfau , und during his lour years' te
Cenci ! in this city has been promluoul
idoiiMlvd with the politics of thu Klx
ward , though never us a candidate , Ho h
the unanimous support ot his ward fort
ofllco for which ho has boon nominated , t
ward caucus , at which thuro were over t
voters present , hiving him us oudorsouu
without u ulssunllng voice. It Is u sign
cant fool thut wtionevor Mr , Kaloy has IK
a candidate he has always bcuutca what
went after.
Fur County Cnmmlnsluiior * .
Henry Llvo oy , the candidate forcoui
commUHionar from the Sucor.d district , v
born in England llft.v-eight years nyo.V
his paronti he rumovod to America when
wus uut U years of ago. A few years In
Mr. Lively removed to Wisconsin , where
received a common school education. In
Burlng of ISM Mr. Llvoaoy buttled In Ouia
where ho has ntnco resided , Hy occuuat
lie 1 u brick contractor and munufaotu
und ny his Industrious and frugal habits
accumulatedacomfortublo fortune. AUhoi
nctivu In politics ho has never boon a pol
clan , Mr , Llvosoy bus uhvavs boon n Htuui
republican , und as such has torvcd for
ycuts as n member of the Hoard of Kdi
lion , declining a reuoffilnutlou at the om
Ills third term.
Uroryo U. Williams , candidate for cou
commissioner from the Third district , Is >
ol Douglas county's rnoit prosporoui fa
cr , roaldlng In Valley vroclnot , At
jii'oscut tltao bo IB tilling a vacanov on
county board , caused by tbo death of ( Jeo
J'l Tluimo. Mr , Williams Is an old reaul
of the county , a man In the prime of life , ,
' eloquent and forclole speaker , besides |
kCktmir good judgment. Ho has always b
tin old due republican and has nevur bol '
cougbt a public cilice.
O , C. titanloy of South Omaha , tbo uc
pea for county commissioner from tbo Foil
district , bus been Identified with the b
S3 lutorcaU of thu Msulo City from
first Inception. Mr. Htanluy was born in
Madison , Wls , , In 1851) ) . Ho cnmo to Nebraska -
braska lu ISO ! ) nnd suillpd In Dodga coutty.
where ho was ungaecd In farming. Ho came
to Soutn Om.i.ia six yours ugo and ombnrkod
In tbo real oslato buslnoss , In whlca bo has
continued until the present time.
Stiitn Xrimtorn.
Isnao Novoi , nomlncn for the state ftcnnlo ,
was born In Uatchollcrvllle , Sxratoca county ,
N. Y. , January V , 18U8 , nnd will therefore bo
(55 ( yours of ago when bo take * bU scat In the
upper house of tno Nebraska legislature.
Ho received : i good common school educa
tion and then look a course nt tbo Stata
Normiit school al Albany. He began the
manufacture ot wooJcn.vitro In bis native
town , continuing It until lbl > 5 , when hu to-
moved to NewarK , N. .1. , w.iuro ho wns engaged -
gaged In the same business for tlvo yours , at
thoi expiration of which tlmu bo returned to
Itatchcllervlllo. In IST.'i ho was elected lo
tbo New York loqlshiluro to roproaont
the Saratoga Springs district. The lute.I.
W. Htistfd was spcaner , and Mr. Noycs wns
by him appointed ubulrnmn of tbo comiulttco
oil villages. Ho was ro-olected tbo next.year
nnd was appointed to tbc chairmanship of
his old committee by bpcnKcr Sloan. Tno
only olbor publlo ofllco ever bold by Mr.
Noycs was that of county supervisor of Sara
toga county , to which tin was elooVed In IblH.
