Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    TtlK OMAHA DAILY HKK : MNfAY ) ! ) , 2 ( > , 1S02.
A Very Satisfactory Movement of Goods in
a Jobbing Way ,
An Otniiliii Mil u Uiltr * ( itllip Urenl Oppor.
lmiltln lor il Oood Tntilo In tlio
hetrly Opi-uuil 'territory
lu \ > joining.
A glnnco at tha conditions prevailing In
Iho Jobbing circles of Omihn would hardly
rovciil oiiy ossnntlally now tacts , lluslnoss
conllnuns rood ; In nil lines and the voluino o (
poods inovlni : .is largo. Country collodions '
nro cry satisfactory mill no cause tor com'
plultit Is Iiciud from tluil source. Tlio tau
Is Hint the Jjuolng tr.ulo of Omnhii Is mill
has uecn lor mouths past , In nboul
as good lonUltlon in could well ho im.iglnod ,
The Jobber * h.ivJ nnd iibaut nil tuo business
Uiny could do inul tlmt is uoout all that liny
otio could ink ( or.
The rrttill iraun in thu country continue-
Rood , mono } bolnt ; plenty utid the fiirmois
HlKrnl buyers. I'lio farmers of Nobrnsiu
nro In about us good chcuinstatiucs Ilimncl
ally as tlicso uf utiv stuto In tlio union. Tl.i
lact ,1s Hint tlicro nro very few stiites thai
can compare wtlh Nebraska la ttiU respect ,
A. < this -U largely nit agrlcuiturtl stam l !
folious tlmt If tlio funning community U li
good circumstances , liuslncsB peaoruliy hi
the sluto nil I oo prosperous. s
One of tlio beat Itullc.itioiu tlmt , the nrcs-
cnt Inrco country tr.idu Is duo to the fuiuioi ;
belli ; ; In ( ; oed circumstances llnancliiliy It
tliui the ( luallty ot the RCods limy nro Imyint
Is inuen better lhan it was tuo or tliuuvcur :
tip" . Tin' farmer at Ncbrnsk i tire not com
pclkd to limit thulr Dmxliuscs to the neccssl
tk"i of HIV , out Ihuy urn able to indulge In i
good inuii } ol the luxmiob. i hey buy licttoi
nnd inoiu birvlicublu wealing nppaiul thai
they dm , and tliolr purchases uf cuiiiicU uiu
diluil finlts nnd other Itixuncs in the KIOLCO
11 ins Indicate Unit tlioy nro tiound to cam lei
Iho InnIT mini usuil. .
'J liLro Is no tiuublc about the country trad (
EoloiiKitslho Jannors butceed In r.ilslns
peed crops and with buslines in the LOiintrj
llouilslntiK OninlHi'b JoDulug trudo o.tunot bi
other tlmii pto-jporcms. As Iho rcsultn of t
good crop continue until the tlmo lor a nuu
crop. Ills s.ilu to conclude tbut tuo jobbois
of Umahuill huvo ut Icnst another iear o
peed tlinui.
Thu ruuill trudo In Omahn has not scorei
any murucd linprmcniciit dunnc tbo UHS
six Uu } H. Thu luct , is that the oxcessivolj
wnru wu.ilhcr for this season \vould bu sulll
clout tc put n dumper on trade If llieio von
no other causes ut work. Pcuploill not bui
fall nnd u Inter eoods with tuo thuimoiDoiei
ranging in the nineties.
Tuo local innnufueuircia nro gonerulh
qulto busy ivtul rcpott n very saiiafuoloij
trudo in most linos. It is prautic.illy a set
tied fact , though no olllcul action luis beet
tnlion In tbo mutter , Unit thu munutaclurot :
of the slate w 111 Hold another exposition tin
co if I nt ; urlii . ' 'llu Idea of tbo mauuluctur
ers is tbut by moans of this exposition tbi
nttoiition of tuo public will be tailed to Nu
bniblia-iiinda goods unu that the dcmuiid w 11
thus bu largely atimuluted. A greater tltor
> will uo n.ade ut the iioxt exposition to brini
in people from out , tlmuiijti tbo state. I'm
tlcular attention will ulbo bo paid to the re
tail mui chants , utiil as muny AS possible wll
Lo Induced to visit Oniabu duilag tbe tiun
Of the ixpObitiou.
Iflvltlni ; rielil Ollciutl by Wjomlni ; ti
Oiitiilui l > c
Kobe it Wilson , Jr. , trax cling agent o
BrudnlKiOl's , writes as follows roguriliuglh
opportunities for. trudo in W\oj.lng : Th
paragraph in your cdilorlul columns of tli
"Otn ii-st. , icgnidiug the extension of th
llurlltiglon road lo Sheridan , W\o. , lead
mu to u few remarks which may not bo hi
opportune , regardinc tha necessity ot Oin.'i
liu's nicrchantb awaking lo .1 realization o
thu situ Ulou and oxorliug tnowsolvos lo so
euro ibe Irudc of that teriitor.v which sliouli
naturally , but will not , without effort , llov
tbls way. After nti excellence of scvu
yours in' the w-st us a representative of th
Urudsticci Moreunlilu Hguucy , 1 can say thu
no new country Ui at l uavo luiown has prc
ECU ted bueh Hid vantages lor iho piescnt , tin
Bbundnnt oiomlaes lor the future , us thu
territory m tbo vicinity of Shcildan am
Long , broad , fertile vallejs watered b\
system of mlgation burpiislng for a liev
country , settled by nu uiiuigaiic , prospcrou
people , ylclu iimncnso crops of gtuins an
ginshcsof ull kinds. The hilN luinlsn th
best pastuiugo lnown In Uiu s > lntu while th
ncui-uy mountains nro l.lleil with prcciou
mineral deposits ami , now being dc
eloped with capital for ihellist tlmo. Th
pi ogress that this country has mudo why ;
tUO miles fiom u railroad is suipils
lug , both Sheridan and Hullulo btivin
largo und well equipped Hour icills , brew
erics , phiiiiny iiiiiLs , saw n.llls , etc. , whll
Buffalo has also nun excellent sybtcms o
water works and clcclilo Heats. "Situate-
as It U , Sheridnn will no douot bu tlio'tiu
tionolts ol northern Wyomliifr , and in Ilvo o
eix > curs bo the hugcbt town in ttioatat
cxeiipt Ule'\oiino. ) bherldan is nlroudy
ihilvitjK place , has largo stocks of goods o
nil kinds und energetic , prosperous met
ctinuU , with good ratings , and niunv of thui
do ire lo trade wrlh Oiunha , lo wliluh poitt
the countiy is , by virtue of iho nurlinuto eoiiiicetloii now beini ; made , nutui
nlly tributary , dovcral of the leading mei
chants staleu lo me , on my liip tlicie , trot
which 1 liuvo just laiurnod , that Ouiutm1
'obbing houses apparently aid not nppieciut
the trade of iho country suniciontl
to eek u mill hold it by ofU'rlnir Iho luduci
meals olTorcd by other Jobbing centers , Tli
liado of all that counlr.i has beiotofoio gou
ptinclpally to Si. I'uul and Uliic.ii.-o , an
even now while iho liuilington roud , dirci
from Omaha , Is wilbin forty miles of oliuc
Blie-riJutt or UuiYulo , St , I'aul bouses ui
doing moro business there lu cci'tulu Hue
than Omuha. Yet till goods liuvo to t
hauled oy wagcn fiom the Notthern I'uclll
railroad In Montui.a , 1DU miles to bltoridti
and 'JUU in lies to ButTulo.
As an illustration of how thoroughly S
I'aul works ttio terrlioty , 1 met lit goiu
fronwSlieudun to DutTtilou traveling Bales
man for a St. I'aul cigar liouso und a S
Paul liurdwtuo mun.
Some eniorprUIng Omaha houses I
various lines huvo secured some Irnde , imt
pruat dnul is going right past. Omuhu l
Clile-auo , St. I.ouls and even St. Jobopl
The twoluitur towns particularly uro no
tliti : Uio ttudolu dry goods , boois , stioo
clothing unu hurdwarc. Chicago has a liuv
ihuiool the trade la uictcilus , liquors , fin
dilute und diy goods uspeclullv. us well !
OoiiBlderublo In oilier liiio-t , Moro travelli
Kulehiuan from iho above montlonod trai
centers than from Oiunha are met with ui
they are arranging lo make iho torrlioi
Ken n oio ihoiouguly lurunllur anil n
ffterlug indueemcuts uo\v superior to the
tf Omuhu , but Omaha could und bhuuld I
proper Inducements secuto tmi ! Jtolu tl
trudo of thu vast now teruiory.
1'iiici : or i > Ai > iii ro uo in- .
