THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ( VTOBER 2 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. THEOAIA.UA. . COUNCIL m.uKFa : KO. 12PEAULSTKRKT TJellmed by carrier l'i nnr part af the eHr II. \ \ . TIM'ON. - MANAOER. Iluvnc Ofllco Miit ) Editor K y. Plumbing Co. Council Titans Lumber Co. . The Woman's Chrlstlin association will meet tomorrow afternoon nt 8 o'clock at the hospital. The funeral of Etnll Iloscti will take r-lnco tbia ttftcrncon nt tuo family residence , 150 * ) High a I rent. Thd Ollvotto cluu will ptvo ix dancing tinrty next Wcdnosuny evening In the Koyiu Arcanum parlora , An Information was filed before Justice Bwoarlnpei ! yostcrdny by Mrs. John 1'elcr- on cbarplni ! her husband xvltd assaulting ntid baUorlnR her. Itcgulnr merlins of St. Alban's lodge , Ko. 17. Monday ovcnlnc at Cusllo hull. Work In uinpilflcd third. All visiting Inilphls Invllnd. Hy order of C. C. Thnro will bu n mcotlnR of the Worlu's Fair dub nl thu Masonic temple Monday at 2 p. in. All members and these Interested nro requested to be promptly on hand. Two little boys , loss ihmi 10 yeara of nee , we ro arrested yesterday under the ordinance prohibiting Uio peddling of advertising clr- culari without the naytncni of n license. 'J'hcvvoro released by order of JudKO McUce. Sneclnl rosilon of Harmony Chapter , No. 26 , Order Intern Slur , nl Masonic torn- nli1 , Wednesday evening , October fi , tor the purpose of inllintinn. Visiting members coidlull.v Invited. Uy order of worthy matron. A mass convention of the people's ' tmrtv of Kane township will bo held rt 15 South Main street Monday ovcnliiir , October ' - ' , nt 7iO : : p. in. to nominate township ofllcors. Hy order of P. . I. btnploton , chairman city cen tral commluce. Work has been begun on the grading uf the rend bed for the nuw niilroad lo bo built by the Union Land and Improve i.ent com pany. A number of inon and teams nro nl- ready at work and an additional for o will bo put on tomorrow. I'yburn and Hodaon , the two Cut-off men whoso hujlncss transactions have been writ ten up in the papers n number of times , were arrested yesterday afternoon , bavins been Indicted by the fjraiid Jury lor obtaining money under fulso pretenses. Mrs. May J. Fowler , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mullock , died at ! 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The funeral will ocutir at i ! o'clocK Monday afternoon from the fam ily residence. 1)05 ) Avenue II , the remains being interred In Walnut Hill comotcry. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following parties : Martin llorschor nnd Sophia Nictnnii , both of Mlndcn ; John C. Gullen of Omaha andUrnco A. Uoner of Council Bluffs ; L.OIIIS Uucrger ami Nancy Fowler , both of South Omaha. 1'ho last named couple were married by Jubtlco Cones. Uov. Mr. Sharp of Foxborough , Atass. , who has been v siting horc for ton days pa t , will nrcach in the Congregational church npuln tills inornlutr ar.d eveninc. Many who failed to hear him last Sunday will gladly improve tqilny's ' opportunity , after hearing the favorable comments of tboso who did licnr him. Matt Lyon. an omnloyo in the canning lac- tory , undertook to cliinb the golden stairs last night vm the mornnino route. Ho took thirty grains ot the drug nnd then liiydown In his room at. tbo iVestcrn house to dio. His condition was Uncovered and thn doc tors are in Impcs that they may be able to pull him through. Mips Sprinlt wishes to announce to the Indies the opening on Tucstlny , Wednes day nnd Thursday of liill and winter Xnillinory. As the ladies of Counuil BlufTs and Omaha now know that our Btool : is al- wiiys complete and of the latest wo will have no formal opening this season , but will bo happy to show all iho newest things after Wednesday of this week. The Louis , Masonic Block. j'jit ! > o.\.ii , f.iit.uut.i/vrv. Bnrn , to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wells , P. C. Dovol bai pone to Chicago for a busi ness visit. Mrs. Henry Sivan tins pone lo Alt. PJoa ? nnt , la , to visit friends. _ Liaura Kirby has returned from a l\vc tnonlliB visa to Colorado. W. Mussclwbita und duugbtor , Aliss Ollio , ore visiting In Topekn , Kan. John Hlgbsimtb Is con I ] tied to his hone : 01 Second uveniio , by severe illness. Aliss Lulu Sherradon loft yesterday for St Louis lo visit friends for n few" . Airs. J. M. bcanland and Mrs. J. .1. Keitl loft lust evening for St. L.OUIS to visi friends. W. H. Hoblnson is homo from u trip tc Mtirysvitlc' , Alo. , wbcrn no has been vlsitlni frlcuda. Mrs. S. Shlnn returned yesterday from Co lunibus , N. J. , where she has been upondini the summer. Aliss AncioVIokhani returned ycsterda1 from a mouth's visit with friends iu Deuvo' Aim other western cities. Aliss Mnmio Smith , who llvos in Game township , left last evening for Boston li commence a eourso of study In oruiory. Miss Mary Oliver has pone lo Chicago t resume her musical studies , Sue cxueels t return to Council muffs about Christmas. Hev. Stephen Phelps returned ycsfordn Jrom ChieuL'o , where ho wont to intend tb lunornl of his wife's ' mother. Mrs. Phelui IB still In Chicago. The Allsses Lulu and Viola Otto have re iiirned from C.hloaito , Milwuukoo and Fro jort , wboro they hiuo boon spoiidlnu n v cuiion ot sovorul months uuiontr friends an relatives. Airs. H. J. Gallagher nnd family of For Nlnbrcira , Nob. , are In Iho city , tno guest of Airs. GullaRhor'a parents , Mr. und Air ; Henry Pusebel on Willow uvcnuo. Ur. Charles McDowell , who won his till \vllb so much honor lust snrini ; , will rotur to Philadelphia today to enter upon hi duties us resident surgeon at tbo Hnhtu inann bospltul , n position which wus awardo ulm us the result of a competitive cxunilui lion in which a largo number tooU part. O. S. Cluru , who eat bared up tbo loci news of Council Uluffs for soverui years an who is now city editor of thoAIIlwuuki Journal. Is still enthusiastic over the ICeelr cure , which has douo so much for him. A Iho rt'cc-nt annual convention of thoCongr { rational minister ! of