lu isl'j ' bo removed to Nebraska , when ho
took up bis restdonro on the farm on which
ho baa over since resided and which ho pur
chased in 1S57. Ho has always buon an ear
nest , consistent republican nnd was urged
last spring to inuka tbo race for the gulerna-
loriaf notntnttllnu , but fooling that the best
Intoiosts of Iho party demanded the uomlna-
tlonof.Iuugo Crounso , withdrew his name
from the countv convention. Ills action at
that tlmo mudo him many friends , who de
termined that * ils self sacrlllco In the Inter
est of party should not bo allowed to go un
C. O. Lobeck was born nt Andover , III. , lu
18.Vi. Ho adopted the vocation of a travel
ing man und covered Nebraska on bis regu
lar trips as early as IbT.'i. Ho located m
Omaha m l SJ nnd wont on the roau for a
loading hard ware house. Ho was president
of thu Commercial Travelers association ut
Omaha anu ono > ed the conllileiico of busi
ness men to an exceptional di'groo. A llttlu
over a year ago ho oni'iiccd In the retail
hardware business at 1 Ul Douglas sli-jot In
company with C. II. Linn , who is his present
partnur. Mr. Lobccit 1 ° of Swedish ox-
uaction nnd speaks German languages
lluently. Ills candidacy was warmly en
dorsed by the various Swudlsn-Amoricnu
Hociotlos and it was this fuel that induced
htm to KO before the convention.
Charles II. Clarke ropiosonts the repub
lican young blood of Nebraska. Ho wan
born and broil upon the Nebraska prairies ,
and owns IJcllvuo , In Surpy county , as tils
birthplace. Ho was for some years manager
of a wholesale drug housu nt Lincoln , but
has for some years been located in Oinahu ,
where he is secretary and manager of the
Lco-Clarkc-Androeson Hardware company.
Ho Is a hard worker , und bus alwavs been
r.n enthusiastic a Ivocatu of republican ptin-
I'or Ii'preseiititUc : .
Thomas 15. Crane was born upon the bis-
tone soil of Now Bedford , Mass. , January li ,
IN" > | . Ho adopted the profession of law and
in June , ISST. located In Omaha. This is Mr.
Crane's llrst venture as a candidate for ofllco
but he hrs always boon prominently Idculi-
Ucd with local republicanism and is known
us a hard worker.
W. N. Nnsnti has boon n resident of Omaha
with the cAiopilon of n brief absence for tno
past thirtv years and bus been secretary of
the Omaha Hoard of Trade for the past four
years. Ho wns born In Pennsylvania , ml-
gialed lo Illinois , and llunco lo Omaha ,
where ho wns for twuaty years manager for
the Sniper sowing machine comoany. Hois
In clo3 < s touch with the business interests of
Nebraska nnd will comma-nil the support of
Iho business men.
Jnmes II. Kyner was born in Ohio fortv
eigbt years ago. Ho served through the war
and lost a leg at. the batllo of Shtloh. Ho
came to Omaha liltccn years ago. Ho Is u
property owuer.
J. B. Itjevcs is a natlvo of Iowa , 'J3 years
of ago , and has lived in Omaha live years.
Ho Is a real estate btokcr.
Charles Stephens of Douglas precinct Is a
further who has lived in Douglas for a num
ber of years and has IIQI held ofllco.
Judge A. L. Button is nn enthusiastic
young republican. Ho has been a resiJent
of South OmuLu for several years , und has
been prominently Identified with local poli
tics. Mr. Sutlon is the junior partner of the
law IIrm of Van Dason & Sullen and has
served ono tctm as justice of the peace.
Dr. M. O. KlcUotts was born In n little
town in Henry couuly , Kentucky , thirty-
tour years ago. His early education was
Iho best to bo had In the Koniucky villages
of llmt day. Hu came to Omaha in 18SO and
after casting about for an tpenlng took tbo
position of janitor of the Omaha
Mcdicil college. After worklui ; among
the students for a short. Unit
ho decided to bo a doctor uii'i
commenced his medical studios. In January ,
ISbl , Dr. Ulckotts grudualca and since thei :
has successfully praullcod medicine lr
Omaha. The doctor has a largo practice , Is
u cloo student and has won ihe conlidoncc
of his friends. Ho bus been moro or los ;
luluioatod In politics during the past tlvi
years and keeps well posted on Iho question ;
of the ilnv.