ClU-ot of tliu 8ltiiipuia of thu Importiiili
UOSTOX , Mm * . , Sopt. ' > . Tue paper ma
ufi.cturers of the couuiry are being ve
tcilously a fit c ted by ttio cholera scare. Tl
quarantine regulations nro uow so strl
that steamship companies , rather thun r
tbo rlsu of no ludollnilo quarantine wh
they airlvo lu Amorloau ports , are rofusi
pctu'iully to nccopt rugs as cut go.Vhon
Is considered that nearly ail gradcb ofipup
rxi'opt that used In prnitlr.n nowapapeis u
iinido to somii extent of rags , nnd tlmt fr <
f > U to T5 per cent of Uio racs Ubcd conn ; fr <
abroad , it Is seen how serious a matter it
for the bupply of rags to bo sudduuly sli
ctl as it uow Is , Motv Huglaud paper men t
much perturbed over the bituutlou , and me
Icr-i of the tine writing mid loft-diled pap ,
B-ukers" association huvo agreed to ndvau
the prices ut least 3 cents n pound und
eurtull the production cue-half Uurinc Oc
&er and Novembor. Tucso slcnuig ho aen
koout produce an agKrogate ot 175 loin ol II
paper per dav. Wuroor Mllltir Is quoted
iuylug the prloo of now * paper will bo i
VAnccd to.ltj cent * n pound wllhui n wcnif ,
n < Iho demand fet pulp fnr exceeds Iho tup-
t > lV.
How Dm I'rlro * I'lnctimto In
Siiliir < ln ) ' < Tnnlinir.
Oiur/iio / , 111. . unl. 21. Wlille R licit oucntMl
dull today ntnl for n tlmo w ( i u shade lower ,
tlitro was 11 flow but pradunl h r > lonlm ( nun
nn Iniproxuinctit In huimtw , the pticoiul-
viiuclns n Inr u fitiellun fiom last nUht's
close , llionqn It wim not nil ludd , Tlio early
tr.iillnu Inlliicnccd a peed doxl l > y tha pro-
noiiiu'oil ueuknt which ruled nt the cloio
lasttiltlil. nnd oinoof the lomi who tailed
to got out yctcrdav were sc'eUltiR to do so
nnd the doniHiid was lluht nnd conllned
largely to shorts who could co\er ntn satis
factory piollt , A report of n fresli clio'crn
ultiick In New York was a'so clrculalcil , Hut
tha belling soon over nnd the olTerlnKs
Rrow lUlit nnd prh-et ln-san tohuiden. The
cxiorts | eto ruilto ( . cneroui.
Corn beiun to ndvnncn nnd there wni u
phiitp liulKu In Oolobrr ril.s. These tiiflueniC" !
soon bujtan tu ulTeet un I thorn was tin
uniy rally of He nnd the muikot ludd linn foi
some time , 1 in without any very lar u tratlc.
ur iv thu last hour thu tnmkct weikencd
if. but rnldcd ' ( OOliKOod coverlni : bynborta ,
Ueiud nunln nnd e.nscd slcndy. Deciin-
erouiMied ' 10 oir at 7ii' e , mid ut 7 < .o nd-
iinced toTlHii1. weitUeno I to "li'le , rallied tu
I'.o nnd cliiM d steady nt TG'iO.
Coin wns eny ut the slnrt on tlvu line
o.ithor and hi'niish LK > | ) icnoits. Iliesull-
ii ! wnsiiiiltu fieu and the dein ill I ro
ll Ictoil I or u considerable time the market
IIH ( | inul and stundy , but u teiiort that a co tl
a MI "as nriilialilool.uuptliusliurtsund
tarled thrm them tncoxurlni. , resulting < n iv
tuailv ndtniico of lie fron. thou it > piKu foi
) eloher. The miirUut rem.ilni d stu idy and
rm during the last hour , thoiuh May vhoned
li'tuli'iicy In IIIL- behind Uclobei October
lUtni'd 'at1 lower nt 4 i ? i' . hold for OIMC tlmu
t from J'lViO to tV c , luUunecd to 4liUo , mlv
ned and elnse 1 at I'i'.c.
O.its weio quiet , but firm tlironpliont. tlic
usslou , I'.DS nut about ycslrulni's lln.U
' nres.
llov : prod net \\v\n strong nnd higher. Tlio
llipio In contuil nl cctuliorrillluino I on the
.crows . titfiilu , ulvliiR the shoils -u\ato twist.
I'liuy cie Itiformed at the onim.iiK by lite
0iieseiit'itULS | ttf lliii'lhiiu | that tliLyuiuld
elt.o ut JUUJ'a. ' Thu ilnsu lust nljnt wus
S.T' > . Tlio Drko hid was tlio bnuiu
t thu open iu nnd II : < ilvauced
.y jiiiiips ( it Uo nnd " ' , o until It
uiiehrd HIP Heitrcs It was "poRccd" nt anil a
ow siiiiitsbt-tUeil t tlmt price , hut thu iu-
iitilndi-i , huiitiIm ; they could xet In un botloi
urlii" , ludd oil U'lliiuliu' thu'r ' hlils , until , on
hoc.ill , they were ullercil ? t.IJ ) . lint tlio in t-
ipululois were still Him , hiildltig out for
UiJ'5 ' Durliu the liibt houi thu squee/u was
r I a \ oil for u snort time. Iho prli'u ohi4 dow n
o t'- ' . " , hns It i enow oil v ith oMriiro \ -
iiro tow aid tin ) ( .luie. roltv iti | to i'l ' ? \ inul
oelOMin istitthe "pu ju I" prlcu "MiHi.
'I ho tintis.iellous were Iliiutcil und thu c\-
Ilcinenl not nearly In piopnrllon to the e\-
remi ! mlMiiii o In prices I'otU symp ithl/vd
o u ilutfieo with Ihe .uUancu In rlus. Uutohur
ipcncit unch.inKcd nt flli.'O , advanced ilutliii
he foiunoun toflu J"ind ; put on u fiesli suitrt
ui In j Uiu aftornoou. g-ilii up to 1lJli-'i.
'hen it wejl.enud totlU.'iJ and closed nt that
lire. October lard , .iflet opening unchanged
lir.40 , aihanccd loitnd eluded utiT ( ii'i. '
hake receipts Uclouor af.'cfurenrn to ituf-
, i o.
liillmatcd rccelptt for Mondi.y : Wheat,0 0
ais ; oat" , 4 5 c.irs ; hogs.7.UJJ head tinU lU-
W Im.itl next weult.
'Iho loailliu1 futures r.nmed us follows :
i .tsh iinniulioiis WITO nsfollows :
I'ljOUU fati'tidy nntl iiiu-lian e.l.
Wnr.AT No. tt snrlnc , TliJ.e ; No. 3 sprlns.
, . " > G ( > 7i : : No ! i lud. T.l'sc.
Uuii > htc.uly : .No - ' , Jj"au ; No. 3 , cash , 4P4'c ;
No. y , yulluw , 4llU40'5c.
OVTS No. y , : ite : No 2Thlle , f. o. b.,3ISJ@
4e : No. .1 white. U ' 4@ ! le.
li\ KNo. . 2 , fiT'ic.
lUiu.r.v No. y , < T > c ; No. a , f. o. b. , 4Ja63o ;
No 4. f. o , b. : t./iOJc.
TI.AX HIMI : Nu. 1,1'.OSIJ
TiMornr ! MI.I > 1'rlniefl.EO. .
Pome Mess , pel hbl. , Ill ) > © 10.C2 ! } ; Inrd.
per Uio His , ifT.irt't : short rlLs , sides ( loose ) .
t .t'(3 , . > u : diy HiiltLil shouluers ( uoxi ill. } OSu ©
1.IX ) : shoiteleui sidesboxod ( ) . * ) > .
niticv Dlbtlllers' llulshed Roods , per gal. ,
' . 15
StidAits Unehanced : cut lonf , MJoJJa ;
aten. fifc : btniidurd "A. " ; I.IL' .
liliiicutb | toilnjscro ab fol-
mur.ililo Conillllonn Mirroiindlu the Cut-
tli ) liiidu llnir * bllll Unceitllln.