Wisconsin ho jjavo 11 hour's nil dress on temperance , It was r culvcd with eiiiluiblnsm und the press of it city published it in lull wilh oulORisiio coi ment. Never before hnvo thn iiooplo i Counuil HltilTs and Omuhii hiul _ uuh u opportunity to buy nuro pronorty eutti llu ) for homo or fruit us ia olTorcd I A y fc HOBS.100 acres to piuk fron Only two nnd n half mlloa oust of Coui ell iiiull'd postolllco , Gentleinoti , iho linostllnu of lull gooi In the oily , juot rucelvod. Uoltor , 111 tuilot1 , 310 liroudway. Ilitntruoltvii Kuninviiy. - A horse at Inched to U. T , McAteo's 0 Ihci'y XVBROU took a notion to run awi yi'slcriluy ufternoon wltb dliastrous reiull The driver wns In a bouso on Oiiklui uvcnuo when tbo horse started.Vh jri liU'iicd Ibo uiuinr.l U not known , but rnn rapidly down Oakland nvouuo to Urou > vuy , atoii | > ln7 ! near thu Boston ttoro. In l trip U collided with tbito other wiigoi : dninnclni ; them ullconsldniubly und brua inc AlcAlvo' ' vvugon utmost to kindli wood. The runaway hon > o was alao cc slUurubly hurt. Doeton Btoro closes every evening ut p. in. , utilcbB Moiiuiiya untl SuturUuya. ICOnooplo in tutu oity use gas stovi 1 u Co. puU 'otu in ut cost. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS "Committees Appointed to Arrange rtn Ex hibit for the World's Talr. WHLRE SACRF-D SERVICES WILL BE HELD .Mr. Joseph \VellV ( lood tVork n * M for llio Ainrrlcnn Sitinlny School Uiiloii-A lliul liny Alrulil of tinl.llv. . The World's Fair association , which was organized in this city recently , has unpointed committee ; ) nnd will tuka Immcdialu steps toward preparing an uxhlbit that will do Council Blu Its credit. The tlmo ot the opening uf iho fair Is rapidly approaching , and ll Is necessary that no tlmo uo lost in making tbo preliminary arrangement * . The following compose the various comiulitcas : Executive Airs. Lymnti , chairman ; Mrs. Key , Mrs.Vlrt \ , Mrs. Davenport , Mrs. At- kin's. Auditing Mrs. McHrlde , chairman : Mrs. Francip , MM. Phillips , Mrs , Troynor , Mrs. Sargent , On Horticulture Mrs. Casper , chairman ; Mrs. Wllcox , Airs. Foster , MM. Dr. Jen nings. Mrs , Caviti. Mrs. Field , Mrs , Irons , MM. Uates , Miss Dale , Mrs. Dale , Mrs. Dr. Gordon. On Housewifery Mrs. Vim Brunt , chair man : Mrs. Frank Evans , Mrs. Do Vol , Mrs. Tcrnlllmor , Mrs. J , N. Casudy , Mrs. Wells , Mrs. ,1. \V. Chupmnn , Mrs. James , Mrs. Huverstock , Mrs. I'rogoy , Mrs.Slepnenson , Mrs. Spjncer Smith. Mrs. John T. Oliver , Mrs. .lames Puttison , Mrs. Knoppsr. On Organized Charities Airs. Phclps , chniriiiun ; Mrs. J. J. Hrown , Mrs. Tulloys , MM. Ilouuriclci , Mrs. Baldwin , MM. George ( Jcriipr , Mrs. Uoss , Mrs. W. 11. M. Pusey , Mrs. William Uobinsun , Mrs. Lemon. Mrs. Urnvutii. MM. .1. H. Atkins , Mrs. Uohrer , Mrs. EmpKle , Mrs. Arthur , Mr.s. Orcutt. Llteraiy and Historical Mrs. George F. Wright , chairman ; MM. Wallace , Mrs , Dodiro , Mrs. Uluamnr , Mrs. llancbutt , Airs. Drtveupurt , Mrs. Stoddard , Mrs. Test , Mrs. Tllton , Mrs. Folsom , Miss Damming , Mrs. Steailmun , Mrs. Hugh Coly , Mrs. Charles llnrle , Mrs. Uidollet , Mr.s. E. li. Hart , Mrs. Rowan , Mrs. MeC.ioo , MM. Farson , Mrs. McMeachen , Mrs. Molt , Miss Lnuni Bald win , Mrs. ll. C. Cory , Mrs. Lynchard. Inventions and Maniifaciorles . Aylesworth , chairman ; Mrs. Jatnesou , Mrs. \Vill Troynor , Mrs. Dutlin , Mrs. Squire , Mrs. Cooly , Mrs. Dr. Cook , Mrs. Ames- worth , Miss Luring , Miss Sims , Mrs. Games , Mrs. Charles Shepherd , Mr.s , Archer , Mr.s. Flnloy Bnrke , Mrs. E. C Smith , Mrs. I. A. Miller. Mrs. Wurren , Mrs. Judire Smith , Mrs. Stone , Mrs. Lucas , Mn. Sipe , Mrs. Vic Jennlncs. Industrial Commlttro Miss Anna Bow man , chairman ; Miss llclon Shepherd , Miss Nolllo Cokor , Miss Ida Lu'z , Miss Bmck , Miss \Vlnk , Miss Mary Grennello , Miss Helen Campbell , Miss Kalbe , Miss Nnson , Miss Helen Spnnlc. Miss li'igsdule , Miss Mumln Slevpnson , Miss Etta Maxwell , Miss Slmyno , Miss Lou Neal , Miss Ulckman , Miss Moore , Miss Warrlo Keed , Miss M. Cur.son , iMUs { 'aulion , Miss Coiiu Boll , Miss Llzzia Duhois , Miss Gronowi'g. Mi Nellie Wtek- ham , Miss Kuto V. WicUlmm , Miss Delia Uourlto , Aliss Clara Mitchell , Miss Anna Wallace , Miss Ada Alusworth , Miss Mary Duncan. Miss Mnrv Burlow , Miss Emma Huff. Miss Lizzie Wallace , MUs Louis , Miss N'etta Louis. Art Loan Mrs. Charles Stewart , chair man ; Miss Stewart , Miss Key , Mrs. Donald McCrao. Mrs. Charles Huss , Mrs. EJ W. ilart , Mrs. Charles Onicer , Miss Rockwell , Miss DodL'o , Mrs. l-'runk Wright , Miss Wright , Mrs. Virginia McConncll , Mrs. Ricliman , Mrs. Hummn. Miss Bullurd , Miss Bowman , Miss Butts. Miss Davenport , Airs. A. W. Cusady , Aliss Oliver , AIr.s. Lunz'jn- dorfer , Alias Schoentgon , Miss Babe Schoenlgen , Airs. A'an Brunt. AIlss Ltttz , Aliss Nellie Bowman , Mrs. AlcICnno. Mrs. Bailey , Airs. J. J. Shea. Alms Angle Wick- ham , Miss Farnsworth. Aliss Jesslo Furns- worlh. Airs. Felt , Airs. Brown , Aliss Zur- muehlen , Airs. Damon. Aliss Bennett , Aliss Gloason , Aliss Nellie Hobliibon. Art Committee Mrs. J. N. Buldwln , chairman ; Airs. J. L. Stewart , Airs. J. A. Gorham. Airs. Soybert. Airs. Wake-Hold , Aliss Bella Robinson , Mrs. Merriam , MM. AlcCounell , Airs. ( Jammings , Airs. Aluurur , Aliss Kico , Aliss Sackett , Airs. ( Jharlos Luring , Mrs. Gcorgo Brown , Airs. Alacrao , Airs. Bower , Airs. Charles Campbell , Miss Alary Oliver , Airs. Judge MrGco. Airs. Sherman , Mrs. Bubcock , Airs. H. F. Evans , Mrs. Dr. Cleaver , Airs. Geore Keeilne , Airs. Oscar Keelino , Airs. Dr. Barstow , Airs. H. L. Shopnerd , Alra. Cnarles Woodbury - bury , Aliss Cora Woodbur.v , Alisi Slelia Pullerson , Airs. John I'lutnor' , Airs. Kato Cook , Airs. Dr. Jounings , Airs. Lootnis , Airs. Wuddell. Airs. George Bobblnglon , Aliss Dohany. Airs. W. F. Sapp. The Kliiilnrurarten. The Council Bluffs kindergarten , conducted - ducted by Mrs. Hard mini , nasistcd by Miss Lnuira , Baldwin , opens tomorrow morning in its now rooms connootod with Miss Baldwin's residence , No. fllJO Willow uvonuc. Two lur o , airy pur- lora