Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Over 1,000 Articles Will be Sold Tomorrow at Cost or Under.
$6.50 Jackets , winter styles , special price tomorrow $3.98. An $18 Fur Trimmed Jacket , muff included , for $14.85 , Ladies" $3 Pure Silk Hose , for one day , to
introduce them , $1.88 per pair. Wool Dress Goods , worth 5Sc to 70c , go at one price , 37y2c. Bleached Wash Rags at 29c per dozen. 25 pieces of Black Silks , the
best values we have ever bought , go on sale Monday at less than jobbing prices. Full particulars below.
56 Imported'Pattern Wraps on Exhibition in OUr Spacious Cloak Rooms Monday.
A grand purchase of Black Silks enables us to offer our
friends tomorrow the following- extraordinary bargains : .
3 pieces of Black Faille Francaise Silk. ) * y Q
actual value $ i , $ i. 10 and $1.15 , Monday f
4 pieces of extra quality Black Faille
Francaise Silk , a spendid wearer , 95 cents
value $1.25 , $1.35 and $1.45 , Monday
Here is an'opportunity that will probably
never occur again. We have secured a line of
Black Armure , Crystal Bengaline , Peau de
Soie , Gros Grain , Faille Francaise and - $1.07 %
Satin Rhadames ; all worth $1.50 and $1.75
End never sold for less ; Monday we can
ofler them for $1.07 .
We hope all pur friends will take advantage of ihis opportunity. Silks are
Tapldly advancing in price and this is > ccrlninlv a rare chance.
Black Dress Goods.
A fortunate purchase of a few pieces of Black Serges
Diagonals and Henriettas. We bought them cheap and will sell
them at a small profit as our three great leaders for this week :
BARGAIN i 40 inch all wool Reversible Serge , in a splen
did shade of black and a very durable fabric. Regular
75c quality. This week QQ cents-
BARGAIN 2 42 inch all wool silk finish diagonala popular
weave this season and makes a handsome dress , comes in black
only , and is usually sold for $1.00. This week V0G.
BARGAIN 3 46 inch all wool German Henrietta , has a
beautiful finish , made from the finest long carded wool , and
is sold by all houses as a bargain for Si. Our price this week
85 cents.
Bis Bargains for Monday.
We have about twenty-five
odd damask table cloths.slighty
'Boiled , 2 yards , 2 % yards and
3 yards long , that we will close
out at nearly half price. This
will be a great chance for you
to secure' a good table cloth
Monday morning we will
sell :
? r. 50 dozen bleached wash
cloths for 29c per dozen ;
they are worth 6oc dozen.
They will be sold by the
dozen only.
25'dozen very fine bleached
wash cloths , worth loc , will
, be sold at 6c each.
Just opened , an elegant line
of bleached Turkish towels and
See the elegant Turkish
towels at 48c each.
See the elegant Turkish
towels at 58C each.
See the elegant Turkish
towels at $1 each
See the elegant Turkish
towels at $1.35 each.
See the elegant Turkish
towels at $1.5O each.
5 pairs Turkish bath sheets
nt $3.00 per pair.
Big bargains in remnants of
table linen.
Big bargains in remnants of
Big bargains in remnants of
muslins and sheetings.
Mail Orders Filled.
Anticipating a cold winter ,
we have bought a large stock
of blankets. In order to bring
them well before our trade we
offer a line of first qualities to
morrow at the following prices :
FuU 10-4 white blankets ,
usual value $1.00 ,
Special Opening
Price. 75c.
11-4 white blankets , a heavy
warm quality , real value $2.50.
Price , $1.95.
Full 10-4 white all wool
blankets , a soft , beautiful qual
ity ; this is our regular $5.00
blanket ;
Price , $3.95.
Full 11-4 gray all wool
blankets , never sold at less
than $5.00 ;
Monday , Only $3.95.
A Great Bargain.
66x72-inch comforters , cov
ered with printed Turkey red
filled with good quality of
white cotton , usual price
$ ' 35.
Monday , $1 OO.
72.\7S-inch comforters , cov
ered with a splendid quality of
silkaleen , actual value $2.75 ,
Special Price for
Monday , $2.00.
25 eiderdown comforts we
have never sold at less than
So.oo ; as a special introduc
tory effort we will offer them
Monday at $4.85.
These are our regular makes
and all clean and new.
Send for Fall Catalogue.
Correct Styles , to Prices
33-inch Jackets , made of JACKETS
fine quality of Cheviot , Extra Special Exhibit
with 6-in. facing of same ,
patent seams , always sold | ? 3 7 8 < 3W 56 Imported Pattern Wraps , styles
at $6.50 , tomorrow § 3.98. TOMORROW. THE PINGAT ,
33-inch fur faced Reefer JAOK.BTS THE DOLGORUKI ,
Jackets , made of Olber- THE POMPADOUR and
man Dommerich $2 diag
onals , always sold atio ,
The Latest Fashions
tomorrow $6.95. TOMORROW.
