THE OMAHA 11AJLY HER : SCN'OA 0 TOBER 2 , 1892TWENTY TAPES. \SPEGIRL NOTICES. * A llVKHTISPMCM'S toll THE K IOMJMS- ? .A will tin taken nnllt 12 30 p in for thoevcnlnij undnntllS Op in for the mornlnn or SnndAy ertl- All advertl'M-ients In thf so colnmm I' ' * cents n word for llrst Insertion unit I cent r word for each nbiequeiil Inicrtlon.or II M per linn per month. No advertisement taken for less than ttrpnlffpr the first Insertion Terms eush Inndvnnco , Initials figures symbols , etc. each count us n word All RdTCtttseineiits must run conircntlvpty. Adver- liters , by rcnupstlnB n nuniliercd ehcck , cnn nave the letters addressed to n numbered letter In rare of'ltlKltiK Answers so addressed will be dellr ercrt on presentation ot the check " " SITUATIONS-WANTED. - WAN'IP.D. IIY A WOMAN OF WRI.8II AM ) Holland Dutch rnrentnire , n situation to do lious work itnrln * thn t ll nnd winter months ; must be In n LhrHtlnn homo. Address A. M _ _ _ " - . ll\7 AN"P.Xl'KltllCNCK.I ) MAN , A-WANTMI. lumber ynnl : speak ( , er muni references Address .M 10. lice HI _ _ ' _ A-WAMKP. l' < ) IPIOV HY YOtJNI ! LADY Ji stcnoKraplicr Just Kraduatnd Address M 27 , Hoc. .MI78 S * - Snt'AMON ASCI.KHK 2) ) BAHS A-WAMKII In diironli. . boots and shoes , also Ktoccrlcspeatf KiiRllsh , .i > fmin and llnnl'h Ao objeellon to country Address , M J llcl > , , , , I'I PATIOS' WAS'TKD AS Amnn. Prnctlenl Job romposllor and lyllndcr rrcKninn ll ) eiirs' expcrlencn esllmntlnit loin- Mm d small dall ) nnd JolH.lllco with hlndi'iv " pre fortcd Address M ) Hee _ . _ _ _ - . HVAfiOOD ACCOPNTANT A 1 KW sets of liooks to po t Collecting done Addresn ' M 3'i. ll ( e * " ' . ! _ _ Ml PATIOS' lit VOPSt ) MAS , OI-PICK ork , references Address M 17 , lleo 2112 * WANTKD MALE HELP. WAN'I ID ! 3ALP.-.MiNO.S ; AI.\IH OH ( ) M mission to bundle the new patent chcmleal Ink rrnsInK penill 'I he crentest selllnu novclt > p\rr produeed ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds , no nbrnslon of papcT , 2WI to Sun per rent prollt ; ono nRint's sales ntniiuntoil H > ? U In sir days another 1)3 In two hours we want ono oneruetlo k'onnrnl njrenl Inrnch state and territory l-ur tcrnn nml particulars nddress .Monroo Eraser .Mfu Lo xtj InCroste Wls _ _ J" ? ' _ , A PUACIICAL MAN WITH " -OVUC Jt'rftpltnl to tnko n water mill Address borSi Lincoln. Neli ' ' 11-WANT \NVAbSIIIW. I . WAW PMll.OHS , J)614Sontli Pith st M jl tM _ lWASTiiMAS'io : TAK IN CITY -I ' " 1U.1 C ) U - 'addreks mimifactnrcr box . > clly 'wAN-ini ) , HAii.iiiui ) T.AiimiKiis 1-011 \\yuinliiK and South Dakota \\nies f.'OTnnd t1V > perdalenil > work AlhrlRlit Lalicir Ollleo , IMHirnnm street _ v'nl ' ilL. U-WANTI'.I ) WO TnAM * AS'I ) SIJ1I CON I IIACT Dors. lT"e trnnsporlatlon on the II I I.liuoln , Neb _ McCormlck HrosCo _ jltlOJ _ -WAN'IKD AflKS'M 'IO Sni.l. 1'INK THAI. B coffei's , spices extracts and sundries br snmplu lo fnmllh s no cnpltnl leiiulred , exclusive terrl lory ; uoinl pn > net our llbornl trial olter CJ W. l.overln * llrownelo. Clileiiiio .M 4i > i u U- * - ( ills' I'lluT LMI'LOYMllNT Ol HC1I HKV1' 13 : help nnd situations Inrnlshcd , 2 0 S H > th - ( OATMAKIIItS MI'ST 1IK I'lllST- B-WAVIHD prices prld npd steed ) work Lot qulst ImportliiK tailor , savurj house , Ucs Volncs. Iowa. .MStki 1 * -WANTKI ) . A HHSI'.CL\yS ItAKllIt AD B dress ; or call , Hed Llchl Hnkery , Amimlion. Neh Moi t 1 BMI'N lOlt m'KCIALTY. 11KT IN StAUICtJT ; aulik seller , prollts Inrto Apply ut once J Illldo , V. To , I10X20JJ , Ncork SIU2Z II * --LAioitiiia ! : POH UNION PACII ICUYCO IN J * southern \Yomlim' , Utah nnd Idnho. free pass Kramer \ O'llearn Labor Am-ney , .J ) ! South llth etrcet , MI7JJ' B WANTI'D. 1 CAIU'IINTIIIIS AT Oil IOWA , ; Neb Address Alonr It ik straw MMl i * 1 > WAN'ir.i ) . A MAN riiAViiLiNf ! IN MH : on JlNeb. nnd Knnsns. tocnrrj oiirlluo of HU | > i > nderK In connection with one or two other lines on com mission b ills I'liiiiiili snip LoMilwaukee , WIs B-M lit rc LASS A 1 'iis.snu WANTIID l on i-hnp und lurnaco work No others need nppl ) Um. I yle Dickey \ Lo. , UJI Douglas si 111. B WANTI'.D , T\\O SALIWMliN , OS'K I Oil Omahneity irado nml ono for country trade , must bo renunlnted wltli croccr ) business Ail rtressltlN lull st , , Llmoln Neb IM 4 l > -WA'l"lii : ) , hWKDi : 1O CANVAS1OH NK.V J'Sncdlsh book , llxperloice not necessury Unto references > S8UO wcoUly and airfare Ad Ureas M i" > . ice ! .MIOD2' WA.STBI ) IMlVCOJIHTUAVKLIMi SALIIS- nien for 18' ) ! aood In lucamonls will bo odereil Hie rlj-ht mi'ii , plvo territory jou hn > o covered , Isoyonrielurenies. Kempei , Hundley \ Mellon- Hid Dry lioods Cot Jos > ph , Mo .MITJ 2 B WANTKI ) , A MltsT CLAth Ill.ACKSMI I'll for horsn shoc'lim and plow nork , KOOI ! wutros pnld. H. T Jnnseii , Aurora Neh .M 11.4 2 * B - , A GOOD bllOKMAKCK , OHItMAN or Hnede prefcned H.'Iodt , 1 ah bury. Ni b Allb.1 2 T-20U SKWKIt MKS' . ALSO HltlCKLAYiniS JJwnrti'd. I'uy ever ) Saturday Dos .Molnos , In. McDonald. Mlo.iO.rt' * B HUIAD : IIAKHIl WA.STKI ) AT SMI'tll A CO'a , 5.'l Main it , l oiuicll Illullb , In. 21 ,1 BB B -WANlii : ) , MAN 'IO DltlVi : AND CAIli : 1011 iiK team. Cnll lit8 I'nxton bloek. bloek.2U 2U 2 * i : IP YOU AHI : snpKiNc A iniiii CHADK I position In liny part of thu United Males write to Western l.utdnt&B Agency , InelosiiiK stamp , Minneapolis , Minn , IIKUU CI.KIIK WANTii : > Ml'sr i 1'KAK ( iorman l'osltlvel > send refertmes 8iatuuiu nnd lowest ta'ar ) Dr C H. Little , llloomllL-lcl hioux count ) . . * eb. Ml'l 4 B-SALK8MAN WAVI HI ) . TUB LCADINC I'tJH- llshera or me < llcul books require n Bnlesman to rail iipc-n phvsletans enl ) . One who H prepared to remain on the road steadily cm hu\paiood In CO ne. Address 1' O. llo155. . ' , 1 hlladelphla 2712 B WANTID : AcioiiiAHNi > fa A AD drefcs H l Miwood , hwnnlon , Neb n-WANTKD-THK NA.MK.S AND ADDIIKSSKS 1'of cnerKC'tlc men nnd women open for perm i- ncnt woik Wo Kite exclusive territory \Yo Kunranteu good \\oikers JiUit ueek.u tnrntsli onice , furniture delivery team nnd nuwspipur nd- Tcrllslni : . our nrtlelolsit inunopol ) ll lllBn\o 2.'i per conl of the coal bills ofoterjbod ) lull particulars by mall Llllioir.iphs , iumplili ts. ute , Ireoupon receipt of i > ont.iio Address Ko il bpar td , 5S Oliver ( treet. lloston , .Mass 2"2 2 * 1) AGKNT. % bALAHY A.S D CCM MISSION , UhT , 'fraternal order ; iiHseta ( .iOViXJ'v both life nnd endowment clufBen ; hilt uilced in every respect ; homo district luc'iits nun toil , n rnru chnntu Ad dress KlniALo , B Union sijunic , Nun \orU. 234 2 IJ-W1C OI PP.H AC.KNTS 1111 ! .MONKY IN 1JX- Ucliihlvo territory , our safrs sell nt Bltlit ; In city orcnunlry ; in-'cnts tlrfct In ttuld actuull ) cettlnK rich ; ono nueiit In ono da ) ele'.ircd f'.ll 60 , BO cnn font cntuloKiiu fro j , AdOrosi Alplna &nfo Co , No HI)371 Clark slraut , Cincinnati , O. 281 2 * 1) ACJKNTS-fW MADK MONTHLY bKLLl Nli J > our now cutlery specialty Wrltn for turms Cliuim slicar Co. , 10th and \\alnut , Knn ns ( Ity , Mo. 2t > U 2 * -WANTKD.P.VI UYOMITO CUT THIS NOT1CK -'out nnd vend toiiBiind no " 111 send b > ex presB C. O. I ) , Biibjict lo uMimlnntlon our llnest full eiiKraved hnntluK KenU' or lidleB1 HK , Btem wind , 2U year Kuurunteed nnd xold tilled cuse nnd tine full juwoled solid nickel patent regulator , ad lUBted Wnllhum or