Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEEjjj'KlDA.y ' , SEPTEMBER 30 , . 1892.
u <
llotorman on the Western Normal Oollega
Line Nightly Attacked.
too Snrceeil * In flcslulnc Two Men Who
Wern Determined to Hollevo Him ol
III * Valtmblct-Other Mn *
cola JSnws Notei.
LJXCOIANob. . , Sept. 2 < J.-Speclal [ to TUB
UEE. ] Ttift burglars and sneak thieves who
nfosted the city during lha healed term scorn
to have changed tholr calling nnd taken to
the tnoro hazardous nnd irenerftlly moro lu
crative profession of highway roblfcry.
Several Instances ot highway robbery have
boon reported from Lincoln to THE Den
Within the past few woelu , and another case
wai reported to Iho oollco last night. Fred
Klckotts , u molorman In charge of a car on
the Western Normal college line , was at
tacked by two mon late lust night at a lonely
pot on the line whoa there were ho pwson-
jtors on the car.
The company orovldcs but ono man on the
ub' car and this fact explains the ab-
jenco of a conductor. The mem spring on
Jho ear and at once made n dosperuto assault
Upon IticKctls. On grabbc'd his xvatch chain
whllu the ether tried to choke him Into sub
mission. Ulckotts grabbed Us watch with
ono hand and transferred It to his trousers'
pocket , tud then picked up a light Iron rod
\vlth ho turns the switch points and
commenced to vound ono of his assailants
over the head. IJoth raon soon cot enough
of the contest and sprang from Iho car. Ono
was badly hurt and found at Down-
ing's foundry , where nssislunco was tele
phoned for. The pollco at once started for
the foundry for Ihelr man , but before they
could arrive there ho hud recovered sufll-
clemly to getaway.
ltri'uvirnil thn Hotly Toil y.
The scnrch for the body of llttlo Chris
Olsoson was continued until a lale hour last
hlght without success. It was resumed
early this morning and ut 10 o'clock Oftlcers
O'Stioe anil Magulro succeeded In tlndtnR It.
It had lodged in a pleco of still water about
fifteen feet from the point where the acci
dent ocvurrcd. The watar nt the place thu
lltllo fellow was drowned was fifteen feet
fioop. It wa learned today that a young
man namoJ Nicholas Gnoudon witnessed the
accident at thotimo tbo boy foil from the
wagon wheel Into tbo water. Ho at ooco
tan to the walcr's edge , dlvaited himself of
n portion of his clothing nno. swam to the
boy's assistance. Ho succeeded In reaching
him bpfnro no had sank for the last tlmo and
grasping him by tno arm blarlcd lo swim for
the shore. The current was too swift for
him , however , and he found that ho was
platting. Ho was compelled to drop the boy
Ecd save himself. The coroner will hold an
Inquest tomorrow.
.Minloiin Amende Honorable.
Yesterday Uotectlvo Pound Drought to
this city a well dressed young man named
ti. D. Fcnner , whom ho had arrested at
O'Neill on a warrant sworn out by Frank
Morrissey , a citizen of Davoy , In this county.
Jtlorrisspy charged Fcnner with Iho larceuy
as baileo'ot $77.50. After Fennor had been
arrested und brought back to Lincoln Mor
rissey suddenly discovered that the accu-
allen was falso. Ilo therefore had the case
dismissed at his own cost. Ho also signed a
paper to the effect that he had been mis
taken and that ho wished to state to tbo
public that Ihe charge was made under a
jnlsapprehcnslon of fucu. Ha onlirely ox-
pnerated Fencer nnd agreed lo publish the
retraction In the dally paparj.
Guilty ot AsMiuilt.
Every criminal arraigned at the bar of jus-
tlco at Ibo present torni of the district court
has been fo'und guilty. James Palin. whose
trial for an attempted assault on the person
of "tho 0-year-old daughter ot Mr. Shaffer in
this clly. found lhat tno Jury made no excep
tion in tiU case. Tbe assault upon the little
girl was niurio at Palin's carpenter shop , at
the corner of Eighth and P streets , last
July. Ho outlced Ibo Halo girl.Into his
bop and there assaulted her. Tbe lltllc
elrl's screams attracted the intention of sev
eral men nnd tnoy detected Palin in the act.
Ho was arraigned and the case given to Ihe
Jury. Tno verdict was rendered soon nftoi
and the prisoner was convicted. The pan-
sky is imcrisonmontin the penlteullary fron
two lo twenty years * . Palin Is a marrlec
Wan with several children. '
Another Trial.
Tbo trial of Fred Hcrdllcn , accused o
hooting with intent to wound , is on tria
Kofcro tbo district court today. Herdllon ha
long been subject lo tils of anger , and las
April be went on a prolonged sprco. Afto
he baa soborca up sufllciontly lo bo ugly hi
went homo and locked his wife In ihe collar
He kept her there all day and night ant
until the evening of next day , when she mad
her escape. Ho nave chase , and while pur
euing her around the house a nelgnbonnj
woman named Mrs. Luckhardt called upoi
him lo siop. Ho at once flow Into n passioi
of ragu and wont Into the house alter a gun
Coming out he nt once opened tire ucou Mrs
Lucktitmtt nud * another woman named Mn
Fred Miller. Both of tbo women wer
wounded by the shot which bad been flroi
at them , and a baby carried In the arms o
Mrs. Luclchardt was also hurt , Herdlte
was overpowered by Fred Miller after
dcspetata struggle.
[ Iciril ; In tlin Court lloonm.
Hose Funko has appealed to thn dlstrlc
court from Iho award ot thn Hook Island n [
praners. Who was awarded $3,500 fa
eighteen and one-half ucres.
Mury King today received a divorce Iroi
her husband , inclualug Iho custody of at
The hearing of the Cagnoy will conies
which given promlso of much Interest , ho
been postponed until November 10.
