Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1892, Part Two, Image 9

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    I Tar m \ m k" k XT 4 "W "W A.
Colored Dress Goods.
40-inch all wool henriotta , made in
France , very fine coloringSOc. .
36-inch ail wool bUrah twill serge , OSc.
.52-inch all wool French serge with
cnmel'c hair border , $1.45.
54-inch all wool dress flannels in all
colors , OOc.
40-inch all wool stripe cheviots , S3c.
40-inch ah wool French figured pop
lins the latest out , $1.
54-inch ail wool ladies' cloth , SSc.
52-inch broadcloth ( this cloth is a bar
gain ) , SI.
80-inch stripe suiting , extra value for
the tnonev , 20c.
40-inch all wool chevron suitings ,
special , SOc.
40-inch nil wool plaids , and stripes , OSc.
50-inch Scotch mixtures , beautiful
pnttornE , SI. BJ.
00-inch rainproof serge , our price on
these goods is only $2.20.
% -inch Jamestown narrow wale in all
colors , 37ic.
Black Dress Goods
40-inch all wool satin finish Fxench
henrietta , 70c.
40-inch all wool German henriettn ,
regular 75c goods , special. OOc.
04-inch beautiful French serje { , special
for londuy , $1.45.
02-inch nil xvool imported broadcloth ,
very fine finish , $1.H8.
42-iuch Priestley's fine stripe blacks ,
jcgular price $1 25 , special , SOc.
4C-iriCh all wool tricot flannels , 40c.
3Mncb ( English cashmere , the best
goodfe made for the money , 25c.
38-inch all wool surah twills , good
values , obc.
54-inch Kensington sacking flannels ,
40-inch all wool btorm serge , regular
price $1.25 , Monday only SOc.
40-inch all wool silk finish German
heniietta , reguVar price $1 , special , S3c.
Silks. Silks.
Velvets. Velvets.
We have doi-ided upon n very novel
plan in the waj of a grand attraction
for tpccial f-aie dins , which is to offer
all of our heavy black dress goods as
leaders , and the'reby give our customers
buch advantages in prices as will en
able thorn to secure a first class silk
di ess for a much less price than they
would otherwise ha\e to pay for grades
that are vastly inferior. Now our great
object in doing this is to make it a spe
cial inducement for those wishing to
jjurcha e , to visit our silk department
and see the immense lines of fine silks
we carry , and the burgnins we will offer
those duys. Below we quote a few as
Iciidcibfor Monday. Please note the
prices carefully , and call nnd examine
the goods.
Heavy black faille Francais silks , G5c ,
worth $1.
Extra heavy black faille Francais
eilks. 24 inchci wide , $1. worth $1.50.
Extra double warp blacK faille Fran
cais BilkR , $1.40 , worth $1.90.
All our very bast double warp surah
tilks in colors , COc , worth SOc.
All our $1 black und colored China
und Japan bilks for ( Vic.
AH our $1.10 black und colored China
una Japan bllkb for 70c.
All our 70c black China and Japan
bilks for 55c.
China bilkb in beautiful shades for 20c.
A good bilk laced velvet in black only ,
for oOc.
Notions , Notions.
Here is the best and cheapest astort-
jnont of good , cloua notionb ever offered
in the city :
Look ut our 20c leader :
6 jiiickngcfe good hair pinb for Ic
1 dozen good nursery pins for Ic
1 p perNo. i'lidamantiiio pins for. . Ic
3 card hookb uud eyes for lo
"CO yards good cotton thread for. . . . Ic
1 roll bluck tupo for Ic
1 good thimble for Ic
2 good bluc-k corbel lucab for lo
1 bkt'in rturtilng cotton for Ic
1 bpool turUey red llossfor lo
300 yards fpnol linen thread for. . . . 2c
1 coo3 rubber fine comb for 2o
3 good gentb'pookot comb for 2c
1 packiigo hair crimpers for 2u
1 yard good elastic , full width. . . . . o
3 good dressing oouib for. 4o
1 pair good coret steals. So , worth lOc.
1 gross bhcxj buttons , 5cworth ISc.
1 dozen colltir buttons , Sc , worth lOc.
3 pair dress bhiulds , Sc. worth lOc.
1 gro'-k nguU ) buttons , 6c , worth lOc.
