FHE O TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MOtt&Ujto , SEPTEMBER 26 , 1802. NUMBER 99. SURE TO CARKV NEW YORK Bopublicaa Leaflets Think There is Little Doubt of Succcsii HOW HILL'S ' ATTITUDE HURTS CLEVELAND rrlomln of thu Senutor Are Awnrn Thnt He ' Is nl llu.irl llnstllii to thn IA-1'resl- tlcnt , Consequently They ICorp Their KiitvcA nlmrp. WASIIIXOTON BUIIEAH OF Tun JEB , ] GUI FoiwTtKNTii STIIRRT , > WAMIINOTON , 13. C. , Sopt. 25. ! ) "Harrison and Held will carry Noxv York bpyond the loait doubt anil they will be elected. " ThK statement wa made todaj by Chttlrmun Carter of the republican na tfonal commlttoo In a private conversation with a personal friend. It Is n statement based upon actual knowledge of the situatiot and what U Being done and was Intcndei noi for deception or public use but as Infer laatlon to a friend. Further than this Chair man Carter would say nothing. lie uttorai no words to Indicate what l being done bj the republican management. Mr. Carlo ; came bore to consult President Harrison am left for Now York Into tonight. - fcHx-Congrcssman J. B. Cheadle of fnalau : spent yesterday at the national ropubllc.ii headquarters. He was hero this mornlii ) and left for Indlaunpolls at 2 o'clock thi nflcrnoon. 'Wo are Just as sure to carrj Now Yorli , " said Mr. Chcadlo to Tin ; BKB correspondent " .is election day Is to come around. 'I'll support of Cleveland by Senator Davla U Hill h only skin deep. It is hurting Cleveland land vastly moro than anything elso. 1 simply arouses Hill's friends au'ainst the ex president every tune the saimtor shows him Belf. The Hill element knows that Hill dee not want Cleveland elected , and Uio onlir iollovvmc becomes wild with nnirer when ever their Itodor appears to speak for Clove lanil. Thov uro determined to beat Clovt Intnl. 1 am very conlldcnt now that Indian will give her electoral vote for Harrison an Held. " I'rn lilPiit UiirrMoi.'HVorh. . President Harrison has not been outsld the white house stnco his return to Wast ! Initon , except lute on Fnduy and Salnrda iilpbti , when ho made pilgrimages throng ! the slronls and lots surrounding the cxccu tivo mansion 10 bu sure that ovary precautio was being taken to aid In Mrs. HarrUon' recovery. The president has worn a blue slouch hat pulled down over his eyes 1 onlur that bu might not be lecogni/.cd by th visitors , a remnant of whom still remain. Special attention lias been given to Gran Army pluco Justin the rear or the oxoculiv mansion , where thousands of vuter.ms hav boon camped during the last week. Th gutters buvo liecn lilli'dvltu stagnan water and the untiro nroa was ankle dee \n deuris. The president felt thnt it wn Just the spot where disease might linn Breeding place and ho accordingly iav orders that a largo force of men should b net at worl' to put the grounds in perfci iitinltary condition. They worked all la ; nlcbt and us u result the wutar is pumpo out of ditches , the debris is removed and th greensward begins to present its old a ] pcurancu of brightness. " \VBlle men were at work last night M Harrison mode ono ot bin tours Incog. Il gave suggestions as to bow tbc clean in Klioulil proceed and what points needed tli most thoiough Rcourinir. It Is only ono i many ways in which tbo president gives it most curefuf personal attention to over detail which may bo conducive to Mr HarrUon'b iccovcry. MUcelliiiicous. Today's ' Post snys that Senator Manderso housed and fed iVJU veterans ovary day of tt Grand Army of the Hopuollc ciicanipmcni Miss AUDIO T. Cln'k , uuuchtor of Captal Clark of tbo Second regiment of Fo Omaha and Miss Fannie Holllday , daucbti of Ur. I1' . A. Holllday of the Second infanti of Fort Omaha , are visiting Miss Leila 1 13onion. - Mrs. C. F. Hayden of DCS Moincs Is vlsl Ing her father , Captain E. T. Bcnton Summit View. P. S. H. I\'KHTJlUirtJt TO.\\A OV. JmllciitlonftTliut the lliirllncton Will Cum Tioiihln O\er thn Trullle. Cniouio , 111. , Sopt. 25. Chairman Mldg ly's ofllclul statement of westbound tonnni to southwestern Missouri river points r the month of Juno i out. A comparison the triiflln carried by the several comootli lines Is n revelutior , and especially lutcro ting to strong roaSs accustomed to re largely on their natural advantages for fair share ot the business. The percentage of iho tonnage secured I each of the roads U thus given : Mlssou Pacillc , 23 ; Atchlson , Topuka & Santa ! 18 ; Burlington , 15.8 ; Chicago & Alton , S. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , 7.7 ; Roi Island , 7 ; Wubath , 02 ; Chicago & Gre Western , G.S ; St. Louis & San Fianclsc 4.5 ; Fort Scott & Memphis , 3.7. There is some comment m record tu t largo percentage of business carried by t Missouri Pacific , especially as lo ccrta commodities. Fifth cluss freight tnclud iron nails , wire , " sugar , etc. , aud tills o rend carried ! IO per cent ot that class , also carried 70 per cent of the hard coal ui CO pur cent of the miscellaneous tonnaj Considering Ibat there arc ten lines coinpi lug for trufllu at the southwestern Mlssoi river points , and that iho Missouri Paul has no Chicago line , the showing scorns piuilo. In that the ' - Five " It was Juno theHigh , the cominipstonors of iho Western Trot association are dubbed , ordered the Mlssot Pucitiu to dlvort trulllu lo the Wabash. Th nro still corresponding about it. No ( versions hut a boon made by tha Mlssou Pacltlo and before the corroAiondenro Is cc cludiuihu Western TraUlu association wl It Is said , hnvo been disbanded , Tbo J cblMjii , t'ju Burlington and thu Alton tve ordered to dlvort ut the same tlmo. T Alton declined to oo so. Tbo Atcbis began to comply , but stopped to nwalt t action of iho other roads. The Burlingt nlouo promptly uboycd the order , compleil the diversion before it was puurethutt oilier lines were not pursuing a siruil course. As tbo agreement should bo binding up nil or uoiio it is no * , linnrobablo that t Burlington company will cr.il on iho en mls&ionors to reimburse It In some way I Its loss , aud It U evident that a now lonnn pool or some better sort of agreement sadly lacking In iho southwestern terrltoi Armour & Co. , tbo packers , who aomo tli ego brought suits in the Uullcd Stales coi to recover lurgo sums from iho eastern