W. P. Willis & Co. today began su
against Horlmnu & Co. for I77S.03 f-jr good
sold and delivered.
llenjumln Greevo today was awarded
divorce , his wife neglecting to appear an
roako a contest.
Mar.da J. Eppj was also made happy by
dlvorca from her husband.whom shn charge
with cruelly and failure to support.
Lizzie P. Davenport appeals to tbo dlstrii
court to settle her title to u lot In Cum be
Und heights which sbo bought of C. A \
Jones. She afterwards discovered that Joni
had neglected lo sign the deed. lie refuse
to do so when his ullonllon was called to Ib
uiauer uuless she paid him I10J additional.
Lincoln lu llrlef.
The Hock Island people today purchase
another lot adjoining the ground atreaii
purchased for ihe now passenger depot i
the corner ol Twentieth and O streets , pa
tng therefor the sum of $1,500. '
Chairmen Uoges and Uroady , roprosontlc
the republican and democratic congresalon
central committees respocllvely , have agmt
to another Joint discussion between Juds
Field and Congressman Hryan , lo lake plai
in Ibis clly at a date to bo announced late
The caiu against William Snyder , charge
with tbo violation of iho health ordiuanc
nas been continued until tomorrow.
A largo number of Lincoln ropubllcai
took the Missouri Paciflo tram this foreno <
_ foe Weeping Water to listen to the joint di
bate between Field and Bryan.
It has been decided to have Governor Fc
akerof Ohlospoak at tbo M street par
wbera the production of "The Last DAYS
Pompeii" was given. The grand stand w
comfortably seat 10,000 people and it
Within a few blocks of the buslne
portion of tbo city. The park w
bo made as light as day by twenty are llgb
suspended over the seats. All marcali
clubs from a uUtunca will bo furnished wi
reserved seats In advance and everytbl
ooce tout u ucceuary to sea that they f
the seats assigned to them.
Tbo people llvinjronP street from EU
eoth to Thirteenth have flleda remonsiran
with tbo uxclie board aeanut the grant !
of a licoasu lo P. J. Kennedy , who desires i
ell liquor In the Stuart building at 1117
treat. , '
I'rumunt Nrvit Notr * .
FitcuosT , Nob. , Sopt. 29. [ Special to T
Ben. ] Ernest Schurman , president of t
Commercial National bonk , and his w
celebrated the twouly-tUtu anniversary
their marriage at tbelr resilience In this c
thU evening. Among inose present were
brother Uobart and bis son from Pektn. til.
Judge W O. Ghost of Denver Is visiting
the family of Hon. W. II. Muncor and others
In this city.
T. It Churchill and Mist Birdie Weston ,
who has been general delivery clerk at the
post on ! co for so long , were married this
evening at the residence ot the bride's
parents , by HOT. W. H. Buss.
Hov. J. C. Qulnn , D. D. , nnd wlfo left to
day for their now homo In Mason City , la.
The harvest excursion trains that cnmo In
vcitcrday over the Union Pacifio and Elk-
born roads , came In two sections , nnd were
crowded with passengers to sco the beauti
ful , productive fields of Nebraska. It was
lound nccotsary to add extra coaches to the
trains before leaving this city.
TOOK ultimas nto.n Tin : i.onu.
Wliy * n Syracuse Minister Kcfiuod
to lln Dismissed.
Srnicuss , Nob. , SepU'-'O. [ SpocUl to TUB
BnE.J For two or three months a church
row bas been brewing In the Congregational
church ot this placo. About the Suth ot last
March Hev. T. W. Spanswich , a traveling
evangelist , was called to tbo position of
shepherd of Iho flock nt this place , to toke
effect April 1. HU work here as an ovangol-
llst previous to that tlmo had apparently
done much good , seventeen additions being
made lo the church In about three weeks.
About June 1 it begun to lo.ik out that the
rovcrend goutlcnion W s a llttlo too free In
his language with certain sisters of the
church , and even his conversation with the
townsmen was characterized us unbecoming
n preacher.
The talk became so loud that a church
meeting was called August 3 to consider his
dismissal. Ills Irlonil.s rallied to his support.
on this occasion , and scoured thocounlry
far and near In bis behalf , but It was of no"
avail , and bo was ruitularly dismissed ,
notwithstanding the fact that In the roll call
of the church he voted for himself lo remain.
At this point bo Insisted that the Lord bad
cillcd him to the territory , and that ho
should lo.ivo only on un order from Iho same
authority. At this slago of lha gumo Uiv.
Mr. Bross of Lincoln state superintendent ,
appeared on the field of notion and was
Invited to attend a prlvato Inves
tigation at ibc residence of ono
of the church mombo . At this
meeting some startling disclosures -were
made against Hev. Mr. Spanswich nnd the
superintendent decided not to recommend
htm to further cburgo In this state. Ho at
once left for parts unknown , but It Is slnco
loumed that ho Is In Cumberland. Wl * . , con
ducting his ovangellstlc work. He nskeii for
it latter from tbls church , which was de
nied , thereupon nineteen of his retainers
called tor letters of dismissal , which
were granted. This man Is Iho ono
referred to in Tup. OMAHA BEE on April 4 by
a clipping from tno Clay Center Garotlo- stating that a similar occurrence
bad transpired at G ration , this stato. His
action here li'is split the church and ten
years will not repair the dnmago ho has done
the church at this place.
Iliilfof the llmlniMS I'urt of the Toirn Ie-
Htroycil by flro.
NORTU BKND , Noo. , Sopt. 29. [ Special
to THE BKK.I Half of tno business portion
of this place burned this morning. On ac
count of the water giving out the lira could
not. bo got under control. Tbo die originat
ed in the rear of Daily & Johnson's general
merchandise store and quickly spread. The
osses were as follows :
Datly-&Johnson , 21,000 , partly Insured ;
A.G. Mallott , grocer , loss $4,000. Insured ;
First National banlc building and fixtures ,
loss $3,000 , insured ; Daily's restaurant ,
f00 ! , insured ; Elk saloon building , $2,000 ,
partly Insured ; F. Young , general merchan
dise and buildmc.,500 , SOO Insurance ; P.
