Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1892, Page 8, Image 9

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    - 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BllIIUY , SEPTEMBER 30 , 1802.
The WcUofn Traffic Association Will Never
Eo Htsuscitated.
r.nllrotul Men Content ulth tlin
Order ol Attaint nnil Nt Attempt Will
Ho Mmln to Orriito it Now
New YOHK , Sept. 29. The Trlbtino says :
Thcro nro only a few members ol I ho ad
visory board of the \Voilern Tntfllo associa
tion , from which Jay Gould's Missouri Pa-
elllc has withdrawn , now In the city and
they do not wish to ducuss the affair * ot the
association publicly. It N understood , how-
oVcr , that ; responsible railroad mon do not
look for the slightest effort to rovlvo the ai-
Roclation , which la regarded nj dead. Noth
ing will bo itonu to create a now organization
In its plucc until the business of the wosteru
rouds rellnct , by a shrinkage , the need of
united action.
Ho long ns the present largo volume of
business lasts the dissolution o ! the Western
Trade association may not cause serious
troublo. Bat with all the roads free of obli
gations to a central authority , It is feared
Unit the present domor.illzallon Iti rates In
the southwest and Colorado-Nebraska terri
tory will extend further. Already , a well
known director of a loading western railroad
said ycitcrdny , tlio dctnotaliz xtlon In the
southwest has spread Instability into north
west territory. Thcro Is a strong feolin ?
among some of the members of the advisory
board that the association should not formally
dissolve until it has placed on record n con
demnation of the action of the Chlcngo , Bur-
llnplon ic Qulncy last July , which Mr. Gould
mid in uuy other members of ll.e board hold
responsible for the disruption of the anocla-
What tlin TriinU I.turn Are Dnluc thce
CliMlng Scptuinlii-r DIIJ'H.
Oliver H. Dorrance , whoso death was an
nounced Sunday , was for many years promi
nent in the railro ul circles of ino weit. Mr.
IJorrnnco was born in Amherit , Mass. , May
I , Ib-'W , the sou of Dr. Gardner Don-ones.
During his early lllo ho studied telegraphy ,
nnd when tlio war broke out was Intimately
associated with the armies of McUlctlan ,
Hooker nnd Sherman. At tlio close of the
wnr r.o bouatno com.ectod wllh thu Kansas
Piujlllc railroad nnd was subsenuonllv promoted
meted to the supoilntondcncv of the Smoky
Hill division. Leaving Iho road in ISTt ) , ho
connectctl himself as master of tr.insnorta-
tlon with the Intornnllonul & Great North
ern unuor the Into II. M. lloxlo. lie re-
mnlncO on the dlrtoront lines under Mr.
Iloxlo's control until 1881 , when ho returned
to the Kansas Paelllc lo accept the position
ofsupcrinlondpntofthoSinokyHIll and Dtn-
vor divisions. In 1SSI bo was transferred to
Omaha nnd assumed charge ot the Ne
braska division of Iho Union Pacilic ,
resigning In 18S7 to accept the management
of the Omaha Union Stock Yards company.
Dill early In the year Mr. Dorrance was
prostrated by a Ion ? and what promised to
bo fatal Illness and at the urgent demand of
his physician ho resigned Fur some time
prior lo his decease Mr. Uorr.mco had , at the
earnest solicitation of n prominent eastern
magazine , been working on n scries of
sketches reminiscent of his railway and tele
graph experiences. At Union Paeltlc headquarter -
quarter * Mr. Dorranco Is recalled with many
kind words , for ho was one of the best
equipped railroad men in Iho countrv.
Mr. Cburlos Kennedy , general northwest
ern passenger agent of tbo Kocic Island , re
turned yesterday from his trip to Washing
ton whither he had gone in ehsrgo of tbo
Iowa Grand Array ot tbo Konuhltc train.
Mr. Kennedy said that ho never expected lo
see as great a n.irado as the veterans made
during their reunion. "It was seven hours
in passing a given point and its
compiotness was the universal subject of
comment. Wlulo the parade started ut 11
o'clock tbo Iowa brigade did not rcnort for
position until 4 o'clock , nnd then had to wait
an hour before the ? tell into line. The B il-
tnnoro & Ohio poonlo hauled 150,000 people
to the reunion , nnd tlio Pennsylvania about
the da'iia number , which gives you some Idea
of Ihoslruncors iu ilia national capital. "
C. A. Goodnnw , superintendent at Marion ,
nua G. A. Morrison , superintendent of the
Milwaukee , are In the citv. but they uro
keeping the reason for their coming pro
foundly secret. It Is thought it has some
bearing m securing right ot way to South
U. A. Branch , traveling passenger agent of
the Hrio lines nt St. Louis , unit u tnuch-
inonllonod orator at the dedicatory services
, f the World's Columbian exposition at Chl-
' fro , lain the city.