opening into each other have been fitted up for this special purpose. The sanitary arrangement * are iiorfect so as to iusiiro so fur IIH | ) ossiblo the hualth and comfort of the little ones , the adoni- inonts are homelike and attractive , and the appliances for the educational work are complete. In this now school-homo , under the leadership of so experienced a teacher as Mrs. Hard man , the little ones will lind themselves most pleas- inirly developed physically , morally and mentally. Few cities a ( Turd such oharm- Ing quarters for kindergarten work , and > few schools are so completely equipped. ) Those who have little folks should gladly improve this opportunity ot se curing for them the peculiar benefits ol a kindergarten training. \Vlierii \Vorlll | > . D'lrst Presbyterian Corner ot Willow uvo- nus and Seventh street , liov. Stophcti Pheips , p.mor Preaching by the pastor ul W'M : a. m. nud TU : ! ! p. in. Sabbuth school at 1'in. . Vounir ponplu'd ' rapotlng iittJ ! : ! p. m. Scats free. Everybody welcome. First liapllst Uov. W. L. Thomas wll preacn at 10SO : a. in. unu 7:1)0 : ) p. m. Sunday school at o'clock ! , You UK' pcoplu's moutiiu at ( ! : : ! U p. m. Ynung Alcn'sChristian ' Association Alen's meollnR at 4 o'clock , led by B , ( J , Jones , Subject : "Harvest Lessons , " Fifth A venue Methodist ICpisoopul Cornet Eighteenth slroot nr.d Fifth avenue. Lov < feast UiJlO u. m. ; preaching 10 : : ) a. m. b\ Hov.V. . S. Hooker. D.D. , uftor which th'i Lord's supper will ho udmlulslercd. Sundai school 12 m. ; class meeting 0:110 : p. m. " preaching 7 : J p. m. oy the pastor , C. W H rower. Christian Church Masonic Tomnle Preaching at 11 a , m. and 7U : ! p. in. ; Suudd\ school ut IU n. in. ; Youii People's society * lIO ! : ! p. iu. Dr. Carter will contlnuo tin saiuii subject thiU has boon under consldsra lion for bu rural evenings. CoiiKregailoiml The pulpit will again be filled by Key. K , W. Snarp of Foxborotipli Muss. Services at lUllu ; u , m , and Ii0p : ! , a : Temple Uaptlst Services iu Hut-ties' hnl at 1USU : a , m. and 7IIU : p. m. L. A. Ilnll , pur tor. Mornlnjr sermon , "Systomalio Iluiiovo lenco tbo Luw of Churoh Growth. " Even Inif , "Tho Faith of An Outsider. " Union Christian .Mission , _ : ) S Jiroadway- Sunday school ut UiilO a. m. Preaching : 7 : P. m. by Hev , G , L. Sprliiscr. Gospel THII punmco meotliip on Tuosduy oronlug at " : . ! ( U. Uotoui ; manugcr. The funilly of Mrs. Mary S. Dotvo : doslro'o uxtonil their lionrtlolt tlmnli and lovu to the many friends for thoi gunorous UUIB and words of Hyiiiputh und condolence that usaiBtud in a inoiii at uro to lohsun their sorrow over the lot of their loving mother , who was laid n 10 rust in the family cemetery on Friday. s , c- I'lvn VI'lliVork. . Mr. Joseph Wells , missionary for tl Auium-uu Sunday School union , has jui completed 11 vo yeats of bard work In tb county and now stops only to catch h breath und make u report of what has bee done. Five years ago there- were only lift Sunday schools in thu county. Now thei are ninety. Tnun only 20 per ceut of tt children of school URO attended Sunday ictiool. Now the per cciit Is nt. Tn worK of the iniMlontu v hat been to orgnnUo now echools wherever needed , to nul In the sup port , nnd Improvement of m-lstlng school * , house to house rUHlng , convonlion worV , oviiiL-cHstlc work In winter months , raising of fmancoi. Forty-eight now chooU hnvo been Qrganlzcd with 11 membership - ship of IDS teachers nnd 1,535 , scholars. Air. Wells ba < vUltod or Hided schools 34 tunes , has sold nnd given 1(145 ( of religious literature ; distributed CM biblus nnd tcstnmcnu ; dollvarcd ( VJ.'i nddrctscs and eormotis ; mndo 12.3.V ) visits nnd missionary cntls ; assisted In thirty-four conventions nnd 231 meetings , In which 100 persona bnvo pro * fei ed onnvcrslon nnd about ni'J ' ( others have manifested nn Interest by raiting the right band for prayer. There hai boon raUod W,100 for tbls work In this county. The missionary , in parformlug this work , had to travel 21,003 miles. Loon Mnrx , the boy violinist , Is only 14 years of age , yet ho can play his favorite Instrument In a manner that puts to shuir.o many men.who have de voted a lifetime to the violin. Voting Marx will play at the Preshytorlan church next \Vetlnesdny evening at the concert to bo clven hy Iho Burger- Dainty company. In sneaking of Anna Teresa Dormer , Jules Levy , the king of the cornet , o'nco snld : "Sli'o Is the only cornet player lo whom 1 take olT my hut. " Tried to Kilt tlio Olllccr. Onicer Lciich bad nn experience last even ing with a desperado thul came very near landing him In nn undertaker's shop , bulow- Ing to a combination ol circumstance : ; n pow der mark near bis eye 1 nil thnt ho has to show for It. Early in the evening tbo theft of a couple of lints was reuorted to the pollco by the proprietor of a sccoud-hana store , nnd the description of the Ib'cf ' wus given to the police. Ofllccr Louch rnn ncioss the man , whoo name-proved to bo William Benson , In the Burllnglon yards. Ho placed him under arrest nnd the two walked together to iho patrol box , where the alarm was lurnod In. When Hie patrol wagon cnmo In sight Leuch and hia prisoner walked up street to meet It. Suddenly , without a warning , Bmison drew a big revolver from his hip pocket und sent a bullet whizzing nt tuo ofllocr's head. The two men were cot over three foot apart nnd the gun was evi dently aimed with mortal Intent. But Lcuch raised bis arm the instant his prisoner pulled the gun and knocked It out ol the way so thai Iho ball raised n brcuzo uncomfortably near his car but did not strike him. Instantly the two men grappled and fell to the ground , Leuch underneath. After uscullla the would- ba murderer was worsted nnd his gun was taken away from him. Durlnp-tbooncountor Louch had"occasion to use his cauo over the head of the prisoner several limes and ho did It witn such good feollrie Ihut the cane , a slcel and leather alTair , wus bout iu forty or more different directions. Benson's houd was badly peeled