n roads for alleged excessive and Illegal frcU charges , filed bills of purltculurs m each c : today. The complainants allege ovcrchari on over 1)0,000,000 pounds of meat uhlpi nast , The dcstlnullon uf every pound tlumlted , together wlib the rules chart by the various lines and wl have been charged. By far I grcuiunt offender against Armour & C ns st.own in the record , Is tha Ptulatlnipnli Heading Railway company , Uuilntr the riud In which the overcharges were m : too plulntlff company shipped 1.1UU curb meat over the Reading road lo various ei urn points , Ti > ese Cfcrs carried 27,201 , pounds of meat. The rate charged per pounds wus between CO nnd 70 rents , wl It Is claimed the regular and fair rule v uud should bava been but from ,10 to45ceV Tbc amount collected by tbn Heading ri WHS $1,021,183 , an alleged overcharge of $2 9iU. Ou tbo Delaware & Hudson Canal r wad the overcharge amounted , U u claim In 30,017 ; on the Delaware. LacKawannn "Western to 110,748 j on lb FitobDurc to f 742 : on the Baltlmsro & , Ohio $15,253 , nnd on the West Shore to (3,1(17. ( Althoucb the Nickel Plato has withdrawn Its cut rate tickets between Chicago ami Buf falo. It has not sl nttlod Us Intention of can celling the special excursion rate of $7.50 to Buffalo and return ou account ot tbo real estate men's convention. Its competitors have demanded the withdrawal of this rule which Is announced to bocomoolTontlVO Octo ber : ! , nnd unless they receive assurances by Monday afternoon that the demand will be liccded , gome of thorn will make it ? " > round trip rale forVbo real estate convention. I'oitKHiff rix.iffct.il * Jti : n K n : Discount * Worn Adtiincmt I.n t Week UK r llesult of Oooit HiiKines * . LONDON , Soot. 25. A bettor supply ol bills , mainly connected with shipments o cotton and other produce , slightly advarrei discounts last week , but this advnnco " 'at not maintained owing to the com petition ot - French hankers for boll commercial and treasury bills. TCI iinicultv ol using surplus funds li shoxvn bv the resolution of the Scotllsl banks ot London lo discontinue the usual per cent interest on credit balance 6f currcn accounts. The statement that iho Issue litho the Austrian currency loans would nrobabl ; bo deferred until 18'JJ , contributed to woakei the market. It is not considered probubl now that the Bank of England rate will ad vnnco this autumn. On the Slock exchange the past wcol signs thai the holiday season was enterinj ivcro manifest. The attendance WHS uug montcd and there was n sensible Increase o lUslness. At the ssmo tlmo a more contldcn oullug prevailed. owng to the tubsldcncc o larm in regard to the stability of variou lUlldlng societies and moro favorable re lorts of the situation as rngur-ls cholera Jrlllsh funds wore wealior , but Indian nm lolonlal securities wore higher. Al llrs brolgn government securities advanced wing to Paris buying , but afterward cakcneJ , owing to Uo fulling oil uf thi ' 'rench demand , which appears to oo th nalnsprme uf the foreign markvt In whicl British Investors have Itttlo Intnrost. Turk sh werooapeclally strong und advanced 2Ji exicans rose 1) < on the olllciul dental o ho report that u Crush loan Is impending. South American Issues were well sur lortcd. Brazilian nnd Argentina sncuritio loscd a point higher on the Impiovcd con : merciul situation in the two republics. li English railway securities then } was a ger ral advance though little business wa ransactod except in tbo nharus of hem ines. In which , owlne to satisfactory trail ! cturns a gnod business was done. Tue ; ar's weakness in the American rallruai epartment was quite eclipsed by iho subse ucnt llrmncss. The chief exception to a Imost general advance was in Norther 'sciUc , whoso weakness was duo to ba ilvidcnd prospects , The chief advance wa n Readings , which wore in strong favor. Too week's ' variations in prices Include Ih 'oliowing : Increases Readings second It iomes , ! ) ) ; Reading third incomes , 3 iV'utasb mortgage und Reading firsts , 2 each \trhUon morltraco nnd Lake Shore. 1 } ach ; Atchison ordlnnrv , l1 ; Wubaslr pri orrcd , } { \ Central Pacific , 'J. Ducreases- Nortborn Pacillc , 2 } < J ; Louisville & Nasti f\l\o \ \ , \f. \ } Grand 'I'runlc of Cunliiia ui unccd on tha announcement that rati .vould . be restored on October 10 , but tbci , vas a subsequent relapse , leaving llltlo ai vunce ou the week. For Brazilian ralhvo Ines tharo wus a eooS market in vlow of in mprovcd exchange. In Argentines , Buonc iV.vrcs Southern closed 3 points higher. Tt ecuritics of the Mexican railway gained point owing to improved triRlc prospects. On thu iinrlln llourae. BEUUNSept. . 25. During the week pa : on the Dourso German funds were weako owing to prospects of now Issues. It is B ; parent that mnnr buliovc that previous loat are not yet fully absorbed bv Investors. Coi cqUenllv new loans are likely to meet wit a bad reception. Coal and iron shams woi depressed. Rumors of an increase in 11 ux of bourse transactions are can ng discontent among banners ni brokers , who declare that the business is hardly paving now , and thnt i increased tax'will reduce their profits * to tl vanishing point. Sutirday'.s closing quot lions Included : Prussian 4s , lO..K ) ; Ilu garian gold rcnlo , 'J5.ISO ; Austrian credl 100 ; Bochumers , 137 ; Hurpencrs , 142 ; lei exchange on London , -0.30) ) ; private di count , 2. - Ou tlm Paris Hun rue. PA ins , Sept. 25. Business wi's ' brisk i the bourse the past week , the gencrul uuhl absorbing a great deal of stock. Intern ttonul stocks Improved slightly. Bui bares were well favored. Hanu of Fran advanced 05 centimes and Bank of Paris francs. There wus a reaction In favor Suez canal shuros which advanced tne prl francs. A good Investment businc was done in railway securities which protlt by a general advance uf from r to .15 fram Panama canal shares continued to full ui closed Saturday I'4 francs loivor for I week. On the fiitnKlort Itoiirax. FiUNKi'OKT , Sept , 25. The bourse the pi week was featureless. Yesterday's clo&li quotations Included : Hungarian'gold roni 55.70 ; Mexican ( is , 71) ) . a point better ; Aiutrli credit. 