Will be on exhibition tomorrow after 9 a. m.
Box Coats , BOX COAT
English astra-
in our magnificent cloak and suit room. All
chan faced , made of
are invited.
tra super vicuna cloth ,
seamless back.sold every Btoift
where at $12. TOMORROW. Ready-
50 ladtes' fur trimmed Coats MUFF AND COAT We opened up our suit department last
made of imported all season. Success attended us from the _ start.
wool cheviot in gray Our fall stock is now in. We invite in
mixed only , muff to match spection. We have suits from $2.23 up to $50.
fur ; price complete $20 , House Wrappers and Tea Gowns from
tomorrow $14.85. TOMORROW. 980 to $40 , in grand assortment.
Goods ,
We open up in this depart
ment Monday a beautiful new
wash fabric called Maltese
Chevron. It is 32 inches wide ;
comes in very pretty designs ,
and will sell after this sale at
25C. To introduce it we will
sell 25 pieces
Monday ,
At 15c a yard.
We will also offer Stfc , ice
and i2j c gingham
Monday ,
At 5c a yard
Prints at
And a full pattern of Pacific
suiting , worth $1.50 ,
Monday ,
For 75c per suit.
Agents for Standard Fashions
312yard Irish point curtain ,
for this sale , $3.37 pair.
Our $7.00 Irish point cur
tain , for this sale , $5.13 pair.
Our $8.50 Irish point cur
tain , for this sale , $6.23 pair.
Swiss Net Curtains.
6.oo Swiss net curtains will
be sold at $487 pair.
$8.00 Swiss net curtains will
be sold at 5 93 pair.
Nottingham Curtains.
Very pretty curtain at 65C
pair. ( ( . '
The next betfe'r , quality at
75c pair. ' ' * ' .
The regular $1750 curtain at
$1.00 pair. ! : : ;
The regular $2fc/o / curtain at
$1.37 pair.
* > :
Dotted Swiss , * Irish point
and Swiss net Curtain goods
by the yard , in endless variety
of patterns , from 2Oc to
$1.25 per yard.
Mail Orders Filled.
and Pans.
Plain white and mourning Hem
stitched Imndkerchiots , worth 5c and Sic ,
all at 3ic.
Plain white and colored bordered
linen handkerchiefs at 81c-
All linen , hemstitched ana colored
bordered , worth loc , Monday IOC *
Hemstitched , embroidered nnd printed
linen handkerchiefs , worth 25c , Mon
day I2ic-
Ladies' and children 's embroidered
handkerchiefs in white and colors ,
worth 35c , Monday I5c-
Fine embroidered Chi ( Ton handkerchiefs , In
all colon worth 35o and JOe , MONDAY
25 C.
Japanese Silk b tindkerclifefs In hem-
stltchP'l. Initial nnd a mhroldered silk. In white
aud colors. MONDAY AUL , AT CiOC.
Unlaundered hemstitched Initial linen
handkerchiefs worth 25s , MONDAY 15O
each. 41.75 u dozen.
Millinery Department.
Second Floor.
In our Millinery Department wo are showlnr
the Finest assortment at Imported nd
Domestic Millinery over brought to this city.
I'nrls Novelties of overv descrintion. In all
ooncnlrable alludes , ahauus and style.
For quality , style , workmanship and prloe
u have no equal
Special Sale of Skirts.
Finn ne I skirts , with plaited rulllo on bottom.
French Saline skirts , llnod and milled on
bottoms 1. 1U.
French frit I no skirts , with ruffle and wool
luce on bottom , S1.-18.
_ _ Trench Satlno skirts , wit n wide rullle , tucked ,
Ilrlllantlnv skirts , llnod , with wide ruffle on
bottom > i.Ud.
An extra fine Saline skirt , lined and neatly
made , S4.OO.
Changeable Gloria Silk skirts handsomely
inadu and ruflled , come In all iliadus and
Ulaulc. Sl.Htf.
Fall Catalogue Mailed Free.
Colored Dress Goods.
4 Pronounced Bargains 4.
37ic 50c 68c 95c
BARGAIN 1 AT 37'/.c-
48 pieces of wool cheviot in heather bloom mixtures ,
splendid quality , we paid sSc for same goods earlier in the
season and sold them readily at 75c. Monday your choice
for 37 cents-
130 pieces of all wool Scotch Cheviot suitings , made of
long carded and double roved wool , noted for its durability.