yprlnirllotd mo\ouiunt , u reitu Inr ( It utch ; > ou inn exuuiliio It ut express ultlci ) . niul If loiinil BitUfnctory , | uty thu express iiKont * II.K'i nml tnku tin. wutch , otherivlsudon't pn ) a eont and thu uiie'iit will return It ntonrcv I'ensu ; Bend todny : Dils tiollcottill never npiient UL-iilh. AddriKB sours A Lo. , 2IW WnbuBli nvo. LlilciiKO , III , 2bS 2 > Ol'KIl DAY AT HO.Mi : , 8KLL1NO J'LliilitiiliiK plater nnd plallnir Jewelry , wiitihen tabluwnri' , ete. IMntes iho llnest of Jewelry KOOI ! ns new , on nil kinds of inutnl wlthKold IUeror nlcliol t\o experience. , So cnpltnl l.ver > house hna KoodBiieedlntt plutliiK. II. K Delnu \ I o. , I'olinu LUB , O. 207 2 * BwiiiTP.iibANTKD SHOUT bTouiKs nkelehes , trnvol , pot'trj and mlscollnn ) sultabli for m Wbpnper usu ; ituod prices paid Addreos , for pattlculurB , 'lliu UvunBl'iuBi Uurcnn.Troi o 2IS 2 * _ -WAN'IKD , MAN OH WOMAN IN KVIillV loiinty lo. liniullo nuw itrtlclu. Pxtraordlnur ) snlfN. NolhliiK like It. I'artlcul larB for stamp. llutcbltiBOii A I'lalue , Uuiahn Jl.'i'JJ * ll- > * N1) f-HILS WANTKI ) AT MUKl'IIY J > Wnsc'y & Co. ' chair factory , 2Vj2 _ | > WANTKI ) , A COMI'KTKNTrilKfS PP.KDKI1 Jionu who has had eipcrlencu with three revolu tion prc < H preferred. Addivst W. 11. Motors , j | I'cnrl Btieet , bloux fit y , In. 243 2 ) WANlllAAllNK8SMAKKil , -llwork , fJ per net , 5 to Inch , or week work , fli pe week. J. C. Ciunpbc'll , 1'nluiyrn , .Sob. JIJIS 6 "i | WANilso. A * Mli r CLASS TINNKH A'i J/oiuo. Ono that can upcuk Cierman iireferred Muni hciiood on InsliunndoutBldu wurk. Aildri'u U 1' . Wulch. lllillU Clly. Nub. M824 4 _ B -WAN'IKD. Cl-l'V. COUNTY AND DIBTltlCl' uiieiitii to iu'11 thn "Bliiht draft" policy Isnucid by thu Aiuurlcaii Accldont eoiupany , 'ih\t \ ! ihe be and cu k' t polley to sell. If > ou uru not mnklni , from JJOOJtof/Juj pur week cumo und eo u o wrlto. U , ( ' Lambert , "lulu nupvrlntundeiit. 4J Lhnmbor ComniLTic' , uuialin. Neb. 4062- WANTKD-FEMALE HELP. i - WAN'inl' , UlixIMilllL roll hMAI.L PAMILY V. liood wuii' ; . t nil b.IJtifor.'laavu ( s , Will M.I , ; iloou uortn t'f ' J'ii ' on Ul YOUN ( ! lillll. TO ( 'AIIKfu child ii yeiir u'd and us > l t In cenvrul house woik : ciijuiplloliiu'nuo IJJ CWAM'KD , A IHIIL TO HO ( iKNKU AIi IIOII&U uor'c Apply ut IMj North ittb trool. 1J7 rT-LAIIHh ANlT UlltlS ' 10 IX ) OUUKlcT V woik tor u ut home , tl to li per Kick euhll jiurte : no painting or eiiiivaninjji tud self 'i-tcd eu\ulopu. Lelio Mnuulueturlui : com t JJICtly bijuartl , Uuitun , Muni. JBJ WANTKD-FEMALB HELP. it- /wANTKO."roM 1 TKMJnriplHn KN ' K H AI < v lionscwork nmnll fmullfi mull undctstnnd fluln eonklnx Aiiply IU N d-ith st in 4 * HOAIIt ) vynnd BO to school. Apply Jill N huth street , Oinnhn. .MI73 p WANT HP , "A oiiti , A"I IOUT iiTT'lTAttB OLD V-to do llxht housework Cnll2MJ hcward street. M2 < n 2 " ' ' ' - WANTKI ) . ATTKAT'Y'OUN'H tniTi To ASSIST In tsklnif earn of liahr ti K tor 20th live and Pod itn 2 b _ _ p-tllllL Kll ) HKNKIIAt , limJSKWOUK , Mllf. J II. Clnrkvni. 0:3 : ! ? .Mtli. -WANTKD. TJTilL toil UKNKItAh HOt'BK- > work 1224 N. 2Jth it 2 5 2 V/work nt."l73 Doilne itr et , cor o d. Oood waccs ton compDlent Rlrl. 22I-/ ' /"I MIsOAAlLLA AVKItV SOt'T l 1 : Nl l N \ , v ilex P , pays Its n week to Indies for writing. etc , at home Hoply with stamped c'ntelopo ? V WANTKI ) , LADY AdKNTS TO HK.I.L 1IIIJ vvllyKelaelectrleeorsnts llest soiling niul mo t prnlltntile l-orteiiiisinll or suml to Wuslern Cor set Cot Louts. Mo 2SS J _ "l WAMIil ) , A 1 lltsFTn.AS3 TTil.MMKIl AtM ) - ' M 41 ! lleo , stftthU' experience 201 2 * CWANTKI \ ) WAIM'HANI ) AND AN Al'I'llKN- V > tlc Mrs Le\crton , oil N Uth 2u3j -'mnturcd worn in Address M S. lice ; 2072 * / t-WAMKIl , A YOl'.MI l.ADVTO DO Will UNO , v nddrtsslnn tlrenlnrs clc , \ \ lruorks , f ilW per week. Addiess M 41 , lleo Olllce - M / 1-WAN'IKI ) , YOIIM1 LADY OP HOOD A I1 V-'pearanco for prolltnblo position In ctly Must hnto rlty rolerences tnll between II nnd M 0 clock Monday nt JIJ Karlmch bloek 2JS 2 vWAVTI.1l. < HHL I'OH ( HINKtlAL v nork Mrs ( M Illbbel , 4JH aewnrd sireet. Oichnrd Hill 210 2' ru WA.sTiiTnuKiviii : ) > uiN : V Appl > to Alice Isaics , 107 S Uth st MNT-HOUSES. D M.A'IS. lWKIil.lStS ) ; COIl'ACirS IN ALL partsofclty Kilkenny .V Co. , Continental blk Hi I _ _ D11 HOOM itousi : NIAH : limn > -CIIOOL , slenm limit , stnble ; modern conveniences 1 hos. 1 Hall , Ii07 I'.ixton block 170 J ) HUNT IIOHsKS IN ALL I'.MIIS or ell , ) IhoO P livlscompin ) > , 1'iX 1 amain St 4 1 J DPOIl Uh.Slll'LATl > Ltv1cN HLOUK. Mth nnd Mason streets , I rooms each , wntei and KIIS , heatc I b ) stc. un , In KOOd rep ill , lout IOT In quire atl7 ! ! In the block. Julia llamlln , iuu it. D i ( jii HINP. : i ouii IIOOM COITAIH : , ooixn : nnd 2''tli ' , { IOOU lioxgs Hill , 1WS lainnm street .MI7u 4 _ II IIOOM HHK ] { HP.i-IIIIINCP. til , OKOHOIA avenue hurnnce , bath , > xe , t. > 7 5U per month J H Ma on llnrker block -Mb. 8 2 * D-l OH HUNT. HltltK THItUACIJ , 10 ii7 ! N 20lh strcot Iniiilro | at IT. Van Camp's house MIUO J' DANT.TlHI'IIONAHLY ni > lHAIln ) HOUUK of II rooms near pott otlke , modern arrniiKO ments eomph to l.niUlro | IMfi Chli uno st "ri > ' S. k Inner , rental ritent , IUI4 1 iirnuin st JI'Jo ' D 1OHKNT.I2 HOOM HOLSII 20I'll AND DOIHJ12 streets All modern conveniences Possession Klven Immedlitely Call or address M L Uoeder , Itoom idt , I'.ixton block MiiM D-4 HOOM 1 LAT bPHAM HF.AT. ! HlbT-CLAb" liufoieuces 8ll > S 22nd street , room li 4 IS D-hOlt HUNT'I HOOM HOUsK. ALL MODfllN coiivonleuceH , with InrKe barn , 21 > JJ I'oppleton ave Inquire at 117 S 1.1th st 1A ! D-OM : OPTHI : i INK 'I HLMDKNC ) - . IN THI : clt > 10 rooms. e > er > lmpro\emcnt of n llrst class hou e furnaee. Inquire lolu bouth lUlh 8.-J O2 * DA DKSiitAHLr. IIOMI : 01a IIOOM * , it'll nlshed or iinliirnl-hccl I'aitles colnc to L'.ilt loinla Apply on premlsev , II1J boulh lenth street S5J 'MM ) LI'PT OP THK li HOJM COT DONI taKe'H junt completed Hi\obilh hot nnd cold nalir nnd modern coiucnlcnt ' Deslruble home- * for business men tn bo iiitllnt tinfor 1 circle lot prrtitnl.irs apply to Mir Loal and 'Iriut Lo luents , < , New \oik Llfo btd A J D .is'YOtTlTl'ltor'Llitri'Y. ! HIINTAL Oil h A 1.13 Dv nltli ( ieo W I > . lojtes. loll haruam . J v POH uiis'T. ONI : oi'TiiKMOsr 'convenient ami comfort iblo nlno tootu IIOIMPI i Omulin with hath room laundry nnd all modern onvenlcnces , also nice ytird utbi : cor Jones nml itlidtieets b.'tuoun bl , Mary's live ami Leivun worth trejt 1 % -in HOOM HOtME , OKNI'HALLY LOTKIli L'furnucoand all Improvements 70t ! N. 1'Jth St 11)7 ) FfUS'lMIKII IIOUSK. ( ) IIOOM * . LAUCK iJlunn , 01. St. Mnrj't , ave. C ! P. Hulls , 220S 17th st t. n WO "V-10 IIOOM HIIICK HOUSi : WITH MOI > iit . - imi ro\ements on'.Ulii street near Lenveuworth nqnlie nt&Ji ci 20th street -\-NP.W .MODHHN COTTAliU HKAIU'IPUL l-'lawn und shade N. K. cor 2.'nd and .Miami sts. M775 D I. HOUM COIINKIt H.AT , ALL MODhllN CON . vcnlenccj 2401 I eivenworth st M708 7 * rj-8-HOOM 11P'-11)I5N ( K ( OHNKIl 441H AND 1 'Dodue , izejllunt condition , ! IO per month to mall family well ic'cummended C. A. gtnrr. Hee ulhlliu. _ Mb J z -SICK IOFTAOK OP s IUOMSSIT I -'Mil Btroct Appl ) on premlsjs ' .ul 4 , -1-011 HUNT. 10 HOOM HOtlSIO , 2U15 OAhS , flOtV Heed Xbelby , t'oard of'Irado IWJ I- Ml'l KKNT- KKNT'I 'I wo nk i f. houses near llnnt-toni pnik all modern I tiprcxeinjnts , Intlndlni. . bith furmuc ete , Kplomlhl neighborhood , hlKh unit lienlhty loc itlon , with motor Hue pnvi'd htrvut , etc , $45 per month ( leor.'uN Illeis , JJ5 N Y Life 1532 D ll-HOOM IlOUsB. ALL MODr.llN CONYtN lenecB , S i : . corner ITtli nnd CUBS streets streetsHI HI 2 * D-l Oil HUNT , d AND7-HOOM sI'KAM IIKATI1O llntH nltli bath IiKuilru of Netherton Hull , , IU5 -o Mth lt < , f D-r > lt IIHST. Till ! 