up. but bo was landed safely in the city locit-up. An investigation showed that during the afternoon Benson had sent n package from Omahn to Kansas City by express , and the police nro of the opinion lhat the package contained stolen property. His evident anxiety to oscapu would soera to indicate that ho had special reasons for wnntini ; to avoid a capture thai might disclose other crimes than those he had committed hero. Chamber's classes in dancing will open Monday evening , Octobar I ! , at Arcanum hal' . Children at 4. m. , adults , 7tO. : ; _ Davis pdro drills , best p.iinta. Program Fur tliu I.cunlo-.i. The Potlawatwmio County Veterans as sociation will hold its annual reunion nt Carson , commuucing Tuesday. The exor cises will la > it two days , and a large attend ance is looked for from among the old sol diers of Council Btuffi , us well as other parts of the county. The soldiers will assemble Tuesday morning , which will bo occupied by . registering at headquurters. The exercises will commenceIn the allernoon with an ad- ress of welcome by MayorBryant o'Ciirson , ho response being made by .T. K. Cooper , .ddrcsses will be mudo by Chuplnln Jesse 'olo of Sioux City. F. S. Thomas nnd Judo . E. F. McUeo of this city , and O. W. Culll- ou of llarlan. Following the afternoon sos- lon will come a dross parade and in the veiling there will bo a campllre , at which ddrosses will bo delivered by Judge Tnor- cll of Sidney , Judge Smith of Council Hulls , J. W. Meier of Alissouri V.alley , and b. C. Camnbeil. Wednesday morning ' .hero will bo a pro- esslon , forming at tno camp ground and narchlup through town , at the close of vhiuh the soldiers will gathnr at the grounds ud listen to addresses by Department Cora- winder J. J. Steadmao and Frank Shlnn of ! arbon. In the uflernoon there will be ad- ressos by A. L. Hager of Greontleld. L. T. jenutm of Hustings and Judge Alucy of llar- an. The business meolinC of the nsjoeiation vlll be held at 0 o'clock , and in the evening hero will bo u Danquut. S. C. Campbell vill ofllclato as toaslmustor. and there will ho oasts unJ responses by . .f.V. . W. Laird. Dr. " W. Homsted , A. J. Burlon , Hon. J. C. Brynut of Griswold and olhers. Call on Messrs. Day & Hess and ask o bo shown the Klein traut of 400 acres 10v on sale in live and ton aero tracts. L'lioy will show it fr&o to all. Judson , oivii engineer , M3 B.-o.ilw.iy ! > uiiiicratlc I'rimiiiietj. The domocrals held tuolr township pri maries lust evening to elect delegates to tbo ownsbip convontlon to bo held in iho court house tomorrow evening. The following dolegutcs were solecled : First Ward D. M. West. V. Jennings , F. jniso , ( ! . H. Ilnriijan , F. H. Uuanella , E. T. WntermiiD , J. 11. MuPhorson , .1. AI. llolladay , I. Nicholl and O-scar Yuunkerinan. Second Ward-C. V. Scott , A. C. SchmoocK , George S. D.ivls.V. . U. ICnopher , Gus Lurson. AI. E Boebee , William Alaloney , J. O'Nodl , J. O. Alurtln , William Allstrand. Willlum Stelnkopf. Third Ward Emmet Tiulov , F. W. Spot- man , A. C. Graham , J. 11. Diutrlch. P. E. dpeucor , M. G. O'Connor , E. Pierce , P. Gun- noudo Fourth Ward W. H. Waiv , E. E. Aylos- worth , H. D. Amy , U. H. White. John Schoeiitcrcn , B. S. Tcrwilllger , Ira F. Hen- dricks , C. U. Mitchell. Fifth Ward-S. Lobbnrt , N. O'Brien , U'llliam , J , Wurdiun , C. A. Alachun , Jumes Nolany Fred Hupp , ll. L. Hyuoa. For commltlccmau , W. C. Morris. blxtb Ward -Isaac Doty. F. Jacobs , C. C. Graves , James Uaible , Phil Moruen , W. B. Fisher. Miss Emma Ilolstand , fashionable dressmaker. Good fit. guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 1)08 ) oth avenue. Miss Ragsdalo has had her auttimi : millinery display and is now ready foi business , Hhe would ho pleased to him the ladies callon luir. Itniiilillriiii | Township CuiHlldn'fli. The republicans of Kane township holt their convention In the headquarters in Ihi Sapp bulldin ? , last evening , and iioinlnutei candidate's for the township ticket , J , H Pace wus appointed cbahman , G. H. Gubl secretary and L , C. D.ilo reading clerk. Th following candidates WITJ named for th nomination for Juslicoof llio peace ; E. B Gardner , li. li. Field. John Fox , O. Viun C. H. Gilmore , W. AI. McCrary and M. De Croat. On llio lirut formal bulloi Field , Fo. und Vien wore nominated , J. C. Baker , J. Spaiiluinc , E. W. Jackso and Goorgu Calterlln were- named for con fiiuble , uud ou llio formal ballot ilukoi Spuuldlng und Juckson were uomtnateJ. C II , Gable \vns nominated for township dorli and M , DeGroat aud G. W. Strong wcr uominHlod for township uuatccs. iho forme Tor the full term aud tbo latter tn Hit out th uucxplrod term of tbo late J. J. Sullivan. The bankrupt , fire-smoked , damage furniture ut Meyer's , 305-807 Urondwa.\ Clean goods , less than any Omaha prices Afraid ol Her I.lf . Jessie Miller , tbo woman who bad Fran Carroll arrested for disturbing tbo peace , a | poured before Justice Swearmgea yosiorda morning nnd KwdroJ.jout en Information churning him with Vlifctilonlng to kill her. nml njklng that ho 1)3 bound over to keep the pence. She staled Umt n tew months npo rho had several thousand dollnrs lo thn bnnk , but her f i Icnlshlu Jnrti Carroll bad costlier nil of that nnd more ( DO , so that now she wn * out of moncv nnd hundred dollnr.i in debt. Carroll Is still in the city Jail. M ho bns boon unable to go > a bonthmnn , nnd the llrst cnso has boon 'COM ' lined Until Mon dny morning , llu xvlll not ba tried on the charge of threatening to kill until the first ease Is disposed of * . i ttimil Thl < iif cniplain .MrCulio. At ' 2.33 this afternoon nnothor big crowd lilted the' tnbornncle , and stood n round the platform to hoar nn address by Chaplain MeCabo of Now York on "Tho Uright Side of Life In Llbuy Prison. " It la doubtful if In all the long list of entertaining talkers who have appeared at this and former assemblies thcro Is ono who gave greater satisfac tion. The old solders ciijovcd it Inigolv , but the entire audience fairly rose in their seats at times to chcor the chap lain. Laughter and