Hair curler * , Sc1 , worth lOc.
Dress Trimmings ,
tons , Etc. .
Fine gimp trimmings , all shades , 5c ,
lOc , loc per yard.
Jet trimmings , all widths and styles ,
from Oc up.
All shades in cords , regular price 5c ,
iOw.2Ju. )
Wo have n job lot of fnncv dress but
tons , the actual Miluo is 20c per card ,
but as wo need the shelf room we will
close them out at lOc per card.
A complete line ol pearl buttons , lOc
to SOc dozen.
Our stock of fur trimmings are all
opened up , nnd we would Kindly ask
those in need of trimmings of this kind
to examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. We can saye you money and
suit your taste.
We also have a very nice line of as-
trachan and riboon trimmings that are
Feather collars at OOc up.
Rare bargains in smokers' articles.
A good cob pipe only 2c , worth 5c.
A nice imitation meerscnautn only
lOc , worth 20c.
A fine imitation meerschaum , only
23c , worth SOc.
The finest of its kind in an elegant
case , 47c , worth 7oc.
The real article in case , 75c , worth
Extra qualities $1.50 to $2 , worth $3 to
Wood pipes , 3c , lOp , lOc and 20c.
- The bebt bargain of the lot , and one
"fhat every lover of n choice pipe will
admire , is our French briars ; they
are a special importation of our own ,
are put up m elegant plush lined cases ,
and "we ofler them for the exceedingly
low price of 9sc each Call and look at
Art Department.
Here are a few items from the ladies'
favorite corner : "
A lot of fine drnpes with bolting cloth
ends ind painted , 4c. ! )
Another lot. very fine , 79c to OSc.
All colors cnenille cord Oc to 30c psr
Bungles in all shapes and colors , lOo
Chenille balls , all colors , lOc dozen.
The solid comfort bead rests only 49c
Chenille flowers for fancy work , 15c ,
20c , 29c , SOc each.
Stamped tidies from Sc to 20c.
Splashers with druwn thread , 20c to
29c each.
Dresser scarfs , 72 inch , 29e to 49c
Roman table covers , very btylish , only
3Jo ) each.
Hemwlltched tray cloths only 15c
Fringed tray cloths only loc each.
Table scarfs only 4it . each.
We have a complete line of felt table
covers which tire very fine and the
prices put them within the reach of
Bargains for Monday.
Gent's uulaundered bhirts. New York
mills muslin , double back and front , bet
in boiora , nothing better made , toduy
SOc each.
100 dozen gent's outing flannel shirts ,
good quality , only , worth SOc.
1 case of gent'b British cotton half
hose , come in black , tun , modes and
brown , lit 12jc per pair , worth 2-5c.
100 dozeuJadies' kid gloves , Biarritz
nnd hooke , come in all sliades , also the
now ox blood color , your choice of any
pair $1.00. every pair warranted.
1 cube of ladies' fast black cotton hose
only loc per pair , worth 20c.
Children's hose Be. lOc , 12c and lOc
puir , good value and every pair war
Special bale of gents' handkechicfs
and scarfs.
100 dozen gents' fine sill : and batln
scarfs worth Slic each , your choice to-
dnj' 20c ouch.
J,000 pounds best quality standard
knitting yarn only 19o per skein.
Good quality Saxony yarn Ce per
Ice wool 21 c per box.
Immense bargalnb in boy3' ehlrt
waibls for Saturday. ,
$1.03 corset reduced to 75c ,
7Sc corsets I educed to SOc.
Windsor Ties.
Here is tumething for the ladies ,
gents , boys , girls and albo for the little
folks. They all wear them and if prices ,
btyle and colors are an objectrthey will
all buy them nl Hayden Bros. We offer
our entire line of : (5c ties , in plaids ,
stripes nnd plain colors nt 20c. These
goods ure fresh from the fuctorv and
tlrivlly till silk. Wo have u job lot of
the 2-Jr article that we will close out at
19c , another lot that will be bold ut ISc
und to give the youngsters u chance we
will furnish them a bargain in a neat
Wlnsor tie for only 3c each.