1DL1.O\\1NG DLblHAHLi : ilwi lllncs nt low lenta 41P. I-a ) nam , S rooms IRId LlilcaKO.'l rooiim Td2-outh .sill 7 rooms 2IUil Cns' II looms 2.M2 ( IISH .l rooms. .112. I'uppli'ton ' . ( rooms 84 Hiuth I'.ith H rooms Inqulru Sclheiton Hall , dOJ South 13th st. 184 3 D-ft ItOOM C01TU.H. CUV AM ) Cl&TiniM wntei , lame lawn , east flout UOn L4th st. In qulio.ll'Js IStli st 1'JI 2 * HOOM HOLSK. liOOl ) LOCATION , 8J121ST ! 218 „ D 1 OH KIJ.ST , 1IOUSKH. HANDS IIOOM * , NKAH hlkli school IniUlru | 2(110 ( I apilol ate JHIT * D-IOIIHKNT NICK HOUSK , GOOD NKICH boihooil Coiivciilunt to Liulni'ss. lniiilro | 8.17 S Jltli street 2.3 2" I ) UHNISllKI ) ruri'AilK OP fi KOOMB 'IO paity ulthout elilldiun. luipilro 1815 Cor I ) } Bt. 2J7 DHMl IIKNT-818 OU'IH 18th b'UHIKT , 8 looms t..MIU .lift LeaveiiHorth , enl ) HiVO 'I lie iiliovo hu\oelly wuter , enl ) 10 mtuulCH walk liom I'aiton Mil I arnnin rt rooiiin fHOO .Hi Miuili.iitli ulric'l , .1 roomsf8CO. u)4 ) South Uth Mri'L'l. 4 rooms , { j UJ ' . " .IU Decntur vlriet , iiroo n ( i.'UO 17U bl Mury'B avenue , . ' > rooun H'i 00 li Llnrk , I.'IB llurncy btrcet .MJIV U Dtou HINTAI : ; HOOM AND o WKM COITACJK near 2ih ! | und CHUB BtreetB , H ' 1 Clarke , 2IU Hoard of 'Irailo , phone iDH. .Ml -IOHIIKNT 7 IIOOMS OVKH lillA Y'S I'HOIO- uruph nailery , 2U N. 10th utrcc't Imiuiro ul Kallery 2-2S Di.lO 3 IIOOM IIUICK HOUsK , C'KLLAU , COAL houboiind ill ) wutc'r , near motor lnir\ln , Miei'lj block 270 2 _ D TToUSib : , COITAJK8 , H.ATS , ALL PAH'Iti I t-lly K C liarvln A Co 204 Mieel > blk 2,0 2 " " " \OP WANT A MIL' HOML" MKK TIHb" flou o of 12 rooms , wllh all modcin Improve nienu , In tlnuBt resldc'iieu purl of tliu city 'lernu c'liny. and poBsexlun Kl\en nl oncu , ror prlio and terms upily | to 1W ) boutli Mill u\u. - . ' 2 * D-l CHI HUNT , 8 IIOOM HOIJi-K AM ) 1IAHN I'lent ) yurd. O ner luitvlnKcItIIIrentto Kouit parly lot r.500 per month Cnll N. K Cor .Mill und l outer 204 i _ -I'TWO IIUICK MNIMlOOll HOUsKS , MufliTlIN convenleni-us , f uruacu , electric helli , UWIIIIK | < sirc't'im , e'te' . ; facu llauscom park , loss than u block from motor. fJtW , lucludliu city witter J. C' Me Kc'll , ; uaN Y l.lfu. M2H4 4 _ -t : DWKLLINI ) UOOMS. WITH NlCft BTOIIK room la trout , titled with hel\ Inland counterB , nnd a ttuhlu and butny Bhed , all for fl'.00 per month Lo opt rath e > Lnnd A Lot Co.,2ui N loth treoL MdtJ 4 _ n-CoTTAIiH , I3W HOWAHl ) bl1 , APPLY AT 'iiV ° " ' " ' ' _ * Mtft ) * -Toll IlKNT , 7-ltOOM HOl'Si : , J.ODKUS' 1M- prou'iiunts , Apply IUN 2oth 6trcct 3102' D-rOll HI. NT. VIM'.V CHK.vT' . b IIUOM niTub'i : ami bum Inriiujuid / > Ui ) li loom luoJurn cot. la.e , .K./V I'lll.ornla Blri'i't , JiJ 2' F(5il UENT-FuialCD KOOMd. IJ1-H , US IMI fill HOiHtrt 10 IISST WITH AlTl" I Jinudt'iiuuiivciiluucji. VUDou.'lat lroot. fli3 ( _ _ _ VKItV \IIKANDCOMHIITAUI.K I ( : UOOMb , pruferrc'd , I'.MJ Cupltol uicnue. 47016' UUOMs , 6111 b. 1S1U bl' . ill 72 0 * FOR nENT-JUUN18HED IIOOMS. ( \uitlmtril. LAIIflK * NI > HMM.L NILKLY Ijfnrnlshod rooms on car line , 116St > 20th street. Nil .r mil N I8HKI ) itt > OM . , , 113 i-outli lltti ; nioilcrn conrenlcm c. .MIH.7-S' _ \ \lcEi.\ uiu.NTsTnThTioo.Mu 1 , ' iiKIANTIY : ( HJIINHIII'I ) StJITK ! AL O > < tno tlnitlp ; moilcrni xtnllonnrr w li ftnnil Hi cvorj room ! iirltnto funillyi on J c rllnc , rent inoiloriitt' , auoa Hurt atrcet , P4' > 1 * _ ' } ? - NMCKIiY KuTlN'lSIIKIl ItOOMS , tO , fsAN'DtIO 1'pir month , .Ul N litti st. 141 2 l -fct'lTK OK IlAN IIStrMt : OIriI ! 1tll\li ) > . L'PN- I nrnllj lOLiitoil : first class tnblc Aildrc M U > , llco Ifj n * E-TWO 1JAST I'llONT IIOOMS , KHItNlSIIKO KS mile , ttcnai licnt , ncnr llteh rcliuol. Aililrcx , M .U Dee U < 8 V 1-IKSIIIAHI.K ItOOM NIJAH OAtl l.INi : . I'll ! iJvnto fnmll,3l21 Mnrcy ftrect. -I.AIttli , : NKwTvl fMlMSHll ) AJ room 1'ilcu rt'.iBOiiulite 2IU.N. ll'tli M278 8 * 1 I.I.KdA.ST UntNISIlnl ) IIOOM Wl'lll IMII iJviitufiiiilly wlttior wltliont bonr < l clienii suit Hurt ! (4li ( V ? - IMIU.OII KH itKNr , BTIAM : HIAT : , Jljnth TU-lSontli lull. V 173IH AN I ) aooTH - T AlttJ IIIIINCJ KtJIt J nltliul will tin reiuly Oct 5 Hr t elms litiiiril ? pfcliil rates to iierinnnvnt imrtli'4 Ai | l'l > 18 JU ! ' _ I1 H'HNISllhl ) ItOOMb. JTiio II UN 19 I'll iURNiSHKD KO3MS AND JBOAKD. i L'it.Msitiii : UOOMH , mtsr 1 iln s lionrd , pt "Hie' L > olnnMJ umUII N Mh flicot M'WJ ' ] f FUUM"niiIKOMSWlniOl : ) ! ) > llOAHIKll * fourKt'tiUi'mrn , iuoO lointlon unil nil modern convi'iilcmes , no oil ur boiinlcrs V.iTi ! llnrnuy nt 1U7 J * -ICIlt IllCNT. NICi : UtO.ST ItOOM , WITH board , stciini heal Utopia , Kill 1721 luvi'iiiot | t t Ml ! < ' \-t \ > VJ SO. 27 ST , 1-mt.NISHU ) IIOOM AM ) A board If iirefi-irecl , lor tno Indies l'rl\nto f iimlly. Uiy f \ 1KOH"nn.NT. . UOOMS. noiiiu.i : I'Aitt.oits -i with llbrur ) , furtilklied or inUiiriiMicd ni to Bull , nltli Ilixt I-I.IPS board , siiltnMi ) for rlnb of Kuitlcmun Mr ? 11. A Lhurchlll , UOJ DoiiKliifi M I'J7 J' 1 -1 HIST Cl.AbS It'ltMSMI'll IIOOMS , 1 HIST - * - cliisB loiatlon , llrtt tlass bould , 18IU tl.lciik'o st Ibi ( 4 il'-'lO ll.STI.iMU.N ! ! : , MCI.I.Y It IIUNMbUttl ) KoutluMiBt front room , nltli ako\c and bay wlndou All modurn coiiMMitenecs ; board .No. till S. 2 tll Btlcct .M1U J 1 ? - ' til II ! OP HOOM-I ANDONH MNI.K.TI11 ( ! -t or Mltliuut buanl 1707 Do IKO struct MISJ i' 17 nnsiKAiii.t : KIIOST HOOM , niit.Nisiiiiti L htenin liunt anil bntliltli llrst cln s board 203 fcuuth Vltli stioot 2U7 Z * 1 rmi.NlhllKD BAM'ritONT UOOM. WITH Oil -1 nlthout board , near lablu and motor 2A\0 \ N i''d street M HJ2- . ' ! ' Fi7oK HOOMS AND 1UAHD , 2011 Douitlns street. MJId 15 * ] -i-oii HINT : , ! HLLOANT IIOOMS ON nusr - Illnur , i blocks from postoltlco , wltli llrst class bo.ud llooms will be furnished to suit tenants and rented tOKether or eeparately Addiess M 47 , n-T\NO HOOMS. tl VJliuiiBi'LeeplUK 812 fconth 17th street G -'lllUKi : UNI I'HNlhHKll AND O.SP. PUIl iilehed room for hou&e'ic'eplni ; Iil7 a huh l 'IrO 2 * rj ion IHST : , UM'L'iiMsiiKi ) , A iTAiioi : VJroom.cum ( heat , Ki" an , I bath Call at 20) ) South 2llh tit. , IU4 i * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. iouHus'T , riii&roitY iHtt-K J-tllti I arnim st 'llio building hn a llrepioaf ce , nicnt bUMi'iuent , complcto steauilieatlnK tlxtnies , water on alt the lloors , gas , etc Apply ut thu olilua ot 'the Hue 'jla T-l OH IlKST , OPT I , AN A NO 1 LOCATION hOH ia KOod itiocurj , piesent occupant ilolnic n hlR business , am mot IUK Into lirger hiilulliik1 ln < iulrc H Tombrlnk. south Us J- [ -STOKB , 1 ITrKDCOMl'LIIIi : , WITH bllULV- iinit and eounters wltli ducllliiu nbo\c , In aood town f.1) per month Co operative Lnnd and Lot Lo , 'Ui % . loth street , Omnha ll'J 2 1-IIKbT LOCA1ION IN CU'Y toll CHOCKHY , J meal market , druit store ; llxturos toinplote Connectid or cpnrniu Kent not so much nu object nsKooJ tenant. II. Tlznrd 24th and linvon poitHtruit * . A12.U-P T- WAN I hi ) , A I'HYoICIAS Oil OT1IKIIS TO OC- Jeupjanhe olllee room nllh reception already furnished Itcut reasonable. Now \ork Dental parlors cjrner Kth and hnrnnui. 