204 ; private discount , % ) { . LUUltZHMlSS FidIIr. T o of the Men Cut to 1'leem wltli Ax In u Dninlcon yuurrel. DUTIIOIT , Mich. , Sept. 25. A special d patch from Hartford , Mich. , says that II drunken lumbermen had a desperate flg near Covorot yesterday , which resulted tbo death of two of them. Morris Cass man , Gcorgo Cassclman , J , Van Amen , Burton and L. Stroublo , having been nil oflYflippo'd ( in und Dougbta gallon of wills' which they took to work with them. IJrii followed drink until al' ' thought ot labor li fled and the crowd became uproarious. During some rough skylarKlng , ono of tl Cassetmuns became angered and struolt Burton. The row then became general ni blows foil tlilcu and fast. Suddenly Gear Casselmun whipped out u icvolvur. With savage yell the other * grasped their axes a commenced n lleroo and bloody battle. Me ris Cassclman sprang forward in dafonse bis brother , but too lato. The Keen a wielded by ono of the inlurluted woodsm descended and burled itself Iu tlio quiver ! llesh of George Cussclmtin , who sink to t earth , fatally ivoundeu. Van Amen i needed In iiilliKtlug u slight wound upon I opponent , but was In turn cut down , und I dying on the prounil. The sight of their terrible worl ; sobered Bi ton and Stioublo wbo throw away their ai and fled from the horrible bceno. Mori Cuaielman , as soon us bis wounds wet allow him , made bis way to the cabin of lumberman und made known thn details the light. TboshurltT w.u notified und oacosot ofT in pursuit of tbo murdore \\hoarosurposoj to bo in hiding in I woods. fuvanv ifirn oviL.uts. Unlluil Stilton Troop * Unto u .ShlruiUh Iho Itlci 'Oruiulu Koi-ilur. NKW OiiLKiNi * , La , , Sopt. 25. The Tlim Democrat's San Antonio special says : O cial Information reached headquarters of I military Department of Texas today ot affruv on the lower Rio Grande border ubi Rio Grandd City , between the detachment United States troops under command Captain Francis C. Hurdle of tbo Th cavulry and u baud of Mexican outlaws , w uro believed to nave organized for the pi puso of carrying on smullui ; operatic and other depredations , The skirmishers attacked them yestern morning , but ti resulted In no fatulltl Luptuln llnrdlo has forward oil lull Paul lars of the affray to General Frank W. H Ion , department commander , by letterwn Is expected to reach hero tomcrrow. A po of deputv United Siatpi marshals were w the soldiers and participated In the light. ' Plight of u ll.yik 0 thler. HOPE. Ark. , Sopt. 25. W. II. Orosst oisuler and proprietor of the People's ba decamped with the deposits and sohool fui to the amount ot a number of iboun dollars today , DESERTED HER" HUSBAND Nols Pierson's Wife Suddenly Loft Home with His Monoy. HAVELOCK PEOPLE ENJOY A SENSATION Chancellor CrelghUni'ft Aeqillttnl Cnuso tlio tluui-nilty Stiiilcnts to I'uliit till ) TOITII 11 Deep Crimson Me- bnnlt.l .Neu .SoU'i. HAVM-OCK , Noo. , Sopt. 23. Special Tele' gram to Tim BRC.JYcjlordny noon the wife of Nuls Plcrson , a boiler maker nt tbc car shops , packed ui > her trunk and dc- canped. At the same tlmo a workmat named Connors loft town. The woman won ! to Lincoln via University Place , lulling thi drayman wbo called for tlio trunk that she was going to vlilt her mother In Denver , onncrs took the local freight to Lin coir nd partloj state that they .mot the : IO Burlington llyor and proceeded tt ) maha. Other * say they tool ; the Missouri ' .icillc out from Lincoln und wont to Kan < as City. Plcrson was an Industrious , saving mar nd turned over nil his time cbrcks up tt ust month to 1m wlfo. wuo settled nl Ills. She toolSI'JJ ' thnt they had on ham nd nor husband's gold watnh. A doposll nrllllcaio on the l''lr.H National bank ol 'Utt.smouth In her naina for fl&S wiis appar ntly overlooked , as she left It behind. t/on < ort is known to have had little 01 u 11101107. A peculiar thing abjut thn affali as the publicity. Sovurnl men know about t previously , and Pior.oii was notillud at tht Uop on hour or two after their dopar'ure , le quit work Immediately , cashed his time heck , aud bocan tolegrHnhlng to dlfforoni lolnts. Ho went east In search of them al 0:3 : ! ) last night. A rumor reached the town today that tho.\ ad been caught , hut nothing doUnltocouli ioJ earned. _ Will Adjourn Tomorrow. N'r.niusKt Cirv , Nob. , Sept. 25. [ Spccia o Tin : i3uc. ] Toduy the last scssion , of tin lothodlst conference , for which any' genera irogram haa been outlined , was hold. Thi pnolntraonls will bo made known tomorrow Her which the conference will adjourn The result of the trial of Chancellor Crolgh on produces many opmions , but on thi yhole. gives satisfaction. The case wai airly and .squarely tried on tacts , and' fact ! lone , and tno result is limn. There is a rumor ot u $ UOOJ damage suli iv the chancellor against some of bis prose utors , but it cannot bo vorltiod. Last nUht's .session was well attended am : ilfchlv Intorestlnz. Today's program Is as follows. 9:00 : t ( 0:15 a m. , conference lovofeust , isov. G. M Uorcy ; 10:15 to 10J : ; ) n. m. , ordination o deacons ; 10:30 : a. m , sermon , Bisliop Wai ron ; 3:00 p. m. , Ep'vorth leaiiuu platforn meeting , Dr. C. C. Lusbv ; 7:3J : p. m , ser moii , Dr. F. S. Stem ; 8:31) : ) p. m. , oralniulo f elders. An old fashioned revival meeting vvas Uol at the close of the regular dxereiscs , whlcl asted until late In thu ovciitng. AVest I'olnt > ows Noten. WEST POINT. Neb. , Sept. 25. [ Special t Tan BIK. : ] Nels Madson died at his bom n this city of Internal trouble Thursday , an was buried Friday afternoon under the aus pices of the Gorman Lutheran church. Tb deceased was a tailor ovar flO years old. liev. F. M. Clark arrived In West Pom Wednesday to assume charge * ot the Motht [ list EpUuoparchuroh and pastorale. Hov Clark is from Illinois. Miss Alice Gregory , whllo out horsobac riding last week , was'thrown oft the anlmc und her foot caught in the attrrup , oauiln bur to bo drazoj some distance , scratcbiu and bruising hnr considerably. ultli Ills Acquittal. UNIVEHSITV PLACI : , Neb. , Sopt. 25.