OMAHA. Hept 4. UOKO pis of nil kinds of
oulv the piiHteek li i\o boon f.ilrlv Mutual ,
anil insiliu ti vjiir lespeotnlile bhoHlnft eoin-
liared ith the uiok previous and the coiii'a-
DondiiiKuok lust yeir. Iho recotd la as
'ol.ous :
Call o. lloss. Slicop
[ ieci'lpts lids week " 0,11. - o , > > 74 l".r-'l
Receipts last HOOK 1 i.i.ii : 2i , < iju t-nii
hrtnio week last yeai. . . KI.u J 1UW > IIHI"
Notwiili-jinntiliu un Inure u-o lu Uiu cntilo
rceoltitn this \\oult I'otiip neil with InHtof ovrr
7U u nuiid hiid fonip.iro.l with .1 veur IIKO of
: ihuiit4 , ' ) II hu id. the null . .ut has experienced
10 unrtletilarlv notonorlliy tliiin o ulther for
; ettei or woiso. In f.iet , tbo tr.ido
ins bei'n iiunotonniisly stuidy thiotiKh-
oul , As iisu t | , nt this time of tint year , tlio
in.ukot has been but Indltleiuiitly supplied
wllli uood Lent c.iltle. either uatiMis or
wustui us , but tlio a\ldlty with whleli the few
vlioku bunehea otfurud weroBimpiiBd up and
tlfo voiy ruspeetablo lUuies they bron/ht
alinutd how btroiis tiit ) jnaiKot le.iliy
was ou Hits clnsj of httill. Coinfed
n.itlves hiuo sold loudlly us lilnh ah
jU'Oiiiiil r > 10 , nnd Ihcu luivo bten uknty of
western c.itlle Imro Hint bion ht fiom t ) . > J lo
JAM ) . In Ki'iiuinl urkes wore neil innliitnlned
on all dehlrublo ollui n K. On the olhur huiul ,
with sued lll.urul oll'urlii s iliero wua init-
iir.illy a tunduiioy to nujicui. the eoiiiinou nud
Inferior e title , and holdcin of tills e.uss
of siuir lopoiteil HID iiiiiil.ut more or loa
dull nud uiihutlkfactory all \\oek , ulihoti n
lirlccb show llit.o or no vluinjo uompured
with a t'ek iiuo TliofetilliithioiiKhnitt hits
ueeu rather ( Inn thun otherwise.
In the liiitehors' sleek iitiu eniiiicr line Iho
tunilcney IKIH i.een tu butter priees. UlTerliufa
huvo not been us libeinl ns inlcht
linvu been oxuuclori , eonslilurlns the
bit ; Ineienso lu rcuitlpta , nnd it IE
mainly on tlilonceonnl that iirlees hn\o do-
tulupeil the slroiiKth they liuvo , Thu m
IB nut itiiilly slroiu yet , but It Is u lilt ; Im-
provi'inent over lust week uu nil the ballot
k-riulrs ( Jnniiersof cuurno .nohtlll too fieuly
oirereil to mini I tot uny material Impruveinunl
In nrlou'i ,
The Htoclior nnd fco'ler trndu has been char
acterised by Kiuot activity , and iiLtwIth-
DtnndliiK the \ery liberal Mi..iilles thu shun
udMtiuoof the woulc uiovlous baa been neil
mulntaliied , Uood , biuooth atoeis of weight
iinu iiuulity nrosiiniiied | up tit L-OOI ! lUurus
nndblio uadu In the iiuJeruflUht aiitr l !
oi-canloiiiiUy a trilln ulou , niiythliu at nil docent -
cent doobii't huvo tu 150 bodying voiy long foi
U lIllrcllHHt'l' .
I'alt o ollorliiiu nero rather lar er thin
us mi I for u butiirtluy. and lo put It niHUIj tin
( lunlltvun duuidedly liitllllereiit. There w n
the very pool uunoral deniniid Hint o IIIIVL
I1.1 , . ! ! ! ' . Htu" u"a sellti-8 hud l.t-
tie ( Illllcnlty lu dUjnm.iu uf do lrnbl (
or iibeful HtocU , but hi-i
It eiiino to the 'butulxt und between'
ciitllu-uiittlo iiotsooduuuujli for beef nm
too Rood lor feeders the trade wns rnlho
slow. A bunch of half-tut
- Ulb. . bteun
broiisht { J.SV. The wusloiiiH bold at till Hurt
of prices ut from tJM to * I.US. but the ynrui
were pretty well cleared by thaulono.
Cort.s mid nilM.'il stoo < Mild at noncriill :
truiiKur Prlcos , Iho oxiruino raiiRo bniiu fron
* l.tOio.45. The bnlUof the fair to guoi
etuir hold nt , from II TU to i.i.10. Hulls , oxei
nud slnsb vreru Kener.ily utiehiinucd , t-elMii :
ut from to fMil. Ualvut uero in
Hiipu y , fitlrdomund , and Him nt from & .OJ t
f l.v \
ThcbtneUcr und feeder trade was notoverl
lively U never la on Saturday but whll'
tinro was not \eiynoud eon n try dumiind
Iho louuliir iloaier * wuru nil ooj buyer-i. am
prices helil linn uu overythliin deslrubit
plloda Thnho inurUut lius been very un
oum ihiuiiKhout thonntlru week , lluvernln
conditions luno not uhnugiil iiuler nlly. tin
Iho fuullnit Is ono or uu-urtuliily. I'liclior.
SUH.-UH uro uu uiil.iumu ijiii.nllty : ( oun
try biippik'ii uro nUu entirely u inul
ler for cuiijucturu. but the course of th
prnv ulon mitrUct Is the foituro aboil
whleh there U thu most tincertu uty. Uudc
thu elreiiinstHiict'u , w th dealers nil ut sea , tli
euiirko uf pilous for thu protcut la itlmutt ei
tlroly u iiuestiuit of ruculpis ut the lout
Inn markets. Huyund tluetumlonloiis wlthl
a Blio to X9o ruao , iirlces are uut
prcnt ilonlililTorpnt from n week nRrt ! Vr
Imp * the mtm notiiwnnliy fcnturnof ( linhti *
trade nt proM'iit li tlm in Incrcn o in tha
nvcriito nuliihldf Uii'iilTrrlnm. Tin1 nvoniRo
wi-luht ( if lie < for Iho third woi-k of ? pptfni-
ln > r WAI ' .MS UH. . or nlmiit \ " < U . homier
thun u tnnnth into. With Dili liicronnn
lu the number of honvy hotta olTeroil there
Inn ciiino n rorrcMiniullimly Imprnrcd do-
mind for thn lu lit nnd butcher wolalit xtuiT'
nnd tho'to iiM ) pllfuit tolnllvolv bolter tliiin
the hoixNlor KclirhK I'litll within the Init
few dny.i.linwi\ ! , the rniiKO of prices bin been
crv niirrow. 1'nct crs li ivo Icon bctrluu
ilinvii ( in tlm rough , In- ivy n'id " imry" IKIJS
of Into nnd prices hnvo CN ! en wny bndly on
tlii o srndcs.
The wcok clostiit I tli very fair suiiplv.
There were nonrly twice ns muny lies hero ns
last Sniiirdny but thi < iiitilliv | its n liolouus
iiutliliiR cxtrn.ltb n cuo'l fresh
moat , slilpp u ? nnd snecnlutlvo iln-
mntiil the mnrkct npctiod xtc tdy on
good lluht mill butcher nolKht lioci
and ou the best huaviej with snlcs lar.olvnt
from to J. > ; ii ) . Piickris wcrn very bearish
( rum sliu Mo llnlsh. nnil utter urgent fresh
moiit nnd ihlpplui : otdcrs hail been ( lllo.l
the in rki't ruled ! > o to IPo lower on
all but , IhocrV best boss. Konxh
IICRVV nud mixed uiicl.ors sold from W71 } to
} \ ; > , nud were slow snte at tlmt. Must uf the
IIOL'S -ollliu nt J.VJO nr belter wore innio or
lc s < oitud , the roiulwheavy ends nnd tlirou-
ontssolilns ut from il.TAto JlSi r.\erytlilns
sold , tlio PCMIS beliu cleared before noon.
baits wrro lar-clv nt from J .0 * > to } VH.
lUalltst $ > ! . * > to J.'i''i 1'ilday. The cunnriil
mctituo of prices p Id WHS ? . ' > I.W , nKiilnst
> ' . ' Pr day nud tXIfi'l lust rf tturdny.
bltl.H1 I hero wasono fresh load received
The nmlti'l wns stt-itly nun the pens cleared
early 1'nlr to coed nutlvo * . * .t..Vjai M :
fnlrto uood westerns t LSilUSl cnni'i on and
stock shoi'p. ti S.'i .L2l ; good to chulco 40 lo IHI-
Ib. , l
lterolpt nuil Dlipoilt Ion of StocK ,
Oniclnl receipts and disposition of stuck ns
shown by thu books of Iho I'liliiii Slock Yards
eonip my for thu twenty-four hours oiidlui ; ut
Ao'clojk p. m , , betemtior"l ) , IS'-U ' :
llroolpts for I.iiotVeck Alinint Itcitlicct
the lllchcHC 1'iilnt.
Oiiir no. III. , fcopi. -tSpeclil ToU'rnm
to i ut : lir.-inoimh ! ) : ealtiu arrived yestur-
crtiy to swell the total for the weolv to'.U.tKili ,
which ' onios vlthiii about lr > u I head of i > iUnl- |
HiS Iho law-it leeelnts ever known. Of the
in rlsuis : ) , liJ ) ) were Trxans , about nil of whleh
were dlspo < cd of. borne mitlves worn left ,
there being uo eom < lecrablu shlpplu ; ; deintind.