Churles A. Gnss was born In Edinburgh
Portage county , O. , December 10 , 1W5 : )
and after i asslng through tbo publlo school :
cntoied Mount Union college ut Alliance , O.
where hu was grmhuuoU In the class of " 85
Ho found it necessary lo touch school ii
order to sccuro the money with which n
r defray Iho expenses of his colluglqlo course
, s and after his graduation came lo Omaha
0 wlieto he again onleiod Iho schoo
) room , tuKine charge of Ibo vVos
, Omaha schools In IbSlS , at which tltn
Walnut' Hill was Included in that district
He taught hero a year , during which he kep
up the luw studios begun in Ohio two year
, v before , and on his -lib birthday , Docombe
u 111 , ibbt , was admitted lo Ibo Uougtas count ,
ir bar. Ho at once entered upon the practlci
to of bis profession and two years ago forme
tou j. copartnership with Joseph H. JJIalr , an
utt the linn of Blair & Goss is still In ox
Jf istoticd.
Is Mr. ( iois has always boon n bard worko
Isu Isg 'n tbo loiJiiblicnn rauks , but has novcr bi
u fore boon a candidate.
r- Augustus Lockner was born and raised I
rn - Uocboster , N. Y. , receiving bis education i
n10 the public .schools of thut city , lie fciilislo
10n at the unoof 111 vowrs In company H , Twontj
ol llmt Now York cavalry , nnd scnuu tbre
in yours , mostly tumor General Phil Sheridan i
ur tlio Sbenaiidouh valley. When discharged I
lois Iblii ) bo came to Nebraska , took a horrosloii
lor In Hutlur county , nnd has been u rosidei
is- of this suite ever since. Ho helped organii
isur IHitlor county uuu wusnflorwurdspostmabU
ay al Ponporvlllo. Ho loft the furm'ln 1871 , r
ayu movinu ULTOSS the I'latlo to Columbuswboi
bo engaged in tbo hardware aim Implumoi
business , in which bo continued for twoh
is. yean. Ills health failing , \M \ than sold 01
0- ami removed to Omaha , where ho lias r
0SI - < lded tor the past six ypars. Ho borvoil fi
SIly three successive terms in tbo Columbus ell
ih council , which , with his incumbency in t ]
nd Peppervlllo postofllce , has been the extent
ho bis career lu publlo life.
; uo Will Ili'siimn ' tint litilxito.
nt Tbc serious uflliction to Judge Crouust
illon eyesight husi caused n temporary break In t !
on scries of Joint discussbus between nimbi
ho and Mr. Van \Vyok. Chairman Cudy till
the ongaguinent at Columbus and was uilli
to llnlshup the horles with tbo ludeponde
candidate but the hutor objected. A teli-grc
ity , ' was received from Judge Crounso lust nig
itli sayinc that ho would resume Uiu joint disci
. blon ut Blmwood ou October" and llnish I
IQI- Dorics. This will only nuccssitiito Ibo nbati
oiiment of one dale , at Yoik on the -Itli ,
hoity ( 'oiigres.smiui Ur.vun lasl niuht telegraph
; that bt < would meat Judge Field in unatti
Inn Joint dobalo lu this city on Monday ovenli
October Ul , or any evening that week t'uut
bad nolalieudy unrugt'd.
UoWltl'a Sarsapanlu a rouunl'j
Pretty LHtlo Church How That Came Up
Over Soma Gash ,
SotTnril Street Mrtlimllt I.ndlcs llavo
Gotten Ititnn I > | < IIIH < ) II < totlioVcstcil
Illglitn lit thn Aid Society
ut thu Church.
It Isn't often that you hoar the members
of the Ladles Aid soulotv t tilting thro.itou-
Itiglv of arrastsnd police court trials and
things of thut kind , but that Is what some of
the snuly perturbed Inales of the Howard
Street Molhodl-tt Hplscopal church have
been doing for the past few day , nnd nil bo-
causa uf u llttlo soclublo tbnt given lu the
church parlors n few days ago.
The liouo of contention is the disposition
made of the funds realized by the entertain
ment , and the matter tins already gone to
tbo presiding oluor , and tbut olUslnl of the
church will bo ttoatcil to an cxnurleuca next
Thursday afternoon , when thu case comes
up for ho.ifng ! , that will undoubtedly bo
lively onout'li to prevent that stereotyped
ennui fooling If Iho opposing factious fool us
belligerent then as they do now.
It seems that when the sociable was clvcn ,
It was under the auspices ot tbo "fourth
division , " nud right there cotnoi the bitch.