- fSneclnl Telegram to TUB BER. ] News i Chancellor Croightou's acquittal was r celved at the Wosleyau university wit great demonstration. Students paraded tt streets until n late hour in the morning , 11 intr guns , giviag college yells and soronudln both vocally and with cadet band. Stops ai already being taken to give tbo chancellor big reception on his return. At. the leadin Methouist church In Lincoln today D Lasby's announcement and remarks on U outcome was received with very audlb auieus and other expressions of approval. Noun Notes from Urtl. Oni ) , Nob. , Sept. 23. [ Special to Ti BIE.J Captain John L. McConaugh , coi nany 13 , Second regiment Nebraska Nation giiards , has been appointed to command tt mllltla company which will escort Govorni Bovd to the formal opening of the World fair October 1'J. Tbo corner stone of the now high scho building will bo laid on the attcrnoon i Tuosduv , Septembers" . The Vslloy county fair will open hero th week to bold lour days. \V i II Knp.ilr the 1.1 n p. . DUNUAII , Nob. , Sopt. 25. ISoeclttl to Ti BCK.J Two carloads of telephone poles n rived here last evening. They will bo usi to put , the old line In better saapo ; also f additional wires. ity .11 I.VA i'Eort.E. licnentl John I'opu'a Hniimlnn In Stnto i tlin Ohio "loliliciV Homo. . SANDUSKV , O. , Seut , 25. The remains General John Pone , wbilo lying stuto in the hall of the adinlnlstr lion building at the Ohio Soldier homo between 10 und 11 o'clock t day , were viewed by many people The upi was under guard ol four veterans of tl homo , aud the 11 rat to vlow for tbo last tin the remains of the distinguished goner were the Inmates of thn home , who nassod regular order. 'I'nou ' came the citizens at dually tbo members of Com piny I ) , SI tconlh regiment , Ohio National guard , aft which ltd cannot wus closed. 1'rior to the viewing of the remains , priva family services wore held In Uio uannulilr lion building. At lli0a : ! procession w formed and under escort of company movou to tlo : Lake Shore depot. As tl cortege moved away thirty rounds we llred , the last soundini ; as soon as tl grounds were clear , the Hug near the udtul Utration building at lbo , sumo time going full must. At tno depot the military company opom ranks and tno fuceral passed butw'een ni deposited the casket containing the boi upon tbo platform. The remains were a Rompanled to St. Louis by General M. ; Force , toinmaudnnt ol tbo homo ; Jol Papa of Chicago iina Horlon Pone of Louis , the latter being tbo son of thu d ceased. The remains were placed In u sf dial car and under escort of u company fro the regular army proceeded to their desli ution , which U cxpjclnd to bo reached ui o'clock on Monday morning , At St. Louis the bed ; and those nccoi panying It will bo met by Hansom po : Grand Army of the Kcpubllo , tno Loj Legion and u detachment from the ivgul army , Illuw Out IIU llniln * . NKW VOIIK. Sept. 2 , ' > . -U. H. Treated , yojw old , a yvhclci-alo dealer In toys a novelties at Jersey City , comniiued sulcl toduy in tbo International note ! In Ibis r.l blowing his brains out with u revolver. 1 bud Leon a guest of the house binco no yesterday , In a letter left bv the dooeati addressed to tbo public , ho explains | motlvu for the act. saying that ho \ \ charged with 4 crime ov a little girl ; was innocent of the nrlme and the ouar had broken bis heart. Another Clilrugo Murilur. CHICAGO , III. , Sept. 23. Peter Mluskl , I proprietor of a carousal , ibot ana killed M ii * * rls Boyto last nlghtA The tncn had qunrroled In a oarroom shortly before the murder and the tragedy was thorcshlu | Mlnsln claim * thnt ho was wnylaht by Itoylo and shot In sclf-dofonso. " * < ; ( ' j CUI.U.\JL ( itLitoHWAJK.IJ.IIAS. . ICiiriinto to Jiptr YrrkVliero the runcrnl WiU Ocour. ST. Louts , Mo. , S3ojt.j2 , " > , The remains of the late Colonel P. ' S. Gil moro were sent lo Now York tonlghw 'lho pnrty tb t accom panied thorn \vu.s composed o ( Mrs. Gllmoro , Miss Minnie Gil mot o , Valet Donahue and the following committee from the bnnd. William Schullzrilormnn E. Sblin. Lawrence - renco O'Ueillv. It hft been arranged Unit the funeral shall tnko place from Colonel Gllmore's Now York * residence on Wednos- dav morning. The .body will ba taken lo San Francis Jesuit church at mns < i , and nfior'tno services. Will bo removed to Calvary cemetery , whore ( t will bo Inlotrtnl In thu family lot. The funeral will bo private. Tbo Informal agreement made last nleht to carry out nil engagements under the lcader hlp of Sergeant Froudonvoll was today formally rutlllad ni a business meeting of tbo band. ' Niw YOHK , Sept. 25. Alexander Bromor , prcsldont of Ihn Musical Mutual Protective union , has called a meeting of the board of director * tomorrow 4to arrange for paving proper rosDcot to the fnomorv of 1 * . S. Gll- morc , who died 111 St ; .Louis on Saturday. Subject to the wlshpij of Mrs. Gllmoro a gicat hall will bo procured to wulc i the body of the dond muslclnn will be escorted on Its arrival in Now York and the music-loving public Invited to Join In the last sad rites. " , Tears Untertnlncil Thnt the Vessel Is In Scrln * jJTronulc. LONDON" , Sept , 23. Tlio Gulon llne.stnamot Alaska , Captain Murray , \vhlch sa-llcd from Now York on September 17 Jor Liverpool , Is at this writing (1:30 ( : t . m. , . Monday ) thirty- sit hours overdue. "Tho captain of thn Cmiard line stuanior Aurnnia , which lott Now Yorlc on the 'satoo day as the Alaska , arrived ut Liverpool t6day , reports that PC passed the Gulou hnefboat ouulde of Now York. The Alaska was procicding ut only a slow rate of speed nnd apparently some thing had Happened on board of the vessel which impeded her. progress. No signals wero'exchanged botwecn tht two steamers as to tua cause of the Alaska' ! slowing down her'spend , but it was supposed by those on the Allranta that her engine ! had got out of order. Moro TVurTnllcin ) Ilusaln. ST. PETCIISHUIIO , Setji. 25. The Novoslt publishes an article in regard to the expedi tion headed by General Frederick Robert * the was dispatched Inff'month by the In Ian government to meet the amoer of Af hanistan. The pap.T. says that the mlssloi s calculated to lead to the absorption of Af hanistan by Great.Btrltaln , which countrj vtll then cut Russia off from the route to thi ndian ocean , find. Jt tis creating u mud reatur motive for flA jVnilo-Russian wai ban did the Pumyrs matter. ' nUUHtnrs , at Sen. LONDON , Sept. 25. The steamer Edam i om Baltimore for i Rotterdam , before re ) ortcd ashore at Maaslus | , was floated b ; discharging n portion'of her cartro. The French baric Traoquobar. Caotali Jocbery , from Cardiff , { 'August ! ) , for Ptra .s reported wrecked at tirazanka bank. Fivi of the crow wore .rescued and have nrrivoi it Para. 