Gilles. building and general merchandise ,
loss 80,000 , insured fJ.OOO : H. B. Hunt ,
drug store , loss $200 , insured ; building.
$500 , partly Insured ; A. J. Slders.
confections , loss $5UO , insured $1,000 ;
Theo & Wolf , hardware , loss $6-
000 , insured $ ' ) ,550 ; M. M. Huck ,
jewelry store , loss , 200 ; postofllce , $400 , In
sured ; two store buildings belonging to A.
Pollor , loss $2.500 , insurance $1,800 ; bnrbor
shop , loss $300 , insured ; Mrs. X. Boothell's
residence , loss $1,000 , insured. The North
Bend store fixtures were a total loss of $1,000 ,
The two-story brink building containing two
store rooms and opera house is a total loss
of $7.000 , with no Insurance. The cause of
the fi ro Is not Known.
- llowa Beatrice JevolcrVns Kclieved ol
several Dollars.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Sopt. 29. [ Special Tote-
gram to THE BEE. ) A man giving the name
ot W. Strong put in an appearance in this
city Tuesday ovcnlng and struck ono of the
down town groceries for a small bill
of goods and offered in payment
therefor a 800 check , with George R
Scott's name sinned thereto. Tbo man wa
tt perfect stranger and professed to have
Just sold a load of wheat to Scott , who oper
ates a big elevator bore , and George Uaa bar
rledly gave him this chock. The grocer ,
knowing Scott's signature and form ol
checks , declined to accept it on the plea thai
be hadn't sufficient money on hand to cast
the balance , but if Mr. Strong would wait a
few moments no would go out nnd oorron
sufficient money from a fellow merchant.
The follow grew a tntle suspicious and
concluded he would come In in Iho morning.
Liter he tried ibo snme came on a bulchei
and others , but with poor success. In th (
; meanwhile Scott had been notified anc
parties starled out on the trial of the forger
Nothing wa heard of him until today
when It was , learned that ho bac
succeeded in passing ibo check on U
S. Miller , a jeweler , in payment for ? 2 re
pairs on a watch. Miller giving him f-3 ii
change. Tbo chock was given on the Amen and Its fraudulent nature was enl ;
discovered today when G. I. Miller under
teen to deposit it. Strong bas disappearot
and Miller holds tbo check.
. Di-ml nf n Crazy Mini. .
WIUIEJI , Nob. , Sept. 29. [ Special to Tn
lit BEE.J The city Jail burned early this morn
Ing. It was a frame building and was flroi
a on the Inside bj Joseph Kurop , "Craz
id Joe , " who had been locked up for dlsordorl
conduct. He was gotten out with hit bal
a on tire just la UtrCo lo save his life.
od lu Fur-Oir Africa.
ct COLOK , Neo. , bept. 29. [ Spcclcl Telegrai
ir- to THE BEE. ] Mr. and Mrs , John Mecule start tomorrow for Soudan , Africa , whor
es they engage In missionary work. Mn
od Mockley Is a daughter of the late Samu <
Sohofield , one of the moneer settlers c
Saunders county.
Her rultli In CnrUtlaii Science.
od BEATniCE , Nob. , Sept. 29. [ Special Tele
li.V gram to THE line.J Mrs. Jerry Rogers die
ut last night from too much faith In Chrlstla
y- science. Sbo was being treated for con
gestlvo chills. Sbo loaves a husband an
eight children.
ed IJvitth of Mrs. General Tlmycr.
so LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. 29. [ Special Tel
eo gram to THE BEE. ] Mrs. Thayer , wife i
sr.od General Thayer , died at lielllnghuui , Mass
ode Tuesday night. Funeral Friday at 11 a. t
o , at Belllnghara.
Disease never successfully attacks tbesyi
ono torn with pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsuparlll
makes pure uew blood and oarlcbei blood.
3r- A
3rIt. . Clarksou Memorial Service.
of Memorial services for the late Joseph I
111 Clarkson .vlll be held tomorrow mornln
s ( Saturday ) In court room No. 1.
District Court PlabtifFs Seeking a Shira of
"Othor People's Monoy. "
Six Cent * Awarded for Dn.uncM to Her
Itrpatntlnn < ln ICitisncr Perl * That
He W s Unningoit Fire Thous
and Dollar * ' Worth.
Katie Uhtof , the woman who sued the
common council ot the town of Elkhorn for
J.'i.OOO , with which to patch up n reputation
which she alleged was damaged , did not come
out as successfully as Bhehadhopod. Thojury
returned a verdict yesterday and assessed
her damages at G cents.
There was another Elkhorn dnmago suit
on before Judge Ferguson this afternoon , In
which Uustlvo ICaisnor fcols that his ropu-
tutlon has boon hurt. Kassnor was running
a saloon In the town. It was alleged that
ho did not have any license. Suit
was brought and after a conviction by
the town justice ho was turned over to Jonas
Frey , the town constable , for safe ) keeping
until the line wa ; paid. Kastncr was koot
around town a few hours , after which ho was
brought to Omaha nnd locked In the county
jail fnr a few hours. By reason of that Incar
ceration Mr. IvassncrthlnUsthat ho bas been
brought into public dlszraco and ignominy
and that It would require about $5,000 to
make good the damages that ho bas sus
James A. Bovorlj would recover $1,200
from Martin QulcK , and to do Ibis ho bas
brought n suit In the dlnricl court , where he
alleges that In 1SST ho endorsed a nolo lo the
plaintiff , Intending to wiito on the back of
the paper the words "without recourse. "
Tins ho failed to do and simply endorsed the
note hi blank. As a result ho has since been
compelled to pay the note. Ho alleges lhat
he never received any benoQt from such pay
Auction , Furniture , itc.