Ono faction claims that It was Iho fourth
division of "tho Aid , " and Ibo others insist
that It was tlio fourth division of the church ,
and thut the Aid was not In It , If that
worldly hut < ) utta apt extirosslon may bo
used in that connection. It may bo staled
hero , lor ttio information of tlioio loss fami
liar with the workings of the fomlnlno ad
junct of tlio church thut are the members ot
the Aid themselves , that the nioinbara are
divided Into four divisions , nlptmbollcally ,
and each Is expected to furnish nn untjrlulu-
mcnl In its turn , and rulso Its cjuoUi of the
whou'wltlml to meet current cxtjonsea.
\Vhuri ) tlio .Money ( 'unit's In ,
The ladies of tin Aid deny there is
any "fourth division" itstdo and apart from
the fourth division of the Aid , and they ,
therefore , claim that lust week's ' entertain
ment was their own Individual property , and
they want the receipts. Uut the other folks ,
who assisted in making it u success , but who
do not belong lo the Aid , claim lhat the re
ceipts are simple , ordinary church propertv ,
wilhout any Aid urund on t lit in , and should ,
Ihurolore , go direct Into Iho church ireasury ,
wltnout tirsl tickling thu llnxcrs of the tioas-
I urer of tbo Aiu iiforesuld. And much to the
satisfaction of the unll-Aldcrs , that Is Iho
way the money went.
They found possession to bo nine noltits In
Hi 13 law , just us It would Ho oulsldo tbn
church , and ignoring the demands ot the
provident ol the Aid , turned thu cash over
lo ono of the trustees. The Aid president
renewed her demand on the trustee , but ho
promptly decided that ho did not recolvo tno
ino.ioy from bur und therefore could not bo
expected lo turn tt over tu her , and with it
solemn warning lo him not to allow the
money to go out ot Ills possession tno execu
tive of tbo Aid left him in peaceful posses
sion ,
A mooting of the Aid was called on Wed
nesday afternoon , and the wuy the nir was
agitated was a caution to trustees who uro
not disposed to accede to demands that maybe
bo mudo upon them. Then it was suggeslcd
that the stubborn anti-Aiders might bo ar
rested for ob.lining money under false pre
tenses , nnd by vote It was decided to leave U
10 the presiding elder.
righting f r ii Principle.
Tbo ladles of thu Aid say that they are not
objecting to the disposition nuulo of tbo
money so much as to the principle of tbo
thing. Tbo antls , however , do object lo the
disposition made of tbo funds of the Aid ,
nnd that Is just what provoked their preseut
action. They claim thut there h a'church
debt , and that they are not only paying in
terest on the debt , but interest on tbo inter-
o-.t as well , anu they wanted to put their
money where it would bo devoted to reduc
ing their indebtedness. They cnurgo tbut ,
the luuds of thu Aid lire devoted to frivolous
purposes , ana lullmulo that they ara not
disposed to contribute to Iho purchase of
flowers and gold watches any longer. The
members of the Aid Indignantly retort that
octal purposes are among the objects of their
rganizutlon , nnd Iboy nro prouu to say that
bry made Sister Crime a present of a watch
n the eve of her departure lor India , as u
list , recognition of her work during years ol
membership in the Aid , ana tboy are alsc
glad to suv that they have purchased llowert
or deceased relatives of their members.
And tbo proslaing elder must bear it all
and then render a Decision thu1 , will give
ntlsfuctlon lo all parties concerned. Thi
irosldlng older will earn bis salary this wooli
f over a mun dl'l.
Do\Vltt'sSarsAnariu.icit3ans3j the OloaJ.
Kxriirftlon to xlitMi.iiHltmli Valley.
On Tuesday , October lioth , thu Haiti-
more & Ohio Utilroad ( Jo. will soil o\ '
cursion tickets from Chlun o and nl
[ Jnltimoro it Ohio points west of tin
Dhio river to Winchester , Woodstock
Middlotown , Ilurrisonburg , Stautitoi
ind Lexington , Va. , at the rate of OIK
lowest limited final-class fare for tin
round trip.
The Shonnmlonh valley , Virginia , of'
tors superior inducements to person !