'The captain 'and the other mom > ors of the orew w'or.o drowned. , \Vorli of Hrentili Troop * . Sept. 25. Tofeeraphic Qdvlcoj wor eccivcd here today from Colonel Dodds , th oQlclal In command of the French forces not operating In Dahomey asah.st , the natlv ruler. Colonel Dodds says : "The flower a , ho Dahomeyans was , killed in Monday' battle. The French troops ore preparing t make another attack on the enemy. " ci.if.iais. Speakers ut tlio Worklncuiau'H Cougrej Cnune Some'Kivltement. MAHSEILLHS , Sept. 25.At the meeting c : ho worklnermen's congress today Herr Liet { iieeht , representing 'the socialists of Gei many , delivered an address , In which h said : "For socialists the question of in tiODOltsm docs not existWo know but tw nations the nation * in possession and a natin of proletarians formed ot worklngmen of a ! countries. Between Frenchmen and Goi mans there Is a broad'river.of blood , for Ih [ lowing of which wo" uro innocent and ou enemies are respo'nslolo. But it dois uc forra a frontier ot hatred between socialist * "Wo protested against the fratricidal war o 1871) ) . Tno soiilatlils constitute a crcat armj of which \vorklngmcn of Franco , Gel many and elsewhere form a distinct arm , corps. We have beaten Bismarck after struggle lasting t\vcnty > iivo years , and w are ready to sbud our last drop of blood for si clullsm. " Herr Liobknccut concluded bis address b shouting : "Lontrltvo the international ru\ \ olullonury democracy. " The utterances of Herr Llobknecht wor greeted with enthusiastic applause. M. Fei roul , a member of tbo Chamber of Deputies who Is ono of the prominent delegates to ih congress , warmly thanked Herr Llebknccb for his address and calod | for ohoors for tb workingmcn of Germany. Itajult of thu Attempt to Aiausxlimto I.ouUlauu Jurist. OUMCASS , Ln. , ept. 23. Last nlgl ox-Judpo J. C. Bouraan uf iCcinraorvlllo we arrested in ibis city , charged with being a accessory to the attoiiipted assassination t Judge Long in ICemmui'ylllo , La. , last Jul ; He was taken to Grctna by Sheriff Lai drldge of .Icifcrson pariah and locked up. Baumnn's arrest growk out ot the confoi slon of Donnia Kichardi , the negro wh was arrested lujt Frldv4n the swamp nea Boiltto. HIchavda'admlM ' that he flrod th bbots which wounded 4u Ke Long , but fui thur says tnat Baumau olTeretl him flOJ t kill Long. Ho sava tlijltljt ) was In comrni nicaMon with Bauman 'utter the sboutln and that Bauman promised to send bli money und to u e his { oUuenco to tot bli out of trouble. Tno confession of Richards was a surpris and tbo accusatioiybe , nukei against Bau man creates a cti3 , t4ou both in Kommc vlllu and this cjty ; " whurji he is well knowi Anothnr feature ( "In thu case Is , that a fo weeks ago a negro imiae , Dlxoti wai lynnbc for tbo very crime which Richard * now coi fosses that he eommlttcd by himself , lust gated by Bauman. ' / ' " iri XftU XUimrKll. Kev , T. ( j. Alllstutt of , Clilc.teu Given Tongue J.iuliliic' , CIIICAOO , 111. , S ept-jsJ-ney.1. O. Mllsto pastor of Unity church , lias , for some tlm entertained the Tdea.of eroding a bethel fi tbo hiiilors who frca ietif this port , U'h morning ho u.ad9 ibu-mmtor a subject earnest appeal to tbt members of bla co t'repatlon. Ho dwelt' at length upon tl great ncsd of such nif Instltutloa in Cbicat' and said : ' 'Wo must do something to a' ' those men. They now have no place to ; bul to iho dives aud laloons. Wbatwondi then that they nro so disreputable. " "You're u llur. " jelleU a voice In II back of me qhurcb. [ "I'm a Bailor. " yelli the owner of the yolue , "and we're not di reputuble. Wo don't want auy boibel bom \ \ but we want is more wanei , " iind tl teller of the seas delivered to tbo conerog tlon bis pewonul opinion of 'i > paitor.wbti WBR neither tUU < * rlDg ngr couched la poll luncuage : All eftor to pacify him falln and the profane trauuieuutlvo BOU of No lune wus hustled tbrouirb thu sacred portii by an array of uiheri.N.t > nttempt wai mate to arrest blui. RESULT OF A FAMILY FEUD Stcckndc , Wyo. , the Bccno of a Tatal Shoot ing Affray. HANK FRELL SHOT BY HIS NEPHEW Jcsso Freel'n Ilornoi Were Klllcil hy an Unknown Peisiin anil tin llohl Ills ITncIn HcnpoiiKlhlo for the AllUlr. Wyo. , Sopt. ! )3. [ Special Telegram to Tim BUB. | A family feud , which has existed for u long tlmo In tha Frecl family of StocKdulo , on Beaver Creek , In Iho eastern part of Western county , cul minated last night in the shooting of Hnuk Frcol by his uephcw , Jesse Freel. A short lime ago Josjo'.s horses disap peared from his father's pasture , and were found a day or two Muco shot through Iho head. Hank Freel wiu nrrestca ou the charge ot killing the horses and was brought to Newcastle last evening by bhorlff Stack. Ho demanded an imme diate examination , and as ho c.ime out of the buildinur occupied by the county nnicers , Jasso stepped quietly up behind and before nnvono was uwnio of what he was doing shot hU uncle in the back of the head with -U-cahbro revolver , the ball passIng - Ing near through the head and loJglng neai Iho frontal bone. Another shot was then fired by some one supposed lo bo Hauk's brolhor Jack , ul Jcsslo , which Just grazed his lingcm , causinp him to drop his gun. Before moro snooting could ho done the nfllocrs had secured Jeist and Jack and placed thorn in Jail. The mar shot Is still alive but no ono has uny hopes ol tils recovery. IIUIWAI.U'S l KOSriJCTS lMl > UUVii : ) . fort MeKlmiej'ii Old .Mllltury Ilosvrv.itloi Opnnud Tor MiUli-menl. BUFFALO , Wyo. , Sopt. 25. [ Special to Tut There is reason to believe that this city is about to attain a great development The st.-ip of land recently released from thi military reservation of Fort McICtunoy nnc purchased by the oily has been surveyed am the plat of the larger part completed. Aftci setting aside sixty acres for a cemetery nnc retaining twonty-llvo acres for a publii park tbo remainder has been oflorca for sal < under certain rcstrlotions. Flvo acres bavi been deeded to the school trustees ant several more allotted for a market sauuri und municipal buildings. Yesterday 237 residence lots were offeret for sale. Not moro tbnn two lots will hi .sold to tbo same purchaser and the price I : set at ? 