2U' > i * " 1-bTOHP , WITH SHILV1NJ ( AND LOLN'I UltS. J nnd three rooms for fnmlly , nnd stable nnd shed , rent Sliltl Lo opeintlve Lnnd nud Lot Co , .Mi Nortn lull strojt. M.fUU 4 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I hOlt LhAfcri. NOIUHWKsT COHMCH OP 2JI ) * ' nnd .Nh.holitu nt , I"xl7u feet deep , will lease lor residence or biMlness purposes In loin to suit , foi n term of H\u > euis I'nillcs wIshlDK to more hoiisi'H on It can eommence paving rent /\prll I , Ib'll 'Ihe owner , J L v nrtl , Is now In the elt ) und can be uddiessed at the leMdenec of I * . \ \ . , t 14 S 1-tti H , orl'.l uearborn ut , 1 hlcaKO. Ill 140 o * WANTKD-TO RENT. K T\VO 1 l'llMblliil : HOOMb AM ) HOAllD I OH family ot two and dniikhler Sjenrsof nueIn the ( .outlines ! p irt of Iho cllj 'I lie qulft comforts ol homudeahed rather thanujle Address Ite'v S \\rlKhtluilur ! 101 h l.'nd Bt 11177 J * K-WANl'lII ) , IIOOM AND HOAllD , CLOsi : IN' , li ) Kintleman and wife , lor winter , south or east trout , ground floor , must Lu first class Ad dress L 07 Hie- . M.'ll 2 K-THIllin 01 ; l-OUIt UNHmMSHlCO ItOOM-j Hiiltublo for IlKht housekeeping for funillj o ! VtOt nice locution , modern couvunlenceu. within wo blocks fuim inr line , lefeiencti enhanced Address . ' 013 DoiiKlns Jl.'o. ) J K-WANTKI ) , LAIK.i : HIO.NT HOOM , I'NUJH nlsli'Ml , with boatd by mm nnd uIfe , or four unfnrnltdicd rooms b blocks horn Dillon i Doinm , ' 4th nnd Imvenpjrt. ,101 2 * K ; WAVrnil 2011 .1 IJNbUllNlhlini ) IIOOMS for Unlit lieu u kcepln. Lentntl loeatlon. W. \\hlte , 10aN loth 2i.2 2 KWANl'KD.'l \\0 UNI UllNIHii : > HOOMS IN private family by married loiiple , Uefc'renccB exehnnked Addicus M u7 , Hie 2G5 < " KWANIKI ) , 110114 HOOMh WITH HOAllD IN private family where there nro no otl or bonrd era , lor family of 5 Location must bo west of .otli ndBoiilhof California. AddrcBs M 41 Hee olllce , M311 4 K WANTKI ) , I OK ' 1HK UI.NTI.H , 1 UKMslll.l ) hoimu by tnmllyof tluee ; no children liefer * nccs Address M IS , lleo J uC * K ONKO11T\\O UNI L'HSIHKI ) HOOMh 1 Oil IlKht housekeeping : b } lady Heferenco c'X changed Address M 41 , lieu .114 2' STORAGE. M P Dltt.CLKAV A Pill VAT lIl.V -TOll..D I Ull- ntiuuliJ7 ! lioiitilus. Omuhaatovo Itupalr nork , or.l . f-hlOHAHK CIIKAP , CLI1AN , WKLLS , 1111 L-tarniini Htreet fii.5 WAiNTKD-TO -MIltNlTDUK HDUOIIT , bULD , aTOItKD > Wells 1111 rarnaui st. iiOU N' WANTKI ) WILL PAY SPOT CASH IN umounls from ( M.OOO tn fliJtW for stocks of dry Koods , boots , hnrdnnre , clothlnir or carpets Must larxu dlseuunt olt Intolco prlio No Biildo stocksconshlered Aildrtesln eonllduuee , box 2U4 , Lincoln , Nch. UH ! \T-WA TTII ) TJ HUboiu B I'KK CUNT i > tl-st murtcaKos , Heed X &ulby , .Ul Hoard Trudu 7W J'-VVANTKD'IOUUY , A.SI.COND HANDI'lANO Addreas M .10 , Heo. Ifci 2 * N'-WANTKD , ' 10 PUIIfHAbK l.STKHKsT IN lire , lusuraneu nxency In Omnha or vicinity Address D , JI7 Chainber of Commerce , Chlcaifo Mi 70 2" N -WANTKI ) , IJOOD SOUND HUflNKSS HOUSK , and hariiOBs Addroos Ml , Huuutlice , SALE-FUHNITUItfi. O i OH MALI : , muNri uiti : OP 7.itooM HAT lloumeripuy more tliau tent. Addre'ss M 24 , lleo , 154 i' 0-Hll BALK , tlMIMTUIIK COMI'LKIK Poll j room coltiituMini lo Mild at oneo. Call bfloic > ! 'orullerU ut 1511 North 2Ut.M.'IJ FOK SALE-HOnSES , WAQONS , ETC -PcHSAIK , A 8IVT\-I.VOLLAII forHitrj H , K. Cole , Contlneiilitl block , p-rOll 8 VI.i : OU TltAIIP. iTrVLISH .MA HP , J phu'lon , huriietk , tplcndld laih's UK lloom 4 , lieu bhi ; 201 2 p-MouiiAip.i ( ; : h.vLi : . -I \\lll buy u tlnu blac'c lady or Kunllciuiii s driv ing luuru , u loither top , kldu bar , piano box buiuy , hurnu , t tc , lli l one. with tlio c.i.ii lakes It. Ouiuha MortvuKu Loan Co , lloom 11 , Crulifhtou bloik. Uth aud OouKlai , nuxt to pOHtortlcc. MM4 " > -HllHALKTLAlIii ( : HOUSK , H YKAIIfl OLD , tultablu for badule , bui.'ty or cnrrlofe'.or would umkuiiuodiixiri | ) i or dalltcT ) If told to grocer : will takv part trade 1UWS. ud , otter J p tu. ' FOU SALE-non'iGu. WAOONB , KTO. 1 > POHLK CIUU1 ! HAY MA11K. 7 VI'A If I nbfiiil 1,16(1 potinji , siM.tblo for family mi H. "sth ri 229-3" I > I1)lt ) VVLK.'si URV NKAHLV NKW. ONI , V I tW , wuilhflM , Willis M , Vntes , H'M nnd Csll- tornlasts i 2M 3 " ' FOR S AL"lT-klSCi3Ll.ANKOUS ' ' Q iAlK'tiV'l'KnCIIAIMI , DOL'tlLAS lll.OCK. nTil PALK. I'll WAP , FlLACK MINOHCA. Plymouth Hock ntidtroiMi , ! Leghorn fowls , 1103 South 52nd street. MiJi2 * _ " -Kil SALi : , OU AN , NUAHLY Nl"\V. WO Snundors strict . 2372 * QiTPOIl SALK , STOCK OP (1LA83 111IIXJW COST. l70MunilnKBt , 217 7 Q-l-Oll SALK , MKMCAN YliMAlWlIKAl ) , AI.M1 African crny parrot , coed talkers ll'J North 1Cth , room ID 2IU 7 * Q-Kll ) S.M.K. TWO WKLL-IHIKI ) NI.NK months' old lincllsh pointers , yard anil Rim broke Address J A L , 1IU4.U. Howard , Neb 271 ! 2' Q-Mlll SALK , riltST CLASS HASH used ono season , full nlckle trimming * , , tMW Addreo M 111. Heo 2542 * MI3CKLLA.NKOUS. R-WA.STI'I > LADIKS WHO VALUI ! A IIKAIT- tlful complexion to call at Hot S 211th st. liinnln Mrs II 11 Iliirnellof Union Chemleal Works Mln nenpolls , will bo happy to answer any nncstlon about Lnmlsfult ski tonic and will treat Iho fnees or teach lulles how to remove pimples moths , tun , llesh worms nnd freckles Hours between 2 and h p in every dny oxiepl fundiy 77li 2 * 1J-YVNSANT WILI..STAIU' ANDlllKU CLASS * shorthand and typewriting October 1st 'lliti e who wo'ild like to beuln the present wee'c cnndoKo Instruitlon b > n pr icllcil rep jrter lie suttseerliln lloom Jl 1 x \ Llle MS7'i U-HOltSK UASt'H NO I M-IIOUSKd , COLTS nnd ratlin cared for lliu ) cnr round (1 ( ( I ( inns South Omaln , Neb I * O box 1st , MIH3 IW7 U-A 1MN15 9TIii7liNiiAYINiropTKS'hllAL : ( ) ! Li H ( jrnnt sent lo any address on receipt of 25 cents Address l.oik Hex 111 , Illnlr Neb M2I4 2 * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AUHIVAL UM'UAUIIIILSAIIY WO > IIKUKIlli revelallons llnillenncs the world Mrs. Dr. M. Luitiiive , duid trance. illlr\o ; > Mill. a < trolOlst | , piilmlst and life re liter. telN your life from the erndluto ur ivo. uiilles tbo scperitoit , cnusoi mar rlnue with thn 0110 > ou love tells where you 111 succeed nml In what business best u Itpted for , has the celebrated Kgyptl in bretstplntu tor luck and to clestroj bad luttueiieei. cures Ills , Intemperancu and all prlvntueo uplalnts nllli mnssauo. baths nnd nlcohol treatment MintS.'oJ lock or hair , name nnd dale of Idrth and ruculve uceurate life chait. 2 cents In stumps fur clicular , itlvo Initials of ono you will marry uliu photos of sime Olllco 417 ( oiith Illh street llrtt floor , hours ' ) im to li p m Come one , come all , nnd lj coiivlnco 1 of this won derful oracle. Moll 2 * S MHS NANNIK v WAIIUKN , LMHYOYANT. 1 reliable buslnesi medium , ilfth jear nt 119 N pith. Ui" MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. J niul baths , scalp and hair treatment , minlcnro and chlrouodlst .Mrs I'oit , 119 , S 15thWlthnell 1)1 k 'P MADAM &TOWIS , MAGNHT10 ' "Pratt street. 