Booking now locations. Farm liiiuls of
[ orod at from $10.00 per acre and up
wards. Timber , coal , iron ore , pun
water , convenient markets , oxcollon
soil , good schools , best society. For in
formation about rates apply to any Hal
timoro & Ohio ticket n/jonl. / Send ti
M. V. Richards , land and iminigratioi
agent , Baltimore & Ohio , 13ul
timoro , Md. , for information about dc
sirablo loc.itioiib , maps , pamphlets , etc
"Sau Sebastian , " a romantic- opera lu thrc
! r
nets , by You Suppo , gave the Winston Opei
company excellent opportunliy lo show tl
nmieriiii composing ino organization yeslc
day ul the Faniam Street thoater. Bui
after the well worn Hues of comic opoi
with a nuirUet place in tbo lltst act , n gran
ealou in tbo second mill the rumpurts of Hi :
Sebastian in the thlru , with u "children
festival" Incidental to'Uivo tbo scone brlgh
ness and beautv , "San'Sebastian" was
pleasant relief from tbo interminable rout
of farce comedy und melodrumu with whit
theater goer * huvo bean burfelled thlssoaso
Miss Jcannlo WlcHton , who is today ono
tbo loading ol our prlma donnas , with
locord ot many successes bebiud bur. fout
lu Hone Duluur tbn dashing devil-ma
n cure tiub-lloutei.nnt lu ttiu French army ,
in most congenial role , for in ull tbu count ]
lit sbo has not u superior m ihe impcrsonnllc
isof male characters. She was ihollfoni
hu soul of Iho opera last night , the peg i
d which the interest , such as H is , was bun
MlbHVlublon bus Incomparable urt at
cd lovers of trim cotnio opera have before tbo
o u week of pennine onoymont ] , for the coi
IK' , panv supporting Miss Winston is high
iio creditable , the volcos excellent In auulil
tbo costumes handsome , and Iho fcmu
chorus ruullv pretty.
Miss Aliie Johnnon was a dollg'itful foil
lent an Baking
CO n
mil- irth Powder :
u l-
its Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Miss Winston In ttt charnctcrof I'otrlU
n part r < ! qulriQg butilltllo ability to piny , 'tis
true , but tbo young lady brought it grnco.
bounty and u prcltnabnnctnn thnt was captl-
vail DC. Mlat KuttHitlno MuNolll , as Donnn
Olympla , the lotvvcomody role , ADIIK the
score with IntcllifctTKff , showing n cultlvn'oil '
contralto of moro th n uaunl range , and sue
ttrcsscd tbo nnrt Itf keeping with ttio require-
incuts , notwlthstitbdlng thut ho bnd to sno-
rlllco her bcatityjTor Iho sake of her art ,
There Is a Hold tnmomic opera for MUs Me-
N6I1I , nnd ullhotfahi but a recent acquisition
from tbc concert tnco , sha sliowa bv her
conscientious work that Iho future is { till of
Mr. Chuitcs Ucnwlck sang tbo tone ? role
of Onston nccoiilnblv , bis volun b lnc unr-
tlculnrly fresh ana swcot , out Mr. Ucnwlck
mtit look to bit nclltiL' In order to present n
fiiiiltlcsa picture ns a stage lovor. Arthur
Uoll as tbo deaf nnd blind Colonel Dotii1iis ,
was hardly a coininnnillnp llfruro In Iho
opora. his humor bclnc very much forced
and distorted. Hnrrv Uattcnbury miulu uu
nccoptablo notary wo wonilcr how lonp
Hittonbury bAt boon p'aylng notaries-and !
Ubnrlci A. Tyrroll nn nucontablo Sptnlsh
alcalde. Mr. .1 , Uoncll Hiilfo Intorpolatcd "I
Fcur No Foo" In the third act , In his tmrt of
tlio scnllnol , anil wet ] a xvoll deserved uncoro
for Us line rendition , Hu bus n mngnll'.cont
bnrltono ntul sliiRj mtislclanly , bis technique
bcini ; Durllculnrly coinnianilnblo.
Tonlnht Miss Winston nnd coninnny will
bo sou n In ono of the grcalust oparntlu itiii * .
cos8o . "In I'orioholo , " tbo stellar role of
Plcqulllo having boon crcntud In America by
Junnnlo Winston.