The U. & M. , and nil other roads
for that matter , has had tuora
special trains for Joint do hates
and political rallies this year iban
any prcccdlutr year In the history of the
road , which leads Mr. Davidson , chief clerk
In the passenger department , to inter that
this really is "a campaign of education. "
Mr. 13 K Lomax bus rntutnod from
Chicago smiling and happv notwith
standing the decision of the "High Five" as
sociation ngalust tbo Union Pacilic and in
favor ot the Hlo Grande Western. I
T. J. Godlroy has issued a oronunclamonto
10 the affect that he will lick anybody who
uMis him whnn Iho short line on tho' Mis-
tour ! I'acillo is lo Lu opened. Ho news says
11 will be 111 ? middle ot tliu month.
The Jr.cksonian and Samoset clubs have
made arrangements with Iho Burlington to
run a special train Saturday to Pluttsmuutn
to attend the field and Dry an Joint debate
which IB scheduled tor that availing. The
train will leave Omaha tit 5:15 : p. m. and re
turn utter the mooting , ( Jno faro round
I'leiirei Compiled liy tliu Kitllwity Ago on
Triic'IdityliiK unil ( Inuling.
CHICAGO , III. , Sept. 9. Hallway construc
tion has urocooJed ut a safe and moderate
pace tins year , and yet In almost every stale
nnd territory now lines have uuo.i completed
or commenced.
, h > , The K-iiluay Ago and Northwestern Kall-
I/ roadtr , in Us forthcoming Is.uo , will say :
"Otir returns show thut during thu nine
months from January 1 to September : ! 0 ,
thuio liavu ueon,5111 miles of main Iraclc
laid on you UlftVmit lines In the United
bluK'a , whllo u lurgu amount ot grading tun
been done on which the raiu nro yet lo go
down. Tbcro uro in tight ever l.fiUO miles of
road on which truck is uxp.'ctud to bo laid
before the end ol iho year , so that wo leol
safe In repeating iho estimate uuulu three
months ugo that Hie tracltluyluy ot Ib'JJ ' will
n'f.icguiu ( not fur from -1UUU miles. "
Otllclul notice has been given that the
Nickel Plate will not meet the (3 round trip
lute Uutueen Chicago nnd llullulo , inudo by
Iu competitor * lo punish It for making u
t 60 rule for tlio nulionul convention of real
t'tUitu dculer.s. ThoNlcUol Plato does not
iluro to iiiulio a luwur rulu than $3 , and it
Itnowa that ut equal rates It cannot compete
\vtlh thu Mlchitiun Contrnl ami Luke Stioro.
Tbo statement ol iho Chicago , Mllwaukno
& St. Paul road lor iho month ot August
shou's gross rarulngi lo Iho amount or : . ' , -
TiiU.Ull , an lucrcaue , ut compurud wllh iho
corresponding month last year , ot fcW.'l.OU'i.
The net eanjliigu were > UJbUi , tin Increase
of * IT.WS.
NKW YOIIK , Bcpt. 2 , At iho mooting ol
Iho executive commlltoo of the Monlerev &
Mexican Gulf Kuilroad company , held today ,
J , A Hobortson wus named us general man-
ugor and C , A. Morrlam was appointed gen
eral buperlntcndcnt , subject to iho orders of
T , S. liullock , lirst vice president.
Null Atuiiut Ilio I'ort Itu.idlni ; ,
TIIENTON , N. J , , Bopt , 84 , Attorney Gen
eral HlocUton has filed iu the supreme court
information In iho nniuro of a quo w&rraato
nyulnst the Port Heading Uuilroad company ,
iio alleges that the company has boon illeg
ally uclniK at u corporation lo operate a rail
road and Issue capital stock , for all of which
tbo attorney general auk * duo process of laxv
against tbo Port Heading company , Tbo
court requires the company to uuiwur within
thirty ( '
DeU'ltt's Sarsaparilla u roiuma
to lIlHinr , "
An Inqucti w n hold ever luo bouy of
Miiiy Mluer , tbo boy who wiu ruu down
by n Hanscom paik motir at Sixteenth
nnd Hurt streets , ll'ilf n 1107.111vltnosscs
lestllled nnd the Jury rendered avcrJIetof
accidental death , oxonoratlng th ? matormin ,
I > on't become constlpitod. Take Ojoch
nm's PilK
Till : MCltllV OVitTKtl WAIt.
"Tlioro Arn .Momontu IVhrn Ono \Vnnts In
111) Alone , " Tnulo Mnrk.
In the present olTort to force us to join
tlio ovstor combine quotations nro ol
very llttlo vnluo. Wo nro protoottng our
custotnoffl on nny iirlcas mntlu by tiny
ootiibiimtion and no retailer ncod host-
Into lo orilot * the
"IIOHSHStlOKDRAND11 ns of yoro.
I ( prices sink below the nrosont level
just lot us know. Wo haven't tliuo to
irot out ) ) oslnl quotations every tlivy or
two , but we : tro Bulling ut unit below thu
prices tflvon by bulldo/.or.i.