I'rlees remiiliio I weak nit uound und weie
iiuoted nt from Jl uu 10 * IHO for native rows
nud holferd , Jl - ' ' > to ) l " > for hulls nnd nt from
J..T" to"i4'J for vorv eoiiiinou to extra stem * ,
\\\\ero itioti-a | ) to
Jl " . ' ) und Texnns ut from il.JU to ti.W.
sules ot Kood to best I'radesot lluht nnd
he-ivy lie s were at Ktldny's elo-uiu prices.
Ihe peeler vtridos craned rather lower ,
Of the former thcio were not enough to fully
meet the demand. 'Iho close was dull at
from $1 7 > to i't 40 for poor to prime 11. hi and
41 fiom J" .M ) to 5 > . " > 0 for lienvv.
There i. small b it adequate supply of
sheep nn 1 Inml.s. The few eiders were Illlod
on a basis of fiom JJ.SJ to J'lUOfor Inferior lo
choice sheep nnd fiuni tl'iJ tiif\'i ) for lumhs.
'lexns sheep weio quoted at fiom tJ.OU to il.UO
und wostcrns .it fiom if I " 3 to tl .U.
Ke e pis : Cattle , 4 UOJ , ho s , 13.UOO ; sheep ,
1.5JJ. _
St. l.oulH MntKut * .
ST. Louis Jlo , Sent. L'4 ' ri.ouu I'n-
plianieil ; nitcnts. W Eai.70 , exlia fancy.
tVi ( ii-l ju ; fancy , if--TJiS-MK ) ; eboko , Si'r 'ifJ4J ;
family , $ , ' . IKft ; . ' . lu ,
\ \ IIIAT Clmed 'ritlie ? over ynstorilay :
No. 'J red , cash , lower uc ij'J'ic ' ; ? oitembur ,
GIJ4C nominal : Ocloher. Tie nominal.
UOIIN On bud wpnlhor nicdlctlon1 * closed
'B\O up : No a. cash. 4Vi 4ISe : September ,
ll'auhKt ' : October. 41' e : Mav. 4" > ne.
Otix In uipenl dcnimid : No. 3 , cash , JO1
'n'.ie ' : September. Jle bid ; October , oOJio hid.
Kvu-No. ! J , 'no.
. .KSiondy : . 'iSSiSWc.
r rm. nuchuncd.
r > ' -e at mill.
1:11 : Unch itiRoJ.
K-ids faliMidy ; lie.
rr.AxshKD-KIrm : Jl.0 >
' ] IMDTIIY Shhl ) ? 1 7IX8l.S3. ?
l.EAD-Oirercd atJ.87S. !
WlllMCV-t .10.
I'ltovisioNs Klrnior. 1'ork 111.00. L-ml-
S7.SDry hnlt Meats llnclinnced ; loose. t''B ;
boxed. r o more. H.ICOII Uiiehniutd ; Packed
shouldots , fj.7i ; loiUb und ribs. 157 80 : shorts ,
* ' ) OJ Iliimb Uneh uucil ; suifiir cured , shoul
ders. $7.- : lomb and ribs. } H.73 : shorts fc < .37i $
@I. ' . : > J.
ItKCKil'TR Klour. 5,000 bbls-I who it , IC5.001
bu. : coin. 48uu ( ) bii.j oats , i5,000 bu. ; rye ,
liliOO ! ! barloy. fiUild.
bini'Mi.NTs-riDiir. 0003 bbls. ; wheat , K7.00J
bu. ; com. 17,0,0 bu. ; oatb , O.uou bu ; rye , ll.UOO
bu : barley , none.
Oil Market.
NEW YOIIK. Sent. 24 I'KTiiot.nUM Qtilst.
bte ulv : crude In bbls. , I * irkers. i'i ( i'i ; ci tide In
bulk , $8 ft ; irllned , .Now Vorh. sKIO ; I'hlludol-
ehlu nd Ua.ilmorc , SOiOi , roll nod in bull. , JJ.5)
© .I iiD.
CoiTO.ssfcU ) Oiij steady ; crude , JT'ic ; yel
low. uOC.
TALl.OW-Qulot , steady ; olty ( ? 2.J ' ) foi pltgs. )
HusiN-Qulot , steady ; btralnod , eonimou to
| ? ood. * . 'JtfTn ,2T'J.
Tuui'KNnsE Dull , steady at 2'0'iC. ) ;
Oiniiliii I'm It Aliirknt.
GIIATES The stipp'y of homo tirown Con-
coids K Einwinn loss. It Is estlmntod that
twu-thlrJsuf thu ciop has been slilpppil out
nlioidy und hi. her prlrcs nre ooked for In
Iho fuluto. Concords , S3SjJ o per | j-lb.
t'AMFOHMA GlKI'ES Ver CrltC , 8I.2C © ! 55
ninaiMts : $ ' ,7i To I ; iyh ; more ulontv.
Ou.iroitNiA I'KAOiim-l'or box ,
UiiruiiNiPutus t..l' ' . ' .M ) per bo\ .
1'i.UMS l > , u box. iJI.'i'OI ' 7" , scarco.
Ai'i'LK-f I'orbbl. . Jl.OJi fancy , $1.50 ; five bbl.
lots 2 u Icoa.
KniiouH City .MitiuotH.
KA.NBAsOtT1/ . , bout 24. V.'lllilT 1'iwer
aii'l aclUa ; .No. 2 li.ud , uow , lJii-'e ! ; No. 2
red , i.liii'lU1.
Coii Irrosulnr : o 2mlxod.'va-0.jc. : ) ! !
OAl1- Finn : o. 2 , 2ll1'iiJ7c. '
UuiTKii Dull ; crouinuiy. r.-Q.-'u ; Uuny , 13
© I1. ! '
Kr.ns-Hipuly nt ICe.
UECKU-TS Wheat , 71,003lu.j corn. 1 1,030 bu. ;
0,1 if. IIOIIU -
Siiii'MKNTS-Wheat , 51.000 bu. : corn. 10,030 :
oats none.
KIUISIS Oily I.ltc iStnck Marl < t.
KAN ) IH OlTV. MO , Bopt. 2l.--OATTI.It-IIe-
celpts , r ,0,0 : slilniiiitH. | ! . * , tou : iin-
elinn ed ; bh pplni ; utucra , t..U l..ri ; Toxau
and [ mil in stouiH. $ . ' .0Jt ( ) U'.ir ) : cous. tl.'J'JiH-.rij
tookoisand feeders , * . ' . llii. ) : , " > U.
lloo Hecmpis , U8 0 : Khipments. ! > 00 ; m.u-
InHor , closing lOe lower ; bulk of
' HeeelptH , MO ; shlnnionta. 1..VO : mnr-
Ueiqu ot and faioudy ; mutions , O.O
St. I.nuis I.l\o Htor.lf JlnrUet.
HT Louis. Mo. Sept. -O\vn.E-Iecclpts. { .
1.1KJJ liund ; Rhlpiiiflpt , 'Ml huiul ; market
cus'cr ; TOMUI nud Indian htcor.n , Ji r.a .T. ' .
lions Keielnts. W ) hojcli slilpmonw. none :
market Klnudy ; ranee , HMt. .
hllBl'l1 llocelpts , ' 'IHI head ; shipments , none ;
mar I ; ot steady and uncliunued ; need natives ,
Jl.Uti4l.4U. _
Cullnu AturlcoC.
New VniiK. SopU 24. Options opened hnrcly
steady , 20 to Jj points down und closed ste tdy
at lOtoIK ) nolnts ( town : salca , 2U.70J DIIKH. In.
clii.llnw Ociobur. III. Woli.40 ; Novumher. 114 i :
< iil42 > ; llutumber SlHOj January , tl.l h.ll 00 :
Ma rfh , Jl.l.vV l L9' > ; May ,
Klo , nomlnul ; No. 7 , * l3.i7'J :
Cotton Sliirkiit ,
Nr. Oui.KAN' . La. , Sept. -Stondy ; rnld-
dlliu75lt'o ; low mldillliu' , HVo ; good ord | .
nury , O c ; reeolpls , I.KU batfls ; KTOSS
Ul i bales : exports consiwl > c , 600 balei
sales , l.Ui'J ' balusi Block , 70. Ub bales.
A ( 'liolur.i hc.irc.