All remaining1 goods damaged by
sruoko or otherwise injured will bo sold
nt public auction , Saturday , October 1.
2 p. in. nnd 8 p. in.
Furniture , Carpota nnd Drapery ,
1204 , 1200 , 1203 und 1210 Fnrmira.
, lu tlu McCarthy Issues u Manifesto to the
Sons of lirln In America and Australia.
Dtinu.v , Sept. 29. A meeting ot the
national federation was held today at whicti
Mr. Justin McCarthy presided. Tbo fedor-
allen approved the Issue of a manifesto ad
dressed lo Irishmen in America and Aus
tralia. Tbo manifesto says :
"We address you on the national cause at
an auspicious time. Our demand for Justice
bas been advanced by tbo power of the people
ple to another stage that Is decisive and is
all but final. "
Continuing , the manifesto says : "The
prospect now before us Is full of cheer and
should inspire renewed and redoubled effort ,
for it shows the sure way to victory as the
result ot the general election at whicti the
supreme question was home rulo. The elec
tors of Grtat Britain nnd Ireland , after six
years' experience with a government hos
tile * lo home rule and devoted to coercion ,
have established an administration founded
on the principle that satisfaction must be
given io ihe just demands of Ireland with
out loss of tirno. "
Afler denouncing Ihe tyrannical action of
the conservative government , the manifesto
proceeds to comment upon the parliamentary
prospects of home rulo. The loaders of the
government , It savs , are pledged to promote
and to use all theii-slrenglh lo pass a bill
salisfactory to iho Irish members of the
House of Commons and lo the Irish people.
It adds : "Wo are convinced of the sin
cerity of the liberal leaders , not only because
ot the course pursued by the liberals since
Mr. Gladstone adopted homo rule , but also
because their Interests demand such a per
manent settlement as Ireland can cordially
"Wo do not forget the declarations of Mr.
Balfour , thai , no mailer what the bill Is. the
House of Lords would bo against it. Wo also
) ear in mind Mr. Gladstone's warning that
'f ibo House of Lords rejecled a mcasuso de-
Iboraiely adopted by Ihe country Ihey
vnuld do so at the peril of their chamber.
.1 the House of Lords , in con-
empt of experience , so obstructs the
lomo rule Dill o to delay ibe pass-
azo of other measures imperatively required
3y the British people , they can bo effectually 1r
dealt with in such a manner as not onlv to
enforce the passage of the homo rule bill'but
to end all hereditary obstruction.
"Far from bearing with disquiet of what t
the House of Lords will do , wo feel perfect t
confidence that the Irish cause will win the
day. Success Is near. In the meantime we
need the help of the people to maintain the
movement with vlcor. "
Mrs. L. 11. Patton , Kocaford , III. , writes :
From personal experience I can recommend
Do Wilt's Sarsaparilla , a euro for impura
blood and genera , debility "
31UltltEKiii JtY J/K.T/C.IAS.
Two Prominent Texas Cattlemen the Vlo
11 ins T Assassins.
N w OIILCAXS , La. , Sept. 29 The Times
Democrat's San Antonio , Tdx. , special savs
James Keen and Charles Mosely , t\vo prominent
nont ranchmen living near St. Hedroy , thi
county , were murdered by two Mexican cow
boys named St. Slxto Flares nnd PaccI
Lopez. ICoon and Mosely were on thn !
way to St. Hedrey , when they wen
waylaid by two Mexicans. am
both were shot down and robbed o
a small amount of money which tbev oarric ;
in their pockets. Tbo murderers , after con
milling the crime , started for the Rio Grand
border. They were overtaken at Stockdal
by a posse of officers and oolb lodged in jal
Tbera was considerable talk lost night r
lynching the men , and bad it not been the
the jail was well guarded an ailempt woul
have been made. ICoon and Mosoly wer
very prominent throughout that section an
tbelr frleudi are greatly excited over thel
DoWltt's Uarsaparllla destroys such pol
sons us scrofula , skin disiusoj , eczema , rhou
matiaia. Its timely use savw many
A JIy t rlou Itobbory Which Will Pluy a
Important 1-urt In the Trlul.
NEW YOKK , Sept. 20. The Herald's Fa
River , Mass. , correspondent says : Ne !
lo light whlcu will have an Important beann
loot on tbo case of Lizzie Borden has been throw
. , upon the robbery of the murdered Mr. an
01. Mn. Andrew J. Borden Juno 0 , 1301.
It will bo remembered that tbo facts (
this robbery have been kept secret and wei
sU not brought to the public notice until aft <
the mysterious murder of the old coup !
The police , after a long lnv * tlgallon of tl
natter , were perfectly satisfied that tbe
could place tbe thief under arrest , but It
uover occurred , because u is staled M
3g Borden declined io press ibo cbvrgu. M
Burden reported the robbtry oa the afte
OK tb Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
: et
ICO OK Baking
Lha HE Powder
neon of the date mcntldned. ilo snld bis
own. room over the kttichen bail been entered -
tored and ft desk used for his private papers
broken open and Jewelry , and money amount
ing to several huiulrofr dollars taken.
Captntn Uosmond'-aSud Inspector Heron
were put on the cnso , . .They . found that none
of tno members of this tarallv had Doen away
from the house dunrtf ? the day. All the
doors , ns far as they know , were locked the
night , before , when" the article * were safe In
tbo desk. The burglary was committed
some tlino In the forcmbon. The Oral clew
the Inspectors found , \tn In a door at the
hood ot the slain which opens Into Mr. Dor-
den's room. A tonbermy nail was found
sticking through the KOVhole. The head of
the nail was from IhtToutsldo of the door. It
was Urst thought that- the lock bad boon
plotted but n mlnuto examination showed
that It bad not Doon tampered with at all. A
search of the premUes failed to reveal any
traces of the burglar.