Packers of I3.ilthno.-o fresh oysters.
Oniihi : : , Sopt. 0. 133i
The "Horse Shoa" brand , largest ,
fattest , j tic lost , eho.ipcst , boat.
Very low rates to Buffalo , N , Y. , and
nil points oust , S.ttufday and Sunday ,
October 1 anil 12. l or full partluularss
cull at I took Island Hqkotollleo , No. 100U
Farnam street. Chas. Kennedy , G. N.
W. P. A.
An Urjjont Appi'iil for tlontrlhutliMis to tlio
Tlio great calamity which lias befallen the
city of Hamburg , Germany , by an unprece
dented cholera epidemic , has prostrated Its
trade and thrown its laboring classes out of
employ ment.
The city tlnds Itself unable to meet the
simultaneous emergency of an epidemic and
pt supplyinc the wants of a largo and unem
ployed population , und Is forced to scolc out
side assistance.
The undesigned committee has thcroforo
been formed to solicit contributions for the
relief of the sufferers In Hamburg , und tbo
following have kindly oousontod to recelvo
sucii contributions :
New York Herald , Herald building : Now
Yorker StuaU-Zsltung , Tyron row , Gorman
society of the city of Now York. IS Broad wav ;
C. A. AuiTm' Onlt & Co. , U3 Greene street ;
G. Amsinck & Co. , I4S Pearl street ; checks
lo tbo order of A. Lattinann , treasurer , 143
Pearl strcot.
Hamburg tins at nil times shown great lib- ,
crallty In helping to relluvo , In nil parts of
the world , communities ovcrtauun by publio
calamities , and nt this time of Humburg'H
own ullllctton outside help should bo Ircoly
glvon to tlio city.
All contributions to bo transmitted to the
relief committee of the Chamber of Coin-
morco In Hamburg- .
Prominent Gorman-American' ? in Omaha
are taking grout interest iu this matter and
propose to raise n hnndsomo sum for the relief -
lief of tlio laboring people of Hamburg.
Air. Fred Motz , sr. , will receive all contri
butions to the fund from parties in this sec
tion. Uoimttancos should bo made to Mr.
Motz ut the Gorman Savings banlt , Fifteenth
street , this city.
Bo sure and use Mrs. Winslows Soothing
Syrup Jor vour children while tojthlnjr. 'Jo
cents n bolllc.
Uoal estate. it
Bargains only. _ /aVr
My word is good. "f'i.
W. G. Albright ,
5213 N. Y. Llfo blilg.
Tlio latest fads in oporn glasses retail
at wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co .
cor. farnuin and 14th.
I'mSuit - .
Cijrar store at South Omaha. Inquire
f MAX MRVUII < fc Co. ,
CornoIGth and Farnatn stroots.
Attention -Miltil Want IXiu
There will bo a meeting of the Ninth
iVard Democr.-ttic club at club room ,
' .Sth and Fa-main , Friday evening. Good
poakers , Adam Snyder , Prcsldpni.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyer Jeslro to
uUond their heartfelt npp'reciatioii and
eve to thfif many friends for their
many and jrenorous acts and words of
sympathy and ciinuolunuo that assisted
.it a measure lo lessen their sorrow ever
-ho lois of their darling and only child ,
, ) onn , who was today buried' in the
'niiiily cemetery.
Tliu Comuilritiloiiur * Take Up the S Unritiiy
Uiutiiesii Alioul n ( Tlniu.
The members of the Board of County Com
missioners all got out and aolu the regular
Saturday sesilou yesterday morning.
It was decided that in addition to pub-
Ishlng tbo dollnquont tax list in the official
paper , It should bo published In the
L'ourok Xjpadu , the German Tribune ana the
awuaisli Journal. The county attorney has
' : iol'l tiiut the law compelled such publications.
Chairman Berlin voted against the proposi
tion , holding that the expense was too great
und tliut it was an injustice to tbo laxpavers
of the county.
Tno pastor of the People's church asked
for a cancellation of tax upon the lot on
which tlui church stoo I , suyln1/ that iho
church hail leased the ground from Dr.
Mr. Paddock opposed the cancellation on
iho ground that It wus establishing a danger
ous precedent.
Mr. Siouborg held that thu precedent was
established years a ? > , and that it was appar
ent that the ground in question was used ex
clusively for church purposes.
The vote to exempt stood iwo lo two , und
the matter wont uver for one week ,
The congregation of Israel , holding a
niiioty-nlno year lease upon Its church lot ,
wus exempted irom taxation for the yours
IS'Jl and Ib'JJ.
William Carr , the contractor who graded
South Thirteenth street , served notlco that
unless his claim of 1,018 was allowed , suit
would ho brought agumst Iho county. Tbo
olilm was not allowed.
The clerks in tlio county troasuror's oflleo
put In a claim demanding pay for overtime.
This was referred.
DoWltt'sSarsapurlliu cieansai tbo Dloal.
mil You ( io llni ThU Full ?