A reported outbreak of ebolern at Hoi
metta , N , J. , created mtioli excitement li
thutvlcinil.v , Invcsllnutlon showed that tbi
dlsoaso wus not uiiolora but a violent d\seu. ,
tcry , which Is almost as eovoro uuu danger
ous us cholera. Mr. Walter Wlllaru , t
prominent merchant of James burp , twi
miles from ilelmolto , says ChamDoHnln' ,
Colic , Cholera and Ulatrban Remedy ha
U'lven great satis faction in luu most novcr
cases of dvsuntcry. It U certainly 0:10 : o
the bet things ever made. For sulu b ;
TaUl U.uf. uf CITIES ,
- m , * * * * J DI8TRICTU , IWATCR
Corr pondtnco lutlcltcit.
103-109 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
U Wall Street , NEW VOKK.
70 QtOtoOt. , BOSTON.
" 3 r
THE AOTlVl .bF . MT. fiT > 5A.
of lint t.UUCnohnl Cnlinlv hy
thn ( .t tigv\i P ' T < hnt .
1'tti' , wliloh hruL.olon ( sprcntl terror
nnd ilovastntion 4 $ $ the nlnln of Cutn *
nlit , It once moro iir'ni'iiptlon ' , Ihroiilon-
ing thu vlllnyos und hiibltullous un Its
slnpo with ( lostrWlloti , writes it corro-
spoiulont troin { itjilos. Tno eruption
l > opuil on S\lu"lnyninul ( nftor the ( list
day or two sooiiiciQJ llkolv lo stlbsklo.
Hut the Intost uct'ountA stitlo It is un the
Increase , with Ilve5 crntorf < In a fltnto of
nctlvily. Rich ot thoin Is throwiii" ; out
n. uontlnuous st/unm of liquid l.ivn
sovornl yards deep and very
\vido , which , scon from below ,
presents tlio apmmrnnco of rlvois of
Hro. Thcso newly opened cratorft nro
dally enlarging- . Loud explosions occur
continually , and at Intervals Catania , and
othur towns hard by are severely sh.ik-
en. In sptto of many obstacles in its
path , the principal lava Is slowly
milking Its way down the mountain
slope. Alarmed at Us progress , the
nttUi9rltlos have dispatched messengers
to impress upon the inhabitants the wis
dom of makinp their csctipo from the approaching
preaching Hood. To stay its p'-ogtos-s is
beyond the power of science. There Is ,
however , no fear tlmt any such catastrophe
trophe as that which "overwhelmed
Heioulanoum and Pompeii will befall
any of the many hiimlets
which cluster around the mountain's
base , for Htna is a hivti-dlsuhurging vol
cano , not one that , as a rule , vomits
forth stones and ashes which , mixed
with a shmiltiuicous eruption of bteam ,
burled the fatcJ cities around Vesuvius.
The lava river , though death to the
land over which it crawls , is not swift
destruction. It may bo ttpp otuho and
von slii'lloddty bil.ty , llKo tin vast
river of molten rock which , in 1S51. ) ,
Hewed for sixty miles from Kilauca , in
the Sandwich islands , until It leaped in
floio cascades into the sea at Wuln.inah.
The mischief is that nothing can sur
vive its visit. The volcanic ashes
form in u year or two the most
fertile of soils. But genoratlons must
clapso before the bleakblack lava crum
bles iiddor the wind and weather sutll-
ciently to form boil on which the scant
iest crop can toot itself. Klo von months
after an eruption of Vesuvius the lava
was so hot that n stioU thrust into It
caught lire , and though , seven yoara
after tin eruption of the s imo volennoin
1885 , lichens were growing on the sur
face of the streams the Interior was
was htill hot , and steaming. It is even
a 111 nned that the lava which llowod out
of Etna in 1787 was visibly Miioking in
18JO , and that eighty-seven yours after
the gieat eruption of Juictlo , in Mexico ,
vapor could bo &eon rising out of the
cracks in the lava streams.
The comparative , thoujrh by no menus
invariable , immunity ftom tlcatli which
ib one of the general characteristics o
an Etna eruption"miiy account forth
apathy with wlueh nany of the o wh
bc-cm to bu threatened nro logardincth
proven l outburst. Jjwulleibon thomoun
tain side osuociuily those on tno southern
orn slope are natiyally deserting their
homos lor the open country and towns.
But , though a bro til cu'rent of red-hot
av.i is now within thico inilos ot Nico-
os ! , and other streams ate coursing
award the east and west , there does
not bcom to bo half the panic which
would bo arousodipy the rumor of cholera -
era beinsr within,1' ' a day's journey.
Directly "Mongtb'elloY la quiescent , the
runaways will return home , shrug tlioir
shoulders dV the bight ofthoi'i1 filaclccnod
vineyards and burntup pasture's , and
begin afi csh to build now bouses on the
very site which history and their own
experience toll them is dangerous.
E\cn after the niphts become
lurid with the light from the liory
Btieam the peasants display the utmost
reluctance to depart They'comproiniso
matters by sleeping in the fields and in
voking all the saints \\hoao unities they
recall , only seeking safety in llight
when the lava is almost upon them.
nJojJ , Wisrj it not for the fatalism in
herent in the dash of Saracenic blood
which flows tin ough the Sicilian's veins ,
the country within miles of "tho a\\ful
peak , Etna's great mouth , ' ' would bo
a de-io.ato us the Roman Cammtgmt.
All around and about them the peasants
have witness of "the former ravages of
the \olcano. " In Catania the houses
and churches are built with the very
material which hub o frequently been
its ruin. Nicole l seems usif it had
been enwiappod in lava Hoods , and for
miles and miles around almojt every
acre bears evidence of some of the hun
dred or mo o eruptions that huvo been
The lirst recorded eruption look place
13. C. J&O , but long t'efori ) then tno
mountain wat ) an object of wonder and
awe. It was deep down in its inmost ro
cebses that the Cyclops vvou fabled to
have erected their forges and work
shops. Since it was described by Strabo
the general aspect of the mountain deus
not appear to have changed much , but
the many eruptions' trial have occurred
since then must have greatly altered the
entire surroundings. From Unto to
time now craters have boon formed , and
during the great eruption of 1UUU a
chtibin twelve miles long opened in the
llamc of the mountain. The river of
lava which ! s3iied from this new erator
was over two miles broad , and not only
encircled Monpllleri , but ulso de
stroyed BulpiiMsu , a town of 8,00j (
inhabilanlH. Still moving onxvard it
llowod through the streets of Mtuca-
lucia , burning everything in its course ,
San Pietro.Camporotondo , Mistorbianco
and fourteen other villages perished bo-
furo it reached Catania. At Albcnolla ,
t\so \ miles from that city , it undermined
a hill covered with cornfields , and car
ried it forward , floating until , btayod by
the walls of Catania , the lava accumu
lated to a hotght'Of ' ixty feet , and then ,
falling in a fiery .p-tscudo . , overwhelmed
that pat t of the citj' . In other places it
overthrew the ruuiparts and poured
through the stie tH , never halting
until , llfteon miles" from the crater , it
ran Into the ecu , nter doBolutlng more
than forty gquai o ) htes | of country. Since
that date ttiere huvo been many orup-
t'.ons , but none of "i/qual / violence. Tnc
} ) rcsent ouibuist was not unexpected ,
A now ihkt rs | < 5''lafjt winter in the
v.clnity of Pa. tollorin , and for seven , ]
5 Scrofula
Mrs. K. J. Unwell'Moilforil ' , Mass , Hajs her
mother lias IH.-UII cured of Scrofula liytheunoof
four bottles of BfSKSfJH after tuning had
much other tro VBJV KM utine'iitaud living
ri'iliiccd toqtil * * " tou low condition
of licalth , as it was thought she cuuld not lite.
fSfSFSt rural mX llul ° lx > yof hereditary
KvKnTHf Scrofula , which nin'ared | | all ntcr
Till ) iU facn. Tor c. jcarl had then
up all hope of liU ruco\cry , xvlicn dually l.aa
induced to use jKS'SfSB A fcw bnttloH
cured him , and PfljB'ffi no njiiijitoins ot
" 'S'.MatlTcr > illo , itlss.
Oubook ou IIKJ | I an I Stun | > ixitc > untied flee.
bwirr biLCii'ic co , AiUuu , CL
. . . .
IU4 l 4lIltM.ltl. IjVl UiiU Ifl.V 4. | IUI I
Ty tUeUcim. a.ecals ujd tuiraalt
lluo t t wrihclao kuonulor MlloLC-
riww. coiuliputiuii. dm lj. wul
l XU , headache. ue JtliuruIoencl
/orient , miutal Ue | ri-nloii , | aful
cu r Huu.riiri > i > i. rollo y r > inrlcx
; iu.ftadeTcryuiuAMruulUngrrimi
t Jimre Woe'rr faljuni tr lu ktouach , llvtr or IL
' ( .utinea tor rloim IB * Ir prviw f-ipcilona. lcrHoi.i
; > ftl. Hii l j mll. 1 BJiuple.l.i1.