Tlio business done ycstcrdav nnd last
nlpht at the house has boon only excelled oy
Ihatot "Olo Olson. "
For honrsonoss , sore throat and couRh.tako
Dr. Hull's Cou h Syrup , thospoclllu for nf-
fecllotis of Iho throat and chest.
Honl cstnto.
B.irKtiltis only.
My word is iiooJ. '
W. O. Albright.
C21-12-3 N. Y. Llfo blilj.
You 4io l.'Mut TliU
If so , it will bo to your interest to
fully acquaint youi'soU with the excellent -
lent train service now in ollocl between
Chicago , BulTiilo , Now Yot-lc , Boston
nnd intorinedlnto points , via the "Lilco
Shore Uouto. " Tliroufrh trains lestvo
Cliiuito ut 8:00 : and 10n ; ! ! a.m. , ; t:10 : ,
5 : : ) , 7:15 : and I l.HO p. m. The ' 'Chicago
and Hoston Scpial" | ) ( lOHiO a. in. ) is tlio
only complete train through from Chicago
cage to Now England. It has dining
ear serving moiilH the entire dihtanco ,
in itself an exclusive feature , and the
equipment of the tr.tin throughout Is of
thu very highest btandiifd. The Chicago
cage and Now York Limited ( o:30 : ) > . in. )
embodies all that is modern and novel
in railway transportation and has very
appropriately been called a "perfect
truin. "
B. P. IIUMl'HKBY , T. 1' . A ,
727 Main street , Kansas City.
C. K. WIUJHU , W. P. A. , Chicago.
llowiril County Ilopnhllcini.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Oct. 1 [ Special Telegram
toTiiis BEK.J Howard county llrod tbo llrst
bin pun of the campaign nt Elba last night.
Tbo town was crowded wltn an onttiustasllc
lot of people ftom homo and abroad. The St.
Paul band furnished music and wcra aided
by the Elba Oleo club , i'bo Howard County
Veteran club , composed of none but old sol
diers , was Micro in uniform and added lunch
to tbo olTect of the mealing. Lieutenant
Governor Majors was tbo spoaltcr , und Irom
start to llnish poured hot shot Into tbo
enutm's camp. Judo Hannibal , Charles
Cblnn and T. T. Boll made abort speeches.
Hon. A li Cady , chairman of the state cen
tral comtnl too , closed the meeting with ono
of his ringing speeches. Much K ° od will fol
low ibis nicollng and tbc republicans of
Howard county are jubilant over the pros
pects of victory this fall.
No ottior tinr'rxparilla has ttio merit by
which Hood's S.irsanariUa hn vtm such a
firm hotd'upou the cbnfldoaucioft the peoolo.
The next bls < butlo among -the little fel
lows will ptobably bo ono between Dixon
and Gnflln.
The Truthful
It requires no learned experts
or scientific experiments to
establish the fact that DR.
TRACTS are not only the strong
est , but positively the sweet
est and most delicate fruit
flavors. If housewives will
flavor a cake , pudding , cus
tard or cream with Dr. Pi ice's
Extract of Vanilla , Lemon or
Orange , and a smaller quan
tity gives a more natural and
grateful taste than can be im
parted by any other Extracts ,
is it not an incontestable
proof of their greater excel
lence ? In every case where
Dr. Price's Flavors are used
they give perfect satisfaction.
311 For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
in Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
u- Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adopted for Use in Hard Water
Teeth nilndltli -
ont I'uln ny
thu l.ulost
Arui < i < tirroK TUKIMI ON uuuunit roi
W5.0U ,
I'erfoct Dt KiiarantooJ. Tooth oxtr.ictoil Ii
the inorrilni. . .Now " "us Itibdrlod lit uvoiiln ,
of biiniu < tuy. . . , . .
MCO npuotiiiens of Itaniovulilo llrlaea.
Bco iiicclmuMS of I'loxlblu Klustlu I'lato
All work wurrnnted in rairoiunu > il.
Ulllcu , Tlilrd 1'ioor , I'axtun lilojc.
Tcleplmun 10Sllllliitut FaiMniSJt
Tuio Elovutor or Stairway from lOtli
titroul Eutrauce.