'P MADAMK SMITH Hi4 TAIMIOL AVICMJK , -L lloom 3 , M floor. Alcohol , Bulphur inrt sen tnvhs. M2127' rp-MMH LA HUH , MASSACH , 410 MMJTII 151'H 1- street , third llooi , flat 4 M .SO ? S' PERSONALS. U" PI'HfcOS'AL-l)0 YOU WANT 'IO KNOW your sweetheart , vour future husbnnd matrl monhil and tinslnes1 * etinnces in life * as rc\oaled by astrolOK ) ' ' Send 20 cenli , full dates of Idrth and descilptlon. I'rof M. llronu , Hex 107U , Lhlciao , III 2bJ 2' U-MA'IltlMONIAL-IK ) \ \VANT'IO \ COll- respnnd for matrlhmii ) or amiiiciuent' wend lllc for People's Adqcnto , llox 4-li , Chlcako "H ) I' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. ( ! P ( L with llospc , N W corpor 1Mb nnd Harncy. BIONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \\r-MoiiTciA < n ; LOA & Ltsd : 'iHAs- i vv Including all charec'S , Charles W llalney , Omaha Nat binkbldtf. CW \\r-71'icTTciTssT MONKY S-KT 'io Homiovt- ' crson Omthaclly property. No eitia cliiritai ofnuyklnd Why pay hluh rotes' .Money Ischetp Yon cm vat full benuflt of low rntos Irom dloba Loan uud Trust Co. ICHUnnd Uadza OTJ \\f ANTHONT LOAN AND 't UUs r CO . IIS N. Y. v * Life , lends at low rntes for cholco security on Ncbrnskaor town tarins or Omihu clt > property. property.H72 yy-c. p. HAUiiisoN , 012 N. v. LIPI : C71 IT-cnNTHALLOAN AiTHUST CO , UKK ni.DQ l > 74 .MONKY. SUi : il. W. P. ItiH 1-nrnnm Ilia V\r LOANS ON IMI'ltOVKI ) ASM ) tlSlMPIlOVKD * clt > property $1000 und upwards i to7pcrccnt. 7o delays W.l'arnara tiuilth A. Co ,15ttiand llnrney * Ii7'i ' ir-PHlYA'i'l : MONK\TlST AND2I ) MOUTGACiK loans , low rates Alet vtoora Hoe bld < 678 W-OMAHA SAVINOS MAMC MAKlJs LOANS on real estate at lowest m irltct r iljj Loans made In small or large sums for 'i.rt or Ion/ time No commission U charttodan I the loins nrj not old In the east , but can always ba fount nt the iank on ihe corner of Uth aad Douglas stroetd. 079 TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKI ) CITY liropcity , low rate A. r l > rost. Doiulas blk . utto \T 1 AND2 YKAll I/lANi ON CITY AND PAHM uiortKMKOs , Heed & Selby , til Hoird of Trade J5'J Wnrv AND PAIIM UIAL : K TAIK LOANS nt lowest rates , consult us before borrowing. E. c Uarvln A. Co . " 03 slieely block. 240 \r-LOANt. LOW HATKS X.ITI LK,1KO\VN ! HI.K MiO (6 ( TMONKY TO IOAN AT LOWP.bT UATlte. 'IhoO p. Da\ia company , I'MJ huriiam street. ll'J ' \\r-THK KIDr.Ll'lY TltUsT CO. HP.fKS'1LV > removed to S. i : corner Hoe bulldlnff , Is pre j.nred to close loam oil city renl estate promptly nnd nt lowest rates Submit aoDllc'atlon 4JI Oil \ \'to LOAN ON iMi > itovii : > KIAI. : ektutc , lowest rates , bulldlnt , ' loam u upee ally. 'I ho ma B llrei.rmn A. Co , Kurbach b'oek WHIIAL ESI'ATB LO VN8 , U TO7 1'Kll CKNT ; no tddltlunal chnrKti for commliilnn or attor ney's fees W II Mulklu , Hist.Sutlouul Hunk lil.lit . U77 \\7-'lIIK "BA&rKU.N" Hl'ILDINO AND LOAN ' n > soInli | > n of t-jrae'iise , N Y , bclinr. ono of two onlj of forelKii associations licensed b ) the Btnto of Nebraska to do ImslneBB In IliU slate , Is now pre pared to mnku In ins Li Omnha 1'iirtles desiring money lor bnlldliiu or to take up other loans can be aciommodnted on a liberal li'iela o H Ilnllou und L h. ( klnni'i , toll Pnrnam street. .MlIJi 2 TO LOAN CHATTELS. X - DO'I 'I UK I HJPL11Y LOAN OUAIlANi'P.K CO. , Itoom \\hltiicll block , cor. 16th and llniney els , WILLLLNIlU ) AN\ HUM , PIIOJJ J10 TO 110,001) ) OS THK DAY YOU AM < I Oil IT , Wo matin liiAiib ot any Bl/e , InrKO or Biuall , on household uuods , pianos , horses , HUKOIIB , wnrelioiihe receipts nnd porsoiml pronsrty of nil kinds , In any amount , without delay , pub * Hi liy or removal ot propert ) cheapest rate * and c.iBleBt payments StiK U.S HHSf X-tlOJ,00000 ' 10 LOAN IN AMOUNTS from f 10 up on HOUbKHOLD H'UMIUIIK AND 1'IANOS , llOUSi-i , WAUONb AND CAllHIAIIKb , WAllKHOUHi : HKCKH'TJi. OU I'KllbONAL I'HOl'KllTY OK ANY KIND without pnbllcltyrtir removal of pioperty \ on ean BIIVU tlmo and mouc' by calllni * on OMAHA MOllTCJAUh LOAN ( O. , Itoom H , c/ruleliton Illoik , Uth und DoiiKlus. next to I'OBtollico. IMOHl'OUA'lKI ) . m'3 \ ' WILL LOAN MO'SKY OV ANY KIND OP SI' , vciirlty , strictly contldontlul A. K Harris , room I , Continental block ' * OSI ID , M'DOUIil.AS llLK.Ili . ADOIXIK. V'-TioNKY LOANKI > CHUAP AT VOUIt OWN A-llmu. Nobraika Loan Co , Ultl Douglas Bt X l'IIATTKL LOAS'M ANY AMOUNT , IXW rate. .1 K. Van CJtlrtur , room 2J7i Oinnlia Na * tlonul bank. MIOJ o7 V MONKY TO IiOAHiON PtlllNnUIIK. IMAM ) ' , Viiorvcswaifous and collateral hmurlty Husl iiCBBconUdentlal rred Terry , room IU Itumuuhlk V CIIATTKL UANS MADK ON I UllNITUHK , . /VplanoB , llvo stock , etc. , without publicity or ru moval prope'rty ut the lowest rute < and thu uailuit puyuienls , UuttLiruuu , looms B & J Darker bleak , W. ) -L'JANt * ON OIIATTKLS HKASONAHLK IN Iciest , uiirtlal I'aymanti I to u moulds W It Uoutlnuntnl block Kluvator lltii l. X AT IXJW ItVTKS US AN * ' KIMIl OP tecurlty , Keyntonu Mtuu Co ,201 filiujly blook " X fJO.UUU TO IAJA < OV OilAI'T.CL bKCUitlTYi bu lae' 3COllOiIoiill l. U .Vi. llourd Ir.ilu. XX M tUi PI' " " " Ti""i7u'ir oiK ; X etc. J , W'lujlur , Pioneer blk , Soutli Omaha. DUSINES1 CHANCES. r-MKAT MAHKKT WOII11I MUUUJ TO HKLL . furfTiU ) . Nub lan Co , i-llU Duuulnt nt. Ul ] V Al'LKAN hlOCK OP ( HlOCKlllKS AND HX turc for tale ; tine location ; ulckueii ri'nuun for No trudu , AdUrcu LtJ ) , Dug , BU8INK8S C1IANCE8. _ CniiMiin ? I YIIAM1 tNTKHKST IS AN V < rAlltISltKI ) fnit inylriK dr Rood * nd fnrnli'hlne liuslncm tor s/ilo / In MTO city of over NOUUIn pnntrtn Nn m oitlcmUd rtmnco for rlctit imitjri rraoii clllnR , other buslnps * AddrrM Hot Ml , Y-POH SALK , TI1K roSlHOLLINO 1NTK1IKST In the lenllnK sash nnd door mill In the north * west ! dnlnit nn Immense business , over HOOIKIOU worth of now work now In the mill n urcnt bargain to the right party Cnll on or rtddraos .1 It .Mason , rooms 32 and 31 , Itarkcr block , Omshn , Neb. IP YOU AIIKSKP.KIS'I ! A III'SINK ' S OPPOlT tiinlty rcqulrlnit smnll cnpltnl , In n certain ami pxreedlnitlr proHtnhlo nnd Krowtnx business , nml nlnayscash , write to the undersigned lucloMtn : stamp , when full pnrtlculari will bo Riven ( I i : . K. , lir.i L sireet , Lincoln Neb i > Sf . ! : , AT A VKUY LOW KIHUUKTin ! entlro state Interest In ono of tlio hen * lent | mr Inn mnnoiallG9 now before tlio luibllo It will PHVO 2Ji Dcrccnl < if theeonl Mill of pverytioil > nnd pro itiiro belter romilts Kvorjbndr wants It nnd will huvo It when seen A Isruu l > u lne < em be ilono nt ones In every eonnty fimrtlonlarn \ \ br mall Address O KC , I."J Lot . Lincoln .Si'ti M87S Y-KIN'K lltlSINKSSCIIAMM-r li sou AT once. Korsftle tlie loitu , ftirnlliire and llxturcs of tlio Morrlmn liotel , ( mnlm. cent tlnlnit IO roomi clocnnUj fiirnlslicd. nil rented ilnhty iicrninnciil Kiietts. Ucstiirlrato finilly hotel In lli went Will sell beennsenf poor liniillli Tor lernn niidr | oa prLMuIsc2Jlli nnd Dodno .Mrs I. .M 'luttlc ViSI O12' - . AV 1NTKUY1KW WITH SOMK one who will furnHli tliu inonov to intent nml Introduce n valuable rnllnny nti.illniieu A fortune fortlierliclit imrtv Kxpert > I care Her otllie _ _ _ _ II 2' V -IK YOU AUKSUKKIVn A HUMS'S ! : Ol'l'HO ' tunltv In any line of bu < ln > * writ * tor our bil letln. liiclo ltnstnmp Weiturn llinlno Aitjnt Minn "V-WII.I. LOAN MY KMI'LOYKIt f.