The officers reported what they had learned
to Mr. Borden and later had a talk with
Mrs. Borden , Llzjlo and Kmraa Borden and
Bridget Sullivan.
Finally the Inspector sent for Mr. Oordcn
and told him that they could arrest the thief
at any tlmo. They told Mr. Uorden some
thing which astounded him , and the case
was dropped very quietly by the old ijentle-
man's request. The facts concerning this
mysterious robbery , It Is understood , will bo
most thoroughly elucidated at the trial and
Is expected to form a part of the Rovorn-
mont * * ease. A3tiitIV.t'S QUAIt.tXTlSB ,
How the Mutter H Looked Upon nt the
Stutn lrp irtmcMit.
W.vsmxoTox , D. C. , Sept , 29. The embargo
barge placed upon American commerce by
the action of some Central American countries
trios In closing tholr ports tu ships from the
United States Is a matter at deep concern to
the State department. Aside from the actual
loss to our merchants resulting from this nc
tion , tbo interruption to the malls
Is a sourca of vexation. An unreason
ing dread of the introduction ot chol
era has led to tbo Issuance of those
troublesome decrees by the governments of
the south , constituting an absolute termina
tion ol all Intercourse with the United
States. If there were reasonable ground for
foarlncr the Introduction of cholera from the
United Stales , the dor-roes might bo tolor-
alcd , but as It is they are regarded In oftlctal
circles here as an unnarranlablo exercise of
authority lhat might injuriously alTect the
comity that has so long existed. The De
partment of Stale , however. Is not disposed
lo act arrogantly toward our smaller south
ern neighbors in Iho matter , but Is rather
disposed to adopt ibo milder method
of persuasion. So Ihn statement
Is authorized that tbo United Slates steam
ship Concord , which arrived at Colon ycslor-
day , was not ordered there with Ibo purpose
of compelling the local authorities lo admit
to Iho port the Pucltlc mall steamship Col
umbia. 'vhlch now lies oft the entrance. Tbo
real purpose of the Concord's movement Is to
convey the consul general of ih > ) United
States nnd the commissioner * from the local
government of Panama lo Carlhagona , where
Iho president of Columbia resides and en
deavor to arrange with htm some terms ot
settlement ot the quarantine question.
Charged with Cutting Telegraph \Vlru but
It Could Not Ho Proven.
CEDMI HAPIDS , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] There I * no cbanpo In
the strike of the telegraphers. There have
oeon several small wrecks on the road , not
because of the strike but which will bavo its
effect upon the slriko , .because it will delay
and probably stop , altogether the trains
which bavo boon running on card time with
out order * . Three operators were arrested
at West Branca cbarged with wire cutting ,
but wore released ono appearing
against them. * c
Want'a hpeoltll Attmlnlfltrntor.
CEDARlUriDS , la. , Sept , 29. [ Special
Telegram toTns" BucrJ Another chapter
has been added to the sensational Bovor will
caso. Mrs. Japangler , and Mrs.Blake have
Jlle < 4 a petition with the clerk of the ulstrlct
court asking for tbo appointment of a special
administrator not interested in the estate to
take charge of tbo property in place of James
L. and Georpo W. Bover , who were narcoil
In the will , alleging that personal property ,
notes , checks , etc. , amounting to $100.000
were not mentioned in tbo will and declar
ing that they cannot get Justice owiug to
the personal hostility to them of the admin-
isiraiors'uamod In the will.
Large Sale or Pine I.unds.
ASHLAND , Wli. , Sept. 29. The largest
transfer In pmo lands over made in northern
Wisconsin was consummated today. Cornell
university of Now York sells to tto Chlp-
newa Logging company 193,000 acres of plno
lands for a consideration of 1341,708. The
lands are situated In Price , Taylor , Chip-
pewo , Bannes and Ashland counties.
llujlnens ISrlefs.
J. C. Leonardson , lumber merchant at
Brandon , Is negotiating to sell out.
L. M. Plltsbury , conducting u hotel at
Oakland , will discontinue October 1.
The Ravenna Creamery company has filed
amended articles of Incorporation bringing
their capital stock up to $15,000.
lu the Usual Way.
Burglars went through the residence of
Jacob Konctto at 1343 North Seventeenth
street Wednesday nisht and stole J3.SO in
cash. The usual rear window was pried open
in the usual way.
Do No. Exparimsnt
with your stomach. TaKe that only
which bus been proven to bo purest
mid best. The genuine imported Carls
bad Wutsrs ( or the Carlsbad Sprudel
ior Salt If you cannot convsnlontly use the
r Watorsl are admitted by the boat phy
o sicians in the world to bo the grandest
id remedy for stomach disorders. Bo sure
ofd and secure the genuine , which must
d have the signature of "Eisner & Mendel
tile son Co. , Solo Agents , Now'York , " on
lo every bottlo.
II. at if TAfiCEAPILL.
Id \l \ Hobb's Are the Best on Earth.
id Act gently yet prompt
' ly on the LITKK , KID
ilr DR , HOBB'S NKYS and BOWELS , dls
polling Headaches , Fev
era and Colds , thorough
il- LITTLE ly cleansing the system
of. disease , and cures
Vegetable -liaW.ual constipation
They are sugar coated ,
ilo not gripe , very small
flosy to take , and purcl ]
TaireUlile. 45 pills In eacl ]
PILLS vial. Perfect digestion
follows tlielruso. Tbej
absolutely cure sick b ( f
ill : Mhe. and are recommend.
illW 1 by leadin ; ph'tlcUni. For sale by leading
druggists or sent by mull ; 25 cU. a ilal. Addrrsi
latin HEOICIKE CO. , Preps , San Francta or Warn
I nhn A Co. . Co.r 15th & DocKlu SU.