1UO a lot. Uf this $10 must bo paid a1 once und the balanceby monthly install mouts of S7.5' ' ) a month. Interest is to bi charged on the deferred payments at tha r.Ui ot S per cant a month. Fifty-ono lots won sold on the Urst day and tbo remainder an going elf rapidly , though more care is boinf taken In their selection. The money to bo derived from tbo sales li to be apportioned as follows : Two-thirds ti the new water system aud the balance ti other municipal purposes. Tbo public park fronVwblch.tne addition jtakej Us name , li situated on both sides of Clear creek , whlcl is hero well tinibarcd , and consists of undu lailntr ground of great natural beauty , am capable of being made , by skllltul Improve mcnt , as ehoico u place of recreation for It slzo as any city can boast of. The residential bloeKs , which surroum the park on three sides , will command an un Interrupted view of the Big Horn mountain : and look directly upon tbo nark. The n mainiug portion of tbo new strip will lie o : tbo north and south sides of the B. & M railway. The position ot the city has groa natural advantages and gives security fo its permanent , Importance. Artesian well have proved successful in every case , on the railway Is now within about fortv mile anil will soon bo bore. Following the above mentioned sale of clt lots has token place very considorabl transfer of real estate , in the older portion oflheclty , The Burlluzton hotel has bee bought by a Nebraska investor for f 10.000. ins iiKCoitu ira * ii.it > . IMinunil Johiisuu rtomo\oit I mm the Coi : Milnto at Klecht , Uuriiiuny. WASIIIXOION , D. C. , Sent. 25. It is utato at tbo Department of Stilts that Edmun Johnson has been removed from the consu ate at Kiecht , Germany , for faluo represent ! lion as to his military services , and fc fraudulent practices as consul. The case has been under investigation b the secretary of state for some three month and dollnito action was leken on Salurduj Mr. Johnson was first appointed to the con suiar service in 1872 , and has at various time undergone Investigation and was once n moved , but soon nflorwards re-o-.itcrod th service , and has maintained his position upo the representation that ho was repealed ! wounded at various battles during the civ war and was thereby greatly impaired 1 health. Recent charges as to his accounts an olllciul conduct led to an investigation of hi military service , which snowed that his arm record was bud ; that ho was not lath service at any lime and did not partlcipal In the battles Hlloeed , nnd that the cluli made as to bis wounds was entirely ut founded. Ho was also found to be guilty t prosemlng" fraudulent accounts as consul. Miinlcicd Illn Wife. PIIOVIDENCE , It. I. , Snpt. 25. The Italia colony In this city was the scene of a col blooded murder this evening. M'Uto Lut and bis wife Angelina lived In a little co tago and kupt boarders. The liuaban claimed that his wifti had boon undul familiar with one of the boarders nnd toda fastened a quarrel on the woman. She ha an infant In her arms at the tlmo and tl cowardly ruffian , using a dint knife , stabbc her three times , the last In tbo heart , provui Instantly fatal lo thn woman and an unooi child. Tbo murderer escaped. Tn children are rendered motherless by tl murder. Movements of Oeeun Vessels At Prawle Point PassoU Stuttgart , f 10 Baltimore. At LondonArrived Mulle , from Bait moro. At Hamburg Arrived Iluisla , from Ba tlmore. At Cherbourg Arrived La Cliumpagn from New York. At Southampton Arrived Aller , fro Now York. At Now York Arrived Steamer Nevud from Liverpool ; Indiana , from Llvcrpoo Tuormlna , from Hamburg ; Worra , fro Genoa ; Sorvla , from Liverpool , Cardinal ( illilmiK will Olllclnte. Cuicuao , 111. , Sept. 25. Cardinal Glbbo has been tendered an Invitation from tl JolnPcommlUoe on ceremonies of the World Columbian commission and thn Woilc ! Columbian exposition to make tbo oponit prayer at the dedication exercises In Cblca Friday , October 21 , The I'lro lloooril. RICHMOND , Mo. , Sept. 25. Fire started a llvory stable adjoining the Wesnon bou this afternoon and quickly upread to I betel on ono Hide and utrlvuto residence tbo other. All three bulimy * werodusiroit Tno loss is W7.000 , partially IniurcJ. T Wesson house wai the Urgest und me lavorauly known hotel in ceutral Musouri , Ill-ought to a ritlliiK Cliue , WASHIN'OTOV , i ) . G. , bopt. 25 , Tno e campment work was brought to a llttl close lust night by an Informal reunion of t \ . * comrades still ln\ ? " i\ly \ on board the ship Keawargo In thff ulont's ground * . The reception , which 1 - nrgoly uttcndnd , was followed oy ilanclnJMIng until midnight. Mrs. Mundcrson r * Nebraska wiw chairman - man of iho reception committee. mi : ini.iiii not.r ( lencrnl iliiinesV. . ItiKleil I'uittei A\rny ut IIU Now Vorl ; Home. PrtK ! Kiu , N. Y. , Sept , 25. Qonornl .Tunics W. Ilustcd tiled nt his rcstdenco here nt7:33 : p. in. tonight. At his deathbed mere wore gathcrnd Dr. Mnrun , the attending ol slclan , Mr. Hustcd'i wlfo nnd sons , Th j mas , William nnd J , W. Hustod , Jr. , nnd his two daughters , Mrs. Frederick Shcitd and Ml Ilustcd. General Husicd was inknn ill on his way to the republican convention In Juno last. Ilu loft Now York with tha republican delegates nnd before ho arrived nt Minneapolis he wi\9 taken down and it was fuarod that ho would expire before reaching bis destination. As soon ns bo was taken ill some of these on board the train administered to hire dose of medicine , and it Is Raid lint It was an ovordoie and caused the Illness from which ho died tonight. After the convention thu general was broueht homo to Puckskill In n special car nnd taken to hl resilience , whore ho remained , hoverlug between llfo mid death. Today Iho gonornl gradually grow worse , nnd ut about 4 o'clock began to sink , dymfi four hours afterwards. Ho passed away pmiMfully. He wus conscious lo the last. Gononil Uusted was born nt Bedford , Wostchestor county , Now York , ou Uctobci 13,15Ho ) ) graduated from Yato college li : 1S.M , ono of his schoolmates being Ur Chnunooy