If so , It will bo to your interest to
fully acquaint yourself with the excel-
lout tniIn service ; now In on'oct , between
Chicago , HulTalu , Now Yorlf , Boston
anil inturinudtulu points , via tlio ' 'Lilco
Shore Houte.1 Through trains lea vo
Chicago ut 8:00 : nnil 10:30 : a.m. . a:10. :
50 : : ! , 7ir : > and 11.80 p. m. The "Chit-ago
and Huston Spoola ! " ( IO'iO : a. in. ) in the
only complolo train ihrougb from Chicago
cage lo Now Kugland , It hua dining
car serving meals ihu ontlro distance ,
iu lisolf tin oxi.'hisivo feature , and the
equipment of the train throughout IB of
tlui very highest stnndird. The Chicago
cage anil Now Vork Limited (5:30 ( : p. m. )
embodied all thut is modern and novel
In r.ilhvay transportation and him very
appropriately been culled n "norfoct
train. "
H. P. IIUMl'HUUV , T. P. A ,
7 7 Main atroot , Ivansas City.
C. K. WlUHiK , W. P , A. , Chicago.
Action of tba Contractor Dalays the Paving
of Twonty-Seconl Street ,
I'riMpectTlmt the llnnil totho Mnvprnment
Oorntl Will HD Left ImpMnnhlo far
AnolliorVlntnr Ktiiickcd Out
liy u
People who bail nopocl to sos Siuth Twon-
ty-stcond itroot pivocl this soaion nro llnblo
to bo doomed to disappointment , as another
dulay U Inevitable , the contractor refusing
to go on with the work.
The troiiblo U rUht horo. LnU spring
when tlio llnnl paving1 ordinance was passed ,
It provided that the strjot should ba paved
wllll ColornJo sandstone , not designating the
color of the stuno that would bo usoil.
The BDsclIlcatlons c.illoJ for Colorado
stone , but did not nnmo the color. nnU on
these suculllcitloiis Hugh Murpny bid and
was awnrdod the contract. Tno nroporly
owners along the slreot solocui.l whlto Colorado
rado stone ttnd ttil * ; kind tlio contractor was
ordered to lay. Now ho refuses to do any-
thine of the kind , holding that us thendvor-
tUoraont , the award and the contract all
provided for simply Colorado stone , ho has
thorlqhtto lav either the rod ov tlio white.
Ho protor.A to lay the rod because ho has no
whlto stone in tits quarries.
At the mooting of the IJonrJ. of Publlo
Worlts , holdycstordiy afternoon , nrrnnKO-
tnont.s wore completed oy whlcli It is ppsul-
bto that the work may o on , though this all
rests with the city council and will UJ do-
clued at the next mooting , Mr. Murphy
stated that the Siull holrs , who owned the
majority of the lost frontage , had agreed to
withdraw tboir name ? from the whlto stone
petition and sign for rod stone , and that tbrf
nnw petition would be presented to the coun
cil for ratlllcutioti. If the council aproad to
the change , the work would bo commonocd
and completed ut an early date.
Hinna Mnr i Coittutctfl I.ct.
Llko the county commissioners , the Hoard
of Publlo Work * hold the roculnr weekly
meeting ahead of time in order to dlspojo of
the accumulated business.
Contracts wore let for tbapnvingund curbIng -
Ing of the following streets : Twonty-llrst ,
froui Wlrt to Spencer ; Douglas , from Six
teenth to Twentieth ; Seventeenth , from
Farmim to Dodge , nnU Urnce , from the
Omaha Holt Line rallxvav track1 * to the cast
line of the Chlcaao , SU Paul , Minneapolis As
Omaha railway rlght-of-wnv.
For paving with Trinlaad sheet ; nnhnlnim ,
the Standard Paving company was the lowest
bidder , its bid DtiineS.ML for class "A" and
S.MIlHor clu s "B" , with a llvo-voar guaran
tee : & 1.10 tor class "A" and Sl.OS for class
"B" , with a ten-year guarantee.
On Colorado sandstone Hugh Murphy was
the lowest bidder , ills figures were : Sl.TO ,
$ i. 10 and S'2 for the resucctivo classes , "A" ,
"iJ" and "C" . The brick award was made
to E. D. Van Court 0:1 : three , streets and to
J. B. Smith & Co. on one. Van Court bid
81.S5 with a live and S3 with a ton-year guar
antee. J. B. Smith St Co. bid 31.ST with a
ftvo and SJ.05 with a ton year guarantee.
On UoUKlus street. Pumas and Murphy
tied on the curbing at 03 cents per lineal
foot. Tlio curbing of the other blroets was
given ' to Murphy at 03 cents per lineal foot ,
no ' nolng the lowest bidder. Hod Colorado
sandstouo was the material bid upon.
AVIuU Stronger 1'rmir
Is needed of the merit of Hood's sarsaparllla
than the hundreds of lotlora continually
coming in tolling of marvellous curas it has
effected after all ether remedies had failed.