J .A. Fuller & Co , Cnr. Hut & DouulwSU.
t'Ll rci4Ur A Co. . CooucUIUufli , U
vw * taouv l.UTer fciiJJ bowcbi. iiliti \
er tj tbe blixxj. > ra afe uid effertual . i ;
lo. ; iK iM im iiM akq0wn/O | binoa > 5
lo.he dT < pep.lmvulj
he . wuiarn , < OM at ,
ld rrrulun , painful
ey ? B r dljotl a. | > iiypUi. aallow complex * 4
iun.aadetrrrJueaMreiultliictraiu *
ir ! f lapar * bl o4cr liSlam br lt Komtcli , ItTer or In- *
teatlao to pert arm Utlr proper funrttooi. f enou >
7 Klr a to o - < 4lni tm benaaud hj UVInk- one in r J
z cfe.ii mmj , rrt7 DI UJ I BT M.'I "npln.lle. '
| Jiiril ciiEMfCAL do"lt ( > Dracbt..I < w fork J
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best ,
Scad ui 81.20 and we'll lend you loa cngravd
catili from a new copper ptalc.
Send us 00 ct * . and your present plate ( to be belc
and regi > tere < l ) and we'll ( end you too eo-
graved cards.
We pay express charges.
( L ta Cotb'i Library Co. ) *
136 Wabisli Ave. , Chicago.
Pretty boxes and odors
are used to sell such
soaps as no one would
touch if he saw them un
disguised. Beware of a
soap that depends on
something outside of it.
Pears' , the finest soap
in the world is scented or
not , as you wish ; and the
money is in the merchan
dise , not in the box.
AH sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people are
using it
Wetness ,
Catarrh or
Rlieumatssm ,
: ,
Nervous or
Disease ? ,
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
Acknowledged to [ .e Iho moat succa rul specialist In
nil PRIVATE , IILOOU , NcuvuUs , bMJf AND Utux-
( lonorrluriln from n to 6 ilnyi. STphllls curad
without Mprcurjr. All sta ui for Ufa.
bTlllCTUllK pormnnentljr curetl reraoral com
plete , without cutting , caintlo or dilatation. Uuro
affected nt homo by patient without u momeatJ
without pain or detention from builnoss.
anil ucccaifullr cured. Mi'lhoiltiawnndunfallln *
( VITAMTV WKAIO , Made so by too clos3 appli
cation to business orntudjr : levoro menttl strata
or Brief : SBXUAL. E.XCKS313S la middle Ufa , or
trom the effects of youthful lollloi.
YOUNU and MlOUhB AUiSD ; lack of vim , vigor ,
and stronjjtU , with sexual organs Impaired and
weakenenedprematurely In approaching old axo.
All yield roadllr to our now treatment for loss of
Tltal power. Call on or addreu with damp lor
circulars , free book and receipts.
Dr. Searles & Searles , > ' !
Next to Post Office
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Bums ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
nraoe lliirk. ;
The above branda of jrlovoa lor sale b.
The Boston Store
N. W Cor. 10th and Douphw Sta
Uultnii State * Jliimlial'i Siilu.
In the clroult court of the United State * ft
thodUtrlctut Nohr.iaka.
Edwin II. WiUtur.s nnd John V. McDowell r
f ntrlo-Amerluiin Jlort a u 4 Trust Co. N (
3X lr.
I'ubllo notice I * hereby ttlvcn that In pursuance
anco and by v rtno of a writ of uxooutlon 1-
euadoutof the ubowe iiiiiuod court In uuov
entitled cnuse und buiirlnt ; duto of Auzu :
IXJrU. ItMl. I have levied upon and taUun all tli
rlftlit , tltlo and In torn-it of the ubovu-rmmu
uUlntlff * . Kawln H. Walton und John V. Mi
Uowoll , In nud to Ibo ( ullowlni duurlbod ro ;
eatjite , to-wlt : Lot 1 ! lu block 12 , In Ilutiicot
I'luce audition , nnd tbo oust 41 feet of lot 10 i
Hlaiebduaa I'liicu addition to the city i
Omaha. Douglas county , Nebraska , aft c
which I will u > suteitnd sell the sainte
to the highest nnd boat bidder at public auc
tlon , us IDU luw dlruuts. on the eighth dav (
October. A. I ) . 1BJJ. at the hour of oleve
o'clock la the forenoon of said day , at th
north dckr of thu Unlttd Hlutoa court tious
nnd postollleu building , til the city ot Oniuhi
UouKlas county , NebrKSKa.
bald nae ! U to sutlsfy & judgment of ill
court obtained at lu Mity terra , Itf.1. in fvc
of tbo Aiislo-Anmrloan MortgaKo and Trui
Oompanv * nd uzaliut the said Edwin 11 , Via
tors and John V. McDowull.
JJUAI ) D. SLAL'ailTKU. U. B. Marshal
JOHN 1' . IlKEKN , Attorney for Defendant.
Dr. Sargent's Normal School
Of I'liyncul Tralulinf ( or Moniou ,
atCAMBUtlMi , Miss. , will opoa | U Twelfth He :
> loa on October Alh ) Intteati of NuTumbef I , i
"When once you've bo't elsewhere and then
happen to see our goods and prices , itwill
avail you little. The time to call and see is be
fore you buy. not afterward. It will then meoii
money in your pockets. Our values are une
qualled. Don't fail to give us a call.
In our corner window we display a number
of fine suits in
Sacks and Cutaways
,25 $6,50 $ $7,50 $
, , , , , ,
and Meltons at $12.50.
Others upas High as you Want.
All these suits are made up in the highest
style of the art and are warra'nted to wear.
You -will find them lower in price than other" *
of the same quality.
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets.