Drug and Prescription
Isn't it strange how some people will
allow prejudice to filch their hard-
earned coin ? They buy their groceries , 1
dry goods , clothihsr and other neces
saries where they can buy them them
cno'ipest. but when tney need tnedi- - (
cine they go to an old-time druggist and
pay him seven prices for H prescription.
What's the sense in it ? Where's the
logic ? Bv what process of reasoning do
you justify jourself in paying those ex-
horbitant prices for drug * and pre
scriptions xvhen we can supply you with
identically the same articles at a frac
tion of the drusj s'ore price ? Our
pharmacists are thoroughly competent
und reliab'e , else they would not be al
lowed by the State Bo'ard of Pharmacy ,
by whom they have been examined , to
practice in the state. No doubt they
have filled prescriptions for you at son.e
of the other drug stores in the city.
Can't they do the work now as well as
then ? Our drugs and chomicalb are of
the very highest quality that money
can buy and we challenge uny chemist
or other competent authority to find
anything in our stock that ib not abso
lutely pure , fresh and reliable. Prices
talk and -we court comparison of ours
with those of anybody. Bring us your
prescriptions. Bring us a copy of one
you've had filled somewhere elsa and
we'll make you CgUres which will take
your breath.
Epsom salts , Ib Sc.
Rochelle salts. In COc. , - .
'Compound licorice powder , Ib SOc.
Copperas , Ib Sic.
P. & W. quinine , oz bottle , COc.
Scott's Emulsion , 7-3c.
Pater Moilek's Cod Liver Oil , C5c.
Hind s Honey and Almond Cream ,
Mai vina or Viola Cream , 35c.
Blush of Rosec. 05c. :
Sheffield's Creme Dentafrice , ISc.
William's Barber Bar Soap , 6c cake ,
30c Ib
Carter's , Mill's or Pierce'a Pills , 17ic.
Special sale on sample line of blankets ,
single bluuKets , double blankets , red
blankets , gray or brown mixed blankets ,
white blankets , tun colored blankets ,
blan'cets of every description , grade and
quality , being the sample line of one of
the largest blanket bouses in this _ coun
try ; only three or four pair of a kind ; of
some numbers we only have a single
blanket It would therefoie be to your
advantage to corao earlv and make your
selection and take advantage of the low
prices beinc mode on account of this
hot weather and the immense stock we
have of blankets.
It is a well Known and established fact
that we carry the largest stock ol blan
kets , alsothat we make the lowest prices
On sale Monday , sincrle blanketssample
line , 20c , 30c , OOc , 70c$1.00 each and up
Blnnkets. double blankets by the pair
OOu , 65c , 7r > c , fcOc , 90c , $1.00. $1 25 , $1.35 ,
$1.50. $1.75 , $2.00 and upwards to the
There are n great many fine white
California blankets in this line slightly
Boiled which will go at a bargain.
Bed Comforters.
The largest stock ever shown by any
house in America. Thib is a broad as
sertion and au easy matter to put in
print , but we feel justified in claiming
this fact us we have the fctocic to back us
in our assertion und our prices to assist
us to make this department s > o popular.
Bed comforts on Monday 25c each.
Bed comforts , large slzo , 4Hc each.
Bed comfortR , la-gc size , 7oc each.
Splendid comforts for S5o each
Sateen covered comforts , ( toe.
Fast chintz comforts , $1.2-5.
Fine line of comforts at $1.50 , $1.75 ,
$2. $2.25 , $2 50. $2.70 iind $3 each.
Down comforts ut $4 7o ewh. :
Silk covered comforts at $5 each.
You will save money by buying your
cornfoits now at Hayden Bros.
Domestic Bargains.
White shaker flannel , 3c vard.
Bleached cotton flannel , oc yaid.
2 cases soft finit-hod bleached muslin ,
10 to 20 yard pieces , by the piece only oc
yard ; the best ba'rgairi offered in
bleached mjslin. only Oc yard.
Special bargain ? in cotton flannel at
7c , be , lOc and 12jc yard.
Dark outing flannel lOc , now 5c yard.
Tisking , oc yard ,
42-inch pillow case inuslin , bleached ,
45-inch pillow caf-o muslin , lOc yard.
Ready made bhcets und pillow cubes
on bund.