These goods usually sell at 65c , 750 and 85C. We bought them
at a price , and will offer them Monday for QO COlltS-
25 pieces of 46 inch all wool French Foule Serge [ rever
sible ] , a most reliable cloth , and one we have never been able
to sell for less than $ i. At the price we bought them we can
offer them tomorrow , Monday , for © 8 GQlltS.
Don't fail to see these goods.
Only 10 pieces 54 inch all wool mountain twill storm
serge , a beautiful wearing fabric and most desirable for the
present style of dress , has such a soft rich luster. We con
sider it the best in the lot , Monday , QQ cents Per yat"d.
In our whole business career we have never secured for
our friends better values than above. Don't miss seeing them.
Men's ' Furnishing Department.
100 dozen men's extra fine
quality of onyx dye cotton hose
for 25C a pair , worth 40c.
100 dozen fine English
merino hose in black , gray
and tan colors at 25C ,
$2.75 dozen.
25 dozen men's fall flannel
shirts , in navy , brown and gray ,
these are regular $1.75
shirts. Monday on sale at
$1.25 each.
Fall weight balbriggan shirts
and drawers $1.25 , sold else
where at $1,50. Light
weight balbriggan at 75C.
Special value.
Ladies' Hosiery Dep't.
For one day we will put on
sale 50 dozen ladies' pure
bright silk thread Hose , a
regular $3.OO quality. For
Monday $1.88 a pair.
Every lady should supply
herself with some of these hose
as it is just the price of lisle
thread. $1.88 a pair for
100 dozen ladies' extra fine
quality onyx dye cotton hose
for 25c a pair , $2.75 dozen.
50 dozen ladies' jersey ribbed
balbriggan union suits for
$15O , worth $2.25. For
fall wear.
Boys' and girls' gray merino
underwear , shirts , pants and
drawers , extra good value ,
price for size 16,15C , , rise 3c
a size.
no dozen ladies' natural
gray and unbleached balbrig
gan shirts and drawers for 50C
each. See them.
25 dozen medium weight
natural wool combination suits
for $2.75 , worth $3.5O.
Mail Orders Filled ,
Bargains in
An nil Silk Gimp in all colors for
! 21Ci ffood vnlup for 20c.
An all Silk Gimp in nil colors for
15 Cworth 2oa
An line of Silk Gimp for
35c < & 11 slnidos , usually sold for oOc.
And all of our OOc Silft Gimpgocs dur
ing this snlo for 40c.
And we will close outour line of Silk
Moss Trimmings for 45c and 69c a
yard , worth Tocand $1.00.
A line of Russian Bands , something
now and very popular at only $1.25.
worth * 2.00.
Wo are showing an elegant line of
Pur Trimming in Mink , Seal , Beaver ,
Coney , Hiiro and Nutria. All colors in
Angora for cloak trim mini : .
In novelties wo are showing n beauti
ful assortment of Cut jot yokes , jot ,
hand crochet , cut steel , gimps and
irridescent girdles to match suits.
Agents for Standard Patterns.
As a leader n new line of Silk
Ribbon in widths from 8 to 7 at only
2c n yard.
An all Silk Ribbon in all the now fall
shades in widths from 5 to 12 at only 5o.
An all Silk Ribbon plain and fancy in
widths 12-10-122 for only I5c. This
is a splendid onportunity for those mule- "
injr un Christmas gifts.
An all SUk Ribbon in Moire , Surah
nnd Faille in wldthu 10-22-30 at only
21C a yard.
Owing to the great reduction in prices ,
these ribbons will bo limited to ton
yards to each customer nnd positively
none to the trade. Our stock of ribbons
is complete which includes Moire ,
Faille , Satin , Grm Grain , Satin edges
in nil shades and the best of qualities ,
besides a full line of Velvet Ribbons in
nil colors nnd blacks.
Agents for Standard Patterns.
A big line of Ponrl Buttons in all sizes ,
white , smoked and colored at only 9c
n card , worth 2c. ( )
A line of llrst quality Pearl Buttons
in all sixes , two dozou on a curd at
only I9c. n card.
A line of Pearl Buttons in all sizes
in lirat quality , two dozen on 11 card at
only I7c.
An Involconf larso Pearl Duttorii for thft
ile on y , at 'JOo n dozen. Icti than hull nrlvo.
And u urnall on to match HI only IDri
An clezant luriiu 1'uurl butuia flrit < jutility ,
only G'Je per Uztm. . Hood value for ( l.tu.
And our entire fctook of larjio buttons , and
small onot to match at prices that will sur-
ErUe you. Ana our line of novelties In
urklui. cliupH unit ornamunU Is comu.olu ni
everything now of thU kind will bo fouud at
the button Counter.
Agents for Standard Patterns.
Send for Our Fall Catalogue.
N , B. FALCONER , 1505-7-9 Douglas St , Omaha