Seeds , "
tbo wonderful rcracilr
Is sold with a writ.
ten Bunrnntee to cnro all nnrvous dl cases , such as Weak Memory ,
Iiossor Brain PoireDcsdictio. . WaltcfulneM , Lost ilnnhood. Nlgbtlr Urals-
Moh J , Nervousness. Lnisltude , alldralos and loss of pnircr of the uenerailre
Orcnnstn citherf ic use < l bjovcroiprtlon. youthful rrrors.or cicpsslif
u oof tobncco. opium or stimulants which soon Had to Intlrmlty. Consump
tion and InsanltT. . Put up conrenlenito carry In TCit pocket. 9 > 1 per puck-
naebr mnil ; Ofo-ti. With eTcrySjnrdprwn aiveaimtten ijwtTctnlte locurt
or refund 1M montv. Circular f ree. Addrct3X < : rvoSceUL o..Cl > lcaEii , III.
For sala la Omaha by Shoe-man & MConnoll , 1515 Dodgostroot.
COUNCIL CiiAMiicn. OMAHA , Nub. , rioptombcr
Oth. IS'J'J.
Uo it. resolved by the City Council of the city
of Omxho. the mayor cunciirrln : :
That uornitmont sidewalks boconstrnolodln
lie city of Oin.iha aa dcalun.itcil below , within
live diiys after the publluatlon of this resolu
tion , or the personal servlon thereof , us hy
ordlnuncc Is aiiihurlzeil imd required , sucn
idevrulki , to bo laid to the borim-iiunt ijrado nt
sinblUhcd on the paved streets speollled
lioruln ant ! to bo conitruuted of ston > , artlQ-
jlal stone ! lirlek or tlllnir. acoordlnK to speci
fications on flle In tlio olllco of tlio Hoard of
, 'ubllo Works , and under Its supervision , to-
Nor'h side of Hurt street , lots. ) and 0 , block
ill ) , city , permanent gradb. 0 feut wide.
North side of Onlcaco street , lot 7 , block 49 ,
city , permanent urade. 6 feet wide.
West side of 13th street , north half of lot B ,
block 40 , city , permanent ifr.idu , 12 feet wldo.
East sldo of lltn street , lot 4 , block ( U , city ,
permanent grade , b feat wide.
West side of lltli street , lots 1 and 8. block
01. city , pernunotit ( ? rade , 8 feet wide.
North side of Oapltnl itvenuc , lota 7 and S.
block 70. olty. permanent grade. S foot wide.
Kast side of 10th htreot. BOiith h ilf ct lot 7 ,
block 70. olty. permanent prude. 18 feut wide.
South sldo of Onss street , lota 1 and - , block
tO , cliv. permanent Kradp , 8 feet wide.
And bo It further resolved :
That the Ilourd of PuOlIc Works bo and
Is hereby authorized and directed to cause a
copyot this r solution to bo published In the
olllclal paper of the city for ono week , or be
served on the owners of said lots und unless
such owners shall within llvn days .ifter tlio
publication or service of such copy construct
s.ild Mdowalks as herein reiiuliud , that the
Hoard -of I'ubllc Works cause tlio sumo to bo
done , thu cost of constructing s.ild sidewalks
respectively to bo assessed uR.iintttuo real
iHUitc. lot or part of lot In front of und abut-
tine such nlduwalks.
Passed doptemborSOtli. ISM. _ . . , . _
lu L1. 1)AIS. .
I'rrsldunt of tlio Council.
City Clerk.
Approved : GEORGE I' . II EM IS ,
To th owners of tlio lots , parts of lots and
rout estitn described In tne almvu resolution !
You and each of you are hereby notitled to
construct pormaiient sidewalks as required by
a resolution of the city council nnd mayor of
tn city of Onmlm , of which the aboyo Is u
C ° P7 <
Chalrmiiu Hoard of Public SVorlcs.
Omaha , Nebraska , September 28th , IMtt
You uro hereby notified thut the under-
slKned. three dislulereslod f reoholdors of the
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of the city coun
cil of said city , to assess Ihe damage to the
owners respectively of tue property doulurod
by ordinance nocoasarv to be aonroprl.ited
for the use of said olty , for the purpose of ex-
tendlni : Kitty-Ural utreot from thu north line
of lllmobuugli & L'atterson's addition to
I.o-ivonworth street.
You are further notified tint , liavlnz c-
coined said appointment and duly nu.tlllled
as required hy law , we will , on the lOtlidiy of
October. A. I' . 16' < i at the hour of 10 o'clock In
the forenoon ut tlionlllcu of tilt river & O'liona-
hou , IttU i'arnam street , within the corporate
limits of said city , meet for the purpose of
considering and ninlilni ? thu ussessmont of
damage to the owners respectively of sala
property by reason ot such takliu and appro
priation thereof , taking Into consideration
special bonollls. If any.
The property bolonilnz to you. proposed to
un appropriated us aforesaid , and which has
been declared necessary by the council , by or
dinance. to appropriate to the use of Ihe city ,
being ; situate In said city of Omahn. In tbo
county of DouElns und state of Nebraska , Is
described as followi , to-wlt : The oa t twon-
ty-Uvo feat of lot one , block three , lu lllmo-
b.-iunh's addition
You are notlHod to be present at the tlmo
and place aforesaid and make any objection ! !
to or statement ! concerning nala prouoied ap
propriation or assessment nf damages H you
may conilder proper.V. . G. fallRl v I' R ,
Omaha. Sept. 21th , b fl-dm
You are hereby notlUed tint the bink of
earth on the south Ot feut of lotft. bloolc C , subdivision -
division of J , I. Itodlck's Addition , fronting
on IKith street has been doolureu by ordinance
No. 3.-7t to bo a nuisance.