-OO WITHOUT J-lntere t Want Indoor work Olllce preferred H MoverMnroln _ , Neb I"S 4 * v-voit sAi.nott irnsc.i : : 2 : itont mmTfi J lornted In .lulo burc. Cole I me i rep * . splendid opciiliiic Address \ II Ylnnti , Mncoln , Neb M1K)2 ) \i A STOCK or intYIOOI ; > > - i OUSAI.KCIIKM' . ' Afldrei-g I.nwler , 1028 1' . Lincoln M5I5 . < V-A NA1 l-oll A 1IHY iftKII- \N WI'IH J inonct About twentj lHo tliou and dollari wirrtti of no drr Koodi lo Inxold nt nbniitIvtr cents on tlUMlnllnr In u Se1irn kt tunn of HDOO pvo pie ( tiiuil loentlon nnd eheap rent Itl lit penplo ran dif2iUUObiis1nc ( ) iniill ChrlMnm Must by n nian with mone > nnd know how miah tock there Is bj looking It over , at e have no time to In \ol ' lleit rensons for sclllut ; Addresi I' O Itox 61 Kinrnoi Neb MJ7J . ' > V-niil.CTUIfAI. WANTI'.II. IN HATH STA 1 K LniMUtnei wltli menna to liiM t In and iiininnii tlie bii liic ! t of the siunlle t but niu l powerlnl clictrlinl itevko urer Intiodnteil ; It1 * ion io t brines It Hltliln the reach of uvenbodj , It In t" . peclilh adapled to tlio tueof plislilun nnd It Is nci'dtil la uxerj home CrnlKt'Llu ' S14 t'linnibcr of Conimerte , Culrniio i | i' -WANThl ) , MAN ' 10 ' ' \ liO TO 11113 I'AI II 1C I ions ! nnd tuku clmrue ul poriimmnl brnntli lor larcoiblcnKO | MIIIM > ; nlllpn } nil nilinlni ; oin n ci and salary of MUD per month mid nllow n percent HKUIIII nil the bu lne s done S 01 lUjears ion trnit If ili'Mird , minit ln\est SIOHUO lash In ( .oods nnd merchandise carried tlieruln Btuck nnd must ulM'ctitlri'nil Millon to the biiMnc'i llenrer neil , un Homo liisurnnce llullilliiK , thlcnco , 111 Y-KHl SALK. THK UAII.WAY NKWS Ill- porter bcventh yeir , line nubvcrlptlon lift nnd ndvcrtUliiB pntronafo One third ciigh tint anco In ono nnd two years secured notes 1 or In formation apply 01 nddreii Hull II Hoiiln l.llo j street , Omaha , Nebraska V- I Oil 4AL7,20 HOOM HOTIU , , ( iOOII UICI'AIH , J-onl } hotel In town Address Krank llotlinell , sterlliiK Neb Jl'.iS li -WANTKI ) CITY. COUNTY A 7r lIS l ilTcT J lu'UnlH to sell the "Hfht Dnift pollcj lulled b > the American Aci lileiit loiup in ) ThH li tlio tu t nnd en lest nolle > to soil If jon are not miktiiK from ! > 0 to fiO per wouk tome and see us or write . C l.amtierl ' -iipirlnlituleiit 4J7 Cliniuhi r Commerie , Oinnlin , Neb. 101 J * Y'-.IJOHKAI ' ) Of WKI.L HllUDSIOriv ( ATILK and I IOO acres of choice , clear .Neln i kn Innil to vxclmniic for uooil , clo in merehandlH nt nnrkel Milne Address llrt.Stli inoiiiu' , hearnu ' % . Neb M.2) ) II FOil 3-.XCHANGE. yi iJii iniAMiWK : HAVK fiojj srocit ' -Jlu iimnufacturln eoiicurn iloliu Kood biKlncst In Umnli v th it e will trid i In wliolo or pirt for aood woik horsei Amorlenn Fuel Co Jlli'J Hf-CLKAKOMAllA 1HCAL Ha P U' . KOli MllsK ' valu Ulon. Money 10 lo in HOY 513 , Oinili i _ . _ _ _ _ _ 100 PAU.MS IN NKH AND DAKOTA toll orexclnuiKC. Hox7u , trnnkforl , Ind _ ( ; S _ y-KOil SALK Oil I\C1IANRK FOIl CLKAIl ' -'Omaha real estate , tliu furniture of n IS room honrdlnu houpe In best location In city , full of KOOdpnliiR boarders Address M S , Due. _ M I37 .1 * V-ONi : EACH NOHMAN iSI ) TIIOniNO stallions to trade for land or city propert > llox libti , shemindciili la. M'lVi . " V WANTED , HOllbK , 1'IIAKION AM ) 11A It ' -'ness In exchange for . iO acres school la- . ] p > - yoor lease. A peed dniK stock and tlxtures comPlete - Pleto will sell for fl.OUO casb. J. A. DodKO , IUI'1 a 2Jth ft .Omaha 127 2 y-CHOICK PAltMS IN HAYK-i COUNTY , NK JbrusUa , to trade for liorfef , rattle or general rudse Address C. II , Hu > es Center Neb 16.'U y WANTED , ONK ACHK Nil Ml CITY LIMITS , ' -'west , In cxclmnKC fur clear lot in Albright's iiiinex. Addrcsg M . ' 0 Hee. 148 y-l-Oll KACllA.MJi : . 32J ACltK- SCHOOL LAND /Jnear railroad and depot Want liorso nnd bu K ) and Kood piano Address M 14 Hee. " ytou sAi.n OK i\ciiAN.i ( : , PINK itrci AJdence In town of 2'i 0 people. Also .U7 ncrea Innd . ' mllOH from town A line elm u lor toinf one who wants to handle stock nnd lite In tonn.lll sell one or both Address N 1) K , central LIU. Net ) Z 1OH i\CHANOi : : . HOHSi.S AM ) HltOOI ) mares foriirocerln or slocks of ( : en rnl mer chundlse I'arll-.s who nro otill.ed to KO out of butlness nlll do ncll to Kite this attention Ad dress A H t , Ashford , Nib. .M.74 r" y-O.NK VACANT LOT IN OMAHA 'I O r.\ 'Jibaniin fur small htock of notlonx. millinery or eonlicttoniii ) Address Mrs Uelle Knrnlsl , 2JJ4 CumliiKS ttrett 2572" Z VKKY I INi : faMOOI'II COAT ST IlKIINAItl ) do , 2 ) eirs old , lor iincuinnlie or euslilon safety. Address M 42 , Hee. oltke iJ'OK SALE-KEAL ESTATE. MOIII : PKOPLK 1 \MNiiMi 1 - sl < lenalKs in New York than would populate n western ell ) like Omaha Hut Iliej ne\er had nn opporlunit ) of biilnia nice level bulldlni. lot for ( III 'Iho lots ue uro selling lire located between Oninlin nnd new I'orl Omaha , t > \ru \ 'Jxl.'S feet ' 1 he } nro clear nnd fne from any morU"l-'i' An ubslnut of title , wnrrnnty deed nnd plntol addition ulven with entli lot sold I\LM y lot uunraiiteid to be a nl't le\el bulldliiK lot 'l > ti laiullles now lUlnn there nnd ovcrlltty inoro prepnrlnif to iuo\o tliere 710 is full paj mi'iit for n lot. bend J cents po tai.'O for plat nnd more Inform itlon t harltin I' Hen jamli ) , solo iiKent , IWo Ilodt'o Hired. 2l'.i ' 2 * M'O IIOMI ! Hlir.KUUS-IN A\ONIALK I 'A UK -I j on can have an oleiruit homo arranged to cull ) ou with bulldlUK limit , treui , walks , suuer , water , and Ka- . within walking dlitiiuco of l > usluess , si boots unil < hilrdiuB , uu > : all for about $ IUU Cei- tnln lo be the prettiest Innlde lushlenea nddltlon It ) thu city Over ono third of Itnlreidy soldoo us for particulars before tlio prlco li raised t tdul- Ity 'I rust company , 17U2 Hmmin it < rj < i ) SALK , 8 I4TH , ( OITACIS H.MK , J.'OJJOO .teed i belli ) , Hoard of Trade. ! UI 174)11 BALK. 8I < 1IOOM HolHK , I'OIM'LKTON 1 nvoniiu Modem couvenlenciM ; mmlul homo. flOOJOO Heed jfc Solby , ChambeT Commurco Ml 711 l.'OltbALK IIYTHK OWNKIl UO ) ) ACHK-I OP -1 .Sitbraskn's Illicit faiitiluK Innd nt n k-ro it n lerl tice ( i H Peterson , 141. ! ft Uth st OiiKili-j. 188 oJ 17011 BALK. HHAUTIPUL LOT , 4J I IIT : : I'llONT , I 24th st , boulh Oninli.i , near C , $100) ) Apply to o w ner. lloom II , HiiBlimau hlk , Oiiitlm 4 < 5 Olll KAL KhTATK , 11 Huri-'iilus only. My word Is vood. Ali Albrlfht , i.'lJ Notr lork Life. MI47 L0121)TUTILi.SBUII ) : & AO1IKS WITH 7 IIOOM huuso , nil lmpru\C'iue'iits. Inqulro .HII lloyd Btreet .M7IS2 _ _ ! I WILL BKIL YOU A LOT I Olt ' 1 KN 1)01.LAKS ) J or one for ten tl.uumiml ilolhim Soniu pcnplu tuny think bctaUHU I tell Iota lonttc'd In lw < en Omiihttniid thuNovrort Omaha for tun ilollurs there miiBt hoHomo hiimliiiK about thrm lean Bhon yon us happy fnnillli-H ll\ Inn on thh ten dnl- larlot nddlllon UK > ou cnn polnl out on I arnnm rtri'ut nndflOUUlB nil they paid me fur tliu lot on whkli their liomeB were built Warranty dnid , abstract und plat tiUen with each lot rold No iiu > rlKU"ii on thl proport ) CharleB 1' . llunjauiln , 1500 liodKO Blruct . ' 17 2' 1/OII 8AL1 ! ON MOS'THH I'AYMKN T7 HOO.M coltitiio In Carthaxo addition on Cnmini ; street Acoiyhoiue W L eolby , Jii Chumbur