It lqn romtd/ tonlo and not n beverage
Hstlm il.Ues the clrrnl-xt on , IOIHB up the
I f < ! , iwrille ? the blond , Kivo * brightness and
henlth to women , strength to m n , mid is
helm nndorsnd by tihvslclans and more
nilv.ii a > il thin Itors. It Is the limt remedy
far PNI5UMONIA. Hoar In mind that
D IF 'a Purf Malt ban grown In Popula Ky
lor yoiri , that it is acknowledged an the
only WITH remedy of its Kind on the market ,
that tt oonuilitm lusnl oil , a"d that it in
variably benefits all wlio into llgonlly us' It.
Out it f oinyour druggist or uroi'er. Send
for ph.imp ilet to
Roclustsr. N. Y.
" "
Weakness ,
Catarrh or ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Disease ,
Consultation Free.
AcknowlPrtBOil to bu llin most siucoifill sii 3liUt In
( iiiiiorrliiDi In from 3 to H ( Inyi Syplillli curcM
without Morcury. All sliijo forllfo
bTllU'TUIll ! iirrniincnlly curst riimornl co'n-
pleto , withoutcutting oiiutla or oil union euro
iiltecteil nt homo by patient lttout u iiio.uont'i
nltliDut p.illl ur ilutcntlun from Liinhiois.
ItVDIlOCKIji ; AND VAIttroCIJM ! porminonllr
und EUcccDifiillr curol. Mithoil now nnd unrallln.
( VITAMTV * WKAK ) , Mnrtosoby too clou nppll.
cntlon to tnnlnpss orilnily ; < 07c-o niontil tr.itn
or grlof ; hKXUAIi KXCIIiSHS In luUUlIu Illu , or
troni the ollccts or jroutliful folllo )
\OUNIlnnd MIDDl.K AISICI ) ; lack of vlra. vluor ,
and lroni'lli , with organs Imimlroil miJ
winkeneiiediramitiirely la : ipiru | loliln.-olil iu-j.
All ylehl re.idllT to our now Iro.UmorH for losa of
TlUlpowur. Cull on or iirtdroi ) wltll eta'up fur
clrcumri , free lionk nnd ruc h > t < i.
Next to PostOnice.
jlf Barytes and other
adulterants of White
Lead are just as good as
why is it that all the bogus and
adulterated white leads are
ah/rays / branded "Pure , " or
"Strictly Pure White Lead ? "
No one ever puts a mislead
ing brand on an article of mer
chandise , unless he wants to
"work off" an inferior for a
sThis Barytes or Baryta , is a
heavy white powder , worthless
as paint ; costing only about
one cent per pound and is used
to adulterate and cheapen the
mixture. No one ever adulter
ates white lead with an article
costing more than Lead , t ,
If you purchase any of the
following brands you are sure
of having
Pure White Lead ,
manufactured by the "Old
Dutch" process :
For sale by the best dealers in paints
Ifyou'are to\nz \ to paint , It will pay you to
Bend to us Tor n book containing information
that may save jou many n dollar ; it will
only cost you a postal card to do so. .
> St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets ,
St. Louis. Mo.
In Iho tin itiiiuntof nil [ iinnnor
mm ull Wo.iknnwi nml Dliunlor "f
1T T ! ? XT with loss of contain.1 , niuliltlar
IVl li IN 'l vitality. KUIituiin yours p
th nioit roiiiurldililohiiocuss litho
the tioulinont of this olusi of dlbuiibi'-i. whicl
In movim Iiy tlio univtiisiil lo iliuiinv lit lluiu
suiula who hiivo buuii curud Wrllo for elruu-
lurs and iiuttstlon lUt. 1 Hit ami Imam
fill. , IMIIIIIUI , Null
Save Your
Hyus tested free by .in n.Xl'KUP
I'orffCt adjiistiiiont. buiior.or lensoi. arv
oiishoaJufho ourud by uslnf our Siioatiole
and nye liibiui I'rlcw low for Urit cUi
1HS. 15tUSUCrolghtoa , QlosU.