al. Oepow. Ho was admitted tc the bar in IS. . Ho has hold many nubile o 111 cos , and has had the longest loi/lsutlvo / service of any man in the hlslory of tht state olghu-on year ? . Ho also had the dls Unction of hiving been speaker of thu house legislature ) moro times than nay other man , having boon speaker six limes. For over thlitv years General Ilustcd hai been In nclivo political life. He became r uornhor of the republican party in 1850 niul ttendod its national conventions as a dele- ' .ito In 1870 , 1SSO. 1SS1 nnd 1S03. The do cased hail also taken nn active interest ir ho national guard of the state , being a mom > cr of the organlxnilon und serving as Judgi ulvocnto of the Seventeenth brigade am rajor general of the Fifth division. Mr lusted was n distinguished member of thi vlasonlc fraternity and once held the posl Ion of grand mnstor of that body. Ho wiv ilso a 33 = > > Mason. LIFE'S JOURNEY ENDED. .ovoil Ones r.ulil to Ituit ut 1'orcst I.u\ri Cemetery Yenlcrdiiy. The funoralof Mrs. H. T. Clarice was holi at the fitmtiv residence , 2503 Cass street , a o'clock yesterday afternoon. The bouso was filled with the large gulhor ng of friends , many ot whom hud knowi und lovud the deceased for many yean. Thi .ervlcos were exceptionally solemn and im irusslvo. The uasltot in the front narlo vns almost entirely concealed by bun UR o link roses and ferns and reposed on n carpn > f Iho same material. The ovorhanglnf chandelier was artistically draped with rose ind ferns and the adjoining rooms wcr draped with wblto and yellow roses. The funeral discourse was preached b ; lev. Joseph T. Durycn oftho First Conerc rational church. Ho prefaced his remark > y re.iding the psalm , "The Laid is my shop lord , " I shuil not \vsnt. " Ho spolto will ; rcat earnestness of the pure and conslstcn ifo of the deceased and directed the hope of the barcavod family circle und the rant ) ; orrowlng friends to a reunion in the cclet tial world. Intermoct wns at Forest Lawn cometerj where the hands'of friends bud prepared th grave for the recaption of its burden. Hanc ! fuls of purple nstors und sprays of gotde rod lined the grave and every vestige c earth was covered with ( lowers. It was joautiful idea which robbodilho grave c much of its harsh suescslircncss , und as th casket was lowered Into its resting place c flowers tile open grave seemed moro like couch of fragrant blossoms than a tomb. Th pallhoarcrs wcra Dr. Gcorgo L. Millet Howard Kennedy , William Preston an Joseph Barker. . The home of Mrs. S. G. Frost is lonol today and the sorrow of n mother is soiiu thing beyond conception : iho Idol of th Household has been talten away and now lie burled beneath the green sward of ono of th beautiful and sightly knolls of Forest Law cemetery. Florence M. Frost died Saturday mornmj aftar an illness of two weeks , nnd yosterda the funeral wus bold from the fa'mily re.s dence , .605 Sherman avenue , Rev. 1) . Llw\ oltlclaline. The parlors of the house wm tilled with friends of the young lady wh was so suddenly suthmonod to appear In th presence of the Manor of heaven aud cart ! The floral offeiings were numerous on showed to what an extent she was loved b those with whom she had associated durln her life. Miss Fr.iBt was n daughter of Mrs. S. C Frost , n sister of Mr A. C. Frost'and Mr GoorgH W. HolbrooK. She was u member/ tha 1SSS graduating elms of the Oraab High sobool. m JUCltC'ti A bT.lTK OF'J'UIXUS. Vermont's I/tto Klecllou 1'rotlucon a Voi ( juear'Uomhlnatloii , NEW YOIIK , Sept. 25. Bradley B. Smallo , member of the democratic national comml lee nnd Icto a candidate for governor of Ve mont , announced tonlsrht that bo had made discovery which , If contested , givi to Allen , the prohibitionist , the ollli of governor of Vermont. Mr. Smu ley said that whllo Allen receive but 1,201) ) or 1,500 votes , ho wus the only ea dldato for tbo position wbo Is eligible , the conclusions of both Chairman Carter the republican ntid'Chnlrman Hnrrlty of tl democratic national commlttoo are corrct neither ho nor Levi K , Fuller , the rcpub can candidate wbo received a majority about 10,000 are elected. By the udvlce of counsel , both chalrmi have written a letter ndvUing any porsoi who may have been nominated for preside tlal electors wbo are directors of nation banks , or who bold publlu onlccs of trust protii , to withdraw for fear that they mig prove to be ineligible. 0 "Tho fact U , " said Mr. Smulley , "that und this construction , both Mr. Fuller nnd m self were Inolltglblo , for we are both dirt tors of a national bank , The constitution tbo stale of Vermont is very rigid on It point and basldo * affecting Mr. Fuller's oU tlon , it will uho debar several members tbo legislature from being Ruorn in. " . Thriia VeouU Nr.w YOHK , Sept. 25.-Followinu' wore i leased from quarantine today ; Adrlal from Ltvorpoul , Augusta Victoria frc Southampton , Warn * from Genoa. State Nevada from Glasgow. Tbo cabin passe gnrs of the French steamer Lu Toural from Cherbourg left quarantine on a bar for tbo city at 5:05 : p. in. Hrutieli' llritlth Itelums. Bnussui.s , Sept. 2i.--Tho : houltb retur show that live fresh cases tf cholera a tbreo deaths were reported In this city a suburbs today as follows : In Brusseli , o fresh case ; In Anaorlecht , three Jrosh cut and one death ; In MelonbouU. one frjjah ca and two deaths. 'ii ; -ute < i u Now < ! i-nurnl , Roue , Sept. 25. It u rumored hero tl the Society of Jesuit held a meeting yost day and elected a new general of the ord whose name will bo announced October 2. .Nil Svw COKI-U nt VieiuiH , YiBSSi , Sopt. ' . ' 5 Itu reported that froih ra e.s of cholera nor no deaths from I dlieasti have occurred In Galicla in tlili six hours. WILL FORCE THEM TO TERMS Trainmen of the Cedar IhpiiU System Threaten the Officials. MUST ARBITRATE THEIR DIFFERENCES Order * Will Not Ito Aucriitetl 'roni III * 1'orro of lneoti > | ietetit Operator * Who Took tlin I'liicn of the Htrlucrs. Cnovii Hu-insi , In. , Sopt. 23.