Aj 1 hlEUfCAl. COl Vpnio bt . uw Vcrlc
montlis pnit Utoro linvo J ol bcon 1 ick-
liifr 8ljns Unit tit uny moment ndlslmb-
ntico might bu looked for.
Short Cnt .
\Yorklng \ out ro.ul tnxos Is Uio worst
tnolhoit that could bo ilovlnotl Tor iiornin *
noiitly tmprovliifr our hlpliwuys.
A system of cropping un shares Is not
usunlly a good ono tor the Ituul , The
tcntint's only interest Is to got ns much
ft ( tin the soil us ho can.
A fiiinicr ton miles fiom town on n
noor country rontl is fitrthur trotn iniv-
kot tliiin If ho were SOO mlloa n wny by
It you propose to prnctlco level culti
vation of polntoos next sonson dr.iln
yoitrlnnd nrooorly llrst. Othorwlso the
experiment mny provo voiy unsatisfac
Solcct Iho seed corn now for next
year and put it wlioro \\llletfro out
raplilly and boeoino und romuln thor
oughly dry.
Irrigation keeps plant food In solution
nnd uses It up tuoro tapldlv than would
otherwise bo the caeo. when you Ir-
rlgnto supply fortlllzors most ubtind-
nnUy. *
Keep up your land as much as possi
ble by using animal manures and trreon
ciops plowed under. It Is tlmo enough
after these have boon exhausted to rosette -
so-tto c'oinincfoinl fertilizers.
Ono reason for the low average of
many crops is that wo do not light In-
bcct enemies ntoiimlty enough. Thoio
should bo nodoluy Indeuliiig with them.
G.'owing for the homo market llrtt Is
nil right , but the American farmer
should remember that his market is the
whole world. Local demand should not
bo our outire guide when planting.
Visit INK tliu r.nmmi I > liiuu-ii | DIxKlii t lu
hiiutll ATrlrit.
To give you u good Idea of whnt T saw
I slrill try to describe the process of ob-
ta Inlng uiainontls from the "nine , " p'U-
hu ps somewhat lamely , from beginning
to end , writes a Co-respondent of the
Boston Transcript. Alter the "blue" is'alcd it is dumped on little cars ,
whirh are run on u cable system , and
carried two miles to the "Hours , " which
aio level trucks of hard gotind. There
it is dumped and bprotd out , und under
t ho aclio'i of the weather it disintegrates
nnd crumbles like dried flay. At inter
vals it Is rolled and lianowod , and in
about four months is toady for the next
process. Next it is Bliovo'lotl inlo curb ,
and run on an elevated platform , then
dumped inlo chute * , througu which
heavy streams of water tiio running.
From these chutes it runs through ro-
volvingscrcons , wlilcb separ.Ue it from
the laryo rooks. LYom those it goes into
concentrating pans , which are about ,
twelve feet in diameter and two feet
deep , and a.-o kept -tirretl all the time
The diamond : , and sinull pebbles settle
in tlio bottom while the mud an I water
run oft and are what are called "tail
ings " At intervals the pebbles , etc. ,
lit the bottom of tlicso are dumped
into car which h ivo covers like
tea kettles und ate locked down ,
tlioy are then run to another p irt of
the works and go through a liner t-j stem
of washing , in which the diamonds and
about 20 per cent of the pebbles go inlo
receptacles provided for them , while
the rest of the pebbles go with the till
Ing * . Then tlic pebbles aio t ikon out ,
put in sieves , washed again and put on
the sorting tables whcio they arc sorted
by hand tin co times in order that no
Uiaiuoads may bo lost. I picked out
> ver n do/.ea diamonds , but no ono tell-
ng mo I could have them I put them
jack. The sorters put their diamonds
nto little tin boxes and twice a day they
uro turned into the olhco whore they
ire weighed and sorted ready for the
nnrkot. On two largo tables in the
ollico wo saw ever a million and a half
dollars worth of diamonds. Tlneo lartro
diamonds that I could hold in my shut
list easily wore worth $1,800.
Ono of the party asked tlio general
munngpr if borne of the sorteis did not
steal diamonds , as they had such an ex
cellent opportunity with seemingly no
chocl ; . Uo answered they inijrht tajo
ihom , but would bo unable lo dispose of
: , hcm. The detective system was so line
they knew all the doings of their white
omploycb whcio they spent their even
ings , what they did , how much money
Llicy spent. Should any one appear tc
Jo bponding moio money than ho earned
a detective is on his track till d ly long ,
ink if they i-un get diioct evidence that
tie is stealing diamonds , both ho and the
party they uro told to mo tried , con
victed und given bovon > ears' hard labor ,
usually in the Breakwater. If they
cannot gel the evidence to convict , they
are simply dibdmrged.
AH gonr wo-
nian'o EiitTorinp
nud woman1- !
, weakness. lr.
Pici co's Favorite
Pi ascription pnt
a btop to it. It'a
a remedy for nil
tha delicti ! o de
rangements nnd
disorders that
ninko her suffer , nnd a cuio for all tbo dis
eases nnd distill bailees that inaUo bcr \ \ oak.
It's a legitimate medicine , tl'at eoi recta nnd
cures ; u. tonic thnt invigorates ami Imllils
up ; n nirvino ( hat boothe ? nnd bticiiRthcns
I'or bcaiing-down pains , ( llsi > lni.eiiiuits , nnd
oil tlio functional irrcgnlai itios j culinr to
the sex , it's a safe nnd certain icniedy.
Other medicines claim to cuio I
That's tiue. Jiut they don't claim to do
this : If the "Favorite I'lcbciiption" fails
to benefit or cuic , In any cnsu for which
it'u iccoumiciided , the money paid for it is
Jtulo [ ; for yourself which is likely to lie
the better medicine.
Anil think whether something else ollcred
by Iho denier is likely to lo ) " jubt tis good. "
You jwy only for the good you get. On
tlicio tcnus it's the cheapest.
Union Stock Yards Company
Hest cnttle , ho ; nud bhoop m irkut In the west
\Vrlt3 t3 tui linn fa ; Oor-
re5t Mirltj.
Wood Brothers ,
touth Uiuahi Tuluphono Ui7 , -
WAl.TKIl tt. WOOD , ( M ni uori
Market reports by mull niU wlro ehuorf ullj
furnlHhud upon appllu Ulou
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , HistSU Ix > ils , 1C insasOlty , boath
um ilu , Sioux Uilv , i'ort Worth.
A. D , Boyer & Company ,
teand.'i ) K\o'i uizu llu'lillii-.Siint'iO ' u i'i b
Corroiponiluuco olloltuI nn4 nrj iiptlanivrirjl
tjntlul uUotitluuloorJarj lurnuc'io
Edtubll.Ucd , mi . . . luouri'OruuJ , UJ
Cafltul fullr pulil , IJJ. J
Waggoner LJirneConpiny
Wrlluor wlro in for prompt uaa rollaJlJ tairti
Perry Brothers cc Company ,
I.Ivo Stoo < Commission.
Uoora Dl txchuiiKU liulldlnir , boutU OiauLi
Tuiuphuuu 1707 ,
' and Jotters'i i
Wolf Bros , k Co.
Tents nwnln < ' , tnrpvi-
Fine' , hnmrnockt , ollnnl lin , corprs of nil kfmK
rubber clolhlni Son I II IK , liinnor * . ote * > n \
lorcit'uiip HIlKnrmni forninioiitp ti < " ' ' i
icraisUroaluBuC )
miiorlori nndiafi .Hoar
racks , barlnps. tnlno.
M. 0. 1)U011 ) ,
llcjclp' olil nn iiioat'ilr
- . 1JOV. Ulli n
Morsc-Goc Shoe Co.
llOlltownnl Strnjt
I'nptorvPoniBr lltli nn I lniuH itr ? ti.
Wonrnmiklnituloiu prlcuito \ iri
nj * uf KOII.II w'Uc i U
with morclnintJ.
\iikrndall Junes & Co. Amcr.lIa
Wholoinlo Mfrt Aitont ) iinni , , inn. rnlihnr )
lloatoti Itnbher hi > o.'o ? , ? i , ' * , „ 2 ' i o ! i n'i
I1UJ JIOMlulllirnoyj I ! ' '
Ulolchy & Cohen
Clothln > rnollon furnl < i-
IIIKH ( ilvu ut i trlil
HnmpltM pr.'p iM hrox
prvsn , III ! Itirnoy.
M. E. Smith i Co , Kilni'ick ; ! - Koci !
Dry KoiiH , notions fur- Dry ( lee U Co Notion * ,
lltli unit HuniM s tint n 1 1 lloiTtr I
) malia Upholslji'ing Co , Ilccbc & llnnyan
pholtti-ro-l furnltilrj. rurnlturu Co. . lli.icj at
1IU. ' 111)1 ) Nichols
\\liolc3.ile o.ily.
D IJJ3 , 13 PC.