Truly , Hood's sarsaparllla possesses peculiar
curative power unknown to other medicines.
Hood's plds euro constipation by restoring
the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal.
They are the best family cathartic.
FttOJl 'JlUU.iIt AltUUl US.
.Tabu K Greer , a v well known citizun of
Auburn , is dead.
NcoleyVymoro , an Incorrigible youth of
Wymoro , bos been sent to the reform school.
Ilov. George Bailey has DJOII installed as
pastor of the Presbyterian cnurch ut Broken
Bow. *
The Sunday schools of G.igo county will
hold a convention at Wymore , October H
and 12.
A camp of Woodmen of the World has
boon organized at Nomaska City and has
been christened the Elm.
Mrs. Henry Barker of Shubort nearly died
as the result or inluillnt. ' rat poison which
had been carelessly loft lyinn around loose.
The Clay County Hecistor , an Independ
ent paper printed at Edcrar , has ceased to
exist after o troublous existence or a year.
The 7-j cur-old son of B. CHtchllold of Elmwood -
wood fell from the window of his father's
olllco and broke his arm , besides sustaining
internnl Injuries.
Blanche Williams , a 12-yeor-old Fairmont
school girl , WHS thrown down by her ploy-
mates and so severely injured abo'ut the head
that her life was despaired of for a short
Allen tiorrard , in the Monroa Looking
Ul iss , savs that cholera raged up the Plntio
river In 1S.VJ among the omicriints. Ho know
of oim mun who was loft to die but got well.
The disease was worse up the valley than at
the Missouri.
Tor.cno. Iowa , April li , 1311.
Dr. J. B. Moore , Djar Sir : My wlfo has
used about six botlloj of your Tree of Llfo ,
and thinks that she nas rocolvoJ greater bon
eflt from It than uuy moalclne slit ) ha" over
taken. Yours truly , L. II. BUPKIX.
Gen'l Acont and Trass. West Collogo.
Since roculvlns the above testimonial , 1 urn
inrocoint of a letter and choolc from the liov
UH Bufkln of Toledo , Iowa , April 3. . t3
send liov. J. W , ICo.iworthv , Cfjstlluj ,
sas , six bottles of Moora's Tree of Llfo.
For sale by all druggists.
runurul of Aim , Urovna.
The funeral of the Into MM. Mary Groves ,
mother of Citv Clerk John Urovos , took placu
from the residences of her son yesterday
afternoon. Tlio remains wcro enclosed In a
bor.utiful casket amV the room was lllloc :
with IIoral tributes from the many friends ol
the deceased and her family , O'no inngnill-
cent design was the gift of the employes of
the city clerk's ofllco.
From the residence the caslcot was berne
to Trinity cuttiocmil , wharo Uoan Gurdniu
read the impressive burial service of the
EpUconat church , with liov , Puul Mathitwi
as assistant , A quartet choir sang "Lead
Kindly Llcht , " and during the service the
hymn ' -Abido With Mo. "
The interment was at Forest Liwn come
tor.v and the hearse was followed to the
grave by a JOIN * line of oarnacoi. The pall-
UeiirorK wore Ttiomas Talon , Peter O'Malloy ,
T. F. flronnan , A. P. Tukoy , John Carr und
Jamoi ytocUdulu.
Too Much of u HUk ,
Ills not unusual for colds contraclod in tbo
fall to hung on all winter. In such casus
catarrh or chronic broiiobltlo uro almost sure
to result. A li fly-cant nettle of Chuinbor-
Iain's Cougu Homedy will oura any cold.
Can you a ( Tool to rlsif so iiiuab for so small
tin amount I This remedy is Intended cs-
pociully for bad colds and oroupand can
always bo dopoudod upon. For salt ) by drug-
cists ,
Held tormuult. .
Yesterday afternoon OHlcor Wilbur or-
res tea John D , Curly , private iu company C ,
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
' „
Jocond United Stalm Infunlrj , slnliOiied nt
' 'ort ' Omahn , for -
sw-saultlnc Iho 15-ycar-oUl
Inushlor of Mrs. AAnlcSchomtor , who lives
nl Twcnty-Ilrst onllfMcholrn streola. _
MM. Schcustcrcl'slnH Hint the soldier had
akon her tin lighter ilo different be or cnrdena
und romnlnoil outqiilto Into ; nlio ihnl lha
llrl stnycd In quarters nl Iho pojt Insl Sun *
lay nlgtil ngnlnst-iher will , Oarly clntracd
o bo nulo lo cloir hitnsolf xvtion Iho case
comes up for irinl uts p. in. today.
Tluuuns P < u 1nit 11U T.iCn by .S
tlin llallrontl Tntclt.
A Union P.icl lla switch cnj'lnoonrouto from
South Omaha lo 'Avory yoslordny morning
shortly nftor 7 o'olook , struck Thomas Fox ,
njurlnc him ! o o.iiUv ihui ho died from iho
offccU of Iho Injuries Uvo hours lalor.