Cumiucrco , 7W l.MIl hAI.K. < iO AOItl''J NKIIUA-KA LAND IN 1 tlio beet stock county In Nebraska Kusj terms Address M 4 , lieu. 11JJI ii * I/OK bALK Olt U.II AM. K ' - ' > LOIS IN HAI'll -L City , Dak , lor city suburban property or Im proved proprity la fctuull lovui or land Lotiy > xl.J < und tieiullful tno inllei from P I' I'rii u ilKj luvu Km h Im uiiiliruncJ f 'J M each Will p ly oil Ineiiui braiuonnd trade elenIf detdro I Mmllar lot li unKlern luwnnnimo nlrocu t t JHIOi Addrt'x Mrs I.I lie V'JU ' D-vvuiipJrl Bttect , Omaha Nub rinvo COILS Kit Loin HIONTIN i ON AMKS AVK I nun motor uouth uuduaHl front liV ) each f ( cusli , balance flO per month. Lo ope-rallvu Land , V Lot Lo , 2U'i N i'.ih Htreet ll'J 2 itl'llAIUiA TbN ACItl'-S , WITH HMALI coltueo , clou , tu ill ) ! will take vuoil farm ns pint payment CieorKu .S Hleka , dllS N \ Life 153 2 | ? Oll SALK-NICIS COTTACK AND I.T , ONH II four blocks fium Illifh nchool , price , I4,2uufu will litku Kood farm or vacant lot at part payment Ui'urnt'.N ' HIckB , .103 N \ l.lfulilUi IU 2 IToil bALKOIl n.XL'HAMJK , .120 At III hl.Anl ) II 1 I inter couutr , oil ) . Adilretn box 7W , I'urnoiu Km. 'Ht 2 * FOIl 8ALE-ttKAIi K3TAT7. . . I nt sprrUI fsle for one neoX commencln * Mon. tay , I'ctobers ' 'Ihn fluff t ncro pioperty yet platted. in motor line Price of elly lots adjolnlnu from 4VlWtoVioiA ) Inniorrerlni ; whole ncres nt from outw to J OW Kas ; ttrm , 7 per cent Only for iiiuweek Apply < tt mj nflleo for lull particulars. I A Lumen , room M7 , , t .1 lironn block. " P cor loth and DOIIRIKS ottlco open until t' o clock. M ! 25 .1 _ _ | S' CHICAIJ ) 1AOIO I'KOI'LK HhPHS'l ) PI'ON Till ! I fren Innrh eounterj for tlielt dally food They are the people wht. np\er rn\v luone ) nor liniiiiht eal estate 'I hey never know wo wereselllnn lots 'or homes between Oinnhn nnd nen rortOnmliit for 'nit III ) All this week 110 Is full pnjmenl tor n nice ililfillnit Itil free from inurtKUBe Oinalin's litti < t nddltlon i-ciid 2o pintaite for | ilit. Charles p Benjamin tote nuent. 1.VII notice sired S.V ) 2 I OIlTvLP 'HuToU TIIUKrriuTitlAI.VS 140 i ncrufnrm thre-o miles south \\ntcrloo this county , llrst class , pntllv under cultivation , hnl anee hnynnd pasture. MOO ) per nere II will \ > a\ yon to look at tills n acres on llodito strcot six iilh s from postotllce , lays well will l.o sold ehe ip. N Ice cottuue. full lot un HeeUiir stro-t. lot nnd sheet ( traded onlj ti.VMOO , on termstiisull Thli s n etmhee to net n homo only n short ill it nm a mil Clntk 1218 IHrney sireet. Mtlt.i , LOST. IDS ! ' A I1LATK COLT MI\KlT WITH tlllA Y. " ? JJwhlto fore feel , while spot In forehoul Nollfy Omntin Prov'rjss 1417 Parn tin street M'.iiiJ I ) PIM 2il I'll m W1J PAHNAM. IIK A _ hound bitch hl r' < nnd white tun c irs nnd cheeks tents . .illier lull in no I Itflc Hetiirn lo net rewnrd MKI.I ni.acK SILK I'viiAsoi , AT , l\or > linndle mild kmib rcsjnibllm ! head Under leaxenltli floor walker nt I' . Stole. 1 OSTUAlioitsi : i \ IAUS : OLD , 1.1 IUSDS IJhliih nelcht I OJU star in forenend Hen nut for return to \ \ N Itine , .So d oiifltiu house l-tli nnd Hume ) V.'yu 1 * Ol II AVK I ) , A SMALL .1KHSKV COW PLSDKIt > ploiiso notlfj s i > Moise 1U. outh .ISd street or P Lcl > inir nt ulllie of thu Morse Illy tloon > t o MJH J DUE3SMAKINQ. M i-s Missicic l IIAVI : njii IIKVIIIISID : trnni tliu east and will reopjn my ilresstii tkliu lors October 1st , llooms 1W3IO llrown blink cor llith and DoiiKlas sts oj | o > l\r , N I Kl ) THK.XDIHs'lv OM M > \ IOKSOW ' ' tlinl the ) em KOI n fl'.l cour' , . ' of 11 lentlilo dress enttliik' les < ons free nt Prof Dul.amorton s aeiideni ) . MS \ Y Life Ladles , eomp nml IIMI sll Kate nnd learn to niaku dre es lth or nlthout si'iiiu . Mm Aluih , roiiresentitlve Apents wanted Mj | | A LADY \\OILDLIM : 'to DO DKI.S > \KISU In Inmll ) Cnttlm ; mid tlttliu n Hpeclilty nnd nork unnrmiteiV. M s , IUJ4 Doinilas strcot strcotMS'lt MS'lt 1' DANOINO SCHOOL. M H . \rmory Cnplttl V\e will rj open lor the season on - < itur la ) , October Ist lor clilllren nnd luesitnyOetolior Ith for adults < lriuhir < at snow l.und , t Uo s itriu store lith and Pnrnnin I'rUntu lessons IMII bo tnkon lion at tlie'lr resl deni e 2 w , Dodue t. lyi u7 WANTEDMONEY. . $1 J)00 ) I OH LO cOOD security Address M > j Hee 2 U. I , * THE SHOllTGSl LIXli TO CHICAGO is via tlie Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. 5CEDAR RAPID ? JDESMOIWKS ; Electric Lighted , Steam I leat- ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. Ticket Office Far- City , 1501 - . nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. 1'inprmals for Ilulldini ; . f-o ilcrt ijropos vis will lie iccolxeil liv r.iMNl- ) ? Heuo. pru Iilunt of the1 lloiinl of Dlicctors of tliu Uui.ihii public lllirary. at tliu .Ncbi.isk.i Natlutuil lunik. In tlio ullv of ( Jinali i. until 4 o'clock p. in Tlinrsdiiy. Oiitouoi 1 1 , IhlJ. for the election nnd completion of ; i three-Moi v ami basement llro proof Illiriry building at the soutlio ist cjinor of HUli unil ll.irney ntrcots. Oiniih In ic'corJ - with unil ' i. uie-o pliins spoe'lll- c.itlons on flli' In the olllco of W.ilKe'r & ICIin- Inill , iiruhltects , room Ml.t Mur.uui ! bullilln. . K nil bid must boueconip inlcil bv ,1 eeillllcil cliGuli for I ,0il ( , p lyablo to thu orJor of the president of the bo ir.l of the OiiKili i public llhr.irv. The bo ml iosui\es tlio rlsht to M joutany or nil 1)1(1 s. Ity order of Iho Ho nil of Director's of the Oiniili i public WILLIAM b CUIITIS. " HAPP ? NEW VKAK. tliniilm ilrtr * Olftimtril the Molt < < norril Dny lei their Vcnr. Over ttio nrk In ttio .lowisti synngoptio nt Twenty-fourth nml Hnrnoy streets there U ft llornl nrch j-cstottlny with ttio ircotlni ; ? In wlilto lottos , "happy Now Year. " Krom caily morning there w.n n procosMou coming niul Rome , nuil the service * ilhl not ccnso until 0 o'clock Init ovoninp. It wns tlio ( oust of Yarn ICIppur , tlio most sncrott tiny In the Jewish cnlondnr , niul It is observed \\lth solemn ceremonies bv .lows nil over tdo world. It Is the 10th day of the month Tlslnl , the 1st of whluh Is the .Ion-Isti Now Yoai's day. The ton u ya Intermediate nro the days of ponltonro nnd tpsoinblo the ChrlUInn observance of Lota , Yom ICIppur Is the tiny of atonement , wlion their sins nro forgiven , The pnisnpoupon which the observance is founded Is Leviticus \ \ lllJ4 M lu the seventh month , In the llrst dny of the month , fttinll yo hnvo K Mtbbnth , n mo- moiliil of blowing of trumpats , mi holj coti- vocation. Yo shall aonospivllo work tlictelti , but ya shall offer nn olTerliiK mnilu bv llro unto tlio Lord. Atio on the tenth dnv of this seventh mouth thoto slmll bo n ilav of ntonc- mont. It sbnll bo a holy convocation unto vou ntulye shall nfllict.vuursouls null offer nn offering innilo uv llro unto the l.otil And yo nhnll do no work In Hint dny , for It Is n dny of ntonoinant , to mnko an nionotncnt for vou DOIOIO the Lord voitrUou. Ttio nnclont obsorvnnco of the d iv ot ntonn- mont U Unsctlbcil lu Levi Icus1. . . where there Is nn nicoutit of the c'crcinomos by the tiiph prlostwhloh , nceordlng to Christian theology , nro the tie \ of the titonlni ; atid mediatorial work ot Chmt. The high priest , nftor otTerltiK H inerlticu for himself and ar- ruvltiR hlmsoUln his