D. 11. Slcele&Co. kc , Bruce & Co
2Jl-l'0"i loncs troot , lOlh unit Ilimy ilr
O n.i'it O.ntii t
Council Cli.i'iihor. Oni.tlin. No' ) , 18)
Ho llrevilvml by Uio city uounc.l of Om.ilia.
tlio in iyor ouncuii-lii.- :
That puiiii incut suluw ilKs bo constriieteu
In tin ) cliy or Uiu.ilii .n uusUn iicil bulow ,
vvitlilii Ilvo dnjs ufter tlio lint ) leitlouof this
iL'somt on , or the pcr oirtl soi\lt.o lliuii.of.ns
onlln incti Is nutlioiki'J tiiul rpijnlreil ; suo'i
sldon.tllcloLcl ml to the pornrincnt'1 us
ostitlillshuil ( i Iho p i veil strouts suoiMilol
lioreln iiiKl tonocoiibtrilv.'tcd of slutii" . nrtl'J-
clnl stone , brlclc in tlllnnucunlluu to i.iiccl-
ileslluns on Illo tu tlu > ulllco of tlio IO uU of
| ) iibllooiLs , anJ uiiilcr IM aitiiorvlsloii , ta-
Ni'irth sldoof Woolwortli nvonuo. lot IS block
0 , Il.uibuom I'lucu , Duriiiitiiunt gr.uiu , ( i Tout
West sUe of lOlli nvoiuie , lotO block . " > , llniifa-
coin I' nee. peiiii.iiionl i.idu. li tout wl .i > .
South Uio of Illiinuv sliojt. lot .lblooU.1 ,
Kount7Q l'laoi > . norm inunt inile , d fi-ot do.
fcoutli sliloof bt , MnryN .1 venue , lou 1 nnd. ,
JiKob'siiddlllon , C feut \ \ \ Ic.
And , bu li farlhur resolvu I :
That the boird of uubllo orKs be , mulls
hereby autlio.oil anil dlreoluil to e.iuso n
copy of IhU lUio iitlon to lit ) iwolishe.l In Ihu
ntnuiiil p iier | of Ihe city foi one \\ea\i \ , 01 bu
soneil on the ownura of s.iIU lou , tndlliil _ mi-
less siu-li o\\nuissli ill wltliin lUis dnv * uflor
llu > piibllL'.illon 01 surxlcu of suuh etipv con-
hlriteth till sliloir.ilkb nu Itoiu n reiinliud thnt
the bo rlofpu'illc ' woi > s u.iiibf the s imo to
be done , the cost of uuntariitliu si'-l ' sldo-
\\.ilUi rui | > uatl\u y to bo iisiCss'd nr .Inst the
10 il rst itu. lot or pirtof lot In fiunt of and
lmtlliusuehaideu.i Us.
I'nsseil M.iv < rd I- " . ' . 1' P. OXVIS
I'aisi-dAiitf.'iid , i-ii w t r iincnnu
I'.issoJ t-opt Und , I" ' ) . ' . 0.t \ UltAI f UiJ.
Autln , ; rieslilenlsO tvuuiin II.
Attest : JUII.N .
(3 ( ty C'loilc.
Appioved : GHO. 1' . KCMIs.
M ivor.
NO nor. T ) coNsruui.T SIDK VAI * cj.
To llioonnurs of tliu lots , p ills of lots nlid csl ilu iloaerlbod In Iho above i usolu-
Von'and o icli of jon nioliorobv notltle 1 to
constrni t porin lueut sldo Milks .it iiqiilri'd bv
n rnsol-Hloiiof the city lounrll nud in.iyorof
thuoltvof Oin.ilin.of which tliunuovtilh .iiopv
Uhnliiiinii Ho ml of PilluloVoil ( .
Omaha. N b , eoilomboi Suli. tvi. ' .
fcIQ l" tl J * ) *
lots on U.nd > liLol fiom II imlituu sliceto !
1 i .ukl'ii ' slieot.
Vou arc hc-iooy notlfli'il Hint the undni-
slano I. tlirouills.iituiisslod fmohohloiiuf the
ellv of IJnmli i. h ive b en duly ujip ilutatl by
the m iyor. with the of the elty
coiii'i 11 of sa'd iliy , lo as-ii-is tin ) il.ini i ui to
tbo oiineis , ir > spi < uti\oly , of the ptoporty
alle'jli'il by Kr dins of H ud slreut. doU ired
notubsaiy by Did n moo No .Ulil. p RSO I r-i-p-
tuiiibt.-i 'Jn I , l 'i. ' . npprotud buplunibei ( lib , IV' .
Von nru fuilhur iiutlllutl , hnvliKnc-
cepio I sal 1 upon ntmuiit , .mil du v qti ililled
as n-iit | led by luw , we will , on thu mill day of
hiM'lembt'r ' , A. l , Ibl' . at tliu hour of three
o'clock lu the afloinuon , nt the olll u of Oeo ,
.1 , Paul , Ilil'i btieet , within Ihu coi-
poiato limits of sill I city , i.nol foi Die pur-
] iiiso of eotiblduriii ) ; and niakiiu tliu ISSDS -
nient of d linage to iho onner-i respectively of
stild piopeitv , nlloiacd bv said Kradlni : . t iK-
lu. Into lOiisMor ulou spci'l il beuullls. If nny.
Vou me notified to bo pre-aiit at the t mi. '
nud plnuo nfoion ild , nnd mnko any ohjtiutloiii
Uiorstiiuiiiunts con lining h.ilil a M
of diimiiKes ab you in iv coiisldi'r iiuipur.
Cll'U , J I'AUJj.
.1. M. ItOltlllNb.
Omaha , Neb . Sept. I'Jtli ' , ,8)J. ) s , ' ) dIU
ropxHU for Dlstrlol ( ifii'.lliri " " > ' '
Sealed hldh. mtrkud Propos tls for dlstiliit
iriiidlui ; : bonds will hun-culvul nttho ollltii of
IbuOty Tin biiioi. Cinih.i , Noli. , up to IJ
noon , of Hie luth d ty of Uuiubtir.
for the iiiiichu-.oof fJI.UJOOi UUlrlut Oradbu
Hoinlsof thoelty of Onrilia. Noli.
Mild buiulHJiroil ilodbeplomberlbt , ih'JJ , nnd
nrupayaliluln fro-ii one to nliio > ' .irj ufur
llioilnto Ihureof. IniloiiomlunlloiM of 11M 0.0 1
nud W'UuUeai-h ' , with Intt'inst .it thuriluofli
siiuil-iiiiuu .iiy
cunt nnntim pTynblu
per pnr
1 Piln.'lpulnnd.iiloresl piyub.o ut. Kouutzu
Hi OH. . Now Yojk.
JT.'iJO.OU of District No. Sir.
* - > 'JUJ Oof UUtrlut .No. 17.
ti.OJJOJof Olstrlet No , 49.
Uieli bid miibt Htnlu prlco nud nrnoiiiit
sought for nud Include iiuJi-ned interest to
time of ilullt nry at Om ill i. Nub. The rUlit h
leseived lo rojeiit uuv tinl all bids , la-iiied
uiidoruliuiterpowoi ofull'uiof ' thu molropol-
Itiiu uliib-.uud or.llnauco No , " . Aiipro\ed
Au usf.'llb. 16Ui HfNiiv IIOM.K ,
b JdKt , UHy Treasurer.
I'ropo'iili lur Dlxirlnt ( Irnilliit ; llniiiU ,
goaled bliU m irked ' plopostlH furdUlrlui
Brad ui ? liouils" will bu reco.vDil nt Ihe ultv
liuiuiUrDr'uiiUljeKiiinlia. Nub. , upto l.'o'clo'li
noon of Ihu Dili duy ( if ( JcloDur. ISU. , for UK
purehuHu of $ > < , no uj district ; ullii j bonds ol
Ihuelly uf Om ilia , Nob.
bald liondH bluill hu dated Ootohur INI , IS.U ,
anitkh ill lie puyablu liifri mono to nlnu year-
after iho d itu thereof with iiti ro t nt tin
raid of 5 iiur cunt | ur iiiiuum piyahlu nu
rilniilp.ll mid lulcrost payublo nt ICoiint/i
llros , Nuw Yurie , r-nl I ho.uls shall buoflhi
denomlii.itlon ot ,0.1003 , $ OUOJ all I UtOO
ouch ,
K'tih bid must stile pr co un 1 amoutil
buuitht for nnd luoludu aeuruu4 Inleio-tl u.
duluof dultvurv nt Umuh i. Neb The rl hit
reserved lo rujcot unv and nil bldu. Usnoi
uiiuurclinrltir power uf uitlud of ihu motrcpol'
linn ulnhij nnd Ordluancu No. UJB , nppruvui ]
bepiuinbur lUtli , IB 'J
iJlillTt Ulty Troauurur.