Special on Monday. M
5K ( > 0 yards durk colored printed
iriOinio cloth and 3,000 yards Simpson's
silver gray prints at 2jc yard all duy , us
long as they lust , 2jc only ; one dre&s to
each customer.
Toy Department.
Big doll sale this week commencing
We have baby carriages at almost one
half the regular price , from $1. . Q to
$20.00. We are felling a $10.00 ca-riage
for $7 ; $10 for $12 ; $1S.OO for $12.50 ;
$ -23 for $15
We are still tolling Mock of SOc und
40c music for 7c ; musical instruments at
greatly reduced prices.
While they lust Body Brussolls ,
Axminsterand Wilton carpets in lengths
from 10 to 20 yards , 70c per yard. Also
n good Brussells carpet for OOc. Ingrain
carpets for 17c per yard , better ones at
30c , 33c and 40c. All wool ingrain 05c ,
OOc and ( > 5c.
J Just received a new lot of Smyrna
rugs and art squares.
Our stock of oil cloth and Linoleum
is the most complete in the city , and the
prices re risrht.
Wo are headquarte'-s for lace curtiins.
A good curtain for OOs per pnlr.
Same very fine ones for $1.00 to $2.00.
Also the best grades of Irish Point ,
Brussells. Nett . .nd Swiss curtains very
low this week.
A few pieces left of China Matting to
close eel at 12ic per yard.
25 dozen carpet swoepers. We have
too many and thiy must be sold at once
Furniture Department.
Center tables , Oak IS inches sauare
Center tables , O-iU * 21 inches square
room suit Oak , $18 50.
Bed : oem suit Oak , $27.
Bed room suit OaU , $29.
French Glass $ .30 , $ S5 , $40 and $03.
Oak rockers 41.20 up.
Oak dining chairs 93c up
Extension tables $3.45 , $4 23 $4,55 , 6
We have select Oak extension table ,
polibhed SS.OO , $9 , $10.00 , $11.00 and as
high as $10.
Book case $5 85 up.
Jewelry Dept.
Solid silver souvenir spoons , 'var-
r anted sterling , with gold bowls , en
graved Omaha , OSc ; jewelers' price , $2
to $2.60.
Ludies' separable 1/utton sets , C5c ,
worth $1.
Be lutiful solid gold band rinsrs , OOc ,
worth $2.
Ladies' and snisses'eolid gold set rings ,
SOc , worth $1.
Luce pins , 49c , worth $1.
Gents go.d plated watch chains , war
ranted , 45c , worth $1 to $1.00.
Genti' bast rolled plated watjb chains ,
warranted to wear five ysars , itsc. worth
300 styles in ladies' Victoria chains ,
warranted for Oveyea-b , $1.25 , worth $3.
Solid sterling silver thimbles , 19u ,
worth oOc.
Gents' gold stiffened hunting case
watcbea , stem wind and set with 7 jew
els. Ame.-ica.n movement , $3 70
Gents' gold tilled huntingcase watches ,
warranted to wear 20 years , with Elgin ,
Springfield or Wa'thain ' movements ,
Ludies' solid gold stem wind watches ,
$9.50 up.
Ladies' gold filled watches , E'gin ' ,
Springfield or Wultham movements ,
$8.75 up.
Watch and clock repairinc t half
jewelers' prices AH work guaranteed.
Rogers' 12 dwt knives or aorks ,
$1.2-5 per set.
Belts , Hose Supporters
and Purses.
' Wo hate a complete line of each of
I these articles and are prepared to quote
prices that will surprise you , vi :
1 good leather Holt worth 23conly 15c.
1 fine solid leather belt with silver
buckle , 20c.
! This belt comes in tans and blacks and
i is equal to any OOc belt in the market.
! Lndies' hose supporters only lOc a
! pair.Ladies'
L-adies' bo--e bupporters with bub-
J ponderb only 10c pair.
* ] Ladies' fine bill : garters with bilver
f buckle 20c. worth 50c.
Wo have tne largest and finest stock
of bilk garters in the city , and we defy
competition either in price or quality.
Wo are having a continuous bale on
pocketbookb , purses , walletb und ladies'
chatelaine bajrs.
They are all new goods and if you
nned anything in this line you slould
not fail to examine our line.
Big Bargains in Hand
Children's handkerchiefs He each.