tears were produced apparently at will , and the hundreds who heard the lecturer wore more than repaid for their visit. Lincoln ( Ne braska ) .Toiirnal of July 5. Droiidway church Oct. 4. Admission 35 cents. Free concert at Manawa today. \Viintoil to Uny. Improved pi-oporty. Will niy : cash if pricoislow. II. G. M'jOoo , 10 Main street. Sent to tlio Itulorinntory. John Biiriolmeyer , bolter known M John Aloyer , was brought before .nidgo Alncy yesterday morning by bis parents , charged with IncorriRiblllty. Ills parents claimed that ho was beyond their control , had spent only two nlchls during the past year nt home , had rot been homo for eight days , and when remonstruled wllb for bis misdeeds would use profane nnd obsccno languugo toward them. Tbo boy , although but Ifi years ot age , has spent n good deal of tlmo In jail , having been arrested Tor stealing a steve from a second-hand store and selling It. Ho has been in ) uil tor scvornl days past on the charge of vagrancy , Judge Aiuoy In vestigated the case und ordered Mm Inkcn lo iTiu State Industrial school at Eldora. Ho will bo lakon away by Sheriff Huzoti loday. Sunday , October 2 , D.ilboy'n band will give an open air concert , at Manawa. Tlio Boston Store closes every even ing at (1 p. 'm. except Mondays and Saturday ? . _ 50 dozen gents dark colored outing flannel shirts good value at 50c , for this week while they last for-U5c. Boston Store , Council HlulTs , la. Prospects lor u Tbo Jury in the case of John Grant against the Union Pacific Hallway company , after being out tbirly-slx hours , came In yesterday after.ioon und reported that they wore un able to agree. Judq Woolson refused to discharge them , however , but toM them that they were us competent to render a verdict as any Jury that , could bo drawn. Tuo case had already had four Irials , and it would have lo ba decided some time. ISow wav as good as any titno. With that bo soul them back to their deliberations. The cuso of Grauvillo James against the Union Puciilc Hallway company , which it rou Hired two days lo try , was niven to the Jury yesterday afternoon about adjourning tlmo. . t _ Dalbey's band at-Mautiwa today ; trains everv . ' 50 minutes. In dress goods oiir line is complete with the latest novelties , both from homo and-foreign , markets.Wio show many novelties coiillncd to ourselves. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. Genuine Round Oak , Radiant Home. P. P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main. Tliiocnliics | | It The members of tbo "Tippecanoo club" of PoUawatlamio county thnt was organized in the campaign of 18SS held a mooting yester day at the republican headquarters to reor- gauizs for the present campaign. The fol lowing ofiluert were elected : President , D. C. Bloomer ; secretary , D. B. Clark ; assistant secretary , Ellas Soarr. ; troasurcr , A. S. Bon- bam. The club then adjourned until next Tuesday evening , when another meeting will be held und several addresses will be made. If you don't want to buy hard coal you had heller see Ulxby about oil burners. They are adapted for use in hot air furnaces , hteam and hot water boilers , with no coal or ashes to handle. Ragsdale has had her autumn millinery display and is now roaay for business. She would bo pleased to have the ladies call at any and all times. rrlnnn Mli ! at I.llihy. Take your children to hear what wi'.a endured that they might have a coun try. Broadway churiih , October 4. Aftm-miiiM Ton. Miss Genevieve Wallace entertained a number of friends Saturday afternoon at her homo on Bluff street in honor of her guest , AIlss Maud Virgin of Burlington. A moat enjovublo tiuio was bad , among Iho attrac tions being a number ot musical selections by Iho Misses Pailcrson nnd Ogdcn , und Mrs. F. H. Evans. Uofreshraenls were served. _ By far the largest line , the nobbiest styles , the lowest vkos in ladies' , misses' and children's COATS is at the Boston Store sco show windows Council BlulTs , la. For the newest , nobbiest and latest styles in ladies' , mibsoh' and children's COATS visit the Boston Store , Council Blulfs , Iu. _ _ Carpet weaving , ! )28 ) Avenue F. The Drill ll Itoll. LONDON , Oct. l.n-Sebastian Charles Gi- rardtbo well known French painter , l < dead , aged ( it. He'wsis ' decnralod with the Legion of Honor li ) : 1S47. CHICAGO , III , , Out. h John J. Fltzcibbons , president ot the Calumet Nullonal bnnlf , died loday at his residence- South Chlcagc from the bursting of ty blood vessel , Air. Fitzgibbons , wlio was 5.1 years old was 0110 of the most popular Irish-American ! in the weal. He wiia prominent in tlu Fcnlun and other national movomonts. ICiioiaiK , In. , Oct. ,1. Alury Tyler , colored died lusl night. StipVlulruOd to have uooi lll-yonrs-oid at iho clp'o of iho revolution Sim wus born n slnvq in Georuli. Niasox. Nob. , Qfct. 1.-Special ( to Tin Bii.j Air * . J. E , Kowuu or Dollunco , O. died in Neleon Wednesday evoninir at tin i residence of her uni'cf ; | , J. A. Dovoro , of con sumption. Mrs. Koivan hud come hero sov erul weeks ago , witbtones , of gulning bonoll by a change of climate , hut it wus. lee lalo The ruuiuius wcru taken to Dellunco fo burial , Sot u Woman's llrnium NorIc. CoMiWATKit , Mlob. , Oct. 1 , Nori Stand i Isb was thrown from a biiKsy last night am foil on her headdislocating her neck. It wo i thought Hbo was dead , Thu utioudln pbvsiclan summoned two ptroug men. On seized her by ihe feet and the olbcr oy tli bead , and ul thn word pulled us bnrd as the could , Thu bones tprung Into plticj wilh snap , the soon recovered consciousness un will live , rroHldunt IlarrUiin Will Alti'iiil. WASIIISOTON , D. C. , Ojt. 1. There Is n truth in Ihu report lhat the president ho decided not to participate in the dedicator services ot tbo Coluniblui exposition build Ings In Chicago on the .21st. "Tbo nretldont recognizes Has u nubll k to be In Cblcaeu on that occasion , said Private Secretary llalford , "and b will certainly bo luoro U Uo possibly cau. " JOINED WIFII THE POPULISTS G.vcrnor Pennoyor of Oregon DescrU