-Spoolnl | Telegram to Tnu BKE. ] The striking opo- tutors fcul moro confident today ot winning tuanntnnv ilmo since tlio inauguration of tUo strikeA union meeting of all railroad organizations wus hoia In this oily Init night nt which a committee was Appointed , repre senting on-lit organizations , to watt u ) > on tbo oDlctals of the roail tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock for the purpose of requesting thorn to submit this matter of differences between them anil tuo operators to arbitration and bottle at once. They will contend thnt they ballovo It unsafe - safe to run over the rend upon train orders Issued by such incompetent men as nro now bundling the keys. In cnso of a rafusnl of thu otllcluU to do this thooihar orKaulzntlons will thoti hnvo n grlovanco anil a concr.it strike will bo the result. Tbo itrlkors guy oncournpInK reports nro coming In from all parts of the lystom unit thnt Inn now men who wuro Induced to tnko tbo places of the strikers continue to come out. Flvo mun between twoon Coilnr Rapids anil Burlington loft their oftlces today niul on the other Ulvlslon the ratio is about tbo same. Will Complete tint Mirvoy Thin Vi < nr. Sioux Cm , lu. Sept. 25. ( Special Tele- eratn to TUB Br.i : , ] Work on the govern ment survey of the Missouri river between this city iina Fort Bontan , which has boon In progress for two years , will too completed , this fall. The survey Includes soundings of the river. On It the V.'ur department will probnbly base n request for river Improve ments to coutlno the water In shallow place ) so as to out a channel to imss boats over unit prevent obstructions to the reviving com- inurco on the upper river. No estimate of ho amount needed has boon prcpnrcu. I'eiituresor I own Tciiipurunco W irlt. Four DOUOR , la. , Sept , 25. [ Special Tclo- rnm to THI : BcB.l At the annual meeting f the Northwestern Congregational assocla- ion at Manson. lion L. S. Collins' nddrois yas the most interesting feature. Mr. Cof- vs reported that In the past flvo mouths head ad distributed ' , )0UUO , wnllo buttous n-nong nlhvay men , each button signifying thnt the ivearor wus a total absialnor. Resolutions vcio passed pledging members not to travel n Sunday trams or attend the Columbian xhibltion if its gates were opened on Sun- ay. MloiiY t'lty'H New l.lne. Sioux CITY , la. , Sept. 'Jo. ( Special Tele gram to THE Biii. ] Ton miles of the now Sioux City , Chicago & , Baltimore road will bo built southeast from this city this fall to , lie Missouri river bluff lino. This is all usy work. Early in tbo spring worlc will omtncnco on a section of thirty miles of oiid Unit will carry the line through the bluffs and across the Liltlo bloux river to .ho pralrlo. Collar Jtiiplils Hotel Hurnml , CEDUI RAPIDS , Iu. , Sept , 25. [ SpecialTola- ram to TUB BBC. ] The Ro\oro house burned at an early hour this morning , caus ing a total loss of $5,000 , insurance about half. Origin of tbo lire Is unknown. Sev eral of the occupants of the house bad n rev o\v escapes. ' . ' ' . Ci'CLOXE .11' 1'lTTaJIUIta. Terrible .Storm ofVliul nnil Italu Uoci Crrut IJumiice. _ _ PIITSUUIIO , Pa. , Sept. 25. One of the heaviest thunderstorms of the season passed over this section about S o'clock tonight , doing great damage. A high wind prevailed at tbo time anil the rain fell In torrents. Fences w'cro blown down , telegraph , tele phone and clcctrlo wires prostrated and several houses word struck by lightning. As far as known , however , no ono was seriously Injured. In the Butcher Hun district from the Higher parts of the city cellars were flooded. The storm loft tno Western Union and Pos tal Telegraph companies badly crippled , hundreds of tolopbono wires being rendered useless. As a result ot tbo prostration of electric light wires , whole districts are in total darkness tonight. The losb by taa storm cannot now bo oniraatod. JUSTICE l.All.lK' lie Ilim Almost Uncovered from Ills Stroke of riinily lfl. WASHINGTON , D. C , , Sept. 25. Justice Lamar of tbo United States supreme court s very much surprised when bo road In tbo newspapers today a dispatch from Lebanon non , N , II. , saying that ho suffered a slight stroke of paralysis Wednesday. The Justice was In Washington on that day , having re- tunica to this city from Now Hampshire several days previously. Ho did have a slight attack of paralysis la this city last Thursday. It was tno result of fatigue and affected his left side. Tbo Justice has al most entirely recovered from the attack and was dressed anil walking about the bous today. Mil. IliirrUou ImprovIiiK. WASHINGTON. I ) . C. , Sept. 25. The weather was very oppressive in Washington last night , particularly before midnight. Its ef fect was apparent nn Mrs. Harrison , who was unusually restless and wakeful. This fact gave rlso to a rumor which wus currant tonight that there had been a cbungu for the worse In her condition. This , hownver , Dr , Gardner , her phyMcinn , assorts , Is not the case. Ho reports that Mrs. Harrison slept several hours during the day and took her usual amount of nouiiehmont and that she is ai comfortable us usual tonight und U rest ing quietly , No now complication of any character has manifested itself nor is there an indication of any. JUIIK 1HI.I.ON ItVHT. Thrown from u C , r Wlnlo ratling Through Dublin. DUIIUN , Sopt. 25Mr. . John Dillon , the prominent Irish nationalist who represents East Mayo In the House of Commons , mat with a very painful accident In this city today. Mr. Dillon was ridlua Iu a car when , In some way , bo was 'brown violently from bis scut to the ground , his body striking the earth with much force. When tbo carman and others rushed to bis assistance and helped htm to bis foot be was bleeding freely id appeared to bo bzdly burt. Medical assistance was summoned and It was found that Mr , Dillon had received a severs cut on Ins face , and that the bone of his left forearm was broken. Ho was greatly shaken up by bis violent fall , but the attend ing surgeon announces that the patient I * progressing favorably and that no sorloui re- ulrs uro anticipated from bis injuries , lUrri.e CIIBKK , Mich. , Kept. 25. Tb Union School Furniture company , whose factory wui burned a few dayu ago , assigned yi'ttcrday. It la obtlmntod that tbo Itablll lies are ti j.UUU , The u sol are thought to be ample to par all InuouteduetJ , liutulluil 'I heir New Ollcer . Poini.AMi , Ore. , Sept. 25 , Tno loverolgu grand lodiroof Odd Follow * Installed iba nuwly bluctoa oHli-tri yesterday aud d JourueU