Lidies' fine hemstitched handker
chiefs 6c oach.
L-jdies' fancy corded handkerchiefs 5c
Ladies' very fine embroidered hand
kerchiefs Btc each.
Ladles' initial , extra quality , 12o }
House Furnishing
Glassware , woodenwarc , crockery ,
tinware , grariteware , unamelware.
hardwa-e , lamps , brass , copper and
nickelwaro , stoneware , willowwsre ,
iron , bteei and bheet iron ware , and
Jit pan ware.
The above lineof goods occupy a
floor ipnce of over 70OJO square feet.
All of the above line are complete in
every detalt. We have gone over this
entire line of goods , nnd we have cut
the prices in half. By lee ipg over the
prices you c in see for you self.
A lOc wash basin , Sc.
A lOc dipper. 2c.
A 25c tin pail , 1 JB.
A 70c porcelain kettle , 2Di
A 30c dish pan , lOc.
A loc flour sio-e , oc
A loc wire toaster. Sc.
A 20c wooden bowl , Sc.
A 80c coffee pyt , loc.
A loc cuspidore , Sc.
A 20c wash board , Sc.
A $1.23 coppsr bottom wash boiler ,
A "ic flower pot , lo.
A Oc flower pot , 2Sc
A 7c flower pot , 3Se.
A 9c flower pot , Oe.
A 12c flower pot , "c.
A loc flower pot , lOc.
Mason fruit jars' , ( Mo per dozen for
Tin top jejly glasses , 2ceach.
Dinner pla'.es , 2ceacn , .
Cups and saucers 2ic each.
1 quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
23c , worth 56 °
2 quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
83c , worth 70c
B-qua"tblue enamel preserve kettles ,
47c , worth 94c
4-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
59c. worth SI.IS.
6-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
74c , worth $1.4.5.
S-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
87c. woth $1 74.
10-quartb'ue ' enamel preserve kettles ,
OOc , wo-thl 92.
12-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
8-1.05 , worth $2 10.
We have a fine docoratid vase lamn
with shade to match. This lamp sells
regular for $4.00 or S3 , our price in this
out sale $1.45.
\Ve have a line of hanging lamp-that
is simply immense.
A $7 automatic spring extension lamp
for $2.83.
We have a $10 decorated tea set for
$3 23 , and dinner set fo.$5.00 that sells
everywhere for $10.
EC ipse earthenware cooking pots 23c
s.nd 35c. worth .r { ic and 75c.
Fine decorated cusoldores 21c , worth
Japanese. Hollind and China bowls
lOc , worth OOc.
Large scrubbing brush oc , worth 25e.
Lamp shades at oc that are advertised
bv other dealers HS a bargain at 25c.
"A Oc lid lifter Ic.
A lOc nulmeg grater Ic.
Stoves and Ranges.
If you will examine our $27.60 solid
steele range that other dealers ask $45
for you woula take it in preference to
" ' .herf if we ask also $40 for them , but
not alone giving you the best range in
the world , we sate you ( > -j per cent. We
do the same thing in our cooking and
heating stoves. If you will road the
following prices you can convince your
self :
The Magnet $2.93 , worth throe times
as much.
The F. W Jr. O ik $0.45. worth $12.
The Kmblem $9 3' ) , worth $10.
The Caunan $5.93 , worth $12.
The P. P Stewa-t $17.00 , worth $00.
The Matchless 5Id.20 , worth $ : i5.
The Sulendid WS 25 , worth $33.
The Pulraan $1.15 , worth $10.
1 he Cooking Emblem $7 , worth $14.
TbeHearthhlde$9.43 , worth $16.
The Matchless sH'J.05 , worth $27.
The Signal $19.'J5 , worth $27.
The P. P. Stewart , the finest cooking
stove in tne world , $22.93 , worth $35 of
any matils money.
Tooth brushes 4c up.
Lither b-ubhes 4c. Co nnd lOi.
Clothes brushes lOc , 2"ic and 85c up.
Hair brusnefc 23c , JiOc S"c up.
Fancy hand mlrrorfa , lOc.
Flfbb brushes only Oc.
Nail brushes 20u uud SOc.
Veilings. Veilings.