the Democratic 1'nrtj. HIS REASON FOR TAKING SUCH A STEP It Had I'rovoil Itnnir Itrcronut In Alt Trnill- lion * llo Dccliirrn-ClcnrlMinl DC. iiDiinrcd by thn Coiucrt to Iho Nn\v I'olltlrnl 1'nltli. Hosciinto , Oro. , Oct. 1. Governor i'cn no.vcr nddrcsscd n mass mceUiiK of tbo peoiilo'a party hero tbls ovonlnp : . llo do. nounced tlio course botb of tbo democratic nnd republican parttos nnd contended that the bulk of federal taxation should bo levied upon tbo wcnlthy nuhcrtlmn uuon tbo labor industries ot tbc country ; that tbcro should bo free and cqunl culnngo of both cold and silver monny ; Unit both should bo full legal tender nud that p.ipur money required by business interest ? should bo issued direct by the government , rather than by private bantling ussocuulonsvtiluh , llxo gold and silver , should bo le xl tcndor. In ndvocatlng tbcso measures now , ho found himself out- sidu of the poll ) leal organization to which ho formerly belonged , but Una wai neither his fault , nor his mlstortuno. It Is the limit , if not the misfortune of the Into democratic parly , which , bo sanl , navlm ; nbiindoncd its principles , now oupht by right to abandon Its name. It had proved recreant to ull its tra ditions und was lorojxvcurlng Us faulty to thn cause of the people. It had Until in blind Idolatrous devotion at Ibo shrlno of a man whoso BoludistliiKiiishlnK characteristic was his stubborn stibscrvlenco to the de mands of tin inonomelnllsts. ( 'nrcful Iti- vestiuntion , hov.'ovcr , disclosed thu fact that this devotion was roall.v not duo to him , i\ he had neither personal qualities , iniclloctual endowments nor political sagacity to win "Tho real reason of bis potoniv"conUniied the governor , "Is the tuut that bis candidacy is dumnndeJ hy the money power. The Chicago cage conventio'n turned Its back upon all Its revered traditions und mudo a most profound suliiam to Iho great .loss set up by thu de votees on inonniiiotnllsin and bunk ran money. The nomination of Harrison and Cleveland , of Ilko principles nnd policy upon the load ing ( iiieslions , by iho opposing political parties , Is quite nn anomaly in the political world. Bui. fortunately 1'or tno country , a new [ ni'tj bus entered the political arena in untugonism to both of Iho old purtio * . In stead of raising the hulk of nutlouul revenue by tariff tnxulion , which fall * wilh unjust ami unequal wclqlit upon ihelabor Industries of the country , It would transfer the bulk of the burden hy income tux , to the wealth of the milieu , where it Justly belongs. The oulv Just standard of luxation Is thu one which compels men to pay according to their wealth.1 , noi/ricu TIIIJ OO.MIIINATIOX. Tlir Kniisiis Drmoerat Soiin on thn Atlliincn Iti-lwcrn the Doiiiodriit. * mill r ptilNls. TOPEKA , Ivan. , Oct. 1. The Kansas Dora- ocrat , which has herotoloro been the recog nized organ of the fusion of the democrats und populists , bolted that movcmont toJi.y in u long editorial , and removed from the head ol its cdilorinl column the fusion slalo and electoral tlckols. Tno Democrat slatei that it bus discovered-that the fusion move ment wus cAlled Into existence nnd Is now controlled by a sot of sellisn oflico sceUers , , 'ho are dominated more by Ihu hope of elltsh gain lliati by a dcslro for the triumph f democratic principles. The movement , as dwindled down , says the Democrat , into contest within tbo fusion ranks between few of tlio lenders , who are seeking lo did themselves to the United States senate 0 succeed Senators I'oiTor and Parkins , ; vhoso terms soon oxoiro. The bolt of the Democrat is u body Dlow lo the fusloji move ment. JKOUXSIC'S JCKSKiXAT ION ACCKI'TKD rcrctnry FoRtcr I avers the App < } liitniuiit ol Charles Conk of Nv Vork. WASIIISGTON' , D. C. , Oct. 1. The president as accapted the resignation of .ludgo Lorenzo Crounso , assistant secretary of the rousury , to take effect loaay. It is said Secretary Foster favors the appointment f Mr. Charles Cooli of Now York to lill he vacancy. StlfKS tl ) IllK StUtflllfllt. KANSAS CITV , .Mo. , Dot. 1. 'I'he Star thu vening says editorially : "Somo of tlm re publicans papers nro very much disturbed about what \V. K. Nelson is reported to have aid upon his recent return from England in ecard to the 'fair trade' movement in that : ountry , and are soukine lo discredit bis state ment. What Mr Nblsousnid was that there is nn agitation in EnglFind , in lha spirit of ro- alialion , in favor of imuosing a duty on American wheat , and this is true. It is claimed by tno promoters of ttiis movement hut England's supply of wheat can be 1 raw n from the other wheat producing sec- ions of the world without materially In creasing Ibo cost lo the lOnglish consumer , und that the United .States may be , and ought to bo , punished for discrimination agal st English products. The protection doctors of this country do not relish the Idea of tuUing their own medicine. " .MuKinloy ut CMiiriinmtl. CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. 1. The republicans of Clncii.nati had their first political ineel- ng tonight in Music hall. The house was was filled and an overflow meeting was ad dressed from tbo front uf the bull , Hon. Charles 1' . Taft presided in Maslo ball. The principal suecch wus made by Governor McKinley , Who discussed the pro- oclivo tariff and that plank of the demo cratic platform which ( imposed to remove the tax upon state banks. Ho vlowed this us n step toward a rolurn lo the old disastrous sv.slem of state banks and the destruction of the present bunking plan. Conlruiting thnt system with the present- national plun , bo emphasized Ibo imporlanco to workingrr.on of u contlnuanco of tlio present linnncml sys tem , which guaranteed full value every where to every dollar received as wages. Grovcr HUH Sin lulurl'Hrril. DALLAS , Tex , , Oct. 1. A News Aurora , Tex , special says : The following loiter , received - coivod loday , explains itself : GuAYUitMM. : IIt//.AiM'H IIAV. Mas . , Fnpt. C ? . Dr. J. I ) . Iluroh , Aurora , Tux. My DourKIr : I have just road your letter of the JJ.I In't. , ana It Is the fourth iinu I huvu re ceived toduy rorjrrln. morti or leiis ill- recllto my alleged Intnrferenca with the factional ll''ht uinnnK the .Icmo.'rutn of Texas. 