goix'couspilo tly robes , cntortd the inmost toccss ot th-3 temple , called the Holy of Hello * , \\hlch no ono else over cntoi oil , nnd wtiloh lie oven could enter only on that , dny. and thuio burneil luccnso before tbo shocliiiiuh , or vlslbio prosunca of tied. Ho then offoied n coat In incitllco for thrt sins of the whole people , confessing tholr sins for tliom with his bands on the hcnrt of another pent , called the srnDCcodt , which \\asttiendrtvoiilntotho wllileinim. Hut slnco ttio dusti action of tho.limlsh tcmplont .rorusitlom the .lows huvo hud no high priest and no sarrlUces , though m.inv of them ox- nect to bo lostoroa to tholr country , their temple , and their anrlontorslilp. . Ttio observance of Yom ICIppur by the orthodox .lows Includes total abstinence from secular employment and a of excessive rigor , fiom sunset to sunset , miting wnloh tlmo thev denv thomsclvcs so much as n crumb of food or n drop of diinl : . ' 1 ho syna- u'oiiuo services berln with [ Cell Nldroti , or tlio evening suivlcos , Filcmv evening. Snt- utdnv thorn are blinchntlth , or thu morning services , Musnpli. or the noon service * ; Mtneenh. or thn afternoon sei vices Noilnh. or thosuusot services , nnd Mairlv , or the daily evening services. I'no tnst uro hold alter ttio expiration of the clav of alonnineut nnd nsan indtcntlon that the protracted ser vices of the < lnv have not made them woaiy of ( .Soil's house. The Hebrew names given those services nio the exact translations of the English names , except IColt Kldteh , the nwnio ol the Filduy oveninir services , the tr.mslutlon of which Is "All Vo \ " > . " These suivlcos con- stitutoono of tlio most romnrlc.iblo features in the modern .lewtsli relulon and aie BOIPO- what llablo to bo mlsundoiblood. They ouuht to bo described as a Luioniony of nbsd- Union timing the r.oxv joar from tbo vows , obligations nnd promises of iho old year. Tula ceremony oiipitmti'd man\ centuries nco , when the persecution of the Jews by the Uhristinns was at. Its height , nnd u lieu the favorite manner of plundering them was through solemn olths at.d icc.xntations of their tolfglous nilncIpU's. Them oaths and rei'antat.ons th Jews very nuturallv 10- ff.iidcdus of no liinuing foice , and , theiefore , o-ieo aeur foimallv repudiated them before God. The custom is of no modem applica tion , but is kept up to Ihn present day. Among tlio scivices Situidaytho Mino- ehab. or afternoon sei vices , nru of special interest. Those constitute a memorial service - ice for thosu who have died during the preceding - ceding jenr. The pastor delivers a memorial address , in which he mentions and eulogizes all the worthy dead , irrespective of .lovvlsn lines , but of course tuo tendercst feelings are excited ot the romombrauco of those who have died in tlio svnugoguo during ttio last \oar. Therefore , when the addiuss Is over the organ plu.\t > softly a dirge , while the con gregation , in their seciet devotion , repent pravcrs. Hev. Leo M. Praoklln leads thn services in the synagogue on Ilainoy street. The morning service began at 9 and closed ntl2. The afternoon service opo.icd at 12 and closes at 4 inni the evening borvlco lasts fiom4 until 0. Two or throe times duilng the day the ark is opened and the ten commandments taken out niul road and young men in even ing dress take turns reading passages fioin the biblo. Idirk from un Airy Trip , Qt'tNLV , III. , Oct. 1. ITranklyn Euijono Brown , editor of the Qulnuv Herald , re turned last night with I'rof. li.ildwin , lie aeronaut. The twain tnudo an nscunsion in the now airship Mars. They loft Qaliicy at 5 o'clocic Thursd.iv afternoon and remained all night In tbo clouds Uiuing the journey they piis cd over the cities of Kooliuk , Fort Maoison , Monroe , West i'lilnt and Hurling- ton , la. ; Canion , Mo. , and Carthage , Glurl- siono and Monrnouth. 111. , landing at 10 o'clock jostortiay morning lour miles from nrliwvtllo. They attained nn altlludo of four unJ one-half miles. London Corporation I'nlls. LOVDOV , Oct. 1. The Piopriotury House and Land corporation has suspended. Lla- OllitU'S , JU75COOJ assets , KU.OUU. REWI I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. ' BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1WJ Kuril un strcot. Onrih i. \otli o I > J I'ulJlliMtlini mid rroiif Tor .licit \\\K \ \ < > l Ci cillor.4. Huto of Nnbraikti Doiul IH County --a In lho iniinty court or DonitlaH euunty. N - In tin1 matter of the assignment of V. A. Vuu- The i-iodllors of V. A. Van rocn and all otboi PUIHDIM Interested In s ild miiltur will talvu nutlco on tlio Mill day < ) f . > unt- tumbor , ic'i. ' . tlio countconn .f Koui-'lHii county , Nubr.iskn. mndo thu following ordei i H.ito \oiriRka , Ioii ) lns t'oiintv ss , In the county court of DoiulaH enmity. No- lirasUii , on tills tlio 'Jdllidiiv of i-uptuinbui. A. I ) . Ib'J.1. rrcsunt , J. W. Jlllir , C'.lillity ' lii of tlio uhHlpiimunt of V. A. Van- " " ' ' ' ' flo 'romi'ili'li'i'iod. that < m this day this inutlor cniiii' on for nnr , on thu ri'culpt nml Ill'n. of thu liiMintoiy ot iho .ihsluiiur , M-rllleil liv Dm iillldHvIt of r A llc.ln ltl oiduii'd by ihotonit that thu tui | d ly of On to'or. A 0 Ih'Ji atthi hnur if Mm i.'i u'uluuk l liomiiy llxod for a p m , b and the Kitino iMutlngof UiOi'iodltuMiif ilioHiid V. A Van- L'nu'ii , al HID county I'omt mom of Mild coun ty , for 'ho miipo-iiuif ulioosliu an itss'tjiiuu to siuccud thuHliuriir uisiieli triiHt. AIHItN \ furtlior ordnrod hy lliu court tlmt notii'uof this jiroceodiiu Do iiiHiilNhuil In tlio Dmali.i Dally llco fin tbo iiorlud of Iho ( ) days consicutUoly coianii'iiuliu buptoin . .orolh , I 1) ) ' . \Vltiicsiiiiyliinilanloniilal BCI ! this Mill day ofhinitombiir , l 'U . . UhU , | J. W. II.M.II : , County .Indue. ' ' N'JHdfit TOO" ' . i'itoi'osAi.s roil i-i- . A. NO .ii. IN Fiilihlstunc. " MOID' . HtmJiiiMi | tern lo- ) li.iitiiiuntof the I'lattu ( Jllluo ( if Oh of Coin- inlsKiiiy of tinl ) ihIiiiL < ! , Oiiiahu , Nubi iHka , jonteninor and , IBW. Hoalud inoiitm IH | , In trip lend' , Hiilijoi't to the nsiml coailltlony will buruuihua at thu olllco of the Uomni mnry of MiliaisKnao , U.iuilia MHiisk . iinlll Uoulouk in . cuntral Htandaid tliiii' , and nUo nt thu of- II cHuf the Attlii4 OoiiiniKhiirliH of Suts'fc- li'iu-uat 1 urts hUiuiy , lobrara un I llolilnson , NfluiiBku ; KorU OiiU'lm mid Du ( 'Mime , I't.ili ; I'orU MelCinnuj. Wash ildu and O.uii | > I'lloHlnttc. UouU Hprliub Wyoinlntt , until U o'cilool ; a. in. , mount tin Kliiiil.ini tliiuMin Muml.i ) , thuird : day of O tobor. H'1. ' . at wiikli llinu and plaun thi'y will Im opuni'd. In thu proMiiiiuof lilidiii > . for Urn furnislilnu and dulhurytliorott. lespuetluily.of llnur for IB- suu , pulalout .mil onions. 1'riifurunuu will bo 1.1 von to artlclis of ( lon.iiitlo prounullon or inaiiufiiutiire. ciinilltlons ofqu tillvand prlco ( Ini'lndliu In HID of furul/n pro luutloim 01 manufacture the duty tliurunnt bulnic ciiial | Thu light IH resurvitd to rujnot any or all Inilx. Illiuik prouos its and HpucJ- I Iliuiiloni HhowliiK In tlutull thu nitlclcs nnd ( inuitltliiH reijnlruiJ. and i-'lvnu' full in- fonnatlon as to c.un llllon of'tM ulll liu fiirnlHliud on apullt'allon to any of tliv aburo mtiiitlonud otllccs , II , II , Uaptalu uud O , a , U. b. A. , Chief 0