Fox was silling on the trunk Just north ot
Iho Albright depot whan thu oiiRlno ciuno to-
.vanl . him , mitt before lha onqtno could como
lo n slop iho locomotlvo was ution Us victim
nnd hurled him Into the nlr , antl ho latulod nt
.ho side of the track. HU bo ly xvns bruised
but llttlo , iho onglno slrlkln ? him on Iho loft
side , Inflicting lojurlos Internal , which
caused dentil ,
Von Is comnarntlvoly unknown , having
been hero but n few days , nnil was n section
tinnd. Ha had boon on n sprco , und the pun-
ami theory Is thut ho snt down upon the
track -with Intentions of oulcldo. A few
nilnutet bo torn ho was struck bv the onplno
a passerby had axvakctiod him from n stupor
nnd got htm oft the truck Just as u Crelglit
, rnln wont rolllnp l\v , Ilo tionrdotl with A.
W , Dennis In Albright , ubd these ncqualntod
with him say that bo \vcllodllc.Uod. . Ilo
wus I1) ) yours of ngo and nn IrUhinun , As
soon as Dosslblo after the nccltlent ho was
removed to the city jail and died n few min
utes nftor arriving inoro. Ilo was uncon-
clous all thu lima.
Ittlllcllnj ; I'crlillU.
The folloxvlni : permits were Issued by tbo
superintendent of buildings youardny :
Junnlo I'atrlcl ; , ono nnd ono-hiilf story
franio tlwcllii , Ninth und Itancroft
Hticoti $2,000
Jimnlu Patrick , one nnd ono-half story
frainu ( Iwolllng , NiLth nnd lluncioft
streets 2.003
) nu tumor permit luo
Tout 9 i ioo
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by Judge Kllor yesterday :
Niiino and address. Age.
I/.opht-r Dot'onost Havens. Atlantic , la. . . 10
I AIIIIH M. llunnott , Atlantic , la 18
I Oliver 0. llmtsloii , Otnahi 17 !
I Isabella U Uuv. Omaha 'Jl
DoWltt'sbanaptrllla cleanse ? the blooa ,
Increases the appatito anil tones np the sys
tem. It has hanelltcd many poopln who
have suffered from blooa dlsordoi'3. It will
help you.
i\ciirslon to SliiHinnilimli Valley.
On Tuesday , Oclobor Solli , the Balti
more & Ohio lluilrond Co. will sell ex
cursion tickets from Chicago und all
Baltimore & Ohio points west of the
Ohio river to Winchester , Woodstock ,
Middlotown , Ilurrisonburg , Staunton
and Lexington , Vn. , at tbo rate of ono
lowest limited first-class faro for- the
round trip.
The Shnnandonh valley , Virginia , of
fers superior Inducements to persons
seeking now locations. Farm lands of
fered at from S10.00 per aero und up
wards. Timber , coal , iron ore , pure
water , convenient markets , ' excellent
soil , good schools , best society. For in
formation about rates apply to any Bnl-
timoro & Ohio ticket ngout. _ Send to
M. V. Richards , land nnd immigration
ngont , Baltimore & Ohio railronu , Bal
timore , Md. , for Information about de
sirable locations , maps , pamphlets , etc.
Whlto Sliivus ( if Kttisll.
In Russia tbo wanton labor liftoon hours
n day for lo emits. Frank G. Carpenter , in
THE SuxuirBci ; wiU'rolato In a most fas-
clnuting'lottcr how tlio" Husjlan .women toll
from early morn till late at night for a miser
able pittance ,
No llllilrst llflil.
The remains of J. H. Kling , Iho old man
who drooped dead at Twelfth and Ilarnoy
strools Wednesday nlghl , wore forwarded
yesterday to Woodoine , la. Coroner Maul
decided Inquest was unnecessary.
If is a shameful confession to
make that ir.any people arc
willing to use adulterated arti
cles because they arc cheaper ,
and in doing so often subject
ing themselves to injurious
effects , for it must not be
supposed that those who are
willing , at the cost of repu
tation and for the purpose of
gain , to impose adulterated
goods upon the public , would
hesitate to use injurious
adulterants. *
Dr. Price has an established
reputation for manufacturing
good and pure articles , and
his Delicious Flavoring Ex
tracts of Vanilla , Lemon , etc. ,
are the most perfect made. "
Kcopcunll 'Ilio platfim'l rcacli you If you do
tliu rlnlit llilnii ut tliu rlitlit tliuu ,
Sea Unit tlioy nro kvultlijr nnil perfect. I'nt the
llvvr to iifttuml work. Tills untiurui illKuntlan mill
nutrition. Avolil unripa friilvn unil miwlioloiiumo
meat * . CooKurcryUitoif , evwi wiitur. Cluin : oil tliu
luuintiruiii'B odtuniiuJi unit liwivjU at u iji , WHII
Dr. Sclinci's ' ManflraXe Pills ,
They carry w ) r all Ulsnuo uurnit nnil nil polnon-
OUB nintter. Tliuy aiiiiiru imrft'ctly lioulthy nnd
nnlnml ( ccrotloiiH , Tnuy turn tlio llvvr tu tna no.