Of clothes all sacks all mndc of the sanio
kind of goods all one color all cut alike all
trimmed alike all lined alike all made alike
go on sale in our mammoth men's suit depart
ment today all at the ono uniform , price of ton
dollars and fifty cents a suit which we believe
to be the best value ever given by any clothing
concern in this country. These suits are all
wool. They are made of us honest a piece "oT
cassimere as ever came from a loom. They
are cut to fit to perfection. They are
made thoroughly even the linings being
triple stitched. The color is a dressy
dark gray. The sizes are from 34 to 44. These7
suits are worth fifteen dollars. They are worth
it in our store. They are worth it on your
back in your office in your -workshop in
the street. They are worth it every day in the
week and Sunday too and have never been
sold for less. We had them made for a purpose
and that purpose was to start Octob'er business -
ness -with a rush to start a thousand men
talking about us to advertise to emphasize
still more the Nebraska's wonderful prices. IT
you're a farmer in the "shocking" business of
"cultivating corn or "cultivating votes" for
governor if you're a lawyer in good standing
[ or "lie"-ing either ] if you're a banker clip
ping coupons or a cashier with a longing for
Canadian society if you're a m a n , and wear
clothes these the su'ts ? business
are very | o your -
ness , and you never h a cl a TT op pTo r t n n it y to try
as good a suit in all your life for the money as
these suits which we offer today at the re *
markable price of
Superior ilT ntag for * diicatlni
= Young Imlici Courieof etudy thor-
oucli , YrtilfF rlment > tiijliciitunler tcaclionof thelicut.\urricaa
KM I Kiirnppaaciiltiiic , large nml iK-anllfiil itruuaiU , new lnilhlin , room * ncll
Tontllatnl , IjKlitfl l > > BI OIWMIH S-plrriibpr 7tb Kor catnlouuf RiUree
tli'Y. T. W. lIAIlltETT , I rc . COLUJIIIIA , MO ,
To Bring Home a Bottle of
It is an indispensable household liquor , recom
mended by physicians as strictly pure , rich and
wholesome. He can get it at any high-class
drinking place or drug store.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
TO * eminent aperlnllit In nervpui , rhro le , prlvalo. fclop.1. kln nd nnimrT rtlioii.Bi. A.reimlar na
eRl u-red lirnduata In iii .lclnn. . Hi JlplomM iind cm lk li' nliow. U ttlll treiillnu wllli tlin grfatcta nuccuii .
ntnrrh , iptirniutorrnuus . lo mHtihno l.iomlual wcnknuis. nl hl loiin * . Impiitoiicy. yplilllj. trlctnra. iiop.
, , Tnrlrorolu etc .No mercury iu l. Nun trcnlnient for loss of vttnl pom r. l * rtl > unnblu to
jrrlii'oa Kleet T , . . . , . . .
IrJMel at tiumu by oorr..ronilenc . MBilldnlDiuuni.nt. nt bm ll or pr.M
; ' " "
cu"roly'pn"'kld nlnuirkiToiti'iiimto'coritonYriVniVriil'fr."Oijo licroopal lnturVlitTprLieired ) _ , Coniullailo
Jreo. corra poiiileiiru ttrlclly prl a'o lluak ( Mj l rlM Ol 1U ) iSUlOil. . Dine * hour * 'i . n. lo t , m.
Bundaji Ul a. U ui Suiid iiuiiip lur noi/ .
B"Hcrvo Sooda , "
* llio wnnilcrful renifily
_ _ Bs | sold with writ-
ill ! il ! ' . micli no JVi'nk Woiiiory ,
> BunruiiU-n to euro nnrvotu i'R os.
> i n . .
] ! o Bof llriilii 1'owi r. ll .uliiclio. Wnkarulni > > i , l-o Manhoo.1. Nluhtlr Itmli.
Pot- silo In OiinUi by Shormun & MConnoll , 1515 Dodsostroot.
EiasticStockinjs ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
f J Waterfallv ,
pil Syringes ,
[ $ } * " ] Atomizers ,
'tf&f Medical Suppfisv.
CriJBi\t \ 1H Main SI ,
' Kcxl to 1'ost'jIiicJ ' '
w _ _ _
National Bank.
Surplus r , W
omccrtanUJHrectori-Henrj W Vatoi pro ldont
rVir M-V . ' ' 0.0 . !
( Iruno Iliirk. )
Tlionbnvo brands of cloves lor sale by
The Boston Store
N , W. Cor. 11th and Douplas