Hector i Williclnij Co. 1-olicck & Una. *
Corner tOth nn 1 , JncV'on IntmMniiM nnd
strocti merlmnlCM' tool * . 11
\ [ Dauuln \ * Mrr-ct.
Ch 8. II. JoVi A. Wa\eScll. \
tlnrrtwood lumbor. wnoit
cirpi't * nn 1 p\riul
llonrlnit. Pn onnit nnt
Oth nnd lou l is. ( julncjr wldte Una
LQUOllS. [
Fiick & Herbert
Wlinlrli liquor tlaitir
(1001 (
J. Obcrfclilo ? & Co.
ml Illni-rjr , notions JUtl
irilors proiniit.
ntli I lib at.
OIL , .
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co.
Carry n full dock of
prlntlnir , trrnpiilnx tnil Upflnpil mill Inbrlcntlnr
writing p ipor , unM pn- oils , nxlocruno , eto.
per ute.
* i
Kins & Smca I nil Cole Uo ,
MfMot ' ' 1C A. S" pnnti . . . . . . fartoy
| llrt1 nnil iivornlli , etc. rult'rr : .IH luth strouk
i < ll IS youth lltli at. tule'puoiiu TU
nstnlillslicit UM Branch & Co.
Whiinay & Co.
t'roilncc , rrulti ot nil
lluttcr. PKRY nnil poultry UniH
.ll.iboatll Utliau
Jas A. ClirK&Co.
lluticr. 0)10393 ) , oji
luiulirr itiul Kix-ns
31" Sontlt 13tliaU
OmaliaSlovoIlcpairW'ks '
Eto\propnlrs nn < t witcr
nttnchmunU for nil )
klnil nfaturo mailo
12-J7 D
nl Ice of AssHssinent of DiiiiiiiRrs Inr Ciin
htructltin ol u Vliuluct Aliini ; I'lflcciitlt
Street Over the Ti.ii.ko.
To the owners of nil hits in I u irts of lots
nnd roul LHI.UU uloiu Pitleoiith sttopt. liu-
Iween f.o ivonworth stici t nnd 1'lcrcu street ,
and tlio approaches lo the pinposcdladuri
to ho tonatructei" o\ot the lineks ou rifteeulh
Vou are hoiehv notlflod tint the iindor-
sl.'nol. tliroodlslnteroblod freeholders of Iho
oltr of Oiiiuha , hixoboou duy ) niipointed hy
the .M.iynr , with the approval uf thu Oily
Cotitiell ofs.ild city , to assess the damngo to
thu ownnrd ruspootlvuly of the jiroueity af-
foi-ted by tlio coif-trnctuin of aluiluoi
aloiiK 15th street , over tlio railway trjeUs on
nnd aciosi ntli stront , hotueen l.ea\cnworih
strciit anil I'lercu .sticct , declared nec'csairy
by onliiinnie 'KJ' ' ) , p ifisuil Au.ust'JJ , Ib'JJ ' , ap
proved August" ) , 191) ) , ' .
Vou are further notlflod , unit li.ivlns ao-
ccpled said iipolntinent. | and duly < iu.Hilled
.is required by law. wo will , .on the 1st dnv of
October. A. I ) . 18J.1 , nt tlio hour of 10 o'clock
In Iho forenoon , ut Um ollleu .if John V. I'lnck ,
roum.Yil ( Jliiuiilicr uf Commuice , within the
. Lorpoiate limits of K.ild oily , meet for the
purpu-Di of considerliii and uniting the an-
I e-.4iiu > iit uf dnmiiKu to tbo owners rcsuoct-
uely. of s ild property , alluitoil by s.ild con
struction of said vniductnnd Its approaches ,
t.iUlii4 Into consideration bonullts. If
i You are notlflod to ho present nttho tlmn
I and place afores ild , nnd mtiUu any objections
to or statements cnncernin , sild .i9 < usj
of daia.isoj , asioo may eonsl lur proper.
Coiniiiitteo of Appra'surs
Omahn. Sept , 7. 183. . bJxu'lt
.Not lee \nhcssuiont ot Diimiicm fur ( JmUr-
To theownorsof all lo s , pirls of lots .mil
10 il ostnlu on M iplo olru'LU. riuiii I ut slrout lo
. , lth avenue ; . : Jnd ; in 1 .1 id Hlicets from Maple
btiHeltoUorby street.
Vim uro lieruby notlllod the iindor-
H'srned , three dlslntuiesto I free holder-i of thft
i Uy of Onial. i , II.INO Iji'un ilnly .ippoliitod by
the niiiyor , wltb the ) of tliu city
ei uncll ( if sild city , lo n us" the dntimKo lei
tlioowuuia respectUuly of the property nf-
fo ted by crudlti ! ? of biild Htreuts. dcol.ircd
noto-isnry hy orillmince No : ii"i7 , pisned Sept.
bill. UO. . nn I nppri\otl KitpU Utli , 1'J. ' .
Vou nro further notlllod , h ivlmr ac-
ceptcd s ild nppiilntment nnd duly iiialllluil |
us ii'iiulrod by I iw , i/u will , on tburilli d.iy or
Oetotnr , A. I ) . .bJ. , ut tlm hum of W
o'cloo'i In tlio forenoon , at ihoolllco of Shrher
& O'Donalino , lint 1'arna n slreul ,
within thueorporate limits of Hiltl city , nieoo
for the purpose cit coiuilderln : und inn > lnt
thoas5i.smoiit of dimiKO to thnownuis r -
biieia\e.y ! of said property , nllui-to I by s-iia
Kr.ulliu. tilting Inlo coiih.der.itloti spo
ol il benefits. Ifmy. . ,
Vou nre notified to bo present nttho .lino
nud iiliconorci.ild , nnd iiiaKu uny olijeet'oin
to orstitomimts oneernliu ild assL'ssiu'onS.
of flatn.ivus IIH yo m iv ( onil'ler pioper.
.i : .1. I'M'U
Comiiillleu of AppiuUerB.
B-2 S-d-10t.
An or.lliiuncu deolnrlnir the noco lty of
eliiiMB'iin' ' t"o Kndo of Decatur Hlreul from
" 7th blitiut to Wild btri'ct nud inioiscctliKf
stioel. mid appoint us three dlslnton'sted
apiiraUeiH to nssofuau I dtturmlnolnu ( liuii-
u'-rs to property ownrrH , which may bo
caused uymioh chnn.oof cradu , and urdur-
IMLIho rltv ouulniui tu mnku u prulllo
. .
lloltor.lalnoJ by thuulty couiioll of the utty
uf Omuhu !
Mutliinl. 'Unit It In proper and nouots t ry ,
nud It lu horuby doulirui proper and IIUCUH-
siry , to ehitiiKu Ihu undo of Uooulur street
fi am 'Jitli ulruol loJlih sii oat nun Intornoat-
IIIK blieul , BO thuluild Kr.ido oluvatluiiH will
bo .is follows , thu Kiadu butwuun the point *
Citud Lointinform ktuilK'it ' linen.
Uiudu of Uccutur Bttoi't.
iii ; > viUlon rinvntun
uf Siinlh uf Noith
Curb. Curb.
I'-iHt curb of SOth street , us
I'HtiililUliuil . 1GO.U ICO. 5
Weiitctllbuf Mth streut , . . , 140 S 1405
i : ist eui liof iiSiu hiruet. . . . 1400 14 .0 _
West eurb of ; 7lb Biieot , as
( , st blUlmd . , 1 5.5 105.5
Hectlon J.
Went Kust
Oriide of .8lh street. Curb. Curl ) .
buulh curbaf 1'arUer slreut.
.iHCst.iblUhod . . . K , . Ui.O 1J7.5
North ourb of Decitur
snout. . , . : . 110.3
toitth curb ot Deo.itur
street . HO.O JIOO
North curl ) of IVuukllu
mrHul. UKeslnbllnhiMl HSO IU75
hcetlon. ' . That thu e ty unltiier be , mid
huruby U , Insiriiutuu lo mn u u prull'u bhow-
MIsiieh propose I uluuiKi o ( uiudu
Stnllon I. Thut tliu mayor , with thn np- of Ihu ulty cotiuuli , nppulnV thruu dixln-
tuii'il nuprilsom to appraise , IISHHH and do- '
turinlnuihudiiiiiuKu lu pruporty owueri * wlilcb
may bo U4ii ud by HIIUII uof uradu. luk-
litf Into euiuliluriitloii lu miikliij miuli np-
pralxumuut , Ihu sm < i > ul iiuiuMlm , if uny. lu
mull piopurty , by ru.muu of bimh chiiu et'f
Hootlon fi. That this orlliitnco tnko nlTuct
und bu lu foreo from nu I uflor ll pans uo.
Prcsidunti tyCounoll.