i-ount or dUcstlon unit nutrltluii , quleklr , i-nfuly ,
thuroughly. Keep UeuU coal , luvtwurm , bklci clojn
liuvo boon tasted In many a Cliuloraoplilomlo. Tlio/
do Mr Ilio.
do wunt lanltury nclenoo > ahoiilil bo donowllh
jmliitt , clubutB , ruuiutt utU tlio uutur porauu. Tlioy
clunn nnil uurlf ) Ilio Inner liounu nnil jml Iho nil
memory rlilunuuU Iu jimrfeul urdor.
AvnIU htlnnilnlm. Ulcar tholr oltoctt out of tlio
yktuin at ( inco nun thu MunJniko "l'lll . 1'ut tlio
ullinoiiliiry cuunnul ) In ortlur nnp liU | clullunco to
In choUrn eptdcmlpi , dntl all otliori InTDlvlnR Iho
liver , Btmnucli iiiul Uowoln , nioru cutfa ol preven
tion unil euro tuu.l to the credit of Dr. ticlionok
Jlumlruko I'llli than any otliur auuncy or ronieilr.
TuouianJi tajr they will cu No Other Shoe ,
Wear this Shoe during the Summer Mouths.
tingluM EXPANDS ilh rvniV .MOTION of
' " . * f.VfA , . . ! * ? > nui'ii IU l "l ilili | i. Uh
AllJUsr.Ull.i ; K.iurii i.ukci U | uuiib. Iu ucu
n > rru in iuc.
CosU na mate , lobki be'tcr. wc r looser.
! ( it > IOO Haiti i.iore couifoit
| iui ) uy uihcr nuke.
l > rotl , f ( .00 , $3.O , $3.00 W.OO.
CONSOLIDATED .SHOE CO , M'fri ' , Lynn. Man.
thoJoitoa Storj.lOth nd IJoaala
That AYEIVS Sarsaparilln CUUKS
OTiutt3 < : of Scrofulous Disc.isca ,
Kruptions , Boils , Ecr.ciun , Liver and
Kidney Discuses , Dyspepsia , Hlicu-
inntlsin , and Catarrh should bo con-
vinclng that the same course of
treatment vni.t , ctin : YOU. All
that has been said of the wonderful
cures effected by the use of
during the past 50 years , truthfully
applies to-day. It Is , in every sense ,
Tlio Superior Medicine. Its cura
tive properties , strength , effect , and
flavor arc always the same ; and for
whatever blood diseases AYEll'S
Sarsaparilla is taken , they yield to
this treatment. When you ask for
don't bo induced to purchase any of
the worthless substitutes , which are
mostly mixtures of the cheapest In
gredients , contain no sarsaparilla ,
liiivo no uniform standard of ap
pearance , flavor , or effect , are blootl-
purillers in name only , ami are of
fered to you because there is moro
profit in selling them. Take
rrciinreil by Dr. J. C A > or &Cn. , Lowell , Mn > s.
Bold by .ill Druggists , Trice $1 , nil bottU't , ? 5.
Cures others , will cure you
You can risiliico your ivclelit from ten
to twenty pounds a mouth , at lionic , with
out starving , nt reasonable cost by the use of
Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment ,
perfected in many years practice , causes no
HlckiicHN or injury to the health , is highly
indorsed. Send for proofs and testimonials.
P. O. Drtwver 133. Chicago , 111.
Thrilling Spectacle !
FOR ONiKiiv : ConinionolnR Jlon-
duv. Sujit. i'tvn ) will sull fcOLII ) GOM )
A I'AIIt. Klnoraiidhoivlnr rr.iiuosMaiHl
* i. worth Kl to * M. KIMC STKKb SI'IHJ-
rotnlfeil nt K"ttttor rrnmoi , ll.M. KVKIIV
wlillo crystal ICIIBC.H. NO HXTllA LlIAHHK
vxcejit furHpuclal lonitcs Kr und to umnHuro
NOTlCK ir you ulll cut Ihlj ndvcrtlM-incnt
out unit prchont It to us > vo nlll nliow a ills-
count of IU per cent Imin nbovo uxtiuiuo low
SclcntlHc mid Practical Uptlcl'ins.
riirnnm and SUtcunth Streets , Uninlin.
EiasticStockings ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplisv.
114S. 15111 St. ,
Kcxl to PostDfflcs
Pure White Lead
is the Best Paint.
Care is necessary though , to
obtain , strictly pure , as the
market is flooded with so-
called Pure White Leads that
in reality contain but very little
white lead.