1 have answered thu others , as I must thH , by H.iylni that 1 have nul In any way. manner or form Into ) fered with your factional uontrovoiHV an I do nut Intund lo do so. WhurovuiT there are dumourats oirnet : > Uy Hiipportlns the prlneii.uH | ( if tlu doinouratlu jiurty I am In byniitliy | : with thuin.'hul uliero thuro are fiictlous I hhull taUo no part In their dlllluulucd. Very truly yours , ( iuoviii ULEVLLAND. Ddiiincriitit ! ( } luhn ( 'iiiiviiiitliiii , NEW YOIIK , Oct. 1. All arrnngemonts for tlio convention of Iho National Association of Domocrutlu Clubs , lo be held hero Tuns , ilujv are compleled. The crodenllals rn- ceivod indicalo lhat every siuto und lord' lory will bo reprosuntou. The delngatiou : from thu western stutos are expected Sun day. sii ; TIIKS c I'UIOKS TOR MBATs Tney nro for CASH OM.V lit J Marliut. UCI llruadwuy , Coiiii.'ll Oloomarzurlno and Iluttorlne , 1'c. At these prices It will uuy you to buy fo catthonly at JlK&CillvNDOUK'tJ Moat Murku where you cuu ulwuys uut thu best ut uiuuu SHE HAD CONSUMPTION , And Was Thonshtby Her Triond ? find Phj- nicinLS to Bo Beyond Medical Help , NOTABLE RESULTS OF LUNG TREATMENT Ai Applied Hy | ) rx. Coiirliuut mill .siriir | | < l In the I : MO ol Mrj. U i II WluiVm r < < riimiiuitlly Utirrd , "Throe jcnts nno inj tniulitn boinn wllli liotnnt- rnxoof tlio liiii ( { < . 1 ns nt UKU tlinpofr lii-nl.liy , but the Icias of tilomt wimkenocl ray no Hint I hnil tu tnko to inj : bed. Slmrp. fliuollnit | .nlns . nimliInko \ mo In lliocliett , Mtondlnit Imck to tlio ihonldrr lilnilcn. jinlns In tliohcnil , nmrliik' nuliios In thec.irii ncl , constlnt Imrrklnu ami > | iUtln , trjbiK to rnlse llio nuicin Hint cunMnntlr droppuil tinm the My condition now nn < o or- Inus Hint my iiclBlitiorn t'nd BMVO JoMMi M to mr rocovpr'lliirtcen weeks I n.ii foiccil to tit up in my lip < l. iiimhlo tu llu down or sloip. " Tlio spoAUi'i1 was Mrs. Kwell , of 102 ; ? Martha street , corner of Twentieth. HoganHitjr her illr.e s and rocnvory Mrs. Kwoll went on to say : MItS. i "A niinibcrorpliyMcian * wcrucalli-ilto sconic.tiul thcuxiiil ronuilloadl.l niDllORuodnt nil. nnd tin- iloclorsnll ulil I lind . ' eoinmnptlmi. 'Ihu rlilll- , fever , xnxiitn , omnvlntloii nnil c-\.no ! rtcadlly npiitnn. Arii-rn ttniu I liulnotMl to call upon D . ropptnml nnd - . ' slu-pnrd. 1 hey were not niu- IOIIH to tnkp my cn p. lint I had conlldpnro In thi-m iindliopcdtlicy would lu-lp mo. Thi-lr u > ifm | | | > ii ceiurd lo KO nt once to tlio soul of my dlsenvu. it wnsdlireront Iroin niijllilMKl Inn ! over taken. It boK.iu at onto to clcanso my limes und relieve my pain nnd . .orciiLi i ,001 , Kalnod llesli andntriMiKiii nnd slowly rcKidt.ed my l.onltli , lint It n-ns n hard and lutiRllKht. U tonk couraKU to try to iscl well when my physician * h.vl said they could do millilng for mo. lint I WIIH bound to live for my family' ! , faku , nudcan say that I am completely restored and ai well as ever Only the special method * . I be lieve , of His. Copeland and t-liepurd could liavo produced such n happy result. " Positive proof that the olTeets o ! Drs Copeland sind Sliopitru's system of treatment is litstinn and comuluto what uvldunuo could ho stronger ? " SI1K1SVKLL TO DAY. ThostatoinentofMi-H. Kwoll , as ffivon above , \\asiiiadoby that ladv last lu- " eeinbci' , nearly one your ngu. In o dor tolcarn if her euro was more than a temporary b.MiulU , she was questioned a few d'iys ago and spuko aa follows , ; n reply : "I nmiflndtolmnuJotontiitutlintnlll said IHKI winter about ih-euro In my caiu by Drs. I'opolaiid iin.1 Shopnnl l.iiuu today. 1 Icel that their treat ment i * of permanent valna for I am entirely fri.o from uny return of my tormcr condition , nltlioiiKli lately I have overtaxed my strcniflh very much be- cwineof tiioalckn 'Sfof my liusbniid. I am still tronir ami In Kood he.Uth. I c.m heartily co.-nniond the skill of Drs. Copeland nnd shepard nnd cd vl-e with chronic illsojao ' to call i > , , thoiu. : MAIL Comes from tlio Rust. West. North airl Sontl- boirlna tjstlinoiiy of tin sncau f.ii . tr-it- ' nicntof Drs. OjDdland und .SliopirJby ' Uhinh Sent to AH .I $5 A MONTH. CATAUHIl TUKATEI ) AT THK UMIFOUM HATB OKf , , - ) _ t MSIIlvl ) KuKC. KOH MA , OI'IIKII IMS KASKS THE KATES Wlhli IIR LOW AND yXlKOI.MAXl | > In I'lIm-OIlT OX TO T l" ACTUAL COST OK MKO1CLNE KEQUII El ) ROOMS311 nmlil5 : , NEW VOIIIC LIKF.HUILD- 1X0. OMAHA. MKII. VV. H. COl'HljAXD , M. n. C. S. SI 113PAHD , 'M. n. M'jW..TK.S ; Ciitirrh. Asthnm , Ilronchl- itls nervous Dse.-isrs. U ooil Ilsoisos ) , Uliuu- niiitlsiii. Coiisiitnutlon. mil nil i-hronlo alien , tlons of the I'hroit , LIIII S , ritoniiioli , Liver nnd Ivldlleys Ollico | , UUN ! n lo II n in. . 2 to . " > p. in. , T tu u-"i. Sunday. Un.iii. to I-'in. W .C. ESTEP , Funeral Director , EmbalniBr 114 Main Street , CouJull BlulTs. Ut Council Capital stock $ ir ) ! ) , ( ) . ) Siirplus ami IVollts til,01)I ( Net wipllnl nnil siirpliu $2:50,0) : ) : ) Dlrccturs-J. I ) . KJ n m Iroi. ' 5. li. Sliu irt , K I ) CJloiiMiii , K. K. Ilart. I. A Mtlljr. I , V. line l nil unit CliiirK's K. ll'iinri. 'I'r.1:1.1.1:1 : : uuatril n.i-ii , tux IniMltiuti. l.aruoil cipluil tuU siirpliu ot u.i/ biinli In ljuutlinvMuni lo.v.i INTKUUsT ( IX TIMI5 HHl'0311'3. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL HLUFFS. The wnntA Ivortliumont nipp.\rln | * In iio.Nvap.iiitr AI-O otton the most lntor stln | imrt of IU content * . They enprim Hip urgent needs , tlio dally \rlslirn of the people who wnnt * nni8thlni { nnd who are nllllnx to da conu-thlEi ; . \ \ TANTI5I ) . rood girl tor Rcncral housework nt 111 Ulon nvonno. ilASrilUAGH for hordes . mil c.itlloj llnl clttMi f I..V ) n innntli. Innulro nt Oil * IPAHM nnil city lo ; n . Money lo.inoj on , . t < " " ! ' . " * ! " KoM i-stiito for snlo. uwollln r and bn lno < ii ronlnU. Moni-v loinoJ : fur lee tl InvusloM. Lou etc. .V 'rWltv.111 i' _ " . 