Wo btill have a very largo stock of
fancy veiling * , and we are bound to
cle'ir it out if low prices will do it. Do
not fail to look it over , the assortment is
complete and the prices are exceedingly
All colors , all pattern * , and all of the
best quality.
Letting Down Prices ,
Minneapolis bast Superlative flour
( warranted ) OOc
A good flour iSuowHake ) G5e
Hayden flros. best Superlative
flour $1 25
No. 1 sugar cured hams lie
Picaic hams 80
Fancy English breakfast bacon . . . lee
Sugar cured bacon 9c
N. Y. hams 7-Jo
Dried beef 7o
Corned beef So
Dsviled ham So
Potted ham 60
Potted ox tongue , 5c
Pickled pigs feet 3o
Pickled tripe Sjc
Bologna sausage Sc.
Frankforts 7ic
Smoked Halibut ISo
Cod Ksh Sio
Ciilifornia evaporated peaches . . . loc
California dried grapes So
California pitted plums ISo
California white necture lee
California rod necture ISc
California evaporate ! apricots. . . . lee
Imported Encash currants Bio
Jui't importoJ from Seville. Sp lin ,
the flnest olives you ever siw , all
packed fresh for us , per quart . . 35c
Imported chow-chow lee
Imported mixed pickles 15o
We sell a good baking powder at. . So
Dried blackberries So
Evaporated raspberries ( now ) 20c
New California raisin - cured
prunes * .r 12io
3-pound pail pu ro fruit jelly - . 20c
2'J-pound pail pure fruit jelly 75c
Large oottle blue So
Corn starch , So
Liundr. : > starch So
Rolled wheatsome ( call it Breakfast
Food ) 5c
All kinds of wabhing powder 3Jo
Bird heed ( very fine ; 5o
3-pound can clamchowdor. ( This is
the finest you ever ate ) 5o
2-pound can early June peas , 17ia If
you buy a can and you do not say they
are .the finest and most delicious pea
you ever did oat , we will pay you back
your money.
We have peas for Sic , 10c , 12jc and
lee per can.
Condensed milk lOo
2-pound can preserved raspberries
in pure sugar syrup 17Jo
2-ppund can preserved strawber
ries , in pure sugar syrup 17ic
This is the finest fruit packed. Try
one can and you will be convinced.
Imported macaroni 12Jc
1 mported egg noodles 12Jc
Imported vermicelli 12c
Imparted spaghetti 12Jo
These goods nil came from Napoll ,
Italy , and are the most delicious you
ever used. On each pacicage IB a recipe
telling all the digereut ways of prepar
ing for use.
3-pound bar imported castile scan. . 25o
Tea and Coffee Dep't.
On account of the quarantine cofleo
has advanced from 2c to SB per pound ,
but having u large quantity on hand we
continue to give you the following low
prices :
Crushed Java loc and 19o
Crushed Java und Mocha 0c
Choice Rio 23o and 25o
Golden Rio 25c and 28o
Combination Java 80o
Peaberry Santos , ; tOo
Charm Java 32o
Old Government Java and Mocha ,
3 = > c , or 3 pounds for Sl.OCl
Cocoa Shells 3c pound
Japan siftingb 12jc nnd ISo
Jupitn greeu 19c , 25c , 85c. 50o
Babket fired Japan SOc , 35o , 45o
Uncolored Japan" . 40c , 48o
Choice f-pidor leg Japan SOc , GOo
Gun powder SSc , SOc , COo
Engiibh breakfast SSc , 48c , SSc , COo
Butter and Cheese.
At Hdyden's. You can buy country but
ter for 14c and lOc , and host country butter -
tor l&c.
Dodge creamery 20c and 22c.
Our Dodge separator creamery butter
for 24c.
We call Bpociul attention to the very
fine qualities of choc-Be we bundle ut low
est prices.
"Wibcontin full cream choose , 7j and
Eastern process full cream , lie und
The Rockford pure cream cheese , ICc.
This ib the finest made.
Swibs Glreose , loc nud 17jc ,
Lirnborger cheese , 12c | and IDc.
JJrlok cheese , 12c , He and lOc.
Young America lull cream , 18c.
Wo handle the finest Capo Cod c"an-
burries for lOo per quart
Remember our goods are the very best
und prkcb the lowcfat
ROTHERS , liaiidDoifoSMniak