The following analyses of
two of these misleading brands
show the exact proportion of
genuine white lead they con
tain. The analyses describe
the labels and brands on the
packages and give the con
tents as follows :
Misleading Hrands
"C , F. Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure WhI *
l.eail , " lied label , with brush , on which ie
rrlntcd , "Guaranteed to be strictly pure ,
l-'o.-fcltcd If adulterated. "
Materials Proportions Analysed by
Darytes 58,10 per cent. J. Klcbmc ,
Oxide of Zinc 24.90 per cent. Milwaukee ,
White Lead 13.00 per cent.
Calcium Car
bonate 3,30 per cent ,
"Masury's Railroad White Lend. " White
label , marked "Railroad White Lead. 33 ;
pure ; John W. Masury & Son , New York
and Chicago , warranted superior. "
Materials Proportions Analyted by
Oxide of Zlnk 55.70 per cent , Ledoux&Co , ,
IJarytcs 44.30 per cent , New York ,
We have a book which gives
the analyses of a large number
of misleading brands , Ifyouare
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it.
In Painting
use strictly pure White Lead
( see that you get either
"Southern , " "Collier , " or
"RedSeal'y ' , tint it with the
National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors ,
and you will have the best
paint that it is possible to put
on a building.
For sale by the belt dealers In paints every
where ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
Sti Louis , Mo ,
We will offer in our boys' department on
second floor , between four and five hundred
Knee Pant Suits , at the popular price of
$2,50 a SUit
that will stand more hard knocks and look bet
ter when overtaken by "that tired feeling- , " than
any suits ever sold for that money before. These
suits arc made of good honest all wool cassi-
mercs , in plaids and plain colors. The coats are
lined with fine twilled lining , and arc made up
with fifteen corded plaits , eight in front and
seven behind , and the pockets in the pants are
big enough and strong enough to hold the thou
sand and one things that a boy wants to stuff in
them. At the same time we will offer
about the same nui'n bcr of suits for
of all agfs. : These suits arc in three pieces
coat , vest and long pants. They are made of
wear resisting all wool cassimeres.and arc gotten
up solid at every point. The prices are
jj4 for ages 11 , 12 and 13
/S for ages from 1410 19.
1,000 boys' 25c Cloth Hats at 150.
1,000 boys' 5oc Cloth Hats at 3oc.
Does your system
Need a
Stimulant ?
Bf so , use
For Sale at all High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If your
Dealer docs not keep it , write to
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
. .
Bundurs lOu. ilui Suud slump lor
. yomljlaj0. SupsrluradtanUgi-sforsdutatlni | , . Cour or tudrthor.
oucli ; Musical und ul < li-pnrtMi < > iit liiilioslorikT ; t . .ln < ri f Ihelieiit Ameilcun
anil European culliHFi lurnc unil Iwnutlful BrounJ , nr biilldlngi , rooms well'
Tcntllnlcil , llghlril Ly L'ii Opviin hcrloinlicr 7lh For calnloituc aiMrex
ilnr. T. W. IIAtlltUTT , ! . COLUMIIIA , JUO ,
For Ilia lilslicr und Mlvral Kdurnllan of flrll
Hud > OUIIK women hixclsltlrs : Unilc , Art , Klo-
cullen , l'liy ' lcul TruiuloB. Htfaui licat , ( Mil
mid liol Blrr. Imth rooms , etc , nn raeh door.
31th Ho > lon hi-Klin > ept flh , iv 2. InrC'ataloMUS
niMri'M A lt 'll I HA M > A. J OMM , 1'rvst.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Glitz ,
Sold only In 2 } pound paclca oi.
Velvet Meal ,
For mufllns nnd goim.
Solilby nil PlrU-Cht ? ( lr.iri.iri.
'JVotli KlIloOVltli -
out 1'uln uy
tliu J.ntcst
In volition.
TKK'l'H KXTKAOTnO WIl'llOUl1 I'At.-J Olt
! , > OU ,
I'orffci ( It Kiinruniuud. Triitli uxtruutod In
Iho inurnlnu. ISuw onus liibeilud Iu uvouliij
of buiuu day.
Hi'ti sieuliiioiisuf | Itumoviiljlo llrlnu'ii ,
Bi'O vijccliiiuus of I'luxltilu KliiHtlu I'lutu
All wiirl ; wiirriiiiled us ruiirotuiiluU ,
oniur , 'llilid floor , I'.utua II lee c.
Tclcjiltono JOS.'j. 1 ( lilt ifil Piirinai St .
Tuke ClevMtor or Htnlrwny 101U
In tliu treatment r > f all forms of
ana nil Wo.ilfiions anil Hliordurlif
JVI H-J and vltullty. KUhteun youmu v
HIM most roiunrUahlu uucuuii I
the treatment of tills elam of dliimsea. whlo
U proven by thu iiiiivurmil toitlinony of thou
KmuU who IIHVU liuon cured. Write for clrou-
lara and ( | iietlon lUt. 14tli u.iU I'uruttin
Ntii. , Oiu.uia , Nul ) .