You arc hereby notllled to abutu said nul-
siuico by Kradlnv or sloping laid bank alonj
the west Hue of said lot so that the earth
tberufrom will not fall upo'i nr ) > o curried by
rains upon tbo sidewalk or street , on or before
tliu'Zlrd d y of October. Ib'J. , or said nulmucH
will be abated by the city authorities iud the
eipeusu thereof levied na a special tax aiuinst
the property on which salu nulinnco uxlsts.
Uuted this 30th day of Soptomber. lhx .
Chairman of the Board of I'ublloVorUs. .
Scaled proposals jvlll be received by the tm-
dorsisnmt until l:3u : o'clock p. in. . October
14th. 1M' ' . ' , for cradlna and sloping banks of
curtli nnd Illllhis ; lot of real estate , the condi
tion of whUli lias been declared a nuisance oy
ornlnances Nos. 31' ' ) : . : rjlii , : -J.'l and -JS4i. :
Oridlir.- b inks down toabout tbelevol of
the surrouudlnislreots or alleys , as follows :
Lots a mill 4. block 110. city.
Moping .ind urudlnx down the front portion
of thu following banks of earth so ns to pro-
votit Iho falling , wasting or washing of earthen
on the sidewalks adjacent thereto :
IJauksof eartb on lots I and - ' , lilook.1l. city.
Hank of enrth on the west 1EO feet of block :
"A. " shlnn's Third Addition , on the soulli side
of Charles street between -Sth street nnd Ulth
IIunkR of earth on tots 1 , 2 , 4 and 3 , A. II.
Saundurs' Addition.
! links of eirth on lots 5 and 0 , block 15 ,
Shlnn's Addition.
Hank ot e.irth on lot 13 nnd the north half of
lot 14. Sunnysldo Addition.
Ilnnksof earth on lots b , U , 10 and 12. Cherry
Garden , framing on llcrron street , now culled
: )7th ) nvunue. nnd
rilllue of lot 17. block 11 , HaiHcoui 1'luco. In
the city of Umaha. Such work to ho done In
accordance with the Instructions of tbo Board
of I'ubllc Works and C/ity Knirtneer
Kids to be 'mude on printed blanks fur
nUhlns by the bo.ird.nnd lo be accompanied
with a certlllcd ulipck In the sum of SVW , pay
able to tnu city of Omaha , us an uvldenco of
good faltn.
Tbo boord icservcs the rlgh't to reject any
or all blus and to waive defeats.
r. w. HuiiviiAusnR ,
Chairman Ilourd of I'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Neb. , &optuiuberuitti ) , IHiU.B30o
B30o 1-7-8.
Notion ot AioK'HMIiirnt of Damage * for U'Ml- '
slruutlun pi ii Vlailurt Alone t'lrteoiitlt
Stroi't Over tlto Tracks.
To the ovrners of all lots .uvl parts of lots
and leal rat.Uo alonx Fifteenth slreet. ho-
tween Loavonwortb streut nnd I'lorce street ,
and thu approaches lo Ibe proposed vladuut ,
lo ho constructed over the Iracks on Fifteenth
You are hcsrnbv notified that tbo under-
alirned. ttiroetllslnterested freeholders uf ibo
city of Omaha , h.ivo boon duly uppointod by
thu .Mayor , with the approval of the Olty
Counull of said city , to assess the damage to
tbo ownnrs respectively of the property af
fected by the construction at a viaduct
along 15lli.street , over the railway trucks on
and across 15th strent , between Leavenworiu
street und 1'lerce street , declared necessary
byordinunco WJO , passed AujUstSJ , IbU. ' , approved
' lo'J. ,
proved August 'Jl.
You are further notified , that liavlnz no-
cepled said appointment , and duly ciuiilllled
ns required by law. wo will , on the 1st day of
October. A. O. IS ! ) ' . ' , nt tno nourof 10 o'clock
In the forenoon , ut the olllco of John F. i-'laok.
room K > 1 Chamber of Commerce , within the
corporate limits nf snld olty , meet for the
purpose uf consldurln ? and making Ibo us-
essmont of dam.ige lo the owners respect
ively , of said property , affected by said con-
strucllon of said viaductHiid Its approaches ,
taking Into coirtldoratlon upeclat benotlts. If
any ,
anyou are notified to bo present nt the lima
anil plnce aforesaid , and make any objections
In or statements concerning , said usicssinunt
of damages , as you may consider proper.
U. G. UL.ARK ,
C'omiiiltteo of Appra'soM '
Omaha , Sept. 7 , 1802. Su'JO'-'lt
An ordinance establishing the pr.ulo of
lath street from Vlnton street to the alley
between lots 13 nnd 1:1 : , llasc.ill and Rogers'
suljilvlslon. . In the clly of Omaha :
He It ordalnud by Iho city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. The grade nf Ifllb street from Vln
ton street lo tbu alley between lot * U und U.
11 use-all und Itojers' uh-lvU | on. In tbu city
ot Omuhii , Is hereby established at the follow
ing elevations , thu ur.ido being uniform
straight Hue * between the points suoultlod In
themrooli , nvenuoiior alleys named in the ro-
speutlve secllons following , to-wlt :
tJuotlonS. Grade of i8tb street
Kluvatlon Elevation
of West otKist
Curb. ( Jurh.
South curb of Vlnton ilrout.
un cstab l.hed . ZW.O KiaO
Center uf alley between
lots 4 und ft. llascull und
Rogers' uh-dl vision . . . . 'JI0.5 210.5
Center ot ullov between
lots IS und 13. Unseal ! und
Holers' sub-dlvUlou . .200.0 200.0
bHHlou3. TbUordlniinvu &ball takentfect *
and bu In furru from and nf ler Its passjg * .
1'assed HeptumberSOth. ihUJ.
P. P.
rri'sldt'iit City Council.
Approved Seutouiber lrd. 1M. .
GEO. 1' . 11KMI9 ,