'K Horse , btisjy nn I li irncM"i\7 lilt siorlllco ! Rortl outfit ! gOD'l Wellhrol roul : horse. Must soil. U. II. Lowl * . n I'oul street , JDH HALK Doslrablo rcililnnco nronsrtr J-tin Turk uvo. All nm.icni Innir.iveinL-iitu , U rooms "no block from motor ; u bargain If tsikoi' nt oncoj unsy p.iyinunts or I ratio U U. ra SAliK Two-voar-old Olydps'lnlo oolt , 1'iillat lHM-iln ( sU K Crnamory o itfll , coinprKluff'JT h p , hnl or. lO-h. p. oiielnc. 'J Oo l.avrilo * L > | iir.iliMoraniii v.its. .Hlgaiion-f cafh ; aih clinriioMma'lqns ; uowcr Imttcroiki > r , hn > tn scalci , wnlejil o.iii , water link and othwr tlMjiro * . Will soil clioun for cash ot traUo forl'in i. K. II. She.'ifo. 1JMU TltAtK-lnniis li : i"orpolv "pnunlvTiid" - ' I'uslur eonnty. .Nob. , for ito -U of | .u\olty. organ's , fnrnltiiro or Innlnuss properly In foiui'-ll II hi ITs. K. II. Shcifi' . T 'Oli SAliK Ohoicoat f.-irm . in I'ottawalta- * 1 moC'o. , 413 nuroivo.l < lei < tt , > d an I lm. pruvu.l. I'rlco JlJan aero , lill Sliu.ifo. II' Yit ) have iiiyTliTii for irilo or tr.nTii sju K ll.bhtltfi ) , linn I way an I M ii'i "Jj'OU SAliK On sun 1 pay.nouN. fruit unil' * Burden Inn I noir Council lll.iiri . li n. ( ihnafc. llroadw ly an I .Main stroot. "I/IDH SAM5 Uloan nlooic irirlxvtiToo | | a-\ . l I iblNlio I , Involi'o alintit iVIli. ( loot caon forso " ] Itrr. _ Torim ujs'i ' 1C. ll. S'inafo. ' iroil "KXOUANOKUotnl " and ru t uTrTnT * located nt Shuhort , No ! * . , an I III Ints In Di'iivcr. Colo. : will uvclinnjo for clear No- hr.isi.-ii lan.l. hill. Hhuafo. UA AOHK farm with linprovumniils , llvo 'J'-'iiilies north of Ooun ! ! llluITi ; { 11 an ueros UHiiiip li.irjulii. 1' II. Slioifo. _ \\7ANTKD No' rasUa luu 1 In uM'h.iuco for il good work horses. R II. Shtvifo. UAIE OK KXailANurc-liiij-acri- In i 'Whro'.er county. Not ) . Will t.ilii ) muroban- illsc. R II. Blinuto. _ _ I71UK SAIjKIlotol with fitrnltiiro anil llx- J- lures .il liarn . I'rlci' - ; rooms , , ut . II,5JJ. l.uciitt'd In Douglas coiintv. I ) illy receipts , li II. Shuufa. (1 AUUACiK rcinuvod. L ( " < S pools vaults and _ Je _ 1 1 liiiimysoioiiiied. _ K. 1 K 1 1 1 1 r U c. O , ty Uldg. \\T A.OOO A Ot ) . hnvo some of the llnost i farms Iu Boiithwostprii Iowa for sale. ( . 'all and scous. _ MJ Main hlreut- WANTKD A thoroiuhlv co'iipelent cM ; must ho u tiooil cook. Inquire ot .Mrs. W. A. Matirur. KM Sceoim iiveiuiu , _ AIIAKQAIN , U-iicre fruit und gnrilun tract -4 in Hits from poslolllce. 'J" acres iim rapes. ! i aere In blackberries. UoJ upplo trt'os. 75 lilum trees. : to cherry treef. ihvo line , stable , el.I'rlco $1,00 ' .00. No trade. F. II. Miuafo. $5/in I'KIl MONTH rents seed B-room dwelllni : on Avenue O near ' . ' < ilh street , 1C. II. Miuufo. SAfjK Kurnltiire. ll.xlni-es anil lease.of the largest an > i llnesl holol iu soutliern Nfhiiis'i. ' : All inodern linprovcnuMits olo- giint furniture- . Nut prollts flt.'Dl.uil pur an num : building newly limit : no comp 't lion , I'r.cnl .PQJ.O' , halt cash. K. II. Sheufo. Council lljrff-s. la \V AN l'KI > Competent c.rl for cmiural ii housework. UJHoutli Seventh Htroot. \ \ L7AXTBD Iiiidy cook for ruatiiurunt. 108 South .Main street. I'ltl ' ACUE improvud farm In Ml Is county , Iu. . J .r > .OD pur ncre : aKo ( i ) at J ' , ' , , " 1' ' ; 85 iuriiM iiiilirovvci. In I'otlnwultntmo county at $ ij.OJ. anps. .loliiislon , Van I'lttun. Ill ) iluru inipmvod farm Iu Mills county. la. , f.a.'ii per ticru : also UK ) at * ' - ' . ' > : b.r > acres Im provud In Pottttwutlainlo county. W. ; KIIUJIS. .lolinstcui.V Van 1'itttuii. " TRAY I'ONY Our dun eoion-d i.ony , with black inane nud tall ; strayed from birn toward asvliini ro.-ul Tliursd.-iv iilk'lit. hiHt.1 I will piiy finilcr lo return him tome. J. W. IK V OIJ wnnt to buy a lot see ( Jiocnslilclils , Nle houlson ft. Co. II'1 you want to buy a bouse sco Cri.'cnshlolds , Nicholson k Co. 11''yon ' have a liouso toruntsue ( Jroenshlolds , Nicholson A Co. If vou waul lo rent a house sue ( ircunshlulds , Nlcbc ul&on & Co. II'you want to buy land scu QrucnshlcldB. NU'hols & Co. DO\'T liny property till you have seen Urccnshlelds , NIolioLs'on & Co. /"l ItlCK-SSMlELHS. NICHOLS-OX & CO. real VJcHtuto und rental u gents , ( Ml ll\vay. , O. Hitiirs. 1ST vonr property with ninn who rust , o to J- , ll It. Sen Oreoiishlelils. Nluholsou & Go. pKKKNSHIKl.DS. NICHOLSON & fO. nl- Uwnys have snaps on hand i'or cousorvutlvo Investors. JK YOU want tf ) hour "ioiiiotlilnsr now roanrd- ng real oslalo see Oreeu hulds , Nicholson Ai Co. GltKKNSIIKLIJS. NI01IOI > 'ON&CO. nro the leadini ; rntil eBlalu dealers of Council IIlull's. Hoe them when you want anything. fUKKN.SHEUJS , NICHOLSON li. CO ? Imro VI niiuiy'alns In imirovud aul v cant piopurl.v which they would ho pleased lo show you. ( * KKKNSHIKMS , NICHOLSON & CO. have VJTllio largest list of property of any flrju Jn the city * . ; - ) . NICHOLSON & CO. uro always rmidv unit over wlltlni ; to show piopurty ; rUs always on hand. Uo und fauo then ) . ' fontot that Ou-onsliioidc & N'lohol- DON'T > rlifi't in iho m.dillu of the ring ; la ruest list of property of any dnulur In thu clly. . K anil take ouu ot Uiui > n * > lilclilH. K.cliul- . GO.M ' rl H nnd luxe u ride over thu city ; II COSIH you nothing. To convince you that we have many opportunities for investments that will make you money. Wake up. Investigate. Look around you. Come to our office and let us show you that for every dollaryou invest now in Council Bluffs realty it will bring you 1OO per cent before the World's Fair closes. Wre have property in certain parts of the city where gigantic improve ments are being started that will jump values up from 1OO to SOO per cent in the next year. Come around and see us and get in on the ground floor. If you have anything to buy or sell come to us. If you want to rent a house or have a house to rent come to us. Come to us anyohw ; m.l we will cell you airJ show you things that will surprise you , and if you will let us we will make you money. 1161. NIC 621 Broadway , Council Bluffs.